Dear KAG: 20240618 Open Thread

Cover image by Iva Morris:

Has Trump’s Whole Life Been a Sting Operation?

Badlands News Brief – June 17, 2024

Unfortunate – Charlie Kirk, TPUSA and Richard Baris Construct Push Poll to Influence VP Selection

Hilarious: Keffiyeh-clad coffee shop workers vote to unionize, find themselves out of a job by week’s end


Biden Launches Heavy Attack On the Supreme Court at Glitzy LA Fundraiser: Never Been a Court ‘So Far Out of Step’

Who is in control of his teleprompter?

538 now projects Trump winner of 2024 election

Yeah, he was WAY ahead the last two times and the pollsters used their “methodology” to hide it.

Even I know you grill the burger before putting cheese on it.

‘Steve Bannon Is Naming Names’: MSNBC Anchor Alarmed by ‘Chilling’ List of People Ex-Trump Adviser Wants Prosecuted in a Second Term

Biden Ready to Empty US Strategic Oil Reserve to a Week’s Supply to Win Election

Talk about a backfire in the making.

Jeffrey Katzenberg: Biden’s big money man in Hollywood

David Geffen has been displaced?

Dealers Who Forked Out for Ford’s ‘Exclusive’ EV ‘Certification’ Feel Like They Got ShEVved

Full disclosure: the whole family drives Fords due to a relative working for a BIG dealer in town. However, he he he.

IT BEGINS: Kansas Sues Pfizer — State Alleges Company Knew of ‘Serious Adverse Events’ Yet Marketed COVID-19 Vaccine as ‘Safe’

Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever

Who does this?

Meme Zone

Posted with apologies to more than one dedicated poster.

Same for camping at 6 am in the morning.

And so many people think I live in the south despite living in the westernmost eastern city.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


MATTHEW 5:43-48

43“You have heard that it was said, `You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you salute only your brethren, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


Two creepy old men. Should be the title of a movie.

Wanna know how much I paid for ground beef that tasted like sawdust?

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I scrolled to the Schmucky McDonalds pic and got stuck laughing for ten minutes.

Valerie Curren

If Schmucky was actually doing That job he’d be A Lot better for America…in Every Way!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Valerie Curren



❤️ this!


Thank you, De Pat, for your terrific, totally timely, Tuesday post.


Wouldn’t MO also qualify as “Sorta The South”?


That sounds like a “neither fish nor fowl” kind of thing, which would amply backstop a “Sorta”.

I was thinking of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 [ ], where Missouri was admitted as a slave state. While not exactly parallel, there is a whiff of the Treaty of Tordesillas [ ] in that powers very far away were making decrees over large substantially unpopulated areas.


Thanks for the post.
OMG that poor guy with vaccine injury..

loved the kids & elk playing with the ball


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Valerie Curren

could have had 45-47 on the car, like I’ve seen on RealPOTUS’ MAGA hats 😉 😉


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Is anyone supposed to care, Mark?

Or are you just virtue-jerking yourself?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is exactly why I would never vote for the guy in a million years. He’s not a genius like Trump. He’s an opportunistic and authority-dependent asshole with money and a mouth. He’s very limited in his thinking, and bends the knee to evil. Russia and China would eat him up.


He sounds like an insolent child.

He knows it’s BS or it wouldn’t require ‘belief’ in the face of all the contradictory evidence, yet he insists you live in his make-believe world, or he will take his ball and go home.

Okay then… bye! 😂

Robert Baker

Baker’s Law # 97: It is one thing to be a nail but it’s another thing entirely to tell the hammer.


Wall Street Silver:

I am announcing my campaign for the US Senate from New York.

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I don’t get it.

Is this some picture sarcasm related to Schmucky Chuckie’s grill skill?


You do get it. It might not be the most effective, but ridiculing the Left is good strategy, IMO.

Valerie Curren

Can’t make an omelet w/out breaking some eggs…except in Schmucky’s NY 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good catch on the Stalin reference!

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

It took a second until I realize the ovals were eggs still in the shell.

Barb Meier

Me too. 😂


Here’s an example of “multiple sources.” I’ve seen four sources saying that fencing has been put up around the Supreme Court and that that means a controversial ruling is about to come down. 

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This one was not available on X (it said “Retry”), but here is the text:

BREAKING!🚨 Fences have just been installed around the US Supreme Court in Washington DC.

This is indicative of a BIG ruling that is about to be handed down, and it is NOT a ruling that is likely to piss off the left, because Conservatives don’t typically get unruly during…

Someone remarked that the video isn’t available, and this was a comment:

  :wpds_arrow:  Could have just been an old video from prior to Dobbs [Roe v. Wade] being announced they were streaming for engagement bucks. One person streams it initially and a dozen other accounts repost it so they can collect too.

#3 – This appears to be the video that would have played in #2:

Supreme Court fences going up. A couple of cases are coming out. The immunity case, perhaps? It’s a sad reality in America when extra fencing needs to be put up at the White House, Congress, and now the supere court. The most secure places in America, and yet we can’t have a closed border.

Do you think it’s going to be good news or bad? Thoughts?

#4 – from today’s open:

NEW: They put up fences around the Supreme Court. 

Are they afraid that the left is not going to like the ruling?

— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) June 18, 2024


But this ⬇️ appears to indicate that the reports are not true:

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And here is the Supreme Court schedule. It seems that rulings have been issued on Thursdays and Fridays lately, although of course that could change. I don’t think they would telegraph an announcement like they did with Dobbs. The reason for that was that the decision had been leaked and everyone was talking about it and anticipating a monumental opinion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yeah, “multiple sources” is a mainstream media trick that our side uses at its peril!


This further reinforces my number one rule of media, politics, and life in general.

Just be a skeptic. It pays off.


Just be a skeptic. It pays off.

Love it!




Keep standing and fighting.

A comment I came across:

I work for a large corporation that participates in pride month. One of our employees hung a straight pride flag. This led to others doing the same thing with many more on order and on the way. The company after going to corporate decided they couldn’t remove the straight pride flags without removing the rainbow flag on the flag pole. All the flags are down, they were removed on Saturday, including the rainbow flags on all of the buildings in our locals area. Just wanted to share a small win in the culture war.

