This Superlative Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
It’s also a place to read, post and discuss news that’s worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.
In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot, unencumbered by political correctness. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.
We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.
Please show respect and consideration for your fellow QTreepers.
Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront another poster.
If you feel the need to bare your fangs, we have a companion site – called The U Tree – where all legal speech is allowed and where you can run wild and free with the Wolfpack.
But NOT HERE in The Q Tree. Personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.
In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.
Our movement is about replacing a failed and CORRUPT political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Hopefully, every Sunday, you can find something here that will build you up a little . . . give you a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn nor weep.” . . . “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Is It Well With Your Soul?
As interesting as it may be, diving into the intrigue, speculation, players and possible results of a seemingly planned and executed world-wide flu pandemic, it might be beneficial to step back and remember that:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil
in the heavenly realms.
Throughout history, God has been instructing mankind about the consequences of chasing after sin and about the benefits of following Him.
God allows evil to exert its influence on man, from within and without. Man, invariably, will be enticed by evil’s schemes. After a time, God steps in and destroys evil’s scheme, being merciful to man and giving mankind an opportunity to learn, repent and follow Him.
Adam and Eve in Eden, Noah and the Flood, the Tower of Babel, the 10 plagues in Egypt, the Exodus, 40 years in the desert, the 10 Commandments, the conquest of the Promised Land, the good and bad kings of Israel, Esther and Haman, Daniel and the Satraps, David and Bathsheba, the arrival, ministry, rejection and crucifixion of Jesus, the Messiah, and two destructions of the Temple in Jerusalem are a few of the more well-known examples of evil’s influence, mankind’s weakness and opportunities to learn, repent and follow God.
We see this process in historical and recent world events and also in current world events and our daily lives.
The current deadly and injurious coronavirus flu pandemic is a good example. We know there are certain players in this drama that are not acting out of the best interests of all involved. The major players might be the government of China, the Communist Party, scientists and organizations that have sold their allegiance for money, Marxists and others who want to see America and her people destroyed and even certain members of the House, Senate, current administration and others. These people are motivated by lust for power, love of money and desire for fame.
The thing of it is, these people really aren’t the major players . . . they’re 2nd rate bit actors at best. The major players are the evil powers of this world and in the heavenly realms.
God and His heavenly beings are in opposition to the evil powers of this world and in the heavenly realms. Although God could simply destroy all evil powers with a word from His mouth, He has chosen, for His purposes and plans, to allow evil limited powers and capabilities in their interactions with His heavenly beings and mankind. This is the great battle that is being waged in realms that are visible to us and other realms that are not visible to us.
God uses mankind to implement elements of His will on earth. In that manner, we may be participants in this great battle, and may not merely be spectators. We are to wear the armor of God so that we can stand in this battle. But, whatever our involvement, God has already won the war . . . it must, however, be played out to complete God’s will and plan for mankind.
In this present struggle we may become fearful of getting sick, of the discomfort and pain, and for the loss of our lives. All of this is very much real, but since each of us will die sometime, our main concern should be for the condition of our souls.
And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear the One who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. Hebrews 2:1
We can’t allow ourselves to be consumed with either fear or the desire for justice or vengeance.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. Romans 12:18-19
Our prize is not now, nor of this world. But, someday in the future, probably after our brief lives have been completed, we will by command, at the shout, at the last trump, be called to become eternal citizens of our true homeland. Pain and sorrow and the sickness of our present world will be left far behind, along with our present perspective of the flu and the world.
Last thoughts for the present time:
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Another thought for this time of upheaval in our lives:
Anxiety, fear and loss of control;
You fear for your life, but what of your soul?
Of all things true, man was born and will die
And then the Judgment by our Lord on High.
We pray for revival, all over our land,
That we turn to God and His merciful hand.
Let us be humble and ever seek His face,
His peace, His joy and His bountiful grace.
The Armor of God – Ephesians 6
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—
F.O.R.D. (first on race day)
F.O.R.D (Found on road DEAD)
FORD – Flatulent Obese Redneck Driver
Fix Or Repair Daily
F.I.A.T. — fix it again Tony.
My dad had a 1974 Spider Convertible. We used to sing to it in Italian. Cool car even if it was tempermental.
