Dear KAG: 20210812 Daily Open Thread

I’d change the feature image on the Thursday thread(s), but I can’t find anything close to that cool.

Now that that’s over, it’s tweet and meme clearance night. Seriously, between COVID mania, and the Election Symposium that’s getting far less attention than it deserves, what’s going on is just dismal.

Food for thought.

Take heart. It’s almost Friday.

Oh, and before I forget:

Just a little pick me up:


Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.

All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JOSHUA 3:7-11, 13-17

And the Lord said to Josue: This day will I begin to exalt thee before Israel: that they may know that as I was with Moses, so I am with thee also. [8] And do thou command the priests that carry the ark of the covenant, and say to them: When you shall have entered into part of the water of the Jordan, stand in it. [9] And Josue said to the children of Israel: Come hither and hear the word of the Lord your God. [10] And again he said: By this you shall know that the Lord the living God is in the midst of you, and that he shall destroy before your sight the Chanaanite and the Hethite, the Hevite and the Pherezite, the Gergesite also and the Jebusite, and the Amorrhite.

[11] Behold the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth shall go before you into the Jordan. [12] Prepare ye twelve men of the tribes of Israel, one of every tribe. [13] And when the priests, that carry the ark of the Lord the God of the whole earth, shall set the soles of their feet in the waters of the Jordan, the waters that are beneath shall run down and go off: and those that come from above, shall stand together upon a heap. [14] So the people went out of their tents, to pass over the Jordan: and the priests that carried the ark of the covenant, went on before them. [15] And as soon as they came into the Jordan, and their feet were dipped in part of the water, (now the Jordan, it being harvest time, had filled the banks of its channel,)

[16] The waters that came down from above stood in one place, and swelling up like a mountain, were seen afar off from the city that is called Adom, to the place of Sarthan: but those that were beneath, ran down into the sea of the wilderness (which now is called the Dead Sea) until they wholly failed. [17] And the people marched over against Jericho: and the priests that carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, stood girded upon the dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, and all the people passed over through the channel that was dried up.

Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.


Is this really satire?

And for no real reason other than we need a laugh (watch to the end, even if the kid does seem to be reading from a script).

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I’d change the feature image on the Thursday thread(s), but I can’t find anything close to that cool.

I agree, DePat…it’s a keeper. 👍 

Love the memes! 💖 

Especially good video from JP!
Is it satire?
I dunno…but it’s definitely mockage of all the absurd things the DonkeyComs are doing right now.

Love the little two year old!
 😆  😄 
She’s going to be a fighter.


Yes, that little girl was great!


I suppose that one of the results of breaking open access to our site is that those who usually spend time here are not coming by as often. So just by denying us an operational site off and on our interaction flow is disrupted.

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I had some short interruptions, and the green and orange orbs pooped-out on the last thread around 625 comments (they got worthless, then progressively got worse….), but otherwise it wasn’t too bad.


There was a period of 2-3 hours when I was the only one posting on the open thread so I went over to the U Tree looking for everyone. That was really weird and unusual for this site.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is very weird. The site looks isolated to me, too. They may be dividing us into separate containers as far as real-time interaction (that’s the net effect of the disruption), and if so, then I will close the site temporarily and we’ll go to U Tree.

How do people feel about that? We would be using that old commenting system, but there would be no disruptions. We can still raid the media library here.


You are in the best position to read things, and we’ll roll with your call.


It’s not like it’s irreversible.

Give it a whirl and watch what changes.
Let this site sit in mothballs for a while.

Just my inclination.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I’ll keep this option as a back-up and “see what happens”. Don’t want to telegraph the red lines, but it’s nice to have a backup weapon.


Just one problem, though. We know WordPress is on the other side. So what is to stop them from closing down the U Tree? Isn’t that why we moved here to start with?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. They may indeed close it. But we force them to do it.

It’s no sweat off MY ass. It’s a free site. I can lose it with ZERO care.


If I might make one suggestion, it’d be to run the open thread as nautical watches — if you’re replying to something in an open thread, reply in that one, but if you’re bringing in new information or a new topic, put it in the most recent one — then have open threads (cron?) at standard watch times….

The first five watches are as follows:

  • First Watch, 8pm to Midnight (20:00 to 00:00 hours)
  • Middle Watch, Midnight to 4am (00:00 to 04:00 hours)
  • Morning Watch, 4am to 8am (04:00 to 08:00 hours)
  • Forenoon Watch, 8am to Noon (08:00 to 12:00 hours)
  • Afternoon Watch, Noon to 4pm (12:00 to 16:00 hours)

The next four hours are divided into two Dog Watches—the first Dog Watch, 4pm to 6pm (16:00 to 18:00 hours) and the Second Dog Watch, 6pm to 8pm (18:00 to 20:00 hours). By means of the Dog Watches, the watches can be changed every day, so that each watch gets a turn of eight hours rest at night. Otherwise each member of the crew would be on duty the same hours every day.

The utree isn’t set up to cope with 600-comment threads.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What’s up with you and RULES? Just sayin’! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Well, at least the operating system is correctly identified! 😉


The utree isn’t set up to cope with 600-comment threads.

The fact that this site is getting 600+ and handling it okay seems like a positive sign.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I think we can put up with the present turbulence. But there is a point where it becomes disruptive, and I’ve got my eye on it.


The dogs are first and last, not second.


I quoted from Wikipoo, I haven’t lived them myself.

The overall thought is that the utree really gets cumbersome at anywhere near 400 comments, so we should maybe have some throughout the day. They needn’t be meaty posts with content, like we are so fortunate to get from DePat, but just need to break up the flow into manageable pieces.

The naval thing is sentimentalism and hearkening back to tradition. Doing them at all the 12’s and 6’s might work, or automatically generating an overflow post whenever a previous post went over 250 comments could be an option. As I mentioned…..more like guidelines…..

Sylvia Avery

You do what you think is best. We’ll follow your lead.


The pack will follow.

Sylvia Avery

I Will Follow Him 😁😁😁😁😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT is a blast from the past! 😄

Sylvia Avery

I can’t believe I dredged that up from the memory banks. I didn’t even know it was in there! 😁😁😁😁😁


Wife and I listen to the oldies all the time! Before our time, but grew up with it as it was my parents music.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, nice! It was before my time, but not my parent’s era so it is a largely unknown period of music for me. I don’t know how or where I picked it up, but it was kind of a fun flash! I had a friend who used to keep her car radio on an oldies station, so that might be the answer.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gosh, you guys are making me feel old…

I remember when that song came out, and I had a crush  😍  on her (also on Connie Francis, who was too old…. sigh…). Oh, Everybody’s Somebody’s Fool…..

Sylvia Avery

LOL……….that just reminded me of my old boss, who was in love with Annette Funicello. So much so he kissed the TV screen when she was on. 😁😁😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Gives a whole new meaning to “touchscreen” 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

An ‘SC cinema-major roommate of mine called her “Annette Funny Cello” 🙂

I remember her being on the Mickey Mouse Club, along with Bobby, Doreen, Cubby and all the rest. And of course, the host, Jimmy Dodd. How sad I was when he passed away…

Sylvia Avery


Cuppa Covfefe

Have you seen the “Ozzie and Harriet Show” ? That had the parents and the two boys, and they showed Ricky and his brother growing up, and his growth in music,

And his song “Garden Party” really says it all… Some say that wasn’t an accident that did him in…

Great singer. Loved that show (and the 1950s 🙂 )…..

Sylvia Avery

When I was a VERY little girl, when my dad had to work in the evenings, my mom would sit on the couch with my brother and me and we’d watch what I believe were reruns of the Ozzie and Harriet Show. I was in love with Ricky Nelson.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I learned a lot of the oldies from watching I Love Lucy as a kid.😃

Cuppa Covfefe

You have a great memory shovel 😆

Hard to believe she was only 15 when that hit came out… And her voice has that quality that Connie Francis (and others) have where they sound like they’re just on the edge of crying (not just gals that have it; Hank Williams was said to have that quality too… maybe the overtones)…

But wow, a blast from the past. What’s up next on the hit list? 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Wow, she was only 15? Amazing! Great voice!

Valerie Curren

Interesting, none of those lyrics preclude the song also focusing on the love of/for Jesus. Thanks for sharing!

Sylvia Avery

There is a youtube version of the song from a movie I’ve never seen, Sister Act, with Whoopie Goldberg playing a nun. She is leading a choir in this song, although it is slowed down a bit. The lyrics are entirely appropriate for a hymn, interestingly. Here’s the YT:

Valerie Curren

Thanks Sylvia. Perhaps that was in my subconscious, for I did see that movie eons ago 🙂

Sylvia Avery

It was kind of a cool discovery!!!

Valerie Curren



FWIW, random observations from yesterday.

Charter had a couple Internet outages yesterday, each lasting a couple hours. Dunno how wide spread.

No idea how EBS went in our area. Was on the road. Nothing on our cells.

Sortie into Bay area yesterday and out. !-80 past years going through Sacramento area at morning rush hour normally lots of slow and stop. Never hit the brakes yesterday in the 7:45AM time – flew right through at 65-70.

More I-80 Dixon, Vacaville and Fairfield, most any day time hours slow and go, very light traffic.

Return drive late morning, via US50, very light traffic. No rarkes beyond evading motronic CA drivers thinking they are on a NASCAR track.

My take away – economy IS cratering in CA.

QTree wise, had more difficulty than usual trying to catch up on posts and the information here QTree. Noticed it APPEARED down once. Quite likely was my Charter Internet failing.


So long as I can find ya’ll, I am good. Fundamental bottom line truth for me, it’ll be a bit bewildering without the QTree news, perspectives and the detailed analysis of folks here. The genuine “helping hand” nature of QTree is priceless and treasured.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

I don’t care where we go, as long as we are there.  😘 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Seemed like I too, was by myself a lot of the time. Couldn’t like, slooow response, slow posting, duplicate post messages, not seeing any updates appear or comment #’s increase, even with refresh. The new comment system sucks, IMO, can’t find start of comments or most recent comments any longer. Requires constant refresh and load more, load more, load more.😭

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do you think switching back to paging might help?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Have we been under attack this entire time?
If not, I say it’s Worth a switch back to see if it improves everyone’s response.
Even with this new method, the load more, is still paging. Under the old method you could select the page you wanted and STAY ON IT. The refresh would keep you on said page. This current method, after each refresh, you have to press load more 3 times just to get back to page 3. Refresh, load more, load more, load more. Argh!!!

And then of course the confusion, I don’t know WTF I am!!

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re right. We need to try paging again to see if that solves problems.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



“and if so, then I will close the site temporarily and we’ll go to U Tree.How do people feel about that? We would be using that old commenting system, but there would be no disruptions.”


Is there a good reason to not just stay flexible, and post comments on whatever is working?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. That’s where I am now. Things have not been degraded badly enough here to cross my red line.


It could be that a lot of readers were watching the LindellTV when the tree was down.


What I personally noticed that when posts are coming in fast like those about Mikes show, having the long pages made it a bit difficult getting to see them fast.


When the site went down, I posted a quick u-tree, and then focused on the Symposium.

I think a bunch of us did that!

Not so weird …


🙂 that is so stolen

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

I didn’t get an Emergency Alert System signal on my phone. I didn’t see it on my computer (though that’s probably not how it works). I don’t know if it was run on TV stations.

So does this mean I would not be notified in case of a real emergency, as suggested in the tweet in the opening post?


I didn’t get an alert either.

When they did a test a couple of years ago, under PDJT…it worked fine.

Can’t help but be suspicious of this.
Will they use this lack luster ‘alert’ as an excuse to do something?
 😕  😒 


I think they’re past needing excuses, Wheatie. They just do what they want.


How true, Linda!

Best post of the day so far, IMO.

Right to the heart of their evil thinking …

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Remember the motto of the Satanist is “do what thou willst”…

Hmmm. Not that far away from “if it feels good, do it”…

Wonder where that (and the 68er/hippie/radical movement) came from… yep, the Pit of Hell…


My recollection is:

“Do what thou wilt.” (Perhaps a “modern” variation of the verb.)

And the follow-up is just as evil:

(paraphrase) “Let that be the whole of the law.”

No morals, no ethics, no NOTHING for guidance / direction.

