Reading Intentions, the Baggage We ALL Carry, and How Washing Machines Save the World.

In light of recent blog discourse, I thought a short story might be good for some perspective. Settle in and take a short ride with me. Grab a beverage.
It’s hard to read people’s emotions. We often jump to conclusions, become offended, when no harm was intended. Sometimes we are right, and a lot of the time we’re wrong. It’s even more difficult to read people’s intentions in the written word, over the internet. We can’t see their faces, gauge sarcasm, or see into THEIR room — maybe someone called or rang the doorbell, and that’s why they gave a short snippy response. With age comes wisdom, and we learn 99% of out-of-left-field offensive comments have NOTHING to do with our actions. It’s almost always………, something else.
Add to this problem, our own personal baggage. Our personal history creates a prism, through which we view the world. For instance, as a teenager, I was astonished Mexican gas stations did not have toilet paper……… just as the Mexican gas station attendant presumed I was a spoiled little American. Ahhhh, yes, it’s all about perspective.
When I first met Big T, he was itchy and jumpy, nervous as a cat. It was obvious, but he only did it around me. In a business meeting, he was cool as a cucumber. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made men nervous before, but this was not normal “guy stuff”. He constantly tried to read my emotions to see if I was “about to be” angry. It was weird, and it takes a LOT to make me angry. He was fishing for my emotions and I wondered why.
I quickly learned his ex-wife was an artist, high strung, overly emotional. On top of that, he had 4 daughters and WAY too much estrogen in his house. I realized he was an incredibly successful man, at the pinnacle of his career…… and had been walking on eggshells for about 2 decades (we all know what that feels like). He had been conditioned to react to her, to try to get ahead of the blow-up, and control it as much as possible. He needed deprogramming. He needed to calm down.
On my side of the “personal baggage” fence, I came from a highly male-dominated business world. Most women my age expected their husbands to read their minds when they were angry. They would sulk, slam cabinets, say the word “fine”, and expect their husband’s to know what was wrong, apologize for hurt feelings, and all would be right with the world. I was exactly the opposite. If I was angry, I told the person, asap. In less than five minutes, I would explain my position, extract an apology or identify the miscommunication, we would agree to re-order our world…….. and move on. An hour later, I couldn’t tell you the subject of the scuffle. Thus, my personality, when dealing with controversy and confrontation, was about 180 degrees opposite of Big T’s ex-wife, ….. and it took him some time to get used to it.
The first time he came to my house, Big T tried to open the back door with a whole platter of my grandmother’s crystal. It’s a big back door and rather tricky. He dropped the platter and broke a few stems. He overreacted, and it looked like he was convinced I would break up with him. “Are you kidding me?”, I said, “There’s no glass in this house which is more important than the people living in the house.” He looked at me like I had three heads. He was confused. And there it is again…. perspective.
On our first trip together, we went to Aunt Helen’s for Thanksgiving. When he arrived, he assumed Aunt Helen lived across town, at most, an hour away. No, Aunt Helen lived in Illinois, nine hours away. Big T worked himself into a frenzy. Putting him into the car was like stuffing a cat in a bag, as though he thought he would not survive the trip. He was practically convinced we would divorce before we would be married. NINE hours in the car???!!!!! Of course, no one in the northeast drives anywhere longer than about 6 hours — because nothing exists outside of the northeast. Road trips, in his personal history, with his ex + her emotions + four daughters + baggage, were an exhausting nightmare. He had reason to be apprehensive.
On my side, road trips were a blast, half the fun was getting there. 14 hours to Universal, sure. 9 hours to Chicago, piece of cake. 5 hours to New Orleans, bop down for a weekend. Want to go to Canada, say the word and we’re gone. Mexico, pack some shorts are we’re ready for Cerveza and chicken tacos. Pack a cooler, make some ham sandwiches and off we go. Seriously, going to the grocery store is often an adventure for me.
Our viewpoints, our baggage, our prisms from which we viewed the world, were completely different and the two of us had to get on the same page. He kept waiting for me to get mad, and I wasn’t mad about anything. He was befuddled, but still convinced, since I was a redhead, whenever I did “blow”, it would be epic. Our differences culminated over a laundry incident. The laundry PI$$ED me off, and I blew. Perfect timing.
By the time Big T bought the beach cottage, we were an item. The cottage had laundry in the basement. Since I own a B&B, I was used to doing 80 loads of laundry a week. As such, it’s not a stretch to say, I am certified “expert witness”, put me on a stand in a jury trial, when it comes to laundry. I am a mad scientist of laundry, often inventing my own chemical solutions to remove various stains, etc. Yes, Laundry is my wheelhouse, and his daughters often brought contractor bags of laundry for me to mend, wash, iron, and “fix”. Poor babies, they needed help, and a re-education on how to run a household. Because of my prism, my baggage, I am completely unreasonable and overly demanding, when it comes to laundry for a household.
The stage was set.
So, I was in the basement one day, and the washing machine pi$$ed me off. I can’t tell you what happened, or what the washing machine did to personally offend me. Yet, I came out of the basement with a full head of steam. I was a veritable dust cloud of rage. It was epic, alright. I was cursing, four-letter words streaming – odd for me too, because of southern lady protocol and composure. I was grumbling and growling between the cursing, frowning an scowling at the same time.
Big T must have heard my foul mouth, and it triggered him. The moment had arrived, he thought, she’s mad. This is it. By the time I reached the basement door, he flung the door open and scared the heck out of me. I was embarrassed, but the look on his face was sheer fright. He was wide-eyed and backing up. He began to apologize and assured me we could buy a new washing machine this afternoon (purchased new and cheap but it came with the house)….. a dryer too, if that would make me happy. He was talking fast.
Huh?, I thought. And I looked at him like he had three heads……. Again, there’s that perspective thing……
We settled into the kitchen peninsula to talk. His body language was fixed, he was ready for a fight. He was still anxious and I was still mad at the washing machine. I explained, I didn’t want a new washing machine. My anger had nothing whatsoever to do with him, I was mad at a piece of equipment. If he loved me, I wanted him to be MAD, just as mad, if not MORE mad, at the washing machine which pi$$ed me off. I wanted him to be on my side, and that meant more to me than anything. I wanted him to yell at the washing machine, kick the washing machine, defend me from the washing machine. I fu$king hated that washing machine at that particular moment in time. I was ranting…… at a machine. Not at him.
Then, as I am prone to do, I flipped a switch. I dropped several octaves/decibels and explained it would be fiscally irresponsible to buy a new washing machine. Nah, I dismissed it. And just like that, I wasn’t mad anymore. Big T was amazed…… like he had just seen the Grand Canyon for the first time.
The realization creeped over his face. He was thinking. She’s not mad at me. It’s not my fault. She really is just mad at the washing machine. It had nothing to do with him. As long as we kept that house, we referred to the washing machine as “the fucking washing machine”……. and we laughed about it. Months later, me calling Big T, “Hi honey, whatcha doin’?” From Big T, “Oh, I’m down in the basement talking to the fucking washing machine.” Haaaaa – ha.
The laundry incident was groundbreaking in our relationship. Over the afternoon and into the next day, Big T wouldn’t let it go. It kept worming around in his head. He slowly began to realize, a LOT of what happened over the last two decades, with his ex, with his children, had nothing to do with him. He was desperately trying to maintain order within the chaos. Rationally, he knew it all along, but the reality had not hit him…. until we BOTH got mad at the washing machine. From then on, we were on the same side, the same “team” heretofore unknown to him. It was us against the world.
Perspective…… it is a glorious thing.
Within this blog, we are all united in a common cause. We’re on the same side, the same team. It’s us against our political and sometimes moral opposition. Our loyalty is the same – to our country and each other. We may fight, bicker, and differ on occasion. There’s no couple on the planet who agrees 100% of the time. After all, when Big T and I go out to eat, we don’t order the same entre….. but he will give me a bite…. he’s so sweet.
But know this, for certain, if an outside force looks to harm us, offends you/me/anyone here, we will defend each other. It’s natural instinct. If it gets serious, in fact, I WILL DRAW MY SWORD to slay, spindle, mutilate, the fucking washing machine if necessary….. cuz we’re on the same side. But harking back to our perspective……, sometimes, it’s really just a washing machine.
Just remember……… we’re on the same side.


