This LIGHT IN SEPTEMBER [17] [PLACEHOLDER] TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
So here we are. LIGHT IN SEPTEMBER. September the QTH, to be specific.
Be part of it. Bring your wisdom, your talents, your opinions, your investigations, your prayers, and your hopes to this thread.
And don’t forget….
Where We Go One, We Go All.

PS – Thanks to Daughn for a heck of a Trump Rally thread. Thanks to President Trump and his people for an AMAZING RALLY – a great speech – and the HOPE that New Mexico will join us even more strongly as a key part of a GREAT AMERICA.
PRAISE GOD – and may we always hold our motto dear and true – IN GOD WE TRUST.

Wheatietoo – September 16, 2019 at 03:43
Justice is Coming!
Oh . . .
The truth is a-comin’
Dark changes to light
The truth is a-comin’
There’s dancin’ tonight
Let’s log in to QTree
Join with friends all to see
The truth is a-comin’
And there’s dancin’ tonight
Dimms tried a coup, they spied and lied
They set up traps, fake facts supplied
They used DOJ and FBI
But now it seems, they’ve been denied
Perp walks is a-comin’
All in our plain sight
Perp walks is a-comin’
There’s dancin’ tonight
Let’s log in to QTree
Join with friends all to see
Perp walks is a-comin’
And there’s dancin’ tonight
Happier times are comin’ at last
The Dimms will pay for deeds now past
Liberty’s torch shows us the way
And freedom shines brighter these days
Justice is a-comin’
All will be set right
Justice is a-comin’
There’s dancin’ tonight
Let’s log in to QTree
Join with friends all to see
Justice is a-comin’
And there’s dancin’ tonight
. . . and popcorn, too!
Corn pop?
Love it Carl
Excellent, Carl…well done!
I love it!
I grew up with that song – Shrimp boat’s is a coming….my father’s side of family were in Thibodaux and New Orleans. Them cajuns can sing and dance! And eat! Great food.
Fantabulous, Carl!!! You are not only logged-in but, you are cued-in! God Bless You for blessing us!!!
BakoCarl sets the tone for the whole day! Thank you.
Sure seems to be confirmed Wolfie..
The time is near,I can feel it 😎😎😎
Wait…..did you say near??
Back when Hollywood actually still had talent,those were the days.
From Gab:
Rveggie 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 reposted
Sep 1
PeterSwedenVerified Account@PeterSweden
A 15 year old boy was kidnapped and tortured in the forest by 3 people.
They burnt him and attached jumper cables to him. Horrible stuff.
Guess the sentence…
The kidnappers got community service. No prison!
Something is seriously wrong in Sweden😔
17 54 74
Lil Swamp Justice goes a long way into teaching these sick fucks to leave kids alone.Two,Three,four go in one comes out,it’s a Southern Thang.
Night n God bless y’all…
Isn’t animals like that what alligators and snapping turtles are for
i read somewhere that hogs will leave no trace of anything thrown into their feeding trough…
Yep. But shop local ,support local
true, true…LOL
“i read somewhere that hogs will leave no trace of anything thrown into their feeding trough…”
A neighbor lost their two year old daughter to a massive boar hog. All they found was her shoes.
that’s terrible…
a woman my hubby works with got a couple of pigs to raise…the one had 9 piglets this summer–the following morning they were all dead–bites marks all over them…{{shudder}}
… and pigs 🐖 … 😖🤚
And fire ants as well, oh cant forget the crabs they’re always hungry.
… 🧐‼️ …. well that’s is for crabs then except as part of a food group … harrumph .. 🤨🤚❤️
Support your local environment
They need to eat to.
It’s always awkward to say you have crabs. Worse when you say they are your pets
Lol I have to clean my tablet screen
Thought that would make you giggle. You doing ok post op?
I am doing good Ozzy thank you for asking,I am still dealing with swelling and infection but things are getting better.
I can sit upright for about 30 minutes before swelling in legs then I have to elevate em for a while.
On the mend then. Very good news
Photo of me
He He I am always falling off my branch.
But they wanted to send Assange up for YEARS for a rape that didn’t even happen.
Hmmm. Sounds like our DEMONcRATs and their antics.
Sweden has descended into “I Am Curious, Black”, for those who remember those movies (even for people like me, who never saw them – hearing about them was more than enough)…
More from Gab:
Rveggie 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 reposted
Educating LiberalsVerified Account@EducatingLiberals
These people are not “Democrats.”
-They OPENLY threaten our 1A
-OPENLY threaten our 2A
-OPENLY threaten violence
-OPENLY threaten eugenics
-OPENLY threaten more government
-OPENLY threaten our Constitution
-OPENLY threaten our freedom
13 62 132
Sounds like another way to say what I’ve been saying for years.
The Democrat Party has become the God-hating, America-hating, Constitution-hating, baby-murder loving Party of Sodom & Gomorrah.
[I used to include Cop-killer loving, islam-loving, racist Party of Sodom & Gomorrah, but the shorter version flows better and is easier to remember]
No, they have become the party of pure vile and evil
They definitely want to control EVERYTHING that you THINK, SAY, READ, DO!!!!
They also want the power to put you to death if they don’t like what you THINK and SAY!!!
… and the evil idiots can’t control themselves …. idiots … 😑🤚
… 😉🤚🇺🇸‼️
He forgot take away your MONEY.
… 🤨👍‼️ …
They openly threaten our religion
They commit blasphemy at every possible turn
They mock Christ as well as our faith
They want to erase God!!
They are literally….LITERALLY….fulfilling scripture!!
“21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools…
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator…
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
– From the book of Romans, Ch. 1
12 May 2019 – 8:26:01 PM
Attempts by Dems, FAKE NEWS, and those ‘guilty of TREASON’ to shape the public narrative [prior to] by providing FALSEHOODS will FAIL.
The First Unsealed Indictments Will Bring About Unity and Change
12 Mar 2019 – 6:01:57 PM
The unsealing of the first several indictments will bring about ‘unity’ and ‘change’ – ‘change’ that ‘we’ can believe in.
Returning ‘POWER’ to the PEOPLE.
Returning ‘THE RULE OF LAW’ to OUR LAND.
May God make it so…Amen.
Yes, prog – Amen goes right there!!!
It would be great to see some Justice today, on Q-day the 17th!
where there any “air Q’s” at the rally that anyone caught?
Not that I know of, Pat.
But if there were…hopefully someone will post a clip of it.
thanks wheatie!
The “lock down” adjustable Mechanism, on a U-Haul hitch..
Malfunctioned, No Rhyme nor reason, it just DID..
I was going about 30 MPH, on a down grade,,
I set here with a few minutes of Puter time…
ALL I can say…
CHIT happens…
And the good LORD, GOD was watching out for ALL Involved
I been towing Boats, trailering, working on Trailers etc, recovery the better part of 30 years..
coming & , going over a lil bridge, On Market street…
The Trailer was unloaded..
We crossed the bridge, and the trailer, (A U-haul box trailer 5 X 8′ ) just *un-loaded* is all I can think of..
It JUMPED… Speed limit is 35 mph..
(I was going 30 mph)..
Next thing the Misses said.. OMG! It’s LOOSE!
I heard a racket, the Safety chains came undone (despite them being secure per instructions),, I had’em “crossed” to prevent this.. I mean coming undone, ALL Safety precautions followed!
Next thing I realize, I look in the rear view mirror the trailer took a life of it’s own..
I went Left,, then right..
Then left & right again…..
Looked like, cars behind me were avoiding a Wreck in a Nascar race…
It decided,, then to hit the sidewalk,, burying itself, (the hitch),, deep into the roots of a Live Oak..
Stopping itself..
Thank GOD NO ONE was hurt & Nothing Damaged to other Folks!
I turned around, recovering from a heart attack..
Police WATCHED this happen! yet kept on going by..
THANK the Lord for 2 young MARINES whom stopped to give assistance!
Reattaching the trailer, and following Me home at 10 MPH..
The LOCKING mechanism on the hitch failed..
ALL I can say is this..
Thank the LORD no one was hurt..
As they say….
WHEN it’s your time …
CHIT HAPPENS when you least expect it..
Oh, man…..that’s definitely a time to be wearing your brown pants. Very happy to hear that you escaped injury and major property damage.
And a shout-out to our beloved Marines who have a knack for showing up when things get bad and leaving them better.
Crossthread. What a miracle that no one was hurt and you didn’t have to deal with a damaged rental. And thank the Lord for those kind Marines that came along just in time to help. Whew!
THANK GOD no-one was hurt and.. GOD bless those 2 Marines!! (I’d love too find out Who they were!).. I didn’t catch their names in the excitement ..
Pfcs Concern and Mercy. 😎
Better call Saul.
Buy a lottery ticket
I think I better when is powerball pulled again?
Hooray for our brave Marines of Camp Lejeune and Parris Island!
yeah, My heart is STILL in disarray.. 😉
hope the day goes much better for you then yesterday!!!
Well, on the bright side…piece of cake from now! 👍.
THAT is one VERY SCARY experience. We have had a trailer come unhitched but the safety chains held.
HOW IN HADES did those safety chains come undone???
so glad you and Angie are ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you up & Adam this AM, ready for the movers
Ohhh, Crossthread!
Big prayers your way.
Just goes to show you, David – God’s promises are true – He said He will never leave or abandon you – and He was right there to provide you with what you needed to rise above this catastrophe – God is Great in His Gifts!!!
And oh, yes – Angels took hold of that trailer and steered it to safety – of that I am certain – they are all around you and Angie – helping you every step of the way – God sent them, too, along with 2 Marines!!!
Were you entertaining angels unawares? I wonder…
Hebrews 13:2
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
King James Version (KJV)
* Smile *
You had guardian Angel’s watching over you,many people don’t realize the dangers of pulling trailers,bad things can happen in the blink of an eye.
I am thankful your ok Crossthread.
Wow. This must scare the left senseless.
To go along with the attendance at his rally last night, POTUS tweeted about faith and God in New Mexico. This is a true thing. Those people are mostly Catholic, even though Democrat, and they’re people of faith and family. If the people can learn how Godless the Democrats of today are – they’ll walk away.
They ALREADY IS senseless!!!
More people at ONE rally overflow for Trump than the crowds for ALL the dem candidates COMBINED. But Trump loses to the all in the polls….right…NOT!
The 17th day of September would be a good day for 8-chan to go back online so Q could re-establish comms…
I was thinking that its been more than a few days since the board operator had hoped to start again. The white hats and Q must have an itchy trigger finger or two.
Q! Come back, Q!
Polly is strongly urging us to stop using smart phones… for she feels it may be the only way to stop what is planned for control of everyone. I’m not sure I disagree.
“Polly is strongly urging us to stop using smart phones…”
I’ve never had one.
Never had a ‘beeper’ when those were popular, either.
I never understood why anyone would want to be on-call 24/7, unless you were being well paid for that inconvenience — like a doctor.
Same thing with a cell phone. Anybody can get in contact with you at any time…
Who wants that… even if it was FREE?
Which it ain’t. It’s just another utility bill.
Jim Rockford was using a regular old answering machine since the early 1970s, and they still work just fine.
If it’s good enough for Rockford, it’ll work fine for me.
Leo in mist depts in CA are on call 24/7, but only certain classes get on call pay. Healthcare providers too, not just doctors. Maby are forced as a condition of employment, and it is abused by the employer. You are right, the intrusion isnt necessary generally.
You’re off the grid? GOOD. Excellent choice.
Off that particular grid, anyway.
Pretty sure they can’t track my daily driver either. V8, rear wheel drive, just old enough to not have an onboard computer that sends out signals to every government (or corporate) Tom, Dick and Harry. That’s not why I have it, it’s just hard to find newer cars that are ‘me’, if that makes sense. I just can’t rationalize spending the amount of money a car costs, and get something that isn’t me. Everything looks the same today. It’s either an SUV or some Prius lookalike. And stick-shift is nearly extinct. A car is supposed to have a gear shift, on the floor (transmission tunnel, technically) and a clutch, unless it’s your grandparent’s car.
And even those would be a lot better with a stick shift.
The new generation of sports/muscle cars are great performers, and i appreciate the retro-styling efforts a lot, but it just reminds me how great (and even better) the originals looked from the 60s and early 70s.
And it seems like most of the designers are heavily influenced by ‘Transformer’ toys and cartoons. You can tell the ‘Transformer’ toys were really popular when today’s car designers were kids, because everything is starting to look that way, whether it’s all the angles in the body lines that have no purpose (Corvette… Camaro…), or the design of the headlights and tail lights, especially.
I’m not off the cell phone ‘grid’ in an effort to purposely avoid it either, it just kinda worked out that way. When cell phones started to become popular, there just wasn’t anyone I needed to talk to so badly that it couldn’t wait until I got home. I didn’t need the extra utility bill either. By the time I could more easily afford it, there were lots of warnings about potential negative health affects, and from an ‘outsider’ perspective, I could see lots of negative ‘social’ affects that ‘users’ probably didn’t.
It’s annoying as *&^% to be in public around someone talking on his phone like he’s in his own home, but I have to listen to some stranger babble for 20 minutes, or get up and leave. So I don’t want to be that guy. Or to have your phone go off in church. Or at a theater (not that I’ve been to one in years), or any other place where it would be inappropriate. I don’t want to be that guy, either. I don’t want to be a hypocrite, and do the same things that annoy the crap out of me when other people do them.
Another clue that something is seriously wrong (or at least has gotten way out of hand) is seeing a line of kids walking home from school, in a group, with nobody talking to each other. Total silence. All of them looking down at that infernal contraption in their hand, lost in their own alternative world.
And it’s not just kids, it’s practically everybody. When they’re driving, even when they’re crossing the street — just trusting that somebody isn’t going to run them over, because they sure didn’t look both ways, they just moved with the herd!
Do you even realize how HARD it is to NOT look both ways when you cross a street? Try it. And don’t cheat. I bet you can’t do it! But people today do it all the time, looking at their phones instead of what’s going on in the world around them.
I’m not those people. I’m the guy paying attention to what’s going on around me. Not because I’m anticipating anything bad might happen (though that’s certainly a benefit), but because being aware of what’s going on around me was NORMAL when I grew up.
