Dear MAGA: 20190308 Open Topic

This FLAG-HUGGING FRIDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Also consider the amended Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
  4. No shooting at the nuclear warheads.

Just sayin’ on #4. Use ’em, lose ’em, but don’t create a needless situation.



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Here. This is a big wow to me!comment image


Uh oh, Gil…it says “Error” on that link.
What is it that is the ‘big wow’?


I went to bed right after but yep, thats the big wow!


Was this the ‘big wow’, Gil?comment image
If so…then, yeah, it’s a big wow!


Israel, like the USA and most Western Nations, needs to repent of the sin of promoting abortion and homosexuality.
This is the reason for the rise of Islam in the West.
Old Testament shows that whenever the Children of Israel descended into sin, they were taken captive by the Assyrian/Babylonian/Pagan/Islamist types.
Isaiah 10:5 – Assyria is a rod of discipline in the hand of GOD.
See also Isaiah 26:3 and 30:15
Isaiah 31:8-9 – Assyria can’t be defeated except by the Sword of the Lord (the Word of GOD). See Nehemiah 8-9 what happened when the Children of Israel ‘discovered’ the Book of the Law and became repentant.
II Chronicles 7:14 – Real sincere prayer and repentance are needed to heal our nations – and – a return to obedience.
It is a spiritual battle that Israel is in. Only repentance and obedience can make us victorious over the evils of satanic Islam and our own Sin!
Dear Father GOD, please give us the gift of sincere and whole-hearted repentance and deliverance from evil! Your Way, Truth and Life are our only true Salvation and Redemption and Peace. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen


Again, Isaiah 31:8-9 says the sword of man cannot defeat Assyria (Islam) only the Sword of the LORD, the Word of GOD.


Once the Church and the Pope get cleaned up then you can turn to Israel.


Hey, NY Guy, I’m not singling out Israel or anyone. All Western nations have turned away from G-D’s law.
The Catholic Church and Pope have a long way to go to even repent of the sins among the hierarchy. I’ve followed that scummy scandal for a long time.


I don’t understand why you used Israel as your focus. Muslim expansion has primarily occured across Europe. Look at Sweden as an example. What Israel does has little bearing on how fast that has spread over there.


The discussion was about Israel, wasn’t it?


No I didn’t see that. All I saw was that you added Israel to the discussion. You realize that there are parts of Paris and London that I ..yes me…cannot walk in anymore.


Maybe someone else had mentioned Israel… I’m still waking up after being on the road until late yesterday. No intention to single out Israel, believe me. There are many that have strayed from G-D’s Word and Will…including me every day. Love you!


ok…no worries.


I said Western Nations – which includes Sweden, and all of Europe. As we disobey the Law of the Lord, we harm ourselves. Sin always = harm.


I love Israel – have been to Israel. I wept on Massada, at the Golan Heights, Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, Eastern Gate, Wailing Wall. It is the Apple of G-D’s Eye.


Good because using Israel as a way to condemn the spread of Muslim activity is a passive form of anti-semitism. If you want to rile me up, go down that road


I may have mistaken MIGA in the photo above for Make Israel Great Again.


If you want to know what it is like to be discriminated against, hang out with me when anti-semites find out I am Jewish. Listen to how they talk to me. I don’t take this lightly. Neither should any of you.


Those who hate Jews and Israel are enemies of G-D! Truth.


just sayin’…walk a mile in my shoes and you will see. I have been asked if I jewed someone down in negotiations. Or when I was in the investment business, being told they want me because Jews know money better. Do you understand how offensive that is?


I grew up in the era when name-calling wasn’t limited to Jews…. and many other groups were targeted with derisive disparaging remarks. I also wept when the mob beat elderly, and when blacks were targeted by KKK in movies.
I will always despise Sharpton for his horrible actions against Jews in NY.
I do understand suffering. I have many personal wounds, but not that kind of prejudice against me, except for my families actions, betrayal, and my own faults. I did not get into a program at a university because of being a conservative and a Christian.


ok let’s just move on. Anti-semitism is on the rise and it is not good. I never talk about Christians the way anti-semites talk about me. I look at each person’s character and that is what drives me. You know….the MLK thing.
I definitely know you have no ill will directed at me so if this is too harsh, I apologize.


What’s happening in Europe – esp. the violence against the Jewish people – is utterly despicable.


I was wrong both times – It was MIGA – Make India Great Again – h/t – Praying Medic

Jan Phillips

Amen, GA/FL!


Look at the photo above – MIGA – Make Israel Great Again, right?
Or that’s what I took it to be. Maybe it’s Make Islam Great Again, which would be impossible, since Islam is not great and never has been.

2 treehouses R better than 1

Curious – haven’t seen Bakocarl in a while at the CTH. He is here or MIA? Hope he is well.


He opened today’s open thread with a poem for patrickhenrycensored…


He was gone for a while before the purge. Very very few comments and never any poems. His wife posted a little more but neither around so much. Many many people are gone. Geez I would love to have Ziggi over here!


Just an aside……
I would like to see Chief Justice John Roberts among those ARRESTED and CONVICTED of TREASON.


be careful, word is he and RBG have been working out together with Jussie’s personal trainer!


lol 🙂


Rayzorbak, I second that! And if the prophecy given by Mark Taylor is correct, it is IMHO very likely to happen. Mark wrote the Trump Prophecy where he said God told him Trump would appoint 5 Supreme Court Justices.


I am very leary about modern day “Prophets”….
That 100% correct thing…. or all false.


“Speculators” are a different thing 🙂

Curry Worsham

Here’s a wow!. Pay no attention to Hanteruptus.
Beck: “By the time he got to Israel, he was proving me wrong every step of the way.”
How many votes will former looney tune, Glenn Beck, bring to 2020?

Curry Worsham

Whoops! That was the Democrats!

Sadie Slays

The cabal blew their ammo when nobody followed Jerome Corsi’s and Ann Coulter’s attempts to steer us back to the official narrative. Now they’re sending in Glenn Beck and hoping for some bites. My estimation is that he’ll go back to being Never Trump right when the Presidential Election heats up.
These morons are so predictable.

Curry Worsham

I believe he is too strongly anti-socialist to go back.
We need his influence.
That doesn’t mean I forgive him for 2016.

Deplorable Patriot

Beck imploded long ago.
You make a good point, though. Wonder who will be the next neocon refugee to beg for asylum.


There ya’ go. Neocons begging for asylum.


What is Beck wearing?
Is that a work apron?
I think that Hannity misspoke at the 3:19 mark.
He said…”I’m not a conservative either.”
And I think he probably meant to say ‘not a Republican’, because Hannity is a member of the Conservative Party.
Beck is right about the people he has endorsed — they have always lost.
So I don’t know if I want him to ‘endorse’ Pres Trump!

Harry Lime

I wonder if that’s his Cheeto apron…he could do a face-plant at any time.


I tried, but I can’t watch or listen.
Beck, during the campaign: “If the consequence of standing against Trump and for principles is indeed the election of Hillary Clinton, so be it. At least it is a moral, ethical choice.”
He would have stood by and let Hillary win. He would have let a “moral, ethical choice” put Hillary — the opposite of moral and ethical — in office.
He couldn’t see that the only person who had a chance of getting America out of the grave trouble she was in was Donald Trump.
I don’t know if Beck needs something from us because he lost a lot of support, but I’m done. If he supports Pres. Trump now, that’s good. But I don’t support Beck because he lost my trust due to his complete lack of judgment, jeopardizing the future of this country, his attacks on Trump supporters; and his lack of transparency about his real motives (having to do with Mormonism, not Christianity). If he had apologized for the things he said and did during the campaign, I might have a more favorable opinion of him.


What he needs *right now* is: R.E.V.E.N.U.E. Plain and simple … [re]selling his soul for bail money to keep his “enterprise” afloat. As some of our QTree Ladies would say, spit!


Beck has also got a bit of megalomania – wants to be a King Maker and to influence the election. He’s also a Mormon – and believes in the White Horse prophecy wherein a Mormon will save the USA when the Constitution is hanging by a thread.
Did you know the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, also wanted to run for President before he was killed by a posse while in jail. Smith and his co-conspirator had been run out of territory after territory because he was preaching a false religion, seducing women and perpetuating bank frauds.
Their new religion, Mormonism, was a confabulation of the spiritualism, prevalent in the Burnt Over district in New York, and Islam, as its name attests (Moor-man). Burnt Over District was suffering from too much religion due to a series of emotional revivals that affected the area) which gave rise to the Amana movement and a bunch of other quasi-Christian movements. Almost everybody there became a preacher, prophet and seer. There was even a ‘Great Disappointment’ where a bunch of people following a preacher sold everything and expected the Lord to return on a certain date.
Glenn Beck’s radio voice reveals his personality – he’s very smooth, persuasive, a bit rabid/over blown enthusiastic. This may be due to his traumatic childhood, drug addictions, etc. Do not believe a word he says. He’s ego-driven and self-interested.


DJT can read Beck like a book and will never give him the time of day – because of this:
Trump will never ever forgive Beck for smearing Melania.


Agree 100%
And Yes, Beck needs something from us….

Curry Worsham

Fair enough.


That’s actually a great train wreck vid, Curry.
Hope no one was hurt!
And the destruction of the train is definitely not a ‘good thing’.
But it’s a good metaphor for what the Dems are doing right now.

Curry Worsham

As Flep said, it’s a “Train Wreak”.

Curry Worsham

“Train Wreaks Havoc”


Is RBG Dancing with the stars?
SCOTUS has been RUTHLESS far too long.


Several new Q posts up.
#2998 :
>>5565314 (/pb)
Something you should explore further.
Impressive, most impressive.
Here is the post that Q is calling impressive. Wow.
Keking out right now. Pretty sure I found something. Rip me apart if I’m wrong though. So many shills on here. You’re missing crumbs. Look here, not [here]. Responding to post 2996 Q says, “how is that possible for a ‘supposed’ non_gov entity?”
How is it possible that FB tracks data even when the app is deleted? In post 2993 (3/7/109) Q is calling out @Snowden. So I used the filter to find posts relating to WikiLeaks. Q’s post from July 31, 2018 is a screenshot of the Wikileaks Vault 7… released MARCH 7. Sounds confusing just trying to show you my thought process, stay with me, it makes sense.
“Unlike bullets, bombs or missiles, most CIA malware is designed to live for days or even years after it has reached its ‘target’. CIA malware does not “explode on impact” but rather permanently infests its target. In order to infect target’s device, copies of the malware must be placed on the target’s devices, giving physical possession of the malware to the target. To exfiltrate data back to the CIA or to await further instructions the malware must communicate with CIA Command & Control (C2) systems placed on internet connected servers. But such servers are typically not approved to hold classified information, so CIA command and control systems are also made unclassified.” FROM VAULT 7
Links below that direct you to user forums on how to not leave a digital fingerprint that can be associated with the CIA, and how to construct an imitation fingerprint. Using Facebook as their ‘fingerprint’ they are able to install malware on peoples’ phones, tablets, and computers which relay all data back to a central server using HIVE.
I suggest all anons who have given up life to research this shit like me should read this document to completion.
I noticed the enormous amount of comparisons between “packets of data” and “bombs”, dunno why probably just autistic. I looked back in the Qmap and on March 5, 2019 an anon posted how London Police “called them bombs not suspicious packages” Q responds in 2974 with “Fire”.
I went into Vault 7 Projects, search for “fire”….
“Angelfire is an implant comprised of five components: Solartime, Wolfcreek, Keystone (previously MagicWand), BadMFS, and the Windows Transitory File system”
“Keystone is part of the Wolfcreek implant and responsible for starting malicious user applications. Loaded implants never touch the file system, so there is very little forensic evidence that the process was ever ran.” This makes post Q 381 much easier to understand
“We Won’t telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.
We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.”
Q is saying that they are using the Anglefire to predict the Deep State’s moves without being detected. In the user files it says a key must be used to open magicwand (keystone). In Q post 270 he says that ADM R/NSA (W&W) + POTUS/USMIL = Apply the Keystone. Paint the Picture. In post 167 Q says POTUS opened the door of all doors. Expand your thinking. What is the keystone? Now this could be confirmation bias but based off of what we just read we can now infer that Q was saying trump gave Admiral Rogers permission to use Keystone and Activate malware in order to collect data on DS. Furthermore who uses a magicwand? A wizard. (W&W)


VERY good sauce here…


It’s going to take several readings for me to digest it all. I have wondered if the Trump administration was somehow spying on the Deep State. Otherwise, how would they “have it all”?


Adm. Rogers…… NSA has LEGAL authority to do DOMESTIC surveillance ….. C_A does NOT!


Because of the ONGOING criminality, there is ongoing probable cause to conduct surveillance of the bad guys.
IMO the bad guys have had every minute of their lives recorded, observed and documented for a long, long time.
When they figured this out, they realized how severely restricted their activities had to be.
And with the restrictions, their planning was severely hampered (IMO).
With severely hampered planning comes bad decisions, inept tactics, foolish statements, loose cannons, and train wreaks.

Deplorable Patriot

Or they went to alternate methods that were not as easy to conceal. Driving them off of one platform, and to one that is more open and twinkles, right into the waiting accounts of a handful of names who could give orders once traps were set.
This is turning out to be one heck of a show.


Along these lines……..
Removal of security clearance(s) caused them to expose other folks to get current intel
(Which of course was monitored)


spot on Wolf


I knew it! Trump IS Batman!


comment image


Here’s a follow-up post by that same anon:
Final Bits…
Q post 664
“Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT?
Black Forest.
FIRE sale days after post?
What went on there?
You have more than you know.”
Here Q posts under a pic of Trump calling out Adam Shit for leaking classified information. Again, we see the use of the word fire and it’s in reference to knowing inside information (data collection on Deep State Ops). Also let’s look at dopey, who we know from a Trump tweet on 12/11/15 is Alwaleed bin Talal. OG anons know that his assets were seized after Trump’s executive order issued on Dec, 21, 2017 which seized property of people involved in corruption. Alwaleed was arrested by Royal Saudi Authorities. His important assets? Twitter. Looked for twitter/tweet as a keyword for shits and giggles. Not an obsessive freak who says that when u reverse all the words, and shit on your keyboard Q appears.
Came across Q post 1221.
“Why do many DC journalists (yourself) use &
replace ‘burner phones’ every week?
How do you pass the new number out?
Tweets are very important.”
Journalists all work from a desk at one point in their week which means that they log onto twitter on their computer at least once a week. The Malware that the CIA employed is now controlled by the NSA, “You may have the site but we have the source” (Q post 1595). By using Facebook on their computers their entire computer is comped and thus their DM’s on twitter, which they use to give out their burner numbers”
Q constantly repeats “we have it all” and a lot of anons are too busy being distracted by disinformation to look at real facts such as this. Yes the post to post jumps were a stretch, and I was just trying to show my though process. Be constructive lmk what’s valid and what’s not. Better anon make a graphic if u think this is a notable.

Deplorable Patriot

And here the anons were obsessed with the site and the source being Wikileaks and Julian Assange.


WE are the news now!
Great Reporting anon (TT)

Deplorable Patriot

Reading that sauce was pure pleasure this morning.
The NSA is using the C_A’s toys against them.
Ha ha ha ha.


Good find!


Explanation makes sense.

Plain Jane

Hey friends, talk me off a ledge. Face value of this seems scary.


Yes it’s kinda scary…but it’s Un-Constitutional, Jane.
These Dem-controlled states are trying to do an end run around the Constitution.
These high-tax Blue States are losing residents.
They know that the next Census will result in them losing electoral votes…and House seats, as well.
This will probably be challenged in the courts and end up in the Supreme Court.
Where it will hopefully be shot down…because it is seeking to disenfranchise millions of voters in other states.


Yeah, I don’t agree with him there…and I don’t know if he went on to ‘qualify’ that statement later in that interview because I didn’t see the whole thing.
It was us lower-population states that put him in the White House.
If it weren’t for the Electoral College…we would have the Hilldebeast in there now!
The 2016 election showed us the importance of preserving the Electoral College.


Thanks…that’s another thing that makes you wonder who he was speaking to…just generally anymore if something POTUS says/does causes me to pause, I just remember the comment/action wasn’t directed to me…he has many players in many countries he communicates with publicly in interviews…


That’s why they all have to be Sent Back Home.
Asylum is not a permanent status.
It is temporary.
If ISIS has been destroyed…which it has…then the ’emergency situation’ that they fled from, No Longer Exists!

