Emerald Robinson Drops the Must-Read CCP Reich-Speech in the Aftermath of What Looks Like WWII Nazi Sabotage with a Cyber Update
Speaking of “coincidences” in the aftermath of the “accidental” destruction of a critical bridge, I think it’s no coincidence that the brave and prescient Emerald Robinson dropped this particular post.
The Secret Speech of China’s General Chi Haotian
A famous general admits: China will attack the USA with bio-weapons to destroy its people and seize its land

MAR 27, 2024
Emerald doesn’t do any more than present this speech – she makes no further comment than what she says at the beginning. She does not connect it to any other events.
That is left for you, the reader.
I am reproducing Emerald’s article in its entirety here, because I do not trust Substack to preserve Emerald’s account, or this post in particular, if the owners of Substack come under CCP financial or political control.
At the end, I will add some context from my own observations and experiences, having been exposed to many, many Chinese scientists, immigrants, and (most importantly) spies.
I urge you to read this article ON HER SITE, AT THIS LINK.
However, if you cannot read it on her site, you can read it as follows.
Editor’s Note: Chi Haotian is a famous (and now retired) general in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. He served as China’s Minister of Defense for a decade as well. Two of his speeches were posted on Chinese language websites in 2005, and the newspaper Epoch Times subsequently published this speech — which was apparently given to an audience of Communist Party elites before his retirement in 2003. This speech has never been disclaimed by official sources in China. The speech has been edited here due to length restrictions for email. All italics are mine.
I’m very excited today, because the large-scale online survey sina.com that was done for us showed that our next generation is quite promising and our party’s cause will be carried on. In answering the question, “Will you shoot at women, children and prisoners of war,” more than 80 percent of the respondents answered in the affirmative, exceeding by far our expectations.
The central issue of this survey appears to be whether one should shoot at women, children and prisoners of war, but its real significance goes far beyond that. Ostensibly, our intention is mainly to figure out what the Chinese people’s attitude toward war is: If these future soldiers do not hesitate to kill even non-combatants, they’ll naturally be doubly ready and ruthless in killing combatants. Therefore, the responses to the survey questions may reflect the general attitude people have towards war. Actually, however, this is not our genuine intention. The purpose of the CCP Central Committee in conducting this survey is to probe people’s minds. We wanted to know: If China’s global development will necessitate massive deaths in enemy countries, will our people endorse that scenario? Will they be for or against it?

As everybody knows, according to the views propagated by Western scholars, humanity as a whole originated from one single mother in Africa. Therefore, no race can claim racial superiority. However, according to the research conducted by most Chinese scholars, the Chinese are different from other races on earth. We did not originate in Africa. Instead, we originated independently in the land of China. The Peking Man at Zhoukoudian that we are all familiar with represents a phase of our ancestors’ evolution. “The Project of Searching for the Origins of the Chinese Civilization” currently undertaken in our country is aimed at a more comprehensive and systematic research on the origin, process and development of the ancient Chinese civilization. We use to say, “Chinese civilization has had a history of five thousand years.” But now, many experts engaged in research in varied fields including archeology, ethnic cultures, and regional cultures have reached consensus that the new discoveries such as the Hongshan Culture in the northeast, the Liangahn Cutlure in Zhejiang province, the Jinsha Ruins in Sichuan province, and the Yongzhou Shun Emperor Cultural Site in Hunan province are all compelling evidence of the existence of China’s early civilizations, and they prove that China’s rice-growing agricultural history alone can be traced back as far as 8,000 to 10,000 years. This refutes the concept of “five thousand years of Chinese civilization.”
Therefore, we can assert that we are the product of cultural roots of more than a million years, and a single Chinese entity of two thousand years. This is the Chinese entity of two thousand years. This is the Chinese nation that calls itself, “descendants of Yan and Huang,” the Chinese nation that we are so proud of. Hitler’s Germany had once bragged that the German race was the most superior race on earth, but the fact is, our nation is far superior to the Germans.
During our long history, our people have disseminated throughout the Americas and the regions along the Pacific Rim, and they became Indians in the Americas and the East Asian ethnic groups in the South Pacific.
We all know that on account of our national superiority, during the thriving and prosperous Tang Dynasty our civilization was at the peak of the world. We were the center of the world civilization, and no other civilization in the world was comparable to ours. Later on, because of our complacency, narrow-mindedness, and the self-enclosure of our own country, we were surpassed by Western civilization, and the center of the world shifted to the West.
In reviewing history, one may ask: Will the center of the world civilization shift back to China?
Comrade He Xin put it in his report to the Central Committee in 1988: If the fact is that the center of leadership of the world was located in Europe as of the 18th Century, and later shifted to the United States in the mid-20th century the center of leadership of the world will shift to the East of our planet. And, “the East” of course mainly refers to China.
Actually, Comrade Lui Huaquing made similar points in the 1980s. Based on an historical analysis, he pointed out that the center of world civilization is shifting. It shifted from the East to Western Europe and later to the United States; now it is shifting back to the East. Therefore, if we refer to the 19th century as the British century, and the 20th century as the American century, then the 21st century will be the Chinese century.
We must greet the arrival of the Chinese Century by raising high the banner of national revitalization. How should we fight for the realization of the Chinese Century? We must borrow the precious experiences in human history by taking advantage of the outstanding fruition of human civilization and drawing lessons from what happened to other ethnic groups.
