Dear KAG: 20200630 Open Thread

Cover image: Jolly Flatboatmen in Port, Oil on Canvas, 1857, by George Caleb Bingham, American. Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri.

Opening of “The Fool Monty” aired November 21, 2010.

Uploaded June 28, 2020, nine and a half years later.

Remember this?

At this point, the entire SARS-Corona/COVID-19 fiasco is all about stalling for time in order for the enemy to steal the election via mail in voting, and scaring Americans into voting against President Trump so that they can take back the reigns of power and avoid prosecution. The pandemic hoax has given cover for the enemies of America to refuse to honor subpoenas to be interviewed by the Department of Justice, as well as keeping Grand Juries from being convened.

The Swamp is putting fingers in the crack of the dam holding it together.

It’s that simple.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2a9c6e No.9778683 📁
Jun 28 2020 14:56:10 (EST) NEW
A person(s) value:

  1. vote
  2. monetary value (tax contribution)

  3. Why is ‘free thought’ ridiculed, challenged, and threatened when a person is opposed to the ‘mainstream-narrative’?
    [2] remains fixed (degree allowable by ‘economic recession/expansion’)
    [1] remains a variable
    [1] dependent on a ‘controlled’ system of information dissemination
    What happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations?
    What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by a political ideology?
    What happens when the news is no longer free from bias?
    What happens when the news is no longer reliable and independent?
    What happens when the news is no longer trustworthy?
    What happens when the news simply becomes an extension/arm of a political party?
    Fact becomes fiction?
    Fiction becomes fact?
    When does news become propaganda?
    Identity creation?
    How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?
    Majority of people more prone to believe someone in power sitting behind a big brand ‘news’ name?
    Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated and/or shunned?
    ‘Mainstream’ is used for a reason [dominate trend in opinion].
    [If majority of people believe ‘x’ then ‘x’ must be validated / true]
    Why do ‘mainstream’ media heads, within different orgs, always use the same keywords and/or catch phrases?
    Coordinated? By who? Outside entity providing instructions?
    Do they count on the fact that people [human psyche] are more prone to believe something if heard over-and-over again by different ‘trusted’ sources?
    Do ‘echo chamber’ tactics provide validation / credibility to the topic/point being discussed?
    Threat to intellectual freedom?
    Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?
    Read again – digest.
    Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?
    Logical thinking.
    Why, after the election of 2016, did [D]’s and media corps jumpstart a [coordinated & planned] divisive blitz intended to create falsehoods re: illegitimacy of election, character assassination of POTUS through sexism, racism, every other ‘ism’?
    How much of the population still believes POTUS colluded w/ RUSSIA due to MSDNC 365-blitz?
    No MSDNC retraction of POTUS_RUSSIA collusion narrative [propaganda]? _why?
    Pre/post 2016 election?
    Why were[are] violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded and allowed to operate within [D] controlled cities [safe-zones]?
    Why were these orgs tasked w/ immediate intimidation/shut down of any pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
    Why were marches immediately organized to counter and silence pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
    Why were marches immediately organized which divided people into sex/gender, race, [ism]?
    When you control the levers of news dissemination, you control the narrative.
    Control of the narrative = power
    When you are blind, what do you see?
    They want you divided.
    Divided by religion.
    Divided by race.
    Divided by sex.
    Divided by political affiliation.
    Divided by class.
    When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].
    Divided you are weak.
    Divided you pose no threat to their control.
    When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep].
    When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
    “Free thought” is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

A little mood music is in order:

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


MT 8:23-27

As Jesus got into a boat, his disciples followed him.
Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea,
so that the boat was being swamped by waves;
but he was asleep.
They came and woke him, saying,
“Lord, save us!  We are perishing!”
He said to them, “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?”
Then he got up, rebuked the winds and the sea,
and there was great calm.
The men were amazed and said, “What sort of man is this,
whom even the winds and the sea obey?”

And in music:

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Hi DP. Hope you had a good day.

Deplorable Patriot

Other than my city being trashed and maligned by the mob and those who don’t live here…oh, it was great.

Sadie Slays

Has anyone else noticed that they are really hardcore pushing the masks this week? They’re more hysterical now than they were even back in April. My state and local government social media accounts are pushing the masks all the time (it used to be once or twice a day). The media is back to pushing them. Even red states are caving to the masks and Mitch McConnell is talking about them.
Why? Specifically, why now? What happened (or is about happen) that the masks are being pushed hard RIGHT NOW? It’s the timing of this that intrigues me.


It’s to keep you peasants fearful and submissive.


Sadie!!! What is UP …with that?!!!! General Flynn said use common sense in his op ed today.. I Have NEVER worn a mask!! and WILL NOT! (I do have a paw patrol bandaide super glued on my eyebrow right now) Nother story…Nobody made me!!!🤣🤣🤣


Marica, Gov. Abbott is practically begging people to wear masks. His latest directives have given local officials the go ahead to impose mandatory masks and even curfews.
Have been feeling like we need to batten down the hatches. We are no longer in the eye of the storm.


This sign is appearing on store entries in WA State:
“The State of WA requires masks to be worn in all Public Spaces. THIS is a Public Space.”
Lat I heard, 16 States were returning to restricting gatherings.
Just last week, there was little if any enforcement.


Truly, this is frightening. Either our leaders are the most craven of cowards, or they are evil and in league with the socialists.


grandma, in the case of our Gov, he’s both!


I have to agree. Remember when he refused an invitation to fly on AF1 with POTUS? That bothered me a whole bunch.


Sadie – Same thing is happening here in the very red state of Utah. Masks are being pushed harder than ever with the tag line going something like “wearing a mask is a sign of love for your neighbor.” Man, talk about manipulation! It makes me so mad! Two of our counties now require masks in public places, which had never happened before. I honestly think it has to do with allowing the rioters and looters to blend in with everyone else – causing us to distance from one another and creating paranoia. Our governor is being endlessly harassed by the leftist mayors of some of our bigger cities and the BLM supporters. I think he finally caved, not understanding what is really going on. As you said, timing is everything.

Deplorable Patriot

No. In fact, around here, quite the opposite. Even at Walmart, the Karens were not obnoxious about it.

Sadie Slays

I took a long walk around the neighborhood today. Didn’t see masks outside of stores. Nobody was social distancing anywhere. Saw crowds of teens and adults chatting with their friends like normal times. Meanwhile, the media and local/state government here are hardcore pushing masks even more than they did back in April. It’s bizarre, and I wonder what happened or changed that the Deep States suddenly grew so hysterical about it.


Maybe what you saw on your walk…is Why [They] are making this big push for mask-wearing now.
More and more people are Not Wearing Masks.
People are ignoring the social distancing directive.
Oh no! Can’t have that!
The sheep must obey!

Sadie Slays

I’m not sure what they expect to accomplish with this new mask campaign. I’d wager most people made up their minds about it one way or another months ago.


“Why? Specifically, why now? What happened (or is about happen) that the masks are being pushed hard RIGHT NOW? It’s the timing of this that intrigues me.”
Yes indeed…why now?
Possible reasons:
— Provides cover for the Dem/Antifa/BLM thugster rioters in the streets.
— Normalizing of face coverings.
— Submission to the ‘approved’ narrative…show that you are good little hostage.
— Makes those who don’t wear masks identifiable as “non-compliant” and therefore, Bad.
[They] want their sheep wearing masks.
Why now? …What are [They] planning that they want their masked operatives to have cover for?
A masked criminal can just blend into a crowd of masked people…after they have completed their ‘mission’.

Sadie Slays

I have a strong suspicion that they have a new op/false flags planned (possibly for the 4th), and the new mask push is part of it. Q’s recent comments aren’t reassuring.


I know what you mean…it feels like something is coming, from the way [They] are prepping.

Deplorable Patriot

I guess I’ll have to pick up some sparklers at the store so we can do our own fireworks display. Yes, we can get them at the grocery store.


More division. Moar fear. It’s the perfect divider because it’s so simple. Mask or No Mask.


The poor elderly are the most numerous wearers. Very sad.


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Let’s also hope some pigeons are pissed about the loss of all those statues. Soyboys would make a perfect substitute as a place to crap.


pgroup – Bwhahahah! Thanks for the giggle tonight. I needed that!


My pleasure.


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Hiya carl!!!!


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Any mention of honey badger and all I can think of is that old hilarious video. 😄

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If they could just redo that using someone impersonating Attenborough’s voice…it’d be perfect. As the cultured British accent intones “Honey badger don’t give…”




You all need something to liven up the mood today


🤣🤣🤣🤣 THe sign and sticker companies!! ( Did the freakin start …dis?!!!!)🤷‍♀️😂😂😂


As a single person I am do that often, I go in head for the 2 or 3 aisles I need to grab something and I’m gone!! Hey it saves money, Now I head for an aisle only to find I have to go up or down the aisle next to it so I can get the stuff I need in middle of another aisle


Our local grocery has taken to putting stand-up displays in the aisles so that the products *I* want are blocked in behind something totally unrelated. They also make it impossible to quickly pass the retards that stand inert in busy aisles staring at their cellphones. Plus, I have to make my way in through the “two ton dance of death” in the parking lot where everyone is so focused on their backup cameras that they have no situational awareness at all….
“Arrows on the floor? I’m still trying to figure out where your corporate retards hid the BBQ sauce!!!”


That is why you stick to just one store for live and then you go to your favorite cashier and say where the heck is it now,…
there have been a couple of items I get a lot and seem to be moved a lot that I actually say just that. LOL

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a conspiracy.


The hostages must be trained to obey.
The hostages must obey all orders from their leftist overlords.


Speaking of “two-ton dance of death” — how many remember when parking lots were striped with spaces in-between cars so you could open your door and not have to limbo back into your seat when some idiot parked inches from you? When there were no “compact spaces” — boy, would I love to cram the idiots driving that as government policy into “compact spaces” human boxes that left them half-an-inch to move in…..


I hope you aren’t going along with that madness. Just tell ’em that you have arrow dyslexia and you’re very very sorry.


Most have been nice about, it or we would giggle about it. but everyday I am more conscious of it,


When they have a list of symptoms that make you unwelcome in their store — and you don’t have those symptoms unless you wear a mask — and then they insist on you wearing a mask that causes those symptoms……yeah, this is utter garbage. Virtue-signalling unscientific totalitarian bulls**t garbage.


Sometimes, I just back into that aisle to get what I want. Then it looks like I’m going the right way…


Moon Walk down the aisle.


I’d have to learn – but it would be fun to do that! We all need a good laugh these days!


But, you have to do it with flare! If you have the audacity to start down the aisle against the arrows and encounter someone coming at you…do a dramatic u-turn and start walking backwards.
Either that, or don’t make eye contact with anyone and look intently on the shelves as though you are doing a deep search for a specific product.
I’ve done both!! LOL


I stare them down. I do. I’m effing done with this crap.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, to be 7-8 inches taller.


I’m not too tall. I just have a mean ass stare.




LOL–OK like the guy did the other day1 He looked down and saw the arrow, turned his cart around and started walking backward. After he took like 6 steps I was surprised either one of us could still walk we were laughing so hard.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The walmart I go do did something truly stupid. At the back of the store are two aisles, where the divider is a line of those freezer bins, that you reach down into.
Apparently some cerebrally challenged manager decided that was really one wide aisle, as they both are signed to flow the same way. So you walk down one with the intent of reversing direction to get to the very back one against the back wall refrigerator section…and you’re not supposed to.
Fortunately, about half the people are going the wrong way anywhere in the store, which tells me either half of the people *deliberately* go the wrong way, or everyone ignores the signs.




I just ignore those rules and do what the hell I want.


LOL easy when you 71 like me LOL


I’m pretty sure you can’t say Ind**n any more. To the Seattle Re-education Camp Zone with you!


That is why that is only a joke for here and some twitter friends. But we will probably get a troll that will say its not PC correct.


Kin – screw them….


Feel like lately…

Deplorable Patriot

At my local Walmart, the arrows, etc., on the floor in the grocery section are gone. No one paid attention to them anyway.


They still at Safeway Don’t go to Walmart at all anymore, too many fights inside and outside of the store, Just a few things i need here and there and right now praying last longer then usual.


We have one of the mini-Walmarts that mostly sell food nearby. They have some convoluted scheme to get in where they’ve got the entrance relocated to the far right side of the store and they make everyone walk in through some sort of sewer outflow that trickles across where their cart storage used to be. Then they have some mallcop directing people to enter only through the left door (from the line on the right), while allowing people to exit from the right door straight into the parking lot.


Subject: Good old-fashioned sanitation.
I live near the Walmart Neighborhood Market at 4080 Stevens Creek and have visited there occasionally. They have reacted to the Covid situation by creating a byzantine network of pathways to enter and exit the store, enforced my mall-cops who couldn’t make it at Valley Fair. The entry pathway crosses some sort of liquid outfall (under what was the cart storage location) that looks unsanitary.
I realize that it’s sexy and cool to be doing a bunch of covid stuff, but it’d be a darned shame if we started losing people to this due to cholera. Can you send someone out there this week to check for basic sanitation that we’ve all known about for a hundred years?

Gail Combs

Oh to be able to dress up in my lab coat, with face shield, gloves and vials. Scoop up some samples in stoppered teflon test tubes and then send them off to be tested.
Have the results sent back to Citizens for Community Health, P.O. Box XXX ……


Damn–welcome to the new Norm. To think many of us used to laugh at the crap people in East Berlin and USSR had to go through when shopping,

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, at least we don’t have to stand in THREE lines to buy something. One to make the selection and get a ticket. Another to pay for what’s on the ticket. And a third to go pick up the item once you have a receipt that says you paid for it.
Yes, that was often the case under “international socialism” and the “dictatorship of the proletariat.”


Believe it or not it was that way at many places for TP for a few weeks. Some Costcos there was a line for those that just want to shop and those that wanted TP that just came in.. There were other stores like that too.


Certainly makes you think about this HUGE TRAINING EXERCISE WE ARE HAVING.


Don’t like where it could probably lead or where similar countries have gone using a similar path.


I’ve been avoiding the local Safeway because of the Karens and the arrows. If they’ve started to tone it down, there are things that they carry that our local Lucky’s doesn’t……


It ether Walmart or Safeway or travel 30 miles. Walmart became horrid even prior to the virus mess with fights in the store and parking lot at least weekly. Heard it was really bad during the TP shortage,


We went to a Lydl’s (German-owned) grocery store Yesterday in another town. No one wiping down the carts as though we were incapable of wiping our own…no arrows on the floors or barriers of cases of water “directing” traffic. I felt like an adult shopping there!


no body follows them except me…in fact, when i mistakenly went to go the wrong way and caught myself, these 2 little old ladies already in the aisle told me “ignore that shit…we do…” bwahahahahahaha


many feel that way and the cashiers just laugh about it.


I’m getting pretty good at imitating a confused old man about masks and arrows and the like — like these young whippersnappers have enough sense to tell the difference….


If they really were whippersnappers, you’d already be in a home. 🙂
Good thing they ain’t all that sharp.


Faking a bad limp helps, too.
Who would want someone walking in pain to have to go around the mulberry bush to grab one item.


Ya’ll Do…my fav song…😳…Sorry Ya’ll I love ya’ll More than ya know!!!


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Q 4544
20 23:09:31 (EST) NEW
THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. – Thomas Paine


Stand in the gap. STAND AND HOLD!!
Those who value their lives will lose them. Those who don’t will gain them.
There is no higher HONOR to be earned than to stand in the gap against overwhelming odds, where death is all but certain…
…to HOLD THE BREACH, to buy precious time, to give one’s self for the defense and salvation of others.
This is exactly what the Lord Christ Jesus did. This is what King Leonidas and his spartans did. This is what Moses did.
If it was easy it’s value would not be so high.
If it was easy it would not cost so much.
Here’s the thing…
Standing in the gap requires enormous self-control. The ability to not allow fear and panic to think for you. The power to be single-minded of purpose and intention. Calm, cool, and keeping your wits about you.
From all this comes the expression…. “Over my dead body.”
Thus God himself encourages us…
Romans 6:5
“For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.”
Romans 6:8–10
“Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God.”
John 3:16–17
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”
1 Corinthians 15:53–55
“For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory.’ ‘O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?'”
John 10:27–29
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.”
Psalm 23:4
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Isaiah 25:7-8
“And he will swallow up on this mountain the covering that is cast over all peoples, the veil that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death forever.”
Revelation 21:4
“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
1 John 2:24–25
“Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you too will abide in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise that he made to us — eternal life.”
Do not believe the lies and pathetic, desperate propaganda of the enemy. Do not lose heart when weaker men fall prey to the fear and panic the enemy needs from you.
If the enemy says their arrows will be so many they block out the sun, that their numbers are far greater than our own, then let us laugh and reply “THEN WE WILL FIGHT IN THE SHADE AND BE ALL THE COOLER FOR IT!”
Believe this if you believe nothing else…
God himself sees the man or woman who willingly stands in the gap for a righteous, just cause, and in so doing conquers their fear. Even though he or she may fall, God will ENSURE that their stand is such that that man or woman’s place will be among those most honored by him before all on that Great Day.
You are going to die anyway. Why not go out like this…standing in the path of evil, blocking it’s way and forcing it to expend itself upon you??
Dear Lord, please give me this moment and the presence of mind to make the most of it so that my place will be among those whose courage and faithfulness are forever remembered!!
Come, friends. Let us stand in the gap and be not afraid!!
For our God. For our Republic. For our families. For our children. For freedom and liberty. For honor and a seat at the table of the sons and daughters of the Most High.


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Ingraham read that entire thing last night. Somewhere in the first half-hour.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. – Thomas Paine

That’s not the issue. It’s the waiting for those times to finally effing START so we can do something, already, that is wearing thin.


