Dear KAG: 20210706 Open Thread

Cover image: Fireworks Explode by Marie Lamoureaux

About this moving we are watching…..


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147434025 
Oct 31 2017 22:00:47 (EST)

There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump’s victory).

11.3 – Podesta indicted
11.6 – Huma indicted

Manafort was placed into Trump’s camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D’s) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).

Good speed, Patriots.
PS, Soros is targeted.

Sometimes it’s good to have a reminder that, really, we are in a war, and that just like the other side, we have to have people who infiltrated the operations arms of the enemy.

And who are these people who we fight for the soul of the nation that they really don’t recognize?

Dr. Angelo Codevilla wrote about them in his tome, The Ruling Class, in 2010. Rush Limbaugh described them in the introduction:

For twenty years, I have been asked, “Rush, why don’t the Republicans do X?” One answer I’ve settled on is that people never really get out of high school. Wanting to be part of the big clique dominates their lives. It’s a quest for power, for acceptance, for belonging to the “in” crowd, however it’s defined.

Republicans are the way they are in Washington because Washington is a culture and a place that is run and dominated – not just politically, but socially – be Democrats, by the left. They’re the big clique. The Republicans also live there. Everybody wants to get along with those you live next to, and in Washington, the center of power in the world, everybody wants to be in the Ruling Class.

And the in crowd clique wannabes will do whatever it takes to maintain their grip on power. (As if we needed more proof that the “leaders” who are not psychopaths are not all that mentally strong.)

They also inspire others to mimic them via all means of propaganda without really understanding what they insult and want to malign.

Oh, and about the 2020 presidential election:

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for some mood music:

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, although some of us are beginning to wonder what the threshold for true adulthood is:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


MATTHEW 9:32-38

32As they were going away, behold, a dumb demoniac was brought to him. 33And when the demon had been cast out, the dumb man spoke; and the crowds marveled, saying, “Never was anything like this seen in Israel.” 34But the Pharisees said, “He casts out demons by the prince of demons.” 35And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every infirmity. 36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

This guy just keeps delivering.

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Wow! I’m first to post…all you Qtreepers must be recovering from the celebrations this past weekend.

God bless you all…


The tweet in the opening post is intriguing and a little hard to fathom.

Some white hats had to become the enemy in order to destroy them from within.

Imagine what they did and saw to be able to take down THEM.

Sometimes these are the people you insult.

Be careful what you do, say and who you judge. It matters for the future.

Deep Infiltration.

Who might we be insulting that is destroying the enemy from within? Someone like Kevin McCarthy? Sometimes PDJT will praise someone and we don’t understand it. But sometimes he criticizes that same person later, too.


“Who might we be insulting that is destroying the enemy from within?”


She has no idea, the person who wrote the tweet has no inside information.

She just has a strongly held belief, and she doesn’t like others challenging her belief, so she creates “insta-guilt” Tweets to try to shame people into not challenging her belief.

It’s just peer-pressure masquerading as an Oracle.


Very likely.


I won’t apologize for insulting or judging anyone I don’t know is on our side who is practicing the art of deception and pretending to be an enemy while fighting this war, nor would they want me to. If they are doing it right, being insulted by their own side is desirable, not unwanted.

So, while it is a comforting thought that the white hats have effectively infiltrated the ranks of the enemy, the rest of that is horseshit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. In fact, I call that stuff LULLPROP. Lulling propaganda.


If they are doing it right, being insulted by their own side is desirable, not unwanted.

Good point. They should be expecting criticism.


More….they would want it, for the cover. In fact, the white hats who know who said people really are would see to it that they got plenty of it.

A person like AOC comes readily to mind here, in fact. For a number of reasons.

Cuppa Covfefe


That’s implicity part of “cover”…

Cuppa Covfefe

Oops, forgot the “l”. Implicitly…

(No-el, No-el, hmmm, bit early for that 🙂 )….


If you’re Australian at heart, they do Noel in summer…..


As a completely meaningless aside….I have a cousin on my father’s side who is just a bit younger than I am, but we were close enough to socialize. I also skipped 2nd grade, so graduated college at 20.

One time, my cousin and I were talking about our futures in High School, and he was saying, “bummer — you won’t be able to drive until the second half of your senior year. I’ll be able to drive in the second half of my sophomore year” — and I replied, “that’s ok — you’ll be able to drive me around.”

So I’ve been doing the logical nonsense thing for a while.

Deplorable Patriot

You’re correct that they would want it for cover. BUT, making assumptions and speculating can and does end up being pretty wrong, which is why I hold fire. I’ve learned to do so. One of my old music directors left here after his budget was cut drastically, and all kinds of musicians assumed that was why he went looking for another job. The REAL story was that his son in law was transferred to the east coast and with the SIL and daughter moving to the coast were all the grandchildren. This man’s wife wasn’t living without the grandchildren, so he went looking for another job closer to where the daughter was going to be. Over ten years later, that story still hasn’t been corrected, and the person who took it on the chin from the critics wasn’t close to who was responsible for that.

One time, my mother was accused of being a parent who lodged a complaint against a faculty member of the middle school my sister and I attended at the time. It wasn’t her, but assumptions were made based on reputation. Of course, when that was learned by the person who really did complain, and my mother, it only increased the fury. And they were right to be furious.

I have quite a few more stories like that.

This is all pretty messy, and it’s going to be until the war is over.


“One time, my mother was accused of being a parent who lodged a complaint against a faculty member of the middle school my sister and I attended at the time. It wasn’t her, but assumptions were made based on reputation. Of course, when that was learned by the person who really did complain, and my mother, it only increased the fury. And they were right to be furious.”


I read about something just like that in Carl von Clausewitz’ On War


“I have quite a few more stories like that.”



I kid… I kid!

We only tease the one’s we love!

I couldn’t help it, it just came to me, and it was like a beautiful vision… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

Well, love me less, alright.

I go through the same $#!+ with my brother.


“Well, love me less, alright.”


Sure… like that’s possible…



False equivalence.


Being insulted gives them credibility with the black hats if they are white one 🙂


It is an attempt to SILENCE us.

We should be shouting from the rooftops.

Deplorable Patriot

Not silence. Just consider the possibility that there’s more going on than what is being seen, and the roles being played are cover.

I didn’t say a word yet about the news that the white hats moved against over 700 C_A/cabal assets on two continents last week. That’s slowly coming out. And no one here is going to entertain the idea that there might be tribunals going on in Tierra del Fuego. That one is a little far fetched for me, but there is some strange air traffic going on. Same with Guantanamo, and if it is being seen on various tracking programs, it is meant to be seen. Somebody wants us to know about it.

It’s what’s in the dark that we aren’t to see just yet. The rest is to keep the MAGA sorts morale up. At least that’s the way I read it.


700 assets rounded up.

Do we know what department or agency these white hat work for?

Do we know which two continents?


It’s what’s in the dark that we aren’t to see just yet.

It is infuriating, to me anyway, the mentality that Americans can’t take the truth or need to be primed to understand the truth.


The rest is to keep the MAGA sorts morale up.

What is that about? Keep MAGA morale up? We’ve been crapped on increasingly so over the past five years.

So we are indirectly fed innuendo that seem to paint the good guys are winning, or at least gaining ground?

Seems to me hard, direct ACTION exposing the fraud factually AND arresting the guilty, BOTH in public view is what MAGA needs.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

The existence of White Hats will be confirmed with the release of a non-blurry photo of the Lochness Monster and the Yeti.


“I didn’t say a word yet about the news that the white hats moved against over 700 C_A/cabal assets on two continents last week. That’s slowly coming out.”


Is that something heard through the grapevine?

[I love CCR’s version, but Marvin Gaye’s rendition is a classic too, so it’s a toss-up]

Or is it something which can actually be proven?

If it was REAL, it could be proven. Maybe not if 7 people were rounded up.

Maybe not even if 70 people were rounded up.

But if SEVEN HUNDRED PEOPLE were rounded up, each of those people have at least (on average) ten family members (including cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews, etc.) and at least that many friends.

So for SEVEN HUNDRED PEOPLE to vanish without any evidence would require a conspiracy of silence among at least FOURTEEN THOUSAND PEOPLE.

Along with everybody those 14,000 people know.

At some point, the absurdity of it all HAS to break through…


“And no one here is going to entertain the idea that there might be tribunals going on in Tierra del Fuego.”


I think it’s a very entertaining idea. Not as entertaining as Jaws confronting Mr. Bond in Moonraker, but it’s still pretty entertaining.

The problem isn’t so much one of entertainment, as it is of reality.

Is it real?

Is there evidence to support whether or not it is real, or is it just wishful thinking plugged into the hope narrative like an endless supply of human beings, in pods, connected to and powering the Matrix?

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The latter, methinks.

But one hopes people will wake up to how they’re being played.


The alternative is despair. So, speaking as a Christian, it is up to the LORD God Almighty.

I advocate unceasing prayer.

Sorry to interrupt.


“The alternative is despair.”


There are also other alternatives… might even be on the lookout for some ‘and’ logic here… 😁


“So, speaking as a Christian, it is up to the LORD God Almighty.”


Very much so… but what if He is counting on us to do our part?

I’m always reminded of the guy in the flood, waiting on his roof, to be rescued by God.

First a boat comes to save him, but he waves them off, saying he’s waiting for God.

Then a second boat comes to rescue him, but he insists on staying, waiting on God.

Finally the water is at the top of the roof, and a helicopter comes to save him. But he refuses, telling the rescuers that he is waiting on God.

Then he drowned.

Then he asks God “Why didn’t you rescue me?”

And God says “I sent you two boats and a helicopter, what were you expecting?”



“I advocate unceasing prayer.”




Yes, but what should we do, materially speaking?


“Yes, but what should we do, materially speaking?”


I posted a lengthy reply to your earlier question “Well, what SHOULD we do?” here a little while ago.

I’m not sure how to link directly to it, but if you use the webpage search function, and search “July 6, 2021 20:18” which is the time when it posted, it will take you right to it 👍


I got it. Good stuff.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Honestly, you’re knowingly clinging to dubious (at best) hopes because the only alternative is despair?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a complicated business. I’ll just say that. However, in my opinion, it’s IMPORTANT to criticize what the people are doing, and insults are just part of that game NO MATTER WHAT.

So let’s say that Chris Wray is really MAGA and helping to take down all the terrible crap in FIB. Thus he acts terrible as cover.

We could choose to NOT criticize him, because of a belief that “he’s a good guy” and therefore his bad actions are excused, or we can criticize him and help give him cover.

I choose to criticize him and be CORRECT either way. If he signed up to infiltrate FBI, then he expects to be criticized by people he agrees with. If he’s one of the bad guys, then he deserves the criticism for what he’s doing.

EASY choice. Both doors lead to the best outcome, when we speak the truth.


