Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don’t give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere.
Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Remain CIVIL and possibly even GENTEEL.

Today, we have only TWO SHORT LESSONS in WOLFTHINK.

ACB vs. The Climate Commies
The following is an extremely important article – and more reason why the left will go nuts on ACB.
Barrett’s views pose challenge to climate regulations
by Abby Smith, Energy and Environment Reporter | | September 26, 2020 06:23 PM
First the introduction:
Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s new Supreme Court nominee, is a reliable conservative juror likely to take a narrow reading of the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to control carbon emissions.
That view, shared by several of her future conservative colleagues on the high court, could make it challenging for a Joe Biden administration to push the bounds on tackling climate change through the federal agencies without new legislation from Congress.
After several paragraphs of scaremongering, the money quotes – the substance – are at the end:
Barrett, like her former boss Scalia, is what’s known in the legal world as a “textualist,” believing that the Constitution and other statutes should be interpreted with the original intent of the text in mind. It’s a more rigid interpretation than some more liberal jurors, who see the Constitution as a living document, the interpretation of which can evolve and adapt over time.
Legal observers have suggested that Barrett could also take a more limited view of how much leeway the courts should offer to federal agencies in interpreting ambiguities in the law.
A 1984 Supreme Court doctrine, known as Chevron deference, generally allows agencies to interpret their own authority if the statute is unclear, so long as that interpretation is “reasonable.” Conservative justices such as Justice Neil Gorsuch, another textualist, have openly questioned that doctrine.
Reconsidering or limiting Chevron deference could further narrow the authority of federal agencies, which is particularly important for climate change, a subject that environmental statutes such as the Clean Air Act are largely silent on.
Any Coney Barrett is going to be KEY in reining in the Soviet Deep State which took over SCIENCE during the tenure of Soviet dupe Jimmy Carter.
Allow me to explain.
Part 1 – Media Control of Science
Notice in the first Trump-Biden debate, that Chris Wallace tried to CORNER Trump on his disagreement with MEDIA-CONTROLLED SCIENCE on the subject of “climate change”.
Media control of science is a KEY CONCEPT that most Americans are absolutely unaware of.
Most Americans simply do not understand that….
The MEDIA dictates scientific opinion, not the other way around.
Yes, you heard that right.
Opinion is a SOCIAL PROCESS, and SOCIALISM understands how to control opinion – EVEN scientific opinion.
But but but but but……..
Yes, it’s true that, for most of science which is not of concern to socialism, the only media control is political and not strictly science-related – to make scientists swear fealty to whatever racial and gender concepts are “in vogue” and “required” to get a job.
However, it gets worse from there.
Some science which conflicts with socialist GOALS and DOCTRINES – which can even be FALSE for political reasons – must be controlled. Studies on race and gender are, under American socialism, subject to control. Thinking on LGBT was CHANGED BY POLITICS – not by science.
In fact, that is a good place for me to note something very important.
MEDIA CONTROL OF SCIENCE is easiest on contentious issues where SCIENCE does NOT have a definitive answer. This is the easiest place for POLITICIZED SCIENCE to come through with answers, when real science cannot.
Ironically, CLIMATE was identified as a powerful social manipulator, but poorly understood in the long range. It was PERFECT for socialist control of people.
Where we should have slow and patient science, not having answers yet, socialists have instead “incubated” a kind of “cuckoo’s egg” science in its place. This “Fake Science” offers simple, “fear-is-a-virtue” answers in an area that is contentious, so it is very difficult for rational people to “shout down” a MEDIA which chooses the fear-mongering answer for POLITICAL OR FINANCIAL REASONS.
Now, there ARE more legitimate reasons for the “state” to control science, although this is abused as well. Some science which has profound implications – military, economic, or technological – must also be controlled. Certain things are NOT allowed to be discussed in the open literature.
However, climate and environmental science are NOT in that category. At least, not MUCH is in that category.
Note that SOCIAL FORCES were used by activists to control first environment (legitimate, but over-regulated ON PURPOSE) and then “climate” – the latter being a complete scam. Trump GETS THIS DEEPLY.
Let’s go back and look at what ACB will likely be UNDOING.
Part 2 – Soviet-Imposed Socialist Controls Through Science
Remember “Earth Day”? Oh, I do. I was a SHILL for it, in my youth.
I Was A Teenage Scare Wolf!

The most amazing ideological child abuse recollection of our time! ADMISSION Eventually, it had to come out. I – notorious anticommunist Wolf Moon – was a communist SHILL as a youth. Of course, I didn’t realize at the time that I was shilling for communism, and perhaps other things, both good and bad, but that …
Yup. I SHILLED FOR EARTH DAY. This was not uncommon. This was every bit as political as having students protest against weirdly coincidental and sketchy “gun violence”, except that “saving the environment” seemed like such a nice thing – how could it be political? How could it be bad? How could it be dangerous?
BUT IT WAS. We simply didn’t see the END GAME.

Consider how far socialists moved in just 6-10 years, from the cultural victory of installing “Earth Day” on the centennial of Lenin’s B[earthday] in 1970, to being able to control American industry without even a congressional hearing, through Carter’s EPA bureaucracy in 1980.
Ten years.
Nixon was cornered. Ford was irrelevant. Carter was controlled. Reagan was deceived.
In just a few short years, the Soviets and China had significant control of the United States by INFILTRATION, NOT INVASION.
Cornered Opposition: Understanding The History of Dragon Fuckage with The Eagle

If you want to play in the big leagues, you have to know what strategies the other side plays TIME and TIME and TIME again. COUGH. Knowing that the FAKE NEWS is actually on China’s side helps. Knowing that the FAKE NEWS has been there a LONG, LONG TIME helps even more. Playing long ball …
If we go back to STATED, WRITTEN, AGREED INTENT of the law, then you had better believe that nobody in America was thinking that unelected bureaucrats regulating CARBON DIOXIDE as a “pollutant” was a good idea, much less part of the deal.
And yet, here we are. American industry HOBBLED BY FALSEHOODS.
Carter imposed everything the Soviets needed to bring America to heel, because the Soviets UNDERSTOOD HIM DEEPLY. They had forces in place in the Democrat Party and in Carter’s personal life to make Carter do the right thing FROM THEIR POINT OF VIEW.
