For the time being, given our national emergency, we are switching to DAILY COVID-19/China Virus threads instead of weekly threads. Your comments and updates are most welcome. PLEASE continue to post your valuable information, hard source links, and local observations within these Daily Threads. Additionally, we will try to include links to government and official pressers, so those who no longer have cable can remain informed.
(Placeholder for the WH Daily Presser)
We’ll get through this crisis, together. As a group, there is probably no one better prepared than we are.
For our newcomers: The Q Tree community has been diligent in covering the threat of Coronavirus, COVID19, Wuhan FLU. We started accumulating information about this virus in mid-late January, in what became almost weekly threads. We’ve been weeks, if not months, ahead of MSM outlets to vet rumors and other medical papers, etc.
Primary Update Links:
- Links to the USA CoronaVirus Task Force:
- Johns Hopkins CSSE Dashboard to update number of “official” cases within China and worldwide:
- Another summary of data, updates and sources:
- Hard Link to the World Health Organization:
- Hard Link to the Center for Disease Control: CDC Updates:
In our past weekly threads, we assembled information on the following:
- Primary update links. The dashboard from Johns Hopkins which counts “official” cases all over the world, the CDC, and WHO, and includes the links for our past threads.
- Hard Data Medical Information- Explanation about testing, reliance on China for drugs, analysis of NE Journal of Medicine results and other published papers.
- Vaccine and theraputics (new/old drugs to alleviate symptoms) news and updates
- Trump Administration response (the timeline and links to various agencies)
- China Responses, timelines, research, attempt to cover actions, or secrecy in results discovered.
- An aggregate of info/responses from other countries, listed by country.
- Economic impact from around the world. A change in economic activity will indicate a “return to normal”.
- Speculation/debunking on how the virus started
- Media Bias, political response, and debunking section, like the article from AP News, overt bias from Politico, inflammatory headlines, etc.
- Other medical info to boost immune system, herbal remedies, ways to keep your house clean and NOT spread the virus to others. Excellent information to incorporate into daily lifestyle.
- Hard links for OTHER valuable sources/blogs and a brief sentence or two about what they provide
- Other news items
Our weekly updates. timelines, collection of valuable information, can be found here:
- January 25th, Our first thread:
- January 27th, Our second thread:
- February 1st-9th, Our third thread:
- February 10th – 18th, Our Fourth Thread:
- February 19-29th: Our Fifth Thread:
- March 1-10th, Our Sixth Thread:
- March 9-16th, Our Seventh Thread:
Please try to keep your sense of humor during this National Emergency, and remember, patience is a virtue.
Love to all!
I dropped the HUGE news about HCQ/AZM (French study Daughn posted about) on S.E. Cupp’s timeline as a DARE for her to cover.
Check out the thread…..
You GO, Wolfie. Great news and throwing down the gauntlet to #FakeNewsCupp
THANKS!!! <3
It is time to come down on these folks. They have a choice. Cover the news or just be the [Obama / Clinton / socialist] government HACKS that they are.
Yup. With a President like Trump – who accomplishes more in a day than other presidents did in a month AND figures out how to communicate directly with We the People, the press is realizing they are irrelevant. They might still be getting a paycheck, but their jobs hold no value to anyone.
And WE are calling them on their shit.
Even better – their opinions are irrelevant and their paid propaganda is voided.
Anyone have a link for today’s WH briefing?
3/28/2020 PT zone: 4 PM
WH site says nothing.
I haven’t been able to find it yet.
GA/FL says it’s off for today.
good to know. I was going bonkers trying to find!
No briefing today – Golden State has it scheduled for 5pm tomorrow:
GA/FL, Thank You!
I had not heard.
I knew the President was going to the ships, and thought that might override the Presser.
Just in case Cupp doubts Dr. Raoult’s CV, you may want to add this link showing he is the #1 expert in the world on communicable diseases.
Dr. Fauci is around #35 for comparison. Never said he isn’t crazy smart.
Fauci is a slug. Wrong guy for the job.
WHY are we taking the advice ot the #35 guy? That means there are THIRTY FOUR better. I want the guy that got an A + in epidemiology, not the one that got a B.
I mean…really? REALLY? REALLLLLY?
Check this out!!!
The REPLIES on this are awesome. People dumping tips like CRAZY.
79/80 survival this time
Yeah, this stuff is great.
Although yes, like nitrogen and oxygen, may cause cancer in the state of California.
Watch out for dihydrogen monoxide.
Found in every cancerous tumor.
Thousands, if not millions, die from inhaling it every year.
Billion in property damage every year.
Need I go on?
DHMO scares the hell out of me. Our neighbor hoards it, and the local kids are always getting into his stash. NIGHTMARE.
WAY more than a statistical anomaly. In fact the odds are now infinitesimal that this is NOT the cure.
EXACTLY. As stated, “they want their weapon”. And it has now slipped from their hands.
THANK YOU!. There are still some here, that cannot yet see it for what it WAS and IS. I was just ahead of the curve, THANKS to people like you and others. My radar was up from DAY one, when they went 24/7 HYPE. Then there was the tote board. Then, strike three having team Cabal in Hillary and Obam ATTACK the cure, and the MESSENGER in Trump. ALL I needed to see!
Thank you and others like GAFL, Daughn, Wheatie, and others too numerous to mention. You made us SEE. You gave us POWER in INFORMATION, and you gave us a PLACE to discuss and SPREAD the info.
When we finally do the complete forensics on the “pandemic”, and timeline it with everything the ChiComs, Dems, “epidemic investors”, and Fake News have done or not done, they are going to be in deep doo-doo.
BIO-9/11 was a DUD, and we are grabbing the bullet in our BODY ARMOR OF TRUTH as it sputters out of the murder weapon.
BINDO. See my comment to DP about how I THINK that the sequesteration of America, will end this MORE quickly, and it was NOT by keeping us all aprt, but by forcing us ALL together that will do it. It explains the spikes and the hot spots. Check it out.
Michigan Man Unloads on Governor!
I am more convinced this is a Soros op. Whitmer used to work for a Soros company. Not sure what the Nevada governor’s connection is but that place is corrupt.
SPOT ON. This Farcedemic IS an OP. Period. TOO MANY coincidences, including the INDIFFERENCE to this virus by all the 70 and 80 year olds in Congress. They PLAYED politics, and were WHOLLY unconcerned by their OWN supposed RISK to acquire this virus. WAHT does that tell you?
In my discussion with Wolf the other day, he revealed on their recent Congressional field trip to Africa, they ALL were given guess what? Chloroquine for Malaria. Thinks are just TOO convenient. There are MANY more, but I have already written them ad nauseum here, we were SNOWED.
We need to tell the Cabal…”hey boys…it’s your uncle Bingo…TIME to pay the CHECK!”
She was APPOINTED by judges as a county prosecutor in 2016, when the existing prosecutor was caught with hookers. That enabled her to get to the governor’s office. So I will bet that she is a “Soros DA project” spawn of some kind, and they used a NON-ELECTORAL METHOD to get her in. Possibly ABUSED NSA DATA. If they can find the ABUSE OF NSA DATA (Adam Schiff?) that was used to nail the predecessor and get her in, then they can likely take out some SOROS BLACK HATTERY in the system.
Occom’s razor Wolf, HCQ + AZM IS the cure. More Truth bombs, they KNOW IT, probably ALL cabal have HAD it to prevent them from getting it, and they will CONTINUE to attack it. Know why? Because the REALLLY REALLY want their weapon.
They KNOW spring is HERE for most of the country, and it will soon be ALL of the country. Warm weather does 2 things, exacerbates cabin fever from this farcedemic sequester, AND it KILLS or SLOWS the spread of this virus to NILL.
I find it EXCEEDINGLY interesting that one of the HOAXES that fed this fire, Neil Fergusson, has had to revise his “projections” by 95% DOWN. It took EFFOR to “miss” THAT badly.
This, my friend was yet ANOTHER false flag, this time using a REAL virus, seeding it amongst it’s MOST effective, in KEY areas (senior cruises, nursing homes, hell maybe even bingo parlors) and WAITING for the inevitable death, and then hyping it to the MAX to get us to WILLINGLY give up our money, jobs, businesses, and FREEDOM.
It ALMOST worked, and they might’ve gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for that rotten Trump (apologies to Scooby Doo fans).
Now, the REAL questions, are this
WHEN to end the farcedemic
WHO (pun intended) is held accountable?
What will be done to those that started this, FANNED the flames, obfuscated the TRUTH, and are NOW attempting to prolong the agony by withholding the CURE?
We WILL get to the WHY and WHERE this all began, and those people need tried, convicted and executed for this crime of thousands of deaths, TRILLIONS in losses, and incalculable suffering.
We all know it. Trish Regan knew it weeks ago and got canned for saying it. I just cannot imagine the way forward to hold anyone accountable. No one is ever Roger-Stoned except Roger Stone.
Oh this, the effort to COVER the coming justice for a coup, is a MAGNITUTDE worse than the coup. They will have NO defense for unleashing a KILLER virus on the world, nor the hysteria and damage it did.