The lessons include the collapse of communism in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, as well as the defeats of Germany and Japan in the past. Recently there has been much discussion of the lessons of the collapse of communism in the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, so I will not dwell on them here. Today I’d like to talk about the lessons of Germany and Japan.
As we all know, Nazi Germany also placed much emphasis on the education of the people, especially the younger generation. The Nazi Party and government organized and established various propaganda and educational institutions such as the “Guiding Bureau of National Propaganda,” “Department of National Education and Propaganda,” “Supervising Bureau of Worldview Study and Education,” and “Information Office,” all aimed at instilling into the people’s minds, from elementary schools to colleges, the idea that German people are superior, and convincing people that the historical mission of the Aryan people is to become the “lords of the earth” whose right it is to “rule over the world.” Back then the German people were much more united than we are today.
Nonetheless, Germany was defeated in utter shame, along with its ally, Japan. Why? We reached some conclusions at the study meetings of the Politburo, in which we were searching for the laws that governed the vicissitudes of the big powers, and trying to analyze Germany and Japan’s rapid growth. When we decide to revitalize based on the German model, we must not repeat the mistakes they made.
Specifically, the following are the fundamental causes for their defeat: First, they had too many enemies all at once, as they did not adhere to the principle of eliminating enemies one at a time; second, they were too impetuous, lacking the patience and perseverance required for great accomplishments; third, when the time came for them to be ruthless, they turned out to be too soft, therefore leaving troubles that resurfaced later on.
Let’s presume that back then Germany and Japan had been able to keep the United States neutral and had fought a protracted war step by step on the Soviet front. If they had adopted this approach, gained some time to advance their research, eventually succeeded in obtaining the technology of nuclear weapons and missiles, and launched surprise attacks against the United States and the Soviet Union using them, then the United States and the Soviet Union would not have been able to defend themselves and would have had to surrender. Little Japan, in particular, made an egregious mistake in launching the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. This attack did not hit the vital parts of the United States. Instead, it dragged the United States into the war, into the ranks of the gravediggers that eventually buried the German and Japanese fascists.
Of course, if they had not made these three mistakes and won the war, history would have been written in a different fashion. If that had been the case, China would not be in our hands. Japan might have relocated their capital to China and ruled over China. Afterwards, China and the whole of Asia under Japan’s command would have brought into full play the oriental wisdom, conquered the West ruled by Germany and unified the whole world. This is irrelevant, of course. No more digressions.
So, the fundamental reason for the defeats of Germany and Japan is that history did not arrange them to be the “lords of the earth,” for they are, after all, not the most superior race.
Ostensibly, in comparison, today’s China is alarmingly similar to Germany back then. Both of them regard themselves as the most superior races; both of them have a history of being exploited by foreign powers and are therefore vindictive; both of them have the tradition of worshipping their own authorities; both of them feel that they have seriously insufficient living space; both of them raise high the two banners of nationalism and socialism and label themselves as “national socialism”; both of them worship “one state, one party, one leader, and one doctrine.”
And yet, if we really are to make a comparison between Germany and China, then, as Comrade Jiang Zemin put it, Germany belongs to “pediatrics” – too trivial to be compared. How large is Germany’s population? How big is its territory? And how long is its history? We eliminated eight million nationalist troops in only three years. How many enemies did Germany kill? They were in power for a transient period of little more than a dozen years before they perished, while we are still energetic after being around for more than eighty years. Our theory of the shifting center of civilization is of course more profound than Hitler’s theory of “the lords of the earth.” Our civilization is profound and broad, which has determined that we are so much wiser than they were.
Our Chinese people are wiser than the Germans because, fundamentally, our race is superior to theirs. As a result, we have a longer history, more people, and larger land area. On this basis our ancestors left us with the two most essential heritages, which are atheism and great unity. It was Confucius, the founder of our Chinese culture, who gave us these heritages.
This heritage determined that we have a stronger ability to survive than the West. That is why the Chinese race has been able to prosper for so long. We are destined “not to be buried by either heaven or earth” no matter how severe the natural, man-made, and national disasters. This is our advantage.
Take response to war as an example. The reason that the United States remains today is that it has never seen war on its mainland. Once its enemies aim at the mainland, these enemies would reach Washington before its congress finishes debating and authorizes the president to declare war. But for us, we don’t waste time on these trivial things. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said, “The Party’s leadership is prompt in making decisions. Once a decision is made, it is immediately implemented. There’s no wasting time on trivial things like in capitalist countries. This is our advantage! Our Party’s democratic centralism is built on the tradition of great unity. Although fascist Germany also stressed high-level centralism, they only focused on power of the top leader, but ignored the collective leadership of the central group. That’s why Hitler was betrayed by many later in his life, which fundamentally depleted the Nazis of their war capacity.
What makes us different from Germany is that we are complete atheists, while Germany was primarily a Catholic and Protestant country. Hitler was only half atheist. Although Hitler also believed that ordinary citizens had low intelligence, and that leaders should therefore make decisions, and although German people worshipped Hitler back then, Germany did not have the tradition of worshipping sages on a broad basis. Our Chinese society has always worshipped sages, and that is because we don’t worship any God. Once you worship a god, you can’t worship a person at the same time, unless you recognize the person as the god’s representative like they do in Middle Eastern countries. On the other hand, once you recognize a person as a sage, of course you will want him to be your leader…. This is the foundation of our democratic centralism.
The bottom line is, only China is a reliable force in resisting the Western parliament-based democratic system. Hitler’s dictatorship in Germany was perhaps but a momentary mistake in history.
