Dear KAG: 20190918 Open Thread

Morning, folks. Are we all ready for hump day?

Guess what today is….

Give up?

It’s the birthday of FAKE NEWS! On September 18, 1851, the New York Times began publishing. In honor of their current…uh…status, and this week’s kerfuffle, some mood music is in order.

A translation of the text can be found here, but really, the alternate lyrics are far more meaningful.

Okay, so here’s the deal. This is the open thread. This is where we all come to get the news that other Q tree inhabitants think is worth knowing and sharing. Please, post links to any “news” stories quoted, and ask for help if you are stumped as to how to do that. We’re a friendly lot. Someone will be with you shortly, and there is no reason to have to press one for English.

Free speech, and the open exchange and hashing out of ideas is not only allowed, but encouraged. If we all don’t use it, we’re going to lose it. A little incivility goes a long way, though. Even those who are red pilled should think twice before tangling with the men in black.

With or without the red pill and the Matrix, such actions could get us 8chaned.

And now for some house keeping:

There are a few rules here in the branches of the Q Tree. Our host, Wolfm00n, outlined them in a post on New Years Day. Please, review these rules from time to time, like when you turn the sound off on the television because Shepard Smith’s show just started.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Steve suggests – to be accurate – no shooting at the nuclear weapons, but to be safe about it, don’t event point firearms toward them. I, Deplorable Patriot, bossy chick that I am, request no teasing the animals, pets and wildlife alike.

Teasing and trolling the lefties and their bastions, on the other hand is a moral imperative.


In the eternal fight against the forces of evil and darkness, unceasing prayer is always needed. The following is an expansion of a reading from this coming Sunday’s Lectionary

From the Book of the Prophet Amos 8:1-10

These things the Lord shewed to me: and behold a hook to draw down the fruit. [2] And he said: What seest thou, Amos? And I said: A hook to draw down fruit. And the Lord said to me: The end is come upon my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more. [3] And the hinges of the temple shall screak in that day, saith the Lord God: many shall die: silence shall be cast in every place. [4] Hear this, you that crush the poor, and make the needy of the land to fail, [5] Saying: When will the month be over, and we shall sell our wares: and the sabbath, and we shall open the corn: that we may lessen the measure, and increase the sicle, and may convey in deceitful balances,
[6] That we may possess the needy for money, and the poor for a pair of shoes, and may sell the refuse of the corn? [7] The Lord hath sworn against the pride of Jacob: surely I will never forget all their works. [8] Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein: and rise up altogether as a river, and be cast out, and run down as the river of Egypt? [9]And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that the sun shall go down at midday, and I will make the earth dark in the day of light: [10] And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation: and I will bring up sackcloth upon every back of yours, and baldness upon every head: and I will make it as the mourning of an only son, and the latter end thereof as a bitter day.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

And now, on to the day’s news…..

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Rodney Short

Awesome job DP,night and God bless.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. And good morning.


Why do I immediately think of john Pedodesto when I see an image of ed Buck ?




ANOTHER one? IIRC, that’s at least three deaths.


Thats why they went after him. Ted Lieu and schiff for brains want him to go away.

Deplorable Patriot

They went after him locally, too.


Gemmel Moore, 7/27/17. Timothy Michael Dean, 1/7/19. Now this guy on 9/11/19. They’re getting closer together.


Some reports are saying that this victim survived the overdose, and could testify as to the pattern of behavior and when Ed Buck injected him with meth.

Gail Combs

Well if the guy survived that would certainly put a kink in Ed Buck’s modus operandi if Buck was making a habit of offing inconvient wittnesses to his ‘Rough Play’

Gail Combs

Wonder if Buck will suffer an Epstein type ‘Hanging’ in jail…..


Trés Clintonesque!


What took them so long????


Ed Buck is an infuriating symbol of the double standard. Party members get to break the law, and commit evil acts with impunity. The rest of us get prosecuted to the max for any infraction.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Found cause for a personal book recommendation on Twitter today!


Love the retroculture!
I embrace civility with my fellow retros, as ladies and gentlemen deserve and expect…as we practice here in this space….but I’ll engage with the left on their own terms. I refuse to fight with one hand tied behind my back, which the left wants, expects, and has been getting from us for many decades now. Well, they wanted a street fight, and that’s exactly what the dirty, regressive, snowflake filth are getting!
See latest Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr NetFlix Specials to see how to speak to them in terms they can understand.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I DO get that! 😀
Oh – just what I have HEARD about those guys lately is enough!


Here’s Bill Burr from his latest NetFlix special “Paper Tiger” expounding on the ridiculous male feminists of the regressive left…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. REAL comedy is making a comeback! IMPRESSIVE!!!


I caught a clip of this guy making fun of Stephen Hawking…crude…but i admit it was funny–and not that pc crap that tries to pass for funny–it was laugh-in-spite-of-everything funny.
Is he new???
he reminds me of Lewis Black before he got too political…


No, he’s been around for about a decade now


cool…good to know…thanks!

Deplorable Patriot

I could do without so many f-bombs, but, yeah. Feminism is a war against the feminine. Well, screw you women and men who deny that there are legitimate differences between the sexes. They should be celebrated, not shoved aside.

