This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
We’ve been waiting for it:
It’s the Enemedia who should be worried:
And the ChiComs, whose propaganda nozzles are being exposed:
Along with their pet Donkeys:
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this from The Phantoms, titled ‘This is a War’:
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
Invidious is an adjective that means ‘resentful, envious, or obnoxious’ or calculated to produce ill will, animosity, resentment or envy.
Used in a sentence:
The Democrat Socialists spew their invidious demagoguery to sow division and class warfare.
Throwing this right at the top!!!
Amen!!! I was just coming to post it. I really HATE when people rush to post something here that they have not validated. SgtReport quoting an unnamed source in a tweet is NOT a validated statement. Please think twice before posting the “alarm” stuff that you have not corroborated.
Remember we are at war. Please don’t help the enemy.
First I’ve ever seen the NSC say anything directly to the people. Rather dramatic step.
The Lancet: Global case fatality rate from coronavirus settles in at 5.7%, or 57 times higher than the flu… death rate skyrockets to 20% when hospitals get overrun
Real estimates of mortality following COVID-19 infection
David Baud, Xiaolong Qi, Karin Nielsen-Saines, Didier Musso, Léo Pomar, Guillaume Favre
Published:March 12, 2020DOI:
Academic Report
“We re-estimated mortality rates by dividing the number of deaths on a given day by the number of patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection 14 days before. On this basis, using WHO data on the cumulative number of deaths to March 1, 2020, mortality rates would be 5•6% (95% CI 5•4–5•8) for China and 15•2% (12•5–17•9) outside of China.
Global mortality rates over time using a 14-day delay estimate are shown in the figure, with a curve that levels off to a rate of 5•7% (5•5–5•9), converging with the current WHO estimates. Estimates will increase if a longer delay between onset of illness and death is considered.
A recent time-delay adjusted estimation indicates that mortality rate of COVID-19 could be as high as 20% in Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak. These findings show that the current figures might underestimate the potential threat of COVID-19 in symptomatic patients.”
Too bad that’s just a bunch of bullshit. True mortality rates are calculated against the whole population, not the ones who catch it. Those stats are only for medical people to determine the efficiency of their treatments.
Obviously, we are now in phase 2 of Project Terrify the Normal People. Notice they don’t tell you the likelihood of actually catching the disease. Why not? Because it’s far less than the flu which has already killed thousands this season.
It’s even worse than that. They’re not putting number of cases in the denominator, but number of diagnosed cases.
They don’t diagnose it unless someone has it bad enough to go to the doctor.
So what we have at best is the percentage of serious cases that turn out to be fatal.
However, I do think it’s normal for them to calculate lethality based on number of cases, not the total population, because the question is generally how likely you are to die provided you catch it.
The Black Death that hit Europe wiped out 50 percent of the population. It came in three forms and it was 100 percent fatal (to those that came down with that form) in two of those forms, the other form was “only” 80% lethal. On the other hand, who knows how many were exposed and had their immune systems squash it flat in short order, before initial presentation.
My son is going nuts bored. Its only day 2, and we went out yesterday. Cant wait to homeschool all week. And then 2 weeks of spring break but everything is closed. He wont even be able to get library books. Now that aint right.
How old is he?
How’s the weather?
Do you own
6.5 yrs. 1st grade.
I have the dangerous noys book..and the follow up! Good
“My son is going nuts bored. …”
Gil, little dudes love to play with cardboard boxes.
Have you thought of that?
The bigger the better.
But you can use smaller ones like building blocks to create forts.
Around here, stores have a ‘box bin’ out behind their building, with all sorts of different sized boxes.
Free for the taking.
If you’re worried about them being contaminated…you could spray them down with disinfectant before you give them to him.
Oh ill find something to do. I just called the library and theyre closed til April 30. How are peopke to do research for high school or college? Thank goodness we have books but 6 weeks is a long time. All parks and rec classes et al all closed but not sure if parks are too.
Can he do Starfall? My one nephew loves it. It’s academic, and treats everything like a game.
Ill look it up.3 weeks so far home, could be indefinite, plus the library is closed through April 30.
Wasn’t the Lancet involved in some quackery recently?
What part of the last 30 years are you calling “recently”? And the answer is “yes”.
Remember something in the last couple of months about saying how the respected Lancet was now involved in putting out some junk stories. Might of had to do with Vaping but I have Vaping on the head so it might of been something else, but they were definitely being called out.
Likes that “yes” btw. Sounds rather definitive 🙂
There are no reliable numbers right now.
The outbreak will be slightly different in every locale/demographic until it’s done.
Then there is this…not sure what to make of it.👇
SGT Report:
Just received this news from a source who claims:
“Military friends in DC just got out of 2-hour briefing. In 48 to 72 Hours under the Stafford act POTUS will order 2-week mandatory quarantine for the nation. Stock up on whatever you need to survive this, now.”
