Dear MAGA: 20190331 Open Topic

This very special Children Are Sacred SUNDAY
open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody
to post whatever they feel they would like
to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Say what you want, comment on what other people said,
comment on people’s comments.
Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.

See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Children Are Sacred

As the Q Drops recently hit hard and heavy on child abuse/exploitation/trafficking and @BardsOfWar was tracking Qanon with their usual intensity, the theme for today’s Open Topic appeared with incredible clarity. I only pray I can do the topic justice.
There is likely no question among our Q Treepers that children are indeed sacred and all that is good/right/true in us reflexively wants to defend children from every threat and form of abuse.
One of the most disturbing and recurring revelations presented to us by Qanon has been to say how shocked we are going to be when we find out who has been involved in destroying the innocents. Those in entertainment, yes; education, easy to believe; but the leaders of the church???

Those you are taught to TRUST the most…..

Dark to LIGHT.

8 chan, Qanon 1763, 30 July 2018

Could it be true that many of those called the “shepherds of the flock” are serving a globalist cabal and betraying our children too? Can this be explained as coming from a sinister infiltration into the seminaries and training programs of all organized religions for almost 100 years–to crush the innocence and impose mind control on those genuinely called to leadership–so that Christians can be controlled for the benefit of the evil few pulling strings from behind the curtain? Where can we put our trust now? Could God have a plan that delivers His children from this horrific state of affairs?
Let’s keep this in perspective while we process our shock. In our times those serving darkness may have their signature ways of stealing the innocence, childhoods and even lives of babies, infants, children and teens, but the threat is not new.

“The Lord said to Moses, “Give the people of Israel these instructions, which apply both to native Israelites and to the foreigners living in Israel.

“If any of them offer their children as a sacrifice to Molech,
they must be put to death.

The people of the community must stone them to death.
I myself will turn against them and cut them off from the community,
because they have defiled my sanctuary
and brought shame on my holy name
by offering their children to Molech.

Leviticus 20:1-3

As I understand it, sacrifice to the god molech was made by placing a living baby on a metal altar and burning them alive. Much like what a saline abortion today does to a baby –in it’s mother’s womb.
But don’t think that child abuse and sacrifice are only found in one or two people groups around the world. The abuse of the youngest of little girls and boys is found in groups as diverse as cannibalistic tribes in the jungles of Papua New Guinea to highly refined upper castes in the temples of India to Western-style orphanages and boarding schools found all over the world.
One famous emancipator of children enslaved for the pleasure of others–over 100 years ago–was Amy Carmichael, who not only rescued children out of temple prostitution, but then found a way to create a protected place for the children to be cared for and helped because they had no one else to do so for them.
Amy Carmichael Story
And that gets to the real heart of this issue. It is natural for parents to fall in love with their children and go to any length to defend their innocence, their safety, and to provide above and beyond all that is needed for them to thrive.
When that natural love is not in evidence, you get all kinds of horror to the point of people fighting for their “right” to commit infanticide.

A newborn baby … to be EXECUTED! After birth!
That is why I called on Congress to immediately pass legislation
prohibiting the extreme late term abortion of babies!!”

— Donald J. Trump, Michigan Rally, 28 March 2019

How could something so wrong be seen as right by any parent in any age? Seems that it comes back to information warfare–the battle space is in our minds.

As the great Andrew Breitbart used to say, ‘politics flows downstream from culture.’ Everyone involved in conservative politics should say that every day, because we should be involved in conservative culture, not conservative politics. Politics is just a byproduct of the winners and losers of the culture war. How is culture determined? Through media, family, church, and college campuses. That’s how culture is determined.

— Charlie Kirk, Turning Point USA,  23 March 2019 Breitbart News Interview

We know that our battle is not against people, flesh and blood, it’s against mindsets that exalt themselves against the experiential knowledge of God.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil
in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:10-12

And we know that there is a spiritual blindness that we can only fight through prayer to God for those who are blinded. Prayer to the One who healed our own hearts from the same spiritual blindness.
2 Corinthians 4-4 Blinded Minds

This is the battle of the ages. We will not be moved from this non-negotiable truth.

Children are sacred.



Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?

Though she may forget,
I will not forget you!

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
your walls are ever before me.

Isaiah 49:15-16

Addendum: A comment yesterday by A Fortiori underscores one of the ways the cultural war has taken a wrong turn in our country. Families are no longer instilling the American virtues of self-sufficiency, self-education, and providing for your own in the same way we did when so much more of our people were outside urban areas.
A Fortiori says…
Wolfie — It should be obvious by now that part of the attack on the 2nd Amendment is an attack on masculinity.
There was a time in this country when boys, as they developed into men, would seek to become masculine. Thus, they would seek to be good providers, to care for things entrusted to them (including maintaining and repairing the machines they used and depended upon) and part of this meant learning to fish and to hunt.
Moreover, there was historically an expectation in the US that its citizens would be prepared to take up arms to defend our country. Thus, there were several reasons to learn to shoot well: to defend yourself, to defend those near and dear to you, to provide food and to defend our nation. Our culture and our educational system have undermined these notions, but I think they are worth reviving.
Teddy Roosevelt, in 1883, said the following in a speech entitled
“Duties of American Citizenship”:

Of course, in one sense, the first essential for a man’s being a good citizen is his possession of the home virtues of which we think when we call a man by the emphatic adjective of manly.
No man can be a good citizen who is not a good husband and a good father, who is not honest in his dealings with other men and women, faithful to his friends and fearless in the presence of his foes, who has not got a sound heart, a sound mind, and a sound body; exactly as no amount of attention to civil duties will save a nation if the domestic life is undermined, or there is lack of the rude military virtues which alone can assure a country’s position in the world.
In a free republic the ideal citizen must be one willing and able to take arms for the defense of the flag, exactly as the ideal citizen must be the father of many healthy children. A race must be strong and vigorous; it must be a race of good fighters and good breeders, else its wisdom will come to naught and its virtue be ineffective; and no sweetness and delicacy, no love for and appreciation of beauty in art or literature, no capacity for building up material prosperity can possibly atone for the lack of the great virile virtues.


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T3, Great theme for this Sunday…every child is precious:-)
Looking forward to GA heartbeat law being signed.
Hollywierd actors, actresses, singers…have it backwards. These fools need GA and every citizen to spend $$$ on their products.
GA does NOT need Hollywierd actors, actresses, singers…
P!ss on Hollywierd. I don’t need or want them.
On the positive side, it is going to be a magnificent day!!!


Why, then, does truth generate hatred, and why does thy servant who preaches the truth come to be an enemy to them who also love the happy life, which is nothing else than joy in the truth—unless it be that truth is loved in such a way that those who love something else besides her wish that to be the truth which they do love. Since they are unwilling to be deceived, they are unwilling to be convinced that they have been deceived. Therefore, they hate the truth for the sake of whatever it is that they love in place of the truth. They love truth when she shines on them; and hate her when she rebukes them. Augustine,Confessions (Copied from Wiki)
This question is central to the abortion debate in particular.
Whats is it that they so much want to be true that they are willing to murder the most innocent amongst us??
I think we know the answer to this ….


“Why, then, does truth generate hatred”
What a good question!
I think to find truth we have to find it within ourselves face it and accepted as is. Facing truth can be scary disturbing. When truth is told by others it can evoke anger because we do not want to face the truth. Truth can be painful but if one is open to it truth is healing. Just my reflection how I see truth. It is a struggle to face truth even more to accept it.
Abortion is women and men not accepting truth. Our bodies are ours insofar that we take responsibility for it .
Having unprotected sex men and women are playing Russian ruled .
We have no right after failing to be guardians and keeper of or reproductive system to take the life that grows in us.
Each time when I was pregnant I saw it as a miracle how the baby grows within my womb. I believe a baby is a miracle. I enjoyed every minute seeing a baby grow and develop and how bright they are and possibilities a child has specially in this country.
I wish all women had a loving spirit for the life that grows in them. I also with all adults of childbearing age were responsible so not abortion would never have to happen.
Would be nice if people had more self-respect that translates into respect of others and respect for life..


Beautifully stated…


The children, the next generation, is ultimately who we are fighting for.
I want my grandchildren to live as free men and women.
We must turn back to a culture of life. I have often heard that when a culture reaches the stage of degradation that ours has, it can never come back.
Bunk. As Christians we have the resurrection. We can win even when all seems lost.

Jan Phillips

Ann, GMT!!

Jan Phillips

I meant Amen, GMT. I was sneaking in a text while company was here.


The Roman Empire was Christian. Didn’t save it. The Eastern Roman Empire was Christian. Didn’t save it either. The British Empire was Christian. Same. Empires and cultures have a life cycle just like people.


Being labelled “Christian” doesn’t necessarily mean true followers and belivers in Christ. I would suspect that the same thing has happened time and again where churches are infiltrated by non believers and then subverted and divided by focusing on doctrinal issues. Anything is possible through Jesus Christ, but we must as a nation repent and re-affirm our faith in Him.


I’m sorry but that is exactly equivalent to saying that socialism can work, it’s just never been tried properly.


I disagree because I view it as a spiritual battle. I will leave it at that.


I do not believe just proclaiming to be a Christian is enough. Going every Sunday to church is not enough.
I believe being rooted in Christ is the key and living a righteous life.
Are we perfect? No but we can strive to be the best we can be and strive to Love like God Loves us.
Realistic we will never reach to Love like God Loves us but we can try.
The Love of God is beyond comprehension.


Bam, I see it that way also, at least the way I understand the argument here, and I may have missed a comment or two.


That may be true, but we aren’t done yet. 😃


T3! Beautiful Post! Gonna miss you as you “reboot tech stuff”
My Favorite Bible quote:
Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
God Formed us in the Womb!! Each and every time–When I was pregnant– I truly Knew he was at work in My womb!!! Creating that person that needed to be ALIVE at this time in HIS World! And He formed ME too!!! And He formed EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US!!! To be here RIGHT NOW!! Such an Amazing time to be alive!!!
Thank you T3!!–The crazies FOR KILLING BABIES are being exposed!! Pendulum SWINGING!!!!!

Tired Mom

Marica, I am with you on that. When I became pregnant with my first, and went through the whole process, along the way I kept thinking, “This is so amazing, it could not be happening without a Divine power.” On the day my first child was born, my husband held her, looked at me and said, “We did not do this by ourselves!” No kidding. On my wedding day I prayed to God to be blessed with children and He fully and completely answered my prayer!
I don’t know how an atheist can go through the miracle of becoming a parent and still remain an atheist. If ever the stupid leftist words, “You didn’t build that” apply, it would be to the miracle of making a baby. YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT. GOD DID.


“Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1:4‬ ‭AMPC‬‬
“He chose us before the foundation of the world” – we are supposed to be here. All those aborted/miscarried babies are up in heaven with Jesus. Have you read “Heaven is for Real”? Little boy went to heaven, met his older sister, came back to earth, told his parents. Mom had actually had a miscarriage a few years earlier, never ever told the boy, parents were astounded at his news!


