Decision Making 101 = Donald Trump 101

Some people are decision makers and some are not. At one time or another, we’ve probably all taken a personality profile test in school, for a job, or career counseling. According to the Meyers Briggs tests, less than 3% of the population are decision makers. Obviously, the USA needs leadership which is comfortable, natural, effortless, in the decision process. Right? Then, why do we have so many leaders who are afraid to make a decision?
Why have the leaders of the USA avoided making a decision on illegal immigration for the past 35 years? Why do our leaders purposely avoid the decision, except for President Trump? I’ve come to a personal conclusion. President Trump is not afraid to make a mistake….. because he can fix a mistake….. and no rational person expects all decisions to be perfect. Note: Ann Coulter is irrational on the issue of illegal immigration and demands perfection. We’re trying to get there.
Name one person whose every decision has been correct? None of us are so perfect and it’s obvious we cannot be so perfect. Why all the fear about an incorrect choice? I recall begging my kids to live a little dangerously, take a chance, screw up, while I could still protect them. No, running drugs or guns would be frowned upon, but take a chance, explore. Do it! Make the decision to step out, step up. Go. Do. Conquer. Fail. Reassemble. Conquer again. On a larger scale, it’s exactly what the President is doing with North Korea…. or China…. or the Congress. He’s making decisions and not afraid of the repercussions. He comes back, again and again, in pursuit of his goal.
Why are 97% of the people in the world uncomfortable with making a decision? Easy answer, because when someone else makes the decision, THEY suffer the consequences. Non-decision makers can remain safely on the sidelines. Blame is a cop out. Blame is easy….. just ask Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, and Ryan. Decisions take courage. We describe President Trump as bold and fearless……. because he’s not afraid to make a decision.
Which leads to another conclusion: The paralysis which comes from avoiding a decision is not actual pain, it’s anticipatory pain….. imagined pain which MIGHT come from making a bad choice or avoiding the reality of a situation.
Think of the lengths some are willing to go to in order to avoid confrontation, and making a decision. Parents afraid to confront their child’s drug habit. Spouses afraid to confront their husband/wife spending habits or infidelity. Or a FISA judge unwilling to make a decision to confront the FBI/DOJ. The fear of the bad choice or reality learned in the confrontation paralyzes us. BUT there is a difference in avoiding a real and known to be real issue and/or avoiding an issue which is imagined and built up in our own minds.
It’s why we have Generals, who can make life and death choices, when decision making is serious business. For the rest of us, simple decision making should be embraced and not feared. We WILL make millions of bad choices in our lives.
There are many people in our lives who avoid decision making and have turned it into something of an artform. People who physically recoil and run away from making a choice. Heck, I was married to one, a strongly-willed man in every other aspect, but could not make up his mind to save his life. “Where do you want to go for lunch?”, I might ask. The response, “Whatever you want is fine.” They can’t even decide where to go for lunch! And if I decide where to go, and it’s not their wish, they suffer in silence and harbor resentment….. about a lunch spot!
I’ve had clients who left their IRA investment in a money market account, because they “couldn’t decide” on which mutual fund to pick. Who does that? LOTS of people.
Indecision, avoidance of making a decision, maintaining the status quo, is a particular problem in our bureaucracy. Perhaps, the best thing we could do to improve our civil service is stream out the non-decision makers. Yet, bureaucrats are worried about rocking the boat, and the fear of repercussions. Making the wrong choice may cost a job assignment, a career, or lead to malicious inter-office targeting. The FEAR of decision making is probably what caused the Russian Hoax. No one stepped up to stop it, maintain the status quo. The lack of decision making, or courage to make an ethical  decision, still persists in the media. With the Obama holdovers in the DOJ/FBI, the fear was real and perpetuated the indecision and lack of courage, to the detriment of all Americans.