Pat Frederick

Amen! let’s start with all those Somalis in Omar’s district…

CM in TN

This is a reply for Pat,
What really galls me is that these “so called” refugees continue to go back and forth to their country of origin to vacation and visit, but yet it is too dangerous there and thus they need asylum here. If it is ok to tra el back, they need to go back permanently…no more refugee designation…same for the Hatians that fled the earthquake 7 years+ ago…


So, according to Scott Walker, who complains that 12 states elect the president (which is literally untrue), we should instead change to having 12 cities elect the president.
The Electoral College is one reason we have the United States.
While abolishing the Electoral College, why not also abolish the states and the senate, and just legislate with the House, and make every law a national law?
Direct democracy is just another form of tyranny, and an innately much stupider and corrupt form of tyranny than the other tyrannies.

Deplorable Patriot

“While abolishing the Electoral College, why not also abolish the states and the senate, and just legislate with the House, and make every law a national law?”
That’s the goal.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree. I can’t imagine this one would pass a Supreme Court challenge, or enough p!$$@# off voters who mobilize to reverse pr challenge it on their state ballots.


I’m with you.. but how will it get to the supreme court if there are no challenges??? The electoral college is why we are a republic!!!

Deplorable Patriot

It’s going to have to come from the people.

Plain Jane

Thanks Wheatietoo. That’s what I thought, but I fear counting on the Robert’s court.


A number of articles make the process sound easy and legal; no problem. But the issue is more complicated than they represent. I think they are trying to gain popular support.
Here is a good article that goes into issues surrounding the ability of states to enter into compacts with each other.


the “popular support” they seek is another term for “democracy” and that is how they are going to play it.
if people have not gotten around to studying house bill HR1 – and it get’s a tiny bit of attention in tweets here and there and people talk about it however it’s main points have not yet been elucidated as far as i can see in the “news” or in a bullet list in a tweet, etc.
it contains not only loopholes for illegal voting which includes banning the use of database querying of voter roles to find out if someone is illegally voting for up to 6 months prior and 6 months post election… it does away with most provisional balloting (one example) allowing people to register without vetting and place their vote immediatley into the main ballot box whereas now those provisional votes go into a pile to be used later, if needed, after the voters information has been corroborated. it calls to lower the voting age. it puts restrictions on judges and administrations or voter panels to legally pursue voting laws calling it voter suppression.
there are other things also – executive branch limitations, etc.


The reasoning in this article also demonstrates (implicitly) why the 60 vote rule in the Senate is unconstitutional.

Plain Jane

Thanks TheseTruths. Will read after Mass and the gym.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s a couple of things here. As others have mentioned, the whole effort is unconstitutional on its face. If a single citizen with deep pockets challenges this all the way to the Supreme Court with a solid conservative majority, it dies without a constitutional amendment.
Note that the states NOT passing these “laws” are the ones that elected our current president.
There is an established citizen based effort to keep elections clean, and press for voter rolls to be audited and cleaned up if necessary. Some states are actually doing that and getting sued for their trouble. At the very least, publicity is trickling out as to the “irregularities” of voting patterns that don’t jive with population totals and tendencies.
And, I also think that the 2020 census is in play. The Trump Administration put the citizenship question back on it. That being the case, if only citizens are counted in how the House seats are divvied up, the face of the electoral map is going to completely change. Dems don’t want that happening, either.
The Democrats are desperately trying to find a way back to the White House, and the popular vote route is the one they’ve chosen to pursue in the states where they have control of the state houses, which just happen to be some of the ones with huge numbers of electoral college votes.
Come in off the ledge on this one. It’s exposing the Dems for the desperate sorts they are, and further damaging their brand with true patriots.

Plain Jane

DP. I agree with everything you just said. Also, we really have to get peeps torealize how important the Sec. of State officeis. I’m m pretty much off the ledge, kind of. Hate though that there are so manyRepubs for it.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, winning Secretary of State offices was one of Soros’s publicly admitted initiatives in recent years. Not sure if he’s still pursuing that, though.

Plain Jane

Yep, it is/was. I doubt they let go of that bone.


I wish I had some some money for each time I heard Trump say something that seemed off to me….. Only to have an “AH Ha” moment in the weeks to come 🙂


Me, too Rayzorbak, and one in particular that I stewed over for more than a few minutes led me to understanding, he’s not always talking to me or even people like me. It truly is complicated business!

Plain Jane



Do not fear….It takes 2/3 of Congress or 2/3 of all 50 States to change.
Because the Electoral College process is part of the U.S. Constitution, it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system.
The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.


it’s a little sketchy – there have been at least 3 discussions on this site where several of us have discussed it – and while it appears to be a no brainer, there is speculation that a slight crack in the door may be there. and muh “democracy”…
with HR1, popular vote = winner, todays actions in congress – the hammer needs to come down.


Pres Trump is not going to sign that horrible bill.
And there isn’t the 2/3 majority, in either the House or the Senate, that would be required for a veto override.


It’s not clear to me whether it’s a bil like others that require the President’s signature, or if it’s a compact between the states that does not require his signature. The article I linked above talks about compacts between states.


Either way…the whole scheme is Un-Constitutional.
Their goal is to disenfranchise millions of voters in the other states that don’t join in on their ‘compact’.


Nothing sketchy about process to change Constitution, info on .Gov site. Mitch has already declared HR1 is DOA.


Mitch declaring it DOA is what we would expect. And probably will be the case.
That said, we would expect him to support the National Emergency. Mitch said he would. Now Mitch flips positions.
Never trust Mitch. IMHO.


Yes, but aren’t the states doing it one by one???

This still concerns me.. even if it is challenged, won’t it be too late??? Something this important should be hammered out ahead of an election, just like eligibility!!!!


Doesn’t matter. 2/3 of ALL 50 State legislatures COMBINED are required to call a Constitutional Convention. We can rarely get 2/3 of Congress to agree on anything. 2/3 of ALL State Legislatures is much much harder. Plus it’s extremely dangerous, no telling how much extra crap they would try to slide in. Blue stuff, Red stuff, It Ain’t Happening!!!


Very good points, but I remain pretty confused. Obviously I never want to see this happen, never ever.


Just to be clear….
it takes 2/3 of BOTH houses of CONgress or…..
2/3 of STATE legislatures (Article 5)…
It takes 3/4 of all STATES to RATIFY the amendment.
“Bills” do NOT change the CONSTITUTION




the “bill” i was talking about is HR1 – that is a wholly separate entity than the States Compact for the Electoral Congress…
two entirely different issues here.
the bill, while it may not pass or get to the floor does indeed lay out the plan that the evil cabal wants to get moving on. and it is scary that they even thought of it, typed it out, and got it to be endorsed and sponsored AND symbolically it was the FIRST bill introduced by this illegitimately elected house of representatives.
as for the state’s compact – read this entire page (some boring i know) to get the basic arguments either way and you will see that it’s not a slam dunk:
also note, some of the folks who helped get this passed in their states are actually now in congress themselves and they would be the ones voting on it IF it came to a vote in congress.
regardless of all this – and maybe only a couple of us are actual Constitutional Experts (i am not) – they could get this passed probably right before the election, and use it to try and wrestle the win away and then fight it interminably in the courts. in the meantime the “loser” of the election may be forced to vacate the white house, or the “winner” may attempt a force out or drum up a huge uproar ending up in people marching on DC.
i can give you one guess who the ONLY groups are that actually do marches on DC in this day and age – and this is very unfortunate.
bottom line – we are not in a political battle here. this is a battle between ultimate good and ultimate evil. it is beyond our normal comprehension almost – no matter how “awakened” many people are right now. the gravity of the situation is extreme.


HaHa, TGP asks the same question Miss Wheatie did, “What was he wearing?” Maybe they read her comment here?😃


Interesting article:
Greenpeace Founder: Global Warming Hoax Pushed by Corrupt Scientists ‘Hooked on Government Grants’
He’s the one who called AOC a pompous twit.


Fake Conservatives, Fake Men, Fake Women, Fake Religion, Fake Polls, Fake Americans, Fake Americans (who are really anti-American Islamists, Socialists, Black supremacists, Communists, Globalists) in Congress.


You left out FAKE Repugnantards


WM, thanks for that reminder that gets lost some days…would be worthy of a spot in you header someplace as a constant reminder….


That Ilhan is evil. Let’s see if the View ladies defend her or Meghan after this. 😱 As the fur flies….
Need MOAR 🍿🍿


bflyjesusgrl, can you follow up and report here for us? I’ll not be watching.


Lol, I won’t watch that trash either!! But if I see a response article I’ll post. Surely there will be, someone will come to “we don’t say his name’s’ defense, won’t they??😜


sad sad day when we are rooting for meghan mccain.


Even sadder to root for Omar. She slams Obama appropriately here. EOO, Equal Opportunity Offender
Rep. Ilhan Omar slams Barack Obama’s message of ‘hope and change’ as a ‘mirage’


Motivation for the fight


He’s been talking about it for a while, Finally Ms. Lindsey makes that move😃


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI with an expansive request for records related to the bureau’s vetting of the Steele dossier.
In a letter sent Thursday to Attorney General William Barr, Graham asked for all FBI and Justice Department documents related to investigators’ attempts to verify allegations made in the dossier, which was authored by former British spy Christopher Steele and funded by Democrats.
The FBI relied heavily on Steele’s report to obtain four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
Republicans investigated whether the FBI misled the FISA court by relying on the dossier even though its allegations about Page were unverified. They also asserted the FBI failed to tell surveillance court judges that Steele was working on behalf of the DNC and Clinton campaign on an investigation of Donald Trump.


This is great to see. Q post #3001 links to the document:

House > Senate


May need calibrating here.
OK, it is good Senate Judiciary looking at this. Can’t hurt, I suppose.
But, IMHO, Senate and House incredibly inefficient at investigating anything. Can’t remember anyone being prosecuted as a result of a Senate or House investigation.
My view is either a SC or DoJ / FBI need to do this. YES, DoJ and FBI at highest were corrupt, probably many still are corrupt on the payroll. There has to be honest folks there also.
My preference would be a series of targeted SC to sort out all the criminal behavior against America, President Trump…
But the Senate and House investigating is nearly as bad as the clown car with CNN “journalists”.


Complicated business

Deplorable Patriot

Timing is everything.


Prosecutors in a case brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team asked a federal judge on Thursday to withhold 3.2 million “sensitive” documents from the Russian company Concord Management LLC because of national security and law enforcement concerns.
During a court hearing in Washington, government prosecutors told U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich there are about 3.2 million documents that no employee or officer of Concord Management LLC should be allowed to view outside of the United States as part of the discovery process.


Surely not a fan of Russia.
More Mueller smoke and mirrors.
Either drop charges (probably bogus anyway) or play fair in court. Give up the evidence.
Fundamentally, Feds lie all the time. Further these are Mueller’s henchmen…corrupt to the core.


3.2 Million, bwwhahahaa.
We’re charging you as spies, and we get great press, but we don’t want to tell the public why or how. The public should just TRUST Mueller and take his word.


You can vote yourself into #Socialism …
… but you’ll have to shoot your way out of it…
Let that sink in…comment image


Slooow guy here.
Closest one is Turtle or?


feel the “bern”…


Ya, the obvious. Thanks.




The more we know the stronger we become..comment image


You can bet that whatever these people are up to…is Not Good for us little people!
My husband and I concluded a couple of years ago, that these ‘DNA test’ companies were up to something.
Their commercials are creepy!
They make out like you are just not a part of the cool crowd, if you don’t get your DNA mapped.
And stupid people are falling for it!


and you know what? the advent of these infernal “phones” we are enticed with (upgrades, OS slowdowns to get you to purchase new, etc) were the final nail in the coffin.
they listen. they view you. people GIVE THEIR FINGERPRINTS and FACIAL PICTURES.
same people who in real life wouldn’t tell you how much they make a year in salary will happily give the goog and fakebook and APPLE their fingerprints, their entire contact lists, their FACIAL picture with software so advanced it can recognize you even with glasses and new facial hair (and they perfected this after it was introduced even and people HELPED!)
and the fingerprints, the facial recog – again, just like the fake 9/11 crap, it was all done “for our safety, security and privacy”… seriously that was their reason and people ate it up like the good little sheeple we are.
even my kid, i told her over and over, when you get that new phone DO NOT do the face thing. yeah dad, ok dad, geez dad alright! couple weeks later she gets the phone, within half an hour she does it. i say “why did you do that? i explained it to you????” what does she say “oh, i forgot what you said and it asked me to do it during setup and so i just did it. who cares it’s no big deal”…
had a friend say her niece had one of the new APPLE phones when it came out (and trust me APPLE does not get nearly enough scrutiny in all this i hardly see them on these infographics) anyway she said her niece did the face thing and it was creepy. she did it to protect her phone. what happens? she goes to sleep her boyfriend takes the phone and unlocks it with her friend says “creepy”. 2 weeks later she gets a new phone and does the same thing.
they have everything on us and we couldn’t have been happier to help.


Please keep me (and my family) in prayer through all next week. Spiritual warfare. If I’m not posting here there’s probably a reason. I need strength for the fight and a lot of protection.


We bind all evil spirits coming against you and your family and we loose the full armor of God over your lives right now in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
“Put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil. For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere. Therefore put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place]. Stand therefore [hold your ground], having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put on the breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God, And having shod your feet in preparation [to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace. [Isa. 52:7.] Lift up over all the [covering] shield of saving faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked [one]. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword that the Spirit wields, which is the Word of God. Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God’s consecrated people).”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:11-18‬ ‭AMPC‬‬


Hope you’re getting some much needed rest, boss.
And I hope you’re feeling a bit better, too!


That’s good to hear.
Just don’t overdo it…keep getting the rest & sleep.


That comment no. 92556 that you just made, wore me out just reading it.
Get some more rest, boss.


Don’t forget bananas. Keeps away cramps… and green tea.. for energy!!


…And whisky… for putting up with eating bananas and green tea…


Not together! Green tea at lunch, bananas for breakfast. I had serious leg cramps almost every morning, the bananas stopped that.

Pat Frederick

Michael I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!




hang in there man… keep a steady head and your wits about you. you have friends on high and in this mortal realm thinking of you.


This could be the reason why some ancient civilizations ‘disappeared’…
People fled in order to protect their children.


Great comment!


This is where I think the left/right brain specialisation has something of value to add to understanding what we are witnessing.
People who are overly rational are closed to to the numinous – closed to inspiration. The rational is literally “that which can be rationalised” – it is limited by definition (excuse this tautology). In one sense, this is what we can “cope with” in our limited conscious ability. Interestingly, rational numbers are finite. The left brain deals with this stuff and is generally very CERTAIN about it.
The right brain deals with the unknown – the stuff beyond the border – where dragons (and treasure) are to be found. These things cannot generally be described, but can be represented in art, in our dreams, or in poetry, dance and music. Irrational numbers (pi is a good example), never end – are infinite. They are nevertheless “real”. It is in the right brain hemisphere that we interact with the numinous (Gd, the infinite realm) – from whence man’s inspiration comes.
We have evolved with both capacities and it is essential for a healthy individual / society that these faculties remain in balance. When one of these faculties dominate the other, it appears that the demonic manifests.
The dead stare of the coldly rational person, not allowing anything to distract from their absolute certainty -no input from peripheral vision, indicating shut off imagination.
Then the BUG EYED crazies who are pure peripheral vision (Schiff, Cortes, Farkas), who have no ability (or extremely limited) to self evaluate ( and assess anything logically. In jest (sort of), I propose that the bug eyes are due to the fact that these people are PURE PERIPHERAL VISION – thus the eyes are protruding to maximise peripheral vision. They can focus and concentrate on nothing real or concrete – -it is ALL crazy imagination, un-tethered from reality.
A lot more could / should be said about this …

Deplorable Patriot

And another pre-Christian culture reveals its secrets.


Yesterday, Jeff Carlson, of @ themarketswork retweeted this tweet from Gen Flynn’s wife. (Her thread is from Jan 30.)


Barbara is his sister. The ticket to General Flynn’s freedom lies in the documents to be declassified by POTUS. They’re definitely on the Q train. End of video shows WWG1WGA🤗


Thanks. Appeared to be some signalling from the Flynns yesterday – I believe Gen Flynn knows how the puzzle fit together, and whenever he drops breadcrumbs, it reinforces my hope and belief that the bad guys are going down.