Gail Combs

“… screw you women and men who deny that there are legitimate differences between the sexes…”
In 2015, there was an article in American Thinker about women in the military. One of the comments was by a career Lady Marine and it was very very good (wish I had saved it.) She essentially said although she could build up the MUSCLE to do the activities required like toting a heavy backpack, her SKELETON gave out.
This I think is what she was referring to:

Anatomy of the Pelvis

Gender Differences
The pelvis has the most divergence between male and female of the entire skeleton. Mainly because a female pelvis is built to allow a woman to give birth.
The female pelvis has lighter and thinner parts. It’s about 2 finger widths wider and 2 finger widths shorter than a male pelvis. The walls of the ilium are more vertical, but not as tall. The pelvis is tilted forward more on a female. The ASIS protrude forward more and don’t align with the pubic symphysis. On a man, the ASIS and pubic symphysis align on the same vertical plane.
You might also notice that the pubic arch is much wider on a female pelvis. About 120 degrees in women, but only 90 degrees in men. This means that women’s ischia are farther apart. Creating a wider gap between the leg muscles because the insertion points of the adductor muscles are farther. On a woman, you might see a gap even if the legs are together. On a male, the gap is much smaller. Sometimes there is no gap, even if the legs are separated.
The widening of all these parts on a female pelvis pushes the acetabula laterally, which in turn pushes the greater trochanters. These differences, along with more fat distribution, account for why women have more prominent hips. An average woman will have a higher body fat percentage than an average man, so the baby doesn’t starve during hard times.
Like the pelvis, the sacrum is also shorter, wider, and curves posteriorly more. On the surface, this plane of the lower back is more angled on a woman and more vertical on a man.
The main reason for the wider female pelvis is to create a larger inlet and larger outlet for a baby to pass through. The inlet is a round shape most easily seen from the top of the pelvis. Very round and wide on a female. On a male pelvis the inlet shape is smaller and more triangular.
The outlet is the space between the bottoms of the ischia and tailbone. Everything is more spaced out on the female pelvis, perfect for childbirth….

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….comment image
Do a vector analysis on this and you can see the male skeleton transfers the weight carried much more ‘efficiently’ to the feet since the legs are vertical to the ground and the hip attachment is closer to vertical than it is to horizontal. On the other hand the female hip attachment is darn close to horizontal, almost at a right angle and the upper legg is therefore are NOT vertical to the ground. This puts a lot more wear and tear on the hip joint. And if I recall correctly this is where the Lady Marine was having problems.


Last night, hubby and I watched a few clips from the Lewandowski hearing yesterday. The Dems remarks made me sick . Corey did a great job politely dishing it back at them, but I don’t know how he didn’t tell Sheila Jackson Lee to stuff it!
They hate our people because they’re not ignoramuses and/or corrupt, but it’s astounding the rotted beings on display in those hearings. It’s also why they have to give a “staff” member 30 minutes for questioning. POTUS has/had some very bright minds working for him.
So this is all about Congress (Dem controlled) trying to do what Mueller’s gestapo gang couldn’t do – find criminal activity on the part of the President. The clip of Sheila Jackson Lee sneakily passing an envelope to Blasey-Ford’s lawyer hit the ‘net again yesterday. Sure would like for that conspiracy to be exposed.
Except for playing to their deranged base, and it’s not just about POTUS – these people hate US too – I don’t think they gained anything. OTOH, Corey did start up an exploratory senate campaign. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

They hate our people because our people call them out on their crap and won’t bend.


I love that the “witnesses” are beginning to fight back instead of sitting there and being insulted. POTUS has taught us it’s okay to fight back!
Now, I’m just waiting for a witness to (politely! 😉) turn the tables and point out some of the words, actions, inconsistencies of the Congressmen asking the questions! Wouldn’t that be a blast.


Since is the “Open Thread”…..
I will post this here:
I am a Rocker at heart……
Some “Banned” are better than others…..
THIS “Banned” is awesome (Qtree)
Enjoy this…. as I am part of YOU!

Rodney Short

Steve Perry was one of those voices that will forever be remembered


I agree…..
But the “Music” that came out of the “Banned” Journey was AWESOME!
Just like the “Music” found HERE.
Thanks to Wolf, Flep, Daughn, Gail, Augie, Pete< Rodney and MANY others 🙂

Rodney Short

Being banned is a good thing.I agree that the banned Journey was the best.


One of my dorm-mates grew up in Mill Valley, and Journey played his High School prom.

Rodney Short

Wow what a prom that must of been.

Deplorable Patriot

Unfortunately, you are correct. That seems to be the “go to” band on the radio here when the DJs have no other ideas. It’s rather annoying.


Some think that truth is what they feel
If they think it so, then it’s real
There’s truth for you and truth for me
Truth is what they want it to be
It’s too hard for them to get facts
To prove their case instead of react
They learn from fools who’re just like them
To praise themselves and others condemn
We see the blind leading the blind
Using emotions, not their minds
They don’t want facts, proven and true
They think they’re smart but haven’t a clue
They’re out there, an army of fools
With foolish games and foolish rules
All pretending that they’re in charge
But, instead, they’re all clowns writ large
Their agendas are all built on lies
They think they know best; they’re all-wise
They want power so they control
The ruling few, over the whole
We can’t even hope to survive
If fools such as these rule our lives
They’ll not work for the common good
Freedom, justice and brotherhood
We’ll work for them while they live large
Living like kings while they’re in charge
Worker drones is what we’ll be
No more justice, no liberty
We’ve not lost, we can make this right
But we can’t rest; we have to fight
We know the Dimms will sow unrest
But with PTrump, we’ve got the best
Fight for those who respect the law
Fight for the country we once saw
Fight for those who respect our land
Fight for right, we must take our stand
Fight for freedom and peace of mind
Fight for justice, both fair and blind
Fight for God, His mercy and love
We owe Him all, our Lord above
With God’s help, the victory’s ours
He’s all-wise, He has the power
If in His will, He’ll grant our plea
Our land, our country, just and free


Love it, Carl…profound, and so true.
Well done!


This is wonderful Carl … 🙂🤚❤️‼️


According to the Freakonomics blog, eleven years ago today the world financial system stood three hours from complete collapse. Panic ensued around the world as credit froze and markets dried up.
While the rest of the world prepared for financial Armageddon, my wife and I chose instead to live in hope for the future.

Plain Jane

More on the abortionist Klopfer. I picked up this story at I Own The World. Buttigieg must love abortion.


Hmmm, things are starting to move along:

Here is the statement from the Press Secretary:


“…without redaction…”
Oh boy!
😃 This oughta be good.

Gail Combs

“…without redaction…”
Ho Boy!
Christopher Steele
GCHQ — Robert Hannigan (and possibly even Ex-PM May)
Stephan Halper
MIFSUD? (Wouldn’t that be a kick?)
No wonder they want 8-Chan out of commission!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hmmmmm, yeah! Somebody decided it’s best we only talk about ONE PENCILNECK! 😉 😀


Here we go………… plowing the ground….. OMGosh, it’s gonna happen.


