2021·04·03 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

His Fraudulency

Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.

One can hope that all is not as it seems.

I’d love to feast on that crow.

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot Prices.

Kitco Ask. Last week:

Gold $1734.30
Silver $25.13
Platinum $1192.00
Palladium $2748.00
Rhodium $25,000.00

This week–markets closed 3PM Thursday for Good Friday (or April Fools, depending)

Gold $1731.80
Silver $25.01
Platinum $1216.00
Palladium $2736.00
Rhodium $26,800.00

What I am seeing here is precious metals trading within a pretty well defined range. Gold has dropped down into the 1680s twice but then immediately bounced up. Which implies (to some) that it might be prepping to go up again. Silver seems to be in the doldrums right now; I don’t know whether it’s going up or down (does anyone really ever know about these things?) and won’t even hazard a guess.

Note: Last week’s gold and platinum prices are almost identical to the prices from five weeks ago! Five weeks ago:

Gold $1735.60
Silver $26.80
Platinum $1191.00
Palladium $2379.00
Rhodium $26,000.00

Iridium: The Smoke From The Smoking Gun

4.567 billion years ago, our solar system began to “condense” from the nebula. Clumps of dust particles began to come together, part of a poorly-understood process that eventually led to the planets. The nebula had a potpourri of “stuff” in it. Mostly elements up to iron, with a heavy leavening of ones after iron, created in supernovas or even neutron star collisions. (Most gold is believed to have come out of neutron star collisions…next time you admire that gold coin or your wedding band…think about where that stuff has been! Any of it not from a collision got blasted out of a supernova at 70,000,000 miles per hour.)

Very large bodies, moon sized and larger certainly, would heat up as they formed, from the potential energy of infalling stuff, and also from the fact that this dust had a lot of radioactive stuff in it. Many isotopes with very short half lives, like aluminum 26, were common then; we have no trouble seeing their traces in meteorites today. But back then they were a source of intense heat. Even today, much of the heat of the earth’s interior comes from radioactive decay of uranium, thorium, and even potassium (which has one fairly uncommon radioactive isotope).

Those large bodies became molten, and the heavy stuff sank towards the center. Iron was quite common in the nebula, and iron is heavier than the sorts of things that became typical rocks, and so we today have planets with iron cores.

A lot of good stuff went down into the core with the iron, including gold, the platinum group metals, and silver. Some gold hung around with the lighter slag since gold likes quartz. That resulted in gold being relatively more common than the PGMs in the earth’s crust.

But a lot of things in the solar nebula got big, but not big enough to melt. They became asteroids, and they are relatively rich in PGMs as compared with the earth’s crust. (If we can ever start mining those suckers…PGM prices will go down, and gold will go down somewhat…remember it’s relatively common in the earth’s crust, but that means it won’t become as common, proportionately to where it is today, when we go after asteroids.)

So one sure-fire sign of a meteorite is extra PGMs.

There was once an asteroid the size of Mount Everest. It probably hung out in the asteroid belt for about 4.5 billion years; in fact, it hung out, wherever it hung out, for almost exactly 4.5 billion years.

Then something happened to alter its orbit. And then, sometime after that, perhaps within a million years, it chanced to encounter Earth.

It plunged through the atmosphere–which rapidly raised its surface temperature. Then it slammed into the ocean, at a point just off the coast of what we today know as the Mexican State of Yucatan. The rocks it hit were the worst possible thing it could find…sulfur-rich gypsum, calcium sulfate. The meteorite vaporized in an instant. And so did a lot of that gypsum.

The tsunami in the Gulf probably reached as far inland as Illinois.

The sky was filled with sulfur trioxide, which became sulfuric acid and rained out over the next few days. And the amount of sunlight reaching the surface of the earth was cut, both by the sulfuric crud and just ordinary dust ejected into the stratosphere by the impact, putting another challenge on plant life. Which is at the root of the food chain. Fewer plants, fewer herbivores, fewer herbivores, fewer carnivores.

There’s good reason to believe life was already under stress from massive volcanic eruptions in what is now the Deccan traps, in India. This was just exactly what wasn’t needed for icing on the cake. (Alternatively, the Deccan eruptions may have been triggered by the impact. Yes, even though they were almost on the other side of the world!)

75 percent of species died out, including almost all of the dinosaurs. Some of the ones that had taken to the air and had feathers and warm blood survived the next five years of darkness. And of course many of those little mammals survived too.

Thus ended the Cretaceous Period and the Mesozoic Era (which included the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous).

The Cretaceous Period had lasted some 80 million years–note, longer than everything since. If you were to go back in time halfway to the beginning of the Cretaceous, you’d be in the Cretaceous.

65.6 million years later, give or take 300,000 years, a couple of geologists were investigating exposed rock near Raton, New Mexico (less than two hours away from me). They knew from fossil evidence that this little thin white stripe in the rock separated Cretaceous from Paleogene (which used to be called the “Tertiary”). Below the line, many kinds of dinosaurs were alive when the rock was deposited. Above it, only the birds.

I’m not 100% positive that this picture is from Raton, but it’s pretty much what it looks like there.

They analyzed the white stripe. It had 100 times as much iridium as the rock above and below it. Still not a lot (a hundred times almost, almost nothing is still almost nothing), but it was the smoke that showed the smoking gun was an asteroid.

An asteroid almost certainly killed the big “Jurassic Park” dinosaurs.

Many have read this story and come away thinking the asteroid was made out of iridium. No, no more than the gun found at the crime scene is made out of fingerprint oil. Iridium was along for the ride, but the sulfur the asteroid found at its destination probably did as much as anything to kill almost every large animal on earth.

So what is this “iridium” anyway? It’s element #77, with 77 protons in the nucleus, tucked in between osmium and platinum. It was discovered alongside osmium in 1803/4 by Smithson Tennant, a story I told last week. It’s almost as dense–the difference is so small you wouldn’t be able to perceive it. And it’s another one of those bothersome high-melting point elements…six hundred kelvins below osmium but still 2400K. But it does not form iridium tetroxide and kill people. In fact, it may be the most chemically inert metal known, the noblest metal. It is not attacked even by aqua regia, a mixture of acids that will make short work of gold.

What I didn’t mention last week was that iridium tended to be the major impurity in those Russian platinum coins. It could be detected while processing the platinum, because at one point during that processing, some of the aqueous solutions would be orange or even red if any iridium were present, rather than yellow. And indeed when analyzed today iridium and iron are the major impurities in those coins.

Today, iridium can be rendered a solid, with some work. This video is well worth watching! Osmium is rarely made into big solid objects. Iridium, on the other hand…

The professor mentioned the price of iridium. It’s now running six thousand dollars an ounce. Back in early December it was $1700, before that it was fairly stable, the ten year chart shows a few years of $1000/oz and even $600/oz iridium, before it blooped up to $1500 in 2018, slowly rose to $1700, and then went bananas. http://www.dailymetalprice.com/metalpricecharts.php?c=ir&u=oz&d=2400

And now for a link to the story of a man who had two kilograms of iridium powder, and decided to go get it melted. Some of you expressed interest in just how it works with these super-high-melting elements; there’s detail here for you.


Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

Whoever ends up in the cell next to his, tell him I said “Hi.”

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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And of course our military leaders won’t be able to do the math on this having been struck deaf, dumb and blind in everything concerning election integrity that deals with outside influences especially from China. Not even uttering an opinion on the China Virus should of alerted us to this fact.


We have a Supreme Court who couldn’t be bothered – a Congress that could care less – and a Military that has been infiltrated as much as the Intelligence Agencies are compromised – should we be surprised or will we discover the truth long after this indignity has been resolved?

Election interference by foreign entities has yet to be addressed – the DNI Report was delayed until a day before the inauguration – was this accidentally on purpose?


Well thanks, Prof!!! Sorry your ‘Pick on SHD’ did not work – however – I am sure you will think of something – lol


Secretary Pompeo told us that China was already operating a soft war within our own country, that they were already here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this guy totally gets it!


I cautiously but optimistically like Pompeo very much

Never liked Pence so wasn’t disappointed or surprised on that front but did like Sessions before he recused himself … and my opinion went downhill from there. Was surprised at quickly he folded (although he did accomplish good things while at the DOJ on other topics). My disappointment was 100% confirmed again and again by President Trump.

Never trusted Hagerty or Blackburn but that they would come through on 1/6 as there was no reason not to do so.

I know you approach people skeptically from the start (as does my husband) but I have had to learn that … again and again … as it is just natural for me to assume the best and forget or excuse past actions or meltdowns as one offs or exceptions or mistakes or …

So, after that and many others disappointed on the national stage, I am cautiously optimistic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was fooled on the LONG GAME with Pence, although maybe not. I think Pence was played like rook – no way he could move like a knight or a bishop. In essence, he betrayed Trump – and REAL JUSTICE both individual and social – because he could not re-imagine himself as jumping pieces to achieve real justice. It’s a kind of “battered true conservative” position – and it’s very Christian, too – but not the ONLY Christian position.

Pence played along the whole time, but in the end, he could not artfully de-rig the game with FOUNDER-GRADE logic. And that is where the other side got Trump. Trump was an ISOLATED GENIUS. Pence was smart, but not smart enough to see that the Founders ultimately wanted the SOCIETY to win out over PROCESS. The social justice BUILT INTO THE SYSTEM (yes, there is SYSTEMIC SOCIAL JUSTICE in the Constitution, damn it!) allowed Pence to save the nation, but sadly he did not rise to the ALLOWED EXCEPTION.

That election, and all the errors of it, are a brilliant teacher.


You are more generous than I am and that is good 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! Exactly! Amen!

Love the Foundation Trilogy! And I think you’ve nailed Pence right there. He cannot see the path out, but that barrier is illusory IMO.

I will go further and conjecture that there are always non-contradictory paths from where we ARE to where we SHOULD be – some non-contradictory position – to solve such problems – thanks to the FALLIBILITY OF ETHICS – but that the fallibility of ethics is precisely what enables the path out, and reality should teach us to FIX OUR ETHICS when we see such a failure looming.

To me, that is how the Founders wanted us to read the law – to let self-evidence work its way out of our neural nets as discrete and communicable logic then set into law, or the interpretation thereof.

Even Spike Lee saw your point (Do The Right Thing), but his own racial blind spots keep dragging him off the best path, long-term, IMO. Malcolm X is a tough read, but take him to the limit where race disappears and you get where you need to be, even if he can’t go there with you. If it stays about race and violence, you’re not fixing it right, IMO. Race is a huge tar-pit and the way out is to not see it as anything but beauty and truth.

This is why I trust Christ and Martin Luther King, Jr., more than myself. They stuck doggedly to ethics that keep correcting me – they HINT ME OUT of my conundrums if I’m lucky, and REBUKE me when I don’t resolve early enough. But I still choose to question enough to enjoy the ride by understanding, if I can. Feel those bumps in the road and laugh! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, that’s an excellent example!

Now there are many of us who believe that we may want to NOT deny our faith, but that gets messy when talking about OTHER people. THEIR lives are not mine to play with in what I regard as “moral vanity”.

So, I’ve always told myself (not sure I have the guts) that if terrorists are singling out people on a plane, I will try to man up and be whoever is being singled out. But if the guy next to me tries to, I’ll lie to protect him. And if he asks why I did it, I’ll say God told me to!

The problem with being interfaith, is I’m not lying when I say I’m whatever! LOL. Pesky little downside, I suppose! And as a former atheist, I can leave out the “former” part it THEY’RE being singled out, and just tell myself an atheist recommended lying to the bad guys, and I thought that was an excellent ethic! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



They make iridium-plated spark plugs. I imagine the price has probably quadrupled since I last looked at ’em.


What is the purpose of plating plugs with it?


It nearly doesn’t react to anything at any temperature or pressure, so your plugs should never erode. You should just be able to pull ’em and clean ’em if they are fouled.




YW. It used to be that you’d change spark plugs on a schedule, and look up the old ones on a chart to see what they’d indicate about the state of your engine.

Then, again, on the Ford Model A you were supposed to lubricate the chassis every 500 miles.

Which nicely segues into a favorite video — one young man “wakes up” a mobile power plant over the course of several hours.


*spoiler* The majority of his time is applying lubrication.


The thing is, spark plugs are pretty cheap to start with — and the iridium ones already commanded a hefty premium when I last looked.


I send this type of info to medical people I know and get silence in return.

I have almost no trust left in the medical community.

They are like the 3 monkeys…see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.


Morning’ G-ma!

Hopefully, more attorneys – in more States – will follow what this NM attorney is doing.

I’m reading more and more references to the Nuremberg Code.

Every politician (or doctor / nurse / etc.) who’s pumped this experimental gene therapy is likely *personally* liable – without being protected by their position.

This, IMO, is key.

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Good morning, Emeraldstar! I agree!! I warned a nurse about that.

Deplorable Patriot

I know darn well and good there is not full and informed consent out there. Too many just blindly go with the flow. Fortunately, I do think that the vast majority of people out there are being shot up with saline just to keep the adverse reactions out of the headlines.


>>”shot up with saline”<<

I sure hope so.

It *does* make some sense, IMO, for them to do this – perhaps more for the black-hats than the white.

I haven’t come across anyone in my neck-of-the-woods who realizes that this an *experiment*, and that they may in fact be receiving a placebo.

The stakes are so high that almost *any* law may be broken, simply to “win”.

The ammo expended is mind-boggling – 100% all-in, no looking back.


How does Trump figure into this?

Deplorable Patriot

I heard a story of a bad side effect in the line at the grocery store this morning, so it’s happening.

My belief is that the effort of using placeboes is to bolster faith in vaccines as a whole. Would it make people vulnerable to a virus that may or may not exist? If it does, yes, but this is more psychological than physiological. It’s about keeping the hypochondriacs comfortable.