Couldn’t catch much news yesterday. Will try and watch the video soon. Thanks. I love the Flynns, it’s also why I believe POTUS isn’t boxed in on anything, but simply waiting for the investigation to be completed, he said, “I want it done right, it might be confusing to some people…”
People must be afraid of what he knows about their dirty deeds…


General Flynn Banner Banner changed Dark to Light #qanoncomment image


There’s a Q in that cloud. 😀

Harry Lime

Oh, you’re right…as soon as you see it, it jumps right out at you. Good eye, wheatie!


Good eye! Took a couple minutes, but then … wham!


🤔😦😞 I saw a teapot.


🧐 … me too .. ❤️






The Anons did an interesting dig on the Braille Plaque at the Denver Airport:comment image


So MSM periodically puts out articles with pics of NK showing nuclear/missile activity and they use them to bash POTUS and scare The World. One such report happened early this week. Did anyone catch his comments from the Oval the other day when a reporter asked him if he was aware of the latest report? He said…Yes I know, “We did that”….They better not be doing that,…I’ll be disappointed if they are…It’ll work out. 💡💡 “We did that.” 💡💡. So Our government released the pic to the press knowing they’d run wild with it and NK would see it which is essentially POTUS telling Kim “We’re watching you”. So that makes me think all prior reports have been by the same design. Pretty slick tricks from POTUS and Co. The super secret sites we don’t show, because we don’t want NK to know that we know. That’s how we surprised him in Vietnam.


He lets the MCM think they know what they’re doing.comment image


I LOVE using the phrase MCM. That is perfect.


Heheh…Q mentioned “Death Blossom” in his post No. 2980.
And an Anon made this as a visual of what that might be:
comment image


thanks wheatie!!! that’s cool!!!


For reference….
death blossom
American military slang from the war in Iraq: the tendency of Iraqi security forces, in response to receiving a little fire from the enemy, to either run away or do the “death blossom,” spraying fire indiscriminately in all directions. Reported on
From urban dictionary


But way before that, it was from the movie ‘The Last Starfighter’:


Pompeo on Venezuela’s power outage:


Dangerous. Hope everyone was tucked up at home:


I know that we’re not the world’s police – but of all times when I wish for intervention to take out that scum Madura – it’s now.
It’s more than a humanitarian crisis going on, if it goes on much longer it will be a genocide.


Agree 100%.


I agree.
But I would add this nuance. We should definitely be cautious about a direct force intervention.
Our current strategies and tactics are increasingly being shaped by hybrid warfare doctrines.
One component of that strategy is highly visible: The U.S. is finally unafraid to leverage its economic might. Direct economic warfare, particularly the use of sanctions, is in full force. Other nations use their economic muscle this way but the U.S. is the economic elephant in the room. No other nation has the economic strength to resist the U.S. – not Russia, not the E.U., not even mighty China.
Another component is less so: Cyber capability. Anyone who has been watching the Russia vs. Ukraine situation, sees the lights go out in Caracas. The commonalities immediately leap to mind. The differences however are also stark: In a free nation the people (workers) are motivated and innovative to get out and restore operations. In a socialist nation, where the people are not free, they will struggle to restore basic services during these kinds of events. You cannot replace the old fashioned “Get R Dun” spirit – socialism in all its forms is toxic to the very character qualities a nation needs in its people to be resilient in the event of a conflict.
The PROP and CO-PROP war is clearly visible with Pompeo here. How much better could they do if the MCM were not in effect a 100% opposition arm? If international media (including U.S.) would report the truth (CO-PROP) all along this may have ended much sooner.
Another component is the U.S. supporting the rightful insiders – something that has only happened with Trump in office. Other nations support rebel factions and uprisings; under Trump the good guys are supported even when they are not in power or a minority 😉


To borrow a metaphor from Ayn Rand, it looks like someone shutdown the motor of Venezuela 😉


Good to notice the wording, “…nothing but darkness.”
What comes after “darkness?” 😉


Well spotted! 🙂


Interesting point about Hannity inviting never-Trumpers:


Gathering people in before the storm hits?


I think so.


From the ex-Dem ex-Arizonan Jeffrey Peterson, whose tweets I’ve posted before (re cartels paying off Dems):


Robyn Gritz on the Robert Levinson case:

From the editorial (excerpted):
Robert Levinson’s captivity, now at 12 years, must end
‘Numerous individuals have continued privately to investigate the abduction and detention of Bob Levinson in Iran. They have concluded that numerous individuals within our own government have had continued involvement in keeping him in captivity — unthinkably, for 12 years now, as of Saturday, March 9, 2019.
‘I have been involved in trying to secure Bob Levinson’s release for more than a decade. I have seen the pain that his captivity has brought to his family and the personal darkness they have had to endure …
‘Even when I was working Bob Levinson’s case from 2007 to 2009, investigative efforts were stonewalled or blocked whenever we tried to secure his release.
‘Bob, quite simply, made a very poor decision to go to Iran’s Kish Island. He did so for his family, however; he did so to put food on the table, just like many of us would do in similar circumstances. Additionally, he wanted to to give his family a bright future. He did what any father would do for his family, because he loves them and they love and terribly miss him.
‘We know that the issues between the United States and Iran have been less than desirable — awful, really. We also know that Bob Levinson has been used and abandoned by past presidential administrations, left in captivity for things with which he had nothing to do.
‘As a former supervisory special agent of the FBI, I supervised the Levinson case for two years. Now, I sincerely request and hope that the government of Iran will exhibit mercy and will release Robert Levinson, allowing light to reenter his family‘s lives …’
There’s a ‘there there’ with this story. Does anyone here have any further insight?


I want to know everything possible about Bob Levinson.


So do I, Daughn.


I agree 100% with this assessment about Manafort and PDJT:

Pat Frederick

something niggling at the back of my brain…then I remembered (or think i have) didn’t Clinton pardon his own BROTHER? did the Repubs scream and try to limit the President’s pardon ability back then?


Yes, you remembered correctly, Pat:
‘Roger Clinton, the president’s brother, was pardoned for drug charges after having served the entire sentence more than a decade earlier. Roger Clinton would be charged with drunk driving and disorderly conduct in an unrelated incident within a year of the pardon.[32] He was also briefly alleged to have been utilized in lobbying for the Braswell pardon, among others. However, no wrongdoing was uncovered.’
The Republicans were upset about the pardon for a sizeable number of FALN members (Puerto Rican extremists). Both the House and the Senate condemned the pardon. Strangely, the DoJ forbade FBI agents from testifying. (See same Wiki link.)

Pat Frederick

thanks churchmouse!
so since the Dems are strong on PRECEDENCE…(can’t call emergency at the border or we’ll use that to grab guns…) POTUS can use THIS precedence to pardon any family member…




The nation is at a crossroads, and Turtle is part of it:


Rush says that PDJT’s strategy re Ivanka’s Workforce Advisory board (H-1Bs and H-2Bs) is to avoid impeachment. Also relates to Senate opposition to his declared state of emergency:
‘ … the best answer I can give you — and I cannot give you this with ontological certitude — is that the president wants support from the party. He wants Republican support for whatever action he takes. Look, everybody knows that he’s gonna be impeached, and he knows he’s gonna be impeached. It’s in the cards. It’s been set up since Mueller was appointed. Trump is going to be impeached. The only question is when …
‘So Trump is looking for support from his party. The only way he survives impeachment is if his party stays with him. The Democrats can impeach him all day long in the House, but they have to get a conviction in the Senate, and if Trump loses Republican support in the Senate — if the Republicans decide for whatever reason that they want Trump gone, too — well, then, he’s got to take this into account! …’
Makes sense.


I don’t like Rush going this route, but then he often bothers me with his “sky is falling” and thinks he knows more than POTUS.
IMO, regardless of what shenanigans Congress pulls, POTUS isn’t going to let us down. He said he’d take the slings and arrows, he will, even if they TRY to take him out. He is not without recourse. He has so much dirt on those people, they’d need Sylvia’s shovel to dig out.
POTUS has support from his party. If the GOP Senate wants to commit suicide let them – looking forward to the firestorm. The GOP tried to take out Clinton that way, and didn’t bode well for them. Not sure McConnell, as rotted, as he is, is willing to throw away his life’s work in the Senate simply to “get Trump.”
I like Sidney Powell, I like Lou Dobbs, Rush is a little too full of himself so I take what’s useful from him, and ignore the rest – which is why I don’t listen to Rush anymore… but we should not let these people put fear in our minds or hearts.
We’re standing with President Trump, and we simply go from there.




Excellent Comment Lady P!!!!! Perfectly stated!!!😍


Glad you like it. I’m sticking to my Unified Theory, and Theory of the Man, (POTUS) – both of those theories keep me grounded and allow for discernment.
I could be wrong, but that would just mean that I didn’t suffer longer than necessary. 🙂 If it’s a negative outcome… well, we obviously would simply pick ourselves up and continue our quest for Good to triumph over Evil.
Something for folks to consider about McConnell – yes, we are totally frustrated with him, and the speed at which he isn’t getting things done – BUT, if we were in his shoes would you really want all your fellow Senators to know you’re on the side of Trump? He IS getting the judges through – more than any other president at this point. This will continue. He went along with POTUS ignoring the blue slips from the 2 California senators, a first.
I don’t believe McConnell is going to throw away his legacy as a senator to impeach the most popular Republican president we’ve had in our lifetime.
POTUS likes to win, he has commonsense besides brains, I figure he knows more than the pundits, even the good ones from our side.


common sense.


Very good points about McConnell!! And he still has a kick-A$$ wife!!


This is why the 4th of July in D.C. is important. Its a call to assemble (there and elsewhere). The big cards will have been played. No more excuse for the rest of the public not knowing.


This x1000! Thank you, Para!


I totally agree with Wyatt about Trump. Trump IMO is a Gentle Soul, like Reagan was.
People in general (and nobody is exempt) jump to conclusions in assessing other people. That is because survival requires that we each be prejudiced, that we hone our protective instincts.
But overcoming our prejudices is also necessary, and that is where so many people get Trump wrong, relying on strong but less than definitive cultural signals, and refusing to budge from initial impressions.


Thank you, Tonawanda. Excellent observations.


Ah, Tonawanda, then that makes We the People who “get” Trump gentle souls as well.
It’s the difference between Them and Us.


That has been my actual experience in real life!


Looking back at Jerry Nadler:

Pat Frederick

(raising right hand)
I hereby pledge to double check the spelling on my name and email before hitting that post comment so I don’t end up in the bin again…
sorry Wolf! lol


Wow…..I recognize so many names here…..


Jeffrey Peterson is going to write a book about Mexican influence on the Dems. Guaranteed, this will be good:

Pat Frederick

hopefully HE goes back to prison…this may have something to do with charges against Assange–no one seems to know at this point why they want HIM to testify…


why did obama commute that sentence?


because he was a she


Jeffrey Peterson on #WalkAway and the Trump Train:

Pat Frederick

Jeffrey Peterson on his knowledge of Mexico through the company he founded in the 1990s, Quepasa, later sold to now-Gov. Rick Scott, who renamed it MeetMe:

The sentences run on from tweet to tweet, incidentally. I’m excerpting the most informative ones:


Looks like ChurchMouse has stumbled onto a big nugget.
We’re paying attention to this one!


Thank you, Daughn — GREATLY appreciated.


It’s reading like the first chapter of a great book. I’m ready for the second chapter already!


Me, too!
I am delighted he is speaking out.


Kinda like someone once said: “The Great Awakening!” -or- [we have it all] 😉


Yes, indeed! 🙂


What a prize (for want of a better word)! Extraordinary for someone like him to not only #WalkAway but JOIN #MAGA!
Thanks, CM for letting us know about him.


You are most welcome, milady.
We should all keep tracking his tweets.

Pat Frederick

On Tuesday, an Alabama county court recognized the aborted fetus, “Baby Roe,” as a plaintiff in the lawsuit, making the case one of the first of its kind.
“The truth is, no one has ever done this,” Helms said. “The question is, why not?”
“I’m here for the men who actually want to have their baby,” he said. “I believe every child from conception is a baby and deserves to live.”




Maclean’s, Canada’s main newsweekly, has this cover page:

Wonder if he will survive the SNC-Lavalin scandal?

Pat Frederick

Sharia district being created in West Virginia for refugees. West Virginians — including a funeral home — who lived there have been moved out nearby to sub-standard housing, this man says.
The video looks new, but the news article says this took place in 2017 and 2018. Worth a listen and a read:

Apparently, this is nothing new in West Virginia. Here is a ***2009*** video about a woman member of a mosque there who wanted to pray in the men’s section:


what i don’t get are these people that stand outside with signs greeting the immigrants, saying refugees make us stronger, putting stickers on their cars “refugees welcome”…
i mean, what. the.
the virtue just drips from these people.


from the article – faith based orgs…not really that “based”:
The West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry, a group that has been working to bring refugees to West Virginia, plans to open the office of a refugee resettlement agency affiliate on the third floor of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Charleston on Aug. 1, according to Lynn Clarke, director of the group.
Antigone Mehani, who previously served as the employment services manager at another resettlement agency in Louisville, Kentucky, also begins Aug. 1. Clarke anticipates Mehani will hire one part-time employee. The agency is an affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries, one of nine national refugee resettlement agencies that work with the federal government and local groups to place refugees. Episcopal Migration Ministries has about 30 offices nationwide. In the ministry’s “resettlement communities,” local organizers assist refugees with finding health care and work, translation and other services.


Heck. Here’s the man’s video — must see:

Pat Frederick

man is wearing a YELLOW VEST!




This video is all over Facebook.
Shared and shared and shared.


Thank you for letting those of us not on FB know.


what is the guy saying? audio keeps shutting off for me after the first sentence and a half.


Residents were moved out and a hotel is housing about 300 migrants, which we are paying for.


thanks for the info… unreal.
reminds me of portland and lewiston maine… hell they give them free warehouses in a sketchy industrial zone of the city to start community prayer houses in… imagine that? free empty warehouses in an industrial zone of the city. very private. whole warehouses.


yes – huge problem which can only lead to more problems


honestly – look at the replies on that tweet. i think the idea here is to get us to start getting some violence going. i know how i feel about it, and i can imagine some people with a thought to go beyond “feelings” and then bam, they have us and we become the ones with even less.
this has got to stop. folks, if you don’t live in a place where you see this everyday then you don’t know. just wait…seriously just wait.
this government is well and truly f’d. they don’t care about us AT ALL. not one bit. zilch.
and we pay for it all.
the devil is winning. we are not winning. no silly job report is winning. no gaff by pelosi is winning. we are losing BIGLY. i am not saying the president doesn’t want us to win, i’m not saying he’s not working for us, but in the grand scheme something more HAS to be done.
if it’s not your state or neighborhood now, it will be. wait until there’s 20 or 30 muslims in congress. and do you think they will bow down and be good? no, they will control 100’s of other congress scum so easy…


WordPress is being wonky.
I’m missing incredible comments from Gil, Curry, and Covadonga (welcome!).
I can see the comments but cannot comment back again.
Wordpress is like a live wild beast, hopefully, it’s temperament will calm down.

Pat Frederick

I only see one or two brief comments by Curry and Gil but none by Covadonga…perhaps they are in moderation and you can see them because you are an author here and have different parameters of accessibility?


Comments are approved. Weird.


Are you on a phone, PC or Mac computer or IPad?


laptop – seems to be fine now


More on the giant database on US citizens. Not sure if this is the one Maxine Waters used to speak of. Interesting, nonetheless. Relates to PDJT. Also explains how ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ was so named — not after the Rolling Stones’ song but after the contractor who helped build the DB, Hurricane Electric:
On to the story:
Fusion GPS’s Nellie Ohr had access to it via Bruce Ohr, the thread says.
Note how personal details were allegedly mixed up:
(cont’d in Reply)

Pat Frederick

so much scum, so little toilet bowl cleaner…


How can this be cleaned up?!?
And MUELLER, of all people, in charge of the investigation of PDJT! Arrgh!


Mueller, Clapper, Brennan, again


The Hammer: Same case freedomwatch ,Larry Clayman representing
Hammer creator Dennis Montgomery ?


Oh, yes, of course! Thank you.


“Snowden also made reference to a precursor of Citizens Log called Life log. The FBI later changed the name to Citizen Log.”
LifeLog was the name of the DARPA program that ended the day Facebook began (Q post 2985).