The date on that WH release is September 17, 2018. Isn’t that the one we have been waiting for over a year?


Uh, next time please note that it is an OLD link. Then I won’t have to send out mea culpas to all the people on my email list because I thought it was news.


Here we go – I’m back and will probably piss somebody off straight-away. So be it….
WADR, yes, it is courteous and general internet protocol to note that it is an old item. However, it behooves each of us to follow one of Wolfie’s mantras: do your own research. Before forwarding it next time, read it closely first, eh? I, as well as many others, have accidentally posted old info and learned that lesson. Just a friendly suggestion.


You crack me up, DP. I am thoroughly enjoying your contributions on Hump Day 👏👏👏

Deplorable Patriot



Notice how the one camel is nibbling on and whispering something obviously quite delightful in the other’s ear? You sly thing, DP. 🥰

Deplorable Patriot

I may have to go over to the zoo and take some pictures. Our camels are pretty photogenic.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s the birthday of FAKE NEWS! On September 18, 1851, the New York Times began publishing. In honor of their current…uh…status, and this week’s kerfuffle, some mood music is in order.

It’s an important date on my personal calendar, too.
My two and a half year sentence (it felt that way) in the People’s Respublik of Kalifornia ended thirty years ago today.
But in all seriousness, the NYT probably wasn’t fake news from the beginning. It had to build a good reputation, before it could abuse its position.
Heck, John Phillip Sousa actually named one of his marches after the Washington Post, and it’s played pretty commonly today in spite of that fact–here’s the USMC band.


congrats on your great escape Steve!

Deplorable Patriot

Yep, a staple at just about every parade I’ve ever attended.


One of the few pieces I played in my brief marching band period! Have you ever tried to march on an uneven football field playing a clarinet with it’s reed jabbing you on the lips? Trust me, you haven’t missed a darn thing…but, please admire all marching band musicians for their dedication!
PS…still love the Washington Post March…gets me feeling very patriotic.


Two sons in HS marching band, two nephews in Madison Scouts drum Corp …
Watching sons on the field was a real nail biter but they got through it and I admire them for it .. 😉👍❤️‼️
Marching Band is tough stuff, kudos Teagan.
Mine were percussion 🥁 and trumpet 🎺 ..


Happy Liberation from Commiefornia Day Steve 🤨👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸‼️❤️
Great Sousa March … not so much the paper 📝 .. sigh .. 😞
I love watching the musicians … just love it … 🥰 ..ty .. ❤️

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m just going to politely assume that many decades ago…it was a decent paper.


… 🙂🤚❤️‼️


Rep. Jerrry Nadler comes foremost to mind when reading this quote, considering what he is doing by way of his chairmanship:
“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”
– Charles de Montesquieu
(his writings were a major influence on our Founding Fathers, and in the drafting of our Constitution)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hear, Hear!!!


… 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️ …
Nadler … sigh 😔 … what to do … what to do …. hmmmmmmmmmmm …. 😣🤚


Just as a complete sideways jaunt, I know how to make the thingie in that spiraling GIF. It’s done on a lathe.
One thing to understand about metalworking machine tools is that they are more like erector sets than skilsaws. They are a collection of parts and mechanisms that have to be assembled in a particular plan to accomplish a particular effect. When metal tools are applied to metal objects to be worked, there is less room for human intervention then “cut this 2×4 here”.
The two main machine tools are a mill and a lathe. With a mill, you spin the tool and apply it to the workpiece Which can be moved around). With a lathe, you spin the workpiece and apply it to the tool (which can be moved around).
To do spirals on a lathe (including threading things to be screws), you want to enforce a discipline that for every rotation of the workpiece, the tool moves a certain distance. You don’t care how fast everything moves, just that the ratio is held constant. For this purpose, there is a lead screw that runs parallel to the main axis of rotation that is driven by some means by the rotation of the main works. On small lathes like mine, this driving is done by a set of plastic gears on the other side of the motor from where you’re working, called “change gears”. On larger, more sophisticated lathes, they may have enclosed transmissions.
If you set these gears so that the lead screw will advance 1/8″ for every rotation of the workpiece, you will thread things at 8 threads per inch. If you set these gears so that the lead screw will advance 1/6″ for every rotation of the workpiece, you will thread things at 6 threads per inch. The cylinder in the GIF looks like it’s about 1/3″ per rotation, so that’s three threads per inch.
To get there, you take your lathe apart, calculate the right change gears, rebuild the change gear side of things, and get the lead screw rotating properly. Then you take the tool post apart and reassemble it with the right tools. Then you take the workholder apart and reassemble it to properly hold the workpiece.
And this was the level of knowledge, skill, planning, and craftsmanship that was normal back in the 50s, before we collectively decided that everyone had to go to college and become SJW’s instead.

A Fortiori

A cogent and accessible explanation.
We used to think of the differences between people who worked with their hands and knowledge workers as economic specialization. People did what they were better and and traded with others for the benefit of society as a whole.


Haaaa…love that ‘O Fortuna Misheard Lyrics’ video.
Nice work on the Hump Day open thread, DePat!
I don’t know if that’s hot chocolate or coffee in that mug with the whipped cream…but I want some!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, O Fortuna…the chorus director was not amused with the misheard lyrics.
The thing is, that oratorio is amazingly popular. And we sang it ever three years or so. You have to have fun with it.


Yeah, the whipped swirling on top of the hot chocolate … i watched that before breakfast and couldn’t take my eyes 👀 off it …. yummmmmm .. 😋


THIS is retroculture.
As one comment or put it, “It is so great to see so many older people re-living their youth.”
This is Wembley Stadium, completely sold out. One of the greatest bands of all time with some of the greatest songs of all time, this one a cut from 1976.
Let’s bring THIS back (but keep the modern visual effects, please and thanks).