The hipsters just “re-branded” it …

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Typo. Quote is from Aleister Crowley, but it’s common for Satanists. Lots of them in Silly Cone Valley (I guess that’s no surprise).


At one point, two different sections of local highways had “Adopt-a-Highway” sponsors of “South Bay Circles” and “Bay Area Pagan Assemblies”.

Adopt-a-Highway was a deal where you and a bunch of your friends would show up every six months and clear trash from the shoulder of a highway for a stretch.


I didn’t notice any EAS on my phone either…..but it’s not where I’d notice if it had received any.

Now I’m curious, so I’m going to go look……

….I’m back. No record.


Mine is off and will stay off, however I remember when Trump did his, it came on days later when I powered up the phone. Meanwhile no phone message either, but the phone rang, but then I never answer that. Maybe I’ll get the alert snail mail. I’ll be checking that some time this week or the next I’m not going to check my email. I never check my email.


We got a phone call from the CA Department of Education. When I checked the voicemail, it was the State Superintendent of Schools inviting us to a phone-in “town hall” regarding COVID vaccination starring some sports figure.

Talk about tone deaf…..


It seems like last year when we were talking about this that someone mentioned you had to opt into the alerts to get them on your phone.


You might be right about that. I wonder why *they* didn’t try to get as many people as possible to opt in.


Hmm…I don’t remember having to do anything before.

The Emergency Alert just happened then, without doing anything.

Maybe this was a test to see how many people ‘opted in’ for it?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

IPhone IOS default is alerts on. You have to go in and manually turn them off.

Sadie Slays

Additionally, I didn’t see anything in the media about the Emergency Alert. The only reason I knew there was an alleged test was because of Q memes. I did NOT receive one nor did I see it reported in the local news.


Same. None of the people I asked in my area got it, either.

Deplorable Patriot

According to WhipLash on Telegram, only 12% of phones got the alert. Big tech is suppressing the system and just added another crime to their rap sheet(s).


A significant crime – enough to have their corporate charters pulled and their telecom business licenses revoked.

And perhaps forced into bankruptcy, from significant fines, levied per phone not messaged. That’s many billions right there, at $20 / phone!

Deplorable Patriot

But, what is fascinating is that the plug hasn’t been pulled on the entire system, just platforms and specific functions.

I’m wondering why.

Cuppa Covfefe

Segregation of end users… Vaxxed versus unvaxxed, or perhaps high social scores versus the “great unwashed”…

The great unvaxxed; next they’ll try to make it “unvaxxedfrei”…

I have to say, the pale horse is not supposed to be first…
Maybe a test run 🙁

Deplorable Patriot

At this point, who the heck knows.


To message only those under the propaganda spell of PROGRAMMING.

Especially the elderly, who still trust the TV … and many of the young, who haven’t looked anywhere else worthwhile.

Also, those who rely on VIEWING, instead of those who rely on READING.

I think it’s at least a partial answer …

Deplorable Patriot

Well, yes. For decades, the public has been trained not to think or research for themselves.


Nothing on the cells or computers. Did get on the TV. That’s it.


Yes, snacks should always include bacon!  😍 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 😍 😋 😋 😍 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️
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I noticed that JP had a little BRC sponsorship dealio in the corner of his vid…..but never mentioned them (unlike some of the fulsome plugs he has done for other products).



Regarding today’s event:

We had technical difficulties getting started and had communication issues due to server attacks on our communication lines and instability of the public live streams. 

People were asking why we didn’t run tools on the data. It is because we were not remoted into a Windows server that had the image loaded; we had just mounted a forensic image of the files and were able to view the file tree and files only. Due to the setup of the forensic image, we were not able to run tools such as regedit, event viewers, or dll analyzers. We could not run the executable files inside the forensic image.

We did not have a windows server setup with the image loaded due to obtaining the publicly-available data at the last minute. There simply was not enough time to setup a server because the show was already scheduled and we wanted to do it live.

We came across unprepared, and it is true in a sense because we had just obtained the data. It was my very first time looking at the data and I did not know what exactly would be found on the systems ahead of the event.

Interestingly, we did uncover a few critical things:

1. There appeared to be web server logs which potentially indicate that the server was accepting and executing commands remotely.

2. Election related data pre-upgrade was not present on the machine post-upgrade. This indicates that election related data was deleted or otherwise removed during the upgrade process.

3. The server had a suspicious configuration script designed to remove server security, potentially opening the machine up to a network hack.

These issues warrant additional investigation.

If I understood correctly, I think three years of past election data was gone after the upgrade.


All of this feels authentic.

I have no problem with the lack of performance level “showmanship” because that is not what America needs. We don’t need a better show. We need to honor our super moms and brainy science and technical people. We need to shout and cheer and let them know we are in the room and pulling for them.

God Bless Dr. Frank and all of Lindell’s team!
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. SHIVA was the show today. I have an article with his speech going up shortly, as well as a warning of my suspicions about the next “COVID” by the DonkeyComs.


No more “COVID”! 🚫 (But I know they won’t give up.)


I have no problem with the lack of performance level “showmanship” because that is not what America needs.

I completely agree. The symposium is real and is focused on what is important. When they were examining the computer data, it felt similar to investigating something or working on a problem with people I know. It was interesting to see their thought processes.

Deplorable Patriot

Unfortunately, our side is going to have to learn how to put on a better show to be able to teach the red pill information.


We can be and should be more effective communicators. In that area, we are miles and miles behind the enemy. There is nothing shameful with that, our side is busy working and doing normal things. But things must change, and change fast. The people on this site make up a small % of the people on our side, in the sense of interest in subject matter, analytic ability, and life experience.

I hang out with guys who are 100% MAGA Deplorables, highly intelligent men, but auto workers who put together cars their entire life. They are (or were) Democrats. These are Salt of the Earth men. They can do more stuff with more things than the average person, by far. You name it, they can do it. One is my best friend.

They are not internet surfers or particularly political. Nor are they well read, or want to be.

They were somewhat aware that the symposium was happening. When I described Dr. Frank’s analysis, they understood and agreed immediately. It also confirmed what they “knew” to be true. They understood the deep implications of EVERY state needing auditing. Like me, that idea dispelled assumptions and pre-conceptions they had. It clarified why the audits would be resisted, and how the steal was a single attack, a vital fact, the most vital fact.

These are the people who need to be reached.

Criticizing presentation is NOT criticizing the presenter (not necessarily). IMO we need to criticize presentation. Criticizing presentation is NOT criticizing substance. Criticizing presentation helps to sharpen the presentation.

Let me give you an example. Capt Keshel gave a brilliant presentation, something everyone needs to see.

But he did an annoying thing which stepped on his message. He kept trying to “connect” with the crowd by asking questions of the audience. Who is from Montana? How many states were bellwether states? Who has been to a county clerk’s office? Etc etc etc.

This is a dreary and pointless technique which is often seen in this type of presentation. The “let’s have a show of hands” or “let’s personalize” this technique. It is tedious. Like playing a 4 minute video with poor production values to introduce a 10 minute video.

Get to the point! That is lesson #1 our side needs to learn.

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. I’ve found that it’s a matter of threes in the outline. Three main points with three supporting points each. That is digestible.

I suppose my background being a Communications major and having worked with CEOs and executives who regularly gave presentations where they had to convey information to which the audience was not necessarily familiar, I saw the pitfalls in the way the symposium was done.

The computer guys need a Jack Ridley type interpreter. Ridley was the engineer who worked with Chuck Yeager. He spoke pilot, engineer, and redneck, so what Chuck was telling him, he could use, and then explain in Chuck’s terms.

Where to find such a person….


I thought Brannon Howse would be that guy, but he has not been there other than last night.

A Jack Ridley guy would be perfect. Professor Campbell has been great in that respect, but he has been on sporadically, and he goes out of his way to keep within his space.

Gail Combs

Where to find such a person….”

Are you volunteering?
And yes I know exactly what you mean. I took a technical writing class at a tech college. Best English class I ever took.

The takeaway was put the Problem and Solution in the FIRST PARAGRAPH. All the supporting data goes in the rest of the report for the boss to read if he has the time and need. (And yeah, I had to give presentations to the bigwigs at more than one company.)

People have now been TRAINED to expect ‘sound bites’

You have just 7 seconds to grab your audience’s attention!

An article published by TIME magazine in 2015 quoted research from Microsoft implying that humans now have an attention span of just 8 seconds – which is allegedly less than that of a goldfish.

Having attempted to validate this, I can’t find any factual evidence to support the allegation (see more here) – but what I do know as fact is that if you DON’T capture your audience’s attention with the very first thing that comes out of your mouth when public speaking, there is an extremely high likelihood that they will be looking at their phones, checking their email or browsing social media before you draw your next breath!

Over the last 10 years I have delivered over 500 keynotes, presentations and briefings to audiences varying in size from small groups of 5 to packed conference rooms of over 5,000. During this time I have read countless articles and watched countless videos and live presentations in a continuing effort to improve my own performance….

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t speak computer.

Music, that’s a different story.

Gail Combs

I am ‘computer challenged’ myself but I found you do not need to know the subject matter to be able to ORGANIZE the presentation or even run a department. What you need to know is PEOPLE and how to get things done.

H/T to the best boss I ever had.

Valerie Curren

I did love that most of team Trump videos were under 2 minutes & plenty were about 30 seconds. Smart savvy types could create majorly impactful shorter versions of this material suitable for sharing widely via social media.

Gail Combs

I think that is what will happen.

Valerie Curren

Yes! & after my daughter’s wedding I’ll see about getting my twitter restored & passing as many Truth Bombs along again before I get shut down for speaking truth (again)…


Our side is getting better every day, which is so encouraging. And the Trump videos were always the BEST out there, perfectly done.

Valerie Curren

Agreed. I really don’t prefer watching videos in general so Greatly Appreciate the short & to the point ones so much 😉


What I worry about is the authenticity of the “new data” and the gal from CO they were distracted with.

If the goal was to get them to look unprepared and, as such, unprofessional…in order to support media accusations later on….then the effort was successful(?).

We cannot look at this with our eyes but must look at it with the eyes of a skeptic.

Questions I’d like answers to:

1) Why did that woman wait until just now to come forward?
2) How was the data she is purported to have had of such value as to interrupt what was previously scheduled?
3) Was the damage done to appearance worth the data gained?
4) How authentic and reliable is the data?


This is just my view.

They had a mirrored image of the Mesa hard drive before AND after a Dominion update (I think it was in May).

It showed numerous problematic things such as deleted files and things like allowing the protection of the hard drive to be softened, aka easily accessed remotely.

They were going to unveil that when they were surprised by the raid on the Mesa election equipment.

It scared the crap outta everyone, hence the chaos.

I also think Tina Peters is not the only clerk who mirrored images of their hard drives…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Good Summary G-Ma!


I have to really concentrate. 🤣

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I’m career IT so I get all this stuff. Thrilled to see you and others get it too. Means the symposium presenters are getting the message across.🤗🥰😍



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

My questions have revolved around the data sources as well. Where, who, how, what, and when? They haven’t been forthcoming with those details, but I suspect they cannot because it would endanger White Hats. It may one day be in Court documents.

As for the PCAPS, as long as none of the invited outside Cyber guys (or anyone else) can prove it’s fake and collects the $5 million, that should suffice. If they cannot disprove that data, we may never ever find out who and how it was collected.

But the beauty of computers is… MACHINES LOG EVERYTHING! It’s all date/time stamped. Logs cannot be altered and/or you can easily tell if anything was altered, unexpected, or if something expected is missing. That’s just the way it works. Anything you do on a machine, there’s an audit trail (logs) somewhere.

Detractors can spin all day long about who did or didn’t take what legally, try to damage credibility, personal attacks, yada yada yada. IT DOES NOT MATTER ONE BIT!!! Don’t be concerned with the periphery, focus on the fact that No one can change the date/time stamps of the data, which is THE EVIDENCE!!

However, what they may TRY to do is finally admit the machines are capable of connecting to the net, but say you can’t prove it was us who performed those transactions. But the IP address leads to a device located in your office building? Well we don’t know who or how that happened. Doesn’t matter, Dominion’s network, still guilty. As far as the China IP’s, we will probably never know who specifically (besides the CCP) to place the blame on. And we’ll definitely need smoking guns and WB’s to prove DEM/CCP collusion.