On Flags:
We have big white columns in front of our house an two flag poles. American flag, of course, and usually the state flag.
One time, we had as a guest, the Marine Commander of Base at Pearl Harbor. I was thrilled as Daddy was a Marine. He sent me a flag from Pearl and yep, that flag went up right away!!
Another time, I had an employee/lifelong friend, Navy vet, was more of a personal sec or bodyguard to an admiral. He had the last flag taken off of the USS Saratoga. The flag was a treasure and he gave it to me. It’s enormous, 5’x9′ flag, made of cloth and the stars are embroidered. For big political events and July 4th, we hang it up between the columns. We’ve even taken the flag to Boston, to fly it at the summer cottage and use it for parades.
The ‘hanging” of the Saratoga flag was always a big deal for us because it was a treasure and because it was so big. My son loved it and took possession in an emotional appeal. During high school, the Saratoga Flag hung behind my son’s bed. It’s still behind his bed in college.


Sniff….. thanks for sharing that!

Pat Frederick

i will definitely buy the book when you finish writing it…and I’ll pay extra to send it to you for an autograph…

Deplorable Patriot

Q drops from late last night and/or the wee hours of the morning not posted as yet:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f9e971 No.5568772
Mar 7 2019 23:07:53 (EST)

Glimpse of something much bigger to come?
Actions have consequences.
Remember, it goes both ways.
Nobody is safe.
Leak was plugged.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 285835 No.5568867
Mar 7 2019 23:14:19 (EST)
Keep the calendar up-to-date, Patriot.
Check off and log.
Future proves past.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 285835 No.5569036
Mar 7 2019 23:21:40 (EST)

House > Senate
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 285835 No.5569206
Mar 7 2019 23:28:54 (EST)
We stand TOGETHER in this FIGHT.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d6e0f4 No.5569577
Mar 7 2019 23:45:10 (EST)
[Parts 3-9 coming soon]

Deplorable Patriot

Image from 3000comment image

Deplorable Patriot
Pat Frederick

thanks DP! I missed these.


President Trump’s first tweet of the day!

and many to follow.
@realDonaldTrump followers:
58,880,953 – 9:02 am – 3/8/19
58,078,015 – 9:19 am – 2/8/19 – 1 month ago
54,282,379 – 7:12 – 9/8/18 – 6 months ago
48,746,757 – 8 am – 3/8/18 – 1 year ago
13,282,551 – 1:30am 11/9 – Election Night before victory announcement
5.95 million – Eve of Iowa Caucus!


POTUS is gaining 800K followers per month – consistently since our election of him!
Tremendous interest.
And an invaluable tool to spread truth …
Thanks again for the #’s, GA/FL!


MAY THE LORD rest their souls in eternal peace and comfort and strengthen their families.

Pat Frederick





Pat Frederick

Pat Frederick


if we don’t see some gallows poles erected then i don’t know if we’ll ever recover from this stuff.
if the good guys don’t get some action going soon i am going to continue to be mightily disappointed because there are way way way too many people getting away with crimes here.i don’t care if they are some janitor – NOBODY is too lowly to be held accountable.
if i drive 10 mph over the speed limit i can get pulled over and given a ticket. 30 miles over and i stand a chance of riding home in a cop car. 2 beers and i’m definitely in jail.
yet people, many people, every day, are conspiring to destroy our country. it needs to stop now. and none of this “we don’t know maybe they are being dealt with” – sorry, not cutting it for me. we need to know what’s being done. we need to see it.
if no examples are made, if stuff is hidden, if anyone here thinks that there is stuff we don’t need to know about then that’s part of the problem not the solution. unless every single thing sees the light of day we will never rid ourselves of it. if people don’t want to see the gory details then look away, but we DESERVE to know EVERYTHING.
WE are this country. enough of the bowing down to these absolute chumps in government. i am sick and tired of this charade. only idiots are falling for this and believing it’s still recoverable. no offense to any idiots.


WHOOOOOO in the heck is leaking?
Where’s my AG?
Johnny on it. Let’s go. Tired of the Pres fighting alone.


President Trump, First Lady and Barron on the way to Alabama:


All Times EST
9:20 AM The president and first lady depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Lawn/Marine One
(Article Continues Below Advertisement)
9:30 AM The president and first lady arrive at Joint Base Andrews
9:40 AM The president and first lady depart Washington, D.C., en route to Fort Benning, GA – Air Force One
11:30 AM The president and first lady arrive at Lawson Army Airfield – Fort Benning, GA
11:40 AM The president and first lady depart Fort Benning, GA, en route to Lee County, AL – Fort Benning, GA


Hmmm….and would Barron be first son, since he is the only one living in the WH? My goodness, look how TALL he is!!! He is as tall as PDJT already!


A full step taller than his father.


Another kid accosted for supporting POTUS by school staff. Just happens to be naned Gunnar.
MARTIN COUNTY, Fla. — Surveillance video on a Martin County school bus shows a bus aide yelling at a student to take off a Trump hat, then grabbing it off of his head.
Now, the Martin County Sheriff’s Office is investigating whether the bus aide committed a crime.
Gunnar Johansson, 14, said this week, students were allowed to wear a hat to school if they made a donation to March of Dimes.
He decided to wear a Trump, Make America Great Again hat, “to show my pride in Trump America,” Johansson said.
He boarded his bus to Hidden Oaks Middle School, and within seconds, the bus aide can be heard talking to Johansson.
“Boy, if you don’t that that hat off this bus… take it off. Take that hat off… take that hat off…” the bus aide, who has not been identified, is heard saying.
“I was really confused, I was like ‘I can’t wear this?’ “Johansson said.
The bus aide is heard telling the teenager to put his hat in his backpack, and continuing to tell him to take it off.
“She, like, threatened me with a referral and threatened to turn the bus around. I said ‘write me up, I didn’t do anything wrong’, and then she yanked my hat off. It was crazy,” Johansson said.
He continued the bus ride without wearing his hat, though other students wearing hats were allowed to keep wearing them.
Johansson’s mother, Jackie Putt, said her other son and other students on the bus started texting their parents and Putt.
“I immediately went to the school,” Putt said. “I needed to know what my son just went through and what she did to my son.” Putt feels the bus aide’s actions were politically motivated.
Putt spoke with the principal, and had her son write down everything he remembered about the incident.
She said she decided to file a police report after learning she would not be able to see the video of her son until the investigation by the school district is closed.
“The district is aware of the family’s allegations. We’re taking it very seriously. We’re in the process of gathering all the facts right now,” said Frank Frangella, Director of Safety and Security for the Martin County School District.
Martin County Lieutenant Ryan Grimsdale will be reviewing the video and interviewing everyone involved.
“The crux of our investigation will be the interaction directly, physically with the child and how that panned out,” Grimsdale said.
The school board does not have a policy that specifies students can not wear political attire. Johansson said other students were wearing Trump hats during the day, and he was allowed to wear it at school.
Putt said she is proud of how her son handled the incident.
“We all have a right to who we want to vote for, this is America,” Putt said.
“Standvup for what you believe in,” said Johansson.
Grimsdale expects to know by the middle of next week if any charges will be filed.
The school district has not confirmed the status of the aide, but Johansson said she has not been on the school bus since the incident.

Pat Frederick

good for him…he DIDN’T do anything wrong!


Lock her up!
Snowflake “adults”?

Cuppa Covfefe

Charges filed or not, I hope they SUE!
Enough of this crap. Free speech is protected, be it a hat, a speech, or writing. And to the SJW snowflakes with their fragile, non-existent tolerance, I say, suck it up, buttercup.
Wonder what they’d to to a Burka-betty with a full-body Hijab. Would they make her take off the head-garb? I doubt it – that’s protected speech, doncha know…


Sorry snowflakes.
You don’t get to define what the red “MAGA” hat means and impose your definition on the rest of us.
Beyond that, I find it quite telling that none of you liberal bullies has the guts to come try this crap on a 6’3” 250 lb man, but instead confine your hat violence to abusing children.


Yep. My wife keeps telling me to be careful in certain areas and I keep telling her nobody messes someone as big and scary as me.
So far I’m right and she shakes her head a lot.

Gail Combs

The ANTIFA crowd are ALLOWD to burn US Flags — ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES — but WE aren’t ALLOWED to wear a hat?
Something is really wrong with this picture?



Pat Frederick

Maybe a leaker? Or worse? I hope we’ll find out who it is.


could be the person who leaked the “databased profiling” of the “reporters” and “activists” who were with/assisting the caravans?

Pat Frederick

could be…there was a post (OT) about Nadler’s committee getting their hands on security clearance documents…which executive did not want released…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Better would be to find out it’s fake news.


You might be right because my impression is that Posobiec is on target sometimes but is not always accurate.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That wasn’t meant to be a dig at Prosobiec. I was merely thinking it would be better to discover that no one in the administration needed their clearance yanked and to be fired.
(But of course, if it’s needful then DO IT.)


I agree.


I did several quick searches for this and they all loop back to Posobiec’s Scoop…so time will tell…


Is it the one who wrote the article last Year??

Pat Frederick

saw this too…Nadler has ties to…dun,dun,dun…RUSSIA…lol

Pat Frederick

here’s another interesting tidbit…


OK – what am I not getting with this one? Chelsea Manning was released from prison in 2017….?
(Newser) – Chelsea Manning is no longer a federal prisoner. The 29-year-old was released from Fort Leavenworth military prison in Kansas early Wednesday, report NBC News and the BBC. Manning, whose 35-year sentence for leaking classified documents was commuted by former President Obama, is expected to move back to Maryland. “She’s ready to finally be able to live as the woman that she is,” says attorney Nancy Hollander of her transgender client.


Or was Jack being facetious?

Pat Frederick

HE was subpoenaed to testify into front of a Grand Jury–HE doesn’t know why but they suspect it has something to do with Assange. HE has been fighting to have the subpoena quashed–no go–so they are holding HIM till he complies or until the Grand Jury is dissolved.


Ah – ok, thanks – I clearly wasn’t up to speed on this.


PF – TY for your info about him.

Pat Frederick


Cuppa Covfefe

“She’s ready to finally be able to live as the woman that she is”…
Boy, that’s rich; dripping with unintended irony. More like “the woman that HE isn’t”. Waiting for the lightning bolts (and fire and brimstone) accompanied by “you can’T fool mother nature” (like the commerical used to go…).

Cuppa Covfefe

“you can’t fool Mother Nature” (like the commercial used to go…).
Geesh. Chair-keyboard interface on the blink again. More covfefe and a wee bit o’ Irish needed, methinks…


Twitter has Manning arrested for refusing to respond to the Grand Jury subpoena. It’s for testimony on Wikileaks…


Manning stated he does not trust the grand jury process so would not cooperate. Got to say I agree with him on that one.

Pat Frederick


Uh… they just talked about grand kids and stuff, right?

Rodney Short



Ha! On Varney: Avenatti law firm has filed – again – for bankruptcy! ROFLMAO




WTH is wrong with Texas??!!?? One cartel informant finishes serving a 5 yr sentence and runs for office, with this cartel informant running against him – in 2012!!!! Sheesh – what took so long, Texas?
“McALLEN, Texas – A career lawman who at one time served as police chief for La Joya was convicted on drug trafficking charges for his role in helping smugglers connected to Mexico’s Gulf Cartel operate in Texas. Homeland Security Investigations arrested the corrupt lawman in 2017.
After almost four hours of deliberation, a federal jury convicted former La Joya Police Chief Geovani Hernandez on two counts of aiding and abetting the possession of drugs with intent to distribute, information released by the U.S. Attorney’s Office revealed. Hernandez’s most recent law enforcement job was as a sergeant with Progreso Police, where federal agents targeted him for investigation.”
“In 2012, Hernandez ran unsuccessfully against former Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino, who recently finished serving a five-year prison term for taking money from a Mexican drug lord, Breitbart News reported at the time.”


It’s not Texas per se, it’s corrupt people, and they are everywhere. Both of these guys were not in legal trouble in 2012….Trevino was convicted in 2014 after resigning from office.He just got out of prison and is in a half-way house in San Antonio. Meanwhile, Hernandez is now headed to prison.


Perhaps this was the cause of the mix-up – a different Trevino arrested in 2012 (there is a typo early on in this article that is carried through to the end: Trevino = Trevio):
“November 2012Lupe Trevio wins third term as Hidalgo County Sheriff
December 2012Jonathan Trevio and Alexis Espinoza arrested”


“it’s corrupt people, and they are everywhere.”
Not quite everywhere, but corrupt in numbers significant enough to threaten our Republic.
It’s the snowball effect, wherein too many individuals succumb to the corruption, simply to save themselves, alone.
But in the long run, they DON’T SAVE themselves … they merely put off, for a brief time, their answering.
It’s the scourge of a DIVIDED house. “United we stand, divided we fall.”
THEY profit from our division, and they actively PROMOTE division.
It’s been going on for centuries. It ain’t easy to fix … but it’s essential to do so.
We mustn’t let the WEAK (the “vocal minority”) chart our Republic’s course.
So many who seek power are the exact OPPOSITE of those who should BE in power.
Luckily, we’re waking up to the REALITY of evil.
Gotta stick TOGETHER to win! WE are the majority …


AMEN EmeraldStar… absolutely…


I second this comment


pretty much at the breaking point – either we capitulate and give in to the NWO or there is a pushback – and not a nice little “hey! stop that you hear” and then when they give you the finger back we always say “oh, ok, well, be good then”.
the side of tolerance and non violence, the good guys, the people that turn the other cheek, the ones that think justice will prevail… you know how that ends up. we do not win that game.


McAllen is on the border. A lot of the border towns are sympathetic (infiltrated) to illegals. Also Austin(college/Hollywood/progressive), A lot of Houston😡, and Dallas vote left. I tell ya we’ve been invaded, we really need that Wall!!


Trump staff change….Bill Shine moves to 2020 re-election campaign:


That explains Mulvaney bringing in new Comms Director, discussed on Lou Dobbs last night. Did Mick force Shine out??


This selection of Bill Shine by PDJT was one of those that had me scratching my head…..but I trust my President.


Agree, totally puzzling.


Shine was going to work on campaign. Nothing – NOTHING – like that is done without President Trump’s approval.


This blames change due to POTUS not happy about lack of positive coverage lately …Who Knows??


DC and GWP are both about equal in reliability and making assumptions about inner workings of WH staff. But sometimes they have a real scoop.
Better than DC Clothesline and True Pundit and Cernovich.


We still don’t all that went on with Scaramucci, McMaster, John Kelly, Spicer, Priebus, Sessions, and a bunch of others who are now gone.


Scaramucci was a cleaner… temp, like Whitaker, sent to take out the garbage.
McMaster, Kelly, were anti-Trumpers… maybe GOPe, Spicer was ineffective and not enthusiastic about MAGA… Priebus was a leaker and definitely Never Trumper/GOPe… Sessions was stealth, cleaned up leaks, got people (Huber, to name only one) in right places.
We will NEVER know ALL that went on. We shouldn’t with regard to those in the WH..imho


Pretty much looks that way


Shine wasn’t shining. He did come up with the Presidential short message films that POTUS started tweeting, but POTUS wants and deserves WOWZA!!😃


What video games are doing to the children in our country!!!!
“GRANGER, Ind. – An 11-year-old boy reportedly shot his own father – an Indiana State Police trooper – following a dispute about video games, according to court documents obtained by WSBT.
According to court documents obtained by WSBT, the state trooper’s son devised a plan to shoot his dad with his service gun while he was at school that day because he “was done with all of that” and “wanted it to end.”
The trooper said he keeps his gun locked in his car, so his kids wouldn’t have access to it. The boy allegedly said he went to his dad’s car three different times to look for the gun.
When he finally got it, he took the weapon into his parents’ room where they were sleeping. He waited “about 10 minutes” until his dad rolled over and was facing away from the door, and then he fired one shot into his backside, according to the documents.
When the trooper started screaming, his wife went to look for the boy, and she saw him going up the stairs with a gun and a Taser, the documents say.
The trooper is still recovering from the shot and is said to be steadily improving, WSBT reports.
The boy allegedly told investigators after the shooting if he didn’t get his video games, there would be “a part two,” and said he wanted to shoot his dad in the head but couldn’t because of the way he was laying down.
He also said he tested the Taser on the family’s dog before the shooting, according to authorities.
The 11-year-old is now facing charges of attempted murder in juvenile court. His next court date is set for April 10th.”

Deplorable Patriot

Video games, or poor parenting of a kid with violent tendencies?

Mary Morse
…””There’s been a huge change in the way we prepare for war, and the soldiers we’re training now are the children of the digital age who grew up with GameBoys,” says retired Rear Adm. Fred Lewis, a 33-year U.S. Navy veteran who now heads the National Training Systems Association, a trade group that every year puts on the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference, the military counterpart of the glitzy Electronic Entertainment Expo. “Live training on the field is still done, of course,” but, he adds, “using simulations to train them is not only natural, it’s necessary.” …


Kid needs major help – cruel to the dog, escalated qqqqqqquick.


