Dear MAGA: 20190212 Open Topic


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 72895d No.5134370 
Feb 11 2019 23:07:05 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 2b91c6 No.5134144 
Feb 11 2019 22:56:46 (EST)
Screen Shot 2019-02-11 at 7.51.21 PM.png

Not a T-shirt – she laid a square cloth with the Q on it when POTUS came by. PERFECT IDEA when they don’t allow Q shirts in.

POTUS “Did they get the clip?”
Yes, Mr. President.
POTUS “Did they catch all the references?”
Yes, Mr. President.
POTUS “Show me.”
Thank you, Mr. John Vineyard.
Thank you, Anons.
(return publicly)

Q Post 2695

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 72895d No.5134798 
Feb 11 2019 23:22:27 (EST)
Anonymous ID: ff6f80 No.5134529 
Feb 11 2019 23:11:34 (EST)

Here to the end, sir.


You will never be alone.
We are UNITED.
God speed, Patriot.

Q Post 2696

Back to the disclaimers!

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider. This here link….

….contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by SteveInCO):

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
  4. No shooting at the nuclear warheads.

Remember – this is a free speech zone. Barring the few minor things that can get this site closed down, you ain’t gonna get banned.

And once the Gab commenting layer is here – BOOM.

– – · –

The current plan for Dear MAGA threads is to switch to a format where people have ONE NIGHT A WEEK that they take care of the thread. For example, Wheatie will put up the SATURDAY thread on FRIDAY NIGHT.

  • Monday – Wolf
  • Tuesday – Wolf
  • Wednesday – Wolf
  • Thursday – Wolf
  • Friday – Wolf (but this Friday, SteveInCO)
  • Saturday – Wheatie
  • Sunday – ThinkThinkThink

If anybody else would be interested in being a Dear MAGA author one night a week, feel free to let me know.

Remember that our greatest gift to President Trump is PRAYER!


And let us pray YET AGAIN for an end to the slaughter of the unborn, particularly when they have almost made it safe and sound into this world, and are being cruelly cut down just before birth by those who profit on their deaths.

Let us further pray that INFANTICIDE never again appears on this planet as an acceptable practice!

We had an amazing Trump rally, folks! And there is nothing more fun than a Trump rally! I hope you all had a wonderful time and your spirits are renewed and uplifted. Mine certainly are – BIG TIME!

Now GET READY. If you listened closely to the speech, there was a LOT of Q in the mix. Ask yourselves why.

It’s very simple. This is not a game.

Are we ready?



And remember the most important message we have now – now that the mind control of the Fake News has been TURNED OFF.



Ref: our source for the header image:

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Life Lesson – [AS]
The next time you ‘leak’ classified information, don’t have your phone (or allow phones of the ‘unknown’ go-between ‘students’) present.
FISA works both ways.

So it would appear that little Adam Schitt screwed the pooch while taking a leak to make a leak.
I hope for his sake it wasn’t a German shepherd.

Pat Frederick

I bet he’s now wondering HOW long this has been happening and just how many of his past conversations were collected? they are stupid!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not just him, either!
I imagine a LOT of loads of whites got done in the Metro DC area last night.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, my understanding is, he was ducking out of a classified hearing, ostensibly for the bathroom, but was instead phoning in his leaks. The leaks were actually taking place during the hearing.
So he couldn’t leave the phone in the car. He needed the phone to do it!

Plain Jane

Someone has to say it – so he was leaking while he was taking a leak.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. That’s what I did say above!

Plain Jane

Yes you did. Guess I’m still sleeping this morning. LOL.

Plain Jane

Oh man, I exhausted from big day, PT’s incredible rally and want to get to all the great threads I missed here today.


One More Time – All Together!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A LONG time ago someone made the point to me that a country like France could be a monarchy, a dictatorship, a republic, a state run by internal terror, etc., and still be France.
But for the United States to cease to be free–would destroy the concept “United States of America” and “American.”
Which doesn’t mean it can’t happen. In fact, it makes it too hard for some people to imagine it happening, and people are working towards such a goal right under their noses, undetected by them.