I had never heard of a straight pride flag. Here is an example.

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I don’t like these kinds of flags, but this seems to be an effective weapon. When they get in our face, we get back in theirs.


This article speculates that JB could have Parkinson’s.

(There’s a laughable couple of paragraphs about Trump’s “concerning slip-ups.”)

…A Los Angeles-based doctor said: ‘Frozen, masked faces, diminished arm swing, less frequent blinking, [are] likely due to a central neurological disorder like Parkinson’s.’

…Commenting on neurodegenerative disorders in general and not specifically on the president’s condition, Dr Ziad Nasreddine, a neurologist who invented the gold-standard cognitive test, previously told slurred speech is seen in Parkinson’s — which affects levels of brain hormones that are involved in movement. 

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder in older adults after Alzheimer’s.

More than 90,000 people in the US are diagnosed with the condition every year, most of who are men over 60.

While symptoms such as tremors are well known, Parkinson’s disease can also cause stiffness and problems with moving the limbs and face, as well as slurred speech.

It is also known to cause cognitive impairment — affecting memory, concentration and even mood.

Symptoms of the disease worsen with time and there is no cure. The disease itself is not fatal, but patients can die from complications of it, such as pneumonia, heart disease, falls, choking or urinary tract infections.  

Rare genetic changes could be behind Parkinson’s, as well as exposure to toxins, but experts are still unsure of the cause.


Aside from the physical side effects of the disease, Parkinson’s can also lead to thinking difficulties and cognitive problems, as well as depression and anxiety. 


Shag says it’s all a right wing conspiracy and that he’s fine. Akin to antifa is a myth.


Interesting that either he’s declining on the world stage for all to see or the script calls for it


Or both.


Encroaching on vegetable status. MeThinks.

It’s really not hard to see.


There’s so many stories out there on Biden, whether or not he’s alive, where the body is if he’s dead, etc.,

The key is whether the sources are credible. Most, if not all, of them are not. In that case, IMO, a wise plan is to not give credence to made-up stories and not to give people clicks who are misleading on purpose or who are so deluded as to be relatively useless, and possibly harmful, to the cause. We have frequent reminders here that the enemy uses those kinds of tactics.

Why focus on whether JB is dead? He’s not, but if he were, how would that change anything? Things are going to proceed as if he were alive. I question why people spend their time wondering “where the body is,” etc. It’s a useless exercise and a distraction in the war we’re engaged in.

Whatever the real truth is, I doubt we’ve seen it yet, and the narrative that keeps getting reinforced is no where close to it.

I don’t know what to think about this because the statement is vague. I don’t know what the “narrative that keeps getting reinforced” is thought to be. It’s very possible that the “real truth” is what we see on the surface regarding JB: that he is a traitorous, foreign-controlled puppet who cheated his way into the Oval Office and whose health is declining before our eyes and those of the world. The constant looking for signs that “something is up” that I see among internet influencers is a detrimental distraction. Reports about fences around the Supreme Court today constitute one example. Discernment is sorely needed.


Discernment – what a concept!

[h/t Robin Williams]

Valerie Curren

I actually read one of the FLCCC emails received lately…

COVID (Shots) and Cancer
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Continuing a troublesome trend, recently released studies reinforce a causal connection between COVID mRNA shots and cancer development/reactivation.

Oncologists around the world are continuing the raise the alarm as a growing number of new studies confirm that Covid mRNA shots cause cancer.

Two more new studies have just added to the swelling body of evidence showing that the injections trigger the rapid development and spread of cancer.

N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?

SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 subunit inhibits p53 activation of p21(WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2 proteins in cancer cells

In February 2024 at the FLCCCC educational conference, Healthcare Revolution: Restoring the Doctor-Patient Relationship Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, Dr. Paul Marik, and Dr. Nathan Goodyear discussed Emergence and Treatment of Turbo Cancers

Scientist Blows Whistle on Cover-Up of Study Showing Covid Shots Cause CancerSlay News reports on Dr. Hui Jiang of Stockholm University “blowing the whistle to reveal bombshell findings were shut down by officials at the universities” where she and co-author, Dr. Ya-Fang Mei of Umeå University, worked.

“SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro,” was published in the peer-reviewed journal MDPI Viruses in October 2021 and retracted in May 2022.

“Newly unsealed emails have also backed up the allegations, revealing the peer-reviewed study was shut down and hidden from the public.”

Slay News also notes, “Independent journalist Rebekah Barnett has pointed out that three days before an investigation into Jiang and Mei’s paper began on November 5, 2021, medical educator ‎Dr. Mobeen Syed, known as Dr. Been,’ posted to YouTube a video about the implications of Jiang and Mei’s paper for cancer development.”

Hope all the links work, if not I’ll edit & add them in…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff. Note how the West is being discredited here – excellent long-term strategy by China.


Do we know whether those Chinese docs are escapees or just studying abroad?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I may dig into that. I know and haven’t investigated. That may affect nuances, but for CCP long-term strategy, having Chinese on any side that wins provides for future propaganda victories, so if the West eventually takes the heat for their mRNA vaccines, it’s a CCP victory.

Like the Nazis with “Germans”, the CCP claims all “Chinese” as theirs, and they define “Chinese” quite broadly.

When ChiCom academics in the US jump to attention to quickly support Dem narratives, I generally figure they’re CCP or sympathizers.

Valerie Curren

I’m clearly ignorant here, but would you mind elaborating how the info shared above is discrediting the West by China? Those docs w/ Chyneze sounding names were trying to expose how their findings were shut down by the universities, one in Sweden, not sure where Umeå University is...


Umeå University knows where it is. 

901 87 Umeå, Sweden

Valerie Curren

TY 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Racially Chinese academics seeking truth in science and health were shut down by a Western university who wanted to cover up the truth. That has obvious propaganda value for the CCP, should the Western vaccines come under scrutiny and criticism. Most importantly, China will appear to be LEADING science, to honest scientists. The West will become China’s fall guy.

