This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

In Acts 4:12, the apostle Peter announced that salvation is found in no one else than the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, “for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” To better understand what Peter meant here, some background setting and context are necessary.
One day following Pentecost, the Jewish rulers, elders, and teachers of the law witnessed Peter and John healing a lame beggar at the Beautiful Gate of the temple (Acts 3:1–11). As the apostles entered the courtyard, the disabled man asked them for money. Peter answered, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk” (Acts 3:6). At Peter’s command, the man instantly rose to his feet and began walking, leaping, and praising God in the temple courts (Acts 3:7–8).
Taking advantage of the moment and the crowd’s astonishment, Peter began to preach a deeply convicting message. He explained that Jesus Christ, the man they had crucified, was indeed the Author of Life (Acts 3:12–15). “Through faith in the name of Jesus, this man was healed—and you know how crippled he was before. Faith in Jesus’ name has healed him before your very eyes” (Acts 3:16, NLT).
Peter preached that Jesus was the promised Messiah of Israel. He called the people to repent and believe in Him (Acts 3:19–21). Many who heard the message that day were saved (Acts 4:4). But the Jewish leaders were greatly disturbed by these events and angered by the apostles’ teaching, so they arrested Peter and John (Acts 4:2–3).
The next day, the religious rulers demanded to know how the disabled beggar had been healed. They asked, “By what power or what name did you do this?” (Acts 4:7). Once again, seizing the opportunity, Peter answered, “If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed, then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed” (Acts 4:9–10).
Peter packed a lot into his words. He wanted everyone to know that it was only by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, crucified by them yet risen from the dead, that he and John had the power to heal and preach. Furthermore, salvation was found only in Him because “God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12, NLT).
It’s vital to understand that a person’s name held much greater significance in biblical times than it does today. Names were not simply random titles to distinguish someone’s identity. A name represented one’s essential character and personhood. Like a power of attorney, one’s name carried the same weight and authority as the person to whom it was given.
The name of Jesus and the person of Jesus Christ are inseparably linked. Jesus’ name and His power, authority, and personhood are one and the same. The name of Jesus embodies who He is.
The English name Jesus comes from the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name Yeshua, which literally means “Yahweh is salvation” or “The Lord Saves.” When the earliest Christians spoke the name of Jesus, they expressed their awareness that He was the Christ, the anointed Messiah, who embodied God’s promised salvation.
When the angel appeared to Joseph, he told him to name his son “Jesus” because “he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). Only the name of Jesus can offer salvation because it is the only name that has received “power of attorney” from God to give salvation to humans.
In Acts 4:11, Peter referred to Psalm 118:22 to help the religious leaders understand that their rejection of Jesus through the crucifixion and His subsequent resurrection were all part of the fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation. These leaders knew from Scripture that the God of Israel is the only Savior (Isaiah 43:11; Hosea 13:4). Now Peter asserted that God Himself had assigned the role of salvation to Jesus. He did this by sending His Son to become flesh and live among us (John 1:1–3, 14), to pay the penalty for our sins through His own death on the cross (Romans 3:25; 5:9; 8:32; Hebrews 2:17; 1 John 4:10) so that we who believe in Him might be saved to eternal life (John 3:15; 1 John 5:11). The name of Jesus—the power, authority, and person of Jesus—was given to humans by God so they could be saved.
What does it mean that there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved? Simply, there is no other person who can save us. Only Jesus saves. John 3:16–17 tells us the good news: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
All’s well . . . fell asleep!
Glad to see you.
Glad to hear you are well.
Thank you, bakocarl!
Right on time. IMO.
Wolf has been known to post something like. So long as the daily is up by noon. Ya posted with eight hours to spare.
Thanks for everything ya do!
That’s Great News! Hope you are well rested & refreshed–God Bless!!!
Thanks for stepping in! Very much appreciated!
You’re most welcome. I was about to go to sleep & saw that no one else had subbed in so took the liberty. VERY Glad that Carl is OK & got his Sunday post up now!!!
Not THE Good News, but good news all the same.
