First new Q of 2019!
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4a88a1 No.4609173
Q Post 2643
Jan 5 2019 11:57:15 (EST)
What happens when all ‘insiders’ know the news is FAKE?
What happens when all ‘insiders’ know [AS] is the leak of false data?
What happens when a member of the House Intel Comm purposely leaks FAKE & FALSE data to ‘friendly’ news sources in order to maintain & portray a FALSE NARRATIVE to the public?
How do you build a case against a member of the House Intel Comm if they themselves have access to the intelligence?
What critical ‘mission’ did SESSIONS publicly announce re: leaks?
Why did SESSIONS make this PUBLIC?
Optics are important.
Control of the NARRATIVE.
RE: MUELLER deleted ‘critical’ text messages between PS+LP?
Re_read Re: [MUELLER] designed to….
The ‘MUELLER’ insurance policy has expired.
Inner post:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.373
Q Post 2381
Oct 9 2018 20:42:13 (EST)
Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]
General Statement:
We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].
Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].
[Process & Planning – Law and Order]
[Military OP]
How can you make arrests [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States [they [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?
James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director – FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC – HRC email invest] – FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division – FIRED/FORCED
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General – FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division – FIRED/FORCED
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x – cooperating witness [power removed] – TERMINATION IMMINENT
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein – FIRED/FORCED
[Batter’s Box]
Michael Steinbach
John Glacalone
Randy Coleman
Trisha Anderson
Kevin Clinesmith
Tashina Gauhar
Sally Moyer
How do you ensure those prosecuted [non military] would receive an impartial judgement based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Federal Judge rulings [obstruction] [POTUS’ granted CONSTITUTIONAL authority].
How do you ensure ‘appeals’ to the U.S. Supreme Court are evaluated impartially > based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Justice K (5 to 4).
Military Law v Criminal Law
“Enemy Combatant”
How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?
[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].
[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.
[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..
[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.
[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.
[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].
[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].
How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI][DOJ]?
Who must authorize firing of FBI/DOJ officials?
Why did McCabe try to take SESSIONS out?
No. 175
Logical thinking v clickbait.
Yeah, it’s complicated when they get nested. Moving on to the next post….

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f71f75 No.4609878
Jan 5 2019 12:45:01 (EST)
(2 days ahead of schedule)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f71f75 No.4610613
Q Post 2645
Jan 5 2019 13:21:19 (EST)
Ask yourself, why?
Are they afraid of U.S. Patriots engaging in the same tactics?
Do the actions of those Patriots abroad DESTROY THE FAKE NEWS NARRATIVE re: majority agree w/ the policies of the LIBERAL LEFT?

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ef47fd No.4611217
Q Post 2646
Jan 5 2019 13:53:28 (EST)
Do you notice any similarities?
D’s attempt to turn the public against our police, ICE, and those who continually serve the public interest (protect)?
Open borders w/ no Immigration & Customs Officials to safeguard the people?
EU gov’t attempt to turn the police against the people re: yellow vest protests?
Police vs People _ EU
D’s attempt to sway public vs Police/ICE _ US
A war against GLOBALISM.
A war to retain SOVEREIGNTY.
FAKE NEWS push of racism, fascism, sexism, every other …’ism’ etc…. against those seeking to END GLOBALISM in favor of NATIONALISM (pride of heritage and culture – preservation & security/safety) is DESIGNED TO KEEP YOU SUBMISSIVE.
Why do D’s deploy and use ‘racism’ as their ‘go-to’ tactic when an argument or narrative cannot factually be substantiated?
They want you DIVIDED.
Posse Comitatus Act.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bc0a99 No.4615394
Q Post 2647
Jan 5 2019 18:19:44 (EST)
Will POTUS be @ CD tomorrow?
[1 year delta]
Matters of NAT SEC?
The clock is ticking.
Follow the watch.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 886549 No.4616371
Q Post 2648
Jan 5 2019 19:09:17 (EST)
Several days?
What if this was always the plan?
Justice K.
Timing is everything.
Why deploy vested powers of the Office of the President (under ‘verifiable’ matters of National Security) when you can instead unveil America’s TRUE ENEMY?
Public awakening.