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love your stories!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m crying with laughter over a fucking washing machine!


Daughn I could be wrong but you sound like an Aries ?
Love your washer story 🙂


Interesting you sound a lot like my daughter and Aries.
I am on the cusp one foot Sagittarius and am with each foot into conservative Capricorn.


I stay away from astrology stuff……
Because the Bible tells to.
Just sayin 🙂



Cuppa Covfefe

The fellow that does these is a real hoot (and a real HV engineer). I rather imagine his missus considers him a real nut! (N.B. The language can be a might salty at times…).
Hmmm. I wonder why I like this sort of thing? Don’t tell anyone 🙂 Mad scientist stuff…
The originall washing machine vid seems to have disappeared (where he had it run backwards, which was even funnier than forwards), but it’s here. Seems like the flower bed took a hit, too:
Washing machine self-destructs

And his YouTube Channel Trailer:


Your story is not only funny, it’s also EXTREMELY familiar. this film has played out in my life as well, & YES road trips are the BEST!


Hmmmm……. I missed the latest kerfuffle with FG&C and it will be a crying shame if we lose PR. I know that I can be so explicitly vulgar that many are offended. I do , however, refrain from directing profanity, vulgarity, or criticism of anyone personally here. It’s an in group thing and common manners. If I disagree l simply don’t like. If I agree I like even if the person involved, who shall remain nameless, never likes or replies to my comments or queries. It’s about the topic, not the individual. We are not all going to get along and there’s always the kid who can start a fight in an empty room, just ffs, remember we are all on the same side.


Not on above -only bad word in above the second f in ffs. New world record .


And I’m expecting “who are you and what have you done with ozzy.”


Lol! I’m married to somebody who likes to hide his tender heart too. (Ducking here!)


Who are you and what have you done to ozzy!?


Colourful? I’m fucking iridescent


Note . Please always read my posts in the company of someone who can perform the Heimlich manoeuvre


I read them by first putting down my drinking and making SURE i don’t have to pee…then i proceed…lol


Glad to provide that little bit of pelvic floor muscle excercise


I’m the kegel queen…lol


Way to go. Think of me as your personal trainer




Keegles .. on the count of 3 . . clench .. .rest .. repeat


Alternatively have a very active sex life with frequent orgasms.
Most married women do the exercises


“There is that . .” said Mrs. Kegel.


Neil Armstrong’s second words after setting foot on the moon was good luck mr Mitchell. He didn’t explain this for many years but finally said when he was young he was playing baseball early Saturday morning in his backyard. Tone of the boys hit the ball over the fence near the Mitchell’s bedroom window. As Neil was retrieving the ball he heard Mrs Mitchell say” sex? Sex? You’ll get sex when the kid next door walks on the moon”


I had forgotton that one!


Colourful? I’m fucking iridescent
Lost it on ^^^.


Your humility is just amazing to behold.


Package deal with my all round awesomeness


Such humility, almost GOD like!


You mean your’re so humble your irredecscense is apologetic?


Not at all. Just one of my many fucking outstanding attributes.


I claim all rights to use that one and to only be required to do attribution to you in my head because it will be used so fucking much!


No problem. No doubt something else will pop into my head and spill out of my mouth


You really led with that line . . . ??


Pretty unlimited supply of questionable comments


My unlimited is prettier than yours


We going to have a profanity contest. I warn you I am Australian. For a laugh search aussie man indecisive lioness or any of his other clips


Oy oy oy


Ask around the treehouse. I am ………uninhibited in my language. After all , as a former PM noted, bastard is virtually a term of endearment here. (He called an old age pensioner a silly old bastard- cue international outrage)


I already fucking knew that..


About the pm or me?


Now I know why you know. Your daughns big t.
How’s your first aid?




You only really have to know how to deal with choking (like food or drink the wrong way)


Was a joke rather than an admission.


Taking the fifth


I have my alloTTed curse for 60 days.


Crap. Gotta go and cut some firewood.

Big T (f/k/a yzest)

You get the wood yet?


Yep. Husband cut , I stacked in trailer. We’ve got gas heating but we like the fire. Ironbark burns long and hot but it’s hard on the chainsaw blades

Big T (f/k/a yzest)

Are you on AU or expat?


Australia. Mudgee on weekends. Sydney during the week

Plain Jane

Vulgar? I never noticed. 🙂 Not a problem with a seasoned old girl from “The Region.”



Plain Jane



Come sit next to me and we can bitch up a storm

Plain Jane

I’m 20 lbs. overweight, will your branch hold me, if so, I’m coming over.


Rodney’s hereto. We are the deplorables that the deplorables think are deplorable


We going down we do it together

Plain Jane

Hee, hee, hee. OK.


I am climbing over to this branch too! I hope the branch capacity can take it!

Plain Jane

Come on over. The more the merrier.


I am finding that out very quickly! I won’t go too far out on the branch though, heights are not my friend, but with you all I will feel more secure.

Plain Jane

Caution: I have vertigo. 🙂


I’m sorry but I cannot resist. If you find a drug for vertigo, can we call it “vertiwent”? . . (“rim shot”) , . . . I’m reading a book on anti-gravity and I cannot put it down.

Plain Jane

LOL. Love it. TY for the laugh Yzest.


The deplorables that the deplorablrs think are deplorable. I’ve found MY CLAN!!!!


Clan and branch.




Yeah us country girls can survive Ozzy!


That’s the most hilarious (’cause so true!) gif I’ve seen in quite a while – and perfectly illustrates your point.
Come back home, Phoenix!


Yep. Telling someone who’s upset to calm down ranks up there with the wisdom of trying to baptise a cat


Yep. That’s either a declaration of war or a suicide note


THAT calls for the flame thrower!!! The hell with the chain saw….!


A case could be made for both


So you got the last word. You won

dreamboat annie



Is those two mutually exclusive?


Not at all. Imagine some pissweak wannabe nation declaring war on the us. They could even get a new highest national temperature

Plain Jane

When I got hurt, mom used to tell me, “It’ll go away by the time you are married.” That made me maddder than heck.


mine would say cry me a river or cry them crocodile tears, ugh!

Plain Jane

Didn’t you just totally hate all of those sayings. Caught myself saying stuff like that to my own kids, and shuddered. LOL


Put a sweater on, I’m cold!

Plain Jane

ROTFLMAO….yes my mom said that also.