Oh, wait – we just got BOTH! 🙏 😍
Glad things are fine!
This is why I’m happy to be one of the early-to-bed people. I get to miss the middle of the night worrying!
Yeah, we’ve fallen into the habit of worrying about transitions, when I used to say “not a problem until noon.”
The site is still running, and actually less technical drama recently. I’m good with it all! 😎
Works for me! I am just happy to be here.
I was just remarking about how this site is so much better than OT.
Truth!!! ❤
I’m going to be a bit unresponsive over the next couple of days, because I’ll be doing a deep dive into ssh.
Essentially, ssh allows a client (a computer you can get to) to securely login to a remote server (a computer out there somewhere) and do various things. This may include updating software, running backups, debugging and rebooting, and other things.
It’s an old command with a zillion options and can do stunning things when invoked correctly — which makes it dangerous as all get-out. Any helpful hints would be appreciated.
I should note that my next couple of computer projects after this will involve bridging networks, cups and nfs. It’s supposed to rain all day Wednesday, so that will probably be when I will make the most progress.
I hope all goes well with the updates.
I hope that “cups” includes “cups of coffee.”
AND/Or TEA. (Contains Zinc Ionophore as well as anti-oxidants)
How much of that is retained when the tea is decaffeinated? Of late, I’m suddenly sensitive to caffeine.
This looks like a reasonable site for what teas have how much EGGC and how to get the most from your Green tea.
100C = boiling.
Oh and BTW,
On coughing/asthma/ allergies.
I forgot about B12 — UNDER THE TONGUE. I have been taking a B complex but it looks like it just doesn’t cut it.
Older people have trouble absorbing B12 thru the gut. I found under the tongue works in about 10 minutes.
Boy is it nice to get that gorilla that was sitting on my chest OFF!
Thank you, Gail!!! I just shared with a friend whose husband has trouble with low oxygen levels and now has a home respirator. He’s 81. Hoping B12 under the tongue might help him too.
I certainly hope so. Just be aware B12 can cause some allergies if you are allergic to cobalt.
Thanks for the warning! Sue said that he does the B12 under the tongue. wow, they research a lot too. She said the tests showed it was pneumonia but the medical terms would need the doc to explain.
Generally pneumonia responds well to antibiotics.
Glad to hear they do their research. I think we will see more and more of that.
That’s good to know, Gail. Yes, Sue has always researched any medical issues that come up for them. My parents did that too but it was more difficult to research on our own in pre-Internet days. I got them an annual book with all the prescription drugs listed along with all the details including contraindications and a Mayo Clinic book that explained illnesses with symptoms and possible causes and treatments.
What a nice set of presents.
All we have is the Merck Vet manual and Sax‘s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials
physician’s desk reference?
It starts to come out…
“WE HAVE IT ALL!” — POTUS Donald J. Trump
State GOPs out to pass resolution condemning, their Congress pukes Every time, they leave the reservation.
Make noise when they do Uniparty crap. Supporting Ukraine war, EV nonsense, Bidenomics, CRs, confirming Briben lefty nominess, confirming freaks like Richard (HHS I think)….
Wheatie would be proud of this rebellion against Lankford! Hallelujah!!!
she’d be right there…sword drawn
Good for them!
December 18, 2010
You can not say we did not try to warn you.
Did not the Kennedy family helped establish the FDA?
It has been around for a long time.
FDA History
The Food and Drug Administration is the oldest comprehensive consumer protection agency in the U. S. federal government. Since 1848 the federal government has used chemical analysis to monitor the safety of agricultural products — a responsibility inherited by the Department of Agriculture in 1862 and later by the FDA.
Although it was not known by its present name until 1930, FDA’s modern regulatory functions began with the passage of the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act…
Sounds like their goal is Rachael Carson’s Silent Spring – to end all agriculture and horticulture and make us live on Bill Gates fake food made of recycled insect, human and animal protein – shades of Soylent Green.
