Dear KMAG: 20230717 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

Welcome to the Qth of July!

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Word of The Week:



  • a type of medication which produces effects similar to those of the natural female sex hormone progesterone in the body.
  • synthetic progestogens are also called progestins.


  • progestagen
  • gestagen
  • gestogen


  • progesterone
  • medroxyprogesterone
  • norethisterone
  • norgestrel


  • most commonly in hormonal birth control
  • also most commonly in menopausal hormone therapy
  • treatment of gynecological conditions
  • to support fertility and pregancy
  • to lower sex hormone levels


FDA approves Opill, the first daily birth control pill without a prescription

Norgestrel is a synthetic progestin comprising a 50% racemic mixture, in which levonorgestrel is the biologically active form. Levonorgestrel’s most common use is as a contraceptive agent either alone or in combination with the synthetic estrogen ethinyl estradiol.

For your enjoyment, some country music!

As the election season approaches, I will be getting more and more involved in local politics. I may do some more placeholders, particularly for the final weeks before the election. I’ll just have to see how much time I have. My top priority on this site will be interacting with people, and reading the content that people bring here, rather than bringing my own content.

I just want to make sure people know that I’m not losing interest in this site, by my not being here or by my not doing more analytical posts. Between necessary time for health, family, and local politics, something has to give, and it will typically be posting my own content on this site.

But like Wheatie always said. We WILL get through it!


Have a great week!



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Is he rehabilitated yet?


Not yet. At least he’s going after the media in this one — that’s reasonably safe.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Schlichter or no, it’s an excellent rant.


You’re setting a good example with your involvement in local politics, Wolf.

As for the OTC birth control, what could possibly go wrong? Will we get reports of terrible side effects after time passes…


Wait until the “menstruating men” get hold of this stuff….

Cuppa Covfefe

Considering that “mensturation cup” is all the rage right now in Germany (maybe because of the Mozzies), maybe the “MENstruating men” can have a whack at it…….

Would at least drive down the massive unsold inventories of those idiotic contraptions…


They will be their own lab experiments.


Darwin effect.

Valerie Curren

Darwin Awards

Cuppa Covfefe

A new joy toy for the soy boys…

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Deplorable Patriot

It’s ALWAYS been part of depop.

There are some things about The Pill and its descendants that NO ONE talks about.

First off, the trials in the USA were stopped and moved overseas (Puerto Rico to be exact) due to too many women dying from the side effects. It was getting noticed. The early versions of the pill had MUCH HIGHER doses of the fake hormones than they do now, and it was killing women.

Second, the pill has more descendants than any other drug on the market. It has been reformulated over and over because of the side effects. The ads out there for “have you or a loved on taken (name of OTC pill, patch or ring) and had blood clots, stroke, heart attack? Please, contact….” are NO JOKE. The siren’s call of ease and “protection” are louder than the warnings.

Also, the pill is technically listed as a Class I carcinogen by every nation on the planet except ours. Here, due to the natural order of things, the excess hormones excreted by women taking the stuff is messing with the water supply.

But, the pill helped “liberate” women. It also came between the natural order of life of men and women.

We’re not supposed to talk about any of that, though.

pat frederick

I know nothing about the pill, so excuse the ignorant questions. which hormones are being excreted into the water supply? estrogen? is that a contributing factor to the feminization of men? that coupled with the abundance of soy products?

Deplorable Patriot

Estrogen, fake progesterone, primarily.

pat frederick

seems like a coordinated plan


^^^ This and a big “AMEN”.


It’s very important!

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting (cough) that those pills are made in Germany, where it’s all but impossible to get Aspirin over the counter, let alone much else. Polysporin, for example is by prescription only. Not sure if it’s because Germany is farther along the Code Alimentarus trail than the USA or not.

At least here they call it the Anti-Baby Pill, so it’s clear what they’re trying to do.

And the birth rate sinks, and sinks, and sinks.

Except, of course, for the government-sponsored Moslem replacement population, who are multiplying and invading faster than rabbits…..


I have seen an unusual number of references to Barbie lately and haven’t paid any attention. I didn’t know that a new Barbie movie is being promoted. It’s confusing because I thought Barbie is an object of criticism now, as objectified femininity or something. The “obesity is beautiful” people don’t like Barbie. Some say that a slender, fit, white woman must be racist. So it’s hard to keep up.

I came across this headline: WARNING: DON’T TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER TO BARBIE

My first (sick) thought was what about your son, if he thinks he’s a girl?

That aside, from the article:

The new BARBIE movie forgets its core audience of families and children while catering to nostalgic adults and pushing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender character stories.

Furthermore, the movie was poorly made with multiple premises, losing even the most die-hard fans.

To make an appealing movie, executives must define their audience. For Barbie, there was a built-in audience of little girls and merchandise for the movie.

“They had a built-in market and audience for this franchise that they completely ignored,” said a Movieguide® staff member. “Millions of families would have turned out to the theaters and purchased tickets, but instead, Mattel chose to cater to a small percentage of the population who has proven over and over to abandon the box office. Movieguide®’s 40 years of research indicate this just isn’t true, and Mattel has made a grievous mistake.”

Families need to know how bad this is. Not only is it a missed business opportunity for a beloved brand, the movie itself is badly made.

Just an FYI if anyone has kids in their life who might be interested.


There are some good things coming out. Tom Cruise understands that we want to be entertained and not indoctrinated. And the Angel Network puts out some great stuff. You should watch their film “Testament.” It’s fantastic, like a thriller, but Biblical.




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Uniparty would be absolutely terrified of facing Tucker.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

With all due respect, Chris Christie is a big fat, ZERO!

With emphasis on “fat.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Chris Crisco…

Cuppa Covfefe

“Big fat ZERO!” epic description of Christie…

(Ooops, just scrolled down and saw Steve’s comment… well said, Steve)…

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Sloppy Chris Christie, as usual, got a big, fat, ZERO.

Trump delivered doughnut boy, FOUR bitch slaps in One, Ten Word sentence.

Priceless. Wonder if the sloth, Christie, recognized any slaps.

Valerie Curren

So who came in second? “Who does number two work for?”


Have not looked into it.

“Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.

  • Wreaks of bullshit bingo.
  • Smacks of globalism and terrible for America.
  • Rob voted for original TPP and will endorse this.

Hard pass here.


Like a fair-share agreement:

CHINA: Two for us, and one for you.
Three for us and none for you, etc.

Cuppa Covfefe

Four for us, and negative one for you…

Cuppa Covfefe

Every time I hear something like “interconnected world” a red flag with “BULLSHIT” on it goes up.

It’s the same kind of mindless crap that says a butterfly’s wings flapping in Siberia affects (somehow) the animals (or whatever) on the African plains…

As you say, it REEKS of globalism, and is glaringly anti-nationalism (and, horrors, can’t have those knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing POPULISTS, can we…)…..

Instead of the old hippie mantra “think globally, act locally” it should be “think locally, buy locally”… let the multinationals (e.g. AB-InBev, etc.) die off into ignominy…

Cuppa Covfefe

Do the Brits actually have any Brits in their government?????

Asking for a friend…


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That’s the implication. The dates on those price stickers appear to be 7/14/23, so it’s current.


More in post slightly up..


I don’t want to be a downer, but those look like the shelf tags of these guys — — and they are ALWAYS playing this sort of game.

Every store in town will sell these at $6.99, and they’ll jack it to $7.49, then put “everyday savings” tags on ’em to sell at $6.99……then do a “3-Day Sale” at $3.99. They change their prices twice a week. It’s very annoying.

As a practical matter, you buy things like shredded cheese, butter, eggs, and ice cream only when the price is right and have to carry them in your home refrigerators. If you are out of something and buy it out-of-cycle, you feel ripped-off. I’d bet their marketing people are all high-fiving each other about how the rubes feel joyous about their “sales” even as the majority of their customers feel scammed.

Another glorious innovation is their “Five for $5” meat sales. If you buy five marked packages of meat at roughly $7-$8 each, you get them all for $5 each — but have to find somewhere to stash four packages of perishable meat for a couple of weeks. If you buy just one and eat it tonight, you feel like you got screwed for $2-$3.

