The Gateway Pundit has done a great service and reminded me of some news that I completely missed. I was STUNNED to read this – but it turns out that it was OVER A YEAR AGO that Sundance posted this.
It’s very simple. The FBI JUST PLAIN LIED about examining the Weiner laptop – and WAITED until after the election. And NOW it’s even worse – they “lost” other devices.
And the fact that this is getting RENEWED media buzz RIGHT NOW is very dangerous, because there is a HIGH correlation between mass GUN murders and media attention to FBI malfeasance.

This is an extremely important development. Why our side has not been focusing on this, I have NO IDEA.
And now, apparently, other devices are MISSING. Hmmmm.

Beyond that, I urge you to REMEMBER. REMEMBER the FALSE ASSURANCES.
Which we now know were LIES.
NOW – this is critical. “THEM” elements in FBI – if they act as they have in the past – will deploy mass murders in the next 48 hours to kill this story.
But be of good cheer, patriots. We are AHEAD OF THEIR GAME.
Whatever happens, THE TRUTH IS HERE.
Note that this is the ultimate proof that we have FAKE NEWS. There is a REAL GIANT SCANDAL here – and the FAKE NEWS does EVERYTHING not to see it.
HA! Amazing.
Just felt right lol.
Awesome thread Wolf
Love it! 😀
I did the math and wrote in my book that there were something like 600000 files, and it took 5 days to supposedly “review” all the files. I think it worked out to less than 1 second per file (60 seconds in a minute x 60 minutes in an hour = 3600 seconds x 24 hours in a day = 86400 x 5 days= 432000 seconds possible available. Now divide the number of files @ 600000 by the number of seconds 432000 = .7 seconds spent PER file to “analyze” them) or as I call it BULLSHIT
. Oh, and another forgotten tidbit on this. Guess who Comey put in charge of the laptop review?….ready….wait for it…. Peter Strzok. Nothing to see here folks, pay no attention to the men behind that curtain.
Yes, that whole Strzok statement was unbelievable TO ME because – having faced similar analytical emergencies, and having said similar things myself – there are nuances which indicate reality, and they were NOT PRESENT. Likewise, there are vague generalities that scream BULLSHIT, and they were all over Strzok’s statement.
Sure – I can believe there are tools. That doesn’t even hint about them being feasible or ACTUALLY BEING USED.
The fact that they waited to see the outcome of the election BEFORE taking action is an INHERENTLY POLITICAL CHOICE.
Comey was POLITICAL.
Note also that the OIG has PUBLICLY STATED (don’t remember where) that Comey’s excuses for not processing the laptop faster “lacked credibility”.
THAT is huge.
Agreed. Ironically, his reopening of the email case, in late October, IMHO pushed BACK the Dossier planned release till AFTER the election. I wrote in my book that the Dossier was to be the kill shot on Trump a few days before the election, after the Access Hollywood tape and bevy of women that came out saying Trump sexually abused them. That is why the golden showers part was inserted into the dossier by Steel in the FIRST place. Comey, to take control of that laptop from SDNY, ironically BLEW up that narrative. That laptop must be DAMNING, because Comey crushed the dossier release in favor of IT Comey had to know the plan, he was part of it since EARLY 2015. That laptop must REALLY contain the KEYS to the kingdom, something SO big that it took precedence over the election and Hillary.
An excellent point!
Yes, fake news, AND politicians that are 100% aware of this and IMO doing nothing!
Why the RepubliCONS in Senate are not raising hell is beyond me.
Sure, Huber, Horowitz…may be investigating missing weenie laptop, iphone…
Wonder if there is any “there” in some reports / rumors NYPD may have copied the laptop hard drive. Then, any linkage to, IIRC, eight NYPD suicides this year.
While I have complete faith in President Trump, believe he’ll hold Barr to nailing b@stardly traitors…we really, really need some declas, document release, transparency, indictments, prosecutions…
Yes, we’ll have more mass murders soon. If for no other reason, prod Congress into passing stoopid anti gun laws that will only deny 2A Rights to Americans. Bank on it! Gonna happen.