“Silent Spring” was one of the first big junk-science effusions of the idiocratic leftard greenies… followed by “The Quite Crisis”. Both Carson and Udall proffered very baaaad “science” the same way that “Bill Nye, the idiot guy” pushes his putrid palaver…
If DDT were still in use, COVID and mosquito-born diseases/”vaccines” wouldn’t be a problem… Same twits/faux scientists killed Freon… 😡 😡 😡 😡
(Irony of ironies; CO² is being looked at as a potential refrigerant; problem being the very high pressures needed in the system… no possibility of conversion(s) from current equipment)…
Hubby knew the author of “Silent Spring”. He said she was a real fruit loop.
Oot Fray Oops Lay… 🙂
Propane can work as a refrigerant in R-12 auto A/C systems.
Most industrial refrigeration uses ammonia IIRC.,low%20as%20%2D40%20degrees%20Celsius.
Nothing like flammable refrigerants… Propane also needs higher pressure…
And ammonia can be poisonous indeed…
Freon was really the best. One factory I worked at switched from Freon as aerosol can propellant to Propane…
And dead and injured people.
“…Same twits/faux scientists killed Freon…”
Also the Montreal Protocol was the Beta Test for the CO2 Gore Bull SChiff Warming SCAM.
Thanks, Cuppa!
That explains the attack on Amos miller Organic Amish Farm.
There were a lot of attacks. They just never got news coverage outside farmers.
The NoNais site carried a lot of the news. (It is no longer up.)
They want to put them out of business and then they come for our gardens. Seeds they will control. Remember MI when gardeners where unable to buy seeds?
Witchmer’s psychopathic tyranny cordoned off sections of stores 😡
It never has been just about the taxes… The EC (European Comission), the unelected, answerable-to-no-one “leadership” (“governance”, they like to call it) of the European Union, have been pushing more and more idiotic and draconian rules upon the farmers, ostensibly in the name of GAIA, erm, saving the planet from CO².
They are being told how to farm, where to farm, what to plant, when, what chemicals and equipment they can use, and all manner of other onerous rules and regulations being forced upon the individual no-longer-sovereign states, and then upon the farmers, by a bunch of pimply-faced, fat, self-absorbed snowflake buttercups who have never set foot on a farm or ranch, if they ever got out of the bowels of Brussels or up from the table. The bureaucrats in Brussels make €100,000.00 per year, tax free, with an equal amount of “Spesen” (per diem), also tax free.
And they’ve earned not a penny of it.
Farmers are pi$$ed off all over Europe. The gubmints, in response, are putting up (funding, etc.) “Anti Right Extremist” demonstrations, basically Göbbels 2.0…..
As soon as the store shelves are empty all over Europe, maybe they’ll get a clue. Or not. Since their elite food will be flown in from wherever, no matter what the cost or the CO² “footprint”… Can’t wait until a REALLY big foot comes down on the elites, WEFfenSS, et. al.
Airports can ALSO be subject to BACKHOES…
And then there is this:
Marvin was not married and had no kids. He was in his 40s -50s
Killdozer: A Good Man Pushed Past Reason
Sounds like one of B.A.’s constructions on “The A-Team”… tragic…
That “community note” on the tweet about Paris is only halfway true; the French are in the midst, still, of HUGE demos in Paris. Macar00n, et. al., have acceeded to most, if not all, of the farmers’ demands. We’re waiting to see what happens here, but the fairy-tale- (actually, tragedy-) writing Habeck, feminazi “Bacon-of-hopelessness” Baerbock, “never grew anything but pot” Ödzemir (aggi minister), Waffle-faced Faeser, and “I know nothink” Scholz seem HELL-bent on riding the ship of state into the shoals of oblivion, poverty, unchecked crime, and despair…..
Well the Germans are known for their engineering skills so time to do a ‘Marvin’
Marvin the March-in… 🙂
“The protests are escalating as Farmers take to digging up Highways that lead into Paris”
Community notes under the Tweeter video:
“This is not the highway to Paris but a parking lot of a « Leclerc Drive » supermarket in Clermont L’Hérault (south of France). This video has nothing to do with Paris.”