“We have has a very good relationship with Maggie Haberman of Politico over the last year. We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed. While we should have a larger conversation in the near future about a broader strategy for reengaging the beat press that covers HRC, for this we think we can achieve our objective and do the most shaping by going to Maggie.”
You are not safe.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6d1065 No.4617146
Q Post 2649
Jan 5 2019 19:50:25 (EST)
How do you outmaneuver the obstructionists?
How do you expose the obstructionists for what they really are?
They are only now figuring it out.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6d1065 No.4617497
Q Post 2650
Jan 5 2019 20:06:58 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 2e9572 No.4617213
Jan 5 2019 19:53:18 (EST)
This one was really a step on their own dick.
Why do D’s always PUSH (force R’s to include Spending Bills for approval) BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR FOREIGN AID?
Who audits where the money ‘actually’ goes?
How do politicians become ‘extremely’ wealthy while in office on gov’t salaries?
How do xyz ‘orgs’ etc. remain funded?
Why do D’s only care about CONTROL/POWER?
Welcome to the CON.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8f2403 No.4617772
Q Post 2651
Jan 5 2019 20:20:07 (EST)
Why, for decades, has the UN encouraged donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on foreign aid?
The corruption (infiltration) at the top (WW) has spread like cancer.
Listen again, carefully.
The Great Awakening.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8f2403 No.4618020
Q Post 2562
Jan 5 2019 20:29:01 (EST)
Anonymous ID: e59f72 No.4617970
Jan 5 2019 20:27:15 (EST)
Q, Couldn’t get the page to load
2.2 million attempted access within 1-2 minutes.
Site crashed.
There you have it, folks!
Let’s start analyzing!

Whoo Hooo!
Reblogged this on RedLegLeader Blog and commented:
News from the Allies!
Hey W – is it fair to say the [Schiff’s] about to hit the fan? 🙂
I think the answer is HELL YEAH!!!
Can you imagine…. Schiff (!!0…. his eyes might really pop out.
Quite a bit we’ve already seen and processed.
Our Q team is POINTING us to WHERE the ACTION is now.
Something tells me the KEY phrase above might just be, “Posse Comitatus Act..”
The history of the Act as described on Wikipedia appears to be extremely relevant, and this part in particular. I believe that Chinafornia is making sure that it keeps below the threshold discussed here:
In the mid-20th century, the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower used an exception to the Posse Comitatus Act, derived from the Enforcement Acts, to send federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas, during the 1957 school desegregation crisis. The Arkansas governor had opposed desegregation after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1954 in the Brown v. Board of Education that segregated public schools were unconstitutional. The Enforcement Acts, among other powers, allow the president to call up military forces when state authorities are either unable or unwilling to suppress violence that is in opposition to the constitutional rights of the people.[3]
ANTIFA. The Jim Crow pick-ax handle bashers of the now-LEFTIST Democrats.
“The Enforcement Acts, among other powers, allow the president to call up military forces when state authorities are either unable or unwilling to suppress violence that is in opposition to the constitutional rights of the people.”
That would certainly apply to ‘sanctuary cities’ where ‘authorities’ are UNWILLING to detain violent criminals, CHOOSING instead to set them loose on the population to rob, assault and murder.
Great point! 😉
Great point.
Add to that: Law enforcement is UNABLE, BECAUSE the authorities are UNWILLING.
Scott, thank you.
Which Democrat Poobah’s son was arrested in an Antifa operation?
Oh yeah – now I remember – it was Hillrotten’s running mate Tim Kaine’s son.
Antifa is the militant activist arm of the Democrat Party.
So are Occupy, BLM, BAMN, etc.
The Leftist Mainstream Media is also an activist wing of the Democrat Party.
That email exchange Brit Hume tweeted out between Cleta whoever and the press rats at McLatchy was pretty stunning. It is one thing to know intellectually that these things happen, but to actually read it as it was happening and despite Cleta’s adamant denials they just went on with their lies. Pretty eye opening.
Because Adam Schitt was just so believable. Ha.
Can you orient me, SA? I tried reading the chain, but stopped because I did not know what they were talking about. Was it the alleged use of the NRA to transmit Russian money/assistance to Trump?
Never mind! I got it!
When they said “read from the bottom” I read from the bottom, not the bottom of the first interchange.
I hate email chains. I always get disoriented.