Almost like clock work… They are hell bent on destroying 2A. Then free speech through moronic Congressional harassment, the likes of FB /; TW / YT / Google applying algorithms that hide conservative content.
“…Wonder if there is any “there” in some reports / rumors NYPD may have copied the laptop hard drive. Then, any linkage to, IIRC, eight NYPD suicides this year…..”
Remember they went after Eric Prince too. They had their ‘pet’ George Nader set him up. George Nader who facilitated the Seychelles meeting where Prince “randomly stumbled upon” Kirill Dmitriev the Russian who manages the RDIF $10B+ The media of course then portrayed ‘Prince as one helluva bad guy. ‘
This gave Mueller the excuse he needed to grab Eric’s computers and phones.
They also went after General Flynn ASAP…
They went after Ezra Cohen Watnick. Ezra was brought in to the NSC by General Flynn.
And a compatriot of Ezra Cohen-Watnick,Ret. Army Col. Derek Harvey, a longtime intelligence analyst who had been close General Flynn also got the axe.
I think they are very, very worried that a copy is floating arond and they have NO IDEA WHERE…
WE Have it ALL – Q
Takes on special meaning. 😁
I bet there are a LOT of soiled depends out their.
IIRC, I believe ‘Q’ has posted a number of times regarding Weiner’s weiner, I mean laptop; something like
‘we have it all’ or ‘NSA has it all’ or ‘white hats have it all’.
Q knows all. Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, doesn’t it?
It do!
I have been at Qmap all afternoon hitting refresh,just waiting on a crumb.
Not if you’re deep state
cough..Imran Awan…cough. You all did not really think that there was not a price for his skating did you? Remember Q showed the arrest in almost REAL time. Even if he did not have the files, he knew WHERE to look to GET them. He was sending all the dirt straight to Pakistan, Huma (Hillary), Jarret( Obama), Awan (Dems in Congress), Muslim Brotherhood. Get it.
Logic demands..how would they have it all? Was there a parallel investigation investigating the investigators?
The Epstein investigation formally began in March 2005. This photo was taken in May 2005.
A photo shoot to memorialize the 50th anniversary of the publication of the novel Lolita, taken at the Ivy where it was written.
Probably only an obscure unrelated coincidence in the timeline. (Following the MIT Media Lab reporting. Harvard isn’t returning any of Epstein’s cash.)
Off topic
Maine tops ‘safest states’ rankings four years after going Constitutional Carry.
Why Salvini may be back in Italy sooner than people think. The New government is intrinsically weak and the people support him.
Under siege in Nigeria, South African businesses shut stores. K is spreading, an dour side seeing this will trigger deep subconscious pathways which will begin to remodel our rbain to function in that environment.
Federal Judge rules the Terrorism watch list violates Constitutional rights. Truth be told, it is like China’s social credit score, only the government here doesn’t even tell you what gets you on it or off it. Like surveillance, it is fine if the only people who get it are drug dealers or terrorists. But in America it clearly has a way of not working like that.
Former First Lady of Honduras gets 58 years in jail. Another sign. Cabal does not throw former Mexican leaders in jail or give a former first lady 58 years. They need future assets to sign on with them, because they feel it is the most secure path forward for themselves, so Cabal wants it’s assets above the law and untouchable. Somebody is waging war on Cabal, and apparently effectively, because Cabal would seem unable to stop this.
Pence visited Iceland, and the locals were blown away by how heavily armed all his security was. Oddly enough they hosted G. H. W Bush in 1983, but he apparently did not need as much security. Another sign something is going on.
This article makes a big deal about Trump’s official schedule having limited public events scheduled, but of the ones they do mention, they are defense and intelligence related, and cannot be discussed. There are two possibilities. Trump, in the middle of a global war against a global conspiracy which wants to wipe his entire bloodline from the planet, has slacked off, or fighting the conspiracy is now a primary focus, and that is being kept out of the public eye.