Well said. Not to speak for fear of criticizing a white hat would prevent us from criticizing everyone. Then we would be hamstringed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Don’t give the Devil any tools he doesn’t already have!



I read “tools” as “fools”.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. He already has plenty of cheap Chinese tools…


They have Harbor Freight in Hell????

Oh, wait, they probably do….

Cuppa Covfefe

According to Chiefio, that’s one of the punishments 🙂


Goes right along with:

“The billiard sharp who any one catches
His doom’s extremely hard —
He’s made to dwell —
In a dungeon cell
On a spot that’s always barred
And there he plays extravagant matches
In fitless finger-stalls
On a cloth untrue
With a twisted cue
And elliptical billiard balls!”

Cuppa Covfefe

I’ve got a great big list…..


*Pssst! Different singer, different song….*

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I know. I’ve done probably all of the G&S shows… for years… cello and piano both… life was the “pits”, way back when…..


(1) Which is your favorite? [My fave is Ruddigore.]

(2) Did you ever do Trial by Jury or The Sorcerer, or attempt Thespis?

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Have you ever performed Sullivan’s lesser known works, “Onward, Christian Soldiers” and “The Lost Chord”? Does the music have a familial resemblance?


As some day it may happen that a victim must be found

I’ve got a little list — I’ve got a little list

Of society’s offenders who might well be underground

And never would be missed — who never would be missed!

There’s the spooks who think they run things and the treasonous VP,

The cackler who is next in line and POTUS Wannabe,

“Wrap-up-smear” Pelosi and the Turtle’s sycophants,

The brainless braying donkey and the pencil-neck who rants,

The Davos crowd who aver our world must go globalist….

They never would be missed — I’m sure they’d not be missed.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



“hamstrung” 🤭

Deplorable Patriot

So, criticizing people without a full story and all information is on the table just ’cause we can do it?

I refuse.

I’ve been a victim of it. I’ve also seen people who have zero idea of who is standing in front of them say things that puts whole organizations in jeopardy. A mole from a rival organization came in for a tour, and the rival was abused verbally. I knew who the guy was, and my boss did not, and I couldn’t get her aside to tell her to watch what she said. I can see the same thing happening on both sides.

FG&C is right on one thing: the good guys playing bad guys should expect the criticism. Just be ready when the favorite punching bags are not the bad guys.

It’s not going to go down all that easily.

And, for the record, Liz Cheney is not one of the people playing at bad guy, IMO.

Last edited 2 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

“It’s not going to go down all that easily.”


Yeah that’s a safe bet, considering we were attacked at Pearl Harbor, entered WWII, defeated the Axis Powers in two different theaters of war, and came home in less time than it has taken to arrest a single traitor whose name anyone would recognize.

Not that anyone’s keeping track of the time… it’s not the time that’s important, it’s the quality of the show…

Unfortunately this one’s a real stinker, but it’s government work, so what are you gonna do? 😂 🤣 😂


“So, criticizing people without a full story and all information is on the table just ’cause we can do it?”


Don’t look at me…

In matters of war, I always vote for Marquess of Queensberry rules…


Last edited 2 years ago by scott467


I always vote for “win, then debate the rules later.”


Well, that would be the smarter play…

But ever since Our Gang’s He-Man Woman-Hater’s Club membership rules were broken, it’s not about winning.

Winning in war isn’t everything you know… feelings matter too… I’m a little verklempt, just thinking about it… talk amongst yourselves… 😂 🤣 😂


Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Just drop the nukes, then you can spend the next 80 years debating whether they were justified.


Preaching to the choir 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

I rather like this Point-Counterpoint 🙂


“Just drop the nukes, then you can spend the next 80 years debating whether they were justified.”


Although I have never understood why it was necessary with Japan.

Or the Battle of Iwo Jima, or the other island battles, for that matter.

Why send thousands of Americans onto these small islands, to root the enemy out of fortified caves, when you could just leave two small ships to continuously circle the island, and contain them, until they surrendered or starved to death?

Why attack Japan with nukes, when their navy was already defeated, and their air force was defeated?

A total surrounding and blockade of the Japanese mainland should have forced the same result, without resorting to nukes.

I realize that many Japanese soldiers were prepared to fight to the death, but their minds would change after supplies ran out, or the Japanese People would have changed the minds of the leaders FOR them.

It would have taken longer, as long as the Japanese People allowed their conditions to worsen, cut off from supplies and unable to leave, slowly getting weaker and weaker.

With total control of the air, we could strategically bomb any factories, and firebomb any attempts to grow crops.

If you are trapped on an island, surrounded by enemy ships, unable to grow food or build implements of war, surrender is only a matter of time.


The beauty of projecting Overwhelming Naval Sea Power, over many decades.

New and emerging military technology likely changing the war fighting dynamics significantly. Lasers, stand off, AI…


“The beauty of projecting Overwhelming Naval Sea Power, over many decades.”


Seems like it should have worked, sparing the needless loss of thousands of American lives.

To my knowledge, the Japanese didn’t even try to resupply Iwo Jima, or send reinforcements, because they couldn’t.

The troops on Iwo Jima were on their own.

Why didn’t we leave two small ships behind, and starve them out, preserving the lives of thousands of Americans?

Why go in and fight hand to hand combat with an enemy who is trapped, and can’t leave, and can’t resupply?

Why not just starve them out?

Even leaving one American ship to circle the island would probably be enough. The enemy can’t swim away, and they’re not going to get very far on a raft with a makeshift sail, against a U.S. Navy warship.


“New and emerging military technology likely changing the war fighting dynamics significantly. Lasers, stand off, AI…”


I’m sure that’s true.

And for citizens of nations who are subjects of monarchy, their leaders don’t have to be transparent about anything.

But our nation is not a monarchy, our nation is of, by and for the People.

Our government doesn’t exist, Constitutionally, without the consent of the governed.

So We the People have an absolute RIGHT to know whether we are in the middle of WWIII right now.

The government has NO RIGHT to keep that information from us, in any way, for any reason.

In fact, any reason they could plausibly offer would immediately prove WHY they cannot and should never keep such a thing a secret from the American People.

And beyond that, the utter arrogance that government hacks could win a world war without the American People is enough to make me want to vomit.

This is OUR country, NOT the government’s country.

The government works for US.

If they DON’T, then they are not OUR government, at all.

So IF there actually is a WWIII going on right now, We the People have an absolute RIGHT to know it, and to participate in defending our own lives, our own futures, and our own country.






I am beyond fed up with stonewalling Feds be it in hearings or simply answering questions in any setting. Them asshoes need to be fired en-mass, until attitudes change.

The standby BS “ongoing investigations”, classified and ways / methods needs to be rejected. Answer the questions fully, honestly OR be fired.


This is being done on the local level, too. Requests for public info are responded to by lawyers asking exorbitant amounts of money.

Public forums are put at the beginning of public meetings so no comments can be made of the items on the agenda.

This is par for the course, at least in my part of TEXASS.


“I refuse.
I’ve been a victim of it.”


What if the enemy doesn’t know your back-story?

Or even worse, what if they do… and remain unmoved by your noble principles?

Deplorable Patriot

They are unmoved that’s for sure.

I was one time told to my face that I didn’t know anything about sports by a boss who had known me about seven months. Two days earlier, I had been to a Cards game where the pitcher threw a one-hitter in ten innings.

It’s always what you DON’T know that kicks you in the backside.


“It’s always what you DON’T know that kicks you in the backside.”


But only if you care, or if it’s something worth caring about.

The enemy doesn’t care about our hopes and dreams, or slights or insults that happened to us or our families years ago.

The enemy only cares about winning.

The enemy is a genocidal mass murderer.

If we are constrained in what we are willing to do to win, because we don’t want to treat the enemy the way we have been slighted by some insensitive or unthinking person at some point in our life, then our cause is lost, because there is zero chance we can defeat the enemy via personal anecdotes and high scruples.

For example, suppose I was the music teacher who moved to the east coast because my wife wanted to be near her grandchildren, and everybody in town thought I left because they cut the budget for my position, and ten years had passed, and that perception still remained.

I wouldn’t care. It literally would never have crossed my mind, that a bunch of people back in St. Louis were obsessed about this and still going on about the reasons why I may have left, years, maybe decades, later.

It just doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter to the enemy, either. They don’t care about our personal hang-ups, except to the extent that they can magnify and exploit them.

They want to kill us all.

If the people fighting for our side don’t recognize that reality and act accordingly, then it’s already over.

If there actually are any people fighting for our side… you’d think we would at least know and be sure if there actually were any… and not have to guess based on cryptic tweets from hangers-on and others in DJT’s outer orbit…

Can you imagine trying to win WWII, without the world knowing there was a war going on, and without the American People participating?

It’s literally insane.

Which is one reason (of many) why it can’t be true.

But we need it to be true, so we filter everything through that lens, we fit every piece of data into our own vision that things are happening.

And the enemy would be perfectly content to allow us to do exactly that, to essentially self-medicate on false hope, while the curtain slowly descends on America.

I hope that’s not what is going on.

But the fact that a large percentage of patriots won’t even consider the possibility — which might prompt a level of concern high enough to actually DO something — is not very encouraging.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

The enemy doesn’t care about our hopes and dreams, or slights or insults that happened to us or our families years ago.

With all the technological spying that goes on, that’s what they use for leverage.


“With all the technological spying that goes on, that’s what they use for leverage.”


So the way to victory in this undeclared and secret war is by being scrupulous?

By making sure not to offend the enemy in any way that we ourselves might have been offended or had our feelings hurt at some point during our lives?

Is the CCP using leverage against you, personally, based on knowing about the time your mother was accused of being a parent who lodged a complaint against a faculty member of the middle school you and your sister attended at the time?

Or is this crazy?


“Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three, four, five years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.”

Deplorable Patriot

Just don’t store your passwords online.


Oh… well why didn’t you say so… that’s easy enough…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Glad we’re agreed on Liz!


So, criticizing people without a full story and all information is on the table just ’cause we can do it?

I don’t see that as the same as criticizing people who are obviously cooperating with the enemy. Holding off judgment when we don’t have all the facts is a virtue; we are not to judge. But we are to judge in other ways: Matthew 7:16 – “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

In the case of your mother, she was not being judged by her fruits, she was being judged through speculation and suspicion. In the case of a RINO politician who cooperates with the Dems, he is being judged by his fruits.


Additionally, NOT criticizing poor behavior enables future bad behavior by those who are empowered by silence in face of bad behavior.

The Insults MUST Be Hurled!

Deplorable Patriot

I can name 5-6 people off the top of the head who take it on the chin on a daily basis. Until President Trump gives each of them a Medal of Freedom, their loyalties will be doubted here and elsewhere.

I have more tweets like that from multiple sources. They are playing their roles well, which is why they are not considered “white hats.”