SA, have now read the emails and WOW you were right, stunning.
Cleta is too nice to these Narrative Liars, but he has to hold back.
But the emails illustrate a point I have made once or twice on QTree, and it is about the ABSURD TONE adopted by these communists: “Nothing here but totally objective and impartial journalists solely interested in the truth, and by golly how how distressing it is for anyone to have any doubt about that”
This is the tone and manufactured ATTITUDE we get 100% of the time when Fake News is questioned, and the Fake News Fabricators address the issue. “Why, oh my gosh golly gee, listen buster, you just might be imperiling the 1st Amendment there, by questioning our bona fides. It should be quite obvious to any objective neutral observer that we are objective neutral observers”
This is communist party discipline. This is the advantage leftists have over us, the Perfected Phoniness.
And they know we know, which is part of the sadistic pleasure they get from doing what they do.
The McClatchey guy was just toying with Cleta, and Cleta did not see it (IMO).
Wolf is one of the few human beings I have encountered who “gets” this.
“The personal is political” means far, far more than most people understand, if they even ever thought about it or heard it. In part, it comes down to treating other people as dunces who are easily fooled.
Wheatie pointed out that communists are control freaks, and one word needs to be added, they are sadistic control freaks.
“And they know we know, which is part of the sadistic pleasure they get from doing what they do. ”
I’m certain you’re right. They take extra pleasure in making us participate in some phony belief system ritual and we know it is a lie and they know it is a lie, and it is so big a lie we feel ridiculous, and yet we have to do it and they love that we are humiliated by it and that they get to make us do it. It is horrible.
You and me and everyone has met this sort of person in our lives. You know they are lying and they know you know they are lying, but they get a sadistic pleasure in pretending otherwise, especially because it involves third parties who do not know the truth, they just know there is disagreement.
Criminals very mush have this sadistic inclination, one they share entirely with communists, who are much better at it.
Cleta Mitchell is a pittbull, especially in Election Law. I was surprised at how subdued she was during that email exchange. We all knew the MSM are just a bunch of Liars!
These people think we are stupid and uneducated.
They think we don’t know the Antifa/BLM/BAMN/OFA are the Nazi/Fascist/Marxist/Islamists all rolled into one.
They think we don’t know that Refuse Fascism was founded in 2016 by none other than Bob Avakian,
Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.
They think we don’t know about Alinsky, Marx, or about the history of Germany, Russia, Cuba, China, Iran, or even Venezuela.
They think we don’t know and understand that their ‘resist’ tactics are really sedition, treason, a kind of coup/revolution/rebellion against a lawfully elected government and President?
They think our President doesn’t know all this.
“In the mind of a far-left progressive, they believe their insane political perspectives are the only views that matter. They consistently over-estimate their geographical support and find their need for superiority such that it affords them a bizarre moral right to force their positions upon others.” – TLR2
ga, just love your posts, so super-excellent magawonderful.
Interesting how Lisa Mei’s thought processes converge with what we have been talking about here.
I thought so, too.
Q drop
Will POTUS be @ CD tomorrow?
[1 year delta]
Matters of NAT SEC?
The clock is ticking.
Follow the watch.
And if you touch that little empty box…
Pfft… I have a new iPad and no clue as to how this thing works, toddlers laugh at me.
Why did Brit Hume tweet that document a few days ago? Is he exposing the Scrub doc that no one else has paid attention to? I don’t think of Hume as being on our side, so curious.
The document is verrrrry interesting. Scathing. Who published it? McClatchy?
Gonna take awhile to ansorb everything in this post, Qpers!
I’m curious, as well, about Brit Hume’s tweet. I’d like to know what prompted that. And I’d like to know who released the email exchange.
New Q post from about a half hour ago:
5 Jan 2019 – 6:19:44 PM
Will POTUS be @ CD tomorrow?
[1 year delta]
Matters of NAT SEC?
The clock is ticking.
Follow the watch.
What does ‘CD’ stand for?
As for [1 year delta] there were several Q posts a year ago on Jan 5 2018, but the only one that might be relevant is this one:
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ab7ad6 No.248746 📁
Jan 5 2018 17:36:38 (EST)
Why is Hussein traveling the globe?
Acct # xx-XXXxx-x-39670
Acct # XXXxx-XXXx-2391
Where did the MONEY come from?
