This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

The End of all Things
The Bible consistently warns us that this world will not last forever. “Heaven and earth will pass away,” Jesus said in Matthew 24:35. His statement was in the context of end times’ prophecies and the eternal nature of Jesus’ words: “My words will never pass away.” This means that trusting Jesus is wiser than trusting anything in this world.
Jesus also refers to the passing away of heaven and earth in Matthew 5:18. In Revelation 21:1, John writes of a new heaven and a new earth in the eternal state, having seen that “the first heaven and the first earth had passed away” (cf. Isaiah 65:17 and 2 Peter 3:13). To “pass away” is to disappear or be no more. This refers to the physical heaven and earth—the material world and all it contains—but not to the spirits/souls of the inhabitants of those places. Scripture is clear that people will outlast the current material universe, some in God’s presence receiving grace rewards, and some away from God’s presence, receiving just punishment, and that the current universe will be replaced by another that will never know the contamination of sin.
The method of this world’s destruction is revealed in 2 Peter 3:10–12: “The day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire. . . . That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.”
The prophet Isaiah foretold the passing away of heaven and earth, too. “All the stars in the sky will be dissolved and the heavens rolled up like a scroll; all the starry host will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like shriveled figs from the fig tree” (Isaiah 34:4). The Lord assures His people that, even as the heaven and earth are passing away, His salvation is secure: “The heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment and its inhabitants die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, my righteousness will never fail” (Isaiah 51:6).
Knowing that heaven and earth will pass away gives us perspective in life. This world is not our home. “We are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13). Jesus tells us to have the proper priorities: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth. . . . But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:19–20). And Peter, after reminding us of the temporary nature of this world, says, “Dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him” (2 Peter 3:14).
But . . . until that time . . .

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.
Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
Thank you for this lesson! I was just thinking about this – that I was too wrapped up in earthly things, and caring too much about them. Those who say Heaven can wait – no – Heaven starts now, just as in the Lord’s Prayer!
“…on Earth as it is in Heaven…”
“Those who say Heaven can wait –”
I think that was Warren Beatty, in 1978.
I remember watching it when I was a kid, and liking it 👍
“A Los Angeles Rams quarterback, accidentally taken away from his body by an over-anxious angel before he was supposed to die, comes back to life in the body of a recently-murdered millionaire.”
That was a fun movie. These guys did it first, in 1943, but the story was different.
Charles Coburn appears to be no relation to James, but I checked!!! 😅
Interesting to note, the later “Heaven Can Wait” had Beatty reprising the role originally portrayed by Robert Montgomery in the 1941 film “Here Comes Mr. Jordan.” In the original, Montgomery played a professional boxer taken prematurely. Otherwise, the plot is essentially the same.
I had forgotten even the basic plot, but I knew that “Reds” Beatty was the dude! 😉
I’m still pushing the information needed for a JAB AUTOPSY.
Once upon a time autopsies provided a definitive cause of death in most all cases. Professionals stuck their whole reputations on such. Disputed facts were fought in the open then decided. Was this a dream? From Sherlock Holmes to the Quincy guy, wtf happened?
Same thing that happened to the FBI. Corruption in a “good” cover-up for a “good cause” using “noble lies”. Once they get a person to lie for a “good cause”, they will always find a “good reason” for that person to tell the next lie.
So, I just built the new tax computer for the next two years. It’s got a 256G M.2 and terabyte of spinning rust. I’ve set it up to dual-boot Win10 and Ubuntu. It’s actually pretty quick.
By the time the Win10 stops upgrading, I’ll hopefully be able to run all Windows on VMs and stop having that dreck touch my hardware.
A separate tax computer is a great idea!
Yup. No banking, no browsing, no bells and windows. Tax prep.
2yrs? Is that standard audit hold out time?
No, it’s when Microsmurf will stop supporting the Operating System.
Good news then for any one planning to hold out longer than two 😁
Plus maybe a tactic! 😏🤔🧐🙄
Microsmurf ate my tax return… 😮😲😉
I generally have two manilla envelopes per year — one with all the source documents and any worksheets, and one with a copy of the final printed returns. The tax software and any electronic data files don’t really help much.
I had some hard drives I couldn’t wipe, so I disassembled them. I’ve yet to decide how to destroy the platters.
Only in the very oldest of the bunch–a 110 MB monster (in its day) (and yes that’s an M) did the platters actually have a color as opposed to just looking like polished chrome. And yes the color is a tinge of rust.
The “spinning rust” monicker thus seems a bit dated.
*sigh* So am I….
LMAO! The “ugh” of war!
Emerald is tuned in…
From 1963 Congressional Record “Current Communist Goals”
#27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
Welll, not that it cosmically matters, but it’s LGBT not LBGT.
If you ever need to remember that (e.g., for the purposes of deliberately scrambling it to see if some snowflake gets offended), just remember “Let’s Go Brandon!” and add a T.
Great mnemonic! I read right past her acronym.
Someone (a person I regularly trade friendly insults with) tried to accuse me of being LGBFJB+ or something like that once. I was about to deny it but then I read more closely.
Uh … Christianity is still going strong after approximately 20 centuries. I doubt it is about to be conquered.
LMAO!!! And too true!
That blackboard has me curious! Not found on DDG.
Heh. I also tried searches and it ain’t on Bing, neither.
I read the name (at 500%) as Kenny Marischen and got three hits on yandex about a Ken Marischen FBI special agent
TinEye says it appeared on Reddit. It is in Anchorage, AK:
His card is here on page 60…
Seems like we got a bunch of autistic anons on here.