The part about cutting deals to get the job done doesn’t seem to be penetrating, either. [big sigh] I guess it’s a cultural difference to an extent. Not everything is black and white.


“The part about cutting deals to get the job done doesn’t seem to be penetrating, either.”


Was that before Q said “no deals” nine times, or after Q said “no deals” (nine times)?

Deplorable Patriot

Before. No deals had a specific audience, IMO.

I do know one of my senators is retiring as part of a plea deal. So, I’m not going to be rigid on that.


My only tidbit here is that I would, just once, love to be pointed toward one of the oft-mentioned sources.

Deplorable Patriot

Benjamin Fulford. Take him with plenty of salt.

One Twitter account got banned yesterday – again – for posting that 700 cabal assets were arrested in less than 48 hours last week.

John here to help

A few others.


TY 👍🏻


So, criticizing people without a full story and all information is on the table just ’cause we can do it?

I refuse.


How about you do you and stop worrying about (ie. judging) others. Meanwhile, Nice virtue signaling. This is the equivalent of praying in the town square so everyone can see you praying. You now have your reward.


I can name 5-6 people off the top of the head who take it on the chin on a daily basis.

Then do it. Name them.

If you refuse, then obviously the need to keep their identities a secret supersedes the need to refrain from criticizing them unfairly/unjustly.

It’s a tough world, and the people you would name are playing a grown up game.

This isn’t choir practice. This is war.

Look, everyone here knows you are extremely sensitive to criticism, and you have big challenges with it. Others, like me, don’t. Consider the very real possibility that you are projecting yourself upon those 5-6 people.

Moreover, if they are doing it right, then people like me SHOULD be 100% certain they are enemies….which means that WITHOUT KNOWING WHO THEY ARE you are asking people to hold their fire upon all of our enemies.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

Fratricide is a unpleasant and ugly part of war. And all participants know it’s possible….hence, one (of many) reason(s) for decorations for valor.

But until the war is won, you DON’T stop shooting just because we might hurt the feelings a few of our own.

Geez. 😏

Last edited 2 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

You know exactly who I am talking about. I have not been shy about disagreeing that some swampians are less swampy than assumed. Wray, Barr, Sessions, Durham, Kevin McCarthy. NONE have been named by the whistleblowers as being on any list of enemies of the state unlike Rosenstein, Paul Ryan and Mike Pence not to mention Susan Collins, Liz Cheney and Adam Kitzinger. In fact, one source was strenuous about Barr being a patriot over the weekend.

It won’t be believed any more than the reported death warrant issued for David Rockefeller, Jr., which is interesting, but not sure is really true. White hats pretending to be black hats or taking advantage of the cover is a puzzle to be solved.


My thinking on this is that we judge people by what they have done and not done. It is our duty to hold our leaders’ feet to the fire. Even if they are playing a role, we have to let them, and others, know that any actions that are questionable are not going to pass without being called out. If those actions were being done undercover, so be it. The undercover agents know full well that that is part of the job. And we would not be doing OUR jobs if we let things pass. We have to stand for what is right. IMO, we become just as milquetoast as some of the politicians if we constantly let things slide because we’re not sure of people’s roles or motives. (In fact, the more I think about this, the more it seems like an enemy ploy to get us to stop fighting.)



2021.07.05 Reply ISO in camera (stamped).pdf

316.4 KB

Attorney Ty Clevenger requested permission to review unredacted copies of all documents about Seth Rich, and the FBI forgot to respond, which means any objection has been waived.


“Attorney Ty Clevenger requested permission to review unredacted copies of all documents about Seth Rich, and the FBI forgot to respond, which means any objection has been waived.”


Probably a good idea for Ty to publish that information before he gets whacked.

Imagine if just ONE person published ANYTHING that would actually cause the lie to fall apart.

Then the whole show would be over, and we can never (ever) allow that to happen… 😂


The next step in the narrative is that he has a dead man’s switch. 😄
But yes, get it out to the public!


I had a line about the dead man’s switch in my post, and I deleted it… I shoulda kept it! 😂🤣😂


Fifteen men on a dead man’s switch —

Yo, ho, ho and encrypted thumbdrives!


Very exacting information about the who/what/how of Seth Rich has been out there since January. It was part of the 100+ pages of JHTH to Lin Wood.


“Very exacting information about the who/what/how of Seth Rich has been out there since January. It was part of the 100+ pages of JHTH to Lin Wood.”


Well let’s think about that for a second, and the implications of it.

If it is true that exacting information about who/what/how Seth Rich was murdered has been out since January, and it didn’t make any difference, no action was taken on it, then what conclusion can be reached, except that truth doesn’t matter?

And if truth doesn’t matter, then why are we pursuing all these countless threads of yarn, like cats unraveling a yarn factory, if in the end, the truth doesn’t matter anyway?

If our soldiers confronted the Vietcong with truth about Ho Chi Minh and about Communism, would it have mattered?

Or did we have to shoot them anyway?

To an increasing extent, ‘truth’ only matters to those who care about it.

To those who do not care about ‘truth’ — e.g., FibDoj and every other agency of government — does confronting them with more ‘truth’ make any difference, at all?

Does truth matter to those who are not held accountable to it?

If the answer is “no”, then why do we keep presenting the enemy with “truth”, over and over again, expecting a different result?

It’s as if we’re all trapped in a ‘logic loop’, except it’s not actually ‘logical’, it’s flawed, and the flaw is obvious and visible, we just don’t want to see it…

Because if we “see” it, then we would have to ACT on it, and nobody wants to do that…


I didn’t say that I see ANY way to enforce anything at the moment, without taking the only action that is left to do. I was merely citing JHTH’s whistleblower testimony. No more, no less.


Well, what SHOULD we do?


“Well, what SHOULD we do?”


That is exactly the right question.

It seems to me there are two answers, only one of which we have direct control over, the other requires cooperation.

So let’s start with that one first.

If truth doesn’t matter, if facts don’t matter, because the people in positions of power are no longer held accountable to truth, because the institutions of law enforcement are undeniably and wholly corrupt, then all the facts and evidence and truth in the world won’t make a lick of difference.

Which seems to be where we are now, and have been, for some time.

We keep getting (receiving, discovering, finding) more evidence, and absolutely nothing happens as a result of it, no matter how much there is.

It seems like we need to come to terms with that reality, before we can move on to plan ‘B’.

But we have to ‘break’ the cycle first.

Once a significant percentage realizes that facts and evidence aren’t going to change anything, then we can stop focusing (wasting) time and energy on the collection of ever more facts and evidence, and begin thinking about trying something different.

Something which:

1) is fairly simple and easy to understand

2) is easy to communicate

3) has some inherent appeal (so it’s not a tough sell)

4) something which everyone can do

5) something which requires as little effort as possible

6) something which does not require travel

7) something which is peaceful and avoids or minimizes confrontation

The only thing I have come up with, which meets all of those criteria, and which has a good (nearly certain) chance of working, is to unite the American People in a Great American Sit-Out.

Or a ‘sit-in’, or a ‘strike’, or a voluntary shut-down, or whatever we want to call it.

If even 10% of the population stopped playing along — stopped going to work, stopped going to school, stopped renewing licenses, stopped paying axes, stopped participating in the generation of money for the State, the whole system would grind to a halt.

If just 20% of the population stopped playing along, the lawless government would grind to a halt a lot sooner.

If just 30% of the population stopped playing along, the lawless government would break down quicker yet.

If FIFTY PERCENT of the population stopped playing along, the lawless government wouldn’t last a month.

The more people who participate, the better (and easier, and quicker) it works.

Because ultimately, the source of government power is always “fear”, i.e., what they can do to you as an individual.

But We the People obviously have power in NUMBERS. They can’t arrest everybody, they don’t have the manpower or the facilities.

And they can’t just kill people, because unlike most countries, We the People still have over half a billion firearms in the hands of private citizens.

What happens when all the workers at a big company go on strike?

As long as the workers remain united, the company has no choice but to shut down.

Whether the company then negotiates in good faith (or not) is another store, but production STOPS.

And when production stops, INCOME stops.

And it is the STOPPAGE of INCOME which causes PAIN.

Starving the government of income would cause SOME pain, but not enough, because the government will just print more money. Their willingness to print money to infinity has already exposed that the tax collection system is purely to keep the majority of the population in permanent economic distress, all the time. They don’t need to collect taxes, they can (and are now) just print money to oblivion.

Printing money to oblivion ultimately won’t work of course, but that’s not the point. The point is that they believe it will, so if they believe it will, then in order to remain logically and intellectually consistent, they don’t need to collect another single dime in taxes, ever again.

That’s not going to happen, thereby exposing the true purpose of taxes, which is theft and economic enslavement. They certainly don’t need taxes in order to fund the government, when the government can (and is) print money to infinity.

So it won’t be the stoppage of MONEY that makes a national ‘strike’ or ‘sit-in’ or ‘sit-out’ effective.

What will make it effective is the visible and undeniable WITHDRAWAL of the CONSENT of the GOVERNED.

The government and the MSM won’t be able to hide it, and they won’t be able to deny it, and without the consent of a significant percentage of the population, the government ceases to have any authority.

And such a plan meets ALL of the basic criteria enumerated above.

It’s easy to understand (everybody understands ‘going on strike’).

It’s easy to communicate and mobilize (cell phones, Internet, social media, etc.)

The inherent appeal is finally being able to DO SOMETHING which will unite us AND have an immediate impact. It will be exciting, and it would go viral, and everyone would begin to want to participate, because it would be “Us” against the “Legion of Doom”, and the Legion’s actions against such a strike would immediately reveal to everyone who they really are… or they would do nothing, allowing the movement to grow to critical mass.

Either way, we win.

It’s something everyone can do, it requires practically no effort and no travel, and involves little or no direct confrontation with anyone.

And it is unstoppable, once it begins. Trying to stop it would be a million times harder than herding cats.

Effectively, it would amount to everyone (everyone who chooses to participate) going on an extended vacation, without leaving home (unless you have the means and want to go on an actual vacation, of course).

Would it entail economic hardship for many?


For the short term. If people stop working and stop participating in the general ‘system’ to a significant degree, there will be economonic hardship for at least as long as the ‘strike’ continues.

“But if I don’t pay my rent, I’ll be evicted!”… “But if I don’t pay my mortgage, I’ll be foreclosed on!”… “But if I don’t pay my utilities, they’ll shut my utilities off!”… etc.


That’s how they control everything, and through everything, that’s how they control US.

But they can’t evict EVERYBODY. They can’t FORECLOSE on EVERYBODY. They can’t shut EVERYBODY’S utilities off.

If they tried to do it to even a fraction of the population, they would have a REAL revolt on their hands. Our power (and safety) is in NUMBERS.

So there will be some hardship, freedom isn’t actually free, but it won’t be nearly so difficult or dangerous as it was to cross the Delaware, in winter, in the dead of night, to fight the British (or their Hessian mercenaries).