Plain Jane

Yes, we have been too cocky sure of our status as free, kind of like the frog who was too happy about being put in the pot of nice temperately cool water.


Wow…what a day!
Then a Trump Rally loaded with Q references.
And what a Rally!
Then…a Q-drop confirming a Q-proof!
We are so blessed to have our President.
comment image


I stole that from the Anons.
Found this over there too:comment image
The Anons went back and searched for a Q-post about “Phase 3″…and found where Q said:
Phase 3 is where we bring Justice.
One of the Anons posted a video of the ‘Air Q’ that PTrump made.
But it’s in an mp4 format, which can’t be posted here.
Seems like there were a few more Q-references in his rally speech…but I’m having trouble remembering them right now.

Molly Pitcher

Word Press is killin me today… the air Q ?


That’s it!
Thanks, Molly!
Isn’t that Qewl?
That is his best ‘Air Q’ ever…much clearer than the other ones.
He *wanted* us to know that this was definitely an Air Q.


missed you too DP!!!


Lady P! NOT a Dream!!! We missed you last nite!! Everything you dreamed about! It’s happening..!!!!


Absolutely Agree with you on Brad and Stephen!! Quickening! yess–we are heading downhill on the roller coaster and its Breathless Fun ahead!!!


I really just started to read this Q stuff ( yes the first time I heard of Q I thought we were talking about Q from STTNG)
But even I picked up the “Phase 3″ comment and wondered.
And the 15 months since NK was telling.
Question what’s this ‘they don’t let people wear Q shirts now at a rally?’


Last summer, there were several rallies where a lot of people wore Q-shirts and held up Q-signs.
The Enemedia noticed.
The Dems noticed.
There was an onslaught of Anti-Q articles that continue to this day.
The Secret Service became aware of a plot to stage an attack on Potus…by someone wearing a Q-shirt, to make it look like a Q-peep did it.
So after that, the SecServ started screening the rally crowds and telling people they couldn’t wear their Q-shirts inside.
Same with Q-signs.
It’s a policy that is still going on.


OMG I did not know this. Thank you for that.
The Secret Service became aware of a plot to stage an attack on Potus…by someone wearing a Q-shirt, to make it look like a Q-peep did it.———Just like what the ‘MAGA’ hat guy going after the media. Thank goodness they stopped it.


Also from the Anons:
The opera song played at the Rally was:
‘Nessun Dorma’ = No one sleeps.
Here are the full lyrics:
None shall sleep,
None shall sleep!
Even you, oh Princess,
In your cold room,
Watch the stars,
That tremble with love
And with hope.
But my secret is hidden within me,
My name no one shall know,
No… no…
On your mouth, I will tell it,
When the light shines.
And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!
(No one will know his name and we must, alas, die.)
Vanish, o night!
Set, stars! Set, stars!
At dawn, I will win!
I will win!
I will win!comment image


Yikes that’s the VSG equivalent of placing a horses head in someones bed.




Much like a Tom Clancy or a Preston/Child Pendergast novel, IMO. One you just can’t put down!


And here’s how POTUS is slowly melting the “U. S. Ministry of Truth” established in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2017 signed into law by BO in December 23, 2016…


President Trump – a legend in his own time. I still cannot get over that massive, impressive statue someone made of him in Italy. And Q! And a Trump rally with a super-charged rally speech 🇺🇸🇺🇸
We. Are. So. Blessed. Thank you, Lord for answering our prayers. May you continue to shine your light on our path, and protect us in our quest to take back our sovereign nation.
President Trump, I will pray for you 💖💖💖

Pat Frederick

speaking of that statue, who is pictured on the right shoulder of POTUS in that statue? I only saw a side view and on the shoulder/epaulet area there is a man’s head.


Did anyone catch when Pres Trump mentioned that it had been “15 months” since he left Singapore?
It was when he was talking about Kim Jong Un and North Korea.
The Singapore Summit was in June, wasn’t it?
Which would only be about 7 months.
But…wasn’t there some talk about how Pres Trump had secretly met with Kim back in Nov 2017?
It was apparently during his big Asian Trip where he also went to China.
Hmm, that would be about ’15 months’ ago.


