Not to put TOO FINE a point on this, but you know – I’m just TIRED of sitting on Twitter’s comfortable fancy leather couch that GOES NOWHERE.
Now – WE may not have BABS and MANDY, but we do have LINDA and CHRISTIE.
Two very nice ladies – TWITTER WARRIORS – who helped get President Trump elected.
And the TWITTER OMEGAS – well – they were NOT VERY NICE to these ladies. Not nice at all. They suspended them based on LIES. You will note that the leftists have tried EVERYTHING to take down these gals – including naming them as “Russian bots” in national MSM Fake News newspaper articles, among other things. They never could get these gals, because these lovely ladies FOLLOW THE RULES.
So finally, the progressives at Twitter “pretended not to know”.

They just pretended not to know better, and “listened” to some lying Dem who accused them FALSELY of being A GUY, and acted on it, without investigating.
Why, THAT’S WEIRD – that’s a lot like what they DID TO TRUMP, ISN’T IT?
I followed both of these gals. They were among the nicest people on Twitter. And everybody knows what this means. They’re going to get their good friend Steph – another MSM-named “Russian bot” – next.
But THAT is not my only beef with “@jackboot” as I sometimes call Jack Dorsey.
I saw a THREAD today on Twitter that almost NOBODY has seen. Twitter has hidden it, because it tells a shocking and remarkable truth about Twitter, that was always RIGHT IN OUR FACES, but yet we never saw it.
But this guy did. Back in July of 2018.
Here is the FIRST TWEET of the series (18 + 1 added hashtag tweet).
Because I don’t TRUST Twitter to “not delete” this thread after I expose it more fully, here is the entire thread as IMAGES.

Here is the Threadreader, which is another form of an archive.
SO – to explain what is going on here, it is unlikely that Twitter actually has some kind of double system – one for liberals and one for conservatives. What you almost certainly have is a SLIDING SCALE BIAS – a GRADIENT – and probably a whole lot of them – that together do exactly what this person observes. And once you know what to look for – AND THIS THREAD DOES EXACTLY THAT – it is GUARANTEED that we can look through Twitter’s code and emails and find the bias and link it back to DAMNABLE ACTIONS OR INACTIONS in Twitter communications and policies.
This is very understandable. I could get juries to understand this ALL DAY LONG, ONE AFTER THE OTHER.
So what do you think? Oh, I know what the left thinks.

Well, here’s what WOLF thinks.

Yeah, Jack. You can take your thumb out of America’s ### any time.
Best before November 3, 2020.
Twitter censorship is real.
It’s rare to get even a single like on an original post.
And I’ve been stuck at about 2600 followers for 2yrs.
Even clever responses to leftists, high in the thread, the kind which SHOULD illicit a swarm of bots, is often ignored.
It’s like no one can hear me.
Yes. Exactly. And I’ve seen it, too. I’ve watched your account. I saw it. I saw them box you in and make the walls steeper. All the responses you used to get – slowly drying up, until they were gone. They’ve got you hidden.
I was one of the few people allowed to see your posts, so you’re one of the top people in my timeline, along with Danielle Blumenthal, because they want me commenting on her timeline and measuring my responses.
The reason you were always so popular on CTH is because you were FREE TO BE YOU THERE. No bias – no hiding your stuff.
The MATH is used to box you in. Twitter puts the WALLS just out of reach where you can’t see them. I retweet your stuff, but they don’t show my retweets of you to anybody except people who circle you back.
They’re very careful how they do it. They understand human motivation. How much REWARD to make you work HARDER until you peter out.
If we were all on gab, your account would EXPLODE.
We are in a FALSE NORMAL on Twitter.
For all of you still on twitter, twitter has a new weapon against good patriot Americans & trump supporters. Its called deboosting. Over 1/2 of the good conservatives still on twitter are still on it. The only way to combat it is to not only retweet your own tweets, allong with checking the box that say “More Replies”, even the one that says “More Replies That are offensive” 90% of the time they are conservatives, and they are NOT offensive.
Here is where you can find if you are being shadow banned or under deboosting . /
If you are under “Reply Deboosting”, here is what is happening
“Reply Deboosting
If Twitter’s signals determine that an account might engage in harmful behavior, Twitter hides their replies behind a barrier and only loads them when “Show more replies” is clicked. This behavior is personalized, i.e. Twitter does not hide the tweets of accounts you follow. We therefore use an unbiased reference account without followings in order to determine whether tweets within a thread can be retrieved without clicking “Show more replies” from its view. In some cases, Twitter classifies accounts as offensive. In this case, replies are hidden behind a second barrier within the “Show more replies” section.
