2022·11·19 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

A More Serious Blurb About Mountains

Of course someone took exception to my characterizing the more prominent bumps in the terrain east of Kansas as “stupid.”

Well, every once in a while I decide to go through the exercise of being as obnoxious about Colorado as Texans are about Texas.

But it is looking more and more like Boebert will be re-elected. So maybe it wasn’t all in vain. (Of course my little ramble had absolutely nothing to do with her victory, so, well yes, it was in vain.)

So let me try to be a little more serious now, though in talking about geology I am in a realm where I have almost zero formal education and therefore much more likely to end up on the wrong side of the handlebars, or out ahead of my skis.

Mountains. Where do they come from? After all if the Earth is billions of years old (and it is), and it had mountains when it started (which, really, it didn’t), it should be glass-smooth by now from erosion with all continents worn down to sea level. (I was about to say it should look like a cue ball, but a cue ball is actually rougher than the Earth, for its size.)

So clearly mountains formed after the Earth did; well afterwards in fact. And as it happens there are mountains forming right now. And all are eroding away (even the ones that are forming) as we speak.

What’s going on here?

Well, let’s start our little tour with the Appalachians.

It was pointed out last Saturday that in spite of current appearances, the Appalachians are indeed mountains, albeit very much in the geological nursing home. According to my very surface-level research, the Appalachians first formed in the Orodovician period roughly 480 million years ago, from plate collisions between the future North America and something called the Iapetus ocean. What’s left of these mountains is largely old seabeds, rumpled up and pushed into the sky over a span of millions of years, then eroded. This range was as high as today’s Alps and Rockies (and therefore not stupid). These mountains were in the middle of the old supercontinent of Pangaea. An episode of mountain building is called an “orogeny” (and I’ve sometimes seen the term used to refer to the location where it happened/is happening) and this was the “Taconic orogeny.” A later episode in the late Carboniferous/early Permian periods, covering 325-260 million years ago, is the Alleghanian orogeny. (Yes, it’s Alleghanian, not Alleghenian as one might expect. Apparently a certain geologist couldn’t spell…) Of course over hundreds of millions of years they eroded. And here is an interesting fact…the rocks that make up mountains are a bit lighter than the “mantle” rocks below our continents, so they actually, in a way, float. If you pile them up, they tend to sink into the mantle rock (which is slightly elastic thanks to its high temperature). In other words, mountains are like icebergs, most of them are below the surface. If a foot of rock erodes off the top of a mountain, the mountain will rise something like 10-11 inches to reach equilibrium, so to actually permanently shorten a mountain by a foot you have to erode ten feet off the top. But of course that only works if the mountain isn’t still being uplifted!

But what causes the uplift?

In a word…okay, two words…plate tectonics.

The entire surface of the earth is divided up into “plates.” Some of the plates are entirely ocean floor, a relatively thin layer of basaltic rock, which is heavy. Others have continental crust, a much thicker layer of lighter rock…which is why mountains are like icebergs. Most plates that have continental crust have a great deal of ocean crust too, with the continent largely if not entirely surrounded by ocean crust. If you’ve ever looked at one of those maps that shows underwater features, you’ll see around the margin of every continent, a shallow sea floor, then an abrupt drop down to deep ocean. That shallow sea floor is “continental shelf” and is geologically part of the continent even though it’s under water. The deeps are ocean floors.

The major tectonic plates. Although some of them correspond well to continents, many are almost purely ocean floor. And note that part of Siberia is on the North American plate.

The places where plates come together–the seams–are “plate boundaries” and are also fault zones. Fault zone as in “earthquake.”

The reason mountains exist is that these tectonic plates move. The red arrows on the diagram above show the direction of motion in a number of locations.

If the plates cover all of the surface of the earth, how do they move? It’s like having one of those sliding block puzzles (arrange the numbers 1-15 in order…you know, that kind), but with no open hole to move blocks into.

Well, that’s an interesting story! And it happens, geology would make no damned sense without the answer to that question.

So let’s take a look at a few cases.

The Himalaya mountains (definitely VSG or genius level mountains) are still being built; they’re the result of the Indian plate being pushed into the Eurasian plate. In a head-on collision the continental crust has nowhere to go, so it goes up. The Himalayas are damned tall, and getting taller. Although erosion is acting on them, the uplift is faster than the erosion, resulting in a net increase in height.

Moving on to the Andes, a similar thing is going on, except that they aren’t the result of two continental plates making a head on collision, but rather of an ocean plate being pushed under a continental plate, down into the mantle. This results in a chain of volcanoes as the light sediment on the subducted ocean crust melts and forces its way to the surface as magma (molten rock)–again, its crustal rock and is lighter than the mantle, and is what’s going on under Japan and Alaska (and Indonesia and Kamchatka and the Pacific Northwest).

That’s how the plates can move. An ocean plate will be pushed under a continental plate, down into the Earth’s mantle, this is called “subduction.”

These are two of the three major ways mountains form. The third is a little less prominent…unless you look under the oceans. When you do that, you discover the longest mountain range on Earth. The main part of this is the Mid Atlantic Ridge, and it is a place where ocean floor plates move away from each other. Basically, magma wells up along a long rift in the ocean floor, and solidifies, some of it becomes part of the ocean crust attached to North and South America, and some becomes attached to Europe and Africa. It’s a bit like a conveyor belt, moving the Americas away from the Old World.

Iceland is actually on this ridge and represents a place where more than the usual amount of magma comes up through the rift (we’ll come back to that later). Reykjavik is actually on the part of Iceland that is, geologically, part of North America, while the eastern two thirds or so of the island is geologically part of Europe. The rift runs right through Thingvellir park (Icelandic spelling: Þingvellir), near where the original Icelandic Althing met. (The Althing is the Icelandic parliament, and it has been a going concern since 930. That is not a typo; it’s the oldest parliamentary body in the world.)

Once, North America and Europe were joined, and South America and Africa were joined. But then for some reason, deep inside the earth, the continents were slowly, inexorably tugged apart. A rift began to form; the land inside that rift simply began to sink (it wasn’t a gigantic crack through all that rock), until it dropped below sea level, then a shallow sea was there and as the continents moved further apart, finally a deep ocean, the Atlantic, formed, with the Mid Atlantic ridge where the rift originally was. And the continents are still moving apart. (We can actually measure this in real time thanks to GPS and lasers–they move apart about as fast as your fingernails grow.)

Right now, Africa has a new “rift valley” running a bit east of center down the continent, starting with the Red Sea then coming ashore at Djibouti (which is measurably sinking), down through the “Rift Valley” and through all those big (and deep!) lakes, Victoria, Malawi, Tanganyika…The continent is literally splitting apart. Lake Baikal in Siberia is another example of a rift feature.