And the camera aspect of cell phones… I hate it that everybody has cameras with them 24/7. When I was a kid, that was a Japanese stereotype. Always with the cameras, click click click! I’ve never been a big fan of having my picture taken to start with. No specific reason, except having to put on a ‘camera smile’ when the person taking the photo says ‘cheese’. It irks me, because it’s ‘phony’, it’s not real. You can’t just have a blank expression, so you pretty much have to smile, but it’s not genuine — it’s for a camera.
I’ve always been terrible at doing what the crowd does, whenever I stopped long enough to think about it — which I always do, sooner or later. Because a lot of the stuff the crowd does, doesn’t make much sense to me. I don’t think it would make much sense to them either, if they actually stopped long enough to think about it.
It’s no different than I do here most days. People do things, it gets reported, it’s in an article here, and I’m just asking the obvious questions to all kinds of behaviors and conduct we see ‘in the news’ 😁
As far as crowd behaviour goes, it’s better to be scene and not herd… or in other words, 100,000 lemmings can’t be wrong. It’s almost like how teenagers (of every generation ever, probably) want to be “different”, but end up being different ALL IN THE SAME WAY.
Conformity breeds mediocrity. Good on you for going against the flow and not falling in line with the mindless herd. Or, more likely, mind-controlled herd.
Hubby still has a old flip phone…I have an IPhone but about 4 people have the number. A couple of my cousins still try to call me on it and I’ve told them it’s basically useless to do so…it’s always in my purse, which is either locked in the trunk or back in the bedroom.
I’ve traveled throughout the world for extended periods and without the ability to “call home” and guess just got accustomed to it. I always told family…do not contact me if Aunt Suzy dies…I cannot do anything about it.
I play a fair amount of bridge and my groups have finally had to ban cell phones …(adult women!) because it was abused and distracting…not to mention unfair to the rest who had to sit there and listen. What some evidently fail to understand…1) you don’t have to answer any phone and 2) with the caller ID you know who is trying to reach you and can call back at first opportunity.
I’m like you, Scott…I do not want that little device to control my life….on the short list of what we still can control in our daily lives. It’s convenience…period.
You’re making me laugh.
I rarely take my phone anywhere, especially outside. I refuse to download email, any apps, nothing but a phone to me.
“I play a fair amount of bridge and my groups have finally had to ban cell phones …(adult women!) because it was abused and distracting…not to mention unfair to the rest who had to sit there and listen.”
It creeps me out, lol!
When someone (whether I know them or not) is having a personal conversation with someone who is NOT me, and I have no choice but to overhear all of it anyway, it feels creepy.
It’s like audio-voyeurism.
It’s turning innocent people into audio-voyeurs against their own will! 😁
I have a Luddite filp-phone. Always have had.
me too! lol…same phone for 13 years.
I was at Joann’s Fabrics and the cashier asked me if I had their ap…I shook my head no and she said oh–give me your phone, it’ll save you 20% today. I handed her my flip phone and she looked at it like it was a grenade–I took it back, flipped it open and her jaw dropped… I didn’t not get the ap…LOL
LOVE THAT! Ha!!! I’ve had mine for I think 15 years total. At some point, I did have to replace it, the hinge on one side was gone.
When I took it in to get replaced….the 20 yr old gave me the same reaction! LOL!! I love it. The little girl got on the phone to corporate, and did get my bill cut in half; so I do need to credit her for that.
I’m now on some “long-time Super Customer”
thing….cause I don’t text. LOL! She was trying to talk w/o me hearing…It was hilarious. Then when she told me about my “special” plan…I said..”You mean I’m on the little old lady plan” She froze in panic…….I laughed all the way out the door!
lol…love it!
The Granny Planny 🙂
I don’t have a smart phone, I have a 21-year-old phone, Nokia 6210i, that has a standby time (that used to be) measured in weeks (needs a new battery). It does claim to do Internet, but at something like 2 bits per minute or so 🙂 No apps, no nothing, just a solid, reliable, “dumb phone”. It even floats in snow (OK, almost) having been dropped and punted by accident after shopping. Dried it off and cleaned it up, and it still works fine. Don’t think there are any i-Things that could do that. Although Caterpillar makes phones…wonder it they run on Diesel…
Only problem is it doesn’t/can’t do WhatsApp, which my hard-of-hearing son uses, so eventually I’ll have to break down and get something that can do that. Sigh…
Long live old tech!!! (And Old Techines 😀 )
(Steampunk, (Anchor) steam beer, and Wild Wild West [the original])…
sending out an SOS on the Gab thing…when you have a moment…
Hi BigMamaTEA …. 😃🤚❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ … 🤗❤️
Howdy friend!!!! How ya been?!!!
Good thanks and you?! ❤️
Very good! Trying to finish up some research project things and then get ready for the campaign.
Bernie is coming here on Sunday, to a Park. I have no idea why…LOL!
Ahhh nice 🙂🤚 …. ugh .. 😑 … maybe your city can turn of all the lights and Bernie will just fly over and not land … what a waste of oxygen .. 😜👍
I’m tempted to slather on all my Trump gear and take a stroll through! LOL!
Oh that would be epic LOL‼️‼️ … be sure to wear protective clothes under your Trump regalia … be safe and mess with them .. LOL 😆🤚‼️❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️
HA! You were supposed to talk me out of it! LOL!
Aww where’s the fun in that … heck I’ll join ya for a roustabout … lol … (incognito though .. 🤫) ..❤️
We were off grid till the damn tribe came in with GPS just to hook us up to power last year,smart meter and all.
The asshats got pissed when I told them to pass us up on electricity because the federal government already gave them grant $$$$.
Life was so much easier before power.
Thanks for saying that. I was beginning to think that I was the only one in the world without a smart phone. 🙂
Hubby had the same flip phone for years and years (pre-paid annual minutes plan…terrific deal), but finally ATT told him they could no longer service it so he was forced to get another phone…still a flipper. It has a couple more features, but basically…well, basic. 😂
Looks like there are several here that belong to the flipper club…badge of honor. Maybe that’s another common denominator at this QTree!…aka…independence.
Methinks Polly watched The Kingsmen too many times.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention. This sucker needs defictionalization pronto.
I had never bothered to see it, or give a shit about the plot, because the ending (exploding heads) seemed so funny and ridiculous. But based on what’s in Wikipedia, it looks like they may have been using it to fictionalize lesser realities.
Great tip!
What I liked about both Kingsmen movies, is that the villains in both are crazed billionaire Leftists.
Wiki doesn’t mention that, of course.
HA! I may really need to watch this now! 😉
They’re both good…but you need to watch the first one 1st, so you’ll know things in the second one.
Good production values, good action sequences, cool gizmos and gadgets.
And…something I always like…Humor under fire.
Vigilant Citizen warned about this film years ago:
Yep. VC is an excellent place to see what the illumis are doing to our culture, and attempting to do to us. MK Ultra is but one of many areas of analysis, along with Hollyweird, the media, politics (and the interrelationships thereof), and topics like spirit cooking, the banksters, and what they’re doing to our children via TV and other media. and (Brave New Scnools) are very good, too.
I have a candy-bar Nokia 6210 (got it 20 years ago during the Y2K era where I was managing large projects around that and couldn’t be without it – it did come in handy, as we found “issues” that would have wreaked havoc. “Y2K Bug”? No, just code still in use that folks never thought would be in use so long, from days where memory cost was measured in 100,000s if not millions… ahhh, those were the days.
Nevertheless, the “Dinophone” still does everything i need, but it’s protesting that it wants a new battery.
Somehow I can’t see putting my whole life on a phone, and just to make myself feel important, have it spew my “status” to anyone and everyone, whether I want it or not (and when not, still the gubmint and others can track it). Yet, a lot of folks simply CANNOT be without their phones; it’s almost a genetic attachment. Seems to have come along with the “Me Generation”, I guess they have the need to feel important.
Well, Yuppies, EVERYONE’S IMPORTANT and it doesn’t take a phone to make it so…
(Had a manager who carried three phones and a beeper for a while – regular work phone, duty mgr. phone, personal phone, and escalation beeper – one day we rang them all at once – engineers testing proof of concept, doncha know 🙂 )…
The only downside to my Dinophone is that there are many things for which “an app” is required. Well, tough. I can deal without them. And also without NFC “payment” devices (or Amazon’s Dash button or whatever it’s called). The opportunities for abuse are just too widespread… Not to mention the “soft tissue” cooking that goes on. No Bluetooth := no handsfree. No problem…. Don’t need a bluetooth earpiece to look like a dork, I can do that all by myself 🙂
okok I have a smart phone hubby got it for me said my other phone was way to old and when he txts me he would like a reply lol! I use it for nothing but texting him,and when I am driving to pick my son up from work I listen to x22 report. That’s it,
The 4G phones EVEN in AIRPLANE MODE are constanting sending location status to any nearby towers.
For many new phones (e.g., Androids from Guulag or iPhones from APPle) a fully POWERED OFF phone placed in a shielded bag (e.g. aluminum foil bag) may still be collecting GPS or kinetic LOCATION data from a phone.
Used to be that you could pull the battery to stop that… with soldered-in batteries, that’s not possible…
Hmmm… maybe THAT’S why they’ve gone to non-replaceable batteries…
( is a good site for this sort of stuff)
(good to read before having to make a new site, 🙂 )…
I’m not all that familiar with VigilantCitizen’s writings…is he/she always so pro-Arab?
Their warnings about the Kingsmen were unwarranted, IMO.
The Kingsmen seem more like good guys who secretly work against the bad guys/cabalists.
Fashioned after Knights of the Round Table…hence their use of names like Arthur and Galahad.
I didn’t see anything “occultish” about them…or with their counterparts, the Statesmen, in the US, which came into the story in the second movie.
No, they’re (he’s) actually Pro-Christian, but tries to be “balanced” at times, which might explain that. Not sure about the really old articles. And yes, there’s occult in a lot of things we don’t take notice of, for instance Corporate Logos, Lucent’s (red Ouroboros, snake eating its tail) as only one example. I have to wonder what HPE (or their logo team) were thinking when they came up with that green rectangle. Maybe it means “chairman of the boredeom” (obscure ref to their old marketing, where, one wag wrote, they’d sell Sushi as “cold dead fish”)…
The banksters/illuninati/elites love to talk in code and symbols, and send messages to each other. Maybe an extension of the old Cap’n Crunch Decoder Ring, or, more likely, hidden (gnostic) knowledge that makes them separate, and therefore better than everyone else. Numberology, symbols, and word games are only part of it, and the bits sticking out in the entertainment industry (Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus,K-POP and others) are just the tip of the MK Iceberg. Monarchs and Butterflies, and Beta Kittens, oh no… (or ONO)…
Here’s a pic of Madonna from the Eurovision “Awards”, for example:
The church shooting part (covered at the end of the article) seems like predictive programming for all the church mass shootings that have happened over the last few years (Charleston, Texas, TN). I’d expect nothing less from Hollywood to portray Christians as a bunch of bigots and then make mass shooting a church while yelling “Hail Satan” seem cool. You know darn well they would never use a mosque or synagogue in a sequence like this. More dehumanization propaganda.
Wow – she’s thinking the same things I am. Yes, she’s right.
And only a fool puts those “home” devices in their home. Scary a.f. when you’re a “political criminal” to Silicon Valley like us.
My worries about the EM “per se” are not terrible, because I’m not subject to pain or discomfort. However, I’ve been involved in several strange incidents that seem to be related to cell towers. Both of the two most serious incidents are “scientifically explainable” with technology significantly better than our own – specifically the demonstrated Roswell headband technology on humans (or animals) and high levels of computation. I don’t need to do a post – I think the White Hats know exactly what I’m talking about.
If this can be achieved through “hijacking” of cell towers, then we need to be careful.
I am suspicious that our tech can be “abused” by people who know how to use it better than we do. I believe that Trump taking control of 5G is the RIGHT THING.
5G will allow PERVASIVE tracking of individuals, but it would also allow the technology I suspect is being used to expand. The situation will be worse than what we have now, although we could also build it RESISTANT to their EM abuses, which is something talked about repeatedly by Corso. Thus better US than CHYYYNNAA.
I am torn, obviously.
Smartphones offer enormous convenience, but until I see justice for all the abuses I’ve seen, I just don’t trust this pervasive system as actually serving us – or could flip back to Cabal control if bad things happen.
NSA data was abused against me. However, I believe that “good guys” are now in control. Things have been quiet – knock on wood.
Torn. Thinking about a “dumb phone”, but even that is going to be deeply trackable under 5G, and I suspect that “better tech” (major euphemism there) can weaponize dumb phones just like cell towers.
So part of me thinks we’re better off going “TECH FORWARD AND HARD”, than we are by retreating.
iPhone 11 has the Roswell viewport tech in the camera (night vision flat screen). That’s what I’m thinking – push the forces of good forward, because retreat is the WORSE option.
Interesting times.
I think that woman who moved to Green Bank in West Virginia to get away from all the EM has the right idea. Radio silence, along with not being cooked by one’s environment. I prefer to be the one doing the cooking (even if sometimes I end up having FUBAR for dinner 🙂 )…
Found an interesting (albeit probably dated) chart over at stackexchange, in this discussion: along with the comment
(gotta love the “take this pill or else attutude ‘trust me’ ” … not).
for the full pic):
Here’s the chart (link at
Reminds me of our “landline” – which now after pressure from our internet provider is no longer the landline it was. They deceived us. Constant mailed reminders that they would no longer be providing repair services for our landline (hadn’t needed any in 20 years) – but assured us we would still have a landline, just that it would run on the digital system. If power out, I’d have 8 hours of usage.
Nope. A lie. Power goes out, modem goes off, and guess what? No landline function. I still use it with an answering machine for all business. Finally got a smart phone last December – had son’s old Nokia candy bar phone) but because of the grandchildren pictures… gave in. No apps on phone either.
I make sure to tell docs’ offices it’s a landline, DONOT text the number. 🙂
Scott, why do I drive an 18 year old Hyundai Santa Fe – cause I don’t want a computer on my dashboard. Neither do I want to feel like I’m in the cockpit of an airplane.
