Dear KAG: 20230516 Open Thread

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It’s swarm season. Some beekeepers are creative with their boxes.

So, for those who yawned anytime Durham’s name was mentioned:


John Durham Releases 316 Page Report About FBI, DOJ, Intelligence Community and U.S. Govt Targeting Donald Trump

Oh, for Heaven’s sake, Sundance, this isn’t for us, it’s for the normies stuck in the neocon echo chamber.

Someone who is an actuary should be able to see this.

And now for what I saved up early this am:

Sunday Talks, James Comer Says 9 out of 10 Biden Crime Witnesses are in Jail, Court or Missing

The long version of that headline must be interesting.

Elon, WEF, the 72 hour rule, Resentment

Apply this to all “woke” advertising, please.

Badlands News Brief – May 15, 2023

DeSantis team claims Trump supporters will switch allegiance when he enters the race

Yeah, no.

REVEALED: Dem-linked pollsters refuse to publish their own study showing Americans OPPOSE trans procedures on kids – and discuss how voters must be ‘educated’ and hatch plan to ‘rebrand’ puberty blockers in meeting about results

Soros Fund Leaving EV Sector – Exits Tesla, Slashes Rivian

Consider that a sign that electric vehicles are a failure.

Trump Takes a Hammer to the Carefully Maintained Delusions Inside the Left-Wing Bubble

It Can’t Be Just Women Who Fight the Trans Movement

Woke Medicine’s God Complex

Fox News Can’t Be Serious

Zelensky Rules Out Peace Talks With ‘Insane’ Putin: ‘It’s a Joke for Him’

Maricopa County Election Director Told Woman to Abuse Voting System

There’s a reason the fallen one went to Eve in the Garden.

Endless Propaganda, Endless Emptiness

All of these FBI Agents…. why do they need to keep making believe this is a real group?

Top U.S. “Non-Profit” Hospitals & CEOs Racked Up Huge Pandemic Profits

Non-profit has always been rather profitable. Look up the history.

America’s state media: The blackout on Biden corruption is truly ‘Pulitzer-level stuff’

IS Jonathan Turley seeing the light?

Netflix’s ‘Queen Cleopatra’ Appears To Have The Worst Audience Score In TV History


Tweet hopper:

Trailer park girl fight coming soon!


Not with me. Never has been. As a woman with long hair who wears skirts, I have never fit in.

Well, if the boss relaxes the dress code….

Meme & Fun hopper:

SHHH!!! How watermelons really grow is a secret.

Most places have gay couples willing to accommodate them.

Office Space anyone?

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


ACTS 16:22-34

22The crowd joined in attacking them; and the magistrates tore the garments off them and gave orders to beat them with rods. 23And when they had inflicted many blows upon them, they threw them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely. 24Having received this charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. 25But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, 26and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and every one’s fetters were unfastened. 27When the jailer woke and saw that the prison doors were open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped. 28But Paul cried with a loud voice, “Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.” 29And he called for lights and rushed in, and trembling with fear he fell down before Paul and Silas, 30and brought them out and said, “Men, what must I do to be saved?” 31And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” 32And they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all that were in his house. 33And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their wounds, and he was baptized at once, with all his family. 34Then he brought them up into his house, and set food before them; and he rejoiced with all his household that he had believed in God.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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Thank you, our cherished DePat, for bringing us a wonderful Tuesday post!

Those are really nice beeboxes, aren’t they?


I think that I seriously missed something, and indications are that I may be better off for having done so….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Probably so.

I’m not going to speculate what’s going on. Any feelings of being unappreciated are completely unwarranted, not only speaking for myself, but for all of us. I won’t say that I “think” people appreciate DP’s tireless work here – I KNOW IT completely and without the slightest doubt.

That said, people cannot be called off the fight against woke advertising – it’s too needful of opposition. I know that it pains all of us to see classic American brands being destroyed by wokeism, but paying the ransom of shutting up to save those brands isn’t going to happen.

The bottom line for me, is that if women want to reclaim their place in brewing, then JUST DO IT, ALREADY. There’s no time like now – except maybe 10 years ago, when chemistry went fully woke.

Women have already asserted themselves in chemistry so much that it has actually flipped the science from being an old boy’s club, to what now looks to be an old girl’s club. I’m not sure that’s any better, but at least it’s evened things out a bit.

If women want to take over brewing, then just do it. But do it without the woke BS as an offensive crutch. THEY DON’T NEED IT. 😉


Worth repeating…

I won’t say that I “think” people appreciate DP’s tireless work here – I KNOW IT completely and without the slightest doubt.