Valerie Curren



I just dragged out an old mini-laptop. When it was a Windows box, it was named ‘Traveler’ — it’s got a tiny screen and a tiny brain. I booted it, and was surprised to find that it was running Ubuntu MATE ‘Focal Fossa’. That’s sort of like finding some Egyptian Hieroglyphs that spell out “hep cats in porkpie hats.”

I’m trying to run an update on it, and (if it works) I’ll be trying to get it to ‘Jammy Jellyfish’.

It just got to telling me it had 1009 packages to upgrade. Then it started getting crossways with “unattended upgrade”. It’s off to my right on newly cleared desktop, so I can let “unattended upgrade” try to do its thing for a longish time.


It got the “unattended upgrade” out of its system and asked me if I really wanted to upgrade 1009 packages…..then bombed.

Apt is usually smarter than I am, so I just did “sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade” again. As might be imagined with 1009 packages, it’s taking its sweet time. If this succeeds, I’m going to do “sudo apt autoremove”, which will get rid of packages it used to think it needed that are no longer in the “depends” tree. Then I will do “sudo apt clean” — apt keeps copies of every package it installs….sometimes in multiple versions — apt clean deletes the copies and forces apt to load new versions when it operates.

It just went from 1% to 2%, so it is chugging along.


It just went to 6%. Whee!!!








AND then…





Thought it may have committed seppuku.


Seriously, apt/dpkg are the best in the business. However long they take is however long they need to take.



One of the features of Linux is a “package manager”. This is a hard-coded way of updating the system to stay functional. In the Debian/Ubuntu/Pop/Mint world, the packages are *.deb, which are managed by dpkg, which is run by apt. In the Fedora/Red Hat/Centos world, the packages are *.rpm, which are managed by something run by dnf. Arch uses pacman.


That sounds like a line from a superhero movie script.


I’ve had it doing the Jammy upgrade for about 10 hours, and it’s less than halfway done. Froze three times (two on browsers converting to snaps). And I’ve got to babysit it because the upgrade process was unable to turn off the screen lock.

Not super happy.



Or they know something that just ain’t so… 😂


Or they know something that just ain’t so

This. He left out disinformation.


Both of the Bannon’s (MSNBC clip and X) in the intro, are superb.


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Every state should follow Kansas lead, suing Pfizer.

Toss in Moderna. For grins J&J.

Cherry on top.

  • Sue FDA, CDC and NIH, including the ghouls like FauXi, Scarf Bitch….
Gail Combs

Forget suing I want MURDER CHARGES on  Ralph Baric, FauXi, Scarf Bitch….

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TwoFer. No relief for the murders.


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, June 18, 2024

“For in him we live, and move, and have our being…” 

Acts 17:28 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Good Morning, Dear Jesus – Oh, how I love You;
Have so much to tell You – don’t know what to do;
Where do I begin – wherefore do I start;
Please send Your Spirit – to dwell in my heart!

I thank You, Dear Jesus – for all You’ve done;
For the blessings received – and victories won;
For a roof over my head – and food in the fridge;
For kind, loving friends – for problems to bridge! 

Thank You, Dear Jesus – coming to D’s aid;
For getting her home – her head down she laid;
For blessing today – as only You can do;
For all that You’ve done – I sincerely thank You!

Thank You, Dear Jesus – for Morning Prayer;
That came to us from – our demon slayer;
There’s no weapon formed against her this day;
That will deter her – or – get in her way!

She carries Your Spirit – where’er she goes;
Where she goes and preaches – nobody knows;
For her assignments come – directly from You;
Through obedience – she knows – just what to do!

What a blessing she is – I pray You’ve told her;
But, I think she knows – through all she must shoulder;
She questions not – a single Word from You;
Gets to doing – what You’ve asked her to do!

She doesn’t mind one bit – being used by You;
It excites her soul – body – and spirit – too;
Each one is welcome – no matter what his plight;
For souls she will witness – for souls she will fight! 

The Gift of Your Love – she spreads all around;
Here, there, and everywhere – all around town;
Wherever she goes – You bless those she greets;
At churches and homes – You bless those she meets!

Her talents are many – Gifts of the Spirit;
Because she was willing – Your Word – to hear it;
To preach and to teach – all who are able;
All who are hungry – come to Your table!

Thank You, Dear Jesus – for blessings abound;
Today and every day – with Love – You astound;
So many are hurting – but – little by little – 
Heaven and Earth pass – one jot or one tittle!

Shall no wise pass from the law – till all be fulfilled;
When it all comes to fruition – just as You willed;
When we are in Heaven – enjoying the treasures;
That we have stored up there – the fruits that He measures! 

A ‘Happy Dance’ we’ll dance – for happy we’ll be;
In Heaven with You – for all eternity;
Until then, Dear Jesus – hold us tight and fast;
Till our work here is done – in Heaven at last!

D01: 11/07/2014




Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



18 June 2024
by Jordan Schachtel
Yours Truly: Dr. Anthony Fauci’s autobiography comes out tomorrow. The title:
On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.
And for which he received a $5 million advance from the publisher.
IMO, it is fair to posit that Dr. Fauci will paint himself as the “modern medical savior of humanity” in this book.
(IMO, the last time that Anthony Fauci was truly On Call was when he was in Residency. He has been a government employee in medical research [NIH / NIAID] since then.)

Meanwhile, millions of people who were injected with the COVID-19 “vaccines” developed and pushed under his watch (actually, unproven gene therapy shots) are coming down with the MEDICAL TSUNAMI of injuries, illnesses, and disabilities, that are induced by the ingredients and mechanisms of these “vaccines” at work in their bodies.

Meanwhile, untold numbers of “vaccinated” persons have died from the effects of these dangerous, deadly “vaccines.”

Meanwhile, untold numbers of “vaccinated” males and females have had their reproductive abilities damaged due to the SPIKE PROTEIN of said “vaccines” migrating to their ovaries and testes.