The Soviets and the AMERICAN MEDIA – which they influenced from behind – were able to get Americans to install a SOVIET BUREAUCRACY. Then, through CARTER JUDGES and CLINTON JUDGES, as well as CLINTON APPOINTEES, they were able to get this bureaucracy to grab more power than the laws ever intended for it to have.
C3: How DNC Communists ROTATED Governmental Branch Functions as a Form of Institutional Sabotage

This is actually beautiful. daughnworks247 saw the beautiful thought that led to this larger realization, on today’s thread about Lisa Page and David Bowdich, which was inspired by Sundance’s post on the same revelations. The same post in text, for our low-vision readers…. daughnworks247January 12, 2019 at 12:31 pm Hey, the whole “Gross Negligence” is …
- Judges legislating.
- Legislators investigating.
- Investigators judging.
See how that works?
There is only ONE PLACE to undo this damage – in SCOTUS. This is why the left is now absolutely opposed to undoing the DAMAGE that bench-legislating Carter and Clinton judges did, when they exceeded their authority and assisted the bureaucracy in accruing illegitimate power (bureaucrats JUDGING).
Part 3 – The Solution: Judicial Reset
President Trump and Mitch McConnell pulled off one of the greatest tactical “legal resets” in history, by making Obama hesitate to pass judges, waiting for a Hillary Clinton presidency. By THWARTING THAT CHEAT ELECTION and KEEPING THE SENATE, every judge which would have been appointed by corrupt Hillary Clinton was instead appointed by President Trump.
You don’t think there was a plan? THERE WAS A PLAN.

At this point, the RAGING LEFT can do nothing but threaten to install more corrupt judges by PACKING THE COURTS. That’s COURTS, PLURAL.
To do that, they will have to win the election.
Meanwhile, we need to get RECOVERY JUDGES on SCOTUS. Amy Coney Barrett is merely number three. There will be more. But in the meanwhile, we must defend Judge Barrett – soon to be Justice Barrett – with every ounce of energy we have!

You can buy one RIGHT HERE:
And now – let’s talk BOLSHEVIKS – like VALERIE JARRETT.

Bolshevism ≠ Judaism
One would THINK it was not necessary to deal with the idea that WORDS GENERALLY MEAN WHAT THEY MEAN AND NOT SOMETHING ELSE, but the sad fact is that there is so much “code” in the world of extremist ideologies like radical socialism, and in the racial and religious obsessions like antisemitism, and worse still in their propaganda and accusations, that one has to sometimes remind people how to distinguish lying propaganda from reality when BIG LIES hover nearby.
When Bolsheviks and antisemites are “on the ropes”, they will both REACH for conflation as a final defense.
It takes CLARITY and unforgiving truthfulness to put this crap down.
So before I get to the latest revival of the old accusation by antisemites that “Bolsheviks = Jews”, let’s look at an easier, similar case that was recently beaten down the other way.
Let’s go back momentarily to one of the more recent conflation defenses – the idea that that criticism of “globalism” was “antisemitic”. In other words, this defense stated that “globalists” was code for “Jews”.

I always loved to shoot down that one, because it was just so easy. Most of the top “globalists” are clearly NOT Jews, starting (as I love to start) with one of the most outrageous globalists of all, Barack Hussein Obama, and running through every Obama hack and European leader one can imagine. Lagarde, Merkel, Hillary, Mogherini, I mean, you almost have to drag out Sarkozy – barely a globalist, in my opinion, to even get a live Jew in the bunch.
Kissinger? Yeah. I will give you that one. And like globalism, we’re talking “almost expired”.
OK, one may say. What about financiers and billionaires? There surely have to be some Jewish globalists there – right?
Soros? In my opinion, definitely a globalist, but not exactly a coherent one. He seems more of an outright socialist to me – even some kind of communist tool, but let’s just call him a globalist anyway – maybe even a stereotypical one. We expect globalists to include a lot of people, and OMG there will be some Jews in the bunch. Even at the top.

Whoops! Sorry – must have been the headgear. *WINK*
Seriously – most “globalists” simply aren’t Jews, just like most people aren’t Jews. There may be some people who use the word as code, but it’s bad code, and the word “globalist” REMAINS USEFUL for precisely what it means – people who believe in some kind of global government that erases national sovereignty. Stated as plainly as possible, the vast majority of globalists – and even most of the top ones – are NOT JEWS.
Please note – in this case, GLOBALISTS and DEFENDERS OF GLOBALISM were attacking opponents of globalism by raising a false “antisemitism defense“.
This is EXTREMELY COMMON on the left. There is even a Twitter bot called “Antisemitism Cow” that people can tag to “moo” if, in “its” judgment, somebody is an “antisemite”. What it actually does is precisely what it’s name is – it “cows” people into toeing the line on leftist propaganda about what is antisemitic and what is not.
I hope you will stop and get the cunning of that – the sick joke. This is a bot that cows people with bogus accusations of antisemitism, called “Antisemitism Cow”. How cute. Most people don’t STOP and question it – instead, they COWER. Ha-ha – MY JOKE.
I’ve called “Antisemitism Cow” a BOLSHEVIK to its face, and that leads precisely to the next topic.
This “antiglobalism = antisemitism” meme can be played backwards and in reverse, and confronting THAT particular fallacy is today’s message.

Now – one would THINK that it’s entirely obvious that Bolsheviks include pretty much anybody who falls for the scam of Bolshevism – meaning violent communism.
Granted, Bolshevism is not much worse than other kinds of communism (see lying, cheating, sneaking Mensheviks and Trotskyists), but it means what it means – actual, live, honest-to-God BOLSHEVIKS – communists who advocate stealthy and EVENTUALLY violent revolution to secure a communist state. They will LIE about the stealth and the violence as well.
Antifa and BLM are BOLSHEVIKS.
Now, Antifa members – most of whom are NOT JEWS – will whip out the “antisemitism” accusation and defense against their enemies pretty fast, but BLM includes a LOT of blatant and vociferous antisemites, so overall, these organizations demonstrate – IN MY OPINION – that antisemitism and Judaism are pretty much orthogonal (i.e., unrelated) to Bolshevism.
HOWEVER – as with “globalism”, there are people who try to conflate these things. Bolsheviks will dodge, like globalists, behind the “antisemitism defense”.
But it also plays the other way.
