Dear KAG: 20210819 Daily Open Thread

TheStormHasArrived17Good morning Patriots 🇺🇸

Can you imagine where we would be if it weren’t for our digital army digging and spreading truth? The communists would have already taken over the entire world.

Look where we are. We have millions of digital soldiers, collectively digging through every piece of news on a daily basis until we expose [them] all.

They can’t get away with anything anymore. Can you imagine if our digital army was in place on 9/11? They would have never been able to pull off such a massive false flag.

Whether you realize it or not, we are all making a huge difference! Never give up 🙏🏼

An alternative viewpoint on Afghanistan, and what it is all about.

Julian Assange speaking in 2011: “The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war”

Can you say Military Industrial Complex money pit and way to cut down the number of alpha males in the west?

Another voice from the past, and just a reminder of what we’ve seen before:

Take heart. It’s almost Friday.

Oh, and before I forget:

Just a little pick me up:


Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.

All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


PSALM 39/40: 2-15

[2] With expectation I have waited for the Lord, and he was attentive to me. [3] And he heard my prayers, and brought me out of the pit of misery and the mire of dregs. And he set my feet upon a rock, and directed my steps. [4] And he put a new canticle into my mouth, a song to our God. Many shall see, and shall fear: and they shall hope in the Lord. [5] Blessed is the man whose trust is in the name of the Lord; and who hath not had regard to vanities, and lying follies.

[6] Thou hast multiplied thy wonderful works, O Lord my God: and in thy thoughts there is no one like to thee. I have declared and I have spoken they are multiplied above number. [7] Sacrifice and oblation thou didst not desire; but thou hast pierced ears for me. Burnt offering and sin offering thou didst not require: [8] Then said I, Behold I come. In the head of the book it is written of me [9] That I should do thy will: O my God, I have desired it, and thy law in the midst of my heart. [10] I have declared thy justice in a great church, lo, I will not restrain my lips: O Lord, thou knowest it.

[11] I have not hid thy justice within my heart: I have declared thy truth and thy salvation. I have not concealed thy mercy and thy truth from a great council. [12] Withhold not thou, O Lord, thy tender mercies from me: thy mercy and thy truth have always upheld me. [13] For evils without number have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me, and I was not able to see. They are multiplied above the hairs of my head: and my heart hath forsaken me. [14] Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me, look down, O Lord, to help me. [15] Let them be confounded and ashamed together, that seek after my soul to take it away. Let them be turned backward and be ashamed that desire evils to me.

Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.


Is this really satire?

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May there be much more of this…

Trump-Appointed Judge Rules Against Covid Vaccine Mandate at Louisiana Medical School:

U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty of the Western District of Louisiana blocked the college from mandating Covid vaccines or putting restrictions on unvaccinated students.


Better than this.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wow…that one is creepy.


TBH it looks like one of those momento mori photos.
creepy af



I was going, “I’ve seen weird stuff like this before…..” but you nailed it.


Biden’s eyes even look painted on


For those unfamiliar with the term, momento mori means “remember death” or “remember that you die”. Essentially any pre-modern art with a skull qualifies, including Hamlet’s meditation on Yorick.

But when coupled with “photos”, it gets you into a slightly different subject — . And when you have two subjects, as here, you wander into darker realms….

In the early days of photography, it was all too common to take pictures of a dead subject with one of the living. Since the dead could be positioned without complaint, you might have a picture of two brothers who could not stand each other in life, tenderly reconciled once one is dead. You might have an elderly corpse lovingly holding hands with the young widow who poisoned him. Being that this was being inserted into “the official record”, it was difficult to refute — however jarring. And with the passing of witnesses, it would become History.

And, yes…..creepy AF.


I can almost make out the controlling hand up Zippy’s rear.


Better than…
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D.C. … dank cave of psychopaths
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D.C. … dank cave of psychopaths”

Just wait. When they get truly desperate they’ll use children as human shields.


“Just wait. When they get truly desperate they’ll use children as human shields.”


Shirley the military will wake up before that.



Picked the wrong eek to give up smoking?


Oh, gee … look at the ceiling above these two AH’s … now what would that be? 😉


he was brought to America to do what he is doing. Who is his father and the woman who raised him. There is more than father being a buss driver.
One does not come here benefit and then orchestrate a cue and is so involved in anything subversive in our government.
Why does that guy hate America?

Gail Combs

Russian Jew aka Russian SPY! Just ask David Horowitz.

His family from WIKI

Born in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Queens, New York City,[3][4] Horowitz is the son of Jewish high school teachers Phil and Blanche Horowitz. His father taught English and his mother taught stenography.[3] His mother’s family emigrated from Imperial Russia in the mid-19th century, and his father’s family left Russia in 1905 during a time of anti-Jewish pogroms. Horowitz’s paternal grandfather lived in Mozir, a city in modern Belarus, prior to leaving for the U.S.[5] In 1940, the family moved to the Long Island City section of Queens.[3]

During years of labor organizing and the Great Depression, Phil and Blanche Horowitz were long-standing members of the American Communist Party and strong supporters of Joseph Stalin

Hubby is reading his new book and just told me this part:


Thank you. One of my husbands neighbors she was Jewish husband German bother were communists. They spend time in the USSR. The only daughter a Dr married in the south became a Christian and conservative.
One never knows what appeals to offspring.


By the way I love David Horowitz.


Sure is quiet around here…
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I just don’t visit those white coat people. They are scary.
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Gail Combs

Now that is a really good one.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Reallly good news, that previous covid19 is recognized as a reason for not needing any jab. Though he still has antibodies, that might indicate there is still inflammations going on, which isn’t all that great, even as the presence of them is a great argument for convincing others.


