20190902 Dorian Hurricane Watch… Waiting on the Turn!

The above pic was taken by a Hurricane Hunter plane from the Eye of Hurricane Dorian. Well....... that's a Life Magazine photo. The power of nature is humbling. Video coming out of the Bahamas has been gut-wrenching. Here are our regular warnings and updates from NOAA. We have copied the link address into the post. … Continue reading 20190902 Dorian Hurricane Watch… Waiting on the Turn!

Dear KMAG: 20190902 Open Topic

This Labor Day Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA-KMAG-KAG! world. Yes, it’s Monday…again. But it’s okay! It's a Holiday! You can go back to bed: Or have a nap: Free … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20190902 Open Topic