Jeremiah 1:5
“BEFORE…… I…….. formed YOU in the womb….. I….. knew YOU…..”
John 17:24
Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.
What more proof is needed to explain that “GOD” is in FULL CONTROL?
Always was…… IS…. and always WILL BE.
Romans 9
13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. (God does NOT Love everyone)
14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy.
17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?
20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

Jan Phillips

Yes, dear Rayzorbak, and as I studied those verses I found some interesting things! God didn’t say, “Esau I have hated,” until he was grown, despised his birthright, and ignored everything God had told him. Those verses are in Malachi 1.
The verses that apply before Jacob and Esau were born are in Genesis 25:23. What God told Rebecca when the twins were struggling within her womb. God said, “the older will serve the younger.”
Similar thing with Pharoah. Before the Lord hardened Pharoah’s heart, Pharoah had hardened his own heart to the point of no return. So God was able to demonstrate His power through Pharoah’s hard heart.
In verses Romans 9:22,23, check out the two words that are translated in English “prepare.” They are two different words! If you look in Strong’s Concordance, it will show the word in vs. 22 can also mean “fit, adjust, ripe.” The word in vs. 23 means “prepare beforehand.”
You probably knew all that already, but after I studied it, it made much more sense to me. Thank you for posting!


Marica well said..:)


Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.


This is right on target T3. What else is worth saving if we are intentionally destroying our unborn & recently born. Such depravity and hypocrisy must be challenged at ecery opportunity.

Rodney Short

If whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were drowned in the depths of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
Lil like swamp justice where I come from…

Plain Jane

T3, a thousand likes. All so true. TY.


Beautiful thread post, Think*3!
Thank you so much for this and for ‘going there’.
Yes, the assault on our children can no longer be ignored.
I think our President is aware of it and I think it is one of the things that motivated him to sacrifice everything to get into the Fight.
But our President cannot do it alone.
We must all do whatever we can to help him and our other intrepid warriors who are fighting to save and protect our children.


Dropping this here as a reply to all above as well as your post, Wheatie….
If not for the children, then who?? If not now, when??comment image
“Common core”? That leads to…comment image


100% agree! Never forgive nor forget the Bushes et al. Force feeding/bribing the nation “Race to the Top” such a ruse. Then came Common Core abusing the minds of our most precious.


I will never forgive/forget the “Islam is a religion of peace.” propaganda crap and that we were forced to hear Koran readings at 9/11 memorials. Spit!


Uh…the photo is missing a kid with white skin, dark hair, and brown eyes.
That’s ~ ~ RAYCISSS !


I saw two older ladies with signs outside a medical clinic in Wilmington, NC last Friday with a sign saying “End Abortion” — A small number yes, but very visible. God bless those ladies and I pray more and more people will see the need to stand up for the unborn!


guys— Can you just look at this pic (hint Mittens) and Not freakin laugh?


Arrgh…what is Dan Crenshaw doing co-sponsoring that bill?comment image


wheatie!! i am dying!!

Sylvia Avery

Noooo! Don’t let my dreamboat disappoint me!!!!!!!!!!!!


He has already disappointed me by defending McShame.


He met chris evans aka ‘captain america’ who is anti Trump as well. 🙁


If you ask me, he’s standing a bit apart with his hands in a defensive position and a bemused look on his face.
It’s pure GOPe maneuvering to link Mittens with masculinity and patriotism.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One more form of raiding Social Security. We fought this for DECADES. Good grief – Romney is now like a DETECTING DEVICE for leftist DECEIT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Next thing you know, the left will want people to raid their Social Security for transgender operations on kids.


Leftists are caught between two different competing agendas:
1) Don’t let people have access to their money
2) Spend money from Social Security to make it insolvent
The best solution for leftists is to create a whole swath of approved reasons to access that money. Trans surgery, birth control, abortion, heck why not even political donations while we’re at it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Other people’s money. And the idiot controlled opposition is helping them get it.


“Other people’s money. And the idiot controlled opposition is helping them get it.”
It is easy to spent other peoples money.
Having children is a sacrifice of time and money . Downsizing is sometimes necessity but the rewards raising a child is well worth it.
Kids to not care if mom and dad ave one car or two. They do not care if they grow up in a big house or small house. What kids need is their parents love and acceptance.


Sounds like a new meme. Mitt can be the slogan guy.
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Freedom Caucus. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any genuine political problem.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Lots of great replies to Ilhan Omar’s tweet about how “liberating” her hijab is. Loved this one:

Sylvia Avery

Liberating? Well, I guess if I’m having a bad hair day. But then, I could always just stuff my hair in a pony, or put on a hat….


you guys have not been following along with the indoctrination umder the table eh?
type hijab awareness into a search engine and view the wealth you have been missing. note all the colleges and school and orgs in the US – and this is mot new. been happening for years.


And yet it still hasn’t caught on as a fashion statement…


In eastern Europe peasant women wear a head scarf to keep their hair clean when working in the garden or fields also to keep warm . When I grew up many women wore head scarves because they wanted too specially when it was cold and windy.
I do not care if someone wants to wear a head scarf that is their choice just do not force it on me and I will not force them not to wear a head scarf.

Deplorable Patriot

Sorry, but those things look like they would be awfully hot.


In the desert? In the American south?
I can’t imagine how hot they are?
No way
GHEEZZZZZZ, I bet they stink.


Stink is right. My husband had the extreme misfortune of having to sit next to the male variety on a long flight. He said you could literally smell the guy from 30 feet away, as he entered the cabin.

Pat Frederick

I like my bangs too much…and my freedoms!


Apologies if others have posted on this previously, but for the first time in I can’t remember I actually went to the movies tonight.
Amazingly, one can still find quality cinema at the movies every so often, and this is a prime example.
50 years in the making….
>>>> THIS. WAS. BEYOND. AWESOME!!!!!! <<<<
Don’t even think about it……just go see it. You WILL be blown away, or I will personally refund your money.
Thank me later.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Just watching that trailer, one can SEE how effective Soviet demoralization in the 1960’s and 1970’s was. Now I understand what FBIanon was saying. If people took out on RUSSIA what the SOVIET UNION did to us, there would be a fucking nuclear war. Better to just destroy the remainder of socialism in the shadows, like taking out pests in the walls of the house, than to burn the house down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Go on Gab and WATCH what the socialist demoralizers do. They promote FLAT EARTH. I just want to BOMB SOMEBODY when I see it. Seriously – whoever is promoting the flat earth stuff needs to be GONE. Whatever organization is doing it needs to be EXPOSED and ridiculed. And it will LEAD to 9/11 – I already know that much.
We cannot MAGA when there are forces that CONTINUE with socialist demoralization. TAKE ‘EM OUT.

Gail Combs

The FLAT EARTH SOCIETY supports GoreBull Warming too!

….Flat earthers are often dismissed as science-denying know-nothings. But wait!
Recently, Twitter user @NotaCelebirty asked the Flat Earth Society if members believe in climate change.
“Certainly,” the society replied, in a post that’s caught the attention of Reddit users in recent days. “It would be nothing short of irresponsible to question something with so much overwhelming evidence behind it, and something that threatens us so directly as a species.”


The irony of thier stance is so rich I’ll just wait for Scott to make more mincemeat out of it. Hope some of them don’t fall off the edge. Lol.


With this film, an unintended, unplanned trilogy is complete. Each film stands firmly on its own, towering like a giant Redwood, but together this is THE definitive, ultimate 3 movie set on this era of NASA.
The Right Stuff
Apollo 11
Apollo 13
If you loved “The Right Stuff” and/or “Apollo 13”, you are going to LOVE this film.


did they ever recover the video and telemety data tapes?
asking for a friend who is interested…


Word is that Sandy Burger got them away from the Nat’l Archives by secreting them under his toupee. So you’ll just have to ask him what he did with them. Probably buried in Fort Marcy Park.


Sandy Burglar?


Apollo 13 is one of my faves. Thanks for the recommendation.

Steve in Lewes

The best thing about this after reviewing the movie summary is that there are no whiny liberal actors faking their patriotic credentials by portraying real American heroes; thanks for the recommendation.


Isn’t this the movie that left out the planting of the AMERICAN FLAG on the moon?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NO, thank God! This is apparently a DOCUMENTARY!!!


good….. just checking.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I had the exact same thought – glad you asked!!! And since I think the other film had CHINESE BACKING, it makes sense that they would want to PRE-EMPT this documentary with their flagless version.
I am REALLY learning how the CHICOMS work.


Well Hell yeah!! FG&C!!! Thank you!! I didn’t even know this was out there!!!


I didn’t either!!
Earlier today the wife said, “You are taking me out tonight so you better find something for us to do after dinner. Hadn’t even heard this was out, but I saw it and I was like, “are you kidding? Hey honey, check this out!”
She liked it a lot, and I am a fierce film critic, but this was like a religious experience!

Sylvia Avery

Great open, ttt. Thank you.
I thought I’d share this:
“….According to a Knights of Columbus (KoC)/Marist poll released Friday, New York State residents tend to support abortion at higher rates than most Americans, but even so, only 21 percent say abortion should be “available to a woman at any time during pregnancy,” as the new law provides…”
Read the article here:


the people don’t matter – “elected officials” push it through. happening in all states with all sorts of issues unfortunately.
for example, in our “system” constituents “elect” the officials to “be their voice”.
how many of those scam artists in new york that were “elected” mentioned even one time in campaign that they were for abortion until the moment of birth? the campaign being the time when the constituents learn to recognize who has their voice…

Sylvia Avery

“I worked at Planned Parenthood for eight years, rising through the ranks from volunteer escort, to clinic counselor to clinic director. I was awarded the Employee of the Year prize in 2008 and was one of the youngest clinic directors in the country, setting an example of how to run a clinic to churn out as many abortions – the biggest money maker – as I could. Then it all changed when I was asked to assist in an ultrasound-guided abortion…
Read the rest here:


“Abby Johnson is the director of And Then There Were None, which helps abortion workers leave their jobs and find life-affirming ones.”
There were young Christians from 40 Days for Life, who prayed for and spoke with Abby for some time before she came to the truth. I have read the story and it is a beautiful example of GOD’s loving, redemptive work in human hearts.
Planned Parenthood is making a HUGE profit – yet PP gets HUNDREDS OF MILLION$$$ from US government – which they give back to politicians as bribes to advance and perpetuate the killing of pre and post born infants, including selling tiny human infant parts and blood.
The politicians who accept this money and vote for abortion are complicit in Planned Parenthood’s murder and butchery of helpless human infants. Some, like Hillary and Obama thoroughly approve.
The justices who approved and the judges who still approve of and defend Roe v Wade are also complicit.
I was guilty as well. I was also on the other side of this issue – until I was born again into the Kingdom of GOD, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ – and my eyes were opened to see the Truth! John 3:3
How to find a theater to see the movie, Unplanned:


Abortion = MURDER!
End of argument.


Lily, a little girl basketball fan, got to meet her favorite player…
When she gave him the card she made, this happened (sweet video) –


Stupid dust bunnies…
He was soooo sweet. LIke a super duper big brother hugging on his tiny sis…. ohhhhhhh

Pat Frederick

I agree—so sweet!!


He was just so genuinely touched and appreciative.