How do you destroy the most POWERFUL country in the world?
Direct attack?
Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest
level to destroy from within?
Think GAME.
Who are the PLAYERS?
What are the REWARDS?
We will make more public.
SA was strategic.
“We know” “Do as we say or face consequences”
These people are stupid!
No idea what ‘Follow the watch’ refers to. The time on the watch appears to be exactly (to the second) 3:14:00
Don’t know if the two smaller dials on the watch face are relevant, or not, can’t really see what they say.
CD is Camp David. Mulvaney is taking WH staff there for a meeting.
Thank you, Linda!
I tried searching the President’s schedule, and it brought up the Twitter source for the POTUS schedule, but it only said that there was nothing scheduled for the rest of today, nothing about tomorrow.
I read somewhere earlier today about the Camp David meeting this weekend, and that PDJT was going to be there Sunday for part of the day.
This site seems pretty cool.
Linda–Is POTUS going to CD tomorrow? Or do we even know…
Yes he is.
And PDJT will be there for part of the day on Sunday.
The time of the post (with the photo of the watch showing 3:14:00) was 18:19:44 (EST) or 6:19:44pm.
Assuming the watch is accurately set, the photo was posted exactly 3:05:44 after the photo was taken.
Since Q does not appear to be able to make posts show up at an exact time to the second (due to Internet lag, for lack of a better term or understanding), if there is any meaning to the difference between the time on the watch and the time of the post, the elapsed time between the two was essentially 3 hours and 5 minutes.
For whatever that’s worth…
3+14=17 ?
Thanks, Scott.
Q uses WH pen pics as confirmation that they are real. Perhaps that is Pres Trump’s watch? Just a wag?
ok never mind I see.
Just found out that “Lady Qanuck” posted a twit in re the official schedule posted about POTUS for today. The official twit was posted at 15:15 …
I don’t twit – can someone else capture it and post?
Thanks Marica!
You’re close – I think the twit was at 9:06, so maybe it’s #38?
That’s it – thanks!
You’re such a Tweetie! lol
Unusual for Q to post on a Saturday, especially afternoon/ evening.
A Search on one of the boards that posts Q posts using the search term “follow the” turned up several interesting results.
One which was repeated several times was “follow the pen” (Picture of pen next to watch; possibly on a table at Camp David?).
Just spitballing’.
Here’s something I just discovered. Check Q drop #481. It’s a picture of a pen on the desk at Camp David. POTUS was at Camp David exactly a year ago tomorrow.
I remember that photo.
The pen photo at Camp David was when husband and I looked at each other and said, okay, time to pay close attention…
From the Anons…Potus was at Camp David on Jan 6th, 2018:
That’s Q-post No. 481.
2.2 MILLION attempted to access within 1-2 minutes Site crashed
Waving furiously to SD!! HELLO?
LOL 😊😊🙄
Just calling his attn to the 2.2 million following Q.
“Just calling his attn to the 2.2 million following Q.”
That was just in the first 1-2 minutes. It takes most people longer than that to even realize there has been new Q posts 😁
Some time ago, back on August 1st of 2018, Q said the number of people following the Q posts was 52 to 58 million (tracking, which I guess means following) and 300 to 350 million ‘eyes on’ (which I guess means individual page-views, maybe).
I don’t know how fast the numbers double, but it must have doubled at least a couple times in the last 5+ months.
Anonymous ID: 3b30e7 No.2391787 📁
Aug 1 2018 12:08:11 (EST)
Est. Number of Patriots reached?
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: b3ecc4 No.2391916 📁
Aug 1 2018 12:15:09 (EST)
Eyes on: 300-350mm
Tracking: 52-58mm
Doubling at least a couple times in the last 5+ months is a complete guess on my part!
It would be nice to have some UPDATED numbers, and it would be encouraging for people to see how much bigger the ‘the awakening’ has grown.
Wow! TY Scott for that info. It is astounding!!
A couple months ago, I waved apathetically “Good-BYE!” …
‘S OK.’S all good. Everyone has their role. Wolfman has ‘splained this to us. Mebee the wolf is incorrect, but until proven so, I vote we all relax re SD. 🙂
Which site crashed?