We have God, the TRUTH and the DATA on our side.🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️

Deplorable Patriot

These guys seriously need an event planner who knows what they are doing. I’ve only ever facilitated one presentation from a server, and even that had glitches. You ALWAYS turn off internet to keep things running smoothly and do it from a Power Point file. Or a video that can be stopped.


The stuff we’re going to have to teach our side. Like, how to stage a symposium. It looks half asked, and my guess is that the techie guys have never worked in events or theater where we learn how to package a set.


Um, I think their event planner is a former Trump guy who arranged campaign events.

I think the dynamic situation and Lindell’s penchant for flying by the seat of his pants needs to be accounted for. We cannot let ourselves be affected by the glitches. The enemy will do that for us.

We must support and defend, not kvetch.

Deplorable Patriot

We have to remember that the enemy’s followers are the ones that need to be red pilled. The information has to be packaged for THEIR consumption and expectations.

That’s my basic point. All the glitches will discredit the effort in their eyes.

Flying by the seat of the pants can look better than this. Trust me.


Well, imagine the spiritual attacks our side is getting.

You know that. You post threads. You know the attacks personally, I am sure. I do.

Multiply that by a thousand times for Lindell and company.

And quite frankly, we are past the point of red pilling. God will do that through allowing the suffering that is about to happen.

The symposium, in a spiritual sense, is the EXPOSING OF TRUTH in the material world.

The TRUTH will leaven the whole lump.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not going to go all in with that whole group just yet. Just the way things fell apart, is fishy, IMO.


Things are afoot. Larry Johnson. Gateway Pundit. CIA…

Deplorable Patriot



>>”in their eyes”<<

Although what you say may be true, I distrust “their” eyes, and at this point I think it a misguided policy to cater the them FIRST.

It’s the PATRIOTS who will take courage, and do more of what they (we) can, from the morale-boost of righteousness in re the stolen election.

Nothing will wake most of these unaware people up except a HUGE wake-up call; I want OUR people to get more motivated.

Perhaps you’re putting the cart before the horse, here, owing to your extensive performance experience.

Food for thought …

(I’ve performed, also, btw!)



Deplorable Patriot

We all watched the public bamboozled last year by seasoned performers. Think about that.


The information has to be packaged for THEIR consumption and expectations.

Maybe, but I don’t think this symposium is geared to normies. There is too much insider communication, by design. I think its purpose is to put the information out for us to absorb and act on. If anyone else gains from it, great.

Right now, the panel, including Sen. Wendy Rogers, is talking about the AZ audit and how people can get their states to conduct audits. The audience for that is us, not uninformed normies.

I have no problem with how it has been run. It has been more real than anything I’ve seen other than a Trump rally.

Just my opinion, but the concept of things having to look a certain way — maybe “professional” — is akin to the idea that the president has to be “presidential.” Sometimes, yes, but sometimes that is the opposite of what is needed. This symposium has heart, the heart of Mike Lindell and patriots, and that is a valuable commodity.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Deplorable Patriot

And the jargon and geek speak was thick enough, it lost those of us who don’t speak it.


That was part of the realism. They had just gotten new information right before it aired. CodeMonkey said he had just gotten that computer info and hadn’t had time to evaluate it, before.

I’m a little taken aback at criticism which IMO fails to understand the spirit and significance of this symposium. It is exactly the kind of thing our side needs and has been hoping for — leadership, a unifying spirit, and guidance on how to proceed. It has been enormously successful.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not criticizing the spirit or the content or its significance, just the presentation. In speech class, the presentation was just as much a part of the grade as the content. Trust me, I earned that A.


Not in class here.


Real life is messy, and everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


Above all, it shows how REAL people are fighting back.

Let’s be honest. Every one of their lives and freedom could be in jeopardy.

We have citizens rotting in jail right now who simply showed up to a rally.

To bitch about the presentation is petty. Sorry. Have to say it.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s constructive. At least I would hope it is taken in that spirit. Even the people at the event admit that information was not presented in the most effective manner.

Jeez. If you lose your own audience because they can’t make heads or tails of what you’re saying, and it’s too long winded for people pressed for time, that’s an own goal, IMO.

I’ve had this issue for a long time with our side. And just this clip…this guy does the same thing one of my brothers does in speech and it DRIVES ME NUTS. He edits as he talks.

What he has to say is REALLY GOOD, and informative, and a warning, and the uhs could be left aside.


If you lose your own audience…

They didn’t lose their own audience.

Deplorable Patriot

Sorry, I used to do this stuff. I’m seeing things that are just cringeworthy and are fixable with some coaching and an editor.


But they didn’t lose their audience.


“Sorry, I used to do this stuff. I’m seeing things that are just cringeworthy and are fixable with some coaching and an editor.”


This isn’t a high school play…

Deplorable Patriot

Neither was sitting in a room was 25 BIG NAME corporate CEOs, Presidents and University chancellors where my boss(es) had to justify their jobs at every meeting.

I probably just doxxed myself, but I’ve prepped a number executive level people for presentations and you have to be able to sell the message well.

We are not going to agree, but presentation in any endeavor of communication is half the battle.


“If you lose your own audience because they can’t make heads or tails of what you’re saying, and it’s too long winded for people pressed for time, that’s an own goal, IMO.”


But they are not losing their own audience.

If they are losing you, it’s only because you’re focusing on the wrong thing, on the style over the substance.

That may be a handicap that comes with your background, or a blind spot.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not the only one. Tona agrees with me. He’s right on that.

And, yeah, it’s my background. I’m not doubting anyone’s passion, but if you’re going to present such important info, and it is important, some speech help would go a long way.


Your pov has a lot of insight. The “down to Earth and real” quality is valuable and necessary. A friend of mine used to say (kiddingly) “if it’s not tacky, it’s probably not sincere.” We cannot lose our sincerity.

Within that context, though, there is a LOT of room for more effective communication which, after all, is the point of the symposium.


My point is that there is seldom (if ever) a perfectly presented event. Besides that, one can never satisfy 100% of the people, no matter how perfect a job they do.

Of course things could have been done differently (except in those instances where we have no idea what happened behind the scenes to prevent their plans from being executed). Any one of us could pick anything apart. It’s one thing to say we wish they had tightened up the schedule or presented things in a different order or something akin to that — all within the overlying spirit of support — but to pooh-pooh the whole event as a failure in presentation is counterproductive, IMO. To say it has not communicated well is not true, in my experience.

We need to unify now more than ever. Mike Lindell has spent millions and risked a great deal more, personally and professionally, to get this and many other things done. That is exactly the spirit we need to save our country. IMO, it behooves us to focus on the message and the help he is presenting rather than nitpicking things that aren’t as important in the big picture.

This symposium has been exactly what was needed, not only for the information presented, but for the intangibles of uniting patriots and giving us hope and a way forward, plus much more. I have nothing but appreciation and praise for Mike Lindell and the patriots who have played any part in this. They are equipping us with knowledge to move forward with audits and do what we all say must be done — fix 2020, or we lose the country.


This is exactly spot on. Thank you.

We need to let go of our comfort zones and let God do His work through imperfect vessels.


Great point!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

👏 👏 👏

Authenticity is what matters, it appeals to the heart.
Grace is available for imperfection, torment demands perfection.


Well said.


“We have to remember that the enemy’s followers are the ones that need to be red pilled.”


I think this has been a fundamental error by our side from the beginning, and I have said so many times.

There is nothing you can say to change the mind of someone who is trying to kill you and wants you dead.

There is no ‘right’ combination of words and body language that is going to make a mugger reconsider his life choices, and turn over a new leaf.

When you are confronted with violence, the mission is not to educate, the mission is to defend and protect.

After you defeat the enemy, then you can march him through the concentration camps he pretended not to know about, and shove that red pill so far up his ass it comes out his mouth.

Not before.

You can’t do it before you defeat the enemy.

That part necessarily comes after.

Or it doesn’t happen at all.


^^^^This. We have catered to what we think *they* need to see and hear, and have tiptoed so we won’t drive them away, forever. Then PDJT came along and just told it like it was, insults and all, and we love him for it. His election and reelection numbers bear that out. Polished presentations are useful, but they won’t red-pill anyone who isn’t already 95% there.

And of course this:

There is nothing you can say to change the mind of someone who is trying to kill you and wants you dead.

Gail Combs

There is nothing you can say to change the mind of someone who is trying to kill you and wants you dead, OR has been PAID to ignore you.


AND logic. Support, defend, and kvetch. Our side needs to vastly sharpen up its presentation skills. We need to criticize presentations when called for.

Our criticisms will get back.

I have seen our public people change their lame techniques and become more effective, and IMO that is because the criticisms got back to them and they wisely listened, understanding the criticism was not personal, it was valid audience feedback intended to make them more effective in broadcasting our message.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you.


“The stuff we’re going to have to teach our side.”


Like what?

To whom?

By whom?

For what purpose?

It’s the Battle of Midway. The pilots are in their seats. The engines are running. We’re going with what we’ve got.

Some of the pilots’ uniforms aren’t pressed to military dress code standards, but they’re good enough for fighting in. 👍


“Like, how to stage a symposium. It looks half asked, and my guess is that the techie guys have never worked in events or theater where we learn how to package a set.”


The war would be over for 20+ years before anybody learned that stuff.

And this isn’t theater, or a play.

If the people, the target audience, don’t get the ‘substance’, then all the ‘style’ in the world won’t make any difference.


Some of the pilots’ uniforms aren’t pressed to military dress code standards, but they’re good enough for fighting in. 👍


If the people, the target audience, don’t get the ‘substance’, then all the ‘style’ in the world won’t make any difference.

Yes. And if they are put off and walk away because of the “style,” then they weren’t with us in the first place.


I thought the meme where it said….

“SOMETIMES, you have to give up on Afghanistan — not because you don’t care, but because they don’t.”

….was very timely. All the Afghans crying, “we’re being slaughtered by the Taliban” when we spent so much blood and treasure to help them stand up for themselves is just making me look through my collection of tiny violins. They’re abandoning US arms in the field to be Taliban trophies instead of hiding them up in the hills for when the Taliban need to be ousted.


Prince was gone way too soon….Damned shame.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He was (TBH) rather creepy toward the end. More time and he could have gotten himself together, IMO.


Or gone further into the deep.

But now we can never know.

Lucky enough to see him live once in San Jose. Pint-sized powerhouse.


He wouldn’t have had to talk about the most important person on the stage, or insist the guys get shirts, like Paul Anka.


IIRC, he was on painkillers almost continuously, with hip problems from so many physically grueling performances over the years.

I’ve never come across another musician who played so many instruments as a virtuoso. Guitar, bass, keys, and drums.

IIRC, on his breakout hit “I Wanna Be Your Lover”, he performed ALL the instruments for the studio-take – the one released to the radio stations and impressed on vinyl.

His live music was also first-rate: all his bands were SHOW-bands, dedicated to LIVE PERFORMANCE and LIVE entertainment.

He changed his professional name to that “symbol” to escape the yoke of the corrupt music industry.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, and whatever happened to his vault of unused music?


Still there; still being squabbled-over by his heirs….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s up! Go watch Dr. Shiva if you missed his awesome speech. It was supposed to be 15 minutes, but it was RIVETING, and he went for 30 and just made Mike Lindell’s day!


W, did you see this? I posted on UTree (on thread from Aug 04)
Covid and the Vax are meant to kill long term, not short term
Saw this one (

It comes from:

Covid and the Vax are meant to kill long term, not short term
Here are some actual FACTS about the vaccine and COVID-19 with sources. Save the post, save your loved ones.

COVID-19 is a virus that contains two spike proteins, S1 and S2. The virus itself does some harm, which is different than than the damage the spike proteins do.

So, lets talk about the virus first. The virus functions similar to malaria mechanical function inside the blood. It rips the hemes off of your hemoglobin, making your blood not be able to transport oxygen to your organs. This is why COVID causes organ failure, and low oxygen levels. This is also why Hydroxychloroquine works against it, it prevents your hemes from being torn off your hemoglobin. When your hemoglobin is ripped apart, you end up with free floating hemes that are toxic as well as radical Iron particles in your blood that your liver must remove, and when your liver gets overloaded, it is processed in the lungs, resulting in lungs becoming inflamed and filled with fluid. This is also why ventilators don’t work, people are breathing fine, they are low on oxygen because they are low on hemoglobin, and no amount of mechanical breathing can increase the amount of oxygen the blood can absorb without hemoglobin.


