Dear KMAG: 20210222 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Daily Open Thread

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:


This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:

For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Tony Anderson, titled “Eternal Spring”:

On a lighter note, a mashup of The Wellerman Song:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces. 


We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wheatie’s Words of the Day:

So long

Did you ever wonder where the farewell phrase, “so long”, came from? It is kind of an odd way to say goodbye, if you think about it.

Apparently, no one knows for sure where it came from.  Its earliest use dates back to the early 1800s. There are several theories about its origin.

One theory is that British soldiers imported the Malayan salutation, Salang. Another theory is that it came from the German parting salutation adieu so lange…but I tend to like the theory that it came from the Gaelic/Irish word for goodbye, Slán.

Used in a sentence:

I am looking forward to telling His Fraudulency “so long”, when we kick him and Team Fraud out of our White House.

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On this day…
Dolly the Sheep Revealed
February 22nd 1997

The existence of cloned sheep Dolly was announced to the public today in 1997. Dolly was cloned by scientists at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, from a mammary cell. She was the first ever cloned mammal, and went on to have six lambs of her own. She died at 6 years old, euthanized after a respiratory condition believed to be unrelated to her cloned status. comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



She is beautiful 🙂


Will Warren Buffett Really Make Billions Off the Keystone Pipeline’s Demise? It’s Complicated
Moving crude by rail is costly, inefficient, and dangerous compared to oil pipelines. It’s also incredibly lucrative.
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Recently there was a meme going around claiming that President Joe Biden spiked construction of the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day because of political donations from Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor who runs the multinational conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway.

. . . The meme contains information that is demonstrably false. Nevertheless, it was shared enough that it captured the attention of Reuters, who fact-checked the meme. . . Public records show Buffett didn’t donate to any political campaign in 2020, let alone a $58 million sum, and a spokeswoman for Buffett confirmed this.

. . . Unfortunately, from here Reuters fact check goes off the rails.

. . . Reuters spends a lot of time attempting to refute a central claim of the meme: that Buffett “would lose billions in transport fees” if the Keystone pipeline is completed.

As Reuters admits, Berkshire Hathaway does in fact own one of the largest railroad networks in North America: the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp, which runs 32,500 route miles crossing 28 states and several Canadian provinces. The news agency also admits trains on the BNSF carry lots of energy (especially oil and coal).

However, Reuters argues that Berkshire Hathaway does not stand to benefit from the demise of the Keystone XL. . . Reuters’ claims don’t add up, and the news agency omits relevant facts about Buffett’s rail operation.

. . . In just a few short years BNSF had become Berkshire Hathaway’s “single biggest profit driver,” Business Insider reported.

How did it happen? Oil transport had a lot to do with, Investment News reported in 2015.

“Buoyed by an onshore oil boom, Burlington Northern Sante Fe has become a cash machine for Mr. Buffett,” the news outlet reported. “The railroad had sent more than $15 billion in dividends to Berkshire through Sept. 30, according to quarterly regulatory filings. More stunning: The business is on pace to return all the cash Mr. Buffett spent taking it private by the end of this year.”

None of these facts made it into Reuters’ “fact check.”

Nor did the article discuss the adverse impact of shipping oil by rail. Those exploding oil trains are more common than people realize (see them in pictures), and the human and environmental costs are real and exceed the costs of moving oil by pipeline.

“The horrible truth … is train transport is far more dangerous,” energy writer Brian Westenhaus has pointed out.

As just one example, forty-two people were confirmed dead in the 2013 Quebec train disaster, and several more are presumed dead.

“No pipeline failure has ever come close to this level of human death and suffering,” Westenhaus points out.

The US State Department confirms that rail is a more dangerous way to transport oil compared to pipelines.

The environmental impact of rail is also worse. Research shows the spill rate for hazardous material transported by rail is 33 times higher than pipelines. Scholars at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh also found that locomotive transport causes twice as much pollution as pipelines.

. . . Why would anyone spike an oil pipeline capable of transporting more than 300 million barrels of crude a year when moving oil by pipeline is cheaper, safer, and more environmentally friendly than moving it by rail?

Reuters never asks this question, though it concedes moving oil by rail is less efficient. (There are also benefits to moving oil by rail, of course, especially over short distances.) But one reason, perhaps, is that the pipeline was spiked because of its low cost and efficiency.

It’s been observed that in modern America there are two primary types of entrepreneurs: market entrepreneurs and political entrepreneurs.

“A pure market entrepreneur, or capitalist, succeeds financially by selling a newer, better, or less expensive product on the free market without any government subsidies, ” writes economist Thomas DiLorenzo.

Essentially, market entrepreneurs create value for society by serving the wants and needs of consumers. A political entrepreneur, on the other hand, “succeeds primarily by influencing government to subsidize his business or industry, or to enact legislation or regulation that harms his competitors.”

. . . MORE . . .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff. These fact checkers are perniciously political. No good.


LOL it’s such a joke – check this one out:

PolitiFact Is Ticked That We Fact-Checked Their False Fact-Check Of Our Fact-Check Of Their Fact-Check
FEBRUARY 20, 2021 By Tristan Justice


This one has some good moments too. . .

David Harsanyi: Nobody Better Exemplifies the Problem of Failed Journalism Than the Self-Anointed Fact-Checkers

Appearing at a friendly CNN town hall event this week, President Joe Biden dropped a string of untruths on issues both large and small.

One of the president’s most egregious falsehoods was the claim that “we didn’t have [the vaccine] when we came into office.” The first shot was administered back on Dec. 14.

Glenn Kessler, lead fact-checker for The Washington Post, quickly jumped into action on Twitter, explaining that this was merely a “verbal stumble, a typical Biden gaffe, as he had already mentioned 50 million doses being available when he took office. Former Trump officials should especially cool the outrage meter, as it just looks silly.”

Castigating those who pointed out the lie is a weird thing for someone charged with verifying factual information to do.

It was a strange coincidence, indeed, that Biden’s “verbal stumble” corresponded perfectly with the concerted administration-wide effort to mislead Americans regarding the president’s new vaccination plan.

. . . It is odd, as well, that a fact-checker would contend that Biden must have had a “verbal stumble” because he had previously admitted the truth on the issue. For one thing, it seems unlikely this was the standard used for Donald Trump. . .

. . . Perhaps the most mendacious “fact-checker” is CNN’s Daniel Dale, who produces prodigious amounts of disingenuous partisan clickbait. Yesterday, Dale also bored into the soul of Biden to discern exactly what the president “meant,” which, it conveniently turned out, was the opposite of what he said.

Then again, Dale noted back in September that Biden “makes some false and misleading claims” but “assertions of fact have been largely factual.” Tautology aside, a quick fact check of this claim earns a gaggle of Pinocchios.