Q 4545
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: cee948 No.9795578 📁
Jun 29 2020 23:19:14 (EST) NEW
Humanity is good, but, when we let our guard down we allow darkness to infiltrate and destroy.
Like past battles fought, we now face our greatest battle at present, a battle to save our Republic, our way of life, and what we decide (each of us) now will decide our future.
Will we be a free nation under God?
Or will we cede our freedom, rights and liberty to the enemy?
We all have a choice to make. .
Evil [darkness] has never been so exposed to light.
They can no longer hide in the shadows.
Our system of government has been infiltrated by corrupt and sinister elements.
Democracy was almost lost forever.
Think HRC install: [2+] Supreme Court Justices, 200+ judges, rogue elements expanded inside DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, WH, STATE, …….removal 2nd amendment, border etc. ……… America for sale: China, Russia, Iran, Syria…….ISIS & AL Q expansion…….expansion surv of domestic citizens…….modify/change voter rules and regulations allow illegals+ballot harvesting w/ SC backed liberal-social opinion………sell off of military to highest bidder to fight internal long-standing wars……..
Their thirst for a one world order [destruction of national sovereignty] serves to obtain control over America [and her allies [think EU]] by diluting your vote to oblivion and installing a new one world ruling party.
The start of this concept began with organizations such as: world health org, world trade org, united nations, ICC, NATO, etc., [all meant to weaken the United States] also the formation of EU through threat [con] of close proximity attack [attack on one is an attack on all – sales pitch to gen public – fear control].
Re: EU _did each member nation cede sovereignty to Brussels?
Re: EU _each member must implement EU rules and regulations in all areas [think immigration, currency, overall control].
Their thirst to remove your ability to defend yourself serves to prevent an uprising to challenge their control.
There is a fundamental reason why our enemies dare not attack [invade] our borders [armed citizenry].
If America falls so does the world.
If America falls darkness will soon follow.
Only when we stand together, only when we are united, can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy.
Their power and control relies heavily on an uneducated population.
A population that trusts without individual thought.
A population that obeys without challenge.
A population that remains outside of free thought, and instead, remains isolated living in fear inside of the closed-loop echo chamber of the controlled mainstream media.
This is not about politics.
This is about preserving our way of life and protecting the generations that follow.
We are living in Biblical times.
Children of light vs children of darkness.
United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.

Deplorable Patriot

“Their power and control relies heavily on an uneducated population.
A population that trusts without individual thought.
A population that obeys without challenge.
A population that remains outside of free thought, and instead, remains isolated living in fear inside of the closed-loop echo chamber of the controlled mainstream media.”
Changing this is going to be the challenge for all of us.


Q said:
We are living in Biblical times.
Children of light vs children of darkness.
United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.
Q gives us a different context for the “Invisible Enemy” than the way our VSG President used it.
Pres Trump used that phrase when he was talking about the ChiCom Virus…which made it look like the virus was what he was referring to.
But Q has identified the ‘Invisible Enemy’ as the forces of darkness…aka the NWO globalist ghouls who seek to control us and enslave us.
So I’m thinking that this is Notable.


Q is quoting Archbishop Vigano’s letter to PDJT.
I am full raving Vigano…which is what an enemy of Holy Mother Church called someone who applauded Vigano (some time back).

Sadie Slays

The latest cover of the Rothschild’s personal blog, “The Economist,” is once again revealing what they have planned for us. The only reason I’m even mentioning it here is it includes a picture of a pig. Remember that recent headline about Chinese swine flu?
Click the link below if you want to see their latest cover. I refuse to display it.

View post on


disturbing that the “parents” have gas masks, even the cat has a gas mask, but the child does NOT?

Elizabeth Carter

Are the Rothschild’s feeling vulnerable?
The Economist Newspaper Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Economist Group. Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild was Chairman of the company from 1972 to 1989. Although The Economist has a global emphasis and scope, about two-thirds of the 75 staff journalists are based in the London borough of Westminster.
The Economist – Wikipedia


Going to bed, but I wanted to leave a couple of thoughts with you
I listened to the Epoch Times interview with Sidney Powell posted by Duchess. (Thank you Duchess)
(Also thank you to the sweet people that tried to help me in answer to a comment I made a day or so ago. I was not able to see any of them until so much later it made no sense to reply, but I am grateful for the shared wisdom❤️)
Some major points of Sidney’s interview were:
General Flynn has a spotless record of 33 years serving the country including 5 years active combat. Obama’s team of muckrakers searched all of these records to find something against him and there was nothing.
The FBI interview was initially found to be stellar with no lies on his part by the 2 agents conducting the interview and this was attested to by those agents in the original documentation of the interview (302s), which General Flynn took to be a casual conversation because he was not told it was an actual official FBI interview.
The original 302s were then changed by the government to include false statements that the General never said and factual statements were taken out. This has been admitted to by the government.
The chief prosecutor, Weissman, is known for manufacturing false evidence against people and sending them to jail. Federal Prosecutors cannot be sued and there seems to be nothing that their victims can pursue as a remedy against them..
There are often false guilty pleas in government indictments because the deck is stacked the defendants. Federal prosecutors have something like a 99% conviction rate because a government indictment is given great weight.
In General Flynn’s case there was no recording of the interview so when he read the altered 302 he must have been convinced that those were his statements though he would not have remembered them.
It looks to me like God has had His hand on the General and on this case.
The judge tried to appoint a special prosecutor against the General after the government dropped the case against him and requested a dismissal, which is not lawful for a judge to do.
There is still evidence which should be forthcoming to General Flynn which has not yet been produced as well as evidence which cannot be discussed because it is classified.
When this is over, I pray that Sidney will somehow be allowed to work with the government to reform our criminal justice system.
The following is my private opinion and not mentioned in the interview with Sidney…
I believe that one of the reasons many black (and white) Americans have a poor opinion of the police and the government in general is because our justice system unfairly discriminates against people who are poor or lack influence. Many lawyers treat people as though they are pieces to be moved around in a game they play in which they as players will be assured of a reward regardless of what happens to the tokens they are playing in their game.
Guilty people with money and influence get away with crimes that the less powerful pay mightily for.
I believe that all people will more respect the rule of law when it is enforced….fairly.


There are only four rules for the proper handling of firearms.
I’m going to paraphrase instead of going with the official version.
Rule One. Your initial impression of a gun should be that all sorts of destruction can be emitted from it. Just because it looks like a dusty .22, you should assume that it is a fully loaded .50 cal that is cocked and ready to go. You should be able to render a gun safe and be able to verify same, which lasts only as long as it remains fully under your control. If a magician covers it with a handkerchief, it hasn’t remained fully under your control.
Rule Two. The dangerous end of a gun should always be pointed in the safest possible direction. Most of the time, this is out into empty space ending at terrain. On very rare occasions, this can actually be towards a person.
Rule Three. I have heard this most succinctly as “keep your boogerhook off the bangswitch.” You should have an identified target or situation and full control of the weapon before you prepare to fire.
And, finally, Rule Four — which is actually easier in reverse. When you pull the trigger, you are legally and morally responsible for anything the discharge does before it comes to rest. If you shoot something light and the bullet hits something behind — that’s on you. If you miss, and something to the left or right gets hit — that’s on you. If a shot ricochets off a rock and hits someone — that’s on you. If you’re out playing around with some buddies in the desert with tannerite, and start a 2,000 acre fire…… ***SITUATIONAL AWARENESS***

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Cool work here, but I’d want to add something to rule 1 (and on Saturdays, I do).
Rule one is usually phrased as “the gun is always loaded.” That’s intended to caution you to make sure it’s clear before doing things where you’d rather it were clear (e.g., disassembly and cleaning, dry fire, etc.).
But there are times you WANT the gun to be loaded, e.g., when you are about to carry it for lawful self defense, in which case you should presume the gun is EMPTY and check it. If you presume it’s loaded as the usual phrasing of Rule One would have it, you might NOT check it.


Stay safe in STL DP….
Night ysll.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, we’re fine for now. A nice thunderstorm is watering the lawns at the moment.
The $#!+ disturbers are in from out of town again. We’re going to be a target here, but not for the reasons most think. Sooner or later, the mob will recede.


Bill Gates and his friends at WHO have been planning this brand new pig virus for years. Here’s the video at his 201 Event several years ago. Coincidence?

Sadie Slays

“The Economist’s” cover this week is hinting at swine flu.

View post on


Yeah and the BBC article, with the Q drop confirmed.
I was thinking of starting a new post “Planndemic 2: The Swine Flu Strikes Back!” with the Emperor Soros pic. I’ve already started doing some research.

Sadie Slays

It might also be another attack on our food supply chain. They’re desperate to force people off eating meat.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what is really curious about this. Go off meat, and we all get to be weaker, sicker, have shorter life spans, fertility drops like a rock.
It’s gotta be part of the genocide strategy. And then, they want to import when we have healthy herds here.
Something is really hinky about it all. (As if we here on the Q tree aren’t aware.)


Of course, another way to force people off meat is to make it prohibitively expensive…as it seems they are doing right now.
I am diligently stocking up for the next “Wave” and making my freezer dedicated to my protein supply. Also stocking cans of red salmon, albacore tuna, etc.
Meanwhile, I’m also trying to plan and stock ahead for other necessities….cooking oils, for example, and dry milk, evaporated milk. And, always the dry beans for additional protein. Those I am vac-sealing so they don’t get too old and difficult to cook with.
I made a lot of my own cleaning supplies…laundry soap, glass and shower spray, etc. The two main ingredients of the laundry soap I make are washing soda and Borax…both have been missing from the grocery store shelves for weeks. Finally, a couple of weeks ago the washing soda was there and the following week the Borax…so now I have enough for probably 6 months. Now hydrogen peroxide is among the missing.
A good investment, IMO, is a dehydrator…not terribly expensive but very worthwhile not only to dry fresh produce but you can even dry things like a pound of hamburger that fits into a quart jar and free up a lot of freezer space. Later, use the hamburger in soup, pasta sauce, etc.
Yesterday at Lydl’s I saw frozen basic veggies, corn, beans, peas, for 89 cents. Easy to bring home, put on a mat and dry for jar storage…again not taking up space in the freezer but ready to use in chowders, soups, casseroles. You can slice and dry an entire head of cabbage and it fits into a quart jar. Lots of good books out there about dehydrating foods.


One way of getting protein is those small cans of sardines, smokes oysters, etc. Cheap, very strong taste, and good for you.


Truthfully, I’d have to be fairly desperate to eat a can of sardines, smoked oysters or anchovies! But, I would add them to my emergency stock! LOL


My dad raised me on those, and lambs’ kidneys!!! Depression era food.


Yeah…No coincidence.
The globalist ghouls are at it again.
They are desperate to stop Pres Trump!


Nice header pic, DePat!
St. Louis started out as a river town, right? …An outpost back during the early days when rivers were a big mode of transportation and shipping?
Thanks for posting that Simpson clip.
That’s kind of eerie how it foretold what is happening now.
And the new JoeM video…thanks for posting that too!
Great work on the Tuesday Open Thread!
Careful though…we might start saying:
“DePat gives good thread.”
Haaa. 😆🤣

Deplorable Patriot

STL was is and will always be a river town.
The idea in 1763 when Pierre Laclede and his “stepson” Auguste Chouteau came up the Mississippi River from New Orleans when most of the Midwest belonged to France, actually, was to put a fur trading post at the mouth of the Missouri River. Well, up at that confluence, which is south of the mouth of the Illinois River which connects to Lake Michigan in Chicago, the land is perfectly flat. Laclede knew that any time the rivers rose everything would go under water (see the summer of 1993 for what happens when the rivers rise.)
So, they came south looking for the highest bluff they could find for said trading post. That is where the Arch stands.
There’s actually multiple ports here. Since we also have some of the cross country rail lines, I-70, I-55, and I-44 we also are a hub for trucking. Out in Earth City, which is right on 70, there HUGE transfer warehouses. And then there’s the two 10,000 runways at the airport which is along that corridor.
Location, location, location. In the middle of the country, it’s us and Memphis.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The flattest land I know of (outside of Louisiana) is Illinois between Chicago and St. Louis on I-55.
It’s interesting that they talk about the mouth of the Missouri. It’s actually the main river, and what we call the Upper Mississippi is the tributary. That’s why you see references to the “Mississippi-Missouri River.” It’s a historical artifact; as Europeans probed further west they saw this river running tidily north-south and assumed that along its entire length, it was the main river. Meanwhile that “tributary” joining from the west about midway up turns out to be much longer than the upper half of their “main” river.
It’s far too late to change names now to reflect the reality.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, when it came to naming the rivers, we kind of followed the Native American lead. And up at the confluence, you can clearly see the difference. The Missouri is A LOT more shallow, so much so that the navigation channel needs constant help to maintain enough depth. And where it dumps into the much wider and more powerful “tributary” all of a sudden the tributary is muddy. North of there, it isn’t.


News roundup has been posted if interested.


Thanks, Fle!
Always interested!


My mr. wheatie was watching this video of the Sunday invasion into that STL high-end neighborhood…
And he noticed a person in a suit, at the 0:08 mark.
First off, it’s kind of odd to see a person in a suit in one of these Antifa/BLM mobs.
Second, it looks like the others in the mob are showing a ‘deference’ to the person-in-a-suit.

So mr. wheatie thinks this is some kind of VIP, because of the way the thugsters are holding the gate open for him/her…and taking care not to show their head/face in the video.
He thinks that person-in-a-suit is probably an organizer, or a leader.
I think it may be a woman…or a gay man.
They have a feminine way about them.
The text of the tweet says:
In this livestream footage you can clearly see the STL black lives matter mob entered through the gate to a private community. This was not a public sidewalk.
“livestream footage”…?
I’ve been trying to find more ‘livestream footage’ of that event, but so far haven’t found anything.
It would be nice to find more footage of that person-in-a-suit!


Very interesting – Mr. Wheatie is very observant!
The person has very light silver gray or blonde curly hair and was holding something (a camera) in their right hand and brushed their left hand over the gate as they passed through.
The suit fabric of the jacket and pants were both blue, but didn’t seem to match. The person was wearing a black hat and a white shirt.
The hair looks brittle and dry, like an older person and not like a wig.
The person walked across the street from the house, away from the sidewalk as through to observe or film the encounter – which Wolfie says was a planned for psy-ops pallywood-type incident.
As you said, it would be great to have more footage of the incident.
My gut feeling is Mr. Wheatie’s person is a white female or gay community organizer, possibly a college political science or sociology professor and/or a Jesuit priest in an activist parish.
Would be good to check out St. Louis colleges or activist groups, demonstrations around the area.


Check out the video below, GA/FL…the Suit is in that one too.
And it looks like she could be ‘directing’ the couple with the guns.
Yes, thanks…mr. wheatie is very observant.
He’s usually a man of few words, but he has been very interested in this thing with the ‘armed couple’ in STL — mainly because he is a firearm enthusiast, and that couple acts like they have never held a firearm before.


As Wolfie said, the incident reeks of Pallywood. Especially since the couple are big Democrat donors.


To that point they did show up on the porch armed rather quickly considering the protesters had just walked through the gate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – there are tiny edges to this drama that REEK of scripting, and that is one of them!!!
Good work, all – we’re getting ahead of this much more careful Jussie hoax.

Deplorable Patriot

Keep reading down the thread. There’s more.


It’s been going around that they are supporters of Trump…John Cardillo tweeted about it. Ignore if mentioned already.


The person across the street in the blue suit with a black hat  rayzorback – has the black hat and light hair.
Could the female in the pants suit be a Nun?


DP would know if there are radical Nuns in St Louis.

Deplorable Patriot

Convent of St. Joseph are the worst of them, but they don’t dress that well.


My money’s on the sociology field trip with the radical professor theory.

Deplorable Patriot

A radical professor in a suit?????
Doubt it.


It could be a she/him transgender, proud of her/his new status.

Deplorable Patriot

He’s not that tall.


A woman pretending to be male would generally be on the shorter side.


The one across the street in the hat is wearing a blue suit with a short skirt – not likely a nun….but the pants suit could be a nun or a college professor or a local lawyer.


Or maybe a ‘director’ from out of town.

Deplorable Patriot

This is more likely.
I saw a radio in the woman’s hand. It was warm and humid on Sunday. No self-respecting St. Louisan would be in a suit unless going to a wedding, funeral or court. It was simply to hot and sticky.
But if the McCloskys were recruited for bit parts…disappointing. Really disappointing. I know that name from some place.

Deplorable Patriot

She was dressed too well to be a nun. Trust me.

Gail Combs

First video @ 0:28 shows suitcoat with blond hair with 1/2 foot in the grass pointing at the couple.
The second video starts with someone DIRECTING the marchers on the street to the OPENED gate. @0:08 is a photo of a black dude holding the gate open. Blue suit shows @ 0:09 Who ever is taking the film is BEHIND Blue Suit and pans the home while the marchers are in the street.
If you watch closely starting at 0:30 someone comes out of the door of the house. His head shows to the left and under the lamp. You can also see the dog jumping up for a look @ 0:38 The man walks out and is clearly shown with the gun @ 1:29.
What is REALLY INTERESTING in this video is the person with the camera started a close-up of the door BEFORE the guy with the gun came out!!!

Deplorable Patriot

You can hear, “Private property, GET OUT!” being screamed over and over. If this was a set up, the adrenaline was running awfully high.
Talk about a suicide wish, those people were walking in the middle of Kingshighway! That’s a six lane death trap for pedestrians.
I want to know where they were staging. Something else I thought about this morning…the Chase Park Plaza hotel is three short blocks down KHWY. The redeveloper was forced out a few years back. Probably not related, but kind of curious.