I think the top one listed here:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8f2403 No.4617772 📁
Jan 5 2019 20:20:07 (EST)📁
Why, for decades, has the UN encouraged donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on foreign aid?
The corruption (infiltration) at the top (WW) has spread like cancer.📁
Listen again, carefully.
The Great Awakening.
That’s AWESOME!! 2.2 million in a few seconds…Fringe–yeah, sure.
It sure is.
It’s an INSTANT snapshot of ATTENTIVE viewership.
There isn’t any better poll / metric.
and it’s a SATURDAY Evening!! Rare for Q to post…
A Saturday evening post, no less 🙂
(Waiting for a Norman Rockwell moment – a return to normalcy)…
Q research board
The site?
No, the DOS site on foreign aid, I think – I couldn’t get it to load.
Well, one thing we do know — Q is ‘essential’ personnel.
My theories of who “Q on the scene” actually is ALWAYS assume that this person is super-essential, so nice to see confirmation.
The buzz I always hear is that we would be surprised at who Q was
The link on the post to the foreign assistance document crashed and gave a 502 error.
I’m excited about post No. 2645…where Q mentions Antifa.
Does this mean that Antifa is going to be exposed as an arm of the DNC?
Hope so!
I mean, we know that it is…but the enemedia has covered it up and acted like it’s just some kids out there blowing off steam.
I wonder if Occasional-Cortex chick participated in Antifa or Occupy demonstrations?
It wouldn’t surprise me.
I’ve suspected that the main reason they wear masks…is because there are people in Antifa who are govt employees and/or connected to the DNC and Dem politicians.
Like Tim Keane’s son.
And teachers and professors.
Also like the discussion of Maggie Habermann and –YOU ARE NOT SAFE.-Q
End of Operation Mockingbird?!! can’t come soon enough…
I would love to see sneering Maggie under oath, having to answer questions about how she planted stories to help Hillary get elected.
I’m still wondering if this is part of the story here:
So Zoe can see it:
The conductor is the handler.
Very kind, Sue.
Thank you.
Yeah, me too.
I tend to think that her whole reason for that cryptic tweet, was to use the words, “for emergencies only”.
As in…alerting her cohorts to switch to some sort of ’emergencies only’ type of communications that they had set up.
Or to *do something* that they had set up to do, in the event of something happening.
Good theory. Fishy tweet, fishy purpose.
Came back from dinner at a Chinese restaurant, replete and comfy and enjoying my tea. Check to see if there are more Q drops…holy cow. Now my mouth is dry, my palms are sweating, and the adrenaline is running high. I’m a nervous wreck.
And I’m so darned glad to have you guys to share this with.
Same Sylvia! except for the Chinese dinner –;)
I’m a nervous frickin’ wreck. This feels momentous.
Yeah, it *does* feel momentous, doesn’t it.
I’ll be watching tomorrow’s news like a hawk! (And I don’t mean the fake news sources)
And in a half hour, you’ll be hungry again 🙂
Master Troller!!
Are you kidding me?!? What a Warrior; that man does not FLINCH !!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I am thinking “THE PAIN IS COMING” too hehe!!!
After POTUS declares the southern border a national emergency, which it is, his full cabinet told him it was, and real Americans already know it is, and he/we have that on the internets, he can then not just use 5.6 billion for the wall. He can use as much money as required to do the whole job right.
Lovin the way you think para!!
From an anon at the research board in response to the Q post “Will POTUS be at CD tomorrow” there is a flight tracking map with many Army & Navy planes in and out of LR, Ark. today.
Hard not to have expectations…but let us not. Let us be vigilant in observing.
Has something happened to lead us to think he’s not going to go after all? I was out for awhile and haven’t heard anything new….
“…Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney invited White House Senior Staff to Camp David for a staff retreat to lay out the administration’s 2019 priories. President Trump will join the team and lead meetings on Sunday,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement…”
POTUS tweeted he was going!!!
Q posted about it before Potus tweeted that out, though…right?
unsure…Let me do some checking…
Potus tweet was 51 minutes ago…so…
Q posted the question “who’s going to CD? at 6:19 tonite…
Here’s PDJT’s tweet:
These time stamps can vary, though…because of the way they localize to the viewer’s time zone.
Q posted about it at 18:19:44 in post No. 2647.