Wheatie, don’t you read the comments first? Wolfmoon already posted that it’s a hoax.
Besides, do you think DJT would do that to us?
Yes, I do…that’s why I presented it the way I did.
And No, I don’t think PDJT would that to us…unless he had a damn good reason.
Sorry for being snappy.
Ah…looks like SGT Report has deleted that tweet now.
I’m going to be BRUTAL WOLF on all of these: NSC, SGT, ME, and VSG.
This is the NSC tweet:
“Text message rumors of a national #quarantine are FAKE. There is no national lockdown. @CDCgov has and will continue to post the latest guidance on #COVID19. #coronavirus”
This tweet will age perfectly, but hyper-literally. What does it mean?
“Text message rumors of a national quarantine are not true”
“There *IS* no national lockdown”
Both statements ONLY mean what they literally say. To me, they mean no currently planned national quarantine. Is it still an option? Yes. Might it still happen? Yes.
Yes, it sure doesn’t say “there WILL BE NO national quarantine, now, does it?
Gotta keep those options open. Which he DID in answering the same, pushy, loud question from FAKE NEWS at today’s presser!!! Loved the way he stretched it out to add SUBTEXT before giving the perfect answer AGAIN at the end. Our VSG!!! <3
I’m glad you caught it. I got the same rumor on a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend verbal link headquartered in s***-sidewalk central (who would reasonably be the LAST to know). I considered the possibility that it might be a distant rumor of a real thing — like a sanctuary city cleanup. But taking the whole enchilada in one gulp is preposterous.
No. Don’t think so. POTUS just told folks to relax and cut back on shopping.
SGT Report put out some real crap a couple weeks ago about quarantine centers being set up.
Don’t know much about SGT Report or Politico record for accuracy. For me, they are crap.
AND, Wolf first post debunks SGT Report thoroughly.
Yep…and looks like he’s deleted that tweet now.
Politico is LEFT – everything they post will be biased and slanted and they have no problem with untruths.
Lot of posts on 4chan right now claiming the same thing. Someone over there with a FEMA uniform is currently claiming, “Zones 2 9 & 10 are about to be activated.” That’s the entirety of the West Coast and NYC. This print-out going around claims a big White House announcement at 10:30 am Monday.
I don’t know what to believe right now.
Pence announced next task force briefing will be in the morning instead of 5pm. POTUS schedule has him in teleconference calls with G7, then Governors, then lunch w/ VP tomorrow. Of course everything can change. But yeah, there’s no way POTUS would do mandatory quarantine when all the stores are empty and temporarily struggling w/re-supply because of the tp hoarders.
In the past 24 hours, my area became a “shut down everything but the supermarket” zone and the CDC started advising against gatherings for 8 weeks. I want to believe, but things are moving rapidly.
Read letter carefully, that is an NBC internal memo. Means nothing to me.
It’s the first I’ve heard of the 10:30 am White House presser.
Did UpChuck get his brother Chip a job?
Why would the Trump administration use NBC news as a conduit?
Sadie, I think this is some sort of practical joke. It would be on official stationary, or an email with less formal headers.
What the fuck is a FEMA uniform? Is it brown with a leather bandoleer?
I’m already thoroughly pissed off at these doomers and their black fairy tales.
That’s yesterday’s date on the uniform (3/15). It could be some prankster with an old FEMA uniform. Hard to tell with 4chan and all of these rapidly-escalating closures, though. The rumors over there are getting wild.
WOW…big article from Natural News pretty much confirming the FEMA thing. Supposedly there’s a plan for the National Guard to start taking over food distribution in NYC and West Coast (“Zones 2 9 & 10).” Could end in rationing in those areas if things get bad enough.
Might be a reaction to Union activity. Unions acting to save themselves from the dreaded Wuhan Virus because the politicos told them it was a good idea. Either that or the Dem States are going to suicide their people to get Trump out of office and Trump says no your not.
Just guessing obviously.
iirc POTUS did say he MAY restrict travel (air?) to certain parts of the country if the situation warranted it…he said that early on…
Gov. “Idiot” Inslee (dumocrat party – WA) has ordered all bars, restaurants, closed except for takeout & delivery.
Welcome to recession, fellow Washingtonians.
He keeps making himself more and more “popular” doesn’t he? Maybe he’ll be un-elected this time.
If the dems are smart (strategically I mean), they’ll primary him, so the voters can be suckered into electing a different Dem instead.
But they’re not….
Oh, they can be very tactical when they want to be.
They averted a republican takeover of the state house here by advising the target of a recall effort to resign. She took one for the party and did so. Dems got to appoint her replacement that way.