There WILL be accountability, there HAS TO BE. They were STUPID in their desperation. Play STUPID games, win STUPID prizes.
I wonder yet if these FOOLS yet realize that in a NATIONAL EMERGENCY, over their OWN hysteria Pandemic, The President has BROAD powers, like NEVER before. He CAN declare martial law. He CAN suspend Habeus corpus, he CAN arrest the responsible, he CAN hold them for trial, and he can make it a MILITARY tribunal.
The penalty for treason is DEATH in times of an emergency or WAR. The penalty for crimes against humanity is ALSO DEATH.
Keep that in mind, these fools were desperate, the sowed the whirlwind, now they shall REAP what they have SOWN.
I believe Trump could even release exemplary evidence of these people plotting. I’m sure it will be very convincing, too. There will always be people who DON’T hear it. Use them for the trials. The MAIN JURY OF THE PEOPLE can hear the evidence right away.
Gee, didn’t someone say, recently, FISA’s go BOTH ways. They have been WATCHED. SOON, we will know the TRUTH.
They will be weighed, they will be measured, and they will be found WANTING.
BoooYaaaa bitch…..
Oh Wolf that is one hell of a throat punch ya did…..
Ask Trish Regan about being “Fired”……..?
Time to FIRE Paul Ryan, perhaps putting him in his VERY OWN 6×9 GITMO quarters for HIS role in the coup will get his attention.
Paul Ryan is destroying Fox News, just as we expected he would. ONE SHOW AT A TIME.
His DEATH knell will be when he comes for Hannity or even Ingraham. They are the ones along with Fox and friends and a few others keeping Fox from becoming CNN.
Fox has MORE than Ryan or even the Murdock boys, they have INVESTORS.
Investors that have gotten USED TO FAT PROFFITS and dividends.
Investors that will not LIKE giving up those FAT profits, and WILL demand HEADS if they go bye bye. Head like RYAN and the Murdock boys.
Rupert is NOT dead, he is in “retirement” He CAN and IMHO WOULD come back if his sons and Ryan destroyed his baby. Hee KNOWS all those investors, I am SURE they HAVE been on the phone, with “concerns”
If/WHEN the bottom line drops to a noticeable limit, there WILL be action. Rupert GAVE, he CAN and WOULD take away. Money will be the factor. FOx is too big, and PROFFITABLE to tank to much further, People HAVE noticed, which mean investors HAVE noticed, which means they ARE watching. IF their money slips, it will if much more culling happens, they WILL act.
Even Steve freaking Jobs was removed ONCE, and he was employee #1. If HE can be removed, ANYONE, even the founders sons, can be removed!
I think Beelzeryno will go “suicide bomber” on one of the bigs – probably using bogus sexual stuff, or bogus racial / “white nationalist” / “antisemitic” stuff in the case of Laura. That way he corrals as many of the other board members as possible on another FAKE TRUMP SCANDAL / FAKE FOX SCANDAL.
They knee-jerk on it to get “whoever” out, then the truth comes back and Ryno is chased out, but not before they damage the brand of “whoever”, even if they come back.
I can read SLEAZY RYNO like a book.
Trish should go somewhere else where she can bring RYNO down.
Agreed. Reagan WILL. Perhaps she will even SUE. Maybe THAT will be the first nail in Ryan’s coffin.
Bet there is some awesome discovery there. Especially if she doesn’t TAKE THE CASH.
Yes SIR. Will she DO IT, that is the key. Do they have ANYTHING on her? Or will they send her a “message” for compliance…with a check?
Can he possibility have that much power?
No doubt in my mind, the proper people (Q) know ALL about Ryan and he will not get away with anything.
He has a weapon – PC – which is now incredibly subversive on corporate and organizational boards that are now FORCED by companies like Goldman Sachs to be filled with BOLSHEVIK TOOLS.
The way it works is this. Boards are FORCED not to have the “best” people – whoever those might be – but rather “X number of women, Y number of blacks, Latinos, gays, lesbians, blah blah blah”. These forced ratios will always DEPART from whatever makes sense for the company and the industry. The departure is ALLOWED BY PC in some cases, but is DISALLOWED in others, and in those cases, LOW-QUALITY POLITICAL RINGERS are inserted. These are typically people with no real sense for the industry or the company, thus becoming SOFT VOTES that can be swayed easily by PC and more influential board members. At the same time, influential political ringers like Obama, Susan Rice, and stealth Dem Paul Ryno are inserted to LEAD the others.
It’s a RACKET to take over companies AT THE TOP.
Six by Nine?
How about 4×4. Don’t even let the asshole lie down.
Oh agreed. I have DARKER aspirations for the coupists, ones that involve the business end of a 6′ piece of hemp over a sudden 8′ drop.
Oh, but that’s too good for them.
Nonetheless, that’s probably the most they could realistically get.
Funny I was just trying to explain how “7 of 9’s” (Jeri Ryan of Star Trek Voyager, iirc) husband was taken out by a similar move against her husband by aka Obama’s handlers to get “BHO” nearly uncontested for the state senate seat in IL, launching his political career…like what was likely done for Gretchen “half” Whitmer, clearing the decks of competition to insert some controlled/controllable entity.
LOL, I did not realize the connection there. (And, LOL, Jack Ryan, as in Tom Clancy?)
We know one of the other Borgs in that group of nine HAD to be named Ernest. The last one… (think of it).
Hilarious! Thanks for that.
On a more sober note didn’t BHO’s people take out Clancy because he was writing a “fictional” tale that actually revealed what happened in the real world w/ aka Obama’s ascendancy?
Who knows?
I know a lot of people found his books “spooky” after 9/11. One of them even ended with an airliner hitting the Capitol building. The following book, which picks up minutes later, describes Iran attempting to use ebola in biowarfare so they could, while we were pinned down by the crisis, absorb Iraq and invade Saudi. The president’s response (once the invasion had been smashed flat) was to drop a bomb on the Iranian chief mullah’s house and demand the live bodies of everyone involved in the biowarfare stuff. He had no beef with the Iranian people.
I’d love to see something similar happen to China…
This is so sad to see…a man who did not take WuFlu seriously, did not take precautions and has passed away from WuFlu.
Disgustingly, the leftist media is using him to further their fake news talking point that President Trump called Wuflu a “hoax”. Of course, we know that President Trump called the Dem and media criticism of his handling the WuFlu a hoax – their spin on what he and his Admin are doing and their fake news “controversy” and talking points about he is doing IS a hoax…exactly as he called it.
Unfortunately, the pastor had shared an meme that is its own fake news – comparing a random day’s WuFlu stats, from the earlier part of the month, to the total numbers of Swine Flu…which makes MAGA supporters look idiotic and silly … further reinforcing the left’s talking points.
The man’s death is absolutely tragic and the left’s use of his incorrect and ill advised meme to further their own hoax of the Trump Admin’s actions is pathetic.
President Trump NEVER put out such a meme and President Trump’s message has been that this is Very serious. President Trump Knew then and Knows now exactly how serious of situation this is which is why he is taking the actions he is taking.
People are, sadly, spreading fake news memes that discourage people from taking the WuFlu seriously & from following President Trump’s advice on how to stay safe and how to slow the spread. One meme, I am sure, did not shape this man’s views or make him take risks but it must have reflected what he thought as his actions showed he was Not listening to President Trump and VP Pence.
I have seen some become so adverse to Fake News that they stop discerning what is fake and what is just news. Not everything that is fake news is an outright lie. Much fake news is twisted truth. The truth is always the opposite of what they say but some mix, some version of what they say. Example is that the media really was calmer about the Swine Flu and protected Obama and the media is trying to criticize President Trump as much as possible…but that does not reduce the reality of the WuFlu or the pandemic we are in.
WuFlu is real and it is awful and the cases are growing fast and to deny that reality is its own fake news. The hoax is Not WuFlu but what the media says about President Trump and his admins handling of WuFlu as President Trump himself told us.
Fighting fake news effectively is always being opposite of the news. This man really might have believed the fake news that masqueraded as a pro Trump meme and it might have influenced his behavior. 🙁 Not President Trump’s fault as he Never said WuFlu was a hoax and he has been taking it Very seriously!
Trust Trump and follow his leadership!
Absolutely. TRUST TRUMP.
Here is how smart MAGA is lining up on “hoax” now….
People need to understand the POWER of psychology here, the power of WEAK SARS.
This virus could be 1/4 as deadly as a AVERAGE flu. It’s the fact that it’s NEW and it makes people NOT BE ABLE TO BREATHE that makes it scary as hell.
Now all of that may be true. And you can tell people until you’re blue in the face – “don’t worry – you have less chance of dying than you have from the regular flu” – and it STILL would not matter. People, and the MEDIA, will create a crisis.
This stuff SCARES people. LOGIC is only PART of the answer.
TRUST TRUMP. He knows how to handle this.
It’s unknown, and shortness of breath scares people; all true. Unfamiliarity is scary. I had something — probably not WuFlu — with atypical symptoms, and I kept thinking how weird it was. It was fever without cold symptoms, and then later a cough, but not a productive one. I felt bad for four weeks. (If it was WuFlu, it was mild.)