From anonymous conservative
Not to suggest that Dorian isn’t reason enough to remain stateside…in light of heightened Pence security, is there more reason for Potus not going to Poland?
Somethings afoot.
Today Judge Sullivan held an ex parte hearing with
and Gen. Flynn re: the US denial of security clearances.
Sullivan will resolve the Motion to Compel production of Brady material before making a determination on security clearances for Flynn’s counsel.
Techno Fog on Twitter
General Mattis has a book coming out.
Obama Failed to Respond to Iran Bomb Plot on U.S. Soil Because of Nuclear Deal
Prior be being Secretary of Defense under Trump, Mattis served as commander of U.S. Central Command under Obama and Biden. Mattis had predicted that Iran would continue to provoke the United States. Mattis’s warning went ignored, and when Iran committed an act of war on American soil, he was not told about it, and the United States never responded to it.
Mattis: Obama Failed to Respond to Iran Bomb Plot on U.S. Soil Because of Nuclear Deal
Holy shit!
A filthy fake American impostor president cares not one whit about America cannot be a surprise to you.
So I assume your ‘holy shit’ epithet was a shameless exaggeration.
Oh, the TREASON was SO Obama, but usually he’s SNEAKIER! 😀
Counting down, T minus 3 hours to Wolf’s next ATTACK POST…
We’ll see…..
It’s pretty long and needs editing! 😀
Someone told me that NASA sometimes pauses their countdown progress
There were times during a countdown when it would automatically stop and “hold” until they gave it the go-ahead to continue.
https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/launch/countdown101.html for the shuttle
That countdown just might be the template for my next Christmas dinner at our house. (Smile)
Yes, I posted another story on today’s open thread. Mattis lights Obama up like a Christmas tree.
Imma thinking another Judas goat/head fake. Mattis resigns after differences with Potus and writes a book critical of Potus. The msm, usual talking heads, dems rush to embrace him but he’s eviscerating the wrong Potus. Rotfl. Own goal of epic proportions
OOOOoooo, now I LIKE that! I never could see Mattis as a ‘villan’
Refuse to click on GP. Nevertheless, are the devices actually missing? Or do they just not want to be found?
Who is to say that NYPD (friends of Rudy) doesn’t have full cloned copies of all Weiner devices? For that matter, who says that Weiner doesn’t have copies stashed under a dead man’s switch?
And who says Huma isn’t in on the personal backup protection policy? She did ‘reconcile’ with her husband, after all. That says to me that she was never as ‘on the outs’ with him as has been commonly assumed.
We live on a globe so the horizon allows a piece of something to be seen while hiding the rest of it.
And Logic.
I’ll lay money that the laptop was in Comey’s office when it was raided in May 2017, along with a lot of other evidence he was sitting on or keeping undefiled depending on which side you think he’s really on.
All of these are possible. AND, like FISA, works both ways! 😉
Hey… it worked!
Good to see you outside the spam bin!
Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig acquitted of the one remaining charge. Read the article and look at how smug they all are. Now this is interesting. What have I said? The entire court system will be compromised. Infiltration is easy, especially once an operation gets this big, and is targeting a society like our’s which has been lulled into the deepest of sleeps. Craig had two charges against him. Obama appointee Amy Berman Jackson (who is still busting Roger Stone’s balls) actually just dismissed one charge a month ago (which could easily have been the stronger one). The remaining one was about registering as a foreign agent, which Patrick Byrne just said a week ago was one of those things nobody in DC did, and which was seemingly used for selective prosecutions, such as of Marina Butina. And now that remaining case is over, and the new Judge even castigated the government for bringing it. Do you think that would have happened if it was Donald Trump Jr Mueller brought these charges against? The Judge even added in that our Republic is at risk right now, I presume from the God Emperor, who the Judge is implying is going to destroy the nation.