Maybe you have now come to understand why we recently decided to further promulgate atheism. If we let theology from the West into China and empty us from the inside, if we let all Chinese people listen to God and follow God, who will obediently listen to us and follow us? If the common people don’t believe Comrade Hu Jintao is a qualified leader, question his authority, and want to monitor him, if the religious followers in our society question why we are leaving God in churches, can our Party continue to rule China?
Germany’s dream to be the “lord of the earth” failed, because ultimately, history did not bestow this great mission upon them. But the three lessons Germany learned from experience are what we ought to remember as we complete our historic mission and revitalize our race. The three lessons are: Firmly grasp the country’s living space; firmly grasp the Party’s control over the nation; and firmly grasp the general direction toward becoming the “lord of the earth.”
Next, I’d like to address these three issues.
The first issue is living space. This is the biggest focus of the revitalization of the Chinese race. In my last speech, I said that the fight over basic living resources (including land and ocean) is the source of the vast majority of wars in history. This may change in the information age, but not fundamentally. Our per capita resources are much less than those of Germany’s back then. In addition, economic development in the last twenty-plus years had a negative impact, and climates are rapidly changing for the worse. Our resources are in very short supply. The environment is severely polluted, especially that of soil, water, and air. Not only our ability to sustain and develop our race, but even its survival is gravely threatened, to a degree much greater than faced by Germany back then.
Anybody who has been to Western countries knows that their living space is much better than ours. They have forests alongside the highways, while we hardly have any trees by our streets. Their sky is often blue with white clouds, while our sky is covered by a layer of dark haze. Their tap water is clean enough for drinking, while even our ground water is so polluted that it can’t be drunk without filtering. They have few people in the streets, and two or three people can occupy a small residential building; in contrast, our streets are always crawling with people, and several people have to share one room.
Many years ago, there was a book titled Yellow Catastrophes. It said that, due to our following the American style of consumption, our limited resources would not long support the population and society would collapse, once our population reaches 1.3 billion. Now our population has already exceeded this limit, and we are now relying on imports to sustain our nation. It’s not that we haven’t paid attention to this issue. The Ministry of Land Resources is specialized in this issue.
But the term ‘living space’ (lebensraum) is too closely related to Nazi Germany. The reason we don’t want to discuss this too openly is to avoid the West’s association of us with Nazi Germany, which could in turn reinforce the view that China is a threat. Therefore, in our emphasis on He Xin’s new theory, “Human rights are just living rights,” we only talk about “living,” but not “space,” so as to avoid using the term “living space.” From the perspective of history, the reason that China is faced with the issue of living space is because Western countries established colonies ahead of Eastern countries. Western countries established colonies all around the world, therefore giving themselves an advantage on the issue of living space. To solve this problem, we must lead the Chinese people outside of China, so that they could develop outside of China.
The second issue is our focus on the leadership capacity of the ruling party. We’ve done better on this than their party. Although the Nazis spread their power to every aspect of the German national government, they did not stress their absolute leadership position like we have. They did not take the issue of managing the power of the party as first priority, which we have. When Comrade Mao Zedong summarized the “three treasures” of our party’s victory in conquering the country, he considered the most important “treasure” to be developing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and strengthening its leadership position.
We have to focus on two points to fortify our leadership position and improve our leadership capacity.
The first is to promote the “Three Represents” theory, stressing that our Party is the pioneer of the Chinese race, in addition to being the pioneer of the proletariat. Many citizens say in private, “We never voted for you, the Communist Party, to represent us. How can you claim to be our representatives?”
There’s no need to worry about this issue. Comrade Mao Zedong said that if we could lead the Chinese people outside of China, resolving the lack of living space in China, the Chinese people will support us. At that time, we don’t’ have to worry about the labels of “totalitarianism” or “dictatorship.” Whether we can forever represent the Chinese people depends on whether we can succeed in leading the Chinese people out of China.
The second point, whether we can lead the Chinese people out of China, is the most important determinant of the CCP’s leadership position.
Why do I say this?
Everyone knows that without the leadership of our Party, China would not exist today. Therefore, our highest principle is to forever protect our Party’s leadership position. Before June 4, we realized vaguely that as long as China’s economy is developed, people would support and love the Communist Party. Therefore we had to use several decades of peacetime to develop China’s economy. No matter what-isms, whether it is a white cat or a black at, it is a good cat if it can develop China’s economy. But at that time, we did not have mature ideas about how China would deal with international disputes after its economy becomes developed.
Comrade Xiaoping said then that the main themes in the world were peace and development. But the June 4 riot gave our Party a warning and gave us a lesson that is still fresh.
The pressure of China’s peaceful evolution makes us reconsider of these two main themes of our time. We see that neither of these two issues, peace and development, have been resolved. The western oppositional forces always change the world according to their own visions; they want to change China and use peaceful evolution to overturn the leadership of our Communist Party. Therefore, if we only develop the economy, we still face the possibility of losing control.
The June 4 riot almost succeeded in bringing a peaceful transition; if it were not for the fact that a large number of veteran comrades were still alive and at a crucial moment they removed Zhao Ziyang and his followers, then we all would have been put in prison. After death we would have been too ashamed to report to Marx. Although we have passed the test of June 4, after our group of senior comrades pass away, without our control, peaceful evolution may still come to China like it did to the former Soviet Union. In 1956, they suppressed the Hungarian incident and defeated the attacks by Tito’s revisionists of Yugoslavia, but they could not withstand Gorbachev thirty some years later. Once those pioneering senior comrades died, the power of the Communist Party was taken away by peaceful evolution.