The Pacific Ocean is one large plate, with smaller plates around the edges, almost none of it continental crust. But one exception we’re all aware of is Baja California and part of the US state of California. As the Atlantic spreads, the Pacific must shrink and the continents are moving into the Pacific. The Pacific ocean floor is getting pushed under the continents around its margin, which is where the “Ring of Fire” comes from.

As I said the Pacific isn’t just one big plate, and there are more mid-ocean ridges in the Pacific. But their net effect is to simply produce ocean crust that’s going to get pushed under North and South America and Asia even faster, because that crust is moving towards the continents, head on. There are two ridges in the eastern Pacific (i.e., the parts nearest the Americas), the Juan de Fuca near the Pacific Northwest, and the East Pacific Rise, a couple of thousand miles off the coast of South America. The plates to the east of the East Pacific rise are the Cocos and Nazca plates, and the Nazca plate subduction under South America is what is pushing the Andes up.

In fact, plate tectonics explains almost all volcanos and mountain ranges on Earth, and it might interest you to know that we did not understand plate tectonics in 1960. As a kid I had a book about volcanoes, and it was maybe twelve years old and totally out of date. It said, in essence, that we didn’t know why volcanoes showed up where they did and not other places. The entire science of geology went through a revolution during that decade. I’ve seen videos of college professors who were students during that time, describing what it was like to be getting into the field during such a time–it was exciting! (And perhaps I can tell that story, sometime.) It represented the final vindication of Alfred Wegener.

Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) is famous for suggesting that the continents move. It explained a lot of things, such as matching rock formations and fossils on either side of the Atlantic, to say nothing of how the outlines almost look like puzzle pieces, especially if you look at the edges of the continental shelves.

But the problem was, no one could see how the continents could just plow through the ocean crust. Wegener was considered a crackpot. The correct answer–that the ocean floor isn’t something continents have to plow through, it’s a conveyor belt carrying the continents with it–finally became clear during the 1950s and 1960s, long after Wegener had died.

These edge-of-tectonic-plate effects account for almost all volcanoes and mountain ranges…which means not all of them. A couple of prominent exceptions are Hawaii, and the Rocky Mountains. But even there, plate tectonics helps explain them.

We can start by taking a look at the Pacific Plate (and adjoining plates).

You’ll notice in the upper right the Juan de Fuca plate (and ridge), and at the mid-right edge the Nazca and Cocos plates. Easter Island, it turns out, owes its existence to these tectonic forces, as do the Galapagos islands (unlabeled, but a couple of hundred miles south of the junction of the Nazca, Cocos and Pacific plates).

Hawaii is smack dab in the middle of the upper part of the plate (it’s shown in very low contrast outline), and the forces that create volcanoes and mountains generally operate at the edges of plates. Hawaii is thousands of miles from such an edge. So how is it that the Big Island–which is a humongous multi-peaked volcano, which if measured from the ocean floor on which it rests, is taller than Mount Everest (thus, distinctly unstupid) is way the heck out there?

Well, there’s another feature of geology, somewhat related to mid ocean ridges, known as hot spots.

There is, apparently, a “hot spot” deep underground in the interior of the Earth, that has been pushing magma upwards for tens of millions of years. The Pacific plate is moving northwest over this hot spot. The Big Island is over it now, but in the past, Maui and Oahu were. They’re no longer active volcanos and have been eroding away ever since which is why the Hawaiian islands get smaller the further away they are from the Big Island. In fact, the island chain continues clear out to Wake Island. Beyond Wake Island, there’s a long line of undersea mounts…former islands running off to the west-northwest of Hawaii…then suddenly, as you follow it further west and further into the past, it turns north. The Pacific plate was once moving northward, then abruptly turned west, and you can follow the line of travel over the hot spot by following those undersea mounts–which are now called the Emperor Seamounts

So yes, plate tectonics doesn’t tell you why Hawaii is there…but it does explain why there’s a long string of islands and former islands there, rather than just one really, really big volcano in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. (Imagine what it would look like if ALL of that vulcanism happened at the same spot on the Pacific Ocean floor, rather than along a line.)

That diagram shows you the other conundrum–the Rockies, too, are nowhere near a plate boundary. You can see the Colorado Rockies, halfway down near the right side, and distinctly reddish from their altitude. The San Andreas in California is the plate boundary, and it’s actually two plates sliding sideways past each other, rather than away from each other or into each other, which makes for not much mountainbuilding and actually, milder earthquakes. (California quakes are nothing next to things like the Chilean, Alaskan and Japanese earthquakes along subduction zones; the two worst earthquakes reliably measured were in Alaska and Chile in the 1960s; the Fukushima-wrecking quake wasn’t that far behind.)

The Pacific plate actually touches a continent in two places, Alaska and California. There’s no mid ocean ridge off the coast of California.

But with a little imagination, you can see that perhaps once upon a time the East Pacific rise and the Juan de Fuca ridge were connected…but the connection has been overrun by North America as it moves west away from the Mid Atlantic ridge!

In fact, geologists strongly suspect this is what’s going on, and they call the old, combined but now subducted plate the Farallon plate. An actual mid-ocean ridge ended up under North America, and it’s perhaps only a couple of hundred miles under North America, and still spewing magma down there. And that is what pushed up the Rockies. Give it long enough, and it might just put mountains in Kansas, because Kansas will eventually be over that old, buried midocean ridge. (However, the bit about the ridge still operating down there is a bit speculative; most geologists seem to think it’s all due to the old Farallon plate being at a fairly shallow depth and friction causing the uplift.)

The Rockies, by the way, are estimated to have once been 25,000 feet tall, with a large Tibet-like plateau at 20,000 feet, but they stopped being pushed up roughly 55 million years ago (that was the “Laramide Orogeny”) and have been eroding ever since. Ten thousand feet in 50 million years.

One last thing. Is that Hawaiian hot spot particularly unusual? Yes and no. There are plenty of hot spots, but they tend to be on mid ocean ridges and rift zones, in fact they probably help continents break up and form those ridges and rifts in the first place. Iceland is an example, but there are other mid-Atlantic islands like the Azores, St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and so on that are likely hot spots albeit not as strong as Hawaii–those are all on the Mid Atlantic ridge. Hawaii is unusual in being nowhere near a ridge.

But there’s another hot spot nowhere near a ridge or rift valley, and that’s Yellowstone. And there’s a key difference between it and Hawaii–it’s under a continent. When Hawaii erupts, it erupts, basically, molten basalt and that tends to be a gentle eruption. The hot spot under Yellowstone, by contrast, heats up granitic rock. Molten granite is much thicker, gooier stuff and will erupt explosively…which is why when Yellowstone goes, it’s a Big Deal, an absolute catastrophe for the world. When it goes, it doesn’t just destroy a mountain…it takes a huge chunk out of a mountain range. And it will probably trigger an ice age all by itself, after dumping several feet of ash over something like a million square miles. (Honestly, I want to be on Mars when this thing goes kablooey!)