Makes me think that the Marketing Department of Save-Mart is “A bunch of mindless jerks who’ll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.”

Valerie Curren

Funny, but when I saw those tags I thought they were Kroger, for they look quite similar. Not having a cell phone I can only get the “digital deals” if I tell the cashier before they start ringing things up & they can do whatever store bypass maneuver allows them to give me that discount…



Local Smith’s, prolly Kroger wide, their policy at the register is, “Make It right”. Have NOT read it. Have heard it said several times.

“Bypass maneuvers” for the published discounts are easily had.

Valerie Curren

It didn’t happen for me when I asked After most of the sale was rung up. The cashier (black female) was real put out about it all implying she had to be told Before starting to ring up the order, no idea if that was actually true. Next time, at a different store (cashier also a black female), I mentioned it up front & that cashier was really nice about it & even handed me the weekly ads so I could assist in making sure that I got the correct discount per what was published 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve noticed that here with a couple of local chains. They take turns discounting the same stuff at roughly the same prices.


Sorta like gas prices.

Gas prices in any given locality, miraculously move in unison.

  • Coincidence, obviously.  🙃 

Exactly. Buy in cycle, regardless of outlet, including COSTCO.

Those stickers are Kroger’s and are weekly. Everyone gets a better buy. Digital and buy up to 5, even better.

Never a B&J fan, buyer. $7.49 looks real for my area. Just looked at the Smith’s ad for this week. $2.99 deal applies to B&J, Dreyer’s and Drumstick’s.

FWIW, I invested in a vacuum sealer, freeze the meat and shelf life is extended to at least a year. Freeze butter. Eggs are good way beyond the date on cartons.

IMO, all the nonsense about “fresh”, free range eggs or whatever for eggs is, to quote Ruby, A Bunch Of Whoohey.

  • Two months in the Philippines, three eggs daily. <<< Laying hens at one of the houses we put up. Eggs, one to three days fresh.
  • Here in the US three eggs daily. Eggs well beyond the carton date. Taste the same to me. (Yea, OK, I am old and clueless.)

I have to disagree about the eggs. I have chickens, and the difference between a fresh egg and a store-bought egg is night and day. They don’t even look the same; store egg yolks are pale imitations of my hens glorious yellow-orange. There is much more nutrition in a free-range egg.

I will say, vacuum sealing is great. But for those without a sealer, you can do what I do. I double-wrap, first in plastic wrap, then in freezer paper, and tape it closed with masking tape. It is the same a year later as it was when I wrapped it.



For veggies, I use regular freezer bags, and “roll and squeeze” the air out. They are good for months, too.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s a local operation that produces soy free eggs. They are completely different.


Whatever a chicken eats goes into the eggs. They need a high protein (18%) diet to lay. Insects, worms, etc. are the best, but many feeds are soy-based. We use a local feed mill for ours, and supplement with what the chickens forage and find. And some kitchen leftovers.


Yea, will say the ‘local” egg yokes are brighter yellow-orange.


More vitamins, minerals, and good stuff!


Try using mineral oil to preserve farm fresh eggs.


Thank you!

I did notice, for farm fresh eggs. <<< Good to know, if I am able to get farm fresh.

There are locals that sell eggs, on the side. I should pursue this.

As an aside, eggs have come down a bit recently.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bent (brit slang) and Faeries…


Local Smith’s (Kroger’s) has that B&J displayed, in an end cap freezer, facing AND near front of the store.

FWIW. Smith’s does significant mark downs on weekly digital deals.

  • Basic mark down, everyone gets. Digital coupon further discount.
  • Overall mark down is obviously steep – ~60%.

As an aside, when I glance at Bud Light & Bud in the cooler.

  • Usually one or two empty spots for a case.
  • My guess, “staged” for the illusion, Bud Light & Bud selling. <<< Not around here.
  • Will ask the beer stockers when i see them.

Been in the high 90s, last couple days ~106. Back to high 90s today… ^^^ Stuff should be selling .


They did the same markdowns on B&J here in east TN.

The world will be a better place without them, Butt Light, Targay, etc.


Ground Report…

Hey really. Coming off my evening walk, looked back to the North and mid way up in the sky there was Musk’s Starlink Train bright as can be moving Easterly in a 45 Degree Climb. I saw it for about 30 seconds before it disappeared.

Really wished he wouldn’t put that junk up there, but it’s still an amazing sight.

Here’s a link for best viewing times. I guess I get two more good nights coming up.;3 You might need to strip everything off after as I think the extra stuff on the end is for my location.


Toying with getting Starlink. ~$500 initial buy has me hesitant. Would get the mobile one, and take it with me when we finally leave NV.


As an aside, have Spectrum Internet. No TV or land line. Internet only., no add on’s.

Spectrum just gave me a “free” upgrade modem supporting 300mbps and new router.

Turned in the old and picked up the new. Easy peasy set up.

Spectrum would have mailed new, with return shipping label, if I wished it.

We are getting the increased, advertised speeds and range around Casa Kalbo, much better.

Fully expect, in 3-6 months, Spectrum will increase monthly rates. Spectrum attempting to buy “good will” and loyalty. (They don’t know me. This is business, so to speak.)


With respect to Starlink. I live in rural area with no cable options. I have had Starlink for about two years. It has been reliable but customer service is non-existent in my experience. It suffers from weather-related outage like other satellite systems but that is for only as long as heavy rain lasts which is less than 30 minutes at any given time in my area. It does cost 120 dollars a month in my area but it varies. It is more expensive in more isolated areas due to the extra cost of service (so they say). My rate is the highest of which I am aware. It is a good option if you are going to live in an underserved area. Download data rates vary from about 30 mbs to around 250 mbs but the average in my area is around 50-100 mbs (very adequate for streaming and usual internet activities).


Thank you for the insights. Lotsa keepers in there.


I’ve seen it, too. One Christmas several years ago, coming over the mountains from the West.

My daughter panicked and thought it was an alien invasion. We all ran out to look. My oldest son knew instantly what it was.

Cuppa Covfefe

Reminded me of Tom Swift’s Sky Train… (OK, goes back a LOOOONG time, from the original Tom Swift of the early 1900s)…


Starlink is not junk IMO. It is primarily [for now] for communicating with Tesla cars. Typical of MuskWorld, there are alternate uses such as universal cell phone coverage, alternate GPS, field conditions for farmers, etc.

There are downsides but none reach the danger levels of govt monopolies.

Barb Meier

GPS use in ag and farming is very cool. My older brother told me a little about their equipment using GPS for precise crop row planting and harvesting.

The development and implementation of precision agriculture or site-specific farming has been made possible by combining the Global Positioning System (GPS) and geographic information systems (GIS). These technologies enable the coupling of real-time data collection with accurate position information, leading to the efficient manipulation and analysis of large amounts of geospatial data. GPS-based applications in precision farming are being used for farm planning, field mapping, soil sampling, tractor guidance, crop scouting, variable rate applications, and yield mapping. GPS allows farmers to work during low visibility field conditions such as rain, dust, fog, and darkness.”

Happy go lucky

Yes it is very cool. With soil sampling results on board the tractor, farmers can micro/macro apply nitrogen and amendments precisely rather than broadcast over a field based on average sampling. The field and crop conditions research being done with drones is also cool. There are a lot of smart minds in agriculture today, and I have to brag about the kids I know who are bringing a lot of excitement to crop production research methods that are less poisonous and focused on improving the land, water, and soil problems caused by decades of scant innovation beyond WW1 chemicals.

Of course, the tech is being funded to smooth the way for SkyNet, so there’s that too 🤣


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LOL! Maybe the tousled, bed-head look, but I think it gave her skin problems.

Cuppa Covfefe

I was thinking that too! 😆

Maybe they got it backwards? Or Hunter’s doing memes and not just paintings?


Looks like crack for the win?


Grand slam, accomplishing all four at a college.   :wpds_evil: 


Of course they know.

It’s a sign of just how psychologically battered we are that we could even doubt they know.

Government is a serial psychological abuser times infinity, because:

A) they are unaccountable / above the law

B) instead of abusing just one person, they can abuse hundreds of millions

Deplorable Patriot

It was the July “distraction of the month.”

