a guest post by Wolf’s dear hibernophile sister Fox Moon
Just play the video and read the words.
I proclaim it loud and clear
I proclaim it now and here
God be praised and bless the men
Women, grannies, dear children
Whoever in the hell it be
Who gave this song to you and me

Twas a lad named dear Cthulhu
Who gave its tune to me and you
Twas a dream, I swear it be
That gave this line to you and me:
We don’t have to eat them now
Let them live and grow somehow

Fields a-burstin’ with their pride
Be there shame if any died
Turn the bitter Kool-Aid down
Let not man nor baby frown
We don’t have to eat them now
Let them live and grow somehow

When I saw dear girl’s lament
Babies’ blood to be our rent
I tore my pockets, thanking God
Greatest op of dear Mossad
We don’t have to eat them now
Let them live and grow somehow

For twas clear this mad appeal
Born to kill the Green New Deal
Came from somewhere high above
Born of God’s eternal love
We don’t have to eat them now
Let them live and grow somehow

For though it might be CIA
Or Putin’s girls in their sweet way
We shan’t be picky who it was
Whose hand that devil’s work undoes
We don’t have to eat them now
Let them live and grow somehow

So praise all spies and saboteurs
Stealthy girl provocateurs
Those who made my own life hell
But saved our babies good and well
We don’t have to eat them now
Let them live and grow somehow

A million years, or maybe two
There’s no rush, I dare tell you
For God constructs where others steal
And fool us with their Green New Deal
We don’t have to eat them now
Let them live and grow somehow

A viper’s plan as Irish spring
A devil’s trick as papal thing
Let Tree of Life bring huggers down
Let babies smile, their buggers frown
We don’t have to eat them now
Let them live and grow somehow

And thus I bid you now good bye
And walk off into fields of rye
And leave you with this sage advice
That Earth shall bloom as long there’s rice
We don’t have to eat them now
Let them live and grow somehow.

-Fox Moon (borrowing Wheatie Warrior’s avatar)
That was GREAT Wolf!
We don’t have to eat them now? Good, just had lunch… so save the babies b4 Kllary shows up
Wolf Edit – originally:
Happy to be eating ramen noodles and drinking coffee! HOLD THE BABES.
Yes, thank you .. 🥺🤚
Just saw this referred to as “The Green New Meal”
(over on Chiefio’s blog, H/T to H.R. who said he pinched it from somewhere else 🙂 )…
OMG!! LOL!!!
HA! I like it…
…. ugh 😖🤢 …. vegetables are looking much better to me …. 😣
In this case you can skip the veggies and just have a stiff drink and shake your head 😉
… yeah 🤨 … that’d be much better … it’ll settle my nerves too … 😃👍. .. win/win .. ❤️
I wonder how long I’ll last on “twatter”
Love the poem it was very awesome especially with the music for background.
Now they say it was a troll job lol
They’re trying to make it go away. It wasn’t a troll job. It was a “true believer” – they’ve had these crazies out there all along – anyone remember Harris’ rally where the guy was literally in tears worrying about the end of the world. These people are real – yes, they have mental illness, but they’re real.
The Democrat lunacy preys on the vulnerable and unstable in society.
They sure are nuts,I was reading a link that said the group of wackos are Trump supporters but President Trump doesn’t support them.
Anything to try and tarnish our VSGPOTUS.
No, that was master trolling. Rumor has it that it was done by the LaRouches (democrat splinter group).
LaRouchies are Communists (Maoists, iirc,) pretending to be salt-of-the-earth, old-fashioned Democrats, wanting working-class jobs, union benefits, hydrogen fusion for the national electric grid, the Queen of England to halt immediately her damnable meddling in American politics (ok, so maybe they use crazy theories to rope in followers, or maybe they’re just a little ahead of their time…), etc.
Basically, a controlled opposition group.