VERY interesting. Another Q confirmation, which the Fake News will probably be all over claiming that POTUS “lied.”


Can’t wait for that fact check – it’ll be another “Whopper!”
Some get that man a hamburder!!!


With Cheese!!! 🤣🤣


Been reading through the Anon posts…and of course, some of them noticed the same thing:
“He said the Singapore Summit was 15 months ago. It happened last June. 15 months from today would be…
“Anon: ok here we go Anons WOW HUGE !!!!!!!! NK will meet with 45 !!! MAGA !!
Q: He already did.”comment imagecomment image


I could be wrong, but I think he was talking about 15mos since NK last fired a missile.


But…didn’t he say something like:
“It’s been 15 months since I left Singapore…”


Just checked DVR, you are right. “Our Presidents have been dealing with NK for many many decades and on a nuclear way over the last 20, 30 years and All I hear is can’t you move faster? You know what, I left Singapore 15 months ago, they’ve been negotiating for 85yrs or something”
Wheatie, You have the best ears!!


We were eating dinner and watching it…and I turned to mr. wheatie, and said “Did he say ‘left Singapore 15 months ago’?”
And he heard it too.


I’m going to re-watch tomorrow. I miss things watching, commenting, refreshing, and liking all at the same time! 😃


It’s a workout!! A great one!! 😃


Oh yeah, me too.
I’ll probably watch it again, as well.


you are exactly right on the timeframe of that. it was the asia trip. rumors were that obamarama was desperately flying in front of potus to meet clandestinely with foreign powers. he was in the philipines at one point. that was the trip with the infamous photo from af1 window that was then tweeted out right after by official twitter. that was the teip when he was leaving his twitter was shut down momentarily.
the nk part came in naturally of course and part of bhk beig there was to beat him to the punch or warn people or something. but two other aerial shots from a plane came out then also and they appeared to be of a region possibly, allegedly, whatever, identified by using google earth or something.
also people were also heavy at the time researching nk because it was possibly a puppet bad guy false front for a giant cache of gold, nukes, cia bases, comm hubs, etc.
those were heady times when q wasnt yet on 8ch i don’t think.


so i just went and spent a bumch of time going over old cbts posts and how much was even known way back then, how the q “questions” and peoples answers compiled in spreadsheets and shared… like this post:
but if you follow those threads a while you find the ones with the pics from the plane… already in this one the talk of obama going before trump, gold stash, etc… and i found this by searching for that ryugyong hotel in north korea because i remembered a huge bit of looking into that at the time on there. just actually saw somethig i want to double check regarding that place and its construction…
i will keep looking for the exact one.


i still can’t find the exact post – but here’s a photo that describes much of the idea of wheatie hit on here:
comment image
as usual copy the link, put in new tab and remove the asterisk
almost 12 hours after i was first getting into those old posts again and i cannot stop reading them! incredible time of absolute fervent research and stuff just coming to the surface.
this was the time of so many things – vegas, the saudi purge, the emergency warning in hawaii which some still think was an intercepted missile… obama flying all around, john kerry trying shenanigans, just so much…and deep deep stuff – none of this was “who will win the election” or “what can we do to get voters to understand” this was all imminent disclosure of so much to the everyone that it was obvious at the time the status quo of evil and our fake governmental layers would be exposed as such well before there was ever any 2018 election…
kind of also shows the slow burn this has all been which does take it’s toll at time.

Pat Frederick

great catch!


Forbidden City meet up!! Great catch Wheatie!!



Kea, looks like we had the same thought! 🙂


😉 LOL its something to behold.


Wow, POTUS sent a tweet to Iranians in Farsi:

Here’s the English version:

And here’s an Iranian who tweeted him back:


This photo dates me – I remember Reza Pahlavi as the very young, dark-haired son of the Shah. Sort of like I remember John-John as the very young, dark-haired son of JFK.
It would be great to see the Iranian people prevail and take back their country.