Any thoughts on August? Hurricanes, floods, locusts….


Yea, monthly distraction needs refreshing. Them are natural stuff. (Bonus)

  • They’ll manufacture some BS, which Pravda news will hype.
  • Related to Ukraine, although EU based. Escalating towards WWIII.

IMO, way too early for the next Plandemic.

  • Late 2024 or early 2025, my guess. Former, MOST likely.
  • WHO needs to be formally in charge of whatever the health treaty says, which Americans WILL ignore, push back massively.
  • Some aspects of CBDC initiated, in-place.
  • Global Vaccine Passport in-place.
Barb Meier

Oooh, murder hornets… land sharks… zombies…

Cuppa Covfefe


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Barb Meier

Oh yes!!


Give them a baton and they can get the band back together.


So long as Uniparty AND Pravda News “buys” the bullshit narrative, anything and everything is possible.

  • They dunno who’s cocaine it is. (Pure BS Politics)
  • Sweetheart deal for Hunter’s gun fiasco and tax cheating.
  • Briben Crime Family NEVER indicted.
  • Ukarine is a democracy AND IN US vital interest to defend.

Americans opinions, well being ARE irrelevant in USG decision making.

Pick any topic, subject, discussion point. Americans are fodder for USG.

Barb Meier

They needed to know who to give it back to, right?


Likely, Hunter already claimed it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably a case of “finders keepers, losers weepers” and the delay is they’re waiting for a *cough* higher bid(der)…..


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Exactly. We can extend concept that to EU, Asia…


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Cuppa Covfefe

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(Because of Malice In The Palace 🙂 )….


Precisely TT. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC, before Kruschev started doofing with it, the west part of Ukraine was part of Poland and part of Romania, with a large portion of the East being ethnic Russians, i.e. that chunk really belonged to Russia of old. Take those bits away, and Z-tranny-man only has the rump bit in the middle (out of place, but oddly fits, considering him)…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was Stalin who “doofed” with the western borders of Ukraine and Belarus, by invading Poland in 1939.

He got to keep what he took…the opposite result from Germany, which got to lose land to Poland.


“The majority of teachers are too terrified to speak out.”


I don’t know when this epidemic of ‘fear’ fell over America.

It didn’t exist when Dirty Harry movies were still being made.


In general, people are job scared no matter their employing industry or government. It is intentional and it has moved into our national psyche as “living the American dream” that immigrants even believe. Being in debt up to your azz to have things makes you job scared. Dependence on two wage earning households to survive or get ahead makes you job scared. Divorce and single parenting makes you job scared. Etc., etc.

Being job scared increases the likelihood you will put up with or even participate in the corruption and criminal activities.


^^^ NAILS IT. ^^^

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. I’m currently in debt on something, and trying to get out as quickly as possible. (Less than a year to go.)


👏👏👏 Well done!

Happy go lucky


As well as need that health insurance job scared, I’ll add from the “Jabbed Pathetic Losers” seating section. I’ve followed a good plan and been blessed by the Father, no debt and decent savings and only one kid to get started off well, but being a decade and a half away from Medicare and I found out how small my faith really was.

I won’t do it it again, no matter what “it” is, you better believe I’m squeezing the most out of every penny now to save up that eff you money.


…..could be worse…..could be sliding down a hill of snow on a pair of sticks…..


Reminds me of one of my favorite Walt Disney anecdotes. Some reporter decided to needle him and asked him why his Matterhorn was full of holes.

He merely shrugged and said, “it’s a Swiss mountain.”


Incidentally, the Walt Disney Family Museum in the San Francisco Presidio is a real treat. It looks much smaller than it is, and it covers several topics that interest me in great (maybe excruciating) detail. You might need 3-4 hours to do it right.

It goes into detail about WD’s upbringing, but really kicks into gear when it moves to California. Disney made a number of cunning financial/technical/artistic moves, one after the other.

First he animated characters against a static background; then his studio animated characters against a moving background; then they animated characters against an animated background; and mixed them with live-action. Somewhere in there they synchronized sound. At each stage, he’d determine what he needed to have to get where he needed to go and borrowed his nuts off to purchase tools, frequently mortgaging his house.

His group of animators included some model train nuts, much like the engine modelers’ club I was at on Saturday, and many were expert machinists. They hand-built the state-of-the-art Disney multiplane setups — [I believe there are two at the Disney Family Museum, one in the lobby and one back by Fantasia]. There was no factory to make these two-story towers because they were never made in volume. Each part was machined by individuals.

It also goes into how the “Real-Life Adventures” was making small profits while feeding footage into the studios.

Mind you, it is his family’s museum, so it is only natural that he comes off portrayed well in every situation, but we all know the tangible results. While he lived, he was an incredibly skilled and lucky entrepreneur (along with his brother, Roy) and created an empire that lesser men are still milking today.


There was a time when unions attacked Disney. It really hit him hard, because (as he accurately pointed out) when did all his striking employees mortgage their houses? When did they have bankruptcy pointed at their heads and face financial ruin while they drew steady paychecks? He had done his part, through thick and thin, to take care of them — but when the rewards started coming in, they wanted more from him.


I worked on Euro Disney. Restaurant section. By that time the company all was about ‘The Mouse’. Plane tickets, phone calls, requisitions, etc. Completely de-Walterfi’ed. Was a shame.

And we never had a phone call with the team in France after 5 AM EST. Because it would be after lunch for them, and they would all be drunk! We tried calling a few times early on…and NO ONE would answer the phone. That is when we started calling at 5 AM. Early mornings for us, no less!

Oh, and no one on Frank Gehry’s team could ever make a decision! He was the architect, we were the interior designers, and Frank’s TEAM could NOT make a decision EVER. “We’ll ask Frank, and we’ll get back to you.” If that is the case, where the Hell was Frank???!!! Wow, what a way to work!

Makes me think about New York’s problem in Philadelphia in 1776. SMH.


PS The entire premise was weird to me. When my firm received the commission. I kept asking about the weather.

I could not square California, Florida and…France? WTH! Lots of rain and cold weather!!!

Fell on deaf ears. We took the job and started drawing.

Makes me wonder why Euro-Disney was constructed in the first place. And I am afraid of the answer.

Valerie Curren

Quite the wild ride! Looks fun though 🙂


Must… go… faster!

The catch-fences are more than excessive. If people are properly strapped in, they’re not going to fly out of the coaster. If they do fly out, they won’t be flying out to the inside of a curve, they will be thrown only toward the outside of the curve.

The catch-fence could be for workers walking on either side of the track, but that wouldn’t require a vertical catch fence, a horizontal one (not obstructing the view) would do fine.

Hope they all remembered to wear their bicycle helmets.

But then they caught up to another rider, which is when I noticed that there are BRAKES on this coaster.

And the guy with the camera had to SLOW DOWN because the rider in front of him was going too slow.

That would wreck the whole experience!


The person in front of him had a kid on the two-person coaster. He should have loaded into his coaster, gone about 12 feet out of the gate, set his brake and had a sandwich so his entire route would be clear.

Deplorable Patriot

That looks like fun.


Looks like great fun. Would enjoy it, 30 or 40 years ago.   :wpds_lol: 

Cuppa Covfefe

40 Km/H is only 25 Mph, but it feels faster than that. “Bob Bahns” like that are quite popular over here in the summer… and the scenery is spectacular…


Could be, should be popular over this way. Money to be made! Me loves capitalism.


The curves.


Are the nets to keep your teeth from all over the edge?! LOL!!!

Because if one of the cars disengaged, I doubt anything would stop the velocity!

I would do this immediately! TY for showing this!

Valerie Curren

Mini Ground Report

Turned on the TV the other day & mid-day local Detroit News was playing. Masked male reporter standing “6 feet” back was interviewing 2 black women in the front seat of a car, passenger masked, about what Covid precautions they still take. Driver claims to carry a supply of masks & hand sanitizer that she used “all the time”. Reporter hyperventilates about how Covid cases are on the rise & the importance of getting your jab. He seemed to be promoting some new covid shot but I turned it off in disgust…scamdemic attempting a reboot?