The outcome of this test may depend on the conversation which we found one of your tweets in. For testing, we take your latest reply tweet that is not within a conversation you started. Note that test results are cached for a short period of time.
A failure to test is neither a positive nor a negative test result. This test relies on some conditions that are not fulfilled by all accounts. In some cases, we cannot test for purely technical reasons.”
Thank you for this! I tested myself, and NO BANS allegedly (yeah, right), but Daughn is HUGELY banned!!!
oh my—is she under deboosting???
I will guarantee that at least 1 out 3 if not more you test are under deboosting, unless they just a lurker.
She has a question mark under deboosting – I was clean on that one – but she has definite bans on all the others.
They throttle me on Twitter, too. I have barely 1000 followers. I hardly ever get a Tweet from you or Wolf.
Having eschewed Twitter during Advent, I find that one of my wishes for Christmas would be PDJT moving over to Gab.
Actually, I’m starting to think that some “AND” LOGIC is exactly what is needed.
REMEMBER – what the other side does is to encourage EXCLUSIONARY THINKING. President Trump is EITHER on Twitter OR he’s on Gab OR he’s on Parler.
BREAKING THAT PARADIGM – even S L O W L Y milking it for all it’s worth – is a TACTIC.
Merely the ACT of claiming an account on another platform is going to send an EARTHQUAKE through the MSM.
He doesn’t even have to POST anything there. Just CLAIM THE ACCOUNT.
What if CERTAIN “drops” – whoops – I mean TWEETS – only appeared on OTHER platforms?
All sorts of possibilities.
Being BACKED INTO NEW CORNERS may have advantages in the art of COUNTERPUNCHING.
Wasn’t the last “manifesto” murderer on TWITTER and NOT GAB?
That would be hilarious to get a Gab account in part to “get away” from the VIOLENT EXTREMISTS allowed to run rampant on TWITTER. Or just to speak to the “unacceptables” who have been DRIVEN FROM TWITTER.
Wow! I think I read somewhere that Parscale has a Gab account.
All I can say if fight the good fight…
We need to remember what the consequences will be if the left manages to steal the WH in 2020.
People like me will be treated like we’re in East Germany! Massive daily Zersetzung!!!
Well too many have gotten the East Germany/Hitler treatment,
Daughn – kinthenorthwest just alerted me to the fact that Twitter has NEW SHADOWBANS.
Here is the deal – I think there is something weird with the detection of them. Not sure what it is.
When I test myself – NADA – no bans whatsoever.
But when I test YOU – BOOM!!! – *ALL* of them!!! You are definitely banned 3 ways, and PROBABLY reply-deboosted.
Can you try testing me? WOLFM00N with TWO zeroes – in “moon”.
I think we broke it. It just says ‘running test’ now.
Twitter will try to break it / fool it / mess with it!
I don’t trust Twitter, FB and whatever else they have.
Okay, tested that site below from kinthenorthwest out. Came up with no bands. But it looks like bull shit.
Searched twitter shadow band in Duck Duck and came up with this in Wiki How.
1. Log out of Twitter or open a private/incognito tab in your web browser.
2. Navigate to the Twitter search. Open in your browser to access the Twitter search page. Or, search for “Twitter search” in Google to find this page anytime. Note. I could not get my browser to go to that page so did the “Twitter search” thing.
3. Type “from:username” in the search box. Replace the “username” with your Twitter username. E.g: from:wikiHow. Hit the Enter button or click on the Search button to continue.
4. Check the search results page carefully. If you can’t see your Tweets on the results, you’ve been shadowbanned by Twitter. If you see your Tweets, you are safe.
Results. I could find zero tweets after 30 October. In my normal twitter account it shows at least forty tweets Nov – Dec. None of which show up in twitter’s search. Of the tweets that exist before 30 October most of those do not show up at all. Makes me think they just change shadow banning methods.
Will add this above under some unlucky persons reply as I’m well aware that coming late and posting is it’s own form of self shadow banning 🙂
Wow – this means you are SEARCH BANNED!!!
Always felt I was banned one way or another at twitter but at least my likes move the needle 🙂
Very interesting – you are NOT search banned for ME – nor are you search banned for that site.
I think it may be SELECTIVE based on WHO IS SEARCHING, so that some people are given a false view of “no problems”.
Also likely my tweets don’t come up. I never see response in twitter while my Disques average is quite good. Go figure.