It wouldn’t be anything like the sacrifices our Founding Fathers made.

And we can ease concerns of economic hardship by making sure everyone knows they will be made WHOLE (and then some) when the strike is over and we have won.

Ours is a fantastically rich country. The only reason there is any ‘want’ at all is because of the Vampire Class that lives off the American People like the parasites they really are.

Once the Parasite Class crumbles, once the Criminal (not federal) Reserve is GONE, once We the People take back control of our currency and turn the national debt over to those who created it (the Parasite Class), We the People will have PLENTY of everything to restore everyone whole a thousand times over.

It’s peaceful, non-violent, easy to understand, everyone can participate, it will be the most exciting thing going so everyone will want to join in, it will be empowering, and it will absolutely work.

All we have to do, is decide to DO it.

But that’s out of my personal control, and it won’t happen until enough people decide to make it happen.

In the meantime, it seems to me that we should stop waiting for a military who is never going to show up, and stop waiting on a corrupt political system to reform itself, and do whatever we can to prepare for the criminals running our country (and the rest of the world) to destroy everything. And that means the financial system, the markets, and the dollar.

Because that’s what they’re doing, obviously and purposely, supposedly in pursuit of some big ‘reset’.

The best we can do individually is prepare for that likelihood, financially, so that if it happens — if we don’t prevent it by going on a national ‘strike’ first — then at least some us will survive financially, and maybe even thrive in the economic destruction to come, so we can be in a position to help rebuild when the smoke clears.

If I had the means, I would be researching ways to preserve whatever wealth I had, and how to grow whatever wealth I had exponentially, in times when societies collapse.

Like the Weimar Republic, or Venezuela, or Zimbabwe.

Certain things happen when a currency and a financial system collapses, regardless of whether it is from hyper-inflation, loss of confidence in the currency, market crash, sovereign default, etc.

Everything crashes, but not all at the same time. Stocks and precious metals may drop at the same time, but the precious metals won’t stay down for long, they will rebound and go up soon after, while most other stocks will stay depressed for years, maybe decades.

Mining stocks (and physical precious metals) seem to drop at the first because as the markets crash, people who are leveraged get margin calls, and are forced to sell whatever they have, and that includes physical gold and silver, and mining company stocks.

So everything goes down.

But as soon as the initial sell off is complete, those precious metals and mining stocks go back up, because unlike anything else in such an environment, they represent real money.

Mining stocks may not be able to pay yield or dividends in dollars, if dollars have become worthless. But unlike every other type of company, mining companies can pay shareholders in physical metals, gold and silver, because their entire business is about digging real money out of the ground.

So that’s the kind of thing I might think about on a personal level, if I had any wealth, even a little, to protect. I would think about real money, and how valuable real money is, when the value of everything else denominated in fiat currency effectively goes to zero.

And there’s plenty of research in that area to keep one busy between now and whenever the Globalist Goon Squad pulls the plug on the global financial system.

It would be better though, to prevent such a global economic catastrophe, in the first place.

And a national strike would certainly be one way to do that.


“And there’s plenty of research in that area to keep one busy between now and whenever the Globalist Goon Squad pulls the plug on the global financial system.”


Imagine the amount of research we could crowd-source here at the Q-tree on this subject matter… to everyone’s benefit…


Love every word.


Thank you Grandma! 🙂


I want to clarify, based on my research, I am not certain there won’t be pullback in the precious metals sector before it goes the other direction.

Ultimately I think the precious metals sector is going higher, but short term I’m not sure.

Most of the analysts I track recommend a core ‘insurance’ holding of physical precious metals (gold and silver) in a secure place.

Most seem to recommend at least 10% of liquid assets to be held in physical precious metals. Some analysts, based on long term studies, recommend up to 25%, depending on how crazy the times are.

So that would be a core position, regardless of whether the markets (or spot prices of physical metal) go up or down. It’s intended to be like an insurance policy, the idea being that if everything else goes to zero, the value of the 10% (for example) in physical metals would rise to offset the losses in other assets.

But investing for capital appreciation and/or long term growth (in mining stocks, for example) has to do with timing to an extent, and I don’t know if right now is the right time, or not. So I didn’t want my earlier comments to suggest that NOW is the best time to invest in mining stocks. I don’t know… and I don’t want anyone to be mad at me! 😂

There are a lot of analysts who think now is the time, but there are a few who counsel caution. Being a contrarian type of thing, I’m paying attention to the contrarians, as well as the bulls. 👍

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467


Seth Keshel

I’m not at liberty *yet* to tell you *where*, but a Republican state with a lot of irregularities suggesting major fraud is getting ready to green light a forensic audit.

Keep fighting! This was pushed by the hard work of people I have met with to discuss the data.

(Edit: not one of the six contested states)

Seth Keshel

I am all for understanding and tactical patience, but it is worth putting it out there that the Lieutenant Governor of Texas has had my information on the state and the never before seen voting patterns since December. The same one with the million dollar reward for evidence of election fraud. 

But “we are never giving up Texas,” right, sir?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If it’s Georgia, beware the FAKE forensic audit.

Deplorable Patriot

I saw that yesterday, and a few other states came to mind including mine.

There are at least 20 considering forensic audits publicly. It could be any of them.


“I’m not at liberty *yet* to tell you *where*, but a Republican state with a lot of irregularities suggesting major fraud is getting ready to green light a forensic audit.”


So if the audit in Arizona was started sometime in late April, and finally finished sometime in June, and the results won’t be announced until sometime in August…

Clearly this whole thing is being snail-walked on purpose, with an end-date determined before the audits began, and everything works backwards to get to that predetermined date.

With an audit taking roughly 105 days from beginning to announcing results, and at least 7 states to do audits, if they are done consecutively, they can draw this out roughly 735 days, which is just a little over two years from April 2021, so around April of 2023 all of the audit results might be known.

That’s helpful… when someone steals an election, it’s always best to wait until the thief’s term is at least half over before you reveal any evidence that the election was stolen 👍😂


Well, actually there is a reason w/r/t POTUS. If VSGPOTUSDJT is rightfully inaugurated after 1/21/23, he won’t be term-limited for the ’24 election.


Can we survive another year and a half of the cabal in the WH? We might have to. At least more people are waking up.


Yes, I’m not happy about the slow pace. I’ve seen reports that in AZ it’s because the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has been withholding needed information. It’s maddening that people have that kind of power. There should be a way to force them to cooperate in a timely fashion.

There is some good news, that laws to secure elections are being passed in some states, but 2020 has to be corrected, and the sooner the better.

Cuppa Covfefe

Aren’t there such things as Sheriffs and Seargeants-at-Arms???

Hmmm. Sheriffs, Maricopa County. They need someone like Joe Arpaio…..

Hope and pray the current one either isn’t a Sauros plant, or that GOD stifles any evil or dishonesty or inaction on the part of whoever the sheriff is…..


He was cheated as well.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That why I hope and pray that GOD steps in. Sauros has been poisoning the lower levels of politics (and by his power/money amplification, probably clear down to school board level) for decades, pretty much under the radar.

Undoing this mess will take time, and it seems no one is willing to wait. I guess a weak metaphor would be risotto or a souffle: take of the lid too soon, and the dish is ruined.

(And yep, I’ve had very few souffles that didn’t suffer that fate – curiosity killed the dish) (you’d think I’d learn….)….

Deplorable Patriot

Uh…I cook risotto in an open pan stirring constantly.

Cuppa Covfefe

A number of chefs cook at lower heat until the water is gone, without stirring, letting the water reduce, e.g.

Ironically I’ve seen “Risotto Rice” for sale… sort of the same (ok inverted) thing as Jumbo Shrimp…

Funny thing about the (2**n-1) kinds of rice and how to prepare it: in Uni I shared an apartment with (among others) a fellow from Hong Kong and another from Iran (before the Shah was deposed and the nuts took over). They would argue incessantly about how to make the best rice, but the only thing they did agree on was what kind of rice to get, which they did at Fedco, in 50-pound (or it seemed like 100-pound 🙂 ) bags. And they went through those rather quickly… The rest of us were more partial to (real) Mexican food, Pizza, and TommyBurgers (OK, not the most healthy perhaps, but fiery hot and great with a chocolate, grapefruit, pineapple, or strawberry soda – Hires, I think)…..

Deplorable Patriot

Arborio rice. Yes. That’s what I use for it.

For risotto I use broth. I was in Venice having dinner with a group…long story. And I asked the woman serving the risotto out of a big bowl how it’s made. She stopped dead in her tracks, and put the fingers of her right hand together, and started to talk complete with the hand gestures. “First, you taka the onions anda the olive oil. Then, you adda the rice. Then, you adda the broth.”

One of my favorite European memories.

Cuppa Covfefe

Someone once said the way to get an Italian to quiet down is to keep them from moving their arms… having said that, John Madden gestures a lot, and he’s of Irish descent…

There’s a YouTube series over here with an older Italian woman showing how to cook “like-a Mamma usedta”, complete with subtitles in German. Fascinating to watch, and sometimes hilarious as well.


Heh. When we went to Fedco, we traditionally ended the shopping part by having what we called “cardboard pizza”. It was unlike any other pizza out there.

Cuppa Covfefe

Costco does it better with their “dogs”… Then again, they’re just about all that’s left of the gigantic-package stores, outside of Wally World (erm, Sams)…

There’s a place over here called Metro that is similar, but you have to own a business or be sole-proprietor in order to get a membership. I’ve pondered that, simply because the MwSt (VAT) goes away. Automatic 7% (food) or 19% (everything else) discount… but then the Finanzamt (our revenooers) will come sniffing around for improprieties…

Side note, one of the most popular models for adding to a model railroad here is the “Brennende Finanzamt” (burning IRS branch, so to speak). It even comes with a smoke and flames (LED) module 🙂


“There should be a way to force them to cooperate in a timely fashion.”


There is.

But only Myanmar knows the answer to the riddle of that particular sphinx 😁

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

There’s a reason, don’t you think, that the aerobics girl appears frequently?

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009

“There’s a reason, don’t you think, that the aerobics girl appears frequently?”


I have no idea… this is the first time I have ever seen her.

If she is appearing in lots of videos, then for what reason do you think she is appearing in them?


So you’re saying that you don’t know that’s the Myanmar aerobics girl?


First time slow guy here saw Myanmar aerobics girl.

She needs to loose that stoopid mask.


I thought everyone had seen that back in Jan/Feb – whenever the coup happened in the background. 🤔


“So you’re saying that you don’t know that’s the Myanmar aerobics girl?”


Yes, that is the first time I have seen what is apparently widely known as the Myanmar aerobics girl.

I have never heard of her before, and never seen her before, until I saw the video clip you posted above.

If it’s making the rounds on social media, I wouldn’t have seen it. I rarely check Twitter, FB, etc., and since NeonRevolt did something to his account and I can’t view his page, I don’t see Gab either.