Same thing over here; it’s VERY DIFFICULT to force the Telekom (or other vendors) to provide a standard “land line” connection, i.e. one that’s not IP telephony. The Central Offices have used IP internally, and on the trunks, for years now, but, sadly, the “last mile” is now packets as well (along with all the good and bad that that brings). I was thinking of getting a UPS just to see if I could keep the phones going with my Fritz!Box and ISDN phone powered up, but then I realized that the DSLAM (the big junction box down the street) probably wouldn’t have power either 🙁 Of course the Uninterruptable Power Supply is good for other things…
With IP telephony, some services (fax, burglery alarms, MedAlert(?), etc.) have problems, or just don’t work. Technology for technology’s sake (aka “HEY; LOOK AT ME – I JUST GOT A BRIGHT AND SHINY NEW TOY”) is a total waste of time and money IMHO. Technology that helps (e.g. medical or assistive in some way), on the other hand, is well worthwhile…
Another thought: these interface devices (DSL routers) are similar to “smart” phones in that they have a TON of functions and “intelligence” build into them, and, like all the i-Things, are capable of watching our every move (and call, and data packet, etc.). My Fritz!Box, for instance, is not just a DSL router, it’s a DECT phone “zentrale”, an internet switch, a media center, a NAS (network-attached storage) device, an ISDN hub, an analog telephony hub, and a bunch of other functions I can’t remember right now 🙂 (maybe I should steal some of its memory for me… ).
But, with all that, it “watches” everything. And it can be remotely configured by my Internet Service Provider. Finally, when we’re without power, it’s “powerless”. Not such a “smart” device after all…
We had some friends that had one of those old phones with the crank on the side, with a dynamo to provide the set up voltage for the call. Worked even during power failures when everyone else’s phones were down (even though the Local Offices had their 48v. battery banks).
Over here, we had a phone in the computer room with a red button on the bottom. I asked, “what does this do? Blow something up? :)” The answer was, not, the “E” next to the button means “Erde” (earth), and the phone could set up a call with just one side of the telephone circuit, using the Earth as the other side! I tried it once, and it was weird, as you could almost hear the circuit pushing its way through the earth to the Central Office. But that was 35 or 40 years ago, probably that’s long gone, too…
When we had 3 hurricanes and power was off for 2 weeks…our landlines was the only thing that worked! How was this possible? Cell towers were gone.
IP Telephony and landlines don’t use the cell towers: they either use the old POTS infrastructure (copper and some fiber) or fiber. No 4G or 5G (though they’re tryiing that here with LTE to fake people into thinking their internet connection is faster than it really is). So unless buried cable (or pole-mounted cable) is destroyed/damaged, it should work, for the most part (barring flooding, shorts, broken cables, etc.)…
Buried fiber is probably the most reliable, until some idiot digs through it…
Buried lines is exactly what we had…as we do now. One reason we still have a landline…it’s bundled and therefore not worth eliminating. Thanks for the explanation.
Having a DECT phone system in your home is the radiation equivalent of having a cell tower in your home.
German doctor was sent many patients with symptoms of an unknown cause when they first came out. Every patient that removed the phones/base station from the home had symptoms resolve, EXCEPT for those underneath a cell tower/mast.
I have DECT turned off, never used it. And my main DSL router has WiFi off as well. I only have a mini WiFi router (Fritz!Box 4020) for my son’s i-Things, otherwise I wouldn’t have any WiFi at all… I’m über-paranoid/cautious about ANY and ALL electromagnetic radiation. I was just listing all the stuff the (big)Fritz!Box can do (sad to say, it doesn’t have covfefem G&T, or Margarita interface – maybe next release, Fritz!OS 8.0 or something).
What’s almost frightning is the number of networks we can “see” from our house, probably because we live on a hill (no comments about the fool on the hill 🙂 ). We have one source of electrical noise down the hill from us that appears to be coming from the Telekom’s site, which I suspect is 5G testing. Oh joy (not). Like the old labels said, “this device must accept interference, blah, blah, blah)… Well, maybe it has to, but I don’t. Then again, I can’t afford to put the house in a Faraday cage (Thank God it’s Faraday???). Maybe get some copper- or aluminum-based paint… or wrap the house up in tinfoil (and a bow on top .) ), and REALLY tick off the neighbors with the refections. Maybe get someone else to do it and see if would could get a LASER or MASER effect “writ large”…
Ironic that the Bio/health-nut/Vegan green-dominated folks here don’t bat an eye at all the EMF they’re pumping into the air, etc.
I have a smart meter less than 20 feet away pointed at the Kitchen. Asked the neighbors if they’d replace with non-radiating. They checked and the solar company said, no, have to have it. So indeed I did build a nice 12′ wide and 7′ high redwood panel with very think reflective aluminum 12′ x 4′ sheets on the side towards the fence.
To think, those smart meters are on the sides of houses, sometimes right of the head of a person’s bed. Many have gotten sick, often just weeks after installation.
Living biology responds most poorly to fast transitions (square waves) and smart meters put out some of the shortest and highest powered pulses you can find.
Funny thing with the waveforms – it may turn out that those of us who prefer analogue sound (LPs, etc.) are not so crazy after all. An old feud (fugue?) that goes back to the beginning of transistor amps/preamps, IMD, and other distortion…
Could be the square(d-off) waves precipitate high-order harmonics that we detect or even “hear” that no-one ever thought about…
I want my tubes and AM radio back – none of this DAB crud…
TETRA and Digital T.V. are filling the UHF bands with chaotic waveforms now.
I think the saturation of all bands is a bit like living at a 24/7 heavy metal rock concert with no breaks. Nervous system has to adapt or be lit on fire all the time.
Where they are going to get us, eventually, is in planned obsolescence. My “smart” phone, which has none of the popular apps on it on purpose, will not work on the network after December 31. It’s five years old, and, yeah, the battery is shot, and the data is slowing it down. BUT because of my business needs, I have to be able to send pictures, and text, etc. I also need my own phone number and to be “on call” for family. That doesn’t mean that I have the phone on me 24/7. I keep a paper calendar, too. Notes are hand written.
The big thing about them, is to stick to talk and text. Weather and sports if you have to know things. Otherwise, they are entirely too invasive. And there’s an app for EVERYTHING. I’m sorry, but the NSA just does not need to know women’s fertility signs and cycles. And, yes, there are apps for that.
I want to be very clear on this.
There is no such thing as a “dumb phone” anymore.
Even if you are using a retro Nokia phone with no “smart phone” capabilities, the reality is that it is still an embedded system with a microcontroller and software.
Meaning, a dedicated developer can still embed software capabilities within the device.
It may not be on a “data plan” but if you can take a phone call, you can receive data. In telecom speak, every B channel needs a D channel. Every phone still talks to a data channel for signalling. Every phone and pager still has the capability of receiving text messages even if the UI or the phone plan shows it isn’t “on”.
Sure the masters of the universe love newer gadgets and gear. Hire any grad/H1B programmer to develop new capabilities for smartphones, the entire toolkit is native and you can just push python scripts. But it doesn’t mean other designs are safe.
Don’t overestimate smart phones and don’t under estimate dumb phones. 15 year old telecom capabilities are more of a cause for concern than big brother monitoring your fitbit.
B/c the bad capabilities existed even before anyone – even Steve Jobs – knew what a smart phone was.
The very fact that they can track you from cell to cell to cell and have IMEI and other ID data from your phone is cause for concern. Cellphones by definition are tracking devices…
But my 21-year-old Nokia has about as much processing power as my 12-year-old fridge, and probably less memory 🙂 It has no capability for added memory, and the storage for anything downloaded from the web (W@P, anyone) is all but non-existent. Even the smallest (and “dumbest”) of smartphones is orders of magnitude more capable than my poor old 6210i…
The big thing over here is (DSL) router hacking, as all but a few devices run some flavor of *x as their OS, and can be overlaid (usually without jailbreaking/rooting) with ine of the open router OSs or something more creative. Same goes for phones. AVM has been working to shut this down on their Fritz!Boxes, but there’s still ways to do it. The fact that the EU wants everyone’s home DSL router to be a WiFi hotspot isn’t helping things any… grrrrr…
Think I’ll change my network name to “Jennings” and see how long it is until someone figures it out…
(German pronunciation of WLAN)…
Anyone with privacy or security concerns will be using a Cable or DSL modem they purchased themselves. It should have ZERO wireless hardware built in. After that basic interface box needs to sit their HARDENED gateway router, preferably setup so all traffic goes to their VPN/tunnel.
This prevents the two most invasive behaviors of the local internet service provider. No setting up of public hotspots from their equipment in YOUR HOME. And no pilfering your internet usage data that travels through their lines.
This arrangement also hardens against neighbors from sniffing IP packets and hackers from breaking into your router or computers behind the router.
ISPs not only sell your internet usage data, they are known to modify search results for monetary gain.
T³, you’re preaching to the choir. I’ve been doing electronics and IT for 50 years. My router is a Fritz!Box 7590, which has all of the toggles for my ISP’s access and updates shut off. Which frustrates them.
Every so often I let them update (when they ask nicely), but only after dumping memory and config. If I completely deny them access, by their T&Cs, they could cut me off, as could any other vendor here. European “harmonized” access laws… (read: snooping laws). Thanks to the new “Privacy Protections”, for instance, there are now many sites in the USA that I can’t access. No biggie, as I’m not going to subscribe to a VPN to get to them. So far it seems to be mostly media sites, which says something in and of itself there…
I suspected as much Cuppa. But others might read and find some food for thought. The idea that they must have access says a lot about what priorities they are following doesn’t it?
Yep. Back in the ancient, X.25 past, here in Germany, you couldn’t have your own modem(s) at all: they had to be provided by “the Post”, i.e. Deutsche Telekom. If a device (telephone, phone-switch, ISDN-Anlage, etc.) didn’t have the hallowed “FTZ Nummer” (number), it couldn’t be connected to the network, as “terrible things could happen…” (yeah, like there might be actual competition…and better products).
We ordered an X.25 modem (back in the early 1980s) for the data center I put up over here, and I was shocked at the size of the thing. Must’ve been a tube modem, with an old-fashioned power supply complete with a welding transformer in it. It weighed about 20 pounds or so, and IIRC it measured 10x8x30. And we had “much fun” keeping the thing going. Our other sites had much smaller kit (Holland, England, France, etc., most of Europe). But Germany and Telekom were like a dog with a bone. Wouldn’t let go of the monopoly.
It was in those days that I learned to hate the CCITT… Nothing like having geeks and managers from three different countries, with their teleco countrymen arguing about little details of the implementation of X.25. I thought it was supposed to be a STANDARD, not a starting-off point for arguments… sigh… Managed to get some nice concessions on computing and comms kit, at least… But that modem, honestly, could have killed someone if it fell from a rack (or the top of a computer) (don’t ASK) onto them…
Trust God, wolf – He can override any interference in our bodies – so Trust God; not man.
1 John 4:4
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
King James Version (KJV)
I’m kinda figuring that’s why I’m still here! 😉
I’m kinda figuring you are correct in your thinking, wolf – 🙂
Despite the crude name, @internetofshit has been warning people about the dangers of all this “smart” technology for years. I strongly recommend that account.
Excellent steer – thanks for this!
My cell phone is older than dirt.
My first and only ever cell phone – circa 2002.
Had my son’s until last Dec. With the grandchildren coming along, was missing out on the quick pics and contact with my kids, so finally gave in. I hadn’t been texting, even on that phone. 🙂
I may have to upgrade to a smartphone to keep up with daughter’s heart condition to be able to send data to doctor – if she has another bout of atrial fibrillation or other heart abnormal rhythms. I think the new digital heart/pulse/bp monitors will work with the old macbook pro, however.
Her health would be the only reason.
Perfectly reasonable!
Wireless, including phones has been shown to stress the human heart. And increase blood sugar issues for diabetics.
Doctors seem oblivious to this basic research. And FitBits that track your sleep patterns interfere with your sleep patterns.
What could possibly go wrong?
For some of us, it’s not that easy.
I hear you. Family that only communicates by text is common. I have a phone first released in early 2000’s. No photos/emojis. Gets awkward when you never receive their message because non-SMS are binned.
Man, just listening to COMEY on OAN in some interview LYING about Christopher Steele – MAN – that guy is SLICK.
Pathologically slick.
He was trained to do that in the mid-80s. Remember, you are watching a movie.
Do you think maybe these cabal clowns used the Jason Bourne movies as a template? .. 😑🤚
… if so they no doubt think Mickey Mouse 🐁 is real too … 😣
…. and “they” said you couldn’t stack -hit that high .. 🤨🤚‼️
I’ll sign off with this thought.
My desk is piled thick with paper work after my travel time.
Blank for me unless I drop shields and allow DNC and CIA to track me. RATS. No pun intended.
If I get logged back into Parler I’ll post it and share from there. Sorry.
Oh, that’s a good idea!
I just need a new browser, really.
WOLFMOON: If you haven’t seen this, check it out. It involves MKULTRA techniques being deployed on the unsuspecting public via 3-D video technology.
In the early fifties subliminal messaging was considered a national threat due to ease of abuse.
In the early seventies with the advancement of faster than 30 frames a second the threat became obvious.
This is why the FCC was originally established; yet became a tool for Madison Avenue spooks (advertising with government manipulation). It became weaponized giving it a hit rate of well over 70% for educated and at least 90% for lower IQ.
Please remember this was when under 30 frames per minute was the defacto norm for high end projection.
The faster the frame rate the higher the hit rate on behavior modification. Well duh.
The higher frame rates can force emotional triggers with extreme efficiency.
With 60 FPS and spatial audio the hit rate can reach 85 to 90% every time depending on intelligence (99.9+ for low IQ). Once the frame rate hits over 120 (3D minimum threshold IMHO) the success rate is almost 100% across the board.
Gamers are the easiest to manipulate due to emotional vulnerabilities of the targeted consumer.
A gamers undivided attention on the visual signals (along with high emotional state) makes them an easy mark to manipulate.
3D is a malicious programmers wet dream as are fast rate video cards. Subliminal perceptions in marketing (Subliminal hypnosis paradigm) has evolved Neuro-linguistic programming into voluntary servitude.