Fix Or Repair Daily
…at least it’s not a Government Motors.
(GMs are fugly and have been for over 30 years.)
GMC…gotta mechanic comin’
F’n Old Rebuilt Dodge
France just had an otherwise-healthy 16-year-old die. People are probably in an uproar.
Waiting for more info on the infant that died from virus in Illinois.
Wheatie posted late yest….
Crying idiot will forever be tied to trump! LOL
Gods in control and everything is gonna be fine…
Night and God bless y’all, I love your thread Carl it is a eye opener…
Rbau Rod
Nipping this one in the bud right now…
Could not find any article about Biden Banning the Bible – however – did find this attack on religious freedom
Just have to throw this in here…
Have seen the news of POTUS appointment of Voight and Huckabee to Kennedy Center linked to three different sources. All are dated March 2019.
It’s great to know, but seems to have nothing to do with the current situation.
Nasty Nanzi made $25,000,000 to the KC a part of her approval deal for the incentive pkg. So PTrump appointed V & H and 8 others to the Trustee (?) Board to be able to better influence how it is spent. Sort of a “Take that, Nasty Nan!”
But he appointed them March of last year??
I missed that date.
I’m not sure the date was included in some of that information, but a very good catch, TWoman. I don’t think anyone wants to deliberately pass along outdated or incorrect info and it’s good to be fact checkers for the group.
Perhaps PT knew something about the KC that most of us don’t. Perhaps it is a conduit for funding…
The plot thickens.
It would be interesting to know what is the U.S. inventory of and manufacturing capability for HCQ and ZPaks, and what arrangements PTrump and company have made with domestic and foreign suppliers for the future.
I would also add info about distribution plans.
Israel, most likely.
Not sure about that, however a few small stories are out on it is having an effect on people with Lupas and this is getting spun different ways, most commonly to attack the administration. These stories do demonstrate at the minimum that the drugs are being sought after. To hold or use would be the question and by whom.
This also brings into question what’s happening with the drugs in third world countries. According to Fauci the southern hemisphere is beginning to see an uptick in the CV and they have according to our understanding used these drugs to fight malaria in the past. Fear is they will use the absence of these drugs to spur more migration north, not just below us here, but in Africa as well. Personally giving my mistrust of Fauci, earned or unearned, I consider his just mentioning the uptick to be a signal of sorts to begin prodding a new wave of migrants to march North. Hopefully I’m wrong but news of another caravan seemed to coincide with his mention.
Right this minute, I would call that a state secret.
“….ballooning costs for Medicaid…”
Well that right there is the reason the DemonRat Governors are BANNING the ‘Trump cure’ The need to get rid of all those chronically ill low income ‘useless eaters’
Supporting all those illegals is expensive.
And…more so – now that sanctuary cities have lost their funding – both he and Thensome are making the most of this crisis to fill their coffers – i hope and pray they are audited – calling Mnuchin to arrange –
Note the meme below with Cuomo saying..”Hey, it worked in Puerto Rico!”
I’m up late (as usual)…enjoying a nice glass (bottle) of Malbec wine…listening to different shows and opinions…
…this from the Mark Levin show:
“There’s not a single member of Congress who has suffered financially from this, not one. There’s not a single…federal employee who’s lost salary as a result of this. It’s amazing…Instead, all the bureaucracy is growing…!!!”
These are the people dictating how the rest of us should live our lives. These are the people who fleece American tax payers year in and year out. These are the people who mock equal justice, who destroy cities…who destroy schools…who destroy families…and who destroy countless lives year after year after year.
These are the people now dictating to the citizens who pay their uninterrupted salaries…on how they should spend our money, and how we should live our lives.. It makes me sick.
Meanwhile, ordinary Americans continue to suffer…and on top of it all we have to listen to these psychopaths and their little toxic little toads in the media on a daily basis…
We are teetering on the decline and fall…
All along I’ve believed in “a plan” to fix all of this….but they better hurry up before there is nothing left to fix.
(yeah…i’m in a bad mood)
I agree with you Harry!
when there was the government shutdown, many services were stopped–non essential doncha know. but they haven’t stopped now…why not? why are they getting paid when so many Americans are not?
everyone knows the biggest sesspool of vile, disgusting viruses dwells in DC!