In better news, we visited our oldest son’s church yesterday (AND they had free ice cream from an ice cream truck afterward–score!). When we walked back to our car the next vehicle over had a WWG1WGA bumper sticker, though all the words were spelled out. I remarked to Hubby that it looked like they might be a Q follower!  😎 


Ya torcher yourself Valerie. Local news. Any Pravda News. (SMH)

Valerie Curren

It was inadvertent. When first turning on the TV it takes a bit before the device will accept Any commands so you’re stuck with whatever setting…so I was Trying to get on a streaming service to check out something & got the propaganda dose unwillingly. Couldn’t even mute it as the volume was through the TV rather than the surround sound system 🙁


All in fun. I commonly get things out of correct perspective. Heading back to my corner…actually honey do’s.

Valerie Curren

🙂 Hope that Honey-Do list isn’t Too demanding 😉

Valerie Curren

Filly shared this link at Marica’s

there’s a 17 minute video there & these links to twitter threads on the topics

Valerie Curren

Seen at Marica’s Place, from Nebraska Filly

NF: There is certainly Constitutional validity for this move….problem is: do we have ENOUGH Constitutional Sheriffs out there to do any good? Unfortunately, I fear there aren’t enough courageous ones left – like Babeau in Pinal County, AZ – first Republican sheriff there. Sheriff Mack is the President of the Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association but I’ve lost track of them thru the years and don’t know how much influence they might hold these days. (

“For Sheriffs with Bravery, Integrity, and Honor — Victims who have suffered injury, disability, or disease after receiving COVID-19 injection(s) can file a criminal complaint of attempted battery, assault and/or murder with a bioweapon.”

JUL 15, 2023
EXCERPT: “Pfizer and other organizations have engaged in egregious fraud, greatly deceiving and manipulating the American people resulting in criminal human experimentation on innocent adults and children with harmful biotechnology injections containing engineered mRNA nanoparticles that do not meet the criteria of a vaccine, but match the criteria of a bioweapon per 18 USC 175. It is well-known that the COVID-19 injections cause an unprecedented rate of disease, disabilities, and death, with no proven clinical health benefits.

Concerned citizens can take immediate action to empower and mobilize local law enforcement to remove the COVID-19 injections by lawfully seizing the vials from all vaccination centers and to begin criminal investigations into Pfizer and Moderna.
Victims who have suffered injury, disability, and/or disease after receiving COVID-19 injection(s), can file a criminal complaint of attempted battery, assault and/or murder with a bioweapon. The criminal complaint should be filed against the manufacturer of the COVID-19 injection(s) they received, such as Pfizer or Moderna.

This one-page letter (addressed to your local sheriff – Florida is the state used in the example letter) combined with this cited DEMAND letter and victims’ filed complaints, will empower sheriffs with bravery, integrity, and honor to take lawful actions in seizing the COVID-19 vials and initiating criminal investigations against the U.S. manufacturers.”

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Babeau was queer and had a teenaged illegal alien as his sex partner living in his house. When somebody blew the whistle on him, his term as sheriff ended. Don’t know if he resigned or just didn’t run for re-election.

All the right wing stuff he spewed on TV news was totally intended to cover his aiding and abetting illegal entry of this sex toy boy.

He was a truly disgusting piece of equine scat.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2
Valerie Curren

Wow that’s quite disturbing, but thanks for the dig!

Valerie Curren

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Just like in many things, most people are too dumb and uneducated to follow this kind of mind. I understood what he was saying in the original video, it was perfectly clear. But not to the left, and morons.

Valerie Curren

no doubt!


Just another train ride…..


Wow. Great sights AND memories.

Valerie Curren


General “VA-VA-VOOM” Motors


Secretary of Defense in the next Trump administration.


Valerie Curren

Wolf’s happy toast cousins 😉



Way to go, cop.



Before the video is made available.

Cop, “I din du nuffin AND the dent was there.”




Too funny.

Most rants simply die quickly, or within a few days.

This wench’s epic rant, will live on for years.

I think ya already called this one. If not, someone here did.


I was just thinking of Westgate San Francisco turning the property over to its lenders, and was mulling around with “what would make sense here?”

London Breed, the idiot mayor, was thinking of a sports stadium or pickleball courts, but there is an obvious solution….

Move the UN there. Turn Turtle Bay over to an NY developer (Trump?) to make profitable, and shunt the usual UN parasites over to the other coast.

Cuppa Covfefe

London Breed is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Breed is falling down,
No fair lady…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As the treaty founding the UN was signed at San Francisco, this makes sense.


Cuppa Covfefe

If they come out with a coffee (Covfefe) mug, I’m in…

Soon after, I’m in trouble 🙂



Cuppa Covfefe

The trouble with, erm, tribbles…




Oh MY… Eye Level, to boot.

(Time for me to STFU)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It looks to me like the sports bra from hell.


Now just how would you know anything about that?

Cuppa Covfefe

Pike’s Peaks?


Uh, Twin Peaks? Hooters?

Great song. Miranda was equally great. 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Cuppa Covfefe

Ten Strait Hits was the last album I’ve bought from him 🙂

Good stuff, though…

Pike’s Peak is a good race to the top, as it were… has to be twin, though, which would make for a very ugly auto race 😀


George Strait and Alan Jackson couple of my favorites.

Cuppa Covfefe

High Beams, indeed…..



The legend continues to grow… 🤣


Valerie Curren




Cuppa Covfefe

Is it just the legend, or are there chemical/bio “agents” at play…. 😀

Valerie Curren

I’m called Little Buttercup — dear Little Buttercup,
Though I could never tell why,
But still I’m called Buttercup — poor little Buttercup,
Sweet Little Buttercup, I!

I’ve snuff and tobaccy, and excellent jacky,
I’ve scissors, and watches, and knives;
I’ve ribbons and laces to set off the faces
Of pretty young sweethearts and wives.

I’ve treacle and toffee, I’ve tea and I’ve coffee,
Soft tommy and succulent chops;
I’ve chickens and conies, and pretty polonies,
And excellent peppermint drops.

Then buy of your Buttercup — dear Little Buttercup;
Sailors should never be shy;
So, buy of your Buttercup — poor Little Buttercup;
Come, of your Buttercup, buy!

Cuppa Covfefe

Put together three of the “forward the foundations” gal as “Three Little Maids” (or something) “Are We”…

Cuppa Covfefe

Then again, there’s:

On top of Old Smokey
All covered with blood
I shot my poor teacher
With a .44 slug

She bled on the table
She bled on the floor
And then my poor teacher
Bled right out the door

I went to her funeral
I went to her grave
It should have been flowers
I threw a grenade.

G&S or Stephen Foster probably never saw that one coming, though many elementary schools echoed those words and tunes 😮

Valerie Curren

AND None of the kids who sang such ditties shot their schools up!


My Uncle taught this one to my cousin and me on the way to pre-school / nursery school:

Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to school we go
With razor blades and hand grenades Hi ho,
Hi ho, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho,
It’s off to school we go,
The teacher looks like Frankenstein
The water tastes like turpentine

We loved it 😂

We learned the “On top of old Smokey” song too, but that was a lot harder than “Hi ho”.

And then of course, he taught us 100 bottles of beer on the wall, which came in handy to know on the 45 minute school bus ride (each direction) for summer day camp, a few years later 👍

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Ten thousand bottles of beer on the wall,
Ten thousand bottles of beer,
Take one down, and pass it around
There’s nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall 😆
 🍺  🍻  🍺  🙃 


Larry’s latest:

17 July 2023 by Larry Johnson 

“I want to thank one of my readers, Paul S., for flagging this remarkable and hilarious Newsweek article, written by Bill Arkin, that is a classic example of the CIA throwing Ukraine under the bus and eschewing blame for the military disaster looming on the horizon. I will start by quoting the conclusion of the piece:

In response, the senior U.S. defense intelligence official stressed the delicate balance the Agency must maintain in its many roles, saying: “I hesitate to say that the CIA has failed.” But the official said sabotage attacks and cross border fighting created a whole new complication and continuing Ukrainian sabotage “could have disastrous consequences.”