The beauty is, it matters not
If troll job then, our Lord begot
This Green New Deal, satanic plan
Forsaking God, exalting man
Consumes its own, in devil’s fire
Can only knaves like me inspire
A thousand miles, above the land
We see the future God has planned
That trees of past, returning now
Shall warm His hearth, and fill His plow
Can not a scholar read a graph
That knave like me gives hearty laugh?
Become as this, my fellow knaves
Return to God, whose wisdom saves
Look to His Plan, writ into time
Our lowly copy, still sublime
Call it science, call it Word
Let their Union now be heard.
Wings of dove, unite in flight
Word of prophets, dark to light
Sons of man, may all awake
Babes of women, never quake
We don’t have to eat them now
Let them live and grow somehow.
Dark to light
Amen! <3
It’s beautiful and and heart rendering ….
The song …… no words from me would do it justice ….
Thanks! And yes, that song is utterly captivating!
Oh my 😮🤚❤️‼️‼️ … the solo voice is angelic I mean warrior angelic … when the voices join in with the rhythm … that’s a battle song … beautiful 🎶
Amen! My Gallant Hero! <3
Amen! ♥️
I thought that the woman last night was a troll. They are TRUE BELIEVERS. They are beyond rabid and need to be dealt with.
Yep, I said this on another thread: they’re trying to sneak this concept into our consciousness, subtly, like the Devil does.
One thing that’s kind of disturbing (OK, one of MANY things) about this nutcake and AOC’s response to her, is maybe the CEMONicRATs and their Satanic masters are PLANTING the idea of CANNIBALISM into the public sphere, with the means of planting (the nutcake) providing plausible deniability. They already have no qualms about murdering and parting out babies; this is just the next (horrid) step. And just in time for SamHain (Halloween), no less…
One way the left (e.g. Gernard Schröder, who was a master of this) worked this was to propose something over the top, outlandish, and unreasonable. The public would respond with “that’s crazy, that will never work, BULL$HIT, and where’d you get a dumb idea like that”… Schröder (or whoever) would quietly back down, looking to be deteated, and let the idea sit and stew for a while.
Months, if not years later, he reintroduces the idea, toned down a bit, packaged better, and the populace responds with, “well, it’s not so bad after all, is it”, and go along with what was basically the same terrible idea as the first one… Demonic deception… Started in the Garden of Eden, and the libturds and DEMONicRATs are continuing it to this day…..
Bernie didn’t go there during the town hall but it wouldn’t shock me at all if he wasn’t a believer in this!
Aka “The Overton Window”.
The rumor frenzy about Magnus Söderlund’s presentation on climate change and cannibalism kicked off in part because U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted a misleading article and — as usual — the news media followed suit. Marketing expert Söderlund appeared on Swedish television to discuss potential global food shortages resulting from climate change, and stark choices that might be forced by famine. From the available original material, it seemed very much as if Söderlund speculated that cannibalism might be a result of such shortages — and it seemed many people latched on to the sensational topic to present viewpoints in opposition to fighting climate change. We found absolutely nothing substantiating the claim that Söderlund (or anyone) had suggested cannibalism could “combat climate change” at any point. Accepted approaches to actually fighting climate change include reducing emissions and greenhouse gases, not eating human flesh.
truthorfiction.com leans far left (background in snopes, daily fail, and racialicious). The Greens here in Europe have advocated cannibalism, among other anti-human behaviours. I’d be far more inclined to believe VSGPDJT than a leftist snopes v2.0…
For example, from notrickszone:
I am fully aware of truthorfiction, Cuppa – however, sometimes we get information they do not think we will factor out – that helps us search for the truth – Thanks for the link!
PT is my goto news source for everything that IS – these other sites show the lies – lol
Well, here ya go. With video, no less:
Here’s a screenshot. Söderlund did some damage control (saying, in effect, he only advocates eating people who are already dead), but more leftists/environuts were less reserved about their intentions…
Absotutalutely, Cuppa!!!