. . . The fact is — if you’ll pardon the expression — this kind of partisan gruel would never have existed in a reputable newsroom 30 or 20 years ago. Yet, it thrives in an age in which the number of Twitter followers and hits are valued over fact-gathering.

. . . It’s not only that the fact-checkers are objectionable but also that the idea of fact-checking is un-journalistic. There is something more insidious about fact checks than the average hackery.

. . . One might be able to look past the five-year abandonment of journalistic ethics and professionalism if reporters and fact-checkers were equal-opportunity sticklers. The problem wasn’t the adversarial relationship journalists had with those in power — though the self-aggrandizement and navel-gazing were insufferable. It’s the selective deployment of these ethics as now displayed with a different administration.

And no one exemplifies the problem better than the self-anointed fact-checkers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very well-said!!!


I’m just concerned that at some point the tit-for-tat regarding who had the vaccine first is going to morph into “Who the hell thought it was a good idea to test the experimental shot on unsuspecting people?”

You could put the blame on one administration as easily as the other.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, I don’t know that pin the blame is going to be that much of a concern. It’s going to red pill a lot of people, IMO.


I hope so.

Deplorable Patriot

Never trust a “fact checker” where there is a paycheck involved.


New Plans for a Chinese Wind Farm in TexasBY IER

A Chinese company is planning to build a wind farm on 130,000 acres near Laughlin Air Force Base in Del Rio, Texas. The builder is Houston-based GH America Energy—a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chinese Guanghua industry investment group. Its CEO, a member of the Communist Party and a former member of the Chinese military, purchased the property in 2015. The project, however, has many officials in the United States concerned about the security of the U.S. power grid and the proximity of the farm to U.S. Government facilities.

Besides the nearby Air Force base, San Antonio is home to an NSA facility, a cyber command, and a number of universities that work with the federal government on intelligence matters. Not long ago, President Trump closed the Chinese consulate in Houston because of possible espionage involving U.S. universities and their research. The Chinese were trying to steal information on our response and tests for identifying COVID-19. According to Texas Congressman Will Hurd, the Chinese wind farm is currently going through a national security review process that involves the FBI and the Department of Energy.

Besides the national security issue, there is also an issue about reciprocity since China would probably not let a former U.S. military officer build a wind farm in China near government facilities and allow it to be tied into its electric grid.

Besides wanting to build a wind farm on U.S. soil, China has also become the world’s leading supplier of transformers, which also presents significant challenges to U.S. grid security. On May 1, President Trump issued an Executive Order on protecting the bulk-power grid. For economic and security reasons, he stated that the United States should no longer purchase transformers and other electric grid equipment manufactured in China. He signaled that it is important to end relationships that U.S. utilities have directly with Chinese businesses and multi-national companies manufacturing transformers in China, which are later plugged into the electric grid in the United States.


Criminal. Letting a communist nation take over our energy production on our own soil is treasonous. We need to start calling it by the right name.



The wind farm is not for America but Chy Nah’s “build back better” project in America,
building, buying as if they were in their own country.


Just effing sick that our leaders have allowed this globo-communist crap in.


Agree but needed to fix one thing…
Leaders, NO. Traitors!


Live Not by Lies of the U.S. Clean Energy Initiatives

This post is designed for those who know little about Clean Energy Initiatives and the United Nations’ desire to control the amount of carbon dioxide gases in the air by shutting down oil, gas, and coal exploration, production, and transmission. 

Ask anyone in Texas about energy this week, and you’ll probably get an earful. The Texas power grid failed, and Governor Greg Abbott blames green energy.  Governor Abbot is correct in blaming the Clean Energy Initiatives for the problems in his state this past week. 

The most abundant, affordable, reliable energy sources are natural gas, oil, and coal. Any society that loses access to abundant, affordable, and reliable energy will never rise out of poverty, or in the United States case, will quickly fall back into poverty.

Green Energy advocates are killing the United States – literally. Green energy advocates tell us that wind, solar, and electric energy must take over for oil, gas, and coal energy in the United States because “using oil, gas, and coal energy is releasing too much carbon dioxide into the air and making the world’s temperature increase!” 

Advocates, like President Joe Biden, say “clean energy will save the planet.” 

That is both absurd and deceptive. 

. . . MORE . . .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



GREEN is the new RED.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’m not giving a ton of weight/attn to this article, mostly adding for reference.

Data Shows Wind Power Failure was Chief Cause of Massive Texas Power Shortage
By Jim Hoft
Published February 21, 2021 at 9:09pm


CNN: There is no such thing as “weather modification,” and China is on the forefront of weather modification research.

China to expand weather modification program to cover area larger than India
CNN Digital Expansion 2017. James Griffiths
By James Griffiths, CNN
Updated 10:43 PM ET, Thu December 3, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO. Fake News, a product of the Central Soviet “Intelligence” Agency.


Whistleblower: Coca-Cola Uses Antiracist Training That Tells Employees ‘Try To Be Less White’
FEBRUARY 20, 2021 By Evita Duffy

Employees are told in the “what you can do” section that to “be less white” one can:

Be less oppressive

Be less arrogant

Be less certain

Be less defensive

Be less arrogant

Be more humble



Break with apathy

Break with white solidarity


“Whiteness” is a meaningless postmodern social construct. “Be less white” is all a set of examples in common with the “No Asshole Rule” – standard leftist projection. They’re the ones that are fragile, oppressive, arrogant, Certain(TM) [aka uncorrectable even with the use of stubborn things known as “facts”], defensive, proud, unwilling to listen, unbelieving, apathetic toward breaking the wicked status quo, and express unyielding solidarity to the CRT victim narrative.

If they weren’t already, add CocaCola to your product boycott list. No one needs to be drinking sugar water anyway.
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CocaCola was involved with Germany’s Socialist Workers party in the 1930s – some of that history is in the article below. Put in historical context they’ve been on the wrong side of history before. When WWII finally broke out Coke had to break with the Germany franchises. To survive the German franchises created the Fanta line.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Telling any group to “be less white” is like telling Hollywood to “be less Jewish”.



It’s like telling….
Asians to be less…
Indians to be less…
Blacks to be less…

Like telling anyone to deny, be ashamed, change their birth, ancestry, culture…

It’s just another kind of gaslighting and perversion

They want
Women to be less…womanly, feminine, motherly
Men to be less…manly, masculine, fatherly
Children to be available and exploited.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It’s bizarre as heck. But the CCP is very, very, very smart. They know exactly what they’re doing. The new race-mongering is the fastest way to cultural revolution, turmoil, murder, death, divide, and weakness in the United States, and Xi knows it.


Using empirically proven psychological/educational heuristics.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do you have any insight into ways to get a hold of highly classified psychological research, or at least some reliable journalism, exposes, or books on it? I have only found a few such sources.