Now, on to the spike proteins. When you get infected with COVID, the spike proteins go around infecting certain cells and injecting viral RNA (set of temporary instructions) and duplicating the virus. It takes about 1 week for your body to recognize the virus is bad and evoke a immune response. When your body does this, it sends a bunch of monocytes to kill the infected cells. The spike proteins are eaten by the Classical Monocytes and SHOULD be destroyed inside of them, and then the monocyte will undergo apoptosis (die). This is working for the S2 protein, but not the S1. The S1 protein is being eaten by Classical Monocytes, but it is making the Monocytes change into Intermediate, and Non-Classical monocytes, and the S1 protein is NOT BEING DESTROYED in them, so they are refusing to undergo apoptosis. A monocyte should only live for 1 day to 1 week, but the Non-Classical Monocytes with the S1 protein in them are not dying for up to 15 months or more. Dr. Bruce Patterson is leading the research on this.

So, even after your body has killed off COVID-19 inside of you, you have a bunch of monocytes presenting the S1 protein. These monocytes with the S1 protein can pass through the blood-brain barrier, and go anywhere in your body. They are causing vasodilation (increased size of blood vessels) throughout peoples body, inflammation of blood vessels, and nano clotting, especially in the capillaries. These nano clots and inflammation can cause heart attacks, fatigue, and all sorts of other problems. This is what is called Long Haul COVID.


…cont 2
So, remember, what the virus does, and what the spike proteins do are 2 different things. But, your body only responds by creating antibodies that will recognize and destroy the spike proteins (which neutralizes COVID’s ability to replicate within the body, thus killing COVID). But the spike protein symptoms (vasodilation, inflammation, and nanoclotting) are not what the virus does (destroying hemoglobin).

NOW, to the vaccine. The vaccine injects either an adenovirus, or graphene oxide (toxic to humans in high doses, but processed by an enzyme from the lungs in 2-3 weeks usually) into your body.


…cont 3
The vaccine either had spike proteins in it (Pfizer and Moderna) or causes your cells to begin producing spike proteins via mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Astrazeneca, all of them but Novavax). This causes your body to have an immediate immune response and begin producing antibodies against the spike proteins. This does make your body effectively immune to COVID if it worked properly. But it doesn’t for 1 reason. The S1 spike proteins being eaten by your Classical Monocytes are being turned into Non-Classical monocytes (which should die in 1 week or less normally) that are not undergoing apoptosis, and therefore never dying. These S1 presenting monocytes are going throughout the body and causing serious damage, and hurting your immune system.

Last edited 3 years ago by K1tt7-fzn

…cont 4
IF YOU COULD FORCE YOUR NON-CLASSICAL MONOCYTES TO UNDERGO APOPTOSIS, the vaccine would work properly. Bruce Patterson suggests using several drugs in his protocol to achieve the goals. Ivermectin kills the virus, Statins prevent the S1 protein presenting Monocytes from attaching to your cells, and several drugs (including nicotine) can induce monocyte apoptosis. When the S1 presenting Non-Classical monocytes undergo apoptosis, the S1 protein is destroyed, and the nano clotting, inflammation, etc. go away. This is also why smokers have been shown to test positive for COVID symptoms 80% less than the general population, the nicotine effectively renders them immune to the effects of the S1 protein, and thus most of COVID’s symptoms.


The reason for war against vaping then. They’ve known.


Having been a pipe and roll up smoker all my life, the crazy price of tobacco forced me onto vaping and I’ve often wondered if my constant input of nicotine had any effect on killing germs.


That would be the propylene glycol killing the germs if indeed that is what it does. I’ve long suspected the fog machines the Chinise used were this. Also notes there was never a story to explain what the fog was. Also there are foggers but all the information is now vague as to what they do and what they use.

There was a study done early last century that claimed just that.

From my notes:

Nov 2009 story referencing a 1942 study. “The researchers also found that “the propylene glycol itself was a potent germicide. One part of glycol in 2,000,000 parts of air would–within a few seconds–kill concentrations of air-suspended pneumococci, streptococci and other bacteria numbering millions to the cubic foot.”

This next site has multiple pages of stories so picked the first one I saw with info on this which was page 2.

Anyway, maybe we get double benefit by not ditching the vaping like they wanted us to (though my nicotine level that I order is on the low side 6mg./0.6%Nc) Heck as I cleaned up this note I even had a rant about Greta Thornburg doing an infomercial radio spot about the dangers of vaping. Should tell us all we need to know right there.


Thanks for that info. Strangely enough I went into town to stock up today, get 10 at a time and was grumbling because they only had 12mg instead of my usual 18mg.


Maybe if went above 6mg I wouldn’t vape every minute of the day. 😎


Wow yes, got the original article up from Time.
Fire up the Fog Machines

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – good stuff. Let me explain why I was somewhat leery of this whole thing, but then figured out which parts are OK.

The stuff about hemoglobin was an early internet speculation and proved very quickly to be bullshit (IMO). All of the things being alleged to that theory are better explained by the vascular immunological stuff.

So when I saw all that, I rolled my eyes, and suspected that the rest was just as much a pastiche of crap theories. HOWEVER, I watched the video included about RANTES, and listened to Bruce Patterson. That changed my mind about MOST of what he’s saying.

OK – now – he has a couple of “establishment big pharma-endorsed virological and immunological misconceptions” about prior immunity that are unrelated to his interests – not a problem but they made me skeptical. However, “in his zone” I think he’s solid. So I listened to the whole thing, and then found his OTHER video which is where he backs up the assertions in what you included.

SO – bottom line – very useful stuff. I’ll have more to say later. Gotta break off now, but thanks. I will be able to integrate most of this stuff into my thinking soon and quickly, because he’s basically fleshing out details on the spike protein.


…cont 5
So, now, does the vaccine work, and why is COVID and its variants killing people still? Simply put, as your body is introduced to more and more COVID virus (or vaccines) your body begins building a larger and larger reservoir of very harmful S1 presenting Non-Classical Monocytes, that will eventually kill you. So, if you had COVID, you have a reservoir already. If you get the vax, now you have even more. If you get a second vax, or encounter people with COVID, you get even more and more, until you die, unless you do something to induce apoptosis in your Non-Classical Monocytes.

So yes, the vaccine is not useless, it does immunize people against COVID, but it destroys their immune system by creating a reservoir of S1 protein presenting Non-Classical Monocytes that reduce the body’s ability to produce antibodies to fight off future COVID infection. If you induce apoptosis in your monocytes, then the vaccine works, and is not overly dangerous. As it is right now, the vaccine is immunizing people against COVID, but then putting their body in a state that it can’t fight off COVID, as well as many other pathogens. In addition, the vaccine can kill you, either immediately (via blood clotting), or long term via your reservoir of S1 presenting Monocytes. But COVID can do the latter if you are exposed to enough viral load, even over months or years.

TL;DR Buy some Ivermectin and Nicotine Lozenges and you can survive COVID-19 without vaxx or any side effects.


Thank you for bringing those to us, K1tt7-fzn.

Concerned Virginian

Putting a few things on the table:
One — since it appears that the “vaccines” have ONLY a true efficacy rate of 42%, it would then appear that one has a 58% CHANCE OF GETTING COVID as a “breakthrough infection” from the “vaccines.” And that each succeeding “booster shot” will likely DEGRADE that 42% true efficacy rate FURTHER.
Remember that on July 28, 2021, Mikael Dolsten, the Chief Scientific Officer of Pfizer-BioNTech, stated AT THE EARNINGS CALL MEETING (transcript was leaked by The Motley Fool website) that the Pfizer-BioNTech “booster shot” aka their “third dose” will contain AS MUCH AS 100 TIMES the spike protein as what is contained in their “2-shot vaccine” dosages?
How much MORE damage will 100 TIMES the amount of spike protein do to the ALREADY-compromised immune systems of the “vaccinated”?
And what about the FDA “approving” the use of the “booster shot” on people who have PRIOR immune compromised status (people with RA / with MS / with HIV / with Cystic Fibrosis, and other conditions?
Two — if it is indeed the situation that COVID, in some form or variant, is going to be around for an indefinite amount of time, perhaps people need to think about taking HCQ / Ivermectin / Zinc (and possibly nicotine gum or lozenges) for an indefinite amount of time.
Three — And what about the loved ones and/or close friends who are “fully vaccinated”, who plan on getting the “booster shot”, and who reject anything else because they “follow the science”? If it is indeed the case that the “vaccines” and the “booster shots” will continue to degrade their immune systems; and if it is indeed the case, per Dr. Luc Montaigne, that “vaccinated” people will die within a few years due to their immune systems being destroyed by the “vaccines”, how do the “unvaccinated” come to terms with this?

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Tags on. Concerning the way people take Ivermectin & Zinc.

Currently you take it as a prophylactic dosing often or you save it for therapy and only use it for when you have symptoms of CV.

A third way would then might be as a maintenance dose. If you do the prophylactic thing you would not concern yourself with it, it’s happening.

If you do the therapy thing you might consider a maintenance dose, by doing an occasional dose once every few months or so (I believe a dose would be considered some one day and wait a few days and take the some more).

Anyway just a thought given my preference not to have a lot extra stuff in the body, that way I have room to ramp up when concerned rather than already being at the highest tolerable doses.

Gail Combs

I prefer to go with vitamins & minerals and herbals daily that I have already suggested. Then if you get the throat tickle ramp up the Zinc & C (separate by at least 1/2 hr) and the green tea or elderberry or blueberries….

Quercetin is a fabulous bioflavonoid antioxidant found in many healthy foods including apples, onions, red wine, cocoa, dark cherries & berries, grapes, leafy greens & broccoli, beans, green teas, elderberries, sage, gingko biloba, and even St. John’s Wort.”

I would save the ivermectin for when I did not recover quickly or I felt the virus head for my lungs.


I agree entirely with this course of action.

Save the “big guns” for when you are SICK. Use the vitamins and supplements to maintain your immune system so you rarely GET sick.


I plan on going with the ivermectin as soon as I am actually sick… in 2 degrees of fever. Not going to wait for it to head for anywhere or grind on me for any length of time.




Thank you for your post. 🙂
I saw a natural healer type Dr who suggested putting a table spoon of coco sugarless in green tea, He added honey but I would not for myself.
I need to try this after taking zinc.


“So, now, does the vaccine work, and why is COVID and its variants killing people still? Simply put, as your body is introduced to more and more COVID virus (or vaccines) your body begins building a larger and larger reservoir of very harmful S1 presenting Non-Classical Monocytes, that will eventually kill you.”


So if you have taken the Clot-shot, it sounds like the life saving treatment is “Smoke up, Johnny!”

And if you didn’t smoke before… well, you do now.


You can buy nicotine gum and skip the burning of your lung tissues.
I’m just concerned that I’d like it a little too much.
That stuff is addictive!

Sadie Slays

Here’s the screenshot if anyone cares. I strongly believe they’ve been hiding the benefits of tobacco for decades. Did you know that tobacco increases white blood cells, increases testosterone, is a natural MAOI, and is an effective natural treatment for schizophrenia? And that was before the “might kill COVID spike protein” rumors. No wonder Big Pharma hates it.
comment image

Previous discussion about nicotine and COVID. I linked to a bunch of papers and articles about COVID and nicotine here:

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays
Deplorable Patriot

And some of us are still allergic to tobacco.

What’s deadly is probably all the rest of the stuff they put in tobacco products.


Biggest warning about tobacco is the amount of pathogenic microbes that are found in cigarettes. I don’t think it is just because the leaves are dried in almost a fermentation type process. I think something else is going on.

So, you burn the lung tissues and then introduce microbes via the inhalation of the smoke. Not super good for germ fighting.


I grew my first few tobacco plants this year. I am not a smoker, but I may try a bit medicinally.


Hopefully you planted them well away from your tomatoes.




Susceptible to the same plant diseases. Can cross-infect.


I just went and read about that. Interesting. They are not very far apart. I haven’t had any issues so far, but I will be watching now! Thanks!


Where did you get them??? I’m looking to get some seeds for next year.


I got my seeds from a Montana company called The Good Seed Company.