How about the line of “There are starving kids in China, Africa”, or whatever country they named when you complained about supper? I told my Mother one time, one time only, “So pack it up and send it to them!”


Yep, once mama bear cuffs up side the head are a reminder who was and is in charge!


Which reminds me of my friend who once said “I had ADD once, for about thirty seconds, and then the eraser hit me on the forehead. Sister Helen had a fastball.”


I have heard those Sisters could be a force to be reckoned with! My Catholic Aunts were no holds barred mamas’s loved deeply and ruled well.

Plain Jane

I’m guessing your mom didn’t appreciate your logic. My mom would do that sometimes, but cop a look on her face just waiting for us to burst out laughing.


No, not at all. I just did not understand. I did not want the food, and did not want it to go to waste. So, give it to those poor starving children!


I can’t remember what the particular meal was that night, but I remembered NOT to say that again. I learned to like deviled ham as that was my canned camping food when it was herring and sardine canned food 🤢🤮for the rest of the family. Mayo and pickles made it a sandwich spread.


Satanic food served to children by Irish mothers who made an art out of burning water and making hockey pucks our of meatloaf.

Plain Jane

Wow, LEOs need this as a training film to deal with Antifa.
Impressive, Ty for posting this OT.


I see that you and language are best FRENS!
Awesome stuff … too funny lol.


Get a bit of side eye too.
Like is an asylum missing an inmate?


“an asylum missing an inmate”
“There’s an extra oar in the boathouse, if you’d like. Try putting it in the water!”
“I’ve got an extra beer or two, if you’re short! (of a six-pack)”
“Hey – I found a stash of marbles. You want some?”
“Here – take a fresh new deck of cards. There’s 52!”
Plus a thousand others … all meaning the same thing.
In sum … “To stupid people, smart people seem dumb.”


Need a sandwich to complete your picnic?
Nadlers witch hunt…… a SANDWICH hunt 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Telling someone who’s upset to calm down ranks up there with the wisdom of trying to baptise a cat

Truer words have never been spoken.
I was on an airplane once, they served drinks, I asked for an orange juice. I almost immediately spilled it in my lap.
I was furious…with myself.
Not wanting a cup or so of OJ to dry and make a sticky mess, I asked for a towel.
The damn flight attendant instead tried to give me psychological counseling.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What a dingbat…what, did she expect me to smile calmly as all that sticky orange juice dried onto me and the seat cushion because she wasn’t interested in scaring up a towel?
One of her coworkers brought me a towel. Amazing what that did to solve the problem.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, I didn’t begin to fly until the late 1980s. Which was better than today, but hardly luxurious.
I did watch with interest once a video travelogue for one of the early airliners (still a prop job)–two levels, lounge downstairs! And I looked into the Hindenburg too; that took days to cross the Atlantic so it was a bit like a flying ocean liner, but with extra precautions (dedicated smoking areas to keep fire away from the gasbags, etc.) and of course weight was at a premium so no fancy heavy furniture; lots of aluminum framed stuff.


Before CNN?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And you have to know where your towel is, otherwise you’re not a Hoopy Frood!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That particular spaceship expected you to pack your towel.


OMG a fellow Hitchhiker!!!


Another second or two and you would have been threatening to open the fucking door

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No…but maybe she thought so.


Silly bitch. Too much touchy feely training and not enough practical solutions

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Plain Jane

The angriest and outraged I got was when I pumped gas into my car. The gas pump must have been set too fast. It splashed into my face while the nozzle was in the tank. I actually have a hydrocarbon allergy of sorts. (Charcoal starter, traffic jams that cause fume intake into my car, petroleum jelly, etc. have real adverse effects on me, making me get hyper and angry without provocation.)
I was in a state of near panic and went into the gas station and asked for some wet and dry paper towels. They made and sold chicken at the station, right near the counter, so they had paper towels right there.
The beotch owner wouldn’t give me towels, and told me to go to the outside jon to wipe my face, and started yelling that there is nothing wrong with their nozzle flow, they were just calibrated. I never even said there was anything wrong… I just wanted immediate relief with the paper towels. A man who was cooking chicken came over with a bunch of wet and dry towels and handed them to me.
The beotch followed me outside and kept screaming at me. I figured I owed for a couple gallons of gas and threw a 5 on the ground and left.
Hope that poor guy wasn’t married to her. What a piece of work.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I remember someone coming into a convenience store and SCREAMING at me for parking in a handicapped spot. It wasn’t a handicapped spot, there was neither a sign nor a pavement marking.

Plain Jane

Bet that was a prog.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or someone just mad because she wanted that parking spot.

Plain Jane

It was probably that time of the month. He,he.


Had a friend with a son who had cerebral palsy. He could walk, just, with a frame with wheels. Hated it as it was so hard, preferred his wheelchair. His mum was a hard woman. The only reason he could walk was years of physio and he needed to keep doing it. She would not give in. Went shopping once and was unloading the trolley into the boot of the car and got abused by some bitch about parking in a disabled spot when it was obvious she had nothing wrong with her. She just calmly kept putting the bags in the car until the bitch stopped to draw breath and then said it’s not for me it’s for him. The women looks up and sees this 6 yr old staggering with his frame out of th shopping center begging mum, please carry me. She said . Nope physio said x amount of walking a day. The woman who accosted her was grovellingly apologetic and offered to return shopping trowel., push kids frame whilst she carried him to the car. My friend said Thankyou but no. I’ve got plenty of time to return trolley as kid so slow, and he’s NOT getting carried.
When he was 2 she made him drag himself along the floor and put away his toys. Made him independent.
Very bright. Reading age of 10 when 6


STRESS, The minds near inability to prevent the body’s basic desire to choke the living shit out of some asshole who richly deserves it. I live in a blue area of Washington State. I experience what you experienced with that flight attendant on a DAILY BASIS!


when i married for the second time, I was a widow raising my son by myself. My hubby was divorced, raising his daughter with primary custody but still with an ex wife in the picture. our parenting perspectives were vastly different–I didn’t want to be my child’s friend and had no one to be more popular than—so I was sterner. He was trying to remain his daughter’s friend (and be her favorite parent) and he was infinitely more lenient…it took years for us to develop a combined style of parenting.


it’s funny…his first wife is now on hubby #5…and he and I have been married 28 years. his daughter? she sees the difference and has said so…life is good.


you bet…


She’s found 5 guys stupid or besotted enough to marry her? That is some amazing furry magnet.


oh…wanna hear the BEST part??? GOSSIP alert:
she left my dear hubby because she was having an affair…and she basically traded primary custody for half the house and assets. then she married the affair guy and 6 months later he took her for everything he could get!


Instant fucking kharma. He he he


God I love it . Same thing happened to my wife’s ex.


and furry magnet is so much nicer than what i called her (never in front of daughter tho)


Trust me . Your daughter knows all the words I use
Perhaps cunning stunt would suffice


it was worth so much more for her to discover what her mom was actually like–she might not have believed us and held it against us. she found out for herself…priceless!


That lightbulb is a joy to watch


oh yeah


Yes, knows all the words but really doesn’t Want HER mother to say them. Kind of like sex!




