Dear KMAG: 20190712 Open Topic

This FIRE AND FURY FRIDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA KAG! KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.






Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Today’s Q posts are tying it all together. Just DROP THE MK BLINDERS and you will see what’s going on. It’s like the left can’t win for losing.

When they went after Garrison, my initial reaction was just ANGER, but that anger BROKE THROUGH the MIND CONTROL and when the anger went away, I could see clearly what is being HIDDEN BEHIND WHAT THEY USE TO PROTECT THEIR CRIMES.

So time to look at some pertinent Q posts. Including FRESH STUFF!


New: Title TBD

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI11 Jul 2019 – 11:04:33 PM


How does LDR (Rothschild’s) connect to the Bronfman’s?

Find the bridge.

Think Company.

How is Bronfman connected to NXIVM?


NXIVM > Who Pleaded Guilty?📁

Allison Mack?


>>>>>>>>WATCH NYC<<<<<<<<<

News unlocks.



Q Post 3417

[Quoted Post 3417 Omitted]


New: Title TBD

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI11 Jul 2019 – 11:06:31 PM

[Text of 3417 omitted]


What city was Epstein arrested in?



Watch CA.


Q Post 3418

Now if you listen to Alan Dershowitz, NOT ONLY does he claim that Lynn de Rothschild set him up with introduced him to Jeffrey Epstein – he claims that the accusations against him are part of a plot to extort 1 BILLION dollars from Les Wexner.


Dig: Les Wexner

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI8 Jul 2019 – 7:33:03 PM

Les Wexner.

Founder of Victoria’s Secret.

Connect the dots.


Q Post 3366

And we all know that THE WEX is probably good for a cool billion, with room to spare.

And suddenly one sees that Jeffrey Epstein is a lot like Magnitsky – he’s a TARBABY. No matter who you are – no matter how you touch him – you are TAINTED.

See how that works? And the TAINT just SPREADS, and spreads the CONTROL.

It’s all about control.

Speaking of control, a few announcements.

(1) This is not a game. The HEAT on the WOLF is picking up. Why? You know why – things are getting REAL. Certain things are heating up that I can’t talk about. If you don’t see a thread up by 1 AM on a night that I’m supposed to get one up, and I did not say something about it on the end of the current open thread, somebody please put one up. I will be back, but it it likely that I am dealing with stuff.

(2) There has been some speculation by some people that the other side has found a vulnerability of this site – the kind and good ladies who bring daily coverage of the news to us in the open threads. Since the other side can’t well fuck with me, the next best thing is reducing the amount of news coverage here “by any means necessary”.

Now I don’t know if there is any truth to the idea, that anything but fate and circumstances have drawn away two of our “reporters”, Sylvia and Phoenix, and thus the “predicted vulnerability” sure looks like a real vulnerability, even if only driven by the luck of the draw. Nevertheless, I have taken note. We have a vulnerability.

No matter what happens, I think it is worth potentially RECRUITING additional “news posters” who share the same positive yet honest, determined, MAGA coverage of the news, that Sylvia, Phoenix, Pat, Wheatie, and others have brought to the table.

SO – just start thinking about that. There is natural turnover on every site, but THIS SITE is strongly dependent on REAL crowd-sourcing. Just keep that in mind.

We’re always looking for a few good women.

(3) RUMORS to the effect that anybody but WOLF MOON has your email address and IP address are INCORRECT. So relax. Your personal data is SAFE. However, be advised that the WHITE HATS ROAM FREELY HERE, and there is always the possibility that the black hats poke around, too. And the ChiComs are just fucking everywhere.

If I think of something else, I’ll add it. But until then, BE READY.

Things are GOING DOWN.


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Two Sonnets
How do I love QTree? Let me count the ways.
Posters here don’t think they’re always right.
As truth may hide beneath rhetoric’s haze,
When someone differs, there’s no need to fight.
Posters here don’t think they know it all,
Recognizing that facts are hard to find.
Assuming those facts will lead to downfall
And responses, perhaps, all made in kind.
Posters here are generally polite,
With conversations such as between friends:
Upbeat and cast in a positive light,
With little need to make fitting amends.
Posters are civil and enjoy their stay.
QTree is blessed with free speech every day.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
After scrolling through some other blog,
Where snark and in-your-face both abound,
With baseless opinions going whole hog,
I felt trapped as in a troll playground.
“PTrump’s caved in to the Dimms again”
Seemed the predominant hue and cry
From the Eeyore’s that reside within
Rushing to shelter from the falling sky.
Then there were several voices with sense
Referring to PTrump’s record to date,
That mounted a sound, reasoned defense
And succeeded, mostly, to clear the slate.
But, to be clear, I’m so glad I’m here,
Living to MAGA with friends, old and dear.


A MAGA-nificent poem, BakoCarl!!!


Perfectly stated, and timely to boot;-)


Amen and here!here!
Well said Carl, you put into words what is in all our hearts, thank you 🙂❤️


tip of the hat on that one….


YOU are the very very Best Carl!!!!! …But, to be clear. I’m so glad I’m here!!! –Me too!!!


I was just in awe..

Rodney Short

Wheels up.