The proposed carbon tax measures here were averted by a well conducted and planned campaign of resistance. Enough Dims caved that want to keep their jobs. Those are the ones that need to be watched, can’t be trusted.
Trump 2020 Convoys might be fun. Have one every day at the same time, drive for an hour and vary the route in the local area and see how many are joined up by the end of the week.
I like that idea!!! I have a slew of Trump $0& US flags that fasten onto car windows as well as magnetic bumper stickers. I planned to hand them out while I waited in line at a rally, but now I need to figure out a Plan B. I like your idea and will send it to our state & county GOP peeps.
Wheatie, Always enjoy Monday’s. Polar bear gets me going, albeit slowly at first, but, with a smile. Enjoy the meme’s. The AOC donkey triplets cracked me up big time!!!
Long day. I’m outta here. G’nite folks.
AND, Thank you all for everything 😉 🙂 😉 🙂
G’night, Kalbo.
Sweet dreams!
Ni Ni K-BO, Sweet Sleep. 😴 🥰
Woah…it’s true.
An “O” turns into a “Q” at the :21 second mark.
Here’s the PDJT tweet, so that the video plays here:
WOW!! 😳😃💥🇺🇸
“We are all in this together” is REALLY similar in meaning to wwg1wga
There’s a good pic there Wheatie if you can pull it out….
Excellent music selection today!
Good idea, Vol! …Great picture!
And glad you like the music!
I was only able to snag one roll of toilet paper at the store today…but I should be okay for a few days…
If you can’t find TP, go to the automotive department and snag some Scott‘s ‘Rags in a box’ – Inside trade secret. Friend bought yesterday, says they’re soft and flush fine, he would know. Saw on Twitter today, word’s getting around.
Good to know…and afterwards I can check my oil.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. 😃
A self mutley?
…at least you only gave yourself a single 😉
I went to buy a bidet attachment or 3. No one has any. All gone. Still no tp. Now no bread, milk, eggs, meat. Crazy town. Oh and I learned to use 2 shotguns today cuz no one gets my last tp roll or my food.
I understand that you can subscribe to the New York Times and they will deliver a bundle of suitable paper to your door every day.
…that will probably give you a terrible rash.
Appropriate application, but OUCH!! Besides, all the plumbers are quarantined!! Maybe send to snowy states for use as fire starters??
The better use for that fishwrap is firestarter…but who knows if burning stuff is legal where you live.
“flush fine” probably means they go down the toilet well. But, since a latex binder is used they may not dissolve properly in your septic system, if you have one, resulting in a clogged system and mucho $$$ repairs.
SOS has been posting prayers and scripture all day
Thanks Volgarian. Pompeo is another one who is shadowbanned from my twitter feed, so I appreciate knowing this about him. The worship service that President Trump recommended Sunday was so uplifting. I hope he will choose a different church each week that we can attend virtually with him. It meant so much to know POTUS cares that much about us. And Pompeo too.
Yes it does! I posted the scripture one on yesterday’s thread…will bring it over if you can’t find it
Thanks! I was planning to reread that thread anyway so I will find it. Sweet dreams, Vol 🥰🇺🇸
You too!
I really enjoyed it too Allison. Free Chapel has always had an excellent praise team. Several of their people have gone on to have successful careers in Christian music.
And President Trump’s military has also infected a few.
these tweets are part of a very long THREAD Wyatt posted… whole thing is a bit scary, esp about the micro chips and mandatory vacs
Reposting from other thread…
This is a very inexpensive home remedy that is simple to make.
Gail, thank you for all the good resources you’ve collected.
Your recent post mentioning beets reminded me.
Been using this recipe from “Nourishing Traditions” cookbook for a traditional fermented beet drink for over a decade now.
Helps support kidneys, blood health, modulate inflammation, etc.
The health benefits of lacto-fermented food are undeniable. As chopped beets mix with sea salt, the sugar and starch convert to lactic-acid perfectly preserving the kvass. The finished drink is full of beneficial enzymes, friendly probiotic bacteria, and increased vitamin levels. Regularly eating lacto-fermented vegetables, or incorporating beet kvass into your diet, will promote healthy gut flora, and greater absorption of nutrients from your food.
note: I use 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar instead of whey.
helpful hint with children: when we were first drinking Kvass son wasn’t interested…until I put mine in a wine glass and a little for him in a wine glass and said he could only drink it if he was VERY careful. Was he old enough to drink it…?? He embraced it with gusto at that point, standing very tall, walking very carefully and sitting so straight up…cute – thought he was all grown up to drink from such a glass! 🙂
Getting him to drink a warm cup of bone broth? MUCH bigger struggle but nothing a chart and a gigantic lego set sitting on top of the fridge as a reward couldn’t conquer.