If she is in videos that are posted here regularly, then I just missed them.


I don’t know what it means, or what it is supposed to represent.

And regardless of what it is supposed to mean or represent, it is inadequate.

When the Blitzkrieg happened, did people look for Kabuki theater shows to tell them someone in the background was working to somehow save them?

I truly don’t understand how looking for hidden meanings in all sorts of videos and anonymous posts across the Internet signifies anything at all, over and above what we WANT it to signify.

If I want it to signify that this bouncing girl means there is a countercoup taking place in the U.S. and I should just sit tight and wait for the white hats to take care of business, or something, I guess that’s nice, for as long as I want to keep eating the Lotus flowers.

I just don’t know what the point is.

A bouncing girl in a video doesn’t mean anything, until or unless we attribute (project) our own meaning onto it.

Unless I’ve missed something significant about the bouncing girl?


“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”
— Sigmund Freud

“….and sometimes a bouncing girl is just a bouncing girl.”
— cthulhu


I didn’t attach any meaning to it at all. I just thought it curious, given that there certainly is no shortage of material available for humorous videos.

It’s troubling that overkill seems to be your sole option.


“It’s troubling that overkill seems to be your sole option.”


Well, try not to let it trouble you too much.

You replied to one of my comments with a video, asking:

GM: “There’s a reason, don’t you think, that the aerobics girl appears frequently?”

I have no idea how to answer that question, I had never seen her before.

Since you are certainly more knowledgeable about it than I am, I asked you a simple direct question:

“If she is appearing in lots of videos, then for what reason do you think she is appearing in them?”

But you wouldn’t answer the question, instead you replied with another question, accusatory in nature:

GM: “So you’re saying that you don’t know that’s the Myanmar aerobics girl?”

Yes, that’s what I said, I don’t know how I could be more direct and straight-forward about it than I already was.

So at this point you have asked a question I don’t know the answer to, I have indicated I don’t know the answer and asked you for more information, and you respond in disbelief, answering a question with a question.

I have no idea where you’re going with this, so I anticipate and try to get you to contribute something, ANYTHING to the conversation, to then be accused of ‘overkill’… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

I answered you simply that I thought it was curious. That’s the sum total of it, and I’m not going to be browbeaten into giving any further explanation. I don’t have pre-packaged essays ready to roll to pummel people. It would never occur to me to behave that way, it isn’t my style.

Enough with the harangue already.


“There is some good news, that laws to secure elections are being passed in some states,”


I don’t mean to pop your balloon, or be a Debbie Downer, but if they’re not enforcing the current laws… if no one is even being inconvenienced for blatantly stuffing ballot boxes on videotape even…

Then what good is passing more laws going to do?

I mean, besides mollify and pacify people into thinking that action is being taken?

It’s just the same old 3-card Monte by a different name, every day of the week.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

I think the Repubs in charge in some of those states will enforce the laws now (things like voter ID, no ballot harvesting, etc.). I’m not saying it’s enough, and we have to correct 2020. My only point is that now election fraud is on the front burner, not the back burner. Again, it’s not enough, but it’s much different than before 11/3/20 when Dems seemingly controlled the narrative.


“I think the Repubs in charge in some of those states will enforce the laws now (things like voter ID, no ballot harvesting, etc.).”


But I don’t know why.

What has changed, fundamentally, that would make any Repubs enforce anything, when those same Repubs didn’t enforce the law before?

It’s easy to pass laws, to kick up dust and make it appear that something is happening, to appease the masses.

It’s a whole different thing to actually enforce laws.

Especially if, as we’re constantly led to believe, we’re in the middle of an invisible and undeclared WWIII which nobody can know about, and which can only be fought (and won or lost) in secret.

So nobody can ever know if we’re winning, or losing, or even whether it’s ever over — or who won, or who lost.

If there is a solid rock upon which to attach ourselves back to reality, where is it?

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen reports that in AZ it’s because the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has been withholding needed information.

I doubt that is the REAL reason given the military has had it all for months. I’ve seen reports that a whole lot of stuff we’ve been waiting to come out is ready to roll as soon as certain actors are rounded up which is going on now.


Even if white hats “have it all,” I doubt they can divulge it unless other things happen first — people being rounded up, as you say, for example.

What actors are being rounded up now?

Deplorable Patriot

Good question. Those details never seem to leak.


“Good question. Those details never seem to leak.”


There is a clue in that observation.

Human beings are not perfect.

In all the wars that have ever taken place, in the history of the world, no side, in any war, has ever kept complete, total and perfect secrecy.

Until now.

Is there some new thing under the sun?

Or is it more likely that some of our assumptions are incorrect?


Being rounded up now? Yep. Ongoing operations. Which we’ll never hear any details. “It’s classified”.

Can’t reveal names, “it’s classified”.

Standing by for some tangible evidence.


“Standing by for some tangible evidence.”


Prepare to stand by for a long, long time…

Sylvia Avery

So it’s Texas, then? Something is really wrong in Texas, I think.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Texas or North Carolina, I’ll bet.

Deplorable Patriot


Like I said, there are at least 20 possibilities. I’m not speculating because there is no indication of which state it is other than they’d never seen the patterns before.

The way that came out leads me to believe it’s a state that would not normally be suspected.


Those two Telegram posts of Seth Keshel’s were not together, as I posted them. He wasn’t indicating that it is Texas, and it looks as if it is not, if the lieutenant governor is dragging his feet. But I don’t know. I’ve been wanting a red state that PDJT was “allowed” to win in 2020 to do an audit so we can see just how far off things were.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

His recent videos were about NC and Texas – my money says NC is almost going to do it, and Texas is foot-dragging.


Abbott does almost nothing right, as in conservative, unless he is forced to it by the constituency.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, thanks TT! Appreciate the clarification. I hope it pans out and we get a red state audit. It will be a most interesting finding, perhaps a base line of sorts.


The RINOs have a stranglehold. I should say the Bush Republicans do.

Sylvia Avery

That figures.


I follow this guy as well. 👍🏻

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Cuppa Covfefe

What keeps coming back to me when I see these Red-diaper, silver-spoon-in-the-mouth snowflakes is what my Cello Professor said, who survived WWII with her sister via the Dutch Underground:

“The trouble with your generation is, you haven’t suffered enough.”

And the little snowflake current generation have NEVER suffered. As Chesty Puller said,

“Our Country won’t go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won’t be any AMERICA because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race!”

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Sylvia Avery

Jeepers, Cuppa, my mom used to say that, too. She was a young kid during the Depression and her parents were super poor. It marked her for life.


And it eventually gave us Sylvia & the Shovel. So it did a lot of good.

Sylvia Avery


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What these socialist “youts” are not exposed to is a horrible reality. THEY will not own any of these things – a computer, nice clothes, fancy new boots, expensive food and drink – none of that – under socialism. They will not fly on planes, go on vacations, or even work at jobs they don’t despise.

Socialism is inherently inefficient, because the non-producing elite who run it demand more than society can give them without pain. So there will be pain.

Instead, they will see people who border on being criminals, getting ahead. Dishonest people, and those who can lie better than others, or who are willing to denounce competitors – THEY will get the fancy computer, the sunglasses, the jobs, and the opportunities. People who can convince others that THEY are the party, and who will change their viewpoints ON A DIME – they will be the winners. People who continue to believe all the progressive stuff, when it falls out of favor, will lose everything.

All of this was known, but we stopped teaching the truth to kids.

Cuppa Covfefe

In the (sad) end, they will learn the truth.

As Benjamin Franklin said, “Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other”….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! OMG, so well-said!!!

Sylvia Avery

This is so true.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Concerned Virginian

But, but, but the CDC says the “vaccines” are safe and effective. Also, this:
FoxNews report, June 22, 2021, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the CDC stated:
“…the benefits from vaccination far outweigh the risks.”
Extended headline of the above link: “Walensky advises those eligible for vaccination continue to receive both doses, particularly amid concerning viral variants”

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Rep. Dr. Brad Weinstrab-R was on TV this morning pushing the vaccine too. GRR!! 🤢

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This led me to more amazing stuff.

Group in Armed Standoff with Police in Massachusetts Claims to Be Moroccan and Muslim; They’re Neither


Just….. WTF!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

“Rise of the Moors”…

More like “The Hound Of The Baskervilles” meets “The Swamp Thing”…..


It’s an easy mistake to make, it could happen to anyone.

I was Moroccan once… no wait… that wasn’t me…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I misspelled MOAR once!

Cuppa Covfefe

Halloween? History dress-up day? 🙂

How’d you manage to get the Scimitar into class 😀

We’re forced to buy produce and other goods from Morocco, despite the fact that they’re a “dangerous land” from which we must accept refauxgees.

Hmmm. Too dangerous for the refauxgees, but they’re able to grow fruits and vegetables, as well as make crap that the EU forces us to buy…

Hmmm. Cognitive dissonace being distributed by Merde-Kuh and her ilk…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

edit: removed, it detracted from my previous comment 😁

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Concerned Virginian

While I usually agree with Mr. Spencer and JihadWatch, in this case there are couple of areas in which I will respectfully disagree with him.
First, the “Rise of the Moors”, on their own website, declare themselves to be connected to the Moorish Science Temple in Chicago. The founder of this organization, Drew Ali, himself was allied to Islam and believed himself to be a modern-day “prophet of Allah.” The current “Nation of Islam” is another offshoot of this temple.
Second, the “Rise of the Moors” group that was arrested in Massachusetts consider themselves to be Muslims. According to the Islamic hadiths, one does not, in actuality, have to initially believe in, and declare, the Five Pillars of Islam in order to be a Muslim. If one initially recites the Shahadah, the first of the Five Pillars, Allah will accept one as a Muslim. From there, it is the new convert’s duty to fulfill the commands of the other four pillars. One may assume that the members of this Massachusetts group had performed the Shahadah.

Where I agree with Mr. Spencer is the bogus claim of the Massachusetts group that they are Moroccan. While there may be persons in the group with family ties to Northern Africa, I can find no information that the group emigrated from Morocco.

In any case, the “Rise of the Moors” in general, and the Massachusetts group in particular, are nasty pockets of “hate America” types.


Rock musician, 48, died of a brain haemorrhage two weeks after he had AstraZeneca vaccine as doctors link rare complications caused by jab

Singer, known only as Zion, was vaccinated at Penrith Auction Mart in Cumbria

On May 13, eight days later, he suffered agonising headache; he died at Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle, on May 19

He and fiancée, Vikki Spit, 38, toured for years as glam punk band Spit Like This

Inquest to be held; preliminary death certificate cites irreversible brain injury caused by haemorrhage caused by ‘complications of a Covid-19 virus vaccine’

I’m still waiting for someone who lost a loved one to a vaxx to speak out against getting it. This guy’s fiancee is crushed but is still recommending it.

