Taking a cue from Q, here’s today’s theme:
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Psalm 46:
[2] O clap your hands, all ye nations: shout unto God with the voice of Joy, [3] For the Lord is high, terrible: a great king over all the earth. [4] He hath subdued the people under us; and the nations under our feet. [5] He hath chosen for us his inheritance the beauty of Jacob which he hath loved.
[6] God is ascended with jubilee, and the Lord with the sound of trumpet. [7] Sing praises to our God, sing ye: sing praises to our king, sing ye. [8] For God is the king of all the earth: sing ye wisely. [9] God shall reign over the nations: God sitteth on his holy throne. [10] The princes of the people are gathered together, with the God of Abraham: for the strong gods of the earth are exceedingly exalted.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.
Ok first….
Shit. I forgot what I was going to say.
Nevermind. 😏
Here you go…
Happens to me all the time.
Well, was it important?
Yes and no. I’ve decided I did it to make Marica laugh.
Where has that girl gone off to? She and her gang need to check in.
Hey FG&C…………………I’m here! Checking to see if you have any good memes I can steal, LOL!
how you feeling Sylvia???
been reading some articles about people who hadn’t been tested, but thought they had COVID-19 who are experiencing a weird side effect? losing their sense of smell? did that happen with you?
not reading that happening in a lot of places–but just curious if it’s true or not…
No I still smell purty. LOL! I read about that too. Weird isn’t it??? No that didn’t happen to me. Thank goodness.
LOL…I’m sure you do…
Hi FG&C!!
*waving from my branch 👋
Joe? Is that you?
You know better than that! Where’s your checklist?
I cannot remember if I agree or disagree with what you forgot to say, FG&C.
I’ll give you a like anyhow.
This is for us all…
Prayer shields up!
Fear not.
God wins!
Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him,
And show him My salvation.”
And set to music.
(Note: the composer, Fr. Michael Joncas, and most of the rest of the Catholic music world aren’t sure why, but this is one of the few songs most people can sing from memory…after Holy God, We Praise Thy Name and Hail, Holy Queen)
Amen goes right there T3!!!
3/24 thread is crazy long. Are the new q drops on it?
You mean the 23rd?
Yes. There are Q drops. On the second to last page.
Now our idiot guvnah (Doofuss, WA state) proved he is an idiot. He says we can’t have PRIVATE gatherings in private homes.
I predict more than the usual pushback against his stupid decree. There might be a groundswell rebellion against this, including demonstrations/rallies at the capitol steps.
I’d like to be a fly on the wall of any sheriff’s office in one of our 2A sanctuary counties. The laughter would be loud as the decree was read to the troops.
What’s next?
The Governor has declared that you’re no longer allowed to be with yourself…
…or your shadow….
…just…float…in the middle of a large empty room…
At a certain level, that sounds lovely.
Ha, ha…it kinda does, doesn’t it?
You don’t live my life. After a day with the family, I’m ready for sensory deprivation.
Boris Johnson told us not to meet with two or more people, too, yesterday. (The UK is now on a three-week lockdown, as of last night (Monday).) That would mean family members and friends who do not live in one’s house.
Last Saturday, Merkel told the Germans they have to do the same thing (source: BBC News).
So, yes, unfortunately, it’s a ‘thing’.
Go stand in the corner, wordpiss.
I’ll post yesterday’s Q drops here for anyone who missed them.
The CHINA Virus
23 Mar 2020 – 7:13:55 PM
“the CHINA virus”
Worth remembering:
Wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]?
[1st biosafety lvl 4 lab – 2015]
City/Province origin – hot zone [geo location]?
“Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at [Wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.”
[rapid spread]
>End POTUS rally(s)?
>End POTUS econ gains?
>End POTUS unemployment gains?
>End POTUS [A, B, C, D, ……]?
[weaken prior to P_elec?]
>Delay US/China trade negotiations?
[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]
>Shelter [Biden] public appearances?
>Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?
>Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure]
>Push [D] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?
What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec?
Outside of standard deviation?
[Mueller failed]
[Impeachment failed]
>Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?
[MSM[D party]/Hollywood narrative(s) failed]
[D] party leading nominee established [super T] prior to lock-down [take-over]? [Sanders ELIM_Biden_FRONT]
Occam’s razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one.
Here’s that jpeg up at the top of Q’s drop, that’s not showing up:
Note that Q is basically telling us that we’re right to be suspicious about the origin and timing of this virus.
Its so obvious it’s like…
D’s Adding No Voter ID and Anonymous ‘Ballot Harvesting’ to Corona Virus Bill
23 Mar 2020 – 7:31:36 PM
PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
These people are sick!
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Spygate Could Make Watergate Look Like A Third-Rate Burglary
23 Mar 2020 – 7:48:53 PM
The key that opens all doors.
The ‘Start’.
Thanks for re-posting these, DePat, and bringing them forward.
In that 3896 drop…Q is basically confirming to us that the ChiCom Virus is a bioweapon that was released on us, on purpose. (!!!)
And the Demoncrats were/are in on it!
Hey, thanks, Q…we thought so!
But it’s nice to have it confirmed.
We twinned, Wheatie. I just posted the same sentiment above. 🙂
It is nice to have it confirmed. Sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy…….
Please do feel you are alone – we have all felt overwhelmed – but, feelings are not facts!
God is allowing this to happen to bring us to a better place and understanding!!!
Know that your ‘setback’ was God’s way of telling you – to take a rest, Syl – We waited for you – 🙂
Psalms 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”
King James Version (KJV)
Thank you duchess……..I appreciate your comment so much. ❤❤❤❤❤🌼✨
Take care, Syl! We all need you – we understand you have had a difficult job this past year – and perhaps – God is telling you to take a rest – so listen – and come back to us with all of that spunk we have come to rely upon – Mkay?
Trash collection around here is a weekly ritual/event. It’s the one thing that is happening like clockwork, TBH. And are we grateful for it.
Pelosi ‘Stimulus’ Bill Imposes Nationwide ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Without ‘Any Limit
“ Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s new stimulus bill would mandate nationwide “ballot harvesting,” allowing party operatives to return other people’s ballots to polling places without “any limit” on the number of ballots.
“Ballot harvesting” was legalized in California in 2016, and first used in the 2018 midterm elections. It allows anyone to drop off someone else’s mail-in ballot at a polling station. There is no process for vetting or verifying those delivering the ballots — no background checks or identification requirements. Democrats dropped hundreds of thousands of ballots off at polling stations in 2018, helping Democrats as they flipped seven Republican seats.
The practice is illegal in most other states, largely because it is susceptible to fraud and intimidation. Republicans were caught flat-footed in 2018 when CA passed it’s law allowing it.
In other words, paid party operatives can literally truck thousands and thousands of ballots to the polls, provided they earn a salary or fee, and are not paid by the ballot.
It is a practice that is known in Third World countries as “ballot stuffing,” and is outlawed in every democracy, no matter how poor — even in countries where the physical and administrative obstacles to voting are far greater than in the world’s most developed economy.
And it is Pelosi’s condition for saving the U.S. economy from coronavirus.”
Nasty Pigolsi is officially a terrorist….our founding-fathers foreseen “domestic enemy of the USA”.
That woman is just evil. She has to be possessed. There’s no other explanation.
I am so disappointed and mad at the Catholic Hierarchy in the USA for not calling this evil woman out. She should have been excommunicated a long time ago for her stance on abortion. Same with Biden.
Our bishop has told our PM that he should not present himself for communion because our PM is pro abortion…
In the US, the hierarchy tends to deal with things behind closed doors. She probably HAS been excommunicated, we just don’t know about it.
She may have been excommunicated. But since she is a public figure, saying she is a ‘devout’ Catholic, the Catholic hierarchy response has to be public …not behind closed doors. She is causing great scandal to Catholics.