It’s “bending the curve” away from virtue-signalling authoritarianism to “what are the facts?”

Once on the facts, they have to talk about breakthrough infections indicating that the vaxx is useless, ADE making the vaxx actively dangerous, and real risks/rewards regarding the vaxx.

But you have to get behind the “BECAUSE I SAID SO”.


Depends on the antibodies and the disease.
some shit your body only has to meet once and it’s immortal enemies status


That’s a good start, but it is only a partial victory. I don’t agree with this:

As a result of the exemption it granted, GMU is permitting Prof. Zywicki to remain unvaccinated for medical reasons. GMU has assured Prof. Zywicki that he will not be subject to disciplinary action, and that he will be allowed to hold office hours and attend in-person events provided he maintains six feet of distance. He must get tested for Covid-19 once per week on campus at no cost to himself. 

That is not freedom. I hope his continued testing will bolster the case for lasting immunity for those who have had COVID.


The Fiancee is double-vaxxed and currently being tested twice a week. She’s working at the VA.

Sometimes you take a bite of the sandwich and come back for another. When he has a long list of test results that are better than someone who took the vaxx, he can come back and clobber that.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

At least he won’t be near any of the vaxxed, they might give him WuFlu. Would love to be a fly on the wall when the highly contagious Delta spreads to & through the Vaxxed Elite, while he remains negative and healthy.😉 That’s gonna happen, everywhere. We know data’s being suppressed now, the majority of current WuFlu cases have been jabbed.


Yep. It’s the vaxxed that are most dangerous.


Peace to all who share our common resolve to #SAVEAMERICA
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



One of my favorite Monkees stories has to do with a young kid from Brixton, near London, who used to busk around town and for family and pub gigs and was known as Davy Jones (actual name, David Jones)….but when he went pro, it turns out that someone (in the Monkees) was already using that name professionally, so he quickly had to come up with a new one.

He chose “David Bowie”…..


A note — Davy Jones had already done recordings as a kid in “Oliver!”, he was not yet a Monkee when Bowie hit that issue.


Thank you for the reminders DP.
We do want our President back!
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a GREAT quote!


People were talking about the plane in Kabul looking fake…
Here’s a meme for that.
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Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots

Of course the CCP FIB and DOGE know…
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It’s okay. They make the iPhones there already.
Oh wait, this isn’t a good idea, is it?
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chinese MK is really good. Biden loves China! “C’mon, man!”


And natural gas. They have a shit ton of natural gas which is the only clean fossil fuel


They’ve probably given up on drilling for it and are now just decomposing Uighers in tanks to get it.


WOW De Pat…

You knocked this one out of the park…


And, you’re absolutely correct about the digital soldiers digging…

And, may I remind some here… HOW did those digital soldiers spring up? Did Q have anything to do with it. You dang right it did… got people to thinking didn’t it? Got them to digging instead of regurgitating “narratives” spewed out by the BORG… (Of course we didn’t even know that term – “narrative” in 2001… Cue introduced it to us. That and a lot more.

Thank you De Pat… for constantly giving us a positive message, inspiring us to


Sadie Slays

IMO, the type of digging and dissemination like we see now really took off with Gamergate in 2014. It was happening on the chans before that (white hat grooming effort, I suspect, dating back to Project Chanology in 2007), but Gamergate really woke up masses of young people to the Fake News and artificial push for social justice crap. 8chan and KotakuInAction were both created in response to Gamergate, and both were important battlegrounds in the fights to come.

Then there was the Great Meme War of 2016. That was the Golden Age of memetic warfare and digging, IMO. Same people who woke up during Gamergate were all ready and experienced by the time the Podesta emails were released. Those Podesta emails and Pizzagate was the biggest organized digging effort I’ve seen to date, even counting the Q stuff that came years after. Although I strongly suspect a lot of that came from white hats “in the know,” but couldn’t say it publicly.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays

If you have time, would you explain what Gamergate was? That’s the first time that I’ve come across that term.

Sadie Slays

I have to warn people that this Wikipedia covers Gamergate with the same pro-Leftist, pro-cabal bias as they do everything else that challenges the narrative.


Very true. This was written by the SJW side.

I threw it up immediately because it captures the sprawl — everything from spiteful immature breakups to SJW capture of the Hugo awards, while trying to drag in Congress and law enforcement at every turn.

Sadie Slays

This part of the Wikipedia captures what I was trying to say in my original post. I forgot that Milo rose to fame because of that, too.

It has been argued that Gamergate helped in the election of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency in 2016 along with other right-wing movements,[260][261][262][263][264] with Alyssa Rosenberg even calling Trump “The Gamergate of Republican politics” in an opinion article for The Washington Post in 2015.[265] Likewise, Steve Bannon remarked that through Milo Yiannopoulos, who rose to fame during the controversy as the technology journalist for Breitbart, he had created an army of kids that came in “through Gamergate and then get turned onto politics and Trump”.[266][157]

In 2016, Vox said that Gamergate’s “success” “gave many on the extreme right a template for how to attack their perceived enemies.” and that “The methods deployed in this ground-zero Gamergate event have since become standard practice for internet mobs wishing to attack seemingly anyone they believe to be a foe.”[267] 


And note that the #Gamergate hashtag was created by the actor Adam Baldwin.

There were so many people and so many things that got sucked into a stupid slapfight between ex-lover nobodies that it will always and forever be difficult to describe.