Extremely blatant antisemites (who I observe on Gab) will now proudly and unequivocally equate Bolsheviks with Jews. If you push back with counterexamples and evidence that this is absurd, because the vast majority of Bolsheviks simply ARE NOT JEWS, they will ultimately fold down to the accusation that Bolshevism is a “Jewish plot”. And there you have it. That is how you know what you’re dealing with.
The people who push it are NOT standard right or left. They are almost always outright, unabashed, proud antisemites. Most are somewhat on the right but tend to hate or diminish Trump as a supporter of Israel – others are “national socialists” and push socialism with extreme racial aspects. The common thread is raw, naked antisemitism. That is the core of where they are coming from.
At this point, it’s very important to remember that many of the strongest anti-communists are either Jews or huge defenders of Judaism and Israel. If Bolshevism is a Jewish plot of some kind, the plotters sure sent a lot of very effective uncontrolled opposition to the other side.
Horowitz? Levin? Bolsonaro? Miller? Goldenberg? Ashman? Prager? TRUMP?
Sorry – there are WAY too many Jews who are on the front lines against Bolshevism for this argument to wash.
This is where I think we have to simply push back on such people – just like we did on the other end of the other fallacy.
Bolsheviks are Bolsheviks. Any other usage or insinuation is filled with agenda and deception.
Pushing back does not necessarily mean engaging these antisemites directly – these are often very nasty people. But it does mean countering their message.
As I hope I have done right here and now.
I see these people as part of the division – the stuff Q is warning us about. They use the “big lie” technique, even though they are small fry. They just push these memes over and over until they get people to “accept the code” at a subconscious level.
Don’t fall for it.
In my opinion there will likely be some attempt, at some point, to paint QAnon as either antisemitic, a Jewish plot, or both, depending upon the audience, merely because these are the final defenses of the guilty. Don’t fall for it, don’t back down. WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY. End of story. Q means what Q says. End of story.
We are getting into the nastiest part of the storm. Buckle up.
Have a great weekend! And let’s MAGA!

GA/FL October 1, 2020 at 07:59
Try To Remember
Try to remember that week in November,
When fear was real and great worries, too.
Try to remember in early November,
When your stomach churned and you felt so blue.
Try to remember how you felt in November,
Facing unknowns, not knowing what to do.
Try to remember and if you remember,
Hold on to that memory whatever you do.
Try to remember the 8th of November,
When nervous anticipation filled the air.
Try to remember that morn in November,
Time crept by slowly and you felt cold despair.
Try to remember your day in November,
You felt so helpless and spent time in prayer.
Try to remember and if you remember,
Hold on to that memory whatever you do.
Try to remember late 8th of November,
The time almost here, results would begin.
Try to remember that eve in November,
Results were uncertain, but you held up your chin.
Try to remember that night in November,
When worries vanished, and you started to grin.
Try to remember and if you remember,
Hold on to that memory whatever you do.
From now to November, we need to remember
That joy of November and the thanks we gave.
From now to November, we must remember
The worries of November and how we were brave.
From now to November, we must always remember
Those memories of November that we must save.
From now to November, our hearts must remember
And hold on to those memories whatever we do.
Try to remember that after November
The intentions of men won’t hold sway.
Try to remember that after November
Man’s bill will come due and he’ll certainly pay.
Try to remember that after November
God’s in control – from His Will none can stray.
Try to remember after this November
To give glory to God and seek only His Way.
YUP! Time in prayer of ALL KINDS is the way to go.
Q is not anything like something we’ve seen before. Q stands alone, with millions of WWG1WGA admiring warriors watching and waiting.
hee hee! I may steal this carl!
Hiya Sylvia!!
hope you are well!!!
I’m looking at this Hope Hicks Covid dealio and I’m thinking it needs a Wheatie side-eye. WTH is a “quarantine process” at the WH — do Secret Service quarantine in or out? What about Barron? [I always have to check the spelling of his name and GOOD LORD the lad is TALL!!!!]
Without any research or rational reason to think so……what if it’s a psy-op? What if it’s designed to make Covid look ridiculous? Or educate the public as to PCR and antibody tests? Or make disease transmission in general something to be managed instead of panicked-over? What if it’s a planned-undemic?
If it’s a feint, a troll — then it may be the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster of trolling.
The “Proud Boys” answer was a pretty genius troll. So I would not discount the temptation to play up a bad PCR as a way the “thwack the rubber bands of the maskies”.
Wolf Moon
Wolf Moon
Trump “denouncing” the Proud Boys instead of the requested imaginary problem groups was the best press they’ve gotten in ages, and focuses public attention on a VICTIM of ANTIFA.
Trump plays the press like a musical instrument.
All we have to do is join in the symphony. Exactly like this.
Trump might as well have denounced the A Team and the Dirty Dozen, too.
Chris Murdock
Free Speech
i admit i never heard of them before…
I find it interesting that the Trumps have to wait for their test results instead of using the rapid tests where you know in 15 minutes whether you have the virus.
Having to quarantine in the month before the election seems too convenient. I wish it were a psyop.
Wonder if it was ChiComs or CIA who dosed her.
Both, working together, because they have common goals?
That’s kind of how I wandered onto my question. I started out with “cui bono”, especially with the timing…..and there is our VSGPOTUSDJT’s record of painstakingly pre-arranging things so that good things just randomly fall in his lap.
Then I sat upright and said, “what if it’s fake?”
Extending further on your point — what would be the benefit to the CIA or China for this to pop up? Sure, they might both want him dead, but (a) it’s unlikely to kill him; and (b) China needs “POTUS ill with China virus” headlines like they need a hole-in-the-head.
If the CIA = Brennan and the cabal who are working against this country, and they see Pres. Trump as someone working against their agenda, then it is in their interest to not only take him out of commission right before the election by quarantining him, but also to plant doubt in people’s minds about his judgment and leadership on the virus and other matters.
My money is on the Clowns that are about to go DOWN!
Could be, cthulh, but I’m doubtful, though I had tought about that idea first thing when I heard it. Hopefully, though, it will work out that way and they have a mild form of the virus. I would like to know which test they use at the White House.
It should be noted that Bolsheviks start with lies and compound them with further lies. As an example (lifted from wikipoo): “The two factions of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) were originally known as hard (Lenin supporters) and soft (Martov supporters). In the 2nd Congress vote, Lenin’s faction won votes on the majority of important issues, and soon came to be known as Bolsheviks, from the Russian bolshinstvo, ‘majority’. Likewise, Martov’s group came to be known as Mensheviks, from menshinstvo, ‘minority’.”