Valerie Curren

There was a graphic I saw on twitter that compared adverse reactions from 2 different vaccines in Europe. One had nearly 50% serious bad effects & the other 30some%, iirc. I don’t know if the data was real, nor the date, but if so that argues for mostly getting the real vaxx & not saline.


Yes it all makes sense in retrospect. That’s why they said the jabbed people can still catch chicom flu *but it won’t be as bad*, knowing full well that it’s not life threatening in the vast majority of people.


They are also saying people can shed the virus and ifect those who have not been vaccinated. I believe the time is 2 weeks after the shot.
A Presbyterian pastor woman in town got the vaccine and developed brain bleeding and is in the hospital.


My doctor does not administer any vaccine any longer. I was surprised last year when he said ” one could no longer get flu shot from him.”
I am sure he also does not give vaccine for covid. Wonder if they had a problem in the office?


The medical “community” can be very “woke” in many places.

How is a white person supposed to trust that “community” when white people have such intense, explicit hatred directed at them daily?

I do not. Having said that, you meet very compassionate, caring and smart people in that “community.”

But it only takes one, and from the often sullen and hostile demeanors you encounter in that “community,” a reasonable person can conclude there are many of those ones.


Apropos of nothing here…..


The Federal government hired chemists to poison drinkable alcohol. Bootleggers hired chemists to refine the poisons out. Classic arms race ensues, with civilian casualties….

Deplorable Patriot

The powers that be really don’t want people drinking booze. Given that everything they do benefits THEM and not US, one has to ask the question: why?


I have asked myself that question.

It certainly isn’t because they care about their health.

Deplorable Patriot

Nope. There is a research scientist out there who is kind of a lone voice against the anti-alcohol sorts. He preaches moderation, of course, but everything he puts out claims that people who drink medicinally, at least, live longer. And exercise reverses the effects.

I think there are a lot of factors involved, but that might well be. After all, man has been drinking for thousands of years.


All Europeans should be dead if Alcohol is bad.
I am sure if people drink to be stone drunk the liver would not be happy.
I like a glass of red wine with a good dinner sometimes a Beer when I make bratwurst and sauerkraut..
The only other liquor I drink is a little herbal after a heavy meal as digestive sometimes a Benedictine.


 one has to ask the question: why?


Alcohol is sometimes called “courage in a bottle”.

Maybe they don’t want us plebs to have any more courage than we can muster sober.
I dunno.


It’s also called a “social lubricant” (there’s a better phrase out there, but I can’t recall it at the moment).

Leaving aside George Thorogood’s “I Drink Alone” crowd, people gather at restaurants and bars to interact, to *talk* to one another, to *socialize*.

Consuming alcohol often makes one *talk* more – and with more uninhibited truth – than one otherwise would.

In the same way as the lockdowns prevented most gatherings, so alcohol restrictions serve a related purpose.

They don’t want truth, and they don’t want us to compare notes, as it were.

In short, they don’t want us united ***in any way whatsoever***.

I think this is at least *part* of the answer to the question “Why?” …

Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar

Thanks, Emstar.
That makes a lot of sense!


Just to be clear. Alcohol all by itself is a poison.


My mother and my brother 81 now should be dead. My mother enjoyed everyday several glasses of wine specially in evening.
My brother easily drinks a whole bottle every evening no poison going on with him. He is healthy as a fiddle.
I myself and the rest of the family drink sparingly and be honest I cannot have more than one glass and often just half a glass of wine or Beer. I nurse it for ever. I enjoy the taste with some meals.


Because they have sweetened it so you can. Drink pure alcohol and you will spit it out.


I would not drink poor alcohol. I do not like strong stuff.


Very few people could tolerate pure alcohol.

Deplorable Patriot

The phrase “drink like the Queen mother” had some real truth to it. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons used to start at 11:30 in the morning with some foo foo drink, a tall glass of straight gin in the afternoon, and quite a bit of wine with dinner. She was 103 when she died.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sorry, she was 101.


The royal family genetics are very good. About 3 million a year die from the side effects of alcohol abuse. Their genetics obviously not good enough.


They didn’t avail themselves of unpasteurised milk, like the Royal Family did, using the Queen Mother’s example.

Ask yourself why unpasteurised milk is forbidden in most, if not all, of the US.


After reading your post, you would likely enjoy Neil Stephenson’s “Seveneves”. It’s an extinction level story about the moon being shot through by a mysterious agent and it’s busting apart into seven pieces that after a couple of months results in the pieces beginning to ram into each other to further the decay, which after nearly two years time results in a white sky and then quickly a hard rain of rocks that rain down on and destroy the earth. An orbiting space station set up by a private asteroid mining company that allows international space teams to work at the facility, becomes the center of what will be become the anchor point for an ark for the some fifteen hundred survivors, mostly made up of professionals in various sciences and technology.

While I’m only halfway through this story and undecided if I like it, that decision likely relying on the outcome of one of his main characters (I’m detecting some things I don’t quite like and this may be a departure point for me on Stephenson if they hold out) it does have all the normal technical bells and whistles that make Stephenson’s stories quite interesting.

Full Spoiler.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

I saw that when it came out and was unimpressed.


I detect then this was made into a movie?

If so much would be lost. Doubtful the bulk of the tech stuff along with character development, multiple story lines and sub plots coming out of a 900 plus pages that makes the book work well would get into the movie.


I don’t think any of Stephenson’s books has been made into a movie.


No, I saw the book, its premise, and reviews. I do not think Hollyweird has been involved.


What did you think, and have you read other Stephenson?




“Anathem”. Finally finished it and it’s actually quite good but people get intimidated by it largely because of the time line written out in the preface since they’ll fail to see the correlations with our own world until they get near the end of the story when you understand that earth’s timeline doesn’t come into the picture until near the end of the book. However I’ve not time here for a review, perhaps later in the day if only because a large portion of the book dealt with something called the Mathic world which are Monastery’s on steroids’ of which has been a subject touched upon here ever since Gregorian Chants came up, though the last quarter deals with space walks on steroids which Steve might like.


So after Peter Navarro’s shot across Faucci’s bow yesterday and the left predicting Faucci would go after him, suing him into oblivion, the traitor Cavuto had Faucci on for a response. Result of course being that Faucci, being too busy, can’t be bothered with these things as he ignores the accusations and pedals away as smartly as he can to avoid the whoop ass he well deserves.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

He’s doing the “ignore it and it will go away” tactic that will backfire eventually.


Mt. Etna erupted for the 17th time this year:


Rainier, Mt. Hood, or Shasta would be a BFD. Etna…..not so much.


Agree — Yellowstone has Deccan Traps potential, and Long Valley (CA) could change the way things are sorted out. The three I listed were the most likely to be a serious pain in the tuchis.

Incidentally, Shasta has lit up not too long ago, and La Perouse (of the Astrolabe reef in Fiji) was able to observe the glow from offshore.

Deplorable Patriot

I check in the Pacific Northwest Seismic info pretty regularly, and the one they’re still watching even 40+ years later is St. Helens. She’s the most active of the volcanoes in the Cascades still. The floor of the crater has this dome that has been steadily building the last few years. There have been recharge swarms, etc. One video I watched said that EASILY that is the most wired mountain in the world, and they have to drop drone sensors in the crater, because it’s too hot and dangerous to send people in certain parts. Only a few geologists are allowed up there, and then just for short periods of time. One of the biggest concerns is Spirit Lake, and the dam breaking, but at the same time, there’s a new glacier on the summit, and when she blows the next time, there’s going to be a landslide worse than 1980.

Rainier is the one, when it finally blows, that they’re really worried about. But, it’s pretty laid back and quiet right now. The earthquakes are pretty high and not that strong.


Mt Lassen, near Shasta has also. When driving through the foothills you can see random rocks in the fields. They are volcanic rocks, boulders that came from the eruption.

Barb Meier

Unless your name was Harry Randall Truman or you were one of his 16 cats. In that case, it was a BFD.



Barb Meier

Thank you, pgroup2. My like clicky isn’t working. LOL


17 !


Anti-capitalist protestor tries to climb Chase Bank in Manhattan.

He fails…and falls, shattering his hip.
There is an audible crunching sound when he lands.

H/T Citizen Free Press.


A member of Extinction Rebellion fracturing his hip is well on his way…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Vegan for sure. So many broken bones in that crowd.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There will be some kind of pressure on Chase soon. They may be forced to support GND insanity, which is the cue to pull any money out of their operation, because it will start going downhill fast.


I watch this and all I can think of is, there is a mother somewhere who will get a phone call, go to a hospital, and likely have to take care of this crippled idiot for the rest of her life. And she may well have raised the moron to be a decent citizen, but sent him to a university for an education like we were all told to do if we could, so our kids would be better off than we were. And this is what she got back for her trouble.

The world makes me so sad.


I am unable to watch this just the thought makes me ill.


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Yes. That is generally known within the Christian world.


Jesus was most likely not crucified on a Friday. Christians have pointed this out and there is some uncertainty. Some say He was likely crucified on Wednesday, some say Thursday, a few who study the matter do say Friday. Just as Jesus was almost certainly not born in December when we celebrate Christmas, the misdating doesn’t lessen the meaning and spiritual significance of Good Friday as it is observed.


Indeed, Much happened between the death and resurrection.

Harrowing of Hell:

“This is the Old English and Middle English term for the triumphant descent of Christ into hell (or Hades) between the time of His Crucifixion and His Resurrection, when, according to Christian belief, He brought salvation to the souls held captive there since the beginning of the world.

According to the “New English Dictionary” the word Harrowing in the above connection first occurs in Aelfric’s homilies, about A.D. 1000; but, long before this, the descent into hell had been related in the Old English poems connected with the name of Caedmon and Cynewulf.

Writers of Old English prose homilies and lives of saints continually employ the subject, but it is in medieval English literature that it is most fully found, both in prose and verse, and particularly in the drama.

Art and literature all through Europe had from early times embodied in many forms the Descent into Hell, and specimens plays upon this theme in various European literatures still exist, but it is in Middle English dramatic literature that we find the fullest and most dramatic development of the subject.

The earliest specimen extant of the English religious drama is upon the Harrowing of Hell, and the four great cycles of English mystery plays each devote to it a separate scene. It is found also in the ancient Cornish plays.

These medieval versions of the story, while ultimately based upon the New Testament and the Fathers, have yet, in their details, been found to proceed from the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, the literary form of a part of which is said to date back to the second or third century.

In its Latin form this “gospel” was known in England from a very early time; Bede and other Old English writers are said to show intimate acquaintance with it. English translations were made of it in the Middle Ages, and in the long Middle English poem known as “Cursor Mundi” a paraphrase of it is found.”

Sources focus on the The Catholic Encyclopedia


Another Christian author’s view point that includes comments on the Harrowing of Hell:

Much debate concerning: did he really go to hell or to all who were dead? Were all who were dead actually in hell and then some were saved after Jesus went to them to tell them of the Good News? Or was there a resting place for the dead and only after Jesus was there both Heaven and Hell as an immidiate option? The “underworld” as spoken of in the Word doesn’t necessarily mean hell or place of punishment. Did they go from the “underworld” to Heaven or from Hell to Heaven? Maybe Hell is not now (or at the time Jesus entered) a place of fire but Hades is place of holding and the punishment is yet to come? IDK …

The answers have no relevance to our own salvation, believe or not believe, saved or not saved, but are interesting. We will understand all and know the answers some day but I still wonder about these things now out of curriosity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent lesson on iridium, BTW!!! I wasn’t even aware that the Tertiary had been deprecated!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah, I do hope they revise things. The scale itself is a great teacher!



And to think…..there are supposedly “boys” born without a single one….


From the Black Pidgeon Speaks:

The experiment of ‘Multiculturalism’ is destroying the social fabric of Western Countries.

The Left has been gaslighting us on the value of ‘Diversity’ and ‘Multiculturalism’.

[video src="https://cdn.lbryplayer.xyz/api/v4/streams/free/Multiculturalism/3e1740c0bb5af7f84b97890937f8006c22cb1b9c/055c96.mp4" /]

Last edited 3 years ago by wheatietoo

wheatie…how can this particular video be accessed? it’s not displayed on his channel, and I wish to forward this!!


This video is on his channel at Odysee:


I found it posted on Gab.


Here’s a direct link to this video:



wheatie…Oh, Thank you!!!


Doctors. Over a parking space in a lot with cameras everywhere.

The director of Upstate Medical University’s Neuro-oncology Department and her husband, an assistant professor of neurology, have both been arrested after State Police say they keyed a car in the DeWitt Wegmans store parking lot, causing $1,800 in damages to the car’s hood, driver’s side, and the back of the car. 



Someone keyed our car last year and was only 4 inches long. The cost was $600 and the insurance paid for it. People do not realize how little it takes to cause expensive damage.
People are so rude and demented.


In today’s political climate, how can a white male go to a doctor who is non-white, when there is so much white male hatred about? Can a white male trust they are getting the best advice or treatment from a non-white doctor? Does asking these questions make me racist?

Stay healthy, my friends…and faux biden didnt win


Found on Gab:

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Here’s one from the anons …

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Yep.  😖  That’s the programming.



How cruel. To think we have leader we voted for in DC who work with these monster from the CCP



Benny goes to Atlanta and asks people on the street:

“Is it racist to ask for ID?”


Good Turning Point video. I have posted this one many times on social media. Good to have a new one and one based in GA.
This is the one I have shared:

Overwhelming support for voter ID:


Anyone up for a little “Hopium” ?

Just gonna leave this here… “Lets see what happens…” :

comment imageOutlawJW


Posted on 8Kun:

I wish to stay anonymous for the time being, as you might understand that my current work has put my life in serious jeopardy. 