That is exactly spot on… completely genuine… It was so sweet, and so rare..


There is a disturbing essay OT that is well worth the read….
” Beware of Obama’s Outrage Trap – Susan Rice’s “By The Book” Memo “…
At first, being a literalist, I would have thought the difference between a “CYA” memo and a justification memo was paper thin, but as you read on the slithery legal chicanery become apparent.
Pray they don’t slip the net.


Thanks for the heads up, RAC.
Okay, I read it…and it seems like a load of crap to me.
He’s saying ‘Don’t be outraged by what they’ve done, because if you do you’re falling into their trap;’
Um, no.
Not buying it.
It’s like he can’t stand it that people are feeling good about how our President has been vindicated…and are hopeful about finally seeing some Justice…so he’s throwing some cold water on it.
No thanks.


I took as he was explaining how they (brennan, comey) were going to try and wriggle out of it and pointing to the FISA abuse as the way to nail them.


Sorry mis spelled email .


I took as he was explaining the real reason rice wrote the memo and how they (brennan, comey) were going to try and wriggle out misleading PDJT, and pointing to the FISA abuse as the way to nail them


Edit … wriggle out of


Well that’s kind of a ‘given’…because we hashed all that out last year.
So why bring it up again?
Sorry, RAC…it just seems like a transparent attempt to rain on people’s parade right now.


Reality will be most of the big names will not see any jail. I would be impressed if there was even a trial or two. After all, it is the swamp and they will continue to protect themselves.


Is that the same ‘reality’ that said “Trump will never be president”…?


It is the reality that no one involved in the coup has seen the inside of a court room. Including McCabe who has actually been identified as breaking the law by the IG. I believe he is on the road selling a book.
So until then I remain unconvinced that much will happen. Some wrist slaps here and there but not much else.


What I like to know is the left was so ready to put POTUS into jail for a fabricated crime.
Would it not be just to investigate Obama to see if he committed a crime and if he did apply the same what they had planned for President Trump..?
At least Obama should be shamed if it is found that he was involved in the coup?


Disagree, completely.
IMHO, there will be trials. And folks will go to jail.
Believe there were FISA’s against the cabal working against President Trump. The cabal thinking they were too smart, caught up talking, texting, emailing while they thought they were too smart to be caught.
Don’t know if it’ll snare hussein or hildabeast. Depends if they were stuuupid enough to talk, txt or email after surveillance of them was approved. OR, a couple of their underlings flip and start singing the same tunes to save their @sses.
Their will be Justice meted served on these traitors.


I hope so.


For a brief moment I thought I was lurking at OT.
Checked. Nope, this is WQTH.


Yes because group think is healthy.


No. Quite the opposite.
Group think is unhealthy, IMHO.
Group think is watching or reading MCM, and accepting their synchronized chorus of utter BS.
Looking at the facts.
The coup failed.
Justice takes time and is working. Slowly. But working.


So you thought I was serious? Got it.


My bad.
It happens.
Me, so, sllooowwww at times:-)


A little disagreement is healthy and I have no problem with that.
However the group think OT these days, combined with doom and gloom contagion of weaponized pessimism, and the need to be right by censoring all who disagree, that is simply toxic.
The smart money is still banking on Trump. A series of legal technicalities and combined with chicanery so far has proven completely impotent to stop our VSGPOTUS. As far as I’m concerned he’s proven he can run a double marathon in record time with his shoes tied together and not trip once.


^^^ This! ^^^

Sylvia Avery

I had the same reaction. Nothing new, we knew this, so why bring it up again? Shrug.


There’s another tree? 😉




This is me agreeing completely with wheatietoo

Steve in Lewes

…and of course, SD takes a dig at Dan Bongino ! Who would have thunk it !


All of those grand and impressive words, IMO, designed expressly to denigrate others, yet this one sentence describes my conclusion after only reading a few words: “In short, avoid the “justification trap” by ignoring the downstream activity (stemming as a result of the fraudulent origin), and focus on revealing the origin of the fraud.”
I mean, really? Duh!!!! This is the same principle I have been stating all along: no crime, no obstruction, therefore, no justification for their “by-the-book” behavior!
That’s all right – I truly believe THEIR time will come!!!! Boomerang time, baby!


Their behavior has been anything BUT ‘By the Book’ – Trump, Inc. knows and can prove it.


Ø and Rice may claim they went ‘by the book’ – but all the evidence stacks sky high to the contrary.
If we mere lay people can see it – imagine what the pros have.


No, what he is saying is don’t allow them to justify what they did under the guise of Trump being under investigation. That’s already what the Dems are doing – well, you know, they *had* to play it that way because he was under investigation after all. The original information needs to be released, un redacted, to kill how they’re trying to lead and justify the whole thing.


Exactly, thank you for putting it more clearly than my attempt.


I agree 100% Wheatie.
I read the article this morning. Total bullshit, designed to make people simmer down. Why would SD do that? Hmmm….no GOOD reason I can see. More evidence of CONTROL from somewhere. I am completely positive that something really bad happened OT, right after the last hurricane.
I think others are getting fed up with it, as well. One of my favorite commenters OT is farmhand1927. I doubt he follows Q; he seems too old-school for that. But he is a no-nonsense, grounded type of guy. This is his post OT on this article. I think it is excellent, and a rebuke of the “controlled opposition” taint on SD’s post. farmhand1927 wrote:
“I sure hope someday:
The guilty, the seditionists, the RESIST’ers, the liars, the people that conveniently make witnesses ‘go away’ when they may pose a threat, the foreigners that can hack Congressional computers and get off the hook, the intelligence people that put us at risk in order to grind their political axes, the unelected/unaccountable West Wing staff that write and implement more law and regulation than all of Congress put together, past presidents, spouses and families that tear down, criticize, and undermine, ALL get their day in court. If not in this realm, then in the next.
It’s never cut and dried, is it? For two years all we’ve read is that the President should declassify, release info, expose this one and that one. Then, when we’ve got them surrounded, when we find them holding the bag red-handed, now we must use caution so as not to enrage tne perpetually enraged. Tread ever so lightly around the throne of The Chosen One, lest he turn his street thugs loose on us and prop up The Chosen One 2.0 to run against our President in ’20. The fear and oppression The Chosen Regime has wrought on this nation is heartbreaking.
Let Her run! We’ll either beat Her or lose to Her. President Trump is fearless of Her or any of the rest, yet we cower in fear at the sound of Her name?
There is an invoice coming due for the years of open borders and looking the other way (or was it cowering also?) while millions of Dreamers, border crossing criminals, ‘refugees’ and their chain gang migratory acquaintances waltzed into our midst. They are here, they are voting, there is a high price to ultimately pay. How do we put up a fight? Be careful of The Enraged or do we go hard and take the fight straight to The Top?
Putting The Chosen One 2.0 on the ballot was planned long before Donald Trump came down the escalator. Way back in ’08 after the Transformational Decline of America was set in motion, the grooming of Her began. Why do we think They moved down tne street from “The Prison’, aka, White House? They never intended to relinquish power. Take a look around us–They never did, did They? The likes of Brennan, Rosie, McCabe, Comey, McCain, Dem’s and Repuke’s in Congress and a conga line of media prostitutes damned well have kept the power and agenda in place. At any cost, no matter what. Whomever was to be in the Oval Office between ’16 and ’20 was a mere stutter step in the long-awaited Chosen Regime. The only part they didn’t plan on was DJT.
President Trump is a common sense, matter of fact, no bullsh** kind of guy. How weary and frustrated he must constantly be from all the well thought out advice, precautions, warnings, Coulter-style threats, ‘do it this way or else’ flashing red light headlines.
I love our President best when he does things the Trump way. When he applies his version of life experience, unparalleled experience in discerning cheats, liars, scoundrels and backstabbers. When, after all the advice has been funneled, all the proper protocol has been whispered in his ear, all the reliance on people that know best how to drive the bus through the D.C. minefields has been digested, President Trump puts his shoulder to the wheel and does what he does best.”


The author OT forgets about:
– Fraudulent dossier cooked up by Obama/Clinton and the heads of US intelligence agencies.
– Fraudulent FISA applications based on fraudulent evidence, concocted Dossier.
– Fraudulent spying – 85% of Obama’s warrantless surveillances were ILLEGAL.
– Fraudulent Obama credentials, identity and citizenship.
Also forgets about
– the likelihood of Trump and allies planning and counterintelligence ops – years long, maybe even decades long, evidence gathering, observation of these criminals and traitors.
– the likelihood of LEGAL FISA and other surveillance warrants against these criminals and traitors.
Also forgets:
– If you go into the bowels of any of Trump’s hotels and properties, you will find the kitchens, boiler/heating and laundry rooms are as clean, shiny, top-shape and well-run as the entrance.
– All Trump ops and projects are carefully run – ahead of schedule, under budget, top quality! Just like he is running our country.
When intelligence head was questioned about Trump’s grasp of intelligence matters, said: “He understands and grasps everything I tell him like a 40 year veteran CIA analyst.”
I’m not worried about Obama, the Clintons, or any of the rest slipping out of a Trump-Sessions (Silent Assassin) planned indictments and successful prosecution.


If this is a contest between Obama/Rice/Clinton and their UK/EU Middle Eastern, Russian, Chinese allies vs Trump/Sessions/Horowitz/Huber and their allies (which include Mossad, Saudis, retired US intel officers, including military intel, some forcibly retired) – my money is on the Trump alliance.


GA/FL, Great posts!
President Trump and America will prevail over the traitors!!!


Well, see, there it is.
GA/FL writes:
“Also forgets about
– the likelihood of Trump and allies planning and counterintelligence ops – years long, maybe even decades long, evidence gathering, observation of these criminals and traitors.
– the likelihood of LEGAL FISA and other surveillance warrants against these criminals and traitors.”
To recognize the above, you have to “Trust the Plan.”
And SD can’t do that, because “muh Q isn’t real.”


Trusting the character of Trump and his ops vs the characters of Ø, H>, Billy Jeff, Holder, Lynch, et al.
I don’t know Q, but what I have read, there is a patriotism, good will, closeness to President and knowledge of issues.
I also know what I have experienced and discerned about the mgt. OT – defensiveness, irritability, intolerance, never admitting error, defense of unbiblical social agenda.


Not intended for you GA/FL, I couldn’t reply to above poster
So tired of the “nothings happened so far, so it never will” Crowd.
Wrong/evil groupthink is like a staph infection, killing/crushing every human spirit it comes into contact with.
It’s only been 1 week, 1 lousy week since the chains were broken. For all the “I want what I want RIGHT NOW!” people, quit throwing your selfish, childish, immature, foolish temper tantrums!! Not a flattering look for any adult!
I left the EEYORE tree on purpose!!l Please don’t bring it here!!
I trust God. He has put in place DJT and anointed him for such a time as this. God knows and can turn the heart of the King. There will be justice, tempered with mercy. Many, some, not all, none,(pick one) will be pleased.
“Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5‬ ‭AMPC‬‬
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬
“NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬ ‭AMPC‬‬
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭13:1-13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬




comment image


Good morning, Patrick.