Time stamps do not “vary,” but do “localize” to your time zone. 2647 was at 15:19:44 (PST), so it shows at 3:19:44 PM PST for me. For Praying Medic, it would be 16:19:44, or 4:19:44 PM. Etc.
that is why Dave Hayes (PM) says to make certain you use your own time zone when referencing Q/POTUS/etc drops regarding deltas
Anyone else tempted to forgo sleep and monitor the boards? Resist the urge! Sleep is the best stress reliever, especially between 10pm and 2am (in your time zone) according to my nutrition/keto friend/guru.
I am loving the “digging” going on tonite by everyone on the Q tree!! Very Qwel!!!
Just went to Praying Medic–This Q post! WWG1WGA!
Exactly! They can say anything when they know they won’t be held to actually following through.
I give Sundance credit for opening my eyes to that tactic between Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell. How many times did I get optimistic when the House passed something only to have it die in the Senate when the GOP held both majorities. I feel so used sometimes, but it has made me skeptical about everything from here on!
And now we have bona fide ‘Promises Made; Promises Kept’ President Trump. Always working to get the best possible deal for us.
I agree Alison! I will always LOVE SD! HE opened my eyes prior to the election! But now I search everywhere! Not as good as so many here and even OT–But I will NEVER trust MSM -including FOX ever again–Will NEVER go back to Absorbing FAKE NEWS and Opinion Shows Again…But I will also NEVER GO Negative on our POTUS or THIS amazing SITE!
How bout Wolfie and Flep tag teaming here?! WHAT? GOD has certainly given us more blessings!!!
I can NEVER thank you enough for reaching out to me to come here!! NEVER! You are my Angel!
I can NEVER thank you enough for reaching out to me to come here!! NEVER! You are my Angel!
She is indeed! But you cannot claim sole possession on ThanQs for bringing you here! You’re just have first dibs! 😉 😀
Love You Wolfie!! From your posts OT and the Famous Roller coaster POST to our twitter connections (I died laughing With the Comey Posts !) to coming to this site –Souls connected.. FO SHO!
Alison deserves a lot of credit, but we all wanted Marica. Personally I think Steve must have had a hand in it somewhere.
From the Anons…a rotated view of the watch:

Showing time of 15:14:59…or rounded to 15:15.
It’s an expensive chronograph watch, which not everyone knows how to read.
So an Anon posted this:
(sorry if this posts really big)
Q said…”Follow the watch.”
So whose watch is this?
Another cap from the Anons…this is interesting:

Hmm…15:15…does it relate to this:
More about the chronograph watch:
So we ALL know our POTUS can afford this watch–But so can pretty much ANYONE in Congress–However, Congress critters are mostly DS Swamp — So..let’s go from this premise…It’s either Potus watch, a gift to a close Trump ally, a hint to who Q is..OR NOT?…IS it important to even know who owns this watch? I dunno.. Man’s watch right?
They are digging like crazy on the watch. No confirmation this is POTUS watch. Some think it is Don, Jr., but lack confirm.
Totally been waiting for you to weigh in daughn!!! Cheers to Saturday and Q drops!! and Friday FLEP DROPS!! Wolfie’s Site is truly Da BOMB! (my kids would kill me for that)!
This diagram is helpful, too:

Just wondering if you look at the numbers of the hour hand 3 and the minute hand 14, add the two of them 3+14=17, then the date display 5 and the small seconds hand 40, add the two of them 5+40=45. I don’t know what the 17 means but could the 45 mean it’s President Trumps watch?
Pi day – 3:14:15 9 (2653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944…and on, and on, and on)
Per the Anons, confirmed, this is the same watch Kevin Spacey wore in House of Cards.
That’s kind of creepy.
It sure is.
So were the show’s people simulating the VSGPOTUS watch? It sounds like something sick Hollyweird would do – have a MOLESTA play the President and wear the same watch. And that fits in with all of their digital-ad-world pedo smears against Trump during the election. I was continuously bombarded with malvertising to clickbait sites alleging Trump-Ivanka scandals during the primary season and beyond.
Strange stuff.
PS: 3:14:59 is oddly similar to the value of pi – 3.141592
What are the documents under the watch and pen?
Ask the right questions, will you! 😉
I’m trying to keep up…does it mean time is up for the Moloch crowd?