Deplorable Patriot

I think the Mr. McClosky was behind the pillar, and could be seen from another angle. The door didn’t open and close.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if PantiFa are somehow involved (either directly or sharing “resources”)…
There’s a post at chiefio’s about the C&C structure of AntiFa. He quotes pretty much the whole article in the third link below, so I’ll pass that too. The comments on all three links are interesting and enlightening.
AntiFa may be said to be a nebulous organization, but organized it indeed is. Satan Soros and his minions would have it no other way.
which refers to this:
which leads to:
Here’s the gist of the article:
[begin excerpt]
Antifa Command & Control Structure in field action.
Structure, insignia and other identifiers.
Antifa tactical units are organized into standard ‘company structure’ of up to 20 individual soldiers under the immediate control of a comany commander. While there are ‘special units’, most notable the ‘reconnaissance & coordination’ teams of bicyclists, the base of the C&C structure for Antifa is the company.
Company commanders are ‘first lieutenants’ and may be identified in the field by their actions within the group, and frequently by possession of DX SDR units of some form. These ‘duplex (send/receive) software defined radio’ units will be small, and most probably attached to a smart phone. It is through the SDR’s that the encrypted commands are passed to operational units. On arrest, 1st Lieutenants have been observed discarding their identifying equipment as well as destroying their phones. First Lieutenants can also be identified as being the local hub for bicycle traffic. In observations of rioting/looting activity, particularly with long distance videos of quality, bicyclists can clearly be seen reporting to 1st Lieutenants & even seeking them out in the mob. For this activity, bicyclists have been noted to employ ‘proximate apps’ to locate their units & commanders.
The Antifa field organization has up to 4 companies reporting to a ‘captain (coordinator)’. Antifa Captains may be identified by common actions & equipment. Captains are ‘free floating’ within the mob movement, but will always be associated with increased bicycle traffic as well as ’emblems’ of authority/command. These emblems include specific types & shapes of video camera gear. Antifa soldiers are trained to center on the emblems of both 1st Lieutenant as well as Captains. Some of the Captains have been observed pulling their command together by holding up the long lens video camera overhead while running a pattern of flashes from the light bars. These are swept around the mob & new organization results.
Captains control and coordinate their company commanders by use of the SDR devices & will be observed in the field speaking into throat microphones while receiving by ear plugs or in-built headphones in their helmets. So far, all identified captains have been observed to be wearing some form of short coverage helmets. These appear to be adapted from the forms used by rock climbers. Captains will also be identified by the apps loaded on their phones, the SDR units,
In field actions, captains can be most frequently spotted by their movements coordinating 1st lieutenants. Their most often observed task is enforcing discipline during the riots. In video footage of the day time looting in CA, the captains can be observed running up to enforce movement of specific companies that had been bogged down in looting, rather than attending to the mission being directed by the captain. In such incidents the first action of the captain is to force the soldiers attention on the video camera being waved around. Once recognition of rank is obtained, the captains can be seen pushing & forcing Antifa soldiers to specific actions, including pointing out their 1st Lieutenants. Captains have also been observed directing companies to attack specific locations they were identifying from maps on their phones. Looting has been preplanned for specific strategic and tactical goals as has been observed with the complex Antifa C&C actions at the looting of the Melrose high end Art store in CA.
In the field, Antifa C&C structure can be observed to include a ‘Colonel’ rank. These Colonel Antifa commanders are identified by being always accompanied by a ‘squad’ of up to half company strength used to control & protect the Colonel within the mob movements. Colonels have been identified as their supporting soldiers created paths for them through active riot areas. Other identifiers include near constant attendance by bicyclists, many of whom have ‘rolling command centers’ of digital & other equipment on racks on the bikes. As with Captains, the Colonels will also most frequently be seen wearing helmets, many with antenna off the back. These are part of the encrypted SDR systems that have been found to be hotspots of radio activity during riots. Antifa relies heavily on digital equipment, but other than minor levels of encryption, appears to be unsophisticated in wider applications, nor do they appear to be aware of their vulnerability to location by EMF triangulation.
The Antifa command and control structure, as so far observed, does not expose any levels higher than Colonel to visibility. All the ‘General’ level field officers have so far only been observed in vehicles being used as coordination centers. These have been noted to be extensively modified with electronic support systems.
The structure of Antifa in the field most closely resembles the ‘color’ revolutions created by the CIA. The tactics employed so far in these Antifa field actions have very similar targets & tactics as was observed as far back in time as the Viet Nam conflict, and in other arenas in which the CIA created wars and destabilized regimes.
While this is the end of this report on the Antifa C&C structure, it is worth noting that, in the observations taken from video footage, there is a suggestion of an ‘Unknown Actor’ (UA) within the activities involved in the looting. This UA is, like Antifa, organized, and can have many operatives within the mob at any given point. This UA does not appear to be engaging in escalation, rather appears to be most focused on ‘tagging’ the Antifa, with the presumed goal of identifying active members. These ‘tagging’ incidents have been observed employing very sophisticated UV light reflective paint ‘dots’ and ‘lines’ being placed on individual Antifa by UA agents using what appears to be a ‘nylon tipped marker’. Several of these markers with no product identifying marks have been recovered in debris following looting episodes. Also in one instance, a small bag of magnetic field reflective ‘dots’ of self-adhesive vinyl was also recovered. It is assumed that UA is using these as trace & track methods for their own purposes. The UA agents are exceptionally well trained and disciplined, exhibiting awareness of video activity sufficient to allow these agents to not yet be identified. [end excerpt]

Cuppa Covfefe

I should note that Chiefio’s article also notes the “Sunrise Movement” which could apply here even more so than the C&C one.

Looks like Millennial Millie has done some interesting homework. Sunrise Movement busy pushing Socialism via street theatre chaos and organizing (including kids and infiltrating government).
It is very clear there is a full on push for a Color Revolution to take down the USA and Trump. What is unclear is who is behind the curtains. Clearly it aligns with the Globalists and their agendas. (Including the Climate “justice” propaganda). It also has all the markings of a TLA run destabilization operation (AND we know that at least the FBI & CIA were working to take down Trump via the Russia Hoax). Then there’s the decades of China Influencing and Infiltration operations that have bought off loads of politicians (mostly Democrates based on who has been caught); coupled with their recent bully boy tactics. Might China have a hand in upping the chaos?
Finally there’s all those Soros NGOs sloshing money about. He loves making billions off of crashing nations.
Perhaps it is all of them. Via hard coordination or maybe just common goals.
Particularly distressing is the guy running military contracts AND active in Sunrise. Just drumming up business? Or an indication of TLA involvement via contractor?

Here’s Millenial Millie’s video about Minneapolis. Yet more evidence of a major planned movement. This stuff has to stop. Maybe that’s why the DEMONicRATS are so hellbent on having masks?


“Maybe that’s why the DEMONicRATS are so hellbent on having masks?”
and conversely, another potential reason for Potus to reject indiscriminate use of masks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If POTUS pushes the idea of masks protecting ANTIFA, and anti-facial-recognition pushed by Dems as protecting ANTIFA, the media will predictably amplify the DEMTIFA connection. 😀


MAN – Cuppa – Copied and saved – this is awesome information!!! I need to keep a link and read Chief IO’s blog!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amazing stuff – seriously. But you and Wheatie and Mr. Wheatie have done some great stuff here, too, on that “Director” – that is HUGE, IMO.


Crowdsourcing like the good old days at CTH!


This is unbelievable! So much for the organic grass roots movement that the Democrat mayors abd Governors are trying to pass off as “peaceful demonstrations.” Also proves, to me at least, that George Floyd was merely an excuse for a highly planned and coordinated anarchist major event this summer.
I do wish more government leaders would be made aware of this information and then If they choose to ignore or deny the seriousness of the situation, they are declaring their allegiance to destroying our nation, and therefore become the enemy.

Gail Combs

Any bets that the George Floyd incident was a FALSE FLAG???
Remember his autopsy blood work showed 4X the amount of Fentanyl needed to kill.


Not taking a bet against, Gail! Wonder if he knew he was a sacrificial goat?

Deplorable Patriot

That would be the definition of a sucker bet.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not just 4x the amount of Fentanlyl needed to kill him, he had half a drugstore more of dangerous/illegal drugs in him…
From :
[Begin excerpt]
The medical examiner, who was the only person to have conducted an autopsy, indicates Floyd was not asphyxiated. Here are the key findings in his report.
He had
1. Arteriosclerotic heart disease, multifocal, severe
2. Cardiomegaly (540 g) with mild biventricular dilatation
3. Clinical history of hypertension
There were
“No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures” and “No facial, oral, mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae” (These are tiny red marks that are important signs of asphyxia caused by airway obstruction. If there had been any, it might indicate death by strangulation, hanging or smothering. )
He also tested positive for COVID-19.
Even more striking are the autopsy toxicology findings. In his system they found:
1.Fentanyl 11 ng/mL.
2.Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
3.4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/ml
6. Cotinine positive
7. Caffeine positive
In sum, he was high on drugs at the time of his death. The fentanyl itself was four times the level known to cause fatalities, reports Paul Sperry, and on top of that he had speed and marijuana in his system. The arresting officer said he was foaming at the mouth and a close look at the video indicates this was so.
Interestingly, none of the charges against any of the officers claim Floyd’s death was intentionally inflicted.
Given the huge drug load in Floyd’s system, we might also look at what is called “excited delirium” about which Officer Chauvin expressed concern when he restrained Floyd.
[End excerpt]
Lots more at the AmericanThinker link; excellent article and well worth reading (H/T Another Ian at Chiefio’s for finding it (via WUWT)…


One of the four officers pled ‘not guilty’ yesterday. Said he was defending himself.


I’m not trying to be a smartass here but when I first heard of this incident, I almost ignored it. But then I heard Hannity raging about murder and neck compressions and mixed martial arts and sensei instructions. Something wasn’t right. Here’s the guy whose career is founded on (among other things) due process and yet he’s totally denying due process to this cop (and poisoning the jury pool).
I decided that I was very interested in seeing the autopsy report. Meanwhile, I went looking around the algore interwebs. It wasn’t hard to find pics of cops all over the world using that same hold. I found out (from reddit or the chans) that there’s this thing called excited delirium and that it was important to keep the patient motionless until medical personnel could treat the patient.
All that took less than two days. Then the autopsy report came out. That clinched it for me – this guy was going to die whether in the back seat of a prowl car or on the ground but he had the best survival chance on the ground.
So I started posting that the cop would walk.
Life’s been good to me so far. (apologies to Joe Walsh)

Cuppa Covfefe

Was just looking up Norfentanyl; Fentanyl metabolizes into Norfentanyl, so he’d been high on that for a while, even though it has a relatively short half-life. Don’t know what the proportions are, but even if 1:1, that implies that he was good and seriously stoked… perhaps with a little “help from his friends?”
And like you say, if he was getting an antagonist for the drugs, it proves they were actively trying to save him… or? Curioser and curiouser…

Cuppa Covfefe

Sigh, replying to Wolf there…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is a section of the George Floyd video that looks like somebody is injecting him with something. I don’t remember who or when, but it really did look like somebody was giving him an injection. That could be misleading disinformation, but worth investigation, too. Did they try to give him “narcan” or whatever that opiate antagonist stuff is?


Oh wow…you can see the person-in-a-suit in this video too.
At the 0:26 mark, in the righthand side of the view, you can see the person-in-a-suit:

Looks like the Suit is with a photographer.
And yeah, looks like a woman.
What is she doing?
She’s waving her arm out at the couple with the guns…and looks like she’s shouting to them.
I noticed that this Daniel Shular who tweeted this, has this on his twitter account:
Grad student @mujschool, photographer/editor @comissourian, former @hartfordcourant, freelance work in the Washington Post, NBC, CNN, VICE, PBS and others.
Joined October 2008
Shular’s website looks like he’s Anti-Police and Pro-Antifa/BLM.


No hat, so I was wrong.
It looks like the person in the suit is signaling to the couple with the guns with hand motions – to move in a different direction toward the right.


Yeah, it does look like the Suit is directing them, doesn’t it.
And I think that thing in the Suit’s hand when she was going through the gate, looked like a walkie-talkie.


I haven’t seen any drone footage of this incident yet. There was a drone operator at the Lafayette Park incident.

Deplorable Patriot

If suit is directing, they aren’t following his directions.


St Louis University has some doozie radical professors!
Check out Candis Bond –


Yep, there are some real doozies on that list!


St. Louis University is a Jesuit institution and their sociology department boasts of its social justice emphasis.
However, as you said, the director could be an out of towner.
The deference that the ‘protestors’ showed might indicate the person is a cleric/religious however.


… or their ‘major professor’ in charge of their grades. This incident could well be a college/university social justice field study project.


That’s true.
And we don’t know if the Suit was ‘directing’ or just mouthing off at the couple with guns.
It’s good to be skeptical, though, of the things we are being shown.

Deplorable Patriot

Watching the video it looks more like mouthing off. But without clear audio, it’s hard to tell.

Deplorable Patriot

How do I put this…I personally know the Department Chair of Sociology at the U. Yeah, that’s not him, and he would not condone this. And talk about a shorts and polo kind of guy.
As for the others, who knows.
Being an out of town director is possible…and sloppy if all that footage of a person in a suit with hard shoes on a warm and humid day actually is still up.
Seriously, people around here don’t do this sort of thing. The Rosary on Art Hill is about as spontaneous as it gets.
And…well…that spot is five blocks from the ghetto, and two from where the crack houses used to be. I used to pass them all the time going to one of my church jobs.

Deplorable Patriot

At :27 look at the shoes. Those are men’s shoes on the suit. That’s a man, and, yeah, he probably is directing something.
The McClosky’s are barefooted. If you were part of an operation, and were waiting for your cue, your onstage entrance, would you walk out onto hot concrete barefoot?
Just asking.


Very good point!


Or…it could be a butch lesbian.
I’ve seen some of them wear suits and men’s shoes.
The official storyline is that the couple was “out in their back yard, when they heard the protestors coming, so they went inside to get their guns”.
So you’d think that they would’ve slipped some shoes on before they ran out front.

Deplorable Patriot

That suit and shoes are awfully expensive. The fit is too good.
We’ll see how it shakes out. The reality is that the mob march was planned by somebody out there, and they walked into a gated, private street from the gate side for optics, since there is another entrance without a gate.
The rest…we’ll see of Kim Gardner really does press charges. That might be the tell. If she doesn’t, then maybe the McCloskys were in on it.


If the whole thing was staged, then I’m trying to figure out…Why?
Was it to try to encourage us ‘gun-toting conservatives’ to pick up arms and start shooting at the rioters?
The Puppet Masters obviously don’t care what happens to their pawns.
Loretta Lynch told them to get out there and be prepared to “bleed in the streets” in that creepy video she made.
So would the reason for staging this thing in an STL neighborhood be to inspire patriots to engage in some armed pushback?
Because that seems to be the effect.
People are cheering it and saying “Yeah! That’s what we should do!”
Personally, we would’ve gone up on the roof and put a round or two in their feet if they got close.
Not run out front waving firearms, like that couple did.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, but you actually know what you’re doing with a firearm. Staged or heat of the moment, he had had training somewhere (there’s a number of shooting ranges around here). She, according to those who know what they are doing, not so much.
I think it was the breaking through the gates into a wealthy neighborhood that was important this time around. Like, “you’re NOT untouchable” messaging.
It’s about fear and fear mongering.
If this was a regular happening, it would be more worrisome, but really the most frequent criminal activity in the CWE is the inspection year stickers being stolen off of license plates. Happened to me once.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wheatie – you hit the nail on the head. The Democrats WANT to provoke an armed incident – an AUTHENTIC armed incident – which counteracts the effect of QAnon, part of which is a pacification psy-op.
There are more uses for staging here. They can put the “Castle Doctrine” back on public trial in a BAD LIGHT, with a Soros DA and a case that looks bad in the media to fleeing Democrats, who the Dems do NOT want to feel safe (with guns) OFF the plantation.
This is a multi-faceted REAP. Use AND logic to see all the benefits of controlling the protest/defense issue using a STAGED, CONTROL BOTH SIDES, event.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like a “trans woman” to me. That jacket is a woman’s cut – no normal man would wear something that short on the butt.
Could also be a resident of the community that helped lead the protesters in, giving them some kind of mock authorization to be there, or at least some “direction”. Likely involved in the planning.
“She” seems to be talking to the black, gas-masked, ANTIFA/BLM person to her right ABOUT the couple with guns – not so much directing them to act.
I think this trans-woman in a pantsuit is a big part of the operation, but not actually cuing the couple, who I think are following a script based on other cues.


To show spontaneous reaction…they would..could be part of the script?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Acting. What do actors do? Try to look real. To spot acting, one has to look a bit harder than saying “Ah! I’ve found a realism!” Yeah, that’s stagecraft.
People for the most part don’t get how actual gun owners respond to potential threats. Depending upon how much time one has, it’s easy to put on shoes. Only something requiring PURSUIT, NOW, needs one to run out in bare feet – if one has the feet for it (not all do).
This guy is a lawyer, and we expect him to understand that time to allow full legality of presenting arms is time to put on shoes. Wife can observe from a window. Unless these people start damaging property – which they did not, until somebody wrecked the gate LATER, then there is no reason to present arms.
This guy clearly over-reacted, even if his own house in particular was singled out for action. ZERO point in presenting arms, IMO.


If it had been me and hubby, we would not have come out in full view and very vulnerable to the mob.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Precisely. Even if you’re somebody who would choose to engage them, you would not do what they did. It’s idiot chess to do what they did. AND THAT’S THE SCAM. Make us buy into their idiot position.
Here is the clincher argument. If the mob singled out their particular abode for threatening behavior, it’s automatically a SCAM of some kind. But if the mob was passing through and the couple initiated the singling out of their abode – BOOM – it’s a scam again.
I will keep my skepticism on 11 with these folks.


I’m so deeply weary of the Matrix. 😢

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We used to have something called “church” to get away from that, but that was BV (before virus).


Oh no! Look what they did!


It’s hurts my eyes to see that.
Which is probably why the demon spawn are doing these things.


POTUS tweeted out this morning they the 2 individuals on tape doing this.

Gail Combs

President Trump’s Tweets on the issue:
Donald J. Trump✔
Numerous people arrested in D.C. for the disgraceful vandalism, in Lafayette Park, of the magnificent Statue of Andrew Jackson, in addition to the exterior defacing of St. John’s Church across the street. 10 years in prison under the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act. Beware!
10:46 PM – Jun 22, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Donald J. Trump✔
· Jun 23, 2020
I have authorized the Federal Government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such Federal property in the U.S. with up to 10 years in prison, per the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act, or such other laws that may be pertinent…..
Donald J. Trump✔
…..This action is taken effective immediately, but may also be used retroactively for destruction or vandalism already caused. There will be no exceptions!
6:46 AM – Jun 23, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy
50.2K people are talking about this
LAW: 18 U.S. Code § 1361.Government property or contracts
Whoever willfully injures or commits any depredation against any property of the United States, or of any department or agency thereof, or any property which has been or is being manufactured or constructed for the United States, or any department or agency thereof, or attempts to commit any of the foregoing offenses, shall be punished as follows:
If the damage or attempted damage to such property exceeds the sum of $1,000, by a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than ten years, or both; if the damage or attempted damage to such property does not exceed the sum of $1,000, by a fine under this title or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.