I think so, too!
I love it!
Matthew McConaughey and Matthew Fox star as two men determined to rebuild a football team and heal a community in the deeply moving drama We Are Marshall. On the evening of Saturday, 14 November 1970, a jet carrying the Marshall University football team, coaches and fans, crashes in the Appalachian Mountains. Now, university president Dedmon plans to end the school’s football program for the season–perhaps indefinitely. Assistant coach Red Dawson, who narrowly missed the ill-fated flight, can’t face going back onto the field . But in this small town, football is a way of life. And with the strength and leadership of young, outsider coach Jack Lengyel (Matthew McConaughey–Frailty), the town and the university rally to rebuild a football team and to heal a community. This season, it doesn’t matter whether Marshall wins or loses. It doesn’t even matter how they play the game
Kenny Marischen was on the football team
Good movie!
Yes, it was terrible what happened but by faith they went on.
So does that mean he died in the crash? And who is the supposed FBI person using his name? Somebody coincidentally having the same name?
Too many questions; not enough answers.
A little late on those 2021 dues.
They’re always sending you stuff claiming you are late.
I’m going to be very, very late going forward.
The principle remains the same! 😎 In the future, STILL not one thin dime to the RNC.
…… T H I S ….‼️‼️‼️
That’s a good point.
I like being a peaceful man, but that’s because there’s police. Without police, somebody will have to protect the innocent. We the People, ourselves.
We won’t be without the police.
The Criminals that Be will never give up their Jack Boot troops. Without them, the Crims that Be are nothing.
That’s why the betrayal by police and military is so great. The Crims literally could not exist, without the people we pay to protect us — protecting them, instead.
Yes, they’ve already increased the Capital police fore outside of DC to include FL. Not to mention the corrupt FIB. The local police just become an extension of the local politicians IMO.
Oh yes…they want a national police force, no loyalty to anyone or anywhere except their govt masters
What come around goes around … and eternity is a really really looooooooooonnng time, like FOREVER … 😉👍😎🤚❤️
Yes! This is what I keep telling people. Remember the early American West? There wasn’t a lot of policing. If you committed a crime, you often DIED at the hands of the citizenry. It didn’t even have to be a really big crime, either.
These morons today have no knowledge of history at all.
Interesting. MKU?
That’s the first thing I was thinking about these “Mass Shootings” too.
Then the “who” is being killed becomes important. Anybody significant in the body count that you know of?
OK – we need to find out. Why? Here’s why.
(You just hit something huge – I will explain as we go….)
There were several weird murders at the start of COVID that people found very suspicious. One of them was a young Chinese American researcher named Bing Liu.
When his work finally published, it turned out that he was looking at SEQUENCES within the spike protein sequence, and had found some that resembled snake venoms, among other things.
And this is related to what I’m getting on about now. There was a sequence in the spike protein for nuclear translocation. A sequence that is key to genomic uptake. What if he found THAT, too? That would be a biggie.
Here is the stuff I was concerned about.
See that PRRARSV stuff? That’s the sequence.
So I started looking for all my old bookmarks on Bing Liu, trying to find his paper.
Look what I found.
Look at the end of that sequence!
Bing Liu was snooping around right where the nuclear translocation signal was.
So – as a byproduct of your question – just found more evidence of a MURDER using an MK killer.
But as to your question…..
See if any of them are scientists, IMO.
We need to find the names of the victims.
More coming – stay tuned…..
Does this get a stand alone post too, Boss? Seems like crucial info that shouldn’t get lost in the daily “noise”…
We shall know the Truth & the truth will set us free!
The truth will make us sick to our stomachs.
It has been for a few years now! 🙁
Assuming this is the same guy,
The fatal shooting of a Chinese-born coronavirus researcher on US soil has fuelled conspiracy theories around the world.
Bing Liu, a 37-year-old assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead in his house on Saturday.
Colleagues said he was close to making “significant findings” on his studies of Covid-19, sparking online speculation it was an assassination.
But police say it was a murder-suicide.
Why did Liu die?
He was found with multiple gunshot wounds to the head, neck, torso and extremities at his home in the Pittsburgh suburbs, according to the local police department.
Yes! I tweeted about this, and tomorrow’s daily is going to have a big section on Bing Liu, etc.
Looking forward to it.
Ok, gotta work on it.
Here is a list of the Half Moon Bay victims:
Here is Monterey Park:
All of these people were elderly. Many were farm workers. Not scientists.
But WHAT IF they’re son or daughter IS?
What if these are warnings to keep silent or the loved ones die?
Could be. That would be very sneaky.
You mean like the CCP?
AND if I’m right, and they are collateral/family members, it would keep people like us from figuring it out.
If the scientists working on Covid died, we’d catch on pretty quick. But a bunch of old people die, and who’d notice or think to check if they are related to a Chinese scientist?
You’re starting trouble again. 😎
It’s my specialty, apparently.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, January 29, 2023
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth…”
Romans 1:16 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
If you are following orders, you are not giving orders. If you are not giving orders, the door is going to be locked when the sorting begins.
— Lame Cherry
So, I’m bumpin’ around lookin’ at news-ish things, and there was a presentation regarding quantum computing and RSA cryptography that looked interesting….
Further, it JUST HAPPENED at the USENIX ENIGMA confab in Santa Clara — just up the street! Unfortunately, it was on Tuesday, when I had my medical thing…..but, worse yet, the STUDENT rate per attendee was $500. The regular rate was $1200.