They are online. I love her philosophy. She wants to put herself out of business because people are saving seed and don’t need her anymore! I got to spend a while talking to her one day when she was stocking seed here in a local store.


My mother smoked way into her eighties never had lung problems or heart problems or high blood pressure.


Dan Crenshaw stabs us in the back…again.


BREAKING: Dan Crenshaw Tells Republicans ‘Don’t Kid Yourself’ Into Believing Trump Won, ‘Absolutely Not’ A Stolen Electioncomment image

…………..From the article:

Establishment Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) said tonight at a GOP fundraiser in Illinois that Republicans shouldn’t “kid” themselves into believing that President Trump won the 2020 election, and there was “absolutely not” enough voter fraud for Biden to have won illegitimately.
………………More at link.

WTF, Crenshaw!? You idiot!
 😠  😡 

Sylvia Avery

Oh heck. He was already on my list. Now this. I am all out of patience with this crap. Is he on the take from the Chinese? Whatever, get the hook. His time is done. We don’t need people like him in Congress.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s a DOPE and he needs to be called out for it.

Brave and Free

He’s McStain 2.0 hiding behind his service.
More than likely eyeing the governor spot in Texas.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Crenshaw is a nice guy, but he’s a DOPE who has survived on VIRTUE SIGNALS BOTH WAYS.

He carries the Wounded Vet card – which I respect – but only to face value. I will NEVER let anybody overplay it against me. A TRAITOR who speaks the truth will be recognized as telling the truth, and a HERO who lies, fibs, or is just plain WRONG will be called out.

The VET CARD buys nothing but respect from me. NOTHING ELSE. It pays ZERO on REALITY CALCULATIONS.

Crenshaw is a PUTZ for virtue signaling to LEFTIST BILGE in return for FALSE RESPECT from the left. If he’s not smart enough to figure out that NOT ONLY was the election stolen, but HE has likely benefited from false elections precisely in the hopes that he would drop into the McCain slot, then REPLACE HIM with a REAL PLAYER LIKE SHIVA.


Ask any active duty soldier from Texas what they think of Crenshaw. 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It’s been scrubbed but Crenshaw was on WEF “rising stars” page with Tulsi Gabbard and others around 2004.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that does it. That puts Crenshaw on the side that left ME a “wounded veteran” of the FIRST WORLD INFORMATION/BIOLOGICAL WAR.

The WEF-CHINA-DNC axis is not a good side to be on, Danny Boy.

Sadie Slays

I knew this fool was trouble as soon as they put him on SNL. They don’t allow you on TV if they believe you’re a genuine threat.

Concerned Virginian

Methinks that possibly Rep. Crenshaw sees himself taking the Oath of Office as Vice-President in January, 2025? It’s possible the RNC may be “negotiating” a potential 2024 ticket of Pence – Crenshaw.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Boy, they’re out of touch on most conservatives right now if they think that having a veteran on the ticket is going to get them automatic votes. We’ve had to swallow the bitter pill that not all veterans are America first or even truthful. The 2 latest knives in the back were from Stewart Rhodes ( and however many of his followers) and the BR coffee guys .

PLUS..Pence???? Never

Gail Combs

Don’t forget McStain the ultimate RINO TRAITOR!


Imagine voting for those devils. NOT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d vote the Demoncrat to force a civil war.


RNC/GOP has NO CLUE what will sell to Americans.

pence IS history. pence’ popularity is on par with Hoe, maybe 1%. After pence caved, ONLY Dominion could get him faux elected.

Everyday I am incresingly pissed at everything RNC/GOP.


The subject matter is bad enough, but what kind of school board runs meetings like this where they meet, while the public waits outside in order to address the school board?
That is not America.


A school board that wants to be replaced?


Fix 2020 or voting matters not.


Grandma, you are stating my biggest fear; voting doesn’t matter anymore.

I don’t believe it’s getting fixed. I don’t see it.

We are shouting up into the choir while the sinners are partying in the bar over the county line.

I don’t know how it is possible to reach them. They’re all drunk; on “free” money, Covid-mania, petty political power, and fear-adrenaline.

I try to keep hoping, but it looks pretty grim to me right now.


Grandma, you are stating my biggest fear; that voting doesn’t matter anymore.

I don’t believe it’s getting fixed. I don’t see it.

We are shouting up into the choir while the sinners are partying in the bar over the county line.

I don’t know how it is possible to reach them. They’re all drunk; on “free” money, Covid-mania, petty political power, and fear-adrenaline.

I try to keep hoping, but it looks pretty grim to me right now.


A double-post – well done!

(Just having a bit of fun, I hope you smile with me!)

Voting matters more NOW than ever.

The HOPE derives – in significant part – from seeing how absolutely BATSHIT the behavior of the Enemy (and its minions) has become.

It is THEY who are deathly afraid!!!

When one misidentifies the target, all arrows miss their mark. We are OUTING the evil, and once it’s identified for what it is, it won’t take all that long to defeat it.

Take a walk, perhaps – clear your mind, revel in the glory of nature, and get re-balanced. The stress of fear is often worse than the source of fear itself …


Haha! I haven’t done that in a long time! It just didn’t seem to post at all.

I am working hard to re-balance. Dealing with a couple of people in my world right now who are losing their shit. Feels contagious sometimes.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Armour Up Dear Aubergine.🙏🙏🤗🤗💖💖


: )



Put on your oxygen mask first, take care of the others later.
Blessings and peace be yours.


I could not respond to any comment for a long while. Had to go away for awhile. I also think my computer got hacked. Brave opens to Google.. lots of windows opening and closing, etc. Husband is gonna look at it later.


Last edited 3 years ago by grandmaintexas

People are having computer problems all over the place right now! Sorry you are, too.

Gail Combs

In town had a nice talk with a Black lady. SHE SEES IT TOO!

Biggest problem that many Christians see it as “The End Times’ and are therefore not interested in fighting. 🙄 That makes me SOOOoo angry!

If you can SEE the evil then get up and FIGHT DARN IT! Don’t just moan about End Times and you can’t do anything. — I think this is the ROT the CCP preachers are spreading here in the USA BTW.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

EVERY generation of Christians in history has been convinced the end times were coming soon.

Nearly 2000 years and counting.


So true.


Christ was clear we would not know the day or the hour. Not even the Son, but the Father.

To refuse to fight is cowardly. Don’t get me going on the Rapture.


I’ve seen people really go on a rant about how the end times books by Hal Lindsay did more to remove the salt and light of believers from our nation than anything else.


Jesus instructed us.
“Occupy until I come.”

Our Father …


Our local school board has not had an in-person meeting in over a year. Pisses me off no end. COWARDS!


Hopefully the curricula is not contaminated with woke-isms.


For sure!


Even though this is powerful, I would like to see this angel stand up, dig her heels in, toughen up and say, ” I am quitting, but I and several of my associates are opening up a private school one block from the current school. We will offer homeschooling or whatever it takes to bypass your BS! Merica, beeches!”

because faux bidden didnt win


Then there’s this Kennedy clown POS

Deplorable Patriot

As time goes on, some of the Kennedys are going to prove to be alright.

This one married in.

Not the same.

Nikki chico737

Deport his ugly -ss … 😃👍🏻‼️


Some yes. Seems to be a divide in the family.


Hasta la vista, baby!

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a little communist girly man! 😂🤣😂🤣


Smart lady.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ironically, I’m pretty sure Pfizer is better than 42% on next-day abortion / day-after pill effects.


Lin Wood
The two-party system in America is alive and well.

One party is made up of Democrats, RINO Republicans and the Deep State.

The other party is made up of Trump supporters fighting for election integrity.

“There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.”
– Ulysses S. Grant


Mike Lindell is the definition of the American Success Story. He is a national hero and someone who I have enormous respect for. If you’re not blown away by his cyber symposium, you’re not watching what I’m watching. My single biggest ask is what’s next? So much corruption, incompetency and criminality displayed by election officials across the nation (both sides of the aisle), but we’ve been here before (God knows I have)…and still no accountability (at least not yet). Where are the politicians who actually have a backbone? Stand up and Step up and do something to save our election system and our nation from turning into another corrupt and Godless Socialist State…We The People want action!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THANK YOU! There are at least SOME who see the truth.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

There are supposedly people (legislators?) from 49 states in that room. They have the power to hammer their states for forensic audits. We have the power to hammer our own legislators.


Elon Musk frequently feels like he’s in a Dilbert cartoon.

Let’s hope that Scott Adams sees this and takes him up on it.

Sadie Slays

They’re telling us their plans again.
comment image


Sylvia Avery

Hmmm………..let’s see………….I KNOW! They could tattoo barcodes on our forearms!

Sylvia Avery

I think you’re right.

Deplorable Patriot

My skin is finally clearing up in various places, and somebody wants me to make a mess of it?

Yeah, no.


You really want to get spooked? Do a little study on the Greek word ‘mark.’

For starters:

Cuppa Covfefe


Sort of like NXIVM…

Practice run there?


“Hmmm………..let’s see………….I KNOW! They could tattoo barcodes on our forearms!”


Except not mine.

My forearms are fine, just the way they are 👍😁

Sylvia Avery


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you – it shows they’re going nuts.


Andy Jackwagon: “If people who go out and buy fake vaccine cards get COVID, do they expect someone to put them on a real ventilator?”


Ventilators don’t help with Covid, they kill people, you stupid jackwagon 😂 🤣 😂

But yeah, now that you mention it, I DO expect them to put someone on a ventilator, regardless of whether they had a fake vaccine card or not.

Not because they’re trying to help the patient, they’re trying to kill the patient.

But most of all, because the hospitals make MONEY for prescribing ‘ventilator treatment’.


FDA approval.

Deplorable Patriot

Three and a half weeks.

A lot can happen in three and a half weeks.


Obviously they have whatever it is already prepared for roll out. 3 1/2 weeks is specific not general.


It’s when Congress comes back into session.

I think that’s why the timestamp is so specific.

And it won’t all get done in a day, either …

Gail Combs

“If people who go out and buy fake vaccine cards get COVID, do they expect someone to put them on a REAL ventilator?”


What I want is EARLY TREATMENT with drugs that WORK!

100% effective ———- 97.9% effective ——– 74.2% effective
Ipratopium bromide — Ipratopium bromide —– Ipratopium bromide
Clindamycin————– Clindamycin ————- Azithromycin
Primaquine————- Not Administered ———Not Administered
HCQ…………………… HCQ………………………HCQ


Wow and when I talked with teledoc in Winter of 2020 I specifically said, “my experience with sinus issues is that Clindamycin “works” more often than not.” And it did help with symptoms, but did not clear it. Pepcid AC was what finally rooted out the deeper levels.

I wonder if Pepcid helps remove those circulating monocytes that the spike proteins are supposed to keep alive too long? Much preferred to nicotine for me.


Do you get queasy at the thought that milk-based products like butter, cheese, whipped cream, and shakes might involve squeezing a cow?

Not to worry! Some geniuses are working on using cloned milk producing genes to produce synthetic milk from bacteria!

Only the finest genes will be used, from the most productive and tasty dairy breeds……and potentially your sister…..

Deplorable Patriot


Gail Combs

They pull that shit, I am going to start milking my goats. I already have the milking stand and Caprine Supply has milkers for homesteaders if you do not want to do it by hand.

Nikki chico737

I’m with DePat on that one, totally barfy 🤢.
I stick with my blue jeans .. I know where they’ve been .. seriously only nice places and laundered regularly ..

… 🙂 …

Back to reading, take care .. God bless


Ewwww. Dont mess with dairy.


Concerning the Dan Crenshaw vid. I’ve little doubt that he’d say such. He’s not been supportive of President Trump at all concerning the election steal. However is that really him in the video? No beard, hard to say for sure. He was wearing a beard at the end of July. Haven’t seen any pictures without it yet. Meanwhile there is no denial from his twitter feed or elsewhere but the vid was just posted. Also only a few hole in the wall sites I’ve never heard of are covering the story. Yet the mannerisms seem somewhat like him. And yes, give us a challenger by all means but on the fence that this is real.


It’s really, really, simple. Crenshaw IS Uniparty. One of THEM. NOT a Patriot. Has nothing to do with his Service.

Video, real or not smacks of chaff. Have not watched the Crenshaw video. Saw what he reportedly said. NOT surprised.

Next Crenshaw will be on stage with that Cheney wench.