And that is conservative Adam Baldwin, who is not related to the 3 Baldwin brothers.


Sorry — the only Baldwins I know much about are pianos and steam locomotives.

I was just astounded that an actor, from Hollywood, got sucked into an internet dispute about a game developer in Canada, an ex-boyfriend, and a game reviewer on a Gawker site.


Adam Baldwin is best known for the role he played in ‘Firefly’.

Firefly was a short-lived sci-fi series that gained a huge cult-like following.

It was about a ragtag group of anti-establishment heroes, who came to the aid of underdogs and downtrodden.

When it was cancelled…there was a big push from fans to bring it back.

The fans were loud and used the internet to voice their passion for the series.

It resulted in a movie based on the series, titled ‘Serenity’, which was the name of the spacecraft that was home to the renegade heroes in Firefly.

It was no surprise to me, to learn that Adam is a gamer…and that he weighed in on the Gamergate dispute.


Firefly is one of the series I own (like Fawlty Towers) but have never gotten around to watching.


*gasp* 😮 

You should watch it, Coothie.
I think you’d like it.


I’m pretty sure I’d like it — that’s why I bought it — but my TV time is somewhat limited.

I’ve managed to watch all seasons of IT Crowd, and all seasons of Black Books, and I’d like to get Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister….

And that’s not even starting on all the movies!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Watch Firefly first.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I sure liked him on ‘The Last Ship’. He played Mike Slattery, who held the rank of Commander in the United States Navy and was the Executive Officer of the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Nathan James (DDG-151),

Hubba Hubba. 🥰 🥰 🥰


Me too!🥰😍

I liked that series, too!

He’s been in quite a few movies and series…and I have like him in all of them.
Except for when he played kind of a bad guy in ‘The Patriot’.

Sylvia Avery

Me, too, bfly! He was awesome!
😍 😍 😍

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

McSteamy was too!! 😉😉😋😋😍😍


There is this about Gamergate on Infogalactic
which may also be biassed, but is probably less so than wikipedia, when it comes to political matters.

Sadie Slays

The extreme tl;dr:

  • Game developer is caught trading sex with gaming journalists in exchange for positive coverage of her game.
  • Gamers start asking questions about gaming journalism in general. 
  • Twitter checkmarks, gaming journalists, and corporate media collectively freak out. Media starts running organized, coordinated hitpieces about gamers and calling them “sexist.” The media response was disproportionate to the questions being asked. Gamers start asking even more questions.
  • Reddit, Twitter, and even 4chan start censoring all discussion of the topic. 8chan was created in response to all of this so that people could have their own uncensored space to dig into Gamergate.
  • People eventually dig up spook connections behind all of this.

You have to understand that this all seems very standard after several years of Trump and Q, but it was all completely brand new back then. Even 4chan Anons used to digging pre-Gamergate were taken by surprise at how coordinated and organized the opposition were. Little did we know at the time that we had accidentally exposed their coordinated intelligence agency –> media —> Big Tech collusion for the first time.

Anyways, there’s a whole Wikipedia-like website devoted to Gamergate entirely. I recommend going there if anyone cares to read the details. Anything that comes up in a Google search is going to be CNN-level biased.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you – THAT is an awesome synopsis!


Thank you for taking the time to answer me.


Thank you Sadie… I must confess I was totally ignorant of Gamergate… and the earlier chans… a generational thing I assume 😉 I researched on my own all my life… but I did get in on the Podesta emails…

Really appreciate your info here…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Same here. I was living a quiet peaceable life, not paying attention. I didn’t wake up until the Comey pressers about the emails. Open/close investigation, WTH? My first political google was something like ‘did Cankles lie in emails’. 😂😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I had to check out the autocompletes!

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Ohh I woke up in 1963… I was speaking of the gamergate and chans that I was ignorant about.

Deplorable Patriot

While this is true, the whole dig for yourself idea had not really gone mainstream yet.

It now has.


Thank you De Pat…

I can always depend on you to get to the point…


This wasn’t my first injection, definitely a booster shot:

This is the context, highly condensed from a semester of lectures into a 1 1/2 hr presentation at Harvard in 2010. Seminar itself was 2005 ish for me, but was offered over a couple of years. Groups of about 12 graduate level students, some undergrad, per seminar tasked with taking a related topic of their own choosing, and using the rare archives to dig. Assignment was to present something 3 dimensional, use of the paranoid critical method (q, imo) was required.

Very lovely lecture, worth the time if you have it.

I presented a house of cards. Each card cited references, like an old fashioned reference paper, to factually support a proposed screenplay.

Partial quote from my project description:

“I want make a film, and I want it to be a blockbuster…”


Last edited 3 years ago by marymorse
Gail Combs

Some of the results:

Ape Army Making Americans Economically Literate (5 min)

AMC Marine, the ape army continues the fight through creating a new non profit to educate the masses. (Start at 34 minutes)

I can not find the link I wanted for the USA but here is one for the UK
Belief in God is now rising among Generation Z amid COVID-19 pandemic … OOPS!


Logic 101 from the drama queen from Queens. (or so I imagine it)
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You’re a hoot… Itswoot !


She needs her teeth whitened.


She needs her teeth trimmed. And probably her hooves as well.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

😂 🤣 😂
Not trying to being mean or cruel, but EVERY time I see her, ‘donkey’ immediately comes to mind.😉 Happened just this morning. 🙊🙊🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Every time I see PLT, Hoe comes to mind.


AOC glove puppet
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Gail Combs

Good grief, how many extra rows of teeth does that thing have?