Here’s the program —
Even though I live here, how am I supposed to afford this sort of thing without tapping into free-flowing government/industry funds….and how is this supposed to be useful when those who pay the piper call the tunes?
Perhaps they expect people’s companies to cover the cost.
Exactly. Companies provide the content, then companies provide the attendees. And you end up with a giant cluster of groupthink.
Conferences are money making opps
On top of paying speaker fees and for the venue
Basically you have to be corporate or academic sponsored grad student to attend
On the upside it keeps out all the little people…
Thank you, Bakocarl! You started me thinking about what it might be like in Heaven.
Coming . . .
I cannot comprehend eternity or the world as we know it passing away. I do know what a tiny speck I am on the scale of what God has already given us. I marvel at His handiwork.
Earthquake could be happenstance. Refinery fire could be coincidence. Drone strike is all about arming Russia, change my mind…. ………….
“An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 has struck the city of khoy in North West Iran.
22 injured & 2 dead. Unconfirmed reports cite explosions in Khoy before the quake.
This is in addition to multiple explosions at military facilities around the country tonight.”
“Iranian MoD urging caution amid a multitude of unconfirmed reports and disinformation circluating on the internet.”
“The fire at the motor oil refinery occurred near the Shahid Salimi industrial area near Azarshahr, in East Azerbaijan Province.
Salimi is the largest industrial zone in north-western Iran & and hosts 790 facilities, employing nearly 28,000 workers. An accident is not unlikely here.
The cause of the fire is claimed to have been caused by improper safety measures around the oil drums.
Contact us @CIGtel_bot if you have additional information or would like to correct our reporting on this.”
“Iranian Ministry of Defense about attacks on a military facility in Isfahan.”
“Today at 23:30 there was an unsuccessful attack using a UAV on one of the workshop complexes of the Ministry of Defense in Isfahan. One drone was shot down by anti-aircraft fire, while two others fell on the roof of the building. Fortunately, there are no casualties. Only minor damage was caused to the roof of the workshop. The equipment is intact. The Ministry of Defense and Support of the Armed Forces assures that it will continue its security activities and these provocations will not affect the life of the country.”
Thank you Carl for this reminder.
How easy it is to forget this time we’re in is just temporary.
While the Fed has long bought government debt in its so-called open-market operations to manipulate the interest rate, wholesale buying of financial assets began in 2008. This included both US government Treasurys and—in a new development—private-sector mortgage-backed securities (MBSs). This was done to prop up banks and other firms that had bet on the lie that “home prices always go up.” The value of mortgage-backed securities was falling fast, so beginning in 2008, the Fed bought up MBSs to the tune of $1.7 trillion. That was all before covid.
The Fed attempted to begin selling off its portfolio in 2019, but by then the market was already so addicted to Fed money that the economy began to slow and a liquidity crisis in repos ensued. The covid panic was what prevented a full-blown recession in 2020: the federal government began a spree of deficit spending, and the Federal Reserve hoarded even larger amounts of assets, bringing totals to new record-breaking highs.
Socialism: A Grab-Bag of Superstitions
Superstitionism is no basis for a system of government.
By Lloyd Billingsley
January 27, 2023
Watery tarts drawing swords from ponds is no basis for a system of government! 😉
January 6 Was the Worst Incident of Police Brutality Since Civil Rights Era
By Julie Kelly
January 27, 2023
Someone should introduce Julie Kelly to Aubergine’s razor…
The whole country should be introduced to the term “FALSE FLAG”.
It is an act of GOVERNMENT, often VIOLENT, always with careful PREMEDITATION and MALICE aforethought, to deceive the ENTIRE NATION.
And it ought to be a CAPITAL offense for every person involved.
Would cripple the Federal government. <<< A great step forward.
Exclusive: Records Reveal Texans Are Fed up With Property Taxes
Citizens slam high property tax bills in correspondence with Gov. Greg Abbott’s office.
Darrell Frost | January 26, 2023
. . . MORE . . .
One’s married sister and her family moved out of Texas when their property taxes went through the roof. This was back in 2007. They said that the trade-off between no state income tax in Texas and the huge increase in property taxes wasn’t worth it. They moved to Alabama.
On the other hand, a partial list of taxes in Virginia for 2022 (Virginia state and Albemarle County):
Virginia State income tax = 5.75% (highest rate, levied on income over $17,000)
Albemarle County:
Real Estate Tax = $.854 per $100 assessed value. For 2022, a property owner with a house assessed at $500,000 paid $4270. in county real estate tax. Real estate assessments are slated to go up between 11% – 28% for 2023. The real estate tax rate * may * stay the same, or it may go up also.
Personal Property Tax (on cars, mobile homes, trailers, personal aircraft) = 3.42% of assessed value.
Business Property Tax = 4.28% per $100 assessed value
Corporate Income Tax = 6% of corporate income
Meals Tax = 4%
Business License Tax = $0.24 average tax per income of the business
The above taxes do not include state and local taxes (“surcharges”) on utilities (electricity, natural gas, water.)
So, let’s say the example person in Albemarle County, Virginia, besides owning a $500.000 house, has an RV assessed at $75,000; has a car assessed at $40,000; owns a business that brings in $200,000 income in 2022; and has business property assessed at $20,000. And who “assesses” the house, the RV, the car, and the business property? The tax assessor’s office. If the example person has a problem with the assessments, they have to file an appeal and possibly go to a hearing on the matter.