But here’s the lie — that was only partially true as to the high-profile positions of the RSDLP — who may have been 30% of the country. It wasn’t true about the country, it wasn’t true about the personnel of the RSDLP — because people kept shifting factions — and it wasn’t true about the most meaningful (and less contentious) platform positions of the RSDLP. It’d be like Antifa claiming to be a majority of the people of Oregon [maybe next week?].
Everyone wants to be on the side of the winners — and, btw, the Bolsheviks purged the Mensheviks mercilessly….thus showing the historic necessity of this. Calling yourselves winners early has a certain strategic value. After all, “[t]he arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice” is great when you define the justice.
Bolshevik-encouraging Menshevik media is going to try this, if they can – calling Biden the winner early.
The crazed tweets about this being the end of Trump and now Biden will have a peaceful transfer of power is very interesting.
Hey, guys — Flep’s post is up.
DW just came in to say that PTrump tested positive covid-19.
Today is 10/2
Cue Drop #4730
We found out what their Mickey Mouse plan was.
Yes, Gateway Pundit has the story that both POTUS and FLOTUS have tested positive:
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!
I expect lefty ugliness to hope the worst. I hppe positive means like most…no active disease.
If he’s been continuing HCQ, then basically he gets the virus and gains immunity without significant disease.
And if that works, then it demonstrates TREATMENT as an OPTION.
I really don’t think he has been taking it. Otherwise he wouldn’t have caught it? Plus, he’s so dang transparent, he would have told us.
Months ago he said he was taking it. Not sure anyone has asked since. Not sure if he stopped.
I think he only took it for 10 days.
It builds up in the blood. After that, you just take it weekly.
He golfed on Sunday.
Easy to get back on it.
Typical HCQ schedule for malaria (IIRC):
If it’s just for prophylaxis, take a 200 once per week.
If you have active malaria, take 200 daily for a week or two, then once a week for an extended period.
Part of the problem is the tests — PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests work by binding genetic material to a substrate (the polymerase “Taq” from Thermus aquaticus was an early win — being from a bacteria living in a hot spring in Yellowstone, it was stable during temperature cycles).
You then divide the double helix with heat (not necessary with RNA), and wash away one half of the target. You then have a naked template, so you cool it and expose it to amino acid soup and enzymes, which gets you another target. You then heat it and wash away more target…..and repeat for 20-40 times. You start to appreciate Taq when you think about it lasting through the whole process while other substrates might last 2 cycles.
It’s an amazingly useful tool, and Kary Mullis absolutely deserved his Nobel for the process.
When used for diagnosis, however, there are serious issues. As an example, approximately 85% of human DNA is exactly the same as chimpanzee DNA and both have about three billion bases. PCR normally uses fewer than ten thousand bases (but has been run with up to 40,000). I used to tolerate the time sink that could calculate the chance that a human DNA sample might identify as chimp based on those figures, but for now I’ll just say it’s non-trivial.
Similarly, any given coronavirus might identify as COVID-19 after replication. Furthermore, when a viral attack is “headed off at the pass” and all the active viruses blown-up, fragments of viral DNA remain in your system to be purged over time. VSGPOTUSDJT may have been infected six weeks ago and fought it off.
There are many, many unknowns about this developing situation — and it’s not necessarily malign.
Ty for the pcr explanation. I had read it was not reliable for dx now i know why.
This should be interesting.
Indeed. How do we do debates and election strategery now?
Debates are done.
What was POTUS doing 3-5 days ago?
Someone was pointing out the debate and the UN meeting.
I may do a timeline thread. It’s hard to say who got it from who, but I’m thinking surface transfer to one of them is still most likely.
Unless it was intentional?
Did the same thing to the president of Brazil. Red hot October.
Not sure what to think.
Virus back in the headlines instead of other stuff. Ugh!
Could easily have been an “op”.
October surprise.
He always touches the microphone holder. Always.
Post 10887640 2 hours ago
The president of the University of Notre Dame tests positive for Covid-19, the school says, about a week after he was seen at the White House shaking hands and not wearing a mask during Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination
UN was video appearance.
Tues Debate – Ohio
Wed-Duluth rally, with Hope on Marine 1
What about before that? Had the RGB stuff, the intro to Amy….
Amy was Saturday
Sunday and Monday are possible, too. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday are my guesses.
I think RBG was Thurs/Friday? respectfully, the day before Amy? They didn’t get near anyone then.
He could’ve gotten it from Hope on Wed and passed to FLO. (See libs, they do sleep in same bed!)
My guess is that one of their cases is more advanced than the other – one caught it first, then gave it to the other, like me and my wife, and our friends who caught it from my wife (his wife first).
I’m not sure if FLOTUS was getting HCQ, but I think they should both be on trifecta now, to be safe.
Agreed. Just typed that above.
OANN saying Hicks was on AF1 travelling to rally. That whole plane of folks needs to be tested.
I have to wonder whether the results are false positives from a PCR test. The rapid test was debuted this week. If they recheck their results against a rapid test, say today, they could announce that the PCR was a false positive and they in fact don’t have COVID. This would then create suspicion and proof to Americans that they’ve been deceived by testing that are in fact FALSE positives being used to keep us masked and locked down.
What if the plan is to demonstrate how rapidly he can shake it with [HCQ + ivermectin + quercetin] + [zinc, selenium] + [doxycycline OR azithromycin (z-pak)]? People who have heavy symptoms generally respond within three days…..can he shake it in time to still have the Saturday rallies?
Hey, he can even demo the new tests that show when you’re no longer infectious!
If anyone can find an innovative offramp from our continued national clusterfark, it’s VSGPOTUSDJT.
Ill want rallies even after he is reelected
WARNING – if you go to POTUS’ tweet, don’t read the comments. Most are absolutely vile.
Sadly that’s nothing new
The trolls are out en mass. Lots of tweeting in ‘amharic’ which is the language of Ethiopia. Those are definitely Wumaos, IMO, there’s too many of them.
A lot of the Amharic tweets contain Satanic images as well. This isn’t normal trolling.