It’s horrid …
Soon after $0r0$ bought into Netflix, at the height of the spirit cooking controversy, Netflix produced Santa Clarita Diet special movie….trivializing, normalizing, making a comedy of cannibalism.
Look it up.
Someone should go up to AOC and ask, “Hey, AOC, what’s eating you???”…
Yeah, that was a shocker to research!
They even did a series on top of the movie!
WOW Wolfie!!! Talent runs deep in your family!!! POWERFUL!!!! Thanks for sharing this!❤❤❤
You’re welcome! 😀 <3
I don't have a picture of dear sis that's fit to share, so this random / not random picture off the internet will have to do! 😉
[original URL
Whew ties twin works for me!!
Not fit to share? That allows all sort of imagination to run wild. 🙂
Yeah. MY mind is boggling,!
Goodness gracious.
You just had to wait a while for your Celtic post to work its magic!
I am a bit alarmed at how many people on this site are taking the trollette seriously. I don’t know whether she was an originator of the idea but I have the notion that a bunch of people put this together. She was wearing a T-shirt advertising the “cause” and a guy outside the event was wearing an identical shirt.
Dan Bongino says to wait 24-48 hours before concluding anything about a news event. That advice should work well here. I have a notion that this could even be a DJT/Parscale operation intended to capture on video whatever response AOC made. I have another notion that maybe some of her posse read a short story from centuries past:
The entire point is that the Left is so insane that it’s difficult to tell anymore whether this woman is a troll or not.
The lack of reaction from the audience is also alarming.
Yes. They have to virtue signal into literal insanity to get attention.
The greeniacs are beyond help. They are bots of an agenda they can’t even comprehend.
The FAKE NEWS has now proven itself complicit in an actual WAR AGAINST HUMANITY.
I think they were gobsmacked.
Admittedly, I am slow. Not cunning, nor strategic.
DJT/Parscale don’t need to set something like this goof talking about eating babies. No upside for good guys to instigate this BS. D-Rats create this stoopid shit all by themselves.
Yes, it may get debunked in another 12-36 hours. I suspect D-Rats will surely try to do so. But, it does appear to this slow guy, that goof was sincerely. Clueless, but sincere.
Content to be wrong. But D-Rats and their maroons, are somewhere in the mix of idiots, stoopid, deranged…and couldn’t give two shits about The Constitution, America, Americans…
This troll / not troll is SO LEGENDARY that it doesn’t matter. EVERYBODY is a suspect, because the Dems and AOC are now so insane they’re not even on this PLANET.
Anybody SANE is a suspect in bringing down the Green New Deal. It’s absolutely hilarious. I can accuse EVERYBODY OF SANITY for plotting to bring this crap to a close.
When scientists started seriously proposing that we begin pumping LIFE-EXTINGUISHING CHEMICALS into the atmosphere to “fight global warming”, I knew that it was time to just UNLEASH HELL ON ITSELF.
This is the same thing. CLIMATE MADNESS.
“There is no time?” REALLY??? *REALLY*???
Destroy it. Destroy everybody who refuses to let go of it. BURN THEM ALL.
They’ve discarded ‘Global Cooling’, -> ‘Global Warming’, -> ‘Climate Change’, ->‘Climate Crisis’ – and we’re now at ‘Climate Catastrophe’.
All that’s left is ‘Climate Armageddon’ so we’re almost done here.
Yes. They are now at the point where the Fake News can only back off or further incite them to madness, at which point the Fake News is openly criminal.
Here is the POINT!
AOC’s REACTION to the Troll/Not Troll.
She didn’t shut it down on it’s face…….
So maybe she agrees?
Or maybe she didn’t know what her reaction should be. So she was waiting for her Soro$-sponsored handler/acting coach to tell her what to do?
Remember, she was a 20-something bartender who responded to an ad about a cattle call, and auditioned for the role of ditzy young photogenic leftist congresswoman.