In 2022, this person is liable for $4270 in real estate tax; $2565 tax for the RV; $1368 tax for the car; $12,000 in business income tax; and $856 in business property tax. (This is assuming that the entire $200,000 business income is taxed, and that the car isn’t used for business purposes. It also doesn’t include business real estate property taxes if the business is conducted in a shop/store/office outside the home.)
This, IMO, is the evil of the IRS and of the state taxation systems. One is “nibbled to death by ducks” from every direction. IMO, the entire edifice needs to be torn down and replaced with a single, flat tax not to exceed, say, 15%. NOT a flat tax ADDED TO the already-existing mess.
Would this be ONE tax or two? I ask because state and federal taxes should be separate or we have no meaningful federal system.
The Vauban/Boisguilbert ideas for a flat tax in the France of Louis XIV was for this tax to be levied on personal property (including real estate) holdings and applicable to every person in the country without exception. All other taxes would be abolished. The money from this flat tax would go to the king (the central government), from there to be used / distributed by the king for the needs of the people and the defense of the country.
In the U.S., one would think that a federal flat tax and a state flat tax may be considered. The rates would need to be capped for each, and stringent constraints established so that neither tax would be raised “at whim and caprice.”
Guess this above idea sounds like a pipe dream. But clearly, something must be done with the mess that is U.S. federal, state, and local taxes currently.
Agreed about the mess.
And I find property tax to be the ugliest of the three major categories, as it makes no accounting of the the taxee’s (if that’s a word) current ability to pay. Similarly for income tax when, for instance, someone inherits real estate.
I’d prefer it be a flat consumption tax, since at least people’s consumption is generally in line with their actual monetary income.
Let the government collect tax the way it did when it was founded.
It worked, it wasn’t broke, it didn’t need to be fixed.
That is obscene.
Agreed, especially since Albemarle County was the home of Thomas Jefferson (Monticello.)
Virginia seems expensive in more than just the 💰 you pay to live there.
Very. Lived in Suffolk, VA 04-10. MD, also chalk full of stoopid taxes, 95-97.
We need a de-taxation program like de-regulation.
No new tax or service fee can be added without two being removed from the books.
With criminals in charge, that’s just a revolving door game they can play all day long, and even if you find out they’re cheating like mad, there is nothing you can do to stop them.
It’s the only way.
No tax at all.
Let the government collect tax the same way it did before the insane income tax, and live within that means.
And everyone holds their property fee simple, absolute and total control and ownership, which precludes taxation.
Property tax means you can never have security of your own home.
Because you MUST generate income until the day you die, in order to pay property tax.
If your income is from Social Security, you are dependent on a government ponzi scheme which will never keep up with inflation.
If your income is from stocks or bonds, you are dependent on markets that are controlled by FED and government regulators, and they crash it every 15 – 20 years in order to reinflate, destroying the value of the dollar in the process.
If your income is from renting another property, you have PROPERTY TAX, it’s the same problem.
Property tax means you can never retire and be secure in your own home, not really, because property tax always goes UP, and the value of the dollar always goes DOWN, and you’re caught in the middle.
You HAVE TO PAY the tax, but the value of the dollar keeps getting less and less, and however you generate income, it is ultimately dependent on corrupt government schemes and crash-and-boom cycles.
Cultural update! ((Does this guy own the ice rink?))
Fairly sure one can only watch so much of this so started this deep in for a bit of 🤔before the scores were announced. 😏😵💫
But if you want full fare you can click back and or see more here.
He does Brunhilda on skates too (end of his ballet clip, bottom clip in story).
Any how, apparently there is a topper to this, but we have to look closer to home.
Not to worry, there are always more toppers..
See… here’s a topper here…
WATCH: Looters Ram Truck into Memphis Stores, Multiple Businesses Targeted
I’m guessing ANTIFA traveled light and had to pick up some games?
Every day I ask myself “have we reached peak stupid, yet.” And every day, the answer is “no.”
I think we’re already there (peak stupidity), we just haven’t reached the critical mass of willing perpetrators yet.
I hope so. I can’t take much more.
Re: Peak Stupid
Two fellas in the Soviet Union who were walking down the street. And one of them said, “Have we really achieved full Communism? Is this it? Is this now full Communism?” and the other one said, “Hell no, things are going to get a lot worse.”
What I don’t understand, AND I did NOT click on the link.
When freaks are allowed into the competition;
Normal folks ENABLE these FREAK ASSHOLES. Prove me wrong.
And I do NOT want to hear a fucking word, about athletes working 24/7 to be the best.
This ^^^^^^^
Agree ” Everyone walk away “
This past Friday. Called quack office to schedule annual, so my scripts will continue.
Dingbat calling out twenty standard questions, address, phone, insurance…
Dumb bunny then inserts, we re now honoring, “preferred pronouns”. “What are yours“?
Taken back momentarily, as I’ve read about pronoun ignorance and heard of it.
NEVER was it direct at me. (Sheltered daily life, I guess.)
Literally replied, I don’t participate in stoopid.
Seamlessly, we moved on…schedule a date, time…
Sure wish folks would PUSH BACK against the ignorance, being shoveled on us.
Nancy Reagan was right. Just Say No.
when i was asked this question at my recent doctor appt…I responded, my pronouns are YOUR HIGHNESS
the doctor chuckled, the assistant cocked her head at me…
I said, you asked.
Nicely played.
I like that .. I’d want Hello Gorgeous as a Dr.s office form pronoun .. heh hehheh 😜
LMAO!!! Excellent!