I am a self employed private investigator specializing in digital data investigations. My team has forensic auditors, data analysts, and in-field investigators. We were contracted by a group of individuals to investigate the 2020 election, specifically election-related data anomalies. The contract has us posting this message to this board.

In our current investigation, our in-field investigators have interviewed dozens of people who have had direct knowledge of the election. These people include election server IT specialists, election officials, and five governors. We have also interviewed people who have, in return for anonymity, described illegal activities they partook to destroy or alter ballots and election materials. 

We have travelled tens of thousands of miles across the entire country by vehicle, have sworn testimony from multiple government officials, and video/pictured evidence from those who were paid to hurt the election. We were told things as private investigators versus government officials because those we have interviewed are in fear for their lives every moment of every day. 

To summarize what we have collected;

We have crowd-collected proof detailing how the election was rigged, how votes were altered/destroyed/stolen, international actions taken by foreign governments in collaboration with multiple U.S. Agencies and elected officials, and have just recently discovered the murder of three people who had publicly disclosed their desire to step forward with election proof. We also have audio and video proof of current White House cabinet and elected officials stating their knowledge and premeditation of their actions during the election. 

Our information is stored on multiple drives, copies held by selected teammates in the firm, and held in cloud-based independent servers. 

As per the contract we signed, dated Jan 24th, 2021, we are to make public the following action.

Starting April 10th, no later than April 20th, this information will be public. It will be posted here, and among every outlet possible. 

The White House has until April 4th to come clean. The DOJ has until 12:00 noon tomorrow to come clean. 

The information we have will undoubtedly ignite civil war in the country. Considering there exists no credible authority to take this information to, our choices are limited. Unless those involved come clean by the dates posted above, we will have no choice.

To Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.


Thanks, Nor’easter!
 😁  😍 

Love it!
That’s some really tasty hopium there…I hope it happens!


I like hopium MUCH better than nopium.

Still, the main goal is to get this info not just into the “news”, but into the *courts* as evidence.

Together with Lindell’s efforts, though, it would go a long way toward waking up more people.

Their “woke”, btw, is the exact opposite of what they are – “asleep”.


YW !


Hey Nor’easter!

Still stuck in lockdown / mandate where you are? In MA, the situation hasn’t changed.

I like the idea of getting as much info out there as possible, but the “will undoubtedly ignite civil war” part I disagree with.

CW-II is exactly what we shouldn’t want (don’t let us get “bird-dogged”), and I think this is / was(?) an integral part of XVII’s mission …


Hi Emeraldstar !

I refuse to be locked down or wear a mask !
(We’re talking about the home of the “SPEAKEASY” here… There weren’t too many Irish Catholic cops who went through Prohibition without a drink !)

I don’t know where we are going… But I think the “Tree of Liberty” is getting THIRSTY !


>>the “Tree of Liberty”<<


She’s downright PARCHED!



Deplorable Patriot

It’s been a while since drops like this have surfaced. Data point, but still….

Interesting that it was in a contract that the information was to be posted at 8kun, if that’s what happened. I’ll be curious to see how this is handled by the MSM.


Note the date :

“As per the contract we signed, dated Jan 24th, 2021…”

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah. I’m wondering if that is a signal of some sort to someone out there as legitimacy of the message.


(… Or perhaps the “legitimacy” of #NotMyPresidentJoeBiden…!)

Brave and Free

So if “they” don’t come clean by said date, will the FF’s start for distraction of what could possibly be made public?


“Lets see what happens…”




I think there’s a quiet desperation. It behooves us to know ourselves and be aware of what causes our reactions, and to be super vigilant. The piece doesn’t even read like real investigators talk.


Hmm… Yes let’s see whether this is anything.

But making things public, and info all over the place, nice and all, but unless some government entity with sharp teeth does anything about that info, it isn’t going to matter much more than Hunter Biden’s laptop mattered. The anonymous poster acknowledges that no credible authority exists. Not even whoever issued the contract?

Presumably the DOJ and WH won’t come clean by the specified dates and then the evidence is made public… and then what? Those who suspected that the election was bogus, will just become convinced that it is bogus, but all the rest of the world who don’t know and don’t care, they don’t read 8kun anyway.


Yes I’m not holding my breath on this. It doesn’t even look like it would have much effect anyway.


My rule of thumb is. If they claim to have great info, that will be posted in X number of days, then they actually don’t have shit.
Also, if they were posting videos regarding the “plan” pre-election, and they are still pushing similar info today, they also don’t know shit.

It would be nice to have a separate thread for people to post all that crap so the daily thread is not cluttered up with the bullshit.


It’s interesting. Thanks for posting it. I am skeptical about the way several things are worded. Among them:

The White House has until April 4th to come clean.

That’s tomorrow. They gave them a deadline of Easter Sunday?

The DOJ has until 12:00 noon tomorrow to come clean. 

When is “tomorrow”? Also Easter Sunday?

Starting April 10th, no later than April 20th, this information will be public. It will be posted here, and among every outlet possible. 

“Among” every outlet possible? Nobody talks like that.

This gives them a way to string people along for 10 days. Then they will have disappeared, or “something” will have happened to delay the reveal. The people who hired them will have called them off for the time being, or something.


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Verse of the Day for Saturday, April 3, 2021

“Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” 

Job 22:21 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🦋 🦋 💙 💙 💙 🦋 🦋


The Catholic Church is Under Attack and Is Being Used by the Likes of George Soros and John Podesta
The Christian faith in America is under attack and has been for some time. Some of these coordinated attacks are backed by billionaire George Soros.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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this Prayer is very powerful.


Amen goes right there, Smiley!!!



No longer as ‘American’ as Baseball, Hot Dogs, and Apple Pie!!!


UPDATED. As ‘American’ as Rodeo’s, Hot Dogs and Apple Pie.
MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL, NASCAR…have voluntarily gone to the dark side.


Yes, Rodeos – of course, Kal – they sure have – money is their god – and they will lose much as a result of this betrayal!



Number of COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show — The Most Revolutionary Act
Posted on April 2, 2021 


By Megan Redshaw

VAERS data released today showed 50,861 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 2,249 deaths and 7,726 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 26, 2021. Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse […]

Number of COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show — The Most Revolutionary Act


I’m thinking that if they are admitting to those numbers…then the real numbers could be double that, or more.


I was thinking the same, too, Wheatie – it is always worse than they will admit – * Sigh *


My doctor told me this week that she believes vaccine reactions are under-reported.

She said everyone she knew who had it had a reaction. Some not so bad, others worse. But she said everyone.

Sadie Slays

I don’t doubt that VAERS is probably hiding the real numbers, but I also think a large part of it is that people don’t know they should report side effects, or they’re too lazy (or sick) to go through the hassle of filing a report. I’ve mentioned my relatives who both had terrible health troubles after getting their second shot. I doubt they even know what VAERS is.


Navy Seals Rescue Over a thousand trafficked children and dead bodies out of shipping containers in the Suez Canal.
april 3, 2021 the marshall report


In an article titled, “Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal”, by Judy Byington, 4-2-2021- it states that over a thousand trafficked children and dead bodies have been rescued out of shipping containers in the Suez Canal by US Navy Seals. 

Sources say that as of this writing, children were still being rescued and bodies discovered in Evergreen’s 18,000+ containers. The containers were on an Evergreen Corporation ship that blocked the Canal from Tues. 23 March to Mon 29 March, causing billions in lost revenue to shipping companies internationally.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


I hope this can be believed…

There are so many powerful people who wouldn’t want this story…if true…to come out.
So it is understandable that it isn’t headline news in the major outlets.

If there is video, then I hope it gets released.


We shall see.

Deplorable Patriot

Navy SEALs being involved surfaced yesterday, and most of us assumed child trafficking.

The problem is getting raw, unedited video. There are so many out there who just won’t believe it.

Deplorable Patriot

We may never be given the whole story. So far the Evergreen ship’s Capitan in the Suez Canal has refused to cooperate. Now why on earth would a Ship’s Captain not cooperate, unless there were major reasons? Won’t hand over the black box?” 


Something was WAY hinky about all of it. Deep State reveal…maybe. We’ll see.


The only proffered explanation I’ve come across is that the Cap’n wants to get PAID OFF.

Booze and cigars, or somesuch.

It’s quite possible that he finds himself in an important position, and wants to leverage it for his own benefit.

There are many other possible explanations though …


Does anyone believe that Biden’s regime would send Seals to embarrass the Chinese? Would Biden do that or the military what it is now/
I would believe it if Trump was still in control but he is not.
So I take a wait and see. The thought of kids being in shipping containers is to much for my mind to digest to evil.

The Biden regime does not even rescue kids on the border by incentivizing for them to come from their homes get raped and who knows what else.
Right now I just want to deal with reality as I see it.


Doubtful too as Egypt has their own special forces quite capable of doing such and thus would not of given our Seals permission for such an op providing that Biden would even allow for it. Meanwhile right wing news outlets haven’t said a word about this. This Navy Seal portion of the story is very unlikely.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Not a News Source – The Marshall Report is a BLOG!!! The owner can put anything he/she desires on his/her BLOG!!!


My Lord and My God by Anthony “Tony” Carnesi


Love your Saturday posts, Mr. Steve! Always enjoy getting the benefit your vast knowledge of coins, metals, math and astronomy.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

QTreepers – Don’t miss Doug Ross’ compilations and Top Twenty Tweets.

Today they are so good, I wish I could post them all!


Doug Ross is one of my daily stops – great resource and daily compilations.

He has even posted some of Wolf Moon’s, Daughn’s and Sylvia’s articles there.


IF HR1 passes and becomes law the GOP MUCH use it against the Dems as effectively as the Dems will use it against the Republicans


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Ghost Of Thomas Paine
Someone made this meme after police in the UK shut down a Polish church service on Good Friday and threatened worshipers with fines and/or arrest if they didn’t immediately go home.
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Leaked texts saying they weren’t asking for 25 million … so they were asking for $!?! What? Isn’t this blog a reliable source?


It is ***WE THE PEOPLE*** who are the only reliable source, in this context.

The only true FACT is that “The American Conservative” wrote / said this.

We are in an INFORMATION WAR. Just because someone else says that something is a “fact” DOESN’T make it a fact.

Fraud and misdirection are almost *everywhere* now.

Be wary.

Deplorable Patriot

Matt Gaetz either pissed somebody off, or is a roadblock for the other side that needs to be removed.


Gaetz is a fighter.

He makes the RINO’s look bad…so they’re suspect in this too, IMO.

The other side of course wants him gone, because he’s so formidable.

We the people like him.
So the forces of darkness want him out of the battle.


He pissed off the Uni Party. He went against the republican establishment and the democrats by proxy.


Does you doubt that Israel intelligence was blackmailing Gaetz?
Or that the leaked texts are authentic?

If American Conservative is a legit (as far as that goes these days) source then what part of the story do we doubt?

I don’t get it

Huge if it is true he was being blackmailed by Israel.



things have really changed.


And not for the better, either – Sad to say!!!


From Gab:
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If true…then this would explain why so many people ‘test positive’ and then don’t have any symptoms.


More reason to NOT get tested. NOR get the vaccine.

Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar

The cure is worse than the disease, as President Trump warned last spring


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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Just watched it on OAN, ‘Scientific Proof’. Demonstrates, details, proves the computerized algorithm used in the elections. Every OH, PA, and CO (except 1) county graphs are exactly the same. All graphs had the same two hooks which they source to data from the 2010 census. Fascinating.

Made my order last week. Got Regular and travel pillows. Splurged on the new slippers. They were pricey, but I’m always on the prowl for slippers that don’t deflate in 5 minutes. (Every December, you’ll find me camped out in Macy’s slipper section trying on EVERY style to determine which ones have most padding that my niece and I are getting for Christmas😊) I’ll know in 3-4wks.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

OANN to air Scientific Proof all weekend.
9am, 11am, 10pm ET
One America News Network Live – WatchNewsLive.tv

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff! Thanks!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lindell is a freaking genius, and Dominion are freaking CROOKS.

Never back down on Dominion. ANY JURY will totally get, at a very high level, how they COMPROMISED security in ways that should have NEVER been done. ANY JURY will totally get that the compromise was to benefit the SAME PARTY that invested in these companies.

Even if they get cases in front of absolutely corrupt judges, juries will see the injustice and RAGE on these fuckers, excuse my French.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That’s the issue – Getting the cases in front of a jury!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See, THAT is the point of the Dominion-style “obscure tiny dumps” spread out in safe counties. Biggest freaking sleight-of-hand operation ever. It’s a beautiful and patient scam, and that is why they are protecting it SO HARD.

Thus, they can create a false normal by spreading the blame for an unreasonable shift (on the wider elections) to NOWHERE, and we just take it and attribute it to the will of the people at large – “we don’t like Republicans as much as we used to”. And the media can HELP the myth that backs the fraud.

But then drill down on counties. With PATIENCE, they can create a story of any kind – use TIME instead of SPACE. Use it smartly, and people will tolerate a REVERSAL from red to blue. And by having that ONE DUDE in DOJ through whom all election fraud cases flowed, they always knew which counties needed BACK-OFF because somebody starts noticing things, and we might get wise.

Mike Lindell is awesome. He has an “x-ray gut”.


I think it happen in a small county that had always been red and turnend blue. The election official got wise and did an recount and found that Trump votes flipped to Biden. That started a big stink and people began questioning other counties.
One stupid for the DOJ good for us screw up began a search and questioning dominion.
You are on to something and yes Lindell is the man x-ray gut.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love that man! I also figured out why I love his pillows, but I’m not gonna help that little RAT from Parkland, so HAHA BYEBYE to that Stalinist gun-grabbin’ pipsqueak. Lindell is a genius and Hogg ain’t.


Yes Lindell is a genius and a good man.