“So what’s my motivation here?”
Either way….
It’s her NON-Reaction that stands out to me.
Yes! “Handlers will handle.”
Yepper, I should have waited the 24-48 hrs. It was a troll. One server of crow, pulease. PG and others called it correctly;-)
Found in the depths of my computer…..
Crooked Little Hillary
By Freedom Ninja
August 12, 2016
There was crooked woman,
Some call her Crooked Hill.
She married a man,
Who is known as Crooked Bill.
He took charge in Arkansas,
A clearly crooked Gov.
Some say the two together,
Create a really crooked love.
They decided to go national,
With a crooked little scheme.
Many voters were deceived,
By this crooked little team.
After her time as First Lady,
It took only a crooked minute.
For her to set up camp in New York,
And join the crooked little Senate.
There was never too much power,
For this crooked little witch.
If the polling winds would change,
Her crooked vote she would switch.
After years in Washington,
With her crooked little mates.
She became the crooked leader,
Of the Department of the State.
After more years of lying,
And putting us all in harms’ path.
She then caused Benghazi,
With her crooked little wrath.
She defends her email scandal,
With a crooked little fervor,
But we all know the problem,
Was more than a crooked server.
She makes bad decisions daily,
And she’s now the ISIS MVP.
She also wants crooked laws,
To take guns from you and me.
To join her on this plight,
She bought a crooked little Kaine.
If you support their crooked evil,
Our country will suffer crooked pain.
This year we have a choice,
To stop this crooked little liar.
Cast your votes with passion,
Unleash your Freedom fire.
There is but one person,
Who can chop down this crooked stump.
I cannot tell a lie,
That man is Donald Trump.
^^^ Nice find.
<3 AMEN!!! <3 😀
Warms my heart!
Larouche PAC Claims Credit….
…for this “eat the babies” prank….
Oh, DARN! LOL. Why couldn’t it have been somebody WORTHY???!!! 😉
Well, I TRIED to claim it as a redemptive move by the gray hats, but I guess it was just ACTUAL loonies and not “go along with the other loonies” opportunists.
Damage control from controlled opposition. Doesn’t explain the audience’s lack of reaction, either.
Agreed. In fact, my poem may still be right. Heroes don’t all work in Q team! 😉
well…what is it, exactly, that you expect the audience to do…?
I would have breathed a sigh of relief for ONE GOOD GASP!
Shocked looks instead of blank stares, for starters.
Yes, it was like they were waiting for the THOUGHT TO COMPLETE so they could go “Aha – well THAT makes sense!”
In this day and age there’s a big risk in indulging somebody so ostensibly wacky. Hello security! Gently escort out…but after all, AOC owns wacky in the Democrat Party.
I remember the day when the whole darned Squad would have been escorted out of Congress, and never allowed to return!
It was bizarre watching those old Congressmen stand around like dummy stage props when Occasio-Cortez presented her Green New Deal to the press.
Amen! Nobody strong enough to even raise an eyebrow at the insanity, preferring instead to hold up a wet finger and see which way the wind blows today.
EXACTLY what allowed the socialist insanity of HITLER to rule!!!
Trump’s tweet STANDS.
Romney, Kasich and Hillary running again….. like zombies coming back from the dead….
There is no popular call for their candidacy….it’s either defense against exposed crimes and prosecution or just sour grapes.
Nobody wants any of them.
It was the same with C-A disinformation disseminator McMullin.
Globo-shills, all of them!
Wonder how much money Soros will pump into the Kasich campaign this go round?
Not enough!
Is that his name? I spent the entire election cycle thinking it was McMuffin.
Here’s the thing….
If the baby-eater wasn’t a troll, that would surprise no one.
The fact that we are even debating whether or not she was a troll simply shows how utterly loathsome, vile, insane the left has become.