Wow that’s a Finn … so now we can look 👀 forward to Buffalo 🦬 on ice ‘eh. EGADS‼️
I want to see him on the ice as goals for the Philadelphia Flyers … Hanson Brothers!
… goalie .. aka “the target”
Thanks for the clip of real skaters to cleanse the palate. Americans Charlie White and Meryl Davis won Olympic gold in 2014. The Canadians were PO’d and thought they should have won. 😅⛸
SCORE‼️ Beauty ‘eh? 😜😎
Gorgeous! Skaters at the top of their profession, showcasing the interaction between masculine and feminine, beautiful music and presentation…
My cousin just shared this video of Scott Hamilton in 1994. A pure delight.
Wonderful–Thanks for sharing!
So great, and such an entertainer! He deserved those perfect scores.
Gateway calls it a “stunning” performance? By what standard? “IT” horrible, knees never unbend, NO straight lines, no agility, fluidity… nothing!
Probably stunningly bad.
They mock everything normal, good, and beautiful, as well as legitimate achievement. And they’re trying to force us to do that too.
Repulsive delusionalism 🙁
Non-Native Texans Notice Quirks About State
Good read!
Superb. Blunt. Easy read.
In line with Cahill’s 3-5 year prediction.
with a tad bit of funny fat shaming tossed in for good measure.
Classic Lame Cherry. One of my favorite LC disses is calling Prince William Loafhead. Whenever I see a picture of him that’s all I can think of. 😆
forwarded from
Viacheslav Volodin
The Yankees must go.
9 years ago, as a result of a coup d’etat in Kyiv, power passed under the external control of Washington, and a puppet Nazi regime was established.
In order to maintain their influence in Ukraine, Washington, together with the Kyiv regime, deprived people of political rights and freedoms, destroyed the opposition: they closed objectionable media, banned political parties, and persecuted the church. Nobody thought about the Ukrainian people. The country was looted.
The US has always done this with its colonies.
Today, Ukraine is a training ground for Washington and NATO to test their weapons and test out new ways of waging war.
They do not take losses into account: Ukrainians are used as consumables.
There are American instructors, mercenaries. To save the Kyiv regime began to supply heavy weapons.
All this indicates the direct participation of Washington in the hostilities, the fear of losing their colony.
A special military operation became a liberation for the citizens of Ukraine and Slavic lands from the American colonialists.
Yankees, get out of Ukraine!
They’re not ‘Yankees’, they are criminals.
Russia certainly has tons of evidence that 10% Joe is an outright criminal, same for Hussein, and tons of evidence that Criminal Joe stole the election.
Why not expose these criminals — and by extension, everyone in the devilrat party, and all the neocons too — to the American public?
Public support drops to zero, world opinion turns against the West regarding Ukraine, and the criminal administration at home has their hands full fighting off a 330-million strong mob with only whichever traitors in police in military who choose to defend them.
I realize Russian leadership may be as afraid of truth (as an alien concept) as any other government entity, but truth is the ultimate weapon if your aim is true.
Russia is playing Russia First. As they should.
Limited war, trying to avert true, WW III. <<< Purely in the interest of Russia and its citizens.
Russia will allow USG to destroy itself, along with evicting the dollar as the premier global currency for trade.
Toss in EU, NATO…Implode through their own ignorance.
My guesstimate is, Russian government has nothing against everyday Americans. Same as everyday Americans have nothing against everyday Russians.
Unfortunately, USG, wants America, global community to hate EVERYTHING Russia.
Sad, but true, USG is FUBAR.
“We will just see once again how German steel burns on Ukrainian soil under Russian blows”
Military analyst Scott Ritter (quoted by Russkaya Vesna ):
“The conflict in Ukraine will end by the end of this summer, by early autumn. Russia is preparing for a large-scale offensive along the entire front. They will move slowly, and Ukraine will draw back its reserves. The Ukrainians will have to constantly withdraw, and Russia will bite into weak spots until Ukraine runs out of soldiers.
By that time, Ukraine will see the failure of the Center armies, similar to what happened with the German army group Center in Ukraine during World War II. In 1944, under the pressure of the Red Army, it simply collapsed, the front line burst, and the Russians broke through the defenses. Here’s what will happen. Russia will launch a broad offensive.
Slow, methodical, Russia has no equal in this. It will fight on science, and we will all finally see what it looks like — a Russian offensive according to their military doctrine. The Ukrainians will not even have a chance to hit the Russian soldiers, because they will be destroyed by artillery, will be crushed by their tanks, and the infantry will move slowly, without exposing their flanks. The defense will collapse, and Ukraine will be defeated by the end of summer, the beginning of autumn.
The billions of dollars ‘ worth of new weapons that Ukraine will receive will also be destroyed. There is nothing that NATO can throw at them now that can stop the Russians. Even the famous “Leopards”. We will just once again see German steel burning on Ukrainian soil under Russian blows.”
^^^ Good news. Wish it could be accelerated.
History will condemn the US and its allies for creating a killing field in Ukraine.
^^^ Guessing, not so distant future.
True and hopefully
As an American, I hate being associated with the criminal U.S. illegitimate regime.
^^^ On steroids here. .
That too 🙂
Thank you Carl, wonderful, God bless you and your loved ones abundantly, always.