That doesn’t make any sense to me..why show that watch? There’s got to be something more. We need more context.
I was over reading on 8chan awhile ago, and one anon discovered that a picture of Kavanaugh during the hearing had his watch at the exact same time. Don’t know if it’s the same watch, though.
I saw that. We just need some more context. Showing a watch Spacey wore seems inconsequential to me. Q uses pics like that to make a point. What is the point? I get locking the time sequence in…but it doesn’t explain the choice of the watch.
Follow the watch may mean follow who has it, and THAT could mean POTUS to Spacey.
They may also be playing a code game with the watch. PI is half a circle, and it could reference the opposite side of the Q clock.
not sure….your guess is as good as mine…I want to see if someone can confirm that POTUS does not wear that watch.
In thinking of it as ‘Pi’…with a line going into a circle:

The little icon for a power on/off button is sort of a graphic representation of Pi:
Which also looks like a ‘Q’:
And the little icon is also a symbol for…Shutdown:
Which is what is going on right now — a Shutdown.
I’m just throwing this out there.
Free associating.
“Follow the watch.” <– may not mean 'follow who has it'.
It might mean 'follow what it is showing'.
Why is the little second hand in the small dial, showing 40 seconds?
I have no idea.
But is it important?
I have never seen House of Cards or Game of Thrones– But It’s the Millenials favs! Conditioning the masses by Hollywierd to make it seem “Normal?”
Yes, they’re trying to normalize pedophilia, as if it’s just another sexual orientation. There have been quite a few articles lately with that twist. I don’t think any normal people are going to buy that.
Nope. “MAP” (minor-attracted person) ain’t gonna fly.
Linda! I got a GUN that’s gonna stop this Normalizing of pedo Shit! But you are right! lots of articles by our ever present FAKE NEWS ASShats!! This is the stuff that makes my head explode!
House of Cards was riveting.
Note: Unusually, Dems have a hard time separating fiction from the real world.
Holy Pentagon Chief of Staff Rear Admiral Kevin Sweeney just resigned. Shanahan pushing the buttons.
Makes sense. Both he and Mattis came out of retirement to serve – I imagine Mattis called Sweeney out of retirement to be his CoS. Mattis gone, right-hand man gone.
clearing the deck I guess.
What if the real reason Mattis was let go was because he refused to allow the military to build the wall.
Then I would say he surely needed to leave, and leave fast. And I would say what a disappointment he turned out to be. 🙁
That would better explain his nasty goodbye note too.
Yes – good call. would explain why the Red Castle – Green Castle Q post didn’t happen as scheduled back in March. POTUS planned this all along and Mattis kept blocking it. The Syria withdrawal argument was Pres Trump’s excuse to dump him
AND logic! It can solve so much!
Mattis was apparently dragging his heals on the Space Force, too.
Which was not good.
While the Space Force will be under the auspices of the DOD…our US Space Program is under the Commerce Dept.
The Space Force will act as protector and facilitator, for our Space Program, which our President envisions as a partnership with business entrepreneurs.
Sec Wilbur Ross posted an Op-Ed about that yesterday:
“That Moon Colony Will Be a Reality Sooner Than You Think”
If we look back at our History, exploration was done mainly to find new resources…with commerce in mind.
This is how our President views our Space Program.
We will have a partnership with business entrepreneurs, to defray the costs.
And in return…those partners will have the opportunity to develop whatever new resources are discovered.
Space Tourism will eventually be a part of this, with people being able to take trips into space to visit the installations.
Our Space Force will provide protection and help to facilitate this exploration and development.
It’s brilliant, really.
Mattis apparently did not embrace this vision.
Thanks, Wheatie, I’ve bookmarked this to read. I know I’m going to enjoy it!!!
Looks like Mattis was a bad hire
Well, he had the experience necessary to stomp out ISIS…so there was that.
But as far as being the right ‘fit’ for our President…no, he wasn’t.
Frankly, I have seen few besides Q and Rich Higgins who truly understand Chinese and REAL Soviet/Russian military thinking, which does as much through social, cultural, and economic means as possible. One needs multi-disciplinary FIGHTERS who get all of that, or else nations which understand deep subversion will use it while we’re blind to it. The Sovietized CIA likely tried to keep as much of that thinking as possible away from our military to hobble them.