Meanwhile, the DNA of persons who took ANY dose of a COVID-19 “vaccine” has been changed. ( Please see Slide 14.)

Meanwhile, Anthony Fauci (along with Deborah Birx, Mike Pence, and others) DELIBERATELY WITHHELD vital information about the COVID-19 virus itself, and of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, from then-President Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, Anthony Fauci signed off on funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology; signed off on decades of funding into coronaviruses by Ralph Baric; and more.

Meanwhile, medical doctors who spread the truth regarding the dangerous and deadly COVID-19 “vaccines” are being targeted and punished:
Dr. Peter A. McCullough — fired from Baylor University
Dr. Ryan Cole — License to Practice Medicine in Washington State restricted for 5 years; must complete courses in “medical ethics and misinformation” and write a paper on it
Dr. Carrie Madej — survived a near-fatal “sudden plane crash”; was targeted by her state Medical Licensing Board; she gave up and surrendered her License to Practice Medicine
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — was literally on trial for “spreading medical misinformation” about COVID-19 and the “vaccines”; he fought back and won that case
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny — her License to Practice Medicine was suspended for “spreading medical misinformation”: she fought back and got her license re-instated
— and much more

Brave and Free

Fauci book = payoff for his part in the globalist plan.

Gail Combs

Since he is retired he can use that money to pay the lawyers as people start suing that son of a slime mold.

Barb Meier

He can also start paying for his own security plus his own transportation.


On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service

(IMO, the last time that Anthony Fauci was truly On Call was when he was in Residency. He has been a government employee in medical research [NIH / NIAID] since then.)

At a recent Congressional hearing, Fauci was asked whether he had treating patients. He said something vague about a setting he was in where some people had been treated. I doubt he has any experience with an actual patient population.


Many decades ago.

The only patients FauXi ever saw, was under supervision as an intern…wannabe quack school.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Can’t wait for the sequel…

A Fraudsters Journey In Penal Servitude

Valerie Curren

Desperate, Despicable, Detestable, Demonic Death Row Dispatches

Gail Combs

DO not forget:
What (or who) killed all of these children? The WORLD deserves to KNOW
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(I think this is the same as in this site below.)

@ 8:00 (2018) Ebola trial of four drugs tested Remdesivir safety board found it had THE HIGHEST DEATH RATE and PULLED it before the end of the one year study. Fauci’s SECOND DRUG was the SECOND MOST DEADLY…. Goes into second test.
Listen from 8:20 onwards on how Remdesivir was effectively chosen by Fauci himself for it’s sheer lethality to be given to COVID patients. Fauci stated that all hospitals in America were only to give Remdesivir to COVID patients and nothing else, and also criminally ordered that Hydroxychloroquine was not to be used to treat COVID as Fauci dishonestly stated it is very dangerous for COVID patients.

  :wpds_arrow: Fauci knew 2 years before he mandated Remdesivir as the only drug to be used how deadly it’s effects would certainly be, this being clear evidence that he deliberately mass-murdered all those American people who died allegedly from COVID whose symptoms were actually those of fatal Remdesivir poisoning.

….For the first 10 months in 2020, America was the only country using Remdesivir as the drug to treat COVID and bought up all the stocks it could from all over the world to be able to do that, and as a direct result, America had the most deaths, allegedly from COVID, in reality from Remdesivir poisoning (and having their lungs popped on ventilators).

Remdesivir is very expensive indeed in comparison with Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.

Remdesivir was found in one study of 4 drugs looking for a potential treatment for Ebola to have the most lethal side-effects.

In a second study by the Israeli company Gilead, 22% out of 53 COVID patients in 23 countries who were given Remdesivir were found after just 28 days to have suffered 4 major effects, multiple organ failure, acute kidney failure, septic shock and hypotension. 8% of these patients had to be taken off Remdesivir by day 5 or 10 because they were dying. 30% experienced 4 life-threatening effects.

Doctors in American hospitals who had been ordered to use Remdesivir on COVID patients were mistaking effects of Remdesivir for those of COVID, thinking COVID was causing the kidney failure now being seen in their patients. These patients were not dying from any COVID, they were dying very clearly from Remdesivir poisoning….



Gail Combs
Thank you for this.
And the FDA is STILL stating that Remdesivir is to be used on COVID-19 patients. The FDA knows that Remdesivir has a “kill rate” of around 30% (if not higher.)
And wasn’t it Anthony Fauci who helped to develop that failed HIV treatment drug, AZT, which was finally pulled off the market?

Gail Combs


Since Fauci and Pfizer Must Have Known the Jab Reduces Immunity, Was This Also Fauci’s Goal With an AIDS Vaccine?

Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir

Fauci was up to something VERY similar with AIDS. He wanted a vaccine desperately. He didn’t want to treat AIDS, but eventually he HAD TO – and when he finally did, it was remdesivir all over again.

And what I’ve come to realize, is that IF there had been a “working” vaccine for HIV / AIDS that worked anything like these terrible coronavirus vaccines, that vaccine would have LOWERED HUMAN IMMUNITY in the same dubious strategy – as the “prevention” for a disease that lowers immunity.

Do you see how WRONG and WEIRD that is?

You know – something is just “not right” with all this.

I’m not taking this vaccine. And I sure as hell hope YOU aren’t taking it either.



This is a piece of research that haunts me. It always will.

Fauci is a monster. He is on par with Mengele.

Gail Combs

I think that piece of SLIME surpassed Mengele!


comment image

Primaries today in Virginia, Oklahoma, and Georgia.


Our Road to Emmaus

As life drifts by, and wends its way
It’s off to Emmaus we go
We plan our trip and make our steps
But the going is hard and slow

We have two ears that will not hear
And two eyes that refuse to see
We trip and stumble as we walk
Over goals that will never be

But along the way, Someone comes
Though we thought we walked alone
To tell us that we’ve been chosen
And soften our hearts from hard stone

At first, of course, the Way seems strange
And so no, we just won’t believe
But in a while the White Dove comes
And now, with faith, we must receive

We wonder now how it could be
That our vain thoughts could be so wrong
That we refused to see the Light
That we resisted for so long

You see, our steps were not our own
And we were guided through it all
To ensure that we were ready
To receive our Father’s call

Here we are one of the Chosen
Seeing life now with different eyes
Hoping and watching for the time
When the trumpet sounds through the skies

And we arise then changed and new
Now complete, filled with His pure love
Seeing clearly, we know in full
Glory to our Father above!