Furry magnet or she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose


she can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch




Has a battery

Cuppa Covfefe

A few more and she’ll have to marry Henry… 🙂




And I’ll bet that kid played you off against each other and your hubby against ex like a psych major


for a L-o-n-g time…but hubby did wise up…
and he’s now a VOCAL Grandpa…LOL…


I’m the soft touch with my son. Overcompensate for the restrictions on our lives because of our handicapped daughter. And he’s a cunning little shit. But at 16 their all cunning little shits


Hell, at NINE their cunning little shits!!! I KNOW my 9 year old granddaughter was aware that a smart phone did NOT have to be activated in order to connect to the net, altho she claimed not!!! Her Dad is much more naive and was not aware of it when he gave her his old phone to “play games” (how did he think she was going to play the games???? Don’t those apps need the net? The smart phone a friend gave me will connect and it isn’t activated). I quickly educated him!!!!


We are technological dinosaurs to them but… the event if inter generational war we won’t have to worry about our communications. None of their code breaking apps will help them . We will write in cursive. And they shall be rendered clueless


Now, isn’t that a sad commentary of where our education is these days? Thankfully, cursive is still taught here.


I also speak it

Plain Jane

Ozzie, bwahaha

Cuppa Covfefe

When I were a young’un, we were so poor (and we had to walk to and from school, barefoot, uphill, both ways) that we couldn’t afford ones… we just had zeroes… no binary for us…


You are mind-bogglingly amazing! (Is that a word?) As you say, perspective! In this respect, I am very much like you; I don’t stifle my feelings, either verbally or via my facial features, and I won’t calm down until I can get it out. If I am not happy, pretty much anyone looking at me is going to know it. This is why I do NOT attend our City Council meetings! LOL


Years ago, I took some aptitude tests; the positions I was most suited for were policeman, military officer, or …… get this!!!!! BUS DRIVER WAS #1!!!! Bwahahahaha…..


Soup kitchen nazi


As the years mount up, I can honestly say my rough edges have been smoothed somewhat. I have learned when to just keep my mouth shut, for the most part. But, oh, is it sooooooo hard…..LOL


Yeah, I learned a long time ago that it’s not always necessary to give your opinion nor win an argument. Keeping your mouth shut is a wonderful learned skill! But, you are so correct, it’s so hard…ESPECIALLY when you know you are right! 😂
Having said that, in a complete show of hypocrisy…my comments about ….
Daphn’s delightful story and, more importantly, her point…I am going to put in my 2 cents, even though there will be some that do not agree…and, indeed, there are always exceptions to any situation…we all know that.
Without getting involved in the “sides” I sincerely believe one choose how they hear, see and react to “messages.” (Wolf’s point…he didn’t read the same thing others did).
I have dealt with what is currently known as snowflake personalities my entire life…people who are easily offended, think everyone is talking about them behind their back, perceive personal insult when not was intended, cannot take criticism nor suggestions, fail to see humor in the conversation, etc. more often it’s a simple matter of hearing something that wasn’t actually said..we all do it..
It used to bother me greatly because somehow I thought it was MY fault the other person was (hurt, insulted, angry, etc.). In fact, I took several seminars, courses, workshops because I was in Administration and was confronted daily with some personnel crisis…had to learn to quickly recognize and defuse, if possible.
Not belaboring the point…it basically came down to me saying…look, I am sorry you felt affronted by what XZ said/did to you, but you need to take responsibility for how you feel. Perhaps it wasn’t as you thought. Did you attempt to discuss/resolve the problem with XZ? Did others witness the incident and viewed it the same?
In this case, I think if a poster is rather unsettled or irritated with current discussions here or even by any personality here…why not simply go on vacation, quietly, without stirring the nest. What purpose does it serve to announce displeasure except to ask for attention..”.I am right and she is wrong so you need to take my side “ sort of thing. That’s high school stuff and probably not why people come here. least I do not. Too much like CTH…shudder.
My 2 cents!


That 2 cents is worth at least a dollar 🙂


“high school stuff”
She’s over 80 years old, and this site is likely one of her only outlets to interact with people with whom she feels comfortable. She likely graduated high school before you were born.
“I am sorry [that] you …”
To be brutally honest, that isn’t an apology preface.
“I am sorry that I …”
THAT’s an apology preface. Owning up, oneself – NOT “projecting” the blame onto others.
“Too much like CTH…shudder.”


Hmmm, incoming attack.
First, how does anyone know someone’s age…do you know mine?…and what the heck does that have to do with anything?
To be brutally honest, it appears you are trying to pick a fight…sorry, I don’t play those games.
It was my 2 cents, as I wrote twice…and should be taken as such.


I’m not going to step into this too much, but have been reading so am aware. The individual in question has shared that information, including a particular health issue. I do feel sad when I see dust-ups, but as Daughn indicates we’re still all on the same side.
People can (and do) take things personally sometimes, and certainly, things are said the wrong way. I’ve often sat and watched the inadvertent dust-up develop, “knowing” someone just dug a pothole, and someone is going to come along and fall in.
The wonderful thing about Q-treepers is their resiliency, their empathy, their sympathy, their caring, their downright lovely Deplorableness – it ultimately comes through.


In other words it’s now hard for you to talk/ be understood because you’ve bitten your tongue so many times it’s about an inch shorter


I’m stealing that line.

Cuppa Covfefe

When I haven’t played cello for a while, and then have to work something up, and practice a lot, the strings seem to be like sharp knives (as my callous pads on my fingers have gone away – don’t play as much as I used to – sigh). Same thing with piano (and glissandi), especially with the old ivory keys… Still remember the bloody fingers from “Turn Back, Oh Man” from Godspell…. felt like sanding that piano…… (gives a whole new meaning to the musical term “attack”).
I learned a long time ago in the biz world that if I had a really snappy remark, clever rejoinder, or devastating putdown (which, being half-English, I had plenty), I’d be much better off to wait a while and cool down before punching send, or calling up and excoriating the target of my ire (or correction as I’d view it).
Sometimes things are better left unsaid.
Even if they’re right…..


Yep. The trick is not to attack the PERSON.
Doesn’t always work.
In which case free fire zone


Oh, it’s not hard to talk…..I just don’t want or need the drama any more. If I feel strongly enough, NEVER worry about me being afraid to say what I think. I’ve learned not to beat my head against a brick wall, however, and part of wisdom is knowing when to simply walk away. I ask myself: what is the result going to be, as well as the repercussions? what is my purpose in responding? is anything going to change? Decide the pros and cons and make my decision.
Some people just aren’t worth the air and effort to respond.


I don’t care when it’s about me because I’m laughing at their shit but I tend to jump in to soothe or deflect or go to war if someone weaker or politer is being picked on.
Then I unleash the kraken


“Yep, we don’t do well on committees.
Heaven knows I have tried.
Benevolent dictatorship is the most efficient form of government, but a dictatorship nonetheless.”
Benevolent is the key and fair.
I was the one who kept the kids in line and very creative to boot. My husband wanted to be a friend but then he was busy work and travel. I read all the books on child raring my husband never did. I cold not leave him alone with them because when I came home he was frazzled ( almost nervous breakdown) and the kids did what they wanted.