Ms Spit has been left ‘completely crushed’ by the loss, and although she says she is still ‘pro-vaccine,’ she is calling on the Government to better educate medical staff on the side effects.

And I bet that, if they had been apprised of the side effects, he would have still gotten it because people tend to think it won’t happen to them.


Better educated but still taking the jab? So he would have known the jab was a death sentence while it happened and until it killed him?


You may be reading too much into it. She just said she wants the government to better educate medical staff on the side effects (including death).

She didn’t call for any action to be taken as a result of that knowledge…


It is truly amazing how powerful psychological denial is.

1) you know he died from the jab

2) you know there are numerous reports of people dying from the jab

3) you know the media and governments are covering up the adverse effects and death

4) you know there are alternative treatments that are safe, cheap and effective

5) you know the sheep have virtue-signal on the brain, so you ignore 1-4 and baaa-aaaa

It must be hard to be a rebel when conformity is your highest value…

When the cost of conformity is outpacing inflation… until death do us part… you might want to reevaluate just how much you really care about what other people think… 😂

Barb Meier

I could not find where I saw this yesterday, but was able to search and find it again. It is apparently part of a poem and I found it here:

Hard times create strong men,
Strong men create good times,
Good times create weak men,
Weak men create hard times.


Seems like it’s an attack on the rise of Buddhism in ancient India. At one point Buddhist’s numbered close to 50% before the start of the Islamic invasions. Although the Hindu’s had similar views on on being passive, even allowing Buddhism to flourish, they still knew and reacted to evil when it presented itself and were thus able to turn back much of the Islamic invasion. Today Buddhism in India, it’s birth place, runs less than 1%. A very clear rebuke IMO.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

“Weak men create hard times.”


Have we not been creating weak men, by definition and by purposeful intent, beginning in Kindergarten through college, and now in corporate America, ever since the so-called ‘feminist revolution’ began?

Isn’t that the whole point and purpose of feminism, to create weak men?

How could it be otherwise?

Women cannot become stronger than men.

But men can become weaker.

Isn’t that exactly what has happened?

Wasn’t it 100% predictable?

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Have a look at Europe, and see it in full (fool) bloom….

The emasculated men, with their dorknots and man-purses simpering away at the side of their dykish feminazi maters (as Mistress would be a misnomer in this case)…..

Chiefio had an article some years back about the rise and fall of societies, the factors that led to that, and similarities/differences between them.

Seems that all civilizations that “went Amazon” disappeared or were conquered/vanquished within 100 years, if not sooner.

Snowflakes always get melted in the end…..


Virtue-sigalling…a component of almost all of these stories is how they were getting the vax for society, to eradicate the virus, and to protect others. So the thinking is that they must take the risks for the greater good.

Deplorable Patriot

A lot of them don’t know there are risks and won’t stop to consider that there may be. They’re terrified, and that’s blinding.


“They’re terrified, and that’s blinding.”


The answer to fear is knowledge.

If the source of fear is an enemy, then knowledge to defend oneself will mitigate or eliminate that fear.

If the fear is a virus, then knowledge how to treat it will eliminate that fear.

I had a natural ‘fear’ reaction to the idea of a worldwide deadly virus, for about the first couple weeks. I washed my hands twice as much for twice as long.

I still didn’t wear the mask though. I sensed the BS about the mask from a thousand miles away.

I did start spraying the mail and the outside of my shoes (when I walked into the house) with a disinfectant spray.

That lasted for a couple weeks.

Apparently that’s about how long it took for the inconvenience to outweigh the fear.

That and the fact that everyone here (and all over the web) was figuring out this was all a propaganda operation, a Potemkin Village construct, and that even if we did get sick, there were cheap and effective treatments available.

Then the fear was completely gone.

That was about a year and half ago…

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And thus a virtuous but pride-seeking society can be destroyed by false virtues, small and harmless at first, but growing larger and more critical. Media can accomplish this with false and misleading entertainment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG. This is why the CIA studied Jonestown.

Sadie Slays

CIA probably designed and perpetrated the whole thing as one of their sick psychological experiments.


This Dr. has a theory that the jab may not be given correctly. He reckons that the plunger should first be withdrawn to check there are no traces of blood.
One of his videos in early March 2020 put me onto vit D, but he’s gone down in my estimation now as he’s on the jabbers side.



Just based on the description (and possibly erroneous being second-hand)….syringes are filled, then air is purged, then injections are made, then the plunger should be drawn back to ensure that the injection did not hit a blood vessel, then the payload should be delivered subcutaneously (but not intravenously). This is trained roughly eight billion times.

Trying to cover snake poison with mechanical error is just not realistic.


In Clarke’s Childhood’s End, it is revealed that images of demons are echoes from species memory of the midwives of the end of physical mankind.

I’ve long had a phobia about injections….and I long wondered whether this was an echo of a species memory of the extermination jab — from long before COVID was a thing.


The second video just showed that even the Great Pretender didn’t get one of the “trained roughly eight billion times” health workers.
I do not see the relevance of your reply.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

misspelled email address – just FYI – approved from bin


One of the details of Childhood’s End is that the space aliens that help mankind become superior beings….look like demons. They’re nice enough, and helpful, and well-meaning….but their looks are against them.

The “explanation” is that a species can have memories that go backwards as well as forwards, provided the events are sufficiently traumatic. In the novel, the trauma is that half of the world metamorphoses into free-ranging space-traveling intelligences, leaving those who cannot adapt on an earth doomed to irrelevance and decay.

I was positing that perhaps my reluctance to get jabbed for anything might be a backwards memory of that time a bunch of population-limiting fiends exterminated the majority of mankind through “vaccination programs”.

Since such “backwards species memories” are not known to exist, it was just a semi-humorous surmise.

Their damnation is that they’ve helped many species through the transformation as best they could….but (for reasons unknown) are unable to make the transformation themselves. Being helpful gives their existence purpose, and they study the heck out of every transformation they witness in hopes of finding the missing spark that can initiate their own change.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I used to give myself allergy shots many, many moons ago, and my doctor (allergist and internist) went over, and over, and over the procedure to extract the allergen from the vial, do the airpurge, insert the needle, draw back, and if there was blood, retract and try a different site.

As I was poking my thigh (not quite like in Young Frankenstein), the odds of hitting a blood vessel were relatively low, but still there.

I’ll never look at punching the inflating needle into a football, basketball, or soccer ball the same, ever again 🙂


Wolf’s got a new post up.



satellite Loop (Live)…ELSA…

click on the link..

a slight nudge east since yesterday…

thing’s been churning over Cuba seems like forever…

starting to creep into swfl right now…rain, no wind here…yet…

winds at about 60 mph/50 kt, moving NNW


Could be worse — the way that Dorian churned its way (longways) along Grand Bahama at a walking pace was just cruel.


if it’s going to take the tracking model route into GOM, it better start to veer NW pretty soon…

otherwise, it looks to me like it might hug the west florida coastline as it moves north.

we shall soon see.

rain coming in steady now, coastal Collier…gonna be a soaker.


Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe it’ll go north and settle over D.C:, and plunge to 800mb to clear the scourge…



Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

5 am Advisory…ELSA…
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tracking models haven’t change much…
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still watching this for any hurricane development as it heads into GOM waters.


Hurricane WATCH…Tampa Bay + Big Bend…
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ELSA is shifting a little more east…closer to the florida west coast now.

Collier County getting soaked .

Florida Keys getting it hard now (8:30 am)

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2


made in China ?


The FDA is “working on it.”

I bet they are.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That’s probably from where the “formula” came…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Time to puree your own.


My grandkids all get homemade baby food. 😄


My daughter made her own food for her kid.

Deplorable Patriot

Sundance writes that this was published in Forbes in December already.
As usual this was buried by the Lying Stream media.
Very few actually saw the original report.


More people will be aware of it now. The more awake, the better.


Havana, Cuba

yesterday…just as ELSA began its approach there…

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Florida Gov Ron DeSantis…Live Update…ELSA…

watch + listen, here…

click on that link, Live coverage

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

On deck is the Lambda!!

‘World’s MOST transmissible Covid variant’  🙀  😱  😵

Deplorable Patriot

I’m still wondering where Beta and Gamma went, and now they’ve skipped all the way to Lamda?

Do these people NOT know the Greek alphabet?

Sadie Slays

I strongly suspect it’s for symbolic purposes. They’ve been replacing the letter A with lambdas in corporate and cabal-related logos for years. I did a deep dig into lambda symbolism years ago, but don’t have access to my notes right now. Maybe I’ll go look for it and post more later. Anyways, both Delta and Lambda have a pyramid shape to them, which is one reason I think the narrative has been using them.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays

I China releasing viruses? Would not surprise me since we did nothing to hold Fauci and all the other bad actors including china responsible. We let them skate and now China has a way to take over the world without ever going to war. They are in business of virus war. How I dislike the CCP.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

“‘World’s MOST transmissible Covid variant’”


Thank goodness!

Let’s get this one behind us, so we only have smooth sailing (and by definition, less transmissible variants) ahead 👍 😁


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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San Francisco, yikes. Read the entire thread above the comments, scary

SF: People Deserve What They Vote For … Good and Hard! – Small Dead Animals


We’re The Majority And Must Start Acting Like ItBannons War Room  Published July 5, 2021 3:
We’re The Majority And Must Start Acting Like It (


the big black blob at the top of the mess is ELSA right now (9:55 am)…
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just to southwest of Naples coast + Marco Island

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Stay safe!


thanks, girlfriend


De Pat,

Great Opening… sometimes the troops need firing up!!!



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But you can smoke marijuana in women’s sports if you have a penis.

Because what official in women’s sports has the cajones to fine or sanction or even mildly rebuke a tranny?

Penis for the win — again! 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

That sheldon meme. Lol.

Deplorable Patriot


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The T is nowhere close to the N.


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Warroom – So there’s supposedly a good guy reporter, 🙄 Alan Dukes w/Lead Stories (have not checked him out) who’s hassling Mike Lindell and calling his data fake, but won’t sit down directly with him to discuss/debate. He’s just calling Mike a fraud from afar. Well, Bannon(good cop) has him on this morning, and Raheem, Natalie, and Posobiec (bad cops) are tearing him apart. It’s fabulous. So far they’ve nailed him on censorship, doing business w/CCP, and calling Poso a liar for quoting a video where Creepy says his son has made no money from China. Poso has played the video 2X, and the guy is hemming and hawwing and won’t fess up. And he won’t commit to stop doing biz w/CCP. He asks Bannon if he would commit to not doing biz with them, Bannon replies laughingly, I’m sanctioned since way back by them, ha ha, so NO, I won’t be doing business with the CCP!
Alan also let slip that Dennis Montgomery is the one supplying Lindell with packet data, which Lindell will not admit to. He is calling Dennis a fraud, who is taking advantage of Lindell.