In a case like this, the Clerk could be one of them, and they would hit the database and send out a raft of juror summons notices to a thousand or two Cabal operatives who are like sleepers, living regular lives and only breaking off from it for things like this and basic ground surveillance. So now you have an entire jury pool, which seems diverse, whose members seem to all have regular jobs, but they are all a part of the conspiracy. The Judge could be one. The Defense attorney probably would be one. Even the prosecutor could be one, though by that point it hardly matters. I have no idea of the specifics of this case, but I do know with a system like that, he could have been dead to rights guilty of both charges, and he would walk out with a full exoneration and the Judge insulting Trump in the process.
Now you see why we would wait, and slowly build up the sealed indictments. If two months ago all the indictments were unsealed, and this Judge was indicted, the Clerk was indicted, the Prosecutor was indicted, the Jurors were indicted, as were all other Cabalites in the system, guess what? They all have to recuse from any Cabal-related case until those indictments are dealt with. And just like that they are all out of the system. Whatever is left, however sparse, is what will be hearing their cases. And imagine when those cases are all about a conspiracy which was screwing the jury over and corrupting their land so their children would be screwed too. Which raises the question, why wasn’t Craig’s indictment sealed, until the day the party started? Why did Mueller, of all people charge an Obama-lawyer who is almost certainly Cabal himself? Suppose everyone involved with his case was under surveillance, and the entire mechanism which fixed this case was just documented in exquisite detail? How will that look on the even news once it has been purged of Cabal operatives?
There are over 1000 names in Epstein’s address book and they are all afraid of the court releasing it.
Fire Did Not Cause 3rd Tower’s Collapse on 9/11, New Study Finds.
Scientist suggests cannibalism as a way to save the planet. Why are they suddenly trying to open the Overton Window on Cannibalism. This is like the fourth story I have seen, beginning with them doing pieces on how so many other species do it, and that it is weird we do not. Do the math.
Youngest son of Egypt’s ousted Islamist President Mursi dies. 24 years old, died of a heart attack. Sounds legit.
Comey had a laptop waiting for him in his car, and immediately began memorializing his private talk with Trump. From the article : “The revelation that Comey immediately fed the details of his private meeting with Trump to the FBI team investigating unsubstantiated Russia collusion raises questions about what Obama, Biden, Rice and other Obama-era officials knew about the intent to use the planned briefing to fuel the questionable Russia investigation and surreptitiously pass the contents of the private talk to the FBI.”
Looks like we won’t find out any more about that dive boat that caught fire and killed almost three dozen people, as it sank and is gone, taking all the evidence with it.
Omar’s husband confirms she was married to her own brother.
A federal judge granted Judicial Watch seven additional depositions, three interrogatories, and four document requests related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private, unauthorized email server.
The Obama’s file a lawsuit to cancel another company’s trademark so they can take it for themselves. Again, if the Justice system is comped, this is going to work out like it would have in the Soviet Union.
TERRIFYING VIDEO: Suspect Attacks Calif. Deputy, Steals Her Gun & Opens Fire Before Backup Arrives – https://t.co/sPdeTLkHfY
**WARNING: Video Is Disturbing** pic.twitter.com/Q32YIdvwq0
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 4, 2019
Huma Abedin to Doug Band:
“If people really want to get something tell them to make a donation to Clinton Foundation in Max’s name.”
Can you get any more blunt than this?
h/t @CasualSemi
Docs: https://t.co/Np5qSukTfk pic.twitter.com/LpOfinbIMs
— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) September 4, 2019
NYPD Chief who was suicided this month deeply involved with Anthony Weiner laptop evidence
Posted on June 28, 2019 by State of the Nation
I just love how “suicide” is now a transitive verb…
Unfortunately, yes – how did that happen, Steve? Did you know the disabled are now defined as ‘differently abled’? True.
Oh, yeah, they have PC–in this case the PC that’s being sold as just not being offensive–down to a science.
They are changing our language – not good – this is nonsense – it accomplishes nothing.
I had friends who would lampoon PC by referring to dirty diapers as “differently clean” and so forth, they saw it as silly but essentially harmless. I didn’t even bother to try to persuade them otherwise.
However, that may be the ‘new normal’, Steve – silly – but, they are doing it.
“Differently clean”!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Differently clean…you still need Vick’s under the nose to change them once the kid is on solids.