That it did…..sad.


Sen Doug Collins, tired of waiting on DOJ, releases Ohr’s House transcript from the floor. What a Patriot!! We need MOAR like him! Let’s see who uncovers the gold first!!

Pat Frederick

about halfway thru (skipping the dems questioning)…
on pg 107-108 Ohr states Steele was asking him questions about whether or not a Special Prosecutor could question him in the UK…2 MONTHS BEFORE Mueller was appointed. When called out for that, and after conferring with his atty, he said well he didn’t know how our system works…
pg 116 2 folks at the DOJ in August 2016 who knew of Ohr’s involvement in the whole passing info to FBI? Weissman and Ahmad (both on Mueller’s team now)
other basic stuff they keep hammering him with–he thought it was his “job” to pass the info to the FBI and never tried to convince Steele to go directly to FBI with info–even after he knew the FBI fired him. he claims he never looked at the memory stick Nellie gave him to give to FBI; he also claims, he didn’t consider it a conflict that Nellie got paid for this because HE didn’t get paid–she could work for whomever she wanted. In all his career, he never put himself in a custody chain of evidence before.
other people at DOJ knew what he was doing, but he never felt the need to tell his boss Yates…


I got things to do, but Here’s my scoop so far….
Dec 2017 demotion – Ohr didn’t inform superiors of Steele contact in timely manner and DOJ Reorg. Effective Immediately
Dec2018 demotion – Sessions and RR didn’t want him in position that would require WH contact. Ohr asked for and was granted 2 weeks to say goodbye to his network of peeps
Page 126 – Meadows confirms that Huber is investigating FISA abuse
Page 147 – OIG contacted Ohr in July 2018

Pat Frederick

pg 176: Jordan gets Ohr to admit he knew Steele was a paid informant and yet never questions why he is going thru Ohr to get info to FBI.
pg 180-181: Issa gets Ohr to dance when Ohr mentions the “dossier”…How did you know (at this point) there WAS a dossier on the memory stick you got from Simpson?
pg 196: there are questions about Nellie’s compensation and Ohr claims (even tho they file joint returns) he has no idea how much money she made. So he’s asked if there was a contract and did Nellie have standard contracts she used? Nope it was Fusion’s. So usually whatever is produced is a “work product” and cannot be shared–it’s Fusions property. Did Nellie “go rouge” giving it to you to give to the FBI or was that a clever workaround to get the info from Fusion to the FBI?
quite a few I don’t recall or have no recollection of that here too…


They had joint accounts, he doesn’t know/see his wife’s paycheck deposits??? Come on!!

Pat Frederick

they asked when he found out she was working for Fusion…”when she began working for Fusion…” LOL apparently they don’t talk


tax returns?


He said he couldn’t remember about those either!


I call BS


Yep! I wonder how long he rehearsed. Every answer was so pat. He refused to characterize his involvement as being a part/facilitating the investigation, which he truly was, more as a concerned citizen reporting to the FBI, yet he was at top of DOJ?? Nothing wrong with what he was doing? Come on!! There was a lot if I don’t recalls. So in 1st 6mos he he met/contacted Simpson and Steele and reported to FBI, there’s 12 302’s to prove. For last 6mos, when there are no 302’s he only will agree to one contact, for a total of 13times. I hope they find the missing 302’s and nail him.


Meadows- Ohr didn’t directly tell Yates, but she had to have known from other DOJ/FBI sources because she signed off on 2 FISAs
Dems questioned intently about his demotions, Ohr’s Attorney tried to Shutdown, too close to HR (lawsuit) matters… Basically Ohr has not appealed demotions, but won’t commit to any future action/inaction

Pat Frederick

one of the things that stands out so frequently in the questioning is that everyone is trying to figure out why they needed Ohr…(i mean it gave credibility to the whole nonsense) but realistically there was no need for him to be involved–Steele was a paid informant–he didn’t need Ohr to get info to the FBI.
He claims Nellie’s info wasn’t used in the dossier–but simultaneously claims he never looked at her research either…


Ohr has perfectly Explainable answers for everything, doesn’t he??….He’s desperately trying to keep his job.

Pat Frederick

well he makes between $212,000 and $220,000…


That we know of. Wonder if they subpoenaed his and Nellie’s financials. Surely his multi year extracurricular activities merits bonuses.


Ohr was their back channel to Hillary.

Pat Frederick

and Collins says he’s gonna release MOAR!!!


POTUS comments on Dems.




Eddie Sexton, lawyer to Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman, admitted having a sexual relationship with his client and claimed that she “f**ked everybody in Gadsden,” according to a court deposition obtained by Big League Politics.
Another stunning statement from the deposition claims that Corfman’s father, a doctor, held “sex parties when [Corfman] was young,” and that Corfman was “put in with that as a young girl.”


Remember the brouhaha that happened OT over those of us who remained steadfast in our support for Moore? We were right!


Yep. I was OT when this happened. Remember it well. They did to Moore what they tried and failed to do to Kavanaugh.


And far too many regulars from OT fell for it, sadly.


It was very shocking to me. But sadly not surprising.
And it should be obvious a hundred miles away. It’s become the left’s Go-To tactic for crushing Republicans.
They’ve had plenty of time to perfect the technique since the attempting l_nching of Clarence Thomas, with an encore of Slick Willie getting off scott free.
So many examples. The Duke Lacrosse team, anyone? They used Universities as their own lab for how to rig legal procedures and destroy young men. The cos… The media personality had the gall to ask “How many women have to come forward before we start to believe the accusers?” – NO, justice requires a trial, not accusations in media after SoL has long since expired! How much of a slow steady drip of calculated outrage manufacturing do you have to see until you realize that someone behind the scenes is pulling the strings and playing the media for no purpose than to destroy someone? Moore? Creepy p_rn lawyer? Kavanaugh?
Every day the justice system deals with hundreds of cases that NEVER get reported on the news media. Why is that?
SIMPLE. The media isn’t there to report the news: They’re there to weaponize the events. That’s all. Nothing more.
They could EASILY just report the actual facts: Charges filed against Big Name Republican. They could then move on.
That’s what they do to Democrats, after all. They might report some action, and then conveniently move on to other breaking news. Like the latest report from Avenatti!
There should be genuine legal remedies for people who are caught in these media traps. This goes beyond mere “libel”. Trump knows it. Justice Thomas knows it. Covington boys know it.
Intent doesn’t matter. The law doesn’t make a distinction about “intent”. The fact is that the character assassination has been used to DESTROY people for what they represent, not on the basis of justice. The U.S. cannot be free when there are two systems of justice – The U.S. Justice System, and the Media’s Kangaroo Court of Slimey Smears and Public Character Assassination.


A Chapter crumb for Daughn’s book…..
It happened in 1986, in the midst of the worst farm crisis since the Great Depression. In Burke County, on Georgia’s eastern border, farm after farm was folding.
On Feb. 4, Lenard Dozier Hill III, a third-generation occupant of his cotton-and-soybean acreage, was about to have his land sold out from under him. ”That morning, it was going to be auctioned off at the courthouse steps, so he committed suicide,” said Betsy Sharp, his daughter.In the bedroom of the Hill home, along with the .22-caliber rifle that did the work, was a neat stack of life insurance policies and other papers on the nightstand.
Hill had intended for the life insurance payout to cover most of his $300,000 debt and so save the family farm for another generation. It was a grievous miscalculation. Most, if not all, life insurance policies include a clause that prohibits payment in cases of suicide. “He didn’t realize all that,” Sharp said.Hill’s desperate act struck a chord.
Reporters and TV crews descended on the Waynesboro church where the funeral was held. Vandals painted “farmer killer” on the door of the local bank.Once the family realized the financial futility of Hill’s suicide, the burden of saving the farm fell on his widow, Annabel Hill, a 66-year-old teacher and social worker with gray hair and large glasses.
Money poured in, but Trump and a Texas oilman — a real one, this time — provided the last $78,000. A “mortgage-burning” ceremony was scheduled for two days before Christmas. The Hill family was again flown to New York, at Trump’s expense.
“I had just graduated from high school. He flew us to New York, and we went to Trump Towers and had breakfast with him,” said Betsy Sharp, who is now 49 and lives in Augusta.“We saw a whole different side of him that was kindhearted, to reach out to us, to help us,” the daughter said. “Most people don’t know and see that side. All they see is just the ‘blurt’ that people put on the TV. They don’t see the other side of him, and that’s what my family got to experience.”Argenbright feels likewise. “He couldn’t have been nicer. He took care of them and stayed in touch with them after that,” Argenbright said. “He had no ulterior motive.”

Gail Combs

Thank you. That goes into my Trump Tender Moments file. 😁


Love it!


Question: why is there a TLS “handshake” occurring here with Google???? SMH
“CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Much of Venezuela plunged into darkness Thursday evening, creating chaos as people struggled to navigate their way home amid what appeared to be one of the biggest blackouts yet in a country where power failures have become common.
The power outage began just as commuters were leaving work. Hundreds crammed the streets of Caracas, forced to walk because subway service was stopped. A snarl of cars jammed the streets amid confusion generated by blackened stoplights.
President Nicolas Maduro blasted the outage as an “electrical war” directed by the United States in a statement on Twitter. His information minister, Jorge Rodriguez, said right-wing extremists intent on creating pandemonium by leaving the South American nation without power for several days were behind the blackout, but he offered no proof.”


Um….that was a rhetorical question, btw.

Deplorable Patriot

Fortunately, this bill will not go anywhere in the current climate, but it does help further expose the Dems for the power hungry sorts they really are.
House votes in favor of illegal immigrant voting
By Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times – Friday, March 8, 2019
House Democrats voted Friday to defend localities that allow illegal immigrants to vote in their elections, turning back a GOP attempt to discourage the practice.
The vote marks a stunning reversal from just six months ago, when the chamber — then under GOP control — voted to decry illegal immigrant voting.
“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and hero of the civil rights movement, told colleagues as he led opposition to the GOP measure.
The 228-197 vote came as part of a broader debate on Democrats’ major legislative priority this year, HR 1, the “For the People Act,” which includes historic expansions of voter registration and access, as well as a major rewrite of campaign finance laws.
The measure would have had no practical effect even if it had passed. Illegal immigrants — and indeed noncitizens as a whole — are not legally able to participate in federal elections.


I don’t understand why such a measure is even being debated. Non-citizens should not vote, period.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s all about the Democrats staying in power by any means necessary. This measure may well backfire.


this bill is poison. talked about it on page one of comments and i’ve mentioned it maybe half a dozen times since january 3/4…
here’s a 4chan thread that i saw that gives some interesting points of it – FOR THE PEOPLE indeed…
PLEASE IF YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TO 4CH or 8CH you might want to skip but if you know the way words are used there then please proceed.
this is an archived version of the 4chan thread – you have to scroll down, but starting with the original post and then scattered throughout you get glimpses of the bill and what they are going for…reason why it’s not just laid out was because people were reading it and posting when they came across things.


Well, it’s confirmed.
Sundance & Co. are watching this space very carefully on a daily basis.
All one need do to be banned from CTH is to post here. Nothing more. Insta-blocked. And, for the record, I said not one derogatory word about him or CTH since my 1st post here, nor did I mention this space at CTH. My sole transgression was daring to say hello and reconnect with you all here.
Hmmm. Come to think on it….that’s exactly how unChristian liberals act, isn’t it? How ironic.

Mary Morse

I beg to differ. I’m able to post OT. I’ve never been banned, and I follow both sites daily and post without any problems. (If I have trouble posting at either site, it’s a device problem. My tablet sucks.)


Your experience is quite different than mine.
1. I have not been, nor was I engaged with/in, any disputes with anyone OT, either posters nor moderators, and as far as I know was in good standing there
2. I had regular posting privileges prior to posting here, but now when I post OT it goes into moderation and then is deleted altogether….not a device issue.


In my experience, nothing is consistent over there. The rules are not applied consistently and can change at the whim of whoever is in charge at any given moment.


All I can say is that my experience is consistent with what I have heard since I began posting here. I thought, “Surely not.” Well, yep, surely so.


Welcome to the Banned 🙂
We play Beautiful Music Here


Is there any significance to your capitalizing “Beautiful Music Here”?
AsQing for a friend.


lol…… no hidden meaning
Just welcoming you 🙂


Ah. Thank you! Glad to have a voice somewhere.


Welcome to the Club!!! 🤗🤗🤗


This suggests that they are actually maintaining a “blacklist” and, moreover, are checking it regularly.
Which, if true, means they actually have a lot of time on their Hans, unlike what they claim in the posting and email guidelines.
Which, if true, means they are liars, who say they support POTUS.
Q: Why is it that Sundance NEVER encouraged anyone to contact their reps in Congress, EVER?? Why hasn’t he ever posted said contact info and gotten his followers to take direct action??


Hans = hands
Note: if replying to this, please reply under the OP for space (prevent the narrowing of posts). Thx!


Yep, yep, yep, and yep. Hmmmm??



Mary Morse

I believe you. It’s very strange, and sad.


I wondered where all you good folks went. I was banned and the mods went back and deleted all my posts made for a few days. That site has gone off the rails in a sly kind of way from when it first started. Ignore the above. Made an input error.


PM has extended his THREAD of Q Drops



Note in Tweet #56 above, PM says Q is referring to INDIA not Israel or Islam as some have suggested.

Plain Jane

The spy devices mentioned in the thread reminded me of an Our Man Flint James Coburn movie where the villain turned out to be AT&T. Anyone remember which movie it was?





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Usually I would only post one of PM’s tweets to his THREAD…
BUT, there is sooo much info from this Anon that does not appear in the Drops that I felt it needed to be seen… there’s more at PM’s THREAD as I didn’t post everything and some of PM’s tweets got cut off…
So if you’re really interested in Q ——— you might want to check out PM’s twitter acc’t for full THREAD.
PM is great…
Does anyone else think PM may be an Anon????
(Inquiring Minds ‘peculate, doncha know!)


PR, I like your version. You bring the highlights, cut to the chase and Save me time. Thank You.


You’re welcome Butterfly !

Gail Combs

Prying Medic usually does a Utube of his tweets a day or two later. I like his voice so I often listen/watch late at night if I can not sleep.
His Utubes generally go up much faster then his alternate videos linked at his website.


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Thats a real keeper. Lol.


Oh-oh. She’s in trouble now.
ILHAN OMAR UNLEASHED: Radical Democrat Goes After Obama “Pretty Face” Who Got Away with Murder with Murder
“Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar ripped former President Barack Obama in an interview published Friday, belittling his “pretty face” and saying his agenda of hope and change was an illusion.
She cited the “caging of kids” at the Mexican border and the “droning of countries around the world” on Obama’s watch — and argued that he wasn’t much different from President Trump
“We can’t be only upset with Trump,” the freshman firebrand told Politico Magazine.
“His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was,” Omar said.
“And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.”

Sadie Slays

Sometimes I wonder if Omar and Ocasio-Cortez are secretly Team Q and tasked with red pilling the public about the Democratic Party.


I’ve had the same thought, Sadie.


if it wasn’t for ozero these scumbags would still be in somalia.
they do not care. they do not want you to like them. they want to conquer.
do not be deceived by them.

Pat Frederick

wow…cheeky little twit…look at her comment
“We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.”
maybe we need to hear what her policies are behind that smug smile…


She projects …………… too much


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Pat Frederick

wonder if she is on Moussad’s radar yet?

Molly Pitcher

Their women in so…time for the real brains behind the chattel to step in~~~


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Extremism in the Somali community of Minneapolis has long been a concern of American counterterrorism officials, as both the Islamic State and al-Qaeda’s ally al-Shabaab have been alarmingly successful at recruiting from the area. The district represented by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has seen more men and boys attempt to join foreign terrorist organizations over the last 12 years than any other district in the United States.


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Sadie Slays

Anyone find it odd that the media suddenly -really- wants us to hate Michael Jackson? A mainstream media editorial just popped into with the headline, “Stop Listening to Michael Jackson.” It doesn’t get more blunt than that.
Now I’m not going to debate whether Michael Jackson was innocent or not. I honestly don’t know. All I’m saying is that when the media wants us to hate someone, I immediately question why. The only other celebrity I’ve seen the media smear as hard as Michael Jackson is Donald Trump.


noticed that last week also – saw some radio stations were suddenly banning his music and there was a few “hit” pieces on him in some “progressive/hipster” outlets.
i have held out judgement on MJ for years and years for simply one reason – the mass amount of blame they tried to throw at him and yet there was nothing. he spent zero days in jail.
he was an abused hollywood/entertainment kid like the corey’s and so many others…
going to spin up some tunes right now – thanks for the reminder!