They learn EARLY what they can get away with……. Or not
Trick is…… EARLY


And Where and with Who

Cuppa Covfefe

To paraphrase Mark Twain,
When I was a young man, I was embarrassed by how little my Father knew.
As I grew older, I was amazed at how much he’d learned…


Oh wow, this post hits a lot of notes on several levels. First off, I have been writing small posts for myself that have mostly to do with food, but occasionally other things. Last night I wrote a vignette from my perspective of what you have much more eloquently expressed here.
One thing I’d like to add is that it is HEALTHY to have disagreements. As a very young woman and newly married that was something I had to learn as my folks did not fight. I don’t ever remember them fighting. Was it healthy? No. They eventually, and several years after I was married finally had a heart to heart conversation, and apparently there were tears involved. (My mother didn’t cry. I don’t either, but instead I do get mad and that’s not very productive.)
And as far as the washing machine, I had to contend with a blankety-blank overpriced, *%$#^&& built in p.i.t.a. refrigerator for almost 10 years. It finally was on its last legs and precipitated a kitchen remodel. Much happier now!!


Heck, our kitchen remodel was no sweat! Did it 2 years ago after thinking about what to do for almost 10 years. Had played with floor plans off and on for that same amount of time, and only did 2 small change orders that cancelled each other out. We took out the kitchen cabinets ourselves with the help of a friend, and most of them went over to our daughter’s. We let the contractor do ours and we (family and one friend) did the other. Knew what it was going to cost, knew about pitfalls of change orders, and being prepared for an alternate kitchen set-up helped a lot.
The new fridge? It works like a charm. No black mold on the outside of pickle jars, no more wilted veggies, no more worrying if the door’s going to fall off, no more awkward location!




He he my husband demolishes kitchens for a living. He was pulling one out once and behind the oven was a smoke detector fallen down the back. It had a low battery and was giving off the intermittent beep to alert. He asked the woman if she wanted it and she blanched and said no. No, just get rid of it straight away. They thought the beep was coming from the oven and had had Miele out multiple time to fix it, to no avail. We’re going to get a new oven and finally went with a full kitchen and appliances etc.$60 fucking k for a $10 smoke alarm.
Not much wonder she was desperate to get it out of the house




Well….. at least she wasn’t using the smoke alarm for a TIMER 🙂


Try to build an entire HOUSE!
That can be very …… interesting 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It can indeed! Ask me how I know this.
Lucky for me I was not in a relationship at the time…


ok….. How do you know this 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Built a house.
Which is to say, I did most of the work myself.


That’s how you get it the way YOU want it…….
Do it yourself….. I know…… been there….. done that


Wtf? Who did you fight with and argue over colours etc. where’s the fun in that?


when you “build” a log home, you have to KNOW where every light switch, every outlet, every pipe, vent, etc is going because it has to be predrilled into the logs before the home is assembled…that was an experience…and then you choose this wonderfully large great room and realize you’ve got no power to the center of the room…LOL…
thank goodness we survived!


Yes…. DESIGN is in my opinion the MOST important phase of any house……
And people BITCH that the design COST is less than 1% of the “Build” cost?
The Design stage is where OPTIONS are explored (Or should be)


Also teaches you to own your own mistakes


Even the Design of a house can be a stressful experience…..usually for the women….. but also for the DESIGNER! (Me)

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a great book called “House”, by Tracy Kidder. It details the creation of a house, from the original dream, to the planning, to the building (and the changes/fighting/surprises/successes), and finally the moving in and epilog. Brilliant. He also wrote “Soul Of A New Machine” about the entrance of Data General into the world of 32-bit computing, just after VAX (long ago, I know).
Two fairly geeky subjects that read like adventure novels/thrillers. Highly recommended…

Plain Jane

Truer words have only been spoken by God, but on other subjects. 🙂
We had our home built over 50 years ago. Just in the kitchen…cabinets resurfaced…do you have any idea how that powdery crap sticks to the stove and oven grease than couldn’t be scrubbed away. First time my kids saw me drunk as I hit the brandy, sitting on the floor at 1 a.m., vacuum cleaner by my side, head and scrubbing arm in the broiler section, while singing Oh Lonesome Me…Alternating with carrying broiler parts into the bathtub to soak and scrub.
Sheets hanging from the dining side of the kitchen peninsula for 2 weeks, to keep the sanding stuff from carrying into the other rooms.
p.s. I wanted new cabinets which would have cost nearly the same as the resurfacing, but DH didn’t want the hassle of having new cabinets installed…yea, simple…he didn’t have to clean that mess.
Still kitchen … 10 years later…new custom cabinets and flooring… I managed to have the cabinet man stuff 10 lbs. into a 5 lb. bag. I drew the floor plans and elevations with measurements down to the 1/4 inch…5 years ago…hardwood throughout the entire house…except the bedrooms that already had hardwood… I wanted the hardwood from the get go.
We’ve been married over 50 years, we now need new counters…don’t know if we will survive that. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you’re interested in doing some posts here, or once a week as one of the dailies, just let me know, and I can make you an author. I think I’ve discussed this with Gil too, so if you’re ready, Gil, just holler.
Not putting you on the spot. If you’re not ready now, don’t worry – it’s an open offer.


Is this directed towards me??

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yes, of course it is! 😀


I’m flabbergasted! Let me think and pray about it. I still need to set up a wp account, and I had told my daughter that I was writing stuff, and she said it sounded like a blog to her. She has offered to help me get it set up. I have looked at wp, and I know I’ll need to practice some. I don’t know if I could do a regular piece, but I do have a stash of fluff stuff, mostly food related. So, at least at the moment, I could offer occasional fluff, as Daughn calls it.
I know that sometimes I have felt led to post certain comments, and sometimes take pains over those particular ones until it feels right. Even though I have extensive experience dealing with pets, I have not felt led to write about those, although I can sure pull out all kinds of stories in person.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sure – take your time. We need “fluff”! Just let me know when you’re ready. Bear in mind that I may MISS your post to me – so it’s good to catch me in an active conversation and just make an off-topic comment.


Okay, can do!


Best post ever, Daughn.
This – perspective – combined with Marica’s “wait 48 hours before you knee jerk react or throw a hissy fit or quit the QTree forever” are definitely the way to ride the roller coaster here in the Den.
We have a few highly emotional, fully engaged q’pers. Posting while drunk is never a good idea, but neither is leaving in a huff because of a ‘behaving badly’ triggering comment.
And a well-timed, sincere “I am sorry” is always healing balm.
We are a TEAM, and we need EVERY player in order to utilize our many talents.
As my brother used to say, ” that guy is a real asshole, but he’s the best shortstop our team has ever had. I won’t hang with him off the field, but I want him on my team.”


What if the short stop is such an asshole he needlessly demoralizes other members of the team, causing some of them to leave the team?


And then the team breaks up.


Yes, and then the team breaks up, or his behavior gets the team disbanded by the league.


Anyway, I hope pR returns to the team, and does not encounter needless aggressive and hostile language which makes her go through a process where she feels she needs to try to ascertain the intentions of some anonymous person who is easily provoked, quick to attack, and employs gruesome sadistic imagery (pictures and all) which might make the less sophisticated of us wonder if threats are being made.


Happy Anniversary to you both, Tona!
And I agree – I find no justification WHATSOEVER for putting a dear-hearted octogenarian woman through such psychological turbulence.
That type of stuff can have physical consequences, as well.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I know Wolf tries to give maximum latitude here, but threatening to hound someone everywhere they post, if they post “X” to my mind goes beyond the pale.


TY! God blessed me with an angel!