Umm, wow.
What are the chances?????
Those theories I’ve seen about tainted “product”…..hmmmm 🤔😳
Best tp meme ever DP….. kiddos favorite hero too.
The first time I saw it, I about died.
Omg too funny
Nasty Nan even threw in ‘Obamaphones’!
Text from TrumpWarRoom:
Nancy Pelosi’s coronavirus stimulus includes return of ‘Obamaphones,’ other unrelated items
Her entire bill is a very bad joke on the American people. It cannot even be treated as a serious piece of legislation and an insult to her Congressional peers. Furthermore, it’s equally insulting for the Democrats to support it. For her to have the audacity to present, given the extreme seriousness of the health and financial crisis is, beyond the pale. And for the Democrats to leave the Senate floor during the discussion is an action from which the a senate may never recover.
I hope the WH Legal Team is working around the clock to negate the harm she and the elected Democrat servants of the American people are attempting to impose on us. And, furthermore, I (optimistically) I hope her so-called leadership role will be removed. Can this not be treason on her part to deliberately take action to harm the nation simply by refusing the plight of the very people they represent?
Yeah…for lack of a better term for it, Treason works for me.
Add it to the list of other things she has done, like Impeaching a President who has committed no crime.
Done only because…she ‘wanted to’.
It all goes under the Heading of:
Screwing Over the Country to Thwart the Will of the People and Usurp Power.
The Nancy Bill includes things the Dems have been trying to get for 40yrs.
That was my thought. This is no different than what they’ve been trying to do to us for decades. And she thinks it’s going to just pass because of the national emergency?
Except this one is more like Horse Stealing.
Scroll down a bit. I’m now thinking this is more like a trap.
I keep hearing the words, “Hail, Mary, Full of grace, the Lord is with you….” a la a LONG football pass.
it’s the “throw everything in there” strategy, so when you “COMPROMISE” you give up the easy stuff and retain (you hope) your biggest wishes.
they can cut so much out and seem like they’re working for a compromise–hold tight to what they REALLY want–after all–they HAVE to get something in the deal…
My vote for “throw in there” is this daylight savings time change in early March. It’s dark WAAAYYYY to long in the morning.
i would suggest term limits for Congress!!!!
I’m all for term limits and no more clock change!
Tweet from Nurse Patriot:
Dear @SpeakerPelosi
I live in Louisiana. It’s a poor state. I work in a medical clinic. The employees are 90% women. We have a diverse make up.
I had employees in my office crying today. Their husbands are losing their jobs. They’re scared.
I gave them your phone number.
giggle SNORT
Dan Bongino opened his show today with a disturbing observation:
In China there were brave citizen journalists, living under a tyrannical, despotic, communist regime, who tried to warn the world and get the truth out about the Corona Virus who have now been detained, gone missing, or worse….while in America we have hack, pathetic, bought and paid for media activists and fake journalists actively promoting communist Chinese propaganda.
Just think about that foe a minute or two…
Great question Dan..
..what better place in the world to ‘cook up’ a biological pandemic brew than behind the secret veil of the CCP ?
I can’t be the only one out there wondering what the ‘real’ story is behind those 10 ? outed see eye yea
..and exactly how does Lieber/Harvard create a in-house bio-lab that avoids National Security protocol
this isn’t basic chemistry, are nuclear scientists monitored closer ?
where is the MSM intellectual curiosity ?
They have abandoned their posts.
This is a bit painful to listen to and watch as the neurological issues are obviously taking their toll, but Susan Collins lays it on the line. Good for her.
Wow! She really comes through sometimes.
Yes, but too often she has to be dragged across the finish line. Meantime knowing that past performance is a predictor of future results she remains a weak link and will likely be among the first to compromise unless made to hold the line.
LadyWarAnon tweets:
I am hearing major military air activity where I live tonight. Seeing surveillance chopper making rounds. Thank God for POTUS and our military. Jets are fired up!