We could also make an argument the DNC and the media DID make a decision, a corrupt decision, to target an American President, their political enemy, which served their own interests. Yet, that’s the few in leadership roles. The overwhelming numbers of minions, thousands upon thousands, remained on the sideline…… silent.
Why do we have so many weak and indecisive people in our culture?
Did we rob our children of the ability to make decisions and thereby create MORE of a problem? As women joined the workforce and family income became a two income family, did we spoil an entire generation by making decisions on their behalf? Were helicopter moms created by guilt because we were not at home? Did we make up for lost personal time by spending more money on our kids? So they could do more? Were we afraid to let them fail? Look to the college admission scandal for an answer to that question.
When I was 10, my dad forced me to make my first big decision. I mistakenly invited two friends to spend the night and the rule was only one friend per night. I told dad my problem, and expected him to tell me what to do. He could have easily made an exception and allowed both girls to spend the night, but he took the opportunity to make it a lesson in decision making. He forced me to choose. It was the first time I recall my father was “mean to me”, as I “perceived” it. I remember whining, crying, being angry, upset he would not solve my problem, fearful of offending one friend. I could not understand why HE was causing me so much pain. I was physically recoiling from the responsibility of making a decision. He held fast. I was filled with dread and made lists of what to do = further avoidance. As the week wore on, I made a re-appeal for mercy. Nope. Not working. I called my one friend and told her she could not come. Fine, no big deal, and she understood the problem. Painless. Wow, was I surprised.
What was enormous in my mind, a problem which caused me days of angst, was solved in about two minutes. My problem was not a problem. It was imagined.
From that moment on, my father looked for creative ways to force my friends and me to make decisions. He was relentless. If we wanted to do something, anything, go anywhere, we had to present “our case” to him. Had we considered the danger, the risks, the good parts, the rewards, the cost versus potential gains. He was trying to make us responsible about our decisions, to plan as much as possible for risks ahead. I swear, on more than one occasion, he left my dates dumbfounded as they checked the tire pressure for their spare tire, before we were allowed to leave. It’s the way he was…., which changed everything about how my friends and I turned out. We all had cars in tip-top shape and any boyfriend I had…. learned to change the oil himself… with help from my dad. Heck, my first job was at a Jiffy Lube, I knew how to do the 14point top of engine inspection.
People in our age bracket, who grew up in the era of personal responsibility, understand problems presented in decision making. Military veterans have an acute understanding of the decision process. We analyze for risk, cost versus benefit, and we don’t expect someone to magically appear and save us. We make a choice, and if we are wrong, we adjust. Yet, we continue to pursue the goal……… just like President Trump is pursuing the problem of illegal immigration.
I submit, on this issue, many of those who are younger have made a false and political choice, based on bad information from media and other leaders who pursue their own agendas. Good decision making is not based on an age, exactly. For instance, if I could do it as a whiny 10yr old, of course, millennials can do it today. Will it be painful and will they react physically? Oh, yes, and maybe the reflex of those actions is what we are seeing today. We just need to get them the correct information and a steadfast Dad. They need a guy like my dad, pointing out all the things which could happen, which they never considered, to become responsible about their decision making. They need a guy who is objective, not afraid to force a decision, and has their best interests at heart.
That guy is President Trump.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Spare tire pressure! Now THAT tells me that your father was in THAT generation!!! A GREAT man, no doubt!!! 😀