Remember that terrain map of Colorado I showed you last week? Here’s the one for Idaho from the same site (geology.com). (All of my maps from last week besides the congressional district one were from geology.com.)

Note the big, flat floored valley running in an arc across the southern part of the state. And also note that instead of the mountains framing that valley as was the case for Colorado’s San Luis Valley, the valley looks like it was bulldozed across or perpendicular to the riges. And then, remember what’s off that northeast corner…Yellowstone. Meet the bulldozer.

That valley was literally blasted out of those mountains, by Yellowstone. North America is moving west-southwest over the hot spot, and every time Yellowstone blows, a bit more of that broad valley is formed, it gets cut deeper and deeper into the Rocky Mountains.

Now here’s the thing I realized (and if I can realize it as I go further and further over the edge of my skis, then actual geologists have probably thought of it and either laughed because they know some reason (that I don’t) that makes it ridiculous, or they’ve actually thought about it for at least five seconds.

I mentioned hot spots tend to be found around ocean ridges (and also rift valleys, which are how continents split and form those ridges to begin with). And that in large part really, it’s the hot spots that cause the ridges not the other way around (so of course there’s an association). I’ve also mentioned the crazy thought that the Farallon plate and its border ridge is under North America, still acting like a ridge even though it’s buried, and pushing up mountains.

What if Yellowstone was actually, many millions of years ago, a hot spot on that rift?

Anyhow, this was probably more than you wanted to know about mountains, genius level down to stupid, and even a bit about the short-tempered ones that blow their stacks.

I just hope I didn’t mangle the geology too badly.

The Real Fascist is His Fraudulency Joe Biden*

*Or whoever has his hand rammed up that meat puppet’s ass.

Brandon (which I will use as a term for whoever is the power behind the Porcelain Throne) has thrown down the gauntlet…but in a way where most of America will never see it. The networks didn’t carry his tirade. CNN air brushed it (or whatever you call editing the red background) for its five viewers (who aren’t trapped in airports).

Luckily for me I live in Colorado, and therefore, despite my best efforts, I probably didn’t vote for Donald Trump.

Of course, for this purpose who I actually did try to vote for will be essential, and they undoubtedly know.

Come and get us, asswipes!

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Small Government?

Many times conservatives (real and fake) speak of “small government” being the goal.

This sounds good, and mostly is good, but it misses the essential point. The important thing here isn’t the size, but rather the purpose, of government. We could have a cheap, small tyranny. After all our government spends most of its revenue on payments to individuals and foreign aid, neither of which is part of the tyrannical apparatus trying to keep us locked down and censored. What parts of the government would be necessary for a tyranny? It’d be a lot smaller than what we have now. We could shrink the government and nevertheless find it more tyrannical than it is today.

No, what we want is a limited government, limited not in size, but rather in scope. Limited, that is, in what it’s allowed to do. Under current circumstances, such a government would also be much smaller, but that’s a side effect. If we were in a World War II sort of war, an existential fight against nasty dictatorships on the brink of world conquest, that would be very expensive and would require a gargantuan government, but that would be what the government should be doing. That would be a large, but still limited government, since it’d be working to protect our rights.

World War II would have been the wrong time to squawk about “small government,” but it wasn’t (and never is) a bad time to demand limited government. Today would be a better time to ask for a small government–at least the job it should be doing is small today–but it misses the essential point; we want government to not do certain things. Many of those things we don’t want it doing are expensive but many of them are quite eminently doable by a smaller government than the one we have today. Small, but still exceeding proper limits.

So be careful what you ask for. You might get it and find you asked for the wrong thing.

Political Science In Summation

It’s really just a matter of people who can’t be happy unless they control others…versus those who want to be left alone. The oldest conflict within mankind. Government is necessary, but government attracts the assholes (a highly technical term for the control freaks).

A Few Things We Cannot Blame on His Fraudulency

I am pretty sure Joe Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with the 30 Years War that ran from 1618-1648 and probably killed about a third of the people then living in what is now Germany.

Nor did he cause the collapse of either Roman empire (Western, 476 CE, Eastern 1453 CE). Nor the ignominious failure of most of the Crusades. Nor the collapse of Bronze Age civilization around 1200 BCE (including the collapse of the Minoans and the blowup of Santorini).

However, my utter lack of ability to imagine how he could possibly be responsible for these things is not a valid argument against them, so I await correction if appropriate.

His Truth?

Again we saw an instance of “It might be true for Billy, but it’s not true for Bob” logic this week.

I hear this often, and it’s usually harmless. As when it’s describing differing circumstances, not different facts. “Housing is unaffordable” can be true for one person, but not for another who makes ten times as much.

But sometimes the speaker means it literally. Something like 2+2=4 is asserted to be true for Billy but not for Bob. (And when it’s literal, it’s usually Bob saying it.) And in that sense, it’s nonsense, dangerous nonsense. There is ONE reality, and it exists independent of our desires and our perceptions. It would go on existing if we weren’t here. We exist in it. It does not exist in our heads. It’s not a personal construct, and it isn’t a social construct. If there were no society, reality would continue to be what it is, it wouldn’t vanish…which it would have to do, if it were a social construct.

Now what can change from person to person is the perception of reality. We see that all the time. And people will, of course, act on those perceptions. They will vote for Trump (or try to) if their perception is close to mine, and vote against Trump (and certainly succeed at doing so) if their perception is distant from mine (and therefore, if I do say so, wrong). I have heard people say “perception is reality” and usually, that’s what they’re trying to say–your perception of reality is, as far as you know, an accurate representation of reality, or you’d change it.

But I really wish they’d say it differently. And sometimes, to get back to Billy and Bob, the person who says they have different truths is really saying they have different perceptions of reality–different worldviews. I can’t argue with the latter. But I sure wish they’d say it better. That way I’d know that someone who blabbers about two different truths is delusional and not worth my time, at least not until he passes kindergarten-level metaphysics on his umpteenth attempt.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

(Paper) Spot Prices

Last week:

Gold $1,772.30
Silver $21.80
Platinum $1037.00
Palladium $2,132.00
Rhodium $14,450.00

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.

Gold $1,752.20
Silver $21.05
Platinum $988.00
Palladium $2,020.00
Rhodium $14,150.00

Everything is down for the week, a bit, unsurprising given the huge jump last week.

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

Whoever ends up in the cell next to his, tell him I said “Hi.”

