2022·08·27 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

And Pat Benatar Thought I Had Forgotten…

Well, in truth, I’ve had a couple of major distractions. But fortunately I’m on a 5 week regurgitation cycle so it doesn’t last long.

Another performance of Hit Me With Your Best Shot, from the department of Keep Rubbing Silly Leftists’ Noses In How Silly They Are, c/o The Q Tree.

Justice Must Be Done

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot (i.e., paper) Prices

Last week:

Gold $1,748.60
Silver $19.16
Platinum $906.00
Palladium $2,210.00
Rhodium $14,900.00

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.

Gold $1,740.10
Silver $19.01
Platinum $871.00 [on sale]
Palladium $2,194.00
Rhodium $14,600.00

Things actually seem to be fairly stable, not much movement in a week. Platinum probably moved the most, percentage wise. And down, too.

On Recent Controversy

Claims that the Big Bang theory was in deep trouble erupted earlier this week, and people were wondering what I’d have to say about it.

Unfortunately, I can’t find anything out about this, beyond what was posted. So I have to answer “I don’t know.”

(Now before someone accuses me of copping out…the real cop out would be for me to make something up, like some charlatan would. The real character weakness is refusing to acknowledge you just don’t know, fearing that people will think less of you for not knowing the answer.)

One key claim was that there wasn’t enough helium in the universe, but I continue to find the numbers that fit the model.

I am not myself a cosmologist. That means I have to rely on actual cosmologists and physicists, and ones I know of that wouldn’t shy away from controversy are silent on the issue.

Which means either, that there’s nothing there, or they’re trying to figure something out. I can’t tell which.

But lets assume there’s Something There…and the Big Bang Model is actually in trouble. It will likely take years for this to play out. And if anyone reading this is rooting for it to be wrong, because you somehow imagine it will show that Genesis 1 was right all along, you’re probably in for a nasty surprise. The “opposition” model is that the universe had no beginning at all, which would be even more in contradiction to Genesis. (Of course there’s no guarantee that that model is the one that would prevail when the dust clears; it could be something no one has even thought of yet, as unexpected as…well, as unexpected as the Big Bang was, originally.)

Science is a body of knowledge…and it’s also a process. As I wrote those physics posts, all thirty of them, I tried to not just outline what is currently believed to be the case, but also why. I had to simplify it a lot, not just for your benefit but for my own. The bits I know best are all classical (pre 1894) physics, and my deepest delve was into “classical” electromagnetism…as you might have suspected given how deeply I tried to go into the math.

None of that would be affected by the current controversy.

It’s true that science is full of humans who have their own psychological failings, hanging onto a a pet theory long after it’s dead, for instance; and sometimes those people simply have to die and get out of the way before further progress is made.

But progress is made, and quite a lot of it.

I maintain that science is by far the most effective method for learning about the world around us. The process is such that the truth will eventually come out. And indeed since the scientific method was founded, largely by Galileo…well, look at all of the technology we have compared to 1600–where most people’s lives were essentially the same as they were under the Roman Empire. That technology depends on the body of knowledge science has assembled. And if that body of knowledge weren’t largely correct…the tech wouldn’t work.

I love getting online and reading a denunciation of quantum mechanics from someone who clearly doesn’t realize that the semiconductors in their computer could not function if quantum mechanics were as wrong as they claim.

Is there a lot we don’t understand yet? Certainly! Absolutely!!! But I can think of no other way to gain that understanding.

It’s basically in areas that haven’t found practical applications yet, where there is still some fuzziness to the picture, and I will include cosmology, including such things as dark matter and dark energy, and inflation. That stuff is bleeding edge science, which involves a lot of speculation which many YouTube channels and the like will report without bothering to explain how speculative it is. Inflation is generally treated as proven fact, when in reality it’s simply a speculation that matches what we see today better than anything else. I doubt any cosmologist would claim it’s proved, just that it’s very likely to be true because nothing else fits. I talked about it some for that reason…but left more speculative stuff out. (I didn’t cover string theory, I didn’t cover supersymmetry, I didn’t cover…)

I have to admit I often wondered if inflation were just a kludged-on “thing” to make the theory work when the theory was in trouble. They certainly have no idea what could have caused it, they just figure it “must have” happened. Likewise dark matter. I was reassured, though, when I realized there were two distinct trails of evidence that it must exist. On the other hand, we still haven’t detected it in the laboratory. Dark energy is even more enigmatic.

I am strongly reminded of the situation from 1894…where we thought we had the broad picture and there were just a few little loose ends to tie up. And then those loose ends ended up showing us a whole ‘nother layer to the puzzle–in fact two of them, quantum mechanics and relativity.

Are we about to go through something like those tumultuous years again?

That would be really cool, and I mean that.

Maybe someday I’ll tackle earth history. But there was a revolution in that field in the 1960s. Everything was upended. Now, nothing makes sense in geology and geophysics without plate tectonics…but in 1960 no one believed it. Alfred Wegener, who said it must have happened but couldn’t explain how, was considered, let’s just say, a minority viewpoint, if not a crank. I’ve seen talks by geologists who were in college at that time, and it was truly exciting. Their whole specialty was being remade before their eyes…and what came out at the end made sense. They talk about that whole process with joy. They’re glad they were alive to see it!

As a kid in the early 1970s, I had an out-of-date book originally published around 1960 that talked about how we don’t know why volcanoes appear where they do. Geology didn’t make sense; it was just a bunch of unconnected facts with some weird details that made no sense at all (e.g., fossils of some species appearing in South America and Africa, but nowhere else…how did it spread to just those two areas?) Now, of course, we know. Geology makes sense because of the revolution of the 1960s, because of plate tectonics. Just like biology only makes sense because of evolution, and chemistry only makes sense because of the periodic table, and electromagnetism only makes sense because of Maxwell’s equations.

Right now the Big Bang still makes sense…but there are nagging issues, apparently. I’ve found videos from over a year ago that allude to some (in other words, stuff that came up before JWST). I need to watch them still. Will the issues be resolved consistent with the Big Bang, will their resolution modify it in subtle ways, or will they kick it over like an applecart? And if the latter, what replaces it? Who knows?

[Just remember that the replacement theory must 1) explain everything the current theory explains, preferably better and more simply, plus 2) things we know about that it does not (in other words it must tie up what I’ve been calling loose ends), and 3) it must also be able to predict things the old theory couldn’t, and those predictions must come true. Remember General Relativity: It was basically 1) like Newtonian gravity most of the time (so it explained the things Newtonian gravity did), 2) it explained that extra precession of Mercury’s line of apsides, and 3) it predicted the bending of light as shown during the 1919 solar eclipse by Eddington. It’s not enough to just throw cherry-picked rocks at the current theory and say your new idea explains the stuff the rocks hit.]

The answer, one way or another, will be interesting. We’ll learn a lot!

Fuck Joe B*d*n

Due to complaints about foul language, I’ve censored the most objectionable word in the title of this section.

B*d*n, you don’t even get ONE scoop of ice cream today.

(Please post this somewhere permanent, as it will continue to be true; the SOB will never deserve a scoop.)

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

Whoever ends up in the cell next to his, tell him I said “Hi.”

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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I guess baby needs a new pair of shoes?

Valerie Curren

Red sboes?


Belly laugh on that one.  😂  😅  😂 

Valerie Curren



The linked article has a few theories, including one that could be confirmed or not within a short time frame:

“In additional, reports have been leaking out that a formal motion to expel the Holy See and the Vatican from the United Nations will be presented before the UN General Assembly when it is re-convened on September 13 in New York City.

According to the ITCCS a UN delegate recently had this to say:

“Our own Genocide Convention prohibits a self-admitted genocidal actor like the Vatican and its diplomatic arm, the Holy See, from being seated at the Assembly. Obviously, Rome is doing a pre-emptive safeguard measure to protect its assets in case anyone tries to put a lien on them for reparations and damages.”


UN hopes to enforce POLITICAL (aka Woke) Correctness world-wide.


aka Pervert Correctness, (Monkey) Pox Correctness….

Cuppa Covfefe

Not surprising since they have a monument or altar to Satan in all of their buildings…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! The UN was deeply behind #PlanDepop and #TeamDepop. That’s RICH. They covered their asses by saying “Oh, we’re against mandates”, but they helped drive things in China’s preferred direction, every step of the way.

Gail Combs

Yup see my  Sir Julian Huxley comment. He was the first head of UNSECO


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a specialised agency of the United Nations aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture.Wikipedia

It was really ALL ABOUT DE-POP!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BOOM. Oh, this is all making sense now.

Gail Combs

WOLFIE it was ALWAYS FROM THE UK/EUROPE. We were just part of the target.

 In the UK ‘defective’ babies are killed via the Liver Pool Care Pathway. The UK government is giving millions to the NHS to kill off ‘the useless eaters’. link This is not surprising given the UK is run by Fabians.

KILLING THOSE “UNFIT TO LIVE” – George Bernard Shaw, Fabian Society co-founder

“The moment we face it frankly we are driven to the conclusion that the community has a right to put a price on the right to live in it … If people are fit to live, let them live under decent human conditions. If they are not fit to live, kill them in a decent human way. Is it any wonder that some of us are driven to prescribe the lethal chamber as the solution for the hard cases which are at present made the excuse for dragging all the other cases down to their level, and the only solution that will create a sense of full social responsibility in modern populations?”

Source: George Bernard Shaw, Prefaces (London: Constable and Co., 1934), p. 296.

“Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well.”

George Bernard Shaw: The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, 1928, pg. 470)

The same ideas are written by Obama’s Science Czar.

“The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being,”

Source: John Holdren, Paul and Anne Ehrlich: Population Limitation 1973, pg 235

Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution…

Source: John Holdren, Paul and Anne Ehrlich: Ecoscience 1977, pg 837

Cuppa Covfefe

Knowing GBS’s misanthropic Fabian leanings gives “Pygmalion” (and “My Fair Lady”) a quite different light.

“Look at her, prisoner of the gutter….”…. (from “Why Can’t The English” of “My Fair Lady”)…

Probably better with the video. It must have been difficult for Rex Harrison to actually hold up both sides of that argument… It’s a funny, but sad reflection on the class structure of British Society (and, growing up half-English, I was made well aware of that. Needless to say, as a born skeptic, I rebelled 🙂 )…



Leonard Huxley (father), Julia Arnold Huxley (mother), Aldous Huxley (brother) , Peter Eckersley (cousin)

Aldous Huxley was author of Brave New World. If memory serves he had an affair with Margaret Sanger as well (him or H.G.Wells but they were all running in the same social circles and were getting commissions from one of the big monied families, Rockfellars or Rothchilds?).

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Robert Baker

This is interesting. From a theological perspective this effort to delegitimize the Catholic Church (which in the eyes of many of the world’s governments is representative of the Christian faith) is a consequential development. It can very well be the preamble to replacing currently recognized systems of religious thought and practice with a UN approved secular (government based and controlled) faith. It sounds fantastical but in my imagination this is how I can reasonably envision the process.

Gail Combs

THINK Maurice Strong!

Part I: The UN, Maurice Strong, Crestone/Baca, CO, and the “New World Religion”

Is Crestone/Baca, Colorado, “The Vatican City of the New World Order?:” 

An Exposé of the “New World Religion”

Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Physical Geography, California State University,

January, 2012 (revised, Dec. 2013; updated, Sept. 2017)

The High Priest of Humanism: Meet the UN’s Maurice Strong



The Religious Angle

Strong has been accused of promulgating a new world religion, a form of “earth worship” embodied in the Earth Charter, which he co-authored with Mikhail Gorbachev, the ex-Soviet premier, and David Rockefeller, a guru of the “interfaith” movement.4

“They are actively trying to displace Christianity,” DeWeese said. “Earth worship drives the global environmental movement, and Mr. Strong seems to be a real believer.

“He’s also very active in the UN Religions Initiative. These people go all over the U.S. holding seminars and workshops. They have Baptist ministers preaching paganism out of the pulpit.”

According to a special report by Austin Ruse, of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, the Religions Initiative bills itself as “a spiritual partner of the United Nations” and supports abortion, artificial conception, and homosexual “marriage.”5

Strong has ties to such diverse “alternative religion” enterprises as the Temple of Understanding, the Interfaith Center, and the Lindisfarne Association. He paid for Lindisfarne to move its headquarters from New York City to Boca Grande, Colorado, where he had purchased a ranch for them.6 Space does not permit a detailed description of Lindisfarne’s muddled, neo-pagan theology (the Earthlight article goes into it at great length). Suffice it to say that it mixes Christianity with Tibetan Lamaism, yoga, the doctrine of assorted swamis, and Atlantis mythology.

Why would a billionaire like Strong, a deputy director of the UN and advisor to the World Bank, a serious international player, devote masses of time and money to “religious” activities that would strike many people as ludicrous?

“If you’re going to destroy Western culture,” DeWeese said, “you first have to get rid of Christianity. Everything of value in Western culture springs from Christianity.

“I once heard Maurice Strong talk about a novel he’d like to write someday — about the collapse of the industrialized nations. And he said, ‘Isn’t it our job to bring that about?’”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’ve got a great point there!

Cuppa Covfefe

The Anti-Patriarchal Demonic Greens and the earth worshippers want to replace GOD with their Goddess GAIA… All the “earth religions”, including Wicca, center on goddess worship, going back to the mythical Lillith…


That would make more sense than the collapse of currency in just 2 weeks.