Ok. I will say it. The CIA has failed and it is blaming Ukraine. Arkin’s piece would not be possible without a flood of leaks about the broad range of CIA activities in and around Ukraine. The CIA officers ponying up the secrets are keen to get the word out that they are doing a really fantastic, swell, marvelous job. The problem is the damn Ukrainians and these CIA officers, while claiming to have robust means to collect intelligence, admit that Zelensky and his crowd are giving the United States the mushroom treatment — keeping them in the dark and covered with shit.

The article starts with the tired, false meme that Russia is in trouble:



See-Eye-A is undoubtedly a bunch of wokesters, like all the other agencies.


Larry also said:

 “Poland officially became the center of NATO’s response, first in handling hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the battle, and then as the logistical hub for arms flowing back into Ukraine. The country also became the center of the overt military response. A forward headquarters for the Army V Corps (5th Corps) has been established in Poland. Additional supplies and ammunition for U.S. use are stored in Poland. A permanent Army garrison has been activated, the first ever to be located on NATO’s eastern flank, and today there are now about 10,000 American troops in Poland.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Germany has already taken in 1.5 Million Ukraini refugees, but better them than the Süd-süd-südländers (Middle-East and African Moslems) who share neither our values, our heritage, our faith, nor our goals, yet want to overrun us and turn us into a $#!thole just like (or worse) than the one from which they came…..

Seems the US CIA has tried this missles in Poland gambit before, IIRC, to equally dismal results…


… the mushroom treatment …


Cuppa Covfefe

The mushroom has landed…

Or, there is not mushroom for more…..


VIA Forwarded from Bloomberg

The Saudi Ministry of Energy announced on Monday that Saudi Arabia plans to extend the voluntary cut in oil production until the end of December 2024. Earlier, the ministry said that the 1 million bpd cut would continue until the end of August .

Changed their minds : The European oil and gas index is losing ground after the withdrawal of a message about the extension of a voluntary cut in oil production in Saudi Arabia. 023[BBG]



“Our source in the OP said that the attack on the Crimean bridge was carried out with the help of the British REMUS 600 marine underwater autonomous robot with an additional load of explosives. Thanks to its ability to move under water at a depth of up to 600 meters and easy control from a laptop, it was launched from a civilian ship in the Black Sea, it has a flight duration of about 70 hours at a speed of up to 5 knots. With increased cargo capacity, it has a range of 286 nautical miles, almost 500 km.”

(GUR together with MI-6)

Note: /phoenix

Intel Slava has several vidclips & info on damage to Crimean bridge, start with and scroll down…


Dmitry Medvedev commented on the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge:

World and our own experience shows that it is impossible to fight terrorists with international sanctions, intimidation or exhortations.

They only understand the language of power.

Only personal and completely inhumane methods.

Therefore, it is necessary to blow up their own houses and the houses of their relatives. Look for and eliminate their accomplices, abandoning the insipid idea of ​​a trial against them. But the main thing is to destroy the top leadership of terrorist formations, in whatever cracks these insects hide.

It’s difficult, but possible.

Last edited 1 year ago by phoenixrising

There’s a bridge over the river Thames that might need taking out.



I think you read Russian very well … 😎

Cuppa Covfefe

And that buttugly “Shard” and “London Eye” can go, too… To paraphrase Chuckles, both are carbuncles upon the London skyline…


Perhaps a narrow channel. <<< On no. >>> Come to think of it, Chunnel.

Repercussions from that latter H U G E and LONG TERM…years.

As the saying goes, FAFO.

Bonus. For the dimmest bulbs in USG…B L U N T, final warning to America.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Therefore, it is necessary to blow up their own houses and the houses of their relatives. Look for and eliminate their accomplices, abandoning the insipid idea of ​​a trial against them. But the main thing is to destroy the top leadership of terrorist formations, in whatever cracks these insects hide.


This sounds like what I’ve been advocating for a long time.

It makes no sense to target civilians (e.g., nuclear war), when TPTB won’t be deterred in the slightest by civilian casualties. They want civilian casualties, the more the better. So no amount of civilian casualties will do anything except encourage TPTB.

It does make sense to target the actual belligerents, TPTB, personally.

If they take out the leadership of WEF, top NATO, Soros, Gates and our own criminal regime, hostilities will cease.

So long as they remain in power, hostilities will not cease.

It’s as simple as that, and always has been.

They can’t negotiate peace terms directly with the American People, because the American People are hostages to the Satanic death cult that stole our country.

And they can’t negotiate peace terms with the Satanic death cult.

But what they can do is eliminate the Satanic death cult, with precision strikes, the way Trump took out Qasem Soleimani.

Head. Snake. Cut.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Granting for the sake of argument that from Putin’s point of view that’s the most sensible option, and he takes it, what then?

Do you imagine he’ll let the country grow strong under a MAGA leader? There’s no good outcome for Russia if it does that…unless Putin thinks we’ll become an ally against an even greater threat.

People seem to imagine other major powers want to take our pathetically weak country and make it strong again. They don’t; they’ll happily kick us when we’re down if it helps their power.


“Granting for the sake of argument that from Putin’s point of view that’s the most sensible option, and he takes it, what then?

Do you imagine he’ll let the country grow strong under a MAGA leader?”


I don’t think he will be in a position to do anything after doing a Soleimani on TPTB.

Doing a few precision drone strikes on criminal terrorists is just making it what it ought to be, i.e., personal.

And I think Putin’s people are a thousand times more disciplined and professional than our woke military, so I think Putin will win that personal contest of “get the dictator“, and when he does, I don’t think our military or the militaries of Europe will do a single thing about it.

Just like our military didn’t do a single thing to stop the criminal and unconstitutional transfer of power to the Brandon regime in the first place.

What more would there be left for Putin to do, besides providing evidence to the world of the crimes against humanity committed by T (former) PTB?


“There’s no good outcome for Russia if it does that…unless Putin thinks we’ll become an ally against an even greater threat.”


Maybe not, but is Putin in any position to do anything further? He can’t invade the U.S. militarily from the other side of the world, and even if that was logistically possible, there is the problem of half a billion firearms in the hands of 300+ million American People, spread out across North America.

I don’t think Putin has any interest in trying to be an occupying force in a foreign country on the other side of the world.

And for at least half the U.S. population, I think turning the criminal Brandon regime into a smoking hole in the ground would make Putin a liberator and a hero.


“People seem to imagine other major powers want to take our pathetically weak country and make it strong again. They don’t; they’ll happily kick us when we’re down if it helps their power.”


I don’t think anyone wants to make the U.S. strong again, except Trump.

But as a practical matter, neither Putin or anyone else can ‘run’ America.

America will do whatever America will do. If the criminals who control our country were suddenly vaporized, it won’t be the shoplifters and restaurant brawlers and trannies and marxist academics and eco-freaks who take over, that’s for sure.

What Putin can do, is end the immediate threat to his country, which consists of a very small and very sick group of psychopaths, terrorists as they are correctly described, by removing them from this world.

Which would be doing all of humanity a great service. Putin would be an international hero.

There would be statues in his honor put up all over the Western world.

It would be like VJ Day and VE day.

Liberation Day.



“This regime [the Ukrainian government] is terrorist and has all the hallmarks of an international organized crime group,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a written statement. “Ukrainian officials and military personnel take those decisions with direct input from American and British special services and politicians. The US and Britain are managing a state-like terrorist structure,” it said.

Last edited 1 year ago by phoenixrising

Bottom line above…..Uh YUP.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Praying for you, Duchess.


Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Thank you for your local involvement in politics, Wolf. It matters and I hope all QTree participants will do likewise. We have some outstanding patriots on here.


As the presidential primaries approach, religious advocates believe that Donald Trump, of all Republican candidates, is likely to claim a large majority of the Christian vote.


Kind of a no-brainer decision IMO.


Religious advocates recognize, D U H.




USAID’s Samantha Power Arrived in Kiev today. 

I wonder if Nuland supplied her with the requisite bag of cookies?

Cuppa Covfefe

Hopefully the nuts are iron filings…


Bishop Strickland: Laying His Life Down for His Sheep

Like Christ, Bishop Strickland understands the duty of a shepherd is to become, unhesitatingly, a victim for his sheep.


We need more clergy who are in Christ and understand and live the Gospel .
May God be with Bishop Strickland.