And all the ones who were screaming about those poor government workers during the shutdown are now the ones calling for an indefinite national lockdown.
I’z can’t stands no more…
Do you know what happens next…?
(tryin again…)
Nasty Pelosi reminds me of the SeaHag…and it looks like Crooked Hillary is off-screen doing her dog noises…
…and I read that our DC legislators put a raise for themselves in the CARES Bill!
If that is true, GA/FL – I am hoping and praying it is a trap! I realize there had to be a give and take in the negotiations – however – if the American people find out they are enriching themselves in some way – and they have had to sacrifice their jobs and freedom – they will not be happy – who know what could happen?
If I recall (and it could have changed)…there was something like $25 million to Congress for “expenditures and salaries”….non-specified, of course.
non-specified = slush fund
I’m in a bad mood too – getting madder by the minute.
Just think about it – a whole lot of this coronavirus hell could have been avoided IF:
1. – China gave a damn about human life and wasn’t so larcenous, communist agenda devious and malevolent!
2. – The medical/pharmaceutical community would dispense Hydroxycloroquine and Azithryomycin to the sick and as a prophylactic for health workers, law enforcement, citizens in close contact with patients and to the military – instead of putting their emphasis on vaccines while people are DYING!!!
3. – The media was honest and honorable.
It wasn’t designed to be avoided, my friend. Soon the rest of America will be just as mad.
Somebody coined the word ‘Plannedemic’ which may well apply to this.
RED PILL for today for normies:
They have known about chloroquine, as treatment and prevention since 2005 for the Chinese Virus, yet, CDC and FDA have withheld this information from the public.
Michagan Gov (D) has even threatened the license of doctors and pharmacists if they give Americans this medicine.
We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”
#ToxicToads has a nice, accurate ring to it …
Ha ha…it certainly does…
And Now for Other Ignored news:
New Clinton scandal memos confirm FBI stalled a month to search Weiner’s laptop
Former FBI agent Peter Strzok prioritized the now largely defunct Trump-Russia investigation over the Clinton email investigation during the final months of the 2016 presidential election
The FBI waited a month between the time it discovered Hillary Clinton emails on disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop and obtaining a search warrant – as Clinton and Donald Trump were entering the closing weeks of their tight 2016 White House race, according to newly obtained records by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.
The documents are communications between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page, who exchanged emails during the 2016 race that suggested they did not support Trump becoming president.
Weiner, at the time the emails were discovered, was married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. The emails were purportedly from when Clinton was Secretary of State. The Justice Department was already investigating Clinton using a private server to send official State Department information.
“These new records show how Hillary Clinton was protected from investigation over the Weiner laptop by the FBI for a full month during the presidential campaign … No wonder the FBI is slow rolling the release of these documents,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Judicial Watch obtained the records through a January 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.
Read more
God Bless You, Dora, for providing so many good posts to share! Have a Blessed Day!
Oh God Our Help In Ages Past
O God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home.
Under the shadow of Thy throne
Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
And our defense is sure.
Before the hills in order stood,
Or earth received her frame,
From everlasting Thou art God,
To endless years the same.
Thy Word commands our flesh to dust,
“Return, ye sons of men”:
All nations rose from earth at first,
And turn to earth again.
A thousand ages in Thy sight
Are like an evening gone;
Short as the watch that ends the night
Before the rising sun.
The busy tribes of flesh and blood,
With all their lives and cares,
Are carried downwards by the flood,
And lost in foll’wing years.
Time, like an ever-rolling stream,
Bears all its sons away;
They fly, forgotten, as a dream
Dies at the op’ning day.
Like flow’ry fields the nations stand
Pleased with the morning light;
The flow’rs beneath the mower’s hand
Lie with’ring ere ’tis night.
O God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Be Thou our guard while troubles last,
And our eternal home.
Here’s a little Sunday Morning gospel for you 🙂
Maybe the next couple of Sundays, could we have a music only thread? DP? Wolf?
2 songs per person, please, and minimal chatter so we aren’t scrolling through posts to find Sunday songs.
Here’s a little Del McCoury “Justified” to sooth your soul but stretch your ears. 🙂
Wow! Hail Mary, Full of Grace . . . .
Verse of the Day for Sunday, March 29, 2020
“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.”