Gail Combs

Never forget Julian Huxley, UNESCO, and Eugenics
“It is, however, essential that eugenics should be brought entirely within the borders of science, for, as already indicated, in the not very remote future the problem of improving the average quality of human beings is likely to become urgent; and this can only be accomplished by applying the findings of a truly scientific eugenics.”Sir Julian Sorell HuxleyFrom UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy

 Sir Julian Huxley, M.A. D.Sc., F.R.S
The Impending Crisis*

First of all I want to begin by reminding this audience that this conference has two functions – one to discuss the population crisis and the other to honour Margaret Sanger….

— * A speech at the Conference on the World Population Crisis, held in conjunction with the World Tribute to Margaret Sanger on May 11th and 12th 1961 in New York City…


Deplorable Patriot

And to think I had to read “Brave New World” in college. Yes, it was Aldous rather than Julian, but the same family values, as in none.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. One can feel the admiration for the “brave solutions” in his writing. There is a kind of perverse thrill that cannot be hidden.


Maybe this- We will have to wait and see if these leaked reports come to fruition. But in the meantime, Pope Francis recently hypocritically stated “Charity is at the heart of the Church, it is the reason for its action, the soul of its mission.” “

Can’t let charity get in the way of the Great Reset. Putting controls and red tape on where, when, and why monies are spent sounds like something that might benefit the Cabal. Local autonomy will certainly be sacrificed and local churches will be less able to respond to community needs which they would certainly do when hunger and famine gripped a region.

Gail Combs



^^^ “Chinee LikeSocial Credit Score, arrives at the Vatican.

Now, That IS Precious.


So they’re hoarding in case tshtf on themselves.

Cuppa Covfefe

Next up, flash mob in St. Peter’s Square singing Tom Lehrer’s “Vatican Rag”…


Charity work in Ukraine

Soon, align with BRICS.

Payoff muzzies.



Isn’t this where the assassin stabs the guy in the neck with his own glasses?


Off topic, again.

Post a few days ago, you mentioned you use Lugol’s, when ya think of it.

Looking at Amazon, numerous choices. Suggested or recommendation?


Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

I’d go with J. Crow’s, from their website. Amazon had screwed up one of the vials I’d ordered and J. Crow’s fixed it with no runaround “talk to Amazon” BS.



Each small bottle has about 1200 drops. A daily dose is, maybe, three drops (I’m using 2%). If you get nuked, IIRC [meaning do your own homework], you’re supposed to do about 40 drops/day until you GTFO of there.


The nuke doses are by weight, so you and the DW would be dosing differently. You’ll also want to have them pre-calculated and written-down somewhere, because the internet may not be available.

OTOH, you live in a state that has already been pretty thoroughly nuked, so maybe you’re used to it.


Thanks you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


  • imminent global financial collapse
  • Pseudo-Popester told parents to inject their kids with the Depop Shot – expecting trouble
  • UN moving against anybody who might turn on the Depop Plan
  • Vatican expecting the ESG crowd to start locking down other people’s money to cover their losses
  • nobody trusts the markets right now – reeling in the money

“a leaked 2,300 page report – verified Pope Francis’ cover up of a Vatican Pedophile Ring. On Friday twenty Chilean Priests who went public on their connection to that very same Pedophile Ring, were killed in a plane crash right after their meeting with Pope Francis.”



On Friday twenty Chilean Priests who went public on their connection to that very same Pedophile Ring, were killed in a plane crash right after their meeting with Pope Francis.”


If the 20 priests had taken 20 different planes, and all 20 planes crashed, on the same day, it wouldn’t make any difference.

It would just be another ridiculous ‘coincidence’.

Nothing would change.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have to say – after digging on the “twenty Chilean priests” part, and finding where the story was likely put together – and then discovering that the origin was an anonymous post on “beforeitsnews” – I’d say that “thinly sourced” is an understatement here.

I’m doubting that ANY of this is real.


What is behind this Just Now? Something Big is brewing up. Right, Scott465?


It’s a mystery.



“What is behind this Just Now? Something Big is brewing up. Right, Scott465?”


Seems big, like lots of other stuff going on. The problem is we see the anomalies and lots of glitches in the Matrix, but we never get a Paul Harvey to tell us the rest of the story.


I miss that guy, one of a kind.


I mean Scott 467, not one of his brethren. can never remember that number,


Well, now you’ve gone and hurt scott465’s feelings. For a fleeting moment, he thought he was special.  😆 


Easy come, easy go! 👍😁


“I mean Scott 467, not one of his brethren. can never remember that number,”


I never even think of the number, it’s just something I had to add after my name to register, because just “Scott” is always already taken (everywhere).

I just noticed the other day that 467 adds up to Q. That wasn’t by design 😁


Sure. Like we believe that here in ConspiracyTheoryLand.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Q.


Cuppa Covfefe

And of course, there are no websites or blogs that are Scott-free 😀


Pat benetar recently said she wont perform that song anymore bc it encourages “gun” violence.
A 42 year old song.


Rock stars > drugs > brains = 🤮


After thinking about it I have at least a partial surmise regarding my question regarding the pope. It’s to do with central bank digital currencies.


Yes, control the spending. No charity work unless it’s been vetted by the Vatican and has gone through a vigorous process of red tape. And then once approved well the monies still need to be prioritized, which gives another way to say “No, you can’t have that”. Amounts to a redistribution scheme that will likely not benefit local more affluent parishes. It might even cause a sell off of church properties at the Vatican’s whim. No more having to argue with unruly nuns California!

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Deplorable Patriot

Thankfully, the Vatican does not control individual dioceses’ funds. That is controlled locally.

Remember, the Church is NOT a top down institution, but more of a confederation. The local bishops are in charge. Right now, many are marching to the heretical drumbeat coming out of Vatican City, but the reality is, if any prelate preaches, teaches or practices heresy, we are NOT obliged to follow them.

People who know the Faith – who REALLY know the Faith – know that. Sooner or later Bergoglio will be in the dustbin of history with a number of other heretical prelates.


The people in the congregation decide how much money the Bishop gets. I remember my catholic friends telling their husbands ” if you write a check to them you are in trouble “.

Deplorable Patriot

And believe me when I say that American bishops, at least, are sitting on mountains of cash in the form of endowments. That was all established before the Scandal hit.

BTW, capital asset improvement in the form of maintenance of parish plants is, in general, privately raised at the parish level. Capital campaigns are not unusual.


“…American bishops, at least, are sitting on mountains of cash in the form of endowments.”

100% believe it.


“Remember, the Church is NOT a top down institution, but more of a confederation.”


Like I just walked right into the Twilight Zone… if I had been taking a drink of water when I read that, it would be all over my computer monitor… 😂

If there is any religious institution in the world that more resembles (defines?) a top-down human pyramid institution than the RCC, what would it be?

Who (or what) is the highest Authority in the RCC?


I was at a retreat with Nuns in Alabama they know how to raise money. They push back at the male dominated institution that wants to take advantage of the Nuns as their serves. I admirer them much. They do not seem to mind working with the male dominated system just not being their slaves.


Theres a private catholic school started by nuns in my area. There aren’t too many private schools and its the only catholic. Its the most expensive school, somewhere around 17k a year, doesnt include everything either, AND you are required to go to a ceremony to give a 3000 “”gift” to the area’s bishop every year, per student.
Thats not a gift when its required to go to school there. Thats an elitist scam.


^^^ S M H ^^^

The bishop gets 3000 for each student. Don’t know number of class rooms or class size. Guessing ~250 students. = $750,000.

  • ONE school – $750,000.

Wonder how many schools, have required “gifts”.

Even IF I had kid(s) school age and could afford it…

  • FOAD, my voiced reply to the school AND bishop.
  • Greedy assholes.

I think thats about right. Its in an expensive suburb but it used to be rural. Not a huge school but what a racket.


Zero Scriptural authority for any of it.

Zero, zip, zilch, nada.

It is all of men.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

I’ve never heard of this before, and this town is still heavy on the private Catholic HS side. Do you know the order involved? Which nuns/sisters?


Hold on. The Sisters of the Company of Mary. It looks like, but im not sure, they switched to only high school in the past 2 years. Guess they couldnt keep enrollment up.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s not one of the big, old teaching orders. Must be local.


Ok. That i dont know. The diocese runs 2 counties and theyre both huge counties. Mr gil went to a catholic high school but i dont know who runs that one, and theyre a very full school.


That is to bad. Asking for a gift beside regular cost is outrageous. My daughter send her kid to a $56,000 a year school. I was floored but the schools were so bad even though she lives in a up scale neighborhood. Now she is paying for University.


The only people who afford these schools are the wealthy anymore. Kiddo went to private K and 1st. 750 a month and they charged extra for books and materials, require you to bring snacks for the entire classroom 1-2 x a month from their approved list, buying books for the class library, in school activities, and more. Guilt trips if you didnt participate. The 2nd grade materials requirements said the families had to buy 2 lego sets or other toys in addition.
I was treated nasty by them bc questioned their costs, unlike the wealthy families.
Mr gil thinks we should send him back there too.
I dont.


Yes they are ripping people off. I noticed people who did not have much money send their kids to the school and mom wore literally rags and daughter had to look nice. My husband would not have been able to send 3 kids to a school like that. They went to public school but we kept tap of what was taught and in High School my husband directed them in classes he had to take in NYC at the time. College was enough struggle and they came out with undergrad no loans.


Good for you though!


When my kids went to school in the mid seventies we did not have all the problems of today. Schools were still good and one could go college prep or not.


Social Credit Score, Vatican Style.

Enforce Francis’ edicts.


Pope needs money. There is another idea to take out all the money of the USA. There is a big cabal taking money out of this country the church still has. I know the Presbyterian churches on local level are rich where people left their money to the church. The Pope is taking out the money from the churches. Is that going to collapse the churches? I could be wrong.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, now that I think about it, this is a sign that the fiat system is going down. The central bankers used the Vatican as a storage facility for stolen gold. If all of that is being dismantled, and the gold really has been removed, the Vatican Bank is kaput, I would lay money.

Something is going on, that’s for sure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. My money is on banking system “stuff”.


“The central bankers used the Vatican as a storage facility for stolen gold.”


I give up 😂

How anyone could know these kinds of things — know them —and still be a member of that church, defies rational explanation.

Prove me wrong!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“defies rational explanation”

That’s SCIENCE, right there. Some truths defy rational explanation.

Should one be a member of a correct church that has leadership in error?

Tough question, but the answer could be “yes”!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

PS – this applies to the “church of true science” as well! Should we still play ball in science, even though the leaders are all out to lunch? There, there is even more rational reason to say “keep playing ball”, because we actually EXPECT the leadership to be wrong, and requiring overturning with time.


“Should one be a member of a correct church that has leadership in error?”


That is a very good question.

I will try to give an acceptable answer.

So first, how could a ‘correct’ church, of which Jesus Christ is the Head (cf. Ephesians 1:22, Ephesians 5:23, Colossians 1:18), be identified?

The only way I am aware of is to examine the church in question, and compare it directly — in organization, structure, leadership, doctrine, practice, belief, etc. — to the pattern and example of Christ’s church given in the New Testament.

If, after making such a direct comparison, it is determined that the church in question does not adhere to the pattern and example given in Scripture for Christ’s church, then how can it be the ‘correct’ church?

Why is it important?

Because we cannot save ourselves, and other men cannot save us either, only Christ is able to save.

The church is the body of believers, and Christ is the Head of the body, i.e., the church:

“Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.” (1 Corinthians 12:27, KJV)

“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” (Colossians 1:18, KJV)

Christ is the savior of the body, i.e., the church:

“For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.” (Ephesians 5:23, KJV)


So this raises an important question.

Is Christ the savior of any or every ‘body’ (church), or is Christ the savior of His ‘body’, i.e., His church?

Does Christ have multiple Heads for multiple bodies (churches)?

Or is it one?

“For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: [5] So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.” (Romans 12:4-5, KJV)

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.” (1 Colossians 12:12, KJV)

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; [5] One Lord, one faith, one baptism, [6] One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” (Ephesians 4:4-6, KJV)


So if there is one body of believers (the church), and one Head over that body — Christ — and He is the savior of the body

Then should we not be in the right body, the correct church, the one of which He is the savior?

Rationally, logically, coherently, if we hope to be saved, ought we not be members of the body, the church, of which Christ is the Head and savior?

If so, is it not likewise important to determine which body, which church, is His?

Is it not important to be a member of the body, of the church, which Jesus claims as His own, of which He is the savior?

If it is important, then it is important to be able to identify His church. How can we do that, with so many different churches in the world?

Can His church be identified by a feeling?

Can it be identified by way of our parents or grandparents having been members of a particular church, and so it must be the right one?

Can it be identified because anyone else affirms it or declares it to be so?

Or can we only know and be confident, in our own heart and mind, by comparing any church to the pattern and example of the Lord’s church given in the New Testament?

What higher Authority is there?

If the church in question is mostly according to the pattern and example given in Scripture, can the things which are not according to God’s Word be rectified or corrected? Is the leadership willing to take corrective action, rendering obedience unto God and His Word?

Hopefully, some will be willing to make correction.

If, after making such a comparison, it is determined that the church in question does adhere to the plan and design and example and template given in Scripture for Christ’s church, that is very good.

Which brings us to the original question: “Should one be a member of a correct church that has leadership in error?

I believe the answer is yes, so long as the error can be (and is) corrected.

If the leadership is in error, the Lord did not leave us in the lurch regarding what to do about it.