Wrong picture, but Paris is down.
AZ GOP Chair. Appears good for AZ. But. BUT. BUT…
Wonder who manages AZ voting machines, counting… Vote Counter matters most.
AZ Pravda News has their heads up local Cartel Ass.
Cartel OWNS most of the politicians.
Back In My Day: Scoundrels & Heros, Part 1 – Scoundrels
A bit from the article:
FOX NEWS: Republican expelled from state House for inviting conspiracy theorist to committee hearing — A bipartisan vote found Rep. Liz Harris violated a state House ethics rule
And yet Kari Lake was told the Cartels are now running all fifty states!
Arizona’s [EX] GOP Chair, Jeff DeWit, reminds her that he hears the “cartels are operating in 50 states right now.”
Cartels are the new Mafia.
judge and carroll’s lawyer worked together for a period of time, never disclosed. will be in the appeal.
Donald Trump’s lawyers will use an “insane” and previously unknown “conflict of interest” between E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer and the judge presiding over her defamation case against the former president as the basis of their appeal seeking to toss the eye-popping $83.3 million jury verdict, The Post has learned.
Trump lawyer Alina Habba said she was unaware Manhattan federal Judge Lewis Kaplan and Carroll’s lawyer Roberta Kaplan worked together in the early 1990s at the same powerhouse white-shoe law firm until Saturday, when asked about it by Post columnist Charles Gasparino, who was told by a source that the judge was once Roberta Kaplan’s “mentor.
“It was never disclosed. It’s insane and so incestuous,” Habba said, insisting neither the 79-year-old judge nor Roberta Kaplan, 57, who aren’t related, disclosed the “conflict of interest” and a violation of judicial ethics rules.
Roberta Kaplan worked at Paul, Weiss Rifkin, Wharton & Garrison in Midtown from 1992 to 2016, before leaving to become a founding partner of Kaplan Hecker & Fink, according to her LinkedIn page.
“This is news to us,” she continued. “We are going to include this in our appeal and take appropriate measures. The fact it wasn’t disclosed is an ethics violation.”
During her early years at Paul Weiss, she worked as associate of the firm at the same time as Judge Kaplan, who was a partner there until 1994 when he was appointed to the federal bench by then-President Bill Clinton.
Zak Sawyer, a rep for Roberta Kaplan, insisted no conflict exists.
“They overlapped for less than two years in the early 1990s at a large law firm when he was a senior partner and she was a junior associate and she never worked for him,” said Sawyer, who declined to provide further comment.
But a former Paul Weiss partner who asked not to be named said like all associates at the firm, Roberta Kaplan did her best to distinguish herself before partners, including Lewis Kaplan.
“Lew was like her mentor,” claimed the former partner.
Messages left with Judge Kaplan’s chambers and a rep for Paul Weiss were not returned Saturday.
Horrifying. THAT is New York.
And, after they’ve been legally tried and punished,
Time to call in Team Hugs Over Phoenix!
Got’m all, in great abundance. Use’m all the time.
Well, … it looks like he evolved. 😠
M O N E Y owns Briben.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, January 28, 2024
“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
Hebrews 11:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these, especially the Psalm 121:1-2 verses. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Briben Administration. Whatever it takes to destroy America.
White House: LNG Export Approval Pause Is ‘Next Step’ on Climate, We Might End Exports Forever
Business rebellion is waiting in the wings for its Q.
Another thought.
Business rebellion is SLEEPING in the wings.
I can NOT understand why businesses tolerate Briben.
Yea, someone will invoke Blackrock. IMO, Blackrock can go fuck themselves.
IF folks AND businesses do NOT stand up for themselves, Great Reset Wins.
Germany’s ecofreaks are spinning right now 🙂
Couldn’t happen to a “better” bunch of klowns…
No Nonsense Alert MAGA in action. 🤗
I love how the Trump supporters unmask them so photos can be taking.
I refreshed the page and now Twatter does not show at all.
Isn’t that the vice president?