Yes, I get the same results for you – no bans – assuming that you are para59r on Twitter. What this means is that Twitter has a way to beat the site’s test for search bans!!!
They likely have multiple methods and change them periodically. Slippery eels.
Meanwhile though twitter and other sensors are attempting to dry up the conservative voice what they have done is to cause that voice to spring up in thousands of new and different places. Instead of silencing the well the very ground itself is getting saturated with the same kind of conservative thought. 🙂
YUP. 😎
Here is something from Gab. Check the email associated with your Gab account. If you’re not seeing ANY emails from Gab, you may need to pull this “contact” trick to keep Gab emails out of spam.
Verified Account
🚨Important! Google is marking Gab emails as spam🚨 (repost please)
You can help. Check your spam folder. Mark our emails as not spam. Click one of the links in our email.
Add our email address ( to your contact list.
You can bet their dirty censoring and blocking tricks and the banning and silencing of conservatives will increase throughout the election year!
These are desperate, corrupt people.
Silicon Valley “let the Democrats down” last time (2016). They made a lot of headway CORRECTING THAT in 2018. They honed their tactics in 2019. And yes – they will go ALL OUT in 2020.
We’ve defended well. But can we defend EVEN MORE STRONGLY?
Has anyone reported this to PDJT and Atty Gen Barr?
This kind of censorship is illegal or should be, especially since it qualifies as free speech/communication manipulation and even election meddling!!!
It all goes back to whether social media sites are platforms or publishers.
They LOVE where they are now – giving the BEST OF BOTH for liberals and the WORST OF BOTH for us.
I know. I think we are going to beat the pants off them anyway! 😁
YUP!!! 😀
Remember this?
The Supreme Court has already ruled that Social Media serves as a ‘town square’…so using it is a Constitutional Right:
Question is…Why is no one pointing to this precedent, and screaming about it?
Yup. I agree.
DOJ Civil Rights is still MASSIVELY INFECTED with the communist virus that associates civil rights almost exclusively with skin color and other “easy” reasons – that defaults to EASY “physical” reasoning with a long-term objective of obtaining and wielding POWER through eternal division, rather than making sure that ABSTRACT RIGHTS are available to ALL without regard for things like color, religion, etc. It’s a mind game that the RUSSIANS AND DEMOCRATS won before the start of action to correct civil rights abuses in the US.
It’s hilarious in a cynical way, that….
And yet nobody sees it, because we have been TRAINED by FAKE NEWS to associate civil rights with inequality, rather than equality. It’s a subtle psychological difference which the KGB really won through continuous propaganda.
Which of course is why Susan Wocommie has to hide that stuff now. GREAT AWAKENING.
Twitter actually followed FB down that path. The first censorship wave was Ash Wednesday week 2014. I remember it well. Was on two different blogs with healthy traffic publicized by FB sharing, and the bottom fell out. Ended up on another blog – this one paid well – later that year, and in early 2015, we suddenly couldn’t get 1,000 views on pieces that previously would have yielded 20x that. Across the board in the conservative blog world, the numbers were down and it got worse as the 2016 election approached even with paid advertising that was eventually revoked. None of the independents survive other than Epoch, Zero Hedge and a couple others, but all of those are diverse in scope of reporting.
It’s pretty obviously a concerted effort which feeds into the theory – and this one is pretty much still at theory stage without proof other than Q hints – that just about all social media is alphabet in nature and start-up funding.
VERY interesting. They HAD to know what they were doing. They HAD TO KNOW.
Yup. They not only use GOVERNMENT to monetize the left – they used SOCIAL MEDIA to demonetize the right. Tricky.
And in the process, killed off the grass roots efforts to get the word out on what was going on. I mean, I made A LOT of money off of the Michael Brown fiasco, especially when his mother pulled some crap. And a few months later, things fell apart. Of course, that blog had other issues, but any post put on the FB page should have had 1k hits in an hour, and nothing.
The other thing that might have contributed, and probably did, was that a number of sites formed a consortium. It was much easier to find us that way.
And then we tried posting on off times. That eventually was found out.
Now…without email lists, it’s hit and miss. The blog I currently write for has been banned.
Oh they know exactly what they are doing…
Dang I need to find a good site with how to post pictures on here, along with probably a lot of patience from all of you while I screw up.
You can use the TEST PAGE to practice and try to make image posts. Lots of people here do that.
I like imgur(dot)com to host pictures.
Guaranteed Brad Parscale knows building his digital campaign machine. I can’t imagine that they have not developed a counter to the censorship.