Last edited 4 months ago by bakocarl





Thanks, I really needed that.


GA/FL, Hoping things are going well with Sally.


If you’re in the mood for a rant, this is a good one.

Valerie Curren

This is Spot On!


An epic truth rant

Valerie Curren

Surprising for I would guess that men would have a More than 10% average performance/athletic (strength & speed measurements) advantage over women, & perhaps they do when discussing things below the world’s record level…


I would guess that men would have a More than 10% average performance/athletic (strength & speed measurements) advantage over women

I think men usually do have a much greater performance advantage over women, depending on the sport. That chart is just about record times in swimming. I would guess that, if a man participated against fellow elite male swimmers at the level of the fastest woman, he would most often be last in his field.

Valerie Curren

he would most often be last in his field.” Yes, but if he pretends he’s a woman then he can be invariably first  😡 

Gail Combs

I think part of that is because guys are encouraged to BE athletic from a very young age while girls, at least in my generation were not.

One of the reasons I beat the guys in long distance is because I spend a lot of time outside running for as long as I can remember. Therefore I had the lungs and leg muscles already built up.

Kids now are SOFT and WEAK. I am in my 70s and I can STILL out work most teens.


New York’s highest court declined to hear former President Donald Trump’s challenge to the gag order in his criminal hush money case, leaving it in effect, according to a decision list posted on Tuesday.

The appeal was dismissed by the New York Court of Appeals “upon the ground that no substantial constitutional question is directly involved.”


The appeal was dismissed by the New York Court of Appeals “upon the ground that no substantial constitutional question is directly involved.”

^^^ Apparently First Amendment is not a substantial Right.

Morons prolly went to law school with Kenji.




Yep. Corruption confirmed.


IMO, not surprising.


No. More toilet rulings from ny

Valerie Curren

I guess Freedom of Speech is irrelevant AND nonexistent in NY’s clown world  😡 


Appears so.


Thank you for your help in getting certiorari in SCOTUS.


Good point!


Virgin Australia Boeing 737 Makes Emergency Landing in New Zealand After Engine Fire (VIDEO)
Boeing whistleblower steps forward ahead of CEO’s testimony in Washington, senator says

Sen. Richard Blumenthal’s office on Tuesday said a current Boeing employee has come forward as a whistleblower, an announcement that comes hours before the airplane manufacturer’s chief executive is scheduled to testify on Capitol Hill.

The senator’s office identified the employee as Sam Mohawk, a quality assurance inspector for Boeing in Renton, Washington.

Mohawk alleges that Boeing is cutting corners by losing track of parts that have been labeled as non-conforming or not up to design standards, according to Blumenthal. Sometimes these parts get a second chance because they can be fixed or were mislabeled, but often they should be discarded. Still, the parts sometimes end up in newly built airplanes, Mohawk said, according to the senator.

“He said that he has been told by his supervisors to conceal this evidence from the FAA, and that he is being retaliated against as well,” Blumenthal said in a statement.

A Boeing spokesperson said the company had received on Monday evening the documents supplied to Blumenthal by the whistleblower. The company is reviewing the claims now, the spokesperson said on Tuesday.

“We continuously encourage employees to report all concerns as our priority is to ensure the safety of our airplanes and the flying public,” the spokesperson said.

The latest whistleblower is stepping forward as Boeing CEO David Calhoun prepares to sit for a Senate hearing on his company’s “broken safety culture” on Tuesday afternoon. Previous whistleblowers have accused the Arlington, Virginia-headquartered company of cutting corners on safety practices as it builds aircraft.

Blumenthal in his opening statement during Tuesday’s hearing is expected to press Calhoun on whether the executive has made progress turning the company around.

The senator will mention the incident in January when a door plug blew out of an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 shortly after takeoff. He’ll say that the “façade quite literally blew off the hollow shell that had been Boeing’s promises to the world,” according to excerpts of his prepared remarks viewed by ABC News.

“Mr. Calhoun, you were brought in turn this company around,” Blumenthal is expected to say, according to his prepared remarks. “But instead of asking what has caused Boeing’s safety culture to erode, you and your colleagues in the C-suite have deflected blame, looked the other way, and catered to your shareholders instead.”

I never see a word from our Secretary of Transportation. Paging Pete…


Pete and others are nothing but woke figureheads. Like FJB, their job is to act/reply at the puppet master’s direction. Since destroying the infrastructure of the USA is one of their goals it hasn’t been imperative to acknowledge and fix anything. Working just like they want

Gail Combs

It has been an issue that I knew of in 2004. Three plane crashes were traced back to the problem I told the FAA about. I haven’t kept up since then.



It’s still making headlines because Boeing planes are catching on fire and having to make emergency landings for various reasons.


The problem is the parts that the pilots precheck look fine . There’s no way for them to know that they’re substandard.


…the pilot unions would be on strike.

Pilots put up with airline demands to be Jabbed. Yea, I know some chose to not get Jabbed.Pilot Strike would have ended the Jab requirement.Pilot strike could have ended the mask requirement.
I don’t see the pilots striking over anything, Except pay AND benefits. NOTHING.

Once the fake part goes in an aircraft, I suspect it stays there until it fails (hopefully the AC doesn’t fall out of the sky. Or, the part is changed out as part of periodic maintenance (hours in service or the like).

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

That is good to know.

My post remains accurate.


If the problem was really a big issue, the pilot unions would be on strike.

And yet, weekly, and sometimes multiple times a week, we read about a problem with a Boeing plane that endangers people’s lives. What would it take to make it a big issue?