I sent off an email to Sylvia. We’ll see if she responds.

Rodney Short

Lord please do your thing for this QTree family and bring us together tighter than ever,5:5 approaching.
WWG1WGA AMERICA IS DEPENDING ON OUR VOICES!!!!!!!! Sorry for caplocs I got excited.
Night and God bless you all.


Got excited? You’re always excited. 🙂

Rodney Short

It’s a GREAT day to be alive.


Please Almighty WP, grant your humble peon slave my comment; I beseech you.


Oh no! What happened to Sylvia? Not her, too!


I’m wondering, too. Info about phoenixRising is on the last page of the open thread for 7/10/19.

Sylvia Avery

NOOOOOO!!!!!!! I’m still here….see bottom of the thread….


Whew! I was starting to feel a little frazzled, but now I’m feeling better (-;


Mouth in gears top fucking hiding then . You giving us all a fright


Meant to reply mouth in gear to Rodney.
And stop fucking hiding to sylvia


Like Monty pythons bring out your dead skit.

Sylvia Avery

Love you too, ozzytrumpster! 🙂


I was about ready to cry. When you went missing from OT I was bummed.

Sylvia Avery

Oh grandma…..that is the sweetest thing anyone has said to me! I remember all too well what it felt like to be losing people from OT and not know what was going on. Awful.
Anyway, I should have been checking in here more frequently so you all would know I was still around. Hugs GIT.


Hugs back. Will be keeping you in prayers too. You are doing a great work.

Sylvia Avery

TY….I appreciate them so much….

Sylvia Avery

Thanks pgroup….I appreciate your contacting me!

Sylvia Avery

Thank you pgroup for contacting me. Hugs!!!!
I have not been around here much and it grieves me to think that you all might think I haven’t been here for some sort of nefarious purposes, that I was chased away or just lost interest in you. NOT TRUE! I miss you all, and I love this site and Wolfie!
So, here’s God’s honest truth: My beloved friend, PHC, is under hospice care. Many of you know that.
I chose to give up other things to make time to just…….be with him as much as I can for as long as he needs or wants me. If I can bring him some comfort and take his mind off of the pain by making him laugh, or talking nonsense, that’s what I want to do. He is an extraordinary person and every moment we have together is a joy.
This has left little time for other things, and it makes me sad to think that my temporary absence has left a small void in some way and I hate leaving you in the lurch.
But it has to be this way for now. Patrick is that important to me. I hope you can understand and forgive me, and I will try to find ways to check in here more often. Much love, Sylvia.


Phc comes first. May your presence give him comfort in this difficult time.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks ozzy. I’m doing the best I can. Wish I could do more, but it is what it is.


Having you there , even if he’s sleeping, is a great comfort. People want someone who loves them with them. Dying alone can be sad. If you think of a message to someone it’s goodto be able to get it passed on. Some wait for the family to gather. Some slip away whilst you are in the toilet. I think there’s a level of choice in this. My grandmother was unconscious for a week prior to her death and her kidscame from all over. When the last one arrived from overseas my eldest aunt said were all heremum. We love you.she died about5 mins later


Ozzy, without saying too much – 🙂 – let me say that PHC is receiving the warmest sendoff. He seems to enjoy the happy moments shared and he is never alone.


Party central. Not much wonder he hasn’t gone yet.still having too much fun



Sylvia Avery

God bless you, Wolfie. Thank you. I love all of you very much. <3


Hi Sylvia. Very kind of you. We are all thinking of him.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, Ed! I hope you are well!


All good on my end. Please say hi to PHC for me/us. God has chosen a different path for him.

Sylvia Avery

I will, and thank you Ed.


Yes Sylvia take care we love you and PHC … and .. ^^^this^^^
God bless you, and PHC


❤ I’m keeping up my prayers. ❤

Sylvia Avery

TY….they are needed! We’re praying a lot for a lot of folks over at Marica’s site….




I check in at Marica’s place and am in awe of the circle of love and support. No need to apologize Sylvia. We understand.

Sylvia Avery

thanks holley….we’re broadening that support to include others in need, too….wolfie has pointed out so often that this is first and foremost a battle of spiritual warfare and we are trying to up our game.


I didn’t know about the broadening, but it’s a wonderful idea. I will be visiting more! Maybe even comment. 🙂

Sylvia Avery

ph, I hope you do! Marica really wants it to be a place to support our MAGA friends. Many have serious illnesses or other problems and we try to encourage each other.


holley100 where is Marcia’s place?
I apologize someone here mentioned it earlier this week and I didn’t save it ….


Hope to see you there nikkichico!


Wow 😮 … thank you very much holley100 … much appreciated .. 🙂🤚❤️‼️


Bookmarked .. 🤨👍😉🤚❤️

Sue Mcdonald

Now following Marcia.thank you for the link.

Gail Combs

I am glad you are able to do this for Patrick. It is not something I have the ability to do. Your temporary absence is not a problem, we were just worried.
❤️ to you and 😘😘 to Patrick

Sylvia Avery



Sylvia, you continue to do what your heart tells you. Patrick and his family are very fortunate to have you during this time. But, don’t forget to take care of yourself, as well….and keep that shovel polished.