In the replies, LadyWarAnon mentions that she is in New Mexico.
A person from Texas says: “Many more overhead in Central Texas today, more every day.”
Here in Central Oklahoma, we’ve been seeing a lot more military aircraft in the air in the last few days, too.
More and more I’m getting the feeling that the current hullabaloo is not THE STORM as we understand it and are hoping, i.e. high profile arrests, tribunals, etc. I suspect that will come after the election.
Yes, but there’s something going on.
Here too, Memphis area.
And the TRAINS!!!!!! Much more traffic than ever before. It’s spring though, have the doors open and I might just be hearing it more, but LONG trains and more than previously scheduled.
America is on the move.
I drove through some of the swanky parts of the ;burbs yesterday just to take a look. They’re hell and gone from the UP and BNSF tracks. Maybe I should go that direction to see today. There would have to be more happening. I mean out in Frontenac, I saw gates closed that have never been closed before in gated communities. (Yes, most of us live in one, but there’s always open access somewhere.) These suckers were manually closed.
Maybe a quick trip down Kingshighway is in order….
Nick Searcy’s Parody of the Hollywood Left’s insufferable version of ‘Imagine’.
It’s great…if you haven’t seen it!
I saw it on twitter, where he posted it in 2 parts.
But it’s great to see it combined and in a continuous video!
Love Nick Searcy!
Oh Wheatie………that was awesome!
I thought so too!
Nick is multi-talented…I didn’t know he could sing & play the piano.
Hope you’re feeling better, Syl!
He does a good job, really!!!! And the lyrics are funny!
Feeling better every day. Still a little cough and still bone tired, but as I said getting better all the time! I consider myself very fortunate.
I’m so glad you’re getting better!
Thanks Wheatie, me too. It was a little scary because I didn’t know what to expect.
Learning to play an instrument used to be just a part of childhood. I would imagine there’s a lot of people in the generation before me who learned to play just because mom & dad said they were going to.
You WILL take 7yrs of piano lessons and you WILL like it.
That’s how many an organist got started. And those people are in a class by themselves musically speaking.
Yeah, my mom could play by ear. Scary skills in that area.
LOL, DP…my hubby learned to play the violin only because his much older sister had played at one time and it WASN’T going to waste!
James Woods tweets:
The Democrats are twisting this crisis into another shot at the coup d’etat they’ve been attempting for over three years. How many lives is it worth to topple this President, Nancy?
#Pandemic #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica
Well Mr. Woods, I think she thinks is terms of statistics not people. She has the words of Erich Remarque engraved on her heart, “a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.” You cannot be pro abortion and have any other perspective. After all, people die of disease all the time and we know they think of pregnancy as a disease. The logic that allows them to hold such beliefs requires a very stony heart.
JoJo posted a video tribute to Truckers…and tweeted:
We’re on lock down now for coronavirus because it saves lives to stay at home.
Remember delivery drives America.
Our truckers got this!
If it weren’t for these folks, we’d have nothing.
Patriots Awakened
Flynn Fighters
Sometimes I forget who the Senate minority leader is…
I’m particularly proud of this little creation ^^^ so please feel free to spread it all over that twitter thingy…
it’s a GREAT one Harry!!
It is already floating around TN political Facebook pages
I’m just glad it ain’t Mitch McConnell or we’d be even more thoroughly screwed.
OMG, I love the header meme!!!!!!
Will we ever again look at toilet paper in the same way?
Some won’t. In this house, we always have bought the big 18-24 roll cases. No running out in crucial situations.
Get your questions ready.
He’s a machine.
I posted this on Flep’s thread as well…
last night we got a text from our daughter–teacher in PA–they are going to reopen the schools April 12th. teachers have 1-2 in-service days the week prior, then everybody (at least in her district) is back to school.
haven’t really read that it’s state wide–but I’m just about to start searching–
Something to think about as you start searching is would this be a feint, a liberal ploy to keeping people from researching or engaging in other methods to get their kids an education? Teachers and teacher unions would have to be getting nervous that students aren’t going to come back when this is over so one thing they might try in order to keep their students is to string people on with promises of reopening soon.
what I’m finding is that Wolf extended the school closing till the 6th and her district feels going back the following Monday is a definite.