Not sure if this adds much to your report apart maybe for an approximate number…

“Defective parts may have been installed on new Boeing 737MAX aircraft, Bloomberg writes, citing a report by the company’s quality control inspector Sam Mohawk.

According to him, Boeing “lost” up to 400 low-quality parts. They could be installed on new aircraft. These are damaged or substandard components that need to be tracked, disposed of, or repaired with careful records.

The inspector says he tried to inform management about the violations, but his report went to the employees he complained about.

Mohawk then shared the report with OSHA, which was released to the Senate.

Previously, two Boeing employees who publicly spoke about irregularities in the company died under strange circumstances.”


400 low-quality parts that might be installed on new aircraft. I can’t imagine what it would take to find all of them, but they need to do it ASAP.

Gail Combs

ZERO surprise here. As A QC type, I reported defective engine parts to FAA and got BLACK BALLED in retaliation.



Trump is scheduled to speak at about 4 pm Eastern.


MONOLITH MANIA: Another Mysterious Metal Artifact Found, This Time in a Desert Near Las Vegas

…The Monolith Mania continues unabated in the United States the United Kingdom.

Another ten-foot-tall block of steel, resembling the distinctive shape of the Swiss chocolate bar Toblerone, has been found, this time in the Nevada desert near Las Vegas.

The artifact sighting is the latest in a series of similar events happening across the US, UK and elsewhere in Europe.

Multiple monoliths were sighted since 2020, including one in Utah, one in California, one at UK’s Isle of Wight and one at the Merry Maidens megalithic stone circle in Cornwall, which attracted enormous curiosity.

New York Post reported:

“The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department says the shiny, reflective structure – similar to one found in Utah years ago – was spotted by its search and rescue unit near Gass Peak over the weekend. 

‘We see a lot of weird things when people go hiking like not being prepared for the weather, not bringing enough water… but check this out!’ police wrote on X alongside an image of the monolith.”

comment image

Besides the US and the UK, similar artifacts have also been found in Belgium and Romania.

Back in November 2020, one of the 10-feet high monoliths was found by Utah state wildlife employees counting sheep from a helicopter.

A week later, another artifact was discovered in Atascadero, California, north of Los Angeles.

Both British and American authorities share the same complete ignorance about who is placing these metal objects there and why.


thanks TT…I feel a descent into magical, mystical, conspiratorial woowoo territory coming on. Lucky for all I have chores to do 😃 




Obviously some one or organization with money to squander for no apparent useful purpose.


Sure but it’s an intriguing squirrel


Obviously some one or organization with money to squander for no apparent useful purpose.

It must cost a lot to erect those things.



Jake Lang is a January 6 Political Prisoner who has been locked up for 1248 days 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗔 𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗔𝗟 & he snuck a PHONE into his PRISON CELL TO EXPOSE THE GULAG’S 𝗖𝗥𝗨𝗘𝗟 & 𝗨𝗡𝗨𝗦𝗨𝗔𝗟 𝗣𝗨𝗡𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧!!! 😲

By the time you read this, authorities have already taken Jake to 𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗬 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗘 for the next 2 months because he has organized the National J6 Hunger Strike & they want to 𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝗺 before his trial in 80 days!!!

Many are worried the Biden Regime is going to try to 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗝𝗮𝗸𝗲 & say that he died of starvation – this is the same NYC Prison System that Epstein was murdered in!!!

We will be releasing a 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 taped inside prison EVERYDAY on Jake’s X account for the J6 Hunger Strike, so please SHARE and make sure you follow the calls to action & HELP FREE THE J6 POLITICAL PRISONERS!!!

For the love of God please – call the US Marshals & demand Edward Jacob Lang’s IMMEDIATE RELEASE from Solitary Confinement as a PRETRIAL DETAINEE in Brooklyn MDC :

US Marshals Supervisor L. Brown: 202-772-0373

US Marshals Main Desk: 202-353-0600 & 202-307-9100

Call Congress & DEMAND a NEW JANUARY 6 Select Committee

House of Representatives: 202-224-3121

US Senate: 202-225-3121

The Jan 6ers WILL NOT EAT until Congress forms a New J6 Select Committee!!!

Last edited 4 months ago by eilert
Valerie Curren



He is very well spoken. Most hunger strikes don’t amount to anything, and I’m not sure that his will either, but hope it will call attention to his and others’ plights. I don’t understand why someone in a position of power can’t do something about the trampling of these people’s rights.


“I don’t understand why someone in a position of power can’t do something about the trampling of these people’s rights.”


Someone in a position of power could.

They don’t want to.

They would have punishment, rather than mercy.


I don’t understand why someone in a position of power can’t do something about the trampling of these people’s rights.

^^^ The Feds are corrupt to the core. Elected assholes. Shitheads appointed AND confirmed with the help of r-Cons. Rank and file Federal employees. Shitheads in Bureau of Prisons.

Everyone of these bastards ought to be fired. Anyone who could have remedied the J6ers plight, charged and tried in court.

My level of disgust with these shitheads is endless.

Brave and Free

Agreed, 99% of them are blackmailed and only worry about themselves. Evil beyond the pale.

Gail Combs

As I have said before, If Putin drops a Nuke on DC I will send him a thankQ letter.


me too


Setting why they’re there aside…the human rights violations alone should be addressed. If they were garden variety minority prisoners making these claims the entire prison system would be on fire.


If they were “trans” prisoners making these claims, the entire prison system would be set on fire. “Equal justice under the law” doesn’t exist for J6ers.


Again, the people responsible for the mistreatment of these Americans deserve not only the same fate, but far worse.

For the people being punished did nothing wrong, whereas the people responsible for their punishment did so with premeditation, with malice aforethought, and left them to rot without even the slightest compassion or mercy.


Fuckers in Congress Do Nothing to protect J6 political prisoners.

  • r-Cons Do Nothing. Nothing.
  • Defund the fucking prisons.
  • Shut the fucking prisons down.
  • Can’t be any worse than millions of illegal flooding America.
  • J6ers deserve to be Freed.
  • r-Cons are a despicable lot. All Of Them.
  • Don’t wanna hear about a handful of “good” r-Cons.
  • J6ers should be Job #1.