Sylvia Avery

TY Teagan, I will do that!


You’re an Angel Sylvia;-)

Sylvia Avery

Not even close….but thank you, kalbokalbs <3


Bless you, Sylvia — I’ve been thinking of PHC but (to be honest) got caught-up in my own affairs to the point where I’m dizzy. You do what is right for him and carry our thoughts with you.

Sylvia Avery

thanks coothie…will do


Where has she been? Does anyone know?


Sylvia has been posting at Marica’s site, dealing with a sick little doggie, dealing with a construction project, and keeping Patrick (PHC) company. I think she’s stretched pretty thin at the moment…but she will be back.


I think Sylvia has been visiting PHC – keeping him company on his journey as he moves to the Great Light.


What happened? What did I miss?


Good grief! WTH happened with Sylvia now???? I guess I am just too simple-minded – I don’t understand how what happened with Phoenix has anything to do with this “vulnerability” of which Wolf speaks……can I be blunt? Is this saying that FG&C is a plant to cause trouble???
I DESPISE this cloak and dagger crap!!!! I dearly wish people would speak clearly and plainly, without all the innuendo, insinuations and double-speak!!!!




*sigh* Apparently, you were drinking rum and attacked phoenixRising. I did not read it, so I don’t know the details. However, I have to be honest with you – you can be VERY arrogant and hurtful at times… hurt me deeply some months ago and it is only recently that I have chosen to get beyond it and start even liking your posts again. There have been a number of times I just want to say to you: check yourself…..


Sylvia & Phoenix??
Phoenix was posting on Wed. I thought I saw a post or three by Sylvia earlier in the week.
I’m going to be 😡FURIOUS🤬 if something has happened to either one of them!!!


You have no idea what’s been going on. As you figure it out, just know, you are important here. Daughn tried to pour a little oil on troubled waters with her “washing machine” post.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK,I will lay it out plainly.
Someone going by the name of “ForGodAndCountry” posted this:
As a result of which, phoenixRising posted this:
Are you SURE you’re upset about what happened to Phoenix?


Oh the Drama!
I don’t think I cant take anymore!
It’s giving me a bad case of the Vapors!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d have said nothing if one of the parties involved hadn’t just professed cluelessness and dismay at the result of their own actions.


Glad you did SteveInCO. 🙂


you Impudent Cad !


LOL! Ya got me, smiley2. 🙂


always 😀


And games apparently. 🙂


Wolf… #1….copy that. Got your back.
And feel free to email me if you ever need to.


Thank you. I was just wondering if someone (besides me) could step up. 😉


I am concerned about this pressure on our wolf. Things are getting to the pointy end and I’d hate the black hats to get to him. All we can do is hang on to this site, cherish each other. We are not all robust., our skill sets and life experiences differ but we are all qtreepers


Wolfie, I posted this at the end of the last thread, and it definitely has something to do with these Q drops:
Here’s another little tidbit. Remember that underground trafficking site they found near Tucson on a CEMEX property? Well it seems that CEMEX is connected to the Rothschild/Bronfman investment firm and connected to the Clinton’s.
I think CEMEX is the bridge Q was asking about.


Oh, and the mayor of Tucson is Jonathan Rothschild.


Very nice Q-ing that tidbit out of the mass of inputs we all deal with.
Translation: you did good, girl. 🙂

Molly Pitcher5

That’s very Q ish ! Smart Linda
I’m such a Q tard that I struggle sometimes..the bakers and bread etc..but the overall message I get and honored to be here

Gail Combs

The bakers = Chan researchers
bread = Facts they dig up
Kitchan = the Chans (mainly 8 chan)
Crumbs = Information/questions from Q
(At least that is my interpertation)

Molly Pitcher5

Thank you much Gail


Thomas Wictor is warning people. The enemy are getting desperate.


Where is he again? quoverdam? …. 😐❓
TY … ❤️


… found it … 🙂


Quod verum forum. Search his name and that site. It’s from a few days ago. Quod verum itself has excellent articles . Great analysis. Brian cates from draw and strike is on qvs and also his brother Duane


Thanks a ton ozzytrumpster …. I’ll go find it


Quod verum is a great site.


Jumping in here to wish you the best, Mr Wolf….if anyone can fight the Bad Guys, I am getting the idea that would be you. Stay safe and don’t hesitate to use your network of contacts to help you out.


Interesting, Linda….I had read about that CEMEX property and how isolated it is…so easy to hide lots of things.


From April 2016 …
Anyone want to fill in more ideas about the federal agencies that could provide citizenship data?
IRS (tax returns)
Social security (visa holders)
Medicare (recipients)
USDA (food stamps)
Dept of education
State (passports)
USCIS (green cards)
Dept of Transportation
Inspired by Unseen1

Deplorable Patriot

E-Verify. Passports are done by the State Department, but not everyone has one.

Deplorable Patriot

I would imagine it will all be hooked up by SSN. That may also out a lot of the fraud on that score.

Gail Combs

Treasury or Commerce.
Who ever is tracking money transfers/remittances out of the USA.