That’s fairly common for fish that eat shellfish. Gotta have something to mash the shells apart — and you’d want ’em near the hinge of the jaw for leverage.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What kinda fish IS that?


Heh. Turns out there are Pacific sheepshead (e.g. Semicossyphus pulcher) and Atlantic sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus) — totally unrelated.


Pacific sheepshead are actually large wrasses, and you always see one big male with a bunch of smaller females around — a very common pattern around all sorts of animals.

What is slightly more unusual is that if you remove the male, one of the larger females will start changing color and shape and become male. Similarly, if two groups merge, the smaller male will start changing color and shape and become female.


If only Bruce Jenner could have been a fish.


I think my post went in the bin?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll check….


thanks Wolfie

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Definitely nada in the bin!


I found it… thanks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Is that it above? Sometimes you have to refresh the page and look at the bottom.


I refreshed, but I think AOC’s big mouth caught my eye and I missed seeing my post above her head 😉 Thank you Wolfie…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yeah, I can see that happening!!! 😉

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

AOC’s orifice does tend to blot things out.

Sadie Slays

Australian politician develops Bell’s Palsy after getting the injection:


No problem, the third shot should cure the Bell’s palsy.

Along with any other ailments he may have had.

Sylvia Avery

🤣 🤣 🤣




My husband went for his yearly checkup with our internist. They talked about the jab. My husband ask him “what he thought”?
The good doctor said “it was up to my husband if he gets the shot or not “.
Normally the doctor tells us ” I had the flu shot and I suggest you get one also”.
This time nothing what he did. I assume he did not take the jab 🙂
He only suggested my husband “to avoid large crowds”.
He saw the list of vitamins and approved. 🙂




The stoopid never ends.

Brave and Free

Does anyone ever think we’ll get to a point with theses people who have adverse reactions start speaking out against the vax?
Oh nevermind I know the answer to that….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Back by popular demand!!! 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Bluegrass Rules! And prayer and faith like Daniel even moreso…

The Rebel yell at around a minute in when Ricky goes into a break is great, as well as their reaction to it 🙂

(Crazy, I was listening earlier to that and Harlan, great tunes)…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Good stuff.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Cuppa Covfefe


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh. That looks good. Will go well with the cinnamon rolls I just baked.

Hmmm. Bacon cinnamon rolls. Sounds like a plan.

Almost like Turbaconducken (Turducken Wrapped in Bacon)? 😀  🐷
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Btw, bacontoday looks like your kind of site: everything BACON!!!!

And then, of course, there’s the story of Jose and Pepe…

Two Mexicans are stuck in the desert after crossing into the United States, wandering aimlessly and starving. They are at death’s door, when all of a sudden Jose says….

“¿Hey Pepe, do you smell what I smell? Ees bacon, I theenk.”

“Si, Jose: eet sure smells like bacon. ”

With renewed hope they struggle up the next sand dune, and there in the distance, is a tree loaded with bacon. Rashers upon rashers of bacon…

There’s raw bacon, there’s fried bacon, back bacon, Canadian bacon, extra-thick bacon, double smoked bacon, Black Forest bacon …. Every imaginable kind of bacon…

“¡Pepe, Pepe, we ees saved! Ees a bacon tree.”

“Jose, maybe ees a meerage? We ees in the desert don’t forget.”

“Pepe, since when deed you ever hear of a meerage that smell like bacon…ees no meerage; ees a bacon tree.”

And with that, Jose staggers towards the tree. He gets to within 5 metres, Pepe crawling close behind, when suddenly machine gun fire breaks out, and Jose drops like a rock.

Mortally wounded, he warns Pepe with his dying breath,

“Pepe… Go back, amigo, you was right, ees not a bacon tree!”

“Jose, JOSE. MI Amigo… What ees it? ”

“Pepe.. Ees not a bacon tree.



(wait for it; ees good)
Ees a ham bush….”

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. I could wash that down with a Bacon Old-Fashioned (recipe from )

Bacon Old Fashioned

  • 2 oz bacon-infused bourbon
  • .25 oz Grade B Maple Syrup (A syrup darker in color and containing more of a caramel flavor)
  • 2 dashes Angostura Bitters
  • Orange twist

In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine all the ingredients except for the orange twist. Shake, then strain into a tumbler glass filled with a couple of ice cubes. Garnish with the orange twist.

Then enjoy bacony, boozey goodness. It’s the perfect man drink. Or even a sexy drink for an awesome lady.

Now, sit back and… Ahh. Enjoy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Good, he can take his masks, vaxxx, and passports with him.


So the Heels High Harris *&^%show begins?

Or does Mafia Nan kneecap her, shaking and drooling her way into the Oval green room?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Did she win???



The sequel to Nanzi is the puzzle.


^^^ There’s a positive thought.

Gail Combs

One of the many reasons why they had to destroy this General.

The entire Afghanistan Papers project started when General Michael Flynn filed an IG report that the Pentagon was lying about the war

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Who is this guy (Raheem J. Kassam)?

Barb Meier

I often see Raheem J. Kassam writing at the National Pulse. Unmitigated Disasters: Biden’s First Months Have Been Some of America’s Worst.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Longtime Breitbart journalist, cohost (occasionally) of Warroom.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Deplorable Lee Lee reposted

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Sharon Powell King

The ‘mostly peaceful’ Taliban terrorists, as noted by WOKE General Mark Milley, just executed four Afghanistan Army and Police commanders at the cricket stadium in Kandahar.