No – I know you are interested – but I don’t have any way to access that stuff. With my childhood trauma background, it might be too disturbing for me to handle. Sci-fi and horror movies are not on my reading list either. Don’t like CSI and gory stuff either


More Cancel Culture™


Wanting a society where everyone is the same breeds intolerance. People will become intolerant of ethnicity , race and we are beginning to see the fallout. Somone thinking different not having the same ideology. It is all about character not race or ethnic background for me.


This reminds me of my mother when I visited her 30 years ago she was complaining about the Turks in Germany. She said ” if they were just a little bit more German and not that much Turk would be so much better.” Never mind she had a woman from Turkey cleaning her house. I was taken back by her remark and she did not even realize how racist it was.
I have heard in the past from my sons wife “could you just a little less German.”
I am sure I have some German habits just as people have some southern habits or East cost habits.
Would we ask black people to be less black. By the way what does that mean to be less white or less black? Everyone falls into stereo types. People do the same with religious affiliations stereo type.

We are really creating racial divisions where non exist. We worked hard to overcome this crap. We are all God’s creation and all made in His image.


Amen goes right there, Sing!!!




A few months old, but still worth looking at:

Critical Race Theory Is A Classic Communist Divide-And-Conquer Tactic
Rather than serve help heal the nation, critical race theory has proven to be poisonous to liberty, true community, and our common humanity.
By Stella Morabito
SEPTEMBER 29, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you for posting all this good stuff. I was thinking about doing a post on the need to reject CCP race poison, but you’ve posted so many great things, my work is basically done.


Yeah well I’m exhausted now and time for bed 😉


A thought came to me devaluing Christianity and race poisoning goes hand in hand. Through Christ do we not have examples to accept differences did he not reach out to those who were shun , different and not accepted in some cultural class. Christianity if taught properly should not tolerate racial divisions.
By diminishing Christian values it is easy to destroy a culture and functional society.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yes – the “woke” Christianity is Chinese Communist Christianity (CCC). It raises inappropriate divisionist ideas as central. It’s basically satanic and deceived.


Just like Stalin and Hitler worshiping the two men as gods instead of God and Christ.


Last year, a Conservative Party MP got criticised for saying the same thing.

She isn’t white, but her critics in the media thought she was, based on her name: Suella Braverman. (Braverman is her married name.)

She was also strongly in favour of Brexit, another contributing factor.

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gab is having none of this crap.
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What is Coca-Cola going to do about Vanilla Coke?


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I’m a white cat … Coca-Cola must hate me.



I quit buying Cokes when they sold their products to the ISIS soldiers retreats – and I wrote CocaCola about it too.

I buy Publix and Walmart brand in the 2 liter bottles. I just fill my old 20 oz Coke bottles when I want it in a smaller bottle instead of a glass with ice.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

I do not drink coke ever since I saw it to be used to clean a toilet. I said to myself what will it do to my stomach if it does that cleans the toilet. Did not had if for over 40 years.


Just saying, all the Coke bashing is fine and well deserved, but don’t forget that Pepsi got there 12 years ago with its all in support of Obama and should not be considered as a substitute for Coke! 😐

Sadie Slays

Pepsi is one of the food companies that uses aborted fetal cells in their laboratories for “flavor research.” It’s one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever read about–abort your baby so that it’s dead body can be used to develop new soda flavors! I don’t even have words to describe how dystopic this is.

Unsurprisingly, their CEO is deeply connected to Hillary Clinton.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Pepsi always has been the soft drink of Democrats.

Every Dem I know buys Pepsi by choice, never Coca-Cola.

They will even buy others Pepsi, even when that person wants Coca-Cola.

Does anyone wonder if this Coca-Cola branded diversity training is actually Coke’s? It might be a ploy. If so, too many people are falling for it.

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse

I basically drink iced tea or coffee or water. Or occasionally juice.

I read where a doctor once said that soft drinks were responsible for most of the type 2 diabetes in this country.


True, and other maladies, GMT!!!


My mom hardly ever allowed us to touch the stuff, but she kept a liter bottle in the fridge for herself. It was her one weakness. 😁


LOL – I like her!!!


If you find the info again please be sure to share it!

Sadie Slays

Life Site has a quick rundown of the issue. It’s an older article. I tried finding updates but the whole thing has been memory-holed.


Thanks for the link.

Sounds like it’s time to un-memory hole it!


We boycotted Coke at the local Whattaburger yesterday.

Never buy the stuff for home anyway.

I think a campaign to stop drinking Coke because it’s BAD FOR YOU would also helpful.


Me, too!!!


Ginger is good also. I take ginger.


Good idea.


Ever make your own?

Ginger beer starter; it’s the friendship bread of homemade soda, lol.

Ginger, cane sugar, filtered water, and lemon juice, basically. Ginger has natural yeasts in the skin that ferment. Excellent probiotic.

Valerie Curren

Vernor’s is the best ginger ale…but don’t get close to the bubbles, almost as good as snuff for sneezing!


Home made kumbucha is pretty satisfying and you can make it with ginger, or fruits.

Deplorable Patriot

Coke with real sugar, or brown sugar, is available in these parts. It’s not as bad as the mass-produced stuff, but still….


When my children were small we had little money and the last thing i was spending money on was soft drinks. I planned out every week our food list and made healthy choices for the family. Milk or Coke, bread or cake, Very seldom did they get a coke only special going out like for birthday later for good grades. We never smoked or drank alcohol because we prioritized.
This saved us from lots of bad habits.


When you store soda with nutrasweet in a hot vehicle it turns to formaldahyde.


Oh no. That is crazy. Horrible.


How many commercial sodas have Nutrasweet in them?

I can’t think of any, but I’m open to proof.


From CocaCola website…

We sweeten several of our drinks with (Nutrasweet)  aspartame like some of these favorites:

Coke Zero Sugar
Diet Barq’s
Diet Coke
Diet Coke Feisty Cherry
Fanta Zero
Gold Peak Diet Tea
Mello Yello Zero
Minute Maid Light
Pibb Zero
Seagram’s Diet Ginger Ale
Sprite Zero


I stand corrected.

Many thanks! Mea maxima culpa!


I have a friend that has always had a stash of diet Pepsi cans behind the front seat of his truck. I find it appalling. And I pray for his later years to be free of dementia in spite of it.


Few drinks are worse than Diet Pepsi.



I think it worked to help with mental focus, but there are better options.


A double espresso is much better. 🙂

Failing that, a cup of builder’s (strong) tea.


For a guy that works in a hotter climate building houses, I’d think he’d go for iced tea by the gallon.


The best option, by far!


Fanta (from the article) is the pan-European brand, even today.