Deplorable Patriot

Good question, especially since he is the artist other than Journey played most often on the stations I frequent.


And he died 10 years ago. Why all the media coverage now? Wonder what’s on deck.

Pat Frederick

they did just lower the price on Neverland to sell it again…


Hmmm. Now you are making me wonder.
What if there is info out there, that the white hats have found, of the abuse of Jackson himself? By rich and powerful people, who may still be around?
Maybe it is tied up in the Epstein stuff, or the NXIVM cult.
They want us to hate him so we don’t look into HIS childhood. Maybe.


Read on Qresearch board that Jackson never abused children… he actually protected many from human sex trafficking rings…
and now that arrests will begin for huge arrests for pedophilia, those guilty are pulling Jackson out and smearing him again… in order to diminish their own situation.
I don’t know exactly how that works! But who knows.
I have seen NO evidence of his involvment in Epstein stuff or NXIVM cult…


HBO did a special on him with pedophile claims.

Deplorable Patriot

Just to add fuel to the fire of the DNA companies being owned by less than wholesome organizations.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, that didn’t quite work. The St. Patrick’s Day special features being able to determine Irish origin in up to 92 regions in Ireland.

Deplorable Patriot

Slow, but sure progress.


Flep, have you seen this? Xi cancelled Mar-a-lago. Tariffs increasing soon??


Im busy most of the day and see bill shine is gone. We have security clearance revoked for someone, and the previous leaks.
Was Bill Shine the leaker?


He is joining POTUS’ 2020 campaign so I don’t think he’d be the leaker.


Seeing that posted around now…but his statement does include “spend more time with his family”. Whenever I see that something is amiss one way or another.




unbelievable. i hope the trials are public and shown on giant screens across the country.





Ohhhh, wowwwww.
There’s a BOMB in a presser.


Very interesting that the audience applauded the question. Sounds like they’ve either been following Q or heard about this from other sources. That tells me that the information is getting out there, despite the MCM.


Linda, the info is all over the net… outside of Q.


Chan Investigation Agencycomment image


Not sure I like where biometric passwords are headed, thought of implant and scanning (mark of Beast) comes to mind🧐
However, highlight of Article –
Freudian keystroke? Fox News article mentions the “Chrime” browser😂😂
“Web authentication” is already enabled system-wide on Chrome OS and Windows 10, and on the most commonly-used web browsers, like FireFox, Chrime, and Safari. So if you’ve been wanting to ditch your passwords – now’s your chance!

Molly Pitcher

Yeah, I’m not wanting to have any biometrics . I may have to go dark if it becomes mandatory.

Gail Combs

You and me both!
I stayed away from Farcebook, Twatter and have an ancient Computer and flip phone.
Maybe we can use a pet for the ‘biometric’ password. 😜

Molly Pitcher

lol..that might work!
I’m with you..old phone, praying it keeps working . No FB, no twitter but I sure am grateful to those that do tweet. It’s been the MAGA lifeline, imo

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe we can use a pet for the ‘biometric’ password.

Yeah, but you’re in a heap of trouble if the pet dies.
Ideally they’d be going with some sort of token you plug into the USB port, instead of a biometric thing.

Cuppa Covfefe

That would be like pressing the paws button continuously…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It would certainly be a tail of woe for the owner of the pet trying to get onto any sites. The fur would really fly!
But at least the hackers wouldn’t get a leg up on them.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. They would surely flea…


The dongle, resurrected. Oh, my. How history and technology repeat themselves.


This is EXACTLY how Rev. 13:17 will come to pass…..sold on the ideas of “convenience” and “safety”.comment image

Molly Pitcher

“The syringe slides in between the thumb and index finger. Then, with a click, a microchip is injected in the employee’s hand. Another “cyborg” is created.
“The biggest benefit, I think, is convenience,” said Patrick Mesterton, co-founder and chief executive of Epicenter.“
Yes. There it is in black and white.

Cuppa Covfefe

They do it already (and have for some time now) here in Europe for pets. What they don’t talk about, despite the supposed intert packaging, is that pets develop cancers over time, either due to rejection of the implant, or perhaps RF generated by scanners nearby (to which the implants resonate, even if not intended, i.e. wrong reader)…
Not ready for primetime, by a long shot…
They’re stealthily putting “chipping” in the public subconscious, building unwitting acceptance before the widescale attempts at implementation. Typical Alinsky tactic…
The recipient of the chipping wouldn’t be a cyborg unless (and until) the implant actually interfaced physically (nerve endings) with the body. There’s a fellow (OK, a nut) at Cambridge who claims to be a cyborg, but even he isn’t connected up (and his, erm, alternate reality, is a few bricks short of a full load)…


exactly right.


PS – the proper Hebrew interpretation of Rev. 13:16-17 is “….receive a mark IN the right hand….”
…not “on” it.
For 40 years I pondered this meaning….how it could come to pass….and then….micro-chip implants….
….for your “safety” and “convenience”

Molly Pitcher

That’s really interesting..hmmm.
So many things seem to be converging right now. That’s an example..the inhuman abortion rush..and more..I can’t think, lol I have to go get the kidds


Except the NT was written in Greek, not Hebrew. Yes, the apostles were obviously Hebrew, but the text was Greek (some Aramaic)—at least it was when I was in seminary.

Gail Combs

That was what Obummercare was really all about!
From My Old Notes:
1. Medical care removed for those over 70. Many procedures are now on the do not prescribe list.
2. Medical personnel snooping in your purchases so they can ‘intervene’ in ‘unhealthy’ life styles.
Hospitals to begin monitoring your credit card purchases to flag ‘unhealthy’ habits
3. New Dietary guidelines stressing sustainable ‘vegetarian practices’ (no red meat) (Red meat is needed for brain development in the fetus and fast growing babes.)
4. Trials for implanted data chips containing medical info.
5. A new international diagnostic manual, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, labels independent thinkers as mentally ill, by calling them conspiracy theorists, deniers… There is even a paper: A CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF ANTI-GOVERNMENT PHOBIA


what this is about is giving all your passwords to these scam companies. every single one of them is corrupt.
i actually DO LOSE SLEEP over all the times i suggested google, firefox, thunderbird (mozilla email) and the like to people to get them away from the “bad guys”…
if you are too lazy to log in every time and make secure passwords then you might want to consider not getting online…
remember – if it’s CONVENIENT that’s the first clue it’s BAD. so far every convenience has been proven to be a bad thing – tracking, data mining, biometric theft (facial scans, fingerprints) all these apps, everything… it was all a trap. if it’s easy and convenient and gives you free perks walk away.

Cuppa Covfefe

If you’re getting something for free; it’s YOU that is being sold…


Holy smokes!


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Dan Bongino’s “New Rules Baby – We win, You LOSE!!!!”




Smollett should be in prison when he is found guilty. This was egregious and he should not get probation. He had multiple chances to end it, and he still wont admit it.
CHICAGO — A Cook County grand jury has returned a 16-count indictment against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, according to court records. 
The Cook county State’s Attorney’s Office confirmed the indictment, which they said was returned by a grand jury on Thursday. 
Smollett was originally charged with one felony count of disorderly conduct for filing a false police report by the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office on Feb. 20. 
Now the grand jury has returned 16 felony counts of disorderly conduct for filing a false police report. 
The TV actor claimed he was the victim of a vicious hate crime in the Streeterville neighborhood on Jan. 29. He said two men physically attacked him while yelling racist and homophobic slurs, threw a chemical liquid on him and looped a rope around his neck. 
RELATED: Jussie Smollett charged with disorderly conduct for filing false police report, prosecutors say 
The grand jury returned two separate sets of charges. The first set are related to what Smollett told officers about the alleged attack, including that the attackers called him racial and homophobic slurs, struck him with his their hands, put a noose around his neck, and poured some sort of chemical substance on him. 
The second set of charges are related to the second interview Smollett had with police about the alleged attack later that day. 
RELATED: Brothers told police Smollett was upset threatening letter didn’t get enough attention, staged attack 
The new set of charges each carry a possible sentence of probation to four years. Smollett already pleaded not guilty to the first disorderly conduct charge. He was taken into custody and posted $100,000 bond to be freed. 
Experts believe it is likely he will strike a plea deal and potentially not spend time in prison.


Why would a prosecutor offer a plea deal in a slam dunk case where the defendant has nobody or nothing to give up?


black gay actor friends with dems been groomed since back in the day.
but i’m sure that has nothing to do with it.


Daddy was a Russian commie, but Jewish, mom is America hating, cop hating, black panther activist. And he has 5 siblings just like him.
And, Chicago.


yup, he’ll get off with probation for sure.
and robyn roberts will have another crying jussie interview…


They blew up Ferguson and Baltimore – Chicago would have been a war.

Comments are almost 1400 after only 4 hours!!!!!!!!!!
This is also in the article…
DIM Party is D.O.A.

She is offering this as an amendment to HR 1 which Mitch has said will NEVER see the floor of the Senate. Of course he has made other promises…………


oops, I misplaced my comment DIM Party is D.O.A., should be placed AFTER the tweet…


It’s a pity the people’s time has to be taken up with tripe like this.
Oh, and the idea is bad, too.

Deplorable Patriot

They must be trying to get these laws passed before the public wakes up more than we have to the voter fraud.


see my post earlier in this thread with the 4chan archive page about this bill – but study it folks. this is serious business regardless if it “get’s to the floor” or not. sorry, but i do not trust mcconnell or any of them.

Deplorable Patriot

Anyone else feeling it in the air? Like all hell’s going to break loose, and I’m not talking about the storm system that’s supposed to come through here tomorrow.


honestly – it’s been tearing up my insides since the vegas thing… before that it was just a bitter dull gnaw because i thought there was absolutely no way anyone would ever get to know some of the stuff… the closer we get the more i feel it… i just hope we all have the intestinal fortitude to do what we have to do.

Deplorable Patriot

At this point, I’m practicing my elevator speeches and explanations of some of the basics. I know a lot of people who are open minded enough to hear the truth, but who lack the decades of background in diving down rabbit holes to really understand what’s been going on.


faith is a good thing… I know you practice it.
faith, trust that WE will overcome evil, that we WILL move from darkness to light …
with the help of the Lord, our POTUS and American patriots.
We WILL overcome because we HAVE To…
Positiveness, humor, Qtree… will get you through the days and nights…TRUST


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Proverbs 3:5-7 is well worth noting (as is the rest of Proverbs, for that matter):

5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.


we don’t really have any other choice right? 🙂
i learned a long time ago to keep your head on a swivel, all senses on alert and keep moving forward – there’s no going back!
i just feel like i’ve been getting more and more keyed up as time goes on and i am ready for something to break out here if you know what i mean!

Gail Combs

I am an Agnostic. However I figure President Trump has been a ‘God Sent’ to the USA.
Originally I figured, given TPP, Agenda 21, Green Energy… I was condemned to watch my country disappear and humanity descent into 1,000 years of darkness and slavery.
How could anyone not be happy given we have President Trump at the head of our country and fighting for us.
That is why I left OT and the Eyores.
Buck up boy and be happy that we now have a fighting chance.
Watching the entire world awaken and the enemies of humanity slowly get taken out has been the experience of a life time.


Andrew we all have a place in this and for many of us I feel it will be talking others off of the ledge.


You mean , like “The caalm before the storm”?


yeah, that’s exactly it 😉


A gay fascist racist projecting it on to the POTUS and america loving dudes minding their own business. Just another day of lefty meltdowns.
He was gonna slap them like no other 4 year old could.


Turn off the TV…
Go to (remove * before you click) *

and scroll down to find start, then scroll up, see the outpouring of love for our POTUS and FLOTUS…
These people in Alabama have lost so much, and yet they have placed flags, made signs… all welcoming their POTUS, thanking him for coming…
The photos are numerous and overwhelming… will make you tear up, so need tissues!!!


i am sure the TV is making fun of him, like when he tossed paper towels and what not eh?


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition (MEWC) director Nahren Anweya on Wednesday warned Americans who visit Minnesota’s 5th district, Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district, the 2016 “terrorist recruitment capital of the country.”
“You won’t even think you’re in America,” she said of the district that elected Ilhan Omar.
MEWC Director of Speical Projects Anweya was speaking at an MEWC press conference calling for Rep. Omar to resign. She said she has cousins and family members “called whores for showing” part of the back of the arm in Iraq, “a country where one day they were wearing mini skirts.”
“It is truly because of people like [Rep.] Ilhan [Omar], when the government is infiltrated and it starts this way because it happened in Iraq and it happened against us,” she went on. “Iraq used to be a country where Jews lived freely, where Assyrian Christians lived freely, where even Armenians were there, and even moderate Muslims lived until sharia law took place and everyone was affected.”
“Americans truly need to understand that this will affect you one day if you don’t make a change right now,” she said of sharia, adding she knows the early signs of genocide.
Anweya asked how the House of Representatives passed 393-0, “Resolution 75 recognizing the ongoing genocide of Christians and other religious minorities under ISIS” in March 2016 but now support representatives like Ilhan Omar. She cited Omar’s request to a judge for a lighter sentence for a terrorist supporter.
“We are here because of God, to give you a warning as Americans,” said Anweya. “We are here to tell you this is coming here, and it is here and it will affect you. It will affect everyone.”
“You will see your daughters get beheaded,” she went on. Anweya said she interviewed hundreds of families of all religions affected in the genocide in Iraq who “watched family members get executed right in front of them and that’s when reality hit them and they knew it was too late and that sharia law had taken full control of that country.”
She said she would not stop until Rep. Omar resigns in light of her anti-Semitism, possible ties to terrorism, and sympathy for radicals. She pointed to her experience being born and raised in the Middle East.
Anweya went further to decry members of Congress supporting Omar while “knowing what is happening in Minnesota’s 5th district,” Ilhan Omar’s district.
“If you don’t know, I highly advise you to take a trip to Minnesota’s 5th district and you will see what’s happening,” Anweya suggested. “You won’t even think you’re in America.”


Zero did this… it was deliberate.
Brings Sharia law in concentrated form… that expands and spreads outside its district.
This is how situation in London started.


“Z̶e̶r̶o̶ Valarie Jarrett did this….it was deliberate.”
Zero was and is a souless soy boy sock puppet who did what he was told to do by his masters.


You’re correct G&C…

Cuppa Covfefe

And it’s happening all over Europe. Coudenhove-Kalergi, birthed in the 1920s by a couple of crazy Marxist clowns who wanted to shake their fists at GOD and His Creation, and undo the judgement of the Tower of Babel, and the eviction from the Garden of Eden. In other words, they want all of the races and peoples to be mixed, and reduced to the lowest common denominator, while the elites separate themselves even more from the “proletariat, unwashed masses”…
And Merde-kel, and Soros, and their Moslem puppets (for that is indeed what they are) are pushing this with all their Satanic might…



U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development official Lynne Patton accused CNN of lying on Thursday night.
Friday morning, Patton posted an audio clip of her interaction with the reporter, backing up her original assertion and demanded that CNN immediately retract the story.
Read the rest of the story of this awesome woman winning over Fake News CNN!


I thought it unusual that Barron accompanied his parents to Alabama. And a flash came to me that they may have brought him for security reasons. Now comes this tweet:

Which says to me Melania didn’t want to leave him at White House while they are out of town.
What do you all think?


Aww shucks… there goes my paranoia —
POTUS & FLOTUS will head for Mar-A-Lago when they leave Alabama, which is why Barron is with them.
SMH !!!!!!!!!!
Sorry guys… just an ol’ woman with not enough info spouting off…


I was headed down the same road, PR


Someone is going to bev13 years old this month….birthday at maralago?


If nothing else, it is unusual.
If possible, AF1 is even more protected and secure than the WH itself. After all, AF1 is where POTUS goes when SHTF.


Ok….I posted my reply at the same time you were posting your reply, PR. Sorry.