J6 tapes? Fucking Johnson.


I don’t even want to read that. It’s horrific.


These people deserve to be cut down by a righteous mob.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Aussies do nothing in response to “St Vincent’s” hospital.

What a mockery of the notion, Saint.

Nothing happens with the hospital, quacks, administrators.

At some point, folks gotta Raise Hell with the criminals.


A Pure Example Of The Insanity In DC


…what’s worse is that its likely a dozen or more people associated with Schumer all were part of taking that image, putting together the post, actually sending it and similar as he is clearly not doing this all on his own while grilling hamburgers.

Not one of the people involved in that process saw anything wrong with it — in other words, all of them have likely never cooked a hamburger themselves in their lives, on a grill or otherwise.

You’d think that’s insane and yet the evidence is that this is exactly what happened.

Now think about this in the context of every other Senator and every issue that faces every ordinary American. The evidence is that not only are none the Senators in any way “exposed” to any of the ordinary challenges and experiences of life neither are any of their staff and as such they write rules and laws that everyone is expected to follow yet they have literally no knowledge of the impact of doing so nor are they subject to any of it themselves.

Great points.


“…as such they write rules and laws that everyone is expected to follow yet they have literally no knowledge of the impact of doing so nor are they subject to any of it themselves.


Same as it ever was.

“And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers.” (Luke 11:46 KJV, cf. Matthew 23:4)

Brave and Free

As old as man, we shouldn’t be surprised at all. We’re fortunate that we realize what’s happening in our republic, versus the rest who are encouraging it and not seeing their demise.


Amen on that.


I’d bet 90% of them are some kind of soyboy vegan. They wouldn’t know a burger if they smelled one. And they won’t even eat cheese!

And grill something? All those nasty propane tanks to deal with? My goodness, somebody make reservations.


Barb Meier

There is one other alternative: his own staff sabotaged him with raw hamburger.



Dear Almighty Father,

Tonight, I am full of gratitude. The blessings you’ve showered upon me all day – they have been bountiful. “Give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18), you’ve taught us, and I heed this wisdom.

Your love, Father, is limitless. Your compassion – it’s a river that never dries. Amidst life’s ebbs and flows, your love remains my anchor. Much like it says in Lamentations 3:22-23, your steadfast love never ceases.

Lord, your faithfulness is remarkable. Despite hunger gnawing at millions, you’ve filled my plate. It reminds me of your promise in Matthew 6:26. Just as you feed the birds, you’ve fed me, too.

Your protection, Father, is a fortress. Dangers lurk, yet they can’t reach me. Just as Psalm 91:14 assures us of your protection, I have felt your guarding presence.

You are Jehovah Rapha, our healer. My health, a testament to your divine healing power, reflects the promise of Exodus 15:26. You’ve mended me where I was broken.

In the face of tall challenges, you’ve granted me triumphs. I’ve witnessed the truth of Luke 1:37. Indeed, nothing is impossible for you, Lord.

Trials of the day have come, yet here I stand. Your strength, my Lord, has fueled my resilience. Like the apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through you who strengthens me.

Amidst distress, you’ve gifted me peace. My soul finds rest in you, mirroring the promise of Matthew 11:28. Come to you, I have, and found rest.

My financial woes, they’ve been swept away. Your provision, a reflection of Philippians 4:19, has shielded me from ruin.


Thank you so much for the Evening Prayers! They are such a help.
Have a restful night!


Katie Hopkins speaks on the decline of the Ukraine narrative as only Katie can…..


LOL….before the 80’s but we would much rather be outside anyway. No central AC, no watching tv allowed, yelled at for opening the fridge too often so drinking out of the hose was the way to go, you might miss the popsickle guy if you weren’t outside. snacks? what snacks…we ate supper no matter what it was

Gail Combs

My parents problem was keeping me IN!

I left the house at day break and was gone all day… AT FOUR.


I understand that. Someone always had a fruit tree and you better have a dollar in your pocket already for the ice cream man.


haha…sweet summertime, those were the days.
Seems so crazy the lockdown time, everybody all jammed up in their own houses


I am still coming across masked people AND signs or online prompts to mask up.


I see masked peeps too fairly regularly. Don’t know the why on it but almost always it’s black people. It’s so hot to be. wearing one.


Same here. I made a reservation to take kiddo out to eat and they still have covid guidelines up. Probably too lazy to remove but you wonder.


When city pools werent quite as questionable. Man, we used to walk a mile in our suits under shorts and a t shirt w just our towels and money to get in. In l.a.! No problems.


The good news – there are now thousands of available restaurant servers available for the workforce.

Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

Gail Combs


Combine that with Trunp’s NO INCOME TAX and we may actually get honest research again!

Valerie Curren

Let’s hope so!

Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

Harry Fisher
For those of us that are awake to what’s occurring it is truly hellish. I don’t use the word hell lightly.

Imagine waking up, getting ready for work knowing you’re going to see people in their worst moments. You’re going to be relied upon to help them, even save them. You have to be clear of mind, relaxed, but act with a sense of urgency. Everyday, every night. No matter how tired.
We constantly think of calls that we ran and what could’ve been done different. Even when we know there’s nothing else we could’ve possibly done, we still critique ourselves. Almost as if we’re trying to find blame in ourselves for not being good enough.
Now throw on top of it the knowledge of government bodies intentionally harming people. A lot of our patients don’t just have a bad run of luck anymore. It wasn’t just simple fate. But rather intentional harm. Harm that we truly want to stop. That said, most of us know that we can’t save many of them. You can’t even speak to some of them. They are already gone, physically, or mentally. Adding more trauma to an already abused patient doesn’t help.

I do ask my patients if they’ve had the covid shots. Some patients immediately start questioning if it could be the cause. Some just say yes or no. But pushing to speak about it, especially when people are hurting. It doesn’t seem right. However I have and will continue to discuss further with those that want to talk about what I’ve witnessed.