Mornin,’ wheatie


Judge Jeanine was fired up last night!

At the end of her show, she thanked all of us for the show of support that she received.

Steve in Lewes

That was great, and her opening interview with Rudy G was wonderful.
Rudy’s comment and praise for Judge Jeanine brought a tear to my wife’s eye; for me I couldn’t avoid that darn dust !


Me too, especially this….Rudy to Judge, “We need you, We need You”


Obviously no one was allowed to mention that 800lb gorilla… but several of the guests made a very obvious point of saying something like “I am soooooo happy to be here with you” and really emphasized it.
Normally they would say a quick, “thanks for having me”, or “happy to be here” something like that.
When she first came on, she looked different. In a good way… My spidey senses felt like she was really ok,, so I hope whatever is going on behind the scenes is in her favor.


TBH, I was very disappointed that she did not address the obvious. Sad! One would think that people such as Jeanine would be at a point in their lives where they should be financially stable enough not to compromise their principles for a paycheck. Guess not……she is off my DVR list.


Pretty soon you want need a DVR.




I’ll bite…
Why be so hasty to write her off? Maybe she’s personally financially comfortable, but maybe she has aging parents, children, grandchildren that need help? She’s a Patriot, a fighter for POTUS, for Justice, and for US. We need her, we need her voice. She did nothing wrong, took what looks like a 2week (unwarranted) suspension, but we do not know all the facts. If we so hastily judge everyone by outward appearances (without knowing the whole truth), and write them off, there will eventually be no one left to record, thus no need for a DVR. No need to eat our own, Don’t fall for the leftist plan! Love ya NF!


My opinion means nothing since in all honesty, I never had her on my DVR list anyway. I had issues with her long before this, including her thorough bashing (still on-going) of Sessions.


What’s a ‘DVR’?


Kinda converts that “COLD anger” to blasting STEAM.


Just a reminder that OANN is a GREAT alternative to the fake news. It’s a happy $4.99 a month to pay for real news.!


The RNC is actually going to fight for our President?
I hope so!

Pat Frederick


Pat Frederick

lol…thanks…but it’s after lunch here now…so no more coffee for me!
you didn’t happen to get any donuts with that coffee, tho, did you?


Sorry, Miss Pat, I slept in. Still on coffee, but in accordance with RULE #3, here ya go! 🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩😍

Pat Frederick

oh you are just the best bfly!!!!!
thank you!


Good morning everyone, incld. Patrick.

Pat Frederick

listening to these people, I have one thought–if you are “filled with rage” seeing white people –go to another country where there are none. You are not chained here–I want you to be happy–so GO AWAY…
Owens, a Black Lives Matter activist and public affairs intern at Planned Parenthood once wrote that racism can cause post-traumatic stress disorder.
“Whiteness remains to be the biggest threat to our survival and continues to permeate every single facet of our lives, from the institutions we must navigate to interactions with our white counterparts. I am dealing with whiteness every time I leave the comfort of home,” he wrote in the essay.
“I’m in defense mode all the time and it’s exhausting. The result is extended periods of time where I am filled with nothing but rage, where it feels like I am always on the brink of crying, where I feel so vulnerable that I cannot handle seeing people who do not look like me, where even spending time with the white people that I call my friends induces racial anxiety.”
and oh yeah turn in all your money with the racists on it…wouldn’t want you to be triggered…smh


Another idiot who seriously needs medicating!


So…… if he doesn’t like AMERICA
HE…. is FREE to LEAVE anytime now.


Yay for Nick Searcy, good man!

Pat Frederick

OMG…spit coffee all over my keyboard reading the replies to Ryan’s tweet–someone called the list “The Walmart” of Hollywood!!!!


LOL ‘The Walmart” of Hollywood. OMG so true.


I read the list. It’s a bunch of has-been’s, left-overs, and wanna-be’s. There’s not ONE big important Hollywood name on that list.
SOME people may be waking up to Deplorable reality. We won’t buy your damned product if you embrace the leftist bullshit.


WE…. already “boycott” them because…..
THEY don’t put out QUALITY material and haven’t for YEARS.
THEY…. are struggling for RELEVANCE.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, good for Nick!
I actually clicked all the way through to read the list of signatories. Hmph. A funny cross section of old gals who haven’t worked in years (and for whom the fruitful season was over decades ago) and oddballs like Patton Oswalt and Commies like Sean Penn. In short, while there were a couple names that surprised me, for the most part it was the usual. And there is not a one that I would mourn if I never saw their work again.


Like somebody before me wisely said, “They need our money more than we need them”.

Pat Frederick

Darn, I missed Batman’s birthday–he turned 80 yesterday!
sparked a memory of a long ago candy bar commercial…picture it: a football game…player gets tackled brutally and is led off the field. Coach sees the kid is dazed–asks him where he is (i think); he responds– football game, coach asks– who am I–kid responds, you’re Coach. so coach asks and who are you? kid smiles and says “I’m Batman!”



Love those in the morning. Crusoe the doxie is a favorie on youtube.

Pat Frederick

thanks for the giggles…I adored the giraffe one…think I can get one made in my size? LOL


Thank you Miss Wheatie!! I so love D-O-GEES!!😍😍 Your videos are prepping my heart for love again after mourning my 2 beloved Aussies. Not quite ready yet, but getting closer😃

Pat Frederick

I agree with Rooster on this…he makes some good points. And to be honest, Mueller may detail (in the report)actions he believes were obstruction (just not conclusive) and give the Dems starting points to prey on till 2020…


WTH??!!?? “But the prevalence of folks supporting the bizarre death cult QAnon….” So now it is a DEATH CULT??!!!! Huh????
And will you look at THIS shyte??!!?? “It’s also worth noting, as the Advance did on Thursday, that political scientists writing for the Washington Post have found in their research that counties which hosted a 2016 Trump campaign rally “saw a 226 percent increase in reported hate crimes over comparable counties that did not host such a rally.”
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has opened up a hate crimes unit. She said that she believes hate crimes have increased in the state since 2016 because Trump is “a huge factor.”
“Collins reports on QAnon frequently and he thought the number of supporters at the Trump Grand Rapids rally was “shocking.” That’s a pretty big eye-opener. He also called it a “widespread systemic failure” — and it’s hard to argue with that.
So many things in American society had to fail for this many people to believe one party is run by an actual Satanic cabal that eats children, and Trump, Jesus and Bob Mueller are secretly ending it.
Social media companies helped it grow, but this is widespread systemic failure.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) March 29, 2019”


All the evidence and logic PROVES it is the left/Democrats that are the bizarre death cult.
There is no evidence that Q and Q followers/readers are in any way a death cult.
The leftists are PROJECTING – Marxists, Stalinists, Islamists and other assorted Alinskyites always accuse others of what they themselves are doing or planning to do.


These people are deranged. And, I suspect, scared to death at what is coming. Bring it on!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t think these MEDIA IDIOTS get it.
We were the response. We were the WORKAROUND. We were an INFORMATION WORKAROUND.
This is what happens in information systems, CLOWN/CHICOM-PWNED organizations (yeah, just ask me about THAT, media idiots – if you DARE….), and entire socialist-ruined fields like American journalism.
Understand, media idiots? WE kept the TRUTH MOVING while you all spend TWO YEARS ON BULLSHIT. Your CHICOM-OWNED Hollywood providing all the “moral” support it could, to your SOVIET-RAISED Democrat Party HOAX.
So to “journalists” who spent two years HELPING a Democrat HOAX….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seriously – did ANY of these media jokers, during TWO YEARS, even STATE on camera that this thing MIGHT be a Democrat HOAX?
No. Only TRUMP TWEETS nailed the truth.
Go look at Dawn’s thread of the “unknown podcast”. It was a FUCKING HOAX.
OK. I’m taking the rest of the day off. That’s it. My final words for today.
OK, no, I have one more thing to say.


I second the motion!


The pedigree of the writwr is tried and true keftist. Problem is only for them!

Pat Frederick

hey Gil! How’s everybody at your house feeling?


I took kiddo out to desert since hes progressively better. Even though he had croup as of 2 weeks ago, he still has a residual wet cough and stuffy nose. Mr gil caught a spring flu at work and im cleaning to avoid it all. Going to just keep doing day trips this week and kiddo has a follow up w his pediatrician. Otherwise, hopefully this will be it until fall.

Pat Frederick

hope you are also taking care of yourself!



Uh-oh! Wonder if Mz. Molly Anna will fall to the ban hammer OT?
Mz Molly Anna says:
March 31, 2019 at 10:33 am
Sundance has been able to unravel this Gordian knot with only his shear determination, experience, wisdom and ability to connect the dots. We have all seen the amazing work Sundance has does in real time.
There is one Q post that I think is very relevant to helping unravel just who did what. I will post a link here. It is very cryptic, but gives hints at just who is involved in the attempted coup of out VSG President Trump. Now I will fear the backlash. My only intent was to help us find clues. I think there are some important one here. My sincere apology if this post afends those on this site.


New thread up on the John Dowd interview done by Byron York. I did crib notes for those who could not handle the whole hour.
Unreal quotes and bombs from Dowd.
My favorite, talking about Rosenstein, hunkered behind his desk, “Is he going to fire me?”
I can see it now.

Pat Frederick

thanks Daughn I will check it out…
We had near 70* here yesterday and just now we finished splitting and stacking more firewood cuz there’s a possibility of snow yet today…climate change is real–it’s ALWAYS changing…lol


It was 83 in the desert, but felt closer to 90. Swimming pool weather!


“President Donald Trump first issued a presidential permit to allow TransCanada to complete Keystone XL in March of 2017, which resulted in more lawsuits.
On Friday, Trump issued another presidential permit to replace the one issued two years ago, drawing the ire of critics of Keystone XL in particular and fossil fuels in general.”


Who wants to bet these cretins will claim to be Christians??? Comments on the linked BB article.
“CJ • 34 minutes ago
I don’t care what happens to the homos, trannies, or what ever other kind of deranged degenerate they catch over there. I guess I’ll have to draw my Red Line on something else. I won’t stand in solidarity with the mentally ill and their willful enablers.
mondays CJ • 21 minutes ago
well said. if they were just stoning adulterers and cutting hands off thieves, most of the most shrill voices crying wouldn’t even give a da­mn.
CJ mondays • 2 minutes ago
That’s true, a lot of “unpleasant” stuff goes on that the vast majority don’t fret too much over.
John Smith II CJ • 32 minutes ago
Exactly, I could careless as the majority feels as well. This abomination has only themselves to blame, for trying to make every part of the world accept them as normal.”


Leftist tool Gavin Newsom is edging dangerously close to sedition.
Here he makes himself a laughing stock:

Consequences of Brown and Newsom open border/sanctuary policies:
The left are a danger to our country and the world.


Let’s not forget the rats in LA city hall spreading…. TYPHUS!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I need to throw this out there.
China broke up Five Eyes using a very stealthy, long-term kind of demoralization / overmoralization strategy. Do the math. It explains everything we are seeing. Psychological manipulation. Beautiful stuff. They are very cunning. Because I’ve dealt DIRECTLY with this stuff, but in different contexts, I know how it works. China has studied WWII very intensely and understands how to FIX what went wrong for Japan.