You’re a clever Mom… 😉
The flavor is very different for those who don’t grow up with traditional ferments. The lego reward is brilliant!
I tend to mix it (lemon juice, citrus oils, etc.) and then add water to dilute.
No kidding!
Stolen from OT:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago
I have never seen a blond raccoon before…and didn’t know they exist.
Someone in the replies called it a “Cinnamon Raccoon”.
I dig the little tie on his bib.
I’ve never seen one like that!
Far more civilized than several of the males in my family, that’s for sure.
From Flep’s Roundup for 3/16, from 3/15, from a meeting of our VSG with grocery CEOs…..
“Supply chains in the United States are strong, and it is unnecessary for the American public to hoard daily essentials. The President thanked the executives for their close partnership and pledged to stay in close communication.”
Good news.
The video says NOLA… looks like Bourbon St.
They are clearing the street, dispersing the crowd
For a good representation of what they are doing, blow up a long balloon about halfway. Then squeeze it in different places and watch what happens. The air doesn’t leave – it just moves.
Same with clearing the streets when there’s no riot. Everybody moves a block away and carries on.
The video says New Orleans.
The first Mexican to die from coronavirus is a cousin of Carlos Slim. What a coincidence!
People are posting screencaps of the “Q” in PDJT’s tweet:
Q’s Post 2597 from 12 Dec 2018
thanks for posting these–I was looking at the wrong O–(watching the O in STOP) and kept missing it…I need more coffee!
Text of tweet from Pres Trump:
I must say, that was a VERY boring debate. Biden lied when he said I want to cut Social Security and Medicare. That’s what they ALL said 4 years ago, and nothing happened, in fact, I saved Social Security and Medicare. I will not be cutting, but they will. Be careful!
He’s right. It was boring. The little princess requested I put it on, and then said, “This is boring. What else is on?”
Aww…so sweet.
Sometimes #Love is beyond words……
Zoe, it’s a short video of two animal friends, a dog and a miniature horse.
The dog is resting his head on the stable gate of his friend, the little horse…and they are nuzzling each other and keeping each other company.
When I would take my horse out for a trail ride every day, the stable owner’s golden retriever would jump up and lick my mare on the nose. My mare would lower her head and give the golden a sniff and then we would all go off on our trail ride.
Goldens are such lovely loving dogs and are great around horses. As a kid I had a golden who would go on trail rides with my OTB gelding.
Catholic Qtreepers may have heard of Alexander Tschugguel, the young man who threw the Pachamama idols into the Tiber River to the delight of Catholics all over the world. Unfortunately, Alexander, an Austrian has contracted the coronavirus, and is currently ill with a very high fever. He, his wife and friends, are asking for prayers.
Dr. Taylor Marshall suggests to Catholics to pray an extra rosary for Alexander:
POTUS Went against the “smart people”
That’s VERY interesting.
If Trump would have listened to these people, I think their plot might have worked.
Yes academic models are their newest plaything. Ask the climate scientist.
The reality is scientist these days rely too much on the models and too little on the science, let alone common sense.
Academic models have been around for decades. Most people with common sense ignore them since there is very little reality built into the theories that populate academic models.
Found this little gem tonight.
There are a bazillion versions of this classic by various artists and ensembles, but how about this
George Harrison (song writer): Voice & Guitar
Eric Clapton (original lead guitar): Guitar (a Les Paul)
Jeff Lynn: Guitar
Ringo Starr: Drums
Phil Collins: Drums
Ray Cooper: Percussion
Mark King: Bass
Elton John: Piano
Jool Holland: Piano
Anyway, this most definitely qualifies as a super group, cranking out one of the most iconic rock tunes of all time.
“On 6 September 1968, during a ride from Surrey into London, Harrison asked Clapton to play guitar on the track. Clapton, who recognised Harrison’s talent as a songwriter, and considered that his abilities had long been held back by Lennon and McCartney, was nevertheless reluctant to participate; he later recalled that his initial response was: “I can’t do that. Nobody ever plays on Beatles records.” Harrison convinced him, and Clapton’s lead guitar part, played on Harrison’s Gibson Les Paul electric guitar “Lucy” (a recent gift from Clapton), was overdubbed that evening. Recalling the session in his 2007 autobiography, Clapton says that, while Lennon and McCartney were “fairly non-committal”, he thought the track “sounded fantastic”, adding: “I knew George was happy, because he listened to it over and over in the control room.” Harrison recalled that Clapton’s presence also ensured that his bandmates “tr[ied] a bit harder” and “were all on their best behaviour”.
From the Beatles legendary 1968 “The White Album”…filmed 19 years after the albums release in 1987…
In spam, as usual!!!