Sadie Slays

I genuinely enjoyed the history lesson about women in beer brewing. Thank you for sharing it!


Was someone giving DePat flak about that? I’d mentioned Ninkasi, the Goddess of Brewing, quite recently myself — and do try to keep from repeating myself over and over and over and over.


I apologize for them …


it wouldn’t hurt to read the threads and see if you find anything other than people airing their views, which include differences of opinion, in a respectful manner.


WHO, be them apologized for?

And, what was stated, that was wrong, offensive, inappropriate…

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Well, apologies if I stepped on your toes. My opinion is usually fairly worthless but QTree always lets me say it anyway !


I value your opinion and comments. 😊


  :wpds_grin: ( and I , yours )


TY. 😀

Valerie Curren

Never worthless. I’m glad to see you speak up. I’m not usually brave enough to weigh in on the fray 🙂 Blessings!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Never worthless! Always valued!

Sadie Slays

The beer thing started in yesterday’s daily thread. Here you go:

I admit that I complained in DP’s beer brewing post about “woke outrage of the day” dominating conservative social media these days. It was honestly intended as a general comment on the state of things and not at DP’s commentary. I apologize for adding to DP’s frustration. I really did enjoy the history lesson. 

Gail Combs

The view of women in history, I find very slanted. Women HAD to be full members of the family and community. The separation of labor also made sense based on not only strength but the differences in the minds of women and men.

For example, in Quality we found WOMEN make the very best inspectors because of their attention to detail and ability to continue concentrating on repetitive tasks.

One company had about 30 inspectors. They would hire guys but they never ever lasted. They just could not handle the work with the continuous attention to detail that was needed.

I wish people would QUIT trying to make everyone interchangable pegs. I noticed we went from ‘Personnel office’ that would look at a PERSON to see if they could be groomed to fit the company, to ‘Human Resourses’ where you wanted to grab someone put them in a job for a while and then toss them out after a year or two.


I hate the term “human resources.” It makes me think there are other “resources,” and humans are just one “co-equal” faction. IMO, it degrades human beings.

Gail Combs

EXACTLY! That is why I mentioned the change. Humans are just one ‘resource’ among many. It is dehumanizing.


“… woke outrage of the day” …

It is the ‘shiny red ball’ thing … the ‘hole’ rather than the ‘doughnut’

which in my opinion illustrates the success of the western media to control the narrative…



Sadie Slays

Posted an update in the other thread. Discovered that the Miller Lite ad was released 70 days ago. Proof that yesterday’s Woke Outrage of the Day™ over Miller Lite wasn’t the least bit organic. Whoever controls the influencer payroll and social media algorithms wants Miller Lite sliding conservative discussion and news.


Was someone giving DePat flak about that?

What is the difference between having a discussion where people have differing viewpoints, and “giving flak”? Is the fact that people have divergent viewpoints something to take personally?

I could be mistaken, but I didn’t see disrespectful comments or personal attacks, or attacks of any kind. And I would not call an honest discussion “crap.”

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s becoming clear that “they want us divided”, and it looks to me like the strategy is to reactivate the old feminist gripes.

It’s actually working ON THIS SITE. Impressive.

TRANS got pushed too far, and was unifying men and women in outrage. So now they have to split that unity. Meanwhile, they back off the TRANS momentarily and regroup on feminist division (but they’ll never give up on TRANS for reasons I’ll make clear later).

They’re cunning and evil.


It’s surprising to me that feminist division would be an issue here. Most people are united in their loathing of both trans and militant feminist ideology, as evidenced in the recent discussion. 

Another thing that’s somewhat surprising is the idea that we should be curbing our discussion of what is referred to as “the outrage of the day,” as if that is distracting us from other important issues we should be focusing on. I have always appreciated this site and that you allow open discussion, but this is starting to feel like a call for self-censoring.

People need to vent about the latest outrage. Sometimes they need to vent for days, weeks, or months. And I haven’t seen one sign that people here are getting distracted from the main issues. IMO, one purpose of a site like this is to be able to talk with like-minded people. If we have “outrage police,” that stifles the freedom to speak and vent.

I also reject the notion that *they* can dangle issues in front of us and get us talking about them so we neglect something else. I see no signs of such neglect here. Many times, the most crucial issues are in a process of going through hearings or the courts (like Kari Lake’s lawsuits), and there isn’t much to bring to a discussion. But underlying all of that is the issue of paramount importance: the stolen election and traitorous acts against our country. No one is forgetting that.