After the June 4 riot was suppressed, we have been thinking about how to prevent China from peaceful evolution and how to maintain the Communist Party’s leadership. We thought it over and over but did not come up with any good ideas. If we do not have good ideas, China will inevitably change peacefully, and we will all become criminals in history. After some deep pondering, we finally come to this conclusion: Only by turning our developed national strength into the force of a first striking outward – only by leading people to go out – can we win forever the Chinese people’s support and love for the Communist Party. Our party will then stand on invincible ground, and the Chinese people will have to depend on the Communist Party. They will forever follow the Communist Party with their hearts and minds, as was written in a couplet frequently seen in the countryside some years ago: “Listen to Chairman Mao, follow the Communist Party!” Therefore, the June 4 riot made us realize that we must combine economic development with preparation for war and leading the people to go out! Therefore, since then, our national defence policy has taken a 180 degree turn and we have since emphasized more and more “combining peace and war.” Our economic development is all about preparing for the needs of war! Publicly we still emphasize economic development as our center, but in reality, economic development has war as its center! We have made a tremendous effort to construct “The Great Wall Project” to build up, along our coastal and land frontiers as well as around large and medium-sized cities, a solid underground “Great Wall” that can withstand a nuclear war. We are also storing all necessary war materials. Therefore, we will not hesitate to fight a Third World War, so as to lead the people to go out and to ensure the Party’s leadership position. In any event, we, the CCP, will never step down from the stage of history! We’d rather have the whole world, or even the entire globe, share life and death with us than step down from the stage of history! Isn’t there a “nuclear bondage” theory? It means that since nuclear weapons have bound the security of the entire world, all will die together if death is inevitable. In my view, there is another kind of bondage, and that is, the fate of our Party is tied up with that of the whole world. If we, the CCP, are finished, China will be finished, and the world will be finished.
Our Party’s historical mission is to lead the Chinese people to go out. If we take the long view, we will see that history led us on this path. First, China’s long history has resulted in the world’s largest population, including Chinese in China as well as overseas. Second, once we open our doors, the profit-seeking western capitalists will invest capital and technology in China to assist our development, so that they can occupy the biggest market in the world. Third, our numerous overseas Chinese help us create the most favorable environment for the introduction of foreign capital, foreign technology, and advanced experience into China. Thus, it is guaranteed that our reform and open-door policy will achieve tremendous success. Fourth, China’s great economic expansion will inevitably lead to the shrinkage of per-capita living space for the Chinese people, and this will encourage China to turn outward in search for new living space. Fifth, China’s great economic expansion will inevitably come with significant development in our military forces, creating conditions for our expansion overseas. Ever since Napoleon’s time, the West has been alert for the possible awakening of the sleeping lion that is China. Now, the sleeping lion is standing up and advancing into the world, and has become unstoppable!
What is the third issue we should clinch firmly in order to accomplish our historical mission of national renaissance? It is to hold firmly onto the big “issue of America.”
This appears to be shocking, but the logic is actually very simple.
Comrade He Xin put forward a very fundamental judgment that is very reasonable. He asserted in his report to the Party Central Committee: The renaissance of China is in fundamental conflict with the Western strategic interest, and therefore will inevitably be obstructed by the western countries doing everything they can. So, only by breaking the blockade formed by the western countries headed by the United States can China grow and move toward the world!
Would the United States allow us to go out to gain new living space? First, if the United States is firm in blocking us, it is hard for us to do anything significant to Taiwan, Vietnam, India, or even Japan. How much more living space can we get? Very trivial! Only countries like the United States, Canada and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization.
Therefore, solving the “issue of America” is the key to solving all other issues. First, this makes it possible for us to have many people migrate there and even establish another China under the same leadership of the CCP. America was originally discovered by the ancestors of the yellow race, but Columbus gave credit to the white race. We the descendants of the Chinese nation are entitled to the possession of the land! It is said that the residents of the yellow race have a very low social status in the United States. We need to liberate them. Second, after solving the “issue of America,” the western countries of Europe would bow to us, not to mention Taiwan, Japan and other small countries. Therefore, solving the “issue of America” is the mission assigned to the CCP members by history.
I sometimes think how cruel it is for China and the United States to be enemies that are bound to meet on a narrow road! Do you remember a movie about Liberation Army Troops led by Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping? The title is something like “Decisive Battle on the Central Plains.” There is a famous remark in the movie that is full of power and grandeur: “The enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road, only the brave will win!” It is this kind of fighting to win or die spirit that enabled us to seize power in Mainland China. It is historical destiny that China and the United States will come to unavoidable confrontation on a narrow path and fight each other! The United States, unlike Russia and Japan, has never occupied and hurt China, and also assisted China in its battle against the Japanese. But, it will certainly be an obstruction, and the biggest obstruction! In the long run, the relationship of China and the United States is one of a life-and-death struggle.
One time, some Americans came to visit and tried to convince us that the relationship between China and the United States is one of interdependence. Comrade Xiaoping replied in a polite manner: “Go tell your government, China and the United States do not have such a relationship that is interdependent and mutually reliant.” Actually, Comrade Xiaoping was being too polite, he could have been more frank, “The relationship between China and the United States is one of life-and-death struggle.” Of course, right now it is not the time to openly break up with them yet. Our reform and opening to the outside world still rely on their capital and technology, we still need America. Therefore, we must do everything we can to promote our relationship with America, learn from America in all aspects and use America as an example to reconstruct our country.