But it’s more than unfamiliarity; it’s unpredictability. It only takes a few reported cases that are outside the expected, to alarm people. There was a young retired Olympic swimmer who suffered with it. He was an athlete with a healthy lifestyle. And the 49?-year-old father and husband who died rather suddenly. The horrific lung scans. The loss of taste and smell, and today reports of elevated heart proteins that mimic a heart attack. None of these is analagous to the flu, at least in my experience. So yes, most people won’t die, and the mortality rates are “like influenza,” but what about those who have unexpected symptoms, who don’t respond to treatment, and who die? Or those who are scarred for life? (As you may be? I hope not.)
With the flu, we know what the symptoms are and to get help if our temperatures are too high for too long. We know that people with underlying health conditions or impaired immunity or advanced age are at greater risk. And I suspect (though I don’t know) that the majority of deaths from flu are from those populations. But the more I know about WuFlu, the less rhyme or reason I see about whether one will be severely affected from it. That is what’s scaring people, I think.
Yeah, it’s scary. Unknown, random, and worst of all, for me, the MEDIA seems to oppose common sense on it. They FIGHT any treatment or cure. They HYPE IT to make it scarier.
Trump understands the psychology here. It is such a blessing.
I agree that the a Trump team understands what’s going on and are using this crisis to test the current capabilities and put into place not only supplies, but also a detailed plan of action for future flash flags.
Call it a dress rehearsal…and an exposure of the cabal…at all levels. More swamp draining and not just limited to DC.
Morbidity is not the issue. It’s the run on the health care system.
POTENTIAL run on the health care system. Right now, there is NO run on the healthcare system. H1N1 was 3x as bad, WAY more widespread, and affected CHILDREN and young adults. There is ONLY HYPE of the situation.
Want proof? Cuomo kept HARPING on the ventilators for DAYS. He did not even KNOW he had OVER 4000 in a warehouse in NJ. If there was SUCH a crisis, those would have been PRIORITY ONE, yet they SAT in a warehouse, for DAYS.
Next we have the masks, NO MASKS, yet they “found” 39 MILLION in another SEIU warehouse in CA.
Then they have a potential CURE, and what are they doing? TRYING to STOP it…for MORE TESTING.
Testing on somethings that have been around for DECADES
People need to video each ER in NYC and show the public what is going on. I’ve looked at a few but there needs to be more. I don’t want anecdotal comments from politicians. I want to see it.
BINGO, you “get it” NY.. SHOW ME. They WON’T. Now ask WHY. Then you KNOW THE TRUTH.
You are looking at only today’s numbers.
Leaders understand that the future is Reality but reality they can still impact and influence, but for which they must prepare Today. the growth rate and understanding the reality of where the numbers are going in a few short weeks explain our leader’s current actions.
Their current actions are reactions to the future based on growth rate of cases v. today’s #s. If they waited until 3 weeks to react to the #s that we will have in 3 weeks it would be to late to prepare it and avert disaster.
H1N1 was Not 3x as bad – why do you think that?
YES it WAS. You are still living in YESTERDAY. and Yesterday’s projections. I have been trying to tell you, and others, that you were LIED TO, you were MANIPULATED by FALSE projections.
When EVEN Dr Brix SAID so, you STILL ignore it, in favor of the narrative of trying to “get ahead of the projections”
We HAVE ALREADY gotten ahead, because the projections were a LIE. they were USED. Brix said so, the studies AROUND the WORLD say so. Even the FOOL that LIED and started this mess, Neil Fergusson, of Imperial College, has had to SCALE back his “projections” lie by 95%.
Ther is NO future growth. there is ONLY dropping (unless they TRY and reseed, which is what Trump has OVER prepared for)
Spring is HERE, that coupled with the precautions, the preparedness for future “reseeding” and the NATURE of ALL viruses, in that they PEAK, and burn OUT, means that this “even” is on the BACK SIDE, no matter WHAT the tote board of hysteria in counting deaths and infections says.
We were ALL LIED to, using a REAL virulent version of the flu, one that ATTACKED the elderly disproportionately, and one that did NOT meet the projections. FEAR of the unknown was their weapon. The problem is that in this MONTH and widespread event, it BECAME known ENOUGH to KNOW that the projections were not just OFF, but GARBAGE.
EACH day this “virus” becomes LESS the Spanish flu and MORE the REGULAR flu, as I predicted. Don’t take MY word for it, take Dr Brix, and OXFORD’s words for it.
the #s just went up another 12K in the US since this morning.
the projected death rate was wrong. wrong projections, diminished current projects, do not mean that there is No growth.
One thing being wrong does not mean the opposite is true.
NO ONE has said there is no future growth. It is growing Every Day.
I didn’t say it was worse than Spanish Flu but it already is worse than the Swine Flu. I asked you about your state re: Swine Flu.
Look, read my recent post to DP, couple that with what I have been saying for WEEKS that we were ALL seeded early. It explains the “eplosion” and NOT just the more testing…This was a GIANT country wide, MEASELS party. If you are old enough to kn what that was. look here:
I know I appear petty, but please spell the woman’s name correctly. It’s Birx. Attention to detail is important.
Thank you for pointing Dr. Birx current spelling. I have didn’t even realize I was doing that! Appreciate the correction.
I want to know why a GOVERNMENT UNION like the Purple Shirt SIEU needs a stockpile of 39 million masks.
Is the air inside all those swamp infested federal buildings really that toxic?
That is probably one of the results they are looking for. Crash the system and have it go to one system, like England and Canada. I hadn’t thought of that before.
nice thought
NY Guy, I would say it’s more of a test of the health system… not a run on it, yet. Not saying it won’t come close to it. Certainly an exposure of the weaknesses and especially of those responsible for those inadequate preparations from the legislators, budget offices, managers, etc. Heads should roll after the post-crisis assessments, especially if things like lavish trips, bonuses, and all kinds of fluffy expenditures are found instead of buying respirators, etc.
WuFlu is new…Swine flu has been around for decades which is why older people had immunity in 2009
I just think it’s really crappy that we didn’t get crisis actors.
What kind of self-respecting false-flag doesn’t have crisis actors?
Half the fun and entertainment value of modern false-flags is spotting the crisis actors in the video of chaotic scenes.
And crisis actors need work too, you know.
They are the go-to resource in false-flag events. They already have all the props, disaster aftermath clothing, etc., they can be anywhere in the country in less than 24 hours, and crucially, they are highly experienced in working with FEMA as well as local and state fire & rescue.
It’s not just an underutilized resource. In this case, they haven’t been utilized at all.
If I was a member of the F.F.C.A.U. (False Flag Crisis Actors Union) I’d go on strike over this.
They must be livid.
Yup. FFCAU should NOT be out of work during a Republican administration! Unthinkable!
…..and, then, there’s
I don’t know who these people are — I don’t watch television at all. But I don’t see, “this is yet another overpoliticized media blitz to attack Trump” as even arguable.
It isn’t, but reporters aren’t supposed to say that sort of stuff out loud on the air. She did.
And hopefully Trish will get picked up by OANN once any non-compete that might be in her contract or separation paperwork runs out.
OAN Business – NOW is the time!!!
Ugh! Got into a skilled care facility in TN…
Bad news!!!
You asked about Baking Soda. I add 1/6 of a tablespoon to a litter of iced green tea to take out the bitterness. I cold brew loose Gunpowder Green Tea which has a very nice flavor and more benefits than regular green tea.
However I think you may be thinking of BORON. (There is none in the soil in North Carolina.)
From ChifIO: A Very Good Boron Video
Comments are very good too so do not skip reading them esp those from Sabretoothed.
thank you. It was the baking soda/tea but the info on boron looks interesting and I will watch it later.
PS: NC soil….we left RTP after many years for TN – it was almost pure clay! Broke well made shovels in that stuff!
TELL ME ABOUT IT! We were digging post holes today.
The auger on the tractor will not work in the summer. It just sits there and spins. The only way to dig a post hole in mid summer is to chisel about a 2 inch hole in the ‘brick’ soil and add water to the hole. The next day go scrape out a few more inches and add more water…. And if you are lucky you have a 2 1/2 ft hole in about a week.
Just wanted to update all those interested! Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin uses the tea leaves mentioned, so to get what you need, maybe try this! … 😉
These tiny green pellets are probably what started it all for the curious mind of PJ Rigney. During one of his many voyages into terra incognita, he found himself part of a Moroccan tea ceremony. This ceremony is at the heart of all social gatherings, and was a great honour for PJ to be invited. Here he noticed the small, rolled, green leaves, brought from the Orient since the Tang dynasty of the 7th Century. He knew he needed to add them to his secret tabernacle back in the Shed.
PS, it’s 5 O’Clock somewhere, no? Daughn, Arnold Palmer or Dry Martini?
Frm the link: “Just after 6 p.m., the Unified Command Post in Sumner County was notified by the State Emergency Operations Center in Nashville that there were a large number of elderly residents at the nursing home that needed to be rushed to the hospital.”
But how did they time it so that everyone needed simultaneous transport to the hospital?