Most countries don’t have the bottle or the cola flavour, but there are a variety of fruit flavours bottled in each respective country.

Most Europeans don’t even know about Fanta’s origins.

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse

The Texas Energy Disaster22 hours ago Andy May

Lots of data, feel free to peruse further.


The proximate cause for the Texas grid collapse was the very cold weather from February 9 to 17. The initial problem was that wind was producing over 25% of Texas’ power and it is intermittent. Knowing it was intermittent, ERCOT ramped up natural gas generation as an instantaneous backup for the wind, but they forgot that natural gas is supply-on-demand, and the pipelines are vulnerable to disasters, especially cold weather. Disaster power sources are coal and nuclear, they have fuel on site for days or weeks and do not require a pipeline or a backup.

Policy implications

Texas has encouraged the building of wind turbines. They do this, in concert with the U.S. government, through direct subsidies and by paying for wind generation, rather than paying for electricity purchased. This guarantee of revenue means generating companies do not have to consider market demand, they can build wind turbines endlessly with no risk. They can even pay others to take their power and then be reimbursed by the government with our tax dollars! Since 2006, federal and Texas subsidies to wind power, have totaled $80 billion, this foolishness is explained well on the stopthesethings website.

The wind power excess capacity has distorted the generation mix in Texas to a dangerous and unbalanced level. Natural gas, coal and nuclear generating companies have too little revenue to increase or fortify their plants, since wind can generate as much as it wants and is guaranteed revenue for the electricity it generates.

The subsidies and mandates must be stopped and our baseload (aka emergency) capacity increased and fortified. Coal and nuclear power generation must increase. It should be clear to everyone now that, while natural gas is a perfect minute-by-minute grid stabilizer, since it is an on-demand electricity generator, it is vulnerable to weather disruptions. Texas’ current emergency baseload capacity is too small and too vulnerable.

Politics has thoroughly corrupted climate science as I explain in my new book: Politics and Climate Science: A History. The thoroughly corrupt field of climate science politics is now corrupting the fields of engineering involved in power generation. This is dangerous, engineers must make engineering decisions, not politicians. Reliable electricity is essential to our prosperity and well-being, our various governments should not be purposely destabilizing our electrical grid with dumb renewable policies, they should be strengthening the grid to make Texas more resilient.


Thank you for this info. I wish someone would gather all these links and into one big post. 😄


Yeah I’ve been thinking about it b/c it’s necessary – time and energy

I wasn’t planning to spend a lot of time on the Texas power situation . . . it just happened to fall in my lap and I had researched it before.


Some of books to draw attention to . . .

SOCIALISTS DON’T SLEEP: CHRISTIANS MUST RISE OR AMERICA WILL FALL … hitting “Best Seller” Amazon lists for several categories. Get your copy now!

Socialists Don’t Sleep … tells how the seeds of socialism are planted and grown and spread in America, and what patriots can do to fight for individual freedoms.
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Sidney Powell, License to Lie: Exposing Coruption in the Department of Justice (Second Edition)
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Patrick Byrne, “The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him: (or what to send friends who ask, “Why do you doubt the integrity of Election 2020?”)”

Last edited 3 years ago by michaelh

The Deep Rig
The author is a noted libertarian who did not vote for Trump and has publicly criticized him on numerous occasions: that said, he believes that Election 2020 was rigged, and this should be objectionable to every person who believes that “just government derives its power from the consent of the governed.” In this book he describes what in August 2020 brought him into researching the field of election fraud, then what really happened on a national scale during the 2020 election. He describes the work he and his team of “cyber-ninjas” did to unravel it, along with the experience of being a lifetime entrepreneur trying to interact with Washington, DC.. This book takes you behind the headlines to the backroom scenes that determined whether or not the fraud would be exposed in time, and in the process, paints a portrait of Washington double-dealings that will leave the reader asking, “Is this the end of our constitutional republic?”
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This might be worth the donation to buy.


I’m getting this today. The only reason I didn’t get it and start reading on Saturday is not wanting to be more pissed off. I have to say, I have believed Byrne from the jump. Sidney Powell and McInerney have put his ad on their telegram channels. She wouldn’t push BS.

Lindell is on with Bannon now, talking about the Dominion lawsuit. Sidney has been sued by them. Lin Wood is being sued in Georgia for his law license. Thousands of people gave sworn testimony, and will suffer consequences. People are not letting this go because they understand it’s over if we let it go.

I realize that a part of the past 5 years was the spotlight on the unimaginable, the wake up call and mobilizing the populace. We now have the officers, and they’re laying their lives down. But you can’t do it without the general.

I certainly hope that Trump doesn’t get up at CPAC and make some cut/paste rally speech. I’m done with that.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Even if he does, I don’t care. We need 1000 generals now. WE have to become Trump.

Willing to take a beating.

Trump did what he had to do, as far as I’m concerned. He showed us the plans to the Death Star.

If Trump babbles like Reagan on his ranch for two decades, I don’t mind.

We need new generals now. MANY of them. It’s going to be a very rough period of transition. It’s OK.

I hope to raise up people here. People who come back here every day with WAR STORIES.

Valerie Curren

What incredibly beautiful & hopeful & long-term thinking. Thank you for articulating this! You could append this to your epic “Trump Speed” write up that even Sundance periodically quotes.

John 12: 23-26
23 Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

I was thinking of this passage of scripture, how death leads to abundance of life. Like Jesus’ sacrificial death bought salvation & grace for all (who choose to receive Him) people for all time. If DJT as president, as overt leader, even as a very man is “killed” all they have done is solidified who he was & exposed the importance of the Trumpian essence you so clearly shared above:

WE have to become Trump.
Willing to take a beating.

They risk turning one Trump into many trumps!
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I hope at least one of those images shows…

This one’s just for fun 🙂
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dominion is part of the STATE CONTROL. It has our tax dollars. It will CRUSH US with our own money. SCOFFLAW SCOTUS will not protect us.

But that’s OK. The FLAWS of the Dominion system are TRUTH. They are so basic and fundamental, it’s astounding. Anybody with a functioning BRAIN can see it and SPEAK THE TRUTH.

I would love to stand in front of MITCH’S BITCHES in SCOTUS and MAKE THEM LIE. Make them DENY the vulnerability of the Dominion system for all to see.

We have to LOVE TRUTH to the CROSS, the GAS CHAMBER, and the FIRING SQUAD.

What Chinese Communism In America Will Look Like, Except With American Military Faces, And American Victims
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People don’t get that. Not yet. I know it sounds harsh, but China is going to slowly sap our will to resist their empire of lies. If people continue to go along, they will soon be living in a Chinese hell that speaks English and looks like us.


You’ve probably read the content already. (I posted half of the links to Michael just above this comment.)