That was fun. 😂😂


That was a satisfying interview with the “fact checker” being outed by the true fact checkers. The Warroom team questions worked Duke into a corner and exposed him for the RINO rat that he is. All he could do was deny, deny, deny and claim himself as a Republican from Georgia (as though that absolves and qualifies him). Afterward Bannon, Raheem and Natalie, saving the best closing question for last, each asked multiple times what made Lead Stories qualified to be a fact checker when the facts being used were refutable lies. Posobiec sealed the interview when he proved the Biden quote he used that got fact checked by Lead Stories was verbatim truthful and accurate, not once but twice, and the scumbag could only stutter about submitting an email for them to consider retraction. He’s truly a POS. I missed some of the interview so I need to go back and watch the part about Mike Lindell.

Concerned Virginian

Down and Dirty Summary: “President” Biden will outline his “new goals” to get at least 70% of all Americans “vaccinated” against the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus. The administration is apparently upset that the previous goal of 70% nationwide compliance was not met by July 4th.
The Hill article doesn’t have the details on the ** 5 ** new strategies, but they do mention that the following are part of them:
The government will get the “vaccines” to all primary care MD’s and also to all pediatricians in the country.
The government will increase efforts to “educate” the “vaccine hesitant” and “underserved populations” about the “benefits” of taking the experimental gene-altering therapy shots.
The government will increase “outreach” programs of “mobile vaccination clinics” and “door to door canvassing”.
(Me: This translates to putting pressure on doctors who aren’t convinced of the “efficacy” of the “vaccines”, and/or are open to other therapeutic approaches, like using HCQ / Ivermectin. It also translates into “door to door canvassing” coming “to a street near you, and perhaps to your own door.”)

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Doctors are under pressure. My daughter’s employer is requiring the vaccine. She has been having some health issues, is undergoing testing, and asked her dr. for a medical exemption.

Her doctor agreed to give her one for 2 weeks when all the tests would be in.

The interesting part is in her chart the dr. added, “I would never counsel a patient to not get the vaccine”.


“I would never counsel a patient to not get the vaccine”

^^^ Almost as if scripted by health care insurers AND required entries.

Wonder if medical exemptions may be available via telemed with Front Line Doctors.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Cuppa Covfefe

An electrophysiological exam or a stress test and echocardiogram would be helpful, as both of the mRNA vaccines have been shown to cause pulmonary issues, along with conduction issues. Not a risk worth taking, although the alternatives might appear worse.

The most maddening thing is that the groups least likely to have any issue with COVID are the ones being aimed at by the jab jihadis…

Interesting that the doctor wrote that. Especially because it’s an experimental “vaccine”, and, in the case of mRNA, not a vaccine at all, but gene therapy. Odd that many folks who hate GMO are pushing mRNA jabs… The Hippocratic Oath has become the Hypocrytic Oath…
An electrophysiological exam or a stress test and echocardiogram would be helpful, as both of the mRNA vaccines have been shown to cause pulmonary issues, along with conduction issues. Not a risk worth taking, although the alternatives might appear worse.

The most maddening thing is that the groups least likely to have any issue with COVID are the ones being aimed at by the jab jihadis…

Interesting that the doctor wrote that. Especially because it’s an experimental “vaccine”, and, in the case of mRNA, not a vaccine at all, but gene therapy. Odd that many folks who hate GMO are pushing mRNA jabs… The Hippocratic Oath has become the Hypocritic Oath…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

It seems doctors ARE already corrupted to push vaccines.

AND, their corruption IS further validated by NOT pushing PREVENTION – HCQ, Ivermectin, vitamins, minerals…

100% in the bag for big pharma and health care companies.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Cuppa Covfefe

I have to wonder how many primary-care physicians, in particular in rural areas, are set up to store vaccines at -80°C ? Not many meds need to be that cold; and the storage/administration protocol on the fact sheet pretty much said if the cold chain is broken, the vax must be used immediately, or discarded.

More easy money for big pharma…

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve been seeing information on that and the reason has to do with what apparently becomes magnetic (now that that has been debunked here). It has to be kept that cold and goes magnetic once it hits human body temperature.

Of course, given the way the whole COVID narrative has gone, not to mention everything else in the last year and a half, who knows what is true and what is information put out to make us all batty and get us to argue with one another.

Cuppa Covfefe

There are some gene tests, tissue samples, that must be stored that cold, again with an unbroken “kuhlkette” from the excision of tissue to the analysis equipment in the lab, but it’s a great deal of work and expense.

Mafiosi Piglosi might have a “sub-zero” freezer (indeed, ours goes to -30°C), but getting down to -80 C is a great deal more difficult, and maintaining that temperature is no easy task.

The cold temp for the magnetism reminds me of the early days of research into superconductors and superconductivity, where material needed to be cooled down to almost absolute zero. A few years later, the cooling was only needed down to the -100°C range, and I believe that room-temperature superconductivity is not too far off. As if we could use it (easily, at least).

Normally heat removes magnetism, i.e. disturbs the N-S alignment of molecules within magnetic material. Physical disturbance, e.g. hammering, will also demagnetize material. So it seems odd that adding heat would promote magnetic alignment/properties as opposed to disturbing them.

Maybe if we buy enough carbon credits, the requirement will go away.

Meanwhile, so does a disconcertingly large proportion of the “vaxxed”…

Deplorable Patriot

Like I said, this information might well be a way to get us all to argue among ourselves.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The desperation to silence dissident scientists and physicians is strong! Discred is the fastest way. Induced self-discred is the most effective.

Concerned Virginian

Aaaannnnd there’s an update on the above story:
13 minutes ago
“Biden doubles down on vaccine efforts after missing July 4 goal”

Down and Dirty Summary: Apparently “President” Biden is pi$$ed off that his “self-imposed” goal of getting at least 70% of all Americans to take the experimental gene-altering therapy injections wasn’t met. This afternoon, he’s supposed to meet with the “White House coronavirus task team” to solidify his ** 5 ** new plans to get this accomplished. There is apparently no “end goal date” for this new program.
Getting the “vaccines” to every primary care doctor in the United States is a key component of the new program. Primary care doctors are being targeted because White House officials they “are seen as the most trusted messengers on the vaccine.”
Here’s what’s got Biden’s knickers in a twist: FTA: “A new ABC News-Washington Post poll found that among unvaccinated Americans, 74% said that they are unlikely to get the vaccine.”
In his remarks on July 4, Biden made it clear that for Americans to get the “vaccine” is “the most patriotic thing [you] can do.”
(Me: First off, one can bet the farm that Dr. Anthony “Fauci-Mengele” will be in that White House meeting this afternoon. Second, that 74% “no to the vaccine” number is quite frightening to Fauci, Biden, the CDC, et al — it means people are waking up. Third, the framework is being laid to say that any American who doesn’t get the injections is “unpatriotic.”)


This is CCP crap. These idiots are in bed with the CCP and taking orders from them.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



When high school and middle school are back in session, the feds along with state and county health weenies can easily coerce 12 yo and up to get the vaccine. Simply offer them a new phone, electronic games…


Mindy Robinson
By the time I had arrived at the Capitol January 6th, people were saying that the cops had killed two people already. They claimed a young woman was shot in the neck, and an older man was killed when police threw a flash grenade into the crowd causing him to have a medical emergency. Now we have video proof that exact thing was going on. We were there to protest a stolen election and our government fired into a peaceful crowd that was BEHIND the barriers.

I guarantee you, Capitol police killed at least one of the two older men they’re claiming as “natural causes” with everything else they’re covering up and lying about. Someone needs to investigate what really happened to Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Philips. These men were Patriots….they deserve better than to have their deaths swept under the rug to cover up the government’s crimes.
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FB sucks

Last edited 2 years ago by barkerjim

Is it my Internet provider / computer, or is this site very, very slow today?


The site is slow


me too

Deplorable Patriot

No, it’s not you. The site is wonky today.

If this posts. I’m having issues.


Maybe many of the posts here QTree are over the target…

Deplorable Patriot


Could be something else.

Wolf has his hands full with other issues today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Everything wonky, but my like worked, and maybe this reply, too.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🎯 🎯 🎯

Deplorable Patriot

No, the site is wonky today.


It’s slow – and I cleaned out all the extra files/cookies and it still opens very slowly.

Sadie Slays

This site is lagging badly for me as well.


Me too. Couldnt get on.


Very slow. Can’t like. Can hardly comment.


gioo…me too…had to do 3 tries…then the site surfaced.


Me too. Very slow, sometimes can’t get on.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It’s REALLY slow. Could be that other sites are, too, although I’m getting timeouts when I first bring the site up, and when I go to another page/thread or do a “like”…

The wizards of odd are afoot…


I’ve been getting site timeouts when I try to post a comment.


ELSA update …as it inches its way north, very slowly

could be a Cat 1 by the time it makes landfall at Cedar Key early Wednesday morning, if not sooner..

more here…


real tired of this thing.


HURRICANE WARNING now in effect…Tampa area and beyond, as ELSA strengthens..


the freaking mosquitoes certainly are thriving in this…just sloshed down to the mango tree where a small lake has formed (no gators in there…yet) to look for some mangoes that may have fallen…last of the juicy wonderful crop…and the freaking mosquitoes are the size of Milwaukee…zillions of em all over my water boots, hands, face, biting thru clothing !


I can’t go near one side of my little yard bordering the woods without spraying with Deep Woods OFF – due to ticks – even Lone Star Ticks – left by deer and coyotes.

Had a tick bite blister the size of a silver dollar and had to take a month long dose of Doxycycline to ward off diseases.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That side of your yard, is it the left side?

Many ticks–well in Greek that’s Politics.


It’s all a matter of viewpoint. The tick woods are on the left if you stand at the front door facing the street, but if you are on the street looking at the house – it’s on the right.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Left side is where all the blood sucking arthropods are. (Including the damn RINOs.)


Well – thanks – now I understand the entomological etymology of the word politics.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Glad to be of service 😀


You are our multi-gifted expert.


Yep – it’s now a hurricane again – briefly.

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Tennessee town says profane anti-Biden flag is protected by Constitution


Nice, add to the list of banners and such to hang out at sporting events.


BTW… Yesterdays San Diego Padres Gamecomment image


“Awaiting for approval” Oh I must have got on CTH by mistake

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

misspelled email address – just FYI – approved from bin


Misspelled email addys! We’ve found the commenter who bogged the site down all day!!!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yeah, I wish that was all it was. Boy, do I ever.

I tell you…… what a day.

But we’re BACK and we’re BACK AT ‘EM!!!

Sadie Slays

Gab was banned from the bank BB&T. Link goes to the letter Torba received from them. BB&T didn’t even give a reason for the account closure.


Not even waiting for the cashless society to kick in. Softening us up for the hard stuff to come.