It would have been much less dramatic if people had shown symptoms requiring hospitalization on an ongoing individual basis. Did they hold people at the nursing home, suffering, until there was a large enough group of people to make headlines?
Or is this the new novel Covid-19 TDFMMI strain? (Timed Diagnosis for Maximum Media Impact)
“From there, the State EMS Director and Sumner County’s regional consultant came up with a plan to get the residents out of the nursing home.”
It takes a whole task force to figure out how to pick up a telephone and send ambulances… I mean, who could ever think of that on their own?
You would have to have a list of emergency phone numbers for neighboring counties and everything…
“At least 18 ambulances responded with crews from multiple counties. Transports started at around 8:20 p.m.”
Good work, and hopefully nobody forgot to call the news crews. It would certainly be embarrassing to go to all this trouble and then forget to exploit it for the fear-porn value. I just feel bad for the people in the nursing home who have been suffering for days, waiting for a big enough number of people to be sick so they could be transported all at once and make a news event out of it.
“All 19 nursing home residents were sent to Sumner Regional Medical Center, where they will be triaged and admitted.”
Hopefully the hospital has capacity to treat 19 whole people at one time…
“The hospital’s emergency team has been mobilized.”
Roger, Roger. Wait… aren’t they always mobilized?
Or is the emergency team only mobilized during scheduled emergencies?
No, emergency team is for, well, emergencies and l are not always mobilized…don’t always need that many on call. There is the normal staff and the emergency team on call if there is a disaster, big accident, etc.
There are tests came back of the ill and as soon as they knew they then needed to get them out of there asap.
It seems very unlikely that all 19 patients exhibited symptoms at the same time, so tests for all 19 were done at the same time.
Just as it’s very unlikely there won’t be more who will exhibit symptoms and would test positive tomorrow, if tested tomorrow.
What seems more likely is that people started getting sick, and since people in nursing homes are always getting sick, nobody paid much attention to it, until somebody realized hey, we may have a problem here.
Then CYA kicked in, and a bunch of tests were quickly administered, resulting in 19 people who tested positive.
Just hard to believe they all exhibited symptoms simultaneously, as opposed to over the course of several days.
edit / correction: “It seems very unlikely that all 19
patientsresidents exhibited symptoms at the same time…”Just doing a little tracking of where the covid-19 outbreak started in NYC. In Friday’s press conference, President Trump talked about Elmhurst Hospital as being hit really hard by the virus. In fact, many people are saying it is the epicenter of the outbreak in NYC. Thursday, they had 13 people die there from covid-19. Here it is with all the people waiting to get in:
Take a look at the orange dot on the map. That is Chinatown. Look how close it is to Elmhurst Hospital (hopefully this works)
I want you to see what the Elmhurst, Queens Chinatown looks like
Chinese virus indeed.
I recognize the picture of the children on that wall. MSM has been using it as a background pic for the past couple of weeks.
well the duckduckgo link does not work. Chinatown is a few blocks away from the hospital. I am guessing someone came back from China with the virus. I would start checking to see if anyone flew to NYC from Wuhan.
Or from Italy.
Yup. Here is another shot of it in the browser:
Thank you.
See my reply to Wolf below.
These areas are also in close proximity to both JFK and LaGuardia airports.
Your link brings you to Chinatown in Manhattan.
New York City is made up of five “boroughs” (Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island)
The Asian population in Queens has surpassed that of Manhattan.
(I believe they consist of a majority of Chinese, and a heavy influence of Korean.)
From wiki:
<em"There are multiple Chinatowns in the borough of Queens in New York City. The original Queens Chinatown emerged in Flushing, initially as a satellite of the original Manhattan Chinatown, before evolving its own identity, surpassing in scale the original Manhattan Chinatown,[1] and subsequently in turn spawning its own satellite Chinatowns in Elmhurst, Corona, and eastern Queens."
This has a map of the neighborhoods in Queens:
Weird. When I click on the link it takes me to the Elmhurst Chinatown. Which, as I said, is only a few blocks away from the hospital. Must be a cache issue.
Wolfs link goes to Chinatown Manhattan.
Yours goes to Elmhurst.
(sorry if there was any confusion)
I’ve never actually heard the term “Queens Chinatown” before, but there are several areas (including Boston and San Francisco) that have their own “Chinatown”.
well whatever..the point was to show people how close Chinatown was to the hospital.
The link works on my computer, and probably does on most, but you have to know how to use it, which isn’t obvious – sorry I didn’t explain.
The tagging mechanism labels “chinatowns” all over the NYC metro area, starting with Manhattan, but you need to IGNORE the tags. The VIEW is what is important. The view is maximal, but centered on exactly what I wanted to show people, and can be seen by merely zooming in.
The Elmhurst hospital is in the upper right corner when you zoom in – the greater nearby Chinatown then extends out to the WestSouthWest across the screen.
Gotcha… 😉
Gotcha… 😉
PS: I believe Elmhurst Hospital is also used for istaff and nmates from rikers island when they need medical care beyond whatever kind of facilities they have there (highest infection rate in the city ?)
NOTE: Elmhurst Hospital is part of the citys “Health and Hospital Corporation” (HHC) (i.e. “civil service”, and I mean that in the worst way).
(NOTE: CBS source is the legal aid society; beware of fake news):
Donald Trump built a wing on the Jamaica Queens hospital in honor of his Mother, Mary McLeod Trump.
Of course, the nasties want the Trump name taken off of it.
Biography of his mother:
The reason PDJT loves Deborah Birx so much – she is a lot like his mother and sister, retired Federal Judge Maryann Trump Barry –
So Dean needs the link to, too. SMH. It is easy to see why all the bogus estimates are based on unmitigated and untreated cases. They don’t want them treated. They want the damage and the slush fund. Evil.
Yup. Listen to Gates in the video talking about having talked to Trump RE vaccines. He talks about trying to convince POTUS that you need LOTS OF MONEY UP FRONT to do vaccine research.
Notice (1) the MSM plays “bad cop” on Trump, while Gates plays “hopeful cop”, and refuses all the bridge-burning questions – YET one can tell the thinking that Gates is hiding.
Fauci said almost the same thing yesterday.
He said, it’s not enough to come up with a vaccine after months/years, and finally say, “We got it!”
Because then, we need millions and billions of doses.
So, what Fauchi said they would do is work alongside the manufacturer……. to have the millions and billions of doses ready to go.
Same time.
Sounds like a never ending boondoggle to me.
Next breath, Fauci describes himself as a “science man” and a “vaccine man”
Something is wrong here.
Gotta start pinning these folks down a bit.
Vaccines have limitations:
– they do not work 100% of the time
– they do not work against all strains/mutations of a virus flu or coronavirus
– they can cause adverse reactions or contracting the disease they are trying to prevent
– they can lower resistance/increase risk of another disease (2017-8 flu shot increased risk of coronavirus)
– they are now including human aborted fetal cells in some vaccines
– some vaccines are made in China
HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) also has adverse side effects, contraindications and interactions with other drugs –
So does Zithromax –
But so do aspirin, ibuprophen, acetaminophen.
It’s up to the patient to self-advocate – know their own allergies, blood type, health conditions, medications and their side-effects, etc.
If a patient is on 3 drugs, they have an 85% chance of an adverse drug interaction.
If a patient is elderly, with several serious health problems and on several medications, they need a specialist with lots of smarts, experience in geriatrics, dedicated, meticulous and caring.
“Something is wrong here.”
It starts with ‘Faa’ and ends with ‘oochie’.
I watched it at 2x speed to cut out all of his hemming and hawing. Sometimes it’s just the manner of talking, but sometimes it’s also a deliberate tactic to slow down people’s thinking so they have to spend more brain cycles on listening to string the sentence together in their mind.
It’s really obvious in compressed time he’s evading the questions while playing the shell game.
Yes. The press is asking agenda questions – a kind of “Let’s You And Him Fight” – and Gates avoids the stupid moves of the stupid lesser players. His attitude is “you hit Trump and I’ll play good cop”.
Gates is sharp. He’s a mafia don. He keeps the BLOOD on everybody else.
Doesn’t Howard Dean work as a lobbyist for Big Pharma now? I remember Lefties losing their shit because he caved on universal health care after becoming a pharma shill.
A few days ago, all of the local news channels were running anti-chloroquine stories. Then I remembered that most of their advertising revenue comes from pharmaceutical companies. I wonder if some big pharmaceutical sponsor made a few phone calls. (And yeah, I know that the media is part of selling the DNC/Deep State narrative, but I do wonder how much of this is coming from pissed off Big Pharma that they can’t profit the government on this crisis).
Time for some REAL hope and some REAL change. No more cabal antics. LOCK ‘EM UP.
Gov. Howard Dean is FULL OF SCHIFF.
This is the French Study: Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial
Published in: International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents:
“…Patients who refused the treatment or had an exclusion criteria, served as controls in Marseille centre. Patients in other centers did not receive hydroxychloroquine and served as controls….”
So they had two sets of controls AND as you can read further down, patients were subdivided into categories dependent on their symptoms.