Look what they did to the word “choice.”
Good Point, Jane – SMH –
“It is a CHILD; not a CHOICE!”
People look at me strangely when I say I am cripped. They don’t know what to say when they open their mouths to gasp, eventually they see my clear acrylic cane. I love the funny looks. Hehe. This girl’s gotta have fun.
It is they who are ‘crippled’ – not you, Jane!
‘Crippled of Mind’ – they are!
It’s fun to taunt about PC language. Hehe.
These people are stupid!!! Easy peasy, Jane!
Yep. They desperate and killing everyone. Wondering if they offer to spare family if they give up the location of the holy grail?
Understand members of NYPD viewed a very damaging video with the wicket witch – and became very sick…
And angry. May not have said what was in it but surely commented , at work, that the bitch etc are going to fry for this. Lit themselves up as targets
Unfortunately, that seems to be the case –
* Sigh *
We will have justice even though the sky may fall
I hope we get justice BEFORE the sky falls!
Eh… yeah. That’d be nicer
I think so, too – LOL
Wait a sec.
I recall Strzok talking, more like bragging, how he was working into the wee hours of the morning sifting through the emails on the Weiner laptop…… and finally got it done.
Could be two different issues.
1. Looking through emails for damning evidence.
2. Checking to laptop for hacking/intrusion.
I thought the same thing. However, I will make two points about that.
(1) this was dealt with in the comments on the Sundance article, explaining that the proper interpretation of the documents here is Sundance’s interpretation – that it means the evidence has not been looked at before AT ALL.
(2) intrusion analysis should be done FIRST, because so many things will RUIN THE EVIDENCE thereof. It also affects interpretation of any information.
So I tend to believe SD on this.
Wolf…. I will just have to take your word on ANYTHING Some Dunce says……..
He BANNED Me….. Now I… Have absolutely ZERO interest in ANYTHING he says.
(Though I once was intrigued by his articles – I will NEVER go Back “Over There”)
If the assumption was that Hillary could not lose the election, then smoke screen over the Weiner laptop issue to get her to the general election—then dump it down the rabbit hole after she won! Her victory makes everything, EVERYTHING go away.
EXACTLY. They didn’t PREPARE *properly* for a Trump victory, IMO.
The side that HATES the Boy Scouts didn’t follow the Boy Scout motto:
Many of them do like Boy Scouts, though, Wolf.
Oh, wait, Now I saw where you wrote the definite article, “the Boy Scouts. Yeah, you right on that one. They hate the Boy Scouts!
LOL! Yup. What you said! All of it.
Oops! F**k!!! Trump wins! Now Stroke (sp) has to come up with a storyline (a lie) to explain how in two days he was able to use special software to reduce 650,000 emails down to about 3,500 pertinent emails in order to complete the task and free Clinton for the general. In reality, they never looked at the emails, but needed to get the laptop out of the possession of NYPD to control the narrative before the election of the Queen!
Those in the NYPD that saw what was contained on Weiner’s laptop were shocked to say the least!
Q names Strzok as a cooperating witness. I’m going to chalk this one us to us not knowing what we don’t know.
WTF makes the Clintons so untouchable? If they have so much dirt on everyone, why have they not been taken out? Is it a one-way street—only they get to have people taken out (Arkancided)? Just amazes me that their lives never seem to be put in jeopardy! Secret Service can be compromised! Just sayin’!
Are they that important to Lucifer? Never hear of anyone trying to snuff out these two evil ones! What am I missing?
The Clintons are the TIP of one little peak of an ICEBERG behind them.
This is, as Q would say, WW. This is about control of the whole planet. China is just a TOOL in that.
But at some point, Wolfie, it would seem these two puppets would lose VALUE to their puppeteers! Fall into the liability category instead of an asset in the globalists world domination plan.
Pete, I have often wondered about that too.
Hitlery had a foreign maid that she had printout her e-mails so she could read them. Seems real easy to compromise that maid. Mess with her medications, poison in her booze…. LOTS of ways to take out the whole dam nest.