In addition, the factor of time seems to be an issue, as if we can’t talk about something until a certain amount of time has passed. I understand the “24-, 48-, or 72-hour rule,” but I see no problem with expressing concerns in the meantime while recognizing that what we think might not prove to be completely accurate.

IMO, we need to be able to talk freely, and stifling that could also be a goal of the Left.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will always make sure that speech is free here. Oddly, that includes people saying (nicely) that we should change our focus, priority, ignoring of distractions, etc. But then the freedom extends to disagreeing with those calls, too.

I trust that free speech will get us through!!!


You are much appreciated!


^^^ This. It is how thoughtful people flesh things out and learn from one another.


Thankfully, Wolf allows, PROMOTES, freedom of speech.

To QTree’s credit, perspectives differ. Differences are NOT personal, IMO.

Bantering back and forth, whether I am in the discussion is not material to me. The discussions are informative AND typically leave me better informed.




Yeah, I’m with you. My attention span and focus ability are way bigger than that. The “outrage of the day” can’t distract me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They were clearly trying to distract us from the Durham report, but I got some real zingers out in the wake of the release.

If anything, this war has trained me to fight on as many fronts as needed.


If anything, this war has trained me to fight on as many fronts as needed.

Yes. We can multitask. It reminds me of a head of household who has all the responsibilities of earning money, getting food on the table, taking care of the children and possibly other family members, community responsibilities, etc. That person is not going to forget those core essentials when presented with news of the day or a spat at work or a major appliance breakdown. People can, and do, handle multiple things.

And with all that this group reads and brings here, as well as our discussions, we are constantly reminded of key issues to remain focused on.

The thought occurs to me that the “shiny ball outrage” narrative could have been planted to stop MAGA’s effectiveness at parsing the “side” issues that the Left wants to promote. I’m seeing too much of it lately.

But enough of “plot within a machination within a conspiracy” theories. We just need to keep parsing ALL the issues, spreading the word, and MAGA.




NOT trying to be provocative ,or a PIA.

It IS interesting., to me

Have not noticed, modesty in dress being associated with feminist issue.

  • Would not have guessed it. Will be looking for it.



“As a woman with long hair who wears skirts, I have never fit in.”

^^^ Long hair is always a plus, as if it even matters, beyond personal taste. If one wants short hair, their business.

^^^ Here I thought, skirts fit most any occasion.

  • Another personal choice, that can’t be a serious issue of contention.


Who or what is the “modesty” standard?

Genuinely asking, wondering, trying to understand.


To me, modesty first starts with behavior and modest clothing is regional, personal, or religious. When i was a kid up until 12, I loved dresses and my extra long hair. As an adult shorts for me 24/7 weather permitting. Clean, tidy clothes, not tight or see through, etc. Women should be confident enough that others dont need to see them wearing their daughters clothes or the latest ftom strippers r us.



Thanks for the reply.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs



If one is secure and knows once style hair or clothe that will show. I have seen men and women wearing clothe they did not feel comfortable or at ease in that looks dorky. Personally prefer my own style sometimes fun filled other times more serious. Never was in to walking half naked in public.
People should wear how they feel most comfortable.


Precisely. Thank you.


You are welcome 😃

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It wan’t an actual, honest call for modesty from the ESG left, though – THAT is the thing which immediately jumped out to me.

It was a call for sexual radicalism on THEIR terms – fully politicized with THEIR new religion, which tells people when female nudity and abandon are OK, and when they aren’t.

They’re just cunning, but the hypocrisy was right there in the ad.

Best of all, in typical communist style, they TROLL THE PAST for sins to manipulate the present. To hell with that.



All feminism did and does is DIMINISH women. Women have real, God-given power. But the feminists want male power, not female. Which is Ishtar-level contradiction of the natural order of things as created by God.


And they can’t handle male power when they get it because it doesn’t fit with their basic foundation. This conflict surfaces in sharp unnecessary oversight of underlings, who respond by being sullen. At some point, somebody’s limit will be reached and an explosion is to be expected.


Yes. Every “powerful” female boss I have ever had was a harridan. Some were outright vicious.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It wasn’t that bad in the science world around me (meaning not every one), but far too few balanced, traditional moms who had the necessary skilz were allowed into the halls of power. When the leftists and globonazis saw tech liberating tradmoms in a way that would let them rise in the workplace, they shut that “shit” (cough) down fast using every little trick that put the nasty ones back at advantage. ESG / DEI was one of those mechanisms.

Gail Combs


I HATED working for women, every one of them were underhanded back stabbers.