Jeff Lynne knows how to do things, and anything he is involved with is ok…….but the gems in the ELO catalog are where Mik Kaminski is involved.
And, oddly, not necessarily because he’s featured — but because he’s honored. When the group decided he was needed, they were stepping up onto a higher plane; when the group decided he wasn’t important, the quality and uniqueness of the entire presentation took a slide.


Awesome post.
I could have dropped one of those “gems”, but this song is a personal fav., it’s live, only 2 years old, and the visuals are breath-taking. Few people ever mention ELO anymore, which is a great pity. This band regularly set new concert attendance records back in it’s heyday, which is to say the ‘70’s, and they were all over the radio dial back then, too.


Re: retroculture…
Hey, how you feelin’?
Are you still the same, don’t you realize the things we did
We did were all for real, not a dream
I just can’t believe they’ve all faded out

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great George Webb video that sheds light on the Canadian mole, the Russian spy ring, the Butina connection, El Chapo, Imran Awan and that gang, Les Wexner, and a bunch of stuff. GRAB A RAIL!!!


Hard to follow all of it, but the Big Picture is a reminder that VSG has balls. Our President is a courageous man like NO other in history.

Deplorable Patriot

Will watch later.

Deplorable Patriot

I think this is the first time I’ve heard Meyer Lansky come up in connection to all this. That definitely puts a new spin on the whole thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. And George Webb is almost ALWAYS 90% right about whatever new thing he’s digging on. MyManJimmyJack (my fellow “criminal conspiracy theorist” on scandals and plots) was a huge follower of his, and always tweeted me his best stuff, until Twitter zapped her.
That is part of how they undercut Webb. Very sneaky.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I stopped taking flu shots YEARS ago.
Yes, I do contract it on occasion (when I drop my guard and forget to wash my hands, etc), but better that than putting God-only-knows-what into my body, blindly trusting unknown people not to harm me.
For anyone who doesn’t realize it, Big Pharma and Big AG OWNS the Food & Drug Admin (FDA) lock, stock, and two smoking barrels.
FDA “approval” hinges on these three things:
1. Profitability
2. The chance the public will find out about known harmful effects
3. Chances of a successful class-action lawsuit given #1
Basically, the FDA is a legalized mafia, owned and operated by Wall Street.

Deplorable Patriot

Just the back and forth of the FDA with Monsanto should send up alarms.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think I’ve ever had a flu shot. I did catch it a couple times, though. Once was a case of severe stress and unhappiness. The other, it was November and I was exhausted from running all over town with various commitments.
I will say that when I quit eating grains, sugar and legumes, and am obsessive about hand washing, and all that, I haven’t had it since, and don’t catch colds at the same rate I used to, either.


On the advice of my beloved (retired) internist several years ago, I also forego any flu shots…but I do find it interesting that literally one of the first questions any medical person asks me now is if i’ve Had the flu shot.


Amen !


On a lighter note wanted to let you know I scheduled an Open Topic post for 12:05 am for tomorrow and I’m heading out to the camp this morning and will be in the dark for a while. The post is showing up as a draft and I’m kinda worried about it hitting the schedule. Could you check it out please W?
Thanks and I’ll be back God willing.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep, just shoot the people up with neurotoxins.
Jeez. Who’s side are the pharmas on?
Don’t answer that.

Gail Combs

Who’s side are the pharmas on?
From my old notes….
USA population sterilization 2014
The US government has followed Ehrlich’s advice.
A USDA grant funded Epicyte who developed a GM corn with a “rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.”

Announcing his success at a press conference, the president of Epicyte, Mitch Hein, pointing to his GMO corn plants and announced, “We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies.”
Shortly after the 2001 Epicyte press release, all discussion of the breakthrough vanished. The company itself was taken over in 2004 by Biolex [of Pittsboro NC] and nothing more was heard in any media about the development of spermicidal corn….

(Those are about the only two live links I have left.)
There have also been “Reports” that allege various other methods of sterilization including vaccines. A list of them is HERE. This is one of the reasons some people are anti-GMOs and anti-vaccines.
You could dismiss all this as way out conspiracy theory except for Bill Gates Talks ‘Vaccines to Reduce Population’ and the fact that the founding Director-General of UNESCO was a Eugenicist.

Fabian Socialist Sir Julian Huxley became the first Director-General of UNESCO, he authored UNESCO: ITS PURPOSE AND ITS PHILOSOPHY (1948) in which he revealed that

“even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

…It was during this time of the early 20th Century that Rockefeller introduced Margaret Sanger to the monied elite who would help her form the Birth Control League which would later become Planned Parenthood. The November 1921 issue of Sanger’s Birth Control Review carried the heading “Birth Control: To Create A Race of Thoroughbreds,” and Sanger would later advocate eugenically limiting “dysgenic stocks” such as blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics, as well as “slum dwellers” such as Jewish immigrants.
In 1926, Rockefeller money funded the founding of the American Eugenics Society, and the next year on May 2, 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court by an 8 to 1 majority ruled in Buck v. Bell that certain “unfit” people could be forcibly sterilized. Regarding this ruling, British [Fabian Socialist] Professor Harold Laski wrote his friend Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: “Sterilize all the unfit, among whom I include all fundamentalists.”
The Dark Roots of EUGENICS By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

And to top it off with real world data, I always want real world data, this interesting report from the UN on African fertility: [I was looking for this a few days ago for another discussion.)

Demographic Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
Barney Cohen reviews levels, differentials, and trends in fertility for more than 30 countries from 1960 to 1992. He finds evidence of fertility decline in Botswana, Kenya, and Zimbabwe, confirming the basic results of the DHS. What is new here though is his finding that the fertility decline appears to have occurred across cohorts of women at all parities, rather than just among women at middle and higher parities, as might have been expected on the basis of experience in other parts of the world. He also presents evidence that fertility may have begun to fall in parts of Nigeria and possibly in Senegal….