To the point that Chemical Enslavement (and the additive properties for repeat sales) is just a side gig for low hanging fruit.
We had the tech to make most violent offenders into a passive and submissive shell of their former self about 2+ decades ago. But at the cost of our CIA’s most valuable National Security tool. Yet it is much easier to manipulate rational beings into violent offenders with inserted visuals that are easy to find in non-digital format. With online digital patches this data can (is) a two way manipulation that is accurately targeted to demographics.
Think online history in real time.
Lanza – gamer. Lots of possibilities, including “individualized” copies of FPS.
Yeah, this is all making sense. They had people who never stopped ANY of this stuff.
Random thought.:
Remember the President kept getting roasted for saying “video games are to blame” after last month’s mass shootings?
What if…?
Great points. Vance Packard warned us all, from the 1950s onward, of how we were being manipulated and often fed lies in order to do so. Yet it seems that either people weren’t listening, or have forgotten his warnings.
A subset of his work (all well worth reading) from Wackypedia (yeah, I know…).
1957 “The Hidden Persuaders” – on the advertising industry – the first of a popular series of books on sociology topics
1959 “The Status Seekers” – describing American social stratification and behavior
1960 “The Waste Makers” – criticizes planned obsolescence describing the impact of American productivity, especially on the national character
1960 “Oh, Happy, Happy, Happy” – foreword by Vance Packard, with Charles Saxon
1962 “The Pyramid Climbers” – describes the changing impact of American enterprise on managers, the structured lives of corporate executives and the conformity they need to advance in the hierarchy
1964 “The Naked Society” – on the threats to privacy posed by new technologies such as computerized filing, modern surveillance techniques and methods for influencing human behavior
1968 “The Sexual Wilderness” – on the sexual revolution of the 1960s and changes in male-female relationships
1972 “A Nation of Strangers” – about the attrition of communal structure through frequent geographical transfers of corporate executives
1977 “The People Shapers” – on the use of psychological & biological testing and experimentation to manipulate human behavior
1983 “Our Endangered Children” – discusses growing up in a changing world, warning that American preoccupation with money, power, status, and sex, ignored the needs of future generations
1989 “The Ultra Rich: How Much Is Too Much?” – examines the lives of thirty American multimillionaires and their extravagances.
I read that blind yesterday, and went, what?
Now this makes more sense.
Great link – thank you. Got some big hints out of this. More later.
This is blow your mind stuff.
What a great crowd!
Do you know how many? I wasn’t able to watch last night. Will read the comment thread today. New Mexico, while one of the “poorer” states, is filled with people of faith and family focus. It’s not a godless state.
The venue held 7000 in seating…but with the floor full of people standing, they estimated 10,000 total.
They estimated 2-3000 outside…maybe a bit more.
1. Oh man, Obama/Clinton and their goons must be in full scale panic by now.
How do you know that this story is BS?
Remember – according to the collusion lie, when Obama expelled these diplomats, Russia had their man in the White House.
If that’s the case, why didn’t Trump ask them all back when he was inaugurated? After all, wouldn’t that be one of the first actions he would take? Yes. Yes, it would.
The REAL story?
2. The REAL story is that the ‘FBI comms system’ was likely accessed by Russia and China (at least), via the unsecured Clinton server.
Once they got inside the server of the Sec of State, they likely had access to EVERYTHING.
That’s what these corrupt reporters are trying to cover up.
But truth is coming – and there’s NOTHING they can do about it, either.
We live in amazing times.
The end.
These butterflies sure seem to like this camera:
weird…and so pretty!
Shutterbugs 🙂
Oh wait – those are a feature…
(ducks flying exposure meters, blue-dot flashbulbs, Brownie camera-boxes, and “daylight” filters)…
It must be the color. They’re curious bugs, really.
Wow 😮👍❤️‼️‼️ … that’s beautiful and cool 😎🤚 ….
ty wheatie … 😃🤚❤️❤️❤️
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
For @skhillx3
You wrote:
“President Trump Reveals ***That The First Day He First Came Into Office, General Mattias Revealed To Him That The US Military Was VERY LOW on Ammunition (Very Low As In NONE!!)”
Flightcrew 🇺🇸 on Twitter
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
When my nephew was in the army under Obama, they NEVER had target practice.
No ammunition.
Under Obama, the US Air Force had to find spare parts from museum static displays.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
Ashton Carter lowered and in some cases abolished physical-fitness standards.
For the first time in their history, the Green Berets had fat soldiers.
Trump’s goal is to break the pattern.
We build up the military and then tear it down.
Five years after World War II, we had the Korean War.
We were totally unprepared.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
When the Korean War began, our air force was using mostly World War II vintage equipment, and our ground troops had horrible training.
See, the braniacs at the Pentagon said that the only thing we needed was nuclear weapons.
ICBMs and strategic bombers.
The North Koreans called our bluff. Since we of course couldn’t use nukes on them when they invaded South Korea, we had to rebuild our armed forces.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
This cycle has continued up to the present day.
Trump is gambling that the Third Revolution in Military Affairs (3RMA) will end the buildup-destruction-buildup-destruction of the armed forces.
We now have two Multi Domain Task Forces (MDTFs).
These are army units that fight on land, in the air, on the sea, in the cyber realm, and on social media.
They’re the model for all future combat units of all branches of service.
Thomas Wictor
By training all members of the armed forces to fight the same way, we will be able to survive the election of anti-American presidents.
You can’t put the multi-domain genie back into the bottle.
We can thank Israel and the Gulf Cooperation Council.
They’re sharing technology that will put us decades ahead of China and Russia.
Tusli Gabbard can cram it.
Trump defeated her.
A member of my family flew the 53-D and the 53-E. Those are big Marine helicopters. The D is Vietnam era. One time, and I want to say W was president, this family member was sent to the boneyard (retirement place for aircraft) to resurrect a D, because the ones in the squadron were being cannibalized for parts. They could only keep so many in the air.
And then another family member is in contact with a Vietnam era pilot. After a flurry of exchanges, it turned out that this older pilot had flown that EXACT 53D either out of Vietnam to the carrier, or from the carrier to another base, or something at the end of the conflict.
It was kind of surreal.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
For @athena12
You wrote, “I love animals a lot but you have to know who’s who in the zoo.”
There was a series on cable about people who had dangerous pets.
These people ALWAYS end up being killed.
Thomas Wictor @ThomasWic
A psychiatrist said that it’s a genuine mental illness.
These people all think that they have a magical ability to communicate with the animal.
We can always count on Canada to lead the way in total insanity.
There was a guy there who kept large cats that he LET ROAM FREE.
Lions, tigers, leopards.
He said the cats were all tame, so they posed no threat.
Thomas Wictor
The Canadian government outlawed owning large cats, and this guy challenged the law on the premise that it was written targeting HIM, since he was the only large-cat owner in Canada.
He won!
The appeals court actually wrote in its opinion that they’d have to wait for the man to be killed and eaten before they could pass the law.
And he was.
Killed and eaten.
Then Canada banned owning large cats.
smh…wow… the stupidity!!
Reminds of this guy…

And let’s not forget Steve Irwin….
IKR? “let me kiss this croc on the nose…”
what could possibly go wrong?
Steve Irwin was killed by a sting ray not a crocodile. Still senseless.
But the guy who was eaten by the grizzlies, yeah, that’s a Darwin thing.
Technically, the stingray didn’t kill him – he killed himself.
Consensus of the medical experts was that the impaling of his chest by the stingray was quite likely survivable if he had simply cut the stingray from its ‘stinger’ and swam to safety (boat or shore). But he pulled the stinger out of his chest, not realizing that it had pierced at least one chamber of his heart.
He promptly bled to death in less than a minute (estimated). The first responder rule is to never remove the foreign object that impales. Instead, leave in place and let the ER docs remove it.
My point, though, is that it was not a croc. And the stingray had no clue what it had done. A bear or croc sure as hell would.
Stingray spines sting a lot. Instinctive to pull it out. Stingrays are not considered dangerous or aggressive but Steve had pushed the boundaries for a long time. The Timothy treadwell guy . Complete failure to observe the changing situation. Bears were hungry. Strange bears moving in . Had a very hard death though, didn’t go shocked and loose awareness. His death and his girlfriends were taped. Bear nearly got a pilot sent to investigate too. Musta been a very hungry bear
It’s good to see them being called out!
———— From the article:
“Chinese technology giants have become deeply enmeshed in Beijing’s system of oppression at home and its increasingly assertive strategic ambitions globally,” said Christopher Ford, the assistant secretary of state for international security and non-proliferation, at a Sept. 11 conference in Washington.
[ … ]
Huawei and ZTE have been punished by U.S. authorities on national security concerns and violations related to Iran sanctions. But this is the first time a top U.S. official has called out the trio of Chinese tech giants, Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent, known as BAT collectively in China.
Both Alibaba and Baidu are publicly listed in the United States, with a combined capital value of around $500 billion.
Ford noted that the difference between state-owned and private companies in China is only nominal, as the country’s National Intelligence Law stipulates that all entities must cooperate and support the Chinese regime’s intelligence efforts.
“Firms such as Huawei, Tencent, ZTE, Alibaba, and Baidu have no meaningful ability to tell the Chinese Communist Party ‘no’ if officials decide to ask for their assistance,” he said. “Chinese technology giants … function as at least de facto tools of the Chinese Communist Party when it matters most.”
[ … ]
In addition to aiding China in becoming an “authoritarian police state,” Chinese tech firms are also an integral part of China’s aggressive national strategy called “military-civil fusion,” according to Ford. In other words, they are developing technology that has both civil and military applications.
It hurts to see what’s happening to Europe.
A purloined journal that is said to contain the names of “hundreds” of victims of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein could be used to reopen the investigation into the multi-millionaire’s appetite for teenage girls, an attorney representing seven of the victims said Friday.
Sharyl Attkisson’s FOIA request for all documents relating to Epstein’s death was denied in full. Interestingly, they cite as one reason it could violate personal privacy. Whose privacy? Epstein’s? Whose personal safety might be endangered? Might it be possible he is hidden away somewhere?
Mike Flynn’s lawyer Sidney Powell is requesting “cellphone and home phone records of former National Intelligence Director James Clapper and Ignatius, as well as records of any interactions between Ignatius and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former CIA Director John Brennan.”
The secret history of Fort Detrick, the CIA’s base for mind control experiments. Imagine all the shit they did, and nothing ever happened to anyone involved. Now imagine that above-the-law status creeping down to ever less powerful aspects of the machine over the intervening decades.
This is interesting. If a volcano, nuclear war, or asteroid blotted out the sun, mushrooms might make a viable food source to keep you alive. Hydroponics might be BTFO. The issue is there will be tons of wood, which is just sugar bonded together in a way we can’t digest it. But fungi have cellulase, which can break those glucose molecules off the cellulose molecule, which could sustain you. I never thought of that, but Mushrooms aren’t bad. You’d need an autoclave and access to wood. He also says rats and insects would work as well.
Fish can be raised in tanks…and there are also varieties of edible seaweed that can be grown in tanks, as well.
So I don’t think we would be limited to eating just mushrooms and rotting wood.
DescriptionAdam Webber (Brendan Fraser) has lived his entire life in confinement in a fallout shelter in Pasadena, Calif. When the Webber family’s rations of food and supplies grow thin, Adam’s eccentric father, Calvin (Christopher Walken), sends him on a dangerous restocking mission. When Adam emerges from th… More
Release date: February 12, 1999 (USA)
The tank she pulls the money 💴 case out of is the fish tank …. fun/quirky movie 🎥 🍿 .. 😛
And what if it’s a ZOMBIE apocalypse?
… well … you mean like the movie Shaun of the Dead … ? …. it kind of looked like they were S.O.L.
except for Shaun’s friend who they kept entertained in the garden shed … lol … 😳
DescriptionShaun (Simon Pegg) is a 30-something loser with a dull, easy existence. When he’s not working at the electronics store, he lives with his slovenly best friend, Ed (Nick Frost), in a small flat on the outskirts of London. The only unpredictable element in his life is his girlfriend, Liz (Kate Ashfiel… More
Director: Edgar Wright
Couldn’t post a movie poster .. ☹️
You know what they’re all singing:
(apologies to Wild Cherry, Steubenville Ohio, and everywhere else 🙂 )…
Good news:
Progressive shmucks.
Filthy fuggin hippies never did like the sign created for them….
“No shoes, no shirt, no service.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.”
Nice to see the AZ SC tell the Lawfare gang to piss off.
We starting to get on bourd with lawfare and getting some runs too. Trump reshaping the judiciary…..this is what happens
Most young people today don’t know anything about those old propaganda videos. True history is no longer taught in our schools.
He’s getting better with his messaging.
I’m really excited about all the renewed attack on Justice Kavanaugh.

RBG must be getting reeeeally close to the big see ya later.
And the dims were so hoping that NC9 was going to be a referendum on POTUS, too. Of course, it was. FOR him, 2-0. Dims lose. AGAIN.
I’m going to thoroughly…T-H-O-R-O-U-G-H-L-Y….enjoy watching them going absolutely APE SCHIFF when PDJT and McConnell confirm a conservative to the SCOTUS during a Presidential election year.
Despite the NYT correction, the Demonrats continue to press for the impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh. Just as they want desperately to overturn the 2016 election they want to overturn the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh.
The NYT did that “mistake” on purpose.
Yep. And the correction is just to cover their legal asses. The story’s already out there though
…. 😃👍‼️ …. 🤭 … 😑 .. 🤫 …
couldn’t resist these…especially after the rally…

Not to mention recording with Dolby A, B, and C [and finding a car stereo that could deal with it, or getting used to the “brightness” of the sound], and then accidentally leaving the tape on the dash… sigh…
I have a couple of pre-recorded tapes of Chuck Swindoll where he now has a five-octave range…in his speaking voice 🙂 nothing like an old, probably stretched tape 🙂
(And who could forget the old eight-track tapes?)…
Chuck Swindoll is so good – always true!