Imma thinking they got their own dirt file aka little black book. They go down the whole place burns
The question, though, is who is pulling the strings. I really do think the Clintons and those at their level are 2-3 down from the top. Rockefeller, Soros, Rothschild are NOT the top.
It’s so frustrating.
I would urge you to view it all as a BALL OF STRING WITH NO END, within which there are alignments, forces, parallels, skews, as well as deceptions which hide or feint all of them.
When Duchess says “Satan” as the ultimate puller for evil on the whole thing, I think that’s as close as you can come to the “end” of responsibility, and yet it is as abstract as God at the other “end”.
One has to appeal to almost every type of mathematical object to see WITF is going on.
In my opinion, the old abstractions serve us well to understand basic alignments. The Jewish and Christian abstractions are much more “You have more than you know.” than people realize, in understanding the present situation. Also where WE, as a group, theo-culturo-socio-techno-“wakey-wakey”-o-logically fit into all this.
Yet so are many other things which have been called “conspiracy theories” are RICH in explanatory power, and that is PRECISELY why they were covered up.
There is a beautiful solution (beyond any movie – like a world of movies – maybe many worlds of movies) to ALL of this stuff, but to grasp it, one has to understand that we have been DENIED KNOWLEDGE not by a conspiracy of hand-rubbing villains (although – yeah – they show up), but by a conspiracy of common interest by a WHOLE BUNCHA people (used very widely and loosely) who don’t want us waking up during the operation, so to speak.
Not everybody thinks it’s time to wake up. But however it happened – and trust me, sister – it’s been a long road to half-way understanding what the hell happened to me – I’m on the side of those who think it’s long past time to wake up.
But Q is the guy with the plan, so I’m sticking with him. Beyond that, Q speaks for Q, and W speaks for W. I now understand Q at a whole new level, though, so I may be kinda scroochin’ around what that bunch decides they can and should tell people.
Straight up – a lot of stuff I’ve figured out in the last month is best just left unsaid until somebody ELSE decides the EXACT BEST TIME to say it. The PLAN is solid, IMO. But my best guess as to the way things work is that the mathematics of deniability have a large safety margin here, and I could spew shockers like a firehose without too much danger, but they would helpfully meta-color-pill a bunch of patriots up to my level, and it would be a useful thing.
That’s exactly why I’m pushing a very selective bibliography of new materials now. And looking around – very selectively – for more.
Not everybody is up for this ride. We just got past YEARS of being called nuts, while the fake news spewed a true lying conspiracy theory, carefully constructed to harm POTUS. So “it feels good, man” to be back at the point of intellectual respect. Why would anybody want to go back to being called a lunatic?
TRUTH is a powerful drug, to those of us who crave it.
Also, once one realizes what the patriots have been up against, the STRENGTH of the forces that want to give us no voice in our own destiny, one can hardly walk away from the fight.
Funny, that. Now I understand why Jordan Sather refers to the “truth-seeking community”.
There are a pair of short books by Roger Zelazny (later reissued under a different title in one volume) — IIRC, they were “Changeling” and “Madwand”. The base idea from which to spin a tale was that there are two worlds — this one, where magic is basically worthless drivel — and another, where chemistry and physics are as useless as magic is here, but magic actually works. Two infants, who could be expected to be very skilled in the world in which they were born, are exchanged into each other’s world. Upon adulthood, they are reintroduced into the world of their birth.
It’s a cute conceit, and leads to a variety of fun set-pieces. For instance, gunpowder doesn’t work over there — but some weird preparation with swamp mud and chicken feathers and the proper incantation can explode with equal force, so the individual that grows up on this side creates a 1911 clone there with special ammo.
But there is another bit that actually is extremely valuable and very much resonated with me. In the character’s first tentative explorations of magic, he noted that he could sometimes envision the objects around him tied to ribbons that passed by him — and he could reach out and pull them and make things happen. At other times, he could envision things or beings around him that could be signalled into proceeding a certain way. Sometimes, there were invisible linkages he could push against and force items and actions to his will. But he was always him; and his surroundings were always his surroundings.