Yeah, felt a line was crossed earlier towards one of our own. For the enemy nothing is too bad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Your point is well taken. I don’t want to say more than that at the moment.


I think said short stop might benefit from the right telling off at the right time. Patience, prayer and thought are required to implement properly.


Yes, it is advice.




Alison!!! Most excellent points all!!! Deplorables–by design–are highly charged! “We want our country back and we want it NOW” kinda people anyway..we’ve been battered–really–most of our LIVES!!!
I dearly hope Phoenix comes back…But mostly I want her to find peace…of mind. Praying for her a lot today!!!
Hugs Alison!!!


It’s 3 am here. Big day tomorrow. Forgot my daughters seizure meds till lunchtime so have paid the price.
Fits? I’ll give you fucking fits if you don’t go to sleep

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great post! Every blog needs a mom – maybe more than one! 😀
And I’m still dying over the washing machine memes!


That washer gif is the bomb! Already borrowed and re-posted!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I love how “Calm down!” gets stuffed through what pretty much has to be a closed door.


Looks more like the door is missing, so there is just the opening into the rotating drum. Some other doctoring must have been done as well such as defeating the interlock that prevents the machine spinning with the door open or with no door. Anyways, the results are satisfyinglly spectacular as the machine shakes itself apart.


For Me & the Misses.. Same Story.. Though, it was over a *car*..
Our Lil Nissan 240sx..
We both loved our Lil red 240..
Driving the car for several years, (we purchased used).. Was wired, for sound & Alarms Along with “other” things I never did find out what for..
The car started to become troublesome , NEVER leaving Us “stranded” per se.. though close on occasion..
After a few more “incidents” Mostly with the Nigga-Rigged” wiring, Once actually catching the Car on Fire! with another giving Me a high voltage shock..
The Engine went Kaaa-put, Spinning a Main Bearing.. Limping the Ole car home, We BOTH were “MAD” at this ole car..
Getting to where We had to repair replace weekly “something” that went South..
After Many-Many TRIPS to the local Junk yard.. I acquired another engine & Wiring Harness..
With Both of Us MAD at our lil sports car we got the New/used engine installed, along with the wiring harness..
NO More “electrical problems”..
Though mechanically, things went south quick..
As Our beloved lil Sports car was also a Automatic The realization came to me, that parts were getting harder & harder to source & find, While getting VERY expensive..
Due too the fact that Obama included the 1991 240sx as part of the Cash for Clunkers program..
Then it happened.. After installing a New Starter, (sourced from China).. The Starter managed to Eat a few teeth off the “Flex-Plate” that the Starter engages.. Leaving us stranded with 2 Dogs, on a very COLD evening a few miles from home..
Lucky We came across a Awesome Samaritan, that gave Us a tow home..
I’m getting Older, nearly crippled, I had;; had enough..
We took the car the next Day, Still BOTH of Us Mad as …..
Trading that beloved car in..
She & I didn’t have the Patience any more.. For IT…
One thing that REALLY brought us together in those few Months, a understanding for each other perspectives, We became stronger because of it..
Like the “Washing Machine Story”..
Both of Us learned to become ONE, working together for a common goal..
Fix that dern car!! As pictured below!
comment imagecomment image


Have you ever tried to get a blind person (My Wife) to position and/or hold a wrench a certain way because *ME* , being a Amputee couldn’t do such actions? OH MY..
So I could loosen just one bolt?.. 😉
Thus the picture of Her.. holding a greasy wrench..

CM in TN



you guys are amazing




It that where the “Crossthread” name came from? 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It could be worse:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Same album from which Rush’s “bumper music” came.


It can ALWAYS be Worse……..
It could happen to ME 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My sister married a serviceman and they were stationed in Europe. I went to visit (airliner hell–the middle seat of the center five, no legroom, and that particular seat design had a metal bar across the rear bottom, the one in the row in front of me prevented me from stretching out to sleep), and what I would do is take about five days worth of clothing and hop trains and go wherever–but it was a five day “leash” as I had no idea how to find laundromats, so I’d have to come back to do laundry.
Their laundry was in a basement with a four foot, maybe four foot eight ceiling. I kid you not. Also, that room was VERY humid because there was no dryer vent. And the dryer itself was gutless (probably because it was working in saturated damp-sponge air) so it took HOURS to dry anything. Anyhow, I don’t ever want to own a Zanussi clothes drier unless I get to see it working well, first. (That would remove all doubt as to the room humidity being the reason it didn’t work worth a damn.)

Plain Jane

I never had a fuckin’ washing machine, but I’ve had a fuckin’ dryer or two, and still have a fuckin’ high end dishwasher which cleans very well, but is designed for wimpy cooks and tea cups. Capacity capabilities is awful. Unbelievable for German design.

Plain Jane

DNW, you hit the target on bad, sad feelings and extenuating circumstances plus baggage. TY.


Great post!
Some of us are better at letting these things run off our backs, to quote the old apothegm.
I have a hot, hot temper. Was married to Grandpa for about a year and I got mad about something he did or didn’t do. See, I can’t even remember now.
Anyway, my schtick was to give him the cold shoulder and it could last for ages. One day, after trying to get me to talk to him, he said, “Don’t you understand how self-destructive it is to hang onto anger?”
I was floored. Proverbial light-bulb moment. It took many years, but I worked like hell to learn how to let go of anger and not take offense.
“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matt. 5)
Thank you, Daughn. ❤


Wise words, grandmaintexas!
He, for uttering them … and you, for remembering them, and giving new life to them here.
Sadly, none of my immediate family found these words-of-wisdom.
It’s a nasty double-edged sword, when one thinks that by indulging ones anger against others, one escapes the blade oneself. Often, the second-edge is deadlier than the first …




He has a fuse so long that I’ve only seen it lit twice in 30 years.
Me, well, it’s longer than it was. 😀


Daughn!!! Not Only did I love your story! And wisest words were never spoken regarding squabbles and fights within families!! I know I would go shoulder to shoulder with EVERYONE Here at Wolfies–even a few…shortstops–shall we say!!! Thanks for all you do!!! Mom! Indeed!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Washing machines….
Yeah, um, the ones in this house…household appliances are the one thing the people with the checkbook will spend money on. And there is NEVER an argument about it, either. One of the few things that is never a bone of contention.
I do think though, as much as we share personal information, we all really don’t know each other. I get lectured about stuff that I’ve known for decades from people here. There are those who think nothing of saying disparaging things that aren’t true about some aspects of my life that are very precious to me, and not just faith, either. There are a lot of judgments made and opinions rendered without all the facts.
It’s the way life is. And I would caution others to think twice before they pop off. Please.

Plain Jane

Amen DP.


Compared to so many others, I was a latecomer to the ‘net – only began to participate after 2008 – you guessed it, Obama getting the presidency opened the world of politics, activism, and internet communication to me.
Somehow, I always felt it was it was better to “speak” with kindness because I realized one never knows what is happening in the other person’s life behind that screen.