Indulgence by Isotonic pillows. I wantedvto mention to you thats what I have. I got mine at a discount store but had to buy an extra one bc Mr Gil doesn’t want a flat pillow anymore.
I use the side sleeper VERY firm and add a medium pillow support on top. Kinda like a mattress topper. It works great.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I took their quizz 3 times, LOL. If green ain’t right, it goes back too!


Sorry the pillow does not work the way you hopped.
Did you fluff it in the dryer when after you bought it? I bought medium firm and it is plenty firm but you must be like my husband who likes firm pillows ?
What Lindell’s pillow did for me is it stopped my neck from being stiff in the morning. I am a side sleeper and supports my neck beautifully. No more neck pain in the morning.
When I ordered my wool topper they also have pillows and people swore by those. They take wool out to make the pillow just the firmness they like.
I have 4 pillows they are perfect when I read but take 3 off the bed when sleeping 🙂


I used to get reflux and I changed some things. I do not eat late no sweets no fatty anything in evening no snacking no sodas and eat a little ginger or ginger tea. Keep evening meal small.
Carful how much coffee or tea you drink past a certain time. I have no problems for years.
Stomach sleeping I do sometimes but then I need a soft feather pillow. You have allergies so feather would be out. Some swear by wool who have allergies. Some mattresses cause allergies. I have a latex mattress. I also do not use detergent that have perfume in them. I use Persil for allergies in a white bottle or Casco brand no perfume in. Now I gave you more useless info than you need 🙂 I am full of useless info my family tells me.
Good luck figuring out what works for you best.
Sometimes we have to experiment until we get it the way it is best.
I prefer finding my own way to salve problems so I do not need meds and am comfortable.


You mentioned once you had alergies to animals cats dogs? Maybe I was wrong sorry.
Many people who have those also have other allergies to other things.

My son’s daughter is like that she only thought she had allergies to this and that and found out after changing carpeting to wood floors and different mattress and making her own wash detergent that is relieved her allergies.
Good for you not being allergic 🙂


I told you I am full of useless info  😅 


Vionic slippers. Their website or amazon. Firm support, arch support. Macys frankly, is crap.
I have a busted knee and a foot break that cant be corrected. Its not only about cushion but real support.
You cant wash them in the washing machine. Hand wash, spray the inside with oxi and use a nail brush to clean. Air dry standing up, heel down, then I brush to refluff. 1 pair so far has lasted 2.5 yrs.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yep, Macy’s is crap, but they also have a large selection of rejects, so I don’t need to camp out so long in other stores! 😉
I shouldda come here 1st for insight. I would have to try on the Vionics 1st, so far other Vionics have hurt my feet. 😭

Trust me, if Lindell’s 3 layers of padding + outer sole aren’t up to snuff, they’re going right back!


Normally id say im thevsame on try on. I bought mine at amazon. They are firm no lie and i have normal width. My style has a velcro adjustment to tighten . If the lindells are great let me know…please!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

For the past 10yrs, I go to Dillard’s (which has the largest selection of comfort shoes) and find what I like, try on, take a picture of info, leave, and internet stalk for the lowest price. Works well. My latest find and absolute favorite is Bzees Nugget slip on. OMG, they pad and massage your feet before you even stand on them! Long story, but be sure to get 1/2 size larger in this style. Have other Bzees, good arch support and comfort, but the Nugget is Da Bomb!! Will let you know on slippers.


I buy my shoes for the longest time at Nordstrom. I used to buy Joseph Seibel shoes.
I bought three pair since we are locked down from Europe
” Loints of Holland.” The quality is super and great arch support. I do have some shoes US made I like those also but they are worn and need replacing.
European sizing fit the best for my feet. Wonder why ?  😂 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I have 4 Siebels. Born, BOC, Kenneth Cole REACTION, Bass Factory Outlet are good. Interestingly, I find the BOC’s more comfy than their more expensive sister brand Born. See the info I posted on Bzees, my new love. I want to sleep in my Nuggets, LOL!😁 They’re washable too!!!


Great selection of shoes. Yes it takes a while to find what worked best. Often when I shop for shoes or anything else my husband is along. The problem with him there he buys me two or three pair because he likes them. He does the same with clothe. He like this outfit and then that . I am spoiled rotten really am and would be happy with one .
Born is not a good fit for me.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Leave Hubby home, only take his CC’s shopping. 😜😂


He thinks he was put on earth to protect me from me. He will not let me go on my own. He thinks I reject him if I leave him home even though we have been married almost 57 years 🙂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



He was not always like that only since he is retired. The older he gets the clingier he gets.
I do not mind who knows how long either of us is going to be around. Yes he is protective and spoils me whenever he can. I do not mind that much except I do not need it. Still brings every week cut flowers .
Ha ha he does not know I protect him from himself and keep him healthy and alive the way I cook with his diabetics.
He is still courting me I should never complain.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

God Bless you and your husband, what an inspiration!


Yes if both people are fairly healthy it is fun to grow old together specially that we have a long history together.


I bet he knows you take extra care with his diet Sing..  😁 


Yes he does. He finally stopped eating the crap that got him where he is. He is so happy that I bake Einkorn bread and mill the flour. I watch what I cook so he eats healthy and he does now. The young dog is a blessing forces him to walk. We buy no prepared food.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Actually sounds like he would SAVE! He buys her 3, she wants 1. Come on Man!!


So true. He enjoys shopping for me and has more fun than I do.
The covid is a blessing I now shop in my closet and does not cost a penny.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



I would spend only necessity.


That’s a very nice husband, very very nice.
Mine doesnt even buy his own clothes or go with. I do everything on mybown.


I used too when he worked long hours and travel a lot through his work in Industry. I know what that feels like when everything is on your shoulder.
My husband changed when he worked at the University and kids were out of the house he had more time. Now of course in retirement he wants to be where I am. He tells me I am his addiction 🙂


what a lovely husband you describe!

Add to the shoe list: LL Bean. I buy almost exclusively LL Bean and Born as I know how they fit and how they wear so I know what to expect. Since I shop almost exclusively online and mostly used from ebay, I need to be able to count on them fitting and wearing well.

Save $ by buying barely used/good condition used. buy for 1/4-1/2 the retail price but still get Years of wear. Occassionally new if I can’t find used.

Anyway, sound like fun to go shopping with one’s husband. Mine doesn’t like me to the mall and hasn’t wanted me to go for years as to many crazy people and most won’t let one carry


I like your junkyard . I like brilliant people I always hope it rubs off but no luck 🙂


Some things I have to try on specially shows and still can buy the same style shoe and feels different. The European shoes I am almost they fit.
We are way older than you and have gone through what most young people do. We are older and my husband feels I earned every thing he buys for me. I tease him sometimes by saying ” a maid would cost him more than I do.” He agrees.
We cannot take anything with us. I am happy if I buy 2-3 items and mix and match it with my other clothe I have to update it. For many years I lived very frugal and is nice because I know how.


He loves you very much😀


Yes he does 🙂
We really have only each other. He has no relatives mine are in Germany and our kids have their own life. That is how life is. Neither of us have friends those we had moved or died. Now we only have each other.


I like the slippers I bought from Lindell but I do not live in them. I have other shoes I wear when cleaning and so on. I only wear them for leisure and they are soft. I do have a bad knee and cannot wear everything on my feet. I also switch shoes every day. The insight shoes I only wear in the house.
His slippers are soft cannot say they have much arch support but enough for me.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

I never have see Vionic slipper need to look them up .


Vionic is a shoe brand, has all varietiesfor men and women.


Yes I looked them up on the Internet. They look comfy.


I also just bought a pair of birkenstocks. My son said they’re ugly, lol, but the traditional 2 strap is just right for wearing inside only, esp here in CA.


I like birkenstocks. No they are not ugly not to those who find them comfortable. I do not wear them anymore because I do not want to slip down the steps.


Fascinating, isn’t it, BFLY? Glad you were able to watch it – busy today – have to make time – Mike Lindell is such a blessing!!!

Happy you were able to order the pillows – hope you like the slippers – let us know – please – thanks!!!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m in a mooooooooood.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Have any of these jackwads bothered to extrapolate this out? Red states vs Blue states. Red companies vs Blue Companies. Red employees vs Blue Employees. Red Customers vs Blue Customers. And none will cross state lines.🙄🙄🙄 Red Government vs Blue Government might be nice? The Divided States of America? 🤔😁


So WHY are these leftists in charge at every major corporation? Why arent they booted?


My guess is it’s the same problem we have with the govt…whoever is at the top runs it the way they want.
We do have a better chance of making Corps regret their wokeness propaganda but only by not buying their product anymore . Hard to do though since one brand owns hundreds of related products and all that BUT worth not buying ..on principle


When it gets to a certain point ,it doesn’t matter what we do. For example with the govt, unless the elections are fair and honest, we can never achieve actually electing our choice.

With consumables or other products..if all the producers are jerks, if the brick and mortar stores are closed..it doesn’t matter what our personal beliefs are..in order to survive we have to use their products and outlets.


Its this.


I’m in remembrance of another instance where this concept of one business or franchise dominating everything, that came out in the arts during this same time frame as the movie above.

Another Neil Stephenson’s book. His second best seller after “Diamond Age” in “Snow Crash” that cluthu brought up once. As part of the back drop for the story the Costa Nostra Pizzeria was the last trusted institution in the United States and Hiro, the hero of the story delivered pizza for them until he delivered a pizza late through no fault of his own as the pizza place had a terrorist attack delaying the pizza and after an epic attempt to get the pizza delivered on time he was fired by the Big boss himself who arrived faster than the pizza to deliver a huge award of damages to the people who ordered the pizza.

Anyway concerning this leftist take over of all institutions of power in the private as well as public sectors we now have China doing this:

China has approached the World Health Organization with an offer to take over world data bases in order to determine who has been vaccinated and who has not so as to control international travel.


Yeah, this is non starter for anyone with a mind left. However with the Bidenese in charge and WEF calling the shots in all these corporations world wide will they be allowed to do this? And if they are doing this, they are of course doing much more.

Needless to say with China’s expertise in social credit scores after instituting it in the worlds most populous country it would be just a snap of the fingers before they let the full social credit score system creep in behind the travel restrictions.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Yes, and they are wanting more. Then eliminating sects of the polulace.


My husband thought the CEO had pressure from the investors? Everyone has a boss.


They need cajones.


Its hard to whittle away when its so vast!


They are in chage because the older retirered and this is the new crap that was brainwashed by day care then school and Universities. They were on sport teams where everyone got a trophy. I like this, they were never drafted never had to serve and they were the time out kids. 🙂



JUST IN – Personal data (including phone numbers and emails) of 500+ million #Facebook users has been posted online in a hacking forum. @disclosetv

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Stolen Data of 533 Million Facebook Users Leaked Online (businessinsider.com)

A user in a low level hacking forum on Saturday published the phone numbers and personal data of hundreds of millions of Facebook users for free online.

The exposed data includes personal information of over 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries, including over 32 million records on users in the US, 11 million on users in the UK, and 6 million on users in India. It includes their phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, locations, birthdates, bios, and — in some cases — email addresses.

Deplorable Patriot

Uhhh, most of that information is available as part of the public profile. Not everyone fills everything out, though.


Not only that on War Room this morning they talked about that people on Face Book are used for experiments and using their data.
My family is not on Face Book we share photos the old fashion way by mail or when we see each other.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB – know your COCA-COLA BRANDS
comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

HA! I’m already boycotting them! 🦋 🤸‍♀️ 🦋

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good show!!!


I do not buy anything on the list. My husband tells me all the time just look what we do not buy on food stuff.
I hope people stop buying any Coca Cola products.


I did not know that. Interesting. I gave up soft drinks a long time ago. I drink Pellegrino or Geroldsteiner when I want something spruddle


Soda is not good for causes me reflux that is why gave it up a long time ago.


I needed to know that these are coke brands (some of which are obvious on the above list as they are listed under “glaceau”):


Helps me to see the product as I will remember it when in the grocery store. I have never been a soda drinker and was not allowed soda growing up … but I have bought all of the above brands I linked to in the above list.


I didn’t realize that Pepsi owns:
Quaker Oats, Aquafina water, Ruffles, Tropicana & Pure Leaf Tea

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hilariously, PEPSI is jumping all over this! They started advertising on OAN today!!!


Love it !


A Satirical Epistolary Short Story In the form of an after dinner address given by the veteran demon Screwtape at a graduation of the Tempters Training College. Screwtape Proposes a Toast. B Y C. S. Lewis

Screwtape Proposes a Toast. (samizdat.qc.ca)



I saw a German flag now they will call them right wing because they want freedom.
Same tactic the Marxists use here labeling hard working people who are not putting up with totalitarianism..


This anti Asian stance by Blacks confounds me. What’s the motive ? It’s obviously on orders from the higher-ups but why ?


I don’t know. Random guess: The media narrative is that people are targeting Asians because PDJT blamed Wuhan for the virus. Since no one actually is targeting Asians, the powers-that-be had to manufacture it, and BLM is their tool to accomplish it since no patriots or self-respecting people of any race would target others.


That’s a good theory . Something seems strange about it


With this thinking that it is Trump’s fault by the woke crowed to go after Chinese Spanish flu. and Asian flu.
The CCP flu came from China not changing unless they rename German measles. 🙂


IDK..the attacks have often been in the Asian’s own neighborhoods so it’s not like it’s taking business away from the precious black community.

Plus I’ve also seen 2, maybe 3 , attacks on hispanic street vendors. I mean these people selling sodas and hot dogs or something.
One of them…a family in a Mercedes. Mom and Dad dressed in latest hip hop wear..they stopped mid street, teenage son starts knocking the soda dispensers, took a glass, then dumped it. Mom is doing the rage black lady thing at bystanders. Teen girl couldn’t figure out what she should do but Dad…finishes the job by taking his huge foot and toppling the whole stand over.