And this is very much illuminating in, of all places, accounting. The numbers are the stupid numbers…….but if you interact with them with the ribbons metaphor, you find that your purchasing agent is corrupt; and if you interact with them with the linkage metaphor, there are things to be improved in your production cycle; and if you are signalling to steer things, perhaps your Board of Directors is not working in the interest of shareholders.
When you say, “I would urge you to view it all as a BALL OF STRING WITH NO END, within which there are alignments, forces, parallels, skews, as well as deceptions which hide or feint all of them” — that is one very powerful metaphor…..but it is not the only one with value. And, sometimes, as the Zelazny protagonist finds, you can go halfway in using one metaphor and dig further with another. And, sometimes, the key to the puzzle is the succession of metaphors you use, rather than which one gets you farthest in one go.
Yup. Everybody has to find their own metaphors. But they really help. And like you say – don’t be shy in trying a bunch to see different things better. As Q would say, “Define better – define best.”
FUNHOUSE UNIVERSE. We have more than we know! 😉
You might consider the Eustace Mullins body of work for your bibliography.
One tidbit that I would leave on the matrix board always is the simple trivia that all REMAINING crown heads of Europe descend from the same 17th century Dutch house – and there have been no successful revolts against them. Just don’t forget that.
“WTF makes the Clintons so untouchable?”
Remember “Filegate”?
Where the Clintoons had Everyone’s FBI files?
Information IS “Power”.
Blackmail? Threats? LIES! Corruption! EVIL!
Satanic MutherPhuckers they are!
Agree, Pete…what possible value can they be at this point? (Same might be said for others, as well)
Teagan—Epstein was an asset with value supplying the globalist pedophiles with their desires, but then became a liability! This was a supposed billionaire—seemingly put out of commission no longer having value to the High Cabal.
For them, human life has no afterlife (eternal life)— thus, humans are easily discarded when their shelf life has expired! Just another animal carcass to throw in the pit.
No one, afawk, tried to kill Epstein, either, until he got arrested.
As long as the Clintoons can demonstrate they have the mojo to stay out of jail, they may remain on the “asset” side of the ledger. Failing that, it may be hard keep them alive.
I remember reading this when SD originally published it.
AT the time, it was one more nail in the Strozk-Page-Cabal coffin that I thought would be wrapped up in the eventual resolution of it all. Sooner or later, I thought, this would be part of the investigation into Spygate. I don’t believe that the White Hats didn’t know about it. I don’t believe that the information on the laptop and other devices is “gone.”
Q says, “we have it all,” and I believe Q. It feels to me like we are out ahead of the game being played, far enough that what WE know isn’t yet for NORMIES to know. And Gateway Pundit is so “right wing” that it gets discredited by many. When this news hits an outlet like the The Hill or even Fox News, we will know that it’s time for the normies to catch up. Until then, it’s still just a coffin nail that hasn’t been hammered in.
There are so darned many of those it looks like a bed of nails.
Except of course, it’s a bed of nails with the heads sticking up…maybe an ethnic joke (or an AOC joke) could be made around that mental image.
AOC is personally responsible for a sudden dearth in blonde jokes
Maybe it’s hair dye. “Artificial intelligence.”
Some Dunce does NOT believe in Q.
He BANNED … MANY of “us” for even mentioning Q
Some Dunce is NOT as Smart as he thinks he is.
Yes, I am one of the banned, presumably because I believe Q. I agree, he isn’t as smart as he thinks, and he gets a lot of shit wrong. But he did call this out way back.
Aussie is being aussies
That’s what she gets for trying to interfere with people trying enjoy meat. 😤
I hope they have the speakers blaring this song:
The Aussie BBQ Song
Eric Bogle
“And the fact that this is getting RENEWED media buzz RIGHT NOW is very dangerous, because there is a HIGH correlation between mass GUN murders and media attention to FBI malfeasance.”
Every. Single. Time.