WRT how dumbed down Americans have become, I am posting a few comments from Andrei Martyanov’s blog (usual posters are an international bunch…)
Here’s part of a standard American examination for Eighth Grade (age 13 or 14) from year 1912: (This one was from a school in Kentucky, but back then most American Public Schools used the same standard exam, I know because I saw my own Grandfather’s 8th Grade exam from 1913):
…My SAT scores (several decades ago) were in the top one percent, yet even I have some trouble with some of the History questions, except partially for these:
2. “Sketch briefly Sir Walter Raleigh” (beheaded and became a cigarette brand), “Peter Stuyvesant” (was he the one they threw out of New Amsterdam? Most American PhDs of today couldn’t even guess);
(Skipping to)
5. “Give the cause of the War of 1812 and name an important battle in that war”: I would answer: The cause was asininity enhanced by a partly mistaken assumption that Britain being tied down fighting Napoleon would make it vulnerable in North America so that the USA could steal some of Canada. But THERE WERE NO “IMPORTANT” battles in that “war” – none of any consequence to the result – and the Americans lost all of their war aims.
Hm, now further considering the American Eighth Grade
Exam from year 1912 (cf my prior comment infra)…:
…Well THIS is how I would draft MY History Exam for American COLLEGE students
in 2023!: (Presuming they’re functionally literate?):
1. “Who started World War II?”
Correct answer: China in 1937.
2. “Who defeated the Third Reich?”
a. 100 percent credit for “Hitler”.
b. 90 percent credit for “Mainly the USSR, but also the USA and UK played a
role in keeping Western Europe out of the Soviet sphere of influence, although
in the long run ironically Western Europe’s overlords became even more evil
than the USSR ever was.”
3. “Define the term ‘balance of power’ as
understood by Henry Kissinger”:
Correct answer: “There is none.”
4. “What was the significance of the USA’s
recognition of the People’s Republic Of China in 1979?”
Correct answer: “Equally as significant
as acknowledging the existence of the Pacific Ocean.”
5. “Define ‘The Purpose Of War’, and
give some examples of how to calibrate realistic limitations of kinetic military
Correct answer:
link to Andrei’s blog
above poster made a correction to his comment:
Sorry I need to correct one detail in my above: When I wrote “China in 1937” I meant “JAPAN in 1937 (in China)”
2nd post:
My grandfather graduated from a Catholic high school back in 1910 at age 16. He took Latin & studied the Classics, 4 years of mathematics, four years of science, two years of commerce, (bookkeeping, economics & business management) & had coursework, in American & Western Civilization history, geography, music, theology & physical education. I doubt if most prep schools where tuition is now in excess of $20,000 per year could even have such a curriculum in 2023. Most of those “gifted” students would certainly struggle just to get through it in four years. As far as public schools, forget it! Also, there’s a lot more than meets the eye with these courses. For example, music. The students had to learn to read music & play an instrument.
They love to say that causation is not correlation but as teacher unions attained more power students became less educated and Dewy of course.
Here’s California –
The California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) was an examination created by the California Department of Education, that was previously mandated to administer in high schools statewide in order to graduate.
The examination was suspended in 2015, when Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill undoing the decade old requirement (the bill went into effect January 2016). It was originally created by the California Department of Education to improve the academic performance of California high school students, and especially of high school graduates, in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. In addition to other graduation requirements, public school students needed to pass the exam before they could receive a high school diploma.[1]
Students first took the test in the beginning of their sophomore year. If they do not pass one or both of the two test sections, then they may retake the section or sections that they have not yet passed.[1] Up to 2 test (or 8) opportunities are available to students before the end of their senior year.
The test was originally intended to be required of students graduating in 2004, but full implementation was delayed until the class of 2006. Approximately 90% of students ultimately passed by the end of the 2005-2006 school year.[2] In 2010, 81% of 10th graders passed each of the two sections on their first try.[3
What the above fails to disclose is what is/was a passing grade .- 61%
61 percent would be tolerable if the questions were very tough.
But something tells me they weren’t.
Of course back around 1910 or so, 8th grade, not 12th, was considered the bare minimum education. After 8th, you likely apprenticed in a trade or a minority would go on to high school, which was seen as prep for college.
The flip side of it having been dumbed down is thatg back then before the downdumbing, few went into it in the first place.
South Carolina Exit Examination: Questions and Answers. A Basic Skills Assessment Publication.
South Carolina State Dept. of Education, Columbia. Office of Research.
This booklet answers frequently asked questions about the Exit Examination that students in South Carolina must pass before they receive a high school diploma. As provided for by the Education Improvement Act of 1984, the State Board of Education adopted the South Carolina Basic Skills Assessment Program (BSAP) objectives in 1985 as the basis for the Exit Examination. The Exit Examination consists of three subtests: (1) writing; (2) reading; and (3) mathematics. The examination is administered in the spring of each year to students in grades 10, 11, and 12 in public school and to Adult Education students. It is also administered each fall to all 12th-grade public and Adult Education students. A score of 700 or above is required to pass the reading and mathematics subtests; a score of 3 is required to pass the writing subtest. A student must pass all three subtests in order to pass the Exit Examination. This guide contains information on preparing for and taking the Exit Examination as well as a description of the ways in which skills are tested in the examination. Sample questions with answers are given for each of the subtests. (SLD)
In 2014, SC passed law cited above…
I Speak Jesus | Here Be Lions & Darlene Zschech (Official Music Video)
Tin Foil Hat, firmly on my melon. Building blocks. Bear with me, please.
14 of 15 Gotta Go. <<< Bastards said it. I believe the bastards.
We know, or at least this is my belief.