“Stay at home” is for safety…. from False Flags… (as well as from VIRUS)…
School age children can’t be shot if they’re at home…
Same for small gatherings… can’t blame the ‘white supremists’ for shooting into a crowd if the crowd exist
Not saying these things aren’t done to contain the VIRUS … simply suggesting the precautions against spreading the disease also serve to keep us safe from FFs…
cool OLD optical illusion…mammoth & bison…
Thanks Pat… Beautiful !
a little diversion…
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, March 24, 2020
“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
1 Corinthians 1:18 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Tuesday Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
I hope you are well and happy!
Have a Blessed Day!
Hey, Pat! I am good – hope you are as well
God Bless You and Keep You Safe – in the name of Jesus – I pray – Amen
Amen and thank you!
yes, we are fine!
Yay!!! * Doing a Happy Dance * Hugs!!!
too icy to be happy dancing outside right now…and hubby’s working inside…so my joy will have to quietly radiate for now…lol
I can feel your * Happy Radiation * Wheee!!!
Have a Blessed Day, Sunshine!!! 🙂
you as well!
Ooooooo – more Butterflies!
God Bless You Real Good, BFLY!!!
You too Sweet Duchess! 😍🤗😘
* Smiling Broadly *
so Congress had no qualms voting for the first package of aid…where $1 out of every $4 goes to FOREIGN aid…but aid for people at home? that they gotta mess with…
As much as $2.3 billion of the first $8.3 billion in funding falls into the categories of foreign aid, foreign affairs or overseas disease surveillance. Here’s how some of that breaks down:
$435 million for the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Global Health Programs.
$300 million for “international disaster assistance.”
$300 million for global disease detection and emergency response under the Centers for Disease Control
$200 million more goes to the State Department Foreign Operations Emergency Reserve Fund ·
$264 million for State Department Foreign Affairs for diplomatic response and evacuation over the next two and a half years.
$836 million for the U.S. or global response under the National Institutes of Health.
Here are some other major categories where the monies can be spent under the law:
$20 million for “salaries and expenses” under the federal Disaster Loans Program ·
$60 million for “salaries and expenses” under FDA.
$2.2 billion in emergency money for the CDC, on top of its $7 billion dollar annual budget.
$950 million for state and local governments.
$100 million for local health centers through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
$3.1 billion for the HHS Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund for four years.
$300 million for vaccines and medicine, including money to pharmaceutical companies that will own and sell any new products developed.
$300 million for CDC’s Infectious Disease Rapid Response Reserve Fund.
$250 million for an “Economic Support Fund.”
I’ve been yelling the same thing at my walls.
Follow the $$$. This is an attempt to mainline an infusion of cash to where they still hold power.
I agree–but notice, they didn’t attempt this crap with the bill for foreign aid or funding for the CDC etc…
they stuffed it into the bill that’s supposed to help AMERICANS–whom POTUS cherishes—
Foreign aid usually translates to money laundering for DIMs ……………..
STUNNING! NY Doctor Vladimir Zelenko Finds 100% Success Rate in 350 Patients Using Hydroxychloroquine with Z-Paks
Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft March 23, 2020 340 Comments
Over the weekend Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York state announced he has found a treatment against the coronavirus with a 100% success rate on 350 patients.
Dr. Zelenko joined Sean Hannity earlier today on his radio program to discuss the results from his test.
The New York doctor also posted a video explaining his success with hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks. His treatment resulted in the shortness of breath issue being resolved in 4 to 6 hours. Dr. Zelenko in his study had zero deaths, zero hospitalizations and zero intubations!