In the Lord’s church, according to God’s Word, anyone who would lead (i.e., elders, a.k.a. bishops) first must meet qualifications given by God in Scripture — including several which are not ‘judgment calls’ but objective, such as being a man, being the husband of one wife, and the father of a child or children (cf. Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7).

If men who are qualified according to God’s Word are willing and able to serve as elders (also called bishops), they are then chosen and appointed by the members of that congregation.

If the bishop (a.k.a. elder) begins doing something in error as a matter of doctrine or faith or practice, it is the responsibility of the members to take him aside and, with an open Bible, resolve the matter according to the Authority of God’s Word.

We have instruction in how to resolve disputes among the brethren:

“Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. [16] But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. [17] And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.” (Matthew 18:15-18, KJV)

“Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.” (2 Thessalonians 3:6, KJV, boldface mine)

We also have an example of a man having an affair with his father’s wife, in 1 Corinthians chapter 5, which ends with Paul saying:

“For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? [13] But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.” (1 Corinthians 5:12-13, KJV)

Later on we find out that this disciplinary action was successful, the man repented.

“Sufficient to such a man is this punishment, which was inflicted of many. [7] So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow. [8] Wherefore I beseech you that ye would confirm your love toward him. [9] For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things.” (2 Corinthians 2:6-9, KJV)

So we have pattern and example to deal with dispute or error or sin in the congregation.

Many of the books of the NT deal with error in various congregations of the Lord’s church, so if we are a member of Christ’s church, there may sometimes (maybe even frequently) be members or leadership who likewise fall into error of one kind or another.

When that error is recognized or becomes known to the congregation, as in any family, it must be dealt with, in accordance with the pattern and example given in God’s Word.

So the answer to the question is yes, we should be a member of a correct church (i.e., Christ’s church), even if that church may have leadership which from time to time may be in error — but if the leadership is in error, it cannot just be allowed to remain that way, the error (and the leadership in question) must be addressed and the error corrected.

If correction is attempted but the person does not repent, the person in question is to be withdrawn from, until they repent and are restored to the church.

This can never happen with a leader in a top-down human pyramid structure, because the people at the bottom of the pyramid have no power or authority over the man at the top of the pyramid. If the structure of the church is wrong, there is no way to make it right without fixing the structure.

So in a top-down pyramid structure, since the members are not equal to the leadership and possess no authority over the leadership (much less, authority to fix the structure), the leadership cannot be disciplined or corrected.

A church or congregation whose leadership is in error, and who remains in error, will eventually lead that congregation or church into apostasy.

We should not be a member of a church that has fallen away from the truth of God’s Word, and remains in error. See Revelation chapters 2 and 3, where five out of seven churches addressed directly by Christ were in error which was grievous enough to be in danger of having their candlesticks removed. They needed to make correction.

It was a very good question!

I believe the answer is yes, so long as the church is correct (i.e., matching the pattern and example given in Scripture), and so long as the leadership (in the original question) is not allowed to remain in error.


Oh, pgroup2, you’ve made me laugh so much.



luv ya

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

Actually, Steve, I’m not sure future science is going to discover the truth about much of anything the way it has become so corrupted and politicized. Most of what we get these days is Fake Science.


Well it seems to have survived it’s first test (Steve) of “is this poppy cock or not”.
Bodes well for the Science is Unsettled Team.
Hope you include updates on this subject as it seems rather important.


First, thank you for another great Saturday starter.
About “medical science is gone” — IMO, certainly, the “medical establishment”-type of science is severely compromised in many areas.
However, Yours Truly believes that there is some medical science that’s not gone, and perhaps is actually evolving — the medical science that’s slowly taking apart the “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective” diktat still being pushed by the CDC:

“Toxic, Metallic Compounds Found in All COVID Vaccine Samples Analyzed by German Scientists”

And the FLCCC website is updating quite regularly with their latest information and protocols regarding preventing and treating COVID-19 without using the “vaccines.”

Gail Combs

  :wpds_cool:   :toldyaso: 

Gail Combs

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California has a law that requires warning labels if a product contains things known to cause cancer. Wonder if the toxccines are in compliance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO(“toxccines”) =  😂  ;


Here’s the “official” FDA fact sheet for healthcare providers giving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, to persons 12 years old and older:
There is NO mention whatsoever of cancer risk on this 56-page document.
Page 20 of the fact sheet is where the “professionals information” starts. This is where the real skinny on the “vaccine” are presented. Page 42, for example, has the following:
“Booster Dose Following Vaccination with Another Authorized or Approved COVID-19 Vaccine”
“The safety of a Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine booster dose (30 mcg modRNA) in individuals who completed primary vaccination with another authorized or approved COVID-19 Vaccine (heterologous booster dose) is inferred from the safety of a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine booster dose administered following completion of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine primary series…” (bolding mine)
Translation: When the FDA stated that COVID-19 “booster shots” could be “mix and match”, and it was OK do to this, it appears they were just making it up.
Pages 44-45 refer to using BNT162b2 during pregnancy and lactation. The FDA actually states that no malformations were noted in the pregnant lab rats that were given BNT162b2 in the Pfizer-BioNTech “clinical testing” — but the real documents that the company gave to the FDA and are available at I Can Decide tell a different story. The FDA also doesn’t state that in the “clinical trials” of BNT162b2, at least 44% of the pregnant women who got the “vaccine” lost their babies.

Here’s the “official” FDA fact sheet for healthcare providers about the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273 (“SPIKEVAX”):

NO mention of the risk of cancer from getting mRNA-1273.
Page 24 of this 35-page document has “word salad” regarding the “booster shot” of mRNA-1273 — the ‘safety” of the “booster shot” is inferred if the person took the “primary series” of another mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccine.” (bolding mine)
Page 27 of the document talks about risk in pregnancy and lactation. The language about “no issues with the pregnant lab rats” who got mRNA-1273 is almost identical to that for BNT162b2.

Here’s the “official” FDA fact sheet for healthcare professionals about giving the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 “vaccine” (Janssen):

NO mention of cancer risk from getting this “vaccine.”
This 34-page document is honeycombed with warnings and statements about the heart problems reports, Guillain-Barre syndrome reports, and other reasons not to go near this “vaccine.”



Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It’s CA Proposition 65, passed way back in 1986. Now, just abouz everything is banned there. Except dope, drugs, vagrancy, grand theft, etc….


If you grill meat, the lines scorched by the grill are considered carcinogenic and must be disclosed as hazardous.


Only by the compliant.


Gail Combs

I keep thinking of that remark!

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking (or singing) of fuzzy science(s), here’s Tom Lehrer (to the tune of “Choreography” from “White Christmas”). He really skewers the fake schientists…


Pgroup, love you back.
Linda, I agree with you.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if Truedope’s shoes match his tie…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I recall a kid giving a report on continental drift, and the teacher basically “fact-checking” him afterwards. Wasn’t long before the kid was vindicated.


I had this series of 12 little posters that said, “What if the earth were…..”

One was toroidal, one was cubical, one was flat — and one was “Wegeneroidal”.

They were meant to be a bunch of crank possibilities to spur discussion.

Just a few years later, everything was continental drift.


“Just a few years later, everything was continental drift.”


It doesn’t really feel like we’re drifting, but if we’ve been drifting since we were born, that’s probably just because we’re used to it.


Speak for yourself. Growing up in California, I’ve constantly felt that we were drifting, with occasional “grunches” as things bind-up and release.


“Speak for yourself. Growing up in California, I’ve constantly felt that we were drifting, with occasional “grunches” as things bind-up and release.”


Hmm… sounds more like continental restless leg syndrome, than drifting…

Cuppa Covfefe

As Mae West said, “I used to be Snow White, but I drifted” 😀

Gail Combs

Try being inside a cave during an earthquake and actually SEEING the bedding planes MOVE.

Scariest time of my life.


When I was a kid, I thought spelunking was cool. Then I started getting nervous about that very possibility. After Loma Prieta, I was nervous going under overpasses.

Gail Combs

Actually I continued caving for several years after that,

Valerie Curren

My autistic son used to freak out when sounds changed under over pzsses, sometimes he’d get dizzy & sick on the spot!

Valerie Curren

I hate that on a tablet…sigh!

Valerie Curren

There’s story that Must be shared 😕😕😁😁😕😕


Yes… but it’s much more fun to cause people to do a double-take, and think to themselves “wait… what did he say?!?” 😂 🤣 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like fun! “What if….. TIME CUBE???!!!”


I can’t read “continental drift” without thinking of the Sid Shuffle. Big on Field Day. 😄




By which she means, democrats are the ‘Definition of Fascism’ (translated).

Everything is psychological projection.




As we said on the playground in third grade:

“Takes one to know one!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

And another playground classic, updated for (and to) Faust-Xi:

“Monkey see, Monkey do, Monkey Pox all over you”…..
(same goes to Gates and Scarf Tart as well)…..
(Pox Tart? )


Scarf Tart! Lol!

I’ll pass on the Cocks-Pox!


Wolf Moon
IMO, the “spokesperson” is giving the heads-up to one of the DNC / [DS] / WEF / Cabal ploys regarding the 2022 elections — “Republicans are Fascists. Vote Democrat.”

Last edited 1 year ago by RDS

Let’s just flip it, shall we?

“The current regime is fascist, vote REPUBLICAN!”


Methinks you’re on to something there.

Last edited 1 year ago by RDS
Gail Combs

Ya Think?

Maybe it has something to do with its NAZI connections…
Klaus Schwab
George Soros…

The ReichsWEF Part VKlausian Kommand Zentral


We now arrive at Klaus Schwab, the founder of the ReichsWEF. We will explore the man, his family and business connections, and the true intention behind his monstrosity, the World Economic Forum.

Klaus’ family was tied to nobility that maintained business partnerships dating back centuries. These families were involved with Swiss private banking, innovation during the industrial revolution, and the creation of an atomic bomb for the Nazis. Using the Red Cross, they also helped the Nazis wherever and whenever they could.

Klaus would maintain close ties with his family friends, eventually founding the World Economic Forum in the Swiss town where his namesake bought a huge parcel of land. The early years of the ReichsWEF received enormous support from Harvard, as well as an array of former Nazis, SS leaders, militant communists, fascists and accused satanic pedophiles.

The story also involves the destabilization of the world through nuclear proliferation, and the eventual acceptance of China’s communist slave labor to be part of global world trade. Today, Klaus’ ReichsWEF has transitioned towards Artificial Intelligence and an attempt to technologically enslave humanity; viewing people as nothing more than “hackable animals”.

This will be a bumpy and dark ride, but in the end there will be a shimmer of light. Provided, of course, by President Trump.

It is time to unveil the “horrible invisible enemy”.

Gail Combs


You ned to add a statement in the header.

Something to the effect that we are law abiding and make changes THRU ELECTIONS and are Constitutionally granted rights of Free Speech… and not thru violence of any kind.


Slight correction – our free speech rights come from our Creator and are guaranteed protection by the constitution.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I prefer to look to the Founders and not make any promises I cannot keep.

Every day I strive to practice non-violent civil disobedience, but there will come a point – if the other side chooses – where it’s slavery or war, and people will have to choose whether to accept slavery or fight physically for the future of their children.

The Founders were smarter and more moral than us, and eventually chose armed rebellion, when their arms (which protected their FREEDOM) were threatened. I will not make promises they did not. THIS is the balance where TRUTH sits, and where the APPEAL TO HEAVEN is made. When it becomes moral for many to choose to fight, I will not oppose their choice, even if I personally choose peace.

All truth-loving patriots are welcome here, including those who speak of war in the future. But those who advocate violence under present conditions are invited to “move along”, because this is not a place for their foolish plots and entrapments.


It’s a TWO-WAY street.

Note that the British COULD HAVE left PEACEFULLY after the Declaration of Independence.

Gail Combs



Yes… nor BY FORCE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a HUGE TRUTH that people are not seeing.

Gail Combs

One of the reasons they do not want REAL history taught.

It wasn’t until I saw an article saying that the Russian Tzar WARNED England and France if they attacked the exhausted USA after the Civil War, he would attack from the rear, that I understood the Civil War was NOT about slavery but about the European monarchs grabbing back control of the USA. (Remember the Northern Banksters were in the City of London’s pocket.)

Article is long gone by now of course.

Deplorable Patriot

And this goes for quite a number of topics, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. That is a beautiful thought.


S H A G G Y  🙃 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! “WUUUF WEEEF” as Scooby would say!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The only problem with nuking Davos is the collateral damage to the Swiss.


And we care about them because …???


Swiss… war profiteers of the first order.

Gail Combs

Much more than we realize.


We’re only beginning to peek under their carefully constructed facade.

Gail Combs

But once the rug is lifted the reveals go faster and faster.

Gail Combs

At this point it is looking like the Swiss harbor the Nazi infestation and have for decades.
The ReichsWEF Part V
Klausian Kommand Zentral



Klaus’s father, Eugen Schwab, eventually became the managing director of the Escher Wyss factory in Ravensburg. To fully understand Klaus Schwab and the ReichsWEF agenda, it is imperative to understand the history of Escher Wyss.