The ppl totally deserve a new chance at freedom!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That Spartan dude with the spear who counts posts might take exception to the idea! But I think Persia would be less of a problem without those nutter clerics in charge.


Or an Emperor Xerxes for that matter!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nah, I left this much earlier today.

Harry Lime

Good Dog!comment image


Love it, Harry.
German Sheppards are wonderful.

Harry Lime

Epic Speech, Wheatie! I feel bad for the folks back OT who refused to keep an open mind…and continue to do so…and unfortunately are encouraged to do so. If the last few weeks (and tonight!) didn’t open some eyes or at least provide a spark of hope that we are in good hands then I don’t think anything will until they see some actual heads start to roll…
But, in the meantime…there’s a partaay in our Tree!!!


Absolutely, Harry!
They’re missing out on a lot of fun.

Harry Lime



Since they are Q-less, they definitely didn’t get any hope from all the references tonight like we did. Kinda feel sorry for people not knowing what they don’t know. Went by there the other day and saw a short Q post by a newbie and thought to myself, he won’t be there very long!

Harry Lime

That’s right! I forgot that all of the references would go right over their heads because they follow at all. Talk about sticking you head in the sand…
Well, they should at least be picking up on the positivity of PDJT’s message and the results that he is achieving every day. At least I hope they are…I don’t read any of the comments any more…just skim what SD is posting on occasion.


What species of tree are we in? I propose pitch pine because it thrive under difficult circumstances where other trees can’t and has a very dense, strong wood.


Louisville Slugger!!


Harry Lime I read a little at OT this morning and was shocked how negative and dispirited posters are even after last evening.
I do not understand that unless people are so used getting everything or are just ungrateful. This ungratefulness will feed on itself and that is how one gets the wrong people in government.
Jus as in life people need to develop a backbone and not be so wishy washy.
It is a joy to read her and upliftings.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No doubt in their minds they are thinking “more talk, talk, talk…still no action…we’ll never get the action.”

Steve in Lewes

Not a surprise to me about the OT folks. Just like a red MAGA hat triggers leftist snowflakes, the letter ‘Q’ triggers closed minded OTreepers; most if not all wouldn’t know a ‘Q’ quote/sign from a q-tip !
The hair-on-fire crowd OT sees Adam Schitt as another mueller; [AS] is just digging his hole much deeper.


Haaa…the Anons fell in love with the sparkly-top girl.comment image
I thought she was great too!
Loved her flowy top with the big sleeves.

Yep. Texas has some beautiful ladies!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Fits my mental image of Marica, actually.


You are Adorable!! Thank you–But many years ago!!🤣🤣😘

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, well I am NOT buying your claims to be the age you said. (Which I won’t repeat, in case you now regret giving it out.)


A little cow humor:

Harry Lime

Boy, ain’t that the truth!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep! People have to stop cow-towing to the Greens!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And stop respecting their sacred cows!




We’re not the only ones who noticed…the Anons noticed it too:comment image


Karli kills ME!!! her laugh!!!


We were overdue for an epic rally – we got one team!


HE.NEVER.Disappoints! NEVER!!!


Ffery$% going on with

Two tweets about the rally are not showing. They are however still there.
Go to .
They show all Trumps tweets including the deleted and changed ones. Click on the link next to the tweet descriptions to go to the tweet.


Having compared the two, it looked as if they were all there.

Pat Frederick

Thank you everyone for the rally thread! (Thanks Mr +) This tree rocks when the Boss is in rally mode! And you guys bring it alive for readers like me who don’t stay up to watch…so thank you all!! I could feel the excitement and the joy in your posts!

Pat Frederick

What’s the thinking on the deal offered for the wall funding? I know it’s less than he wanted, but Mulvaney said something about just taking it and finding other money somewhere else. He could obviously do that, but doesn’t that give the media and Nancy another win? yes the wall gets built, but we have to endure their smug faces–as in the President caved again and got nothing…


Lindsey Graham said the same thing as Mulvaney to Maria Bartiromo on her Sunday show (I posted the video yesterday).
‘but we have to endure their smug faces–as in the President caved again and got nothing…’ It will be fine. PDJT will take the wind out of their sails.