Then they casually drove away. It was pure entertainment for them


I could bring a lot more of these but here’s one of the latest. Is it some kind of ploy to get people actually daring to say it out loud that the thugs doing these things are almost exclusively black…so that the narrative is revived that not only are blacks victims of hate by whites but also Asians?


Blows apart the “minorities are oppressed” here in the US narrative

Asian immigrants who come here with literally nothing and then succeed prove the US is not racist and it is possible to succeed with hard work. Same with newly immigrated Africans.


True about Asians and not even 150 yrs ago.
As short of time as the first half of the 1900s, esp. in CA/west coast.

But as soon as the playing field was leveled regarding opportunity, American born Asians and newly immigrated/1st gen Asian Americans and Africans took off in terms of financial, educational and community success.

Even then, some (all, probably) occassionally encountered racism from individuals but it was no longer institutionalized. It was removed. Asians have received very little benefit from racial quotas as that ended for Asians very quickly and they haven’t been considered minorities for a surprising number of programs for some time. Frustrating!

As a mixed race family, the only place I did not want to live was LA as that was the only place I heard of that was still racist and corrupt. (And I say that with love in my heart for many from LA, including some of our dearest family friends and with Daughnworks247 in mind).

Race relations have been taken So Far backwards in the last 2 decades and esp. since 2008. So sad! And yet we still never have problems in the Deep South. (But then we aren’t sensitive so if asked questions we just take that as conversation v. racism or micro agressions)


Now who is racist? People do stuff no one ever thinks off except the woke crowed.

Sadie Slays

Ridiculous. They probably still insist that you wear a mask, too.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, no baseball for me this year.

(What am I going to do with all my Cardinals shirts?)

Deplorable Patriot

BTW, when I walked out of the Confessional this afternoon at the Cathedral sans mask, I got looks of horror from various people until I put the thing back on.

Concerned Virginian

Isn’t this is part of the rollout of the “Excelsior Pass” by that prime DemCommunist ass, Cuomo? He said it would start on April 2.

So the Mets are demanding that ALL people over 2 years old get the CCP Virus “test” (which can produce a positive result when done on a Kiwi fruit)? They want children to get the long Q-tip shoved up into the end of the pharyngeal cavity? They want children to have blood drawn for an antibody test? They want children to get the CCP Virus “vaccine” (which is actually an UNapproved medical experimental procedure) — thereby forcing children to become involuntary “guinea pigs”?
It’s already bad enough that adults are being coerced / “persuaded” / involuntarily forced (nursing home patients) to get these things done to them — did Cuomo make some deal with Dr. Fauci and the vaccine producers to start roping in children?

And the “Excelsior Pass” is already being touted as the “template” for the rest of the country. RobberJoe (or the actor portraying him) said just last week that there won’t be a “nationwide mandate” for getting the CCP Virus “vaccine” (this was most likely a lie) — he wants a “backdoor” nationwide mandate that’s the result of businesses (like the Mets, above) demanding “vaccination certification” or “negative test results” in order for We, The People to engage in commerce with them.


They might be surprise when not many people show up for the game.


Ticket buyers need to be treated at the gates like scabs.


whoever makes the fake-fan cardboard people in the seats is gonna make a killin.  😁 


The Video Biden DOESN’T WANT YOU TO SEE | Rudy Giuliani and Eric Greitens | Ep. 125
Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense  Published  April 2, 2021




EVERGREEN SHIPPING IS CONTROLLED BY WHO?april 3, 2021 the marshall report


There is a lot of speculation on Evergreen, and a lot of truth to the FACTS that surround it. The question of the day is…where do we find our facts? Do we rely on fake news? Well, according to many, until fake news will announce what is taking place, then it isn’t taking place. To others, until President Trump makes an announcement, a thing hasn’t happened. To some, the truth has to come from adequate sources of which I am still waiting to find that list.

So what we have as facts from people who know, supposedly, because they have worked in this field of secrecy and allegiance are their statements and one of the most reliable sources is Michael Jaco. Who states at approximately 22 minutes into this video that the CIA controls Evergreen Shipping, and that also includes Air, land and sea. It is also notorious for drug and human trafficking. The Black Hats versus the White Hats.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Exposing corruption in 3 letter agencies, human trafficking, illicit drug and arms smuggling.


President Trump, and his family, would be absolutely shocked to find out what is really going on in the world, if only they could figure out how to get on the Internet…


Sometimes the sarc tag is useful.


“Sometimes the sarc tag is useful.”


Probably, but that takes all the fun out of it.

Like having to explain a joke… 😁


Hmm. I disagree.


“So what we have as facts from people who know, supposedly, because they have worked in this field of secrecy and allegiance are their statements and one of the most reliable sources is Michael Jaco. Who states at approximately 22 minutes into this video that the CIA controls Evergreen Shipping, and that also includes Air, land and sea. It is also notorious for drug and human trafficking. The Black Hats versus the White Hats.”


As I have said many times… if only President Trump, or any of his people, his family, his friends, had access to the INTERNET, the world would be a completely different place.

Only we are allowed to see and know what is happening.

It is all hidden from President Trump, somehow, some way… I don’t know… it doesn’t make sense… but somehow we can all figure out all kinds of things, and President Trump is completely in the dark…

It’s strange…


How do we know that PDJT doesn’t know this?


Hopefully he does, I was being facetious.

But if he does, he and everyone around him pretends that he doesn’t.

Just like DJT and everyone around him pretended not to know about Q.

Until that press conference, but unfortunately, when he was finally asked the question directly by a member of the national news media, he danced around it.

If he admits that he knows about all the things “we” (the People, patriots) know and talk about ALL the TIME, then he would have to DO something about them.

It would become part of the NATIONAL discussion.

So long as it’s just “us”, i.e., “We the People” on Internet forums, it can be ignored, and so it does not become part of the ‘narrative’ manufactured by MSM.

But if DJT talks about it, if he ‘breaks the spell’ by talking about ANY of the things that we talk about ALL the TIME, then it has to be incorporated into the MSM ‘narrative’, because DJT talked about it.

So he has the power to force the MSM ‘narrative’ to adapt and react to “truth” that we all talk about regularly.

We don’t have that power, but DJT does.

But he won’t use it.

He prefers to pretend like he’s completely in the dark.

Which leaves us stranded.

Like we’re on the Titanic.

We’ve already hit the iceberg.

The ship is going down.

The MSM is the dance band, and they’re just going to keep playing until the water fills their instruments.

The military likewise won’t acknowledge that we have hit an iceberg and the ship is sinking. Even worse, the military is standing guard over the life boats, and won’t let anyone get near them.

The ship’s police, doctor, etc., none of them will acknowledge that the ship has struck an iceberg and is going down.

DJT was the captain, but he was apparently relieved of his duty before we hit the iceberg. Now nobody knows for sure who the captain is. The guy who claims to be the captain is the one who ran the ship into the iceberg, but he can’t even tie his own shoes, so nobody believes he’s really the captain anyway.

And so the ship is going down.

We all see it, but the MSM won’t acknowledge it, and neither will the military or the police or anyone else in a position of Authority.

We get updates by the minute, how much water we’re taking on, how far away any potential rescue ship might be, how the radio room was sabotaged, etc., but the Propaganda Dance Band just plays on, and the ‘authorities’ and military do the three monkeys routine.

DJT can force the issue, if he points out that the ship is sinking because we hit an iceberg, the Dance Band will have to change their tune, and the military will have to react and respond.

But DJT just winks at us, and plays dumb.

He doesn’t want to rock the boat, when the upper deck is so close to the waterline…

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467


And who, exactly, is fighting PDJT’s corner at the moment?

No one, either officially or unofficially.

Unfortunately, he stands alone.


“Unfortunately, he stands alone.”


And yet he could bring down many governments around the world, certainly including ours, at any moment, simply by publishing a single piece of “declass”.

It was all declassified.

He has all those Aces to play, and he didn’t play a single one of them.

But he certainly took those cards with him on the way out the door, it’s his leverage against the entire Cabal.

And so here we all sit, waiting.


It is curious that the People that went to DC on Jan 6 appear to have more integrity, grit and patriotism than all the military leaders (who might still be pro American) than most of Congress, than almost all of SCOTUS…..All the ones that could start momentum that could rock this insanity of the installed administration………………..but they won’t.
They are choosing to submit to this totalitarian regime and by doing so condemning us to it also unless we revolt ourselves which usually doesn’t turn out so well


Militaries are run like totalitarian regimes. Wishing they intervene and take over to “fix” things historically does not turn out well.


lol….yeah, that’s a good point.


“Militaries are run like totalitarian regimes. Wishing they intervene and take over to “fix” things historically does not turn out well.”


Except when the alternative is actually worse.

Like now.

Then the military is the last resort.

And have always been, throughout history, because they have all the weapons and the training to use them.

And it’s not even about wishing they would do it, they have an obligation to do it.

This is one of the most AMAZING aspects that most people just seem to gloss over, like it’s nothing.

Our nation was ATTACKED by foreign adversaries. Our election was STOLEN by and with the aid and assistance of the Communist Party of China.

The military’s PRIMARY JOB is to PROTECT and DEFEND the United States from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

I’m not sure how these facts reconcile with our current reality.

The military clearly did NOT do its job. It did NOTHING.

And now it appears to be facilitating the foreign enemy and their domestic puppets.

We were attacked, by a foreign superpower, aided and abetted by domestic traitors.

No different than if Chinese had landed on our shores, and were given aid and assistance by Americans who lived near the beach.

The military’s JOB is to FIGHT against a military attack by a foreign nation.

Has everyone FORGOTTEN that?

Or did the rules suddenly change without telling anyone?

Why is it always characterized as if we don’t want the military to do anything, because that could turn out badly?

Did we say that on December 7th, 1941?

“Oh no! Don’t let the military get involved!”

We just had a digital Pearl Harbor.

Does anybody even care?

If they do, WHO has the power and authority to FIGHT and defeat the foreign superpower adversary?

Is it us, or is it the professional military who we pay and equip and train for EXACTLY this purpose?!?


Sounds great. But the election steal exists out in the world of right wing websites.

The Congress certified the election. The Supreme Court has taken up no cases. The military has no cause to act except on our facts. So they won’t.

MSM, Social media push and support Biden and there is no talk of the stolen election. They won by cheating and we lost. Its that simple.

There are no institutions to come to the rescue because they are corrupt. Trump helped show that and even he was powerless to deal with them.

Two election cycles to try and turn this but the current trend is not good. But, such is the cycle of big gubmint, Empires and great Nations.


Until or unless November 3rd is corrected, there are no election cycles, because there are no free and fair elections anymore.

Just perfunctory exercises in confirming that Cabal wins every election, no matter who We the People vote for.


Fortunately, we don’t need any institutions to come to the rescue.

If the military won’t do their job, if they are corrupt, then they can all hang with the other traitors when the time comes.

But for now, first thing’s first.

And the first thing is to get the TRUTH, the EVIDENCE, published.

That means “Declass“.

All of it.

The evil cannot continue when it is exposed in the full light of day.

Not when they are exposed, and everyone on the planet turns against them.

Their position immediately becomes untenable.

Consent of the governed is not only withdrawn, but the governed will be righteously motivated to bring about justice.

Those who know the truth will be vindicated and emboldened, and those who opposed the truth will be shamed and repudiated.

But none of it ever happens, without a tiny, innocent sounding little word.

And that word is ACTION.

Someone has to take ACTION.

Someone has to PUBLISH the truth and expose the corruption.

Once that happens, the corrupt lose their fig leaf, and the People of this world will take it from there.


Well, there is no one to publish the truth. Why would they expose themselves?

And quit dumping on the military. They follow orders of the commander in chief. This is an issue for we the people to fix. Problem is, not enough care to.


“Well, there is no one to publish the truth.”



He’s the former AND current POTUS, he has a bigger platform than anyone else on the planet!

DJT has all of the “Declass” info, it was all declassified, he just never published it.

And he certainly didn’t leave it locked in the Resolute Desk when he left.

He has an entire organization who can upload everything to the Interwebs, piece by piece, day by day, hour by hour.


“And quit dumping on the military.”


Yeah, I’ll get right on that…

If they are no different than the Calgary Nazi cops, why shouldn’t they be called out, all day long, every day?

Is the expression “Never again”, or is it “Never again, unless it’s our military doing the exterminating”?


“They follow orders of the commander in chief.”


What a coincidence… that’s the same thing that was voted “Most Popular Excuse” at Nuremberg, wasn’t it?


“This is an issue for we the people to fix.”


We have been infiltrated and taken over by the military of a hostile foreign superpower.

If that is not an issue for the United States military, in every conceivable way, then what is?


“Problem is, not enough care to.”


How could anyone even begin to fight the CCP military, while the U.S. military runs interference for the CCP?

Just because they’ve abdicated their responsibility doesn’t mean they disappeared.

They’re all still right there, protecting the traitors.

From whom?

From us, that’s who.

So unless you know how to make them stand down and get out of our way, you’re going to have to deal with the U.S. military, one way or the other.

Which is better?

To shame them into remembering they’re supposed to protect and defend our country?

Or to defeat them in battle, so we can then do their job for them, and defeat the CCP military, who have taken over our country?


”We have been infiltrated and taken over by the military of a hostile foreign superpower.”

That is how we get to be called right wing nut jobs by any one reading your statement on the blog here.

China eventually maybe the ultimate threat to this country. But for now, it is the political class which has corrupted the gubmint and its inner workings. And most of them were legally voted there by we the people.

When you look at the majority response to the virus, the willingness to give up civil liberties, to follow any draconians dictates. Then you realize the population is far from being the free spirit, independent bunch that founded it.