Not a lot is known about Salomon von Wyss, however a current Swiss billionaire by the name of Hansjorg Wyss has some very powerful connections. Hansjorg made his billions by selling his company, Synthes, to Johnson & Johnson. Walking the well-trodden path from billionaire to charitable donor, Wyss is now a fulltime philanthropist, donating to causes alongside George Soros: [He is a major donor to Shady Grooove’s Arabella Advisors]

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In accordance with Nazi principles, Escher Wyss used forced labor in their factory and maintained a camp on the premises for that same purpose. Since there were practically no Jews left in Ravensburg, the laborers would be sourced by other means:

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The contributions made by Escher Wyss to the Nazi cause were well known to the Allied Forces during WWII. The precursor to the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), documented the factory’s operations in detail. Flame throwers were produced; the Swiss branch were allowing German exports to be stored in their neutral country; the company was helping the Axis alliance with their energy needs. These details can all be found at the government archives site.12

Perhaps the most important contribution to the war effort, however, was Escher Wyss’ work on producing an atomic bomb for the Nazis….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not seeing a problem with smoked Swiss.  🧀 

Gail Combs

OH YUMmmmmm.

Hubby’s favorite (we have more than one wedge in stock)
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff!!!

Sadie Slays

This glows so much that I’m compelled to comment on it.

How ‘swatting’ site Kiwi Farms has created a bizarre alliance between MAGA’s Marjorie Taylor Greene and transgender activists

tl;dr: Kiwi Farms is very, very good at investigating and doxxing people. Good enough that they were probably interfering with intelligence agency psy-ops and Mockingbirds, and thus this sophisticated campaign to get the site shut down. This is what the Kiwi Farms owner wrote before the site went down:

This is a recurrent threat and not random happenstance. I can handle men in drag screaming about us. I am not sure I can handle this. There is a person – or group of people – committing serious felonies almost every day using sophisticated masks in an effort to draw fire on us. I can’t stop it, the Government can’t stop it, and the victims don’t care about the truth. The Twitter mob will take any problem and opportunistically use it against us. Congresswoman Greene did not take one second to think about threats attributed to the forum before accepting them as true and demanding we be shut down by force of law on television.

At this moment, nobody is talking to us. None of our service providers are answering emails. Congresswoman Greene, her staffers, and the police have not reached out. This extortion racket is being pulled off successfully. I worry that those parties now believe we should be sacrificed just to get this threat to stop. It is probably easier for the powers-that-be to kill the site than it is for the police to find and stop whoever is doing this.

Our recent downtime has not been due to a DDoS attack. Upstream service is faltering randomly and I can’t get anyone to explain why. The DDoS attack from the troon squad has been mitigated since it started on Friday. The outages seem completely unrelated.


[Now for some random background information. The last time I mentioned Kiwi Farms here was in August 2021. This was when internet celebrity Chris Chan had been arrested for committing incest with his elderly mother, and further investigating by Kiwi Farms revealed that a daughter of a Navy Seal and Secret Service psychologist goaded him into it as part of a blackmail plot. Kiwi Farms was cyber attacked and down for awhile after the glowie connections came out. 

Fast forward to August 2022. The lawyer who defended the DC sniper is appointed Chris Chan’s public defender in court (how convenient), and the court records of the whole sordid incest case are sealed. About a week after the court hearing, this whole Kiwi Farms swatting thing blows up in the news. Allegedly, some random person claiming to be a member of Kiwi Farms swatted MTG. More likely, I think the glowies did the swatting, falsely blamed Kiwi Farms, and are trying to get the site shut down again as part of a clean up crew/removing a threat to their operations.]

Last edited 1 year ago by Sadie Slays


Deplorable Patriot

He was one smart, funny man.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Almost the definition of quick-witted!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

They missed one of the funniest (IMHO), about Jackie Gleason, who was know to believe in UFOs:

Peter Marshall: He knows they are there, he’s certain that he’s seen them.
What are they?

Paul Lynde: His feet…

Peter Marshall was from West-by-God, and probably went to school with some of my kinfolk way, way, waaayyy back when. He made a good move going to New York, but sad what brought it about…

That vid brings back the 1970s in LOUD, LIVING (dare I say, LIVID) COLOR. Watch out for blooming (they even had a control for it on the old TV sets). Even the black and white “fashions” were a trip (catch all of those suit coats)…..

Ahhh, those were the days…

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC, Gleason had a house built to look like a flying saucer.

Did a search; found it:


Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

Yep… I believe we featured it here once long ago.


Robert A. Heinlein had a self-designed and constructed round house, considerably less ornate, in the hills between San Jose and Santa Cruz (Bonny Doon).


Brave and Free

Well I guess he’s finally figured this out, 🤔
Better late than never as they say, can’t figure where he’s going with this. This is old news, anyone with any sense knows this.



I’m just going to state here, for the record; all the people here that I’ve read for years, and myself, advocate for proper arrest, trial, and punishment of wrong-doers.

We DO NOT advocate violence, or any kind of criminal activity, EVER.

I get that people get angry, and write angry words. But no words written here advocate for violence.

Gail Combs

And that is why I want it in the header.

Most of us are pretty careful but we do get angry. ‘Fightin’ Words’ are a method of blowing off steam. They are a safety valve that helps PREVENT VIOLENCE.

HOWEVER I want the FIB to KNOW we are law abiding and Wolfie is strict about that.

I expect the Deep State to escalate and try for a FF, arrests… as we head into election system.


I would say that’s a good possibility.

I have to say, I have seen some comments even OT that are really borderline. And I’d bet good money that there are Feebles on that site.

Gail Combs


The Deep State is just ITCHING to have an excuse to shut down ALL the alternate media that they can. That is why the warning is going out ALL OVER. I have seen it multiple times in the last few days.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am keeping a strong watch over FEEBS trying to get in here. The impersonation attacks are impressive. Their goal is obviously to be able to put “fighting words” in the mouths of the regulars here.

Save a screenshot of this comment. Bookmark it – save the text.

Obviously an Obama judge won’t allow its use in defense, but every crime they commit condemns them in the end.

Cuppa Covfefe

There are “Barrow Wights” showing up all over, including here, in “Beautiful Downtown Deutschland” (to paraphrase Johnny Carson talking about Burbank).

Seems the normies waking up have surprised TPTB.

And Habeck’s Hitlerian Hauberk is both borked and berked (in the UK sense of the word)…..


I have, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not going in the header – it’s cowardly and defensive.

At some point this site will be shut down for speaking the Truth. I will not retreat one MICRON from the Truth, and the truth is, these murderous bastards are capable of crimes that demand resistance – in fact, far beyond what the Founders experienced.

Right now, we are peaceful, but you and I can easily imagine conditions where no righteous American could stand by and allow such crimes to happen.

Imagine your neighbor’s kids being dragged from their homes to be “vaccinated” and sterilized – or even microchipped. Will you stand by and allow it to happen?

I will not make promises I cannot keep.

I suspect that we may still be advocating peace when most of America is screaming for rebellion, but at some point, if these monsters keep it up, we will have to admit that we cannot go on collaborating with evil.

Do not be one of the ones who cries peace, peace, when there is no peace.

But for the moment, yes. Peaceful resistance is both working and the proper moral choice.

We are down to the First and Second Amendments at each other’s backs. Beware of calls to limit either. It’s a TRAP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is no need for violence now, nor is there in the immediately foreseeable future, as far as I can see.

HOWEVER – I will not place myself as wiser than the Founders, who found at some point that the oppression was intolerable without rebellion.

GOD will direct us, and right now, peaceful resistance is the obvious path.

I must speak the truth – not cloak myself in sweet defensive lies.


I think we do it like Rosa Parks.

Just sit down and refuse to get up!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obviously the first step.

Just remember – we were thinking such thoughts, and what did they do?

They threw COVID at us – where “sitting down and refusing to get up” played right into their scheme. People had to GO OUT and BUY THINGS to protest their plot.

We are up against intelligent evil. I saw that on January Sixth.

These communists have every tool the Devil can give them.


We are up against intelligent evil. I saw that on January Sixth.

These communists have every tool the Devil can give them.

^^^ Includes the ENTIRE USG AND many states / blue cities..


Oh, I don’t mean don’t buy things to take care of yourself, or do anything that would be harmful to you.

What I mean is quit doing anything that benefits them.

If you are a mechanic, be too busy to fix a Prius. If you are a plumber, of course do work for your Christian neighbor. Whatever you do, do it for our side. But nothing at all for them. They can’t MAKE you work for them. But be smart about it. Be too busy.

No Demoncrat Congress-critter should ever be able to get a Conservative electrician to wire their house. Why would a Conservative do that? Money, the love of which is the root of all evil?

We have to get smart. The hoity-toity, so-called educated, high-toned pricks that are the elite need to be left to figure out how to make it without US. And they can’t, because most of them can’t DO anything.


We have to get smart. The hoity-toity, so-called educated, high-toned pricks that are the elite need to be left to figure out how to make it without US. And they can’t, because most of them can’t DO anything.

^^^ THIS ^^^



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah. Good stuff.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think he’s making a good point.

Let the regime keep making mistakes.

Brave and Free
Last edited 1 year ago by Brave and Free

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Gail Combs

Yesterday there was a discussion about Melania’s clothes and the FIB and whether there would be video of the FIB doing the panty raid….

JustHuman on PatelPatriot’s Power hour, first brings up the fact that Trump was probably a FIB confidential source when they brought down the mob in the 1980s. (@42 min) Then he brings attention to the search warrant, Doc 17 ( gil00 min  🙃 ) it is signed On 8/05/22 at 12:12 PM and then there is a ‘Truth’ by Dan Scavino, of a door with the number 45 posted 8/05/22 at 47 minutes past midnight…. This was almost SIX HOURS BEFORE the warrant was on the judge’s desk….

Coms that 45’s door would be breached? POTUS would be #47?


If Scavino had foreknowledge, POTUS certainly did so YEAH I could see an EMPTY SAFE (remember they brought a safe cracker) and camera’s in the bedroom.

Remember that the Fake News was camped out in front of Roger Stone’s door to catch and broadcast his humiliation?

@ 47:30

JustHuman asks, “who was it that told the world that the raid had happened?”

Jon shakes head.

Patrick pipes up, “I thought it was Donald Trump.”

JustHuman says “That’s right. He told them about an hour after they left. WHICH ROBBED THE MEDIA of the opportunity they have been dreaming of for 6, 7 years…. There was an opportunity for the media to be stationed outside of Mar-a-Lago and get an entire days full of video of FBI agents going in and out.”

Jon brings up the media stationed out side Roger Stone’s home BEFORE the FBI shows up. “how did that not happen with this?”

JustHuman: EXACTLY, how were there no leaks of this raid to the media? I think that tells you who was in control and who was behind this raid.
If the Deep State was in control and behind this raid, there would have been leaks. If the Biden White House was behind this raid and intimately involved with it and aware of it before it happened, you would have had the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, NBC all would have been out there at 5 am before the FBI arrived.

Jon: This whole thing has been about the optics…

The hole in the logic:
The Media might not have been tipped off because they DID NOT WANT Mar-a-Lago to have ANY warning. Trump would have PRIVATE SECURITY who would have noted the Media and done something ASAP. If that is why the Media was not tipped of, then what they were hunting for was MORE IMPORTANT TO THEM THAN THE OPTICS….

It could be someone tipped off Trump AND the DEEP STATE was more concerned with the evidence they wanted to confiscate than optics. That is why they requested for 6 weeks video. The FIB KNEW WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING FOR and spent nine hours looking for it, even going thru Melania’s panties BECAUSE THEY COULD NOT FIND IT.

I would also hazard a guess it is something THEY ARE NOT LEGALLY ALLOWED TO HAVE… Hence the raid.


100% agree, Gail. Desperation. We are nearing the end IMO. 45 is toying with them.

I brought up the CI operation under Rudy awhile back. It was during the mob take down period. Who do you think was on the take and had their dark money revenue stream cut?

When people say great things about the people of NYC, I get the …


Yeah, there are good people everywhere. But that system is corrupted beyond repair and supposedly good people are doing things that are corrupt everyday and pretending not to know they are in the middle of it. Same with DC. Both can be swallowed into the Atlantic Ocean for all I care. Rescue the children.

Last edited 1 year ago by TradeBait2

I have a cat that catches field mice so he can play with them. DJT is doing the same thing with his enemies prey but I never sent him videos of my cat with a mouse. So you can’t blame me.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

There is more discussion and it is brought up that the boxes confiscated are the boxes containing UNCLASSIFIED documents not only on Russiagate BUT the Hitlary Clinton’s destruction of her miss handling of classified material

Jon mentions we have never seen this declassified material and JustHuman say, that is because it is being used in Grand Jury trials. ( admin hour)

FWIW, the Real Kash Patel has a site where he is putting up the material as it is released to the public.

More really interesting discussion from the 1 hour time stamp. (I get the feeling JustHuman is a lawyer or a really good researcher.)

His Telegram channel is also good: https://t.me/s/realjust_human

Funny I can actually SEE and SCROLL thr that channel. For the last several months I have not been able to.

A couple of interest:

Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️



Kash: After defeating Russia Gate, Ukraine, Impeachment, Bounty Gaye, Jan 6, and the Mar-A-Lago raid: Vaccine Gate- let the lies begin:

Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds



Kash: After defeating Russia Gate, Ukraine, Impeachment, Bounty Gaye, Jan 6, and the Mar-A-Lago raid: Vaccine Gate- let the lies begin:

Trump White House exerted pressure on FDA for Covid-19 emergency use authorizations, House report finds



New John Durham Special Council prosecutor, Adam Small, has a flare for organized crime.

Small is a Federal Trial Attorney with experience prosecuting Espionage Act, trade secret/economic espionage, sanctions/export control, FARA, wire fraud, money laundering, cyber, and RICO offenses. This includes coordinating and supervise investigations of unauthorized disclosures of classified information.


Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)

1.8 million Americans who volunteered to participate in local elections in their counties all had their personal info stored on a server in China, data which under Chinese Law belongs to the CCP.

I’m not talking just about their names, pictures, addresses, names of their kids, etc.

I mean down to the schematics and detailed maps of the buildings they worked in and more.

The CCP has an incredible amount of information stored about these election workers and their families that it has been using for more than a few years now in order to learn everything their is to know about how local elections are being run inside the United States.

Given that – despite over 40 years of deliberate propaganda to the contrary – the CCP is a hostile foreign regime, the things they could do with this amount of breathtaking detail is, to be polite, problematic.

Many years ago the CCP realized it could never defeat the United States in a direct military conflict involving land/air/sea conventional forces. And so the regime in Beijing pursued an unconventional specialized warfare against the US that involved a massive level of infiltration and appropriation.

And paving the way for this infiltration and appropriation of key US national defense infrastructure was a political class all to eager to sell out their country in exchange for wealth and favors from China.

If one could subsume and take over and corrupt the greater foreign power from within, there’s no need for a massive bloody conventional war.

For many years it was sold to the American people that we were ‘changing’ and ‘softening’ the CCP regime by engaging with it, trading with it, shipping key US national security infrastructure to China.

Well…surprise…that wasn’t what was really happening.

What was happening was we were being massively infiltrated and had become the targets of CCP infiltration/influence operations simply staggering in their scope and depth.

Far from influencing China, China was influencing us.

Gaining control of the US government at the federal [and many state/local levels as well] took decades of careful maneuvering and bribery, blackmail and iron-fisted arm twisting behind the scenes.

And the influence operations don’t chiefly involve bribing formerly honest politicians to look the other way. They moved past that stage long ago.

By the 1990’s they were handpicking the candidates for us all because they had become fully immersed within the US election systems at all levels by that point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent assessment of reality.

Gail Combs

Remember the Harry Reid Black Eye during the BLM move to takeover the Bundy Ranch. A plan that FAILED?

Is Harry Reid Behind the BLM Siege On The Bundy Ranch?

The Bureau of Land Management, whose Director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations…

Turns out the BLM was doing this on a regular basis and then selling the land to Reid’s family members for a dollar.

I found that info long ago. Someone actually went and looked up the PHYSICAL Register of Deeds records.

Gail Combs

OH, I forgot to mention. It was a CHINESE Solar Power Station. Obama was handing out grants left and right back then and China wanted in on the deal.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if they’re trying to reveal stuff in order to “poison” the grand juries?????


FL LE (DeSantis) give Trump heads up?

60 days, 6 weeks, OR really 6 hours of video. <<< Latter IS the focus.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Interesting combination of numbers…


Oh. Ooohh.   :wpds_shock:  I see. Yea, coincidence. NOT that other 6 stuff.   :wpds_evil: 

Have read 60 days of video requested. Saw, I think up thread or somewhere today, 6 weeks. In Gail’s post, 6 hours was cited.


Fascinating Patel Patriot at the link in Gail’s post.

Pick up somewhere at the 20 minute mark. To get past the time killer music, useless filler…

Jon’s discussion with Patrick Gunnel and Just Human.

  • As Gail posted, Mara Lago raid is quite likely NOT what we believed.
  • >>>Precedent SET for raiding hildabeast, hussein, slick willy… For that matter Baby Bush.

>>> Thinking out loud, so to speak.

  • Besides I believe everything above. ^^^
  1. Does Mara Lago raid, have DISCREET Bull Durham Special Prosecutor, finger prints on it
  2. Has the Ground work been laid for MOAR raids/
  3. Raid on hildabeast?
  4. Raid on BiteME VP papers stashed away? In DE?
  5. Raid on hussein?
  6. An ULTRA October Surprise?

I’ve largely written off Bull Durham as another Retired Governemnt employee collecting a salary.

Yea, HOPIUM reigns with me at the moment.

BUT, after listening to Patel Patriot (Jon), seeing the documents they showed in the video, Mara Lago Raid AIN’T what it was portrayed as.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is squaring off with real bad guys, IMO. They use real lawfare, and impose real consequences with real FBI guns.

The ideas that this is all a big show – that may be philosophically and theologically true, but as a practical matter, no. The system is REALLY corrupt, and the corruption is more or less in control. We are bringing real harm to that control, but THEY are in control. We have long-range advantage, but THEY are evading, and doing a lot of damage in the process.

Gail Combs


On Fourth Generation Warfare – The Mackenzie Institute

‘Fourth Generation Warfare’ is a case in point: The original article was written by William Lind, Col. Keith Nightengale, Capt. John Schmitt, Col. Joseph Sutton & LCol. Gary Wilson for a 1989 Marine Corps Gazette article “The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation.” It was a thought provoking and widely read article

Cuppa Covfefe

If there had been a glitterbomb and four or five phones in that safe, recording video, that would have been epic….

All sorts of glitter, glue, garlic, etc., stuck on the perps…

For they are no better than folks who steal packages and mail from ordinary citizens,,,
Indeed, they are worse…

Gail Combs

OH Would I have LOVED to have seen that!


Good Morning all you Deplorables …

Wishing you a hopeful day …

some quiet respite along the way …

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^^^ Path leading to one a, Wheatie Tree House. ^^^

A beautiful morning, just got better.

Thank you!


You’re welcome … and thanks for memories of treehouses … now my morning got better!

Gail Combs

This is actually in Asheville North Carolina!

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Looks like it’s supported on chopped off trees, now that they’re dead wonder how long it will be before they start rotting.


Yes I see what you’re saying now, they’ve made the roof fit round one of the trees which is almost hidden by the shape of the wall.
I need to be more observant 🙂

Gail Combs

RAC & Steve,

A look inside Serenity Treehouse — 25 photos

Cuppa Covfefe

This one’s probably in West Virginia 😆

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When I was working as an editor of a magazine for railroad buffs, I was tasked with cataloging a huge group of old photos. That’s when I discovered that way back in the day, when they were logging HUGE trees, they would build houses in the stumps.

Tree houses:

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I just love them.

Last edited 1 year ago by Aubergine

Wow. ^^^ That IS SMART improvising and pretty cool.


Some of them are really cute.

Cuppa Covfefe

Trains? Classic Trains? 🙂

There are pictures of loggers, logging camps, and various living quarters of the days when the giant redwoods, in particular the Sequoias were being logged.

The largest of all are no longer revealed, either in size or location, except that they are somewhat larger and taller than any currently recorded. What a wonder it must be to be around such huge trees. I just wish I had some here, but the fambly might have, erm, problems with that 🙂


I’ve been close to redwoods and Sequoias. They are magnificent.


We have a redwood a couple of doors down that was probably planted as a 12-18″ sapling when the houses were built, in 1955. It’s only about 60-70 feet high.


This wonderful post was found at the Saker:


A message for Europeans

“A true story. I’m an Austrian-born resident of the United States, still have enough of an accent to mark me as foreign born and have seen many changes here in the last twenty years.

This week I met a woman from southeast Asia probably ten or fifteen years my junior, well educated and fluent in the English language. In the course of our conversation she asked me where I was from and I told her I was born in Europe. Her response was that she always wanted to visit Russia but given all the troubles in Ukraine was unsure she would ever have the opportunity.

Do you comprehend what she said? This woman, when told I was from Europe, thought of Russia. Not Germany, not France, not the UK. Russia. Ergo, to her Europe IS Russia.
I did not have the opportunity to explore this with her, but later my daughter explained to me that Russia is half of Europe, younger people understand that and it is natural to associate the largest component with the whole. This is alien to my way of thinking, but apparently not to others. I am somewhat relieved that my American friends still make the distinction, but only just.

When I challenged my daughter, she asked me in turn “in what language does Europe dream?” I told her there were multiple languages, and perhaps English as it has been so widespread. Her response unsettled me. “In what language does the majority of Europe dream?”

My daughter does not make a distinction between a majority and a plurality, but I do. And I know the answer to her question, even if I do not wish to say it out loud. I am wondering how many in the west and center of Europe know, or have ever thought of such things, or if it will be their children who will be the ones to say so out loud.”

Cuppa Covfefe

I think the story to that is much more complicated than that woman or her daughter know.
Russia may have an enormous land mass (as does RED China), but Russia has always been somewhat separate from the rest of Europe.

It might be worth noting that since Brexit, packaging (e.g. food boxes) no longer has English on it, yet the other 22 or so languages (or a large portion of them) are represented. (Yep, it’s a right mess)…

Quick start guides for appliances, printers, routers, etc. are all but incomprehensible due to the multitude of languages that must be included… English might have been the hope for the globalists, but French now seems to be the ascendant lingua fraca…


Verse of the Day for Saturday, August 27, 2022

“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” 

John 13:35 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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French Electricity Price Exceeds 1,000 EUROS for First Time



click the link – it’s an image, I can’t bring.

Image is from Bloomberg … info is there


1000 euro per MWh most likely. Usually, the prices of electrical energy in trade between the various countries is denoted in euro/MWh. The spot prices vary all the time, but have been going up even more in the last week or so.

So 1000 euro/MWh = 1 euro/kWh, which since the US$ and the euro is comparable in size, this is like 1 $/kWh. Which is really expensive any way one looks at it.


There will be deaths. I think its intentional.


There are serious concerns in Britain right now, from what I see.

It is all the green bullshit. Some of the politicians are excusing it with the war in Ukraine, but the prices started rising before that began, they started rising at the end of 2011, slowly at first now seemingly all at once.

Intentional? maybe, seeing WEF and their view of humans as interchangable economic entities, and their idea that there are too many of these. They must have forgot that not everybody are, in fact hardly anybody is, this kind of interchangable machine parts.

Meanwhile inflation soars driven by the energy prices; then the tone-deaf central bankers see the inflation and cranks up interest rates. As if there is much left to spend on luxuries. Taxes and fees are rising as well because everything is getting so expensive.

And the politicians are hemming and hawing and wringing their hands and saying they are going to consider and estimate and so on and so forth. They must have forgot that their job is to do what is best for their country, and not what the WEF or EU tells them to do. Or they are caught partying, see Boris Johnson, or the Finnish prime minister acting as if stuck in some kind of teenage wasteland.

It may go on longer than I or anyone can stay solvent… but it will eventually break, as certain as concrete under stretching tension will.


These politicians are playing w fire and if the people are enraged they wont be safe, even their families, when they starve and freeze people. I do not understand how even they dont see that. Only the absolutely top elites can hide, dt old money and connections.

Gail Combs

And ONLY if they hot footed for New Zealand.




They think you are STUPID.

They think you will follow the STARS.

They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.





Gail Combs

There will be deaths. I think its intentional.

There already have been deaths….

2014 YES almost a decade ago…

Nov 12, 2014 Elderly person dies every SEVEN minutes due to fuel poverty ‘scandal’

MILLIONS of pensioners are worried they will not be able to stay warm this winter as latest figures show an elderly person dies every seven minutes from the effects of cold.

Elderly person dies every SEVEN minutes due to fuel poverty ‘scandal’

MILLIONS of pensioners are worried they will not be able to stay warm this winter as latest figures show an elderly person dies every seven minutes from the effects of cold.

A third of elderly people are worried about how they will heat their homes this winter

Every winter, 25,000 older people in England and Wales do not survive the bitter weather – 206 deaths a day.

Those living in the coldest homes figure most in the excess winter death rates and illness statistics, according to Age UK.

Yet 3.5 million fear they will not be able to afford their heating bill.

Soaring energy bills is one of the main concerns over the winter months for around five million over-65s, found the report out today.

A third are worried about how they will pay to heat their homes while 70 per cent have fears over the high cost of energy…..

The scandal of Britain’s fuel poverty deaths

Thousands of people die each winter in the UK as a result of being unable to heat their homes. Are we doing enough to help them?

That’s from the Guardian – the last possible paper you can accuse of being Right wing propaganda.

The Fabians in the UK have been killing off the elderly in various ways for YEARS!


They want a lot this year, more than ever.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That’s on the bulk exchange market for ‘leccy, and gas is just as much of a mess. But the rates are volatile, and a lot of skulduggery, erm, profit-taking is taking place. France isn’t helping (probably due to Macaroon) as they have a number of reactors down (they say) for maintenance…

All they’d need to do is keep the three currently running reactors online, and maybe add a few of the mothballed ones as they can bring them up. The Green idiocy of taking coal and natural gas plants offline is killing Germany to the point that some industries are considering leaving Germany entirely… somewhere I read that BASF was looking at shutting seven plants along the Rhine…

The Greens REALLY do want to de-industrialize Germany…

Cuppa Covfefe

The ‘leccy and gas companies charge a monthly estimated rate, which has been revised a few times this year (VERY unusual). This is deducted automatically from one’s bank account, and, should the estimated deduction be too small, there will be a surprise at the end of the BILLING (not calendar) year, for me, in February. Of course, if the deduction is too high, there will be a surplus refunded (which has been the case for us the last four or five years).

Those who will face “sticker shock” are renters, who have to deal with a “Nebenkostenabrechnung” (Ancillary cost billing) which covers heating (gas) and sometimes electricity, water, garbage, various forms of insurance, and other miscellaneous fees. If the landlord (vermieter) hasn’t billed enough each month, there will be a large bill, though 1000 sounds a tad excessive.