I still remember back during the campaign when one of the lefties said that it wasn’t good enough just to defeat Donald J. Trump. They had to totally destroy him. They sure are making a damn good attempt.
Keep those prayers coming. Please.



Tommy Robinson just posted this on Parler.
It looks like it was made by a Q-peep.

The date on the video is June 25, 2020…so it’s recent.
I’m wondering if Tommy Robinson follows Q…?
There are a lot of Brexiteers on Parler.
I followed Katie Hopkins, made a comment on one of her posts and made a comment on a few Brit posts…and now I’m getting a lot of follows from Brexiteers who love our Pres Trump.


Found on Parler:comment image


For our dear DP!!!


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, June 30, 2020

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
1 John 1:7 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Tuesday Butterfly Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


comment image


Good Morning!
Have a Blessed Day Duchess!


* Waves to Patty from far away * Hey, what’s up? Dare I ask?
Have a Blessed, Fun Day, Patty!!! Hugs!!!


all is quiet…rocky’s gone–that’s all i know. 2 little chipmunks were just on the deck…trying to shake the mouse bait box to get some bait pellets to come out…lol…rocky always managed to leave a trail of them everywhere and the chippers ate it too…


Great!!! Thank You, Jesus!!!
I love the chipmunks! They come from their burrow to the bird feeders and stuff their faces with bird seed – they scurry about lest someone catch them in the act – the ‘cats’ are gone – none lurking around that would end their food runs – Thank God!!!
* Happy for Your Peace *
Now, onto the ‘BLESSING’ – God has a big one planned for you – of that I am certain.


ah…good hubby, wonderful life, on line friends…I am already blessed!


God is happy you noticed, Patty! 🙂






* Butterflies – Prayers – Heart * Beautiful!
God Bless You Real Good, BFLY!!! Hugs!!!comment image


GBYRG2SD!!! 🤗🤗💕💕🤗🤗


* Smiling Broadly *


Ron Paul..common sense and media lies
With massive increases in testing, the “case” numbers climbed. This is not rocket science: the more people you test the more “cases” you discover.
Unfortunately our mainstream media is only interested in pushing the “party line.” So the good news that millions more have been exposed while the fatality rate continues to decline – meaning the virus is getting weaker – is buried under hysterical false reporting of “new cases.”
Unfortunately many governors, including our own here in Texas, are incapable of resisting the endless lies of the mainstream media. They are putting Americans again through the nightmare of forced business closures, mandated face masks, and restrictions of Constitutional liberties based on false propaganda.
In Texas the “second wave” propaganda has gotten so bad that the leaders of the four major hospitals in Houston took the extraordinary step late last week of holding a joint press conference to clarify that the scare stories of Houston hospitals being overwhelmed with Covid cases are simply untrue. Dr. Marc Boom of Houston Methodist said the reporting on hospital capacity is misleading. He said, “quite frankly, we’re concerned that there is a level of alarm in the community that is unwarranted right now.”
In fact, there has been much reporting that the “spike” in Texas cases is not due to a resurgence of the virus but to hospital practices of Covid-testing every patient coming in for any procedure at all. If it’s a positive, well that counts as a “Covid hospitalization.” Why would hospitals be so dishonest in their diagnoses? Billions of appropriated Federal dollars are being funneled to facilities based on the number of “Covid cases” they can produce. As I’ve always said, if you subsidize something you get more of it. And that’s why we are getting more Covid cases.


The actor revealed that earlier in life he had given his soul to Christ several times, but it would take even more time for him to fully understand the magnitude of that conviction.
“Three times…I think we all go through that. I was filled with the Holy Ghost and it scared me,” he said. “I didn’t want to go this deep…I want to party. It was a supernatural, once in this lifetime experience that I couldn’t completely understand at the time.”


Cari Kelemen
The American Postal Workers Union just endorsed Joe Biden?
And we’re supposed to trust them with our Mail-In Ballots???


And Pres Trump has been so good to the Postal Service.
It’s probably because he has said that the USPS needs to be reformed so it will stop losing money.
I think Biden has said that we don’t need the Postal Service anymore…since we’ve got UPS and FedEx.
He would probably eliminate it for the right price.


but them endorsing Biteme, then giving them mail in ballots to deliver?
that’s like letting Biteme design voting machines!


IKR? …Arrgh.


how is that NOT a conflict of interest?


Oh yeah it is!
Bigtime conflict of interest!


especially since a postal worker was caught tossing campaign flyers recently…


For Patty – who lost her Flowers to Woodland Critters –
H/T LUCILLEcomment imagecomment imagecomment image


how lovely and THOUGHTFUL!
thank you!!


Most welcome, Dear Lady! Hope it brought a smile to your face after all you have been through – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you
and yes it did!
there was an artist one town over who was doing some metal sculptures–he had 2 large lilies for sale at one time–I might inquire there if he is still doing the pieces…then i could have some color and the animals will not destroy them…


Good Idea! The pictures of flowers Lucille posted warmed my heart – it has been a crazy Spring here – longer wait even for daffodils and tulips – they lasted – the lilacs were late and did not last long – long wait for peonies – they burned in the hot sun – primroses keep blooming – Yay! – one tiny white bleeding heart struggled to get some sun – lots of berries on the bushes for the birds – so thankful for what I could enjoy – sad it is such a hassle going to the Garden store to get more flowers to plant – but, happy to enjoy what God provided! 🙂


Judicial Watch recently obtained new documents related to mysterious Mena Airfield in Arkansas. They shed more light on what happened at Mena and what then-Governor Bill Clinton knew about it.


I was reading this…the left always claims IGNORANCE of things, don’t thing?


k…that should be don’t they…that’s not ignorance…just stupidity…LOL


Yes – for them – Ignorance IS Bliss! Facts do not matter to them – just criticize and ridicule – all they can muster – when evil commands one’s heart – only demonic diatribes come forth from the mouth –
These people are not only stupid; they are SICK of mind, heart, and body!!!


how many times has the left repeated their mantra…I don’t recall…


Every day it is something else – screeching and screaming about nothing – so tired of the constant attacks – but, I recall what Kim Clement (the Prophet who predicted Obama and Trump) said – America will be brought to its knees – then, see what God can do – we must return to Him – and He will make our path straight – bring about prosperity and peace like we have never known – hmmm…sounds like what PT tells us frequently – God must have told him – 🙂


at times I really wonder if time travel is possible and he knows how this all ends…


Not sure about that – but, he has not changed his complaints for 30 years – he said – if things got so bad – he would do something about it – remember – God has a purpose and a plan for each of us – and I believe (more so after Kim Clement verified – Kim is a real Man of God) PT was chosen for this time – he could have run in 2012 – but, we had to suffer and see more of the evil – before we turned back to God.
God knows the beginning and the end – and chooses leaders to bring about HIS PLAN – not ours – HIS! I believe He chose PT to bring us back to peace and prosperity – if we just follow what PT has accomplished – we can SEE the PLAN.
It is all GOD, Patty! God is orchestrating what is happening to and for AMERICA!!!
I honestly believe we are about to see God’s Power and Might in the restoration of America – but, He is counting on us to do our part – and – Come Back to Him!!!
Remember we prayed 2 Chronicles 7:14 – we prayed for a leader to Restore the Republic – and God brought him forth!!!


i always smile when i hear others disparage “trust the plan”…because they are thinking too small…it’s not a man’s’s His.


Absotutalutely, Patty!!!




It’s ON Don’t Panic! ~ Mark Taylor


Not playing for me, Duchess….will continue to try as it interests me.


Okay, got it now. But, must say the female really is annoying!


Sorry, Tea – Let me check the YouTube link – sometimes – I mess up – will let you know – if it does not work – you can also search YouTube by title – let me try.


I’ve watched about half of the video do far, but one thing that struck me is Mark labeling Bill Gates as one of the most evil men in the world.
MT is absolutely convinced Obama will be going to prison (or worse)….I hope he is as “prophetic” in this as he has been in other issues.


Oh, Tea – I agree – hard to tell with these guys – have to follow them closely enough to determine if they are legit – I do not usually follow modern-day prophets – but, I was stunned by Kim Clement – not so much Mark.


Kim Clement was a little too New Age for me. I know he died…do you know any details about him.


There is a full biography about him somewhere – his wife and daughter both have websites that detail his prophecies – he predicted Zero’s rise to power – he called PT – God’s David – he is Pro-Israel – never considered him New Age at all – because of his biblical references.
He died in 2016 – two weeks after PT was elected President – will see if I can find his biography – that is all I can remember for now – was more interested in what he predicted – because I believe he was guided by the Holy Spirit – and one of God’s chosen to bring forth His message.


Collision With Crisis – Trailer – 6.30.20


tragic story…2 black teens shot (in the back) and killed by another black teen for asking how tall he was…but the author’s last paragraph is the most poignant…
Black Lives Matter keeps protesting that black lives matter, but matter to whom? Certainly black lives don’t matter to Black Lives Matter, or they would be in Chicago and New York City and Minneapolis protesting the shootings and murders of black people in those cities.
When black teens are shot in the back and murdered for asking how tall another black teen is, the problem in America is not “systemic white racism.”

Deplorable Patriot

Waking up the public is turning into a daunting task.


Found on Parler:comment imagecomment image
This one was posted by Katrina Pierson.👆


The great Thomas Sowell turns 90 today.comment image

Gail Combs

He looks sixty or Seventy, May he be with us for a long long time. The Country needs his wisdom.


so tired of the nonsense…
every time I go out I engage in risky behavior—I may drive cautiously and correctly, but what of other drivers who drive distracted? drunk? I can only be responsible for myself! if I’m sick–I STAY AWAY from others…
i do what other responsible adults do. if there are irresponsible people out there who do not care about life, a mask won’t prevent them from infecting others or shooting others.
we flattened the curve…you’re welcome…now piss off and let me live my life.
sorry wheatie for the rant on your post…


Don’t apologize, sweetie…it’s a good rant!


i really need to stop overthinking stuff…
I was wondering if they are pushing the mask thing to overload the public on them–and then we all say nope, not wearing them anymore…so the new pigflu will kill us all…
sigh…going to have my haircut…when i come back i will search for good news and happy thoughts!


The Nytimes should pay a price for their hatred of America.

Deplorable Patriot

Still doing the canary trap thing, I see.


I didnt see this posted.
Who’s been telling you are about this for weeks? BEFORE the riots?????
They Sent Positive COVID-19 Patients from Mexico into California to Reignite the Virus (Wave 2)
Q!!Hs1Jq13jV630 Jun 2020 – 12:00:13 AM📁
[camouflaged by protests_riots]
COVID-19[2] positive patients in MEXICO were quietly transferred [routed] to CA.
“The swelling numbers of COVID-19 patients entering the United States from Mexico comes as many parts of California have pushed down their infection rates, enables many counties to lift stay-at-home restrictions and reopen businesses.”
Next challenge: rise in cases [due to testing inc & MX>CA] but overall decrease in death rates [nursing home scandal in public domain _no longer viable option].

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, so now the officials in places where control of the books and power MUST be maintained, i.e., California, New York, Ohio, and a few other states, they’re importing infectious people just to get the numbers up?
Obviously, they can’t get away with the nursing home booster, so they’re going another route to keep the people riled and in a frenzy. Well, the Karens and liberals who haven’t ditched the NYT and the rest of the MSM yet. After all, daily paper reading was something we were all trained to do.
Old habits die hard.


Read or listen to the interview I posted below. I put this here before but the nyt isnt a local paper and I posted the interview also.
I have direct info that this is true.


I honestly think the Democrat-Chinese-etc. leftists are sending coronavirus positive spreaders into the states where President Trump has planned events.


Heres the video I posted when I found one about the people coming in.


Who is paying for the helicopter flights bringing patients from Mexico???
Bankrupt California?
US gov?


Well, CA governor so far. He was given 2 billion to spend as he wanted. They just put the budget out, deep cuts all around and higher taxes. Our gas tax increases AGAIN tomorrow.


Bless you, Gil! California is a wonderful state – beauty galore. Too bad about the kooks and lefties.
At least you have people like Nunes!


Ty…I am in a more conservative county but its on the hit list.


Read and listen if you didnt the first time I posted this, please.
From the interview:
“Speaker 1: 02:43 What’s causing this surge in cases in Imperial County?
Speaker 2: 02:46 Well, it appears to be linked to the significant outbreak that’s going on South of the border in, uh, in Northern Baja California. You know, we don’t really have in the States total clarity on exactly how fierce that outbreak is. Uh, but it does seem to be generating a lot of patients just down in Mexico and it does appear and has been overwhelming hospital capacity in Tijuana. And then also now we’re hearing about a fair amount of inundation in Mexicali. Uh, no one, uh, that I spoke to at the hospitals in San Diego County and Imperial County seem to have a total handle on exactly what’s going on in Mexicali hospitals. There. There has been, it seems like some significant communication gap there, but it does appear that will over the last weekend that they saw quite a, a surge of folks coming across the border at uh, at the Mexicali order crossing, especially, uh, they say that these generally were American citizens living in Mexico and or a legal residence. You also have a large number of essential workers who live in Mexico and cross the border coming North to do jobs in the U S so it’s a, it’s still a pretty active border even though travel restrictions into the U S from Mexico have been significantly reduced for months now.”

Deplorable Patriot

Setting the table for mail in voting push?
Wouldn’t it be a shame if the warehouse with all the ballots got struck by lightning or had a sprinkler malfunction?


they want to chip us so badly–can we put chips in mail in ballots to spot check where THEY’VE been?

Deplorable Patriot

I tweeted this out with “On what planet?” #TakeOffTheMask

Yeah, they’re planning something alright.


Yes they did. He is an evil man.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I see DeWine’s strategy, but I’m not going to out it. DeWine is under forces from both the left and controlled opposition on the Republican side. But he has his EYE ON THE BALL. He’s tracking Trump Gravity. He has become a good reader of Trump’s deep strategy.



Chad Pergram
Fox has learned that fmr Associate Dep AG Bruce Ohr will appear behind closed doors today for an i-view with the Senate Judiciary Cmte. This is part of the panel’s investigation into Crossfire hurricane and FISA abuse. Ohr was one of many figures subpoened wks ago by the cmte


thought we were promised OPEN hearings?


Good Video.
In this episode of From the Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses the return of the Covid pandemic lockdown and its ramifications for the coming presidential election.

Deplorable Patriot
Just more detailas to add to the pile. FTA:
St. Louis police said the couple had called police for help once they saw the large crowd enter Portland Place. The McCloskeys had been at home and heard a loud commotion coming from the street; they went to investigate and saw “a large group of subjects forcefully break an iron gate marked with ‘No Trespassing’ and ‘Private Street’ signs,” police said.
“The group began yelling obscenities and threats of harm to both victims,” police said. “When the victims observed multiple subjects who were armed, they then armed themselves and contacted police.”
The crowd of protesters eventually moved on and arrived at Krewson’s home on Lake Avenue a block away.
Police are continuing the investigate the incident on Portland Place but are labeling it as a case of trespassing and fourth-degree assault by intimidation.
Meanwhile, were the couple, as they stood on their own property, within their rights to point weapons at protesters? Gun rights advocates say yes. A police spokesperson said to ask “the courts.”
Anders Walker, a constitutional law professor at St. Louis University, said that although it’s “very dangerous” to engage protesters with guns, the homeowners broke no laws by brandishing or pointing weapons at them because Portland Place is a private street. He said the McCloskeys are protected by Missouri’s Castle Doctrine, which allows people to use deadly force to defend private property.

Deplorable Patriot

Moar FTA:
“There’s no right to protest on those streets,” Walker said. “The protesters thought they had a right to protest, but as a technical matter, they were not allowed to be there. … It’s essentially a private estate. If anyone was violating the law, it was the protesters. In fact, if (the McCloskeys) have photos of the protesters, they could go after them for trespassing.”


Hope some better pictures of that crowd come out. I hadn’t realized that multiple subjects were also armed.

Gail Combs

You could see in the videos that some of the protestors were pointing weapons at the McCloskeys in some of yesterday’s Twatter videos.
The first gateway Pundit video at 0:28 far right is a white shortsleeve shirt and blackballcap with red brim and a professional looking camera that could be mistaken for a weapon.


Thanks. I totally missed that on my little screen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Show me! I’m from Missouri. A BOOM MICROPHONE is the only “weapon” I’ve seen!
Show me ANY weapon in the crowd. You will find NONE, because it was STAGED and highly controlled. They would NEVER make the mistake of allowing ANY arms with the protesters.



Deplorable Patriot

wouldn’t that be a gas?
I’ll tell you what, along those big artery streets, Kingshighway, Lindell, etc., where those wealthy estates are, it’s fashionable in presidential election years for home owners to put 6’x10′ campaign signs in their yards for everyone to see. And they are not all Democrat signs, either. I wonder if they ever did.
I’ll have to drive by more often.

Deplorable Patriot

They’ll be on Tucker Carlson tonight. Alrighty then.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. I hope he grills them mercilessly.

Deplorable Patriot

We’ll see. I’m not a Tucker fan, and I’m skeptical on the theories presented here. You know that. The big thing is how consistent the story is compared to what they told channel 5 and the Post-Disgrace.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump supporters who took a DIVE for BLM?
Damage control.


It’s all so confusing!
My BF hates Trump. Makes me so sad. But she is an ex-Private Eye and has 37 guns.
I keep telling her Beto wants them, Dems are gonna take em away. She still doesn’t get it. I haven’t talked to her for months now. 😥

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The virtue signal hooks in deep. Gotta be comfy with being an ASSHOE to the whole world to eliminate inauthentic virtue signals.

Deplorable Patriot

Bill Mitchell
Isn’t it weird that with the exception of CA, the insanely big spike in COVID cases is all in red states? NY, with it’s mass transit and protests is experiencing almost no surge at all.
Feels like BS to me.