To quote one of humanity’s more sadistic baby-eaters, “At this point what difference does it make?” 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
Tbh. If I was confronted by someone like that I’d be thinking. Wtf? Are they armed. If they are this crazy what are they capable of? Also. They believe all the climate bs. They are nuts
The minions believe it … the evil elite drive the narrative for $$$ … blood sucking hounds from hell ..
Another poem from the bowels of my computer – from Christmas Morning 2015!!!
boojum says:
December 25, 2015 at 9:38 am
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. As a small present I repost below Trumpvictus with the requisite apologies to William E. Henley
Out of the night that blights this land
I cling to hope from poll to poll
And thank the man who takes his stand
To Trump the cards elitists hold
Despite the RINO’s worst attacks
Despite the wrathful PC crowd
He tells the truth, destroys the hacks
His hair unruffled, head unbowed
Before he rose to show a way
Our Republic seemed but doomed to die
But rallied now, we join the fray
Good patriots, come cast the die
It matters not, lean right or left
Those tags were set to cause divide
Tyranny leaves us all bereft
Time to choose sweet Freedom’s side
Link – http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/12/25/december-25th-2016-presidential-election-open-discussion-thread/comment-page-1/#comment-1859888
… this is awesome … totally. I’ll be doing a lot of copying … if it’s ok .. 🙂❤️
These great poems should be saved and shared by as many as possible – in case my old computer dies!
Well I’m saving and sharing if you don’t mind GA/FL …. ❤️ ..
Go for it, Nikki!
.. ✋😜👍 .. ❤️ .. ty .. ❤️ ..
I’ll be sure to do a backup of the site soon!
.. oh 😮🤚 … thank you 🙏🏼 Wolf 🐺 …. ♥️ ..
I love this … saving in notepad and heart ♥️ ..
And of course we must have at least one Bako Carl Poem!!!
They Came
They came for free speech, want to give us PC
To control what we think and make sure we agree
They came for our guns, because it’s guns that kill
But keep all of theirs, for they want theirs still
They came for our faith, want to take away God
And give us their prince with tail, horns and claws
They came for our healthcare so they can control
Who lives and who dies; keep workers not the old
They came for our kids to groom and to train
As their future subjects over which they will reign
They came for our votes with their lies and schemes
And invading hordes full of Socialist dreams
They came for our borders, they said walls don’t work
Except for theirs: one of their many perks
They came for our heritage, our history and heroes
To substitute shrines to Big Mike and Zero
They came for our country to make it their own
So we’ll slave for them as workers and drones
They came and took you, they’ll come next for me
To extinguish the lamp of our liberty
But know, fellow Christians, all of this could be
Except for our God, Who keeps you and me
We’re but lowly soldiers in this worldly fight
Footmen in God’s army where He has the might
No matter the evil planned for by man
Our God’s in control; all will go by His plan
We’ve all read the Book, we know how this ends
The world will go down, but we will ascend
Total victory is ours, the war has been won
Sin has been conquered by God’s Holy Son
Now all that remains of the evil one’s power
Will be taken by God in God’s Day and Hour
Then we, victors all, come before God’s Throne
To be welcomed by Him as His heirs, His own
And then we will spend all eternity
Giving glory to God – our souls set free
posted by bakocarl – July 13, 2019 at 00:04 – https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/07/13/dear-kmag-20190713-open-topic/comment-page-1/#comment-198821
Make that two Bako Carl poems – this one based on the Bible:
II Kings 6:15-17
…15Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?”
16So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
17Then Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.…”
God’s Army and the War
We look at the world all around us,
And we see all the evil and say,
There’s a war between men in this world,
The good men fight, keeping evil at bay.
We think there’s a heavy burden on us,
This fight that may engulf you or me,
But the struggle is not against flesh and blood,
Though it’s armies of men that we see.
This war and the armies are much bigger;
But men of this world are not the source.
We fight against powers of this dark world,
And their evil spiritual force.
Elisha, God’s prophet, warned Israel’s king
Of the Arameans plans to attack.