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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A couple of other observations regarding geology.

First, there is the thing about California’s San Andreas Fault having the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate sliding past each other like blocks of wood. In reality, it’s more like taking two graham crackers on a countertop and shoving them past each other — it spawns a bunch of wreckage on either side of the main fault, and there can be parallel faults (such as the Hayward and Calaveras Faults in the SF Bay Area), or even chunks surrounded by faults on all sides that are rotating.

Second, the Juan de Fuca Plate has been getting shoved under the North American Plate for quite a long time. Originally it was good sized, but what is left is a sliver of what it used to be. It is entirely possible that part of what currently fuels Yellowstone is the final dissolution of the leading edge of the Juan de Fuca Plate as it moves into the abyss.


Mount St. Helens and Lassen were the only two volcanoes to erupt in the lower 48 during the 20th century.

Lassen is a California volcano — https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/california.html — and a Cascades volcano.

Mount St. Helens is a Cascades volcano — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Cascade_volcanoes .


What’s the difference between a fault line and a robot who just wants to be friends? 🤖


ANSWER: One is a tectonic plate and the other is platonic tech. 😬


[loud groan]


What do plate techtonics say when they collice collide with each other?

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Barb Meier

Yes…? LOL [awaiting answer]

Last edited 2 years ago by Barb Meier

“Sorry, my fault.”

(I know these are so bad! 😂)


[nonstop groan]

and what’s a collice?

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!!  😂  So bad-good!


He’s probably got a lot on his plate.


It’s not his fault.


Lol! You are on a roll.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

u magma day

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BWAHAHAHAHA – that’s BAD but GOOD!!!


Bring Trump back.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths


Love or hate @elonmusk

– but there’s very few people in history who are true Innovators – Tesla, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, etc. Whether you like him or not,

Elon Musk is one of those rare innovators.

Imagine having the chance to work for anyone on that historical list – but you quit because they hurt your little feelings and challenged you to dig deep and work harder? Talk about a shallow narcissist who doesn’t have a clue.

There’s millions of people who would kill to have this once in a lifetime opportunity. I hope Elon gives it to people who deserve it, and gets rid of all these ridiculous, sniveling brat, entitled children, who don’t understand just how lucky they were.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. Just being kept on by Elon would be an honor. I suspect that all the best coders are still there.


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Seeing the caricature of Bankman-Fried reminds me of the British Dennis the Menace.


Probably the similar hair that these two have.


Mark Finchem:

BREAKING: Cochise County BOS just motioned to table the certification of the election until November 28th, when they expect to review all evidence of the proof of legal certification by the accredited Election Assistance Commission labs to use the tabulation machines. This now establishes precedent to do the same in other counties now that Cochise County is validating their results. Arizona cannot certify any election results until all counties have rendered certified results.

Gail Combs


MaraCop-out county NEVER CERTIFIED PLUS 30%-40% of the election day ballots were COUNTED AT RUNBECK.

Is Runbeck even certified to HANDLE BALLOTS (after casting) much less to COUNT BALLOTS????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Runbeck better runandcatchthatlastflighttochina.

Gail Combs

Kari Lake has them in her sights!
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Barb Meier

Thanks, Steve! I so enjoyed your discussion on plate tectonics and especially like the ones showing plate movement directions. You have a great writing style, are fun to read, and make complex subject matter so much easier to follow.  👋 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I feel like i have a much better grasp of plate tectonic volcanism now. I love the idea that Yellowstone is basically an “old edge hotspot” that now appears like an isolate because the ridge is masked – kinda – sorta – but not really, “because Rocky Mountains” which give it away. It all sews together very nicely. And that includes WHY the Yellowstone hot spot is so explosive – it’s essentially covered up.

This map made it very apparent to me that Steve is right about that idea.

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I’ve also thought that the Black Hills and Devil’s Tower were related – they sure look so on this map. Very “Hawaii”.


Devil’s Tower looks a lot like the volcanic plugs I saw in Eastern Australia.

Gail Combs

It is a volcanic plug. What is interesting is you can see the GIGANTIC ‘CRYSTALS’ actually the formation is Columnar Joining

The size and rock type (phonolite porphyry) of the Tower’s columns make this a one of a kind formation….


comment image

more: https://www.nps.gov/deto/learn/nature/tower-formation.htm#CP_JUMP_6152541


Yes, it is very cool. All these hexagons, and you can see them as you walk around it.


They did. I’ve been there twice. The place is amazing, spiritually super-charged, and eerie. I walked all the way around both times.


Yes. The place is just as creepy and otherworldly in person as they portrayed it on film.

P.S. It might surprise you, but I was a straight-A student through two years of college geology. I took it at first because I had to have a science credit, and I hated biology and chemistry. It was the “easy science”; they called it “Rocks for Jocks.” But I fell in love, and remain in love with rocks to this day. I love to go rock and crystal hunting. We do it almost every summer.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It’s one of the top five places in America that I think people should go, if they get the chance.

The others?

1) The Pearl Harbor Memorial. Number ONE, hands down

2) Savannah, Georgia

3) Yosemite

4) Yellowstone


Us as well. 😄


Lol. I get it. But it really is the most amazing place I have ever been, and I’ve been to some places.


I was there, too. And saw a real lava flow right up close south of Kona. And I went to the top of Mauna Kea. It was actually hard to breathe up there.


Yes, I live at about 5000 ft. And if I was not trying to run around to much, it wasn’t too bad. I went to Snowmass years ago, and got a bit altitude sickness on the second day. I am hyper sensitive to elevation changes. I have been all my life.

Gail Combs

They do not bother me at all.

500 ft (sea level) to 6,000 and then to 12,000.

ZERO problem.


You are very lucky. I have inner ear issues, which I think is the problem. Since I got permanent tubes in my eardrums, the problems are very minimal.

Gail Combs

Same Steve. The national parks in the USA are a real wonder.


The prairie dogs were cute though. 😀


Prairie dogs are cute, but they are a menace!


Can’t edit. I meant the prairie dogs as you’re driving toward Devil’s Tower. I drove over there myself from the Custer area, while hubby was playing golf. We went to Rushmore on the same trip as Glacier NP.


Can’t edit at all. 🙄 Not by car. PHL to Kalispell. Then to Rapid City, and back to PHL.


I did okay in Intro to Astronomy, got a B I think, but I stopped there.


Oh, I knew better. Math is NOT my area.

Gail Combs

A lady after my own heart. I have been a rock hound since before grade school.


I found my very first crystal on the side of the road in my little Georgia hometown. It was a smokey quartz the size of my fist. I loved that stone. It was on the kitchen windowsill when our house caught fire, and it exploded from the heat. My class ring, next to it, melted into a puddle of gold.