I think one of the reasons POTUS can make a decision, and most politicians cannot, is that he doesn’t need to poll test it or check to see which way the wind is blowing first. He knows what he believes and what is right and simply tries to find the best way to get it done. He wants to do what is best for America, not what is most expedient for his political career. Thank God for a non-politician.


Also his entire goal is to actually SOLVE problems, not create confusion and unnecessary worry of the masses so as to ‘control’. He believes that everyone has a God given brain to think INDEPENDENTLY with (some need A LOT more practice for sure! 😉 !!). It’s refreshing when you can actually follow achievements milestone by milestone and gain more confidence just by doing so. It’s a basic Scorecard. Love it.
Great post!


I think the previous poti(?) were actually motivated to not so much make a decision but to keep the status quo. There was so much money rolling in for both sides of politics and all the charities that depend on “asylum seekers “. The whole mammoth scam designed to take Americans money, their jobs, their votes and their personal quality of life(crime). Even the lawyers and whole criminal system on both sides depended on illegals to keep the moolah rolling in. Illegals are disproportionately represented in jails. No illegals = less jails? No illegals less lawyers, less judges les crims for organised crime to employ. Less social services needed. The whole aid industry of snap, public housing etc etc. Pres Trump is kicking over a LOT of sand castles.


The USA was being sold down the river. Our leaders were greedy, arrogant, and elitist.
These so-called leaders are indoctrinated from youth to believe they are set apart, better than the average bear, destined to lead the average joes.
When they get to college, it’s more of the same. I’ve heard the spiel. They really do tell these young people they are the leaders of tomorrow, and that their education will give them the tools needed to lead the masses.
I often think of Q who says, “These people are stupid.”
Q is 100% correct. Fostering pride in those who do not merit is what gets us the Comeys of the world: smug, smarmy and blind leaders who are susceptible to corruption.
They disgust me. When their arrogant butts are in jail it will be more of the same. Their jailers will be heartily sick of their whining, elitist attitude, no doubt.
Pride and moral corruption ruins the soul. It’s a soul sickness that is almost impossible to heal when it gets to a certain point. HRC is example A.
You know what might help? Lots and lots of gardening. Imagine if the lot of them had to dig and weed and till the soil for hours a day? What if they had to compost their kitchen scraps and chicken poop?
What if they had to fill seed trays with hand-mixed seed starter? And lug heavy pots around and water an acre of fruit trees?
Good, honest labor has a way of expanding one’s thinking. At any rate, it’s fun thinking about the rehabilitation of our nation’s seditious citizens…


the other thing that might prove educational for them is to be locked up with some of those lovely ,misunderstood undocumented souls. like ms13 and their ilk.


I like your method better.


it has that instant charm appeal


karma, not bloody charm. ssfuhrer autocorrect strikes again



Elizabeth Carter

I am a decision maker. I was self-taught in the sense that no person in my young life trained me. I became a Christian the summer I was 11 and I turned 12 in September. That gave me an added benefit. Our world teaches us that we are not permitted to make decisions. We are taught to mindlessly obey authority. When Jesus becomes our authority, we have the freedom and the requirement to question the worldly authority and take the problem to Jesus in prayer. As we pray and study the problem, we find there are several solutions that are available to us that will not violate our Christian values and will get the problem solved in a way that helps others as well.
There is a lot of depression and misery in the world now. I believe the primary cause is that people feel helpless to change things. They don’t even feel free to think about or discuss anything. They have to ask permission for everything and too often the person who is in charge is stupid. They know that what they are being told to do by stupid people is stupid but they find themselves in circumstances that can bring great harm to themselves or others if they stand up to the stupid people. Many times they are forced to do things they know will not solve the problem and will even harm themselves or others. It just makes them more depressed because they did not have the courage to stand up to the stupid person. They buckled under the pressure to obey authority and do something they knew was wrong.
I have been put in charge of people and have given them permission to make decisions. I was surprised to discover that they were very fearful. It takes a while for them to trust me enough to realize that I am serious. Then they start tentatively making decisions. If they make a wrong decision, I will explain to them some of their alternatives and let them try again next time to make a decision that gets the results they wanted. I will show them how to correct the mistake they made and still solve the problem anyway. People love it.
They will advance to a level of discomfort and I will still have to make a decision at that level for a while. I explain why I decided the way I did and again show them alternatives. After a while they begin making decisions at that level.
They start learning that they do have some control in their lives and a very heavy weight comes off of them. They get happier and more productive every day. They can choose alternative ways of getting the result they wanted and find self-expression in doing things their way. They often find better ways than any of the alternatives we originally discussed and we all learn from each other.
I love walking in to the group when they are discussing alternatives among themselves while checking to see how their decision might impact the other people they are working with and how to alleviate those problems. I have learned a lot just listening. If they ask my opinion, I contribute but I don’t try to control them. I ask questions and listen to answers. Freedom and mutual respect creates a wonderful growth and learning environment in every area of life.


Leaders like you are few and far between. The corporate world is absolutely full of idiots in charge. There are corporate programs that actually teach the ‘How’ is more important than the ‘Goal’ or ‘Objective.’ Yep, how we solve a problem is more important than actually solving the problem. Can you say PC and corporate Marxism?


you’ve never heard “promoted to the level of their incompetence”?


Yep. It’s extremely disheartening to those people who are natural leaders and not afraid to make decisions. Everything is by committee all the way up to top level management. Small mistakes are magnified and everyone is constantly looking to cover their buns.


I need to pray harder. 😣


The Peter Principle, was a book written about people being “promoted to the level of their incompetence.”


…and have I ever quoted Mr. Drucker in the many training sessions given over the years.
Also, as per daughworks247, just please give clear, concise directions and your “charges” accomplish most any goal — oh, and BTW, your men (charges) NOT a mind readers.
And yes, having been in charge of large numbers of men (Army) you must make decisions quickly without any appearance of indecision. Just do it!
Lead, follow or get-the-hell-outta-the-way!
Just sayin’ …


Here’s a Theodore Dalrymple article about mediocrity and power. Short. Excellent.