If one can’t see the WALL as a military weapon, one is centuries or millennia behind CHINA.
Great comment, Wolfie. Lots to think about there!!!!
Mattis was useful for sort of whipping the military into shape. The military guys liked him, he was able to make some fixes that were needed and help guide the rearming/requipping process, as well as taking care of ISIS as you said.
But he and PDJT obviously disagree on how to proceed. Do you remember TRex talking about how he and Mattis had breakfast or lunch together every day? They worked very, very closely. Great! Except TRex was also interested in pursuing something other than what PDJT wanted.
I suspect any experienced battle commander could have done that.
It’s difficult to get past the rank of Colonel (and many start earlier) without playing in the game of politics. Both Mattis and Kelly rose up under eight years of Obama. Lots of things have likely rubbed off on them and there are lists of things they opposed POTUS on from transgender in the military, to how to treat allies and enemies and who might be who and much has been convoluted by Obama’s objectives many they may had adopted and bought into like climate change and such.
Then POTUS steps in with a new prospective a hundred and eighty degrees from where they were before and they feel uncomfortable with it because they invested themselves into O’s policies to one degree or another or they would not of survived his administration at their rank. Not to mention allegiance to defense contractors and what force that might bring to them should their views differ from the views of POTUS. Even the whole don’t upset the Muslims thing they likely still abide by.
Lay into all that, the up and downs of the administration as one party keeps gunning for POTUS and it’s hard for them to think of a future for themselves should POTUS go down which is the objective of the dems (akkk… didn’t say fraudocrats…will try harder next time 🙂 ) to make the people in POTUS’s administration nervous. If they don’t share the convictions of the President then they needed to move on. Ty for your service now be gone.
Someone else left…a DOD spokeswoman? Just saw that somewhere today. I assumed it was part of the whole shake up.
I am certain the Pentagon is the swampiest of swamps and needs a thorough dredging.
and notice Shanahan is an outsider.
I wasn’t aware of that, but I’m sure if he’s an outsider that is a good thing.
IMHO, the greatest value of Q is when he/she/they attempt to make the citizenry aware of issues to raise public attention. Q has dropped links to sources I would have never considered and in this way, we learn, we become invested and better citizens – active instead of passive.
Additionally, if we were to imagine Q drops had a subject line, we then become more aware of everything which crosses our desk relate to a particular subject.
In these latest Q posts, we have:
2643 – leaks from Adam Schiff and others. Mueller losing his proverbial credit limit.
2644 – focus on massive sums of taxpayer dollars, block granted, and lack of accountability, particularly foreign aid.
2645 – AntiFa as the hired brownshirts, as opposed to real citizens protesting in France or across the world, and the subsequent black out from the international press corps.
2646 – specific reference to citizen Trump who was adored by the black community, as opposed to the media’s attempt to paint President Trump as a racist or another ‘ism’ AND how this connects to a larger goal of globalists to tear peoples apart so they no longer trust police/ICE and those institutions created to protect the people.
2647 – the photo of watch, pen, and leather cover of a Presidential EO.
2648 – Spotlight on Maggie Haberman of NYTimes, a former fav of the Clintons, who SEEMS to become aware of PDJT’s interest/possible use of military funds to build border wall. We need to watch Maggie, specifically, as she has been the subject of Q interest before today.
2649 – Expanding the 2648 post from ‘only’ Maggie to MSM writ large, Q mocks the MSM who is only now becoming aware of a possible plan to use military funding for the border wall.
2650 – Frustration with the childish zeal of the Dems and their motivation for regaining power, funding sources. Id foreign aid a laundering scheme to enrich corrupt politicians? Time to follow the money.
2651 – Like an exclamation point, Q calls our attention to foreign aid funding – backed up by the “Speech that won Donald Trump the election”
2652 – So many Anons checked the gov’t link (2.2 million) within Q’ post, we crashed the site. Gives everyone a tertiary measure of interest in Q.
Be aware, ear to the ground, share and call attention to these items above… and above all, as the President says, enjoy the ride.
Daughn, this q summary and explanation very helpful to me. Thank you so much.
We’re all learning together. It’s a beautiful thing, even when it’s ugly news.
There is a good video out already this morning by IPOT explaining the Q Posts