Gail Combs

My parents took me to the Herkimer ‘diamond’ mines. I still have them as part of my rock collection.
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Cool! I love herkimers.

Gail Combs

The first time I heard the Cremation of Sam Mcgee was at night around a campfire with the Big Dipper pouring out Devils Tower. 😱 


Oh, I’ll bet that was awesome!

Gail Combs

Yes it was. I was 19 at the time.


Good times!


Don’t get all gooey eyes, Barb.  😂 

Barb Meier

pgroup, how’d you do that?! My gooey eyes aren’t in my emoji selector anymore.   :wpds_shock: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Try typing (colon)joy(colon)!  😂 

Barb Meier

 😂  that’s laughter. I want big blue bubble eyes. LOL


Very interesting discussion on how mountains are formed, Steve. Thank you!


Gregg Phillips: https://truthsocial.com/@greggphillips

We will publish a process doc on Sunday that will help explain why the Runbeck dig is important.

The latest Q post mentions Runbeck. It has been known to be a factor in election fraud for some time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. I think they’re key. See below – I need to bring over stuff from yesterday….


First belly laugh I’ve had about the vote counting:

Wife is reading the latest WA state SoS results. All of our counties are closed for the weekend and one of them has ONE vote left to count on Monday.

I’m still chuckling. These people.


Yeah, I keep looking at our SoS results on our Oregon governor race. Here it is a week and a half later, and they still have over 1 million votes to count.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



How is it Powerball can reveal the winner overnight , and even tell you which store the winning ticket was sold from..yet a week later no election winner?
Of course we know the answer.. Powerball winners don’t win Trillions.

Got’ta keep counting those ballots until desired results are met , or grossly outmatches the total population which ever comes first.  😏 


…one vote left to count…

Overtime not authorized, so government workers went home. /s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – big comment about Runbeck. I think they’re key to the hack.

This is what we said yesterday…


Deplorable PatriotOffline



 Reply to  Deplorable Patriot
 November 18, 2022 19:58

Maricopa Using Runbeck Again to Scan Ballots With No Observers
There we go.


Wolf Moon | Threat to DemonocracyOnline

 Reply to  Deplorable Patriot
 November 19, 2022 00:26

Yes. BUT – here is the thing. EVEN observers can’t catch the trick. It’s a BEAUTIFUL SCAM. Only the most technical, geeky, hacker observers could find what they’re doing.
The very act of scanning at Runbeck is insecure!!!
My theory is that Runbeck does a deep scan of the ballots – deep enough to actually detect the marks (almost any LED will do this – think of the pulse oximeter which can measure blood color in your finger) while still in the envelopes – and pipes off the data to outsiders. Somebody outside takes that data and does a complex 3D reconstruction of the opened ballots linked to the envelopes, to figure out who voted and how they voted, and this information is used not only to get ahead of the legal counting, but to either generate replacement ballots, or to figure out which batches of ballots to lose.
Note that this problem is orders of magnitude simpler than stuff like OCR or X-ray crystallography – it’s a piece of cake. I could probably write the code myself, never having done it.
Short version: The ballots are pre-tabulated during scanning at Runbeck, and then Democrats and RINOs are free to access batches of ballots and alter the results, with the minimum number of people knowing either how it is done or that it is done.
The official process is a bit like a false front. Dems know the total results after they pass through Runbeck.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGAOnline


 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 November 19, 2022 00:34

So one reform to be used on any mail in ballot (if we can’t get rid of them, or for the few remaining legit absentee ballots) is foil sheeting in the envelopes.



 Reply to  SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
 November 19, 2022 00:42

Or just put include your own aluminum foil.


Wolf Moon | Threat to DemonocracyOnline

 Reply to  SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
 November 19, 2022 01:24

I’m going to comment more on your open. I’ll link back to this.



Here is where human ingenuity really screws us. Almost any method that allows scanning of ballots as they come in can allow deep scanning, and deep scanning can give data on what’s on the ballot.

In principle, one can try to block scanning radiation in different ways, but in my opinion, smart enough people can still come up with a scanner to beat whatever idea one comes up with to block scanning.

In fact, just thinking about this problem, I’ve invented several ways that could probably beat almost any shielding of ballots. And I know I’m not the first to invent them.

Mail-in ballots are almost IMPOSSIBLE to shield from surreptitious scanning by advanced technology. Trump is right. They’re just BAD.

ANYWAY, that’s how they’re doing it, IMO. They’re “pre-tabulating” the ballots, and slowing the overall process turns that pre-tabulation edge into actionable intelligence.


Wow. If we know they’re doing it, and it’s illegal, then there should be a way to stop them. The question is whether we can prove it’s being done.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, to prove it, you would need a descending net like the FBI did on Mar-a-Lago.

The technology inserted into the process to do this is basically spyware. Hardware and software, or just software, really, if the machines are already getting the needed data. If it’s a hardware device, it could be inserted anywhere in the process. It could be GONE for all we know. But basically some piece of hardware that the ballots pass through. That’s it.

OMG – that’s a GREAT name for it!



This device is gonna be GONE unless somebody caught them in the act of placing it and removing it.

So unless we were ahead of the spying, there’s probably no evidence.

But say we’re lucky and the evidence is still at Runbeck. Gotta fall like lightning on the ENTIRE operation and sweep down to the tiniest WIRE inserted in the whole process.

What are we looking for? Do we even know?

But the FBI is corrupt – they won’t do it. The Arizona state government is corrupt – they won’t to it. Maricopa County is corrupt – they won’t do it. The US military is woke and won’t intervene – they won’t do it. The United Nations is in favor of Katie Hobbs – they won’t do it.

In my opinion, the Q post is basically trying to incite US to “do something”?

Well, the best we can do is to guess how it’s done, but I’m done with January Sixth protests, thank you, because FIB will create discrediting violence.

These people are evil. They just look for us to do ANYTHING they can arrest us for, and then lock us up indefinitely, or make us “admit” we were wrong.

We can pray to Heaven for Angels to appear out of nowhere and start arresting people, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t happen.

But if one person who was in on it can be induced to rat out the operation, maybe there is hope.

I’m in favor of somebody who has authorization stepping up, if there is enough evidence, but who would that be?


^^^ Chalk full of bottom line takeaways.


We need ONE person who was in on it to turn, and produce the evidence. Because otherwise, I think you’re right; the “”equipment” used to do this is long, long gone.


Tony B came forward and what happened?



I know. Sigh….


That was exactly my take on the Q post. Q pleading with some insider to help us. The post is disguised to sound like such a person exists, instead of begging such a person to come forward.

Maybe there is a whole lot more to it, but if this (the begging) is the gist, then we are indeed full out of hopium.