Elizabeth Carter

Wolfmoon, I agree with you that China is trying to control us.
After WWII, China killed their brightest people so that Communism would not be challenged. They claim to have a very high IQ but that is just chaff. Cunning and intelligence are two very different things. If they really were more intelligent than Americans, we would be trying to steal their technology. China can study history for thousands of years. The fact remains that America is so far ahead of them because we allow our people to think and do things that the Communists could and will never allow. China has 4 times our population and will probably starve most of them to death now because we will not be able to produce enough Soy Beans to feed them because of the storms this year. They might do better if they would learn to take care of their own people instead of trying to rule the world.
When China can set an example for the world by caring for their own people first, then we might want to see what is working for them. So far, nothing is working for them that I can see.
Have a great day.


As vast as China is, they should be able to produce food and feed their people.
Yet they spend useless $$$ building ghost cities?
And they spend dollars on munitions preparing for wars they can’t afford to conduct.
And of course, they killed millions and millions of infants with their one child policy.

Sylvia Avery

Tucker Carlson had a former C – A person now Dim strategist on his show one night last week and I forget the topic under discussion, something to do with Russia, but at the end of the segment the guest mentioned in passing that while it isn’t discussed in public the IC has acknowledged that for the last ten years or so we have been in a covert war with China.
It really blew my skirt up because, well, it is what I have been thinking for some time now. It was surprising to actually hear it articulated. On TV. Where everyone is so busy ignoring it or looking for Russians under the bed they cannot or will not see the obvious.

Elizabeth Carter

Sylvia, C-A= China in America

Divide and Conquer, first principle of warfare. Of course we are at war… spiritual, cultural… apply your own label. The Cabal has had to speed up their agenda with Donald John Trump in the Oval Office… esp. now that he is unfettered by Mueller’s SC.
Never forget… the Cabal’s numbers are small… humanity’s numbers are great, as is our God. We will prevail.
Those who want to see it habbenin’ have no concept of how deep the swamp goes or how entrenched the Cabal’s minions are.
Tonawanda posted this yesterday… if you don’t have time to give it your attention now, I suggest you bookmark for later. POTUS models this philosophy everyday for us. Some of us have practiced variations of it through yoga, deep breathing and meditation. Others of us seem to come into the world with the ability to accept whatever comes our way with grace and compassion. Our very own PatrickHenryCensored is modeling that for us daily.
March 30, 2019 at 17:38
Epictitus. This more than anything is the division within our society:


I offer this lovely story of a Buddhist monk… (it also fits with t3’s theme for our thread today)
Once upon a time a young girl fell in love with a young man traveling through her village. Sometime after he moved on, she discovered she was pregnant. After the baby was born, the villagers decided the only thing to do was to take the infant boy to the monk on the hill. So, mother and child, along with the villagers trekked to the monk’s hut.
They shouted and banged on the door… the monk appeared, they explained the situation. The monk responded “AH SO” and reached out his arms for the child.
Years later, when the child was almost six, the mother wanted her child back. She felt she was now able to care for him and implored the village to help her retrieve her son.
Again, the mother along with the villagers trekked up to the monk’s hut, shouting and knocking on the door.
The monk appeared and the mother expressed her desire to have her son returned. Without hesitation, the monk responded “AH SO” and placed the young boy whom he had raised for almost six years into the mother’s arms.
“AH SO” is a most difficult place to reach…


It’s a nice story and I understand the point, but it doesn’t take into account the child’s trauma at leaving the only home he/she has ever known. Sometimes we have to advocate on behalf of the children.


“Sometimes we have to advocate on behalf of the children.”
Yes, TheseTruths, in fact we must always advocate on behalf of the children….
in this instance both the mother and the monk thought they were acting on behalf of the child.
Being a cock-eyed optimist, I like to think the child continued to visit the monk… and with the nurturing of his mother and the village… adjusted. And there’s the recognition too, that this was a lesson, although an early one, for the child to receive an “AH SO” lesson. Namaste


“in this instance both the mother and the monk thought they were acting on behalf of the child.”
Possibly, but that’s not the impression I got, though perhaps I am mistaken. On the mother’s part, she wanted her child back. The story notes this twice. (It does not say she thought the child would be better off with her, just that she could now care for it and wanted it back.) On the monk’s part, he was being spiritually selfless and unattached. I didn’t see any consideration for the child’s feelings at all in the story.
I know I’m splitting hairs, and my intention is not to spoil the purpose for the story. I just didn’t see any concern for the child, who will be forced to leave the only parental figure he has known, on a moment’s notice. The heartbreak would alter the child’s life forever. That is a very real trauma, and I was left with utter sadness for the child.
I also know that I was supposed to read the story and ponder how we should not become attached, we should be selfless, we should look to spiritual truths, etc. All true. If it were about an object instead of a child, I would have no problem.

Elizabeth Carter

TT, As Christians, we are supposed to be attached, love each other and treat others as we want to be treated. Scripture says:
Matthew 10:29-31 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.


John 15:17 – These things I command you, that ye love one another.
I John 2:15 – Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.


TheseTruths you are thinking from your emotional perspective. The Monk was not attached to anything the child was raised not attached. 6 years old a child can adopt and enjoy the new type of acceptance and love.
The Monk had more influence on the child and planted the Buddha seed. At 6 the child was able to cope .


The article for today is about protecting children before and after birth. In my opinion, the “emotional perspective” is too often ignored when it comes to children’s well being. They are shuttled from place to place as if it shouldn’t matter to them. They are treated as if they have no feelings or as if they’ll just get over whatever whims their parents or guardians have. This kind of scarring is difficult to overcome, and many children don’t have the resources to get help. Society suffers as a consequence.


“AH SO” is a most difficult place to reach…
It’s in the direction of perfection, down eternity’s road.


(I knew you would get it)


Been on the path………………..for awhile, now.


Yes, and a very stony one indeed…
Your family and friends pray for God to give you strength…


God drew the map…………………Provided a Divine navigator………………And left open the choices of destination.
The stones were made to step over.
The prayers help,…………………….Thank you

Sylvia Avery

You have mine. I wish I could do more.
You write so beautifully. Each post a small gem worth study.


Those who inspire you,………………………………………. is more than enough.

Sylvia Avery

<3 <3 <3


I pray so much to have just a thimbleful of the courage, strength and faith you have, PHC. (Going through a difficult time in our household.)


Praying for you to recieve that which you need, ladypenquin.


Thank you, so much PHC. You are such an example… I feel ashamed that I have any pain – but things are a little tough right now. ❤


Nothing can keep you down,…………..if you just keep getting up.


I’m going to post that on my frig, and send to my son. Thank you. PHC. I remember when you first told us the news about your health… and yet, all of your comments were going in the opposite direction – it seemed like you were comforting and holding us up, rather than us for you. Your wise words touch our hearts.
What a gift, and what Grace you have. Bless You.


Hope it helps, ladypenquin


oohh ladyp,
praying for healing in your life…


Sylvia Avery

Continued prayers LP.


Thank you, Sylvia.


After a long and productive life, a very wise old man lay dying on his deathbed. He was very close, now, to passing.
So he called for his family to gather around him. All his children, and their children, and his grandchildren’s children.
“My beloved children”, the old man began, “in these last moments I want to tell you the greatest secret of life that I realized only a few short years ago.”
“When I was a young man in my 20’s I set out to change the world and set right all the injustices in it.
Of course, I wasn’t very successful and so, in my 30’s, I decided I would focus on changing my country. But that didn’t go well either so, now in my 40’s, I decided I would change the part of our country we live in. You can guess, now, how that went.
By my 50’s I decided to limit my efforts to changing the city we live in. In my 60’s I focused on changing our neighborhood. In my 70’s, still unsuccessful at any of this, I decided to change you, my family.
And this is the great secret….the great realization I came to understand. You must always remember this!
If I had set out to change MYSELF in my 20’s, I could then have changed my family in my 30’s. In my 40’s we could have changed our neighborhood. In my 50’s we could have changed our city. By my 60’s we could have changed our part of our country. In my 60’s we could have changed our whole country, and by my 70’s we could have made a change…a real difference…in the world.
Beloved children….if you want to make any change in what you see around you….begin with yourself.”




that’s a wonderful story G&C…
thank you for sharing…


Yes, that is an eternal truth. We can’t change others and can (and must) only change ourselves.
In the “AH SO” story — one aspect of which is about not becoming attached to things — if the item being exchanged had been a valuable object or much-needed funds or something besides another living being whose welfare was also in question, I would not quibble. But a child is not an object.


Key words so much wisdom here today.
“begin with yourself.” Love it 🙂


phoenixRising love the story. Dessert Monks have similar stories like this.


glad you enjoyed…
your questions late last night about ipad, etc.,
have you seen the several replies ? Yesterday’s open THREAD, last page


“your questions late last night about ipad, etc.,
have you seen the several replies ? Yesterday’s open THREAD, last page”
Yes I have and people were very kind to respond.
After sleeping on it I decided to buy first the 13″ MacBookPro medium priced but plenty of storage. After that in the fall I choose the toy iPad. There is a iPad Air not to expensive still fun. The iPad Pro is overkill I think.
I will never be to old to play:)


Kellyanne lays it out:


At last….the confession……
“𝐈𝐟 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧’𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐦𝐚, 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲, 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭….”
– Obama DNI James Clapper to CNN’s Anderson Cooper…..March 25, 2019
Clapper Sings – Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Tells CNN Obama Ordered the Trump-Russia Spying Operation
“On Monday former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper went on with CNN’s Anderson Cooper to discuss the Mueller Report after its release on Sunday.
Clapper defended the Obama administration’s spying on their political opposition during the election.
And then Clapper appeared to put blame on Barack Obama for spying on his opponent during the 2016 presidential election.”


SO – What’s the over and under on whether President Trump will end up closing the border with Mexico?
Here’s one of the CBP on the situation:
Important distinction!!!


“They” are trying to break Pres. Trump and destroy this country. They are sending increasing numbers of migrants so we have to let the overflow in. They will not let Pres. Trump implement his policies of protection. He (and we) must win this fight or the country is lost. I know that he knows this. I hope he can close the border without affecting our economy too much, because they want to tank the economy to hurt him before the election.


Excellent points.





This is Islam.

Sylvia Avery

Oh merciful heavens. I gave up watching Chris Wallace a long time ago, but today he had Kellyanne Conway on his show and he actually asked her about her peculiar husband’s nasty tweets and how it has impacted her marriage. She replied:
“What are you, Oprah now? What, am I on a couch and you are a psychiatrist? I think it’s a really inappropriate question, and here’s why. That’s the line over which nobody should have crossed. So, if you want to talk about policy issues, policy disagreement, the fact that George Conway, my husband, would prefer that I not work in the White House, I guess you can ask those questions. The president has weighed in, I’ve weighed in as modestly as I can. But now you’re asking a very personal question and I would say to you, you should go ask it of many people. I see messy lives living in glass houses all over both cities in which I live.
“I’m surprised that people would ask that question,” Conway continued. She went on to call out other media personalities who had asked similar questions regarding the state of her marriage, saying, “I have seen homewreckers on TV as marital experts all of a sudden. It’s very amusing to me but I think people knew they crossed the line when they’re talking about people’s marriages.”
“My family has a right to their private life also,” Conway concluded. “I have children who are 14, 14, 11 and nine. And the reason it gets so much coverage, particularly by the mainstream media, is because George Conway now agrees with them.”
Read all about it here:


I used to wonder when Mike was alive, why… indeed how he and his son Chris became estranged.
Once Chris opens his mouth, my wonder dissipates …
Hurray for Kellyanne taking Chris to task.
He not only crossed the line… I’m inclined to suggest CHRIS WALLACE to cross such a line.


pushing the non-existent but much-wished for “edit” button…
“… to suggest CHRiS WALLACE is the first to cross such a line.”