Meanwhile this

Millions of tax refunds may be delayed as IRS backlog swells, report finds

The Internal Revenue Service’s backlog of tax returns more than tripled over last year, according to a new report, as it stretched to enact last-minute tax legislation and provide much-needed stimulus payments earlier this year.

The delay could affect many Americans still waiting on tax refunds.

At the end of the 2021 tax filing season, the agency held 35.3 million individual and business tax returns for manual processing, a 230% increase from last year when 10.7 million returns were backlogged.

Of course they’re blaming the China Virus and last minute tax changes, but not this.

Biden Proposes Ballooning IRS With 87,000 More Employees To Deflate Tax Fraud

Needless to say many small business’s and individual filers who have been affected by the CV are now being held hostage to the above. Can’t remember this being an issue in 2020 when CV was raging and Trump was in charge, but Democrats want the clout and will use it as they tighten the noose.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

I have an adult child who has not received either a tax refund or the stimulus….


My mother claims not to have gotten the stimulus which is odd because she got the ones Trump sent out.


I would say it is NOT odd. 😉

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

If they were Direct Deposits, those happened immediately. Mail, I have no clue, but would guess those are way behind.

Cuppa Covfefe

Well, mail worked for the ballots…

Oh, wait….. 😮

Sadie Slays

4chan changed their CAPTCHA system so that it’s nearly impossible to post there anymore. That’s one way to kill dissident discussion.
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Good luck trying to type that…

When the comments go from hundreds of thousands to ZERO overnight, that might be a signal to the mods that the CAPTCHA is a little severe… 😂 🤣 😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Of course, that might be the desire.

Sadie Slays

comments go from hundreds of thousands to ZERO overnight

That’s likely the intended purpose of this nonsense.


Have read the Chinee own “Captcha”. Dunno if true.


The Geographic Location is set to Australia. If you set it to North America, it turns rightside-up and clearly says “Biden didn’t win.”


I don’t even know what to say anymore. Could this be true?
“BREAKING DISCOVERY! UAL researchers in Spain reveal actual ingredients in Pfizer-Biontech vaccine!” —…/NatnPZMF2oho

Description: Video taken from Traugott Ickeroth. – Dr. Jane Ruby presents the results at Stew Peters: Each of the six doses of vaccine from the vaccine bottle was 99.99203% (747 ng) graphene oxide. The remainder was RNA 0.00797% (6 ng).


Deplorable Patriot

Nice! Little kid fun is the best.


That is why they need to play outside 🙂


We are aware that the vaccines are soon to be approved by the FDA and then Slow Joe can push the ‘jab’ nonsense as hard as he wants, example the Army making it mandatory has recently been run up the flag pole. Other institutions will of course follow suit and where it ends up is anyone’s guess.

WND wants you to be aware of a 20 page detailed petition asking the FDA to “slow down and get the science right” before approving the vaccine sitting in front of the FDA right now. Link below.

This doesn’t appear to be your normal petition where you just sign. Instead it appears to be an already existing petition with the signatures of 27 leading doctors and medical people to include Dr. Peter McCullough of Baylor University on it already sitting with the FDA and we are being asked to add our comments to it.

Some of the comments thus far

Comment I so not support the Covid vaccine when there are known treatments that work. I do not support the push, coercion and bribery that’s going on to encourage everyone to get the “vaccine”. I especially do not support the push to vaccinate children and teens and pregnant women. There is no data to show its safety. I strongly approve of this petition.

Comment Delay or better yet deny the request for FDA approval for the covid-19 vaccines. There have been too many reported injuries and businesses and government are poised to mandate the vaccine upon approval. Never before has our freedom to decide for ourselves been so compromised. The development was rushed, the safety trials shortened, and the injuries are piling up while more and more age groups are added to the emergency use authorization. Slow down the process and make sure the risks are understood before the whole dang world is used as a guinea pig!

Comment As someone who has worked in the face of Covid the entire time, I have seen what it can do to someone. However, we have yet to see what these vaccines will do to people. I carry genetic problems that if they come to fruition, will kill me. How do I know that this vaccine won’t push me into it? As a Maryland hospital employee, I face losing my job for not getting it. The Maryland hospital association should be shamed! I am the most at risk job taking care of Covid patients, and a mask has protected me so far!

The conflicting research on the safety and efficacy of the SARS COV 2 vaccine, the lack of animal testing and lack of using human candidates that possess naturally made antibodies from prior infection, along with the non-transparent sharing of results during trials is concerning, which should not permit the FDA approval to continue.

WND drops a lot of links on the bottom so in case you have trouble figuring where to comment, that would be here.

To browse other comments

To see the petition the link is in the first two sentences of the WND story.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Heh! Fr. Altman must have been reading BakoCarl’s Sunday most. Look at the title of his homily…


here is another video from a Canadian site that I follow – on the ‘poison’

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Wow! Joe’s numbers are really ticking up. But I could only see 18 in the photo. Were they counting the media again?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Sadie Slays

I don’t know about anyone else, but reality has felt “off” in general since Independence Day. We’ve got the drama going on here, comments elsewhere on social media seem angrier and more hostile than normal, and even people in real life seem grumpier than normal.


Happens when you have a legitimate beef and the people who should be helping to address it simply ignore it.

Look at this comment from the founder of Judicial Watch, Larry Klayman

Quoting Justice Scalia, Mr. Klayman explained that the grand-jury process actually belongs to the American people as a whole, and not just the three branches of the national government. Given this fact, it is possible for the citizenry to investigate, arrest, try, and convict the offenders, people that the current judicial system ignores or abets, under the parameters of the Constitution and U.S. law.

I think were getting closer…

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Wow. This is something.


That’s a positive concept. Looking forward to this playing out. AND, NOT being played, again.


Sounds good. I’m just wondering how it would work.

A citizen grand jury indicts.
Who arrests the indicted people? Would citizen arrests be made? I can see a famous person calling their high-powered lawyer and going after the citizens.
As for trials, I can’t imagine anyone recognizing anything done in a citizen courtroom.

I think a lot of people would be interested in this, but we need details about how to implement it. I’d like to know more about the concept of the grand jury process belonging to the people.


Add this in:

U.S. Capitol Police on Tuesday announced that the agency is opening regional field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats to members of Congress in the wake of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.


Ahhahahahaha!!! What losers!


Paid vacations to sunny CA and FL.


Spiritual attack.

They often attack when they are weak.

Sadie Slays

This is what I believe is happening.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays

I had dinner at my Mom’s on the 4th, and she had Faux News on like always.

They were showing an endless loop of fireworks going off in D.C., with an orchestra playing, then occasionally cutting away to Lee Greenwood or some other celebrity video singing a patriotic song.

The whole thing seemed sad and fake.

The hypocrisy of celebrating Independence Day as an occupied country seemed lost on Fox News, but not on the people.

I doubt the fireworks being shown in D.C. were real. They didn’t look real, and after watching for about 20 minutes, it just looked like the same shots, over and over again. Whoever the orchestra was, I never saw them.

Didn’t see any human beings at all, just LONG distance shots of the same fireworks going off, over and over again, while some dirge played in the background.

Did the French celebrate their independence during the Nazi occupation?

Who knows, they’re French, but I kinda doubt it.

It sure seemed weird to celebrate Independence day, with a criminal installed in the WH by the Chinese Communist Party, and our own military off on some extended LGTB retreat.


Likely didn’t help when the sang the Black National Anthem in honor of Juneteenth.


Have never heard the black national anthem.

Hope to never hear the black national anthem.

UN-American, it is.

Sadie Slays

Well, I celebrated Independence Day. It’s our country, not theirs. They would absolutely love for us to give up our patriotic displays. I won’t give them the satisfaction.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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All that’s missing is the tar and feathers!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🙄 🙄 comment imagecomment image


What they really are saying is your post didn’t follow their Communist Standards. 👍


Slightly wrong. The image is upside down and he still has his clothes on. 😉

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


After a few days of kvetching, Code MonkeyZ:

“I’ve registered the @codemonkeyz account on GETTR.
I’m going to be focused on Telegram and wont be posting on GETTR.
Just registered and holding the account as a placeholder so others dont impersonate me on the platform.

Remember, be careful with new platforms, do your due diligence to understand the platform, and take safety precautions as best you can.

Sadie Slays

CodeMonkeyZ once had an imposter on Parler. The fake account was Parler-verified, and Parler refused to do anything about it despite CodeMonkeyz’s numerous and public complaints about the fake verified account. I can’t blame him for trying to prevent that from happening again.


Makes sense. Saying he learned Chinese so he could read ancient text about Kung Fu seemed way off.

Sadie Slays

I don’t find that any different than Christians who learn Koine Greek so that they read the New Testament in its original language. When you base your mindset off books originally written in a foreign language, then it makes sense to learn enough of that language to form your own translation/interpretation instead of relying on others.


Perhaps I stand corrected. Chinese text do go back to well before 500BC and given most such writings would have originated with learned persons they’d likely be warriors as well as scholars, so I guess there could be a thirst for such material in the west as it’s also fairly known how much various branches in the world of martial arts liked to keep things somewhat secret.

Sadie Slays

This is a problem I have run into many times. Sometimes there just aren’t English translations for the things I want to read.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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This is the one for proper governance of CA.
No celebrity or hashtag American.
The legislator who has challenged gruesome during lockdown. Kevin Kiley.

Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) Tweeted:
Assemblyman Kevin Kiley Throws His Hat Into the CA Governor’s Recall Race

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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And an announcement tomorrow!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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That’s just Hussein, I’d recognize his Kenyan hands anywhere.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Post no trespassing or no solicitation signs.
And for God’s grace please dont answer the door.
One thing to wonder is how they know which neighborhoods to go to and prioritize?


Yes. I imagine they’re going to “underprivileged” neighborhoods because they supposedly are “under-vaccinated.” But are they looking at medical records and hounding people based on that?

No solicitation signs, absolutely.

I hope they get lots of no-answers, or enough pushback to make them sorry they made the attempt. The kind where at the end of the day they’re so exhausted and verbally beaten up that they decide it’s not worth it.


Thats going to be videos and doorbell cams and people messing with these tools. Anyone who does this is a govt stooge. They have to expect it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Looking at medical records. Unhappy HIPPAA, that. I though medical records are private…

Silly me, I know.

Where big bother brother is concerned, nothing is private…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I usually don’t answer my door. Always soliciting. If it’s important, leave a note. I know when to expect my deliveries. And I’ve auto signed online, so UPS just drops packages on the porch now when signature is required.


We’re such a bunch of curmudgeons!

I’m always joking about parking out in the “curmudgeon section” of the grocery store parking lot.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Hey you kids… get off my lawn!



I use a package store becuase we have a lot of porch pirates. when sales people show up I engage with them. they never come back.


I didnt know you can auto sign. Convenient.


Guess it’s time to cut a trap-door over the shark tank that’s hidden under the porch…