Okay, I just came up with a thinking out of the box idea regarding masks…..
We learn that paper masks should be discarded each time after using, because they do more harm than good.
We learn that cloth masks and kerchief are ineffective.
So…both should be banned from use as public health safety policy, right?
This leaves the clear face shields (and I have not read any pros or cons about them except that I see many health care providers using them, and they can be sanitized and reused.
The added advantage…it negates the “Sharia law/burka” psy-ops of submission. AND, protesters/rioters/ Antifa/BLM can no longer hide their faces.
Therefore, POTUS should create an EO banning the use of any masks except unobstructed clear ones ones, for public health reasons. Any large groups wearing paper or cloth masks in public will immediately be asked to remove them or be arrested for endangering public safety.
What do you think? Trying to think like a warrior here!


i saw a tutorial on how to make one of those from a plastic soda bottle…lol


Actually that’s quite good. Draws from this and says a logical mask policy that makes sense is to wear it around your neck and then when watching singers in a grocery store or when the six foot rule is broken for conversational reasons then the mask should be drawn up and then immediately after the conversation ends taken back down. This done least you end up wearing lab bat virus on your face.


So I was attempting to make a Parler account. Wheatie said we dont need a phone number, but it wont let me make an account without one.
So there is no way to have privacy or anonymity?


I didn’t use a phone number…I used my email and when it asks for a phone number for account recovery–i have a “skip” option…


I tried last night. Put all the info in and it just kept spinning the ‘P’ . I thought by this morning it would be set but nothing. No email confirmation or anything


Thats what happened to me!!! 4 times!


After many attempts, I finally got a ‘skip option’ for the phone number, bottom left of screen.


Ill try again, thx.

Cuppa Covfefe

“555-1212” ? 😎 😆
or Popcorn “767-2676” (speaking clock) 🙂


Thats along the lines of what i did. Wont work.

Cuppa Covfefe

And going on in the back my head is John Belushi saying, “1060 West Addison? That’s Wrigley Field”,,, ;D


Welcome back General Flynn.
General Flynn’s Op-ed Warns of War Against the Republic
Since being exonerated by the Justice Department, which dismissed its case against him following revelations that he was set up by the FBI in 2017, he has found his voice. And it is a voice of warning:



Catturd ™
Disgusting NeverTrump RINO Lamar Alexander Opens Hearing with Dr. Fauci by Calling on Trump to Wear a Mask.
I’m sick and damn tired of these loser Republicans who are worthless, spineless, weakling, ball-less traitors.


Duecy on F&F kept harping about wearing them, then proceeded to hound every guest about it. STOP IT!!! ARGH!!!


Gail Combs

Good drawing. I like it better than his paintings.


He is quite talented for sure, Gail!


rather involved argument against SCOTUS decision (Bostock) but it does explain in easy to understand terms near the end…
Let’s start with the latter point and apply Bostock’s reasoning. In Bostock, in analyzing whether a transgender employee was a victim of sex discrimination, the Supreme Court explained that “if changing the employee’s sex would have yielded a different choice by the employer-a statutory violation has occurred.”
Now, we’ll apply this standard in the context of health insurance coverage or medical care, with a hypothetical woman, Sarah, who suffers from gender dysphoria. Sarah asks her doctor to remove her uterus, but her doctor refuses because Sarah’s uterus is healthy. Sarah’s health insurance company also refuses to pay for the removal of a healthy uterus. Did Sarah’s doctor and health insurance company discriminate against Sarah on the basis of her sex?
No. If Sarah were a man, the doctor would have likewise have refused to remove his . . . uterus? It doesn’t work! Bostock makes no sense when applied in realm of sex-based distinctions.
It is all well and good for the Supreme Court to speak—as it did in Bostock—of traits or activities that an employer would find acceptable for a woman, but not for a man. But there are real differences between men and women, and the Supreme Court’s test ignored that reality.
Failing the Test of Reality
Moreover, even if we manipulate the Supreme Court’s test to accommodate the biological differences between men and women, the result remains: no discrimination. Why? Because if a man asked his doctor to remove his healthy testicles, the doctor would refuse, and coverage would be denied.
Now, going further with the hypothetical, there is also no discrimination because Sarah is transgender. That’s because if another woman who is not transgender asked her doctor to remove her healthy uterus, the doctor would refuse as well.


Men who want hysterectomies should be required to prove their sincerity by wear a uterus hat with ovary earrings for a year. Then they can get them removed by any competent nurse in an assisted living home where they have to dress the patients.


the comment was a stretch…but the logic behind her arguments was sound. a doctor would refuse to remove healthy organs from anyone–and that’s not discrimination against transgenders. but SCOTUS is opening itself up to a whole host of new cases…


I agree. I’m just so sick of hearing ‘discrimination’ every time somebody doesn’t get fawned over I could just scream. I’ve half a mind to start discriminating against these fake victims so they can know what it feels like to be a real victim. F’ing snowflakes.




The official Federal Holiday is INDEPENDENCE DAY, not the fourth of July. The Democrats won’t call it Independence Day. If those that think that “white supremacy” or “white privilege” exists, one would think that they would use Independence Day to further their agenda instead of trying to quash Independence Day. But although clever they may be, Dems/Leftist/Commies/BLM are not critical thinkers.


Absotutalutely, Susy!!!





Yes, Truths!!!


When my friends and I planned a day in the city, we would often meet at that statue. This is heartbreaking to see.


Awww…that is so sad, Dora – all of this is heartbreaking to see – this is what communists do to destroy history – can you imagine how an artist would feel to see his hard work destroyed?
Good part – many artists will be employed in ‘restoration’ so God will make something good come out of all of this!!!



We can add in the Pride events..all the protected class events are not considered violating the’s all right in the open


Absotutalutely, Molly!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a tweet from John Cardillo posted upthread by bflyjesusgrl that says they’re registered Republicans, according to FEC filings:


LOL – Of course, they did not get it right – that happens often, Cuppa – I think – thought that was odd – missed BFLY’s post – Thanks!!!


They are going to be interviewed by Tucker tonight. We should get the real story then.


They donated to both dems and gop over time. state and local seem to be to dems and nation seems to be to gop. I looked them up on open secrets .org
Bet they will be straight gop from now on
Local elections matter


Louis not Lewis! 😉


Q: “Think HRC install”
Can you imagine, after 8 years of HRC, all elements of America’s federal gov’t would be saturated with liberal ideologues who will stop at nothing to further their agenda and increase their power?
I believe that America would be destroyed.
But God intervened.
God establishes the world’s rulers. To not believe that is to not believe God’s Word. We are beholden to only God for this respite in the rapid spread of darkness throughout our gov’t.
Where this will lead and for how long . . . God knows. It may only be a brief time or maybe it will be the beginning of a new Great Revival, where people all over the world realize that it is only God’s Light that will dispel the powers of darkness in this world.
Some of us may live long enough to find out.


Had to look that up. 🙂
MARANATHA is a Greek expression from two Aramaic words that appears in the Bible at 1 Corinthians 16:22. Based on interpretation, it can mean: The Lord is Coming! Our Lord has come! Come, Lord! Our Lord, Come! O Lord, come! or Our Lord Comes!. Regardless of how you interpret MARANATHA, the meaning is the same. Jesus is the perfect Son of God.

john jackson
Just heard on Hannity radio show that one of the dead is a 20 month old baby. Shot in the chest.
And not one fkn word from “Black Lives Matter”
Quote Tweet
Back The Blue
· 17h
But the pressing issue is renaming elementary schools because Washington and Jefferson owned slaves.


A key point to me in the Mark Taylor video posted by Duchess was that (someone please correct my paraphrasing if it is not exactly correct) the constant airing of bad news can rob people of hope and they can lose the will to fight.
It caused me to remember the number of times people on our side commented that they “needed a break” and were stepping away for a while….especially OT. It also to some extent explains the magnitude of negative commentary we have noticed there. They have closed themselves off from sources of positive information (and empowerment of Patriots).
Mark Taylor videos, Praying Medic, and pro Q videos are good places to go for encouragement.
The fact that we are free to visit, comment, and encourage one another in ways like this on this website is something not to be taken lightly.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That’s part and parcel of terrorism. The constant pounding away, instilling fear and depression in the people. Common in the middle east, where, for instance, the “Palestinians” continually shoot rockets, throw rocks, and generally make themselves to be incorrigible nuisances day in and day out to the Jews.
It seems the first thing they learn how to do is throw rocks, followed by lessons in decapitation and knife usage, then all manner of propaganda and psycho and other terror…
“Debbie Downers” are actually helping the enemy……


I try to listen to And We Know, Mark Taylor, Praying Medic, or other God fearing patriots before bed every night to help me to not, even subconsciously, concentrate on the negative news of the day.
This kind of information, finding a purposeful infusion of good, hopeful, God centered news, can work like an antidote to poison or anti venom. good for what can ail us


have to be conserve energy of where to fight the good fight
I am fighting on social media and in local politics, both in my real name and in person, get called all kinds of names and cursed and vulgarity … lots of drama in the GOP primary … thought I was just volunteering/just baking cookies and helping with events … but turns out I am now in a very political position – small pond, small fish, but still political and being pulled in multiple directions including by the GOPe/feeder swamp that connects right back to DC
but must stand for truth and against the mob. Time consuming and draining. now BLM is aiming and I am asking various professional politicians how they deal with interruptions and disruptions. concerned I will end up in a video, in a confrontation … will husband loose his job if I stand up to disruptive BLM in a public event if they try to take over or take the stage? do I stand up or lay down? pick our battles, sure … bu eventually a battle must be picked!
why waste energy where it isn’t effective and why read/watch “news” that is further draining? Must be informed but quickly scanning the news online allows one to limit what is important
why fight battles that are not mine to fight and just can’t take “friendly fire” …. too much drama, too much political fight already to handle “friendly fire”
Must choose how we spend our time, our input, our influences and where we choose to Stand for MAGA and make a difference.
Putting hours in to finding yard signs for our region, finding a company to make them, order, picking up, distributing … same with other things like hats & tshirts – break through the fake media narrative that few support POTUS! Putting hours into putting on events, working to keep primaries “fair”… now BLM … vocal, speaking up, making a difference?
No time or energy for “friendly fire” and staying aware of influences as per wolfmoon’s instructions last summer.
Could use a rest and safe haven but sometimes its just not time for recharging…heat of the political battle….


LM good post.
I skip over negativity when I see negativity wonder at times why?
Good people taking a brake instead of the negativity spilling into boards.


Christ talked about wars and rumors of wars, in Matthew. This is what He was talking about – depressing news causing fear.


Yes, it is taking a toll on several of our friends and I constantly have to act as cheerleader for DH. He’s so concerned Trump will not win he has trouble sleeping. No matter what I say or read to him, he half-way believes the polls.
I cannot convince him to stop watching all the negative garbage on TV…he’s very addicted to non-stop news (and sports.). He says many of his golf buddies are really down with the current news.
Many friends and family members are older and have gone through very serious health, life-threatening issues. A family member hasn’t been out of the house since mid-February and really isn’t well enough to clean out closets or do house projects like most of us have to occupy ourselves. They don’t even allow their house cleaner to come in…yet can’t do it themselves.
Another friend, who has serious cardiac surgeries and finally a pace maker about 10 days ago, is profoundly depressed at the total isolation.
So, in some respects the information war is working.



Thanks, BFLY!!!


It’s my county, I need truth. I’m all about exposing their lies.


* Yippie *


Gail Combs

And now we know WHO CONTROLS THE USA and it ain’t the president. It is the OLIGARCHS…
(Or so they Think)


We have news for them OLIGARGOYLES – We the People – the SILENT MAJORITY – are in charge – President Trump is our LEADER!!!


Who the fuck is twitch and why should anyone care what he/she/it says?


Social media group I think, p.


How many of these little gangs are there? Can we start one called ‘no you can’t come in’, just so we have a place to hide for a rest.


No – because the media – including social media are controlled by (6) corporations – and we do not belong to that club.



Commenters and subscribers to The_Donald self-banned themselves 6 months ago. Reddit closed the barn door long after the horses had left.


He is really enjoying the power he thinks he has!
NY Adds 8 States To Travel Advisory Requiring 14-Day Quarantine
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday said the states all have significant community spread of the coronavirus.

Deplorable Patriot

I was looking for explosion videos for tomorrow’s open thread, and there’s A LOT of stuff happening in Tehran. Anyone know any details?


Flep always followed someone on Twitter. He’s an independent reporter in Iran who’s name escapes me at the moment


kea, this is the man…


That’s the one thank you. 🙂


i thought I saw a theory that one of their nuclear reactors blew up…

Deplorable Patriot

That’s the working theory.


if and it’s only an IF, but IF our military was accomplishing this, we would never know for years…and Iran would blame anything else ( can’t let the world know the Americans are infiltrating and neutralizing their capabilities).
it makes me smile to think we’re sabotaging their plants.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t think we would sabotage anything in any way that would harm civilians, however.
Sabotaging centrifuges is one thing. Releasing radiation on a civilian population? No way!!!


so what you’re suggesting is that for the enemy, the safest place for their illegal nuclear reactors and military weapons are in civilian compounds.

Deplorable Patriot

That would be a place to hide it. In plain sight, and among human shields.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This has always been true when dealing with Muslims. Human shields. Saddam Hussein loved them. Palestinians love them – anti-aircraft installations in PRIMARY SCHOOLS.
One has to be prepared to say “Yes – I killed those thirty kindergartners knowingly, because I’m a bad ass, I took out the Palestinian AA installation that took out our jet, and you presstitutes are evil traitors supporting the enemy who hides behind children.”
Not everybody is that bad ass. 😎
So timing is important. Information is important. When hostilities are low, and one is engaging in what appears to be a first strike, killing innocents for a small tactical advantage makes little sense. Why suffer a massive propaganda loss for little strategic gain?
On the other hand, a commando mission into a hospital to take out a deuterium/tritium factory may be fully justified to prevent terrorists from having a hydrogen bomb, and will sell as heroic, even with a traitor press.
We know the presstitutes will always support the enemy. When we give them ammo, it needs to be worthless!


when i watched American Sniper and saw the “nun” hand the bomb to the child and the child ran with it toward the Americans, i knew then it wasn’t regular warfare. the toll on a soldier must be horrendous.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

War is hell. LOGICAL THINKING for the win AND the moral victory, too.


i found a new appreciation for what soldiers endure for our freedom, wolf.
they love to screw with the mind.

Gail Combs

FWIW Carlos seems to think the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia +) have been infiltrating Iran over time and slowly taking out the top dogs.

Gail Combs

Israel is unofficially part of the group too…. Enemy of my enemy and all that.
“….The GCC’s headquarters is in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, its largest member. In 1984 the group formed a military arm called the Peninsular Shield Force to respond to military aggression against members.
The members as of October 2019 were Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. These Middle East countries share the common faith of Islam and Arabian culture. They also share an economic interest distinct from their OPEC membership. These countries seek to diversify their growing economies away from oil….”


Gail, also, much to my delight, providing satellite ‘phones to insurgents.
per an Assyrian friend.


The facilities that are important to Iran are all deep underground. No fallout.

Deplorable Patriot

Another theory on this:
Was Israel behind Friday’s mysterious blast near Tehran?
“Although military and defense industry accidents do occur in Iran, the consensus appears to be a cyberstrike by Israel against Iran,” a senior Western analyst tells Saudi news site.
Satellite photos taken by Maxar Technologies and published on Sunday by NBC reporter Raf Sanchez indicate immense damage to a structure at the Parchin military site, east of Tehran, apparently the source of a mysterious explosion that rattled the Iranian capital on early Friday.
The satellite images show a small structure, adjacent to a larger building, completely destroyed with charred ground around it.

Iranian Defense Ministry spokesman Davoud Abdi told state TV on Friday that the explosion took place at a gas storage facility in an area that “houses a sensitive military site” near Tehran.
He insisted the explosion took place in the “public area” of Parchin, as opposed to the military site in the city. He did not give any information about the cause of the blast.
The military site at Parchin has been used by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to test ballistic missiles. Western analysts believe the site consists of a vast underground tunnel complex for testing and producing missiles. The site has also been linked to Iran’s nuclear project.
The gas storage area sits near what analysts describe as Iran’s Khojir missile facility.
The Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies identified Khojir as the “site of numerous tunnels, some suspected of use for arms assembly.” Large industrial buildings at the site visible from satellite photographs also suggest missile assembly being conducted there.
Satellite photos of the area on Saturday, located some 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) east of downtown Tehran, showed hundreds of yards of charred scrubland not seen in images of the area taken in the weeks ahead of the incident.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

On Monday, meanwhile, English-language Saudi new site Arab News published an interview with Dr. Theodore Karasik, a senior adviser at Gulf State Analytics, a consulting firm in Washington, DC, in which he claims there is consensus within the intelligence community that Friday’s explosion was the result of Israeli sabotage.
“Although military and defense industry accidents do occur in Iran, the consensus appears to be a cyberstrike by Israel against Iran,” Karasik said.
“To be sure, the timing of the explosion is important given continued Iranian mischief in the region. As these tensions will probably grow in the coming months, the tit-for-tat nature of cyberwar is part of a troubled security landscape. The Khojir event is a continuation of the Stuxnex virus used 10 years ago to disrupt and deter Tehran’s military industry,” added Karasik.


This guy usually has the Iran scoop.


Gone. deleted.
Maybe has something to do with this and Cyrus thing.




if it’s Warren, that explains the “white supremacist rally cry” and that POTUS hates Native Americans…




Unfortunately, Patty, that makes sense – LOL


POTUS will destroy the appropriator!!!!
especially now that SCOTUS ruled the CFPB unconstitutionally founded…


Two “old white people” in the “summer of BLM love”? I don’t see how that would work. The Left boxes itself into corners with its political [in]correctness and strictures. I’m tired of Warren’s phoniness, but listening to Kamala for several months of campaigning would be torture. Come to think of it, any of them will be torture, including Warren.


For sure, Truths!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Just saw a typo that struck my funny bone.
“They exorcized their constitutional rights.”
As opposed to exercised.