Wolf check this out
Doing a little more digging. I found that a 2005 study suggested that chloroquine was an effective treatment for coronavirus in primate cells:
“Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.”
and a 2009 study that found chloroquine was an effective treatment for coronavirus in mice:
“Our results show that a lethal HCoV-OC43 infection in newborn C57BL/6 mice can be treated with chloroquine acquired transplacentally or via maternal milk. The highest survival rate (98.6%) of the pups was found when mother mice were treated daily with a concentration of 15 mg of chloroquine per kg of body weight.”
Folks, the scientific community has known about this for a long time. Chloroquine works and the media knows it. The CDC knows it. Fauci knows it. What is happening today is pure evil. They are letting people die.
Not just die; they are letting many get sick when most of us could be taking the meds on a prophylactic basis. I do hope the President, VP and the Team are all doing so.
I wish we all had the option. It should be a choice between us and our doctors. No different than other off label drugs I choose to take via prescription.
Yup. Fauci has gone silent and I think this is why. There is some heat now that this solution didn’t come up early and strong from him.
I have seen this exact same thing in science and IT for decades. Everybody’s eyes are on the new shiny, and they just forget about the old stuff.
There are young people today who don’t even KNOW what sulfa drugs are, but they killed bacteria very nicely before penicillin. They weren’t as good, but they were not bad at all.
Bio-9/11 was a DUD because there was a red-pilled mass to take it down IN PROCESS. That is the Q LESSON.
and people like me who are allergic to sulfa and all sorts of antibiotics?
many years ago when i participated in our county’s pandemic response drill, our team leader told me to go to the designated spot to receive my “shot” –the antidote to whatever was terrorizing the county–and I asked–will i be able to take it (hypothetically) cuz I was so allergic to antibiotics. he said in that case, kiss your butt goodby and go to the victims spot to be counted among the dead.
This is why an array of choices is good. Thankfully, we have multiple classes of antibiotics. BTW, are there ANY that work for you?
If FIRESTARTER BILL “GAIN OF FUNCTION” GATES wants to do his “wide search for the best” on therapeutics, he can do that on his own lazy timescale. For people DYING RIGHT NOW, they need the antimalarials – OH WEIRD – that Gates is so big on.
KYAG is all that works.
(Kiss Your Ass Goodby)
I was born to be a statistic.
Yeah that big anti-malaria push in Africa, buy up all the HCQ reserves?
Meanwhile they ignored DDT and the lies spun by Rachel Carson that could’ve solved it years ago.
Refusal to take prevention seriously. So much disinfo spread everywhere. They used Africa as their test lab.
Remember this from a few years ago? After learning about this project, I wanna know what else is in Bald’s Leechbook and every other medicinal recipe book from the Middle Ages that modern/chemical medicine just chucked along with herbology, homeopathy, natural pathology, chiropractic and more.
There should be a caption on this clip:
“Oh SHIT!…….He KNOWS!”
Some of our older drugs work just as well, with even less side effects… but then that wouldn’t make Big Pharma happy ’cause they wouldn’t make money on their latest and greatest models.
One sneaky thing they do is make a slight change to an ingredient and repackage/brand it for a new patent and then they justify the price increase.
Yeah, this is very interesting. All very interesting.
I’m starting to see how Gates PLAYS PEOPLE. I think that Gates is the one who promised an HIV cure.
Delingpole: Chloroquine Known as Effective Against Coronavirus Since 2005
…Yesterday, I reported the existence of three studies, all claiming that chloroquine phosphate had proved effective in treating the COVID-19.
This has since been confirmed by a more recent open-label non-randomised clinical trial in France by Didier Raoult M.D/Ph.D et al, completed just days ago. The sample was small but the results were convincing…
But the story gets more extraordinary still. It turns out that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has known since at least 2005 that chloroquine is effective against coronaviruses.
In 2005, Martin J Vincent et al published a study in Virology Journal titled ‘Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.’…
As at least one person has noticed, the implications of this are enormous. If the medical establishment – including CDC – has been aware of the efficacy of chloroquine in treating coronavirus for at least 14 years, why has it not been mass produced and made available sooner?….
We are being played. This is a sick attempt to bring this country down.
BINGO, as I have been trying to say!
As Trish Reagan was FIRED for saying!
Of course.
USE OF HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE AS POST EXPOSURE PREVENTION/PROPHYLAXIS – Since it is already being used to prevent malaria, it may well work!
Call for study –
Study –
At this rate, hydroxychlorine will become a household name like acetominophen !! An informed public is what “they” hate most!
Gateway Pundit is on the HCQ/AZM story!!!
It’s not going to help the sick if it’s being used by the non sick. There needs to be an extreme limit put on use for health care workers or the limit of who qualifies for pre use is going to expand well into the hoarding range. RFID the packages!
Agreed. Must be rational.
Counter point – it’s not going to help the sick if the people caring for the sick go down with the same bugs.
Ramp up production, increasing supply to meet demand, is the solution, but that doesn’t seem to get much play.
Still RFID the packs no matter which course of action because we know the game. Make Trump look bad by supporting the spread. How do they do that? They steel, divert, or buy out all the drugs via black market and union / mob activity.
We already see how damaging hoarding can be via TP. If packs are RFID’d they can be tracked via a GIS program. Too much of the drug not at a blue circled location (hospital, Dr’s office, pharmacy or with a patient or allowed person and yes they could track to that level. ) then you send people in to investigate why. Then you shame and prosecute in that order.
So…treat it like Oxycodone and keep it under lock and key? Our pharmacy keeps it in a safe.
I believe that GATES, DEMS, SEIU (already outed as hoarding masks by Bill Barr announcement) and others (Soros, WHO, ChiComs, etc.) already cornered the market on these things, but very stealthily.
Amazing Polly had links to PEPFAR-funded antimalarials being STOLEN in Africa. Figure that into this scam, because they would be worth TONS MORE with the…..
Gates Epidemic
Africa. Got it. Likely being done in SA and CA as well. All the better to start moving the populations north.
Note Fauci’s declaration that he’s seeing CV cases increasing in the southern climes as their winter begins. Code for march north.
Quietly, they ALREADY have. You really do not believe that Norvartis had 130 MILLION does ON HAND do you? For Malaria? NO WAY. That is what this two week pause was about. TIME. Time for Trump to get the RELA numbers and NOT projections, TIME to know what he was dealing with, who was FRIEND (Brix) and who was foe (Fauchi). Time to GATHER and PRODUCE the antidote AND supplies needed to get AHEAD of and END this Farcedemic.
How many companies just HAPPENED to be ready, willing, and ABLE to QUICKLY aid in ALL aspects. Norvartis and Mylin and Bayer in the antidote, Ford, GE and others on the ventilators, and 3m , and my pillow and others on the masks. Boeing is making the face shields.
This DID NOT happen overnight, it took TWO WEEKS, but NOW we are READY, and INFORMED. The critical cure, and the supplies are in place, infrastructure like temp hospitals and hospital ships are at the READY. We are PREPARED to NOW respond. We were NOT beforehand. Hence, the 15 days to MAKE READY.
Trump WILL begin reopening the country, my bet MONDAY, and he will roll it. He is AHEAD of them now.
They WILL try to reseed the virus, hoping to say it is Trump’s fault, he “reopened too early”. But THAT is what the two weeks AND the DPA were for, being PREPARED to mobilize SHOULD the virus “reappear” in a NEW hotspot.
Trump KNOWS this and NEW it, THAT is why he FORCED GM into playing ball, one as an EXAMPLE to team Cabal, it was a MESSAGE, you cannot slow jack me. TWO he wants, and that stupid ass reporter “cutey pie” damn well KNEW IT, to be OVER prepared, so he can MOBILZE quickly IF (when) they try and reseed it.
GM, was trying to drag its feet, to STALL the preparedness, using MONEY as the sticking point. Trump CRUSHED THEM.
We will be OVER prepared there will be infrastructure, MASSIVE supplies in masks, gloves, face shields, ventilators, AND the CURE HCQ and AZM. MASSIVE amounts, WAY more than we would EVER need.
QUICKLY too, like NOW or in the next WEEK. IF they cabal do not reseed, we will have MORE than enough to stockpile HERE, then we will EXPORT the over supply to the WORLD. WHY? Because ONLY we CAN. Trump is not only going to save the US, he is going to save the WORLD.
Trump factor 10 mr Crusher…ENGAGE!
ONLY Trump could have done this. THAT is how the economy will bounce back, we will be making covid 19 supplies by the MILLIONS and exporting them, JOBS JOBS J O B S!.
By Easter, we WILL be out of the “danger zone” and Trump and team Cabal KNOW IT. THAT is why team Cabal is FIGHTING everything Trump is doing. He will REBUILD the economy a SECOND time, bring ALL our critical manufacturing HOME from CHINA, AND save the WORLD. We will be READY.
The Cabal have NEVER seen his like, they CANNOT beat him, not even using a virus. The economy will bounce back BIGGER and QUICKER than they could EVER imagine, and BEFORE summer. The NEW manufacturing will be a BOON. The stimulus is nothing more than a make up for the LOST month.