Having said that, we (as landlords (mini)) have been told we must notify our renters of the upcoming increased expenses (no one in their right mind would not be expecting this). The new energy regulations also say we must prepare an itemized energy/etc. usage report EACH MONTH for our renter(s). Makes sense for the HUGE apartment blocks in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, München, and Berlin; for the small-time landlords, it’s an oppressive, draconian kommand. With a relatively large expense.
Just dropped 15K euro a couple of years ago for a mandated new furnace (artificial business boost), now we may need to drop another 3-5K to modify the furnace to have another, separate circuit for our renter. What a load. Would be cheaper just to, erm, encourage the renter to move elsewhere, except the rental market, even here, is absolutely off the charts.

For reference, we’ll be paying probably 200 Euro more per month for gas and electricity, thanks to that idiot Habeck….. for September-December… renter will probably have to cough up 60 Euros per month…


Speaking of SPIKING electric bills. My Northern NV electric bill

Weather the same – hot.

Same billing period July into August. Always bills ~22nd of month.

2016 $154
2017 $158 +$4
2018 $182 +24
2019 $167 -$15
2020 $179 +$12
2021 $198 +$19
2022 $259 +$61 >30% Increase year over year 2021-2022

Couple neighbors also bitching. We’ve been watching monthly bill, spiraling past ~year.

Gail Combs

Veteran gardeners warn novices about planting one type of herb because it can take over your garden and become very very hard to get rid if.


There is
And even Chocolate mint


Govern Mint!

Gail Combs

What Chocolate Mint (Mentha × piperita f. citrata ‘Chocolate’)?

Chocolate mint, a peppermint relative, is an oddball: The “Chocolate” in its name comes from its smell, not its taste. Its taste is actually orangey.

I LIKE Chocolate and ‘Orange Man Bad’  😁  And I used to grow Chocolate mint.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_lol: 


Good on Lamb. I have mints but keep them in a pot. Have some in mint family on the hill and happy it is there.

Gail Combs

I have a large supply of mint jelly to go with the lamb and goat in the freezer….


Yes that is so good 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

And then there was the Franklin Mint 🙂

Gail Combs

STOLEN FROM JustHuman’s Telegram

Just Human ️️️

Forwarded from 

Where We Go 1 We Go All

Theres a feeling in the air like many top right wing Influencers/Pundits/Journalists/Politicians etc, are gearing up to Turn on President Trump. Alex Jones was the indicator.

They will use the Pandemic as their “in” while conviently forgetting that Trump didnt thrust this upon us, his enemies did (see Event201)

And sometimes during crisis there are no right answers, only mitigating damage…

Whoever turns on Trump will reveal themselves as a deep state plant.

We’ve watched them reveal themselves in waves. Each year there’s a new group who’ve clearly gotten their orders to blow their cover and try and sway as many of their followers as possible.

The final wave is coming. With some of the biggest names in the business. They have no choice. The fact that they held Alex Jones back for this long means they didn’t want to burn these assets. But we’ve grown regardless. It’s their only hope. Don’t fall for it.

Ann Coulter comes to mind from yesterday.

Tucker Carlson up to bat?
Tucker is NOW addressing the Clot Shot. Will he later, closer to the election, FINGER TRUMP FOR AUTHORIZING IT?

At this point I do not care PERIOD.
WE have to VOTE and we have to VOTE REPUBLICAN.

Just Human ️️️

Forwarded from 

Where We Go 1 We Go All

You only know what HCQ is BECAUSE of Trump.

You only were skeptical of the mRNA shot BECAUSE of the Truth movement his Q Team spawned.

If not for these things we would’ve all gotten it like we get a tetanus shot.

Think Logically.


No, we only knew about HCQ because of Dr. Zev. Let’s be accurate. I don’t like our side rewriting history either.

Edit: That wasn’t meant for you, Gail, but for Just Human.

Last edited 1 year ago by Linda
Gail Combs

“…we only knew about HCQ because of Dr. Zev….” True but POTUS took it when Dr Z handed it to him and ran with it and then got SMACKED DOWN by FauXi inc.

Detroit Free Press – Thursday
Henry Ford doctor, Trump White House tried to pressure FDA into hydroxychloroquine use

Dr. William O’Neill, a star Henry Ford Health cardiologist and medical director, collaborated with Trump White House officials in the summer of 2020 to pressure the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to reverse its stance on hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment, newly released documents show. 

Play Video [Video is missing maybe this


FDA: Hydroxychloroquine isn’t safe or effective in treating, preventing COVID-19

View on Watch 

The documents, made public Wednesday in a report from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, showed that O’Neill worked with senior advisers inside the White House to influence the FDA, in a failed appeal for it to reauthorize hydroxychloroquine even after the agency found the drug was ineffective against COVID-19 and might cause dangerous heart arrhythmias. 

After federal regulators revoked the authorization of hydroxychloroquine, documents suggest O’Neill continued to prescribe it off-label to COVID-19 patients. In an email message to his White House contacts, he urged them to help doctors and researchers who “need cover” as they continued to prescribe it….


Thank you 🙂


I seem to recall that we had good sources of HCQ info here before Dr. Zev (bless his memory) got his recommendation to PDJT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. It was the combination of HCQ and Azithromycin that Prof. Didier Raoult discovered, that was remarkably effective. Early research.

Trump picked it up later, around the same time as the DNC “fish tank cleaner” media op using chloroquine, in which a DNC activist basically killed her husband with chloroquine and blamed it on Trump.

Nicely explained by the DEPOP THEORY (as in, “we’re all gonna hang from nooses”).



Gail Combs

Nicely explained by the DEPOP THEORY…”

It ALSO explains the 3 mile Island SABOTAGE in 1979 and the Anti-Nuke hysteria from the Left.

It was a great 2-fer. The Rockefellers et al got to charge MAJOR $$$ for petroleum all the while they were screaming about CO2 and Gore-BullSchiff Warming.

Gore-BullSchiff Warming ==> Population crisis SCARE ==> DePop…

You can not have CO2 Hysteria WITHOUT the Anti-Nuke hysteria.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



What’s really cool. QTreepers were all over this stuff.

History archived at the QTree!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Here’s one:

“The people and the discussion here on the Q Tree saved lives.”

Gail Combs




Yes, you!


Virtually guaranteed.





Gail Combs


From my notes:
The date was 4/10/2020 for his NEW results.

Didier Raoult published new results of 1,061 coronavirus patients treated using hyroxychloroquine with 91% success rate





In a recent survey, most physicians worldwide considered that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) are the two most effective drugs among available molecules against COVID-19. Nevertheless, to date, one preliminary clinical trial only has demonstrated its efficacy on the viral load. Additionally, a clinical study including 80 patients was published, and in vitro efficiency of this association was demonstrated….

 From March 3rd to April 9th, 2020, 59,655 specimens from 38,617 patients were tested for COVID-19 by PCR. Of the 3,165 positive patients placed in the care of our institute, 1061 previously unpublished patients met our inclusion criteria. Their mean age was 43.6 years old and 492 were male (46.4%). No cardiac toxicity was observed. A good clinical outcome and virological cure was obtained in 973 patients within 10 days (91.7%). Prolonged viral carriage at completion of treatment was observed in 47 patients (4.4%) and was associated to a higher viral load at diagnosis (p < 10-2 ) but viral culture was negative at day 10 and all but one were PCR-cleared at day 15. A poor outcome was observed for 46 patients (4.3%); 10 were transferred to intensive care units, 5 patients died (0.47%) (74-95 years old) and 31 required 10 days of hospitalization or more. Among this group, 25 patients are now cured and 16 are still hospitalized (98% of patients cured so far). Poor clinical outcome was significantly associated to older age (OR 1.11), initial higher severity (OR 10.05) and low 2 hydroxychloroquine serum concentration. In addition, both poor clinical and virological outcomes were associated to the use of selective beta-blocking agents and angiotensin II receptor blockers (P<0.05). Mortality was significantly lower in patients who had received > 3 days of HCQ-AZ than in patients treated with other regimens both at IHU and in all Marseille public hospitals (p< 10-2 ). 


 The HCQ-AZ combination, when started immediately after diagnosis, is a safe and efficient treatment for COVID-19, with a mortality rate of 0.5%, in elderly patients. It avoids worsening and clears virus persistence and contagiosity in most cases.


After reading that again and know what we now know, these BASTARDS REALLY DO NEED TO BE TRIED AND CONVICTED OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!

Gail Combs

I should find and check Dr Navarro’s book Trump Time about the actual goings on with the task force. (Now we know why he wrote it and got it in print so fast BEFORE the Pig-Louse Wrap-Up Smear)


Pence’s ex-chief of staff Marc Short says there would have been a …

Jul 26, 2022

Short was with Pence at the Capitol after the vice president had to halt the election certification. Marc Short, a former chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, said during a Monday interview that he believed there would have been a “massacre” on January 6, 2021, if the rioters who breached the US Capitol that day had gotten closer…

From CNN!

On Sunday, in a speech to the Turning Point USA Student Action conference, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz went out of his way to attack former Vice President Mike Pence.

“Our America is proudly ultra MAGA, not some low energy roadside RINO safari,” said Gaetz, referring to a derogatory term for so-called moderate Republicans. “On that note, let me just say what everyone here knows: Mike Pence will never be president. Nice guy, not a leader.”
While Gaetz’s shot at Pence then got a good response in the room – clapping, laughter – one person who caught what the Florida congressman said wasn’t pleased. And decided to speak out.

Here’s Marc Short, Pence’s former chief of staff, in an interview Monday night with CNN’s Erin Burnett:

“Well, I don’t know if Mike Pence will run for president in 2024, but I don’t think Matt Gaetz will have an impact on that. In fact, I’d be surprised if he’s still voting. It’s more likely he’ll be in prison for child trafficking by 2024.

“And I’m actually surprised the Florida law enforcement still allows him to speak to teenage conferences like that. So, I’m not too worried what Matt Gaetz thinks.”

And BOOM goes the dynamite!….


I’d correct Rep. Gaetz on one point regarding Pence…
”Nice guy, not a leader.”
Pence is NOT a nice guy.

Gail Combs

A SLIMY POLITICIAN with no truth in him…


Yes, they do need to be tried for crimes against humanity.

They helped facilitate mass deaths – murder IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP!!! It’s all the more shocking in retrospect.


All their “mistakes” knit together seamlessly in a shocking plan to “deal with the population bomb” by an accelerated solution of “culling and life-limiting and aborting vaccines”.

And yet all of that is a lie, as we see by nations attaining ZPG without murder, but WITH sensible immigration and social welfare policies, where people ALL have to WORK for reasonable wages.


But Trump spoke about Ivermectin same same. Yes Zev was the HCQ guy love his meds I bought. I have all of it in my medical stash. Also have black seed oil came from Aubergine and green tea . We hear heard all the good news and it was several our good researchers who brought it here. I am grateful to all.


Dr Z was out early. Can’t say first, second…

VERY early Covidiocy, my First Recollection I have of HCQ, was Med Cram. <<< Videos posted here.

I do recall Trump talking HCQ. Prolly March 20. Secured a huge amount from India, Via Modi.

For me, Med Cram video was the first crystal clear explanation of HCQ opening the Covidiot, for zinc to zap it.

^^^ Yea, that is worded way to simplified. The doc used mediclize. But that IS my take away, from the video. Shared that video far and wide.


Agree’s with your remarks. Telling the tale to normies to clear Trump of any blame is a bit complicated because lets face it. It’s all complicated. We got to figure a way to best simplify it. Just Human is right in that they’ll use it against Trump, but he’s wrong if he thinks the information on the clot shot should be sequestered to save Trump. I don’t think that’s what he’s trying to say but it is quite the dilemma and it only gets better when Trump meets this head on. Bad news is not like wine, it does not get better over time.


Bad news makes you want to drink wine.  😉 

Gail Combs

I dont drink so I swear a lot and
comment image



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The TRUTH is a remarkable defense here. All people have to do is REMEMBER what they were thinking before, and have the courage to ADMIT it.



Truth is our best defense offense.

  • Gain of Function funded by FauXi…
  • Covidiocy originated Chinee Wuhan lab.
  • FauXi, Scarf Bitch, Walensky, CDC, FDA, NIH crapped all over effective, affordable, AVAILABLE prevention and treatment.
  • ^^^ They PROMOTED Remdisivir, ventilators, Paxlovid, Lock downs, masks, distancing…
  • ^^^ They, ALONG WITH Pfizer, Moderna & J&J, LIED the Injections were Safe AND Effective. Get Injected will NOT GET Covidiocy. Can NOT give Covidiocy. NO hospitals…
  • ^^^ They IGNORE VAERS data. Faked and his Test Trial Data.

Ready when them BASTARDS want to talk about it.

Truth, HEAD ON IS our friend.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ready when them BASTARDS want to talk about it.

Truth, HEAD ON IS our friend.

Exactly! They’re trying to run “Alinsky fears” on our side – on those who won’t admit their own journey to where they are now.

“Fear of the past” is a SCAM MOVE underlying almost half of Democrat tactics!

Gail Combs

Pig-Louse Wrap-up Smear is the other half…

Gail Combs


Court rejects FDA request to hide Pfizer jab data for 75 years…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How deeply was FDA in on #Depopulation? Some of their people had to be part of the plan. That kind of agreement seems very unlikely to be mere greed, or CYA for their “friends” at Pfizer.

They KNOWINGLY let the bad data slide by. Depopulation seems why.

Gail Combs

Has to be.