Sad to hear that Taliban terrorists executed four Afghanistan Army & Police commanders in the cricket stadium of Kandahar. One of them was Hashem Rigwal, former police chief in the Takht-e-Pul district. A hero who didn’t stop fighting terrorism until he was captured.

The Taliban terrorists also executed his entire family. This is who Biden was making deals with… MONSTERS! ALL THESE BCOZ OF OBAMA REGIME!

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Bob #FightForAmerica

OMG! And now it begins, back to square one and Bush’s war all over again!

Joe, I hope you and yours all burn in Hell!

Oh, wait… Anyone voting Democrat, I hope you burn in hell too.

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Joe Biden doesn’t care…


View Link Feed



So many people knuckle under “because if you resist, they’ll kill your entire family.”

Well, guys, if you surrender, they’ll also kill your entire family. So arm up your entire family and kill Taliban until you have a suitable honor guard before you go. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll get enough so that they have nobody left to execute you….

It has been mentioned by many people in many places that people would cower in their homes, waiting for “the knock on the door” — but if the “authorities” knocking didn’t know if they’d go home to their families at the end of their shift, they wouldn’t be as assertive about knocking.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That was a point Solzhenitsyn made. Even if there were no guns, improvised clubs and kitchen knives would have changed things.


The carnage is on those that certified a stolen election.


I agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


God have Mercy

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Truth spoken


Scientists Uncover Evidence That a Level of Pre-Existing COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 Immunity Is Present in the General Population (

Singapore scientists uncover SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in recovered COVID-19 and SARS patients, and in uninfected individuals.

Singapore study shows that SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells are present in all recovered COVID-19 patients.

These T cells were also found in all subjects who recovered from SARS 17 years ago, and in over 50% of both SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 uninfected individuals tested, suggesting that a level of pre-existing SARS-CoV-2 immunity is present in the general population.

Infection and exposure to coronaviruses induces long-lasting memory T cells, which could help in the management of the current pandemic.

The T cells, along with antibodies, are an integral part of the human immune response against viral infections due to their ability to directly target and kill infected cells. A Singapore study has uncovered the presence of virus-specific T cell immunity in people who recovered from COVID-19 and SARS, as well as some healthy study subjects who had never been infected by either virus.

The study by scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School, in close collaboration with the National University of Singapore (NUS) Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) was published in Nature. The findings suggest infection and exposure to coronaviruses induces long-lasting memory T cells, which could help in the management of the current pandemic and in vaccine development against COVID-19.

The team tested subjects who recovered from COVID-19 and found the presence of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in all of them, which suggests that T cells play an important role in this infection. Importantly, the team showed that patients who recovered from SARS 17 years ago after the 2003 outbreak, still possess virus-specific memory T cells and displayed cross-immunity to SARS-CoV-2.

“Our team also tested uninfected healthy individuals and found SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in more than 50 percent of them. This could be due to cross-reactive immunity obtained from exposure to other coronaviruses, such as those causing the common cold, or presently unknown animal coronaviruses. It is important to understand if this could explain why some individuals are able to better control the infection,” said Professor Antonio Bertoletti, from Duke-NUS’ Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) program, who is the corresponding author of this study.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s time to end the Democrat farce.

Gail Combs

It’s time to end the Democrat DemonRat Commie farce.
There fixed it!

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that 20% of common colds contain the corona virus as a component.

Also worth noting is even the big pharma cartel haven’t been able to make a “cold” vaccine, not even attempting it…. they probably already knew it…


AND FAKER FAUXI HASN’T COME UP WITH AN AIDS VACCINE AFTER 40 YEARS OF TRYING (or pretending to try) and billions of $$$ worth of grants, taxpayer money, etc.

AND Flu vaccines have to be re-vamped every year to TRY TO stop or ameliorate the flu.

AND some Flu vaccines make one MORE VULNERABLE to coronavirus and pneumonia !!!

Some viruses mutate too fast to make a viable vaccine.

MY QUESTION – Did they lie to Trump or was Trump aware of the problems with the vaccines? If they lied, who lied – was Pence aware of the problems with the vaccines?

I AM TOTALLY OUT OF TRUST – have no trust left for government, church, family….heck, I trust very few of those on ‘our side’ after getting skunked and lied to by ‘our side’ more than a few times.

Cuppa Covfefe

Faux-Xi probably got the same message printed on the interview form about or concerning Flynn posted by Gail:

“Your job was not to win, it was to not lose“…

And, as long as Big Pharma and the likes of Faux-Xi are around, they will be “not losing” on many fronts, all the while sucking money, lives, and livlihoods from honest, hard-working, patriotic Americans.

The same is true for other countries (Drosten, I’m looking at you, and Spahn, and Laschet, et. al.)….

Gail Combs

Trump was LIED TO! Remember they were impeaching him when the Covid Hell broke.

without triggering ANOTHER impeachment and this time they could make it stick.

He TRIED with HCQ to give us as much info as he could. He had Dr Zelenko treat him. (Which never made the news) However he was fighting the CDC, FauXI, Big Pharma, the AMA, Hospitals, CENSORSHIP, the Fake News….

I also very much doubt he was ALLOWED to find out about the Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines (Published: 09 September 2020)

I knew about it early but that is only because I stumbled onto it by chance.

April 26, 2018
 “….Dr. Jackson became at least the 23rd Trump nominee who has failed to confirmed, or never even made it through the confirmation process…”

So that got rid of  Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson AND according to CNN on Feb 1, 2019
“…President Donald Trump has re-nominated his former physician Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson to receive a second star, even as he remains under Pentagon investigation over allegations of improper behavior….”