Yep. Among those tapes were two I really thought were classics. One about the blood sacrifices, and their meaning and context (as most of us now have no idea of what all that meant – and if we did, it would make clear what the abortionists and DEMONcRAT Molochites are all about). Pastor Swindoll builds up to an absolutely horrifying, yet instructive and moving explanation of why Jesus’s sacrifice on the Cross was the fulfillment and end for all time of the sacrifices. The other one was about the timeline of Creation, and how the Bible goes back, further, and further, and further (cf. John:1ff), and then even further.
When he was a E-Free Fullerton, he had a tape ministry called “The Shepherd’s Gate” (IIRC). I wish they had those all on CD, or as a set…
Bet if you request it – they either have or will make a CD for you!
His books are uplifting, easy reads, too!
And then there was 8-track.
First husband was the social chairman for his fraternity, ’68-’72. When we moved into the big house, he still had the reel to reel recordings for their frat party music.
OMG, what a treasure.
I had it downloaded and compiled onto a CD, to play for the big birthday parties.
It worked.
Today though, so much easier to get the digital recordings and mix together. Better quality.
Don’t forget when the machine ate the tape and you had to untangle it and rewind it using a pencil
Heyyyy, I had one of those…
(probably still do – inveterate packrat here)… and yep, they were über cool…
okay…you admitted it, guess I can too…I had one—and I thought it was wa-a-a-a-y cool…LOL…altho I don’t have mine anymore—so jealous–you’re soooo lucky! lol
Reminds me of the sequence at the beginning of this 🙂
And I was thrilled to be gifted a box of 48 color crayons, instead of 24! 😂
I remember that too! LOL! THAT was a big deal.
In 5th grade, if you had one of these, you were the bomb.
If you want to stop drugs, illegals….you have only one choice – elect more Trump Republicans!!!!
TODAY – PRESIDENT TRUMP INVADES the socialist sh-t-hole of CALIFORNIA!!!
SHARING, pat – SHARING – NO STEALING – because God said so – not me!!!
Kavanaugh Impeachment…Pastor Marty ! 😀
latest, yesterday !
The leftist estupidos are kicking up a big stink in advance of RBG’s demise and/or retirement.
You are on a roll this morning, BigMama…good stuff.
Got butter, Mama?
QUESTION: Are we already there?
… 🧐 … uh-oh too late …. 😫🤚‼️
oh my goodness…this is funny! (h/t citizen817 OT)
That’s just scary, pat!!! Many a truth is said in jest!!!
I’m Bob—and I never agreed to that stuff either!
I also sacrificed and put myself thru college and repaid my loans…and years later, we helped our children get thru college and they are repaying their loans…and now I’m supposed to help freeloaders pay for their gender studies degrees?
No way, pat!!! Question: Don’t these numbnuts know Breadline Bernie is a millionaire – who lived off of 3 women – and did not have a job until he was elected to Congress at 53? If not, somebody needs to tell them – he’s a bum!!!
(smiling) don’t worry…IF he becomes the nominee, I’m sure POTUS and Parscale will educate EVERYONE…LOL
Oh, yes – and won’t that be fun, too! But, that will never happen – he will take the payoff and bow out – as he did from the wicked witch – I’m betting my pennies on Warren – however – they still could have some ‘surprise’ awaiting us in the wings – cannot even imagine who that could be – but, no matter – it’s gonna be a LANDSLIDE FOR TRUMP!!!
you don’t think they are silently grooming Moochele?
NOPE – people already know he’s a tranny – Joan Rivers told us – can you imagine putting him up against Trump – it would be ‘manslaughter’ – LOL
I can see it now…Michael…er Michelle…walks on stage..Trump shakes hands..then says..what the hell is that print down there?…pointing….fade to black…election over. LOL
Not sure to what you are referring, prog – but, if it has to do with anatomy – PT would not stoop to that level – he will – however – demonstrate the total lack of experience of any Dim candidate – who will spout out ‘free stuff’ without a plan to pay for it – they cannot defend ‘Open Borders’ with any statistical financial benefit – they cannot justify ‘Medicare for All’ when O-Care was a bust – they cannot defy the 2nd Amendment – because it is in the Constitution – they cannot justify paying off ‘student loans’ without a plan to pay for it – they cannot defend Welfare for non-citizens – when Americans are living in the streets – they cannot say they did anything to help Blacks, Hispanics, and/or Women when they did nothing but, propose abortion to eliminate them – in other words – every city under Dim control has gone to ruin – how do you justify that – they have no defense for the programs they are proposing – putting everyone on the government dole benefits no one but, them – and that should be obvious to most Americans by now.
Agreed, Whomever the dems send up will be cannon fodder, especially with the far left policies. As for the first part, I was being facetious…sort of. “Michelle” would NEVER run against Trump…NEVER. Trump may not stoop to that “intentionally” but he might inadvertently (grin) . Even if Trump took the high road, that would not stop one of US from pointing it out. Their policies are their downfall though.
Absotutalutely, prog!
Driving down the road I saw an old beat up car driven by a man with unkempt white hair flying about. He had a Bernie sticker on the dented bumper.
Don’t quite know why it hit me so hard but I must have followed that car for about 5 minutes laughing out loud. The laughter would come in waves every time I took another look at that guy in that car with that bumper sticker.
What a has-been!
How’s Bolshevik Bernie going to comb his hair after the tree-huggers ban balloons???
SPIT on Isssslam.
PISS be upon them!
There is also an Irish St. Columba:
Both brave warriors for Christ!
St. Columba, pray for us.
A new one to add to the list.
these are great!!!!!
EAST AND GULF COAST Q Treepers – keep eyes open!
Hmm…they’re not saying what the cause was, of the explosion and fire:
———— From the article:
One of the world’s largest virus research centers, located in Siberia, was reportedly engulfed in flames after a sudden explosion rocked the secretive compound, known for its stores of Ebola, HIV, anthrax and other strains.
[ … ]
The laboratory is known for having developed vaccines for Ebola and hepatitis, as well as for studying epidemics and general issues surrounding immunology. During the Cold War, it was thought to be part of now-defunct Soviet biological weapons program, meaning that some of the most dangerous strains – including that of smallpox, Ebola, anthrax and certain plagues – are still being kept inside the Institute’s building.
[ … ]
Reports by local authorities were conspicuously light on detail, with various sources suggesting it was a gas blast that had triggered a fire at the construction site. One construction worker suffered burns to his legs and was taken to hospital for trauma care.
The mayor of Koltsovo, for his part, assured the public that there was no release of hazardous substances in the area. Still, the cause of the blast remains unknown and an investigation has been launched.
I have wondered if the leftist elites would create a world-wide pandemic that only their corrupt ideologues were vaccinated against.
Georgia (Gyorgi’s?) Guidestones, aka Satan’s 10 Commandments (or BeDamnedments):
1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3.Unite humanity with a living new language.
4.Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5.Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8.Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Problem is – they want to exalt man’s wisdom/law/reasoning over GOD’s Wisdom/Law/Commandments/Statutes.
They won’t be happy until they can (falsely) say,
“In the beginning, MAN created the Heavens and the Earth”…
Hubris – pride – fallen, unregenerate nature.
Romans 1:18-32 outlines the Path to Perdition. The rest of Romans outlines the Path back to the true worship of GOD!
One of their many evil plans for humanity – no – I do not believe they are vaccinated – they know what is in those vaccines – they put it there – underground bunkers will protect them – or so they believe – we know better – we have bunker buster bombs – and there is no safe place for the wicked – imho
Definitely a data point for the matrix. Hmmm indeed.
I got this tweet link from Vox Popoli and hope it transfers here properly. It is very funny, about Biden’s “Corn Pop” story:
OK, let me try this:
Once again, here is Weazel Zipper Louisiana Mom’s collection of Nasty Perjoratives and Slurs used by the leftists and RINOs against Trump supporters –
REMEMBER – It’s a list of their own mental state and character traits!
REMEMBER – They go from name-calling
to bullying/intimidation
to persecution (getting you fired/lawsuits)
to violence and murder without any shame or conscience.
To them – their ideology, power and money are what matters most…and oh yeah, sexual gratification of any kind, including child r4pe.
REMEMBER also – when Hillrotten called us Deplorable and Irredeemable – she was perfectly describing her rotten, corrupt self!!!
Verse of the Day
“Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.”
Romans 12:14 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children…Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You…Come to Him
.. 🧐 … 🤨 … 🤭 …. 😝🤚⤵️⤵️⤵️🔜⤴️⤴️⤴️ …. 😉👍❤️
Jebus may refer to: The pre-Israelite, specifically Canaanite, name for the city known as Jerusalem before its conquest by the Israelites under King David. › wiki › J…
Jebus – Wikipedia
… ❤️ …
Or Jebus may refer to: The pre-Israelite, specifically Canaanite, name for the city known as Jerusalem before its conquest by the Israelites under King David.
It’s in the Bible.
Keep looking up!
Absotutalutely, carl!!!
Morning Duchess!
want some coffee?
Hey, pat! Yes, please – Thanks!
God Bless You!!! Have a Blessed Day!!!
happy to oblige…
you have a blessed day as well!
* Big Smile * Tastes so much better!!!
my hubby makes the BEST coffee!
I can never get it right…LOL…
It is definitely an art, pat! Some have the touch – while others – well – are just ‘out of touch’ – I know – speak for myself -🌹
i’ve watched him make it–followed everything he did –but his just tastes better!
It’s a ‘touch’, pat – some have it – others do not – each is good at doing something relatively simple well – go figure – I wonder – I make a hamburger for my bachelor neighbor – he swears it is better than anything he can buy – or make for himself – home-cooked always tastes better – I guess – then, again – he thinks dinner is slapping two pieces of meat between two pieces of bread slathered in ketchup and mustard – lol
it’s so important to find the good…isn’t it?
it could be something as small as telling a cashier they have a lovely smile or complimenting someone’s shoes and politely inquiring where they got them…little things can improve someone else’s day!
i’m sure your hamburgers are delicious!
Exactly, pat! Little things bring big blessings – lots of good things happen when I make a hamburger for my neighbor – I call them ‘meatloaf burgers’ – cause they taste like my meatloaf – lol – he thinks he died and went to heaven – nah – not THAT good – but, I like your idea –
When we are out and about – we miss little opportunities to bring joy to others – I remember one time – when I had to resolve a thorny issue – it bogged me down – but, the lady who was assisting me had the most beautiful smile – and I thanked her for it – made it so much easier to get through the thorns!
“We cannot all do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
Mother Teresa
So true, pat! Great quote!!! Thanks!!!
YW…one of my favorites!
* Smile *
It’s for the mindless minions of the left.
i wonder how big a problem this has been…LOL
Emergency Rooms in California have been ‘flooded’ with the victims.
giggle, snort!!!
Or maybe this one? (Maybe for “the morning after the night before” 🙂 )…
That is freaky!!! Whoa…intriguing…but…really?! LOL!
Takes “Skip to the Loo” to another level, as it were…
Sort of like the street artists (screevers) who use chalk to create very convincing optical illusions on the sidewalks and streets (of London and elsewhere in the UK, at least)…
Aw, why don’t you grow up Cuppa Covfefe? Your silly jokes are getting tedious.
01010001 01010001 01010001 01010001
Oh, so you’re a binary?
Hint: Don’t be such an ASCII (count ’em)…
Just because….. The Eden Rose!
I LOVE ROSES!!! Beautiful picture, GA/FL!!! Sending some to your daughter – from God!!!
this is apparently a video from Europe…not the US. But i am just so amazed at how much stuff these ladies shoplifted and stashed in their burkhas…
Somehow I bet they didn’t do that in their own countries….gosh, a newly learned skill.
i may be wrong, but THAT offense in a Muslim country earns you a hand being cut off…
In case you missed it. 🙂
He’s got guts!
His dancing partner was Hot, Hot, Hot!
Jeffrey Peterson retweeted Marica’s photo of her recent farm purchase:
See his Twitter account:
Tweets by realJeffreyP
Congratulations to Marica and her family! It looks beautiful!
It’s the 100 acre wood! Love it. So happy for you, dear Marica!
Thanks Daughn and ALL!!!! I have been meaning to share with you here at Q tree—I have an awesome Tree for wheatie!!!
Your land is beautiful Marica.
Quick!!! Count all the trees.
Subtract all but two of them, and the two you leave behind better be evergreens.
Remove that pond (except after a downpour).
Now you know what my land looks like.
LOL!!!! Fantastic description Steve!!! Oh–and mine has less fencing (for now)…
Build The Fence!!!!
LOL! Build the Building goes 1st!!
I had to build an (inner) fence before I could do the building…lest cows walk through the concrete pours.
All our “animals” …have Tires!!! LOL!!! are a true blue cattle rustler! !! Qwel!!
I don’t own the cattle, but they graze this area, and this is an open range state–you have to fence them out if you don’t want them. And I do (mostly) want them, the agricultural use property tax rate is thousands of dollars less.
Can I go fishin? please? Pretty please?
That is 1 beautiful farm pond Marica.
Of course tim!!! Stocked with Bass and Blue gil!! You just let me know!!!
I’ll bring the beer, cole slaw and my famous hush puppy recipe.
You ever had largemoth bass? fresh about 1-1/2 pounder fileted?
Hmmmm… melts in your mouth.
Course gotta catch em first!
That’s why they call it fishin and not catchin 😉
I can picture it now, Steve!
Twin Pines (Mall)? 🙂
Well, one is a juniper. So not even remotely twins.
Wow Marica!!!!! Looks great. 🙂
There is a farm in Winnipeg called: the 10 acre woods. Has a cute youtube channel if you like animals.
Me, too. Glad Marica shared her bit of heaven on earth with us.
Just beautiful. Congratulations.
May your days on the farm bring you and your family peace and joy.
Wow! Very nice.
Marica!! Congratulations. It’s beautiful
I smell bass in that pond,awesome pic Marica.
This Corn Pop story for some reason is just hilarious to me. I truly, truly, truly hope Sleepy Joe is the nominee for the laugh value alone:
Yep, I am pulling for sleepy joe also. Moar laughs at his and D-Rat expense.
Sleepy creepy bite me joe biden reminds me of Walter. Jeff Dunham’s curmudgeon puppet.
Walter is funny in a good way.