If you get a chance to see it, Mark Levin interviewed Michael Pilsbury(China expert, adviser to POTUS) tonight. Excellent info on POTUS‘ attitudes/approach/policies to China on virus, media, trade deals, space, military, OBOR, relationship w/ Xi, etc. It was really good.
Thanks, Butterfly!
Yes, Michael Pillsbury is a good guy.
He always makes a lot of sense!
Is Arnold sending a hidden message here? Feeding carrots to donkeys?
Donkeys = Democrats, Deep State
Carrot = Reward for behaving? “Carrot and Stick”?
Well, this is horrifying.
That’s creepy.
But then…it’s the Denver Int’l Airport.
The weirdness is strong there.
But I’m sure that there is probably a perfectly good explanation of it.
Yep. Our airport is one of the nicest to travel through, but their choices of artwork is beyond creepy.
I was in the airport with friends a couple of months before it opened to the public. Everything was operational but we were the only people in it. Even got a tour of the control tower and watched a tornado out the windows about 2 mi away. The road to get to the airport had zero cars on it so we were doing a ‘bit’ more than the speed limit. It was one of the most fun adventures we’ve ever had and we still talk about it 25 yrs later.
Here’s the explanation of the recording.
Well if that don’t beat all.
I assume America Soma was as far West as they dared go for an American Coin with bats on it. Apparently we need to clean out the US Mint too.
Please do not blame the poor bats. They eat a great quantity of insects and have a place in the eco-system and NOT IN A BOWL OF SOUP!
And yes I LIKE bats.
in the summer, our deck near the glass doors are littered with moth and insect wings. the bats love that area for nightly feastings on bugs. then the little birds come in the morning to tidy up any remnants. I don’t care for them in the house (happened so many times we have a BAT NET) but outside, they have their jobs to do!
One got caught in my closet once. It ended up in my parents’ room, so we opened the windows with no screens, and turned off the lights before closing the door. It left. Scary time, though, when you’re not expecting it.
feeling better???
Ye, thank you. More myself, but my stomach is still off. Thankfully, it’s just me and the dogs this week.
still praying for you and all who’ve been sick!
Were good with the bats. Besides it is possible that this Quarter might be the only payment that Q’s is willing to accept for his work.
Bat Guano/manure is a large part of the economy in that part of the world.
I actually rode/hid in the hold of a bat guano ship from Korea to Japan when my Mother, sister and I were being evacuated as the Korean war broke out.
wow, that must have been terrifying!
That story should be made into a post. It sounds to me like it would also make a great family legend, to be passed down through the generations.
My poor mother – my younger sister was a toddler and I was a hysterical 4 year old. The bathroom was above and she had to climb a ladder holding my sister while encouraging me to keep climbing because I was crying due to fear of heights. Turns out in the dark in Korea, she had packed all our outgrown clothes, so she had no clean clothes for us when we got to Japan. The Japanese put us up in a gorgeous hotel with amazing gardens and treated us like royalty.
Might have known that Soros figured into this somehow…
Text from two tweets:
Brexit Babe – It appears that George Soros owns the pharmaceutical/Biotech company in Wuhan where the Coronavirus broke out!
Address: 666 Goaxin Road
sigh…that man has his evil hooks in everything
What it looks like when Peak Crazy is reached:
I think I missed that party!
NJ Marine at Brietbart posted this:
We are living in a Bizarre World:
• If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
• Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
• Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegal Mexicans voting in our elections are good.
• It was cool for Joe Biden to “blackmail” the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it.
• Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
• Sexualizing children is bad, but 11-year-old drag queens are good.
• Illegals aren’t required to show ID, but citizens can’t buy cough medicine without it.
• Citizens are fined if they don’t buy their own health insurance, and then they are forced to buy it for illegals.
• People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
• Inflammatory rhetoric is outrageous, but harassing people in restaurants is virtuous.
• People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for useless degrees.
• Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
• Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate Central-American gang-banger who jumps the southern fence is welcome.
• $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care for illegals is not.
• If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
• Politicians who say that the President is not above the law put illegal immigrants and themselves above the law.
• People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
• Illegals don’t pay taxes, but they get tax refunds.
• We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, and it seems like a great plan to us.
• Voter suppression is bad, but not allowing the President to be on the ballot is good.
• Fourth-of-July parades are bad, but parades of women dressed as vaginas are good.
• Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
• Criminals are catch-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it’s a violation of THEIR rights.
* And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us “racists.”
This is why I say that the left is mind-fracked into BACKWARDS THINKING IN GENERAL. They have been trained that non-obvious and paradoxical answers are automatically “smarter”. It’s a magnificent form of brainwashing. They TRY to make the non-working answer work. It’s very weird.
They institutionalized this into the schools with Common Core.
Love it, Gail.
That’s excellent…and so true!