Cuppa Covfefe

(forgive me)


double R I



….Harridan’s no fun…

The left’s agendas, their Vegan and Green(gang) religion, and basically everything they do and support is to destroy the family and centuries- (if not millenia-)old norms.

Marching through the institutions so that NOTHING of value is left….


^^^ And this. 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good call.

They know what they’re doing. When Naomi Wolf and Steve Bannon started taking down their “Mark of the Beast” factory (Pfizer), killing kids and sterilizing moms, they realized that they needed to reboot their old screaming harpies thing, to regain control of women.

Gail Combs

Feminism was an ATTACK on the USA by the Globalists.

1920 — The ‘New Progressive’ Child rearing practices taught mothers by doctors.

Rockefeller & feminism: Feminism was a creation of the Rockefellers:

How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women

Rockefeller Foundation Funded ‘Womens Lib’ For The Same Reason The CIA Funded ‘MS Magazine’

Not only was it about getting to tax the labor of women. Remember the Grace Commission report to Reagan noted that 100% of personal income tax goes to pay interest on the national debt, the lion’s share of which goes to the banking cartel that we know as the Federal Reserve. – It was all about gaining control and indoctrinating Americas children.

That was what all the trumped up charges against Daycares was all about. Problem -Reaction – Solution — Got to create the problem to get people to hand over more control of their lives. In this case control of your children.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Control of the children. EXACTLY.

The new “child labor” force is TRAINED by the monopolists, until they are adult and ready.

And now the Rockefellers want them NEUTERED and ANDROGYNOUS.


^^^ This. 👍

Valerie Curren

epic insight!




I didn’t see any flak, either.

My honest question is, can I disagree, even vehemently, with someone’s position on some issue, without it being a personal attack?

And the only “crap” I saw was the literal invocation of “shit” over and over in what was supposed to be advertising.


My honest question is, can I disagree, even vehemently, with someone’s position on some issue, without it being a personal attack?

Mine as well. And the answer, of course, should be yes.


I hope it is, and always will be.

Sadie Slays

They don’t want us knowing that the average Medieval serf had more land, more free time, more family, better food, and probably a more fulfilling life than the average American today.


Hey now…


Cuppa Covfefe

Of course, there were those who decided to go for Baroque…

(Brahms away!!!)….


You were doing fine until that one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The “medieval” period is highly underrated – and intentionally so – thanks to all the wrong people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO! Thank God for music, because without music, there could be no music jokes! 😆


It all depends on whose ox is getting gored. 🤣

If its mine, them’s fightin’ words!

How many poor, rural people in Europe played in orchestras back in their day? Trying to document disparity from centuries ago. Im sure somebody has a theory or reference to toss out there.


“Rural people” and music?

Valerie Curren

LOL never saw that one before. We watch the Dire Straits version probably every few months though 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The third movement of Beethoven’s 6th (Pastorale) symphony has a bit in there which is supposed to “depict” a man happening on a village band. The village bassoonist is barely competent to blow three notes. Of course the reality is it’s being played by a very competent bassoonist so some of the effect is lost unless he deliberately plays sloppily.

Cuppa Covfefe

Replace the water in which he soaks his reed with, say, schnapps, and the effect could be, erm, sparkling…

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

I will second that on the music! (And also the fact, as G Edward Griffin said the serfs paid 40% MAX of their labor and we are at 60% to 80%, they just hide it.)




I enjoyed your article about the women and beer making.

I just don’t think it has anything to do with successfully advertising a beer. The ad was a fail. Not because of the subject matter, but because it doesn’t fit the market for the product.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – the ad was a fail because of the pitch. They could have killed it with that historical material – but no – ESG has to be nasty, in-your-face, filled with humorless leftist “humor”, and demanding political supremacy in everything it touches.

Gail Combs

Yes, the history bit could have really snagged interest. Heck even go and film at a local brewery and pitch the donation of hops.

The locals are NOT their actual competition because of the expense so it would be no biggy to do so. Also it would play up the made in America stuff.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Imagine a series of ads, each with a snippet of history.

Gail Combs

Could be a really good series of ads if done correctly.


Which proves the point of the ad’s intent.



Gail Combs

D Pat, please do write more about women and the middle ages.

I have an interest but I do not have the time for the research.

Anthropology and archaeology were loves of mine but I could not see how to earn a living.

BTW, Hubby just turned a friend onto novels by Barbara Merz. She is gobbling them down. (I have all her books)

I would LOVE to get to volunteer to go on a ‘dig’ sometime.