They’re trying to shut us up with it. It’s very Nazi – a kind of exemplary execution thing, except they don’t have the POWER to do it openly, so they pop off crazies and patsies as a false front – BLAME THE VICTIM – very communist. But they know WE know it’s them, and that’s all they need. VEGAS was aimed straight at Trump and deplorables, without ever saying it.
It’s a psy-op thing. We either go along with their prog agenda, or they just keep killing people.
Q is right. When it’s over, they won’t be able to walk the streets.
They also assume President Trump is weak and will finally cave. They forget he spent 5 years in a military school being trained up as an officer….
As an officer’s wife I learn NOT to fratenize with the enlisted. Why, to put it bluntly, BECAUSE THEY ARE CANNON FODDER. Some day your husband may have to send those men into a situation where they WILL NOT come back alive. Think D-Day.
President Trump was taught this. He KNOWS this. He also knows, while there will be casualties in this war, if we do not WIN then MILLIONS will die not just a few hundred…. And the rest will live a short nasty life in slave chains.
It’s the hard truth.
Yes it is and I think very, very few people realise we are AT WAR and the people being killed are CASUALTIES of WAR.
Again it is part of a tried and true playbook.
The following is the story of a German Olympic Star who was Jewish.
The Nazis’ Gun Ban Facilitated Kristallnacht
(Actually it was gun registration. Confiscation didn’t happenned until just days before Kristallnacht so the Jews would be defenseless.)
Do old laws automatically get overridden by new laws?
I keep posting this because THIS IS THE COMMUNIST PLAYBOOK!!
William R. Russell was in Russia soon after the Bolsheviks seized power and spent considerable time there, working on Creel propaganda against the Germans, for the Bolsheviks, and later against the Bolsheviks. Russell described how he saw the communist tradecraft:
Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe
“Then in time of national peril, during a war, on the occasion of a great disaster, or of a general strike, walk into the capital and seize the power. A well-organized minority can work wonders.”
Mexican Navy seizes 25 tons of fentanyl from China in single raid
Law enforcement seized enough fentanyl to kill 14 million people – CNN
“Our” CONgress is not “for” … “us”….. (for the most part)
One side (DemonicRats are just plain Satanic and EVIL)
The “other” side…..(Republitards) are CORRUPT!
Time for an “American PATRIOT” Party!
With TRUMP as it’s “Leader” … and Sarah Palin in there somewhere (VP?)
Just as an aside……some of you may be aware that I was subject to a cyberattack in 2015. While this was a personal thing based on being “cthulhu”, of all things, and coming off of a blog…..the networks and some of the computers involved had client data on them, and I am a CPA.
The first thing that happens is that you pull the drive and have it imaged. This is not the same as being copied. This is having the state of every part of the drive recorded. This is kept by someone who can track the chain of custody of that image — if you show up six months later waving a drive in the air and claiming to have solved the mystery of the pyramids, nobody cares; if you show up six months later and say, “I went through steps A, B, and C on this drive and discovered evidence of X”, then someone can clone the image and re-perform this on a clone, and you have something.
Based on my personal experience, the Weiner laptop’s hard disk should have been imaged immediately upon being taken into custody, such images are stored securely and cloned again for further use, and the disk that investigators found shocking files on was secured before they could have watched anything (and inadvertently changed something).
With Weiner’s notoriety, I would not be surprised if there were a number of images floating around under the tight control of a variety of organizations. Each one would have a recorded chain-of-custody.
I am very committed to leaving Silicon Valley for a wide variety of reasons…..but there are things you can do here that you can’t do anywhere else. I was concerned that my Quicken information was being compromised and just showed up at Intuit while they were having some big offsite meeting, and just happened to bump into their head of security (who was wondering why I was wandering around).
I’ve got his card somewhere around here, but he was the head of Intuit security in 2015 after May. And, he was a heckuva nice guy. Told me several useful things. Gave me direct access to his subordinates. Gave me leads to resources I used to drill-down further. And planted a seed that later threw the whole damned mess into perspective. And I bumped into him in the Intuit campus when there was nobody else around. Total mensch. You can’t do that via Skype.