What will PDJT say about the Democrat offer of 1.3 billion? Will he allow the secone government shut-down OR take their piddly 1.3 billion + declare a National Defense Emergency and take the needed funds from the defense budget and proceed with a STATE OF THE ART WALL – and – Surveillance SYSTEM, added BP/ICE personnel, weapons, etc.????


*second* not secone….. WP needs an edit button!!!!


OR – President Trump could do THIS and use the saved $$$ for the WALL!!!


Take New Mexico’s funds too!


Pat Frederick

i don’t know if the money or even declaring an energency is now the issue (going by Mulvaney’s comment). I think it’s whether or not the Dems inserted language in the deal about the number of beds and other little poison pills along the way.
If he can get the money from other places, he should just do that…and continue to build the wall. But I would say no deal if the dems are trying to limit ICE at all…jmo


Whatever PDJT does, it will be very good!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A point missed by most! Yeah he could take the $1.3B but not if there are ANY poison pills with it.


WOW! Was 1888 a Q reference? Cause if it was ….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The system that’s here on Earth needs to be seen working.


Hmmmmm 🤔, here’s hoping it was


The 1.3 billion the Democrats offer – comes with RESTRICTIONS…..including where the wall can be built.


Democrats New Deal on border compromises safety and security of US citizens!


Keep Mexico’s cartels and crime out of the US!


11-11-17 (15 months ago)


79 letters from Democrat committees planning to attack President Trump via lawfare.
I hope the President launches counter attacks that put a lot of these corrupt seditious Democrats in jail!
QOTD from Doug Ross:




More truth:


Totally agree.
That is what he is actually saying.
He learned some British subtlety from his Scottish mother.


Jesse Watters understands British subtlety.
(I should have started there then progressed to PDJT!)

Pat Frederick

I am a meat lover pure and simple but it seems to me that eating anything fake–like fake cheese–can’t be healthy for you…


Well, it came from Cory Booker — a vegan.


He spews more toxic gas from his mouth in this interview than is emitted by any dairy farm I’ve ever been on

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My understanding is he’s gay.
Which would explain why he watches enough gladiator movies to know who Spartacus was.

Steve in Lewes

‘Mussels or oysters’ ?
Both ?
Or as my 89 yo Mom, and old style Dem turned rabid conservative, would say;
Cory seems to be a little light in his loafers !

Steve in Lewes

“Who would date him?”
A soy boy from California perhaps !
Since you asked.




I don’t think so, did they?
If they did that, the fallout from their friends and business associates would be unimaginable.


Thank you very much, Butterfly!

Pat Frederick

looking at the rally pictures this morning, I wondered if all those people owned their red caps or were they distributed before the rally (like the small signs they give to people in the front rows)? that was one red sea…

Pat Frederick

i love hats, just not on me…but ask me about my t shirt collection…LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A good problem to have.
It reminds me of the time I asked a Christian friend what he would think if someone stole his Bible.


i have 5 hidden in various spots strategically around the house 🙂
one stays in view all the time.
all from the official site. (not against the off brand stuff mind you – but the made in america and the way they look and feel – while not fashion maven hat status, is very cool)
in regard to the rallies – there are merchants EVERYWHERE selling gear, etc, all over the place, and i bet with 40 dollars you could get 5 hats there, probably making your own deals with people wanting to make a sale!


Good photo of the El Paso wall:


Beto Robert Francis O’Rourke is just plain creepy. Same idiotic palaver, immature mannerisms and irresponsible policies as Omar and Occasio.


Thanks for the thread.
I hope both photos show up in these two tweets:

Pat Frederick

combination of US and Mexico? DEFINITELY NO!