How have we managed our foreign affairs in these years? Even if we had to put on a smiling face in order to please them, even if we have to give them the right cheek after they had hit our left cheek, we still must endure in order to further our relationship with the United States. The United States is the most successful country in the world today. Only after we have learned all of its useful experiences can we replace it in the future. Even though we are presently imitating the American tone “China and the United States rely on each other and share honor and disgrace,” we must not forget that the history of our civilization repeatedly has taught us that one mountain does not allow two tigers to live together.
We also must never forget what Comrade Xiaoping emphasized: “Refrain from revealing ambitions and put others off the track.” The hidden message is: we must put up with America; we must conceal our ultimate goals, hide our capabilities, and await the opportunity. In this way, our mind is clear. Why have we not updated our national anthem with something peaceful? Why did we not change the anthem’s theme of war? Instead, when revising the Constitution this time, for the first time we clearly specified “March of the Volunteers” is our national anthem. Thus we will understand why we constantly talk loudly about the “Taiwan issue” but not the “American issue.” We all know the principle of “doing one thing under the cover of another.” If ordinary people can only see the small island of Taiwan in their eyes, then you as the elite of our country should be able to see the whole picture of our cause. Over these years, according to Comrade Xiaoping’s arrangement, a large piece of our territory in the North has been given up to Russia; do you really think our Party Committee is a fool?
To resolve the issue of America we must be able to transcend conventions and restrictions. In history, when a country defeated another country or occupied another country, it could not kill all the people in the conquered land because back then you could not kill people effectively with sabers or long spears, or even with rifles or machine guns. Therefore, it was impossible to gain a stretch of land without keeping the people on that land. However, if we conquered America in this fashion, we would not be able to make many people migrate there.
Only by using special means to “clean up” America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. This is the only choice left for us. This is not a matter of whether we are willing to do it or not. What kind of special means is there available for us to “clean up America”?
Conventional weapons such as fighters, canons, missiles and battleships won’t do; neither will highly destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons, despite the fact that we have been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue resolved at whatever cost. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio-weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle, in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden. When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.
From a humanitarian perspective, we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to leave America and leave the land they have lived in to the Chinese people. Or at least they should leave half of the United States to be China’s colony, because America was first discovered by the Chinese. But would this work? If this strategy does not work, then there is only one choice left to us. That is, use decisive means to “clean up” America and reserve America for our use in a moment. Our historical experience has proven that as long as we make it happen, nobody in the world can do anything about us. Furthermore, if the United States as the leader is gone, then other enemies have to surrender to us.
Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place. According to the computation of the author of Yellow Peril, more than half of the Chinese will die, and that figure would be more than 800 million people! Just after the liberation, our yellow land supported nearly 500 million people, while today the official figure of the population is more than 1.3 billion. This yellow land has reached the limit of its capacity. One day, who knows how soon it will come, the great collapse will occur any time and more than half the population will have to go.
We must prepare ourselves for two scenarios. If our biological weapons succeed in the surprise attack, the Chinese people will be able to keep their losses at a minimum in the fight against the United States. If, however, the attack fails and triggers a nuclear retaliation from the United States, China would perhaps suffer a catastrophe in which more than half of its population would perish. That is why we need to be ready with air defense systems for our big and medium-sized cities. Whatever the case may be, we can only move forward fearlessly, for the sake of our Party and State and our nation’s future, regardless of the hardships we have to face and the sacrifices we have to make. The population, even if more than half dies, can be reproduced. But if the Party falls, everything is gone, and forever gone.
In Chinese history, in the replacement of dynasties, the ruthless have always won and the benevolent have always failed. The most typical example involved Xiang Yu the King of Chu, who, after defeating Liu Bang, failed to continue to chase after him and eliminate his forces, and his leniency resulted in Xiang Yu’s death and Liu’s victory …. Therefore, we must emphasize the importance of adopting resolute measures. In the future, the two rivals, China and the United States, will eventually meet each other in a narrow road, and our leniency to the Americans will mean cruelty toward the Chinese people. Here some people may want to ask me: What about the several millions of our compatriots in the United States? They may ask: aren’t we against Chinese killing other Chinese?
These comrades are too pedantic; they are not pragmatic enough. If we had insisted on the principle that the Chinese should not kill other Chinese, would we have liberated China? As for the several million Chinese living in the United States, this is of course a big issue. Therefore, in recent years, we have been conducting research on genetic weapons, i.e., those weapons that do not kill yellow people. But producing a result with this kind of research is extremely difficult.
Of the research done on genetic weapons throughout the world, Israel is the most advanced. Their genetic weapons are designed to target Arabs and protect the Israelis. But even they have not reached the stage of actual deployment. We have cooperated with Israel on some research. Perhaps we can introduce some of the technologies used to protect Israelis and remold these technologies to protect the yellow people. But their technologies are not mature yet, and it is difficult for us to surpass them in a few years. If it has to be five or ten years before some breakthrough can be achieved in genetic weapons, we cannot afford to wait any longer.
Therefore, we have to give up our expectations about genetic weapons. Of course, from another perspective, the majority of those Chinese living in the United States have become our burden, because they have been corrupted by the bourgeois liberal values for a long time and it would be difficult for them to accept our Party’s leadership. If they survived the war, we would have to launch campaigns in the future to deal with them, to reform them. History has proved that any social turmoil is likely to involve many deaths.