Valerie Curren

Isn’t Barbara Mertz also Elizabeth Peters? I use to Love to read her Amelia Peabody Egyptian mysteries. Such fun & archaeology to boot!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hope it went well! Let God restore your faith!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. That’s walking into the lion’s den!


Missed all that went back for a look. Witches pointy hat, first thoughts, a funnel but that’s too obvious. I’m going for a cone shaped cloth filter held open at the top by what is represented by the brim of the hat.

Valerie Curren

What you bring is ALWAYS welcome & mostly refreshing, from my view. You consistently do wonderful work here and I believe most, if not all, of us are Very Thankful for you, your insights, & the volume of MAGA material you share.

God Bless AND encourage You, DP!  😇 

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I personally feel refreshed today!!!

Valerie Curren

That’s encouraging & empowering for the ongoing battles!

Gail Combs

Of course you are appreciated DPat!!

You care a major burden for this blog every day. AND you do it very very well.

We are family and should come back together AS A FAMILY even if we do have disagreements on occasion.


Incidentally, there is a serious reason that beekeeper suits are white, but bee boxes can be a variety of colors.

Simply put, bees do not have an instinctive fear of having their hives raided by polar bears. On the other hand, if you come strolling up to a stack of bee boxes wearing a black or brown suit, the bees will likely assume you to be hostile.


Of course, the worst outfit of all would be orange with a red shirt…..

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Thank you Coothie for your nightly kind note of appreciation to DePat … always sincere, often witty, and 100% kind . I am snoring away by the stroke of midnight and when I come online, usually too focused on dropping off something… to thank the authors in general … my Mother is I’m sure fluttering her wings at my bad manners.

Your comment above is a prime example of what I am attempting to convey. Your voice is a much welcome and needed one…


For the record, I too appreciate and truly admire DePat ‘s huge contributions to this site and in general.
I do hope that when I don’t 100% agree with anyone here that it’s taken as a personal insult.. It’s most assuredly not .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy







Valerie Curren

Trump’s poker face is slipping there just a bit 😉


And the body twist towards Fauci spoke volumes.

Valerie Curren



All intentional, I thought then and now.

I truly appreciate Trump’s communication skills.

Gail Combs

Also watch Pence. Complete mannequin


Pence, uninspiring AND boring.


Is pot legal in Florida? Seems like some people are smoking up a storm.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This isn’t a pot vision, it’s ‘schrooms


Them folks are paid to lie. Sorta like Pravda News AND PR people.


Clandestine’s tweets are off-putting to me.

He appears to have complete trust in Elon Musk. Musk has done some good things, but I don’t trust him unconditionally. The only person whose motives I trust unconditionally is Donald Trump. Even if Trump makes mistakes, I know his motives were to MAGA. Elon has some similar motives but also some that are not necessarily America-first.

He has hired someone with lots of baggage and questionable ties to globalism. There is no reason for me to blindly trust that that person will a) have no power at Twitter, b) be completely under Elon’s thumb (which in itself would be no guarantee that things would go well), and c) will turn from whatever WEF proclivities she has. No reason at all. 

I don’t appreciate Clandestine’s know-it-all attitude. We are certainly within the realm of reason and logic to not only question such a hire, but to speak up immediately. I have no reason to trust that the multiple red flags about the woman should be ignored.

Clandestine, ridiculing people with concerns:

“Hey Elon, I know you are numerically the most successful businessman/entrepreneur in the history of human civilization, but here is why I know more about running a company than you do!”

But it’s not about running a company. Elon can do that quite well. It’s about the RESULTS the company produces. A well-run company can censor, shadow-ban, and outright ban people. It can stifle speech through numerous avenues. Twitter is currently lacking in many ways where improvements and fixes that were promised were not done. 

It’s also not about my thinking I know MORE about running a company than he does. It’s about my knowing A LOT about what globalists do. I have never seen one turn the corner, stop the progressive agendas, and do good for America. Therefore, my concerns, and the concerns of many others, are legitimate and I don’t need a guy who is supposed to be on our side ridiculing them.

This is enough to cause concern:

comment image

If anyone has evidence of her turning the corner on vaccines, please post it.

As far as I’m concerned, Clandestine can keep his sarcastic and condescending comments to himself.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve been having the same thoughts and feelings, though perhaps a bit more restrained. I do get Clandestine’s defense of Elon and Yaccarino, but he could afford to be a bit less shrill about it, and be more convincing in the process.


“As far as I’m concerned, Clandestine can keep his sarcastic and condescending comments to himself.”


He offers no logic, no reason, no argument, no case.