Far too many are more then happy with the direction of this country and just do not have the fight to deal with the negatives. The response to the stolen election was. Meh.


“That is how we get to be called right wing nut jobs by any one reading your statement on the blog here.”


How could it possibly matter what “people who have either ceased to be human, or have not virtue enough to feel their own wretchedness” think?

Anonymous Internet people, who you will never encounter, anywhere — not even here?

Should we hide the truth and self-censor for them?

For fear of what people possessed of profound ignorance might think?

I tell you plainly, I don’t care what such people think — not about anything.

They don’t deserve it.


“China eventually maybe the ultimate threat to this country. But for now, it is the political class which has corrupted the gubmint and its inner workings.”


Who do you suppose is behind the curtain?

Is your denial so deep, that you refuse to see the ‘professors’ caught spying for China in our universities, or China-controlled Hollywood, or China-controlled social media platforms, or China-controlled W.H.O., or China-controlled U.N., or China-controlled MSM?

Do you supposed they forgot and left out the political-class?

During the theft of the 2020 election, where did the Dominion system voting data go off to, via satellite, to be altered and returned?

Did it not go to Barcelona, and Italy, Frankfurt, and China, among other places, before being sent back, during the middle of the night, when the vote-counting had been mysteriously ‘suspended’?

Is there not evidence for this very thing, including a LONG video put together by Mike Lindell, explaining all of it?

Is it better to just not talk about it, for fear of what the willfully ignorant might think?


“And most of them were legally voted there by we the people.”


What could possibly make you think such a thing, with the known existence of the Dominion voting scheme?

Was this the first U.S. election in which that scam was used, or just the first that We the People found out about?


“When you look at the majority response to the virus, the willingness to give up civil liberties, to follow any draconians dictates.”


They’re sheep.

And apparently they like being sheep.

And like sheep, they’ll follow whoever leads them.

The problem is that good people remain silent, for fear of what the sheep might think — forgetting that sheep DON’T think — so by the silence of good people, the bad people are allowed to lead the sheep without opposition.

If we start caring more about the truth, instead of what the sheep supposedly think, we might actually make some progress.


“Then you realize the population is far from being the free spirit, independent bunch that founded it.”


And they always have been.

What was it, only 3% of the population originally supported the American Revolution, when opposition to British rule first began?

The ‘general population’ has never done anything without leaders.

The leaders they have now are mostly traitors working on behalf of the CCP and the globo-Nazis.

In the vacuum, in the absence of anyone else, who else are they going to follow?


“Far too many are more then happy with the direction of this country”


Is there any hard data on that, or is that just the demoralization propaganda narrative broadcast 24/7/365?


“…and just do not have the fight to deal with the negatives.”


How could anyone possibly know? Has anyone even tried? No, they’ve been carefully ‘protected’ and shielded from the truth, at every step of the way, apparently by our OWN side, who have the most arrogant and self-serving concept that the ‘little people’ just can’t HANDLE the truth, like the VIPs can.

Like most VIPs throughout history, though they claim otherwise, they believe they know better what’s best for the little people.


“The response to the stolen election was. Meh.”


What was the response supposed to be?

Where was the LEADERSHIP?

Every time anyone spoke out, we were ‘shushed’ by the so-called ‘white hats’ and told to “trust the plan”.

How is it that WE the People, individuals, at the very bottom rung of the political power structure, are always the scapegoat to be blamed?

So much so that we do it to ourselves, like people conditioned to self-abuse!

While the people in real positions of wealth, power and authority always get a pass?

WTH is up with that?


Is there any hard data on that, or is that just the demoralization propaganda narrative broadcast 24/7/365?”

Sure. If this country did a straight vote, no Electoral College, we would get blown out. The major democrat strong hold cities would crush us.

I know people love to post the US map showing all those red counties and how they dominate the map. Problem is, I drive through the West and a lot of those counties. They are either fields, full of cows, mountains and trees. Great scenery, not a lot of voters.

To steal the election, they manipulated about 5 democrat counties, with huge democrat numbers, in the five GOP’ish States that flipped the election.

As to who is behind the curtain. At this point it don’t matter. Our tools are limited to peacefully gaining back control of the gubmint. Despite all the cheating etc, it remains the only viable way. The targets are the politicians who are against what we believe. Unfortunately finding ones who are truly on our side has been a failure.


“Sure. If this country did a straight vote, no Electoral College, we would get blown out. The major democrat strong hold cities would crush us.”


Except DJT won the popular vote by a huge margin.

It was a landslide election victory, not a close one.

And DJT won a higher number of votes than any candidate in American history.

So how was that a ‘blowout’, except in DJT’s favor?

Factually, by the numbers, popular vote, not electoral college?



Based on your data he won the popular vote. Based on the final State vote totals he lost the popular vote and the electoral college.

Yes they cheated on the vote because even a lot of democrats did not care for Biden. But with a good democrat candidate, Obama for example, their popular vote turnout is always huge.


“To steal the election, they manipulated about 5 democrat counties, with huge democrat numbers, in the five GOP’ish States that flipped the election.”


They STOPPED the vote count, analyzed the data, and then gave Biden HOWEVER MANY VOTES HE NEEDED.

And they would have done the same thing if Biden had ZERO legitimate votes.

They didn’t even CARE if they were caught, obviously.

So if they didn’t care if they were caught, why would it matter how MUCH they cheated?

It didn’t matter.

It wasn’t about “5 counties” in “five GOP’ish States”, it was about the determination to win at ANY cost.

It was blatant and in everyone’s face, and they didn’t care.


“As to who is behind the curtain. At this point it don’t matter.”


Of course it matters. How can an enemy ever be defeated, if we won’t even identify the enemy?

It doesn’t get more basic than that.

It is a requirement to identify the enemy, before you can even begin to create a plan to defeat that enemy.


“Our tools are limited to peacefully gaining back control of the gubmint.”


We could do it easily, by simply refusing to participate any longer in the charade.

With social media the concept would go viral instantly and nearly everyone would want to participate in the Great 2021 FIGHT for FREEDOM.

In order to participate and win, you don’t have to risk you life.

You don’t have to cross the Delaware in the dead of winter, at night, in a Durham boat.

You don’t have to risk confrontation with anyone.

You don’t even have to get in your car and go anywhere.

All you have to do is go on STRIKE against the criminal tyrannical government.

Withdraw CONSENT of the governed.

Stay home, that’s all anyone would have to do, and we could all do it together.

Put the ball in the criminal government’s court, when over half the population of the United States puts an “Out to Lunch Until Further Notice” sign on their door.

Is saving our Republic worth at least that amount of effort, to stay home and take a vacation for a few months?

Is our freedom not worth at LEAST that much to us?


When you show me that there is a majority, hell, 30% of the people willing to stand up and do something let me know.

All indications that I see is a populous that has gone soft on individual freedom, and willing to be led by the nose by the gubmint.


“When you show me that there is a majority, hell, 30% of the people willing to stand up and do something let me know.”


Well it ain’t gonna happen if nobody tries, RF.

It won’t happen if all we have is negativity instead of leadership.

I would lead the effort, but who would follow me? I don’t have a national platform.

Many others do. They have radio shows, guru pod-casts and video channels aplenty. Everything always seems to be about money and clicks, as ever is the case.

DJT has the biggest platform on the planet.

But nobody ever talks about anything that would actually CHANGE anything.

Just tinkering around the edges with socially acceptable RINO-level ‘solutions’, analyzing and speculating, and reverse-engineering current events to shoe-horn them into “the plan”, to convince ourselves that someone else is in control and things are coming along nicely.

In the face of all evidence to the contrary.

A sit-down, stay-home strike is about the simplest, easist, non-violent, non-confrontational idea I have been able to come up with, which would actually force the lawless [JB] administration to react.

It asks the very least of the People, if it so happens that they would choose to be free.

I don’t know how to place the bar any lower than that.


When people freaked out over having to stay home for two weeks, you expect them to get behind a strike?”


100% psychologically opposite.

We were compelled to stay home for two weeks by a totalitarian medical establishment, working in concert with an internal government coup attempt.

Under the bogus guise of a world-ending viral epidemic.

That was ‘lock down’.

This would be like a party, giving the finger to “the man”.

This would be lawful rebellion, civil disobedience, uniting the people in a common and just cause.

And I didn’t mean you have to stay in your home, I meant that you no longer participate in consenting to the lawless government.

I don’t know why so many can’t grasp this concept.

You don’t have to lock yourself in your room, just go on strike against the tyrannical government and their corporate cronies.

Stop participating in the mechanisms and institutions which give the government power.

You can sit on your front lawn and have a yard party with the whole neighborhood if you like.

You can go to Hawaii.

Do whatever you like, that doesn’t include submitting to the government’s lawless authority or provide revenue to the lawless government.

It could be boycotts, it could be a self-determined ‘tax holiday’ (the IRS can’t arrest everybody), it could be shutting down whole industries, it could be shutting down major highways on a coordinated basis (highway patrol can’t be everywhere at the same time).

The possibilities are endless, it would be a BLAST to participate in, it’s non-violent, it would cause absolute fits for the criminal federal government, and the madder they got, the more energized the People would become.

Americans are creative people, they could run with this idea and take it beyond my wildest dreams faster than a top fuel dragster completes the quarter mile 👍😁


“I should clarify…I was talking about staying home *from work*
Because the government taxes your pay, you’d have to do that.”


Yes, to be maximally effective, that would be part of it.

Freedom ain’t free.

Our Founding Fathers risked a lot more than losing their job.

On the plus side, if anywhere near half the work force goes on strike, there is no skilled replacement workforce ready to fill in and take those positions on short notice.

So if the company we work for survives, our job might survive too.

It just depends on what freedom and saving our Republic is worth to us.

Although in all fairness, I’m not sure what good a job will be, under a totalitarian dictatorship, as a client / proxy state for the CCP.

At some point, we will have to come to terms with the reality of our circumstances, and when we do, losing our job won’t seem so important in the greater scheme of saving the Republic.


Of course, the sooner the People come to that realization the better, because if we wait a couple years, the criminal government will just use that time to consolidate their power and weaken us further, in every conceivable way.

If you know you the enemy plans to starve you to death, you are better off trying to fight now while you still have strength, than after you haven’t eaten in 3 weeks…


“And staying home from stores (unless your state has no sales tax). Just as well because gasoline is taxed, too.”


An entire underground economy might just need to spring up overnight.


“And indeed people were worried about losing their jobs (or businesses)–remember Prognosticasaurus Rex? He was screaming about the effect on his livelihood.”


Yes, I know and sympathize. What is the better option?

I’m all ears.

If there is a way to have our cake and eat it too, then by all means, let’s do that.

But if we can only have our jobs or have our freedom (and save the Republic), which is worth more to us?

Is a job, without freedom (or our Republic) worth having?


“And he would have screamed even if it had been a real pandemic.”


I am not without empathy. Coming up with an effective, non-violent means to put a monkey-wrench in the criminal government ‘works’ is not a simple thing.

To come up with a plan that requires zero sacrifice of any kind is not reality. If it was, we would already have done it, and we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

There is going to be pain no matter what we do.

So what needs to be decided is whether sharp but hopefully brief pain is preferable to dull but steadily increasing pain for the rest of our lives, and our children’s lives, and everyone after them.

I know the answers to all of these questions, and I know you do too, and I know that nobody likes the answers.

But are the answers that come from doing nothing not far worse?


“Now get people to volunteer to do this. Their bosses might just fire them, something they couldn’t really in good conscience do when it was government ordered (though if the business ended up going under, the result was the same anyway…just delayed). And the (prospective) strikers would know that, too.”


Yes, it’s going to require coordination, messaging, persuasion, unity of cause and purpose, self-sacrifice and a lot more besides.

It required the same of our Founding Fathers. Even so, our sacrifice would be far less than what was required of them.

It is certainly doable, and after we win, we can make ourselves whole, pay ourselves war reparations, whatever we want to call it.

I know your next question is “how”, and we cross that bridge when we get to it.

Some ideas might include eliminating the Income Tax and going back to the way we existed for the first 130+ years of our nation’s history.

Shut down 90% of the unneeded and unconstitutional bureaucracy.

Pay everyone for a period of time based on natural resource production. They’re our resources, they don’t belong to any corporation, but our criminal government GIVES those resources away in return for TAX revenue. IIRC, Alaska pays their residents an oil royalty.

There is so much that we could do, and easily, if the financial and regulatory burden of the thousand-million pound elephant of criminal leviathan behemoth government was not crushing us.

The point is that there is nothing we cannot do, and nothing we cannot achieve, if we put our minds to it and work together.

And it could all be done non-violently.

But I’m not sure how it could be done without any self-sacrifice.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Again, I ask, who in officialdom is behind him to support him?


“Again, I ask, who in officialdom is behind him to support him?”


Let’s assume nobody is.

Now, since this is such a difficult concept for most people to grasp, I’m going to use an example on a much smaller scale, and then scale it back up at the conclusion.

Suppose there is a church, in a town called Little Salem, with a 100 local members in the congregation.

The preacher is extremely popular. Everybody loves him. Even the security guards who have been hired to watch the doors since the government allowed islamic militants to invade our country and dispersed them all over the United States to attack our places of worship.

The deacons and elders love this preacher too.

Members of the congregation love the preacher so much, that many of them even named their children after him.

It’s practically a cult, if not actually a cult.

Then a videotape comes into my possession, showing the preacher engaged in some really sick pedo stuff.

There is no title on the videotape, so I’m going to call it “Declass“.

First I go to the local police, and tell them what’s on the tape. They quickly take the tape, thank me for bringing it to their attention, and hustle me out the door. I don’t even get a chance to fill out a report. Apparently the guys at the cop station are big admirers of the preacher too.

Fortunately I made a copy of the “Declass” tape.