In 1996, approximately 14 million remittances were sent to Mexico, averaging $320 each. In 2000, approximately 17 million remittances were sent, averaging $365 each. By 2003, the number had jumped to approximately 40 million remittances at an average of $321 each. In 2010, the amount of the average remittance remained about the same at $302.16
In 2004, small money transfer operators had a 60 percent market share while Western Union had a modest 15 percent market share.17 However, at that time, the mechanism for transferring remittances from the U.S. to Mexico was undergoing a massive shift from a largely informal industry to institutional electronic transfers.18 In 1994, money orders comprised over 46 percent of the value of all reported transfers. By 2003, the share of money orders decreased to 12 percent and 86 percent of remittances were being made electronically.19 This was a tremendous opportunity for companies such as First Data/Western Union to compete for market share and profit potential.
A Colorado perspective
On July 22, 2004, Colorado-based First Data Corporation hosted a fourth national public “immigration reform” forum at North High School in a predominantly Hispanic Denver neighborhood.1 The school recently had been the focus of a national controversy as a consequence of displaying the Mexican flag in its classrooms.
In the audience, an American woman whose lineage dated back to the Pilgrims was brutally beaten by a woman who proclaimed in a Spanish accent, “You should leave! This is for us.” Mike McGarry, of Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform, was told to “Go back to Ireland.” Nevertheless, after vociferously complaining about the forum’s obvious anti-immigration enforcement bias, he was given an impromptu seat on the panel. Not that it changed First Data’s business model.
The forums were not much more than targeted marketing events to promote wire transfers to immigrants and in particular to the illegal alien community. First Data Corporation, one of the world’s largest providers of money transfer services, reported that its second-quarter 2004 profit rose 32 percent as a direct result of revenue from Western Union, its money-transfer agency.2 This profit amounted to $1.1 billion in 2004 — from money transfers alone.[…]


No “may” about that! I would guess there are many millions out there using fraudulent SSNs.


and EIN to file their taxes too…


And state driver’s license databases that are shared with feds…

Linda K Harrison

I think Medicare/Medicaid may be run by the state – I could be wrong. The best place to tap into would be doctors offices/hospitals if it is possible. You are now required to provide some type of identification (usually a copy of your drivers license will suffice) to be seen by a doctor. Supposedly, all medical information goes into a data bank but I don’t know who runs that.
I was wondering if it would be possible to start a “voluntary” citizenship response. There are enough people who sick of what is going on – they may get a tremendous response. I was going to put my citizenship info. on my census when I get it. It would be good if the people who volunteer the info. all did it the same way so the federal government isn’t inundated with responses. That would at least eliminate a large portion; of the population.
If enough of us are willing – the dems would almost have to follow along or risk not being counted.
Perhaps a President Trump tweet.

Linda K Harrison

Maryland puts all of their court records online, other states probably do too. Since it is public information, I wonder if it could be searched and used. (Tickets, arrests, domestic violence, accidents, name changes, etc.)
Family Search,, etc. are all public information too and may provide some info. if it is usable.

Gail Combs

Sounds like a REALLY good project for the Autists at the Chans.
They can do the heavy lifting of comming up with the coding to do the searches on the various types of software used for the records and then turning that over.
Heck volunteers could hit each court house that does not have online records and do searches. Sort of like Anthony Watts crowd sourcing the accuracy of the temperature data stations.


Ancestry isn’t searchable unless you make your tree public. And even then, those who are still living are generally blocked by name.


EVERY federal Department and Federal Agency and that processes personnel clearances.
Tagging on above, IF it is legal, every company that contracts with Federal government that requires positions with personnel having clearances.
Another tag along…^^^ both current and past clearances.


Thank you DP I copied and saved this .. 🙂🤚❤️


“In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.”
These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. But you … by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ …”comment image


Thanks for that. Jude’s reference to “mere natural instincts” here confirmed what I have been mulling over today re our “fallen” state. Another tumbler clicks into place …


“Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling…” That is the wonderful promise in Jude that I cling to daily.


Me too GA/FL
Jude 24-25
Glory to God
24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
25 To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.


AMEN AND AMEN – I cannot imagine myself, chief of sinners, foolish choices and all, being presented blameless at the THRONE of our FATHER GOD. Only the power of the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Jesus could accomplish such a feat!


Yes! … and how wonderful is that!? …





Sue Mcdonald

Beyond comprehsion! My heart is so grateful that although I am a sinner I have been redeemed and can stand with Jesus beside me!


… white as snow ❄️ … hallelujah what a Savior … ❤️

Sue Mcdonald

Yes my soul sings at the thought of his amazing depth of love he has towards us.




Kamala history (from The Blaze, February this year).
Donald Harris, the father of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), revealed that his presidential hopeful daughter is descended from Jamaican plantation slave owners.
What did he say?
Donald Harris, an economics professor at Stanford University, is Jamaican. In an essay published on Jamaica Global Online, he revealed his family’s history.
An excerpt of the essay, which was titled, “Reflections of a Jamaican Father,” stated:

My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).