Later on Monday evening Sean Hannity invited two more medical experts on to discuss Dr. Zelenko’s coronavirus results.
The two doctors were cautiously optimistic.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
PTL! Woo-hoo! Oorah!
But . . .
WHO says “This is not a sanctioned study.”
CDC says “Invalid. There’s no control group left to die!”
Dimms say “Fake news. Not corroberated by NYT and WP!!!”
Nanzi Piglousy says “Zelenko. That’s Russian . . . trying to influence the election. IMPEACH!!”
Overworked doctors, nurses and hospital staffs rush into the street CHEERING!
PTrump says “Isn’t America great? I told you so! KAG!”
It occurs to me, listening to this particular swamp creature slam the podium as pissed off as he is, this exercise of Pelosi returning to the district and throwing half the tool box into the stimulus bill was/is another trap the Democrats fell into.
At every turn, the Republicans, the president, etc., are hammering the litany of the wish list giving it exposure. None of that was meant to see the light of day. Pelosi jumped at the bait. It’s probably her last shot at it.
Talk about sitting back and enjoying the show. Frustrating, and really sad that we have to go through the virus protocols while we watch and wait, but we are witnessing the exposure of the leftist agenda, and the stake through the heart that’s going to kill it as they try to take advantage of the situation.
And it was probably by Trump team design.
Stuff like this. In previous stimulous bill years, this would never have seen the light of day.
Call Nancy Pelosi’s DC # 1-202-225-4965. Tell her exactly how you feel.
Oh, no. Can’t do that. Embarrass the poor woman, and tell her that she’s a world class idiot for not seeing the exposure coming.
Uh, what? You being snarky, DP?
To an extent, I guess. But I really think it was a trap, the stimulous bill. Nancy couldn’t help herself.
Well, I think she will be sorry when she hears all of the backlash!!! Once again, they have laid out all of their cards on the table for all to see – taxpayers will not be amused – they will speak up!!!
read somewhere Bernie Sanders missed the vote because he was hanging with Sandy from the hood and her squad…never had a real job and can’t even be bothered to do this one…
TRUMP TOWN HALL on Fox @ 12:30 pm
Watch without cable here:
or here:
FOX 10 Phoenix
So that’s why this virus is here now. It must be true. The pope said it.
This is eisegesis on an industrial scale.
NATURE??? Not God?
So he worships the earth goddess Gaea?
ALWAYS pushing the GLOBAL WARMING CRAP, eh Pope Pachamama?
Life sciences initiatives are as unnatural and green washed as it gets. Huge energy usage that must be mitigated, vivisection, genetic modification of everything…
This is the science that shrouds itself in the green new deal, as lakes are used as heat sinks to cool its labs, and lab animals are emulsified and released into urban water systems. Maybe the Pope’s right.
Holy Crap – Gold is up $102 today.
I see as of a minute ago, up $50.80. It must be jumping around a LOT.
And now only +44.9.
So at the moment, it’s dropping…fast!
Rhodium is up $2000. (Bid $4000, ask $8000.) The bid has literally doubled today.
That’s a very good sign; it’s almost purely an industrial metal.
AMEN- the Bulls are running today. Been cooped up in the barn for too long.
Yeah, well…from what I can see gold is dropping but still in positive territory (see above)
Up 95.60 right now.
Wow, jumping.
Where are you getting your info from?
Kitco is showing +42 for the day RIGHT NOW.
I’m watching FOX Biz ticker.
Well, perhaps the difference comes from the two sources regarding the “beginning of the day” being two different times. I have no idea what Kitco uses as “beginning of the day” but:
Bid 1594.10 Ask 1604:10 +42.9 as of 8 AM (9 to you I believe).
I’m a half hour into trading day.
VIX is down 13% almost under 50 again.
People are calming down.
Last time I looked at the Fox website the buzz was they were close to a “deal.”
Burying the hatchet. Hopefully not into our backs.
Rumors that Mnuchin has agreed to “supervision of companies” gives me the willies.