Moving on a bit.
ALWAYS keep in mind, 14 of 15, of ya Gotta Go. EAT BUGS, till ya croak..
Validating I wear a tin foil hat. Trump told us. They are coming for your cows.
Slow guy lost in left field? Thoughts?
right on target …
🎯 🎯 🎯
(Slow guy NOT so slow after all!!😉)
“Slow Guy” makes Grand Slam.
Yours Truly believes the release of the original Wuhan Hu1 (COVID-19) virus was a lab leak — of a created virus that perhaps wasn’t completely “finished” at the time of the leak.
The “WEF / DeepState / Elites Class (this includes the members of Royal Families)” are doing all they can to make sure that THEY have SUFFICIENT and SAFE foods of all kinds; means of transportation; freedom to travel when and where they want; access to the best healthcare; and the funds for all of these things. The REST of the world’s population is supposed to be at THEIR beck and call and “own nothing and be happy.”
Unless the “WEF / DeepState / Elites Class (this includes the members of Royal Families”) are stopped.
Spot on.
As an aside. Certainly not directed at you.
The ENTIRE Royal Family, crap irritates the hell out of me. Has for decades. Slow to see it.
There is nothing, royal or special, about them pompous assholes.
The only people of the Royals I have a problem with are the one living in the US. They are scum !
The other Royals living in the UK I have no problem with seems the UK is happy with them and they are not my concern.
I have a concern of the royals who were past Presidents and curent and others who are self appointed royalty and have no class. They are behaving worse and there are many others like Gates who control the country.
In the UK Royals serve a purpose for the people and country our self appointed royals are pains and I do not approve of them.
Here Here, spot on. Boy will they be surprised come judgement day, whoo-whoo .. cough
Oh, there most certainly is something special about these inbred groups.
The same “special” as used in “special education”.
The “royal” families are simply the murderous creeps that won the battles by ANY means necessary. Shit hell on dem.
The entertaining part is that they’re SO inbred it’s a sideshow venue now.
“IF either or both ^^^ true, THEN HUGE swaths of livestock unable to reproduce.”
If either or both are proven true, they need to be stopped now, as a matter of lawful self-defense, and We the People sort out which criminals did what later.
Uh yup. This puzzle needs to be figured out.
Amen …
This man is a hero! He stood against the vaxx tyranny, just said NO! And today:
And those tears are literally the human body purging adrenaline. It’s healthy. We should never shame anyone for crying. Toxic shit leaves the body through tears.
Agreed and Amen. Thank you.
I will have to disagree. I’m going to condemn Obola for turning on the tears every time there was a mass shooting, so he could push gun control.
There is a difference between real tears and the “staged” kind.
Well, those weren’t REAL tears!
Scripture refers to ‘bitter tears’ in conjunction with confessing sin and purging of it.
I’ve seen fascinating studies on the crystalline structures of tears caused by various emotions/reasons. They all look completely different from each other.
Please share them here if you find them again–intriguing!
Here’s an article about it with a lot of beautiful photos:
Larry Johnson’s latest
28 January 2023 by Larry Johnson 69 Comments
Western propaganda is hooked on the meme that Russia’s military is performing like a creaky, ancient Model T Ford bereft of a good engine. Underestimating one’s enemy, particularly in war, is not only dangerous but carries some unpleasant lethal consequences for the person or persons making such a mistake.
Brian Berletic’s latest post features an interview with the Donbass Devushka (which means, if my translator is correct, “Donbass Girl”). This Devushka has a pretty deep voice for a girl and displays a depth of knowledge about the composition and operation of a Russian BTG.
If you want a good introduction to the subject matter I encourage you to watch the following:
Comment lifted from MoA blog:
Response from another poster:
“The attack was supposedly launched from Mossad bases in Azerbaijan, if true USA and Israel might want to see Iran invade it. Same kind of provocation and trap used against Russia in Ukraine from 2014 to 2022.
Opening a second front on Russia using Armenia is very problematic for the west. Armenia is a christian country that suffered pogroms at the hands of Muslims, it has a very large emigre population much of it prosperous and influential spread throughout the west. The west is for historical, ethical, and political reasons somewhat bound to protect it. Indications are that Macron and France have a problem making Armenia an enemy of NATO. Imagine that!
Instead Armenia is dutifully protected by arch-enemy Russia who is also largely christian. Evil boogieman Muslim Iran is also very inconveniently allied with Armenia. Iran invading peace loving, minding their own business Azerbaijan would be just the opportune clusterfuck needed to set the Caucasus on fire and obscure the perfidy and shallowness of western ambitions.
I’m just throwing thoughts out there, I really have no idea. But, expect to see both good peeps and trolls all wondering why Iran failed to take the bait again and wantonly lash out.”
Mayorkas Smuggled 100,000 Migrants Into the U.S. Through A Hidden Parole Pathway (
Macgregor: This Time It’s Different
Authored by Douglas Macgregor via,
Until it decided to confront Moscow with an existential military threat in Ukraine, Washington confined the use of American military power to conflicts that Americans could afford to lose, wars with weak opponents in the developing world from Saigon to Baghdad that did not present an existential threat to U.S. forces or American territory.
This time – a proxy war with Russia – is different.
Contrary to early Beltway hopes and expectations, Russia neither collapsed internally nor capitulated to the collective West’s demands for regime change in Moscow. Washington underestimated Russia’s societal cohesion, its latent military potential, and its relative immunity to Western economic sanctions.