Interestingly enough, Sen. Harris favors paying reparations to American blacks who have been impacted by slavery and discrimination. She echoed those sentiments to the the New York Times.
Anything else?
This isn’t the first time professor Harris has offered up less-than-flattering family information.
Earlier in February, he decried his Kamala’s remarks about legalizing marijuana, during which she painted her family and those from Jamaica as potheads.
Kamala discussed marijuana legalization on the radio show, “The Breakfast Club.” When asked if she supported marijuana legalization, she responded, “Half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?”
She added that marijuana brings people joy, “and we need more joy in the world.”
Donald Harris issued a blistering statement to Jamaica Global Online, distancing himself and his family from Kamala’s remarks.

My dear departed grandmothers (whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.

You can read more about the family’s Jamaican background here.


Uh oh. must have missed the end bold markup there…




..sounds like Kamala’s politics is Jamaican dear old dad crazy ..


… Kampala … 😖🤚
Romans 1:22
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Proverbs 26:12
12 Do you see a man wise in his own eyes?
There is more hope for a fool than for him.


I’m afraid I was right. Someone is really targeting DutchSinse.


I hope the good guys are watching and use this to take down some more of them.


Is there any doubt whatsoever the DNC is totally behind Open Borders?


Biden sounds like he is in early stages of dementia.

A Fortiori

Biden has never been particularly eloquent. And his is not particularly bright. He is a thug who has lived off the public dole his entire life, up until the past two years when he has been showered with payback for various and sundry corrupt favors he gave out while in office.
Had we not voted Hussein into office previously — an even worse human being than Biden — we would consider the notion that Biden could win the office as laughable. To me, it still is.

Sue Mcdonald

Politicians are the biggest welfare queens in this country,sucking us dry while they live large off our sweat and labor. Worthless people throw them into the pit they deserve.


…. wait till he starts taking his clothes off in public …. 😉
… to clarify … my Mom has dementia it’s sad, and we loved her to bits no matter where she was .. we’d be there with her ..




….. all I heard from the people was … baaaaaa .. baaaaaa .. baaaaa …… 😑🤚


PDJT to speak at Turning Point USA TSAS


Morning Wolf. Boy that seems like a tough cleanup. Heavy Muslim population in London.

A Fortiori

Spain had Isabel and Ferguson. And deep religious faith. And the process they used to recover their country is now known as the Inquisition.
The British once had Churchill, but I wonder whether they will ever again produce a similar leader. And even if a sufficient leader emerged, the majority of Brits do not profess any faith at all. And in today’s world, I question whether any nation could sustain an effort to rid their land of Muslims.

Gail Combs

FIRST you would have to kick out the United (muslim) Nations.


Wolf is probably referencing post-Franco Spain.

Concerned Virginian

A Fortiori
I believe it was FERDINAND and ISABELLA who finally routed out the Muslims from Spain with the capture of Grenada in 1492. This ended more than 600 years of Islamic de facto rule in Spain and Islamic hegemony across Europe.

A Fortiori

Yes. Not sure where Ferguson came from.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Auto-incorrect, perhaps.


Ah! I posted this earlier at the bottom of the thread before reading the comments – this backs up your question:

A Fortiori

Andy McCarthy details the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan in his book “The Grand Jihad.” They have studied our weaknesses and are using our values against us.
Our system of government is predicated on virtuous people who live by Judeo-Christian values. Islam rejects these values and our system of government. Jed Babbin lays this out plainly in his book: “In the Words of our Enemies.”
The notion that we can co-exist with Islam is suicidal. Their doctrine prohibits it.


As the Imam said on Candace’s YT program, you cannot change Islam as a whole but you can change the individual people within it. Of course, this is on a far different level from Islam, but at one time, there were many, many fundamentalist Christians who still wanted to follow Old Testament laws and punishments instead of accepting civil governance. PEOPLE can change!
I just can’t see wasting our time on something that just isn’t going to happen, rather than focusing on what we CAN do to boot the fundamentalists out of the US – that means focusing on the Muslim Brotherhood.
In addition, I personally know moderate Muslims. IMO, people who throw out the line “all Muslims are evil” are just as bigoted as those who say “all blacks commit crimes.” It is just wrong!!!!

A Fortiori

First of all, calling me a racist does nothing to promote a discussion of this topic. Moreover, in this place, we should be able to debate controversial topics without impugning the integrity of people with whom we disagree.
Secondly, as to wasting time on something that is not going to happen, I follow and support Dr. Zudhi Jasser and his American Islamic Forum for Democracy. On the AIFD web site, he says the following:
We came together to solve a problem that threatens all of us, Muslim and non-Muslim alike: Islamism. Islamism is a theo-political ideology dedicated to the subjugation of non-Muslims and any Muslim who dissents with its aims. Islamists see the establishment of a caliphate – a world government ruled by their cruel, oppressive and bigoted interpretation of Islam – as a divine mandate and earthly goal.
In his public appearances, Dr. Jasser says that he is trying to change Islam from within. In effect, Dr. Jasser is calling for a Muslim Reformation, and I strongly believe this is what is necessary.
Again, back to Jed Babbin, if you read the authoritative texts that guide Muslims, the taking of slaves, honor killings, female genital mutilation, child brides, stoning women who have been raped for adultery and other similar barbaric practices are all permissible. I didn’t invent this stuff, and I am not pointing to the behavior of a few aberrant Muslims; I am highlighting tenants of their faith.
And citing the fact that we may know Muslim people who do not outwardly embrace these elements of their religion is not helpful for two reasons. First, we all know people who treat their religion as a buffet, selecting those things they like and bypassing those they don’t. But the far more important reason these examples are not persuasive is that Islam permits its adherents to deceive non-Muslims so long as in doing so they remain pure in their hearts and they continue to advance the faith.
We in the West have been conditioned to believe that people who burn with religion zeal no longer exist. But in our struggle with Islam, it is dangerously naive to dismiss the possibility that people who want to kill or enslave us exist merely because we do not encounter them. They exist, they have established a beachhead here, they will not be dissuaded from their goals by our kindness toward them or by our way of life. These people will persist until we find the strength to stop them.