Wow, no offense but you sure are a depressing sort this morning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Party hat science, like PC, kills!

I’ve had enough close calls.


Well, the best we can do is to guess how it’s done, but I’m done with January Sixth protests, thank you, because FIB will create discrediting violence.

This prevents us from engaging in the kind of protests that are happening in Brazil.

I know there are people who know what’s going on. There are white hat investigators, but they might not have absolute proof. So yes, we need whistleblowers.


Runbeck still dropping ballots??????????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DISTRACTION! This is like a magic act – in many ways to save Runbeck’s ASS!

The real crime (ballot skimming) has already occurred – long ago!

That set up the various “solutions” of diverting uncounted “R batches” into counted batches, abjudication of ballots, etc.

Wow, these people are evil.


Q was pointing us to that.


Today’s post made me wonder about this:
How far in advance could scientists predict an eruption of the Yellowstone volcano?

The science of forecasting a volcanic eruption has significantly advanced over the past 25 years. Most scientists think that the buildup preceding a catastrophic eruption would be detectable for weeks and perhaps months to years. Precursors to volcanic eruptions include strong earthquake swarms and rapid ground deformation and typically take place days to weeks before an actual eruption. Scientists at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) closely monitor the Yellowstone region for such precursors. They expect that the buildup to larger eruptions would include intense precursory activity (far exceeding background levels) at multiple spots within the Yellowstone volcano. As at many caldera systems around the world, small earthquakes, ground uplift and subsidence, and gas releases at Yellowstone are commonplace events and do not reflect impending eruptions.

If a Yellowstone eruption would be devastating, then predicting it a few weeks ahead of time would cause panic and stampedes. If predicted over the course of years, I think a few people would move out of the area, but a lot would become complacent.

I haven’t seen it, but the BBC made a TV movie in 2005 about Yellowstone erupting, called “Supervolcano.”

Gail Combs

…..Nuclear weapon…..


The Cascadia Subduction Zone off of Oregon scares me more even than Yellowstone. It is overdue:



I figure if Yellowstone goes, I’ll never know it!


Yeah. I hope I’m oblivious. Maybe in the woods.


Or dead of old age, which is what I hope!


We should just flood the zone, like the Rio Grande Valley is getting.


Don’t think I’d like the climate much anyway!


One of my all time fave disaster movies…’2012’.
Woody Harrelson character live streaming Yellowstone going kaboom!
Crust displacement theory…😁


Yesterday, Deplorable Patriot posted this article:
New to the Great Awakening?https://badlands.substack.com/p/new-to-the-great-awakening

The author of that article made a chart, with this comment:

You can see from this chart where I placed the various puzzle pieces. And I’m a solutions-oriented girl. I don’t like to just talk about problems without solutions. So you’ll see from the chart that I also spitballed some of those. I hope sharing this will help someone be able to make better sense of what’s happening in the world.

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I notice everything in those blocks pretty much surrounds the human society.
Well it’s pretty obvious to me the common denominator in those blocks is Tech.
Big Tech , or more accurately Big Tech Accounting.. which set of numbers from which blocks rule for the given monthly, annual, daily narrative. In other words it’s a balancing act between all of them. With so many variables to draw from in those blocks , it could consume A square city block of hi rise offices filled with accountants managing all that info , which would then have to be further formatted/ filtered before sending it to ‘the “Boss” office, .. thus would be much too leaky.
Inputs into Computers on the other hand can be ‘semi’- secured and manipulated at will by those with the’ keys’ and proper access.
Control of the masses thru MSM cooperation, Draw from any, enlarge or simply change the numbers to make something appear more urgent/ important.
Or just Lie about the real numbers. 😉 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The new J6 special prosecutor makes Merrick Garland look honorable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sundance is also saying defunding isn’t trivial, and requires legislation. We’ll see. At least we’re talking about it.


War Room: MTG says She Talked to Kevin McCarthy and There Will be NO FUNDING for latest Special Counsel Investigation of Trump (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)


Battle of, “wills”, so to speak.

Hold the line or cave.

Yea, we are dealing with R-Cons Uniparty. Cave it is.


If you were a congresscritter, would you like to have a windowless basement office the size of a closet? And maybe 1 assistant? And no committee assignments? And no re-election funding, other than what you get on youself?

There are ways to get results in Congress. Ask yourself how Pee-lousy managed to get full cooperation of her caucus.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

Details details.

“Always with the negative waves, Moriarity.”


Mayhaps Sundance has let “Horse Trading” slip his mind. Thought that was one of his theories. The amount of crimes the Bidenese have committed are plentiful as is the evidence. My guess would be they would want some of it to go away. We’ll see what happens when House begins investigations.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Bloviating. That is what will happen. Lots of bloviating.


I call bullshit. That’s just Sundance being a doom-poony again. The Holman Rule is a real thing. I looked it up.


So nothing passes. For two years. Every bill through the House should defund the Special Council.

If the Senate refuses it, it’s on them. Ditto if it gets to Biden and he won’t sign.



Where are these steel-spine GOP of which you dream?


Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

Well, I know. But a girl can dream.


Explain, por favor.




I think we should shut it ALL down. Starting with US.


Yes, they can shut down the government. But WE can shut down the COUNTRY.

Gail Combs

MUCH better Idea that some idiot protest.

The Commie teachers TEACH protesting. However it ONLY works when the CABAL WANTS IT TO WORK.

Case in point — Jan 6th.





At some point, R-Cons gotta stand for something, beyond Uniparty.


There is no authority for such an appointment.

Garland should be impeached over it.


I was unclear. I meant it was grounds for impeachment, not that we should impeach.


He’s irrelevant. DJT has great lawyers, and can hire more if needed.

Anything that touches DJT is going to SCOTUS anyway.


Thanks for the interesting and very readable story of the plate tectonics.

It is a fascinating story in itself, and it also makes it evident that the only thing constant is change — while some things appear to be constant just because they change slowly, nothing remains the same forever.

Happy Saturday!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did a long thread on Twitter. Gonna give some folks wedgies.

Barb Meier

Liked! I’ll keep an eye on your twitter…  😊 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


THIS! A thousand times over.


Elon Musk toying again:


Looks like a standard election result so far. Lots of votes though. 52 -48 YES.

Last edited 2 years ago by RF121
Gail Combs

Twatter is skewed left. Many refuse to rejoin.


And many never joined.


Twitter is not all politics.


Yea. That would be my guesstimate, based on the widely varying TW topics posted here QTree. Thanks.

Have no use for joining TW. Many do, its a personal decision. Same as FB…

100%, I do enjoy TW stuff pulled over to QTree.


And many have been banned …


Don’t have a decoder ring.

…standard election result so far. ???