Elizabeth Carter

Grandma. That is a great article. It explains so much of what I experienced. I could not understand why the chief complaint I got from the Owner/CEO of the company was that the people working for me were happy, talking and laughing. I replied, “Production has tripled. I only hired 3 people to replace the 3 I fired because they were deadbeats who would not do their part. What more could you ask for? They are making a lot of money for your company and having fun doing it.” He just looked miserable and said something about they should be quiet and keep their heads down. I found that puzzling. Now I see that what he was trying to tell me is that a beaten down attitude in his employees made him feel powerful. Happy, productive people made him feel threatened.
Another time he was upset with a woman who worked for me because she had no ambition. I replied that she did accounts payable which is a boring, repetitive job. She did it perfectly and was very content doing it. I insisted that he let her work in peace and compliment her for her excellent work. Again, that was a power thing according to your linked article, “God Bless Mediocrity by Theodore Dalrymple”.
I have never had a desire to have power over people. When I am in a position of “power”, I work to empower my people. Power to me equals responsibility.
I never could understand “bosses” who would come in from playing golf, yell at their employees or berate them for something real/imagined and then walk out to play some more. All they ever did was upset people, destroy morale and bring down production. The interesting thing is that they got paid very well for doing that.
I really like Taki’s. I will be reading their articles. I had never seen it before. Thanks again for the link.


Your experience is mirrored a million times over by rational individuals stuck in corporate America. Glad you like TakiMag.

Cuppa Covfefe

To lead, one must serve. Matthew 20:25-28:

25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.
26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:
28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

Deplorable Patriot

Funny you should mention military and decision making. My now retired military sibling and spouse could not transition to the real world because bosses couldn’t make a decision. They used to complain about it and the rest of us were like, welcome to the real world.
I actually think the lack of decision making in western culture in general is the result of well over a century of what I like to call the tyranny of the expert. EVERY aspect of life has an expert. EVERYTHING. And we have been trained since birth to bow and scrape to the “experts” and follow their advice even if it goes against the grain and there is empirical evidence that refutes their position. Medicine is a prime example, if not the prime example. Nutrition/gastronomy as we’ve discussed on this site is another. There is no shortage of experts. Even on when to change the oil in a car. “Experts” say every three to four thousand miles. The engineers in my family say, nah, every five thousand.
Honestly, the powers that be have us confused and not willing to make a decision by design. We’re easier to control that way.
Which reminds me…red or light pink on the toenails this season. Decisions, decisions.


DP–Pink for spring! LOL!
Daughn!! Great Article!! Decisions, decisions…I love fact the our POTUS is not afraid of deciding on someone/something and moving forward–if it’s wrong–he can FIX it!! or change it!! Mr. Marica is a builder and makes decisions ALL DAY LONG! His pet peeve is is clients who cannot decide on finishes on the house!! It makes him CRAZY!
However, when it comes to a menu–HE CAN”T DECIDE! (makes ME crazy)! He will change his order 2-3 times and most times he regrets what he ordered!! LOL!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, I have a very bright, almost orange I used to wear in the summer. Several people told me it was too bright for someone my age.

Deplorable Patriot

🙂 I have a milestone B-Day coming up, and I’m debating if I should turn 30 again. The last time was during the Clinton administration. I mean, I still get carded.


Daughn you have a lot of food for thought in this one blog post.
I’m thinking about all the ways that people are deeply conditioned to NOT make their own decisions. It’s not just a passive process – in reality there are MANY ways where people are trained or groomed into specific patterns of indecision and dependence. Just in early childhood alone you have 1) parenting choices 2) the school system 3) peer socialization, pressure, and peer approval 4) bullies – just for starters. In so many ways it’s not uncommon for people to learn early on, true or not, that they don’t have any right to make their own decisions.
I had a friend, an older man, former naval captain and a 9/11 survivor (DC). He would get frustrated at church when people couldn’t make decisions. Just make a decision, he’d say, if it isn’t the right one then correct it later. True in a church setting they’d pontificate (lol) and get paralyzed on the most ridiculous of dilemmas, either/ors that should’ve been both/ands. But his take on things was then and still is an enigma to me. In many cases the opportunity costs and tradeoffs are real, committing to a particular course of action, especially when you don’t have as much margin or room for error as other people does matter and does raise the stakes in the decision making process.
I’ve learned to maximize my flexibility and options early on to be able to adapt to changing conditions. To be able to shift direction quickly and be nimble on your toes is often more valuable to me than committing to a particular course of action. Maybe that’s the difference: I’ve decided on my goals, and remained agile about the path to achieve them. Rather than deciding on the path, and keeping my goals flexible.
Learning to own one’s own decisions and actions is huge. To accept the consequences of one’s actions, to anticipate those up front. It should be an understood and expected part of being an adult – but face facts, many people never completely learn this lesson in life. It’s there in their knowledge base but their base programming, their ritual habits and life scripts have never been updated to correct this.
But the cost of decisions can be worse in the jungle of the real world when you are surrounded by predators who are relentless to get a piece of you and amplify the cost of every decision, making even the right decisions unnecessarily costly. Or who want to portray every mistake as a grave epic failure, a fatal error from which your social reputation can never recover. Some people are eager to hang that failure permanently around your neck – it’s easy to see why toxic blame cultures fester and get worse.