Uh-oh … 😳 … I get the flu shots … maybe I shouldn’t … I’m older than dirt and they really push all those shots on my age group …
Looking back I’m beside myself that I just went along with the pediatricians and my babies had all those shots … sigh .. we were very fortunate nothing bad happened from it … I don’t think your child can attend school w/o them though … “head them up – move them out” …. dang it .. 🤨


hubby and I got the pneumonia vaccine the doctor recommended to us several yrs ago…but we never get flu shots. in the last 10 yrs, the only time we got the flu was when we got the flu shot.
we wash our hands frequently, eat fairly healthy and laugh often–it reduces stress…


One of our closest friends was a founding partner in a small CPA firm. One year they all decided to get flu shots because there was a nasty strain going around, and they didn’t want to have it interfere with their tax season. Guess what…they all came down with the flu!

Deplorable Patriot

A friend of mine in lab medicine who is firmly against the flu shot told me once that the shots are loaded with last year’s flu. My parents, two brothers and nephews all caught a bad strain from my sister in law one year that was not in the shot.


Exactly the point my former internist made.


You know dh and I did get the pneumonia vaccine shot … hmmm, well that sounds like a good idea pat …. ty .. 🙂🤚❤️



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just “get the shots”, too. No history of bad reactions here, and they always worked for me. And I’m too old to worry about mercury now! 😉


Ok, cool 😎 … ty Wolf 🐺 your post helps me a lot … I may be like Maxine the comic character … I’m too crabby for reactions .. lol … 😜🤚❤️


Flep has this already in his Roundup, but I grabbed it via Citizen Word Press. Note the number of Democrats that attended POTUS’ New Mexico rally.


Note that over 20% were people who had only voted once or not at all in the past 4 elections – assuming he is including mid-terms, that 20% represents significant new voter potential for POTUS. 🙂


Cannot prove it, but there seem to be millions of people who simply do not vote on the basis that voting is pointless. These are 100% “conservative” votes of some nature, certainly not leftist votes.
VSG makes voting meaningful (unless you stupidly live in a blue state like NY).


I saw that number and thought surely it was a misprint…nope!


I hadn’t considered this possibility in the Flynn case, nor have I seen anyone else speak to it. Rather than…
A) Gen. Flynn withdraws his guilty plea, or
B) Judge Sullivan dismisses the charges citing Brady and egregious prosecutorial misconduct
…there is an option C. To wit:
the dirty prosecutors in Gen. Flynn’s case will drop all charges and slither away back into the tall grass, their retreat covered by the Lawfare gang.
A: Because the corrupt leftist prosecutors don’t want their methods made public, and Sidney Powell is “Graymailing” them.
This piece lays it all out…
Selected quotes:
“Will the FBI risk disclosure of its dirty tactics in its persecution of Michael Flynn? Flynn’s new lawyer thinks it won’t.
As you may recall, there are many disturbing questions surrounding the federal government’s investigation, arrest, and prosecution of Flynn.
So why and how was Flynn targeted for destruction by the FBI and Justice Department? Powell’s discovery motion seeks answers to these questions by demanding the production of evidence exposing the links between the investigation and prosecution of Flynn to the Obama administration’s efforts to target, spy on, and frame Donald Trump.
….to those of us familiar with the dark art of graymail extortion, it is apparent that the motion has been carefully crafted and calculated to scare the bejesus out of the Mueller prosecutor’s at the mere possibility that Judge Sullivan might actually order production of even a small fraction of the demanded discovery.
Moreover, if Judge Sullivan grants the defense even partial relief, the prosecutors will then be faced with a bitter choice, to wit:
(a) They can produce the damning evidence of the government’s corrupt activities in order to continue the prosecution of their ludicrous and petty false statements case against Flynn. Or (b) the prosecutors can do the smart thing by dropping the charges and quietly disappearing into the witness protection program.
If the prosecutors want my advice, in the event Judge Sullivan grants any part of Powell’s lethal motion, they should pick option (b) and ask the U.S. Marshal’s Service to relocate them to Arizona. I hear it’s nice there in the winter, and retirees can live comfortably on even a modest government pension.”


since I’m not a lawyer, do any of those options allow the General to seek restitution for the millions he had to spend on a defense that he never should have needed?




Read the article. It is based on the author’s personal experience in a legal matter/circumstances which do not seem to be the same as Flynn’s.
Just taking a flyer here, but I am guessing that any action based on the hope that government prosecutor’s will be scared of something is an unrealistic action.

A Fortiori

Another nonlawyer taking yet another flyer here: how can the prosecution drop the case when they signed the plea agreement? In the article, the defendant had not yet been found guilty. That is not Flynn’s situation.
It doesn’t make sense to me that a prosecutor can accept a guilty plea, and then during sentencing turn around and say “never mind” and let someone who has admitted guilt go free. And were they to attempt to do so, what judge in their right mind would fail to demand to find out why they may want to do that.


It makes sense that a guilty plea cannot simply evaporate, or stay in limbo forever. Something has to be done with it.
Powell has not stated that her strategy is to “graymail” the prosecution, but if it is, then she may very well be acting recklessly.
But Powell may very well know something definitive we don’t know. My sole concern is the welfare of Flynn. I hope Powell does know something.

Gail Combs

Remember that Sidney Powell was a former federal prosecutor in the Fifth Federal Circuit for decades. She speaks, at CPAC, TPUSA, and CATO Instute among other places.
Although her work was in Texas I am pretty sure she has contacts in the DC DOJ. I very much doubt she is ‘shooting in the dark’ and although her contacts may not have given her actual evidence they probably pointed her in the correct direction.


The two new GOP representatives have signed on to the “Discharge Petition” to force Pelosi to bring the Born Alive Protection Act to the floor for a vote. They only need 15 more votes. So far, not one Dem has signed on… but there are vulnerable Dem reps in swing districts. Here’s one approach.

Deplorable Patriot

I like how this is playing out. Use twitter to shame and guilt the other side. There’s no MSM filter, no gatekeeping involved.