NYT Obit: “…Harold, Nelson, M.D. 73, passed away on Friday morning, January 8th, 2021…Dr. Harold N. Bornstein, who for a time was President Donald J. Trump’s personal physician … died on Friday ….” No cause of death given and he died in NYC.

So that got rid of another trusted physician in a VERY timely manner.

As Prof Clements said I wish he had not pushed the vaccine but now he is backing off and saying it is ALL ABOUT MONEY…

Deplorable Patriot

I think President Trump knew just about everything before we did. He was playing a role and letting the task force fall into a trap and incriminate themselves thanks to their own hubris.

There probably is not enough hard evidence to prosecute them for HIV, but in this case, the criminals were caught in real time.

All part of the plan, IMO. Do I like the way it went down? NO. Not even. I don’t like that this is what it took to show the world what a sham the medical and pharmaceutical industries are, but that wasn’t my decision. Something had to break through the bamboozlement.

Gail Combs

Yes, and it is hard to realize he had to ALLOW people die. In June when it became obvious they were going to muck-up the HCQ trials, I think he realized his hands were tied and it was all out WAR. (And yeah it is a REAL WAR, just unconventional.)

Perhaps he is pushing the JAB in hopes the Fake News does the usual ‘Anything the Orange Man promote is BAD’

Meanwhile his ‘voices’ like Steve Bannon, Prof Clements and others are alerting us to the horrors of the Jab. And still others are looking at Nuremberg II.
Lists ‘crimes’


We had to learn to stand on our own two feet and TAKE BACK OUR FREEDOM instead of looking for a STRONG MAN to ‘save us’


I’ve maintained all along that Trump would allow people to die as collateral damage to save the world. I’ve taken a raft of shit about it, too, from people who don’t want to think so.

But in war, and make no mistake we are in the Big One for ALL THE MARBLES, people die. Civilians, women, children, the innocent. Any general incapable of making decisions where that happens should not be a general at all.

IMHO, of course.


But in war, and make no mistake we are in the Big One for ALL THE MARBLES, people die.

Yes. All generals and presidents have to make the hard decisions. Often it is about some losing lives because the alternative would be that even more would die (or even an entire country 🇺🇸).


If it is true that ” Trump would allow people to die as collateral damage to save the world” then I lost respect for him. I cannot believe he would let his daughter Ivanka be collateral damage.
I am not saying my instincts are right but I cannot believe that he as Christian would knowingly encourage a jab that could lead to death.
I pray it is not so and if I fins out he did this I then will never vote for him again .

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Well, the alternative may have been worse. That is my guess. I have no way of knowing.


Hypothetical, if Trump knew the jab would kill people and still pushing it then he is as guilty as those who are pushing the jab now.
I believe however he did not know the full extent of the danger of the jab. His daughter Ivanka took the jab. Does anyone believe he would let Ivanka take the jab knowing the damage the vaccine does to a person?
I do not believe it. Who else from the family took the jab? We do not know except I saw a pic from Ivanka taking it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This makes more sense.

However, he still sometimes tout it even today, so there’s at least some things left unaccounted for.


Yes there is. Hope he clears it up. We are past politics.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, and to reiterate/clarify (for others); I can readily believe he was snowed initially by the doctors. It’s hard stuff (after all many doctors never get good at it), and it would take time.

That he still touts the vaccine TODAY when he is unconstrained by official rules is…alarming. Either WE are wrong about it (doubtful, but listed for completeness), or something is truly rotten here.


True something is not right.


He charges into and through ambushes.


Reiner Fuellmich…Attorney spearheading the Case for Nuremburg 2.0

59 minutes


I believe they were not hones with Trump.
We know they lied to him about Afghanistan . Why would they not lie to him on other things specially if the VP was a double agent with those who wanted to defeat Trump? Just my thought.


Hope you are right and they are not all playing GOOD COP/BAD COP with us.

I do want to believe he’s really a patriot, really pro-American, really conservative.

But Gorsuch’s pro-trans ruling, being a radical Episcopalian, and the other two SCOTUS appointees being such wusses, not standing up for the American voter and election system from November to January – I dunno. I have a suspicious nature bred from earliest childhood.


I understand. Yes Hope

Gail Combs

“…Wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that 20% of common colds contain the corona virus as a component….

I wonder if it had anything to do with the really bad ‘Flu’ season in 2018 and Ralph Baric playing with the Covid virus.

for 2017-2018 The CDC has this blurb:

The 2017-2018 influenza season was a high severity season with high levels of outpatient clinic and emergency department visits for influenza-like illness (ILI), high influenza-related hospitalization rates, and elevated and geographically widespread influenza activity for an extended period.

So what about the winter BEFORE Covid-19 hit. The winter I got Covid from Ralph Baric’s UNC?

2018-2019 Flu Season: Flu Activity Elevated Nationally

It’s too soon to make any assessment about this season’s severity, however since this H1N1 virus emerged in 2009, it has been associated with significant illness and severe illness among young children. At this point, most flu activity has been driven by illness in school-aged children, and hospitalization rates among children younger than 5 years old (7.7 per 100,000) are now the highest among all age groups. Usually adults 65 years and older have the highest hospitalization rates….

It’s too soon to make any assessment about this season’s severity…
ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Two years later and the data is not available?

BUT the CDC has this graph. (Note LACK OF FLU LIKE ILLNESSES 2020-2021 season…)
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Yet when I go back and look at my notes I find:

Inundated With Flu Patients, U.S. Hospitals Brace for Coronavirus

Resources are already stretched during flu season.