Sylvia Avery

Aw….DiFiChiSpy has the sadz:
“The Senate is poised this week to consider two more conservative nominees selected by President Trump to sit on the left-leaning 9th Circuit Court of Appeals — and the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee isn’t happy about it.
That’s because the nominees, Ken Lee and Dan Collins, were picked without any input from either Dianne Feinstein or Kamala Harris, California’s two Democrat senators. Traditionally, the White House seeks to obtain a so-called “blue slip,” or approval, from a judicial nominee’s two home-state senators before pressing on with their nominations…”
Article here:


Traditionally, the White House seeks to obtain a so-called “blue slip,” or approval, from a judicial nominee’s two home-state senators before pressing on with their nominations…”
That boat sailed long ago… DIMs have no respect for “tradition” …
And as their empty suit so often reminded us…
Deal with it ChiDiFI and Horizontal Harris…

Pat Frederick

I wish voters would send both CHIFI and Heels Up PINK slips soon!

Sylvia Avery

“March 31, 2019
Tonight: A hard look at the soft coup
By Peter Barry Chowka
A compelling hour of intelligent television is in store tonight at 10 PM ET/PT on the Fox News Channel, Life, Liberty & Levin. The program will feature a discussion of the Mueller Report and the Deep State’s efforts to take down President Donald Trump with guests Sara A. Carter and John Solomon.
In a preview of tonight’s episode at Fox News dot com, the episode is described as the reactions of the host – Mark Levin – and his guests to the close of the Mueller investigation “and what should happen next…”


Spring emoji collection via First Lady’s spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham @StephGrisham45

Sylvia Avery

Oh noes! While she is out busybodying around telling us all how to live our lives, AOC has not been keeping those home fire burning, it seems.
“Amid her zeal to save the world with the Green New Deal, Rep. ­Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has ­ignored residents in her own Bronx back yard.
“I thought AOC would be our savior, but that’s not the case,” complained Roxanne Delgado, a local activist who said she has tried for months to get in touch with the congresswoman for help saving an animal shelter and to clean up parks in the district….”

Pat Frederick

the article i read last week said the Pompous Little Twit hasn’t even set up one office in her district…or even get proper furniture…lol…but she did have time to get fabulous new clothes…




Become acquainted with the acronym m.a.p. (minor attracted people) – translation… pedophiles
The cabal is behind all these efforts to destroy our values…
Desensitization is their technique du jour … they are attempting to attach themselves to the LGBT community who are having none of it.
There are lots of sources for m.a.p. – here’s one


Yep – for decades they have lobbied legislators all around the country to lower the age of consent to 12 or below. They vaunt the idea of ‘children’s sexual rights’ and defend their sicko self-gratification exploitative injurious proclivity as love.


IF YOU READ the Federalist article – remember – the APA groups (psychiatry and psychology) have been compromised and political agenda-cized since 1973! Ø got them to take Gender Identity Disorder – or Sexual Identity Disorder off the list of pathologies – so that US taxpayers could pay for sex change surgery and hormones for folks afflicted with identity disorders.
Both APA groups now PC groups are now deathly afraid of displeasing the LBGTXYZ crowd.


January 2, 1492 – the day the Moors were driven out of Spain, is a day to celebrate – NO APOLOGIES EVER!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“I’m sorry they didn’t kick you assholes all the way back to Mecca.”

Gail Combs

Coosmama Asked this on Flep’s post on the economy on March 29, 2019
“…just theorizing, but can someone who is good with weather patterns (i.e. global winds go from west to east), look at that, and maybe look at the new EO on EMP, please? Does the EO cover suitcases? Would New Zeland be far enough to not be caught in any drift or whatever the right term for the stuff is, if something went off over us?”
EMP = Electro-magnetic Pulse either from a specifically made Nuke detonated high above the earth’s surface or a Carrington like event from the sun (Most likely since the sun is ‘due’ for one.)
Coosmama brings up a very good point. ‘Stuff in the air/water in the northern hemisphere tends to stay in the northern hemisphere.
From Bob Tisdale: El Niño and La Niña Basics: Introduction to the Pacific Trade Windscomment image
The same is true of ocean currents:comment imagecomment image
The Thermohaline Circulation has a transit time of around 1000 years This is the entire ocean water overturning.
And that leads to this from Clive Best The amazing Antarctic Circumpolar Current
“….Wind drives the ocean surface generating net current flow which is approximately at 90 degrees to the wind. This is because the Coriolis force adds a torque to the wind driven motion.
[In the Antarctic] This effect is called Ekman drift, and is the cause [of] one of the most amazing Oceanic effect in the open ocean around Antarctica. Strong winds freely circulate Antarctica where all oceans join up in one open channel from South America to Australia and include the notorius Cape Horn winds. This generates the ACC [Antarctic Circumpolar Current strong current. In addition the effect of this clockwise circulation is to pump huge quantities of surface water northwards due to the Ekman drift. This then helps powers the global overturning meridional circulation. Deep cold water rises to replace surface water forced northwards – so called upwelling. In the Atlantic this water actually originates from Arctic latitudes and the end result is a net heat flows from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. The second driver for this north south circulation is buoancy. Cold dense surface water sinks at northern latitudes and slowly moves at great depth towards the equator. For the Pacific ocean it is gradually warmed from above and rises at the equator. In the Atlantic ocean most of the deep cold water originating around the North Pole makes it through to rise up in the southern hemisphere. This seems to be mainly because the water in the northern Atlantic is saltier than the northern Pacific and therefore denser. This completes and overturning global circulation transporting huge amount of heat and connecting the two poles. The Pacific and Indian Oceans form vertical circulations between the equator and northern and southern latitudes. The Atlantic though is the key to the engine driving the overturning circulation…..”
Note that New Zealand is about as isolated as you can get, even from ocean currents since Australia is between NZ and the Indonisian throughflow (surface) and the large current is cold ANCIENT Antarctic waters. This maybe WHY the elite like New Zealand as their bolthole.comment image
From WIKIcomment image
From Clivecomment image

Gail Combs

I duplicated a couple.
Here are the two copies of the ocean circulation currents. Notice how totally isolated NZ is.
Wiki: Red is warm surface currents.comment image


Watch it LIVE:
Validates the maps above.
A wonderful top to spin!!!!,29.84,408

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wonderful diagrams, but they have little to do with EMP.
EMP is line of sight, and instantaneous (what they call a “prompt” effect of a nuclear detonation). One seconds later, there’s no more EMP. But by then, everything has been fried. There’s nothing for ocean currents to carry.
Currents would have some relevance, perhaps, to carrying fallout.

Gail Combs

I was addressing the Nuclear fallout problem.
And yes you are correct “EMP is line of sight, and instantaneous”
I live with a physicist and sometime forget people do not understand what an electro-magnetic pulse is….
It is NOT what the Fake News thinks of as ‘radiation’


Thank you so much! This really, really helps! I understand EMP wouldn’t “drift”, but anything electric that stops working could release/meltdown other thinfs. Also why I asked about suitcase. These charts are a huge help!

Gail Combs

Glad to share a bit of knowledge. I find the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Drake passage fascinating.
SEE: The Drake Passage Impact Event and think control of Earth’s climate.


Do you know how to search OT? There was a story a year or two ago, about Shillery moving a bunch of money into either Qatar or Yemen. Can’t remember if it was just in the comments, or a story. Just whiteboarding, again.


FOUND IT! She moved $1.8 billion to Qatar Oct 2016. Watched the Polly video, and she had a Qatar connection in it.


And money changing hands in 2015, FISA involvement. Daily mail link. Just more pieces to this puzzle.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nope, it certainly isn’t.
And I misunderstood, because your first line said “EMP” and I didn’t realize you had switched subject.
Pro Tip: (For others reading this, not Gail)..Electromagnetic radiation is indeed a form of radiation; the scary stuff that comes out of nukes is *radioactivity* which comes in four basic forms–one of those is electromagnetic (like the pulse, gamma rays–think of them as X-rays on steroids), the other three are not; they’re particles of matter (alpha, beta and free neutrons).


Always appreciate learning. This is like a really tangled up Clancey novel, and these side bits of info definitely help.


A few last minute tweets on the way out of FL…

Just wait till he gets on AF1 on the way back to the White House….


Innocence seeming lost lost, …………………………………………is really, just wisdom found


Listen, hear the sound
The child awakes
Wonder all around
The child awakes
Now in his life, he never must be lost
No thoughts must deceive him
In life he must trust
With the eyes of a child
You must come out and see
That your world’s spinning ’round
And through life you will be
A small part of a hope
Of a love that exists
In the eyes of a child you will see
Earth falls far away
New life awaits
Time it has no day
New life awaits
Here is your dream
And now how does it feel?
No words will go with you
And now what is real?
With the eyes of a child
You must come out and see
That your world’s spinning ’round
And through life you will be
A small part of a hope
Of a love that exists
In the eyes of a child you will see


We are all God’s children


In the eyes of your great grandchildren, ……………………you can see the Days of Future’s Past


Wow. Gave me a pause, and then some. Nice reflection. Eye opening. Mine surely did.


Thanks for sharing Patrick…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This lady speaks blunt truth that the “androgynizing and sterilizing left” absolutely DESPISES. No WONDER the New Zealand False Flag singled her out as the primary villain for its ultra-fakey “manifesto”.
After the Podesta Coup, New Zealand is now an enemy of the United States. After LIBERATION, there needs to be some hard interrogation to find out who in FIVE EYES was helping pull off Las Vegas.
New Zealand either killed 50 innocent Muslims, or framed MY movement with an incredible FRAUD. Either way, there needs to be strong interrogation of the Podestas once they are in custody, because I’m sure that John Podesta knows the TRUTH about New Zealand, Las Vegas, Charlottesville, and many more of these operations.



This man is a fraud and a liar.
It’s not “payback”. It’s not revenge.
Payback, or revenge, is returning evil for evil. Eye for eye.
Did democrats and their partisans inside the gov’t attempt to use weaponize the DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc against their political opposition in order to take down PDJT with an illegal, disingenuous, hoax-based conspiracy?
It is NOT “payback” to use the DOJ, FBI, etc to prosecute those responsible for breaking the law. Moreover, it MUST be done in order to re-establish the credibility of these important depts of gov’t.
It is NOT “payback”, nor is it “revenge”.
It is accountability and justice.
Remember this, because the left is going to try to sell EXACTLY what Bannon is trying to sell…
….which, btw, is a perfect indication that he is NOT a part of Team MAGA.