That’s what I thought! 😂
Remember the time when they DID actually send a double to some event? 🙄
I remember they caught Zelenskiy AND his double in the same video.
Could be. Her mouth is open. 🙂
What was it that Ross Perot always used to say…..
Yours Truly will keep this short:
If one is reading the items below correctly, two things emerge:
ONE: It appears that the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself was gain-of-function engineered to contain at least one bacterial lipopolysaccharide that appears to have been inserted between the S1 and S2 proteins on the genome chain. These bacterial lipopolysaccharides in and of themselves can cause chronic inflammation in persons infected only with the COVID-19 virus.
TWO: That, in addition to the the bacterial LPS’s that were inserted into the original COVID-19 virus genome chain, there are the dangerous lipid nanoparticles (LNP’s) that are present in BOTH the Pfizer-BioNTech AND the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines” (both the “flagship vaccines” of these companies, BNT162b2 = ALC-0159 and ALC-0315; and mRNA-1273 = SM-102; AND in every “descendant COVID-19 vaccine” made by these companies, INCLUDING the current “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” made by these companies.)
THREE: The combination of the above create the conditions for the enhanced spike protein + modRNA in the COVID-19 “vaccines” to cause the multiple issues of the MEDICAL TSUNAMI of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injuries, illnesses, disabilities, and deaths that is now presenting in “vaccinated” persons all over the world.
FOUR: IMO, given the above, there is more credibility to the “shedding” phenomenon.
“SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as a bacterial lipopolysaccharide delivery system in an overzealous inflammatory cascade”
Peter J Bond, et al.
published 14 October 2022
THANKS (transferred to )
This would explain LONG HAULERS and my re-occurring problem with ‘Asthma’ despite never having had it before in the 7 decades before 2019.
Gail Combs
I agree, this would appear to explain Long COVID in “un-vaccinated” persons as well as in “vaccinated” persons. The difference, IMO, is that there is potential for Long COVID to linger in “vaccinated” persons for a very extended time, due to the damage/destruction that the “vaccines” do the immune systems of “vaccinated” persons.
Anymore I always feel “off” immediately after being in sustained close contact with people. By close contact I mean in a home with a large group, as opposed to a wide-open concert hall that’s half full. Just off, funny-feeling, like my internal thermostat isn’t working quite right. 25mg of zinc, a couple of elderberry gummies and an HCQ tablet at bedtime takes care of it. I absolutely believe in the shedding phenomenon.
TY for the details!
Thanks for sharing this.
I have the same specially after spending time in the waiting room of hospital. Dr offices are bad also. I take my remedies I have stashed and take them twice and all is ok. Something is not right virus floating around.
Yes, I so agree.
Thank you for posting this. Length, makes no difference to me. These posts are useful.
Do not forget I am archiving all this info HERE:
The Deagel Report: U.S. Population Reduction of 68.5% by 2025
It now has over 100 comments.
Gail Combs
You are more than kind, thank you.
PAVACA, you are doing the heavy lifting. All I am doing is a copy and paste to the Tab I keep open.
Yes, I, WE thank you for doing this. ~Monthly, I download your series of articles.
I’ll also capture Deagle Report, which is an absolute keeper.
Wonder IF we can get the Deagle Report link in the column on the right. Either a PAVACA group, or blend in with yours. (Not trying to step on toes..)
I would love for it to go right under National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200
Since they go so well together.
Step on toes?? Heaven forbid. My only goal is to get information OUT PERIOD.
I do not care about getting credit.
You are very kind. Yours Truly wouldn’t dream of suggesting anything to our indomitable host, Wolf Moon. One does feel, however, that “creating” a tiny corner along the sidebar of one’s posts may be a good thing in order to keep the focus on the COVID-19 virus, the “vaccines”, Big Pharma, etc.
Liking, PAVACA section of the sidebar.
IF we can’t have that, under the NSSM 200.
I’ll keep quiet, and let Wolf figure what, if anything to do. He’s incredibly busy.
I requested it a while ago.
Around 1 hour on the Liberty Den there is a discussion about the Trucker Convoy to the Texas border.