This x1000!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Uh, NO!!!
We had literally conquered Mexico in 1848, so well did we fight in that war. We could have simply annexed all of Mexico. Instead we paid them money and took what is now the US Southwest (excluding the Gadsden purchase, which came later). Even though Mexico agreed to that sale under duress, it still has to be one of very few cases in history where the victor in a war gave the defeated a bunch of money AND took less territory than they could have.
We didn’t keep ’em, we don’t want ’em now.


RFO’Rourke wants to tear down our existing walls!


This is a GREAT two-minute video of El Paso residents saying how much safer they feel with their wall:


Justin Fairfax latest:


AOC news:




Thank you soooo much CM…
not simply for the tweets, but for Snake’s new url… I have been searching…


You are entirely welcome, pR!
It seems as if Snake’s account name has to change daily. Meanwhile, the Covington boys’ verbal attackers have probably remained the same.


MAGA hat wearing man assaulted BBC cameraman at last night’s rally:

PDJT interrupted his speech (if you saw it, you’ll remember) to ask if the man was okay. Then, once he found out, he acknowledged with a thumbs up and went on speaking.
Nearly all the reports are saying that Trump indirectly encouraged this man to attack because of his public criticism of the media and fake news.

Pat Frederick

if that were true, then Hillary and other Dems are also responsible for every violent attack after their rallying calls to “resist”…or looking for blood on the streets…
people are not slaves nor mindless, obedient robots. they have free thought and sometimes their actions are wrong.
gosh when did we stop taking responsibility for our own actions? why is everyone ELSE to blame for our mistakes?


The Left are far more violent than Trump supporters and conservatives generally. As we know, however, this never makes the news, for all the reasons we have discussed here and OT.
Somehow, this needs to get more attention. I will be seeing British friends later this week, and I bet they have their minds already made up. I won’t be able to change their minds. The general opinion against PDJT in the UK is hardening by the day — again, because of media coverage.
I agree with Cuppa Covfefe that this attack was probably staged by the Left.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow “staged by the DEMONcRAT fake media” comes to mind…
Auntie Beeb ain’t what she used to be…


They have been blind for many years.
Agree on the staging.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It has long been the case that MOST Americans would accept early-term abortion (only) so long as they don’t have to pay for it. (Trimesters were arbitrary lines drawn by the SCOTUS in Roe V Wade).
I think everyone here could agree that such a situation would certainly be an improvement over the current situation even if most here wouldn’t find it satisfactory.

Pat Frederick


Pat Frederick

yes, but it would knock out the current news cycle…over shadow any shutdown news, the Barr confirmation and, of course, all the left’s lunacy from the past week…
hmmmm if the government is shut down will they have hearings and such to confirm a new judge?

Pat Frederick

would the government have hearings and confirm a judge during a shutdown?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As far as I know, Congress is unaffected by shutdowns.


They have to be able to work, as they’re the only ones who can stop the Shutdown!!

Pat Frederick

well during the last shutdown, Nancy sent the House home early how many weekends? and then there was her planned we-can-see-the world-on-the-taxpayer’s-dime tour…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Shutdowns are because there’s no money budgeted for things, and therefore affect the bureaucracy, really, and not the tops of the three branches, who certainly still get paid. Of course, the janitors for the capitol might have to eat ramen, I don’t know.


i hate to say it but i am leaning more toward something happening, not sure how big, regarding the anniversary of you know what down in you know what county in florida where wasserman shultz and company hold court… the event won’t be there i would assume, but something related to that during this time is what my gut says. probably in coordination with something or somethings else…it’s getting real.
even though that’s the 4,586th time i’ve felt like it’s getting real. trust me the feeling inside me is so over this whole thing i am ready for anything.

Pat Frederick

can’t post the picture from OT, but imagine this:
a green t shirt for St Patty’s day featuring POTUS as a leprechaun trolling Pocohantas saying Kiss me…I’m 1/1024 Irish! LOL

Pat Frederick

so Eric Holder might be considering a run at the Presidency? LOL
yup, confirmed EVERY Democrat that expects to be charged or imprisoned is running so they claim this is political sabotage…LOL


SO – Is old Hillrotten going to join the parade of communists running for the DNC nomination?

