6-17-20 Midweek Musings

“God’s Light vs. Evil’s Darkness” Isaiah 42:1...7Acts 10:34-38Matthew 3:13-17 My Brothers and Sisters in the Lord – There is darkness in the world. However, that particular darkness is not the absence of daylight. It is the darkness of evil. It is the antithesis of anything good, true, and beautiful. It is a powerful force – … Continue reading 6-17-20 Midweek Musings

Dear KAG: 20200617 Open Thread

It looks like the ball calling operation was successful. Oh, well, little snowflake, here's something to listen to while waiting for your court date in your mother's basement...and you're probably too young to remember all the explosions involved in this program, or that it was the good guys blowing stuff up. https://youtu.be/wyz_2DEah4o And now for … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20200617 Open Thread