1 John 4:7 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Sunday Butterfly Blessings
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning!
Have a Blessed Day Duchess!
Morning, Pat – Hope and pray all is well with you – God Bless You today and always!!! Hugs!!!
thank you!
HUGS back to you dear lady!!!!
Received and appreciated, Pat!!! Tanks!!! 🙂
hope you are safe and healthy!!
I am – no snow – no ice – so we are good – 🙂
us too…loads of rain tho…but yes temps in the 40-50’s!
That, too – temps are rising – I can handle the rain as long as there are no downpours – just enough to water the trees, bushes, and flowers ready to burst forward and bless the eyes – Wheeee – Spring is Coming!!!
Amen goes right there, Pat!
* Smiling * Hearts & Butterflies – the best!
🥰🤗Sweet Duchess🤗🥰
Comparing the *final* H1N1 totals to current confirmed totals of WuFlu is 100% fake news, undermines the credibility of those who share it on social media, is disinformation and not helpful to MAGA or supporting President Trump
-We have Already surpassed the H1N1 totals of confirmed cases in April/May 2009.
-These are the *final* totals of H1N1 which include all of the estimated cases of those that were Not confirmed via testing.
This is misinformation in several different ways, minimizes the WuFlu issue and undermines President Trump’s leadership, reaction and actions to the WuFlu while appearing to criticize Obama.
Info with links here for those to whom this info is new and choose to learn more:
please just scroll on by.
that’s what I do with most of your comments…
You may not like her tone, but does that negate what she’s saying?
Many people criticize Trump’s tone.
I thought we had freedom here.
I see quite a few posts I consider fear porn showing up here and I scroll past…
You can certainly scroll past.
But I don’t think she is “fear porn.” She’s trying to make sure we are taking proper precautions to avoid what could be coming, and one of those measures is to quit treating this like it’s something less serious than the flu.
Is it “fear porn” if a passenger in your car warns you not to turn the wrong way onto an offramp?
There are a group of people here taking issue with her tone–rather than answering her points they just accuse her of being “fear porn”
Well if taking this thing seriously and refusing to claim it’s less serious than the flu was, is “fear porn” then I guess I am dispensing it too.
not going to argue about this.
I have my opinion and you have yours.
I could just about feel my blood pressure going up as I was reading this.
Kennedy Center abruptly lays off entire orchestra hours after receiving $25 million taxpayer bailout
30-06. 😀
And if it were as contagious as the measles, we’d need .338L
so the Chinese are suing the US in Chinese court for damages of $28,000 because they say COVID-19 originated in the US and was brought to China by the US Military? seriously $28,000??? So we supposed caused the deaths of how many Chinese and they’re suing us for $28,000…
Wuhan lawyer Liang Xuguang filed one lawsuit with the Wuhan Intermediate People’s Court against the U.S. Government, CDC, the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Armed Forces Sports Council claiming damages of 200,000 yuan (around U.S.$28,000).
The lawsuit alleges that the defendants were responsible for lost wages and emotional harm because they “covered up” the alleged emergence of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 on U.S. soil.
the article believes it’s more for the Chinese people…to alter their perception that their own government did this to them…
It is ALL about getting out ahead of the USA PROVING China released a bio-weapon.
When ever a Commie accuses you of something, I can just about GUARANTEE it is something that they actually have done.
agreed–but the pitiful amount of the suit? $28,000?
Well, let’s see.
28 million Chinese, worth a penny apiece to their CCP –> $28,000.00
GIve them credit, they made en effort to figure out damages.
Weekend Service at Free Chapel w/ Pastor Jentezen Franklin | 9AM
I couldn’t see it by clicking on the picture (maybe cuz of Hitler photo) but could by clicking on the date stamp
Thanks Pat!
any time!!
I believe that is the hospital in Cartersville, GA
Here are people praying in cars below and around the hospital!!!
Yes, it is in Cartersville, GA!!!
“CARTERSVILLE, Ga – Hundreds gathered to circle the Cartersville Medical Center in prayer Thursday night. They came to pray for the staff battling the coronavirus pandemic on the front lines, and they came to pray for the patients who are battling for their life.
“It’s hit close to home, a lot of people have been affected by this, we’re just ready to see it go,” said Camden McGill who helped organize the “Circle of Prayer.”