Not mine, it was at Breitbart in a comment by NJ Marine. Someone posted it elsewhere and I grabbed it because it was too good not to share.
Logic is certainly NOT a liberal trait!
STUin SD tweeted that yesterday… it’s makin the rounds, which is a good thing!
This is an interesting tweet. I used a PICTURE because I don’t want people to reply and get him into arguments. I want to leave him completely alone for reasons I will make clear later.
If it looks like the left starts “setting corona fires”, then this boy will bear scrutiny.
Dearest Wolfie, other authors, and contributors,
Need your input, please.
Today is the last day of the 7th weekly Coronavirus thread.
I’m ready for another update.
What I have been doing in the past is to go through all the comment section and cull info from the past week and add to the basic thread.
This creates timelines for each section. Problem is, we’re ending up with something unwieldy and confusing. It looks like a book instead of a blog.
Therefore, I believe it is time we go to a DAILY THREAD type format for Covid/WuFlu as well as a regular daily thread for these extraordinary times.
What say you?
Received an answer from Wolf already. Think that’s the FASTEST answer I’ve ever received from a boss.
Thanks Wolf.
Daily threads for COVID19 beginning NOW.
I was just watching notifications and BOOM – DAUGHN IS UP!!!
And you are most welcome! So happy you are doing these threads!!! 😀
I really appreciate all the info and updates, but I am getting COVID-19 OVERLOAD. I know it’s out there, like the all the other contagious diseases, but I can’t continually process this all the time.
if there is one sure way to round up a lot of political/social bad guys, it’s while everyone else is consumed with their own survival and/or toilet paper needs.
my faith is in our Lord, my trust is in our President.
What was getting unwieldy, IMO, was all the theory and talking about it, and no good checklist of practical advice. That’s why I like my friend’s list of keep hydrated, take a hot steam shower upon getting home. It starts with a sore throat, etc.
THAT’s what is NOT being disseminated well.
This seems…Notable:
W W G 1 W G A
See Dawson Field’s twitter stream for all the trouble Deutsche Bank is in……………. money laundering etc
Wise family member thought it important to keep an eye on DEUTSCHEBANK .
Using the other eye, caught this link for others to mull over..
Looks more to me, Fed is attempting to help D.B …not sure what to make of this WSJ article
Sounds like things are getting interesting
what do you all think?
There’s a pervasive rumor going around the chans that all of the celebrities and politicians claiming to have “coronavirus” are really suffering from poisoned adrenochrome. I’ve got no interest in arguing for or against—just trying to keep people in the loop about theories going around.
Actually I think it is probably because they all are jet setters visiting the same clubs, going to the same parties…
Look at NC, at least five, and with this new case, six cases are related to a Boston conference that employees of Biogen in the Triangle attended.
March 4 – NC one in Raleigh Wake County.
March 6 – NC second case Chatham County.
March 10 – 7 cases five new patients attended a Biogen conference in Boston.
March 13 – 16 CASES REPORTED all over state.
March 14 – 26 cases with one more from the Biogen conference Among the new confirmed cases is a teacher at Fuquay-Varina Elementary School.
Boston spread smells of someone painting unsuspected vectors before they went home from the conference. Too easy to do when you know where the people came from. Likely painted the last day they were together before going home.
If anybody believes one syllable of this insane tale, then any disaster that befalls is deserved.
This is an actual internet legend designed to see how gullible people can be.
Daily COVID WuFlu threads have now gone live.
Your comments and updates are most welcome. PLEASE continue to include your valuable information on these Daily Threads.
We will run one every day, from now on, until crisis subsides.
Since we are all at home, it’s time to settle in and get comfortable. Lurkers are more than welcome to start posting. Our on-line communication will take on a new importance.
You should warn lurkers that they will be hazed once they start posting. If they whine or whimper, then keelhauling is added.
(I kid, I kid)
Don’t tell the Mexicans about the pandemic. Their festival was too important to postpone. I wonder how many of them will get sick.
Mexico holds big music festival despite coronavirus concerns
MEXICO CITY (AP) — While the coronavirus pandemic has led authorities around the globe to cancel concerts and sporting events, and even shut down daily activities in some places, Mexico City is going ahead with Vive Latino — one of the most important music festivals in the country.
MAJOR Money maker and the Mexicans can not afford to shut it down.
I predict a huge outbreak of Montezuma’s Revenge.
OH great,
Time to REALLY SHUT the southern border!
Right. I hope the work on the wall doesn’t have to stop!
It’s warm enough down there, the virus may die out more quickly.
Catholic hierarchy has long bowed to Ba’al…. there are many practicing homosexuals and ephebophiles amongst them…even to the ranks of Cardinal…. I would not trust a teenage son or grandson alone with one of them.
This is the sort of stuff we need to teach the kids right alongside history.