Trump: “make it so!”
Knowing there are a huge number of vents also discourages the cabal from releasing another bio weapon that fries lungs. They will choose a different one if black hats are not quickly rounded up.
Normally I’m against releasing info about strategic reserves, but dangling this bit of info is good prevention.
There is MORE than one prophylactic. Preparedness is one, stockpiling the CURE is another. Refining the supply chain is a third.
asshole doesn’t even thank POTUS.
Cuomo is asshoe.
We the people know NY. ONLY Trump factor 10 could get a freaking hospital wing built in a WEEK!. WE KNOW, Trump KNOWS we KNOW, he does not NEED Cuomo pimping him, he just needs RESULTS.
ANY connection to the Clintons is questionable and also dangerous to your health…..
You just KNEW they had to be involved in this, and her outbursts the other day SEALED it. Why do I think this was a GLOBAL version of the SAME game, with the SAME players, that destroyed Haiti?
I swear Trump and his administration and the Q team are going to break the WHO, the CDC, the FDA etc for their decades of corruption.
It IS going to be biblical.
DO NOT forget the Red Cross!
AHH, the KNOT begins to UNRAVEL, and the curtain is being pulled back by Toto. EACH day, more and more of the Farcedemic plot and plotters are REVEALED, as SOON the game will be.
People were FOOLED, and they will be PISSED. This was more than the regular Cabal op, this REALLY cost people lives, money, and their sense of SECURITY. There WILL be accountability, and firing with a golden parachute will NOT suffice.
Random data point — there is now a plexiglas screen between people in line and supermarket cashiers. And, there’s a sign that says if you bring reusable bags, you get to pack them — supermarket personnel will no longer touch them.
Seems like all those radical environmentalism ideas — everyone ride buses, use plastic bags multiple times, cram together, live in cities — carry health risks. Who knew?
“… — carry health risks. Who knew?”
Anyone who raises animal. It is THE PROBLEM with the factory farming method —
Overcrowding ===> Stress & Disease.
Factory farming would NOT be viable commercially if WE the TAXPAYER were not PAYING the people growing the GRAIN!
The farm bill is not about $$ to grow fruits and veggies.
It is ALL ABOUT $$$ ===> Corn, wheat, oats, barley…
Then TOO MUCH grain is fed to our factory farmed livestock.
It doesn’t matter where you live. It’s the hygiene habits and common sense of the people, or lack of them, that is the difference. I’ve been a member of crammed in choruses and choirs for decades. We have STRICT rules about not being on the stage or in the loft when you’re sick. Amazingly enough, when people use their heads, regardless of zero personal space available, it works.
And frankly, I don’t mind packing my own bags. The baggers seem to think it’s a challenge to cram everything they can in as few bags as possible. When I put five on the belt with the food, I expect five to be used. Frequently, I end up with two, and stand there and rearrange the crap job in front of the people who don’t realize I am not a weightlifter.
And, honestly, the only thing that really needs single use bags is meat. The checkers at the stores where I go always ask if I would like that. Yes, if I didn’t grab a smaller plastic bag in the meat section.
DP, while I am sure you wash your bags frequently, and only use plastic for meat, I am equally certain that a whole bunch of hippie-granolas I know don’t. It’s un-sanitary. I reuse every plastic bag that comes into my house for some other purpose. It’s not wasteful if people are smart about it.
I HATE those plastic bags. We’ve always got another bag stuffed with them and take them back to the store to be recycled. For us, they serve no other purpose.
And the hippie-granola people don’t generally eat meat. Plus, around here they tend to go to Trader Joe’s.
I live in Montana, and around here, a whole lot of the hippie-granolas eat meat!
I have the opposite complaint…cashiers who must think i’m ninety and one foot in the grave, so they give me a bunch of bags with one item apiece. (What is the point of a bag that has one item in it?) And double bag at the drop of a hat. (Hey, if you’re going to double bag everything–how about making the damn bags twice as thick?)
I go through the self checkout–I bag all the smaller items, and things like 2 liter bottles and so on do not get bagged. At least then I don’t have to give specific directions to the cashier to NOT do stupid things they were taught to do.
The sad thing is that there are written best practices to packing bags. There used to be competitions that culminated in a national championship. Then the farkin’ environmentalists got rolling and nobody knows how to do it any more.
Yikes!!!! Apologies all ’round!
One of the things you might have missed this week is that the USA put out a hit on Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela.
25 Million dollars.
Normally, this would be front page news. Left would be screaming about the USA taking out a leader of a foreign country.
I found the timing odd……….
But then……
Remember, everything is connected.
Price of oil is in the toilet, leaving Venezuela even more vulnerable to Chinese intervention. We don’t want the Chinese with control over their own oil supply.
Now, overlay the virus epidemic.
And guess what.
Cinchona trees and their bark, are the natural source for quinine.
Which is an ingredient in Chloroquine.
And guess where these trees grow???????????
Eastern Andes tropical forest all the way to………… VENEZUELA.
Start at about 14:50 minutes with Scott Adams, here:
Yes, we can synthesize the tree ingredient, but it is more expensive.
nice catch.
And of course, now there is information that says that the “active ingredient” in the chloroquine drug that fights the virus is NOT found in the natural substitutes, which I doubt, but who knows?
Cinchona trees almost went extinct due to over-harvesting until we learned how to synthesize quinine.
Daughn, can you look in the bin and see if my death rate and statistics comment is there?
(May have too many links.)
Looks like the virus, instead of culling the rebellion, may instead lead to REVOLUTION. Couldn’t happen to a more evil group than the CCP unless it was our own Cabal.
It’s a tough contest, but I suspect the CCP is more evil than our cabal.
But as we’re talking the difference between 99.99999% evil and 99.999999% evil, I’m not all that concerned.
True, but what if they were ALIGNED, making them essentially one in the same?
Yeah, in that case we’re both wrong. My original comment was in reply to a suggestion on your part that the local branch was worse than the CCP (unless I misread you); I said no it was the other way round. If they’re two branches of the same thing…well…
On the other hand, some plants are poisonous to different degrees depending on what part of the plant you consume!
yep, but when they are MIXED, a normally harmless plant can become DEADLY.
True that! (Except in this case neither the CCP nor the (local) Cabal is harmless in the slightest.)
100% agree! They are the TRUE killer virus that needs eradication.
Personally, for them I prescribe HCl, not HCQ. (and in case that shows up non serifed, that’s a lower case L, not a capital I.)
Steve, also, some plants are poisonous depending on their stage of growth!
Not that you’re counting, of course! … 😉
OK, I’m taking a risk posting this comment before reading others’ comments…so sorry if this idea is already out there. While trying to reassure my son tonight & “prognosticate” (TM!) about where things might be going soon, this thought popped out.
First of all I believe the 15 days to stop the spread are up on Sunday, which means likely on Monday Trump will announce his new recommendations for the nation, & they are crunching data down to the county level to be as targeted as possible to conditions on the ground.
Living in MI & looking at the home state data, I shared some of it yesterday from these links:
Only 17 counties have more than 10 cases in them, from the state totals of 3657 cases & 92 deaths cumulative.
Well the main splash page has changed so that I cannot now easily find the daily data like I posted yesterday that broke down cases & deaths by county (& Detroit City separated) for easier comparison.
There is a US map that has clickable data for the nation & cursorily looking it appears that mostly CV is spreading via “community transmission” over defined areas…
Here is a link to an explanation of MI’s reporting changes:,5885,7-339–523369–,00.html
“MDHHS will no longer provide a daily breakdown by county of confirmed cases. In an effort to simplify reporting, MDHHS will include those numbers in the cumulative table” So this means it will be more difficult to track trends than it was just the day before sadly…
Well, back to my idea, I believe the President is still going to aim for opening up as much of the country for business as is reasonably possible by his Easter deadline.
Hopefully this 2016 county level election results map posts OK. It is My Opinion, that if Trump recommends opening the nation economically at the county level that this 2016 county level election map can give us a good approximation of which parts of the country will be more free & more open. This is based on many of the Democrat enclaves being areas of very dense population so are likely places where the virus transmission has been more widely spread.
This election map that puts the population density in a 3-D format perhaps even better illustrates where the potentially problematic counties lie, typically those with greater populations.
This search also has individual state maps broken down by county level election results in case someone wants to get a potentially better prognosticating view on what might happen economically soon in a given state.
Here’s Michigan as an example:
Well I hoped to find a US map showing the party of the governors, but am running out of steam, so this one projecting where the 2020 voting Might Go (huge grain of salt given their Hillary blowout 2016 blowing of smoke) to inform which states might be more freedom minded & more easily returned to economic viability.
Is it possible that Team Trump is going to do some major moves in the Heartland, like “Wall Street of the West” or moving all that medical production to existing idled plants across the country in depressed communities w/ smaller populations which are more conducive to Trump philosophically & a better bet “pandemically”? Oh & conservative &/or Republican leaning areas might not be being so draconian & unconstitutional in their CV actions so they are already more open to having the Trump Train pick up speed. Oh & him moving was it the Department of Agriculture to Kansas (?) could be a foretaste of segmenting aspects of the federal government to protect “essential” government services & not keep them so clustered in DC & NYC in case of extreme emergency…
So hopefully this inspires some of you to run with these maps & ideas & get ahead of the coming economic re-start storm. Blessings to all Q-Treepers!