Carlos has an interesting thread – this is the last tweet in it. It makes one think. There’s thread reader now.
I used to wonder what makes people courageous.
Now I understand that it’s simply the ability to give yourself a context in the greater scheme of things.
When you do THAT, you can’t help being brave.
This is the 1st tweet in the thread. No thread reader yet.
Somebody said, “Millennials should give a thought to what Americans went through in World War Two.”
This is a good time to retell the story of Francis Carpenter, a theater actor who worked with Orson Welles.
Here’s the only known photo of Carpenter.
great story…would have been awesome to hear the man himself tell it!
The Candace Owens Show: Jocko Willink
Good Sunday Morning To You, Patriots!!!
Eyewitness News
· Mar 28
Coronavirus News: Javits Center expected to open as field hospital on Monday
BrunoBarking for a #TRUMP2020LANDSLIDE
Interesting …IF the Javitz center is being prepped to house trafficking victims?
What sweet irony…the very same Javitz Center HRC thought she’d be ‘coronated’ in?
Now? Used to EXPOSE her criminal activity while the World is Watching?
Is that why COMFORT is coming to NY?
The possiblity of a rescue mission is awesome! POTUS had Gen. Milley at the presser, the Comfort and Mercy are set up for trauma/surgical/hospital ships more so than infectious desease ships.
Stopping the torturers, liars and murderers while giving aid and Comfort to their victims would be cathartic.
Hilary etal always said they were doing it “for the children”. I pray all the time for their victims. I pray that these evil people will be stopped very soon and that their victims will heal.
HRC is a most evil woman. I would love to see them all exposed and executed for what they have done to the children and to many others.
Amen Elizabeth… this evil has to stop.
Supposedly the Navy ships are going to take all of the NON-CCV patients, so the hospitals will have room for new CCV patients.
But the hospitals are not overwhelmed… I’ve seen videos of those in NYC… hardly anyone in waiting area and empty beds all over the place.
Then we’re wasting the Navy’s time, aren’t we?
POTUS never wastes ANYONE’s time imho…
There’s a reason for those ships to be going where they are going. Some of us may have the wrong idea, but for sure it’s not a waste of time. imo
Fair enough!
I’m going to put on a hypothetical: What if the sole reason he sent them there was to try to calm the perception the government wasn’t doing anything? I know that SOUNDS cynical, but it isn’t, necessarily, the last thing we need right now is rioting by people convinced the government isn’t helping. So that would be a good reason, but not one directly relating to the ChiComCrud.
You make an excellent point…
We have a greater problem than the ChicomCrud, (created by the Crud of course) and that is keeping citizens calm (in addition to healthy)… in an environment that is hostile to our POTUS and his supporters. So your hypothetical sounds sensible to me.
…Oh and to make it clear, I’m not suggesting he’s ACTUALLY doing nothing and this is just for show; it’s that he’s actually doing something and this is a visual sign of it.
One problem with Obola is that he did basically nothing about H1N1 and Ebola other than appoint PR agents. That has its place ALONG WITH real measures, not INSTEAD of them. Obola…well, words fail me.
Never thought for one NY second that you were suggesting…
Agree wrt to what’s his name… words fail 😉
There’s a common belief out there that when people use profanity, they’re just showing they don’t have a good regular vocabulary (not necessarily true; plenty of well spoken people will use it for emphasis–it’s the ones who using nothing but who might be limited).
Even the profane words don’t suffice with respect to either O or his intended successor.
well said Steve…
The Dem hoax against President Trump, with seeds planted back in Feb, is now growing and taking root. I am sure MAGA social media users and leaders will have to fight this latest hoax/fake news “controversy” Hard. Just as President Trump said back in Feb, his and his admin’s response to the WuFlu is the Dems new hoax impeachment.
Does President Trump see it coming and know their play book or what?!
“Pelosi Accuses Trump of Killing Americans in Coronavirus Crisis: “As President Fiddles, People are Dying”; Raises Watergate Impeachment Question”
Pelosi continues to advance the narrative, sowing discord and trying to capitalize when people are suffering. Now she wants hearings after things settle down, micro-analyzing every piece of information Pres. Trump was given and by whom, and every decision he made. I don’t think Americans want another round of hearings on Orange Man Bad. I hope even Dems get so sick of her and her ilk that they turn away altogether. We have to take the House and stop this evil.