With so much medical equipment and drugs made in China, public health experts are anxiously watching the global supply chain.

With an intense flu season in full swing, hundreds of thousands of coughing and feverish patients have already overwhelmed emergency rooms around the United States. Now, hospitals are bracing for the potential spread of coronavirus that could bring another surge of patients…”


February 17, 2019 

The current flu season has been milder than last year’s, with the vaccine protecting about half the people who were inoculated and a less severe strain of the virus causing most of the illnesses that do occur.

However, there have been more deaths than usual from that milder strain, and there is evidence a more severe strain of the influenza virus is causing a growing percentage of illnesses….

There have been 11,600 to 19,100 deaths so far.

The number of deaths we’re seeing is a little bit surprising,” CDC epidemiologist Brendan Flannery told the Wall Street Journal. “It’s a reminder that flu can be severe.”


…..CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 32 million flu illnesses, 310,000 hospitalizations and 18,000 deaths from flu…..

……A total of 15,319 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2019 and February 22, 2020;

10,439 (68.1%) were associated with influenza A virus,

4,797 (31.3%) with influenza B virus,

47 (0.3%) with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection,

and36 (0.2%) with influenza virus for which the type was not determined….

???= 36 X 310,000
…… ——————— = 728 hospitalized mystery cases.

If you figure there are only 18% hospitalized then, yes you are looking at a possible 1000+ cases taking it there less than 50% of the mystery cases are Wuhan virus

And while we are looking into the past,
This came out:

A Seattle infectious-disease expert named Dr. Helen Y. Chu tried to test people as soon as the first case was reported in her area, but the CDC prevented it.

Dr. Chu finally went ahead and tested anyway.

Washington state ordered her to stop. 

Rigidity of thought, bureaucratic red tape, and the pigheadedness of government employees prevented Dr. Chu from getting out in front of the epidemic. (Now dead)



I had the flu 17-18 after my flu shot went to clinic and had a choice to take meds to make me feel better. I rejected it and counted on my immunity. 5 days later I was better with my Dr Weil home remedy.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to throw some “AND” logic at this.

Let’s AND in two other theories that are IN EVIDENCE.

(1) The original bat virus closest to SARS-CoV-2 was actually FOUND by having escaped from the cave when several miners DIED, and the ChiComs hid that particular virus. Similarly, the ChiComs have found antibodies to various bat viruses in villages NEAR the caves. So it’s not unbelievable to think that SUB-PANDEMICS of bat beta coronaviruses have flared out of bat caves before, possibly even internationally, and were basically not even noticed as being distinct from the other weak beta coronas that are both common and self-sustaining.

(2) The ChiComs have almost certainly been TARGETING people with coronaviruses, both as a test of capabilities AND as a way of effecting political change. We caught the one “journalist” in the press pool, and in my old employer, most of the China-wary Asians routinely treated public surfaces as potentially contaminated (we had, sadly, a lot of ChiComs infiltrated into there). Their behavior didn’t make sense until now.

So what does this mean? It means that China understood that it could use this stuff willy-nilly, and eventually they decided to do a REALLY big op with it, to get rid of Trump.

The ChiComs would thus have been PROTECTED FROM SCRUTINY by our inferior understanding of coronavirus realities.


Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

I will toss in a bit of other information.

They tested cavers who frequent BAT CAVES and found they had DEVELOPED ANTIBODIES TO RABIES! That has been known in the caving community for decades (Since the seventies/eighties.)

A quick search doesn’t turn up the study.

It was thought that the immunity came from exposure to bat guano. Bat guano is a highly prized fertilizer and MEDICINE in China.

 May 11, 2020 
Did Coronavirus Come from the Bat Guano Trade?

Despite the pandemic, the global trade in bat products continues, including in their highly prized feces, called guano. 

Bat guano is commonly used throughout the world as a fertilizer, but it is also used as medicine. It can be found on Amazon, the biggest U.S. online shopping site, where the Grocery & Gourmet Food category includes a listing for 1 gram priced at $2.95 from a traditional Chinese medicine vendor. 

A reservoir of viruses 

Known as Ye Ming Sha, or Night Ling Sand, bat guano is one of the most popular ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine. It is used for treating eye disorders, blood stasis and embolism. ..comment image

“A Buddhist monk sweeps up bat guano in a cave near Wat Khao Chong Phran Temple in Ratchaburi province, Thailand, September 14, 2009.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Think about this wolfie,
If US cavers exposed to Rabid bat poop developed anti-bodies…
Chinese have used Bat Poop for traditional medicine for CENTURIES

Is the Chinese population largely IMMUNE to BAT Corona viruses?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That would likely affect ChiCom biological warfare strategy. And they would never TELL their Western dupes like Baric and Fauci – BUT – and a very important BUT – those guys would understand TOO LATE that the ChiComs were acting on knowledge.


Your theory ALSO explains why the ChiComs “incepted” WHO with the phony “knowledge” that there was no prior immunity to the disease. TO HIDE THEIR OWN PRIOR IMMUNITY.

Think of that. Prior immunity without vaccination.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“the” corona virus?

It’s a family of viruses, some of which cause some colds; the COVID 19 virus is a different member of that family.

Basically the same error as claiming all owners of domesticated felines own lions.

Cuppa Covfefe


A Corona virus.

Feel better now?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The rest of your post proceeded from the premise that any cornona cold virus was the same as the COVID virus, so there’s more to fix.