So next I go to my local FIB office (it’s just a hypothetical, I know the FIB is corrupt). The local FIB office does the same thing as the local cops. They take the tape and give me the bum’s rush out the door.

That preacher sure is popular. Seems like everyone’s in his pocket. Good thing I made another copy of the tape before I went to the FIB.

Then I go to the deacons and elders, but they don’t believe me, and they won’t look at the tape.

Then I go to some of the members of the congregation, but they won’t look at the tape either, the denial is suffocating.

A real life three-monkeys routine, affecting the entire congregation.

So next I go to the local news stations. While I’m explaining what I have to the lady at the front desk, and that I need to speak with a senior reporter, another person in the office pulls me aside and says “follow me”.

So we go down a hall, into an office, and he takes the tape, and files it on a shelf where thousands of other similar tapes are stored.

He says “We know all about it, some of us (not many) would like to help, but everybody in the community who is anybody is on tapes just like the one you have. Nobody is going to do anything about it, because everybody who could do anything about it is corrupt and involved. So the best thing you can do is forget about it.”

Good thing I’m in the habit of making copies of that tape.

So here I am, with not one person in officialdom who is behind me to support me.

What do I do?

The TRUTH will set us free, if we can only get it to the masses.

So I convert the videotape to a digital file, put it on a thumb drive, and go to a library in a neighboring city, one that has Internet access.

I upload the video to every streaming service I can think of, with details about who the man in the video is, and the community where he lives, and that the entire community appears to be protecting him from justice.

I drop that video in the lap of the entire planet.

I have done what was in my power to do.

Now it’s in the hands of the People.

And I don’t think the majority of the People, outside Little Salem, are going to stand for what that preacher is doing, or for the corrupt officials who are protecting him.

Here comes the firestorm… in 3… 2… 1…

DJT doesn’t need ANYONE in ‘officialdom’ to support him, because he has the truth, he has the evidence.

All he needs to do is publish it, publish “Declass“, and unlike me, has the wherewithal to make sure it’s done right, and that it doesn’t get buried or lost, but that every American Patriot in the country, and every person who cares about truth in the whole world, makes it go viral — worldwide — instantly.

Corrupt Biden administration, meet the world’s biggest elephant in the room.

7+ billion people are looking right at you.

And looking at all the corrupt people protecting you.

We will have to see if the corrupt people protecting you will continue to do so, now that the pedo-cat is completely out of the bag and sitting in your lap and tearing up your balls, but the one thing that definitely WON’T be happening, is that everything just continues along as it has been going along.

All of that changes, instantly.

All the games, all the ‘narratives’, all the BS is over.

The whole world knows what you are and what you have done.

The only thing left is to find out what we’re going to do about it.

And that conversation starts right now, with me and 7 billion of my closest new friends.

We don’t need ‘officialdom’.

All we need, is to publish the truth, and get it into the hands of the People.

That changes everything.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Trump should have made sure that Bill Barr published those documents starting in 2019. Barr could have done so but sat on them.

Now it’s too late.

Trump should have forced a recount in six counties, as per the Navarro reports. His people said ‘no’, because they wanted to preserve their careers.

Now it’s too late.

What can Trump do with no power structure behind him? The Swamp outfoxed him.


If he declassed (as POTUS) things, he (as a private citizen) can still hold them, and release them at a time deemed appropriate. There is no way I know of to reclass declassed info.


And, BTW, he announced MASSIVE declasses which “never happened from the agencies involved because of their foot-dragging”….but there’s nothing to suggest that he might not have a copy.


I hope that you are correct.

Let’s hope he has copies of the documents.


Yes, agree.

I hope he can release the docs, at any rate.


Nobody apparently.
I ask who in lesser roles have the guts to publicly denounce what’s going on ?
It’s always only Trump that makes bold statements like he did today.
Those that have a public persona need to stand up and say something over and over.

For example, the ongoing violence and shootings. Where is anyone with clout saying what we all say in here and in thousands of internet comments ?


THIS x 1000!!!

Thank you!


“Scott, I think, is trying to say that by all appearances TRUMP isn’t fighting either.”


No, I don’t think that’s what’s happening.

I don’t know WHAT Trump is doing, but as far as I can tell, not fighting isn’t an option.

Which he knew from the beginning, when he came down the escalator.

Once he started, there was no walking away from it, because they would never stop trying to destroy him, until or unless he destroyed them.

So I think DJT is still very much in the fight, and probably winning.

I just don’t have even a single sliver of evidence for it.


Could not agree more. He is to his eye balls in litigation all type of left wing loons brought against him.


I understood that, thanks, hence my reply.

How can he make a pledge on anything when he cannot deliver it?


Don’t be tonight’s enabler. It’s pointless – plus, the sun has set, Easter is here. And no one can say otherwise.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

“Don’t be tonight’s enabler.”


Why are you so hateful?

I would like to understand your animosity, your continual attacks.

Would you be so kind to explain it to me — to all of us — on this Easter?



It isn’t hateful, or an attack. Nor is it too cute by half. Just trying to head stuff off at the pass.

You didn’t reply to my comment to you though. Although I did see your explanation about declass (which was my question) while scrolling.

So, IF your conclusion is that you believe Trump IS winning, but you just can’t imagine how he’s going about it . . . why the constant snark about not being aware of the internet? You repeat that every other day. If that’s hateful to say, so be it.

I don’t think “all of us” cares actually. And I’d venture to say very few think I’m hateful.


“It isn’t hateful, or an attack. Nor is it too cute by half.”


If an intentional provocation is not an attack, I will be happy to use your word for it, so what do you call it?


“Just trying to head stuff off at the pass.”


Is the way to ‘head stuff off at the pass’ by provocation, by stirring the pot?


“So, IF your conclusion is that you believe Trump IS winning, but you just can’t imagine how he’s going about it . . .”


I can imagine lots of ways he might be going about it. There isn’t any evidence however, and so for any rational person, the longer things progress in this direction without evidence that anything is actually happening to correct the situation, the more important that lack of evidence becomes.

If we were in Germany before WWII, and half the people were saying “Don’t worry, I’m sure TPTB will never let Hitler get into any position of real power and authority”, how long do you simply accept that?

Until 1923?





“why the constant snark about not being aware of the internet? You repeat that every other day.”


Should it not be repeated, for so long as it remains true?

Are we not confronted daily with absurdities promoted by our own government, the medical establishment and the MSM, nearly all of which are quickly and easily debunked with a quick Internet search, or by people posting here?

Does DJT, and nearly all of his surrogates, not assiduously feign ignorance — not just ignorance of the truth, but oftentimes ignorance of the events themselves?

Is it not just as absurd to suppose DJT and his people don’t know — either about the truth readily available in the public domain, or about the events themselves — as the absurdities being promoted by the government and the MSM?

If DJT and his people simply acknowledged even a fraction of the many things widely known and discussed on the Internet, the MSM could no longer deny it, their ‘whitewash’ spell would be broken, and that information would necessarily become part of ‘mainstream conversation’.

Hence the sarcasm, ‘if only he or his inner circle were aware of the Internet, everything would be different‘.

Do you understand?


“If that’s hateful to say, so be it.”


But that’s not what you said at all. This is what you said: “Don’t be tonight’s enabler. It’s pointless – plus, the sun has set, Easter is here. And no one can say otherwise.”

If you are denying, that in your reply to TheseTruths, that you were referring to me, then to whom were you referring?

And if you were referring to me, doing so publicly yet indirectly, continuing a pattern of provocation in recent days, how is that not hateful?

If you don’t like the word ‘hateful’, what would you call it?

How is it even any of your business, to instruct TheseTruths what to do, or not do?

How is it different, practically speaking, from sitting in the pew behind me, talking to another member of the congregation, putting me down behind my back, while making sure to say it loud enough so that I will be sure to hear it?

How is that not an intentional provocation, dear woman?


“I don’t think “all of us” cares actually.”


Have I not previously noted your comfort in thinking and speaking for others besides yourself?


“And I’d venture to say very few think I’m hateful.”


If that is true, then what should people call what you’re doing instead?

If it isn’t hateful, what word do you prefer it to be called, to engage in backbiting in front of the entire congregation, while virtue-signalling your religiosity in the same breath?



YOU are the one who used the term “all of us”, like you’re fronting a group of people looking for answers. I only repeated YOUR phrase.

I don’t see your cheering section, and I haven’t heard from them.

And I’m done enabling this. For good.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009



You seem upset… off-balance… and not making very much sense.

How is it that you caution someone else not to ‘enable’ me, and when I quite predictably reply to you, use my reply as an example of why you shouldn’t enable me?

Unless… unless you wanted me to reply to you?

That’s very sly.

I think I like that…


“YOU are the one who used the term “all of us”, like you’re fronting a group of people looking for answers.”


Maybe we should make it just the two of us, then?


“I only repeated YOUR phrase.”


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery… it begins to appear that I really have misjudged your intentions… 💘


“I don’t see your cheering section, and I haven’t heard from them.”


Well it’s a written forum, dear heart… how many cheering sections have you actually seen? I mean, besides not mine?


“And I’m done enabling this. For good.”


I don’t believe you.

Girls like you always say things like that to the ones you like, but you don’t really mean it.

Watch and see… it won’t be long… you’re thinking about it right now.

I should have seen this coming sooner… I blame myself for that… 😊


Please, if you need to use /s, use it.

We’re not sitting right in front of you.


And yet apparently my sarcasm was entirely evident 👍😁


I did wonder … It was only when I read your second comment that I was sure.


Assuming all is hidden – who has the intel?


“Assuming all is hidden – who has the intel?”


Certainly DJT must have it.

It is his leverage.

When he is ready to use it, I’m sure he won’t dump it all at once, but piece by piece, so the enemy can’t just memory-hole it, or ignore it, or counter-narrative it into stalemate.

Piece by piece, drop by drop, until the sheer volume and consistency overwhelms the propaganda narrative writers and their talking heads.


Amen goes right there, Scott!!!


I’m having Bangers and Mash for dinner.

Anyone remember what that is?

And remember who who cooked it – repeatedly – because it was all he knew how to cook?

Concerned Virginian

Bangers and Mash = sausages and mashed potatoes. My mother used to make this dish (she didn’t call it that, however), and served peas with it. Sometimes she sliced the sausages before cooking them.


Do you remember seeing this on a popular TV show modeled after a book?


I don’t, and my curiosity is up. Little House on the Prairie? I doubt they would have used that term. 🤔


It was a PBS show from 1978-1990 and has been remade this year.


I wouldn’t know.

Maybe it’s time to tell us who did make it on that show, whatever it is. 🙂


All Creatures Great and Small – Tristan Farnon made it for Siegfried.



Much appreciated!

Concerned Virginian

No, I don’t remember that. Mother used to do a lot of “Depression-era” cooking while I was growing up. We ate a lot of potato soup, sausages and mashed potatoes, meatloaf, homemade applesauce, and so forth.


So did I 🙂


No, I do not. 🙂

Valerie Curren

I only have ever heard that in the Christian kids cartoon 3, 2, 1 Penguins…


Will the law be followed in this trial?
If it was the plan they wouldn’t even be at trial.
More and more evidence shows he should not be convicted
Calling for his mother or his girlfriend who he called Momma and was there?


“Will the law be followed in this trial?”


What law?

What is this thing, which you call ‘law’?


Sad but true …

Interesting to see so much video that no one saw until much later and some video new at the trial – video that could have helped with the rumors and riots such as him resisting arrest and him being loaded and treated in the ambulance.


It’s no wonder that ‘they’ hired influencers to help everyone understand that regardless of the facts..Chauvin is a murderer.

~~ Minneapolis hiring local influencers to dispel misinformation during Derek Chauvin trialhttps://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/540930-minneapolis-hiring-local-influencers-to-spread-city-messaging-during


“video that could have helped with the rumors and riots such as him resisting arrest and him being loaded and treated in the ambulance.”


But that relies on the premise that TPTB wanted to help.

They don’t.

They want to use and manipulate and psy-op and propagandize.

Because their objective is not to help, but to destroy.

And most people cannot bring themselves to believe it. Sure, they can see it here and there, but it’s a different thing to accept that the entire government apparatus is purposefully working to destroy the American People and our Republic, from every agency and branch of government.

If you begin with the premise that the government is actually an international crime / treason syndicate, suddenly everything they do begins to make sense.

It is only when our paradigm is that anyone in government is doing what is right and good, or logical, or even normal, that nothing makes sense.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Nailed it … again.


I’ll post this single comment.

Since there’s no law, and no one willing to uphold the law, even if it existed – including the military . . . then how exactly would Trump pushing the declass (your solution to everything) button matter?

Who’s going to DO anything with the information?

Unless you’re always speaking in hindsight. As in, he HAD the power and squandered it. That is never clear when you reference declass.

I won’t be replying, so no offense. It’s Holy Saturday, and I don’t want to get dragged into the useless back-and-forth kvetching.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

He ordered declass on many items. The gubmint officials in charge of it just refused to do it.


IC stonewalled and said NO, OR simply did nothing.

Congress critters should have done an end run on declas stonewalling. Some congress critter simply read the classified information into the record. Then, the information is out in the open.

Sadie Slays

My prediction is that the jury will acquit, and America will get another wave of organized race riots and false flags just in time for Satanic sacrifice season. Yes, it’s that time of year again. April 15, 19, & 20th are the dates to watch. April 20th – May 1st is also a big week on the Satanic calendar.
comment image



April 19 is a big date in recent American history, with the OK City bombing, the Branch-Davidians in Waco, and the Columbine shooting.

I hadn’t realized that April 20 – May 1 is significant. Sigh…

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

China is worse than asshoe – it’s evil.