Maybe we can put it this way: death is the engine that moves history forward. During the period of the three kingdoms, how many people died? When Genghis Khan conquered Eurasia, how many people died? When Manchu invaded the interior of China, how many people died? Not many people died during the 1911 Revolution, but when we overthrew the Three Great Mountains, and during the political campaigns such as “suppression of the reactionaries,” “Three-Anti-Campaign,” and “Five-Anti-Campaign,” at least 20 million people died. We were apprehensive that some young people today would be trembling with fear when they hear about wars and people dying.
During wartime, we were used to seeing dead people. Blood and flesh were flying everywhere, corpses were lying in heaps on the fields, and blood ran like rivers. We saw it all. On the battlefields, everybody’s eyes turned red with killing because it was a life-and-death struggle and only the brave would survive.
It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century in which the CCP leads the world. We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not want deaths. But if history confronts us with a choice between deaths of Chinese and those of Americans, we’d have to pick the latter, as, for us, it is more important to safeguard the lives of the Chinese people and the life of our Party. That is because, after all, we are Chinese and members of the CCP. Since the day we joined the CCP, the Party, life has always been above all else! History will prove that we made the right choice.
Now, when I am about to finish my speech, you probably understand why we wanted to know, whether the people would rise against us if one day we secretly adopt resolute means to “clean up” America.
Comrade He Xin pointed out to the Hong Kong Business News during an interview that: “The U.S. has a shocking conspiracy.” According to what he had in hand, from September 27 to October 1, 1995, the Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev Foundation, funded by the United States, gathered 500 of the world’s most important statesmen, economic leaders and scientists, including George W. Bush (he was not the U.S. president at the time), the Baroness Thatcher, Tony Blair, Zbigniew Brzezinski, as well as George Soros, Bill Gates, futurist John Naisbitt, etc., all of the world’s most popular characters, in the San Francisco Fairmont hotel for a high-level roundtable conference, discussing problems about globalization and how to guide humanity to move forward into the 21st century. According to what He Xin had in hand, the outstanding people of the world in attendance thought that in the 21st century a mere 20 percent of the world’s population will be sufficient to maintain the world’s economy and prosperity, the other 80 percent or 4/5ths of the world’s population will be human garbage unable to produce new values. The people in attendance thought that this excess 80 percent population would be a trash population and “high-tech” means should be used to eliminate them gradually.
Since the enemies are secretly planning to eliminate our population, we certainly cannot be infinitely merciful and compassionate to them.
Certainly, in spreading Comrade He Xin’s views, we cannot publish the article in the Party newspapers, in order to avoid raising the enemy’s vigilance. He Xin’s conversation may remind the enemy that we have grasped the modern science and technology, including “clean” nuclear technology as well as biological weapons technology, and we can use powerful measures to eliminate their population on a large scale.
The last problem I want to talk about is of firmly seizing the preparations for military battle.
Currently, we are at the crossroad of moving forward or backward. Some comrades saw problems flooding everywhere in our country – the corruption problem, the state-owned enterprise problem, the bank’s bad accounts problem, environmental problems, society security problems, education problems, the AIDS problem, various appeals problems, even the riots problem. These comrades vacillated in the determination to prepare for military battles. They thought: they should first grab the political reform problem, that is, our own political reform comes first. After resolving the domestic problems, we can then deal with the foreign military battle problem.
This reminds me of the crucial period in 1948 in the Chinese Revolution. At that time the People’s Liberation Army’s “horses were drinking water” in the Yangtze River, but they faced extremely complex situations and difficult problems everywhere in the liberated areas, and the central authority received emergency reports daily. What to do? Should we stop to manage rear areas and internal matters first before moving forward, or press on to pass the Yangtze River with one vigorous effort? Chairman Mao, with his extraordinary wisdom and mettle gave the marching order “Carry on the revolution to the end,” and liberated all of China. The previously thought “serious” conflicting problems were all resolved in this great forward moving revolutionary wave.
Now, it seems like we are in the same critical period as the “horses were drinking water” in the Yangtze River days in the revolutionary era, as long as we resolve the United States problem at one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved. Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites.
Marxism pointed out that violence is the midwife for the birth of China’s century. As war approaches, I am full of hope for our next generation.

I was not aware of this speech until I read it last night in Emerald’s post.
I was immediately struck by the fact that this speech authenticates my impression, which began even years before the speech was given, that the “ChiComs” are in many ways more like “ChiNazis”.
Even more shocking is the open and proud admiration for, emulation of, and self-comparison to…. wait for it….. THE ACTUAL NAZIS.
And if that wasn’t enough, there is blatant discussion of “mistakes” that the Nazis made, and how China can “fix” them by stealth, patience, deception, and cunning.
I found the discussion of “lebensraum” – not just the idea, but the actual word – fascinating. The general and his CCP ilk realize that they can’t openly speak of such things, so they take the Orwellian approach of couching their envious greed for the land of others under the banner of “human rights”. And this guy explains it – right there, to his fellow communists!
Good GRIEF – it’s sick.

Now – some of what you (hopefully) just read may sound a bit unbelievable, but in my experience it’s not. I was in school when the first CCP students arrived in American universities, during the 1970s, and it was fascinating to observe them. They were very good at observing, while giving away nothing. They were clearly military or spies – and very different from the Taiwanese and Hong Kong Chinese, who were much friendlier.
However, the biggest wake-up call for me, was something that happened in the 1980’s, as a young scientist with many friends in medicine. One of my young doctor friends was working with a visiting CCP doctor, not quite as young. The man was very professional, self-confident, and reasonably talkative, unlike earlier CCP assets.