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5dfa19 No.9800233 📁
Jun 30 2020 11:12:09 (EST) NEW

Deplorable Patriot

Possible references, since I doubt the point is the music:
Greetings, Solo Wargamers!
The Lone Warrior website welcomes you. We invite you to participate in this ongoing discussion of any and all aspects of solo wargaming. This includes historical, fantasy, and science fiction gaming played without the benefit of fellow gamers. The discussion also addresses rules reviews, solo-variants, and techniques to enhance and improve your gaming.
The Solo Wargamers Association, founded in 1976, is a loose grouping of soloists from around the world. Lone Warrior is our quarterly journal. This site also includes sample articles from Lone Warrior, as well as information on how to subscribe.
So, whether you are a veteran solo gamer or just thinking about wargaming alone, welcome! We hope you can both contribute to, and gain from, the Lone Warrior website and its associated Blog.
The Lone Warrior, 2010
The Lone Warrior chronicles the journey of Hanshiro, a master samurai who carries the most coveted weapon in all of Japan – a legendary sword that prevents its owner from dying in combat. For Hanshiro however, this extraordinary gift came with a price. The sword possesses a curse that deprives him from achieving any joy or honor from fighting, and has caused him to resign from the samurai lifestyle and become a vagrant traveler. When Dorin Munesuke, a prominent samurai lord, discovers Hanshiro’s whereabouts and beckons him to fight once more, bloody conflict erupts between the two men to determine if Hanshiro will regain his honor.

The Lone Warrior Paperback – September 13, 2016
by Paul Fraser Collard (Author)
Jack Lark, once the Scarlet Thief, is back in The Lone Warrior by Paul Fraser Collard – and he’s about to march right into the bubbling centre of the Indian Mutiny. This series is perfect for fans of Conn Iggulden and Bernard Cornwell and ‘evokes the horror of that era with great brio. Enthralling’ (The Times)
Jack Lark, once the Scarlet Thief, has fought hard for his freedom. But will he risk it all to do the right thing?
Bombay, 1857. India is simmering with discontent, and Jack Lark, honourably discharged from the British Army, aims to take the first ship back to England. But before he leaves, he cannot resist the adventure of helping a young woman escape imprisonment in a gaming house. He promises to escort Aamira home, but they arrive in Delhi just as the Indian Mutiny explodes.
As both sides commit horrific slaughter and the siege of Delhi begins, Jack realises that despite the danger he cannot stand by and watch. At heart, he is still a soldier…

Deplorable Patriot

Looks like one helper account wants door #3.


Pres. Trump retweeted something that contains a specific Q post? Wow.

Deplorable Patriot

POTUS posted first. Then we get…theme music…I guess is what you would call it.
I’m thinking the book about the mutiny in India in 1857 is the clue.

Deplorable Patriot



Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8f3c1d No.9801324 📁
Jun 30 2020 12:39:32 (EST) NEW
Does a combination of prisoner release + ‘mask’ mandate(s) provide for a more dangerous environment to citizens?
“As an example, when we learned last week that [Brann] was about to use her authority to order an across-the-board release of hundreds of inmates serving city sentences, we were assured that the release would not include those serving time for domestic violence or sex offenses, given the risks to victims,” the letter states. “Unfortunately, we later learned that such individuals were indeed included in the ranks of those to be released.”
“De Blasio said Sunday that more than 650 inmates had been released over coronavirus concerns.”
“Hundreds of prisoners released early from Rikers due to COVID concerns are being enabled to re-offend again and again without consequences, law enforcement leaders say.”
Cause and Effect.
Do you see what is happening?

Deplorable Patriot

Can we see what’s happening? Yes, the Democrats and their Cabal masters are stalling for time hoping to steal the election via increased crime, tanking economic gains, and making people so afraid that they will consent to mail-in voting.
There’s too many of us awake at this point for it to work, but they’re giving it a shot.


Gail Combs

Parler the Conservative Ghetto where they ID your comments via your Phone Number.
The PERFECT vehicle for the Communists to use in sorting out WHO goes to re-education camp and who is not worth the trouble to re-educate.


Uh, Oh – Really???


Totally disagree with that. How does going off to a conservative ghetto beat back tech tyrants? It doesn’t. It just allows them to get even more tyrannical.

Gail Combs

What beats back the tech giants is boycotting the corporations that support the left and KEEP making NEW accounts.
You can then use GAB (no Phone # needed) to tell people where you are on Twatter.


Gail agrees with you wholeheartedly, Linda!

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b9b621 No.9801439 📁
Jun 30 2020 12:47:40 (EST) NEW

Like clockwork.

Fi’s been griping for over a week that POTUS should take action. Says a lot of the base is pizzed.
All I know is It’s TIME for our side to FIX THIS SHIT!!!! If POTUS does act, the base plus others
will rally behind him.

Deplorable Patriot

I get the idea this may kick off this weekend. Call it a hunch, and July 3 being a big date mentioned for the other side.


Hope so…
The Dems are too slow to wakeup, some never will.Meanwhile MAGAs are asking…..When does the movie end?? ⌚⏱⏲⏰

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b9b621 No.9801649 📁
Jun 30 2020 13:00:14 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 978464 No.9801436 📁
Jun 30 2020 12:47:14 (EST) NEW
>>9801324 (lb)
I See whats happening, but I would like to see you guys doing something about it already.
So the real question Q is, Do YOU see what is happening??
Fear not.
You [we] are not helpless.
Enough must see.
It is the only way.
You are being presented with the gift of vision.
Ability to see [clearly] what they’ve hid from you for so long [illumination].
Their deception [dark actions] on full display.
People are waking up in mass.
People are no longer blind.
Do you think it’s a coincidence they banned and prevent you attending Church _house of worship?
One must only look to see.
Have faith in Humanity.
Have faith in yourself.
Let light guide you.
Find peace through prayer.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, well, don’t tell them, but my pastor went rogue from the beginning. Mass, Adoration, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3 pm on Fridays. Of course, most attendees kept their mouths shut.
And in all of it, we’ve managed to keep a food pantry and help center in the ghetto running. The stories of BOXES and BOXES of food for them are no joke. I’ve stepped over them.


DP, our church opened May 31, as did many others.
And we also have Food Panty pick-ups on Fridays…have all along.
Very interesting, this attempt to shut down churches.
here’s hoping more will reconsider.

Deplorable Patriot

“Their deception [dark actions] on full display.”
Evil operates under the cover of darkness. Yes. Got it.

Gail Combs

June 1, 2020 AMerican Thinker Article
Trump declared Antifa a terrorist organization, and Democrats are worried

…With full-throated support from Attorney General Barr, Trump is designating Antifa as a terrorist organization. This is an extremely important announcement because Antifa is more than just a terrorist group. It is, in fact, the paramilitary arm of the Democrat Party.
As is often the case, Trump made his consequential announcement via Twitter….

comment image
Very good article. please read


Question Are people waking up big time or not?

Valerie Curren

This is purely fyi for I have no solid opinion on Any of it. At about 1min 40secs there is a graphic about underground tunnels & the speaker explains the reason for them???

Gail Combs

I think Adrenochrome is a SQUIRREL!
It can be manufactured in a Lab. HMMMmmmm ALL the links to studies I had on Adrenochrome no longer have the actual papers or even abstracts!!!
Anyway, I think the ‘squirrel’ is to distract from the REAL situation.
Daily Mail,UK:
Peter Thiel believes blood transfusions from the young could be ‘biological fountain of youth’ and help people live forever

* Parabiosis involves the transfusion of blood plasma from a young donor
* Earlier studies have shown it to have anti-aging effects in animals
* And, this procedure has recently begun trials on human participants
….Human trials were launched recently by a company called Ambrosia, with participants paying $8,000 to get involved, according to Inc.
In the study, ‘Young Donor Plasma Transfusion and Age-Related Biomarkers,’ healthy individuals aged 35 or older receive a transfusion of blood plasma from donors younger than 25.
And, the firm has been contacted by Thiel Capital’s chief medical officer, Jason Camm, Inc. reports, who expressed interest in the work.
In an interview last year with Jeff Bercovici, Peter Thiel explained his interest in life-extension medicine…..

Back to adrenochrome
January 2002
The adrenochrome hypothesis of schizophrenia revisited
This paper reviews the current status of the adrenochrome theory of schizophrenia. An account is first given of all the experiments in which adrenochrome was reported to induce psychotomimetic effects in normal volunteers. Then the evidence is presented that adrenochrome may actually occur in the brain as a metabolite of adrenaline in the C2 group of adrenergic neurons in the medulla, together with an account of current ideas of the function of these neurons in higher limbic functions. Lastly the recent evidence is reviewed that the gene for the enzyme glutathione S-transferase is defective in schizophrenia. This enzyme detoxifies adrenochrome.
One of the references:
Grof, S., Vojtechovsky, M., Vitek, V. and Prankova, S. (1963) “Clinical and experimental study of central effects of adrenochrome”, J. Neuropsychiatr. 5, 33–50.
The ‘natural’ adrenochrome from tortured children may just be a side benefit to the ‘Fountain of Youth’ blood transfusions.

Valerie Curren

Interesting. Thanks…


Good comments…..uplifting…FIGHT BACK PATRIOTS!!!

Gail Combs

About the negativity that periodically surfaces:
I just remind myself we have Donald J. Trump as PRESIDENT and not Hitlery. That is a major cause for hope.
Cuppa Covfefe dropped a big one here:
They KNOW how PANtifa is organized.
This is the second CRITICAL POINT:

….While this is the end of this report on the Antifa C&C structure, it is worth noting that, in the observations taken from video footage, there is a suggestion of an ‘Unknown Actor’ (UA) within the activities involved in the looting. This UA is, like Antifa, organized, and can have many operatives within the mob at any given point. This UA does not appear to be engaging in escalation, rather appears to be most focused on ‘tagging’ the Antifa, with the presumed goal of identifying active members. These ‘tagging’ incidents have been observed employing very sophisticated UV light reflective paint ‘dots’ and ‘lines’ being placed on individual Antifa by UA agents using what appears to be a ‘nylon tipped marker’…

Then combine that with earlier information Show ‘they’ have been ‘at work’
From REX:
Shadow Warriors : How Trump’s Praetorian Is Saving The Republic
Recent events indicate that President Donald J. Trump’s praetorian guard have been at work. As Rex explains, patriots should be grateful. And the enemies of the Republic, terrified.
From Thomas Wictor
The Unbearable Lameness of Antifa
And How They Were Defeated
And from Carlos Osweda
May 31st 2020

….Ponder this:
At 1:30 Saturday morning, the governor of Minnesota said that he simply didn’t have enough cops or National Guard IN THE WHOLE STATE to stop the carnage that would take place after sunset.
Saturday night would be an apocalypse.
The governor said that PROFESSIONAL, HIGHLY TRAINED urban terrorists were burning down buildings, shooting at the police and firefighters, and using improvised explosive devices.
They could not be caught because there were too many of them.
The “protestors” were giving them cover…..
The huge crowds were forcing the cops to go all over the city.
It was a carefully planned operation.
Everyone knew what to do.
Thousands of people were pouring into the city.
All Minnesotas could do was brace itself.
And then…control was restored. Overnight.
No more fires.
No more shooting at cops and firefighters.
The cops “stopped” the cars of the urban terrorists, but dang it, in EVERY CASE, they fled on foot and were no[t] caught.
However, their weapons were recovered. No descriptions of the weapons were given.
Guess what happened?
Trump sent in [this part is iffy but possible – GC] the Green Berets.
The governor approved it. NO WAY were the Green Berets waiting in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
The were at Camp Ripley, a Minnesota Army National Guard base about 50 minutes away by air….

We know from Mil Spec Ops Monkey (and my direct eyeball sighting) that the military has been on the move.
Also from Carlos and earlier from others the Army was practicing urban warfare in mock-ups in the deserts. However I think these people doing the infiltrating and marking are much more likely to be special volunteers who have most likely been deputized as Deputy U. S. Marshals.

28 CFR § 0.112 – Special deputation.
§ 0.112 Special deputation.
The Director, United States Marshals Service, is authorized to deputize the following persons to perform the functions of a Deputy U.S. Marshal in any district designated by the Director:
(a) Selected officers or employees of the Department of Justice;
(b) Selected federal, state, or local law enforcement officers whenever the law enforcement needs of the U.S. Marshals Service so require;
(c) Selected employees of private security companies in providing courtroom security for the Federal judiciary;
(d) Other persons designated by the Associate Attorney General pursuant to 28 CFR 0.19(a)(3).
All such deputations shall expire on a date certain which shall be stated on the face of the deputation.




Honey badger don’t care.



hacomment image

Valerie Curren



“Ridin’ with Bidin”? Rather . . . “Hidin’ with Bidin”!

Gail Combs

I have seen Trump signs here in NC (a SWING STATE) but I have seen NO Biden signs! (Lots of American flags including a bunch of motorcycles with flags.)
I was a bit worried about going to the Flea Market near Durham but we had ZERO trouble and I talked to a lot of black folk. One lady with two cute little girls came by as we were shutting down. She was a bit cold and defensive at first but I invited her over engaged the girls and she warmed right up.
I do not think BLM is making the type of impression on Blacks that they think they are. If anything they are pushing normal Blacks to vote for Trump.

Valerie Curren



Senior Executive at Texas ER Chain Reveals Real Reason For Spike in Coronavirus Cases
Hands up anyone shocked by this?

Deplorable Patriot

JB Neiman concluded: “What we are seeing at our facilities is more of a positive story…You have more people who are testing positive with minimal symptoms. This means the fatality rate is less that commonly reported.”


I always wonder why, if people have minimal symptoms, they are going to the hospital. I guess it depends on the definition of “minimal.” Or maybe people go as a precaution. At this point, I don’t think I would want anyone to know if I had WuFlu unless I really needed care. Too much tracking going on.

Gail Combs

“I always wonder why, if people have minimal symptoms….” Probably because they were going for OTHER reasons. For example Hubby is on Warfarin (blood thinner). He has to go in and have his blood checked to make sure the dosage is correct.
There are plenty of other medical conditions that might require a hospital visit and the hospital would also want to check for Covid as well — because $$$$$.


My husband is on blood thinners and gets checked regularly but they do not check for Covid.








Just saw at the Gen. Flynn defense fund there is a digital store coming. It says – We are an Army of Digital Soldiers. Citizen Journalists and Patriots providing the truth….
Coming soon!


Someone needs to unseal an indictment on this moron.


Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s the whole pic (WP cropped it) (guess the truth hurts over in Dorkey Park):comment image


There’s not wrong with wanting to or taking a break from all the bad stuff going on these days. In fact, continuing to following the reports of the myriad events of bad stuff is not healthy. Some might call that putting your head in the sand . . . but that’s a very secular viewpoint.
We have very good advice on our attitude and how to think from Paul in Philippians 4:
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Want peace of mind? Want to improve your overall outlook and attitude? There’s the solution!

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5cccaa No.9803002 📁
Jun 30 2020 14:48:37 (EST) NEW
How do you prevent public embarrassment re: lack of crowd size?
How do you continue the ‘con’ re: [fake] polling lead?
How do you support mail-in ballot election fraud [“election was not rigged all polls showed Biden had double digit lead v POTUS” – example]?
Who benefits the most?
Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?

Deplorable Patriot

I hear tell today’s Q&A session was scripted. He read the answers.


I wish Biden would take the advice of his other doctor, too. Either get electroshock treatment or the lobotomy . . . his choice.

Cuppa Covfefe

Poligrip Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino suggests her favorite: A Bottle In Front Of Me…


Her BFF.


…. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH … snort .. excuse me.. 😐👍


Oh 😮 .. oh 😮🤚‼️‼️ …. BOTH, both, both, both … booooooooooooottttttthhhhhhh ….
.. 😬👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll go out on a limb and say that the BLM signs in the yards of several neighbors, who are still married to their first spouses, are grandparents and passed on their Faith of either Catholicism or Judaism, just like they were supposed to, have ZERO idea what they are advocating. Of course, most of them still read the New York Times.


‘they have ZERO idea what they are advocating. Of course, most of them still read the New York Times.’ ———— I think that’s the main reason.

Gail Combs

OR they are hoping by showing support that PANtifa will not target them and the neighborhood.
If they are older it could be just plain FEAR.

Deplorable Patriot

Possibly, but the neighborhood distributor of the signs is the 1960s hippie radical around the corner who regularly visits her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, AND got the cross street declared one way going down hill so that cross county traffic that can’t get through the gate at the top of the hill would not turn around in front of her house.
Plus, I hear tell through the grape vine she’s going senile.


Plus, I hear tell through the grape vine she’s going senile.—– You think!?!?!? Yikes.

Deplorable Patriot

No, really, her daughter unloaded to a friend about it, and we heard second hand. I’ll believe it, and I have my reasons as to why.



Hey DP nice cover art.
Cover image: Jolly Flatboatmen in Port, Oil on Canvas, 1857, by George Caleb Bingham, American. Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri.
I recall the exhibit a while back.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, they’ve got a lot of George Caleb Bingham. Some of them were a gift from Bank of America which inherited them from a serious of bank take-overs.


I did not know that. One learns something new every day.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll look for some John SInger Sargent for next week, maybe. All this American art….


The Left Couldn’t Care Less About Blacks

Deplorable Patriot


Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, Toledo Ohio, home to O-I (Owens-Illinois) and immortalized by John Denver (though I expect they’re not overjoyed 🙂 ):
Saturday night in Toledo, Ohio is like being nowhere at all.
All through the day how the hours rush by, you sit in the park and you watch the grass die.
Ah, but after the sunset, the dusk and the twilight, when shadows of night start to fall.
They roll back the sidewalk precisely at ten and people who live there are not seen again.
Just two lonely truckers from Great Falls, Montana and a salesman from places unknown
all huddled together in downtown, Toledo to spend their big night all alone.
You ask how I know of Toledo, Ohio? Well I spent a week there one day.
They’ve got entertainment to dazzle your eyes: go visit the bakery and watch the buns rise.
Ah, but let’s not forget that the folks of Toledo unselfishly gave us the scale.
No springs, honest weight, that’s the promise they made,
so smile and be thankful next time you get weighed.
And “wive and wet wive”, let this be our motto, let’s let the sleeping dogs lie.
And here’s to the dogs of Toledo, Ohio, ladies, we bid you goodbye.


Of couse, the next howl on the horizon is “SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT” because we all know that the white power Republicans cheat at elections much, much more than the grass-roots Democrats.