China reportedly imprisoning Christians in mobile torture and brainwashing facilities https://disrn.com/news/report-china-imprisoning-christians-in-underground-brainwashing-torture-centers

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Bidenistas are clamoring for our military and intelligence agencies to do this, and the Bidenazis are licking their chops, hoping TO DO THIS.


The Bidenazis are using their best and brightest propagandists to lay the groundwork and convince as many as possible to willingly give up their faith…because ya know how deeply rooted in climate change denial which is racist and whatever assorted wokeful reasons.
After they whittle it down then they can cull more with fake pandemic/vaccine garbage…eventually those torture chambers can be used on the few that are left.


Jesus warned us….. remember?


Random. Another tabby has wandered up the driveway.
Sweet boy.

Husband is apoplectic.

He made me promise I wouldn’t bring it into the house.

Have I lied? 🤣🤣🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ethics, Schmethics!

Does it like catnip? Always my test of a QUALITY cat!  😉 


I grow catnip and then wonder what are doing in my backyard 🙂



I love you guys. My God, I hope we can all meet some day.


That would be fun 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I used to love to watch the zombified cats in our yard. Huge pupils – making those “cat romance” noises – hilarious!


Mine roll around and then run though the house jump on their cat tree 🙂


I have several mints in my garden, but not catnip. I need to get some. 😃


Catnip grows like mint. You will attract the neighborhood cats 🙂
I grow close to the outdoor run for the cats they pick their own.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You can make some amazing friends that way!!! 😀


I always got the stray in the house. 🙂


Both of our indoor cats were strays. And outside we have two neutered girls and one young Tommy, that I should tend to when the weather breaks fully. They have it good on the porches – food, water, chairs with fleece throws . . and dog houses with a bed and those plug-in warmers.

Actually I could use advice. These cats are all friendly, and it will be easy for me to get Elvis (the tom) to the vet. Is this the best thing for him? I don’t want him to start getting beat up. I know right now he tends to pick fights, when he’s neutered will he just stop that?


Yes, I fix them. Some of them still spray, but outside. All my cats are males. They tend to calm down, not fight as much and stick close to home.


Oh, both of our indoor cats are fixed. (boy & girl) And the two girls outside are. Just Elvis is left, and he’ll get done as soon as it’s consistently warm. They are all veery sweet. 😊


My local vet loves me. I have brought so many animals to get fixed, treated, etc. I’ve probably paid for a house addition.




I do not want to know how much I spend. Now my husband takes them he is not complaining 🙂


Shop around. Mine cost $65 in Tacoma a month ago.


I am down to three all females. No problems they are about 12.


He will stop. A cat like that I would have him in and out unless you have to many Tom cats in the house? If he is not neutered he also might be just looking for a mate? They can walk far for that matting. If you want to keep him he will work it out. If you bring him in the house isolate him for the other cats can get his smell. I never had a problem I had as many as 13 at one time in a big house. One or two were in and out and came in during the night on their own.


As I replied to GM in TX, we only have two inside, girl & boy, both fixed. (We used to have a rescue minpin as well, but he had to be euthanized in October.) Two is our house limit, so the three others are on the porches and stay very close by. 👍🏻


That sounds great if the tom seems used to outside. Good luck


They have all the comforts on the porches. Food, water, chairs with cushions for temperate weather, dog houses with beds and warmers when it’s cold. 👍🏻


Sounds good they are loved 🙂


Makes him less likely to get picked off by an owl because he will be okay with being in the house after dark.

My first two recent cats were not eunuchs but the most recent is. He’s a black tailless manx and is quite a mouser. His name is Fuzzy Toner and he will come when my wife calls his name. He follows her like a puppy on walks. And boy can that cat JUMP.

His behavior became slightly more mellow afterward. He’s very affectionate now, for a manx. We did him a favor IMO.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

He’s one of the three porch cats, that we’ve set up to be comfortable year round out there. They stay close by. We have two indoors, which is my husband’s limit. 😄 So, in a couple of weeks when it’s consistently decent at night I’ll scoop him up to the vets.


I’ve had as much as 8 cats at once.


So did I when I moved to OH. I drove by myself
for 9 hours with 8 cats in creates and one dog. What an experience. My dog kept howling each time I went past McDonnell.


I don’t even want to admit how many we had for a while……

Now we just have one.


It’s the Easter Kitty…very rare !!


I’m dying!!! 😂😂


hahaha…you’re a fantastic writer so I know in my soul you can parlay a little known nor remembered Easter Kitty fable.!


I did start a children’s story about two tabby cats once.

May have to revisit. 😄


I think word gets around about the best places to go for help. 🐈


The Strange Sinovac Vaccine Phenomenon: Countries Report Increased Cases After Using Vaccine
BY EVA ZHAO  April 3, 2021 Updated: April 3, 2021 


The Hong Kong government recently rolled out a large-scale vaccination plan against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as COVID-19, but it’s been mired by frequent reports of serious adverse reactions. In just one month, 13 people died in Hong Kong after being inoculated, 11 of whom had been injected with the Sinovac vaccine, a Chinese domestically made vaccine.

The CCP has not reported a single case of serious side effects or death after it announced the administering of 100 million doses of the Sinovac vaccine in China on March 28.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


The CCP is probably very pleased with their vaccine. It’s probably killed the prescribed number of useless humans and no need to tell anyone anything. They don’t appear to fear much anymore. I mean who’s going to challenge them?

It sounds a bit shocking yet the deaths and complications documented right here in our country aren’t spoken about except by internet people like us. Our authorities aren’t any more forthcoming than CCP, imo


Happy Easter, everyone!

Our Lord and Saviour is risen!


He is risen indeed.


Truly He is risen! ✝️🌷

Sadie Slays

New Trump statement:

For years the Radical Left Democrats have played dirty by boycotting products when anything from that company is done or stated in any way that offends them. Now they are going big time with WOKE CANCEL CULTURE and our sacred elections. It is finally time for Republicans and Conservatives to fight back—we have more people than they do—by far! Boycott Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, ViacomCBS, Citigroup, Cisco, UPS, and Merck. Don’t go back to their products until they relent. We can play the game better than them. They didn’t even get approval of State Legislatures, which is mandated under the U.S. Constitution. They rigged and stole our 2020 Presidential Election, which we won by a landslide, and then, on top of that, boycott and scare companies into submission. Never submit, never give up! The Radical Left will destroy our Country if we let them. We will not become a Socialist Nation. Happy Easter!



Excellent. He is saying “Joe Biden edidn’t win” in so many words. His statements now have the fire of the Trump rallies.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Excellent article on the guy who DID NOT kill Officer Sicknick w/Bearspray who could get 60years in jail. Breaks video down by frame to prove it ain’t so. Also catches FIB lying again in court docs.

So-Called “Assault Video” Creates Big Problems for Prosecutors in Sicknick Capitol Riot Death Case – Revolver

Sadie Slays

Update on Sadie’s Prison Break from Blue Hell:

So I’ve occasionally mentioned here how I want to move out of my blue state and move to a rural red area. Well, I’ve got some Big Decisions to make soon. The plan right now is to secure a temporary rental property near the area I want search, and use that as a base to go property shopping. It’s going to involve moving across multiple states into a completely unfamiliar area (hence why I’m renting first). I’ve never done this before (at least not as an adult), and frankly, it’s terrifying to think about. Going to start looking for rental property soon. I need to stop procrastinating and get this going before the vaccine passport bullshit starts.


Good luck and I hope the 1st place you land turns out to be perfect.
I get a kick out of Cassandra rules and her love of WV. She went pioneer woman and raves about her red area and neighbors.

Sadie Slays

Thank you!


“So I’ve occasionally mentioned here how I want to move out of my blue state and move to a rural red area.”


I’ve been thinking about doing the same thing. I’m not in a blue state, but it’s not nearly as red as I would like.


“The plan right now is to secure a temporary rental property near the area I want search, and use that as a base to go property shopping.”


That is an excellent idea.


“It’s going to involve moving across multiple states into a completely unfamiliar area (hence why I’m renting first). I’ve never done this before (at least not as an adult),”


Neither have I 👍


“and frankly, it’s terrifying to think about.”


Yeah, but terrifying in a good way… like escaping to freedom 😁


“Going to start looking for rental property soon. I need to stop procrastinating and get this going before the vaccine passport bullshit starts.”


I don’t think Florida is going to allow any vaxx passport BS.

I always liked Florida…

Sadie Slays

Florida is booming with conservatives fleeing their blue and purplish states. Can’t blame them—no income tax, less COVID bullshit, good economy, and year-round nice weather. I’ve certainly considered it and haven’t 100% ruled it out, but it’s not a good fit for other, non-political reasons.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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This is what I mean. People need to speak up ! Glad that he did.


If every pastor would have the courage all churches would be open as they should.


^^^ B I N G O ! ^^^


This guy made my whole day.

I actually prayed out loud sitting here on my couch to be as brave as him, if the opportunity is given to me. My DH didn’t know what was I was watching, so he looked at me funny.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! Don’t be afraid.

When those guys were called NAZIS, they KNEW IT WAS TRUE.

Real Nazism has nothing to do with any particular group, although the BOTTOM GROUP gets it hardest. It’s that “We’re all going along with the CRAZY BULLSHIT – and you have to do it, too” attitude that distinguishes Nazism.


“When those guys were called NAZIS, they KNEW IT WAS TRUE.”


Yep, all of them looked guilty, all of them except that wicked woman in the knee-high jackboots.

Unreal that she actually wore knee-high jackboots on her Nazi escapade.

All those big strong guys, following that little Nazi woman, doing her dirty work for her.


Outstanding, in absolutely every way.


It would have been very interesting if that clip had run longer, to see the reaction of the other talking heads on the panel, who probably pooped their pants when Charles let the truth out of the bag, and dumped it right there on the desk like that… 😂🤣😂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

😂 😂
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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


Americans should learn this lesson.

Just say NO!


Americans have not lived through communism like eastern Europeans have. The Polish did not allow the communists to close their churches.
I wish all pastors were Polish the churches would be open and the people would come. American pastors do not know how to protect the faith they never had too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


PART 1, 2, 3 and 4: Sidney Powell is NOT Backing Down
Posted on April 3, 2021



What is a good way to clear out the state chairs?


The founders railed against “factions”, but rapidly developed the two-party tango we continue to observe.

BTW, there’s a pic in the next post’s comments that you shouldn’t miss.


Ah, I see you got there. Great minds sleep in similar gutters, and all that…..


Is your county GOP run by RINOs? Are your county leaders partial or impartial in the GOP primaries? Or are there other actions/inactions that let you know your party officers are RINOs? Who is your current county GOP chair and vice chair? What speakers do they bring to the county? What events do they organize? Have they offered information and/or training about how to run for office or become involved in political activism?

“There, ordinary people just starting out could have some pull.”
->Are there not CO groups already trying to do just that? Are there no new people attending your county’s monthly meetings? Have you seen growth over the last year and in the last few months at the meetings, people who are speaking up and asking qustions?

Here in TN that is exactly what we have seen. As I have posted since 1/9, 3 days after DC rally/protest, EVERY GOP meeting has been Packed with regulars, semi regulars and new people who had never bothered to get involved before now. As I have told so many, we get the GOP we vote for and if MAGA conservatives don’t bother to show up to vote … well, we are getting what we deserve due to our inaction and non participation.

When are your county GOP elections?
Do you have to be a member to vote or a Republican in good standing? How is a Republican in good standing defined in CO?
Do counties in CO hold caucuses or secret ballot elections?

In TN, most counties have now had our county GOP elections which is why I posted about this same topic so much in January and February. There are only a few counties in TN that have not had their elections at this point.

When are the county GOP officer elections in CO?

I don’t know much about the GOP in CO or how it works but would like to know more if you have time to explain.

Curious, why start in the county GOP organizations? How are they connected to the CO state GOP? How does “cleaning out” the county GOP influence/change/”clean out” the state GOP?

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom

Out of curiosity, I am spending a little time getting to know the CO GOP.

Your CO GOP state chair was endorsed by Congresswoman Lauren Boebert.

Are you sure she is a “RINO”? I would be interesting in learning more about why you think she is a RINO.

Some people on this blog have consistently conflated the actions of GOP politicians with the GOP party and still don’t seem to be involved in their own county or state parties, still haven’t bothered to look up the basic info about their county and state party or to attend a meeting or become a voting member or … do anything but make sweeping generalizations that show frustration directed in the wrong direction.

Direct frustration against those not participating v. those who are participating and working hard to MAGA.

Local elections in CO right now and hope MAGA conservatives in CO have vetted candidates, encouraged and supported them to run, are participating in the county and state GOP and know the leaders they just elected.

If MAGA conservatives have still not bothered to get involved then they are stuck with those just elected within the GOP and the GOPe has little real competition.

The Good News is that it seem Many MAGA Conservatives have gotten involved and many of the leaders have good track records and are working hard on the issues. Hope MAGA voters help them.

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom

OK – now I have spent time for the first time delving into CO GOP politics … I am getting very excited about the future of the GOP in yet another state.

Your new GOP Chair:

Lover her here:


I have looked at a number of the county GOP leaders, what they are doing, read legislation coming out of the CO legislature that impacted the CO GOP and the bylaw changes made by the CO GOP to ensure outreach to all during times when they can not meet together.

Looks like lots of MAGA conservatives have gotten involved and are making a difference.


I knew only the very basics pre this morning’s poking around.

I did know elections had already taken place … PLEASE get involved, if physically possible, by at least attending the monthly meetings. From what I read this am the CO GOP has taken action for people to be involved remotely.

For our local GOP I ordered a kit for my iphone and learned how to livestream our meetings but that was just me … and a big learning curve! ha First time, no sound. Second time, sideways. Third time, sound VERY soft. Anyway, working hard to serve our members during covid but COGOP has made official changes.