Dear MAGA: 20190320 Open Topic

This PRAY FOR THE TRUTH WARRIORS WEDNESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here. … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190320 Open Topic

The Banhattan Project

What if I told you that free speech was about to strike back hard against censorship by Silicon Valley, using a simple but profound revolution in technology that can only be invented - and cannot be uninvented? What if I told you that this PROJECT was based on an IDEA that should have been seen … Continue reading The Banhattan Project

Time for Our FLU Immunization

In the same way that censorship is regarded as a BUG by the old programmers who BUILT the internet, so one might regard National Security Letters as something like the EBOLA VIRUS. National Security Letters are basically COURTLESS WARRANTS, self-granted by the DOJ and FBI.  If you think that sounds unconstitutional as all hell, then … Continue reading Time for Our FLU Immunization

Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181204

This SPECIAL TECH TYRANT TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots … Continue reading Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181204