The Left has tried to demonize “being Judgmental”.
This is ridiculous if you think about it…because we start making ‘judgements’ when we wake up each day.
What to wear.
What to eat.
What route to take.
We make little ‘judgements’ throughout the day.
But of course, the Left doesn’t want anyone making ‘judgements’ about their bad ideas and lack of morality.

Deplorable Patriot

“The Left has tried to demonize “being Judgmental”.”
A response to something I put on another thread this morning has me somewhat actively putting out the fire on a slow burn on just this very topic. Thankfully, scrubbing the bathroom floor was on the agenda this morning so I had something humbling to calm me.
Being judgmental. ESPECIALLY self-righteously judgmental on broad swath general statements is a massive pet peeve, particularly on anonymous comment boards.
Yes, the group here is more familiar than on many sites. However, we are not privy to the intimate details of any other person’s history unless it is shared. There is a healthy cross section of lifestyles, interests, life experiences, professions, talents, etc., here. This is a good thing, and most complimentary across the larger group.
Judging others based on the reality that an individual does not share the same living conditions, life choices, location, etc., is, shall we say, unattractive to use the mildest modifier. I choose to be feminine and use my God given talents and creativity the way I do to both make a living and inspire others, other women don’t. Fine. Just know that others don’t share your way of life always and that there is nothing wrong with that.
In the end, we all need each other. Tempering judgment sometimes is the prudence in the better part of valor.
Okay, off the soapbox.


Sorry, De-Pat, I missed that exchange…so I don’t know what you’re referring to.
Sadly, I haven’t read all the threads.
Been forcing myself to lie flat on my back in order to heal it.

Deplorable Patriot

🙂 It was not you. There’s a few people here I actively restrain from responding. It would not do any good, that’s how entrenched the thinking is.

Deplorable Patriot

Not you, either. 🙂
Sorry, I’m touchy about self-righteous judgmentalism, and when people comment in ignorance of another’s history. I have had to walk away rather than spout off.

Deplorable Patriot

White tile showing through.


There has been a concerted effort to keep people from being decisive…and from being good at decision-making.
‘They’ want a population of sheep who are easy to control.
I heard this when I was a teenager and it has stuck with me:
There are 3 types of people:
1) Some people make mistakes, but do not learn from them…and repeat those same mistakes, over and over.
2) Other people make mistakes, and learn from them…then do not repeat those mistakes.
3) Then there are people who observe the mistakes of others…and avoid making those mistakes altogether.
I have tried to be in that 3rd group and avoid making the mistakes that others have made.
It has served me well.
This is why teaching History is so important.
We learn from the mistakes that have been made in the past.
And this is Why there has been a concerted effort by the Left to re-write history and omit things in school curricula that would show what a mistake socialism is…because it has failed in every country that was foolish enough to embrace it.
If you don’t make a decision…then you cannot be blamed if it turns out to be a mistake.
“If more than one person is involved in making a bad decision, then no one is to blame.”
…This is one of Murphy’s Laws.
And that is why so many decisions are made ‘by committee’.
Critical Thinking Skills are no longer taught in most of our schools these days.
This is by design.
‘They’ don’t want decision-makers…they want sheep.


Sheep or pawns?
I like pawns better, because…
God describes Himself as Shepherd and people as sheep. And humans do need shepherding, guiding, protecting.


The thing is, the Left wants to be the ‘shepherds’ in charge of herding people and controlling them.


Oh yeah!
PC is just one of their tools for control.
PC really stands for:
Punitive Conformity – speech/thought control
Propaganda Conspiracy – information/narrative control
Power Consolidation – government/finance control.
Protecting Corruption – covering up crime, sin and perversion.
PC also prevents/obstructs fighting disease and pestilence…esp. ‘social’ diseases.