Kudlow was being interviewed when “rumor” went out and his eyebrows went squirrely.
Well BOTH sides have said they don’t want the companies to just buy up their own stock with the windfall. If that’s all it is, no prob. But I agree, it doesn’t seem that way.
When they do a lot of negotiating like this, it’s ALWAYS a good idea to watch for the baggie of poop lit on fire left on the doorstep.
Repubs want to do loans to airlines, etc.
Leaves decisions to private industry.
Dems want an equity stake with a crap-ton of stings attached.
Nationalize the airlines? Nope.
Yeah…they want outright gifts too.
As someone said yesterday on the Senate floor, so who is doing corporate bailouts?
Oh…and I remember hearing something about how the companies couldn’t do a buyback for TWENTY YEARS.
Ridiculous. Once they’ve paid back the money they should be free of any restrictions–since they aren’t using the money to do whatever it is.
That won’t work.
No diversity board guarantee and Nancy BS is welcome in private sector.
Thread is up for the President and Task Force Live Town Hall on FOX from 12-2pm Eastern time
We’re going to run it like a LIVE MAGA RALLY thread!!!!!!
Woohooo, put your red hats on, time to Rally!
you must have some awesome questions to ask–did you send any in?????
someone needed a favor? Nanzi’s bill gives $7,000,000 to ONE specific charter school–Gallaudet University in DC–and SENATOR Sherrod Brown sits on the Board of Trustees…Again–this has to do WHAT with COVID-19????
I’m telling you, it’s a trap. All kinds of Democrat shenanigans are being exposed while the people are stuck at home with no distractions…..
Judas Goats been hard at work maybe?
Audible offering free audiobooks for kids and families…
Most people are working remotely and homeschooling the kids and grandkids in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. That’s why Amazon company Audible is offering free children’s audiobooks to help pass the time.
“…for as long as schools are closed, we will be open,” the company says in a press release. “Keeping to our founding belief that the spoken word can be inspiring and transporting in deeply intimate ways, we have created Stories.Audible.com—a place where anyone, in any country, can enjoy unlimited streaming of hundreds of titles for kids and families for free.”
The collection is a mix of education and entertainment titles, including classics like “Winnie the Pooh”, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, “Aladdin”, “Jane Eyre” and “The Call of the Wild.”
Dr. Carson says – Let’s fly our flags in a show of unity!
Oh, I would, but we’re due for thunderstorms shortly. Will put it out tomorrow.
Dad’s picky about the flag being out. My brother the retired Marine got it for us from one of the embassies.
I won’t leave mine out in the rain or overnight in the dark either.
I’ll do the overnight on Christmas night.
To mark the overnight march to Trenton in 1776.
some enterprising person needs to start printing OLM t-shirts!
(Old Lives Matter)
(elderly lives matter)
or just repurpose the BLM ones…BOOMER Lives Matter
You designing these shirts, Pat?
T shirts and iron on letters…
what’s to design?
heck…we could finger paint them…haha…
or if you’re really bored…
get a white t-shirt and use crayons to draw/color a design or saying…
then take a paper bag and cover the design and with a hot iron, iron the design. the wax adheres to the bag, allowing the colored design to remain.
Thanks, Mom! Some of us are sewing-challenged – not creative in any way – you know – lol- so instructions are helpful – 🙂
almost forgot–slip cardboard inside the t-shirt-between the front and the back–so nothing bleeds thru
Thanks, Pat! Appreciate the tip – 🙂
with crayons that step isn’t necessary until you iron it–most can’t color thru a t shirt–but since we painted and colored a lot of shirts, I made t shirt sized cardboard inserts–they are easy to store under a bed somewhere and we used ours a lot. you can buy them at craft stores–but gees, they are easy enough to make on your own…
LOL – you funny, Pat! Easy for you – for some of us – not so much – it is like cooking – or baking – I do not bake – cause I do not want to blow up the house – lol – Love you – Hugs!!!
if we were close enough, I would invite you to my house all the time for coffee and goodies!