Grade school peer-pressure tactics are all he’s got, from what I’ve seen.


Yup – early on he admitted he was just a guy with a cell phone posting stuff he had thought about. In my book, he still is.


^^^ This. Good post and I agree completely. Getting tired of the BS.

As DePat posted above, Soros invested into Tesla. Elon also had connections to Epstein. The discussion about Elon should be over. He is either controlled op or the white hats have flipped him with instructions on how he is to proceed. Still tracking that.


“Hey Elon, I know you are numerically the most successful businessman/entrepreneur in the history of human civilization, but here is why I know more about running a company than you do!”


Elon has a remarkable level of insider knowledge and coordination and most of his success comes from timing of government contracts.

If that isn’t a HUGE ALARM BELL I don’t know what is.

I’m not an Elon hater, but c’mon man . . .

Last edited 1 year ago by michaelh

Exactly. Elon is owned and folks need to wake up and stop worshipping him.


IMO, wasn’t the “shot across the bow” when Musk shut down some aspects of free speech on Twitter regarding the election in Turkey, and “justified” it?


I asked him if the Dims make the same demand before the next stolen presidential election, if he will honor their request, using the same reasoning.




Yes – it was. So many more clues over the years are in the public domain.


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James O’Keefe:

OMG EXCLUSIVE FOX INSIDER TELL ALL; Says Tucker Termination was Part of Dominion Settlement

Discusses “shady” work of “friend,” former Biden operative Mike LaRosa now working for Dominion

“When it’s corporate media you’re beholden to advertisers…

we take money from Pfizer”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

O’Keefe is still getting the stories!!!


I would assume as much…keep the fraud under wraps.

D-Rats Uniparty and Pravda news work together. <<< Including Feds.

^^^ It’s all One Big Club, AND we ain’t in it.


Yep, and PV is sending out fundraising letters

Gail Combs

And no doubt told to stuff them where the Sun Don’t Shine.


Contributors will go with OMG. Likely already have shifted. PV will fade away.


Any news organization (but especially Fox News): We’re making enough money on Advertising (ie, Big Pharma ads) that we can be choosy about the kinds of ads we want to run. So let’s turn down all of these annoying low-dollar ad contracts from heartland U.S. companies for products that people might actually want. We’ll keep the ad rates sky high and keep only the best advertisers.

Also any news organization: You can’t publish that because it will upset our advertisers. All three of them in Big Pharma.

Bottom Line: There are lots of things we can say about the propaganda media and government involvement, but Big Pharma has basically bought their way into total control of the media – including Fox News, to the shock of no one here.

Unintended or Intended effect of Big pharma advertising is that they have driven commercial advertising rates so that no reasonable size U.S. company can get their message out or their products in front of the American public. A huge under-reported part of this story is that Big Media is picking the winners and losers in the consumer market.

The Google Ads story punishing alternative media outlets by smearing them as unreliable is a prime example.

So we all buy ad blockers – because ads aren’t serving the public anymore! I know, I know, advertising is BY DEFINITION propaganda, getting you to “need” this thing and “buy” this thing. But there was a time when ad space in a newspaper meant that you had to represent your product legitimately and provide a meaningful context – phone number and mailing address – for people to interact. Classified ads served a real purpose – and many people I know bought the paper EXCLUSIVELY for the classified section. (When I was young they would let me have the funnies! I’d also read the op-eds.)

Ad money today is about one thing: Extortion of the American Public. There’s only a fig leaf pretense that ads are about serving people. Huge video production budgets, and massive payouts for TV air time. It’s hard for me to take these people seriously anymore. Every testimonial and person is a paid actor – every personality in every commercial is a paid actor.


Great points!

Gail Combs


You were supposed to go to your doctor NOT THE TV for medical advice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We need to go back to that, IMO.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The good news half of the ads don’t give you any hint what the med is for.

“Ask your doctor if red fuming nitric acid is right for you.”

So you ask your doctor and he busts out laughing because it’s for the other sex’s actual plumbing having a malfunction.


^^^ Nailed.


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Add many more to that such as Brennan, Clapper, the Muleface Gang, Senators and Congressmen/women, the entire MSM, etc.

They all knew it was BS and lied to all American citizens to our faces. Whoever did not openly stand with PDT is a traitor, liar and corrupted.


They lied over and over for years and did not do one thing to correct the record. They would have allowed any and all negative things to happen to Trump, an innocent man. They took control over the country. They are traitors in my book.




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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Easy transition then. Bonus!!!