Agreed. He spouts off on things that you can’t measure. Now I hope someone does Chuck Roy, They are neighboring districts and both follow in John Coryn’s foot steps.


These guys are as communist as the dems.


“Putin’s tubby ‘traitor’ isn’t exactly James Bond! Short, fat, bald security guard with ‘extreme right-wing views’ – who drives a Ford Fiesta not an Aston Martin – is revealed as man accused of being Kremlin spy in UK’s Berlin embassy”

My view only, on the limited information. The DM is as much fake as any other. I find it interesting they think this persons political viewpoint is remarkable, in a right/left context.
Being that the UK and EU are inexorably globalist, it could be this “spy” saw Russia as as a nation that was resisting the great reset.


DM is fake fake fake. I read it for the intentional misinformation to see what narrative the overlords are pushing.


Exactly, they an their like serve to indicate the direction they want to herd us and give some forewarning.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s no accident that they’re called “The Daily Fail”…


When I am directed there from another site, I appreciate the pictures, seriously. No American media supports their reporting with as many photographs.

Cuppa Covfefe

I NEVER ONLY look at the pictures 🙂

Sadie Slays

“A woman’s fully vaccinated father died from Covid-19.

Doctors said the condition of the father could have been worse if he was not vaccinated at all.”


Now that’s funny… it doesn’t matter who you are… 😂 🤣 😂


No kidding!

What the hell is wrong with these people? I ask in all sincerity.

HOW is it possible that people have gotten THIS STUPID?

Have they put something into the water?

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, they’ve put something in the water. It’s called sodium fluoride. Neurotoxin that attracts aluminum, etc., and keeps the people consuming it docile.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Industrial waste. Over here they put it in salt, along with Iodine, which is downright crazy, as toothpaste is fluoridated. At least they don’t put it in the water over here.

On the other hand, it’s all but impossible to get Iodine OTC as tablets. They’re available on prescription (of course), but OTC it’s ususally only available as part of a compound, which then costs more, and ends up with other vitamins/minerals that aren’t needed… Money grubbers…

And in south Germany Iodine deficiency is rampant, lots of goiter(s) in the area around the Black Forest, for instance. B12 and D are also low, as is Magnesium…


From what I’ve read (who knows), it’s the WRONG TYPE of fluoride which is doped into the municipal water supply, and doped into toothpaste.

>>”Industrial waste.”<<

Yes, most likely true. It fits the overall pattern.

Deplorable Patriot

hence why I’ve taken to drinking spring water. It may have fluoride in it, but it’s natural.

Gail Combs

It is why I carry my own well water. Well is over 300 feet deep and the water is very tasty. I am drink a glass right now as I read comments.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Isn’t that kind of hard to carry around? 😆

(ducks flying water buckets, pumps, filters, etc. )…

[Seriously, that must have been an adventure to drill, 300+ feet deep…..]….

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

Nope, I have a PICKUP truck. 🤓

Valerie Curren

I LOVE the well water at my parents’ cottage & the hunting shack!!!


Yikes! Glad I filter my water!

Sadie Slays

Whatever is going is beyond mere brainwashing. I’m not convinced it’s coming from anything human.

Cuppa Covfefe

The delusion at the end of the age….


Gotta wonder, Sadie. Something feels very deeply “off” and evil about what is currently happening.

Gail Combs

Do not underestimate the astonishing cruelty lurking in humankind.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

What’s worse than death, MORON??

Sadie Slays

Ted Lieu scandal. The Twitter account that broke it has already been suspended.

comment image

Concerned Virginian

Looks like Rep. Lieu sent the “down payment” for his son to get into Stanford while the child was still in high school?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is EXACTLY what happened to Dr. Shiva. This student could join Shiva’s lawsuit. There is NO WAY that this didn’t occur without some government official complaining to Twitter through their “Trusted Twitter Partner” interface.



How long before shops start having two prices on things.
Or put all prices up and show your jab papers to get a 10% refund.


LA approved vaxx passes. LA county is now going to do it but hasbt approved yet. Their excuse is its “immoral” to not have the shots.
Never any protests about it ever.

Cuppa Covfefe

Moloch is laughing…

University students are of child-bearing age.

I guess the Wesleys are rolling in their graves over this. Then again, all of the Wesleyan institutions are neither Wesleyan nor, indeed, Christian anymore. They’re worshipping the beast just like everyone else in academonia….



Where in God’s name is the comet?

Nikki chico737


… 🤨👍🏻 …

Valerie Curren

Hubby heard/read/watched? that Pelosi is stepping down before the Mid-Terms! Hope that’s actually legit news. He said it was from something like America 247…

Nikki chico737

That harridan has three things she WILL do:

1. Pay taxes … /sarc
2. Die, and
3. Stand before Jesus Christ in judgment and answer for what she did

… 🤨 …

Valerie Curren


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The Atlantic ran an article. I considered it stupid of them to report on the obvious.🙄 Of course she’s leaving when we take back the House!

Valerie Curren

Nice! Ridden out of town on a rail, preferably–though using the word “ridden” w/ her &/or the Hildabeast is a huge stretch 🙂

Concerned Virginian

AFLDS is overwhelmed with requests for HCQ/Ivermectin. Got a text message from them at 4AM today, cancelling my telehealth consult request and refunding the charge due to “overwhelming demand and long wait times.” Text said for me to start the process with them all over again. Nope — just contacted an MD listed on the FLCCC website for teleconsult for Ivermectin. Putting this out there so it’s part of the general information pool.
If one is going to go through FLCCC, might be a good idea to write down the contact information for a couple of the pharmacies that serve your state from their list, to give to the FLCCC provider — especially if the pharmacy will have to send the medicine to you.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

That’s what I did.
Looked up an MD on the list at FLCCC.

Got my son in the next day ….
Got the Ivermectin ($200+ for 10 18mg Tabs) and a few other things…
Melatonin, “Prescription grade” Vitamin D3-50, an Asthma med (“Generic for Singulair”), Aspirin 325mg, Famotidine 200mg.

Pretty much a 10 day supply of the above.

As an aside, I found Durvet Ivermectin Injectable 50 ML on Amazon for appx $40.
I remember reading here that some people take this but can’t find it.
If you are one of those posting about this….
What would be the dosage recommendations for this? (250# person).
Is it safe for Humans?
Any/all info about this would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited 3 years ago by rayzorback

Durvet info — you have to read what is inside on the package insert. Mine has three ingredients, all safe for humans (orally) in the amounts indicated.

Dosage is 1 ml / 50kg weight (110 lbs.). 250# would be smidge over 2 ml.




Which 3 ingredients?


Ivermectin, propylene glycol, and glycerol formal.

And I had to find both the stupid piece of paper and also a magnifying lens because it’s freakin’ microscopic.


lol… Thanks again


It is important for you to VERIFY any information found on the intertubez, even mine. No second-hand beliefs!


Thanks again for your help.

Any others care to chime in on this?

Concerned Virginian

Click on the hypertext IVERMECTIN at the top of the main webpage.


Thank You Patriot!


Thanks, I trust her and have read a lot of her stuff. This info is Invaluable!
Thanks again fellow patriot!

Gail Combs

If worse comes to worse do not forget MOXIDECTIN

I used it topically (by chance) It can be absorbed through the skin


Thanks Gail….. Your Info here is more appreciated than you know.


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings receive and prayers answered!!!


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comment image


Perfect. ❤



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

comment image

Nikki chico737

My area in the “LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE “ had a ugly storm pass through so we don’t have power atm, streets flooded but have since drained. Using my device it has a internet carrier so there’s a ray of sunshine ☀️ 😬. I need to pull back using it though since I don’t have power for recharge .. I’m here for a bit, too many jewels 💎 to gather so take care you magnificent citizens of this free country the United States of America … ONE NATION UNDER GOD, indivisible with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL

… 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 …

Nikki chico737


Nikki chico737

… 🤗😘 … 😃🤚❤️



Nikki chico737

… 😃🤚❤️ …

… ⛈⛈⛈⛈🌩 … 😡 … ⚡️ …

Mother Nature is a mother indeed


And you take care as well!

I know you shouldn’t waste the power to watch this video, but here it is for another time –

Take your time! Do it right!

Nikki chico737

Awwww 🤗😘 .. thanks Em, you sweetheart you … ❤️❤️
I can watch now the power just came back on 😃👍🏻😄🤚 .. oh boy‼️
You gotta love when the appliances beep back into power .. ahhhh it’s miserable muggy hot atm … love fans moving the heavy air 💨💨❤️

Nikki chico737

… well … 😞😡 … in the midst of my “power return “ reverie I heard a POP … 💥 .. and all my happy appliance buzzing .. stopped … ☹️🥺😣🤚 … love y’all .. back to square zero … nuts

Valerie Curren

That’s a serious bummer 🙁

Concerned Virginian

Thank you for posting this link.


Good article, wish others in the medical community would read it


Stunning announcement at the beginning of today’s Symposium.

Attacks, credible threats, etc.

Must watch …


Lindell attacked last night.
He is shaken and says it hurts, but will not quit.

Also raided the house of the Mesa county whistleblower’s yesterday too.


I’m watching on Bannon right now. Can’t get Lindell TV or, and RSBN keeps freezing. Any recommendations?


Use this link to Frank Speech it works:


Thanks. It wasn’t working for me earlier, but it is now.


So I click and it does not open. takes out the xyz. in front of frank and it opens no problem.


Eilert’s link, below.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

comment image


IDPH Launches Online ‘Vax Verify’ System
Check your COVID-19 vaccination record on new immunization portal

Cuppa Covfefe

Sooooo. All the insurance companies, hackers, spammers and DEMONRATS have another means of spying and control…

Step right up for your yellow star…..


Why would he say this, even he believed it were true? But how could he possibly believe it is true? Or is this false reporting?

Last edited 3 years ago by Tonawanda

Why??? Because God is forcing them to reveal their true selves.




The proper perspective.

Thanks, BB.

Gail Combs

AND Crenshaw is OWNED by the CCP…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Virtue signal attaboys from the left are a cheap high. Crenshaw is definitely addicted.


Did you see the WEF page from back around 2004 with Crenshaw pictured as a “rising star?” Tulsi Gabbard was there too.


Excellent point. He is so arrogant in the clip.


Bannon reported the same this morning. Grenshaw said this as I understand he has been like that before .


‘Cause when he lost that eye, he lost half his brain?


Pardon me if this has already been shared 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What I find interesting here is that it LOOKS like Laura plays a game here to get those Fox bucks AND play for Team Patriot, BUT to LOOK to her masters at Fox like she’s playing ball for team UniParty. I think it’s similar to the Tucker game.

She LOOKS like she’s cutting the witness off when he answers the concerns she raises FOR Team UniParty – and if the good doctor would go for one minute longer, he would leave his critics in the dust. But she does NOT give him the time. She looks like she’s playing the Fox rules to cut him off. BUT she got him on here, and so he DOES function “fairly well” for the criticism of the UniParty Death Vax Nuttery.

This is why Fox is bullshit. The patriots actually have to pretend like they’re counter-Patriot sneakers to their bosses there.


Wendy Rogers speaking now …


Yes! They are talking about the AZ audit to inform people about how fraud happened and how people can get their states to conduct audits.


Would anyone who has used my pillow sheets and towels for 4-6 months care to give an endurance assessment?
None of them are inexpensive even with the codes but if theyre holding up I’d like to know. Ty!


I have had my sheets for 4 months and I love them. They are stronger than most sheets. The pillows I had for at least 3 months they hold up. Need to wash them soon to fluff them up or put in the dryer for 15 minutes. My dog fights me for my pillow 🙂
The towels I washed twice they are even better after washing. I like the quality and generous size.
Hope this helps. I would buy more but have more sheets I should have even after sorting out. Same with pillows and towels. I would buy more but family tells me they are flooded.


Thats good. My towels arent as worn out as they have accumulated that dinginess from use on the washcloths and hand towels. I prefer lighter colors so im a bit limited on choice. My sheet sets are really too smal for my bed bc i have a mattress topper. $100 would be the most ive ever spent on a set.


Word to the wise from an unwise a time or two…………………if the sheets aren’t plenty deep for your mattress it’s wasted money no matter how fabulous they are but hey they’ll last forever cause you won’t use them !