Provo, Utah.
Antifa has now gone to next level.
H O S S DezNat News Man (@NiasDiad) Tweeted:
Video shows vehicle being surrounded by #BlackLivesMatter rioters in Provo Utah and shows protester/rioters shoot into the car multiple times as driver attempts to escape #DezNat
H O S S DezNat News Man (@NiasDiad) Tweeted:
Zoomed in and slowed down video clearly shows rioters pull a gun and shoot into the truck before it attempts to escape. Is this what #BlackLivesMatter is about? #DezNat
H O S S DezNat News Man (@NiasDiad) Tweeted:
Police Verified the DRIVER WAS NOT AT FAULT and was shot before he attempted to flee. Everyone in #DezNat is praying for the driver’s speedy recovery. Please help find the shooter! We love our cops our law enforcement, they’re important! (I understand they are fans of my show)


Rapper Lord Jamar: “Black Lives Matter is a Movement Given to Us by George Soros and his F**king Boys”


Dragged a part over for easier listening.
Saying the leaders of BLM have been given to BLM by Soros. Asked who the leaders are and says they are Lesbian woman who are trying to incorporate LG whatever the f*#% the letters are their concerns into the movements concerns.

Deplorable Patriot

VITALLY important video. Distills it into less than 60 seconds.


St. Louis Woman in the blue suit??

Deplorable Patriot

I doubt it.

Deplorable Patriot

The Couch Commando just said that he wanted to see Schumer, Schiff and a few other other choice Dems digging ditches in the south from May to September without the benefit of bug repellent.


They only ditches they need to dig are the ones they’re buried in.
Gotta stay on Schumer to dig his deep enough to cover the tip of his dress shoes, that lazy crapweasel, or just bury him face-down.


And blm can make what they want of those wierd pointy twin statues


So when does the first person just lose it and they kill someone over this?
Elex Michaelson (@Elex_Michaelson) Tweeted:
.@CAgovernor @GavinNewsom teases more possible restrictions coming tomorrow.
Suggests science shows how much more of a problem indoor transmission is versus outdoor transmission. Says state may need to do more to address this.


A further look at the sudden surge.
Mexico began a huge spike in cases mid may. On about 25 June they underwent a huge surge in recoveries. Almost unexplainable except as some one suggested up stream but for, ex pats and duel citizens.
The graphs explain much of what may be happening here as we seem to absorbing a large part of this problem.
And it’s kind of a shrug on what to do about it if anything given ex pats and duel citizens which at this point I’m only assuming.


Most of them coming are non english speaking and no family here.


Those would be the ones with means to cross the border (ie migrant workers) , whatever that is and or family members of ex pats or duel citizens.

Gail Combs

I recommend spending the 45 minutes watching this: very informative and critical to understanding the history of what is going down today.

Gail Combs

Given the rioter shooting into the vehicle in Utah, I suggest looking up the Castle/Stand your ground Laws for your state.
Scroll down and click on your state if it is listed.
For North Carolina:
It states:
“…..(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another.
(2) Under the circumstances permitted pursuant to G.S. 14-51.2 …..”

If I click on G.S. 14-51.2 I have to sign in for access for access to Westlaw.
So I looked up — North Carolina Law G.S. 14-51.2
And found:
And that has:
“….(b) The lawful occupant of a home, motor vehicle, or workplace is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent death or serious bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily harm to another if both of the following apply:
(1) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a home, motor vehicle, or workplace, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person’s will from the home, motor vehicle, or workplace.
(2) The person who uses defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry or unlawful and forcible act was occurring or had occurred….”


For the record, that is generally what qualified immunity is when used in police civil suits.


Does this law permit the driver of a vehicle to press the accelerator and take off when under threat of attack?


While in my truck, IF I find myself under attack or imminent attack from rioters, I’ll accelerate as necessary to END THE THREAT. Sort of like IF I need to use my Glock, END THE THREAT.
Then, not stop until I am home or at the police station. Home would be my preference. After getting home, call 911.
Presently in TX, doubt there would be a problem with this. Guessing the same with NM and AZ. NV should not be a problem.


Following Gail’s lead above…
Paging Carl…
Duty To Retreat
Under NRS 200.120 there is no duty for a person to retreat before using deadly force in self-defense if the all of the following conditions are met:
The person has a right to be present at the location
The person is not the original aggressor
The person is not engaged in conduct in furtherance of a criminal activity.
Justifiable Homicide
Per NRS 200.190, any homicide that is justifiable or excusable is not punishable.
NRS 200.120 defines justifiable homicide and NRS 200.160 provides additional circumstances of justifiable homicide. This law allows the defense of yourself, as well as the defense of your home, property, and other people in certain circumstances. Here is a general summary of justifiable homicide under this law:
The following killings are justifiable homicide:
In necessary self-defense ( NRS 200.120 ). Per NRS 200.200, if a person kills another in self-defense the following conditions must both appear to be true:
The danger was so urgent and pressing that, in order to save one’s own life or prevent oneself from receiving great bodily harm, the killing of the other was absolutely necessary.
The killed person was the assailant, or the slayer had in good faith attempted to decline further struggle before the mortal blow.
In defense of habitation, property or person against a one who is either:
Attempting to commit a felony by violence. ( NRS 200.120 )
Attempting to commit a felony by surprise. (NRS 200.120)
Against a person violently or surreptitiously attempting to enter a habitation (other than his own), for the purpose of inflicting violence against a person within it. (NRS 200.120 )
When there is reasonable ground to apprehend that the slain person had a design to commit a felony or to do some great personal injury to the slayer or any other person in the presence of the slayer, and there is imminent danger of this design being accomplished. (NRS 200.160 )
In the actual resistance of an attempt to commit a felony upon the slayer in his presence, or upon or in a dwelling, or other place of abode in which the slayer is in. (NRS 200.160 )
However, per NRS 200.130, in order for a homicide to be found justified, it must appear that all of the below is true:
The circumstances were sufficient to excite the fears of a reasonable person.
The killer acted under the influence of those fears
The killing was not in a spirit of revenge
NRS 200.120  “Justifiable homicide” defined; no duty to retreat under certain circumstances.
1.  Justifiable homicide is the killing of a human being in necessary self-defense, or in defense of an occupied habitation, an occupied motor vehicle or a person, against one who manifestly intends or endeavors to commit a crime of violence, or against any person or persons who manifestly intend and endeavor, in a violent, riotous, tumultuous or surreptitious manner, to enter the occupied habitation or occupied motor vehicle, of another for the purpose of assaulting or offering personal violence to any person dwelling or being therein.


I looked it up for NV also. Reads good. Thanks.


All I’ve seen in Pahrump was three people on the sidewalk, on one day, holding up a sign that said “Honk if you love black lives”. Sure was quiet driving by ’em.


Castle law is rock solid for the Karen and her hubby


Probably has been posted, but for those that missed like me…
Liberal who after the last 5 months is voting for Trump….HE SEES IT as will many more. Red pilled Bigly


More Domestic Terrorism – Armed Black Lives Matter Terrorists Shoot SUV Driver in Provo Utah…
Posted on June 30, 2020
It’s WAY past time for the AG to announce PUBLIC GUIDANCE on this subject.
The AG should tell the American People that if your car is surrounded by a MOB of BLM / anti-fa TERRORISTS, your life is obviously in danger and law enforcement recommends STOMPING ON THE GAS to get out of there, and that means driving STRAIGHT AHEAD as fast as your car will go.
Any members of the mob standing in front of your car will either get out of the way, or they will take a tour of the underside of your car as you leave the scene.
Do SOMETHING for the American People, by giving us lawful Authority to DEFEND OURSELVES, or GTFO and find somebody who will.


If the government won’t do shit to defend us, and the government won’t allow us to defend ourselves, then the government has failed, and it’s time to end the government, “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”


Ive got the videos on here up thread. Youre right.


Aha! You’re one of those overthrow-the-govt types. 🙂


“Aha! You’re one of those overthrow-the-govt types. 🙂”
As were our Founding Fathers.
Just following their example.
At night, if you open your window and hear a low humming sound, that’s the sound of our ancestors spinning in their graves. The pitch gets higher, the faster they spin.
They’re spinning fast now.


Do not change; you’re great just the way you are.


scott ” the Government has failed”
The Government has not failed people have failed. The people who voted for their state city government have failed the rest of the country. The government people with illusions voted in when they voted to progressive democrats.
I challenge anyone who want to put the failure of democrats on President Trump or on AG Barr.
There is much more going on the investigation from Durham. Now we know O was involved and Biden were involved in taking down of Flynn.
Who knows what else is there the democrats do not want us to know about?
The democrats are using naive gullible people for their purpose and to achieve their goal. They are dirty most of them. Black people are used evil people are using people as they have done for 200 years.
The American Government that POTUS tries to free from criminal deep state is a good Government.
God Bless America.


Not the President or Barr. The institution in its current form. As in, they arent Constitutionalists as a whole.


“The Government has not failed people have failed. The people who voted for their state city government have failed the rest of the country. The government people with illusions voted in when they voted to progressive democrats.”
Except is there any reason to believe the democrats / Uniparty hasn’t been cheating for decades, so that no matter who the public votes for, their selected candidates are either the only ones to choose from, or the vote itself is corrupt?
Is it fair or right to keep blaming the people for voting progressives into office, if the people are NOT voting for progressives?


Something to think about!


Possibly blame should be replaced with responsible. The voters are responsible; propaganda is to blame.


“Possibly blame should be replaced with responsible. The voters are responsible; propaganda is to blame. ”
Unless voters are not responsible OR to blame.
There was just a case mentioned by POTUS yesterday where 4 clowns from NJ (IIRC) were indicted for election fraud, creating and/or counting who knows how many thousands of fake ballots.
That’s not the voters’ fault, that’s a criminal conspiracy conducted by members of the government.
What are the People supposed to DO about that?
If the answer is for the People to go in and SHOOT somebody, then somebody have the guts to *&%$ing say it.
If that’s NOT the answer, then what IS the answer, when an organized crime syndicate takes over state and local government?
Who has lawful authority to investigate and prosecute?
SOMEBODY has that authority.
It’s either We the People take the law into our own hands, or the federal government steps in.
I don’t really care which, but doing neither is NOT an answer.


“I challenge anyone who want to put the failure of democrats on President Trump or on AG Barr.”
That’s all well and good, but they both have a duty and obligation to uphold the law and the Rights of the People.
The government has an AFFIRMATIVE OBLIGATION to protect the law abiding citizens.
If they WILL NOT do that, if We the People are ON OUR OWN, then the very LEAST the government can do is to acknowledge that reality and AUTHORIZE us to defend ourselves against organized terrorist attacks by BLM and anti-fa mobs.
And they can do that very simply.
They can say there will be no federal prosecution of any citizen defending himself against BLM or anti-fa mobs, to include vehicular homicide while attempting to flee the mob, and any State government who attempts to prosecute any American will have federal funds cut off.
Furthermore, the federal government will assist in the defense of any individual charged by the State for defending his life while fleeing from a mob, and if it should ultimately become necessary, the DoJ will recommend immediate pardon to any American convicted in such a case, so that no American spends even one day in prison for defending himself against domestic terrorists and/or BLM and anti-fa mobs.
As it stands right now, our HANDS are TIED.
There is a war against the American People, and the federal government is sitting on the sidelines watching.
If we MUST defend OURSELVES, then the federal government has DEFAULTED on its duty and obligation; furthermore, the LEAST that a conscientious DoJ could do is UNTIE OUR HANDS so that we have clear authority and guidelines to DEFEND OURSELVES against domestic terrorists, BLM and anti-fa.
I don’t care if they’re supposed to be on our ‘side’ or not, they have a DUTY and an OBLIGATION.


This is a problem when local elected officials have an agenda that does not consider safety for citizens. The other problem is that we are a Republic the way I understand POTUS needs to be careful not to overstep his authority concerning state rights?
True I am like everyone else when my emotions kick in I want POTUS to call in the National Guard and kick the mob however as I just heard Jordan Peterson heavily paraphrased “to choose peace not to feed the anger otherwise things can spiral quick to something we might not easily recover.” from.


“The other problem is that we are a Republic the way I understand POTUS needs to be careful not to overstep his authority concerning state rights?”
Agreed, but POTUS & the AG have authority to proactively announce they will not be seeking prosecution against anyone who defends his life and happens to run someone over while fleeing domestic terrorists.
And POTUS & the AG have authority to threaten states with cutting off funds if the corrupt State authorities seek to prosecute citizens for defending their lives.
And POTUS & the AG have authority to support (financially and otherwise) citizens in defending them against corrupt state prosecutors.
Or better yet, exercise federal authority to take any such citizen charged by a state under the current circumstances into federal protective custody, until the corruption at the state level is exposed and prosecuted.
Either there is a WAR going on, or there isn’t.
They can’t have it both ways.
If there is a WAR going on, then the president and AG need to UNTIE our hands and make it clear they are supporting us.

Gail Combs

Scott see my post above on STAND YOUR GROUND CASTLE LAWS:
About 25 states have these laws.


NV posted above. Would be nice if folks posted their state stand your ground laws. including where states wish citizens to cower. Folks need to understand reality.


Thank you Gail.
Even so, we need FEDERAL GUIDANCE from the Trump administration, because many State governments are in league with insurrectionist movements against We the People.
Now domestic terrorist mobs are shooting at people who are just trying to get home from the grocery, while Americans need a LAW DEGREE just to begin to understand the patchwork of laws and regulations where and how you can defend your life.
Stand your ground / duty to retreat, castle doctrine vs. car doctrine, forcible entry vs. surrounding your car with a mob while a terrorist hidden amongst the mob draws his gun and shoots you at point-blank range?!?
Give the People CLEAR and DIRECT guidance to defend themselves during this period of intentionally allowed anarchy between now and November 3rd.
Or reap what they have sown.


If you’re attacked in your car, running the SOBs down IS retreating. Do it.


If the President and/or AG gave clear guidance on this issue to all Americans, the panti-fa and BLM would stop surrounding cars IMMEDIATELY.
Or maybe they wouldn’t, and we would have a lot less panti-fa and BLM.
Heads we win, tails they lose.









Larsofhaus (@Larsofhaus1) Tweeted:
@stillgray Last frame, when SUV is getting away and there is one Antifa in street…………….
Is that, yet, ANOTHER gun?????



Bwahahahah. Gotta little brazen there your honour


Judge was asked to recuse by the law enforcement officers, judge agreed then tipped off the drug dealer that he was under surveillance.


This is from when Truman wiped the floor with Dewey.
Both Potus and Truman knew how to connect with people AND worked punishing hours.
Long read but interesting
ecollections of the 1948 Campaign by William J. Bray


It’s from the Truman library


By keeping it open Sullivan is enabling this.
Think of him as the boy on the burning deck


Is there a time limit on the Court’s order to dismiss?? At what point do we say he is defying the order??


By refusing to dismiss he forces the doj and van gracken malfeasance into the light. Straight dismissal leaves there statements and allegations as accepted as true

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It almost makes me wonder if Sullivan intentionally did this stuff to wait for something explosive that he knows is in the pipeline.


That’s Columbus opinion. And dawsonsfield


If it’s just dismissed it remains on record unchallenged


Then there’s this left field theory
Strozk is on our team and his performance during the congressional hearings was theatre.
Off topic when the Russian ripper was caught he was offered a plea deal. Insanity, no death penalty. Comparitvely cushy looney bin. Was told he could only have one trial with this defence so he had to give up every victim because of the outrage of 50+ parents. Chickatillo fell for it and led them to an undiscovered body. In Russian police parlance this is the big nail as in crucifiction . When told nobody had signed off on his deal he feigned madness at the trial and had his lawyer claim insanity defence. Spectacular fail but if you see his antics they are very similar to strozks. you see, normal people really don’t know how the insane act.

With the above in mind review the performance of both Comey and strozk.
Comey didn’t lie under oath
Strozk appeared batshit crazy-was he genuinely insane with fear or playing a role he had no understanding of.
It’s possible that Comey and strozk played the deep state like banjos in the hands of red necks
Just putting it out there


3 weeks from the time/date of the order.


When the mandate ‘comes down’ his time is up. Appeals court has 30 days to issue the mandate but can shorten that as much as it wants.


Got the ammo guy


Are those people idiots?
Why would they hire Lefty’s Garage, Pawn and Armor Piercing Ammo Store to manufacture home-baked ammo? Why would anybody use something like that, for anything other than training purposes?
Would any thinking person trust his LIFE to home-baked contraband ammo?!?
What sort of quality control does Lefty’s Garage, Pawn and Armor Piercing Ammo Store have?
Do they meet national and/or international manufacturing certification, or just local GRD and GE standards (i.e., “Git ‘r Done” and “Good Enough”)?
As a practical matter, if you’re already in the illegal arms trade business anyway, wouldn’t it be a lot safer to just buy commercially manufactured armor piercing ammo illegally, than to pay some clown to make it in his basement?


It’s insane. Even suicide bombers/shooters draw the line at blowing up before the mission is accomplished.
But it feeds the american gun nut narrative


Donald Trump’s GoldenHair


The only reason for him not to be shitcanned earlier was he was leading them to other dirty bastards


He was a big DJT supporter during the campaign & transition. Either he was a very deep covert agent or he got seriously blinded by the power of the position.


He was one of the other sides Judas goats/spies


Another pardon and enabler that needs tonite the dust


That should read paedo and to bite


Why is he still roaming free? Not enough evidence? Surely someone could investigate and find some.


It’s not what you know it’s who you know


Look who he is besties with and who is promoting him


Visalia, Ca…These people aren’t just sick. They’re deranged ………..and dangerous


Extortion. Of course the school will take action. I can’t even remember a business or league or school that has not caved.


Are they allowed to boycott the team? Kick them off.


The precious ballers will get their masters to obey or else the next accusation will be that the admin is racist for not taking action. It’s the social justice shakedown racket


Time to decide who calls the shots at these colleges. Most of these players are probably on scholarships and getting a total free ride…tuition, books, housing, food , etc. I would say they Should shut up, sit down and act grateful for their opportunities. Or…they could go out and act like thugs on the streets.


Right? Entitled!


Do what big business is doing.
Cease all advertising on Facebook,twitter etc.
Cancel culture is committing hard kiri


“JUST IN: Members of Kansas State University’s football team say they will boycott all team activities until “Action” is taken against a student who posted a racist tweet about George Floyd”
Real simple, revoke the scholarship of any athlete who boycotts.
Anybody left who boycotts is off the team.
And the coaches who exhibited such disastrous leadership that they allowed the inmates to run the asylum:
Attention KSU students, open try-outs for the football team are being held tomorrow, and the university administration is accepting cocachng resumes immediately.
That is all.