Pat Frederick

i think she will wait to announce if she’s gonna run. gotta give the others a chance to look really really stupid before she swoops in and tries to look less stupid…


If we go by democratic logic then every time an illegal attacks and American or kills them it’s on Pelosi’s head.
We can blame everything on democrats because they do not want t build a wall.
Democrats your retrain goes both ways and we can play also.


Mark Kelly, Gabby Giffords husband, is running for AZ senate. Extremely anti 2nd amendment running on likely the issue of “gun control”. Keep an eye out AZ.


Looks like new Q at 10:10am, post 2697:
12 Feb 2019 – 10:10:22 AM📁
Shall We Play a Game?
Where are they now?
[Ref: public optics: ‘retired’’left’ refers to ‘fired/forced’]
James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director – FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – FIRED
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
Michael Steinbach – Head of NAT SEC Div – FIRED
John Glacalone – (Predecessor to Steinbach) – Head of NAT SEC Div – FIRED
James Turgal – Assistant Director – FIRED
Greg Bower – Top Congressional Liaison – FIRED
Trisha Anderson – Principle Deputy General Counsel – FIRED
Randy Coleman – Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Div – REMOVED
Coleman Authored:
(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]
(2) [Unrelated]
(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit
9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop
Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails
Hillary Clinton & Foundation
Crime Against Children
Kevin Clinesmith – track & follow
Tashina Gauhar – track & follow
Sally Moyer – track & follow
Jason V. Herring – track & follow
Nothing being done?


And Gorka doesnt beleive in Q? ha!


Just like OT…too smart for their own good…


Thank you, Marica, for the thread.
I especially liked this tweet with four photographs:


Me too!!! Its happening!! I feel it!!


I posted this on yesterday’s THREAD, after the Rally last light… don’t think it was seen by many, so I’m bringing it here …
Q has suggested that Whitaker is the Scaramucci type placeholder… anons (some anyway believe Whitaker will close down Mueller so that Barr comes in with a ‘clean slate’ …)
Mitch has confirmation vote for Barr planned for this week, beginning tomorrow with vote for cloture… I believe Barr will be sworn in as soon as he is confirmed.
So, does that mean Whitaker shuts down Mueller by week-end, same time (15th frame) as Congressional Committee working on bill for CR AND Wall reach their deadline?
Oh, and speaking of the 15th, on Friday, the justices meet for their February 15 conference.
“The calendar for the February sitting, which will begin on Tuesday, February 19, is available on the Supreme Court’s website.”
Will RBG be on the bench on the 19th, the next sitting of SCOTUS?
Not much ‘wiggle room’ for all these things… logistically appears to be a nightmare.
Speaking of SCOTUS – two articles at their blog you may find interesting…
“… The Supreme Court has released its calendar for the April sitting, which begins on April 15. Unlike the February and March sittings, which will feature only six and nine hours of argument, respectively, the April sitting is scheduled to have a full slate of 12 oral arguments – two on each of the six days of the sitting.”
more here
Ques: Why is the Feb Sitting so light? as well as the March Sitting? Are they attempting to drag the business w/ RBG out until April ?
2nd article here
wrt Ruthie…

Pat Frederick

Hi phoenix–missed you yesterday! (saw you came back in time for the rally!)
I am so hoping Mueller finishes up by week’s end…and Barr gets sworn in soon after his confirmation–I am tired of this nonsense!
I would be entirely surprised–knock me over with a feather–if Ruth shows up on the 19th!
I think Hillary could use that wheel chair accessible compound as well…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Swearing in ceremonies generally happen within minutes of confirmation, and the new Secretary heads right over to whatever building to meet with his people. Remember Rex Tillerson, just for one.