Lolololol…they are pioneer woman sheets on a cal king and im tired of fightingbthe bed and mr gil rips the bed apart every time he sleeps. Mommy’s going to get a set soon.


I think right now it is buy one get one free. I am not sure how long the promo lasts. His promo was on Frank speech. I am not sure if Warroom still has it.
The sheets are generous deep pocket.
My towels I always soak in the wash tub sink for a day. The white stays new.
I love white bedding specially in summer.


😀 i love white…other people in this house are too messy though…


My husband is on handholds. That is guys for you 🙂


I agree. I have all the products you mention. Adore the towels.




~Five months use. MyPillows.

King size. On arrival they suggest a 15 minute tumble in dryer. Didn’t use heat, tumble. These truly are the best pillows I have ever used. Likely I’ll buy more and use as Christmas gifts this year.

Travel pillows. Tumbled, but don’t recall if it was suggested to do so. Have used on a few road trips. They are great.

Yea, I realize the request was for sheets and towels. At some point I hope to buy sheets and towels.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Lol. Its ok. I use side sleeper extra firm with a soft pillow as my “topper.” Mr Gil needs a new one bc of neck pain. 2 yrs ago kiddo asked for a my pillow for Christmas. I thought he was kidding but he said he still wants one. Thats an easy gift. 😉


A gift that will be used daily for years!

Gail Combs

Do not forget the prayer pillows Mike made for the little ones.

Children’s Bible Story Pillowcase plus Go Anywhere MyPillow

Wyoming Sheperd

See my reply above. I have had the regular pillows for a while now, but just got the premium and I like it better.



Wyoming Sheperd

I’ll bet I’ve had mine for about a year. They were 2 for under $200.00. I have never opened the other set. I also have the Boll and Branch so I rotate them so not always on my bed. The pockets are deep. I just got the mattress pad not the topper, love it. So the sheets fit my thick mattress plus the pad no problem. I like the sheets but can’t say I like them better than my Boll and Branch which are a bit thicker. However the price is so much better. I also got the waffle blanket ( love it) and I got the premium pillow to see if it was different than the regular. And yes I like it better. Haven’t got the towels yet.


Ty, i need a new mattress pad too. My made in usa 100% is on its last legs. Ah the boll n branch were 200 when i checked…bet those are nice!

Wyoming Sheperd

Yes they are. I probably shouldn’t pay that much but whats more important than your sleep  😉 


Well, when we pay more for things like that and realize its a splurge, we take care a bit better. Its pennies to wealthy people.


Mike Lindell was just handed news that Larry Johnson on Gateway Pundit has reported that one of Lindell’s computer experts now refutes the idea that China hacked our election. Lindell says it’s a lie and that Johnson or the computer expert (not sure which) might be C-eye-A, and they are looking into it. Johnson has also written hit pieces on Lin Wood’s source, Dennis Montgomery.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Lin Wood was attacked by the same guy and he also said that he is a Glowy.

Deplorable Patriot

Somebody else was, too. Jonathan McGreevey, and MANY people pounced on that report as justifying ignoring him even if he has been kicked off of twitter since.

Deplorable Patriot

IMO, Larry Johnson’s reporting has been questionable for quite a while. I hope this is a sting to out him.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️


Alan Dershowitz is speaking now at the symposium. He is addressing the judge allowing the lawsuits to move forward.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Hey DOJ, and all you Liberals,



At the symposium, they are demonstrating how easily extra votes can be inserted into computer systems, by multiple means. It is amazing.


There are so many recent articles on Utree, it might be an idea to have an official muster point permanently nailed to the top for next time they have a go.


Could not get into QTree and did not get the 522 error. It was the more ominous “contact your site manager,” which looked far different. But just got back in here. I guess this is what has been going on. Evil bastards.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, it was down for 10-15 minutes.


OK, guess I over-reacted. The message looked like the one which preceded taking down Vox Day, but now I realize it did not say that the account was suspended.

Deplorable Patriot

No, we’re being attacked at a different level.

Deplorable Patriot

The infamous video.

Nikki chico737

… well .. 🤨 ..

… 😐👍 …


Crenshaw is a filthy traitor scumbag.

I don’t even believe his patch is real.


I think it covers the hole in his head where the brains leaked out.



Deplorable Patriot

Yes. I do not disagree. Just saying we need to teach communication skills more effectively.


Lindell uses “seen” instead of “saw.” “I seen ’em.”

And I’ll take one Mike Lindell over a million Toastmasters. He is the real deal who is sacrificing his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor for this country. I’m not worried about those on the Left, or RINOs, who use his lack of polish as a way to discredit him. His message will overcome theirs because he speaks American, the language of our founding, and we are all in step with that message and cause.

Deplorable Patriot

Please do not take what I have to say as criticism of the man and what he is doing.

This has completely been blown out of proportion.


Please do not take what I have to say as criticism of the man and what he is doing.

I haven’t seen you criticize him personally, just the event, which is tacit criticism of him and of those who had a part in it. Nor have I seen you compliment what he is doing or make any positive comments about what has gone on there. But I acknowledge that I could have missed any such because I’ve been focused on the event.

Their writing [the founders’] is devoid of errors.

The more educated ones wrote well, but Paul Revere’s writing contains a lot of spelling errors, even taking into account that spelling of some words was not set at that time. Yet he is revered today (pun intended, LOL). Andrew Jackson was a notoriously bad speller.

It all should have been taught in high school.

Do you know Lindell’s life story? I don’t think event management was something he focused on. Others here have written about God using imperfect vessels. I am thankful that He does, and that Lindell has the courage to act despite the criticism and his lack of expertise in certain areas.

I have no doubt that you know a great deal about event planning and can see things that could have been done much better. We all can benefit from that kind of experience and knowledge. I think Lindell will learn from this experience and improve. And I’m so grateful that he is moving forward now.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

In this situation, I focus on the STEAK, rather that the “sizzle”.

Reality first; optics are secondary.

And I (and others?) see the value of non-perfect “optics” as a net-POSITIVE – not “rehearsed”, not “produced”, not “gussied-up”.


Truth doesn’t need a varnish … and the Symposium ain’t a “sales pitch”.


Deplorable Patriot

They need to go hand in hand, but that is falling on deaf ears.

Gail Combs

Trump and Lindell are speaking to BLUE COLLAR — SALT OF THE EARTH TYPES — They do not care about diction and grammar, they care about the MEAT.

It is the SMOOOoooth Talking Lawyers (most politicians) and University types who have BETRAYED THIS COUNTRY! I for one will take a ‘hick’ patriot over a smooth talkin’ CCP conman any day of the week.

Deplorable Patriot

Is there a reason why the people on our side can’t learn to speak well?

I’m related to a lot of salt of the earth types who are well read and spoken. I watch videos of a number of people who are salt of the earth and can communicate quite well.


I wonder why you are like a dog with a bone here.

Is speaking well most important…to you?

If so, why?

If not, why do you keep on?


Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Speaking well is important to me. One, I like to understand what is being said. Two, I am an opera singer to whom BEING UNDERSTOOD was drilled into me by one teacher, coach and competition judge after another. Three, my mother is not just an English teacher, but was a speech judge. In our house, proper speech was required, and now that my parents are going deaf more important than ever.

I believe speaking skills should be part of education along with cursive. It develops the brain in ways nothing else does. Plus, I come from a family of Irish engineers where communication is optional (as is closing cabinet doors) and it ticks me off.

It takes practice, yes, and sometimes it is hard. But, really, when one is speaking publicly, one should be in command. I’m waiting to see and hear Dr. Clement’s presentation (it hasn’t been posted on YT just yet) for just that. Command coupled with enthusiasm.


Thank you. I surmised as much.

Gail Combs

Dr Clement is very good.

His rumble channel:

I listened to his videos throughout this summer.

As far as English communication goes, many scientists are TERRIBLE! I have rewritten a PhD thesis for a chemist and done professional reports for various boy friends that were very good engineers but could not communicate to save their lives.

In one factory, the Plant Manager sent EVERYONE to a Community College writing course except me. (I had already taken English as a minor in college and a great tech writing course for continuing education credit towards my ASQ recertification.)

I think texting on phones has degradated the written and spoken use of English even further.


DP, I have been paying attention to all this discussion, but haven’t said much. But I will now.

I have some real, personal experience with speech, language, and how others treat you.

I grew up in the Appalachian South. I didn’t leave until I was twenty-five years old.

I’m pretty smart, and I was accustomed to being treated that way. But boy, when I got outta the South, it was a different story.

Nobody could understand anything I was saying! I mean, LITERALLY. I tried to order an iced tea in a restaurant, and was told over and over, verrryyy sloowwwly, that “no, we don’t have Asti, we don’t serve wine.” Someone had to friggin’ order my damn tea for me!

I also used incorrect grammar, and words that don’t really exist outside of where I grew up.

Long story short, in order to be taken seriously and not treated like a dipshit all the time, I learned how to speak at least decently. I still have a pretty thick accent commented on all the time, but people understand what I am saying, and treat me respectfully.

The point of this whole thing is, I get what you are saying. How you talk affects how people see you, and the respect you command.

I also see what others here are saying. The think this presentation is for the choir, not the sinners outside the church, to fire us all up.

I don’t need anymore information. Actually, I have not watched any of this, because I am already mad as fucking hell with what I do know about the election fraud, and knowing any more just makes me that much madder. And it doesn’t do me a bit of good, because I can’t affect what is happening any more than I already am. I’m GLAD Lindell is doing it, I just can’t take anymore in.

I make the phone calls, write the emails, etc. I would show up at a protest, but I’m in Montana, and life is so close to normal that nobody is protesting yet. If our people come back from Lindell ready to make noise, I’m there. Until then, I wait.

So, for us in the choir, Lindell’s symposium is music to our ears. We don’t care how he says it, just that he is saying it. But I agree with you, others who might be receptive will ignore it if it isn’t “professional.” Because most people would rather “sleep” than swallow the red pill, anyway.


Agree TT… I’ve lived in several places in the US, both coasts and a few cities in between and one thing that I love is regional quirks and language pronunciation that’s unique to each area. Often it’s “bad” English or even so called ebonics, spanglish
I don’t want homogenization.
It’s like when you travel across the country and rarely see any local diners anymore..all interstate stuff is the same fast food joints.


Yes, some of the “bad” English is colloquial usage, which gives color to speech. 🙂 It’s not acceptable in formal writing, and it probably wouldn’t get people very far in certain professional circles (with some exceptions), but it can be fun.


When I speak English people give me compliments and they tell me “they could listen to me for hours”. Now if I could write as I speak well it is not happening in my life time maybe in the next 🙂


That has been the problem to many people chose polished politicians who sold us out. Character counts for me more than polish.
Mike Lindell has done more than most people. He needs help the whole teams need help and volunteers. I was shocked my husband said ” he will volunteer to count ballots if we do it in OH”.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

He looks like a dork without his beard but it might the way he carries himself that he comes off like a dork. Maybe it was not him? Maybe he benefited from the machines?

Deplorable Patriot

Pulling out all of the stops. The pegboard is looking bare these days.


This may be useful for some.

CoVid Resources (

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Totally crazy. Just nuts. They’re attacking the strongest NO WAY head-on.


My husband was at the University library and two small tents were set up where one could get the jab. All they had was a little cooler and it is 90F out. Nursing students were administering the jab no doctor in site. Just think nursing students out there with their little cooler. Are not the vaccines supposed to be kept real cold?

Gail Combs

We keep our sheep and goat vaccines in the frig and then use a cooler while we are administering.




Hard for this Texan to hear about anyone, like Prince, being gone “too soon” when I still regularly jam with my main man Stevie Ray Vaughn.

Factually, SRV kicked Prince’s ass up one side of a guitar and down the other, repeatedly. When Eric Clapton, a bona fide living guitar legend of the 20th century told the world he had to leave backstage for his green room while watching SRV play because he had to follow him onstage and watching SRV was killing his self confidence…and he did…not much more need be said, except no one of EC’s stature ever said anything like THAT about Prince.

That is all.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Basically agreeing here.

Prince wasn’t (IMO) instrumentally skilled – more like “culturally innovative / influential” (a lot of that in a negative way) – which is why he was selected by the Cabal for success.