This is a Jan 6th redox with MKUltra stoogies or FIBs with GUNS killing someone(s) to support the DemonRat narrative that MAGA Trump supporters are TERRORIST NAZI EXTREMISTS.
As Jon, Katie and Jaytriot point out. This is 5th Gen NARRATIVE WARFARE and the Cabal NEEDS to turn the narrative around.
THINK BLACK SWAN… CBS News’ “Face the Nation” host Catherine Herridge has warned the public that an imminent “black swan event” is set to occur in 2024.”
General Flynn: “Blackswans Events Prevent Election 2024″
THINK: Netflix movie Civil War 2024. (The movie doesn’t hit theaters until April 26, 2024)
THINK: Soros Spawn:
American Media Group: Special Report! Judy Byington: Biden’s Cabal is Coordinating a “Border Crisis Civil War” to Bring Down the Fiat System Rather than Face Military Tribunals – The CIA’s “Black Swan” and it’s About to Get Ugly. . .
Compiled Sat. 27 Jan. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”
Civil War Standoff at Eagle Pass Texas:
Thurs. 25 Jan. Mike Cristo8 on Telegram: ALERT Texas Standoff Civil War Black Swan Event Created by Cabal
There is a lot more there. The telltale this is ‘Controlled Op is:
At this point we have to be VERY, VERY CAREFUL that Reboob Con Inc does not push MAGA into doing something stupid!
Also remember Controlled Op uses 90% TRUE to PUSH their 10% FALSE.
I think what we need is a commitment from the Governor of Texas, and the other Govs, for that matter, that they will protect any and all protesters from the feds, when the protest occurs in their states.
ONLY state and local officials should be allowed to arrest any protester, and any fed found at a protest should be detained and expelled.
I am more worried about ?Mass? shooting of Illegals by “MAGA” who are really FIBs or MKUltra victims.
This is why I thought Tucker Carlson’s statement about “the men of Texas” needing to defend the border was ill-advised. There’s a lot more going here.
The border is not only a TX problem it is a US security problem.
Tucker should know better why is he not there defending the border? Sending other men there possibly to die is irresponsible. This needs to come from the states as it is.
Abbott is still a puzzle to me in India when there is a crisis in his state.
I need a translator. 🙂
it is Charlie Ward crappola — pie in the sky Rainbow Unicorn farts.
Official NESARA GESARA Announcement Coming!! Advanced civilizations don’t wonder where their next meal is going to come from, how they are going to pay for their rent, how they are… ~ December 8, 2023
All of the grey states in that map should soon be recipients of the “latest and greatest” tranch of “cultural enrichment” convoys breaking through the porous southern border of the USA. Along with any leftovers from previous invasions…. Have some MS-13s visit the libtard DEMONRAT dictators…
They’ll be singing a new song right quickly…
A historical note on how fast Superpowers can collapse
In early 1991, Soviet citizens voted on the New Union Treaty which proposed to reform-rather than dissolve-the USSR. 76% of Soviet voters ultimately supported maintaining the federal system of the Soviet Union, including a majority in nine of the 15 republics. A year later, however, the USSR didn’t exist.
What is Gov. Abbott doing in India at this time when the crisis in brewing ? Just asking wonder if anyone knows.
By the way I saw a video someone took parts of the wall in Texas are door open not to far from the park where they put up raiser wire. Is this whole thing only a media op or trying to lure Trumpers into a trap. I do not trust what is going on but then I do not trust to many things. Something does not smell right. Why act now to keep illegals out why not 2 three years ago ???????????
Conway == twitty…
January 28, 2024 10:54 am
Jack Posobiec told us that the reason Smart Fetterman was being trotted out to agree with normal people on some of the issues, was so that he could be given credibility for when he starts to attack Trump on behalf of Biden, and he (Fetterman) is starting to do that now.
Great to know. Thanks!!!
Also waving the Israeli flag to appease the Jewish Donors in rebellion! The Hamascrats are trying to keep the centrist Jewish donors on the plantation!