Right… part of my query.
If Barr is confirmed and sworn in a few days, when will Whitaker close down Mueller, if Whitaker is the Cleaner? Would have to be this week, right?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If it were Whitaker who was going to do it, yes.
Whitaker could have cleaned a lot of other stuff up, and still earn the name.
OTOH if it’s something he does literally three minutes before his job ends…what are they going to do? Impeach him?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But to be perfectly clear, I really don’t know the answer; every single possibility I’ve raised is sheer speculation (though I’ve gotta admit, firing Mueller on his way out the door has a certain appeal to me).


 phoenixrising: “(some anyway believe Whitaker will close down Mueller so that Barr comes in with a ‘clean slate’ …)”
My impression has been that the Trump administration will do nothing that has the appearance of hampering Mueller in any way. Mueller will be allowed to conclude his investigation and make his report. That way no one can say Pres. Trump obstructed justice.


perhaps I used the wrong words…
when I said “close down” I did not mean fire or take any public action. Mueller reports to Whitaker. It has been rumored that Mueller is closing down, report coming soon. Said to be the reason the DIMs are all over the place, now saying SC did not do thorough job. Liddle Adam being a prime suspect with his call for House to investigate POTUS.
So, I’ll rephrase … do you think Mueller will close his investigation this week, before Barr is sworn in, possibly by Friday?


I haven’t expected Mueller to close down so soon, but I have no idea what is going on. If I had to guess, I would say no.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I would love to know the source of these rumors that Mueller is close to being done.
Personally, I don’t think he’ll ever stop, not until Trump is out of office one way or the other.
I WILL, however, state that he’s done all the USEFUL work he’s ever going to do, and that was true before he began.


Matthew Whitaker said it once, fairly recently.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hopefully Mueller wasn’t just blowing smoke up Whitaker’s you-know-what.


Don’t think anything wrt to Mueller will be wrapped by 2-14. Barr definitely will be reviewing his report, which btw is supposed to be in progress, but not finished yet. Barr will be in charge of what, if anything gets released, so Dems will leak anything He tries to suppress. It’s going to be used and timed as a political hammer against POTUS. I’ve always believed that Since Whitaker technically wasn’t Senate confirmed, anything he does will be met with fierce opposition and unacceptable, so I don’t think he will touch Mueller.
New committee deal is bad/decrease budget wise. Current Wall funding is $1.6billion/yr. Each CR adds a portion of that amount to Wall fund automatically. Sarah Sanders said the 3wk CR gave us $200million. To agree to $1.375 is an annual reduction, WRONG WAY DEMS! Mark Meadows is proposing another CR. I’m on board with continuous negotiations and more CRs, protecting and receiving partial distributions of the $1.6B, AT THE SAME TIME, using DoD and DHS excess monies they’ve identified to continue the Wall, UNTIL the Dems agree and give POTUS what he wants. POTUS can continue to build under Section 10? Without declaring National Emergency.
SC light schedule may be wishful thinking of giving her more time to recooperate, but if RBG is dead, she won’t need wheelchair ramp at Gitmo or anywhere else😃


Barr receiving the Report makes sense…
Whitaker has probably been cleaning house in the lower ranks of Justice…under the radar, so to speak.
That leaves the question of RR… iirc RR said he was leaving at end of month (or, am I having a senile moment?)
With regard to CR… Mitch is bringing the FIRST bill from the House on January 3rd – HJRes .1 – it passed the House, remember? If that Bill is passed (cloture) in the Senate, will it go to POTUS for signature or back to the House? iirc, that Bill grants $5 Bn.
Funding for the Wall doesn’t concern me, as I agree POTUS can use military and military funds (Mick Mulvaney said so over a year ago). The CR and possible Shutdown do concern me. Market is up today w/ news (fake of course) that Committee has come to an agreement.
wrt Ruthie and wheelchair, I agree… she probably won’t be using… Hill might, and she and Bill would take care of two of the 3 cells (with 2 ramps), but who would use the 2nd? or is the whole 3-cell w/ramp thing just efficient planning?


There seems to be confusion on the House Bill. The one passed in December with $5B is dead because of new Congress. The January Bill going to Senate was passed by new Dem House with ZERO Wall money, so Mitch and the Republicans BETTER NOT PASS IT!!! It shouldn’t even be voted on!!!

Pat Frederick