You act like I am some bumpkin out here in flyover country who knows nothing about Islam. Not true. I have done a LOT of research on the subject. And Islam not only permits deception, they enjoin their adherents to utilize it everywhere.
Having said that, IMO, people who make such broad-brush statements as in “all Muslims” or “all blacks” or “all Christians” or “all Catholics” are making bigoted statements. Period. Not all Muslims are the same, not all blacks are the same, not all whites are the same, ad nauseum.
And I did not call you a racist.

Deplorable Patriot

Ferguson? Is this an auto-correct classic?????


The Spanish Inquisition is when they threw out my family and many Jews. We eventually migrated to what was then a colony in the Ottoman Empire and then on to the US.
I have gotten emails from the Spanish government offering me citizenship because they expelled my family. Not sure I understand the value of a dual citizenship. But their offer stands.


almost too late. Maybe Boris wants to Make Britain Great Again.




Hopefully there will be MUCH more of this, to NUKE the Globull Warming Marxists …

Sylvia Avery

REPOSTING from upthread:
I have not been around here much and it grieves me to think that you all might think I haven’t been here for some sort of nefarious purposes, that I was chased away or just lost interest in you. NOT TRUE! I miss you all, and I love this site and Wolfie!
So, here’s God’s honest truth: My beloved friend, PHC, is under hospice care. Many of you know that.
I chose to give up other things to make time to just…….be with him as much as I can for as long as he needs or wants me. If I can bring him some comfort and take his mind off of the pain by making him laugh, or talking nonsense, that’s what I want to do. He is an extraordinary person and every moment we have together is a joy.
This has left little time for other things, and it makes me sad to think that my temporary absence has left a small void in some way and I hate leaving you in the lurch.
But it has to be this way for now. Patrick is that important to me. I hope you can understand and forgive me, and I will try to find ways to check in here more often.
Much love, Sylvia.


Totally understandable Sylvia. What you are all doing for PHC over at Marica’s place is precious.
Much love back at ya

Sylvia Avery

thank you, trumpismine. It means a lot to me. Not everyone understands, but PHC wants to live every day and not die every day. He says I help him, so it’s how I want to spend my time for now. Huggles….!


I hope he gets interest and entertainment from our site

Sylvia Avery

He reads here some but rarely comments. Mostly hits the like button.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Wolfie. I appreciate the encouragement.


What a lovely way to say it, “PHC wants to live every day and not die every day.”
Those are helpful words to live by daily, now in our lives, unload worries, be positive, and set aside the things we cannot do anything about. Thank you, Sylvia. ❤️

Sylvia Avery

Love you Lady P.




I respect you for it and your all in my prayers

Sylvia Avery

Thank you so much TIM. It is most appreciated. <3


With you and Marica on the job – PHC (Pretty Hip Character, Princely Handsome Cowboy) gets plenteous doses of LIVELY and CHEERFUL – plus affection, jokes, teasing, etc!!!!!!!


“…PHC wants to live every day and not die every day.”
There’s an inspirational perspective to latch on to.

Sylvia Avery

Yes. And he lives that.


you said it perfectly and I know how much it means to Patrick…

Sylvia Avery

Oh Pat! Throwing myself at you for a hug. Thank you for making him laugh. It is medicine for him. I love you forever for the love you have shown. <3 <3 <3


laughter is the best medicine sometimes…

Sylvia Avery

Yes, it is.


I believe most of us here know where you and others have been and understand what you have been doing.
No apologies or excuses necessary, or will be accepted by me.
Admirable time well spent and am grateful TY.
No need to fret,plenty of others here to spread the line and fill the gaps.
Sorry to hear the pup has been feeling down, confident you will nurse him back to good health.
Know that you and All our friends are in our prayers.
You All have been missed.

Sylvia Avery

TY Chris. <3


… 🙂🤚❤️‼️ … it’s all good Sylvia …


Soooo relieved, Sylvia – I was afraid someone had chased you off. What a wonderful friend!!!! PHC has blessed all of us and now you are returning the favor.

Sylvia Avery

TY, NF <3 <3 <3


I tried to join in when PHC first started his blog…..but it just got too difficult for me and I would have ended up bringing everyone down.
And, in all honesty, I almost felt like a voyeur watching what to me was a most intimate exchange that was truly too beautiful for words. I did request an invite to the new blog but, TBH, it is just as well it was apparently missed since I am still so conflicted.
Please do tell PHC for me, tho, that he is in my thoughts and heart and he will be gloriously blessed for the gift he has given to us all.