Did anyone notice that Parler is back online? I kind of think they’re done.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I’m on the Gab train. I may see if my Parler account is still there, but I may just close it. The place was literally OWNED by communist administrators. Not sure I ever want to go back in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! And he’s a smart guy. Visionary.

Harry Lime

So was Bongino completely snookered? Didn’t do his homework? Or something more nefarious? I noticed that his views on his !@#$ youtube channel have gone down since the debacle.

Sadie Slays

I’ve been calling out Bongino for over a year now and getting flack for it every time.

Black Eye Club? Check.

Three Red Banners? Check.

Shilling a very obviously controlled op social network? Check.

The only reason people give him an uncritical free pass for any of this is because he supported President Trump and usually says stuff that we agree with (nevermind that he probably only said that stuff in order to build up enough influence to herd conservatives on to said controlled op network that he’s also financially invested in). If he was a NeverTrumper or Leftist, then people would be bringing up these points every time his name is mentioned.
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(It’s nice being able to access my massive library of research again.)

Harry Lime

Not sure what to make of it, Sadie. He claimed the black eyes were from his judo sessions if I recall correctly…but…he completely missed the Parler fiasco as an investor…and this from an ex SS agent? Something seems a bit off here.

I’m glad you’re back up to speed, technologically.

Sadie Slays

Yes, yes, I hear the same “he got it at the gym” excuse every. single. time. I bring this up. And if the black eye was the only warning sign coming off this guy, then I’d probably let it go, but it’s not. It’s the black eye AND the the same three red lines that the Dems/CCP/cabal uses AND his questionable judgment regarding Parler. At what point does it stop being a coincidence? How many warning signs does it take before people will finally admit that there’s something “off” about this man?

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays
Harry Lime

Just about anybody and everybody gets the side eye from me nowadays…no exceptions.


And he’s coming back from cancer treatment. Doesn’t seem like the kind of fitness training you do when trying to recover from cancer/surgery/chemo.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I listened to his podcast a couple of times but got bored. He did not say anything i did not read here or some other places.


He is from the Horse Trading Theorist club when it came to explaining away Mueller Gate (SD was another but he gave other concocted reasons too ) and that/those certainly did not work out well enough in the results department.

Meanwhile for the black eye stuff, he does spar at the gym and who knows, maybe at home too if he married an athletic girl. 😎

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Harry Lime

Horse Trading Theorist club? Brief summary? I think i get your drift but…not quite sure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same here – always interested in revisiting the Mueller problem.


IIRC, Sundance broached his theory way back in the beginning, the days when The Big Ugly was going to be a confrontation with the Deep State government apparatus (now, the Big Ugly has been tacitly changed refer to Trump confronting McConell and the other Republican members of the Uniparty).

When Sundance broached his theory, there was not an iota of doubt in our minds that Trump would put Hillary in jail, along with other deserving criminals.

Sundance speculated, and his speculation was very sharp and plausible, that Mueller was intended to create a sort of mutually assured destruction stalemate, where both sides stood down .

It has since occurred to Sundance (and the rest of us) that Mueller’s actual purpose was to destroy evidence and to cover-up prior criminality, as well as to contribute to a four year long blasting of vuvuzelas which, in conjunction with McConnell, was intended to keep Trump under never-ending attack (regardless of how absurd), to keep Trump from accomplishing as much as they could, and to deny Trump credit for the miracles he was able to achieve nonetheless.

Mueller had nothing, and Trump had everything (objectively speaking, not practically speaking), so the trade-off was (theoretically) not realistic in that sense.

The key to everything, it turns out, was McConnell, who 100% controlled personnel, including SCOTUS. IMO Trump never expected the complete opposition of the Republicans. Neither Trump nor ANY of us anticipated such categorical treachery.

The old observation was the best observation: Trump was not stupid enough to hire the various jerks who betrayed him without knowing who they were. But the rest of the argument was a false inference, that these traitors must in fact be secret allies doing secret things.

In fact, Trump came to learn that McConnell held every single card when it came to personnel, and what McConnell wanted, McConnell got. In return, Trump got the appearance of normalcy, and “permission” by McConnel for Trump to appear in charge, not complete and ostentatious weakness caused by his own party.

The President is not a whiner or complainer, he is a realist. He does what he can do.

And now he must destroy the CCP wing of the Republican party.


Very good post.




“And now he must destroy the CCP wing of the Republican party.”

Which cannot be done as an “insider” effectively.


Exactly. It is so encouraging that the civilian President has immediately switched to the right path, cleaning out the GOP.


‘Trump got the appearance of normalcy, and “permission” by McConnell for Trump to appear in charge, not complete and ostentatious weakness caused by his own party.’

Makes sense also with regard to Trump’s Supreme Court nominations.

Can’t help but wonder if Mitch told them, ‘Don’t forget who got you your confirmations’.


That was the unbreakable power McConnell had.




Plus, remember that 17 said in ’18 “The Senate is the target.” Or words to that effect.


Thank you for the reminder.

I forgot about that.


The theory was they give up something in exchange for Trump giving up something (information or people). All we got was one lousy lawyer out of the DOJ. It wasn’t a great theory because Trump really had nothing to give them, but it was bandied about as an explanation of what was happening behind closed doors.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump gave them loss of the 2020 election. Barr relieved the beaten pitchers, and cemented the 2020 steal to get Trump out.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m with you on Bongino. Something is off there.


Same. Not gonna touch it. Just waiting for a Gab phone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN on the Gab phone.


SteveinCO has had his eye on Pur.ism for phones.
I’m not so sure.

Personal experience with Pur.ism as a company…
(Very similar to by the way.)

Talk up a great philosophy.
Execution sub-par.

Both promise a certain level of service.
Both were unable to handle even the slightest issues.

From my experience I would guess they got overloaded at the customer service level and hired 3rd party staff to handle issues. Those “guys” used various names, male or female, but by the end of the interaction is was pretty clear that these are culturally non-American corner-cutting hired guys that would give you just enough to check off their “handled” box, while rarely correcting the original issue.

Biggest complaint would be how .S.L.O.W. fulfillment has been, with ZERO status updates regarding any delays.

If they were just another service provider or just another new hardware company, this would not be so irritating.

But to talk themselves up as something special and then give customers the “hire-a-turk” experience … Meh

Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots

Well, and then there’s this:

A woman I know personally, who is one of our state representative, actually made national news last week as one of the leaders in stopping this idea cold here in Montana.


There are a lot of conservatives for Convention of States.

Jim DeMint is one of the big names and he recorded a 5 min video for it on PragerU.

Eagle Forum has been extremely vocal against this saying it is a bad idea.

Just important to be careful when dealing with people who have drank the CoS koolaid . . . they aren’t intentionally doing the wrong thing.