If they had any shame, they wouldn’t be in government in the first place…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Would love to see that corrupt judge, Amy Berman, in jail for that stuff.


And the SOB judge Flynn got stuck with.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Emmet Sullivan — who, besides being crookeder than a dog’s hind leg himself, also has a Hunter Biden-type son.


Yes. Thanks. Good’ol Emmet. Such a POS, with an equally crooked son, Emmet, has pulled strings to get him out of trouble.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Brave and Free

How better to control him than through his son.


Flynn’s son was in play for whatever reason. Prolly bogus.

My “son” reference was Emmet’s son. Got himself in trouble and daddy, da judge, pulled strings getting him out of trouble.

Brave and Free

I should have clarified the judge.


Jail seems so weak, and impermanent…..


Awaiting hanging. (after trail, guilty…)


Tyrannosaurus Highlights Organic Pressure…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thyme Heels Old Panes!

Gail Combs

Color of the LAW….

I wonder if Roger Stone can SUE HER?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things are going to get interesting, but KAPO and DOI will make sure that nothing comes of it.


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Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d be curious when they had greater side effects, too!!!


Babylon Bee level nonsense.


Which day ?


Tuesday, silly! Everyone knows that!

/sarc if that is necessary.


Wow, so is there some type of “take the COVID vaccine at this time predictor kit” test out there? Like, say, the “ovulation predictor kit” tests that are available which indicate the best time to try for a pregnancy?

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA

These people think we are stupid.

Cuppa Covfefe


The day they popped their clogs…



All my troubles seemed so far away….

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Raw eggs? Been there. Done that. Didn’t enjoy the eggs.  😣 

Gail Combs



Happy ending. ~50 seconds.


That goes real well with my morning coffee.

Cuppa Covfefe

An extra shot, of caffeine…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good job dumping rounds into the perp until he stopped moving!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Happy to see but I imagine they’ll be in trouble for shooting at a fleeing perp.


Yea. Didn’t notice the city. Quite likely a blue shithole city. Hopefully a red state.


  :wpds_mad:  S U R P R I S E…  :wpds_evil: 

Devin Nunes: ‘NO ONE’ Will Pay Consequences for Crimes Revealed by Durham Report


People may not like what some of us post that consistently state this and that’s OK. But Devin Nunes is bringing truth. They will not pay for the damage they have done to all of humanity in this world. So, we will once again leave it to The Creator to handle once they exit life on this planet.


Gotta call it, the way I, (we) see it. Discuss differences of opinion, is helpful.

Ignoring OR Apologizing for Truth, Is A Non Starter.

I don’t know how we will get out of this mess.

Getting Trump elected, is paramount.

Electing Conservatives, a close second.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

100% agree.

There can be no compromise with any of them. The rest either flip or go down. If they flip they play their parts and exit the scene permanently when ordered. They get to keep breathing.

Truth without compromise. The later is how the enemy cracks the door open to what we have seen. Anytime I read “bipartisan support” I know it is not good for Americans. About 70-75% of the House and Senate are fully compromised. About 10-15% of the remainder will flip with regime change or are controlled op for the good guys. About 90% of the bureaucratic state (DS) is compromised. About 75% of the military is compromised or namby pambys that will follow orders into destruction. I rate the percentages within a 5+/-% level of confidence. Those percentages are purely my own from 45-50 years of adulthood observations and experiences. But I am willing to consider adjustment with evidence, not opinions, to the contrary.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. Yup. We have to hold the line on justice.

What was done to Trump was unacceptable. All these people are criminals. Let them NEVER walk the streets in peace. Let them be hounded and mocked every day of their miserable lives, until justice is done.


However, that does not mean no consequences.


Yup. Consequences – Justice REQUIRED within our system.


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, May 16, 2023

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” 

Matthew 24:36 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Great opener, DePat. Thanks for your effort in doing these.

Great scripture selection. Men – pay attention to Paul’s instructions.


Thank you for posting the link.

Valerie Curren

Well I went to Bing images, which I haven’t used in a while, & they still peg me with wolves before searching has even begun 😉

Here are some of the ones I really liked!

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That might be where Wolf gets his avatar 🙂

& some random steampunk beauty!

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Being banned on pinterest has continuing consequences 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff!!! Thank you!!!

Valerie Curren

YW Pinterest’s loss is the Wolf Pack’s gain 🙂



“…It’s for the normies…” INDEED it is…

I appreciate your efforts today and everyday… I admire your patience when your faith is attacked, albeit supposedly directed toward the ‘Pope’ or the ‘church’ … and I love your sense of humor… your steadfastness.