Nope. They seem to be curses. I’ve seen a few variations. All curses are accompanied by evil looking memes. It seems coordinated. Some are brand new accounts with few followers. But I’ve also seen some established accts, w/thousands of followers.
They’re desperate! BEGONE, SATAN!
“Amharic” is now trending on Twitter. It’s not just the “conspiracy theorists” noticing the coordinated Satanic spam.
Red State is reporting on it:
Fox Alert – Both POTUS and FLOTUS test POSITIVE
What are the chances that these are false positives? From what I’ve been reading, those are rampant.
I think these are confirmed – that’s why they were sent out. I think a fast test caught positives, and they confirmed with a better test.
If it’s not a false positive then it means you need a test to show your sick. No symptoms it seems. Yes wolf do a timeline please
Tgp has this to say
I trust nothing? Wasn’t he using hcq? False positive?
There go the rallies.
If he’s still taking prophylactic HCQ, then he will likely not experience significant symptoms (knock on wood).
Good point.
If he’s not very sick or is asymptomatic, he could do rallies remotely. It wouldn’t be the same, but we’re just days from the election. If people still gathered for rallies, like giant tailgating parties, the Left would say they were endangering everyone by not social distancing. The goal is to keep us from getting back to normal as well as to hamper the economy and his election chances. They are not going to deter his base, though.
If he goes symptomatic, he just needs to relax and get plenty of rest, fluids, good food, etc.
How about this timeline?
1. Potus: CVS2+
2. World: Not fit for office
3. Potus: all better now, love that HCQ
4. Biden: CVS2+
5. World: no problem, take HCQ
Piggy and slow joe and HRC and fake doc don’t get it but potus does?
Showing its ok if you end up with it?
Ugh the left is going to let be this.
*the left will love this
Carried over from last night……
Must see tv!….. No really….. MUST SEE!
This is showing 174.9K at 12:27 AM. When I woke this morning it was still in the 170’s. Now thirty minutes later it’s 184.5K and climbing, (second look before posting 186.7 as I post). No way this sat dormant all night long, as POTUS climbed as quick as he did through the night.
The sequel starts here…………………..
Comments are telling.
Just because POTUS and FLOTUS tested positive doesn’t mean they have the disease. This should be very instructive regarding how the urinalists keep treating positive tests as having caught the disease. The thing I hope for is proof that asymptomatic means usually unable to transmit the virus to others. One has to have a certain level of virus-load to transmit and I suspect that only happens when there are serious symptoms.
Slow Joe should send flowers since he got out of getting another asswhooping (a/k/a a debate).
Also would like to point out the man is not a fan of bugs….
Something seems off
Another aspect of never ending RESIST.
Wouldn’t rule out the debate, about two weeks out. We’ll see.
I would think even with self a period of self-quarantine the debate would still be on. But, I suspect the Team is already working on various scenarios. It’s the rallies that are the real set back, IMO.
This fits right in with your post, Wolf:
Yes indeed!!!
I like this idea:
Or, just ask Joe, Yes or No, Is he still a pedophile.
10/1 was the big Las Vegas false flag anniversary. Wondering if the bad actors were trying to time the White House COVID outbreak with that date.
It’s a full moon as well–“Harvest Moon.” POTUS’ Twitter comments are being spammed with curses and Satanic images.
For us, it’s a big orange moon. Air quality is garbage with smoke.
October 1st is China’s “National Day” (similar to our Independence Day). WOW.'s_Republic_of_China
China Virus! I said this in jest, but…..
Yeah. Right.
They’re desperate.
The positive test will be used to validate the need for voting by mail and to scare enough people to make them support it.
It’s a long shot, but…
On the Mickey Mouse watch there are eight minute marks that are red. Does it signify “Eight Days In October”? Given the plot for the 1964 movie, “Seven Days In May”, might there be a connection?
Seven Days in May has haunted me all along. Read the book and saw the film. Have been harping on it and must read again.
In addition to everything else, The Donald forum is down entirely ( So within the past few hours, we’ve got:
– POTUS and FLOTUS announcing they tested positive
– Coordinated Twitter campaign of Satanic spam
– One of the largest pro-Trump communities going offline
– Full Moon (“Harvest Moon”)
midnight now 10/2 Pacific time…just hopped over to thedonald…it’s up and running.
For Heaven’s Sake, these people are so messed up.
They likely don’t know about or believe in plan B. If they knew about or believed in plan B they’d be praying with us for a speedy recovery for POTUS , FLOTUS and all his staff. The left has shown enough of us to know we aren’t going anywhere with them.
Debate still possible?
IMO, debate is on. Only need President Trump to test negative after treatment. Or so, me thinks.
We’ll see. Way to early to know.
Okay, that makes more sense. No way POTUS wasn’t taking the right precautions.
Something else is up.
Wow. It’s as if she read my comment (and others):
“If either tests positive, the Left will go crazy. They will pile on him for not following Fauci’s guidelines. It would be ‘he couldn’t protect himself, so he can’t protect you.’”
But really, we just know them so well, and they’re so predictable.
Actually, they do read here, as well as CTH. We’re inside the “opposition research polygon”.
I was hoping you’d locate the exact quote for me! 😀
But I think we’ve seen this verbiage before, and you predicted correctly they would use it, so GOOD JOB!!!
LOL, I had already blocked this idiot.
you tell ’em Bfly!!!!!!
3:01 AM CT. If one can judge by likes on POTUS’s announcement, there’s an out pouring of support around the world as the numbers climb by a hundred every five seconds.
I’ve been watching the Likes go up on that POTUS tweet…
It reached 760K…then would go up, then would go back down.
It was like the twatter overlords were trying to tamp it down.
But I think they’ve given up now, because it’s up to 787.4K and climbing.
1 Million now as I wake.
Jack and the TWINAZIS can GTH.
Steven Seagal thinks that a lot of the “mass murders and funny stuff” are engineered.
People are waking up.
Sooner or later a filmed MK induction leaks and people’s minds are blown.
I have the biggest smile on my face!
“On Wednesday, Lin Wood announced he would sue Democratic nominee Joe Biden for libel after the candidate released an ad suggesting that his client, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, is a “white supremacist” responsible for violence in Kenosha, Wisc……..”
Hah! I love it!
I saw a little blurb earlier that said Sandmann’s lawsuits against NYTimes, CBS, ABC and others who slandered him…have been cleared by a judge to go forward.