Also, the UK landslide was a great example that the Twitterverse does not necessarily reflect reality. Their own bubble can make them feel safe and underestimate our strength…not so different that the media bubble has done in 2016 and earlier.
Great points! There are BIG LESSONS for our side in that UK vote.
TY Wolfie–We need to support the twitter warriors still standing
I tried–kinthenorthwest was on since 2008 and suspended beginning of last year.
Now GracieLovesUSA is suspended.
Over and over again both were slammed with horrid names, yet I remained civil to them all.
We need to pray for all the warriors out there on social media fighting to keep the real truth out there.
God Bless each and every one.
Wolfie you are right about the liberals on Twitter–Day after day they slammed and slam Trump and other good Trump supporters. I will admit that at times some conservatives get nasty, but the comments and memes out there from most liberals are past R rated. You know at 70 I had thought I’d seen and heard it all, but the liberals are consistently burning my eyes and ears with their posts on social media. What shocks me the most are that many verbal and physical threats against our leaders, and even good Trump supporters. No matter how many times they are questioned, nothing is done.
For all you still on twitter, please try and support our good leaders and the twitter warriors that remain.
Remember the Greatest gift we can give President Trump, VP Pence, their families, administration, America and all Americans are our unending prayers.
The last survey/polling I saw earlier this year said that only 22% of Americans have a twitter account. The poll also said how many had internet access (either mobile or DSL/cable) but I can’t remember the percentage.
Conclusion? Twitter is a bubble.
For intermittent urgent communications, we can set up texting trees. Cumbersome but highly unlikely to be controlled a la twitter/facebook. For instance, Parscale has a collection of email addresses unrivaled anywhere for harmony of thought. He could fairly easily create trees for x number of people and have them share/discuss info that he sends out (then re-disburse to contacts NOT on Brad’s list). A web that grows strands organically.
Someone please explain to me…
If I was a multi-millionaire or, better still, a billionaire (like PDJT) I would have already put into place a social media platform to counter Twitter. How? Simple.
I would use my $$ to buy the very best programming talent and put a legal wall around them…like, I’ll pay you $1M a year in exchange for a non-compete agreement.
I would specifically market this platform as a platform for conservatives.
Why has our side not done this?????
Could have SWORN I heard that this was going to happen – a “Trump base” platform of some kind.
Okay, tested that site out. Came up with no bands. But it looks like bull shit.
Searched twitter shadow band in Duck Duck and came up with this in Wiki How.
1. Log out of Twitter or open a private/incognito tab in your web browser.
2. Navigate to the Twitter search. Open in your browser to access the Twitter search page. Or, search for “Twitter search” in Google to find this page anytime. Note. I could not get my browser to go to that page so did the “Twitter search” thing.
3. Type “from:username” in the search box. Replace the “username” with your Twitter username. E.g: from:wikiHow. Hit the Enter button or click on the Search button to continue.
4. Check the search results page carefully. If you can’t see your Tweets on the results, you’ve been shadowbanned by Twitter. If you see your Tweets, you are safe.
Results. I could find zero tweets after 30 October. In my normal twitter account it shows at least forty tweets Nov – Dec. None of which show up in twitters search. Of the tweets that exist before 30 October most of those do not show up at all. Makes me think they just change shadow banning methods.
Will add this above under some unlucky persons reply as I’m well aware that coming late and posting is it’s own form of self shadow banning 🙂
This is for Jack, the San Francisco c*cksucker:
Used to think I wanted to watch this. Now…….
It was a gritty depiction of a frontier town…and a stark departure from the usual romanticized versions.
But they went overboard with it!
Every time I think of Jack, the evil overlord of twitter…I think of this show, where they immortalized the phrase:
“San Francisco c*cksucker!”
And it is even technically correct!
He lives in San Francisco and he is gay.
Ah! I didn’t know he was * g a y s t a p o * !!!
THAT explains a LOT. Socialists of all kinds know how to manipulate gays into becoming desperate political actors. YUP.
Oh yeah he’s gay.
I think he even has a ‘husband’.
Wolf have you seen this? Sorry I don’t know how to do pics properly but this is way cool.
I dont know if it is real, I am still looking for Trumps letter to her but I thought it was off the wall trolling.
Absolutely cannot be real, but funny!!!
Very funny indeed.
Add youtube to the mix.
I was watching the link Q posted and first off the number of people watching it seems very low. BUT I can’t get the comments to load anymore.
That video is weirdly enjoyable!
Yup. Also makes me wonder how Q is about to find all these hidden gems. But again he/she IS Q LOL