A person’s wisdom yields patience;
it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11
Thank you Daughn for injecting humor and a sweet perspective into our very reall experiences with the human condition.
I wanted to share something last night, but posting when I am exhausted on an ipad often leads to a muddle. This is important and I wanted to get it right.
The situation with SD and the separation between us and old friends OT is hard enough. I have ( yes, I know that many disagree and it is ok) stated my hope in the past that we can reconnect at some time….I found it difficult to navigate past the fact that I couldn’t just reach out to Ristivan last night and then had to agonize over how to share his comments.
I believe that the enormity of the evil we are up against on a global scale and the need to work together to overcome it should be our major focus. We come here to express our opinions….freely. People are not always going to agree, but it seems so minor compared to the evil threatening us from the left.
Here is a perspective I was going to share last night.
Previously I shared the fact that over the last couple of years there have been loved ones in my life facing life threatening illness. This kind of thing does a lot for realigning one’s priorities and adjusting perspectives.
When this happens every past disagreement looks like a colossal waste of time. Waves of regret and overwhelming sadness for every idle word can rock one’s world.
Winning an argument does not seem so worthwhile anymore. Being on the same side in the battle against encroaching evil does.
It is a time to clean up one’s act and get right with God….for all concerned.
I realized, I cannot afford to give or take offense because this will hinder my prayer life.
I hope this helps and does not give offense.
We are ultimately on the same side in contending for good vs the evil threatening our country and all we hold dear.


You said everything just right, Daughn.
It made me feel better about the lack of gratitude I have expressed for my brand new washing machine with the extra deep basket which requires me to stand on my tiptoes and lean over to such an extent that I almost fall in it just to retrieve the clothes.
It wins all my arguments.
Laughter is great medicine for us all.


Every washing machine I have ever had was a mix of pros and cons.
Loved my first set of machines – Kenmores with agitators – when my children were babies because I could soak and do a second rinse on the cloth diapers after bleaching them to be sure soap and irritants were out. This was before Pampers and such. Those machines lasted 15 years.
The second set were Maytag Neptunes and I loved them, except I couldn’t soak clothes for a couple of hours or overnight to get out the stains, etc. They lasted about 15 years.
The current set are Speed Queens. At my age, they should get me to the finish line.
Now I can soak again, but the agitator means more wear and tear, more pills on knits and socks, etc. I can’t wash really big rugs or comforters without hurting them. So that means a trip to the laundromat. It’s a big deep tub, so I have to stand on tiptoe to reach the bottom, but I’m short.
Really thankful to have had these machines through the years.


You know, the mere mention of a laundromat is enough to make me want to embrace my washing machine and shower it with kisses.
If at some time I actually do fall in, I will try to keep this in mind.
Thank you!


Before the Kenmores, I was in graduate school and soaked/washed clothes in my bathtub while I studied. Fill the tub, add soap, clothes, ‘agitate’ then go study. Pull the plug, allow to drain – go study. Fill the tub with cold water to rinse, soak, go study. Drain… rinse….drain….wring…hang…and study in between each step.
I was so grateful/relieved/overjoyed to actually have washing machine and dryer when I had babies/diapers/husband clothes on top of my own.

Deplorable Patriot

For reasons having to do with ambulatory issues on stairs of a certain member of the house, yours truly does the laundry. UNLESS the certain member gets the urge. Then we load up the SUV with bathroom rugs, blankets, sheets, etc., and they get taken to the local laundromat which is really nice. The driers are free with a machine wash.
Well, the staff there will wash clothes for $1 a pound, and you see professional men walk in with theirs. It’s hilarious.


The first time I did my own laundry was at college. That’s where I learned that you don’t wash reds with whites.
Unless the goal is to make all the whites pink… which was NOT my goal. 🙂

Plain Jane

LM, I try to read or glance over all posts, but mostly it is impossible for me to do so, therefore, I don’t know what happened, but I totally agree and your words also deserve an Amen.
There have been many times I felt that the way I practiced my faith was under attack by an individual or two, but Realize that programing and zeal are the culprits, not intent to divide and put me down personally. Although I subtly attempt to defend my faith, and foster thought, beyond the programming.
We here honor the same God in different ways…even the occasional person who thinks, for the time being they don’t believe.


Thank you for the lovely words of encouragement.
You brought to mind that there are good and beautiful people here who have had heartache beyond what is bearable for most people.
Pain might be hindering their relationship with God. Yet here they are, on His side all the same doing good and working for truth and righteousness. This fineness of character and goodness of heart is humbling.
It is a lot easier to express faith than to live it.
They have my utmost respect and are in my prayers.

Plain Jane

Oooh, thank you LM. Maybe I did one thing right today. (Warm smile.)




Beautiful. Thank you.

Plain Jane



Sometimes it is hard to remember you are all people behind the user names. Blogs have this dehumanizing effect. I am reminded that the real person can be different

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



That story was a HOOT!
thanks Daughn

Harry Lime

Where We Go One We Go…comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Should we tell him that Biz and Tide Free work well? 😉


This is the Second time we have had long comment threads and devoted time to being nice to each other in just a matter of weeks. Seriously?
Like the post but the need for it is discouraging. We are adults. Focus on what is important! Yes, be professional even in disagreements and take the edge off but it there is an edge just say – Hey, this seems a bit much for me just posting a concerning article. Person replies, clarifies and we all don’t spend a 24 hr cycle talking about playing nice and hurt feelings.
This is a political WAR … and we are taking time out, for a 2nd time over the past several weeks, to talk about being nice and feelings….Is Kerry going to show up with James Taylor next?
Get a grip and get on with the business at hand.
My Congressman was going to vote for HBI visas today. phone calls from home changed his mind. THAT was productive!
Been very busy increasing GOP voting base and organizing existing base ahead of 2020 in our region. That was productive.
Reading here for news, developments, etc. – productive
Social media and comments sections throughout online news and social media need push back to counter the liberal narrative. Many seeds of truth need to be planted!
Wonder if some of the guys who wanted to sit in the front of the boat v. the middle got their feelings hurt on D -Day and needed a hug from their commander?


And I doubt that commanders were being purposely, intensely rude to their men on those boats. With leadership comes responsibility and no excuses.


Last thought: If one is very upset, get a new burner email, come up with a different screen name and roll forward. Why be too attached to a screen name? Gmail for this one purpose only, new screen name and continue posting and commenting and reading. Unless one is blocked via ip address…even then a vpn will address that issue.
Letting go of a screen name? No biggie. Remember the purpose, the tasks at hand and the goal.
few People actually get banned. Just emails/screen names.


Love your stories. Tired of anger v. Cold anger as it seemed in the offenders late night post. Equally tired of hurt feelings v. dealing with situation and moving on. Same at OT. Such a distraction to have a falling out in time of political war for the survival of our country.
I am a task oriented and want to get things accomplished or at least be at working attempting to accomplish.
And, yet, without people we won’t accomplish! I have to pause and remember that. And that, as you point out, we are all made differently and couple that with widely varied life experiences, perspectives, persecutions and therefore reactions.
Relationships do multiply successful efforts! We have seen rudeness, pettiness and seemingly unreasonableness bring fissures and then complete fractures to solid MAGA groups busy supporting POTUS. So, yes, relationships in our MAGA groups matter and even such a task oriented person as I am can see we will be more effective is we take time to sharpen the saw, air things out and maintain civility, professionalism and working relationships within the group.
Thank you for being a relationship person and helping to soothe and smooth. Very valuable. Me and my impatience spoke too quickly!