The lawyers for those enemedia nozzles had filed motions to dismiss.
The judge said…nope!
I saw that, too, Wheatie and I was sooooo pleased!!!! 😋😋😋
And THIS is delightful! Ok, back to bed for me…….
“Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes has announced that he is suing Joe Biden, CNN and “all of these reporters who call this multiracial patriotic group white supremacists and Nazis.”
Despite the fact that the current Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio is Cuban and African American, Biden and his media lackeys have been smearing the group as “white supremacists” since President Donald Trump walloped him in the debate on Tuesday.
Tarrio is the Florida state leader of Latinos for Trump……”
Oh my. ^^^ THIS needs to go mainstream. ^^^
Paging John Roberts. Uh, John Roberts, your thoughts please…
Phuc John Roberts (Both of them)
Trump was an absolute GENIUS to flip “Proud Boys” under the Dem/Media bus headed to LIBELTOWN. Notice that POTUS didn’t SAY they were white supremacists – he countered their name as a question, because “white supremacists” and “militia groups” are not a problem, except POSSIBLY the NFAC race-fear / race-pride / racist amateurs. So he suggests for the Proud Boys to “stand down”, after suggesting their name as a question, meaning “don’t have free speech rallies that serve as targets for ANTIFA”, which is an good but still arguable tactical suggestion for free speech forces. But he ASKED – a good thing for somebody opposed to violence, even when it’s the other side’s fault.
A HUGE banana peel for the left to slide on.
EXCEPT…Still not knowing who they were and possibly being pressured by media, he ‘denounced’ them on the phone call w/Hannity last night. Somebody needs to talk to him, he needs to walk that back ASAP.
James Woods
Watching the vitriolic Leftists respond to the news that the President and First Lady have the #WuhanCoronavirus has liberated me. I am now certain I wouldn’t piss on a single one of them if they were burning to death in front of me.
CHIZ Flag of United States
PREDICTION: The Left wishing death on the President and First Lady will cost them voters.
It is evident that this is a spiritual war based on those satanic comments under Trumps tweet.
If you think the media is unhinged, wait until President Trump is saved by hydroxychloroquine.
I just read that Massad Ayoob, whose book “Deadly Force: Understanding Your Right to Self-Defense” I reference here fairly often, just became the new president of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF):
ELLEVUE, WA – Internationally-known firearms author and trainer Massad Ayoob has been named president of the Second Amendment Foundation, succeeding the late Joseph Tartaro.
“The election to president of SAF is one of the most cherished honors of my life,” Ayoob said. “I have been proud to serve for many years on SAF’s Board of Trustees and will do my best to continue my commitment to what I consider a civil right and indeed, a human right.
“I am humbled at the thought of replacing my long-time friend and mentor Joe Tartaro,” he continued, “and frankly doubt that anyone, myself included, can truly fill his shoes. I accepted the position only after being assured that it would be an interim appointment, and one of my primary goals is to find a dedicated 2A warrior with a longer life expectancy than my own to eventually serve in this position. In the meantime, I will support the goals of SAF, particularly to further strengthen our ties with the law enforcement community and to enhance the organization’s policy of embracing diversity in the community of the ‘gun culture.’”
Ayoob brings a lifetime of experience to the position. He served 19 years as chair of the Firearms Committee of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, and several years as a member of the Advisory Board of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association. In addition to teaching for those groups, he has also taught for the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors and the International Homicide Investigators seminars.
The winner of the Outstanding American Handgunner of the Year Award in 1998, Mas has won several state and regional handgun shooting championships. He was the first person to earn the title of Five Gun Master in the International Defensive Pistol Association. He has been handgun editor of GUNS magazine and law enforcement columnist for AMERICAN HANDGUNNER since the 1970s, and has published thousands of articles in gun magazines, martial arts publications, and law enforcement journals. He is the author of some twenty books on firearms, self-defense, and related topics, including “In the Gravest Extreme” and “Deadly Force,” widely considered to be authoritative texts on the topic of the use of lethal force.
He has received judicial recognition as an expert witness for the courts in weapons and shooting cases since 1979, and served as a fully sworn and empowered, part time police officer for 43 years, mostly at supervisor rank. Ayoob founded the Lethal Force Institute in 1981 and served as its director until 2009, and now trains through the Massad Ayoob Group.
He has appeared on CLE-TV delivering continuing legal education for attorneys, through the American Law Institute and American Bar Association, and has been retained to train attorneys to handle deadly force cases through the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network. Ayoob served for two years as co-vice chair of the Forensic Evidence Committee of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. He also appeared in each episode of Personal Defense TV (Sportsman’s Channel).
“We are both proud and delighted that Mas Ayoob has assumed the SAF presidency,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “I’ve had the pleasure of working with him over the years as a SAF trustee, and look forward to working with him more closely in his new role. Without a doubt, Mas Ayoob is true defender of the Second Amendment, and his devotion to protecting and advancing the right to keep and bear arms will be critical as we face new challenges.”
About SAF
The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.
This is good news, indeed. He is impressive.
This dude has been ON THE MONEY on guns and the Second Amendment for DECADES! We need 1000 just like him!!!
scott, I forwarded this Great News to a bunch of folks last night,
I am beyond thrilled that these two great men have formally joined forces.
The Second Amendment Foundation is, imo, the only org to which hard-earned $$$ should be sent…when you have a hankering to support gun rights groups.
Gottleib is an absolute Pitbull, no BS, ever, warrior.
And Mas Ayoob’s value as a resource for all things re personal defense is unmatched. His head is screwed on Real Tight!
This is just wunnerful News!
Thanks for posting this.
The @s8n Twitter account that Q has referenced before tweeted Amharic curses in December 2019. Interesting timing, IMO, with the beginning of the virus in China. Click the link if you care to see the tweet. I’m not posting that filth here.
Thanks Sadie. Creepy shit.
Thank you Sadie! Good catch!
Here’s the thought that has been hammering my brain since I first heard the news that PDJT and Melania tested positive and began to worry about what if he gets sick, and oh no he won’t be able to hold rallies, etc.
What came to me is Romans 8:28:
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Peeps, it doesn’t matter how many viral laden Chinese spies they send to infect PDJT, or how many smart contact lenses and ear wigs are provided to Joe Biden, how many satanic curses are sent PDJT’s way, or whatever vile October Surprise the vile Left cooks up…….God is still on His Throne and He is in charge.