Most elections in the U.S fall in the same % range. 55 – 45.

Gail Combs

Jon Harold pointed out that say REINSTATE (as in PRESIDENT) not reinstate ON TWATTER.


Gail Combs

LOVED the geology lesson.

In high school I was lucky enough to have a newly graduated science teacher who had just learned plate tectonics and was very excited about it. In college I took geology classes just for fun and even did a Senior Thesis in Geology with a fellow caver at the request of our prof.

In one of my geo classes the prof at the beginning of the semester told us we would have to pair up and do a term paper. So the other caver in the class and I teamed up and started right in. Well the prof never got around to assigning the term paper but he was impressed enough that he asked us to continue the research as a special project.

It was actually ground breaking work and we did it under the State geologist and ended up presenting our findings to some pretty important geologists….

Oh did I mention, I am a chemist and my partner was a freshman English major?  🙃  Our prof, who was the dean of Geo was devastated that we weren’t Geo majors. He did get my partner to switch majors but I was a senior. Solution — ask me to go for a Phd in Geology. Dumb ass that I was I got married instead.

Then I was over in Europe with my Ex. I was flying from Germany to Rome and sitting next to a geology prof from Leeds. I told him about our research and he said OH you are that person, would you like to do a PhD under me?

The opportunities that pass you by… Kicking you in the ass while passing.  😄  But I still enjoy reading Geo papers (NOT CHEMISTRY-YUCK)

Gail Combs

I should add, I am glad you mentioned Yellowstone. That is a very interesting place.

Jan 24 2007

…Smith said the jelly bean-shaped Yellowstone Caldera saw a one-meter rise between 1923 and 1925, and then eight inches of deflation between 1985 and 1995. From 2000 to 2004, the caldera has inflated rapidly, particularly northwest of the Norris Geyser Basin. It is now returning to an episode of caldera uplift – up to 7 centimeters per year. That’s the highest recorded uplift in Yellowstone….


Yellowstone Volcano’s Norris Geyser Basin Has Risen – Newsweek
Nov 3, 2021
Tech & Science

Yellowstone Volcano Geology Seismology. Yellowstone Volcano’s Norris Geyser Basin has risen by 1.5cm over the last few months and scientists are not exactly sure why. The uplift was recorded by a GPS monitoring station near the geyser and Michael Poland, scientist in charge of Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, said it appears to have started in July.

“We’ve been monitoring the Norris region with GPS since the early 2000s, and before that we were also using satellite radar to see how the ground near Norris was moving,” he told Newsweek.

Yellowstone | U.S. Geological SurveyNov 1, 2022

The Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field developed through three volcanic cycles that span two-million years…


The >2450 km3 (588 mi3) Huckleberry Ridge Tuff erupted about 2.1 million years ago, creating an approximately 75 km (47 mi) wide caldera and thick volcanic deposits. A second eruption cycle concluded with the much smaller Mesa Falls Tuff around 1.3 million years ago. Activity subsequently shifted to the present Yellowstone Plateau and culminated 640,000 years ago with the eruption of the >10003km (240 mi3) Lava Creek Tuff and consequent formation of the 45 x 85 km (28 x 53 mi) caldera. Large volumes of rhyolitic lava flows (approximately 600 km3 (144 mi3) were erupted in the caldera between 180,000 and 70,000 years ago, distributed primarily along two north-south alignments of vents.

No magmatic eruptions have occurred since then, but large hydrothermal explosions have taken place during the Holocene, including from within and near Yellowstone Lake. Uplift and subsidence of the ground surface is centered on two uplifted regions (the Mallard Lake and Sour Creek resurgent domes). Large earthquakes occur just off the plateau along the nearby Teton and Hebgen Lake faults, the latter of which ruptured in 1959 (Ms = 7.5), causing considerable damage to the region. Yellowstone is presently the site of one of the world’s largest hydrothermal systems including Earth’s largest concentration of geysers.



Fascinating stuff.


^^^ Wow!


mountains ! cool ! almost as cool as trees but not quite

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thanks, Steve

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

The rift in Africa is fascinating. It is the start of a new ocean…
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Ah, there they are, my beautiful Smokey Mountains.

I could get lost in there forever.

And I might, too, if things don’t improve.


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And the clouds never moved in all that time, it’s HAARP !




EXCELLENT essay – American Thinker!
Blaming Trump for the Midterms https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/11/blaming_trump_for_the_midterms.html

I blame the Uniparty vote ‘laundering’ machine.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

EXCELLENT essay – American Thinker!
Blaming Trump for the Midterms https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/11/blaming_trump_for_the_midterms.html

I blame the Uniparty vote ‘laundering’ machine.


The media is spewing uniparty-engineered anti-Trump propaganda.

We no longer have elections – we have selections.


Going to be using one of our posts on the daily as my lead in a BIMD soon. Without your permission, of course!


Last edited 2 years ago by TradeBait2

Sorry for the duplicate – I’m getting to be an old biddy.

Also only one cuppa cofvefe this morning.

Also having trouble with WP – it’s hard to sign in and even harder to get the notifications to work.


Verse of the Day for Saturday, November 19, 2022

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” 

2 Timothy 4:7 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Anonymous Conservative has this DeS-related link (his billionaire donors) and makes comments which are interesting:


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is backed by many globalist billionaires at war against America First, and they will certainly be cashing in their favors if DeSantis decides to run for president. DeSantis would never beat Trump. He has to be smart enough to know that. His best play would be to align with Trump behind the scenes, act as a honeypot to lure all these never-Trumper’s in, and then fuck them all over at the last minute and support Trump. If he did that, he becomes vice-President, he gains the credibility of being the successor to Trump, and all Trump’s fans support him, as well as his own. He may be compromised, and be an enemy, but we will not know for sure until it all plays out. Trump could have turned him. I think he was definitely in a position similar to me when he was younger. He might be pissed off about it.


IF that happens does he get to keep all the money the dark side has poured on him, that would be sweet.


Of course. He has to use that money to pay his personal security team.

Gail Combs

I think it means a PLANNING MEETING….

Those are some PISSED-OFF DUDES with a MAJOR GRUDGE against the Globalist/Bankster (?Jewish?) Cabal

?Jews? may equal Khaxarians


Clif High video:

Something that seems to dovetail with Clif’s theory that it is the Khazarian Mafia that controlled the overland Europe-china trade route that evolved into the Globalist Cabal.

That is interesting given the Prussiagate/ ReichWEF substack series.

Evolution of Slavery Part I 👉 Trade Cometh Before Banking

Trade is Power
Many empires have risen and fallen since Ancient Greece. A commonly accepted principle evolved amongst emerging empires:

  • trade creates wealth,
  • wealth creates power,
  • therefore, those who control trade, have the power.