Timeless truth:
Don’t listen to what politicians say, watch to see what they DO (or don’t).
With THAT in mind…
Remember this?? (And remember, this guy is now the Chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee)

“Sen. Lindsey Graham, we’re still waiting.
We’re still waiting for that flash of righteous indignation you showcased during the confirmation hearings of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh to turn into action. You know, when you turned to your Democrat colleagues and seethed that their efforts to “destroy this guy’s life” were “the most despicable things that I have seen in politics.”
We’re still waiting for that tie-straightening smile in the face of protestors to turn into . . . something.
Your inaction has so inspired the left that not even a year after Ford professed to senators, while under oath, that she was not “acting out of partisan political motives” in testifying that Kavanaugh had attempted to rape her while they were both high school students, Ford’s attorney Debra Katz felt no qualms about telling an audience that Roe v. Wade was part of Ford’s motivation.
So emboldened are the left now that The New York Times dares to tweet out that “having a penis thrust in your face at a drunken dorm party may seem like harmless fun. But when Brett Kavanaugh did it to her, Deborah Ramirez says, it confirmed that she didn’t belong at Yale in the first place.”
That tweet teased a Times essay by Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, reporters and authors of the forthcoming book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.” That essay proves the damage done by Graham and the other pantywaist politicians who refused to punctuate their conclusion that Ford had lied about Kavanaugh with a perjury investigation.
The left isn’t done. They aren’t nearly done. They will continue to hound Kavanaugh, either to twist him into a virtue-signaling pro-Roe vote, or to caution future conservative nominees to stay clear of the Supreme Court, or they’re coming for you.
It’s still not too late, however, for Graham to put a stop to this charade.“comment image


I agree…I really liked that glimpse of balls Lindsay showed us…


Whew. For a second I thought you were being literal. 🙂




I’m watching the Ken Burns series on Country Music and I feel like hearing some Hank Williams.


Hey Dora,
Hank was when country was country………….. right?

Deplorable Patriot



See what our beautiful First Lady has been up to lately.
How Melania gave the White House a much-needed makeover: First Lady made long-overdue upgrades to the worn interior at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave by refreshing ‘faded’ fabrics, re-purposing draperies and restoring furniture

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not going to repeat what I said to a family member about this last night. I’m just thankful Melania understands that this stuff is expected, and it making the effort to restore the state rooms.

Sadie Slays

ED BUCK perp walk:

Sadie Slays

Funny how this sick man was finally arrested shortly after POTUS arrived in California. And, in what I’m sure is pure coincidence, a man drove through the lobby of Trump Plaza tonight.


Sadie, I always look forward to your astute observations………….

Sadie Slays

Thank you!




This is too sad. They should close the place down until they find out why this keeps happening.


My grandparents raced. Was on a horse before I could walk. The way Grandpa fussed over the horses, men often slept with them when a filly was foiling. No excuse for harming these magnificent creatures.

Deplorable Patriot

Strange how it’s just one track. If it was a problem with the thoroghbred system, you’d think it would be all over the horse racing world.

Gail Combs

I just checked the weather. Not hot (80s F) and ~60% humidity so it is not heat exhaustion.
I boarded my filly at a racing stable in NH for a while. Long story short the Mob killed the owner of the stable when he caught them trying to set fire to his barn. (The nearby Race track had just had a fire a few days before.) He died of a ‘heart attack’ — Yeah Right. His death was only a couple of days after he tossed the Mob’s torch off his place.
So I would vote MOB given what we know about Ms Gambino the speaker.
It is VERY easy to kill a horse. And it is a good ‘warning’ to someone the Mob is having problems with.


… ☹️ … 😢 … what’s going on there, is this common but heretofore unreported or something more … it’s so sad … 😔 …

Cuppa Covfefe

Does someone want that land?
Or is there something (or someone) important/damning/etc. buried/stored there???
(Putting on my A-Team plots hat 🙂 )….


Good luck and God bless …

… ❤️ …


This has been going on for some time – have seen numerous FB articles about it – but ONLY at that track. It has been shut-down temporarily several times while they tried different solutions, such as changing the footing on the track, dragging the track in different ways, medical testing, etc.
I second DP’s comment – it is significant, no doubt. Cuppa’s comment also bears investigation.

Linda K Harrison

What makes even less sense, is why anyone who owned a horse, would put the animals life in jeopardy by training or racing there. As long as people keep training their horses there, there is no incentive to fix the problem.


Hump Day with Dep Pat has become a MUST DO!
Love it!


Yes sir-e bob .. 😉👍‼️ … good stuff .. 😃🤚🇺🇸❤️👍 ‼️


It’s so good to see defiance like this against the EU:

Deplorable Patriot

And American movie culture goes international.


… 🤨👍🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧‼️


That’s telling him!


wonder what they have on this man…………



All this unending imprechmeng rehashing is stonewalling by the miserable demoncrats .. that’s all it is … time to give them the old heave ho … time to clean house …
Can’t wait to get the house in order .. 🤨👍‼️🇺🇸‼️❤️


Pat you’re my kind of girl … “fry to make sure they die” …. 😉👍‼️❤️


Verse of the Day

“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.”
James 1:12 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


comment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children…Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You…Come to Himcomment image


Morning Duchess…warm up on your coffee?


Yes, please – need some more energy – busy day ahead – * Sigh * Thanks, pat!
Have a Blessed Day!!!


you as well!


Thanks, pat! Sure hit the spot! Hugs!!!


Hi Duchess! 💖


Hi, mama! Sorry I did not get back to you – it has been a hectic day – and it isn’t half over, yet – Love you, dear – Have a Blessed Day!!!


That’s okay sweetie!
Love you too! 💖😘 HUGGLES!


Wheeeee!!! I needed those ‘Huggles’, mama! Thanks!!! God Bless You!!!


Hi Pat! 😀


hiya sweetheart!!
how are you???


I am well! Hope you are doing well also! 💖


I am, thanks for asking!





They really need Salvini back … soon.


oh my…this clip is precious!
Corey totally plays this perfectly…and it’s funny to watch…Nadler is useless…LOL

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, that was good.


and he did it with a straight face…professional attitude…had me cracking up!


It’s madness, … this is what depravity gets you … dull tools 🛠 … 😑🤚

Deplorable Patriot

One of the most cleverly written movies they made.