Sylvia Avery

NF–to you from PHC:
Thank her for me.
She does know that I love her



Sylvia Avery

He knows, and I know, that it’s hard on you NF. Completely understood, ok? Love you….


You are an Earth Angel, Sylvia. And a darn funny one at that 😊
Your days/nights with Patrick give meaning to his life, yours and ours. Bless you every day 💖

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, Allison. It means a lot to me.
<3 <3 <3


Sylvia how wonderful. Please send our love to PHC and his family as well!!!


I hate, hate, hate that these weasels think they have the upper hand…it only encourages more of the lawfare bullshit. I would like to see Botoxic Nancy shriek in horror when her party falls irreparably apart…but she only has the one expression now…
Pelosi said the threat of a House vote on contempt may have swayed Trump to drop the citizenship question.
“I think that the contempt of Congress message to some of his associates who were standing there with him,” Pelosi said, referring to Trump’s Rose Garden announcement Thursday. “The attorney general and the secretary of Commerce — probably, it was persuasive.”


THE Truth about the citizenship question:

Nothing wrong with the question – plenty wrong with Øbama and the Democrats.


Every FB post about a meme on this subject is flagged with the “AP Fact Checker.” Claims the decision was made BEFORE the MIC took office! I call BS on that!


Also claims the long-form was only discontinued because of complaints.

Gail Combs

PIGloosi is lying to herself and to her suck-up DemonRat voters. She and her Lawfare Buddies got PLAYED and she darn well knows it.
Our lion is very very good at…comment image
While he gets on with the business of rebuilding our country.
I would not be surprised if this ‘new method’ provides a much better count AND helps reveal a LOT OF VOTER FRAUD. (People voting in more than one state) and is used as a boot in the rear of the IRS to shutdown the sending of MUCHO $$$ to the same address…
Maggies Notebook: IRS Gives Illegals at 4 Atlanta Addresses $52 MILLION – Will Whistleblowers Get IRS Bonus?


This is outrageous and needs to be looked into … the article is from 2013 … ❓‼️


I would think anything that might require a permit or license or inspection….although most would fall into local government.


My reply to Pelosi’s assertion that threat of contempt may have swayed POTUS…..😂🤣


IKR? he and his wolverines (and one honey badger) would eat Pelosi for lunch!


The old girl is clueless … and what she’s doing I think falls under sedition ..
Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it. The following provides an overview of this particular crime against the government, with historical references.
FindLaw › criminal › sedition
Sedition – Criminal Law – FindLaw
.. 😐 ..


I love Dr. Gorka. 🙂
[UPDATE: NEW VIDEO SHOWS REPORTER TAUNTING] “You’re not a journalist, you’re a punk!” Gorka goes off on reporter for Playboy
It looks like it got a little saucy at the end of the Rose Garden even today. As the the crowd was getting up to leave, Sebastian Gorka runs up to Brian Karem, the White House correspondent for Playboy, and calls him a ‘punk’ after Karem reportedly said the crowd in attendance for the President’s announcement was “prone to demonic possession:”


Reporter for Playboy calling others demonic is merely projecting.


As for Gorka….nuh-uh.
Still wondering why his wife got 60K, the majority of funds, from the scurrilous MAGA Coalition super-pac – as pointed out by Q.
Very suspicious.


Oh – it was a CNN reporter – still projection.


And of course the attention seeking weasel Jim Acosta has a totally different take on the Dr. Gorka/ slimy Playboy ‘reporter confrontation. Acosta left out some pertinent facts:


‘course he did. Acosta sees through the lens of his agenda….same as April Ryan.


I just came in from weeding my gardens & thinking about Acosta & Ryan as weeds made the job go faster. Both have thrived in the dem/media lapdogs anti-Trump climate.
As an aside, I wonder how Acosta’s book sales are going? Withering, I hope.


Blue—lost in the “Diary” section of the bookstore…😆


Are you being mean to poor lil Jumbo, Marica? 😁
I just looked up his little piece of fiction, The Enemy of The People, (seriously?) on Amazon. Many of the reviews weren’t kind (and I’m mean enough to enjoy them 😂)


Funny!!! Good idea!!! (lightbulb)!!!

Harry Lime

I think you were right both times…from what I read it was a Playboy journalist reporting for CNN (which should instill further confidence in anyone who happened to stumble upon CNN when they lost the remote…poor things).


Yep…you got it right! As usual. :8->


CNN … no peace for you …comment image


hmmm…in the article it shows tweets (I’m guessing) and this guy says she can’t be charged with treason because China is not an enemy…is that how it works???
Working as a State Department official under Barack Hussein, Candace Claiborne was sentenced to 40 months in prison Tuesday by a federal judge for “conspiracy to defraud the United States.” Clearly, the judge should have added six months for the hairdo.
Claiborne pleaded guilty after being arrested in March 2017. At her sentencing, U.S. District Court Judge Randolph Moss called Claiborne’s crime, “a truly grave offense, a betrayal of her employer and a betrayal of her country.”
Claiborne was fortunate to have been charged with only a single crime as, over a period of several years, she received a fully furnished apartment, a monthly stipend from the Chinese government, as well as other cash payments and gifts, including international travel and vacations.