Keep on keeping on Dear Lady … love and light to you …

Valerie Curren

Beautifully said!


The Durum report is something and it is a vindication of Trump and all MAGA.
I feel really bad the money it cost for Trump to defend himself and his staff that had to lawyer up. I know it was into the thousand if not combined millions. This ruined lives it hampered lasting freedom and yes peace with Russia.
We Tax payers also paid millions for all the fake investigations. Can anyone imagine the info they collected on Trump and all his staff, friends and family ?
These people who did this to the USA should not walk free they need to pay a price MEGA would have too if we did it.
That was a warning from intel if they can do this to a President they can come after anyone of us. These are dictators comunists Nazis or what ever else they identified themselves as with this crime against us the people.

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

Hear, hear!



The most massive attack in Kiev: the blows were inflicted by “Daggers” and “Caliber”
This was stated by the authorities.
A fire with an area of ​​200 m in the Svyatoshinsky district.
Explosions continue to thunder

Russian Defense Ministry: A high-precision strike by a hypersonic missile system “Dagger” in the city of Kyiv hit a US-made Patriot anti-aircraft missile system.


Russia and Iran will sign an agreement that will provide a rail link from St. Petersburg to the Persian Gulf.

An agreement between Iran and Russia on the construction of the railway section Rasht – Astara will be signed during the visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak to Tehran on May 16, 17. Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Kazem Jalali announced this on Tuesday.

The Iranian ambassador said that during his visit to Iran, Novak was accompanied by Russian Transport Minister Vitaly Savelyev, deputy chairman of the central bank and head of the customs service.

Jalali also noted that the completion of the construction of the international transport corridor North-South is one of the priorities of the two countries.

“The western branch of the North-South Corridor, which includes the countries – Russia, the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, from the point of view of the railway, has a missing link with a length of 162 kilometers between Rasht and Astara. With the completion of the construction of the Rasht-Astara railway, a connection will be established between St. Petersburg and the Persian Gulf”
🔻Iran and Russia will sign an agreement on the Rasht-Astara railway section during Novak’s visit to Tehran


Speech (eng) at the opening of the plenary session of the BRICS Academic Forum.

Nelson Mandela once said, “Everything seems impossible until it’s done.” When we first gathered in 2008 in Moscow (at that time it was not yet called the “Academic Forum”), it seemed absolutely impossible. Countries from different continents, with different histories, different civilizations. Without a rich history of joint projects. No sense of unity. And so, at the first Academic Forum, which was preceded then not even by BRICS, but by BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China), we said yes, it is possible. The world is made up of millions and billions of people who will tell you that this is impossible. But someone has to rise up and say: it’s possible. Let’s do it. And we did it. We made the Academic Forum, we made the BRICS.


A couple of comments before I scoot out for a chiro appointment.

I am not sure why anybody’s take on brewmeister women of yore is so controversial. It’s history. Good to know, moving on.

I hope we do not have to classify all human endeavors as worthy or not based on gender, skin color, religion, nationality, etc. Nor do I want to see reparations and fierce acknowledgment of wrongs made right. If we do I vote to exclude beer making, which many of you would object to vehemently. 🤣

Excessive alcohol consumption killed a cousin, my best friend, a neighbor’s daughter, a former pastor’s son, nearly my father, and several others I knew. It helped me act even a bigger fool when I was younger. As a result I have not drank it in 30 years, although I fully respect others who do so responsibly. However, whoever influenced the people in my life who died from its effects should examine themselves to see if they might have contributed to the untimely death of others. Alcohol consumption is a right in America, governed by law. It is also a well known subject of abuse and addiction. We are currently dealing with a middle aged immediate family member with said addiction whose maturity and life have been stunted by said addiction. We have prayed countless prayers and conducted interventions through the years. So I apologize for not caring much about women brewing the first beer.

Yet, I will never condemn alcohol leading the Friday opener every week. It’s a personal choice to consume or not. Moving on.

Modesty of dress comments by DePat is a subject to which I generally agree. But I realize it is my opinion that has been formed by life experiences over time and what The Word tells us. Others may have a different opinion and that is OK as long as it does not lead to the destruction of themselves or others. Most civilized societies have norms of behavior stated in law for good reasons. Ultimately it is a decision of the individual to agree or not.


I turned 75 on 3/26. I also marked 40 years clean & sober on that day.

You are comfortably standing on the head of a pin with your assessments. May God continue to bless you and may the gentle wind fill your sails.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

God bless you for your witness. 69 on 4/5. Thank you.