Off topic.

  :wpds_arrow:  Does anyone know if Vigano got back on TW?

Barb Meier

Yes, he was back on last night.



Valerie Curren




Valerie Curren

Yup!  😂 


FIB AND DOJ are BEYOND redemption, repair.

Problems ARE institutional. Ingrained across the ranks.


Says it again. Local law enforcement should maintain control of all investigations and utilize FBI resources in a supervised manner.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Red fuming nitric acid?

Cobalt 60?


That essay took a lot of time, thought, analysis, and great technical writing skills. He earned his compensation.

But no. FIB is not redeemable.


My internet service has been down for about 36 hours. Again.

I turn 70 this week. My thoughts have been with my parents who both died of cancer at the age 53, and 3 years apart. I find it difficult to wrap my mind around the fact that I’ve outlived them by 17 years. The parents/son relationship is still strongly ingrained in my life.

pat frederick

yesterday we lost internet. today we lost electric power.
we are in the boonies in northern PA, but things have never been this bad


Praying for you Pat … that the issues are resolved.

Brown-outs maybe?

pat frederick

thanks phoenix!
we will get thru it.
but it seems to be escalating. we are once again under the clouds from Canada, losing internet and then power?

hope you are well!


Internet fluctuates by us also but does not totally cut out. Something has changed maybe the weather?

Valerie Curren

Congrats on the 7 decade milestone!

I am reminded how blessed I’ve been to have my parents for the totality of my nearly 60 years, they now being in their early/mid 80’s. I pray for the Lord to continue to “renew their youth like the eagles” as they still have much to offer in this life. My husband of 31 years has had their parenting longer than that of his own parents, who were both deceased by the time we’d met in our 20’s.

Train up a child & all. You carry your parents’ training forward in your life & in the lives of those you impact & that sounds like how it’s supposed to be, by God’s design.


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Happy 70th birthday to you! Looks as if you had a strong foundation and relationship with your parents, and their legacy lives on in you. There are reasons you have lived this long when they didn’t, even if they are not obvious to you.


Happy Birthday. We have much to celebrate and are fortunate for.

pat frederick

Happy Birthday!


Same is true for me. I have found it helps to accept that you are now the patriarch of the family [assuming no older siblings].


Happy Birthday! 🎈🎉


Congrats – I potentially achieve that milestone next year.


Thanks for all the good wishes everyone.


Happy Birthday itswoot! 👍😁


I am sorry for loosing your parents since they were still young. We never can understand the why but God has a purpose for you. Find what it is and keep on chugging 


Happy Birthday and many happy more 🙂


An assistant pastor at our church quoted the most remarkable thing last Sunday:

We are immortal until God is finished with us.

He explained that this means that we live until God decides, and then we die. So, as long as we are here, God has some reason for us to be. Some are here longer, and some a much shorter time. But God decides.

Cuppa Covfefe

I can see what he’s trying to say, but our souls are immortal for ALL ETERNITY.

Whether they end up in HELL or in HEAVEN is up for us to choose.

Gives a whole new meaning to “CHOOSE LIFE”.

GOD is NEVER finished with us.


Dan Bongino Says Secret Service Agents Are Furious and ‘Know’ Who’s Behind the Cocaine

Bongino says the East Wing is where the tourists go, but the West Wing is much more restricted.

BONGINO: So there’s probably less than 200 people who could have left this cocaine, by the way, in a bag which is plastic, which is non-porous, meaning it’s probably not that hard to pull a latent print. They’ve got to know who did it. The question who’s pressuring them to not find out who did it? And it’s gotta be coming from this White House. This is terrible. Don’t destroy this agency like the FBI. It’s really unbecoming.

A lot of my former colleagues at the Secret Service who retired, they are absolutely furious about this. Oh yeah, yeah, I can tell you, I got 50 emails, communications, texts from people. “This is embarrassing, humiliating.” These are good guys, man, guys who worked for Obama and Bush, non-partisan guys, most of them aren’t even political. This is embarrassing, they know exactly who it was.

OLOHAN: So do these people want it come out that it was probably Hunter Biden?

BONGINO: Well, you know, the question is whether it was Hunter or one of his friends. But like here’s the thing. I’m in the Secret Service for 12 years, a good amount of times. We never had this problem. So nobody, by Occam’s razor, right, the process of deduction, keep it simple stupid, Occam’s razor. You’ve got this guy, we never found coke in there before. You’ve got a dude who’s doing coke on tape, who’s got a reputation for being a coke addict. He’s living in the White House. He’s there on Friday. The coke’s found there on Sunday, and everybody is like, “Gosh, who could it be.”


SShas an easy “FIX”, for who left the cocaine.

LEAK IT to OAN, Bannon, Tucker…anonymous. Just fricken do it.


No kidding!

Why is the left always willing to leak, but even when it is the right thing to do, conservatives won’t?


Dan Bongino Says Secret Service Agents Are Furious and ‘Know’ Who’s Behind the Cocaine


Oh yeah, they’re ‘furious’.

So furious, they’ll do absolutely NOTHING about it.

What a load of horse___…


“A lot of my former colleagues at the Secret Service who retired, they are absolutely furious about this. Oh yeah, yeah, I can tell you, I got 50 emails, communications, texts from people. “This is embarrassing, humiliating.” These are good guys, man, guys who worked for Obama and Bush, non-partisan guys, most of them aren’t even political. This is embarrassing, they know exactly who it was.”


And if they were currently employed in the SS, they’d be doing the same thing as the current SS is doing now.

Which is nothing.

And what is ‘non-partisan’ supposed to mean?

Which one of them would arrest the president or any member of the president’s family if they caught him committing a crime?


The POTUS is a gang leader, the SS is his protection, and rule of law has nothing to do with any of it.

Valerie Curren

we need Jack Bauer!


Walt Longmire. Great sheriff for years, in Absaroka County, Wyoming.   :wpds_grin: 

Valerie Curren

Also excellent!


That’s funny.


And… TRUE 🙂


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Oh how cute. Doggy has his own kitten.


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So true. He got it and his eyes are wide open.


While it took the Biden administration the better part of six months to drain the US oil supply down to a precarious 20-days of emergency reserves (a 40-year low), it will take decades to refill – if that happens at allBloomberg reports.


Until America drills in earnest again, (under Trump), Oil reserve will NEVER be replenished. Too costly.


And to whom did it go? Chyna?


The man deserves everything that is coming his way and reality will be painful. I almost feel sorry for him.

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1

Biden does everything to undermine the strength of this country and destroys the social cultural fabric of the nation..

Valerie Curren

almost like it’s on purpose/s




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Personally prefer a strong man a kind man one who is a protector and provides for his family. Beauty is skin deep.

Valerie Curren







I hope someone will ask Vivek about his stance on masks, vaccines, and the origin of COVID. I know that people can change their views over time as they learn, but I also know that we have to be wary.


One hopes that someone has the guts to ask Vivek to his face to provide concrete proof that his parents were naturalized U.S. citizens before he was born in Cincinnati in August, 1985. There’s got to be a reason why neither his Wiki bio nor his campaign website mention about his parents being citizens before his birth.


I can’t find anything about his parents being naturalized. I’ve come across several articles in broken English about “everything you need to know about Vivek,” but there is nothing about the citizenship status of his parents.


This guy will not be voting for a person who is Hindu. Call me prejudiced.



[well, you asked for it]  😆 



Cuppa Covfefe

The bigot, the better….


Is he Hindu? There are many Christians and also Indian Muslims.


He was raised a Hindu.


Nuff said by me.


I did not know that. 😳


They only have to be green card holders in order to ‘qualify’ Vivek as a NBC. There’s a SCOTUS decision on this from the early 20th century IIRC.


I always thought the parents or at least one has to be a citizen? I remember I was for many years not a citizen and when my kids were born I was not a citizen but my husband was born here.


As far as Yours Truly is concerned, unless “Smarmy” produces the originals of the documentation that his parents were LEGAL residents OR naturalized citizens of the United States BEFORE the date of his birth in Cincinnati (9 August 1985) — this guy is an illegal “anchor baby” and therefore not Constitutionally eligible to be President or Vice President of the United States.