I guess, to put it simply, It’s like playing a football game and knowing you’re going to lose. You’re just down to many points, and not enough time. You might make some good plays. You might save someone for the moment, but the other team is bigger and more ruthless. So you know you’re just postponing the inevitable.

For me, I keep putting on my jersey. I keep taking the field. Yet with every death, especially the young ones, my shoulder pads get heavier and heavier.

I hope that helps you understand. If not, I’m sorry. It’s been a long day.

God bless

Valerie Curren

My son who is an EMT, a bit lower than a paramedic, has similar thoughts about the job, including scathing self-analysis always trying to do better for the patients. The system in which he functions, in Detroit, is incredibly broken, but he & many of his work associates are more about the needs of the people they serve than butt coverage nor political butt kissing to attempt to get a system that is better for them vs legacy fire for example.

I’m hoping that by sharing some of this particular man’s insights on his job that Brandon, & perhaps his co-workers, might be challenged to start documenting shot status…we’ll see…

Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

James Thorp MD
Jun 17

This is more to add to the avalanche of data on COVID-19 vaccines killing and injuring pregnant women and all others! As it turns out YOU were pushing lethal misinformation. You need to repent and come clean to the American people including your constituents.

Kansas Attorney General SUING Pfizer for misleading citizens and on COVID-19 vaccines and their horrible outcomes in pregnancy! Not good for YOU SSM Health, CEO Laura Kaiser and Kevin Elledge. You fired me for being truthful on the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy and testifying to such in the US Senate and on Tucker Carlson- you should have read all my publications that I sent you through my chain of command at SSM Health. Instead you fired me. You will reap what you’ve sown – God will not be mocked. @SSMHealth @acog @ACOGPregnancy @MySMFM @boardobgyn

Harry Fisher
Jun 17
I can’t stress enough how difficult it was seeing women sitting in a full ER waiting room. In their own blood. Waiting for their turn to get into the ER. The number of spontaneous abortions/miscarriages post MRNA gene therapy is staggering.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

Harry Fisher
Jun 17
For those that have been with me a while you know I’ve been writing a book. My goal is to get all that I’ve experienced out to the general public. In order to combat medical tyranny.
I’ve been banned and censored from almost every major platform for just trying to warn the people about what I’ve seen.

This has been mass genocide with the world in the crosshairs.
After much thought, I realized it is very difficult for the powers that be to delete a book, and I can also help others in need with funds raised from book sales. Especially the vaccine injured.
If you’d like to help me accomplish these goals I would truly appreciate it.

The powers that be have assisted in killing our family members, our friends. They’ve taken our jobs, our livelihoods. They’ve mounted immense campaigns to destroy our way of life and our liberty.

I currently have many “people” aiming at me, trying to take my job and my paramedic license. I will not go down without a fight. This book, speaking truth. Is how I choose to fight back. Your help is greatly appreciated.

A link for pre orders is in the comments, and in my bio.

Thank you, all of you. Warriors for truth.

God bless

Valerie Curren

The video/audio/podcast? is an hour…I didn’t watch so am just sharing this fyi

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren

James Thorp MD
22 Aug 2023
SSM Is this the result of the $306 MILLION you received from HHS CDC? Apparently you sold your souls for money. @SSMHealth @SSMHealthSTL #LauraKaiser #KevinElledge You owe your employees and patients AND the American Public clarity on the contract you signed w HHS CDC. It was our tax money. Appears as though you entered into a quid pro quo agreement with the HHS CDC signing the “Covenant With Death” exactly like The American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG) did. You appear to be threatening physicians & employers with termination for not following the lethal narratives of HHS CDC. Horrifying. Anyone else in your system as extensively published on COVID-19 as I am? Why was this not addressed in an academic manner? This appears more consistent with fascism power and money – certainly NOT science.

SSM HEALTH Employees. Be Bold & Courageous. Stand up for truth. Silence is complicit. SSM patients- ask your doc, nurse, tech’s & administrators if they are willing lose their job to save your life or your babies life. Unfortunately it appears the vast majority will not.

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Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

I remember seeing this aortic horror mentioned multiple times on that Steve Kirsch survey from a while back…

Valerie Curren

Harry Fisher
Jun 16
Paramedic call-

I was called to a near syncopal episode. Meaning someone almost passed out. Arrived on scene to find a fit and otherwise healthy man diaphoretic (sweating) saying “I don’t know what happened.” He went on to say “I was about to stand up to get something and my stomach started hurting, felt dizzy and almost fell down.”
I placed my monitor, checked vitals, acquired an EKG. He was still complaining of slight abdominal pain. After some conversation he finally agreed to transport with me to the hospital.
During my medical history assessment he denied taking any medications, has no pertinent past medical history. Has received three COVID vaccinations, “Pfizer.” We had good conversation about his family, and his little kids that “are his world.”

The next time I saw this man was Months later. 911 call for weakness and nausea.
He was a fraction of the man I initially met. Could barely speak.
The first call that I ran with him proved to be an aortic dissection. He survived the surgery, though it took a major toll on his body.
Now, with his children around him, they watched as my partner and I transferred their frail Father onto my cot. That was the last time they saw their dad alive.

I want to say happy Father’s Day today. I want to be happy, and I am grateful for the good left in the world, but I know so many have been robbed of their loved ones.
Prior to the vaccines aortic dissection and aneurysms were very very rare. After the experimental shots, they weren’t rare anymore.

Hold your loved ones close. Show love often. Stand firm in the face of evil. Shout righteousness from the roof tops. Be a voice for the voiceless.

God bless

James Thorp MD
Jun 16
People. Connect the dots. I recognize that the COVID-19 vaccines cause cognitive & intellectual impairment and many psychiatric illnesses including suicide and suicidal ideation. This in part is why people can’t process the avalanche of proof that the COVID-19 have killed and injured at least 585 million global citizens.

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Valerie Curren

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This case is an amazing demonstration of the politicized Justice Department and FIB.

Valerie Curren

grrr 🙁

Valerie Curren

I hope they didn’t let these tyrants in…

Valerie Curren

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

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