Shake it off and keep on fighting forward. If God wants PDJT to lead this country another term, he will. No matter WHAT those vile hyenas contrive. Prayers up.
Yes…Amen to that, Syl.
President Trump WILL recover.
Would be great if he and Melania are asymptomatic.
Just another wrinkle we endure. More correctly, President Trump and Melania endure for us.
Will be interesting to see how many WH Staff come down positive. And of course, hopefully Baron has tested negative. Surely he has been tested. Young strong kid he is. Along with the rest of President Trump’s family.
Yes, hopefully none of them get sick at all. Whatever happens with this, I am counting on God to use it for His own ends. And I am counting on a little boomerang effect!
🤗🤗Miss Sylvia🤗🤗 Love your encouraging words! 😍 💖😘🥰💕
I don’t know if this is real…or CGI…but it’s pretty cool-looking:
Looks like atmospheric reflection of over-the-horizon lights. Not an extremely rare phenomenon.
Gavin McInnes explains what the Proud Boys are really about:
I remember first seeing Gavin McInnes on Greg Gutfeld’s late night show, ‘Redeye’…and he was just a normal guy, joking around.
Then in January 2017…McInnes and some of his friends were helping to keep the Antifa mutants out of the Inauguration Parties, like the DeploraBall.
There was footage of Gavin decking a few of them, at the entrance of the DeploraBall, I think it was.
So the Left has had it in for Gavin McInnes since then.
I remember Gavin from Red Eye, too!!! He was kind of an odd ball, but funny. I have wondered how the Proud Boys got to be considered white supremacist. Now I get it. Lefty grudge, made up fake news. The usual!
This is a creepy image:
And I agree…the truth is, “Your DNA will be Their Data.”
Zoe — it’s an image of the hallway in an HSBC building that shows a closeup of a finger that has fingerprint ink on it.
In the middle of the fingerprint is a data stamp.
Beside the large image of the fingerprinted finger, it says “Your DNA will be your data.”
HSBC is a globalist Banking conglomerate, headquartered in Britain.
It originated in Hong Kong.
The HSBC stands for Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation…and a recent initiative is their ‘Beyond Banking’ program.
This is who COMEY was working for.
HSBC is a front business FOR CHINA, posing as control OF China.
Anecdotal outrageousness!
We just all prayed as a family for President Trump. Husband and son are going back to sleep. I hope I can. Praying not only for his recovery but also for him to have discernment and wisdom about treatments and about those around him who are giving him advice.
Freedom of Speech, training up a child!!!
Isn’t the “10 days of darkness”, or was that darnkess, from Q?
This one looks important…fyi
hit my nine is fine limit here…
may put more in reply to this comment…
more from the comments…
The thread said that some replies are being hidden by the author, so there may be more important stuff visible to some of you…
Could this positive test possibly be a Psyop? Would be the perfect cover for PDJT not being out in the public when the SHTF.
He’d be hands off anything that’s going down with the DS
That’s a hopeful perspective. Things are not always what they seem w/ VSG-POTUS, but he’s always fighting on the side of the good guys. In the end God Wins…& so do we!!!
I have to relate the experience of hubby’s coworker–who tested positive 2 weeks ago. (their office is continuing to work from home but this lady has been allowed in the office one day a week to access checks for payroll/ AP)
she had the sniffles–boss heard her sniffle on the phone and directed her to get tested–she thought she had a cold. she is 60 yrs old and has other health issues.
because she tested positive, her entire family had to get tested–they had a family gathering the weekend before. many tested positive–her husband did not (?) she got over her cold–2 days maybe–and feels and felt fine.
no one else in the family has gotten sick–only her mother needed to go to hospital for an oxygen treatment–she was out the next day.
covid can be devastating for some, but certainly not all.
prayers for the First Family and the White House staff!!
. . . and we really don’t know if this was c-19. It could have been merely a cold caused by one of the 4 circulating seasonal coronaviruses.
I suggest Pray to The Lord Jesus. the Christ.
As only HE can hear and answer “Prayers”.
Memers to check out on twitter, if interested
MAGA Music Artists
& an interesting video…
Lemme guess – you get paid for each twatter handle that you post. 🙂
[relax – I’m only making fun of the length of your posting]
At this point in my existence I get paid for nothing & I try to like it 😉 That pass along was purely for those that like having such resources–sorry for cluttering up the Q-Tree…
Pelosi says they’ve got “arrows in the their quiver”…POTUS, FLOTUS, & WH Staff get sick…
With that witch, anything is possible!
Hi Pat, I lost your comment somewhere upthread. I’m okay. Got pneumonia. My Covid lungs met toxic wildfire smoke, and I went in to the clinic last week for a sinus infection and bronchitis. They missed the pneumonia till I went back a few days ago. I’m loaded with antibiotics and inhalers and sprays and who knows what all. I sleep a LOT, and drink a lot, and then wake up and go get rid of the fluids, go back to sleep…….it’s a cycle. *sigh* But I’m feeling a bit better again, so hoping the upward trajectory continues. How are you doing???
I’m okay…I will keep you in my prayers!!!
sorry you got this!! I was worried about the smoke and your compromised lungs!!!
please take good care of yourself!!
thanks Pat, I really appreciate it.
<3 <3 <3
Prayers and well-wishes for you, Sylvia!
I hate smoke now, too. Just local trash-burns and clearing-burns irritate my lungs when I can even SMELL the stuff.
Well then, … I’m canceling our scheduled marshmallow campfire toasting night. 🙂
On the other hand, I’m completely immune to burning Beijing radioactive clouds, and Wall Street 9/11-style collapse dust, so there’s that. 😉
Funny that. Have a close relative that probably had a super mild case of the SCV2. Three rounds of antibiotics for “sinus infection” (last one azithromycin). They were always on Vit C, Zinc, Quercetin, etc.
But they are super reactive to smell of smoke now. Says their lungs burn. Also intermittent sensation of burning sinuses. I think they are wanting to try the post-virus Ivermectin clean-up routine.
Incredible, if she really wrote this herself.
It’s agenda. Payload is the last three sentences. It’s WRONGTHINK designed to put masks on screaming babies.
Totally weaponized. USE the President’s illness to counter his smart thinking on it.
The LEFT is horrific and merciless.