Same cr@p happening in Berlin… also calling anyone who doesn’t like the Ham-a$$ demos “Anti-Semitic”… bretzel logik indeed…
Waving an Israeli flag. Staged.
I read that, AND thought, WTF has an Israeli flag readily available. Or even owns an Israeli flag.
GREAT observation. Yup. Typical PELOSI staging.
Just Human (Kyle) has a very good 6 minute clip.
Regarding Vivek RamaSwampy
I looked at Vivek from the point of view of history. Kyle looks at vivek for a Trump point of view. As Kyle says LOOK AT TRUMP’s FACE….. I have seen that face before when POTUS Trump looked at FauCi.
Kyle also goes over various Court cases.
So long as Vivek is useful to Trump, America First, MAGA, I have no beef with Vivek.
The moment Vivek is no longer useful OR shows his colors of the past, bottom blow Vivek.
POTUS Trump is very good at using people until they are no longer useful.
H/t Filly

As I said in an earlier comment…
Just in time for the election. Create as much trouble as possible for people to get enraged.
boy I dunno about this convoy border rally…
maybe ok in Yuma and the California border town…but I’m thinking maybe they should just stay out of Texas, and let Texas handle Texas.
seems like the perfect storm for another situation (false flag uprising) to occur.
technically, yes, I support the idea…and the patriotism…
things can go srsly sideways so easily…
good intentions notwithstanding.
that Army of God label really sounds wierd, imo.
like some Hollywood redneck flick.
I sad the same in an earlier comment HERE.
I said the same thing about Jan 6 when it was being promoted.
no way.
not these days, not this year especially.
wisdom = choose battles wisely.
it just doesn’t seem wise.
I was just listening to Just Human talking about a Roger Stone Audio calling for assassinating Nadler and Swalwell.
It is a real mess but he does a dissection of the ‘Debunk’ that is quite interesting. Digging into the Debunkers shows they do not stand up well to scrutiny. [Fog of War] Me? I DO NOT TRUST STONE PERIOD....
12 minutes to 39 minutes.
Just Human #238: Stone Audio Debunked?, McGonigal Sentencing Submission in DC, Docs Case Discovery
I wish I could find the Clip.
Wisdom 🙂
Their website is I have not researched those who created the website, but veteran Dr. Pete Chambers is who talked with Tucker.
WOW. United Nations of CHINA.
“Three United States service members were killed Saturday in an Iranian drone attack in Jordan near the border with Syria. Two dozen others were seriously injured.
They are INTENT that WWIII will happen. This makes me so mad. We need to protect our troops, or get them the hell out of that shithole.
The Soros-Obama-Briben administration has been a disaster. We paid for that drone attack. America literally paid for American soldiers to be killed, thanks to Actual President Obama and his penchant for sending money to Iran (because he hates America).
These people are EVIL.
This is a moment to attack these fuckers. Trump was taking care of Iran, and what did Obola do, via Briben? Undo all the common sense.
Brutal Truth! 😡
My vote.
Get them out of all of those shitholes.
Yeah. Enough already.
this is revolting!!!
The breakdown of society is happening in real time.
Any bets they were ALL Black?
What’s mama or dad up to ? Kids roaming the streets at 12:40 am..? Baby thugs…but yet no civic or church leaders ever recommend family responsibility for the lawless violence and thievery.
“…What’s mama or dad up to ? …”
Probably gang members.
Some of my birthday parties were SHUDDER… Although the fight breaking out was entertaining FROM A DISTANCE.
“Your” birthdays sound like some wild times! LOL
Some of them were!
And they also work for NIH, CDC, FDA, and many “med” facilities in these times of COVIDIOCY 🙂
(Weird Al does a shout out in “Like A Surgeon”)…
LOL! day you should write up some of the crazy party stories ( when you’re not tending animals, fields, pickup trucks, sick friends ) I know they’d be entertaining!
I can see the video footage in my mind. SOS different day.
I am feeling rather cynical.
Is it reality that Iran did the attack and obummer “biden” didnt assist to foment support for the current pos in the WH? And a major distraction?