Don’t believe we are wasting time or energy with these types of posts at all.
It is a healthy thing to have the ‘air clearing’ and ‘re-direction’ posts now and then.
It has brought us to a deeper, stronger understanding of other people’s feelings/points of view/backgrounds and has taught us better way of relating to one another.
It also takes us from typical blog/online ways of relating which on many blogs is downright abusive.

Deplorable Patriot

In the name of social civilization, which I realized this morning while out with the dogs is slowly, but surely being restored, at least on a daily interaction level, I simply disagree. As usual, it is not the worst offenders who are commenting here. That’s the way these things work. But, the rest of us have been insulted, even if it was not intentional, by things that have been said and insinuated. It is natural for this to happen.
We are all different, and do not live in the same locales or even living situations. The reasons for why any or all of us choose those two parts of life vary. And it’s no one’s business as to why, and there is no call to diss or put down those choices. But it still happens. Same with being a vegetarian, as there is one person here who is, or going gluten free, as several of us are for a number of reasons. Those are just two examples. Faith is a HUGE bone of contention, although we’re largely better about not stepping on toes. There are dust-ups, though.
I like these posts from time to time. I just wish a few specific posters would take the time to read them.


Here’s to my fellow QTreepers…keep up the good fight! Armor Up!


“For instance, as a teenager, I was astonished Mexican gas stations did not have toilet paper……… just as the Mexican gas station attendant presumed I was a spoiled little American.”
You’re presuming that the Mexican gas station attendant cared enough to presume about you one way or the other… 😁
You may or may not have been spoiled, but if there was no toilet paper at the gas station, then the gas station attendant had some scary underwear.
Your circumstances could change, overnight even, and you might not be spoiled any longer.
But the gas station attendant’s underwear would still be scary…


“Add to this problem, our own personal baggage.”
What happens if your personal baggage is lost by the airline?
It’s a philosophical question.
Do you have them track it down and return it to you… or do you just let it go?


Thank you for this post daughn … it’s a good one and I know many people appreciate your presence in their lives, I know I do.
What you say helps people learn how to us perspective … 😉👍❤️‼️‼️
So then … God bless you sweetie .. 🤨🤚❤️


“Ohhh, but some people carry that baggage until the day they die.
It’s awful, to lug it around all your life……. but they do.”
Could be they are people who are just broken, and don’t know how to fix what’s broke.
Or it could be they weren’t made for this world in the first place, or they weren’t made right, and there’s no place for them to fit in. Like they belong on the island for misfit toys, a place I very much related to, the first time I saw that TV special when I was little 🙂


Me too 🙂


“With age comes wisdom…”
Sometimes. If you got one of the ‘deluxe’ plans…
Sometimes it seems like a lot of folks chose the bare bones option.


“Sometimes it seems like a lot of folks chose the bare bones option.”
For example, I’m pretty sure I did. I just can’t remember now… I was little. 😁


I may have to live 120 years to get wisdom … kidding 😛 .. the longer you live the better you get at saying … wait … I’ve been here before … hmmmmmmm …. and hopefully that helps towards good outcomes.


Oh yeah 😳👍 …. I say if I knew what I know now when I was younger (20’s) …. well
But unfortunately that’s not the case, the win is learning, and getting wisdom too


President Trump’s schedule for 7/12/19
9:15 AM Depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – Marine One/South Lawn
9:25 AM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews – Washington D.C.
9:35 AM Depart Washington, D.C. en route to Milwaukee, WI – Air Force One
All Times CDT
10:25 AM Arrive at General Mitchell International Airport – Milwaukee, WI
10:35 AM Depart Milwaukee, WI, en route to Fox Point, WI
11:00 AM Arrive at Private Residence
11:45 AM Participate in a roundtable with supporters – Fox Point, WI
12:15 PM Deliver remarks at a joint fundraising committee luncheon – Fox Point, WI
12:50 PM Depart Fox Point, WI, en route to Milwaukee, WI
1:05 PM Arrive at Derco Aerospace Inc.
1:25 PM Deliver remarks on supporting the passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
2:15 PM Depart Derco Aerospace Inc., en route to General Mitchell International Airport
2:45 PM Arrive at General Mitchell International Airport – Milwaukee, WI
2:55PM Depart Milwaukee, WI, en route to Cleveland, O
All Times EDT
5:00 PM Arrive at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport – Cleveland, OH
5:10 PM Depart Cleveland, OH, en route to Chagrin Falls, OH
5:30 PM Arrive at Chagrin Falls Landing Zone
5:40 PM Depart Chagrin Falls Landing Zone en route to Private Residence
5:45 PM Arrive at Private Residence – Chagrin Falls, OH
6:10 PM Participate in a roundtable with supporters
6:40 PM Deliver remarks at a joint fundraising committee reception
7:25 PM Depart Private Residence en route to Chagrin Falls Landing Zone
7:30 PM Arrive at Chagrin Falls Landing Zone
7:40 PM Depart Chagrin Falls, OH, en route to Cleveland, OH
8:00 PM Arrive at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
8:10 PM Depart Cleveland, OH, en route to Washington, D.C.
9:15 PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews
9:25 PM Depart Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House – MArine One
9:35 PM Arrives at the White House – Marine One/South Lawn


Trump War Room (Trump official 2020 team) trolls Biden….


Oops – meant to post on Daily thread! Sorry!


Too many explosions happening around the country lately.


I’m sticking to my Speed Queen!


Split wood . . . Do kegels . . . Repeat


OMG! I so get you and no wonder my husband told me to read this! I tell him all the time I feel like I pay for his ex’s sins! He got it after reading your post! Thank you so very much my beautiful friend!❤️


I just posted this on FB the other day… I was feeling so responsible for everything but you’re right… what sets me off is getting inappropriate responses (paying for other’s sins)… however I got what you got… we are on the same side!❤️ Anyways here’s what I posted: Welp to tell you all the truth we’ve been struggling in our marriage… me with continuing to feel the need to fight everything basically since pretty much nothing ever makes sense to me in life period…🙄 and Trever Garrison pretty much giving up and becoming discouraged…😳 which is the wrong to do it turns out because it is my worst fear!😬 So I go crazy!😬😳😬 Luckily though I have a good heart!🤗🥳
Anyways I thought back to what made us fall in love and it really came down to us “getting each other”… and in that I got myself! ❤️🦋 What I see tonight is as I lose sight of who my husband is I lose sight of who I became when not only learning to truly love but also learning to be loved!🤩❤️🦋
Thank you Trever for loving me!❤️😍❤️…. and being patient… and strong!!!! I totally see why my dad was very adamant about me needing someone like you and was so overjoyed when you came into my life!❤️❤️❤️


Yeah…😐 I guess it just is me having to learn how to receive better! You know?🥴 I’m so use to being a giver… and I’ve been in a spot of having to receive…😬 turns out I’m a bad sport…🙄😬🥴🤒 In my defense I grew up under “works” vs “grace”… as I give myself more grace I find I’m receiving better! 🦋 Thank you daughn for having such a beautiful voice and loving us! We love you!❤️


What I’m also recognizing is how much power we have… like if I’m in a bad mood/in pain/take on bad energy/am not right with God or myself he feels it and vice versa… I have learned to wake up thanking God for my life and asking for His will to be done… it’s changing my attitude/perspective and I see how it totally affects my family!🤗 Who knew each one of us have that kind of power? It’s kind of a big responsibility but at the same time it can be the biggest high if used responsibly!🥳❤️