Gail Combs

‘… the lack of decision making in western culture in general is the result of well over a century of what I like to call the tyranny of the expert….”
It is also part of Marxism…

“The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his ‘natural superiors,’ and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, callous ‘cash payment.’ It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervor, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom—Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation.
The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honored and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage laborers.
― Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

Rule by the ‘Workers’ NOPE, that is not what Marx was about. He was about returning to a Feudal System of ” motley feudal ties that bound man to his ‘natural superiors,’ “


I am standing and applauding as I finish this, daughn. Simply outstanding post of the truth. Decisiveness and reasoning ability should be clear attributes required of all elected officials. But the populace does not understand the importance. PDT is conducting a daily teaching moment for We the People. I hope more and more people are paying attention and understanding the lesson.


One also should keep in mind that some people choose to avoid making decisions because they WANT to be martyrs – they WANT to be aggrieved. I do not understand this way of thinking but I see it often – indeed, with a recent classic example with one of my own friends last fall.
On a side note, I took the Meyers Briggs test way back when. My top jobs? Bus driver, military officer or police officer. Guess I like to be in charge? LOL


For many years my grandfather was a bus driver for Trailways. He’d drive charters all over the U.S. Talk about a good gig – you’re being paid to take vacations!


True but I had in mind those who use it to manipulate others to make themselves feel needed and important, which to me speaks to a lack of confidence and/or the inability and/or unwillingness to take responsibility for their own choices. They want to be “put upon” so they have something to complain about, to redirect the focus onto others’ behavior. “It’s their fault.”

Plain Jane

Basically I was raised in a matriarchy, since my dad died when I was 10. Both my sister and Are Ds in the DISC personality spectrum. Me more than sister dearest. I am younger than her by 4 years, and immediately tried to take charge of the family.
We both agreed when we were teens that no one got respect from us unless they were Alpha males whose minds and souls reflected our values, because we could easily emasculate them into bluthering slobs. We are still like that even into our 70s. Kinda keeps the men in our lives on their toes.
That said, I believe God tempered us to at least offer basic human respect to those poor non-alphas souls but my patience wears thin with woosey women. 🙂
I have no problem making major decisions given all pertinent facts, but danged, I cannot ever decide where to go for dinner, because I really seldom care where we go. That exasperates DH every Saturday evening.
Very interesting article DNW. Cannot wait toread all of the comments.

Plain Jane

Oh, oh, what’d I do now. LOL.

Plain Jane

I was quite proud of panning out as a D. Hee, hee! My guess is that you are also a D.
Without taking the test, I know my best, most reliable team member was also a D.

Plain Jane

Hee, hee, I totally believe that. Life is Fun, ain’t it!!!

Plain Jane

Oh yes. I sure do.

Plain Jane

That made an entire gruelling week of a training worth while. I spent it watching over, rooming with, traveling with, and for my own sanity escaping from for 3 hours, a sweet and charming literally psychotic young woman.


Peter : Where should I place these rocks I broke today ?
BC : Over there on the pile with the other rocks.
Peter : ok


I’m experiencing a phase transition in my life. I’ve had a relationship with a woman for about 30 years — we own a house together in Silicon Valley. About five years ago, I discussed with her how much the Valley had changed, and how hostile it had become to people in their 50’s, or people in manufacturing or customer service, and expressed my fervent desire to go elsewhere. She allowed that I had valid observations and promised to reflect on the situation. I lived on cheap food and privation to give her time to mull this over while she vacationed to Istanbul. In late 2017, I asked where we were going so as to further our plans……and learned that she hadn’t given it a thought. We got snowed-in in Nashville in January, 2018, and had a further trip to Greensboro in March of 2018, and she elected the Triad as our destination.
We recovered from our Spring trip, and rolled into the wettest California winter in 40 years, which is only now beginning to break. The weather has been so extreme that I’ve been thinking more about arks than moving vans (anyone know a good supply of gopherwood?). And right as I’m planning and estimating our move…..she says she’s not coming with me.
I’m going anyway.
I’ve supported her in everything she’s wanted to do over the last 30 years. I’ve had one major consideration over the last five years and she blew me off for several and now wants to put the kibosh on the whole thing. She’s been my constant companion for three decades and I love her dearly, but she has pushed this farther than it can go. Her behavior over the last five years has completely exhausted any goodwill in the relationship.
Wish me luck.

Sadie Slays

As someone who has resorted to using coin tosses to decide to dinner, I appreciated the kick in the pants.