It explains:

  1. The GMO SPERMICIDAL CORN financed by the USDA/FDA.
  2. GMO food declared the SAME as normal food so it needs NO TESTING.
  3. High Fructose corn syrup in just about everything
  4. NON iodized salt in just about everything
  5. BROMINE substituted for Iodine

GEE, Bromine trashes your immune system.Low/no meat diets leave you deficient in ZINC

The Truth About Bread, Bromines, Iodine Deficiency, and Your Thyroid

Bread, Bromines, Iodine Deficiency, and your Thyroid all have a connection that affects human health in a significant way.

Have you noticed a huge increase in folks who are having issues with their thyroid? Years ago, I learned about Bromines and other Halogens and the havoc it causes to our endocrine system and, more specifically, your Thyroid and immune system. We quickly eliminated all wheat products and food sources that contained this chemical, and years later, I am glad we did.

When Bromines are ingested or absorbed into the body, it displaces the trace mineral, iodine which can cause health issues. Potassium Bromate has been banned for use in Europe, China, and other countries, but not in the US. Potassium bromate is a powerful oxidizing agent or dough conditioner that chemically changes flour to give it that doughy texture. It ages the flour much faster than open air. Potassium bromate bleaches dough and enhances its elasticity….

Unless a bread or wheat product specifically states it has un-bromated flour, you are at risk in the US. Potassium bromate is an unnecessary and potentially harmful food additive and should be avoided.

and then there are the LIES about FAT.

I can not find it, but if I remember correctly FAT is necessary for a healthy immune system.

We won’t even TALK about the high carb diabetes/obesity producing diet that is pushed.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

Bromine, chlorine, fluorine all halogens that displace the last halogen, namely, iodine.
ask yourself how much of those terrible three are you exposed to daily? Those of us with thyroid issues need to at minimum stop drinking fluoridated & chlorinated tap water.

Gail Combs

And tell the dentist NO when they want to paint your teeth with floride.

For chlorinated tap water you can just let it air for 24 hours minimum. I used to do it for my fish.

How to Dechlorinate Tap Water (5 Proven Methods) – WaterFilterGuru.com

To allow all chlorine to dissipate from a batch of water, you should leave it to sit for five days. However, 24 hours is the minimum recommended time to reduce your water’s chlorine levels at room temperature. If you don’t have 24 hours, leaving your water to sit overnight is better than drinking it straight from your faucet.


Wolf Moon
How deeply was / is the FDA in on #Depopulation? IMO, here’s the answer: The FDA’s VRBPAC committee meeting of 28 June 2022, at which the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna “new combo COVID-19 and Omicron booster shot vaccines” were recommended for use starting in Fall, 2022, based solely on the “study results” that were presented to the committee by reps of each company.

Last edited 1 year ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The question for me is whether VRBPAC are manipulable dupes, or if they are actual depopulation plotters with knowledge of the plot.

This is a distinction which has to be made.

VRBPAC voted 17-2 with 1 abstention – IIRC – on boosters. So maybe the TWO votes are actual depop ringers, and the other 17 are dupes who got SCARED by Steve Kirsch’s data.


Remember how “Rochelle The Knife” rescued the boosters after that?


She’s on #TeamDepop for sure.


EVERYONE allowing the Injections, approving the EUA, IS ACCOUNTABLE for their actions.

Claiming “manipulated” or ignorance IS NO Defense.

^^^ That’s lefty BS.

No free Passes. No Warm Milk, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Blankies…


I’d assume anyone in top level management that is capable of stating an objection at the minimum. I would include sub departments in this.

Personally I’d take it right down to the operator level for some sort of lessor penalty, using the “following the rules is no excuse for the commission of a crime” and “ignorance is not an excuse”. All these people involved in enforcement of mandates are aware there is a controversy and should of done their own due diligence and then exercised their rights to voice complaint and having been ignored should have resigned and walked away.


Personal Responsibility.


NO Free Passes For The Terror Levied On Americans. Citizens Around The Globe. N O N E.

NEVER Forgive. NEVER Forget.



Clandestine’s Newsletter

14 hrs ago

Why is Marco Rubio So Desperate to Cover up Ukraine?
Look who decided to join Ukraine and the Biden admin with projecting their crimes onto Russia. Deep State Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) asked Biden to investigate Russia for possible “crimes against humanity and genocide”.

Con’t ar link above

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

UGH. Stop falling for Ukraine, you IDJITS.

CIA is making sure Rubio stays hypnotized by THE OTHER GUY’S CRIMES and not their own.

Ukraine is a property you do NOT want to own. Bottom line.

Cuppa Covfefe

Lots of DEMONRATS and RINOS doing their laundry at Zelensky’s “shop”…

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“Lowering” and “taxes” do not even fit in the space provided, Joe.


I know dee snider is really arrogant but i didnt know just how much of an ahole he is.
Terminal tds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, that was interesting.


So’s a wreck on the freeway.

Deplorable Patriot

I read these things, and hear Emperor Palpatine saying, “Feel the hate.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Thats who i was thinking of!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think there is a lot of vaccine self-hatred manifesting in weird ways in the jabbed and their relatives. It will be used for “mass formation psychosis”, for sure. LOVE of the deceived is the answer.


Ha! When you got Ted Nugent, what is Dee Snyder?


Washed up pseudo tranny.




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Avril Haines is horrible, inept, Obama CIA.

“These people”.

Truly “the 4th branch of permanent government, answerable to nobody.”


Theres got to bevan “until” at the end…and so soon.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_envy:   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_question: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This tells me that they are in a RUSH to indict Trump before the election, for many reasons

  • screw up the election
  • try to gin up violence or prep the ground for false flags
  • cover up depopulation while pushing the shots again (to also screw up the election)
  • get RINOs to abandon Trump, weakening THEM, TOO

Dems are desperate. CIA is desperate. FIB is desperate. DODGE is desperate. WEF is desperate. China is desperate.


I agree on all those points. But they have abilities to screw elections already, unless something changed we aren’t aware of. And, the have 2 years still.
A wave of votes is one thing we can do, but the counting?

Gail Combs

Lots of poll watchers and Ballot Drop box watchers being organized WITH SHERIFFS on hand to deal ASAP with criminality.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting. VERY interesting.


Hard to insert a “bad batch” into a serialized vaxx, wouldn’t you say?


Depop types can’t have tracking…accountability.




If they do this our state will be on fire like nothing youve ever seen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They hate us, and want criminals to be the bleeding edge of tyranny against us.

Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A great read, and so true!


When do they start throwing corpses down wells?

Gail Combs

Won’t fit unless it is a mouse and even then would not make it to the bottom.


Got this from my son. Raised well obviously.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He gets it!!!


That’s excellent! Good for you!


Here we go again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


comment image


Scum. Despite all the problems from personal health to staffing, they want it to get worse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The medical “administrator” bureaucrats are committed to their mistakes.

They just need a gentle reminder that if depopulation ever gets the NUREMBERG IT DESERVES, they will be on the hot seat.

“I will testify that you made people take a vaccine which was KNOWINGLY abortifacient and life-shortening. I am telling you NOW, so that the crime will be that you KNOWINGLY gave it to people.”

Gail Combs

MUST be in writing and with witnesses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why I was saying that taking ANY depopulation vaccine conflicts with Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religious teachings.

The “mRNA” genetic vaccine objection can be a valid religious objection, but it does not cover OTHER vaccines which use the SAME “depopulating” spike protein.

In my opinion, the Pfizer revelations of massive abortions caused by the vaccine is enough for a religious objection. Even for a man. It is immoral to support a vaccine that causes abortion – to knowingly support the use of a vaccine that kills children.

That objection will segue perfectly into the objection to a depopulation shot, once that becomes irrevocably evident to most people.


Going to take a whole lot more “sudden unknown” deaths.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is my post about this on Gab. It’s a roadmap for OFFENSE as a strong defense.

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Wolf Moon

The COVID commies are now using the protein-based Novavax COVID vaccine to push mandates on people whose religious exemptions were based on genetic vaccines, “experimental” technology, etc. (The Novavax tech is also somewhat experimental, but set aside that minor nit.)

Don’t worry – there are excellent religious defenses remaining. BETTER defenses, in fact, because they get to the real issue of the ABORTION VACCINES.

(1) See Naomi Wolf’s work with the Pfizer document data, which revealed massive abortion in recipients of the Pfizer vaccine. This is the work of the spike protein, also in Novavax. Novavax WILL cause abortions.

All spike protein vaccines are in themselves clearly abortifacient. It is part of the nature of the full S1 spike protein, and may even be inherent to the RBD (binding sequence) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike. Push that point. Pfizer HID the abortifacient nature of the vaccines. Even MEN must not support ANY abortifacient vaccine.

In my opinion, this is a MUCH STRONGER religious objection than the mRNA objection, and it WILL be supported judicially. WITH DAMAGES. Tell your employer this, if they “threaten” with Novavax.

(2) The abortifacient nature of the vaccines leads to their true purpose – “left-virtuous” depopulation to “save the planet from climate change”. Doesn’t matter how much of a lie the climate change part is – we know these demons are good for the crime, in their Jonestown belief system.

Taking a statistical depopulation shot is suicidal/homicidal, and no religious believer who objects to murder or suicide can knowingly take these shots or support giving them to others.

The left is desperate NOT to talk about depopulation, because they know they’re good for the charge. Everything they did in COVID – every mistake – just REEKS of depop. Every “stupid” thing they did, is SMART for depop.

Employers who go along with depop – even “unknowingly” – are going to have hell to pay. And once YOU tell them…….


Let. Them. Know. Quietly.

Watch. Them. Back. Off.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs


Have a lawyer draw it up and send it OFFICIALLY. Then there is no way in Hades they can squiggle out of it aying the do not KNOW.

Naomi Wolf’s group that has been digging into the Pfizer data plus the VAERS data can be used.


Wolf Moon
Bravo, well said.
If one understands correctly, the Novavax “vaccine” injects the actual spike protein into the human body; whereas the mRNA and adenovirus DNA “vaccines” put the virus’ genetic code into the body.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Spike protein in the blood is the problem.

The depoppers (including Bill Gates himself) are trying to sneak depop spike into the nasal vaccines, but I’m ahead of their plot, and will be educating others on how to spot their sneakery.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Novavax is a better option – a metered dose of spike – no dependency on the immune system to shut down the spike fountains – less autoimmunity from attacks on the tissues expressing spike. I expect this will be crystal clear in VAERS.

HOWEVER, even in the phase 1 trials, Novavax was causing myocarditis and pericarditis. Obviously spike is getting into the circulatory system and attacking the heart. AND the spike can last for months in the body.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Novavax (the company) has a sketchy history just like Moderna – it seems as if the companies were created less because they had an obvious product to attract investors, and more because SOMEBODY wanted them to exist. The similar names “glow” heavily, if you ask me. IMO they were created to implement depop schemes. And thus, I don’t trust the Novavax product at all. I think it was designed to mop up after people rejected the genvax offerings.

Gail Combs

I forgot I came up with this years ago:

Socialism: The hatred of the Producers by the Parasites.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!


Update: Remember this video of puppies tearing up a couch? The cat’s expression is priceless. 😂

Catturd says:

Btw – the dogs didn’t tear that old slip cover – the cats have been scratching there for a long time and tore it. I have a nicer one I can use when needed.


Federal Court Strikes Down Biden Rule Forcing Doctors To Perform Gender Transition Procedures

The Epoch Times reported:

In the unanimous ruling, the Fifth Circuit affirmed the lower court’s order “permanently enjoining [HHS] from requiring Franciscan Alliance to perform gender-reassignment surgeries or abortions in violation of its sincerely held religious beliefs.” The court explained that while the government argued it should get more chances to show why it needed religious healthcare providers to participate in gender-transition procedures, other cases showed that permanent protection was appropriate—including, ironically, cases brought by the ACLU, who had intervened in Franciscan to support the government.

The First Amendment is easy to understand; they just don’t care about the Constitution and no longer try to hide it.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


Germans are protesting, but no coverage … probably protesting in other countries, wrt high electric bills… and it’s still August…

Analysts are sayin’ West “can’t change course …” …

Asking “why are they destroying their own countries?”

What course will they turn to? The “West” is broke! (“West is not just Europe, it includes US, and ‘little us’) We/They’ve been plundered, the Cabal has stolen their treasuries… the Neocons have flat run out of counties without armies but with plenty of resources to steal … run out … cuz the game is up.

What can leaders of NATO member countries say to their countrymen? Apparently they can only “warn” that … ‘it’s going to be tough … cold, little food, no jobs …

Remember Rumsfeld’s announcement that $Trillions were missing? and next day, all the documents were blown up in some offices in the Pentagon? Some coincidence, huh? Yeah, everyone forgot about it, right? well, we were broke then but they didn’t tell us. USG started a few wars and mil production flourished … and then we started printing money and forcing 3rd world countries to take it … for guns they didn’t need. Living ‘high on the hog’ we were, ‘course Europeans were living a bit higher… plenty of bread and circuses to distract from thinking ’bout what was enabling all that ‘bounty’?

The “CON” has been confronted… ‘the course’ can’t be reversed. (It ain’t Putin’s fault… but peeps will always believe that it is though… )


Jesus of Nazareth turned over the tables of the “Money Changers” … in the Temple.

Here’s an image of the Bank of England … looks like a “Temple” docha think? They were built that way up until recently ,,, when automation began giving and taking your money… heck, most don’t even know what cash looks like.

comment image

Banks built like that all over, even in my little part of the world … why … you may wonder? Because you walk in to what “feels” like a temple … emotes reverence, respect.