Valerie Curren

Native born NOT Natural born I believe…

Valerie Curren

It’s like the illegitimate powers that be want to pretend the Natural Born Citizenship clause doesn’t matter, like they did w/ aka BHO & KH  😡 


Ramaswamy is to slick for me.


Nailed it. As much as Vivek sounds good, there is something behind the curtain.

That mask BS in the TW above is totally unacceptable. And, “noble lies”.   :wpds_evil: 


He is a smooth talker.
my mama said to watch out for smooth talkers 😂🤣


Yours Truly: This is a slightly-more than 1 hour video interview with Dr. Geert Van Den Bosch and Dr. Rob Rennebohm, led by Dr. Philip McMillan (McMillan Research) about the potential for a “new variant” of COVID-19 appearing this fall. [This “new variant” would likely NOT be connected to the current one, called XBB.1.5, for which the FDA just “approved” a “vaccine” without its going through any human clinical trials.]
Areas of interest in the video:
At 17:15, Dr. Van Den Bosch talks about how it’s important to now focus on the “evolution of the [COVID-19] virus”, and that “vaccinated” people have “less immune ability.”
At 39:30, he talks about how the COVID-19 virus is shifting to increased abilities of transmission.
At 54:45, he talks about how Omicron is “self-maintaining”; that, once the “new variant” begins to present and infect this fall, “vaccinated” people should take antiviral drugs on a prophylactic basis; and that “un-vaccinated” people need to keep doing what they’re doing to be as healthy as possible and ward off the potential “new variant.”
Dr. Van Den Bosch has a lot to say and it’s tightly-packed. Dr. Rennebohm, thankfully, “re-states” what Dr. Van Den Bosch says in a “layman’s user-friendly” way.

Last edited 1 year ago by PAVACA

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Great t-shirt.


There’s something vaguely familiar…..



Life is a cabaret, my friend – come to the cabaret.

Cuppa Covfefe

I’ll take the Cabernet… 🙂

(looks like people heading out of Kalifornistan)…..


Brits implicated.

Perhaps obvious targets. HQs, Command and Control, within Ukraine. Ukraine ports?

Target within Brit Homeland?

  • At some point, foreign, direct operational support for Ukraine military operations, WILL be taken to task. <<< FAFO.
Cuppa Covfefe

Not sure if it is the same on the other side of the pond, but we get continuous sabre-rattling from the “POMS” (Brit elite) every day…

As if the British Empire is anything more than a third-rate power anymore…


via click link for vid clip


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen:

“Wage growth is slowing and inflation is coming down, so I think we’re on the right track.”

NB: Prices are up 16.6% and real wages are down 3% since Biden took office.”


Thank you good to read it again.
I use for years virgin Olive oil or cold pressed.
Eat all the good fish like herring 🙂 sardines and salmon all wild caught. Unless I catch myself and press the olive oil I am at the whim of the suppliers.
All we can do is our best.
To me fried food are deadly and also sugar and all the synthetic stuff. Moderation is the best and hand it to God.


A history lesson.

The Bolshevik Revolution: Darkness Descends (


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Sound of Freedom expected to break $100 million in gross receipts in second box office weekend

Disney Responds.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sound of GREEDom, or, perhaps, sound of paedo…..

Or, sound of GROOMING…

Cuppa Covfefe

(as in the Disney version)…

I hope and pray that “Sound Of Freedom” breaks all box office records, but, more important, reaches the hearts and minds of everyone in the USA, and, indeed everyone everywhere…

Matthew 18:6….
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.


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Here’s a link for best viewing times.;3 You might need to strip everything off after as I think the extra stuff on the end is for my location.

Cuppa Covfefe

Skynet????? 😆

Barb Meier

Not so far from me… 🙂


Georgia Supreme Court Rejects President Trump’s Effort to Quash Investigation into Phone Call that Was Altered and Leaked to Press by Brad Raffensperger
As predicted. What about Trump’s First Amendment rights?

The article:
The Georgia Supreme Court rejected Trump’s effort to dismiss the 2020 election investigation into his campaign.
The state’s high court also denied Trump’s effort to quash the special grand jury report that recommended charges against him in another garbage lawfare case.
The Georgia Supreme Court’s decision comes as Fulton County DA Fani Willis is preparing to charge Trump.

CNBC reported:

The Georgia Supreme Court on Monday unanimously dismissed a longshot bid by former President Donald Trump to disqualify quash the special grand jury report that recommended criminal charges in the Fulton County district attorney’s probe of Georgia’s 2020 election.

The state Supreme Court also rejected Trump’s request that it bar Fulton DA Fani Willis from continuing to oversee the criminal investigation.

The ruling came weeks before Willis is expected to seek indictments in the probe of efforts by Trump and his allies to overturn President Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral victory over him in the Peach State.

So far, no one has been criminally charged in the investigation, and the identities of people recommended by prosecution in the special grand jury’s report remain secret.

The Supreme Court said that Trump’s attorneys failed to show that the case presents “one of those extremely rare circumstances” that requires bypassing lower courts.

Fani Willis is considering RICO and conspiracy charges against Trump over his efforts to challenge the 2020 election, according to a leak to CNN.
Last January Fulton County Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis requested a special grand jury in her investigation into former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn Georgia’s fraudulent 2020 election results.

Fani Willis based her investigation on President Trump’s call with Georgia officials that was later doctored and leaked to the fake news outlet Washington Post. The WaPo published a completely fraudulent text of the call. These phony charges have already been debunked by The Gateway Pundit and others.
The infamous phone call between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was recorded by Raffensperger and his office. Raffensperger’s team then leaked and lied about it to the far left Washington Post.
Fani Willis is now considering racketeering and conspiracy charges against Trump because there is so-called ‘evidence’ that Trump’s effort to challenge the election in Georgia did not originate in the state as a grassroots movement.


DeSantis PAC Spending Big Bucks Promoting Ad Featuring AI-Deep Fake of Trump’s Voice (VIDEO)

Never Back Down, a super PAC supporting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, is about to spend over a million dollars on an ad featuring an artificial intelligence deep fake of former President Donald Trump speaking.

The DeSantis campaign has already come under fire for using a deceptive ai-generated image of Trump embracing Anthony Fauci in another ad.

According to a report from Politico, the ad “charges Trump with attacking Iowa governor Kim Reynolds as part of a larger pattern of disrespect he has shown to the first caucus state.”

“But the audio that the spot uses is not actually from Trump,” the report continues. A person familiar with the ad confirmed Trump’s voice was AI generated. Its content appears to be based off of a post that Trump made on his social media site Truth Social last week. The person said it will run statewide in Iowa tomorrow and that the ad buy was at least $1 million — a massive sum though one doable for the well-heeled super PAC.”

The Trump campaign slammed the ad as “desperate” and accused the campaign of being on “life support.”

“The blatant use of AI to fabricate President Trump’s voice is a desperate attempt by Always Back Down and Jeff Roe to deceive the American public because they know DeSanctimonious’ campaign is on life support,” Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita told Politico, referring to a top official with the pro-DeSantis super PAC. “After losing big donors and slashing their staff, they have now outsourced their work to AI just like they would like to outsource American jobs to China.”

Zing! 💥


^^^ The very definition of low life scum sucking… ^^^


BREAKING: Oversight Committee Says FBI Supervisory Special Agent Confirmed Key Portions of IRS Whistleblower Testimony – Agents Told to Not Approach Hunter Biden!

Oversight Committee Republicans on Monday said a former FBI Supervisory Agent confirmed key portions of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony.

Federal agents were told not to approach Hunter Biden!

Per the Oversight Committee:

“The agent CONFIRMED key portions of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, including that both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were TIPPED OFF about the planned Hunter Biden interview.

“In fact, on the day of the Hunter Biden interview, FEDERAL AGENTS WERE TOLD TO STAND BY AND TO NOT APPROACH HUNTER BIDEN— they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation.

“The former FBI supervisory special agent told committee investigators he had never been told to wait outside to be contacted by the subject of an investigation.

“The agent’s testimony is sickening and reveals the lengths to which the DOJ is willing to go to cover up for the Bidens. The Oversight Committee, along with the @JudiciaryGOP and @WaysandMeansGOP, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.”