Agree and wonder where Austin is “recuperating.”, still running the wars from home?
proof of life required
At Gitmo?
Now, there’s a thought!!!
True dat!
Too bad he’s such an usual size and look.a fill-in would be hard to find. They might find a ringer somewhere but a big fat dude from down at the barber shop may not be able to hold the pose!!!
Lots of convenient excuses. Also, biden is having “rally” w obummer and bill clinton this week. Nice timing.
I thought the supposed defamation was about his saying she’s not his type and/or other negative things that he had a perfect right to say. But I get the point of the meme; the whole thing is ridiculous and a gross injustice.
i think the statement was a twofer…I didn’t rape her because she ain’t my type kind of thing…?
Probably so.
That idjoit crooked “judge” has connections with “Carroll”… Delusional nympho, at best… (or beast)…
They both part of the Get Trump Borg. Both of them are two scoops of crazy
America is not America under communism.
It’s a NBC News story, and I didn’t even click on the link. IMO, this makes JB look very weak, as if he needs to be propped up by previous strong Dem leaders. It is obvious that he can’t get the job done on his own. This also makes it look as if he is being
guidedcontrolled by others (which he is).Will Hillrotten weasel in to get attention?
Probably dragging some bodies behind her….
And her “medical tent” in TacoJill Sofa Styles.
That she bought at Sofa Kingdom… 🙂
Maybe if she feels up to it that day…
Hildabeast would motivate lotsa folks, to vote against the hag. 🙂
Yes, it’s weak. Thank goodness they’re sticking with Briben!
Should we call them:
I am fairly certain that Joe will bow out at the convention and we will get Michael Obama & Gruesome. Possibly Hitlery.
Ughh..I’m still thinking they might but unless they do a real fundamental ( lol) change in what the country expects I can’t see Mooch being on call, at the WH, meetings…all of it. She’s a rich elitist now rubbing shoulders with all the 1% ers
IOW..will they have the person they install as VP actually doing the presidential duties or if they won..She would step down in short order?
OH!Bummer would have to have a really big TWIST on Mooch to get ‘It’ to agree. Possibly ‘it’ would agree to VP position.
mebbe..but even that..she’s used to beaches, casual clothes, not having her hair done all the time. What about the rental kids? I know they’re older but people would expect them to be around some. Haven’t they done their part by being the fake ozero chillins?
Notice those kids are now COMPLETELY out of the news.
Not sure if it’s shoulders that are being rubbed… “Big Mike” has even written about “becoming”…. There’s nothing becoming about him at all…..
Well, it’s NOT like Briben
worksis at the WH more than a few hours each week.Doubtful Briben has put in 30 hours, in any one week, since he was installed.
AND logic applies again for the totalitarian triplets 😡
I just saw Willy, Wily and Joe…lol
Good and truly bent, as the Brits say…
They better bring in some twerking singer or ass pants rapper to get a big crowd because the current fossil lineup won’t be enough for many.
Yet, we read, hussein is telling Briben to NOT run. WTF? We are being lied to again, and again.
So Trump’s niece is friends with Carroll. That is very telling. No one I know would have friends who say and do the things Carroll has done.
Mary Trump is poison, probably pwned by the WEFfenSS… Turds of a feather float together, reported by the New York Slimes, aka the old gay lady…
Have to wonder why the NYT is still afloat… then again they had a Satanic beginning, so their support is hot and heavy from HELL, as well as the likes of Satan Sauros, et. al. ….
Askin’ for a friend … do they have red shores to go with the bunny ears??
Yeah, those bunny ears are a real tell.
A romance novel from that gaggle of dried up shrews undoubtedly will be nasty, like literally nasty. The things she talks about are gross
Fifty Shades of Gorgon.
Isn’t he that “judge”?
50 shades of gay…
Or, considering they’re DEMONRATS, 50 shades, all gay…
Carroll has on a court jester chapeau tellingly!
h/t Filly

Hubby’s getting some mileage out of this one on Farce Borg!