I love it … the discipline to do that was awesome …


hmmmm…new ways to wage war on beef?
A huge fire at a cattle breeding facility in Australia has caused thousands of dollars in damage after at least 100 cylinders containing bull semen were destroyed.
Emergency services were called to the blaze in the early hours at Yarram Herd Services in Gippsland, Victoria.
According to ABC, it took 10 fire crews more than two hours to fully extinguish the fire after it broke out around 3 am. local time.
A spokesman from the Country Fire Authority told Daily Mail Australia that the fire had “completely shredded the building.”
Country Fire Authority Gippsland commander Chris Loeschenkohl said the crew had to be wary of “projectiles” coming at them while they tackled the blaze.

Deplorable Patriot

Can’t like, but jeez.


and they’re suffering from a drought there right now as well–so the cattle isn’t really eating all that healthy…


one down…how many more hundreds to go?
Sept. 17 (UPI) — The U.S. Office of Special Counsel said Tuesday that an immigration judge will face a $1,000 fine and 30-month debarment from federal service for violating the Hatch Act, a federal law limiting federal employees’ political activities.
An administrative law judge imposed the disciplinary action, on behalf of the Merit Systems Protections Board, against Carmene “Zsa Zsa” DePaolo, an immigration judge formerly employed by the U.S. Department of Justice who violated the Hatch Act from the bench, the U.S. OSC announced.
The violation occurred in March 2016 when DePaulo promoted then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s plan for immigration reform while presiding over a deportation hearing.
The individual at the public hearing was facing deportation and subsequent 10-year bar on re-entry to the United States, and DePaolo called that a “pretty harsh thing” that Clinton intended to change.
RELATED Senate report: Last 3 federal shutdowns cost taxpayers $4B
This would only change if “the Senate becomes a Democratic body and there’s some hope that they can actually pass immigration legislation,” DePaolo said. The Republicans, on the other hand, “aren’t going to do anything” about immigration “if they can help it,” other than to “try to deport everybody.”
The administrative law judge found DePaolo’s actions merited “a considerable sanction given the public nature of her position.”
The decision imposed a $1,000 fine, the maximum civil penalty, along with a 30-month debarment from federal service since DePaolo has since retired.


not a fan of spiders myself…but watch this one create it’s web…amazing!


It’s amazing and mesmerizing … wow 😮👍 …. the symmetry is really something …


interesting…reproductive rights of a man…what exactly does that mean Elizabeth? is she advocating that men can force a woman to have an abortion if he doesn’t want to be a parent? or is this more meaningless tripe?
But what are the ‘reproductive rights’ of a man?
Is she offering free Viagra for guys who can’t maintain an erection for four hours? Penile augmentation? What, exactly is she saying?
Surely she doesn’t mean the very essence of the punchline of one of Chappelle’s jokes, does she? Because that’s how that such language has been used in the past.
DeCrow raised eyebrows in 1981 when she served as defense counsel to Frank Serpico, the former New York detective and whistleblower, in a paternity suit. Serpico claimed the plaintiff had used him as a “sperm bank” and lied about being on the Pill while knowingly trying to conceive, and asserted that he had a constitutional right not to become a parent against his will. (The family-court judge, a woman, ruled in Serpico’s favor, but he lost on appeal.)
DeCrow, by then a lawyer in private practice in Syracuse, New York, endorsed Serpico’s argument on feminist grounds. “Just as the Supreme Court has said that women have the right to choose whether or not to be parents, men should also have that right,” she told The New York Times, calling this “the only logical feminist position to take.”
…In a 1982 letter to the Times, she wrote that since men have no legal power to either veto or compel an abortion, it is only just that they shouldn’t have to pay for a woman’s unilateral decision to bring the pregnancy to term: “Or, put another way, autonomous women making independent decisions about their lives should not expect men to finance their choice.”
Source: The Atlantic


Deplorable Patriot

This is why Michael Matt’s #unitetheclans is vital. There’s entirely too many people in the pews who haven’t done their own research.


i like this guy’s thinking…comment image

Deplorable Patriot
Study: U.S. abortion rate falls to lowest level since 1973 legalization
Sept. 18 (UPI) — Abortions in the United States have dropped to its lowest level since the practice was legalized 45 years ago, amid recent increases in laws preventing access to the procedure, said a new study published Wednesday.
The study by the Guttmacher Institute said there were 862,320 abortions performed at U.S. clinics and other health facilities in 2017, equaling 13.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44, the lowest rate recorded since 1973, when the landmark Supreme Court ruling in Roe vs. Wade affirmed a woman’s right to the medical procedure.
The 23-page study said the figures show a continuation of declining abortions rates that saw the number fall to 14.6 abortions among 1,000 women within this demographic in 2014, down from 16.9 in 2011.
However, the study highlights that while 227 restrictions on abortion access were enacted by states between January 2014 and June 2019, it is unclear what effect they had on lowering the abortion rate.
“Although the number of state abortion restrictions continued to increase in the Midwest and South between 2014 and 2017, these restrictive policies do not appear to have been the primary driver of declining abortion rates,” the report said.
The analysis also notes there is no correlation between the number of clinics in a state and its number of abortions.
If the restrictions and a decrease in clinics were causes, it states, then the number of births would increase. However, fertility rates declined in almost all states between 2014 and 2017.

Deplorable Patriot

My guess is part of the drop in the rate may be due to voluntary eugenics and population control. There simply aren’t as many women of childbearing years.


…and the day after pill and the like possibly

Deplorable Patriot

Could be, but that doesn’t always work, I understand. I honestly think there’s just fewer women of reproductive years, and maybe the pro-life movement has made some inroads.