Sleepy joe delivers laughs in a cringe creepy wierd way;-)
Krusty the Klown…
I know this isn’t what is happening, but I imagine Joe being forced to run from puppetmasters behind the scenes, and he is resisting by self-sabotaging his own campaign…
” You can make me run, but you can’t make me win!!!”
More like I will play like I am losing my mind so that when the shit hits the fan I will not have go to prison angle.
The Biden campaign will be sponsored by Kellogs.
LOL … 😳🤚‼️
So, will he be in primary colors eventually?
Yep, but kind of (ending up) washed-out…
Fade to 0;0;0…
The story is funny. this commentary that appears in The Root blog is drop-dead pee-your-pants hilarious.
“Joe Biden is like 176 years old . . ”
Ohh, this is superb. Going to have so much fun with this meme.
Photoshop Biden into that pic and you’ve got “Fool And The Gang”…
So funny!
Harriott is an amazingly good writer. And I have zero problem with him talking about “white people.” The white people who objected to him talking about white people seemed ridiculous to me.
But equally ridiculous was Harriott reciting a poem by Countee Cullen under the circumstances.
And there is an aspect of Harriott’s pov he completely misunderstands.
Yes, as he says, there is no doubt that black people thoroughly understand white people based on a million experiences. Absolutely true.
But white people (except for la-la leftists) thoroughly understand black people also, also based on a million experiences. Absolutely true. Something Harriott does not get.
At work, I am a distinct minority. Three levels of my superiors are black. My immediate is a black woman the same age as my daughter. In my only negative encounter, a black guy half my age called me a stupid “mofo”. The fact is what I did was stupid and I understood “mofo” has the same meaning and was said with the same tone and intent as if I had called him a “dumb ass.”
I bet Corn Pop knows Booker’s imaginary gang pal TBone
Tona!!!! Corn Pop story is as funny as the Jussie one!!! FYI–PHC changed his name to Tip-C Orn Pop! Has us in stitches!!!😂😂😂
Good name. That would show that “Hands” Biden is a Corn Mash-er…
(not sure if anyone uses that term anymore…).
And the only cereal that Biden gets anymore is All-Bran…
Love it!
To think that for a minute or two, I thought she was the most normal of the democrats!
Tulsi Gabbard to Trump: ‘We Are Not Your Prostitutes. You Are Not Our Pimp’
Tulsi needs to tone the rhetoric down, or resign her Commission in the Reserves.
Military, in or out of uniform, should not be talking about the President with those words on a National forum. Being in Congress does not give her a free pass to violate the UCMJ.
She needs to be reminded of that…can you tweet her?
Personally don’t do TW, FB…
Tulso would not give a damn what I share with her.
It is incumbent on Tulsi’s Commanding Officer, executive Officer and JAG – Judge Advocate General to maintain military discipline within their respective Command.
Well, as we know “official” action is exceedingly slow, but whether she gives a damn or not a reminder from the voters wouldn’t be amiss.
Agree. IF I were still living in Hawaii AND one of her constituents, I’d ping on her.
As a numskull in NV, she couldn’t give two s!h!s what I think.
This reminds me of the woman who is mad because the husband cheated — when he didn’t cheat.
President Trump never “put the US military under the control of Saudi Arabia”
This whole thing is dumb and done for Tulsi to get a headline for her FAILED campaign —– at the expense of our precious and beloved military.
Shame on her.
She could not keep the act up. In the end the bat shit crazy always comes out…it is just a matter of time and finding the right “trigger”
Exactly. They’re ALL either BSC or evil.
Yep, Trump has done a spectacular job of getting them, and the RINOS to drop their masks so we ALL can see them for who they REALLY are. That is another reason they all hate him so much, and he USES their hate against them. They are ALL too stupid to see it. LOL
Yep. As Dorothy Parker famously punned, “You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think!”…
Wonder who is, then, $oro$???
As Tulsi and her DEMONcRAT coven go around searching for the highest bidders, going “Wanna Date? Wanna Date?”…
As Gabbard, et. al. (heyyyy, Heels-Up) flounce around in their not-so-hot-pants, flaunting their warez, it’s no wonder that their accusations/projections against the MAGA folks are always about sex…
One wonders why the fascination with sex, when they hate children so much…..
It’s satan’s new gig – melding the sexes – pedophilia normalcy – trans kids – the whole nine yards, Cuppa.
MSM narrative went out last night – “New Mexico is a notoriously blue state”
Bush won it in 2004.
After the crash of ’08, we all knew the Dem would win. And in ’12, Obama was reelected.
In ’16, chances are, we should have retaken New Mexico, but Gary Johnson was running and siphoned off about 10% of the vote.
Hillary only got to 48.2% in New Mexico.
Trump picked up a little over 40%.
If Gary Johnson would NOT have run, yeah, we probably would have picked up New Mexico.
Same in Minnesota.
Evan McMullin took away 151K votes in MN, and Trump only lost MN by 40K.
5 Electoral votes in New Mexico
10 Electoral votes in Minnesota
They want to push the narrative of “inevitability”. They’ll spin/frame the stories about democrat strongholds, states that Trump can’t flip, Trump losing the suburban voters, Democrats making in roads with youth, and that Trump has no path in 2020 to Electoral victory… a constant non-stop drip of psyops. All MSM and big tech media united in a quest to discourage voters and discredit a Trump win… including discrediting the electoral college system itself…
And in this corner, Trump’s secret weapon, Brad Parscale…
Michael, there you are! Missed you last night but the gang brought plenty of snacks!
Yes I missed out, Mondays aren’t the best for me right now
They tried ALL those narratives in 2016 and got their clock cleaned. Those that do not LEARN from history are DOOMED to repeat it. Or even better. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
Omar continues to be caught…no consequences! Tweet in articles refer to her actual father not her fake family.
” HUGE DEVELOPMENT: New Evidence Emerges That Rep. Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother and is Using a Fake Name
“New evidence has emerged that Rep. Ilhan Omar did indeed marry her brother, and that her real name may actually be Ilhan Nur Said.
A resurfaced tweet from 2013 links to a now-deleted Instagram post in which she refers to her father by the name Nur Said.
“President Donald Trump’s mysterious Bay Area plans for a Tuesday visit may have deviated from the original reports.
Originally, it was thought that he would appear in the city of Atherton for a fundraising luncheon, but a sergeant with the Atherton Police Department told the Mercury News they received word he wasn’t coming.
Nonetheless, CNN reports Trump is now being joined by Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson in San Francisco. Together, they’ll “show support for the idea of homeless opportunity zones” on a “fact-finding mission” to learn more about the crisis, a source with knowledge of the trip told CNN.”
Like we’re going behind enemy lines…. in our own country. This is crazy.
did you get your plumbers squared away from yesterday?
No, problems are migrating, whole house full coming, starting tomorrow night. Had to turn away guests. I’m at my wit’s end.
Ready to walk away from it all.
Unreal stress but completely first world problems.
Have to go to laundry to do clothes, have to boil water to wash dishes. It’s gone on too long. And of course, we are the only ones affected because our system was a commercial boiler system.
so sorry to hear about all of that!!!
Daughn, I feel for you. We’ve got massive settling/drainage problems we gotta face 🙄 but nothing like having it affect your business. Just know we’re with ya 😘❤️
Oh my word! A day or two is tolerable, but it gets old, especially having to deal with a number of people – that just multiplies the problem. Said a prayer for the Lord to provide an answer, if it be his will.
Theyre clising streets in l.a. today. Not sure where he will land. Left is p.o.d about the Beverly Hills fundraiser being so private. They really want to hurt any supporters.
He’s got a pretty full schedule – wonder if anything has changed from this…
Donald Trump – President’s Public Schedule
Shh. don’t tell the dems or MSM but this is a TRAP for them being set by Trump. IF he goes to San Francisco, the MSM WILL cover it, for all the “protests”…In the mean time, Trump will use it to HIGHLIGHT all the no go poop and needle zones…then say something like “THIS is what the democrats and socialism and PC have wrought. They want to turn the rest of the country into THIS. BRILLIANT.
#JoeBiden #debates #RT
Biden lectures African-American parents on their parenting skills
Now all Y’all gotta do is quit feeding your kids turnips, collard greens, and chitlin’s and start feedin’ ’em REAL food, like these here
(picks up box, turns it around)
Best durned food that ever was…
Now where was I…
LOL – Thanks, Cuppa – I needed a laugh!!!
Did he finally realize the horror of what he had done?
Dr. Ulrich Klopfer often visited a pro-life center in the last three years of his life
One can always hope. So many of the leaders in the abortion industry eventually leave and convert, it may have happened.
News roundup has been posted if interested.
So, Fox news reports that Cokie Roberts has died. Not going to comment as my grandma told if you can’t say something nice be quiet.
Complications from breast cancer. I’ll be charitable and leave it there.
A very good thread from Brian.
It fits beautifully into the upcoming 2020 campaign. No, I don’t believe it was deliberate timing to coincide with the 2020 presidential election – but the timing is nice. What went down with the Cabal, Spygate etc. etc. required extensive investigation – meaning time to pull all the threads. I expect we’re going to be happy with the outcome.:)
Oh, and in particular I liked this:
It’s rather stunning that this has to be explained. Strzok, Q tells us is a cooperating witness. McCabe, Brennan and Clapper are all employed at CNN which seems to be a landing pad for those who were Obama people suspected of malfeasance. “Fake news” and all that. Just wait until their insider staff gets arrested for high crimes.
For De Pat!!! From Alison!!!!
❤😍 Thanks,
😘😘 If DP was a little boy….LOL!!! So Precious!!!!
Thank you, Marica 😘😘. I owe ya big time! And DP saw it! Yay 💞
Alison–Ya don’t owe me nuttin!!! 😘😘❣ Super glad you found it!!!!
Yes. I’m actually sitting in one place today.
Although I may have lost my own ability to pray, I still won’t hesitate to ask this: please pray for my brother’s wife and 2 children in the wake of his passing on this morning around 8 am. He will be waiting to greet PHC.
I’m so sorry for your loss Nebraska!!!
I will add your family to my prayers!
I am so very sorry….NF…Will put this (and you) on our prayer wall…
Ps….You just prayed darlin…
It is bred into me, automatic, and will never go away completely and I am good with that.
Big ole Hugs NF… words….❤
🙏 I had noticed your absence here and offer my condolences on the loss of your brother, as well as prayers for peace and comfort for you and for his family. May God bless you all.
You’re still part of the Family! So sorry for your loss, Nebraska, and yes, prayers for your brother’s family. People had wondered at your absence. Had he been ill?
Three years ago, he had a cancerous spot removed from his lung. Had been clear since then until early July, when he began urinating thick blood. Lung cancer spread to his brain and liver. I am thankful that he went quickly – we had been estranged off-and-on through the years but I had visited him twice in the last 3 weeks. Last week, he was talking suicide and I believe I talked him out of it. for the sake of his wife and kids. I rest easy knowing we repaired the damage between us before he passed.
Sorry for your loss and I pray for comfort for y’all
I’m glad that you were able to repair your relationship. That is going to be helpful to not only you, but his wife and children.
Sincere condolences NFilly. Sending thoughts to you and the family.
I’m so sorry for your loss!
I’m sorry for your loss Nebraska … prayers for comfort for your brothers family and for you …. 😔💔 …
Nebraska, I’m so sorry.
I’m so sorry for your loss — prayers for your brothers wife and children and you. I’m so glad you were able to mend your relationship with him before his passing.
NF, prayers for you and your brother’s family.
Jesus said “In my Father’s House are many mansions”. He also said (John 14:27): “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” And John 14:1-3: “14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
Take care and GOD Bless and comfort you and yours…
We will be praying… for you… and your brother’s wife and 2 children. So very sorry for your loss NF…
Have been missing you, wondering where you are… now I understand where you’ve been.
Take care of yourself friend… we love you here at Wolfie’s and are ready to give you support any time you need it… God bless you.
You haven’t lost your ability to pray Nebraska. God knows our heart more than we can know. Praying for you and dear brother’s wife and children.
Sorry for your loss, NebraskaFilly.
Thoughts and prayers for you, your sister-in-law, and her children.
So very sorry to hear of your loss.
Prayer has many forms, I believe, and God knows our hearts, even when we don’t. Be gentle with yourself.
I always tell people this; you know what you’ve been through more than anyone does. So treat yourself like you would treat another whose story is the same as yours.
Bless you, sweetie.
Oh how horrible Nebraska Filly…. Will do.
Have missed you. Glad to see you back.
Didn’t do too great at editing this video. I may try again.
I haven’t had a chance to watch the rally, but the clips I’ve seen show huge numbers of Latino heritage folks – who love POTUS.
I’ve mentioned it previously – New Mexico is a state filled with faith-filled people.
You did real good mot .. 😃👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️ …. thanks so much for sharing … 🤗🥰
Someone is wearing the “Melania is built like a brick house” suit in that picture.
Or was it a “build the wall” suit? Not sure which.
Okay, THIS is impressive. Good for her.
Sarah Thomas: Woman first to swim Channel four times non-stop
A woman who was treated for breast cancer a year ago has become the first person to swim across the English Channel four times non-stop.
Sarah Thomas, 37, began the epic challenge in the early hours of Sunday and finished after more than 54 hours.
Ms Thomas – who completed her treatment in 2018 – dedicated her swim to “all the survivors out there”.
The swim was due to be about 80 miles but because of strong tides Ms Thomas ended up swimming closer to 130 miles.
Ms Thomas, from Colorado in the United States, completed the final leg on Tuesday at about 06:30 BST.
Speaking to the BBC after she came ashore at Dover, the open water ultra marathon swimmer said: “I just can’t believe we did it. I’m really just pretty numb.
“There was a lot of people on the beach to meet me and wish me well and it was really nice of them, but I feel just mostly stunned.”…
Swimmer Lewis Pugh said in a tweet: “Just when we think we’ve reached the limit of human endurance, someone shatters the records.”
More pictures….
I am very much not into fashion…so what made the outfit “girlish”? the pink accents or the short pants?
Melania!!! Methinks She could make a potato sack look fabulous!!😍
she is a classy, savvy dresser…we are so fortunate
Yes … she’s a absolutely beautiful WOMAN/Lady, strong and accomplished … she dresses beautifully … 😍👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
…. and a seriously welcome rescue from lumbering Big Mike and his .. 😑 … cough/cough … accessories … 🤢
Yeah … I had to go get a tums after that … 🤢
eye bleach?