“Payback” and “revenge” are terms that reflect sloppy thinking.


“Sloppy”, very fitting when Bannon involved:-)


I’m tired of Bannon’s acting as if he is speaking for the President. “Payback” makes Pres. Trump sound vindictive. Payback is about one man and his revenge. Justice, on the other hand, is for the entire country which is governed by the rule of law.


Bannon is trying hard to be wise and relevant.


And he is failing spectacularly.
What a maroon.



Zuckerberg calls for world-wide internet censorship and regulation:
Of course he does.


excerpt from above
…”Zuckerberg’s missive was the most comprehensive the Facebook CEO has ever been on the issue of government regulation. His call comes as US federal prosecutors are reportedly probing Facebook’s data sharing deals with a number of large technology companies. The US Federal Trade Commission is said to be in talks with Facebook over a possible record fine. And European officials continue to scrutinize the company.


don’t forget – same people that are supposedly for net neutrality are the people talkong loudest for censorship and complete content control… kind of makes you think.
also, reminder, fakebook went from a silly data mine for the intelligence community and it was sold to you and everyone as such a fun thing – and how could they hide it more? well, by going “public” and becoming a company worth over 500 BILLION based on the value of your personal privacy.
make you THINK it is “ad” revenue. make you THINK it is a convenience for you bringing you value added services. and so this whole scam based on nothing of value except your personal data.
all the while absolutely no bones about it spying on you 24/7. and fakebook is only one of many. we all sold our souls and our childrens souls to the DEVIL.
people say oh zuck, he is losing billions every time something happens. guess what? it is all fake drummed up value anyway. if you started with nothing and your “value” is artificially created then losing millions or billions is nothing. like me saying my guitar is worth 50,000 even though it is not worth 5000. then i sell it for 25,000 and claim i lost 50% of a value i made up. all the investors in fakebook help propagate this, they help drive up stock prices they get “normies” to buy in, then they make money hand over foot and normies lose.
facebook is not worth 20 dollars. let alone 500 billion. i’m no magic economist dealing with fake inflated values i am a regular person with common sense so i do not fall for that.
no offense to economists and financial scam artists out there 2ho push the markets, who push the investment funds who push mutual funds who push and make way for warren buffet and his evil minions to control and subjugate us and make people wish they could be rich.
global markets are one of the most powerful tools the cabal has…


Totally agree.
Just think about all the derivatives floating in this global money supply that are worthless is this fractional banking system.


The worth of ones musings are measured by the adoption into the lexicon ,and the time span of their remembrance.


“The short sayings of wise and good men are of great value. They are like the dust of gold or the sparkle of the diamond.”
– Leo Tolstoy
“The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotation”
– Benjamin Disraeli


Scalise – a voice for sanity and humanity on Children Are Sacred Sunday.


Unplanned is winning at box office….


House Republicans have tried TWENTY times to bring this legislation to the floor…
How does Nancy sleep at night?


Nancy is evil. Probably sleeps well. Senility setting in as her faculties continue slipping. But, Nancy is aware of her actions. She’s just evil. IMHO.
Sadly, same can be said of Ryan. Nothing came up in the House while he had the reigns.
Uniparty p!sses me off greatly. D-Rats more so.


LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION – Adult responsibility begins BEFORE conception.
Abortion is an attempt to reject and escape responsibility.


The journey to the hereafter is less cumbersome, with minimum ‘baggage’……………………… ‘check.’


Amen, Patrick… amen.


PHC – you are walking a portion of our Earthly journey ahead of some of us. Your willingness to share your insights, and to teach the meaning of what Truly Matters is a gift most precious.
I hope you know how many lives you touch and enhance by being your most authentic self. Many Blessings 💖


Thank you, Alison


You speak wise words. Thank you:)


Trump 2020, the biggest landslide in American history!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸


Kyle Kashuv admitted to Harvard.
He is far more likely to change Harvard (for the good) than Harvard is to liberalize Kashuv.


No, Kyle, Harvard is honored to have YOU!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He needs to be very careful. Treat Harvard like 4 years in Soviet Russia. I am not kidding. If he doesn’t, he’ll be walking out of there as an anti-gunner in a DRESS.
They love NOTHING more than turning the hard cases, and they will use every trick in the book. Turning an influencer to their agenda is worth 10000 times turning anybody else.
They let him in there ON PURPOSE. The target is coming to the operational theater.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I should be returning to my (ab)normal posting habits.
If you can call anything that random a habit.


All the love you’ve been giving
God meant for you, ………………………………………….too.


yes Patrick…
what goes out, comes back …
there is a lot of love on this board… and on Sd’s …
we respect and care about each other.

Sylvia Avery

Even if the love we give isn’t returned or is rejected, it is never really a waste, is it? Loving enriches us and sweetens our souls. Such a gift.


You have inspired a new #.
Drive By Soothings

Sylvia Avery

🙂 I love that! It just tweaks that place within me that takes delight in appreciating the way language is used.
And you have such a gift. It’s why I often did a double take when I was reading posts OT. I’d be skimming along and all of a sudden I’d be halfway through the next post and stop and go, “Hey, wait a minute. What did I just see???” and I’d have to scroll back up and sure enough, it would be you. 🙂


Silk Stalkings


You’re on a roll …

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂


Protect the CHILDREN…
Sec Nielsen has THREAD – click on tweet


Entire thread – Perfect for our Children Are Sacred Sunday!


Obama-narcissist on steroids.


Ha ha ha! There’s a war in the democrat party. This is going to be fun.

Mary Morse
Group aligned with Ocasio-Cortez prepares to take out Democrats
Justice Democrats is forging ahead with plans to mount primaries against incumbent Democrats it deems too moderate — with the apparent backing of Ocasio-Cortez.
“Only candidates deemed too moderate”… (why not challenge all incumbents? What’s wrong with a robust election challenge, ie. a search for excellence in a candidate.)
Article says that the head of Justice Democrats resigned:…”Two of Justice Democrats’ founders, Saikat Chakrabarti and Corbin Trent, are senior staffers in her office. And Chakrabarti, her chief of staff, served on the board of Justice Democrats until he resigned earlier this week.”… ( he resigned as chief of staff or the board of Justice Dems?)
Interesting article.
…”Since her swearing-in this month, Ocasio-Cortez and her staff have tried to create distance between the 29-year-old congresswoman and Justice Democrats, claiming to not be involved in the group’s plans to mount primaries against incumbent Democrats it deems too moderate. But Wednesday’s video, featuring Ocasio-Cortez and her two senior aides discussing those very plans over coffee with Justice Democrats Executive Director Alexandra Rojas, is far from the neutral position she’s espoused.”…
…”Ocasio-Cortez is not alone in her support for Justice Democrats’ efforts.
“I am part of a new era of social justice advocates that believe in accountability no matter what party you’re part of,” said newly elected Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), who was endorsed by Justice Democrats. “It’s important to have more people like us running for office and I want to support that.”
Tlaib recently infuriated her new colleagues by calling on Democrats to “impeach the motherf—er” in reference to President Donald Trump at a progressive rally. “…


Way to go rabid leftists!
That drive many more sane voters to Trump.
Brad Perscale says they have already registered 1 million new voters!

Sylvia Avery

I happened to watch that segment with Brad Parscale. It was, dare I say, just a little creepy? When you request tickets for a rally you give your cell phone number, I guess, and those busy little data miners are all over it figuring out who you are and your voting patterns.
Apparently, as noted above in the zero hedge article about a third of those at the Michigan rally were Dims (#walkaway at work????) and a lot of them were not regular voters. But they were inspired to put the effort in to come see PDJT.
Well, creepy and intrusive or not (I know, that is the world we live in) I’m glad to see the snoopiness of Big Tech being used for a worthy cause. Go, Brad! Find those Trump voters and harvest them! I want a Trump landslide in 2020.




I honestly think it was Hitch (Christopher Hitchens) that really pushed people to be more vocal in recognizing this publicly. He seemed to be a major influence on Bill Mahar in this respect, and it seems to have changed the tone.
More I could say but brain is tired 😉

Gail Combs

“Why, then, does truth generate hatred”
“What a good question!”
I think Ayn Rand answered thatquestion in her essay, Envy/Hatred of the Good for Being the Good

Today, we live in the Age of Envy.
“Envy” is not the emotion I have in mind, but it is the clearest manifestation of an emotion that has remained nameless; it is the only element of a complex emotional sum that men have permitted themselves to identify…..
This hatred is not resentment against some prescribed view of the good with which one does not agree. . . . Hatred of the good for being the good means hatred of that which one regards as good by one’s own (conscious or subconscious) judgment. It means hatred of a person for possessing a value or virtue one regards as desirable.
To be exact, the emotional mechanism is not set in reverse, but is set one way: its exponents do not experience love for evil men; their emotional range is limited to hatred or indifference. It is impossible to experience love, which is a response to values, when one’s automatized response to values is hatred….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good quote.


And we thought California was the stupidest state.

Don’t these educated people know that both plastic bags and straws can be recycled?


Exposing the Green New Deal and all its follies.


Exposing the Green New Deal and all its fallacies and follies.


They dont care. You can still pay .15-.50 to buy a “reuseable” denser plastic bag. anyone on food stamps though, they are free.

Gail Combs

OH GOODY!! Let’s make people SICK!
“Microbiologists have found E. coli, salmonella, fecal coliform, and other harmful bacteria in reusable bags.”

Sylvia Avery

This annoys me beyond reason. For me, it is the symbol of government overreach. I fully expect my silly state to do the same thing.
I don’t care if it costs me more money, I will order plastic bags in bulk from a supplier and bring my own.


Sylvia, I’m with you. My state not far behind, either, and a friend of mine is jubilant and can’t stop talkijng about it every time we reach the checkout in the grocery store.

Gail Combs

Tell her you do not want to hear her complaining when she gets food poisoning. (SEE ABOVE)


Gail, I will. This contamination is just one of the issues I have with banning plastic bags. Thank you for the link.

Sylvia Avery

I keep thinking about the study where the reuseable canvas carriers are full of e coli. Why? Because meat and poultry packages leak.
So unless one is relentless about laundering the grocery carriers in hot water and bleach, your groceries are crawling with bacteria.
Besides, I like to reuse mine to line wastebaskets and to pick up after my dog and a variety of other things.
It’s a scam.

Gail Combs

EXACTLY! I do the same Sylvia. Grocery bags are just the right size to line wastebaskets and make it easy to collect and carry down stairs to the trash.
Also the last thing I want is a nasty cloth grocery bag full of bacteria in with my clothes or towells.

Mary Morse

Part of their economy and ecological goodness is the fact that plastic bags are repurposed many times before they are ultimately thrown away by users. They can be an excellent tool for sorting waste into small clean waterproof bundles whose package can be recycled at solid waste sorting facilities.
My favorite type are corn based and compostable. They were given sparingly at the coop where I often used shopping bags (that I washed regularly). The coop sold bulk products, and it was common for customers to bring their own containers, carried in their own shopping bag.