As a result, Washington’s proxy war against Russia is failing. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was unusually candid about the situation in Ukraine when he told the allies in Germany at Ramstein Air Base on January 20, “We have a window of opportunity here, between now and the spring,” admitting, “That’s not a long time.”
Alexei Arestovich, President Zelensky’s recently fired advisor and unofficial “Spinmeister,” was more direct. He expressed his own doubts that Ukraine can win its war with Russia and he now questions whether Ukraine will even survive the war. Ukrainian losses—at least 150,000 dead including 35,000 missing in action and presumed dead—have fatally weakened Ukrainian forces resulting in a fragile Ukrainian defensive posture that will likely shatter under the crushing weight of attacking Russian forces in the next few weeks.
Ukraine’s materiel losses are equally severe. These include thousands of tanks and armored infantry fighting vehicles, artillery systems, air defense platforms, and weapons of all calibers. These totals include the equivalent of seven years of Javelin missile production. In a setting where Russian artillery systems can fire nearly 60,000 rounds of all types—rockets, missiles, drones, and hard-shell ammunition—a day, Ukrainian forces are hard-pressed to answer these Russian salvos with 6,000 rounds daily. New platform and ammunition packages for Ukraine may enrich the Washington community, but they cannot change these conditions.
Predictably, Washington’s frustration with the collective West’s failure to stem the tide of Ukrainian defeat is growing. In fact, the frustration is rapidly giving way to desperation.
Michael Rubin, a former Bush appointee and avid supporter of America’s permanent conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan, vented his frustration in a 1945 article asserting that, “if the world allows Russia to remain a unitary state, and if it allows Putinism to survive Putin, then, Ukraine should be allowed to maintain its own nuclear deterrence, whether it joins NATO or not.” On its face, the suggestion is reckless, but the statement does accurately reflect the anxiety in Washington circles that Ukrainian defeat is inevitable.
NATO’s members were never strongly united behind Washington’s crusade to fatally weaken Russia. The governments of Hungary and Croatia are simply acknowledging the wider European public’s opposition to war with Russia and lack of support for Washington’s desire to postpone Ukraine’s foreseeable defeat.
Though sympathetic to the Ukrainian people, Berlin did not support all-out war with Russia on Ukraine’s behalf. Now, Germans are also uneasy with the catastrophic condition of the German armed forces.
Retired German Air Force General (four-star equivalent) Harald Kujat, former chairman of the NATO Military Committee, severely criticized Berlin for allowing Washington to railroad Germany into conflict with Russia, noting that several decades of German political leaders actively disarmed Germany and thus deprived Berlin of authority or credibility in Europe. Though actively suppressed by the German government and media, his comments are resonating strongly with the German electorate.
The blunt fact is that in its efforts to secure victory in its proxy war with Russia, Washington ignores historical reality. From the 13th century onward, Ukraine was a region dominated by larger, more powerful national powers, whether Lithuanian, Polish, Swedish, Austrian, or Russian.
In the aftermath of the First World War, abortive Polish designs for an independent Ukrainian State were conceived to weaken Bolshevik Russia. Today, Russia is not communist, nor does Moscow seek the destruction of the Polish State as Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, and their followers did in 1920.
So where is Washington headed with its proxy war against Russia? The question deserves an answer.
On Sunday December 7, 1941, U.S. Ambassador Averell Harriman was with Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill having dinner at Churchill’s home when the BBC broadcast the news that the Japanese had attacked the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. Harriman was visibly shocked. He simply repeated the words, “The Japanese have raided Pearl Harbor.”
Harriman need not have been surprised. The Roosevelt administration had practically done everything in its power to goad Tokyo into attacking U.S. forces in the Pacific with a series of hostile policy decisions culminating in Washington’s oil embargo during the summer of 1941.
In the Second World War, Washington was lucky with timing and allies. This time it’s different. Washington and its NATO allies are advocating a full-blown war against Russia, the devastation and breakup of the Russian Federation, as well as the destruction of millions of lives in Russia and Ukraine.
Washington emotes. Washington does not think, and it is also overtly hostile to empiricism and truth. Neither we nor our allies are prepared to fight all-out war with Russia, regionally or globally. The point is, if war breaks out between Russia and the United States, Americans should not be surprised. The Biden administration and its bipartisan supporters in Washington are doing all they possibly can to make it happen.
Dr. John Campbell
Love it!!!
The Shakespeare at the end – OMG – LMAO!!!
via Intel Slava Z
The Wall Street Journal confirms the AFU is now limited to one logistical route, in line with our earlier reporting. Equally interesting, according to the WSJ this state of affairs has so far failed to change the desire of the Kiev authorities to hold the city:
“Despite Russian forces’ recent advances, Ukrainian troops said they had seen little indication so far that their commanders were preparing to pull out of Bakhmut. A line of eight Ukrainian tanks and several armored personnel carriers headed toward the city from the northwest on Sunday. A number of troops in the city also said they had recently been redeployed to Bakhmut.”
Should they continue to wait and should the RuF cut this route, we will see the first major encirclement since Mariupol earlier in the war.
Russia Tightens Grip Around Bakhmut as Ukraine Awaits Western Tanks -…
archived 29 Jan 2023 17:56:58 UTC
No logistics = No resupply = Guaranteed lost cause.
Only unknown is Ukraine deaths and wounded. <<< Dumb asses.
If BiteMe can’t induce WW III soon, BiteMe will have his ass handed to him, in Ukraine.
Has W.W.III already started? | Musings from the Chiefio (