Here’s another attempt at a different version of the county result map from 2016 that didn’t show above:
Here’s another map with which comparisons might be made…
It seems inevitable that someone in the WH will get this.
Trump has already slipped things to Easter Sunday.
Though that doesn’t exclude the possibility of reopening some things sooner.
And today I saw a Trump tweet that said he was considering quarantining New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
(I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up just being limited to the NYC area plus suburbs, many of which, of course, are in NJ and CT.)
I should have said “all that soon to be re-patriated” medical production…
Great post and thoughts, Valerie. You’re very much on track with what Dr. Birx said they planned to do. In briad terms, Counties must submit their data & they will Be rated low, medium or high risk in terms of which counties can open for business.
Offtopic – I did not know you lived in MI. I was born and raised their & even though I’ve been on CO for more than half my life, MI is still “home” 🥰 I lived along the I-94 corridor midway between Chicago & Detroit. What part of the Mitten (or UP) are you in?
Thanks! I haven’t seen Dr. Brix presentations for more than a week so it’s rather exciting that I’m even along the lines she (& others) have presented. It just makes sense to take a county by county approach, at least for areas well outside of major metropolitan centers, & I think POTUS must have said things (or Q-Treepers) along those lines to get me in that frame of mind.
Funny, my husband was born in CO, Denver area, & spent his early years there. We both were in Tulsa (he grew up there, me for higher ed) when we met & came “back” to MI so our then theoretical kids might know their grandparents–my husband had lost both his parents before we met…
We live in Metro Detroit w/ easy access to both I-94 & I-75. I traverse I-94 regularly between home & Ann Arbor for my special needs son’s medical adventures at U of M Hospitals.
For the decade I lived in OK I regularly traveled between Tulsa & Detroit so that the 94 to 69 to 70 (via 475? around Indianapolis) to 44 to Tulsa was a route it seemed I could practically do in my sleep.
We lived in the Gaylord (Northern MI) area for a few years before settling nearer to U of M for our son’s medical needs. Ironically, my parents still live in the home I grew up in & it’s only a few communities away.
Where in MI were you? We used to attend a church camp out in Somerset & have hunting connections in Oscoda Co & music experiences ranging pretty widely within a 3 hour drive of Detroit based on the many bands my husband has played in over the years.
I got really interested in genealogy (family history) some years back. My husband has deep roots in CO for several generations. One of his great grandfathers was actually the governor, Oliver H. Shoup, sometime in the 1800’s. OHS’s kid married a descendant of a “robber baron” of the era, James John Hagerman, who was a big deal back in the day. After digging into some of that history, it turns out that JJH was a U of M grad & started making his fortune in the mines in MI’s UP. Small (& interesting) world!
By the way, my husband has now spent more than half his life in MI & married to me…I’m pushing half my life with him but am behind since I’m a bit older so lived a tad longer single…
Sorry for going on so long here but I thought of another CO connection, my mom’s birth cousin (or possibly half sister, long story) & her husband lived there for many years (she’s recently deceased). He was the Mayor of Ft. Collins for a while fairly recently. One of the few out of state trips we took w/ our kids took us to Broomfield to visit w/ friends & we also saw the Ft. Collins birth family & got lots of family history exposure. It turns out that my husband’s grandfather remarried & had a second family that his mom never spoke (or knew?) of & they were actually living in the surrounding communities we were visiting on our trip. Per online searches, one of them used to live in Belleville, MI (I believe) so they were so close but none of us knew about each other’s existence (they probably still don’t know about us!) then…
I love how people in the Q-Tree, & formerly at CTH, could give such a broad overview of things happening in our nation & the world because it seems we’ve got Q-Treepers practically everywhere. We’re all embedded now! Blessings (& sorry for writing so much) 🙂
That is all very interesting !!! Whenever we went up to Traverse City or Macinac Island, Gaylord was our ‘marker’ for feeling like we were ‘up north’. Altho we spent lots of time in northern MI and on Macinac, it wasn’t until I lived in CO that we finally drove across the UP along Lake Superior and into the copper mining region. I’m really tickled by your husband’s family history here that ends up in the UP mines.
Your next story about some family connections that were nearby but unknown for so long …. well I think about how social media and cell phone tracking, etc. have made it almost impossible for those “longlost” or obscure relationships to remain undiscovered.
We lived in a small town near Battle Creek, and I still have relatives on both the east and west sides of the state. Michigan is such a uniquely beautiful state surrounded by the Great Lakes.
Sweet dreams !
Funny on perspectives of being “Up North”. I always felt like once 75 went down to 2 lanes each way, a bit past the Zilwaukee Bridge that we were entering Northern Michigan. But since we usually ended our travels at Gaylord really the perfect point for the middle of Northern MI, practically equidistant from the tip of the mitt & from Lake Michigan & Lake Huron. It also usually got the most snow in the the Lower Peninsula, I believe. The last Winter I lived there we had more than 220 inches of snow, probably not much for someone in CO.
Our family has a saying that grew out of hunting camp “Whatever happens North of Bay City is no one’s business South of Bay City”. Of course I’m good at coaxing stories out of my hunting crew, & the telling of tales upon return from hunting camp is an integral part of that family cultural experience.
How wonderful that you got to travel along Lake Superior!!! I haven’t seen that Lake for more than 3 decades. I have been blessed to swim in Lake Michigan most Summers in the last decade as we like to visit a glorious beach on the edge of Wilderness State Park (along the Sturgeon Bay I believe) that is still mostly wild & free (& unfortunately without facilities). The waters are cold & crystal clear & the sunsets can be amazing though clouds of gnats in July at dusk can dampen the spirits a bit.
My mom’s birth parents both hale from the UP, Grandpa from Newberry & Grandma from Ishpemming. There is some connection to Negaunee but I don’t recall now. Mom used to spend Summers in the UP at a small cottage on Pike Lake & they used to have to take a ferry across the Straits (she grew up in Detroit) before the days of The Mighty Mack!
I’ve never been to Battle Creek so don’t know much about the south western part of MI (nor Kelloggs for that matter). We did visit the State Park Warren Dunes on Lake Michigan, near the border, & encountered near surfable waves & glorious sand dunes that could rival beaches virtually anywhere…plus the bonus of fresh water!!! If you grow up around the Great Lakes it’s hard to take the salt/grit/sting/stickiness of ocean water–we’re so spoiled & blessed here.
We took our honeymoon in Estes Park & showed our kids partially where we’d hiked 2 decades before in Rocky Mountain National Park (Emerald Lake, Nymph Lake, & Dream Lake)…truly glorious & majestic beauty of God’s creation surrounds you there!!!
A bit more family history, my husband’s ancestor Percy Hagerman was a member of the 14,000 club, a group of mountaineers that initially summited some mountains of 14,000 feet or higher. There is a Hagerman Pass somewhere in CO named for him or his father JJ, I believe…
Hopefully this image of Hagerman Pass, Leadville, CO shows up. My husband’s ancestor JJ Hagerman was a partial owner of a successful silver mine, Mollie Gibson, in the Cripple Creek area, I believe. Don’t know how those two locations might be to each other…
Here’s a picture of Hagerman Lake, MI (I hope) that I’m pretty sure was named after my husband’s ancestor JJ Hagerman…
Here’s a bit from the Hagerman Lake History site:
“Our lake has a fascinating and colorful history.
Sally Engebretson, curious about the history of the area, did some research. It turns out that Hagerman Lake is named after J. J. Hagerman, a very colorful miner and industrialist from the 1800’s. This is confirmed by Jack Hill on page 39 of his history of Iron County, in which he says that
“on the earliest maps Hagerman Lake bears the name of Lac Brule. The origin of the name Hagerman is of more recent date and in all probability came from J. J. Hagerman, a mineral and timber investor who secured large land holdings surrounding the lake during the early development of the County.”
Sally found two very interesting accounts of J. J. Hagerman. The first is his autobiography, written in 1908, with 67 typewritten pages in a
large file of over 13 megs. (Don’t try it on dial-up!)
The second reference is shorter, a biography written by JJ’s son, Percy.”
I really need to get copies of both of those historical accounts on one of my blogs before they disappear, since they are both written by my husband’s & kids’ direct ancestors.
God Bless you Alison & thanks for chatting! 🙂
OMGosh, you are just a wealth of personal history. Such fun to hear 😃 My parents honeymooned in Newberry, and my grandfather founded a small town (barely a spot) named Irons, MI.
Warren Dunes was our summer playground!!!! My mom, all our aunts and two dozen cousins would go almost once a week; sometimes the Dads joined us. We’d get sunburned beet red, but dutifully wait that hour after eating before swimming 🤓 climbing the dunes and running down them was a real rush.
I hear the Lake water is up almost a foot and wiping out many of the beaches and threatening some homes. I’m not sure if that’s a cyclical thing.