May she swallow her dentures.
Wyatt, Austere Deplorable Retweeted
Sizwe sikaMusi@SizweLo
Mar 25
Bill Gates is launching implantable chips which will be used to show whether a person has been tested and vaccinated for Corona. These microchips will dissolve under the skin, leaving identification ‘quantum dots’. These implants and can also be used as a form of ID.
Calling Wolf!!! Gates is at it, again! Thanks for posting, PR!!!
The World is watching….
First you get people to allow monitoring and cataloging. Then you have control over them and they become virtual prisoners. Information is power. It’s why they want gun registration. This is un-American and evil.
Yes it is… has to stop.
Weekend Service At Free Chapel w/ Pastor Jentezen Franklin | 11AM
l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
2 days ago, 11 tweets, 3 min read
In the 1930s, a back door was installed in the Fed, so the elites could easily and secretly steal money from it. What is the back door? It is the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF), which is attached to the New Yorkj branch of the Fed.
Link to THREAD
the FDA needs to get on TRUMP TIME!!! an Ohio company has come up with portable sterilization system containers that it had hoped to ship to hospitals…but the FDA is limiting their ability and limiting them to Ohio only…
“We’re looking at the Battelle Critical Care Decontamination System that we’ve developed to be able to decontaminate PPE for health care workers on the frontline,” says Battelle researcher Will Richter.
The Critical Care Decontamination System is the first of its kind, capable of cleaning up to 80,000 pieces of PPE (personal protective equipment) at a time. Battelle’s system was designed to be modular so it can be easily shipped, and scaled up – the more units in one area, the more rapidly they will be able to clean mass amounts of PPE and return them to the hospitals.
Hospitals around the country are starting to run low on personal protective equipment like masks, gloves and goggles. The looming shortage puts health care workers in danger as they treat the influx of coronavirus patients.
Battelle planned to send units to New York City, Stony Brook, the state of Washington and Washington, D.C. for use by local hospitals. Up to 20 more units were scheduled to be shipped elsewhere around the country.
Gov. Mike DeWine personally appealed to the Food and Drug Adminstration to speed up the approval process. However, their decision didn’t work out as he hoped.
In a statement Sunday, DeWine said the FDA authorized Battelle’s machines to sterilize just 10,000 surgical masks per day—far short of their capacity—and only at their Columbus headquarters.
“The FDA’s decision to severely limit the use of this life-saving technology is nothing short of reckless,” DeWine wrote. “I am not only disappointed by this development, but I’m also stunned that the FDA would decline to do all it can to protect this country’s frontline workers in this serious time of need.”
IDK, I’m seeing a lot of one off tweets from ER docs and nurses that claim they’ve got lighter patient loads than normal.
I would imagine the stresses are in the hot spots. And even there, the medical personnel are claiming the story that’s being told by Cuomo is not what’s really going on.
I’ll keep watching as the day goes on, but from the numbers I’m seeing, while there are increases in confirmed diagnoses, the rate at which people are testing positive has dropped. The curve is being flattened.
I would ignore the fear mongering stuff, and for now just do what you have to to keep from getting sick.
I mean in New York. Apparently, they’re doing the drug regimen the same as everyone else, but that’s not being made public.
I’ve looked and looked and looked, and while I really don’t want to make light of a serious situation, or disregard anyone suffering, I’m not seeing anywhere near the chaos, overrun hospitals, bed shortages or anything the #fakenews media has been trying to get us to believe.
Quote Tweet
· Mar 28
This is the “war zone” outside the hospital in my Brooklyn neighborhood.…
But, that’s New York. New York is THE big hotspot. Those people are overrun. The rest of us, not so much.
Betting most ERs are slower than usual with all of the stay away from docs and ERs unless truly urgent.
That said, hot spots in NY, IL, NJ, FL, CA…quite busy. It’s all location, location, location 🙂
100% the curve is being flattened. NY, CA and a few other places have a tougher road to hoe. We”ll get there.
DeWine can easily call President Trump, VP Pence to get things moving.
He probably has!
Remember part of the game is to SHOW the Fluster Cuck left by the Obama admin in the CDC and FDA.