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Thanks wolfie…

Cuppa Covfefe

(Forgive me) Different Strzoks, for different folks…
It seems as if with the deep state, there are NO coincidences. One wonders how long the “dark plan” has been in play. Reminds me of that cartoon of the CommiesInAction as an ever larger dog; nowadays running wild…


The “dark plan” has been in play since we exited the Garden, since Cain killed Able.
The plan morphs, goes into hibernation – but it ALWAYS lurks, waiting for opportune times.
Like seeks out like, and is always trying to recruit new converts. Both Gd’s people and Gd haters are engaged in this battle.
Both sides “know” their own plan with a gut instinct. Few can express it clearly in words …
The difference is that Gd’s people openly proclaim His plan for us – the demonic hide in the shadows, and whisper their plans in dark corners. When their plan is openly expressed, many of their adherents, those that are not yet fully “lost”, recoil in horror. It is what those ones do when they fully realise the path that they are on that is very interesting to observe …


I read that and I was like…
Slang for “truth”.
Which is interesting, how the slang for “truth” became “Word”.
Especially given this…
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1


Yeah – this is the fourth category of Rumsfeld’s Known’s vs Unknown’s – Unknown Known’s …..
You “know” stuff that you are unaware of. When someone else tells you about one of these things, your immediate response is – “I knew that”, but in a bemused sort of way, cause it is the first time you have heard it out loud, consciously. Your subconscious was already onto the concept, it had just not emerged into your consciousness yet. This is pretty cool … 🙂
So when you used the word “Word” in that context – you had likely already made the connections …


Hey W – what crime(s) did Gen Cartwright commit causing his pardon?


Cartwright was accused of leaking info on #stuxnet .


Here’s some more info on Cartwright…
filed 1/10/2017
Why General Cartwright leaked still doesn’t quite makes sense but Hillary Clinton didn’t like it, so it was probably a good thing. If you haven’t seen #ZeroDays , it is a documentary focused on Stuxnet, a piece of self-replicating computer malware that the U.S. and Israel unleashed to destroy a key part of an Iranian nuclear facility, and which ultimately spread beyond its intended target.
Under the George W. Bush administration, Cartwright had “established a small cyberoperation inside the United States Strategic Command” that began the work of developing a cyberweapon to disable Iran’s nuclear program. An article by Daniel Klaidman of Newsweek that same year reported that shortly after Obama had been sworn in, Cartwright talked the president into keeping the program going, even as he was attempting to reach out to the Iranian government diplomatically. This program eventually led to the Stuxnet worm that caused serious damage to Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. And General #JamesCartwright , who is a brother-in-law of #JamesStrzok , becomes Obama’s favorite and most trusted person who he worked with.
James Cartwright was pardoned by Obama on his last day in office and we understand how Obama can have historical documents disappear. He knows the right people like Strzok in FBI.


i am highly interested in one single piece of paper regarding BOH and you know what that is!
“Loretta Fuddy was the sole fatality in a Hawaiian plane crash late in 2013”


Techies are Charters!!! 😂🤓😉


Wow and BOOM!




WM, here’s more…
Now it is discovered Strzok’s wife was promoted to a very powerful position in the SEC, with oversight of which securities and financial crime cases get forwarded to the FBI, DOJ for prosecution.
Perhaps Hodgman’s promotion was merely happenstance?
“There are no coincidences here,” one FBI source told True Pundit. “Not with this crew. They wanted his wife in that SEC slot for a reason.”
But why?
Enter the Clinton Foundation.
We now know what the FBI knew after they seized the laptop during a search warrant at Weiner and Huma Abedin’s Manhattan residence: There were thousands of documents on the laptop related to the Clinton Foundation, including offshore financial records.
With that evidence — as well as thousands more of classified emails linked to Hillary on the laptop — FBI sources said agents and brass knew immediately the Bureau would likely reopen the criminal case against Clinton. And ex-Director James Comey did just that two weeks later.
Hence the rush to get an insurance policy in place at the SEC in case things heated up on the white-collar crime side.
With Hodgman at the SEC and Strzok at the FBI it would be virtually impossible to even know what cases linked to the Clinton Foundation had criminal merit, if each were trying to keep all things Clinton-related quiet.
But Charles Ortel, an expert on the financial dealings and filings of the Clinton Foundation believes having chess pieces in place at the SEC and FBI were only a smaller part of a much larger game for the Clintons.
“The Clinton “business plan” to monetize government is broader than simply gaming one agency–they saw an opportunity to create unregulated globalist government and seeded many organizations with like-minded persons, some of whom were simply naive, but all of whom ultimately are corrupt,” Ortel said.
Ortel, a private investor and writer who exposes large complex international frauds, understands the labyrinth of the Clinton Foundation’s international scams. And while the foundation itslef is not a public company which would fall under the SEC’s regulatory umbrella, it’s finances remain entwined with dozens of public entities that do.
Ortel has laid out many of these relationships on CrowdSource the Truth on YouTube every Sunday, dissecting the complex financial schemes of the Clinton Foundation.
Ortel said having a hook inside the SEC would certainly benefit Hillary Clinton.
“The SEC is a civil agency that only prosecutes criminal cases in concert with the DOJ,” Ortel said. . “It is a prime instrument that can be monetized readily — lawyers there typically migrate to jobs as partners in uni-party law firms, so they can, it seems, be managed to favor politically connected donors from both parties.”
This amounts to a very sophisticated white collar protection racket of sorts. If there were illicit contributions to the Clinton Foundation from publicly-traded entities in any country — even companies listed on foreign stock exchanges — the SEC still wields a tremendous amount of power to sanction, sue, or refer criminality to the FBI.
And what about if a prospective donor to the Clinton Foundation has an ongoing problem with the SEC? Or the SEC has frozen certain assets of a donor.
The Clintons have the juice to make all that go away or to protect donors from the SEC and FBI oversight and essentially “fix” problems of their billionaire and millionaire benefactors and further rig the system.
“The IRS (Lois Lerner and others) is the prime place where the Clintons (and Obamas, and Bushes) need allies to insulate their “foundations” from attention, and using the DOJ and state AGs from prosecutions,” Ortel said.
A modern-day mafia.
Read More:


Dear God in heaven!


With, no surprise, James also had a solid military career, and deep knowledge in energy / resources ..
Ready to Change the World? Start Here!: What Are Jesuits Doing in East Africa?
in Journal of Jesuit Studies
Author: James Strzok S.J. 1
Online Publication Date: 30 Sep 2016
Volume/Issue: Volume 3: Issue 4
Article Type: Research Article
This article represents a case study of Jesuit activities in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, specifically regarding sustainable practices, through a reflection of the author’s own itinerary. It highlights some of the opportunities that construction and infrastructure development offers for harnessing solar energy and utilizing eco-friendly methods, such as hydraform technology, bio-latrines as a means of methane gas production, solar energy, and especially geothermal energy as an abundant resource in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley. Additionally, the article outlines the crucial role of trees in ecosystems as a constructive means of responding to climate change based on the process of carbon capture, while illustrating tree planting as a service in an educational context. Particular focus is given to the sibling schools of St Peter Claver High School and Ocer Campion Jesuit College in Dodoma, the capital of Tanzania, which constitute a model of sorts exhibiting these best practices for the community.
Read Full Publication:

Deplorable Patriot

Spring Hill, huh. Wonder what other schools have been used as recruiting grounds. I know Princeton is one, and Georgetown, unfortunately, most likely Notre Dame.
Going for infiltration, no doubt. Pope Leo XIII was right. Gotta stay on guard.


yup, i remember when this was breaking out (time of this quoted post) it was a time when a lot of dots were being connected.
the saddest part (and most telling) is that there are SO MANY “coincidences” like this when you look at anyone you can imagine is on the side of evil.
it’s no coincidence – it’s more like synchronicity.

Harry Lime

Do you ever get the feeling that the Green New Deal is but a trial balloon for bigger and more oppressive things to come? There are monsters among us.comment image
Amazing Polly topics of discussion: World Economic Forum – Davos – the Fourth Industrial Revolution – Designer Drugs – Accessing People’s Thoughts and Emotions – Robots – AI – Concentrated Wealth, Power and Knowledge – Things to Come
This is a pretty bleak video by Polly…she is obviously very emotional about the topic at hand…and for good reason, imo. I was, too, by the end of it. I hope she finds joy in life and in nature and people…and is still able to make her videos for the rest of us. We need people like Polly to keep opening those eyes. I’ll bet she’s opened a few.


We have been treated as “products” since we allowed ourselves to be referred to as “Consumers”.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This has always been true, and is true today, across the spectrum …

Cuppa Covfefe

Look at the works of Vance Packard (“The Naked Society”, “The Hidden Persuaders”, “The Wastemakers”, and a host of others). He saw this coming, and wrote about it extensively.
In the late 1950s…

Harry Lime

Thanks, CC. My library grows…and grows…

Elizabeth Carter

Cuppa, I read them all in the early 70s and then watched them happen. It was awful. Now they are out in the open for everyone to see, but it will still take time for people to accept the truth.


Oh, my, Cuppa, you Do go back a long way. Forgot all about Packard, I need to read those. Wow.

Gail Combs

I put together a set of comments that is an extension of your Déjà Woo and The Unbelievable Convenience of Amnesia (Hubby is editing it now) I can post it as a set of six comments or you may use it as the basis for writing an article. I can have Hubby email it to you .
Thanks Gail

Gail Combs

I am waiting on Hubby, he is a professional Tech Writer and his family is 5th generation news paper. 🙄
I do not DARE mangle the Engish language when he or his brothers are around. 🤣
And puns… OH NO! the PUNS!😁

Gail Combs

Looks like it is going to take a bit of time for Hubby to re-write so I will get it to you when he is done with it. A couple of days.. next week… a decade from now…
Never ever hand your stuff the a tech writer who edits computer manuals, a guy who is a perfectionist and expect anything to happen fast. I should know that by now. 🙄


“It’s Almost not fair, Being on God’s side.” WOW!! I Cannot Like this enough!!!!!! From last Friday to The First Friday of Lent–for me– Personal Roller Coaster!!! God IS THE PLAN! 🙏😳😊


Now than Plan CANNOT fail!!!


Jason!! Fo Sure!!


I’m guessing Polly in the YT that Harry linked to had seen this …

Very interesting that the YT algorithm “fed” this to me shortly after watching Sally …
As I said in another comment in today’s “Open Topic”, I do not think many of the Gdless that are designing the brave new world are consciously aware of their intentions, or what is driving them …


And this coming reality is already well on is way. Note the last sentence in this story:
“Approximately 40,000 people in the United States already have smart chips in their heads, but those brain implants are only approved for medical use for now.”
Coming at us faster than we know.
I always thought that Genghis Khan was humanities last chance at being a true Luddite, where he wanted to turn all cities into pasture land for his horses. That idea went out the window with the immediate successors from his own family.
Ted Kaczynski, the unibomber is what a real Luddite looked like in 1996. He wanted you dead if you owned a refrigerator or air conditioner (only remember reading that, may not be in what’s below and who knows what I read). Soon people might look forward to what is coming and then look back at Ted and think maybe he wasn’t so crazy after all. The whole thing is worth a reread on this issue and what he says about liberals and other things. Also has audio.
The bottom line I come away with the Polly video and the one above is that we are getting a lot real world problems shoved in our face that are distracting us from what is coming. Being blinded by these real world problems keeps us from talking about what is coming by keeping our thoughts and thus our voices occupied elsewhere. If you ignore one you get trampled and if you ignore the other you get taken.
Anyway, thinks we’ll manage both. The concept of freedom and individual rights have been ever impressed in our conscious and will survive. It’s what rose up through thousands of years of human evolution in Western thought since the Greeks and Judaeo Christian beliefs. It is the gold standard for those that have come to understand it and were not going to accept tyranny after coming this far.


Yeah I was going to say something about being treated like babies right after mentioning tyranny but I was already mucking up my tenses and such. Ackkk! 🙂


Oh, how I’ve missed you, Wolf. And this post is a PRIME example of why.

View post on


WARNING: Adult language….NSFW or kids
Don’t press play if above offends or is present!




I have a simple test for when MAGA is realised …
Simple, easy peasy. That would signal the end of evil being allowed to flourish at the heart of the best governance system yet devised, giving the rest of us mugs in 2-bit countries some hope 🙂
The rest will take care of itself – under the continued wise guidance of one PDJT, of course.


amen brother!
that one domino right there does not fall and hit none – it falls and touches off a winding, branching, exponential 3d mass of dominos.


It also is a test that Equal Justice for All is being applied – proof that the DOJ has been / is being turned around


we need some solid proof desperately.


No sh!t!!!! 🙂


Hard to argue with this….esp. combined with Andrew1979’s reply.

Harry Lime

On the topic of US Government experimenting on human beings;
I don’t remember this speech (it must have happened when I was trying desperately to block the Clinton’s out of my mind). How many of you think that government experiments on humans ceased to exist after this speech? Yeah, I kind of doubt it myself…


Data harvesting is just another form of human experimentation…

Harry Lime

So is television…in all it’s forms. They’re always looking for another way to control. That’s what makes national health care so scary…and there are people who actually want these things?


Yeah, the sh!t on TV these days is Orwellian in the extreme. These “reality” shows are …. lost for words.
I suspect that you are saying that they are feeding as more and more excrement and are watching us “consume” it with ever increasing excitement that their “project” to demonise humanity is drawing ever closer to fulfilment.


office mate told me about some new show he was watching the other day called American Gods or something… the 30 second description was… very interesting. i tried to get the backstory from him but like most people they just ingest the visual and have no idea what they are watching.

Cuppa Covfefe

As is Windows 10 (or Windoze 1 0).
And I’m only half-kidding…
“Meet the new Bug(s),
Same as the old Bug(s)”…
We won’t get fooled again…yeah, right…


It never ends. Eternal vigilance is not enough, on its own …


that’s not a bug… it’s a feature!
– Windoze95/98/ME/XP/Vista/8/10

Gail Combs

My mom was a part of Government Experimentation (WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!) First she was used for Radiation experiments — They BURNED THE SHIT OUT OF HER! Her skin turned black and pealed off like that of a burnt chicken. We got the OH! a mistake was made.
THEN she was used for the first Chemotherapy experiments. The dosage was too high and they killed her…. She had just turned 62. 😡
Is it any wonder I very, very rarely go to a doctor?

Gail Combs

It was Strong Memorial, Rochester NY who was finally named in a Congressional hearing as doing the Experiments. In one year they killed my Mom, My boy friend’s Mom and My best Friend’s Mom.
Then years later Strong was again part of the ILLEGAL Human experimentation of diesel fumes for the EPA. They killed a young girl who had asthma.–epa-illegal-human-testing-on-crf-radio
(Hope the URL are stil ‘live’)

Harry Lime

That’s some pretty frightening stuff, Gail. Sorry about what they did to your mother! That is right out of a movie plot…but all too real. And that poor teenager at U of R…tragic!
(all of the links worked except the first one)

Gail Combs

Thanks for letting me know. The first link was the Congressional report on the US radiation experements on humans.
The Wiki page leaves a heck of a lot of the stuff out.


So very sorry. But so glad to be connected to you through this forum. God bless you!


Doctors are in bed with Big Pharma, and vice-versa!!! AVOID!!!

Harry Lime

Yeah, it seems the older I get…the less I trust anyone…including my doctors, unfortunately.

Cuppa Covfefe

They don’t make any money after they cure someone…
Keeping us sick keeps them profitable…
Don’t worry though. Eventually they will come face to Face with The Great Physician. And then they will have to answer for all that they have or haven’t done…

Gail Combs

Some Doctors are really good people. So we have to remember that. HOWEVER learn as much as you can so you are an EDUCATED consumer.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s not so much doctors that are in bed with big pharma as it is the American Medical Association. They keep an amazingly tight grip on the field. Only so many physicians are licensed at any one time, they are REQUIRED to follow certain medical protocols, a lot of times, the REAL answer to solving simple maladies is whispered behind a hand because it violates a big pharma and/or promoted narrative and isn’t “medical” in nature.
Want to know more? Look up the Flexner Report and start with that.

A Fortiori

Yes. I rember I was stunned when the AMA came out in favor of Obamacare. That told me for certain that they were not what they pretended to be.

Deplorable Patriot

Nope. The AMA is about keeping control and cash. My family knew a very well respected physician in a specialist sort of a field, and this person had no use for the AMA other than needing it for a license.


Modern trade guild. Protecting their turf.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gail, so sorry to hear of your (and your Mother’s) loss. That is an unconscionable crime.
And to think that Congress Critters discuss “reparations” for all manner of undeserving people, yet making any, even minimal effort, to ease the pain of TRUE VICTIMS is beyond them. GOD bless you and your family…
In the SF Bay Area, there is a higher (some say far higher) than normal cancer rate, including lung cancers in people who have never smoked (nor been around smokers). It turns out that there were radioactivity-exposure experiments done in the 40s and 50s, with no knowledge nor consent from the population… Have to wonder if the same sort of thing is going on now. 5G (and the mythical 6G) come to mind…
Remember radium paint (clock dials, etc.) and the x-ray shoe-fitting devices?