This doctor seemed quite in control of himself – except for one time when American Indians were casually mentioned in a normal way – i.e., not in a bad or good context – just factual. At that point this doctor became visibly angry in a kind of “two minute hate” way. He was almost foaming at the mouth. It almost struck me as fully psychotic. In fact, the closest experience I ever had to it, involved a person who actually WAS psychotic.
It became apparent that this guy had been trained in the idea that American Indians were basically CHINESE, and he was extremely angry about their treatment – despite the facts that (1) he didn’t know a damn thing about American Indians, (2) he was culturally as far away from American Indians as one could possibly be, and (3) it was obvious that he loathed American Indian values. The fact that these three distinguishing characteristics sound very much like our current suburban “AWFULs” (Affluent White Female Unstable Liberals) may imply the origin of the latter’s belief system propaganda. But I digress.
What I was hearing at that moment was so weird, I chose not to respond in any way, and to just let the guy cool off, which is often the best approach with psychotics. I didn’t argue or agree, nor mention anything about my own Choctaw background, or knowledge of American Indians.
But I always remembered that moment. I had never seen or heard any similar sentiment from any Chinese – until I read this speech – which was given about 20 years AFTER my experience.
Over the years, I have always thought that the idea of Chinese having a kind of racial ownership of the American Indians sounded remarkably like the Nazi idea of Germany “owning” Germans and “Germanic people” everywhere else. Thus, as Red China has become more and more aggressive in asserting “ownership” of the “racially Chinese” in foreign lands, such as controlling them with their “police stations”, this parallel became quite obvious to me.
Now, I know where it came from. It’s in this speech. It is literal CCP DOCTRINE which the ChiNazis are using to justify their “ownership” of the American hemisphere.
I know this doctrine sounds CRAZY, but I heard it with my own ears in the 1980s, so it has been AROUND, and it was clearly drilled into people that China sent here. I don’t know if such supremacist thinking predates Chinese communism and the CCP, but even if it’s just 40-70 years old, then it really explains a LOT.
This is “lebensraum” thinking. This is Nazi thinking.
In the context of what just happened in Baltimore, which would have been immediately suspected of being Nazi sabotage during World War II, I have absolutely no problem suspecting that China is – as China says to its own people – preparing for war with the United States. And that China is training both its own people, and even some of ours, to believe that they OWN the United States.
When people tell you who they are, believe them.

In summary he says: We Chinese are better Nazis, then Hitler and we will be victorious, and the Chinese century is coming.
My response to this is racist arrogance is, that the CCP will perish like Hitler. The CCP will probably not be around by 2035 and their 5000-year or his 10000-year Reich will be shattered by their own hubris.
We know WHO created and owns the world.
We also know, from many examples in the Old Testament, that when GOD’s people sin, they become weak and vulnerable and are easily conquered and taken captive.
Western nations have eroded and degraded our culture and corrupted our justice system and laws.
We have forged laws to accommodate personal preferences and perverse proclivities – laws that conflict with GOD’s laws.
We have forged laws that enable us to break all of GOD’s commandments and some that would force us to do so.
This has weakened us as individuals, as families, as a people and as nations.
Throughout the Old Testament when GOD’s chosen people, Israel would fall into sin and be taken captive by Assyria, Babylon, Persia or some such pagan culture. Isaiah 10:5 reveals these heathen were the rod of discipline in His Hand.
The only way back to freedom was repentance and return to GOD and His Law/Book/Commandments. The sword of man could not free them, only the Sword (Word) of the LORD.
Only cure/help is true repentance and return to GOD. (Isaiah 26:3, 30:15, 31:8-9, II Chronicles 7:14, 20:12, Nehemiah 8)
Prayer and revival would be a good start. The folks that were always talking about II Chronicles 7:14ff should have paid attention to the second half (“if not”) section of that blessing:
II Chronicles 7:14- 18: (blessing)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.
16 For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.
17 And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and shalt observe my statutes and my judgments;
18 Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel.
II Chronicles 7:19 – 22 (punishment for ignoring, disobeying, or backsliding):
19 But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them;
20 Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.
21 And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the Lord done thus unto this land, and unto this house?
22 And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them.
This General Chi Haotian expresses the belief that the Chinese need to, have the right to, and intend to take over other lands because they need space.
He says they plan to ‘take care of America’ – which I assume means eliminate and/or take over the USA.
For all of the bragging the General does about China…
Why are buildings falling down?
Why is their land and water horribly polluted?
Why do they have to steal other countries’ technology and innovations?
Steve covers that some in Saturday openers.
An example of Chinese engineering and building.
Yeah, the bogus construction there is really eye-poppingly BAD sometimes!!!
Fantastic post, Wolf.
From one with Cherokee to one with Choctaw – are we the chosen in America until our Chinazi leaders arrive here? 😀
Time for the Three Gorges and a few other of their major dams to fall.
Seems we gotta do some rain dances for them dams to fail. (/s)
Some kinda Indian in me. Can’t recall which tribe. No desire to be linked with CCP evil.
That is one eye opening speech.
Not too surprising. Have known Chinee plan to conquer the world. Should have realized their give a shit attitude about killing, killing anyone, regardless.
Chinee subscribe to another version of, 14 of 15 gotta go.
Such evil, we face, on so many fronts.
Yup. Between the WEFfen SS Nazis and the ChiNazis, not to mention other players, we’re in a pinch!
that toxic smug malignant arrogance will be China’s undoing.
they will dig the pit….and they will fall into it.
mocking GOD is not a good idea.
they’ll be at Armegeddon….The King of the East…
watch and see what happens.