God Bless Bishop Strickland!
Lone Texas bishop shuns anti-Life health care rationing statement
Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, stood apart yesterday from the other Texas bishops in what appears to be a courageous stand for Life. Bishop Strickland withheld his signature from a statement published Friday by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (TCCB), which urged Governor Greg Abbott to grant absolute immunity to the medical industry if they ration health care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
this crisis is sure separating the wheat from the chaff…………….
Yeah, well, elections have consequences. Pres. Trump has the pulpit now.
Someone or other in the past must have said that while I was busy spending eight fricking years trying to ignore him.
wow can’t even fish by yourself in Washington any more…
On March 23rd, WA Governor Inslee clamped down on Washingtonians, effectively restraining citizens from engaging in activities that involve social interaction, congregating, and performing any activity outside the home that is not otherwise given an exception–such as engaging in buying groceries, travel to essential services employment, or seeking emergency treatment. All are under threat of criminal prosecution if citizens do not comply with his proclamation.
Somehow the state’s department of fish and wildlife missed the fact that fishing involves gathering food and outright banned all fishing and shell fish harvesting–everywhere in the state. The agency claims that it is acting pursuant to the governor’s “Stay Home – Stay Health” mandate. The governor’s proclamation makes no such mention of fishing, but does delegate to the bureaucracy and department heads the ability implement the governor’s directives. That effectively gives the administrative state a wide swath of unilateral authority to restrain the public and then invoke a criminal penalty that was not specifically enacted by the legislature.
Completely absent form the public forum has so far been members of the state legislature who have remained surprisingly silent on expressing any pushback or questioning of some of this type of over-reach, whereas with this governor, among the opposition, there was previously continual rebuke against the governor’s actions for most of what he did or represented.
That’s Enough!
So, folks in WA should fish, collect shell fish, hunt… Let the b@stards try to stop them. Then sue the shit out of them and make a public spectacle of it.
i remember (vaguely) a comment made in the movie The Patriot…
why should I trade ONE tyrant 3,000 miles away for 3,000 tyrants one MILE away?
you mileage may vary…lol
Watched Patriot, again, last evening. Nailed the quote. 🙂
it’s one of my favorite movies–which surprises my hubby–but it shows the American spirit and ingenuity!
Weathering the Storm
You Are My Hiding Place ( With Lyrics ) | Selah
Rudy Giuliani’s Podcast:
EXCELLENT NEWS: Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Effective on 699 Patients
Treatment costs $20
One the one hand, Hizzonor interrupted a lot. On the other…such the lawyer. He took notes, just like every lawyer I know. I sing with a VERY prominent defense lawyer in town and he carries a notebook just for occasions when he has to talk to a client, even if it’s a pro bono one.
I do like the physician’s willingness to try new things. And the big clue is shortness of breath. GOT IT.
anonymous person sends floral bouquets to every resident at a Senior Living Center who were isolated to show their were loved!
Such was the case this week when he got a phone call with a specific request. The person wanted to do something special for the residents at Atria Senior Living who were isolated from their friends and family because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Not one to give up, Bennett found enough red roses to fill the order. He spoke with the senior living facility to ensure the arrangements could be dropped off in a safe way that wouldn’t put the residents at risk.
They delivered them to the front door, where the Atria staff took them in, wiped them down, and delivered them.
As if the beautiful bouquets weren’t enough, they also came with a note that read: “You are special. Thinking of you.”
“This is what we do: We pull together at times as a community when everyone is needing or hurting,” Bennett said. “Our neighbors help each other when there’s a need.”
$10,000 tip left at Florida restaurant for workers losing their jobs…
Owners of a southwest Florida restaurant are trying to figure out who left a $10,000 tip for his employees just before the state’s eateries were ordered to close their dining rooms during the coronavirus pandemic.
The man’s generosity meant the 20 staff members at the Pavillion restaurant in Naples split the cash, each getting $500 on the day before they were laid off from their jobs.
Ross Edlund, who owns nine restaurants, told the Naples Daily News that the man who handed a manager the wad of cash is a regular customer, and he thinks his name might be Bill or Bob. He says the man likes to eat on the patio on weekdays and on weekends he often brings his family for brunch. They’d like to thank him.