Awww…how sweet – will have to power up the Cessna and hop right over – LOL
you’re in luck! the corn fields haven’t been planted yet! great landing spot…
Oh, Goodie!!! Wouldn’t want to land in a corn field full of corn – Newp
Use a photo like this:
But make sure it is a bunch of elders that you have the permission to use their images.
How to Transfer Pictures to a T-Shirt
I wanna know who the hottie is.
Yes POTUS, we can surely walk and chew gum at the same time!
as more people get a chance to read Nanzi’s Wishlist…they are discovering all sorts of crap in there!
The American people are at home watching…hopefully.
wait, what?
$25 M for Congressional “salaries and expenses”????????????????????????????
Well, they work sooo hard donchano?
^^^^ THIS! Hope this meme goes VIRAL !
(hmmm, gives that word “viral” a whole nother meaning)
Print it as large waterproof posters and place it on every road side. Put it up on Bill boards. PLASTER it across the nation!
That is the best MEME I have seen yet and there are some really really good ones.
Making a yard sign for the street as we read!
He makes a fine looking cadaver.
For a zombie horror movie.
I posted this late last night, and posting again today as probably not seen by many
The Library
Twitter as a company sought out & got partnership with the Chinese Communist govt. They share common ground: censorship of speech that directly opposes their political goals. Donald Trump & a resugrent US are exactly what China is trying to Stop- for their own national interests.
Donald Trump & a resurgent US is exactly what Twitter, Google, Facebook & other large silicon valley international corporations are trying to stop- because they support globalism & the piecemeal take over & selling off the US & all it has. To globalist interests. Including the Chinese.
The Chinese & Twitter are working together- the chinese have supplied Experimental Artificial Intelligence code/software that twitter is actively using to promote Chinese & Leftwing Progressive propaganda aimed at taking political control back within America.
In return for its technical assistance the Chinese are given a platform to spread their lies, information about online enemies & the ability to target them.
Its information warfare via AI. Its about controlling what people see and think and about silencing all other voices.
Lachlan Markay
New: Twitter says that rampant coronavirus disinformation from Chinese government officials, most notably MFA spokesman @zlj517, does not violate the company’s terms of service https://t.co/X53FKLhBL2
Harold Finch
, edited
Also, reposting this for same reason 😉
very nice!
Looks like fun. 🙂
Dora, that is precious!
looks like fun to me!
It’s really simple. President Trump cannot accept a bill if it includes the items Nancy Pelosi is trying to extort from this crisis. Anonymous ballot harvesting will end this country as we know it.
This cannot be overstated:
Pelosi is trying to steal the election.
3D Chess@3d_chess
Replying to @thebradfordfile
I hope everyone knows they added $25mil in congressional salaries and benefits also… AMERICANS SHOULD BE OUTRAGED!!!!!
$25 million for Congressional expenses…
1. Either the slush fund for sexual harassment is getting low, or
2. The liquor supply on the overseas “fact finding” trips needs to be replenished. 😂
Right Tea, well we all know how these Congress critters are suffering with the shutdown… 😉
gorgeous Duchess!
Ben always comes through, PR!
JJ Sefton at Ace of Spades has a FANTASTIC take-down of Nanzi and the DIMs this a.m. give it a glance… links to some great articles also
here’s a comment from JJ’s piece I found interesting:
23 I mentioned this yesterday, but my wife knows a woman who is a puissy-hat wearing cat lady pinko, who nonetheless has come out against the Democrats on the stimulus bill. Amazing. Even the MSM seems to have been unable to keep a little bit of reality from seeping into their coverage. Look at the several stories of rewritings and clarifications.
And I like “Fledermaus Raw Stew”. For most of my life, Germany has been one place – like Alabama – that one could rag on freely. But in this age of modern times and Angela Merkel, is that still true?
From Dan Scavino
A blind man could find BOTH Qs.