So Aram’s king sent his army at night,
Surrounding Elisha. He’d never get back.
Elisha’s servant rose early that day,
And saw they were trapped, all hemmed in.
“I’m afraid, Elisha, what shall we do?”
Elisha answered, perhaps with a grin:
Don’t be afraid, was what the prophet said,
Those with us are much more than that army.
And Elisha prayed to our and his God,
“O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!”
Then the servant looked, looked up and saw
Hills full of horses, chariots of fire;
A huge army of angels, sent by God,
All protecting Elisha and his squire.
God’s got the power; He’s in control.
His forces will win in this evil war.
All will proceed according to His plan,
With Him, we’ll be victors, and much more.
What shall we say to all of these things?
If God is for us, then who can oppose?
Should we sit back and leave it all to God,
Trusting in His Son, Who died and arose?
We run the race and must fight the good fight,
Strong in the Lord, secure His power.
We are given the full armor of God
To take our stand against evil’s hour.
When evil comes, we’ll wear God’s armor:
The belt of truth buckled around our waist,
The breastplate of righteousness all in place,
Guarded from arrows by the shield of faith.
With readiness from the gospel of peace,
Our feet will be fitted and firmly shod.
All with the helmet of salvation,
And the Spirit’s sword – the Word of God.
With God’s armor, we can take our stand,
And with the strength we get from prayers.
Final victory is ours, glory to God,
And eternal rest in His merciful care.
Posted on June 13, 2017 at 12:45 pm – https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/06/13/june-13th-2017-presidential-politics-trump-administration-day-145/comment-page-3/#comment-4027515
Was she a troll? Sure. Doesn’t matter. The way the group and AOC did NOT react was even more frightening.
It’s all about the kids.
We understand.
Every time a baby is born, the world tilts a little, everything changes… along with our priorities.
How is the new baby labor and delivery coming, Daughn?
False alarm, she’s at home, Big T is flapping his arms so much he doesn’t need Delta to fly to Tampa. We sit and wait.
Babies have their own schedule.
“generation unto generation” those were my first thought when our daughter told us she was expecting. I started thinking of future generations and started recycling way before every city collected cans and bottles. I’d bag ’em up and haul them to the commercial recycling folks. That granddaughter is now a Vice President of an investment firm in NYC. She’s got business/money smarts like you!
THAT’s our baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!
If she’s yours, then she’s mine, too
Oh no, Daughn! I’m SO thrilled for you and Big T, but the #FakeStarts are killers 🙄. Just a matter of time till that bundle of joy is in your arms. Nothin’ better in the world than g’babies 😍❤️❤️
And here I baked a big fresh wild cod filet, made chicken broth rice, and steamed carrots and broccoli with a side of onions and cauliflower rice.
The babies I eat are not human.
We’re coming to your house for dinner. YUM!
That was for me and the parents. My brother gets a local ‘que offering with burnt beans and brisket ends.
You and your folks made out much better!!
IDK, my brother is a barbeque connoirsseur. (spelling I GIVE UP). This is a local favorite. He’s younger than I am and doesn’t care as much about his arteries.
P.S. How’s the daughter making out? Everyone doing okay? A friend’s daughter had a BIG baby boy that had to be taken. I hope your girl has a natural outcome.
“We don’t have to eat them now”
I have to confess something…
I wasn’t ever going to eat them, no matter what the NPC herd did 😁
Neither was I, my friend. Neither was I. 😀
Yup, no babies for me, either.
Dietary restrictions enforced, if necessary, by the nutrionist duo Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson.
I lose all signal and wifi for a few days, and while I’m gone the entire friggin world goes insane.
Oh well, there’s always tomorrow…
You only missed the trailer – trust me. Did you bring enough popcorn? You may need a refill. 😉
[…] begin with a reminder of my dear sister Fox Moon, who managed to get herself into a previous weird post which dealt with the an absolutely beautiful and eminently believable TROLL of the Green New […]