You see, THAT is the psychological needle that *I* had to thread. Getting this stuff but trying to stay sane about it is NOT EASY. BUT if you push back against both the disease AND the left’s propaganda, tactics, and psy-opping on it, one can actually USE it to gain insight.
Disinformation. Discrediting disinformation. REACTIVE disinformation.
It’s partly true, but it hides the true origin and blame-shifts to the capitalists who follow the communist phony science on carbon bucks.
Interesting – where did you get it? I’d like to trace it back to its origins. That’s how I connected Gab flat earth disinfo to 9/11 embedded disinfo.
gosh I had it on my website last October and back then I was just googling memes under general headings–climate control memes, Halloween memes etc…sorry I don’t remember exactly.
who does this chick think she is? Griswold of CO wants no news of election results the night of the election–I guess so the dems can cheat for the next few days and no one will suspect they’re cheating?
Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold touts the state’s security when it comes to voting, but Griswold put out a message Thursday that has many on social media scratching their heads.
Griswold is calling on national news to “make no projections on election night” and “announce no election results on election night.
Griswold doesn’t specifically name any news outlets, only calling on “national media networks” to make the pledge. She also said she’s going to ask other elections administrators and voting rights organizations to join her in the request.
Plotters and Cheaters are a ‘dime a dozen’ these days, Patty – they cannot handle the TRUTH!
The TRUTH is – TRUMP will win in a LANDSLIDE so big it will make their heads spin and explode!!!
they don’t want THAT LANDSLIDE making headlines–they can’t cheat their way out then!
Guess so – * Sigh * I am so tired of their ‘kiddie’ games – know what I mean?
I didn’t watch the debates, so I can’t say I heard it–but Biteme said “inshallah” (Arabic for God willing)??????
This glorious occasion came when Donald Trump stated that he would eventually release his tax returns: “I’ve paid millions of dollars, and you’ll get to see it.” Joe Biden responded: “When? Inshallah,” using Arabic for “God willing,” a phrase that is often used in the context of procrastination.
Some Muslims were excited about Biden’s colloquial use of the phrase, so as to mean “This is not likely to happen.” “Interfaith and anti-racism educator” Hind Makki tweeted: “Whenever someone who’s not Muslim drops an inshallah in conversation, I assume they have Muslim colleagues. When they know to use it colloquially [sarcastically], I know they have close Muslim friends.”
These were just the sort of reactions Biden was doubtless hoping for. Arabic-speaking Christians as well as Muslims say “Inshallah,” but in saying this, Biden was not pandering to Arabic-speaking Christians; he was pandering to the part of his base (Muslim and non-Muslim) that believes that counterterror efforts are largely just an exercise in “Islamophobia” and supports the likes of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. With the world watching, Biden was demonstrating his support for the Left’s favored religion, Islam. He wouldn’t have said the phrase in English, “God willing,” because his point was not primarily to emphasize that Trump was going to procrastinate in releasing his tax returns; it was to show in a concise, albeit indirect fashion that he was a worthy candidate of the anti-American hard left, a reliable foe of the alleged “Muslim ban,” and a fervent proponent of mass migration.
Take a closer look at that prayer bracelet. Is the silver disk hanging from it a tasbih?
considering that he spoke Arabic at the debate (supposedly–I didn’t watch it) I wouldn’t put anything past them!
UGH – UGH – UGH!!! Just shows to go ya – whoever his handler was – had more invested in this debate than Hiden did – he is definitely a ROBOT and a PUPPET of the far left!
Unfortunately, he messed up so bad – people noticed BIGLY!!!
Joe Biden has a LOT of pro-Muslim “platform items” on his “campaign” website.
And you can bet the farm that VALJAR is working behind the scenes on anything pro-Muslim that’s in his campaign. It would appear too obvious for Barack Obama to be seen as working on this one.
Agree – suspected them both from the get go, CV!!! The pests that they are – Hiden has no original thoughts of his own – and is easily duped and confused – could be a game – could be he has lost it – cause he is going to jail – and possibly worse – for his crimes.
Maybe it was ValJarJar at the other end of the wire???
He HAD to be instructed and prompted that night to interject it. Lin Wood referenced a wire and smart contact lenses in one of his tweets two days ago. And he’s very measured.
That woman (?) cannot seem to stay away from the cameras – Ridiculous and Childish Exposition, Dora!!!
Stupid idiot, she is!
Covid-19’s structure is a double-lipid ring… all that is needed to destroy that is simple soap and water!!!!!
NOT Clorox, NOT Alcohol (so you can drink it all, Piglosi),
most definitely NOT Antibacterials (because they don’t break the rings, and they encourage bacteriae to develop resistance), NOT any other fancy-a$$ed stuff is needed.
Criminy, even olive oil, Vaseline, or motor oil would do, but why bother? Soap and water is all that is needed.
The amount of antibacterials and heavy-duty (and often dangerous) cleaning chemicals being used right now is potentially a FAR BIGGER PROBLEM than anything Covid-19 could be. Because after you kill off the first three or four levels of minor and middling germs, all that’s left are the REALLY BAD BUGS… and they won’t have any competition then…
Think MRSA…
dems vote against bill protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions…like the hypocrites they are!
“For the last year and a half since introducing the Protect Act, I have worked to pass this legislation so we can ensure hard working Americans never have to go to bed worried about being denied coverage or treatment if they or their children have a pre-existing condition,” Sen. Tillis said in a release. “Unfortunately, Senate Democrats have continuously chosen to put politics before the American people and make protecting pre-existing conditions a campaign wedge-issue even though it has broad bipartisan support. It’s appalling that at the same time Democrats are lying about Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s record on health care, they refuse to protect people with pre-existing conditions. Their plan couldn’t be clearer: they would rather have a political issue to scare Americans about Judge Barrett’s nomination rather than solve the problem. That’s wrong. North Carolinians and the American people deserve better, and Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for these disgusting political stunts that are putting lives at risk.”
We ALL deserve BETTER than what they are offering – Hypocrites – they are!!!
Nicholas Sandmann
Motions to Dismiss defamation lawsuits against NY Times, Rolling Stone, ABC, & CBS were just DENIED.
Right about now, all good news is welcome 🙏
pony up jackasses!!!
I am giving him (2) Days – the quarantine will just make him WRITE MORE EOs – LOL
Love it!!!
without campaigning, he can turn his attention to world peace…oh wait…