Agreed. People just haven’t thought it through. Leftists won’t follow the Constitution now; changing it won’t make them follow it, unless they’ve used the opportunity to change it to suit THEM.


There is a a lot of built in fear about a Convention of States. You were taught growing up that it could become a “Run Away Convention”, or at least some teachers in my schools used to make such a claim. Then some of those same teachers used to say your vote doesn’t matter and they were more interested in that we didn’t grow up thinking we had a voice in our future and such things should be best left alone to our betters to decide for us.

Runaway Convention? Not likely. State Delegates to the convention can walk away at anytime during the process. There are enough conservative states to make sure we don’t hit the 2/3rds mark if it is not something we want.

So what is a convention of states. Simply It is the meeting of at least 2/3rds (34 states) of representatives from State Legislatures with the intent of amending the Constitution.

If states meet with the intent of making specific amendments that further limit the Constitution, if there is transparency in the process, the ability to see if proposals are staying on track and not getting corrupted by rouge Soros type influencers so that States can demand their delegates to walk away if need be, then a Constitutional Convention is the single best and fastest way to get this country back on track by further limiting the power of Federal Govt.

Further, whatever is decided at a State Convention has to come back to the states to be voted on and ratified. This might be piece meal amendments (likely) or an entirely new document (less likely). Then if two thirds of the states ratify then the Constitution it is amended.

The left has a long history of subverting the Constitution. We know all their arguments and weasel words they’ve used to get around the plain talk in the Constitution. A State Convention would be the fastest and surest way of shoring up all those loop holes and a way to put teeth into a balanced budget.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, Mark Levin.

I bought his book full of proposed amendments and every single one of them is a trap of some kind or another.


You’d have to describe each and everyone of them and state why you consider them traps cause I don’t buy political books. But thank you for playing 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unfortunately I *lost* the book. But what I was responding to has all the arguments he made in favor of such a convention. Given the sneaky landmines in his proposed amendments, he’s either a blithering incompetent or not on our side.

Some of his amendments named specific government agencies…which would have enshrined them in the constitution (now, at least conceivably, they could be dissolved). One was phrased backwards from his claimed intent and would have made it impossible for states to pass a constitutional amendment. Others would have relied on stats from government agencies we already know are corrupt or easily corrupted. And so on. There may have been two decent amendments in the whole damn list.


All I’m saying is, they don’t follow the Constitution now, so adding something else for them to ignore is futile.


Was not Bongino investor in Parlor? Would he be so dumb not to realize communist connection?
So many conservative moved to Parlor after being kicked off Twitter.


There is a GWP rumor that PDJT is going to start his own social media.


The interim CEO, Mark Meckler, is a casual friend of mine. He co-founded Tea Party Patriots. He’s a white hat.

I suggest that you re-think any concerns you have about Parler.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is some information:

Parler has claimed it will monitor violent content on its rebooted site with human and A.I. moderators and will hide posts that attack someone based on sex, sexual orientation, race, or religion with a “trolling filter.” Users can still click through the filter to view the content, however. SkySilk CEO Kevin Matossian has framed his company’s decision to now host Parler as a move to promote free speech.

Valerie Curren

If twitter & facebook had a “click through” filter that would be much closer to free speech than what is currently happening on those platforms.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Which is why they don’t have it.

Valerie Curren



The article in Aubergine’s post is about Meckler.


When I hear “so long,” I think of this:

I love sea shanty. Someone introduced me to that mashup the other day.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Wheatie, As always thank you for starting our week on a lighter note. When I saw, “so long”, had planned to post a video like TT did above. Wonderful movie.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing that. I just finished a book today about the kids in that movie so this snippet is very timely & much appreciated.


Feeling a bit quiet as the country struggles with this harsh weather. And also sensing that by Easter the Lion will roar.

I know that dreams from God are real. More than once I’ve been shown something or warned of something in a dream. And yet this is a realm that isn’t for everyone.

If you are looking for some old man’s dream hopium, this may be for you:



Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots
Harry Lime

I’m still boiling mad…for what…four months now?

Thought I’d post something beautiful instead of fuming and ranting about the stolen election.

Being a film junkie…put this in black and white and place a Buster Keaton face on one of those birds and I might…just might…understand what is going on here…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More animal weirdness.

Anybody with a “tub-loving dog” has to enjoy seeing an even WEIRDER one!  😉 


Some dogs are smarter than others…
(thank you Gab)
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Harry Lime

good boy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And chill out with this talking raven and lovely bird lady. It’s just DIFFERENT.

Harry Lime

Ha…that for some reason reminds me of Finnegan Fox…

laughing for two minutes…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very cool!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cheryl Chumley lays out a really good explanation – very simple – about why we are where we are in American politics. The left has lost it’s individual conscience of good and evil. They can lie all day and sleep all night.

Harry Lime

How do you compromise with someone who’s moral compass starts at zero and ends at zero? She’s right…you can’t.

Where I will disagree with her is where she says that the Clintons didn’t want to destroy America like Obama did. They certainly did…they just didn’t actually think they could do it openly and get away with it like Obama did.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! The Clintons were counting on more years to do it. The media wasn’t as completely controlled during Beelzebubba as it was by the time we got to Obama.

Harry Lime

…and now (imo) the pendulum has reached its apex…and is about to come crashing down in the opposite direction with maximum force…Trump Force!

As dark as things may seem to some…I do believe we are about to see an amazing transformation in this country…there are just too many of us that are now awake to what is going on…the numbers are on our side…and always have been…a few tweaks to how information is disseminated and we will see a transformation unlike anything we have seen before…(insert image of Brian Stelter peeing on himself).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. People are sensing that the levels of asshattery and bullshit are now epic.

We just have to keep spreading the enlightenment. It’s working. “They won’t be able to walk the streets.” However, there will be some scary moments between now and then. Be prepared. They will not go down easily, because CHYYYNNA is playing them for keeps.

Harry Lime

“However, there will be some scary moments between now and then. Be prepared. They will not go down easily, because CHYYYNNA is playing them for keeps.”

Yup…it’s not gonna be a cake walk…many ugly times ahead, false flags, propaganda, bloodshed…that’s how they roll…but I’m confident…From Plato’s Republic:

“Tyranny is not a matter of petty thefts and acts of violence, but of wholesale plunder, sacred and profane, private and public. And yet, the real tyrant is enslaved to cringing and to servitudes beyond compare, he is a flatterer of the basest of men, and so far from finding even the least satisfaction for his desires, he is in need of most things, and is truly a poor man, as is apparent to anyone who knows how to observe a soul.”

Look to the past. These people will be their own destruction. Stay strong…It’s only a matter of time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Rush said it in one of the last shows of his before he died. The left will overreach. They can’t help it, it’s who they are.