Gail Combs

Cuppa Covfefe,
My Mom was one of those really good people who never could see evil in anyone. She died at home in her sleep which was a blessing so I figure the Lord wanted her Home with him.


Gail!! Only the good die young. Your momma was one of the good ones! Sorry for your loss and the pain… I am not a fan of doctors either–avoid like the freakin plague..

Jan Phillips

Oh, Gail!! I’m so sorry!! That’s horrible!!!!


I’m so sorry about what happened to your mother Gail.


Yikes!!!! This movie is bad…


These days it is absolutely safe to assume any movie is pure trash unless you hear differently, and even then 80%+ of the time it is still pure trash.
Last night I watched “The Big Country” (1959) with Gregory Peck, Burl Ives, and Charlton Heston.
Now THAT is a cinematic experience worthy of anyone’s time.
The only thing that keeps today’s Hollyweird going is that yesteryears mega-stars aren’t around to condemn today’s garbage and the people who crap it out their diseased minds.


Oh that sounds good. I’ll put it on my to watch list. I just watched ‘to catch a thief’ again last night. 🙂


This gal, Corey Lynn is a brilliant researcher… her website is a treasure of info on many topics, organized quite expertly. In this vid she talks briefly about the Clinton Foundation and its ties to Planned Parenthood and the expansion of PP all over the globe, and the training of nurses and midwives SINCE 1993 across the globe to do abortions. Highly recommend listening to the video and reading the article she cites.


Ok, great.
Now tell me how we stop them and reverse it all!


Rep. David Kustoff: Jewish Democrats in the House ‘Are All Upset About’ Failure to Condemn Omar

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s hoping AND PRAYING that Jews in America (and elsewhere) wake up to the fact that the DEMONcRATs are AGAINST THEM, do not care for them, and are ANTI-G_D. The DEMONcRATs are anti-anything good and pure and true and just, and are Anti-Christian to the core.
And the only way for Jewish people to fight the DEMONcRATs, to cure this Satanic ill in America (and the world in general) is to vote AGAINST the DEMONcRATs, and to vote for those who support Israel, G_D, and America, the family, and a stable society.
Anything else is just rubbing salt into very old wounds, and pandering to the Devil himself…


Not to be smartass– But seriously “Upset”
Dear Diary…
A new member of Congress is Anti Semite and it upset me that we didn’t condemn this..
I will go home and cry a little cuz I am SADZ..
Freaking FIGHT!! Damn IT!–Literally DAMN IT!!!


Lemme know when they get pissed off. Big difference between “upset” and “pissed off”.



I’ve noticed before when peole hug Pres. Trump that they don’t seem to want to let him go. He inspires confidence, and they are so grateful.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think it’s because he really CARES.
Not like all the hand-shaking, baby-kissing, lie-spewing POLITICIANS.
He is the REAL DEAL. He is HONEST, and he CARES.
And he deserves our prayers. May GOD Bless him, his family, his Administration, and America…


Amen 🙏🏼


unbelievable. this guy – no matter what – is a true american.
i mean, look at that video. right there says it all…
how the guy keeps his arm there and pats the president on the back. unreal.
i find it pretty sad that people are missing out on this and cannot see beyond the media’s bs. they are missing out on a real american as president.
somewhere right now jussie is shedding a tear and nathan philips taps his drum…


Very sweet. Our President has big shoulders.


World class leader.
The white-collar billionaire with a blue-collar heart.
This is a man who truly understands and embodies the timeless biblical truth…
“To whom much is given, much is expected.”


Gail Combs

The media is truly our enemy.
Even if you are not a Christian you should have ZERO problem with our President giving these people comfort.
Not too long ago in April of 2011, we had a tornado go through our town. 2 people were killed, 30 homes and several businesses were destroyed. The people up the street lost not only their roof but their barn and their prize breeding stock of world class Quarter Horses. The animals were the result of a life time breeding program. Since these neighbors were in their 70s and all their breeding stock was killed, their is no chance of recovery for them.
Neither Obumer, Richard Burr, Thom Tillis, the Governor or ANY politician bothered to show.

Cuppa Covfefe

GOD will not be mocked.
The media are slowly, yet constantly driving more nails into their journalistc (and I use that term loosely) coffin.
&Osash;bozo probably wouldn’t know what a Bible is even if one fell on him. But he sure knew the Shahada, and “the most beautiful sound of the Moslem call to prayer”.
Wonder if he knew the ever more frequent sound of western women screaming as they are raped, stabbed, and killed by Moslem refauxgees to Europe, often from Somalia… was that “music to his ears”?????

Gail Combs

As Sadistic, and even Satanic as some of them are, do you have to ask?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, I know. I’ve watched in horror as Germany and Europe knuckle under to the impending Scimitar and the Burka brigades, and wonder how people can let it happen again. Each time it’s taken almost 700 years to rid ourselves of the Mohammedan plague, only to return…
But, I guess, as they say, there’s no fixing stupid…
(An extended family member narrowly escaped being raped in a grocery-store parking lot near here, at dusk. If she wasn’t a championship runner, had a car with remote entry, and left her groceries behind, it would have had a very different ending. And we live in a fairly small town, albeit not way out in the sticks…
(more like the styx, anymore, I fear)…
(can’t even type html anymore – it’s a little to late for no “l”, no “l”… ).


After the battle, the bodies of several of the conflict’s U.S. casualties (Black Hawk Super 64’s crewmembers and their defenders, Delta Force soldiers MSG Gordon and SFC Shughart) were dragged through Mogadishu’s streets by crowds of local civilians and SNA forces. Through negotiation and threats to the Habr Gidr clan leaders by Special Envoy for Somalia, Robert B. Oakley, all the bodies were eventually recovered. The bodies were returned in poor condition, one with a severed head. Michael Durant was released after 11 days of captivity.
you can probably find the video of the people dragging the soldiers through the street and mobs going wild…


Not a controversy.


The ungodly media is trying to make this into a controversy because they reject God and don’t understand his people.
Meanwhile, these very same hypocrites would be fawning all over this if it had been their boy-god Obama.
Tells you all you need to know about the vile media.


Posted by a pede at r/The_Donald 😆comment image


YES!!!!!!!!! I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harry Lime

Hahahaha…she did it to herself…what a maroon! A couple of years from now she’ll be one of the idiots co-hosting the View along side Joyless Behar and No Name’s daughter.


Although we must not forget to venerate “Madonna with Child” and “Motherhood” as ideals near the top of our hierarchy for woman everywhere.
A society that does not venerate life, and those who lovingly sacrifice FOR life will not survive.
Mothers are pretty “badass” in my experience … 🙂

Gail Combs

comment image
Dad took Mom and I to Florence Italy. We got to see the Michelangelo Pietas.
There is one I thought was MUCH more powerful than this one. Jesus was complete as the one in this picture is but Mary was just rough stone so the whole focus was on Jesus.

Deplorable Patriot

Do you mean the Pieta that Michelangelo didn’t finish? He died before it was done which is why the Christ figure is polished and the rest you can still see the chisel marks on it. Michelangelo was such a perfectionist, he NEVER would have left a piece unfinished if he could help it.


Wait just a doggone minute!!
This….comment image
….over this??comment image
No. Not even.


I agree, I didn’t make the meme just passing it on but yeah





Yep. In so many words.


1 Felony per claim X 2 Police Officers = 8 BS claims to Officer1 + 8 BS Claims to Officer2 = 16 Counts🤗🤗🤗



I looked again after reading this, and


Ohhhhhhh boy.
LSU’s head coach was just suspended. Basketball coach.
He was wiretapped by the FBI.
Recruiting violation. Coach used a convicted felon as a go-between. Agents and shoe companies, part of a larger probe.


Sounds like Rick Pitino at LOUISVILLE B_BALL!!!


No one is worse than Calipari


Oh Girl!! 🤣😈 We gonna Be On the Wrong side of THIS!!!! LOL!! My Sweetest was the WILDCAT MASCOT when KY Won the NCAA in NOLA! I made his Costumes and Even gave him a Unibrow!! 🤣🤣🤣 Fighting words my darling Daughn!!!


Yikes!!! 😱 Q Treehome Cat Fight!!! 🌳 🏡 🐈


WILDCAT fight!! Momma is a Ky Alum too.. so there is so much blueblood!! Ya’ll best not test me!!🤣🤣🤣



Deplorable Patriot

Yeah…. College sports have been like this for decades. Talk about needing hall monitors in the dorms overnight. Surveilance cams might catch who slips cash under the door.
Yes. It happens.


Adam Schiff met with Cohen, traveling to NYC, FOUR TIMES, for a cumulative of 10 hours.
Hannity – tonight.
Nunes is fuming.



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Gil!! MEEP MEEP! I LOVE THIS!! Thank you darlin!!

Here’s what we know so far with the information that is publicly available:
Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee say John Huber still has not interviewed key witnesses and they want answers.
Mark Meadows (R-NC), Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Doug Collins (R-GA) sent a letter to special prosecutor John Huber on January 8th demanding answers by a January 21st deadline.
“Your investigation has been ongoing for over nine months. During the course of our extensive investigation we have interviewed more than a dozen current and former DOJ and FBI personnel, and were surprised to hear none of these potentially informative witnesses testified to speaking with you,” the GOP lawmakers wrote.
The Republican Congressmen then blasted Huber for being a no-show at the December hearing where Clinton Foundation whistleblowers Lawrence Doyle of DM Income Advisors and John Moynihan of JFM Associates testified.
“Further, last month, then-chairman Mark Meadows invited you to testify as a witness at the Subcommittee on Government Operations’ hearing ‘Oversight of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation.’ We were disappointed to learn from the department that you were not enthusiastic about testifying when declining the invitation.”
Huber has the authority to impanel a grand jury, however it appears he has done nothing since Jeff Sessions appointed him in the Fall of 2017 to investigate FISA abuses.
The Clinton Foundation whistleblowers, Mr. Moynihan and Mr. Doyle told the committee they had to send their evidence to the Huber investigation THREE TIMES because they kept losing it.
In October, Congressman Meadows and Jim Jordan said they wanted to haul John Huber in before Congress to testify because they had not received any updates on Huber’s investigation.
We will soon find out if Huber’s appointment was one big head fake by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


Yep, me too!


comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Smokescreen. There’s too much hyperbole here.


this is just funny, no real reason for posting it…but the covington kid incident…that “indigenous march” the organizers of it… seems totally organic!
from the oracle of knowledge (wikipedia):
The main organizers of the event were Cliff Matias and Nathalie Farfan
Farfan is an Ecuadorian Indigenous woman who co-hosts the Latina feminist podcast Morado Lens and New Jersey-based La Brujas Club spiritual wellness community.
Matias is a director of the Redhawk Native American Arts Council in Brooklyn, New York He had previously organized the Standing Rock Protests and New York City area pow-pows and Indigenous Peoples’ Day events and claims heritage in both the Taíno (Puerto Rican) and Quechua (Peruvian) indigenous traditions.


These people literally worship rocks. I’m not kidding.


I cut my cable years ago, so I did not see this, just saw an article at Gateway Pundit about it. I know Hannity can be a real pain in the butt but according to Q he seems to have information they want to get out there, like Sara Carter and John Solomon. So it might be well to pay attention.
“FOX News host Sean Hannity opened his Friday show with a stunning announcement–
Sean Hannity: “The Deep State House of Cards — Mark My Words — It’s About to Come Crumbling Down”
Sean Hannity: “Everything We’ve Been Revealing about the Deep State in Two Years Will Soon Have Very Serious Ramifications”


It’s the Pendulum!!! Beware the Ides of March!!!

Deplorable Patriot

All indications are the Feast of St. Joseph, actually. March 19. Probably the whole of next weekend, and it’s going to be one long party in these parts.


Thank you DP!!! I like your indicators!!

Deplorable Patriot

With St. Paddy’s on Sunday, it means we have Fish Fry Friday, back to back days with parades on the weekend, etc. It’s going to be one heck of a party.


Top o the Mornin to ya girl!!! May have to stock a little Jamison for that weekend!!! 😜🍀🍀🍀🍀

Deplorable Patriot

Unfortunately, the Dogtown parade banned coolers and backpacks this year, so we’re going to have to figure out a way to smuggle it in.


From your keyboard to the good Lord’s outstretched hand commanding it be so!


Sounds like Hannity has been Q’d in!!! 🙂


Jason!!! Didn’t watch.. Fill us in!!


Was just commenting on Linda’s post – hadn’t planned on watching …
But since it is YOU asking … 🙂
Opening statement reflected what Linda said, more importantly, Hannity has not said tick-tock (yet), so I am hopeful!!
Still listening, and will add anything relevant.


I adore you Jason!! thank you!! 😘


The link I watched cut off just after the Dershowitz interview, so don’t have any of the “meat and potato’s” hinted at in the monologue.
BUT, Hannity said confidently to Dersh that the we WILL be seeing the 302’s, the FISA warrant, the Gang of 8 stuff – ALL of it!! So that sounds like a birdy Q’d him in ..
Another nugget – Dersh confirmed that the Mueller Report book for sale, with an intro by him is legit …
Hannity sounded pleased? So looks to be part of the plan!!!


I saw this post in the 8chan linked from
▶Anonymous 03/07/19 (Thu) 23:01:17 306c05 (3) No.5568654
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
▶Anonymous 03/07/19 (Thu) 22:58:08 306c05 (3) No.5568598>>5568654
Just a heads up. Potential earthquake next 72hrs. to two weeks. Juan da Fuca fault line to California and/or New Madrid fault line
Has anyone heard anything about this?
take care nd God bless


Also one post has this (8chan)
▶Anonymous 03/07/19 (Thu) 23:49:03 3166c3 (5) No.5569662


????? New Madrid?


Yes I copied from the 8chan post … 😳


Since no one reliably predicts earthquakes that doesnt make sense.
We get earthquakes all the time. It like a haircut. We take a little off regularly and dont chop it off all at once!
This is the fault line:


“Since no one reliably predicts earthquakes that doesnt make sense.”
Naturally caused earthquakes cannot be predicted reliably.
Artificially caused earthquakes (when enough energy is focused on a fault line) are another matter entirely.


That is true. If that were to occur, the way thi fault line has been written about , its a mass casualty, nearly unrecoverable event. That would be the “bigger” one. 😥

Deplorable Patriot

The New Madrid fault gets triggered artificially for a big one and Memphis is going to disappear. We’ll be damaged, but will survive since earthquake regulations here are stronger than in some places in California. Chicago…that’s another story.


Time to start praying.


Yikes! That’s in my neighborhood.

Deplorable Patriot

That would not be good. The last time it really shook, it changed the course of the Mississippi River.
BUT, there have been a lot of stress relieving little quakes for the last 40 years or so. Who knows.


Amen, way too many gas lines and super communication corridor.


i see this stuff about elizabeth warren calling for the C_A tech companies to all be broken up.
watch for this to bloom into something in an attempt to destroy and memory hole them before their real truth is known.
another reason we need to have some truth forthcoming very soon. i seriously cannot believe all the time that has gone by and people are still getting chances to cover tracks, destroy evidence, write books, retire, even die without facing consequences.
it was one thing back when all us conspiracy wackos were still wackos, but once it became mainstream knowledge (well some of it especially the more “accessible” stuff) i thought there would be a little more movement instead of getting the finger shot back at us over and over…


With the ohr testimony and schiff for brains being exposed , Mueller report, oig report on their way, Im willing to continue. Ive been anxious and patient, angry mostly and calm, but I know I dont even know 1% of all of “it”. A new AG, new movement in many staff and departments, takes a few weeks to get the ball rollin, evenif its been planned and huber has been doing what we hope.
Hannity tonight almost went full Q. He said big things are on the way, prosecutions and all. Hopefully the soros and critters above will eat it.


oh, i will keep on keeping on for sure! just sometimes here i release of my pent up feeling while typing with a smile on my face!
been eating the red pills so long i was already getting addicted to the black ones by the time my head swung sideway in fall 2015 hearing cspan go full no trump…. got back on the reds pretty quick.
sometimes i wish i didnt have almost 30 years invested in “conspiracy” and what not – but only for a split second because i would not have it any other way – because there isn’t anything i am not ready to be surprised about. and it is so much better when you question and seek out the truth rather than take the bait!


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