Paging Chris Wray…
“The report is not true.”
“When I found out, I was aghast and took measures so it won’t happen again.”
“I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation.”
“I can’t comment on a closed investigation.”
“Be assured that the FIB is working diligently on behalf of the American people.”

I•M•P•E•A•C•H him, already.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

#DefundFIB. Lay off ALL FIB employees. Demo FIB buildings. FIB IS literally FUBAR.

Barb Meier

Steve: Article 4 another Sirius Tale. Now at my site:

Sirius A & Sirius B

  • Binary Stars section, start of paragraph seven. I am not sure if it should be “That’s not an atypical situation” or “That is not a typical situation”. I guessed the latter based on context.

Is the blue Sirius A and B image an X-ray? Later, you mention it is more conspicuous in X-rays so I wondered if you might want to mention that in the caption so it ties in to your later comment. would “X-ray optics” at the end of the caption be correct?

When talking about Sirius B being a dead star, you write “Here’s a well-known example (in the constellation of Vega).” Were you thinking to add an image here?

I’m done formatting, proofing this until you have further guidance. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

You can’t be Sirius? 😆


Barb is doing a heckuva job at doggin’ that star….

Barb Meier

 😅  Yes, today was Dog star and its pup. It is great to stay busy and every day is a lesson for me in humility among the stars. It is a good thing I don’t know you all in meat world. I would have been embarrassed to suggest proofing. LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep… it was having a real woof time staying lit without more biscuits 😀

Barb Meier


Valerie Curren

Shirley 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One thing I noticed is Tatooine got mispelled somewhere along the way (“Shades of Tattoine!”)

The blue image is not an X ray though I can see why someone reading it would think so. I’m not sure if there’s another missing image here, but let’s fix it up nice, likely nicer than it was before.

Take “Something that hot glows with X-rays, and you can see in the picture above that Sirius B is much more conspicuous in X-rays.”

And replace with:

“Something that hot glows with X-rays, much more than Sirius A would. The picture above is in visible light, but the picture below is in X-rays, taken by the Chandra space telescope.

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In the X ray picture the brighter source is Sirius B. Instead of being barely noticeable next to Sirius A like it was in the visible light picture, it’s now much brighter than Sirius A.”

And yes, “here’s a well known example” should have a picture after it. So let’s go with:

“Here’s a well-known example, the famous Ring Nebula (M 57) in the constellation Vega, visible on a dark night in a 6 inch telescope” [Get rid of the rest of the paragraph]

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OK, that should be enough to catch up to where you stopped! Let me know if there’s anything more.

Thanks for putting in all this work.

Unfortunately, it’s likely to get more difficult with the physics series, especially since there are a lot of times I put a “go back” in the following week because I forgot something that should have got in. Obviously it’d be nice to fix those this time around, but that’s a lot of work for both of us.

Last edited 1 year ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Barb Meier

Hey Steve, thanks for the fast updates!!!

Tatooine was misspelled in the original, but I thought I had checked and I still did not catch the mistake.It’s fixed now. 🙂 The new images are very nice and the only thing I saw to tweak was one missing period.

You’re quite welcome for my volunteer work.

I do not want to fill up your bucket with extra work. I’m sure your days are busy and I appreciate the time you’ve given me. You’re the best author I’ve worked with so far and I do, of course, wonder who are you?! LOL Just think of all the work you’ve already put in to give us all these friendly meaty lessons. Thank you!!!

It has been a happiness boost for me to stay busy working on your articles. The paying contract options I’ve seen are not things I trust to be involved with (AI, Mil, Bitcoin, Fed Law Enforcement, Cyber, Financial, Medical/Pharma…). That’s why I stopped looking and call myself “retired,” though I would be happy to be busy with a funded remote job with a team that has integrity and a beneficial mission that does not impinge on individual rights.

If it is OK, I would like to keep formatting/proofing the core of your science articles and keep a file with notes of any questions. Then, if you have time/interest someday, you could gather everything up from me and take it to your own website for further updates or whatever you prefer. I can easily change my links to any location you choose or delete your articles at my site if you ask. That way, I would not take time from you, but could stay busy and add a lot of valuable info at my site.

If you’d rather I stop at the Physics articles, no worries. Just let me know.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I realized I forgot to address one of your comments.

In essence you got bit by one of my more abominable paragraphs, and its position after a digression doesn’t help. I elided way too much.

“That’s a not atypical situation for a multiple star system. Very different stars, elliptical orbits, and really not much chance that a planet could have a stable orbit in that mess (sorry, Star Wars fans). In fact the only known planet orbits Proxima Centauri—the other two stars are far enough away not to mess up that planet’s orbit.”

Vastly improved (I think):

“By no means is it unusual for a multi-star system to consist of a couple of stars close together with one (or more!) much further away. There are even cases of multiple pairs of stars in one system, where each star in the pair is relatively close to the other, but the pairs are widely separated from each other. This happens because a pair of stars orbiting each other closely can be stable system, but three stars close to each other is almost certainly an unstable situation.

The stars in a pair rarely orbit each other in circular orbits. Far from it: they’re often highly eccentric ellipses. And though I said the stars in a pair were relatively close to each other compared to any outlier single or other pair, that still covers a wide range of distances. Sometimes the two stars are so close to each other that a planet can orbit the pairing (and you’d have a potential Tatooine), but other times, like is the case with Alpha Centauri A and B, the stars are farther apart–a few billion miles–but still close enough that a planet similar to Jupiter or Earth couldn’t possibly have a stable orbit around either of them–the other star is near enough, and big enough, to disrupt such a planet’s orbit and would likely fling it out of the system entirely.

In fact the only planet known in the Alpha Centauri multiple-star system orbits Proxima Centauri. Proxima is so far away from the other two stars in the system that they have no measurable effect on that planet’s orbit.”

Barb Meier

Yes, vastly more helpful! Updated.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And you can probably see I have to rein in a tendency to jump down a rabbithole and go off on a tangent!

Barb Meier

Ahhh… rabbitholes. We all do that sometimes. Boing, boing… globular clusters always fascinated me. I used to read lots of SF but I stopped on 9/11. Tangent alert!  😅 


I’m back. Boy, that was fun!

The main computer I run has been complaining about its battery being low for some time, so I decided to replace the battery today. To get where I could leave this comment took three hours.

First, I had to find the battery, and get to it — which involved more disassembly than I anticipated (and I had to pull the old battery by touch)…..why they put the battery in such an inaccessible spot, I don’t know. Then I had to run out and buy a new battery and install it. I’m having allergy attacks from all the dust inside the thing. Then I had to completely configure the BIOS, because it had forgotten everything it once knew. Finally, I had to get around “usbguard”, which meant that my mouse and keyboard didn’t work (because I didn’t plug them into the same plugs I had pulled them out of) [I did this by plugging in a PS2 keyboard].

Cuppa Covfefe

Something like this?
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Or maybe this?

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Quite similar to the first example. The only rodents around are computer mice.

Cuppa Covfefe

I had a power supply arc over on a PC that was on 24×7…

Normally a good idea to vac every now and them 😆


Vacuuming a computer is a bit of an art. Just about every fan will feed current back through its wires if spun, so you can vacuum a cooler and electrocute the system it was trying to protect.

Barb Meier

I’ve never had to replace a battery, just an internal hard drive once years ago. My dad was proud of me and watched as I did it. What kind of battery does it take?


A flat one — 2032. Thing is, like with dog years — in computer years, this battery was at least 84.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hope it didn’t leak…


No, the computer was monitoring it — that’s why I knew. Every time it booted, it complained that its battery was getting low “Hit F1 to Continue”.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hit F3 to start a thermonuclear war… 🙂

At least you didn’t have to enter in all the drive parameters like they did in the REALLY old days….

(oh, and does anyone need some floppy A/B cables 🙂 )….

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Cuppa Covfefe

They’re usually CR2025 or CR2032…

Older PCs use the smaller (2025) version, most newer use the larger… 20mm by 3.2mm…..


If my calendar is right, today is Duchess’ birthday.

Happy birthday Duchess!


YAY….Happy birthday Duchess!