Gail Combs

Perhaps not treason but certainly a LOT of other laws and maybe SEDITION.
Treason applies only to countries we are literally AT WAR with.
18 U.S. Code Chapter 37 – ESPIONAGE AND CENSORSHIP U.S. Code § 794 – Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign governmen
18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of classified information
33 CFR Subpart 6.16 – Sabotage and Subversive Activity
18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason

Gail Combs

NEVER FORGET THE DEMONRAT — AWAN information pipeline to our ENEMIES that we are AT WAR WITH!
Awan Funneling ‘Massive’ Data Off Congressional Server, Dems Claim It’s Child’s HOMEWORK | The Daily Caller
Trump: ‘Democrat IT Scandal Is A Key To Much Of The Corruption We See Today’ | The Daily Caller
Corrupt IT Tech Imran Awan Accessed House Computers for Months While In Pakistan | Independent Sentinel.
NY Compost: How the Taliban got their hands on modern US missiles
This details the ORIGIN of the Taliban IN PAKISTAN and Pakistan’s continued support…
History of the Taliban: Who They Are, What They Want
“…Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs were among the dozens of members who employed the suspects on a shared basis. The two committees deal with many of the nation’s most sensitive issues, information and documents, including those related to the war on terrorism….”
It is hard to find a list of the compromised Demonrats. Here are some of them.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida
Rep. Joaquin Castro, – Texas
Rep. Cedric Richmond – Louisiana (Committee on Homeland Security)
Reps. Andre Carson – Indiana (member of the intelligence committee)
Reps. Jackie Speier – California (member of the intelligence committee)
Rep. Lois Frankel- Florida (member of the foreign affairs committee)
Rep. Tammy Duckworth – Illinois a member of House committees dealing with the armed services, oversight, and Benghazi.
Omar Awan, is a senior IT specialist for the House’s Chief Administrative Officer.
Also House office of Wasserman Schultz.
You can add
Rep. Diana DeGette -Colorado
“…the many offices WND contacted, without generating a response, were those for Democrats Andre Carson, Luis Guiterez, Jim Himes, Terri Sewell, Jackie Speier, Mike Quigley, Eric Swalwell, Patrick Murphy, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joaquini Castro, Lois Frankel, Ted Lieu, Robin Kelly, Tammy Duckworth, Mark Takano and John Sarbanes…”
OH, and Rep Yvette Clarke – New York who”Quietly” Wrote-Off $120,000 Of Missing Tech Equipment possibly stolen by the Awans…
In this case we have ACTUAL TREASON if the dots between the DemonRat Reps, the AWANS, Pakistan, the Taliban and Afghanistan can be traced.


thanks Gail–always ready with the right info!!


dozens of illegals show up to protest “No Border Biden” at his campaign office…he wasn’t there. Cops show up, the illegals scattered…why isn’t THAT tactic employed more frequently?
Dozens of activists and illegal immigrants stormed former vice president Joe Biden’s Philadelphia campaign office Wednesday and vowed not to leave until he apologized for the high number of deportations under Obama, and promised to end the practice if elected president.
Less than two hours later, many had given up.
‼️ 6 people arrested today at @JoeBiden‘s campaign office in Philadelphia as immigrant families confronted the Dem frontrunner over the 3 mil deportations that took place while he was VP. They are demanding an apology and commitment to end all detention & deportation on day 1.
— Movimiento Cosecha (@CosechaMovement) July 10, 2019


debauchery…the lunatics really are running the asylum
The AMA task force’s justification for its promotion of open marriages, orgies (“polyamory“: “the practice of having sexual or romantic relationships with two or more people at the same time”), swinging, and “relationship anarchy” (whatever that is) is that everyone should have the “liberty” to find “love and/or sexual intimacy” without “social and medical stigmatization”.
The goal of the task force is to “generate” (pseudo-scientific) research and disseminate propaganda — “advocate for the inclusion of consensual non-monogamous relationships in the following four areas”:
Basic and applied research
Education and training
Psychological practice
Public interest
In other words, the American Psychological Association intends to use pseudo-science to promote adultery, swinging and orgies in schools/universities (“education”), in the offices of psychologists, and in the media (“public interest”)


Cloward Piven stuff.


yup…more of it at the border…
EL PASO, Texas — Two contracted doctors who had been serving inside overcrowded Border Patrol facilities in the El Paso, Texas, region have walked off the job in separate incidents since late May, two Border Patrol union officials have confirmed to the Washington Examiner.
“The situation became so overwhelming, they just quit,” said Wesley Farris, second vice president of the National Border Patrol Council’s El Paso chapter.


The APA groups (both psychology and psychiatry) have been corrupted and infested by LBGTQXYZ agenda activists since the 1970s. They are worthless political agenda groups now.

Deplorable Patriot

And I get crap for being single and not actively looking for a spouse. Geez.


They have already tried to change the definition of pedophilia once in their precious “manual.”