Yup. There’s some FAFO comin’.
Survey asking questions asking questions of a cowed and controlled population, did they answer truthfully or in a way that best advanced their social credit score.
Not the first we’ve heard this, or one quite similar to this. It was several years back and might of been the one that get’s Steve so mad at the China man or it could be a similar experience Wolf describes from the 80’s, or both.
Concerning American Indians coming from China…. 🙄… errrr… 😆 apparently not.
Especially the one he describes.. that atheist body called the CCP has only been around less than 100yrs. If he looks north in all that red above China… that’s where they came from. In the meantime all that red in Russia that is filled with asians have been busting through their wall for centuries to kick China ass.
Globalsecurity.org map below pretty much demonstrates China’s power. All those occupied nations are occupied by the barrel of the gun, meaning CCP does not have an easy time there and thus making “lebensraum” a bit more difficult for the CCP even on their own home turf.
The only way the good general can cash the check he writes for the CCP is if we cash it for him and only traitors would allow that. Unfortunately traitors are in abundance right now. Just another reason why we need Trump. Not just to protect us from the yellow man, but the equally if not more dangerous Globalists trying to take over the world as well. Freaking WEFfers! 😠
Yup! Between GloboNazis and ChiNazis, we’ve got us a situation!
Wolf Moon
Thank you for this invaluable post and your analysis of Gen. Chi Haotian’s speech.
Here’s Yours Truly’s takeaways from the speech:
One: CCP citizens (and, by extension, the PLA) will kill non-combatants, including children, and including their own people.
Two: According to Gen. Haotian, the Chinese “entity” is the “REAL” Aryan race, not the Nazi Germans.
Three: Gen. Haotian wants to the bring back the “glory days” of the Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 AD), but in “modern dress.”
Four: Gen Haotian wants to use the “German (Nazi) model” to “revitalize” the CCP, but avoid the Nazi model “mistakes.”
Five: According to Gen. Haotian, the Chinese people are the “lords of the earth,” the “most superior race.”
Six: **** Atheism is the “foundation” of the CCP and of CCP politics.
Seven: Since the CCP has ravaged its own land, it’s OK, according to Gen. Haotian, for the CCP to seize land in other countries to “spread out” the Chinese people.
Eight: Gen Haotian espouses the political views and actions of Mao Zedong to get the above things accomplished.
Nine: **** Gen. Haotian urges that, to propel the Chinese people’s “support and love for the Communist Party” (AND to stop any further “peaceful revolution” in the CCP), it will be necessary to use force in OTHER countries (WAR.)
Ten: According to Gen. Haotian, it is essential for the CCP to take over countries that have large land masses (Russia, USA, Canada, Australia) for “mass colonization” of Chinese people into these areas.
Eleven: According to Gen. Haotian, once the US is taken over by the CCP, other Western countries will surrender to the CCP.
Twelve: According to Gen. Haotian, it’s OK include using biological weapons to subdue the US and the West, in addition to outright invasion of these countries.
It’s interesting to observe Gen. Haotian’s approach in his speech to what might be called the “Chinese Communist Party’s Final Solution for the West” — start with some Chinese history (even if it’s not actually true); then, proceed to emphasize the importance of the Chinese people and its “natural extension” the Chinese Communist Party; then, to proceed to stoke envy and hatred of Western developed countries by comparing them to the “backward” and “scarce” living conditions of the current Chinese population (which, of course, was actually brought about by the beliefs and practices of the Chinese Communist Party); then, to proceed to condemn Western Christian thought and beliefs, substituting championing the “worship” of the atheism of Communism: then, to proceed to the “Chinese Communist Party’s Final Solution for the West” — the complete takeover of Western countries (and the biggest prize, the United States) by the CCP as “lords of the earth.”
Excellent summary!
ChiNazis. SHEESH.
Wolf Moon
EVERY member of the US House of Representatives—EVERY member of the US Senate—EVERY US state governor—NEEDS to read Gen. Chi Haotian’s speech.
And then be asked one question—
Given that all of Prizer’s drug trial data is being warehoused in China now, I’ll never be taking, knowingly, any products from Pfizer or a subsidiary.
Wolf Moon
Actually, the question should be:
Why was the question changed?
One: Chinese single men of fighting age are being sent into the United States illegally, mixed in with the other illegals that are flooding into the country — which “invasion” of illegals is being facilitated by the “Biden administration.”
Two: CCP front entities have been / are still, buying up real estate in places all over the country.
Three: CCP front entities have been / are still, buying up FARM LAND and VACANT LAND in places all over the country, with special attention to areas close to US military bases.
Four: The CCP;s “social credit system” laws are being used to coerce adherence to it by OTHER countries who want to do business within China.
Five: COVID-19, co-developed by the CCP (Wuhan Institute of Virology – Zhengli Shi, plus other research facilities in the CCP), the United States Defense Department, HHS / NIH / NIAID, and with the cooperation of people like Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci, and Bill Gates, was released to sicken — damage — kill people in the United States (in addition to countries all over the world.) Ditto with the COVID-19 “vaccines”, co-developed by the DoD / HHS-NIH-NIAID / Gates Foundation / Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, etc.
Thanks, Wolf. Great expose!
You’re most welcome!
Adding vid of speech and discussion
Excellent! Thank you!
Apologies for posting this in the wrong thread…
No problem! CHINA JOE is ON TOPIC!!! 😉