Yessssssss …. 😜👍 …. 😑🤚 … 😎 …
Ahhh. The package…
Return to sender,
Address unknown,
No more (Ø)bozo,
No more phone…
No more having to bleach your eyes 👀 out of your head … 🤨👍 … winner winner chicken 🍗 dinner … 😜🤚❤️‼️
Love her outfit. The short pants almost appear skirt-like.
WOW! 9/17/19 ………………………….Is Constitution Day!!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
continuing with our look at the Dem candidates…LOL
histrionics? LOL
OCCUPY (GITMO) Democrats.
The Intelligence Community is Exploring Long-Range Biometric Identification
On Friday, IARPA started looking for researchers to participate in Biometric Recognition and Identification at Altitude and Range, or BRIAR program, which aims to develop identification tools that work from vantage points high above or far away from their subjects. While the program is still getting off the ground, the tech it seeks to develop could significantly enhance the government’s ability to surveil adversaries—and citizens—using biometric data.
“Further research in the area of biometric recognition and identification at altitude and range may support protection of critical infrastructure and transportation facilities, military force protection and border security,” officials wrote in the request for information.
Teams interested in participating in the program must respond by Oct. 21.
In the request for information, IARPA asked teams for a wide variety of datasets that could help train biometric technology to work in less than ideal conditions. Today, the range of facial recognition and other identification systems is limited by a lack of training data, they said, and more datasets would help researchers build more versatile and powerful tools.
Specifically, IARPA asked for images of individuals taken from more than 300 meters away or at pitch angles above 20 degrees, as well as biometric research datasets captured by drones and other aircraft.
BRIAR…as in the patch where the tar baby is?
why not try it out in…oh I don’t know…prisons or detention camps–where being able to recognize those profiles might come in handy later?
Better yet, make it unlawful to even do it in America, as an incredible violation of privacy and a bunch of other things we DID NOT CONSENT TO.
THis should be interesting…. On a Q day…No less…
Sound up!!! Karli laughs!!! and Corey is gonna get a gif!!!!
Oh, her laugh is so infectious. And what a move by Lewandowski! Too funny. The Democrats are going to be in meltdown… POTUS has Executive Privilege with his staff. They don’t like it – take it up with the Courts.
I cannot wait until the indictments come – maybe a few Congress critters’ names will be on them.
I know Lady P!!! Come It Will!!!
Corey seem worried? NO! Corey seemed concerned? NO! That’s the best part about being a decent, honest good person like our side has – they can take this nonsense and shove it right back at them. Corey’s gif is going to be viral… right up their with AG Barr’s! 😂
And his reference to President Swallwell!!! HA!
Nadler is ridiculous! Gonna be interesting cuz POTUS gave Immunity to 2 of the guys, they’re not even showing up, and Corey has been restricted to Mueller report only. That should prompt a lot of “I can’t answer that” from Corey and splodey heads from the Dems🤯🤯🤯 On a positive note, I really like Doug Collins!! 👍
Hiya Butterfly!!! I don’t know where she gets these clips….but expect MOAR!!!!
I think this insane and wasteful dog and pony show is going to backfire on the Demonrats big time. Everyone watching it on TV will have the opportunity once again to see how petty and vindictive some of the Dems in Congress are. And of course we all know the root cause is the fact they just cannot get over the fact President Trump won the election in 2016.
The only caveat to what you’re saying, Andy, about them not getting over POTUS winning. It’s worse than that – they had plans for the final takeover of the country – and his winning was like us launching D-Day – and we went on to win WWll.
IOW, we’re not fooled that it’s just about the election – it was for all the marbles.
Nailed it Lady P., for all the marbles!
Thanks, phoenix. You know I like that analogy of DJT’s win being the launch of D-Day, though we didn’t realize just how big an operation it was going to be. And we have to win the War.
Failure is not an option Lady P.
Exactly. POTUS is going about this like a General. Maybe Omar Bradley.
Corey kicked tail in His opening statement.
I received thousands of emails, but unlike Hillary Clinton, I never deleted any of them.😂
I’m viewing some of the clips from Karli’s feed. She’s a hoot. Have replayed that gif several times – LOL! Not only that, Corey isn’t taking their garbage. He is dishing right back to them. They insult him – he’s insulting them right back. They’re not gods…
When they were making an issue of him putting a note in his safe, he said “it’s a big safe, there’s a lot of guns in there”. 🤩 He also referred to a certain idiot as “President Swalwell”. 😂😂
LOL – loved that quip about the safe and the guns – almost fell off me chair – I did
“The White House has directed That I not disclose the substance of any conversations with the President or his advisers”
Corey has that down perfectly, keeps offering to reread the WH letter after each question!! 🦋🦋🦋🤸♂️🤸♂️🦋🦋🦋
I love it when the Dems get exasperated with his answers and say, “You’re not being very helpful, sir”. LOL!
WTH do they expect? Do they really expect him to incriminate himself of President Trump?
IMO, the Republicans are doing a great job dragging this shit-show out and showing it to be a gigantic waste of time and energy.
“or” not of
Dems think they’re above the President and the Executive branch. They have nothing but contempt for Pres. Trump. Plus, they are getting more desperate as time goes on and their schemes keep failing. I hope the Q team and patriots in the administration can stay ahead of whatever death and destruction they try next.
True. I just watched a clip of Sheila Jackson Lee – when I’m trying not to vomit, I feel anger. Her sleazy, nasty, vile remarks about POTUS is sickening. Our side couldn’t stand Obama, but weren’t vile towards him – even if he wasn’t Black, we don’t act like that.
I’ve decided we’re going to win in 2020. Yep, that’s it, lil ole me. I’ve made up my mind.
Remember the reception President Trump received in New Mexico last night?
It went on and on and on and on.
He was visibly moved.
They did not stop.
They kept on cheering.
We’ll never give up.
We’re going to win in 2020, whatever it takes.
I believe that too as long as they lock down the potential for any kind of fraud (voter id, machines, ballot harvesting, and cleaning the voter rolls) that we know the dems will do to win.
I am wondering what everyone’s thoughts are on the crowds that they are claiming are showing up for Pocahontas. There is no way she attracted 15k in Seattle and 20k in NYC. Coordinated media messaging and photo shop has to be involved.
That’s why they’re called Fake News.
Looking at the pictures, she drew a LOT of people. There’s a lot of wack-a-doodles in King County.
Bussed in from all over the country for the optics. Paid attendance.
HaHa Liawatha, park can’t hold 20k!!
This is in Seattle, WA
Understand that in Brooklyn, NY (Kings County), 15 to 20 K is NOT a lot of people.
And I’m certain that the claim number is exaggerated (FAKE).
My mistake-the picture is from Washington Square Park in Manhattans Greenwich Village.
My point still stands.
I lived in Seattle for 5 years. It’s a cesspool of liberalism.
For NYC, I could change a light bulb and attract 20K people. Population density makes it easy.
Now….. to drive 3-4 hours, and camp out overnight for a good seat? I can’t see them doing it.
The further out from Seattle/Bellevue, the more conservative it gets. So, no for the camping out, the only people that are coming are within 30 miles and live in the city or close to a bus stop/station. Nobody wants to drive into Seattle, it’s a traffic mess. With all the stupidity that Seattle is engendering concerning traffic and taxes, businesses are fleeing the city. The eastside, (east of Lake Washington), doesn’t have any venues that are capable of hosting large crowds either. There’s no parking, people are “encouraged” to bus in to Seattle, all the bus routes that go to the east side are routed through Seattle which is nuts.
I understand that the location was next to NYU so curiosity and credits could’ve steered the student population toward her for a photo op (or could’ve even been taken during a concert and photo shopped!). Remember the pre-inauguration shots that went around the internet attempting to show that there was a lack of attendance? Optics are manipulated.
Rolling Stones – featuring at intermission ELIZABETH WARREN!!! 🙄
Notice how the scenes don’t go viral. I’m pretty sure the one in Seattle was on a college campus, class credit for going. But they really don’t show the crowd like you’d expect. Don’t know about NYC – likely Columbia University, but again – why aren’t the crowds viral? Should have been lighting up social media – and it wasn’t.
IMO, it’s fake news, and they deepsix the stories quickly, otherwise they’d be keeping them up fired up.
No, it was where it said it was, it looks like they put a stage over the fountain. And yes, there are enough dingbats in Seattle that would go. A lot of people locally really like Bernie last time, and Warren was second. I looked at comments on one of the local Seattle papers, and they were poo-poo-ing the idea about crowd size, that even though they knew they had a big crowd, it’s wasn’t important. (Trying to downplay the size of Trump’s crowds.) The other thing is, that maybe the Dims don’t really want Warren as their selected candidate.
Ok, thanks. Warren may not really play that well on the West Coast. But what do I know.
I’d like the Autists to have a go at the crowds, and check if there was some photo-splicing or other “enhancement” going on.
I have NO trust for either the fake media or the DEMONcRAT party.
Bussed in, free food, “A” for the semester for a 1-unit course. That’s all the SJW Snowflakes need. Just be sure that it’s Vegan…..
I bet members of the public workforce were there on the taxpayers dime.
The other thing I can guarantee, is that people were NOT rowdy, enthusiastic, or wildly supportive. They were politely listening, clapping politely, and politely waiting to get her autograph.
Bingo, as soon as you said it, the lightbulb turned on for me.
That’s it exactly. She’s talking TO them. No active participation.
No cheering, no chanting, no rah-rah.
The crowd is “pained”.
Like Obama when he “lectured.”
OMG, when we look back, now, on those 9 minute long Obama answers/lectures……. wake me when it’s over.
That’s it. No flags, no signs waving, no campaign gear, no homemade signs, no funny outfits, these are supporters. They’re bystanders.
Agree. Something off about the situation. There wasn’t any rally to the rally. Strange. Of course, they’ll all dutifully vote Democrat when the time comes.
I’m thinking the same thing. Fake pictures with fake attendance stats to bolster upcoming fake polling. Maybe the DS has picked Pocahontas as their candidate because Corn Pop Biden has lost it.
I didn’t get to see any of the rally. Is their a video of it anywhere? I’ve been reading about that reception he got. I’ve also seen amazing numbers of Latinos there.
Ohhhhh, Lady P it was a glorious night.
Never expected it.
Never saw it coming.
And then………. the people showed up.
And they kept on coming.
They were LOUD.
They were rowdy.
President was shaken. You could see it.
Unlike any other rally before.
It was great.
There was a poster on here from a “smaller venue in flyover country” about a year or so ago (maybe it was Andy) who said that if POTUS did a rally in the more back country and “off the grid” areas, the response would be MASSIVE. I think that was correct, and exactly what we are seeing here. Our VSG’s most enthusiastic supporters include the “most forgotten” Americans.
If VSG came to Buffalo the crowd would be enormous and stagger all expectations. But there is no reason for him to come to Buffalo.
Who knows? Maybe a “Titanic sinking” strategy could WIN New York from West to East.
More to that point, I believe that the Pittsburgh MK “Gab shooter” at Tree of Life was very intentionally used as part of a KGB-CIA swing state strategy, working on the WEST end of PA, where Trump support is strong.
I hadn’t realized how close New Mexico was in 2016 – except for the spoiler thrown in. But having lived in the Durango, Colorado, known as the Four Corners area, had a lot of contact with people of New Mexico. They’re very religious – and if the Dems can be exposed for the Evil they’re doing – those people will vote for POTUS.
Late term abortion, up until the moment of birth, may be the wake up call needed for the Hispanic community.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
President Trump Rally in Rio Rancho, New Mexico
President Trump held a campaign rally in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. He talked about several issues including the economy, immigration and border security, and new sexual assault allegations made against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Something he was able to answer😂😂😂
What a waste of our money.
We should start a campaign to bill back these morons on the waste of taxpayers money … I mean really …. 😡 … make them pay for the crap they’re doing …
There must be a law somewhere for that … nip it in the bud … harrumph
Well, good!!! If they were actually legislating right now, it’d be something bad.
LOL. Interesting that a WH correspondent would say that. Seems everyone can see through Nadler & co.
R.I.P. Cokie Roberts
Communicating God’s Truth
SEPTEMBER 17, 2019
Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
You’ve probably heard people say, “That may be true for you but not for me.” Genuine truth is not relative. Nor is it a part-time phenomenon. So, when Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6), He meant it for everyone. The rock-solid principles that God has communicated should be shared with others.
We see this admonition repeatedly in Scripture. In Matthew 28:18-20, the Lord gives us what is known as the Great Commission. This is a charge for all of us who believe: We’re to go out and spread the truth about Jesus Christ, teaching others what we have learned.
Likewise, in 2 Timothy 2:2, The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Paul instructs Timothy not only to tell others what he has learned, but also to encourage those men to tell even more people. And Paul elsewhere states that we, as believers, are “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God). In other words, we are His emissaries to the world. We are to take what we know and make it known to those we encounter. For what purpose? The passage makes it clear that our mission is to help others be reconciled to God.
How can we ever doubt the urgency of this message? We have a truth to tell, and we must share it!
This week, take the time to write out your faith story, and review it so you’ll feel comfortable and confident sharing that testimony with others. Pray for opportunities to share how God’s love has changed your life. Then trust the results to the Lord.
Dr. Charles Stanley
Look who posted the original twit.
POTUS doesnt need to go to San Fran to see “homeless”. The problembusnt homeless and available places. The problembis vagrancy, drug use immigration from other states, and generalbcriminal hehavior bc there are zero consequences.
By the way, my local park had birthed new vagrant residents. The city doesnt want them and respond as needed. Having a lot of calks to the area, peopke are scared, its also mixed use with a school that uses its fields.
Guess what is nearby that no one really knows about? A methadone clinic.
…. Colin Kaepernick …. 😳 …. 😑🤚‼️‼️ …. I rate that a six barf award … 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 ..