Awesome DP❤️🥀 … you know I really enjoy reading 📖 your open thread. You have a wicked sense of humor .. bwahahahahaha … love the music 🎶❤️ … I want to go to a concert with you someday, we will sit in the balcony ok … 🤫😬 …. Amos is ☺️❤️ .. thank you 🙏🏼 we need these Holy words each and every day, armor of God … 😉❤️
…. like they say when the thoroughbred ‘s come out of the gate …….. and they’re off …. 🐎🐎🐎 … ummm running the wrong way though … 😑 .. doh …

Deplorable Patriot



Hey folks, need help please.
Trying to put up a thread for the Horowitz testimony today but I need a link.
I am kicking, kicking, KICKING myself for not doing a thread yesterday on the Lewandowski hearing.
So many gems came out of that hearing.
Proud of Corey!


my favorite!!! (think I got it right…)
“I will be as sincere in my answers as this committee is in it’s questions”.


scanning and looking for anyone saying they’re covering it live, but BigMamaTEA or Phoenix might have a better grasp of where to look…


It’s not on CSPAN, already checked.
They’re covering the FISA hearing this morning.
WHERE is Horowitz??????


isn’t Horowitz testifying about the FISA stuff????


I don’t know.
Don’t think so. I think, and I’m easily wrong on this one, his testimony today is supposed to be about the past 10yrs of oversight.


in front of whom? do you know?


That Other Site usually has good links to stuff like that. Just saying.
You don’t have to tell anybody where it came from. 🙂


Found it on my own. I was proud!!!!!



Hey and good mornin’ DP!
Your great Wednesday Open Thread reminds me of Baldacci’s Camel Club series – one of my favorite thriller series ever. Such fun to read!
Dull life needs excitement – – started reading Dick Francis back in my young housewife days and graduated to series by Robert Whitlow, Dee Henderson, Joel Rosenberg, local GA author Virginia Lanier, Jan Karon, great fiction series by Alan Derschowitz, John Grisham, Tom Clancy and many more. Now reading the Jack Reacher thrillers by Lee Child.

Deplorable Patriot

OMG, I haven’t read the Dick Francis books in years. I gave up on Clancy. Too many writing faux pas. Grisham…I did like The Pelican Brief.


You are much more discerning than I am – all I need is a likeable tough hero who outsmarts/kicks crooks a$$es!!!


Francis was one of my favorite mystery writers.

Gail Combs

…. Dick Francis books….
Oh I loved those. I think his wife was his ‘ghost writer’ since his command of the written language wasn’t all that good. After she died his son took over.


A little fun (personally unverified) gossip about Dick Frances. …he and his wife lived in our area, and the talk was that it was his wife that actually authored his books.


Sorry, GaFl …we must have been posting at the same time…glad our stories matched! 😉


Official numbers from POTUS Trump’s rally in NM! 8704 in the building, estimate of 1500 outside the venue. Three arrested (women) in the protest area.
The tolerant, loving Democrat Socialists are going at it here in ABQ. A local winery, who has hosted fund raisers for both sides of the aisle, is now being economically targeted by the former Lieutenant Governor Dianne Dennish (served under Bill Richardson). This winery even hosted events for Bill Richardson. Dianne Dennish is urging people to boycott this winery because they hosted a Latinos for Trump meeting the day after the rally. It’s sickening … and sends the message, don’t come to NM and open a small business unless you agree with the Dems.


Hi Leroy!

Gail Combs

Good grief, WordUnimpressed is getting ridiculous! It will not post a comment on the male/female skeleton differences and vectors!


Then they must be disabling comments on all the medical sites that deal with bone issues.
Wait … what?
They’re not?
Never mind …


Film history in Gallup, N.M. – El Rancho Hotel
This place is stupendous!


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on last night’s “The Jim Jefferies Show”:
Last night on “The Jim Jefferies Show” the host used the fire that devastated the landmark Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris last April to launch an anti-Catholic diatribe.


Shame on them.

Deplorable Patriot

Wow. I’m wondering what Catholics ever did to him.


Showed everybody what a sinner he is. Without saying a word.


so this Swedish kid going to China to lecture THEM??? they are much worse polluters than we are…go on Greta…I DARE YOU…
Thunberg, who has said her struggle with Asperger’s syndrome inspired her activism, traveled to the U.S. last month on a racing yacht to prevent making a “carbon footprint” by flying here from Europe.
Also parting ways with traditionally prepared testimony submitted to Congress ahead of hearings, Thunberg instead gave the committee the United Nation’s IPCC Special Report on Global Warming released in October of 2018.
“I am submitting this report as my testimony because I don’t want you to listen to me,” Thunberg said in a brief document accompanying the report. “I want you to listen to the scientists. And I want you to unite behind the science.”
“And then I want you to take action,” Thunberg wrote.


China has some fairly sophisticated ‘get-yer-mind-right’ facilities. She’d be a perfect pupil.


Kevin Spacey Accuser Dies in Midst of Sexual Assault Lawsuit
An anonymous massage therapist who claims to have been sexually assaulted by Kevin Spacey has died, according to a notice filed in court by the actor’s attorneys.
The individual, suing as a “John Doe,” filed claims in Sept. 2018 with the allegation of being forced to grab the actor’s genitals twice during a massage two years earlier at a private residence in Malibu. In May, a federal judge in California allowed the case to move forward despite Spacey’s objection that the plaintiff’s identity was being shielded.
Now, just a month after the parties came to a plan for proceeding in the suit that detailed prospective discovery and envisioned a 7-to-11 day trial, the plaintiff’s attorney has informed Spacey that the client “recently passed.”
No further detail is provided, and a request to the plaintiff’s attorney for more information has not been answered.


need a pic of ‘Suspicious Cat’ here …………………..
somebody !?


pardon the words…I’ll search for one without…comment image


You can use this one for the future . . .comment image


thank you!!!!!
I have tucked this cat into my files!


Thanks Carl !


Thanks Pat …………..


bakocarl found the good one…but i got in my files now…


I need to add to mine too… ‘course, mine is not tiny compared to yours!


when i find ones i like, i am now storing them instead of trying to remember where i saw them…got some good ones for Halloween…lol


looking forward to seeing them Pat ……….




‘course you know the word “not” just jumped in there!


Well, size matters!


LOL You know Carl, as I was typing, I knew I was leaving myself open for a comment! Hope you and yours are well.


Wht the f itty f? Is the arkancide corp being franchised?