Verse of the Day
“What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.”
Psalms 56:3 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Monday’s Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Monday Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Day!
Hi, Pat! Hope and Pray all is well with you!
God loves you and so do I – Pray a Blessed Day for You, too!!!
first day of hubby working from home…LOL
they’ve already discovered short comings and things that will not work…gonna be a fun experience!
My neighbor is working from home, too – he says they are trying to see how cutting in-house employees will work – a test of sorts.
They will work it out – Trust God – He knows what He is doing!!! 🙂
they are now going to stagger coming into the office to grab files, etc…which means they’re working out the kinks…which is good cuz the office is in NY…
Oh, wow! They need to have a remote computer to access files – seems to be a lot of unnecessary travel – imho –
Yes, they need to work out the kinks!
no they have that–these are actual paper files–receipts, invoices, etc…hubby can go in and copy what he needs, the payroll lady needs to print checks which isn’t a function to be done off site…security reasons, etc…but they’re trying!
Lots of things to consider – printing checks? No direct deposit available? Yes, they have many kinks to work out – what about Fax machine for copies? Traveling defeats the purpose of in-house reduction in social interaction – Gee!!!
well the office is small to begin with…12 people…if they limit the time they spend in the office and alternate days it should work.
and they have to pay their bills–it’s not just payroll checks–they are vendor invoices to process and pay–benefits, etc–but they are working it out. and are establishing a plan if this ever happens again…
Okey Dokey, Mom – a great lesson for all of us – if we looked at troubles as opportunities – we would not be so disheveled – Yes?
it’s really hard to live with fear day after day and not feel a physical side effect from it.
stress affects our immune systems…laughter helps…
I choose to look on the bright side.
I can tell – the ‘funnies’ you post daily – are great for relieving stress – giggling my way through – I am – Thanks so much for posting!!!
Fear – like negative thinking is debilitating – that is what I love most about President Trump – his positivity!!! It is uplifting!!!
Two people are falling from the height of a tall building – one is screaming – the other is calm – they both know how this will end – but, one decides to enjoy the ride – while the other is enthralled in fear.
well hubby has begun contemplating retirement so this is giving us a taste of being together in our small house–all the time–
so far it’s been good, but his new office mate has sexually harassed him more than once…wink, wink
LOL – God gave you a sense of humor second to none, Pat! Imma lovin’ it!!! Hugs!!!
HUGS back to you sweetheart!
* Smiling * and feeling warm and loved!
You will like the ‘Feminism’ talk on the PragerU video – 🙂
i will have to watch it later…hubby is working…LOL
Wheeee! * Smiling * More Butterflies!!!
You are my hiding place….when I am afraid….I will trust in you.
Amen goes right there, GA/FL!!!
Beautiful Song! Thanks for sharing! God Bless You!!!
The Library
Judicial Watch 🔎
Judicial Watch announced it filed a lawsuit against Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the House Intel Committee for the controversial subpoenas issued for phone records, including those of Rudy Giuliani, President @realDonaldTrump’s lawyer. READ:
Harold Finch
I wonder when the Democrats are going to realize that their SJW messages aren’t going to go over as well in the time of a communicable disease. Open borders defies logic when one is trying to protect their own health or that of their family.
Ironically, it will be this event in our history that clearly supports screening and border control. Should never have lost it. We had it when our great immigrant waves came in. Millions came through Ellis island, including my grandparents, and no one got in who were sick/had disease.
This backfires on the Democrats – though their base will likely hold to insanity and pretend otherwise.
my grandfather too! 2 weeks he was there!
My grandfather’s mother’s and father’s family were all at Ellis Island for months. More than one name was changed from the Spanish names that had religious connotations to English names like “Mildred.”
James Woods@RealJamesWoods
Thank you so much. It’s time to band together and give, give, give. Those who are negative or who create unnecessary panic and fear should be excised from your life, like a malignant tumor. Cut toxic people from your life. And cut with a knife, not with a spoon. Don’t watch #CNN
Quote Tweet
HLLFlag of United StatesPalm treeSun with rays🏖🏝Tropical fishDolphinBlue heartOrange heartFlag of United States@heather_hll
· 11h
Replying to @RealJamesWoods
You’re the best! Thank you!
I am officially blocking any individual who is negative & ugly & rude. Unfortunately, this includes many of DNC & their voters, who rabidly insult me & my president. It’s time for unity. I only want to be part of the solution & help those in need.
These numbers are actually much closer to the truth. As we’ve all talked about, Italy is high because of heavy elderly population, heavy smokers, and dependency on socialized medicine. They are more government dependent for healthcare dollars – whereas countries like Germany have more private insurance involvement.
Italy is also a very social country – they have a difficult time distancing. But no doubt, the elderly are always vulnerable to pulmonary complications.