As the Earth bringeth forth its bud…
Lack of international travel in the homeless population?
Good point altho’ seems like community spread would take just one carrier then run rampant. As Trump says “let’s see what happens”
D. Pat,
That doesn’t wash as an excuse:
SF Airport has daily direct flights from Wuhan China. Some homeless people travel daily on BART back and forth from the city to the airport where they sleep. Some of them are going to be panhandling in the airport. They use the facilities to bath, wash clothes and such and they interact with passengers and each other.
The virus should be RAMPANT in the San Francisco homeless communities via this direct contact route.
April 13, 2019 | Updated: April 29, 2019
Homeless surge at SF airport: Police contacts triple, and officials want BART to step in
Dec 23 2019: One of the largest homeless encampments is at LAX airport — and a police log of incidents just leaked
Nov 1989 NYT: Homeless Find Shelter in the Bustle at O’Hare Chicago IL.
Sarcasm seems to escape this group.
I refer to our previous back and forth on the Plannedemic thread.
Yeah, I was think of that.
Also FG&C,
Look at my comment (Bottom of last page)
China Virus DIRECT ROUTE from Wuhan in to the San FranFeces Homeless camps.
Daily flights from Wuhan to San Francisco International Airport
Panhandling homeless who use the airport facilities to wash and such.
BART train pulls into the International Terminal each night.
Authorities at San Francisco International Airport are struggling to deal with rising numbers of homeless people arriving at the International Terminal, many of them seeking shelter in the middle of the night after riding BART trains south from the city.
“….“I think it’s typical of migrating homeless. It could be buses, trains or subway trains,” Sandoval said….
Right now, there are a lot of people displaced,” Sandoval said. “Homeless encampments get shut down, and the trains become part of the migrating homeless.”…”
(Remember they are NOT buying their food or drugs in the airport so they have to go back to the city.)
Okay my info, sibling is RN, critical care nurse, many letters behind her name and she gets furloughed. Says hospital is only 1/4 full
That’ interesting. City or rural area?
the patients are inside the hospital not outside on the ground. One can have a full hospital and not have people laying outside. I don’t get what these pictures are trying to show…???
If meds work like that seem to, even the full hospitals will quickly change. prayers for that!
If it is the “war zone” like being depicted, especially in NY and LA one would expect to see some activity outside as well. I don’t think anyone expects to see patients “on the ground” 🙄. But these places look like ghost towns, why aren’t there cars in the parking lots? Ambulances arriving? People standing in line for testing? FYI I am in healthcare, and believe me, the level of panic being portrayed is not what I am seeing.
God is Great, Kimi said God bless y’all and Hope’s ya enjoy Lucas Sunday tunes…
I am gonna get off here for a while and enjoy some Quiet time with my baby.
God bless Y’all
Yeah I thought that was kinda big 👀
Sorry….article is from 2013 🙄
Aplogies, carry on
The Library
THIS, is what happens when you elect Communists. NEVER vote Democrat- bc this is the outcome.
Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an order giving California’s chief justice broad powers, including the right to suspend laws during the coronavirus crisis
Harold Finch
Her name is Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye.
Say that 3 times fast.
This is interesting…
“Upon graduation from law school in 1984, Cantil was unable to find a job in law, so she became a blackjack dealer in Reno, Nevada.”
Thanks for that info FG&C…. so, she never passed the Bar… not exactly the top of her class…
So the dim gov of RI is going after the constituents of the dim gov of NY, eh?
Seems peeps in RI don’t like lawbreakers who spread disease… good!
I can not find it, but IIRC it is legal to shoot someone from RI if you are in MA or the other way around. (One of the old colonial laws)
Oh my! Gail, you are a walking encyclopedia,,,
Soooo … borders for invaders 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
Snake Plissken
I thought he was dead.
Snake or Kurt?
Wait, did nobody get this but me?
Welcome To Florida ! Enjoy The Water While You’re Here !
Enjoy the golfing too…..
oh yeah 😀
come on down !
Still a few BIG archosaurs out there…
It always cracks me up when I see those videos on the golf courses. In Florida, it looks like the water hazards really are hazardous.
Do not forget the SHARKS!
No lie there are sharks in the golf club water hazards…. In Australia.
And the water is nice and warm…
Are those sand sharks Ga ?