… 💩👍 …
… 🤨 …
…. Maxine … 😛🤚❤️ …. 🔽 …
Don’t know if the first one will post .. 🤞😟
Well … the first one was a spectacular dud … 😑🤚
…. I’m taking my toy box to Flep’s news roundup … 😜👍‼️‼️‼️🇺🇸‼️‼️‼️❤️🤨
Heh heh … 🤫
why not? i do it when family comes over…LOL
… 😇👍 …. bwahahahahahah … 🤫 …. ❤️ …
I watched this Comedy Central network Roast of Alec Baldwin last night and liked it for the most part. It has been repeating on the Comedy Central channel. lately.
Be forewarned it is NSFW, but ii sure had a ton of zingers for Alec Baldwin, Robert De Niro, Caitlyn Jenner, Blake Griffin, Jeff Ross and Nikki Glaser.
funny as sh*t…
BWAHAHAHAHAHAH …. 🧐 … 😖🤚 … I just can’t unsee that now …. aughhhh 😰🤢 …. tums, more tums …. tons of tums …..
sorry…one of those caught me by surprise and I had to laugh things…
…. well … I for one want to know just WHEN is this pud’s 10 seconds is up …. 🤨 ..
close the video after 10 seconds … 😳🤚 …. it’s sooooo boring .. 😐
Another rapidly-developing tropical system is expected to bring large amounts of rain to Houston. It won’t be as bad as Harvey, but anyone in a flood-prone area over there needs to prepare.
Tropical Trouble: Imelda to Drench Texas Coast
“In an exceptionally busy morning, NHC started advisories on Tropical Depression 11 just two hours after Tropical Depression 10 (more on that system below), then quickly upgraded TD 11 to Imelda just 45 minutes later.”
It’s expected to drop 400,000 pairs of shoes shortly after making landfall…
… lol … 😋
Gaetz destroys the lying entrapment HOAXER Dems.
As several people here predicted following the Saudi drone attack, the local news is full of “gas prices spike!” headlines. Sick people trying to start a recession…
Meanwhile Saudis themselves are saying “no problem – back to normal”.
Funny, isn’t it, how gas prices always shoot up fast right after any little crisis, then take forever to go back down once it’s resolved?
I was watching, but no rise at gas station here.
Went to $62/barrel yesterday, up 12%, but down 6% today.
Sounds as though the welfare roles could stand a little more trimming….
The Cato Institute released an updated 2016 study showing that welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 33 American states, and the District of Columbia.
Even worse, welfare pays more than $15 per hour to stay home in 13 states.
According to the study, welfare benefits have increased faster than minimum wage.
It’s now more profitable to sit at home and watch TV than it is to earn an honest day’s pay.
Hawaii is the biggest offender, where welfare recipients earn $29.13per hour, or a $60,590 yearly salary for doing nothing.
Here is the list of the states where the pre-tax equivalent “salary” that welfare recipients receive is higher than having a job:
1. Hawaii : $60,590
2. District of Columbia :$50,820
3. Massachusetts : $50,540
4. Connecticut : $44,370
5. New York : $43,700
6. New Jersey : $43,450
7. Rhode Island : $43,330
8. Vermont : $42,350
9. New Hampshire : $39,750
10. Maryland : $38,160
11. California : $37,160
12 Oregon : $34,300
13. Wyoming : $32,620
14. Nevada : $29,820
15. Minnesota : $29,350
16. Delaware : $29,220
17. Washington : $28,840
18. North Dakota : $28,830
19. Pennsylvania : $28,670
20. New Mexico : $27,900
21. Montana : $26,930
22. South Dakota : $26,610
23. Kansas: $26,490
24. Michigan : $26,430
25. Alaska : $26,400
26. Ohio : $26,200
27. North Carolina : $25,760
28. West Virginia : $24,900
29. Alabama : $23,310
30. Indiana : $22,900
31. Missouri : $22,800
32. Oklahoma : $22,480
33. Louisiana : $22,250
34 South Carolina : $21,910
Hawaii, DC, and Massachusetts pay more in welfare than the average working folks earn there.
Is it any wonder that they stay home rather than look for a job.
Time for a drastic change… America is virtually bankrupt.
Note that California is $18.50 an hour. Are we Nuts or what? How do we un-do this type of stupidity… This is crazy!
Now if you think that’s bad, read about these salaries:
Salary of retired United States Presidents $180,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate…$174,000 FOR LIFE.
This is beyond stupid !
Salary of Speaker of the House ..$223,500 FOR LIFE!
This is really stupid.
Salary of Majority/Minority Leader $193,400 FOR LIFE!
Ditto last line.
Average Salary of a teacher … $40,065
Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN .. $38,000
Update on 8chan. Neon Revolt posted this today with an accompanying image:
_______________________________ is slowly opening up its ports.
1st image in an NMAP scan of the site, showing which ports are open and discoverable.
2nd image is a list of what those particular ports mean.
Yesterday, 8chan only had port 22 open. The big, important ones here in today’s update are port 80 and port 443. Those are what you need functioning to open your web server to the internet.
I imagine (and this is speculation) that 8chan is now populating its DNS records across the internet right now. This looks like either testing site functionality… or it’s getting ready to re-launch.
Given Jim Watkin’s earlier tweet with the infinite clock gif, my money is on them relaunching very soon – at which point, I expect a number of SEC_TESTS from Q.
Now Neon Revolt says that was an error: 😒
“EDIT: I traced the wrong URL. ≠ Will update when I get trace the actual domain. My mistake, guys. Disregard [that] message…”
Well done Corey!! He sent this tweet during the first recess. Dems weren’t happy 😃
He’s almost as good as AG Whitaker. Show hearing waste of time demonstrated.
Dems just broke/made up rules on the fly. Collins is furious. They want a consultant to ask questions for 30 minutes. It’s against House rules.
Posted Rally Video for you, lady – just scroll up to where you wished for it…
Thank you, Duchess. Very much appreciated. ❤️
Most welcome, lady – Enjoy!!!
Name: Cameron Ortis
Folks, we need to start following/posting on his arrest. Why?
A: Because he was the Canadian equivalent of the DNI here in the US, and he was arrested on 7 serious intelligence violation charges. He had access to the most sensitive intelligence in the Five Eyes system.
Here’s a JUICY thought. Could he be linked to John Brennan and James Clapper??
Yeah, we followed this over the weekend.
Coupled with the intel arrest in Australia, + raiding personal houses of ABC head in Australia + raiding of house of News Corp head in Australia — all back in June.
Ohhhh, and the Canadian spook — he’s fluent in Mandarin.
Yes, this guy had access to everything in Canada. Supposedly we alerted the RCMP about this guy.
I am hopeful that this is part of the process of dismantling Five Eyes. Tasking foreign governments to spy on US citizens so as to bypass the Fourth Amendment doesn’t sit very well with me.
No $#!+.
Ooh, I need to make snacks.
Great tweet Wolfie !
This was good.
The whole show in a capsule….
Whole new level of “homeless” ceazy. The huy has $ from somewhere and yet…he threats and is on the loose. Follow the threads, the videos. Direct threats. Yes hes a nut, but no, we dont ignore it.
Todays Darwin Award goes to:
Reality Bites: Far Left Instagram Couple Travels to Countries that “Get a Bad Rap from the Media” … Enter Iran and Get Tossed into Evin Prison for 10 Weeks
Flep your going to get a kick out of this. MSM now says Trumps dowj ones needs to be above 30000 if he wants to be reelected! LOL
My final message, as I’ll be “off-line” until I pick-up a new ISP.. (To the Misses delight).. 😉
Last few things to move.. Love everyone! GOD BLESS!
Break time ! Thinking of Nebraska Filley and so many others, and
wishing special thanks to our friend and host, Wolfmoon… for this wonderful sanctuary ……….
… LOVE ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ ….
TY Phoenix .. 🙂❤️ ..
Have missed y’all while I was gettin my ‘puter working right! You guys are LIT… must have been the Rally last night that got everyone so fired up!
Don’t stop us now we’re on a ROLLLLL ….
and my roll is a cinnamon one … 😁 ❤️
Returning to fighting EVIL …………. here’s some good news!
Okay, and a quick tech note (last serial post, I promise)
This one especially for Lady P., who has been struggling as have I, with posting tweets… (see above, posted beautifully, photo and all)……
PHC suggested I switch my browser from Brave to OPERA …(which has built in adblocker) and Big Mama T advised the folks at Marica’s blog to NOT use Duck, Duck Go with WordPress (they apparently don’t like each other, or as the techs will say, don’t ‘interface well’). Changed search engine to Bing, as she suggested (I know, it’s microsoft… what can I say), so I did. And Viola’ no ads here every two comments which I had with Brave, and still have all my bells and whistles with WordPress.
Happy camper I am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SteveInCo, you were correct, I couldn’t allow ads here with Brave w/o allowing EVERYWHERE….
God bless them … everyone … 🙂❤️
MSM headline: White House upgrade: First lady’s done a lot with the place
You feeling ok today today AP?
I’m not understanding kea…………….. is there an article ?
Oh its just the headline to the story. Its on yahoo… (need I say more) I didn’t know if you all wanted me to post a crappy AP article. Here’s one of them if you want to see the pics:
This story appears in numerous journals and sites:–politics/white-house-upgrade-first-lady-done-lot-with-the-place/eKQXDQk47rktVGeFE6MN3O/
But I’m just so shocked it was front and center on yahoo!!! 20 minutes later And now its gone. LOL
There’s a video in this post that tells of at least one project, the Red Room.
DP comment: even if she just restores the state rooms, and replaces faded fabrics, it’s an improvement. The Oval Office alone looks much more stately.
Been reading Scotts twitter and wow we are blessed to have him working for Trump.
I couldve gone to meet him today had I known in advance. His website doesnt list locations. He tweeted a few hours prior. I cant go to the beach tomorrow either.
Aw Gil, I’m so sorry ……………. he said somewhere, ck his stream, he was going to be in LA a week…
Same if I would have known sooner he was going to be in my town I would have dropped by to say hello!!!!
Off topic Daughn … did Big T change his Qtree name? … 🙂🤚❤️
Yes, he did. He didn’t like me calling him Big T publicly. Thought it sounded to much like a braggart. He is Tomaso, now.
Ahhh 😉🤚 …. well I like Tomaso .. 😍👍 … it sound sooooo continental …
😎🤚🥂 … ❤️
On my bucket list is making it to all the National Parks. Will have to keep this in mind.
That’s quite an ambitious item for a bucket list!
You don’t mess around, do you?!
Actually…I’ve really only been to Rocky Mountain, Grand Tetons and Yellowstone so far. There’s quite a few to go. I had to make a detour to a number of singing venues first. And then, well, I like to cruise.
Been to several, but Glacier is very much at the top of the list…you won’t go wrong starting there. The photos Grr Graphics shares are so beautiful!
Hi Duchess… love these Montana moments you post… thanks.
I do, too, pr – Garrison posts one everyday – and they are just gorgeous – glad you like them, too – most welcome.
Okay you know how when you throw a party, there’s always ONE GUY you must invite because he’s the best guest ever?
Well, next time we hold a Congressional Hearing, we GOTTA invite Corey Lewandowski.
Check out the blond sitting in behind Lewandowski.
She can’t stop smiling.
AWESOME .. 🤨👍‼️‼️‼️‼️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️
Daughn, found this … if y’all haven’t seen, will find interesting, I’m sure .
… a parting shot … across the bow ….
…. 🧐 …. 🤨 …. nuts …
…. fool me once …. yada yada/blah blah blah …. 😑
… harrumph
G’nite, God bless everyone on you magnificent Wolf 🐺 Qtreepers …. ❤️ …
Good night and God bless!!! <3
… 🙂 …. 😎 .. 😴 .. ❤️
WOLF runs howling into the night!!! 😀
Bwahahahahaha … awesome … bwahahahahaha ….. 😂👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️
Everyone has a gift.
Some of us just need a little longer to figure out what the gift was.
Love that old ragtime music. 🙂
Can’t stop laughing.
You realize……. Corey Lewandowski, during the Congressional recess today, tweeted out that a website went LIVE, for “StandWithCorey”, and it’s a PAC for his Senate run in NH.
OMG, brilliant.
Say it isn’t so! Prediction: epic failure. They should just show the original in theaters. It would probably net more than some of their new productions.
Yeah. Worse still, I’m thinking it’s entirely possible that it’s gonna be a TRANSformation of the story.
Not kidding. More SJW madness. That would fit the CHINA STRATEGY.
Although I believe in live and let live when it comes to transgenders, I do wish MSM would stop referring to men who dress up as women “she and her”. IMO, even those who have fully transitioned (i.e. got it whacked off) are still men so far as their DNA would show. Violence against these poor souls is wrong, of course. But don’t try to pass them off as women.
They’ve lost their minds.
If he did it deliberately, he’s very stupid. If not, gotta wonder if he was drunk.
That’s pretty drunk… would he not have had to jump the curb? and did his car go sraight in, or broadside…? Either way, he’s stupid. Jus sayin
Drunks run into houses and other buildings all the time.
Twitter will NEVER let anybody who is anywhere near Hollywood ever see these posts. That is why I post things here. There is a tiny chance that a fraction of one of these thoughts may make it to somebody who will recognize the truth, and can do something about it.
They’re excellent Wolf. I hope they do spread far and wide
If Hollywood doesn’t wake up, it’s DOOMED.
And thank you!!! 😀
That movie must not be touched. It is perfect.
Somebody say “no” to the Chinese money! Somebody PLEASE have the guts to say “no” to the Chinese money!
Beto O’Rourke the big zero.
Portland not only has the concrete tent campers all over the city, homeless druggies are living on and near old boats, some of which are stolen.
Reporters can say some dumb things at times.
Very interesting:
Oh, that thread is GOLD. PANIC IN DC. What an amazing troll!
Is this the 3rd one?
Yeah, this one survived I think
this ought to be interesting…
Asha “FBI” Rangappa of the CNN/WaPo/MSM/whatever governmedia complex just annoys the XXXX out of me. She fits the CIA sneaker profile so strongly, I never even THINK of her as FIB.
I had thought Kamala would be a strong candidate based on her tough questioning of witnesses before Congressional committees. But now she looks like a party girl who has no ideas of her own and just wants the power of the position. She doesn’t seem like a serious candidate.
placeholder? running to avoid arrest?