In fact, with the “flu” – it isn’t the flu that gets people, it’s pneumonia.
Death rates per million population from #Coronavirus.
1. Italy 29.5 per million
2. Spain 6.3
3. China 2.3
4. France 1.9
5. Switzerland 1.6
6. South Korea 1.5
7. England 0.6
8. Japan 0.2
9. USA 0.2
10. Germany 0.1
This is not a complete list and will change but better way.
exactly…pneumonia and SARS. Build up your immune system (vitamins A, B and C). Keep drinking fluids. Don’t let it paste to your lungs.
Lee Smith@LeeSmithDC
Great @SidneyPowell1 thread — lots of excellent detail & commentary. Via the one & only
Quote Tweet
Josh Cremeans “DirtyTruth”@AKA_RealDirty
· 12h
Video thread of @SidneyPowell1 speaking at @Hillsdale 3/11/20.
There could be 5% of our prison population federal and state completely innocent and they was wrongfully convicted.
Show this thread
The Library
Genius illinois governor did the same.
So New York City shut down bars and restaurants, and grocery stores are sitting there with empty shelves, with people ordered to stay home? Doesn’t seem frightening at all.
Harold Finch
March 16
This is interesting from Professor Cleveland. Along with POTUS, we can thank Ken Cuccinelli for the right decision on travel from China… The Democrats tried to push “academic” opinions on POTUS. Never listen to academics, at least not the ones the Dems proffer.
THREADETTE: I’m reading House testimony re coronavirus and had NO IDEA how ballsy
decision to ban travel from China was! Apparently, the bureaucrats ran academic models on the scenario & those concluded travel should not be banned. Cuccinelli recommended 1/
2/ ban travel anyway, but told Trump what modeling said. Trump banned travel from China and saved untold number of lives. Tell me any Democrat would have made that call!! Now, how did I discover this? Well in testimony, Rep. Titus had this to say about Trump’s lifesaving call:
Ace o Spades this a.m.
“… As usual, Victor Davis Hanson has an in-depth analysis for both Trump and America at large when we come out the other side of this madness:”
…When the virus peters out and the panic fades, China may be permanently rebranded and recalibrated by the world at large. Its trading partners will trust it far less to honor any commitments or to abide by any international agreements. Supply chains will be diversified. Tourism will be reduced in fears another such coronavirus will follow SARS and COVID-19 – and be hushed up. Countries that had particular close commercial and cultural ties with China – Iran, South Korea, and Italy – were hurt most during the epidemic by Chinese silence and duplicity…
Ostensibly, the panic-driven shutdown of the U.S. economy could plunge us into recession or worse, with dire consequences for the 2020 campaign. Some on the Left see COVID-19 in unapologetically political terms, as the magic solution to ending the Trump presidency and his supporters in a way that all the past hopes and dreams of doing so – from subverting the Electoral College after the November 2016 election to Mueller and impeachment, and all in between – utterly failed.
Whatever the ultimate human and economic toll from the coronavirus, there is no doubt that Trump, as president, will be blamed for the economic slowdown of spring and perhaps even early summer. The media despises the president as does entertainment, academia, and the media, ensuring in popular culture and the news that he will be demonized in a way Obama was not, despite reacting far more slowly, to the swine flu threat of 2009.
But here are some caveats. Warmer weather and spring, global quarantines, travel bans, more testing and increased knowledge of the virus may all eventually conspire to slow its spread. And when its relative non-lethality is fully digested (perhaps 98 or 99 percent of those in the general population below 65 in previously good health who are infected recover), and the cases begin dropping off, the economy will not just recover but take off…
Glad to hear what he’s saying about China, I’m thinking the same. The world should be very angry with ZCP and start distancing themselves. Saw on twitter where Jack Ma (acting like a hero) announced China was sending a big shipment of face masks to USA. The replies were great… No thanks, I wouldn’t trust anything from China, etc.
That’s part of their propaganda right now to reform their image…How they solved the problem, how they’re helping the rest of the world, everyone should be thanking them 🤮🤮🤮 I want to see rejection! They’re responsible for the pre-mature deaths of children, parents, and grandparents worldwide.
those thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer and wipes have been “donated”…
Thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer and packs of antibacterial wipes and medical masks have been donated after a failed attempt by two Tennessee brothers to resell them for profit.
News outlets report boxes were taken Sunday from a storage unit and the home of Matt Colvin of Hixson, Tennessee.
The items were donated to a local church with some supplies heading to Kentucky where Colvin had cleared store shelves during the U.S. coronavirus outbreak.
I guess Social Media is good for something 😉
These two brothers will never live this down.
Well, I think they were entitled to be creative. This is America. Well, it is supposed to be America. That is rapidly becoming an open question.