The Bank of England Increasing Interest Rates to 4% – As Markets Expect – Could Be Enough To Bring the Whole Economy Down
The Bank of England is in “Burn the village to save it” mode via interest rate increases which do little to address the causes of inflation.


and, here’s another ‘Prophet’ … telling you “I can make it right” and another who makes his living telling you the ‘Prophets’ are our heroes, ‘Volcker to the rescue again!”



Markets Tank While I’m Waiting for the “Powell-Was-Dovish” Tightening-Deniers to Fan Out and Clean Up this Mess
by Wolf Richter • Aug 26, 2022 • 256 Comments
Powell quotes Volcker, promises to “use our tools forcefully,” take “forceful and rapid steps” to reduce demand “until we are confident the job is done,” though it will bring “pain to households and businesses,” but not doing it will cause “far greater pain.” Hawk city. Finally got through to the markets?

Yeah, how did Volcker work out? In June of 1987 NYT said

Mr. Volcker almost singlehandedly was said to be responsible for the recession of 1981-82, when his anti-inflation policy caused some interest rates to rise above 20 percent.”

Followed by Greenspan and his enduring “shell game” …



Horrific flooding in Pakistan:


Just IN:— Floods wreaking havoc in Pakistan; 40+ small dams breached. 210+ bridges collapsed; 1,115 people dead. 10M people displaced.

The worst flood ever in Pakistan happening right now.

33 mil people affected.

784% above normal rainfall.

This video is shocking.

Watch the buildings getting taken out.



Prayers up … this is … can’t wrap my mind around it!


Well, at least the muzlum warmongers have something to keep them busy other than murdering innocents.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe that storm will move over to Three Gorges Dam…

Gail Combs






The parents are non binary freaks, but the mother identifies as “trans masculine male”. This poor child never stood a chance. Comments on the article are turned off.


Last edited 1 year ago by holly08

At the end of the article th detrannysitioning male correctly identifies the MENTAL DISORDER in play: munchausen by proxy.


👍 If the parents were straight the child would have been removed from the home.


Don’t know if you or anyone else saw a TikTok a few days ago. Woman ( never could tell if she was real or a plant to get info )…anyway she calls and records a childrens hospital offering children’s transition surgery, specifically hysterectomies for 16 yrs and younger.
They DO offer and have performed the surgery in the past.

It’s insanity.


I did see it. What I want to know is who are these doctors butchering children? And the other medical people in the OR. All evil.


Holly…I can’t comprehend all of this. How can such a drastic mental change happen?
I knew a couple of grown women whose plastic surgeons hesitated on breast reductions. They used to be reluctant to even do rhinoplasty on kids younger than 16 or 17.

I don’t think they were being fake..they genuinely wanted the person to be very sure.
How did whole swaths of people become amoral at the same time ??


It was only a couple of years ago “good touch/bad touch” was universally supported…now, anything goes.

Schools were anal about not giving mundane OTC meds, now they’ll send your kid for birth control, vax, gender counseling without parental consent.

How can that many people change their core beliefs so suddenly?

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5

Fiendish and complicated, but if I understood it durham is a feckin sell out also.



Ummmm … not quite on board with SD, which is not quite unusual… just sayin’ …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same here – not quite. But I think that SD has just convinced me even further of what Bill Barr was. The opportunity to finish off Trump as a one-term president.

Deplorable Patriot

On this one, SD is relying too much on the surface.

We have ZERO idea who is a double agent and for either side.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The rule is still “no Democrat goes to jail”. Even Clinesmith got his wings back from probation. Durham is showing us the corruption. Nothing more.

I think SD may be right. Durham is still part of the system, and is controlled by it.

Hillary knew she would never go to jail. She KNEW.



Crazy loon.

Cuppa Covfefe

Nobody in his own party (SPD) takes him seriously anymore. And all the rest of Europe are relaxing their regulations…

Lauterbach is trying to recover an enormous amount of expense he incurred by being wrong. Meaning that a lot of folks are going to pay for that with their lives…

He is a stinking, useless, idiotic, crooked, spineless, despicable, two-faced, dishonest, misanthropic, maladjusted, Malthusian, math-challenged bass turd.

And that’s the best I can say about him…


Youre awfully nice to him then. 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let’s make this easy.

The 1970’s knowledge that we probably should not try to make vaccines for colds and flu was correct, and every attempt do do so in defiance of common sense has led to more and more lies and self-deception.

So what was the motive to pursue the irrational so dishonestly? Was it the temptation of controlling humanity through unquestioned injections that had the power of life and death? And were vaccines for a rapidly mutating disease the perfect excuse?

Just sayin’ that a JURY in a FAIR COURTROOM would likely believe this.

You know. “Common sense.”

I find it hilariously horrifying that Schiff-friend and Dem donor Ed Buck killed young black men with injections during his sick sex romps, and Schiff basically said “hold my beer” for the COVID vaccines.

Adam Schiff – more Ed Buck than Ed Buck.

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hahah, Lordy…they’re nuts

Gail Combs

He forgot to add, because the unvaccinated have healthy immune systems that fight off the infection.


Judge announces ‘preliminary intent to appoint a special master’ to review Trump records seized by FBI

Brooke Singman – 41m ago



{this.tipPromotionInArticleVisible!==e&&(this.tipPromotionInArticleVisible=e,this.reRenderExperience())}” style=”–direction:ltr;”>

FIRST ON FOX: A federal judge on Saturday announced its “preliminary intent to appoint a special master” to review records seized by the FBI during its unprecedented raid of his Mar-a-Lago home earlier this month, at the request of former President Trump and his legal team, citing the “exceptional circumstances.” 



Next issue — trying to find someone honest for the role.




Trump appointed judge. She’ll figure it out.


Neil Oliver. ~11 minutes

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“It’s never about what they say it’s about.”



  • Covidiocy. Injections. Mask. Lock downs.
  • Climate Change.
  • Ukraine.
  • Russia. Russia. Russia.
  • Obastid Care.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is brilliant.



Well, yeah. That’s what you’ve been up to for weeks.

They’re down. Let’s KICK THE SHIT out of them!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I reckon so.  😎 


EXCELLENT. Appreciate the post.



Aerial view of the aftermath of flooding in Tank and DIKhan of KPK


Global Intel Watch

Muqtada Al Sadr calls for snap elections in Iraq without the participation of any political parties that was in charge after 2003, including the sadrist one. Political parties have 72 hours to answer Al Sadr’s call.
Risk of escalation in the coming days.


Did Scholz go to Canada …

to take a shower?

Enquiring Minds want to know …


OK, I give up.

Guessing Scholz is visiting Trudesue.

In any case, towelette wipies are for commoners. Elites get hot water, regulsr showers, heated homes…

(I really need to catch up.)  😖 


He was there only a bit … to beg for nat’l gas… Trudie said no…

Probably No to a shower too 😉


Ah. Thanks.

Gail Combs

PatelPatriot(Jon) Kate and Patrick Gunnels get into a very interesting discussion @ 30 minutes on The Liberty Den

We have mention how what is true shows up as TV shows, movies or other fiction. They come up with an interesting theory as to WHY.

Kate says:

When they have these black book projects they have names and they will seed these names into popular culture or the top of it is put into the X-Files or Star treck or into a movie. So if things leak or a whistleblower comes forward and they say ‘Just so you know the government is developing some sort of gene splicing’ yada yada yada… someones going to be like ‘your full of shit that’s like X-files season 4 plot. That is one of the reasons I think they do it.

The other reason I think is with the internet, and people being able to research things for themselves. You will notice, very important things, very important rabbit holes will always have something linked to popular culture. So when you go to search for it, all you are finding is the popular culture thing….

Patrick replies, “The expression is hidden in plain sight.” He then goes on to share his experience with this phenomena.

Try a search on google or Duck-Duck go and then the exact same search on Yandex. Today I got really different stuff pulled up. DDG wasn’t even in the ball park. — GC

@ 33:10 Kate goes on to say:

They do put these things in plain sight. And another reason they do that is psychologically . Look at the number of times Bush Sr talked positively about the New World Order when we knew what it was and it was something we should reject. But here was this man we trusted say like ‘We need to establish a New World Order’ and people are thinking did I miss hear him? Did he miss speak? Surely if there is something to it someone [elese]will do something about it. If you put these things in front of peoples faces it actually calms them….

I think it was one of the Huxleys who said ‘we need to continually bring up the unacceptable until it becomes acceptable.’ In other words push the overton window –GC

Patrick then brings up the The Asch Conformity Experiments.

The Asch conformity experiments were a series of psychological experiments conducted by Solomon Asch in the 1950s. The experiments revealed the degree to which a person’s own opinions are influenced by those of a group. Asch found that people were willing to ignore reality and give an incorrect answer in order to conform to the rest of the group.



After combining the trials, the results indicated that participants conformed to the incorrect group answer approximately one-third of the time.



𝔸𝕤𝕔𝕙 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕘𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕪.

In this situation, just 5% to 10% of the participants conformed to the rest of the group (depending on how often the ally answered correctly). Later studies have also supported this finding, suggesting that having social support is an important tool in combating conformity….

This is WHY Conservatives get booted off platforms and DemCast uses BOT FARMS to sway public opinion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff!

Happy go lucky

Ahhh so this shows that speaking up does make a difference.


Intel Slava Z
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f1f3-1f1f4.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/26a1.svgThe world’s largest fertilizer company Yara, based in Norway, had announced a 50 percent cut to its ammonia-based urea and nitrogen fertilizer production in Europe, citing “record high prices.”

Tried Duck Duck to confirm, got a reddit page and figured that not a good source.
Tried Swiss Cow, same.
Tried yahoo search and Bingo! Yahoo Finance has the story.


Wed, August 24, 2022 at 10:05 PM·2 min read

By Geoffrey Smith

Investing.com — Europe’s farmers took another hit on Thursday as fertilizer giant Yara (OL:YAR) said it will cut its output further due to record high gas prices.

The Norwegian company had already cut ammonia capacity by 1.3 million tons and fertilizer capacity by 1.7 million tons in June for the same reason. However, European gas prices have surged again in recent days after Russian gas monopoly Gazprom (MCX:GAZP) said it will close the Nord Stream gas pipeline for three days of unscheduled maintenance at the end of this month, raising fears of an extended and politically-motivated shutdown.

The news came as benchmark natural gas prices for northwest Europe broke through 300 euros a megawatt-hour in early trading on Thursday. That’s equivalent to an oil price of over $510 a barrel and more than 10 times the prevailing price before the Ukraine crisis started.

After the new cuts, Yara will now have some 3.1 million tons of ammonia capacity and 4.0 million of fertilizer capacity idle in Europe.

The news comes a day after another big European fertilizer company, Poland’s Grupa Azoty (WA:ATTP) said it too will suspend ammonia production due to high gas prices, while its listed subsidiary Pulawy (WA:ZAPP) will cut output to around 10% of normal levels. The shutdowns are likely to keep fertilizer prices sky high, which may force farmers to cut back on their purchases and face lower crop yields next year.

Ammonia is a basic feedstock not just for nitrate fertilizers but for many other organic chemicals. As such, production shutdowns are likely to have a wider effect on European industry. Energy-intensive industry is already reeling from high power prices, caused not only by the shortage of gas for power generation, but by a continent-wide drought that has hit hydropower and nuclear power output.

Yara said it will “use its global sourcing and production system to optimize operations and meet customer demand, including continued nitrate production using imported ammonia when feasible.”

Related Articles

Fertilizer Crisis Deepens as Yara Joins Azoty in Idling More Ammonia Capacity


Several hits on…


…for, Yara Joins Azoty in Idling More Ammonia Capacity
Did not go to any of the linked stories.

(Several QTree have suggested using Yandex for searches.)

Valerie Curren

I heard a out FreeSpoke.com here too, I believe!


Yup. Have bookmarked that one also.

Valerie Curren



GWP did a semi deep dive on the fake Rothchild guest at Mar-a- Lago.


Nice story but I say semi deep as they leave out some important details found in a Bizpacreview story.


…She originally visited Mar-a-Lago with British Trump supporter Elchanan Adamker in May of 2021. She posed with the former president the next day for a photograph at the club….

The incident with Yaschyshyn that happened a year ago is being drooled over by the left who are accusing Mar-a-Lago of not being secure enough in connection with classified documents Trump was keeping there. They are also calling the woman a spy. …

Dean Lawrence, a Florida-based music creative director, eventually let others know at Mar-a-Lago that Yaschyshyn was a fraud.

“I want to clear something up with you. I want you to know that she has nothing to do with the Rothschilds. Don’t get involved in any kind of business with her,” he told members.

He also told the Post-Gazette that he informed Trump campaign donor Richard Kofoed and Trump campaign official Caroline Wren about the woman’s fake identity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Definitely this chick was sent in by Dodge and FIB.



This one was posted by Trump Jr. a couple days ago. A bit crass thus the attempt to use the spoiler thing… hopes it works

Trump Jr’s take on the Student Loan Forgiveness thing.
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His father needs to have a talk with him.

Canadian Guest

Love what Mundabor says about Shia LaBeouf in his post below



LaBeouf’s turn about reminds me of a cheapened version of Ann Rice’s turn about.
That lasted maybe several years where she claimed to be returning to the church (Christ the Lord[edit]

But it wasn’t long after that she gradually returned back to writing her subtle pornish horror stories. At least Ann could write. Has no idea what LaBeouf is good at unless it’s supposed to be chasing little girls around in cages, just happy that 4 chan chased him around as long as they did.

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r