…and they are WAY behind schedule…

thanks entirely to President Donald J Trump …

…and MAGA.




I don’t want to watch. If anybody does want to watch, it’s pay-per-view.


Just scroll by.

I am really turning into a broken record, but how could ANYONE on our side not understand that the Clintons were both devoted to America’s destruction, not the least reason being that they were the first to ally themselves with the CCP in the plan to destroy America?

I realize how annoying I sound, and this is unrealistic venting, but why is our side so ready to concede so much to the other side? Especially stuff which is simply untrue?

I am still irked about General Flynn calling our enemies “left-leaning.” We are nazis, racists, haters, terrorists and violent, they are “left-leaning.”

And don’t forget, they are liberals!


They are NOT liberals. They are leftists.

Let’s call them what they are.

Classical liberals believe in small government and free markets.

Flynn, in his latest video interview, called Dems ‘socialists’. It was in this video, probably in the second half:

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

PC kills.
Fake News is PC news.
Fake News kills.

Harry Lime

There has to be a reckoning or things will never be right. These monsters have to pay for what they have done or this country will remain just a shell of what it once was. Their time is coming..I can feel it in my tired and aching bones.

Every time I walk my little dog and see how happy he is…not a care in the world…I get a sense that things are lining up in our favor. This might seem silly on the face of it…but I’m pretty sure my little dog is on to something. He’s a smart little thing…I’ll put more trust in him than just about anybody.


They wanted the body count. AND you can’t get Emergency Use Authorization for an experimental “vaccine” if there is an effective, proven treatment (cure) available. So all these docs, from the famous ones to the basic PCPs like Zelenko, that were using HCQ (and Ivermectin later on) had to be ridiculed and shut down.

Didier Raoult in Marseilles used to be listed #1 in the world for infectious diseases on expertscape. They made that disappear.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

The French medical groups did a witch hunt on him, that’s for sure.


Yes. 👍🏻

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A reminder that Kim Jong Bai-Deng has been senile since 2013 and Sandy Hook.

One of my favorite songs, too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe that rifle-bearing drones already exist!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Perhaps part of the new high tech in our Border Wall System that they won’t disclose?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some classic REALPOTUS from the SONGIFY folks…..



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Its purpose was to firebomb wasp nests.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember when people actually cared about Asimov’s Laws?

I used to think people were just idiots, but the truth is, EVIL people are in control.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is too good!


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I clicked on this article thinking I might hate it.

Instead, I LOVE it! Gave me a completely fresh perspective.

I saw the title, “There is no Civil War within the Republican Party” and thought, yes, there is a struggle for control of the GOP as some of the former leaders, big donors and some of the elected GOP, especially in the Senate, want to return to the GOP of 10 yrs ago – both in the way things worked and to the NeoCon policies.

Is the author denying this?

No, he acknowledges them but twists the narrative – the civil war exists only in the media narrative, the Dem narrative and the GOPe narrative … ie the Uniparty talking points, the Uniparty that is desperately trying to regain control, who thought that would automatically regain control, would automatically reverty to the old ways and old agenda when President Trump is defeated.

90% of the GOP voting base is Solidly MAGA. How can that be a civil war?

At least 1/2+ of the RNC members are MAGA or President Trump’s picks would not have been elected 6 weeks ago.

Many state and Many county GOPs are majority MAGA in their leadership + members – hence we see them being so outspoken toward their RINO elected politicians (and to be that outspoken is not easy for a group to do!).

Who is falling for the “civil war” rhetoric?
-Some who are GOP and part of the 10% not solidly MAGA – they don’t realize how out of touch they are
-the Uniparty, including RINOs, Dems and media
-Some MAGA who don’t realize how powerful the MAGA GOP are and are allowing themselves to be inactivated instead of energized and motivated to win.

The media create the seeming equal forces within the GOP and empower the elected RINOs. No! Don’t buy it!

They WANT MAGA out and they are delighted when they discourage MAGA and thus weaken MAGA within the GOP. Their days are numbered as we saw with Corker, Flake, Alexander and now Burr and more retiring. They know their days are numbered and they can not be win GOP primaries.

We can not allow ourselves to believe the Media about our own party.

Excerpts from the linked article:

“Let’s be perfectly clear: there is no civil war in the GOP, no major schism, no two sides battling for control of the party of Lincoln. Poll after poll shows us that Republican voters overwhelmingly see Donald Trump as the leader of the party. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Rep. Liz Cheney’s hopes that voters would abandon Trump have been dashed on the cliffs of reality.

So why is the media pretending that some major battle for the future of the GOP has been joined? One reason is quite simply the desire to keep the profitable Trump story going. After spending five years addicted to easy bait and click stories, the media is loathe to give Trump up. Stories of him, Machiavelli-like, plotting and planning in the glam quarters of Mar a Lago are too tempting to resist.

Trump’s populist, America First presidency was wildly popular among conservatives. His willingness to be the first Republican to fully engage the culture war also gave a new meaning and purpose for the party even in defeat.

Let’s look at what each side is offering and compare. The Trump wing, otherwise known as 90 percent of the GOP, is offering a laser focus on American jobs, a firm hand at the border, and a foreign policy that doesn’t kowtow to China and avoids new wars. Culturally it s a party willing to say that men cannot become women and that America is not a racist country.

The establishment side is offering what, exactly? Calm? Dignity? I don’t know, judges? Judges are great, and they are McConnell’s legacy. But by the time political and cultural issues go before the courts, conservatives have already lost; they are already on defense. What is McConnell’s vision for the Republican Party? What is Cheney’s? What do they want to achieve? Does anyone know?

Voters don’t want to hear McConnell’s complaints about Trump’s behavior. They want to hear how a Republican Party that has been playing defense for 30 years will take the fight forward to restore basic American values.

For those in the media, and former conservatives left homeless by Trump’s success, the myth of this civil war is too much to resist. They are desperate to believe that any moment now GOP voters will come to their senses and reject Trump. It isn’t going to happen. They warn that losses in the suburban white vote will doom Republicans to permanent second place, but as the party becomes more diverse and working class it can afford to leave the Whole Foods set behind.

The Republican Party is Donald Trump’s party. It is today and it will be tomorrow. As the out of touch media drones on about establishment fossils trying to turn the clock back, rest assured they have no idea what they are talking about it. There is no civil war; it’s just a TV show. And we already know how it ends.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You might find this Gab meme hilarious!
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I would post that on social media but that is in my real name and I do need to be a little bit careful
Maybe its hopium of a different nature but I think that maybe we can oust him from power without waiting for the full lifespan and natural death. At least we can and have already reduced his power

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’ll be able to tell who is who by the ones who support his WIFE running for his seat.