Trade routes provide the key ingredients for a thriving economy, and therefore a strong empire. Access to cheap labor (ie: slaves), natural resources, finished goods and innovation all comprise an empire’s capital. Trade was the engine that empowered empires.
A quick background into global trade will provide a valuable foundation for this series.
The control of trade was essential to deliver an empire the wealth needed to maintain security and continue its expansion. However, trade routes would also become the prize of rival empires, which would ultimately lead to conflict and end in potential annihilation. Expansion of trade therefore, carried significant risk.

One of the most powerful and least known empires of the West was Khazaria.
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Gee I wonder WHY Khazaria is the LEAST KNOWN….


Gail, maybe you have seen and remember a book I have been looking for. I read a review a couple years ago, and forgot the name.

The premise was this: the Chicago Mafia was divided pretty evenly between Italian factions and Jewish factions. The Jewish faction moved to Las Vegas and then to LA, where they took over California completely, especially politics. There was one man in particular who ran the criminal enterprise, and I forget his name also (begins with an “S”?) These mob guys were totally “respectable” to the public, but everything was enforced by murder and ruin.

I read the review at Unz, and have searched that site endlessly, and cannot find it.

The book was not sensationalist, it was a scholarly work with exhaustive detail.

I should emphasize that I am not interested in the book for anti-Jewish purposes, but more along the lines of Caro’s books on R. Moses and L. Johnson.

Gail Combs

Sorry, that book sounds intriging.


Titanium Truth:

It’s Time to Speak the Truth About Ukraine 

“Joe Biden, the military-industrial-congressional complex, State Department neocons, the War Party comprised of all Democrats and many corporate Republicans, and Western globalist elites have the United States and NATO in a Ukrainian proxy war against Russia. The warmongers are obsessed with destroying Russia. To achieve it, they are determined to fight to the last Ukrainian.”

MORE – https://amgreatness.com/2022/11/18/its-time-to-speak-the-truth-about-ukraine/


^^^ Please read AND SHARE.


This is very, very good.


Yep. ^^^ This.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



One of the organs where the spike protein / mRNA of the COVID-19 “vaccines” migrates to, and lodges in, is the ovaries.

Here’s the chart of the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine” accumulations in lab rats in experiments the company conducted while developing their product:

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Here’s the chart showing how “transplacental transfer” of an mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccinated” expectant mother affects her fetus; and of how an mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccine” transfers from the “vaccinated” mother’s milk to her nursing baby:

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Thanks, RDS – you always bring the real goods!


You are very kind.
Notice also the accumulations in the lymph system, pituitary gland, pancreas, spleen, testes, thyroid gland, whole blood plasma, and the uterus itself. It would appear that the “vaccine” spike protein biodistributes all over the body. And that these accumulations appear to increase over a 48-hour period post-“vaccination.”

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

As IF, it were designed to spread far and wide.


It might be easier to list where it doesn’t accumulate, if there is such a place!


Spleen came in first by accumulating almost double the amount of spike proteins than the ovaries. Wonder how much of the below is impaired and at what risk? Cancer comes to mind, as does the need to detox.
What does the spleen do?Your spleen:

  • Stores blood.
  • Filters blood by removing cellular waste and getting rid of old or damaged blood cells.
  • Makes white blood cells and antibodies that help you fight infection.
  • Maintains the levels of fluid in your body.
  • Produces antibodies that protect you against infection.

And yet you can live without it.  🤔 


Thank you so much for the lesson on plate techtonics.
I don’t know how this fits in, but I do remember that earthquakes I went through in San Francisco always felt like a combination of rolling back and forth and up and down at the same time, sort of like undulating.
On the other hand, the spring 2011 earthquake in Central Virginia felt like a series of sharp jolts that went up and down, sort of like a cocktail shaker. I felt the living room floor moving straight up and down. At that time, I was living about an hour east from the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Gail Combs

I remember that quake. we felt some of it in NC


Great read on the tectonic plates.

Certainly more than I had ever read. No idea much of this, or at least significant portions were being figured out when I was a kid.

I’ve seen videos of college professors who were students during that time, describing what it was like to be getting into the field during such a time–it was exciting! (And perhaps I can tell that story, sometime.) It represented the final vindication of Alfred Wegener.

  • ^^^ This WOULD be interesting.

“…kindergarten-level metaphysics…”  😂  😅  😂 


I just came across this, Col Mcgregor does videos on youtube…


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Gail Combs


Happy go lucky

Lol…reminds me of a joke:

Why don’t Taco Bell’s have playgrounds?

Because it’s hard to have fun when you might poop your pants.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



FreeBeacon samples the anti-Trump propaganda:

“Trump Is Back (And So Are the Fact-Checkers) — They no longer have to feign interest in holding the Biden administration accountable”

Quote: “Don’t call it an obsession: Trump’s name was all over the New York Times website on Wednesday. In addition to fact-checking his speech, the Times published the following Trump-centric articles within the last 48 hours:
• “Donald Trump Is Finally Finished” by Bret Stephens
• “Trump’s Announcement Is a Sign of Weakness” by Ross Douthat
• “The Big Liar and His Losing Little Liars” by Thomas Friedman
• “America Deserves Better Than Donald Trump” by The Editorial Board
• “The Chaos Inside Donald Trump’s Mind” by Michael Wolff
• “Don’t Buy Into the Trump-DeSantis Smackdown” by Michelle Goldberg
• “Trump’s Don’t-Blame-Me Caucus” by Jonathan Weisman
• “Trump, the Black Hole and Me” by Patrick Healy
• “How Is It Possible That We Are Still Talking About This Man?” by Peter Wehner
A real mystery, indeed.
Some context: Prior to publishing “We Fact-Checked Trump’s Speech” on Tuesday night, the Times was primarily focused on fact-checking Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Joe Rogan, GOP campaign ads, and “Republican lawmakers are seizing on misleading claims.” In fairness, the paper also published an article about the time Biden “verbally fumbled” during a campaign speech in Florida. Additionally, a search of the Times website found a single Biden fact check published during his presidency—a week after he took office in 2021—which commended his “regard for basic facts.”

More – https://freebeacon.com/media/donald-trump-fact-check-bonanza/


Guess it’s safe to say – the NYT is actually a Democrat PAC.

Gail Combs

Actually COMMUNIST! They ran cover for Stalin…. and got a Pulitzer for LYING about the millions MURDERED.

How ‘The New York Times’ Helped Hide Stalin’s Mass Murders in Ukraine

Walter Duranty, the New York Times’ man in Moscow, outright lied about the events, deliberately misleading his readers. In 1932, he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for reporting.


O.M.G. More evil than I ever imagined.