Part of a software review —

It’s almost impossible to overstate the difficulty of creating an entirely new, reasonably modern operating system from scratch. Very few people or even teams have done it. The most obvious counterexamples are Haiku—a project which aims to recreate BeOS—and the rather more enigmatic TempleOS.

The late American programmer Terry A. Davis developed TempleOS and released it in 2013 as a sort of “modern x86-64 Commodore 64.” I don’t know of anyone besides Davis who actually used TempleOS seriously, since Davis—who was diagnosed with schizophrenia—designed it according to principles revealed in manic episodes he interpreted as divine revelation.

Sadie Slays

I mean…Temple OS predicted the 2020 “China Virus Election” all the way back in 2017 in the same video where Terry shouted about the “glow in the dark” CIA (thus starting the “glowing” meme). Something was sending us a message in that video. Sadly, I strongly suspect that Terry’s mental issues and eventual death were caused by same glowing CIA.

Warning: Extreme Language

Here’s the screen in an unrelated meme:
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Not a surprise that MKultra might be involved. Here’s a comment:

Promoted Comments

  • niwax Ars Tribunus Militum et Subscriptor
  • jump to post
  • pokrface wrote:
  • For folks wanting to know more about TempleOS & Terry Davis, Vice did a really good profile on him a few years ago, shortly before he passed away. It’s called God’s Lonely Programmer. Very sad story. The guy was clearly brilliant, but also very clearly suffering from severe mental illness.
  • I also enjoyed reading A constructive look at TempleOS, for the more techy people to appreciate the incredible thing he built.
  • 1807 posts | registered 3/6/2014
Sadie Slays

I suspect it may have been a Ted Kaczynski-like situation. CIA finds someone insanely talented, and gets their hands on him. They ultimately suicide the poor man because he isn’t under their control (and possibly because his TempleOS was revealing upcoming plans like “China Virus Election”).


Another fun one is reiserfs — — was looking very interesting until Reiser’s 2008 conviction for murder.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gives a whole new meaning to “MK Programming”…

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

However anti-American that may be, I do have to give it a slow clap.


I consider Biden to be anti-American, so yeah.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

They rode the rides and bumper cars yesterday, then they set the amusement park on fire. 😏 SAVAGES.


War Over ! Taliban Militants At Play !
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 😀  😈 


Only one day in power, and they’ve already gone public with the Talibani Phallus cone?

That was fast!


Taliban Dating App…

Butt’s Up ?
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when the Woke see the smoke !
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Swipe Up !

Concerned Virginian

Those “ice cream cones” are the Taliban saying to “President” Biden — “We have your *** right here.”


𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.


Truer words were never spoken!!!


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Must watch and must read. SD nails it on this one.


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Busted for what?

Did the clown posse that passes itself off as a Congress pass a law against fake vaccine cards?

How about a law against fake presidents, while they’re at it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And to hear Treasonous FIB featuring Stylin’ Wray threatening the peons for fake vaccine cards, but NO, there was no election fraud! – FIB just twiddin’ their thumbs during CRT training…….



President Trump Newsmax Interview With Greg Kelly About Afghanistan Collapse – The Last Refuge (


If Trump does not get off endorsing the so called vaccine he will loose me. Unless he does not know the damage they do or he is doing this on purpose.
I ask myself why would he endorse on purpose that is not a good picture for me. To many people died to many women lost their babies to many people will have other complications. Gould he be so uninformed? By now he should know the truth and if he does not do I want another President who is so ill informed? Right now I am not happy no matter the good he did and now matter how much I like him. Any person sending people to death with the jab or making them lifelong sick or abort their babies I cannot respect.
I am still holding out hope that he has no clue but people around him should and he knows Dr Zelenco.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

I’m sorry you are struggling with this. I am, too. There is no good scenario. It looks bad either way.


I hope he tells us what happened. Could always be he was mislead and not being a scientist it is difficult to sort out on your own.


Yes, it is.


Let’s hope there’s some mama bears on the jury



Why no mention of this? Established January 2001:


Inaugural attendees: Lehman, fFauci ,Weill, Bloomberg, Jackson Lee…


The way it should have been done


Taiwan may have some time


And there’s opportunities in those pipelines. Especially in earthquake areas


Take the dam out and they lose 20% of their population plus most of the distribution routes for half the country.

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2


YOUR Secretary Of State Voted For This! The Soros SS Is Gutting America! Ge Full Details and Analysis
[video src="" /]


The Nazi Bop

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Rather catchy for WHAT THE #### DID I JUST WATCH???!!! 😉


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how the various arms of the forces work

Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of “The Art of the Possible” from the musical “Evita” (where all the Generals are playing musical chairs)….

(the only clips out there are not very clear, but here’s one [take out the asterisk]: * )

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Sadie Slays

Theory going around that they’re giving Biden the “Trump Tan” in order to subconsciously turn the brainwashed against Biden. I found the actual video if anyone wants to judge for themselves. 
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Rarely watch video of BiteMe. IMO, BiteMe typically looks increasingly frail, feeble…

A make over of sorts to impress shallow thinkers.

Fake news will lap it up. But, nothing can gloss over the massive incompetence of doddering BiteMe.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or the incomparable, indeed Satanic evil of his masters…


I saw and noticed it. Theyre trying to make him look youthful. On vacation in the sun and active, not basement weak and pale.


That’s what I think. They just went a little overboard on the makeup to cover his pallor.


Yes. Hard ti maje up over drool and rot and old ice cream.

Sylvia Avery

Excellent opening post DPat. Thank you!