I’m not kidding. It’s THAT BAD.


“We may smile at “War is peace” or “Two plus two equals five” as absurdities, yet such examples of doublethink and doublespeak are now commonplace in America.

Consider, for example, “politically correct,” a phrase in circulation for years now. But what does it really mean? Are we unaware that it smacks of totalitarianism? Since perceptions regarding politics and culture change today as frequently as the weather, how do we know when or if we are politically correct?

More than any other phrase, politically correct explains the fear and silence on our campuses and in our workplaces. Give voice to an unpopular opinion, slip up and utter a banned thought or word, or have someone quote you out of context, and a social media mob may well hunt you down and destroy your reputation and your life. In Orwell’s book, Big Brother’s Thought Police pounce on such offenders. In our age, the assailants are all eager volunteers.

Other terms in common usage have equally empty or contradictory meanings. Was the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol an “insurrection?” That’s hard to fathom considering the billions of dollars in property damage last summer were supposed to be the result of “peaceful protests,” not riots. Or consider “systemic racism.” Is it countered by uttering “Black Lives Matter”? And if black lives really do matter to the members of that organization, one wonders why they aren’t working to bring law and order to the streets of cities like Chicago and Detroit, where black casualty lists run into the dozens every week. What about a biological man claiming to be female? Does he have the right to demand he be addressed by made-up pronouns?

In That Hideous Strength, those seeking to transform the world employed euphemism to hide their final objectives, as the organization leading the totalitarian takeover is the National Institute of Coordinated Experiments, or the N.I.C.E. In1984, The Ministry of Truth is a propaganda organ for the state, the Ministry of Love the place where the Thought Police interrogate and torture dissidents.

Some of our politicians indulge in these same antics. Google “Truth Commission USA,” and you’ll find many commentators telling us we need to have the truth filtered to us. Member of Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez advocated for such an organization to sort out what she regards as misinformation, meaning viewpoints antagonistic to her own.
The ongoing assault on language is corrupting thought in this country, and twisted thoughts and words are corrupting our politics and our culture.”

Words matter and narrative matters.


I think Sargon of Akkad recently pointed out that one of their more devious schemes relating to the redefinition of words is that they will use the new definitions to re-interpret old / existing law.

Change the meaning of the word from what it meant when the law was drafted then argue that the law means what the new interpretation of the word is.

So yes, words matter – AND THEY ARE WELL AWARE OF THIS. It is one of the arrows in their quivers….


And of course the woke / activist law community will pretend that this is all perfectly legit, the new Supremes will go along etc …….

These people are devious AND they NEVER SLEEP. They live eat and breath this “We are Us and the FUTURE is US” crap. There is only one way to win this.


Well, considering that cuneiform really took off under Sargon of Akkad I can understand how this could be so. In fact everything right with this world and everything wrong in this world can be traced back to Sargon and his daughter Enheduanna. This even goes beyond things like writing and the invention of words but includes concepts for established religion, pansexualism, technocrats, the tablets of destiny, the city state and the dreaded Me’s to mention a few.

Oh wait! Not that Sargon of Akkad?

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Concenring the recent attack regarding the “racist” focus of correct answers in math class:
“Recent training materials instruct teachers in ways to promote antiracism and create “a collective approach to dismantling white supremacy.” Said white supremacy “shows up in math classrooms,” the materials explain, when “the focus is on getting the ‘right’ answer,” or when teachers “treat mistakes as problems,” because such actions signal “perfectionism” and “paternalism.”

“These prepackaged thoughts were addressed by John Taylor Gatto in an essay entitled “Confederacy of Dunces.” Dunces, Gatto wrote, are what schools produce best and on purpose. They are “the victims of the non-thought of secondhand ideas” who well know “the opinions of Time magazine and CBS, The New York Times and the President.” They are selective in “which pre-thought thoughts, which received opinions” they take to heart.

Gatto goes on to say:

Mass dumbness is vital to modern society. The dumb person is wonderfully flexible clay for psychological shaping by market research, government policymakers, public-opinion leaders, and any other interest group. The more pre-thought thoughts a person has memorized, the easier it is to predict what choices he or she will make. What dumb people cannot do is think for themselves or ever be alone for very long without feeling crazy. That is the whole point of national forced schooling; we aren’t supposed to be able to think for ourselves because independent thinking gets in the way of ‘professional’ thinking, which is believed to follow rules of scientific precision.”

Gatto and John Holt were early influences on me and my homeschooling methods. Their methods didn’t work (or I didn’t work the methods) for us but their influence is still felt. We started there and moved, over time, to more traditional methods to the point we are more Delight Driven (v. child lead). Too many times I have seen unschooling turn into unparenting … but that post would take us too far from politics and would leave me more wide awake instead of reading myself back to sleep.

Anyway, Gatto and Holt give excellent perspective and food for thought. This specific article as well as much more of their advice can be applied whether one’s child is being homeschooled or not.

Just because one’s child goes to public school does not mean we ought to leave their entire education up to the free gov educators as that would be tragic. Our family lives ought to be enriching with hobbies, books, conversation, community involvement and other self learning and interests.

The article gives a few brief pieces of specific advice.


Hi Wheatie – “So long” was my Dad’s favorite way to say goodbye – so thanks for reminding me of him.

I should be spamming you with another couple of my posts my series in around 14 hour time.
Hi Wheatie – “So long” was my Dad’s favorite way to say goodbye – so thanks for reminding me of him.

I should be spamming you with another couple of my posts my series in around 14 hour time.
Hi Wheatie – “So long” was my Dad’s favorite way to say goodbye – so thanks for reminding me of him.

I should be spamming you with another couple of my posts in “my series” in around 14 hour time.

Last edited 3 years ago by JasonD

Hi Wheatie. Looks like I won’t make it in time to post on your thread as I thought – work called unexpectedly.

I will try and change my posting style – please feel free to prompt me as required in the reply section till I get it right – I promise not to take offence!! 🙂

Sorry about that garbled post – I think I know how that happened – it was pretty weird how it got so mashed up.


I would add that they lied about tweets (Calvary v. Cavalry) but wasn’t that just shear stupidity?


Intentional. Go back and read your last post on Mass dumbness and say it’s not so.
If your still stuck, (knows your not and am reading your question as sarc) then a quick review of ~Aubergine’s Razor~ should suffice. 

“It is dangerous to attribute to stupidity that which could be the result of malice or guile.” 


Only in court proceedings. Not impeachment.


Cute but tempting fate. Pitbulls and bully breeds are not trustworthy overall, with exceptions of course. Too many incidents. I know of an infant that was in its carseat. The families 2 pits ripped off his diaper, and in doing so his member. Hopefully this family has some sense and never leaves the dog alone with their baby.