Leadville and Cripple Creek are favorite areas of ours, and we’ve also spent plenty of time in Estes Park because it’s the gateway to Rocky Mtn Nat’l Park.
Wow, you’re jogging many memories.
Apologies to others for hogging thread for off-topic yakking 🤓
No apologies needed from my perspective…we’re just having a grand time in spite of the “unconstitutional” lock-down hysteria going on as the storm swirls around us!
Amazing how many connections we’ve got. I only encountered Warren Dunes that one time but it was such a memorable place that I’ve longed to go back on & off over the years! How amazing that you have so many precious memories there!
We’ve traversed Detroit to Chicago a number of times over the years (my Aunt lives in Naperville) & one Christmas in the late 70’s or early 80’s we drove during Very Bad weather conditions & there were dozens of cars in the ditches & huge trucks jack-knifed periodically along 94. It was a bitter cold Christmas (memory says -60 & -100 wind chill in Chigaco) & we brought like a 15 foot Christmas Tree for my Aunt’s new 2 story living room. We were practically the living representation of the Griswold Family Christmas Tree Trip (from Christmas Vacation) with that bad boy strapped down on the “wood” paneled Ford station wagon forging our way through roadside mayhem! Fun & exciting when you’re an adolescent & not yet driving…
Now if you ended up being my husband’s adopted out sister that he only learned of at his mom’s funeral this would elevate to a miraculous God-ordained conversation!
Well, I’m emoji impaired… 🙂 Have a blessed day!
I told you guys, Valerie was cool! Amazing how we self-select.
Am I allowed to like this? 🙂 you rock Daughn!!
Can’t believe you had an Aunt in Naperville. WOW. I grew up in Glen Ellyn, right next door. Amazing.
My aunt taught adjunct at College of Du Page for a long time & did work at Morton Arboretum in Lisle (I think) she’s a Master’s level botanist, world traveler, & mountaineer. Now she’s into wild plants & natural landscaping. She was into Green thinking way before it was PC. Family gatherings were always interesting, she was usually driving some type of hybrid & my dad was high up in Ford Motor Company. Their dad had less than a High School education & used to run his own gas station…salt of the earth types who’ve always loved the outdoors & enjoyed it in various ways.
Aunt is Way out of step with the norms in the Naperville area. They built their passive solar home in the late 70’s, my uncle was a genius level carpenter, & then filled their lot with native prairie plants that required a yearly burn off & fire department supervision. She even put in a natural roof in recent years (definitely puts her limited money where her mouth is, but is also a very strong Christian!) I think her neighbors used to hate them!
She can still fit into a bathing suit from her college days & walk faster & further than anyone else in the family & she’s almost 83 & has had a hip replacement & deals with chronic pain issues. She kicked All of our butts (3 generations, mostly under age 25) on the Mackinac Bridge walk last Labor Day in honor of my dad’s 80th birthday!
Here’s a description of my amazing & unique aunt:
“Pat Armstrong Pat Armstrong Founder, Prairie Sun Consultants Patricia Armstrong has a Master of Science degree from the University of Chicago in Ecology (Biology-Botany). She previously taught multitudes of nature classes at the Morton Arboretum for 16 years, plus Botany, Ecology, and Geology at the University of Wisconsin Extension , and Michigan State University’s Juneau Icefield Research Program in Alaska. Pat’s knowledge and understanding of all things wild and free comes from a life-long personal and intimate relationship with Nature that is passionate as well as scientific. She lives in a home she and her husband designed and built to fit into the natural ecosystems of northern Illinois. It is active and passive solar, energy-efficient, and landscaped with over 300 species of native trees, shrubs, prairie grasses and wildflowers approximately 40% of which are edible. Pat is actively involved in living joyfully with Nature. She runs a consulting firm, PRAIRIE SUN CONSULTANTS , to educate and assist others in appreciating and using native plants and wild edible plants in home landscaping.”
I guess if the crap Really hits the fan she’s gonna survive by faith, foraging, & woodcraft skills!
It’s pretty wild that we have such a close geographic connection! Blessings, Daughn, & thanks for All that you share & do around the Q-Tree. You are a Truth Storm of Epic Proportions!
Here’s a map someone shared so I wanted to see how close it lined up with the maps I was considering…
Hope this shows OK…
But Wuhan only claimed about 2500 officially dead.
On Death rates and Statistics…
(These are from the guys @ ChiefIO blog)
J Martin says:
8 February 2020 at 9:16 pm
“….Also the oft quoted 2% death rate is misleading, deaths today should be compared to infections 3 weeks previously, so death rate would several times higher than 2%.
Another death rate is to compare deaths against recovered, which at 30% is more concerning….”
TRANSLATION: In the middle of the exponential curve the numbers are FUBAR.
Larry Ledwick says:
7 February 2020 at 6:50 pm
Larry Ledwick says:
4 February 2020 at 12:59 am
Larry Ledwick says:
4 February 2020 at 6:42 am
Larry Ledwick says:
4 February 2020 at 12:48 pm
Reposting the charts of symptomatic development from lancet
[This is the first case in Washington State]
Stats are my wheelhouse. Please, throw the whole damn thing out the window.
Unless the ENTIRE population, those without disease, those with disease but DID NOT GET TESTED, and those who were tested but recovered, + those tested and died…… are ALL included, then we do not have an accurate number.
The incessant need for media and others to play with numbers to drive a narrative is annoying, misleading, and incorrect. Make me crazy and only proves their ignorance.
The one thing we DO KNOW, is that anyone who is using current numbers as a numerator and denominator is missing a VAST number of those who are infected but never presented for testing.
THAT MEANS every single estimate is too high.
Real number (of morbidity is obviously LOWER than anyone is calculating.
See what I mean?
Sorry for typos, I’m typing in the dark, here.
they should have archived that page!!! Look at it now!!!
Archived NOW:
IMO, this thread is worth reading through.
The 60-70% includes the non symptomatic cases, the mild cases and the sick but no complications/hospitalizations cases – all of which are at greater proportions than the tested cases (which are usually the most symptomatic and worst cases). Every self reported case we have discussed here is part of the 60-70%. All of the non symptomatic carriers are part of the 60-70%. They are not saying that 60-70% will all become infect and have worst case of complications/hospitalizations.
Just like the seasonal/regular flu, the majority of cases in the final stats will not be cases tested/confirmed by tests but will include the estimated non symptomatic cases, mild cases and the many cases who have a “bad” flu but didn’t actually have a flu test much less experience complications &/or require hospitalization.
Will 60-70% become infected? Maybe, and maybe only 40-50% – but Neither number is predicting that we will have this large of a number ill and in the hospital. So, yes, the 60-70% is on the high side but realistic…and Not predicting 60-70% in the hospital on breathing machines. That is a misinterpretation … that the MSM probably doesn’t mind as that misinterpretation drives “clicks” and viewers.
However, the truth is not the opposite. We can not just reflexively say, “The media says this is a crisis but media is fake news so there is no crisis.” To be opposite of fake news can still be fake news but much of fake news is fake because of spin – a misuse of truth. Opposite of fake news is often not the trust. We have to extrapolate truth from fake news wisely v. knee jerk reactions to opposite.
And, Yes, we will easily see diagnosed cases at 32x current number. 1% infection rate, 1% infected confirmed through diagnosed tests and presenting symptoms, often with complications and hospitalizations – very realistic based on current numbers.
1% is 3.3 million – we are on track at only a 20% growth rate (a low growth rate in comparison to what the daily growth rate has been) to be at a million confirmed cases next week (not this week we are going into but the first full week of April). And that is at a conservative 20% growth rate (not growth rate of total # of cases but rate of growth of new cases)
32x worse when the numbers are still low (relative to population) is not outlandish or outrageous. We are 1000x more cases than several weeks ago.
The truth is not always the exact opposite of the MSM narrative. Not true doesn’t mean the opposite is true.
President Trump knows this is serious and know the cases are growing to a crisis level … which is why he and his team have advocated for radical solutions like the voluntary (in much of the US) quarantine and is working at Trump speed to build hospitals, increase hospital bed capacity, using war time style powers to make companies produce a specific item (that is a drastic action in a free market, capitalist society!) and insisting that the fed gov facilitate new treatment options.
Trust Trump that it is serious and that we need to follow his recommendations. And help demand that the fed gov agencies and health care providers work toward the medical solution he is promoting as a possible successful treatment option. Game changer if it can be produced and works!
Just for Info.
Most of us have some immunity to the normal flu we see each winter either naturally are via vaccination.
CDC on the Vaccine Effectiveness:
Even with some ‘Herd Immunity’ we saw a LOT of flu this season.
We stay home and suffer knowing antibiotics are of no use. Only those that have to have a written doctor’s excuse are going to head for the health clinic. (And we wonder why our health costs are so high…)
“Nationwide during week 12,
6.4% of patient visits reported through the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) were due to influenza-like illness (ILI). This percentage is above the national baseline of 2.4%.”
public health laboratories ..WK 12 …TOTAL
No. of specimens tested … 2,139 … 78,778
No. of positive specimens …. 219 … 42,510
(2017-2018 season was the worst in a decade)