Yes, a disgusting scam, and I also reuse them for the same kinds of things. If they don’t want to ban them, they want to tax them to prop up the state pension systems, and many who advocate taxing them are beneficiaries of the state pension systems, and they get nice raises every year, which I, on Social Security, do not.


Plastic bags are much better for the environment than ANY proposed alternative, including reusable bags.
But the left never lets the facts get in the way of a great crisis narrative.

Sylvia Avery

The woman referred to in this article is a dual US-Guatemalan citizen. The article does say that the immigration status of the Guatamalans is “unknown” (major eye roll) because after all this is CNN. I thought this was called slavery, BTW.
“A woman has been arrested and accused of keeping 33 immigrants in her Illinois home, allegedly forcing them to work and pay her hundreds of dollars for rent, childcare and transportation, in addition to the thousands of dollars she said they owed her because she helped them get into the United States, federal court documents state.
FBI investigators raided the home of Concepcion Malinek, 49, of Cicero, Illinois, this week and discovered 19 adults and 14 children living in her home, according to a criminal complaint prepared by an FBI agent. All of them are believed to be Guatemalan citizens…
Read the rest:


This child is turning Congress into a Sit-Com.

Sylvia Avery

Honestly, I am torn between weeping and laughing. It is not a good feeling. This is a grown ass woman who is a college grad from a supposedly reputable school who ran for Congress. And she is this ignorant. Oh Lord, save us please.


FDR, another example of overreach by socialists. Elected in 1933 and he ran three more times and won apparently becoming the first president for life this nation has ever known, died 88 days into his fourth term. Previously George Washington set the tradition by leaving after his second term. A tradition largely accepted by other presidents following him as it was agreed that going beyond two terms put too much power into the hands of one man/party. Tradition means nothing to today’s liberals (socialists) and that’s why the 22nd Amendment was adopted for everything people touch turns to @X#T…. .
AOC is just another example that these liberal socialists want to rule over us for life and Hillary clearly would of made that happen had our VSG PDJT not been elected by patriots.
These people can never be allowed to have power again!


FDR’s socialist programs (New Deal, etc.) were his pragmatic compromise with Prescott Bush and company who were admirers of Hitler’s National Socialism as a means of recovery from great depression, and who threatened to overthrow the government to institute socialism. Prescott was GHWB’s father and GWBs grandfather.
Trump saying America will never be a socialist country also hits the RINOs, Uniparty and globalists right in the gut.


Anybody wanna bet that DJT is using FISA warrants from the FISC to spy on everybody who talked to Ukrainians during the past three years?
Good for the thugs to use – good for The Boss to use.

Gail Combs

“Anybody wanna bet that DJT is using FISA warrants from the FISC to spy…”
I will bet AGAINST YOU!
I think President Trump and AG Sessions have ONE YEAR WARRANTS on a whole passel of people and WITHOUT going through the FISA Court. link
I think this is one of the reasons President Trump and his team continues to bash AG Session. They do not want the Deep State to figure it out.


So Disney has been buying tickets for Captain Marvel… and how they are going after people who have an opinion.
Captain Marvel Star Brie Larson Participates in “Targeted Harassment” Against Netflix’s Unicorn Store Critic….

Keep it up Hollywood.


Cherry Blossoms DCcomment image
“One of the hallmarks of the beginning of spring every year is the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C., when the beautiful soft pink petals bloom and create a gorgeous backdrop for the Capitol. While the 2019 National Cherry Blossom Festival officially takes place between March 20 and April 14, there is a peak bloom date.

This year, the NPS is predicting that the cherry blossoms will peak between April 3 and April 6, with a note that the most optimal viewing of the blooms extends about four to seven days after the peak bloom begins.” Town and Country magazine.


The swamp uses the cherry blossoms the way ISIS used women and children – as shields so they won’t be carpet bombed.


Beautiful photo GA/FL
Thanks for sharing……..

Sylvia Avery

Gorgeous! I love spring, all things spring. Even the pollen. The joy of looking at beautiful blooms every spring in the soft sun and cool breeze just makes my heart sing.


I will be in DC on the 14th so hopefully I will at least see a few.


“… in other news, water is wet.”


Purple Tie


It’s time for us to reclaim that colour.


At least 65 reporters were meeting with Hillary campaign people to shape the news narrative.

Gail Combs

WOW that tweet connects to this meme from Bill Johnson:comment image

Gail Combs

“….Consequences of Brown and Newsom open border/sanctuary policies:

Here are some of the diseases that affect LA County residents in our District.
West Nile virus (WNV) …
St. …
Zika Virus. …
Dengue Fever. …
Chikungunya. …
Heartworm. …
Western Equine encephalomyelitis (WEE) …
— Seewetoldu (@rhhhhh380) March 31, 2019

“Let’s not forget the rats in LA city hall spreading…. TYPHUS!!!”
And things could get even more ‘FUN’! … Bubonic Plague‼️
(The Black Death was an epidemic of bubonic plague.)
Remember our parks have been taken over by the invading Illegals… AND Kings Canyon National Park is adjacent to Sequoia National Park in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains.
[Stolen from WUWT]
George E. Smith says on July 22, 2010 at 9:36 am
Marmot are great Forecasters

” In other news, Former Governor Sarah Palin is blamed for starting all this by making it Marmot Day instead of Groundhog Day in Alaska. As everyone knows, marmots can’t forecast a darn thing, but they can model. /sarc From a KU press release: “
Well that simply is not true; Marmots are great forecasters ! Back in the dark ages; round about the time when the Chinese invaded Mongolia; those northern nomadic tribes were great hunters and trappers; and traded in furs, including Marmots.
Once in a while; every few years or so, a Trapper would come back into town from his trap rounds; and tell the villagers that he had observed some Marmots up on a mountain that were all acting silly as if they were drunk on something.
At that news; the villagers would collect up all the recently collected pelts, in the town center, and burn the whole lot up; then they would burn the entire village to the ground; and move off into some adjacent valley, and start all over again.
Nobody knew why; it was just part of the tribal lore that they had learned from their ancestors; the Gods would be angry if they didn’t follow the ritual.
So when the Chinese invaded, and took over the place, and confiscated all the furs for themselves to send back to China; nobody thought to mention the ancient traditions that must be followed; and so when the Marmots started acting silly again; nobody dared to tell their Chinese masters, that they had to burn the town down.
The furs went back to China; along with the Bubonic Plague that the Marmots were the vector for; and those furs subsequently made it to Europe; and the great Plagues took off in Europe.
So Marmots are great predictors; if you know how to read them.
Every now and then the ground squirrels in the Kings Canyon National Park, all come down with Bubonic Plague and they have to close regions of the Park to campers. Plague needs a burrowing rodent like vector that hibernates through the winter; so the fleas that carry the virus don’t all die during the winter cold.

So unless we get the illegal mess clean up it is not a matter of IF but of WHEN.
September 24, 1992 CALIFORNIA IN BRIEF : KINGS CANYON : Bubonic Plague Closes Campsites
Plague in Yosemite

Jun 24, 2017
…………Plague is widespread in much of California, including in the Sierra Nevada mountains and foothills. In a typical year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports about ten cases of plague in humans per year in the western United States. However, during 2015, 16 human plague cases were reported…..

Gail Combs

Sorry I messed up and did not close the blockquotes.


no problem… we all have done so, I’m sure…
I forgot bold end tag the other day for a very looonnnggggg post. Wolfie was kind enough to add it for me. He’s resting today…
and if that’s the biggest problem we have today Ms. Gail, we are so lucky 😉

Ukraine comedian leads presidential election, runoff likely
Ukraine press acts as though this is strange…
heck, most politicians are jokes anyway…


Congress and Mexico can’t say they weren’t warned… numerous times.
Mexico either enforces their own immigration laws at their southern border and within their country or their norther border gets closed.
DIMs in Congress either support new legislation negating the horrible laws they enacted, or they will be subjected to the wrath of their constituents whose income depends on our southern border NOT being closed… and the wrath of the many who will feel the impact of a closed southern border.


Here’s pdf on Mexico’s immigration laws…
By their own laws, I would wager 95% of those invading our country should never have been in Mexico…


Just a great and fabulous daily thread, T*3!!! Thank you!


As to the institutional church and its leaders—I know a little bit about seminary!
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Cor. 11:13–15; NKJV)
The church was infiltrated almost from inception—institutional Christianity is apostate!


So true, Pete.


“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.” (2 Tim. 4:3–4; NKJV)







Gave you the multi +
Must’ve gone to spam


that happens … grandson tells me wordpress is older than I am !


Hi Marica,
Have missed your cheer today… is grandchild better?


Hi Phoenix!!! Charlie is better! I went from church to an Open house to my daughter’s for dinner!! Thanks for askin! Things are settling down here for a change of pace!!!


PS–Thanks for missing me!!!😘😘😊


Too bad we couldnt just add to water supply in DC and certain west coast cities…😜🤣🤣


I’ll give ya some of these it THAT HAPPENS!!!! 🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️ WOOHOO!!
Anyone else think it’s been FAR to QUIET this weekend…Like right Before a….BOOM!???


has been all week-end… really quiet…
I’m going offline … to pray for our POTUS and all of us this week.
Leaving this here for a little something on your pillow…
G’night, God Bless


Sleep tight Phoenix!! Thanks for my Favorite Hymn!! HUGS!!


Beautiful version! I like the simplicity of it.


Yes it’s been quiet, but dang, one week in Trump time, it’s like we went to Jupiter and back!! (Right Wolfie??)
I hope everybody got some rest this weekend, especially our energizer POTUS!! Cuz we’re gonna be heading back into orbit again starting tomorrow!! 🌏🌎 🌍💫☄️💫🌝🌝☀️🌞🌞
Just for you darling Marica, to start the week, 🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋


You are so much fun Butterfly!!! POTUS (and Q) took the weekend off to allow us to recharge!!! Did ya here that tink tink of the the roller coaster? Like you, I believe the LOOP DA LOOP is coming on the Trump coaster….🐺🐺🐺🎢🎢🎢🎢🎢😜🤣🤣🤣


Don’t know of ya’ll have seen this one…But worth seeing again…LOLOL!!


Gute Nacht Freunde
Und Gott Segne


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Love you dear Friend!!!! Sleep well!!!😘


Ok– This Picture– The faces in the crowd look like the night Hildog LOST. The Beto sign– Good LORD! (Father forgive them as they do not Know what they’ve done..) Finally–The TRUMP FLAG!!!!! I cannot wrap head around this…


Blindness and blasphemy…


AND TRUMP!!! That Flag makes me giggle!!! He (and his supporters–US) always trolling!!!


I’m the wife in this cartoon…However, LOLOL!!


We love you dearly, Marica. 💖💖💖 I hope Suzy let’s you borrow her new Easter bonnet 👒👒👒


Alison!!! Back at you!!! I Dearly love that many people on this site get my giggle snort sense of humor!! You Especially get it!! LOL!!! 😘😘


RBG sighting at Temple Sinai in D.C.


Guys… Adorable Ambassador actually Liked my tweet!!! WHAT?!!