This! Should be sent to the University President and Board.


If the University president and board don’t already understand what to do, then I have a word for them too:


I think that’s one of your favorite terms! 🙂


It’s shorter than “You’re Fired!”, but effectively means the same thing in this context 👍

Cuppa Covfefe

Cancel their scholarships.
Save the school some money while teaching the powder-puffs a lesson they’ll not soon forget…

Deplorable Patriot

Since when is it “rude” to walk down the street, on the opposite side, to find out why there is an ambulance and a police cruiser parked a few doors down. The ex-wife at the house in question started yelling at me at how rude it is to watch someone be taken away by ambulance. I responded I I didn’t know there was anyone in the ambulance and it’s taking place in public. I can do what I want.
She’s had leukemia, and we’ve been praying for her. Have to rethink that. Especially since in over 45 years of living here, I’ve watched MANY people carted away via ambulance – including my own mother – and have never had such an effing reaction. If it’s a problem for this chick, maybe she shouldn’t have left the man, and figured out why the man in that house felt the need to step out on her, and why she didn’t bother to try to mend the marriage.
Apologies to all for the rant, but she pi$$ed me off. Word to the wise, don’t do that.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, this is a private street, but still, in 1974 I watched our next door neighbor be carted to the hospital never to be seen again. In the 1980s and 90s, several neighbors Mr. & Mrs. G, Mr. C., etc. DN can go eff herself. Neighborly concern doesn’t mean anything.


Some neighbors would appreciate the concern, want to share their worries, and maybe even get a hug (in the pre WuFlu days).
She still needs prayers for her issues and whatever caused her to react that way. 🙃🙏 She must be really stressed and miserable, and that caused you stress and angst. “Pray for those who despitefully use you.” – Matt. 5:44. And we can support and pray for you. 😊

Deplorable Patriot

She’s an effing be-yotch. Never did like her.


It was nice of you to pray for her health, then.

Deplorable Patriot

Not just pray, but contribute to fundtraisers.
Sometimes, it’s not just the men.


ignore the self absorbed wench. OK, I really intended bitch.


“Since when is it “rude” to walk down the street, on the opposite side, to find out why there is an ambulance and a police cruiser parked a few doors down. The ex-wife at the house in question started yelling at me at how rude it is to watch someone be taken away by ambulance. ”
This should be an easily diffused situation.
First, try to remember that the person yelling (in this case, apparently an ex-wife) may be in emotional distress, so try not to allow an emotional outburst to be taken personally.
Second, it is entirely natural to show care and concern for your neighbors, so just say that. Mr. so-and-so has been a neighbor of mine for ‘x’ number of years… I’m here to find out if he is okay, if I can be of any assistance, and where to send flowers if he kicks off.
(okay, maybe that last part is too much snark 😁 )


Yikes!!!! Where I live most want to make sure people are ok. In case someone needs to lock up the house, call someone or take care of the pets.


One heck of a response. He needs to be destitute, all money and property confiscated, everything and in jail.
Bridget Phetasy (@BridgetPhetasy) Tweeted:
@GavinNewsom Viruses don’t take a few days off so people can protest you absolute hack. You crashed our economy, shut everything down, pushed out what was left of the small businesses and middle class in CA and then let the virus spread unchecked for weeks only to shut everything down again.

Bridget Phetasy (@BridgetPhetasy) Tweeted:
@GavinNewsom You’ve failed the state. You’ve failed small businesses. You’ve failed independent contractors. You’ve failed vulnerable kids and populations. The only person you’ve helped is yourself and the unions you serve.

Bridget Phetasy (@BridgetPhetasy) Tweeted:
@GavinNewsom And I pray Democrats who are frustrated with the exorbitantly high taxes that get them rampant homelessness and high crime — TRUST ME THERE ARE MANY OF THEM — wake up and vote you and everyone near you out the first chance they get.


We’re entering the apocalypse phase.


100% done with ChiCom-19, chiCom-20 or whatever they may call it.
Piss on FauXi, CDC, WHO, all of them assholes. D O N E !

Gail Combs

So THAT is WHY they went to Alaska to dig up 1918 flu victims!
They wanted to put together a H1N1 & Spanish flu to build ANOTHER BIO-WEAPON chimeric virus.

….In August 1997, a scientist named Johan Hultin from San Francisco traveled to Brevig Mission and, with permission of the town’s elders, excavated the local cemetery to try and unearth a victim of the outbreak buried deep within the frozen tundra. He hoped to extract a sample of human tissue that contained a hibernating specimen of the 1918 flu virus. On August 23, Hultin found a female body seven feet down that was remarkably well preserved…..
With an autopsy knife, Hultin sliced out most of her lungs and immersed the sections in a chemical solution. Then he and his crew carefully reburied the woman he’d named Lucy.
Once he returned to San Francisco, Hultin sent the samples to Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, D.C. Taubenberger was able to decode the virus’ entire genetic sequence, a historic achievement in itself. Later, Taubenberger and his team reconstructed the Spanish flu’s complete gene sequence and in 2005 successfully re-grew the virus, a feat never before accomplished with an extinct disease. That raised obvious ethical and security issues, since the virus—which is 25 times more deadly than the regular seasonal flu—could conceivably be used as a biological weapon or accidentally released. But Taubenberger believed the benefits of studying the live virus outweighed the dangers….

Any bet that FauXi made sure the Chinese got a sample of that live virus???


23 years – the virus could have been shared, stolen, taken many places.


What is wrong with us, humans ? We’re brilliant but diabolical. .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Have you noticed that “diabolical” became “entertainment”?


Very true.

Gail Combs

Iowa’s law:
They are tried to pass a stronger Stand Your Ground Law in 2017.
Gun bill seeks ‘stand-your-ground’ law in Iowa
Measure would bring sweeping changes to state’s gun laws


Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports Slated to Roll Out in 15 Countries
COVI-PASS will determine whether you can go to a restaurant, if you need a medical test, or are due for a talking-to by authorities in a post-COVID world. Consent is voluntary, but enforcement will be compulsory.
A British cybersecurity company, in partnership with several tech firms, is rolling out the COVI-PASS in 15 countries across the world; a “digital health passport” that will contain your COVID-19 test history and other “relevant health information.” According to the company website, the passport’s objective is “to safely return to work” and resume “social interactions” by providing authorities with “up-to-date and authenticated health information.”
These objectives mirror those that Bill Gates has been promoting since the start of the COVID-19 lockdown. In an essay written by Gates in April, the software geek-cum-philanthropist lays out his support for the draconian measures taken in response to the virus and, like an old-timey mob boss, suggests the solutions to this deliberately imposed problem. Ironically, Gates begins to make his case for the adoption of mass tracking and surveillance technology in the U.S. by saying that “For now, the United States can follow Germany’s example”; He then touts the advantages of the “voluntary adoption of digital tools” so we can “remember where [we] have been” and can “choose to share it with whoever comes to interview you about your contacts.


Overkill, anyone? They’ll use anything to achieve the power of a surveillance state.


With Fauxi at the helm and it appears that he’s not going to be shoved aside..the next phase should seal the deal on disease passports. We can’t even unanimously fight the mask decrees so when denied entry to places without the proof I doubt we’ll be able to topple that.


Beyond 4th reich.

Gail Combs

The EU has already done this to animals. (This is where I entered the fight against the Globalists. We farmers always figured humans were next.)
For example horses:

Do all horses need an equine passport?
Yes. Horses, ponies, donkeys, mules and zebras must have an equine passport, even if they never leave their field. This is applicable across the United Kingdom as stated in the following regulations:
England: The Equine Identification (England) Regulations 2018
Scotland: The Equine Animal (Identification) (Scotland) Regulations 2019
Wales: The Equine Identification (Wales) Regulations 2019
Northern Ireland: The Equine Identification Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019
The legislation states that owners or keepers with the primary responsibility for the care of the horse, have a legal duty to ensure that the horse is correctly identified.
Why were passports introduced?
The passport legislation is an EU Directive, so therefore the United Kingdom (UK) must comply. The purpose of horse passports is to protect the human food chain and to ensure that no horses that are treated with certain drugs, for example Bute, are slaughtered for human consumption.
Within the EU, horsemeat is commonly eaten and horses from the UK can end up in the human food chain. It is important that the UK complies with the legislation as failure to do so could result in the withdrawal of a number of key equine medicines from sale….


How about these countries just ban all visas from target countries? What is the point of identifying abything about COVID-19 since they say you can have it for up to 5 days BEFORE any symptoms? That makes all the historical info useless since you can be infected anytime after all the data entries.
This is as much bullshit as the wear-a-mask manure.


Those cops are very outnumbered and not supported. The DA is the son of terrorists.


Everything is a riot. Now all events are violent. “Peaceful” protests are violent. Pride marches are violent. If conservatives stage an event the protesters to that show up and it’s violent. At any given time Target or Walmart or malls erupt into mayhem and violence. Driving down city streets anywhere near a group of BLM is russian roulette for being attacked.


Are you back east through summer? After what gruesome did today itll be bad. The kids will be hurting.


Arrested for assault against police?


California used to have a criminal statute called the mayhem statute. It dealt with any act that could cause permanent injury/disability and was not done accidentally/inadvertently.


Back when civility was demanded and consequences if not.. hard to imagine these days


Gail Combs

New Trump rule could repeal Obama effort to promote housing desegregation

Federal efforts to encourage cities and local governments to reduce housing in low- and middle-income neighborhoods in a way that promoted equity and equality could be in danger, according to some housing advocates, who have warned that a proposed rule change published today by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) could weaken Obama-era efforts to reduce segregation.
The rule in question, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), was put in place in 2015 to strengthen the Fair Housing Act of 1968. One of the nation’s landmark housing laws, the Fair Housing Act banned de facto racial discrimination in housing, and further required that any municipality that receives HUD funding must “affirmatively further” fair housing—but the definition of that term has been left to each HUD secretary to define.
Obama’s measure required recipients of Community Development Block Grant money, a funding source used by over 1,300 municipalities across the nation, to engage in a formal review process to make sure new developments weren’t contributing to segregation, and then create their own fair housing goals. But it was never fully implemented before being blocked by the Trump administration, which is now aiming to issue its own rules….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This rule was, IIRC, being used to “tip” precincts blue, by forcing communities to change types of housing allowed in communities, to attract more “racial diversity” – meaning move in more dems. This forced more high-density cheap apartments into red districts, to attract blue urban voters.


Damn I never thought of that. Good point Wolf.


comment image


“OMG Face screaming in fear Trumpster’s are finally standing up and fighting back
Gotta love the way they take a stand and let the asshats know that we will not become another Seattle shithole.
We need more of this 👏🏻👏🏻”

Gail Combs

WOW now those are some MEN!!! DROOooooool


Wonder where they work out since all the gyms are closed? 😉


#WorldWide #Biblical #TakeTheOath
First Orders As Digital Soldiers? Children of Light vs Children of Darkness!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Looks like they needed to look at the car prior to stealing it,,,they couldn’t find the steering wheel brakes,


Like stick shift…. 😀


It was a bit of a giggle…


The Library
The guy from St Louis who defended his hone with an AR-15 from rioters, Mark McCloskey, just appeared live on Tucker Carlson. Tucker allowed him to tell his story w/o interruption, & without attacking him.
His remarks abiut seeing George Floyd inspired riots happen, and seeing the mobs burn buildings and kill people left him terrified it was about to happen to him. And i believe him.
I wonder if Mark is starting to rethink his politics. Guarantee you CNN & MSNBC didn’t offer him the chance to tell his story in primetime let alone w/o being completely attacked. That news show he’s likely attacked for years as ‘right wing propaganda’ was the only one willing to allow him to tell his story.
And all those people he thought were his peers trying to destroy him while all those people he likely ran down and thought were evil are standing up for him. I wonder how he and his wife feel about all that.
Harold Wren


His politics are NOT verified either way. Assuming he’s a donkey or an elephant is blind speculation and should be considered fake news and/or lies.


The Library
Shot ⬆️ chaser ⬇️

Washington Examiner
Seattle mayor slams protesters for showing no ‘regard for’ her ‘safety’ as demonstrators circle her home
Harold Wren


Maybe she needs to hear Pres. Trump recite “The Snake.” Who did she think those people are? They are rebeling against America, law and order, the police, etc. And she is part of the government. Hellloooo.


The Snake is not the right analogy. These people are her people. That’s why she does what she does.
She never heard of that experiment where rats were put in smaller and smaller cages. At a certain point, they turned on each other and ate the losers.


They voted to defund when the police wouldnt bow down.
Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
According to texts obtained by @aurabogado, LAPD Deputy Chief Dominic Choi texted Chief Michel Moore on 6/2 saying city council president Nury Martinez wants LAPD to order officers at city hall to take a knee. Chief Moore refused, saying he won’t order anyone to take a knee.


The Library
We should all show our support to Seattle Council woman Sawant for standing up to the Communists.

[tweet is part of a THREAD, phoenix]
Brandi Kruse
BREAKING: This morning, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan transmitted a letter to the City Council, urging members to take action against Councilwoman Sawant, up to and including expulsion. The letter listed several accusations against Sawant that the mayor thinks…
Harold Wren


guys – prayers … selfish to ask when my health is relatively fine (yes, ongoing issues but nothing in specific and pain normal) but I am Worn Out with politics and etting pulled in every which direction
Never though I would be in a political position and didn’t realize I was until the primary hit.
Just got an earful from a candidate … after working on another aspect to keep the local party fair to him! All candidates think I am being unfair … all are on edge .. but actually, literally being as fair as I know how to be, genuinely
fair primaries were a signficant part of why I got involved in the first place…
just worn out … so much time and work … and so much negative … + all else still happening in life.
I know I am making a difference but no one is making it easy
Would be easier if others involved and esp. if more MAGA conservatives were involved. hard to fight the GOPe but with more voting members and more volunteers and more members who attend and speak out would be easier!


It’s not selfish to request prayer. I appreciate the work you’re doing and the difference you’re making. 🙏 for strength, fortitude, wisdom, and encouragement.


Qanon June 30, 2020 – Rising to the Occasion





And that is just the one we know about. There are many others prowling around amongst the enemy.


Ok this is funny. Alyssa Milano (yes that idiot)
Someone pointed out that she did a dark looking photo.
She hits back that she’s “never done” blackface. She claims its a parodying from Jersey Shore aka Snookie’s tan and thats ok. But the right and Trump is evil.
TDS is a level 11 almost.


I had no idea that Lufthansa almost went poof.
EU Approves Huge Bailout Of German Airline Lufthansa


Won’t matter. Dollar is the strongest currency in the world (dollar worth more than other currencies).
EU just banned Americans from entering EU.
No Americans = no dollars.
Thus, huge money influx to EU instantly destroyed.
Plus, they won’t be the only airline to go tits up.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’ve been having problems since February, at least. The head of Lufthansa said the flight numbers (e.g. LH454) are now down to just two digits, and the schedule looks about like a schedule from the 1950s in terms of number and frequency of flights, as almost no-one is flying right now.
Add to that the fact that one major shareholder was being a major pain-in-the-a$$ (probably wanted to make LH a Chinese airline)(yep, they’re screwing us over, too)…..
I think we need to REALLY push back on Red Chyyyynnnaaaa.


I had no idea. Yikes. Nothing in MSM but again not shocking at all.
probably wanted to make LH a Chinese airline—– well when you put it like that!!!!


YESSS!!! FU FauXi!!!
Go Lt. Dan!!!🔥🔥🔥
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick dismisses Dr. Fauci’s concerns over spike in COVID cases: I don’t need his advice
Jul. 01, 2020 – 4:07 – Dr. Fauci doesn’t know what he’s talking about, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick tells Laura Ingraham on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


In the what it’s worth column.
So as you may of ran across in the news today, Carl Reiner died. Could care less really. Intent is to show this picture of him with his daughter and Mel Brooks:

His daughter and Mel Brooks laying there in bed together wearing Black Lives Matter T shirts which reminds me of the last time we saw Mel Brooks in this short PSA with his son where his son makes sure Mel is safely behind glass.
Anyway, I didn’t care at all for that PSA at the time because it implied that we all hide the elderly away. Although I understand why it makes some sense I was a bit appalled by the notion and still am considering the healthy elderly seem to do as well as anyone else when it comes to the Lab Bat Virus. Seeing the new picture makes me more suspicious of the intent behind the PSA even though the picture of the three is new or never released before according to tin eye. Can’t shake the feeling that we were played by that PSA and I’m fairly sure many are still under its spell.

Shem Horne@Shem_Infinite
Look at the way Twitter frames the news about the CHOP being broken up. No mention whatsoever of the multiple murders. Twitter are nothing more than left wing activists trying to gaslight their entire user base.


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
I will Veto the Defense Authorization Bill if the Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren (of all people!) Amendment, which will lead to the renaming (plus other bad things!) of Fort Bragg, Fort Robert E. Lee, and many other Military Bases from which we won Two World Wars, is in the Bill!


The Library
This is Jesse Taggart of Salt Lake City. He’s the 33 year old #AntifaTerrorist organization piece of shit who fired on a passing vehicle during a riot in Provo, Utah.
Harold Wren
The Library
He’s charged with attempted aggravated murder, aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury, rioting, threatening use of a weapon in a fight or quarrel, criminal mischief, and firing a weapon near a highway.
Harold Wren
The Library
Another #AntifaTerrorist organization piece of shit was arrested in the same attack on a citizen. Her name is Samantha Darling. The 27-year old Ogden, Utah resident is charged with obstruction of justice and rioting.
Harold Wren

Art TakingBack Flag of United States@ArtValley818
Crips gang stops Antifa/BLM looters from looting and kicks them out of Long Beach 👇🏼👇🏼


I’m headed out to protest on a busy street corner with a sign that says
“Why are black men locked up for crime, but illegal aliens get freedom?”
Wish me luck.


Art TakingBack 🇺🇸@ArtValley818
Rioters are begging people to stop posting videos of riots cause they are getting arrested 😂🤣