He had a cross-cultural, biracial appeal – fit right in with that Kalergi-ish plan. I’m not saying that in a negative way – I’m a huge fan of racial reconciliation and amity – my criticisms of Prince and his schtick are more on the “Prince of Darkness” thing that Fake Entertainment was clearly grooming him into. Just like Madonna – the Satanist and pedophile bent of Hollywood is so clear in all their acts, it’s an eye-roll at this point.

Prince was a creation of the machine, IMO. SRV was something much more natural.

Deplorable Patriot

Prince wasn’t (IMO) instrumentally skilled

Oh, yes he was. At concert level in more than one case. Piano, in particular. You don’t compose like that if you don’t know what you’re doing. Both of his parents were professional level musicians. It was in his blood. i know a fair number of people like him, just can’t settle on one thing.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

I agree with you.


…that was great !


Yep. I ❤that performance.




Live at the Aladdin in Vegas – on keyboards.


Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar

So incredibly disrespectful to the rest of the amazing talent on that stage. Grandstanding, egotistical, and arrogant…

…the smallest dick literally, and the biggest dick figuratively in the whole room.

But yeah, he can play a guitar. Just not better than SRV.

And as a person, Prince was a pimp compared to how beloved SRV was by his legendary guitar peers, from Duane Allman to Eric Clapton to BB King and beyond.


I remember EXACTLY where I was when I heard of SRV’s death.

Like JFK, in the generation prior.

Tom Petty gave a nod for him to continue ON, after Prince checked with him to do so. Rewatch it.

That ain’t disrespect – just the opposite.

Have another —–, and good night.


Thats what i wasnt sure about. If petty did that since he was the lead there it mustve been ok.


I froze the vid with Tom Petty at 4:25 – there’s the “ask” look by Prince.

Solos almost always run in 16-bar (bar = counting 1-2-3-4) multiples, and the look comes just as the last scripted cycle is coming to a close. Everyone senses the “end” of the cycle. In this case, Prince was given 2 (or 4) 16-bar cycles, and then looked to Tom for guidance.

That’s what musicians do – they look BEFORE the change happens, to be ready to hit the “one” when it comes.

It’s also a practice of live bands EVERYWHERE, when one must adapt the performance to whatever the audience wants – or what the band-leader wants – to let the LEADER determine how to proceed.

Like stopping on a dime. Band leaders do that, live, sometimes. Woe to the band-member who continues playing – he/she will stick out like a sore thumb!


Ty for explaining that. I have zero music training. I now can understand how solos and jam sessions can go on for e ver.


No prob!

Btw, if you look at Jeff Lynne (I had SO many ELO albums – saw 2 concerts!) AND Tom Petty, just a little later on from that 4m+ mark – you can see them BOTH smiling!

It was fun for all …



That’s not what I was pointing at and I am highly amused by your ignoring it.

Then again I really don’t care.


I understand the grandstanding. I also know these guys choreograph everything in general. So I dont know that he was trying to be a dick there or not. Jeff lynne isnt the nicest guy and he didn’t seem fazed, but we dont know what the said afterwards.
I asked mr gil who is a big music guy and of the mentions bet srv, prince, and clapton, Clapton is his preference. A couple of his all time favorites were/are in Kansas. But, im just saying prince was a skilled musician and composer, not that he wasnt a drug addicted jerkoff . You and nr gil can shoot the s*** anytime about music. I guarantee youd be talking fir hours. 😃


Does no one here know of Dave Gilmore?


What about him?


I had a few friends who liked pink floyd but i have never met many rock people who do. Seriously. Mr gil is a big rock person and does not like them. Its a niche band, despite the popularity over the years, imo.


>>”Prince wasn’t (IMO) instrumentally skilled”<<

No words, Wolf – none.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Relatively speaking. They’re all Mozart next to me. 😉


Give Sleepy Ray a try. Christian blues with a hint of SRV. Texas natives.

Last edited 3 years ago by Itswoot
Valerie Curren

Fun, I mentioned them to FG&C above/below? before seeing your comment. Pretty sure I 1st heard of Sleepy Ray here, perhaps from you! 


I posted some Sleepy Ray songs 3-4 years ago on the open thread at the Conservative Treehouse, so maybe you remember them from that.


Come to think of it, Sleepy Ray sounds a lot like Stevie Ray. Hmm….

Valerie Curren

I think they were friends & played together for a season, iirc…

Valerie Curren

Could be! Whoever shared it caught my eye cause hubby plays so much Stevie Ray.

Valerie Curren

Hubby regularly plays SRV too. There’s also an associated band, Sleepy Ray iirc, that’s a fun “cousin” of SRV, fyi…


The symposium is now addressing the lying CIA Larry Johnson article.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

They need to nail that guy to the wall.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

And Texas went to Trump. Still, Lindell’s data proved they skimmed votes. I was on pins and needles all night seeing all the big cities leading for Creepy. It was the rest of rural TX that pulled the state back to the right. Most worrisome to me and others was the drive through voting Dem Mayor Turner set up in Houston’s NRG stadium parking lots where they were voting 15+ to a car. We need to pass the voting laws to prohibit this drive up BS – In the pipeline now, the reason why Dems fled to DC to stop passage. AND We need this forensic audit. May it be done in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Nikki chico737

… amen … 🙏🏼 … 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, people – I am literally going to change BACK to PAGING right now as a TEST to see if it gives better performance.


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s on, and I’m personally experiencing better performance.


Me three. Just got back and lag is decreased, page loads faster, at least rn. 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Huge difference for me. Shocking!


I like it lots better. I didn’t want to say anything, but I’m REALLY GLAD you changed it back!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Whether it’s “the devil we know” or actually better, it’s certainly helping ME administer the site. I have an actual sense of what is going on, now!


Still a mere *#%§! guest here…


I’m here in name only…guest on all other stuff, no animal spirit and on likes

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We may have a chance to fix that now.


Always been a guest and am grateful for the privilege of being here.


The issue has to do with overcontrollers NOT Wolfie…but don’t let that interfere with your moment.


Not that it matters, but I noticed an improvement immediately.

The single page was wacky all the time, which I attributed to subversion, but maybe it was just wacky.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think JetPack plays nicer with paging for some weird reason.

Gail Combs

Yes, it would seem so, though things are a bit slow. (too many articles open!)

Deplorable Patriot

Just FYI, MonkeyWerx caught spy aircraft and balloons over Sioux Falls yesterday.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just FYI2, I switched fresh pages back to paging to see if it improves performance and experience. It’s working. All opinions welcome.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Refresh and I’m on page 2 where current comments are, Now I know where I am!! Hallelujah!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The pages are much faster and easier.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Fantastic!!! I see same.
It’s not keeping the whole dang thread in the buffer….load more, load more is dragging us down….performance should be improved! One page at a time Sweet Jesus! 😍


hahaha on the Sweet Jesus…I second !

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

  :wpds_smile:   :wpds_beg:   :wpds_oops: 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Likes are sticking right away!


I just came back on and noticed that as I always start from the bottom of the page if it’s not my first visit of the day.
I personally think it’s better like it is now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s very interesting. DonkeyComs.

Deplorable Patriot

They’re afraid. That’s pretty obvious.


Call in the Wolves!
comment image

Gail Combs

ERRRrrrr I think those are coyotes.

YUP image from the article…. ‘Howling Lessons’ PHOTO Of Coyotes: It’s Real And It’s Spectacular (Huff and Puff)


Using their fake cell phone equipment to snoop out all the comms and see how many devices they can get a foothold on.

BTW, they practiced/trained on the camps of the keystone pipeline protesters “standing rock” was it?


I read that you were going back to pages, hit Ctrl end, went to the bottom of the page, clicked more comments, and repeated twice, ended back at load more comments. Finally refreshed, and voila, back to pages world. strange.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Both can be serviced, one is the default! 😃

Gail Combs

Wolfie, all I do is NEVER REFRESH.
I place the mouse on the right slider bar near the top, hit middle scroll wheel on the mouse and I am back near the top.

I can then page down and by placing the mouse cursor on the yellow highlighted comments turn the color off. (You can scroll fast with the mouse cursor to the far right and then go back to a yellow comment when you see it flash by to read the comment and turn the color off.)

That let’s us have both worlds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’ll give paging a day or two of a run again and see what people think at the end of that time. I can tell you right now that my NOTIFIER is functional again. That counts for something, too – users of the notifier should take notice.

Valerie Curren

If I don’t refresh then comments that I make in the notifier don’t appear for me. Makes me wonder if others’ notifier comments aren’t visible either???

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That works wonderful w/pages ON, but you need to refresh every so often if you want to see your comments in the reply chain. New comments are always at the top in yellow.
The no pages was chaos. There was no order, comments were jumbled and you’d have to load more, over and over. Pages are good. For example, I can see midnight to 3pm on page 1. 3-10pm comments on page 2. No more all mixed up on one long continous page, if you refresh you don’t know where you are and you always have to load more. SCCREEAM!! 😜

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“No pages” made it a nightmare for me. Total jumble.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yep, still don’t think I ever saw all of yesterday morning’s comments. And definitely not the day before! But NOW, should I choose to do so, I can go back and they will all be in order. ORDER IS GOOD 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ TYSM for putting pages back. 🥰

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This “vote trafficking” analogy is EXCELLENT.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Here’s the hit on Lindell. Article has a lot of Fake News mixed w/truths. $5 million IS still on table. Dennis Montgomery did/didn’t supply the PCAPS? Who is this Josh Merritt tool? Search on him shows many hit articles that he was Sidney Powell’s failed tech informant. Is he an infiltraitor?

If we weren’t making inroads, the demons wouldn’t keep attacking.

EXCLUSIVE: Cyber expert says his team can’t prove Mike Lindell’s claims that China hacked electioncomment image?09370a3a3ecea57e1c1775175fa7c95c086a718e

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, March 30, 2020. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) ** FILE ** more >

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — The cyber expert on the “red team” hired by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell now says the key data underpinning the theory that China hacked the 2020 election unveiled at the Cyber Symposium is illegitimate.

Mr. Lindell said he had 37 terabytes of “irrefutable” evidence that hackers, who he said were backed by China, broke into election systems and switched votes in favor of President Biden. The proof, he said, is visible in intercepted network data or “packet captures” that were collected by hackers and could be unencrypted to reveal that a cyberattack occurred and that votes were switched.

But cyber expert Josh Merritt, who is on the team hired by Mr. Lindell to interrogate the data for the symposium, told The Washington Times that packet captures are unrecoverable in the data and that the data, as provided, cannot prove a cyber incursion by China.

“So our team said, we’re not going to say that this is legitimate if we don’t have confidence in the information,” Mr. Merritt said on Wednesday, the second day of the symposium.

Mr. Merritt’s break from Mr. Lindell accelerated the unraveling of the MyPillow millionaire’s months of spinning of a conspiracy theory that he said would reverse the outcome of the 2020 election and restore former President Donald Trump to the White House.
Mr. Lindell delayed a scheduled unveiling of his evidence on Wednesday at the symposium.

He had offered $5 million to any in-person attendee who can disprove his claims. The offer is no longer on the table, Mr. Merritt said.

Leading up to the seminar, Mr. Lindell had displayed a video of scrolling, incomprehensible text, which he claimed were the packet captures he had received — proof, he claimed, of his China hacking theory. The video was featured in his documentary “Absolute 9-0” and was played on loop on screens throughout the convention center during the symposium.

Cybersecurity expert J. Kirk Wiebe, a former senior National Security Agency analyst and whistleblower, also said Mr. Lindell did not have the actual data sets.
He said the scrolling text was likely meant to resemble what the packet captures would look like in the data set but were not actual packet captures, which are vital to prove the claims.

Several cyber experts at the symposium became frustrated late into the first day with not being provided with packet captures.

Mr. Merritt and Mr. Wiebe said the missing packet captures could be a result of either the format the data was sent in or they were withheld by the source of the information, Dennis L. Montgomery.

Mr. Montgomery is a former government contractor who developed cyber tools named HAMMER and SCORECARD, which were allegedly used by the U.S. to influence foreign elections. Mr. Montgomery came forward with the data after he said the tools were being used to influence U.S. elections, according to Mr. Wiebe.

Mr. Merritt confirmed that Mr. Montgomery was the source of the data.

But the data Mr. Montgomery sent contains no packet captures and cannot be used to validate Mr. Lindell’s marquee theory, which he planned to unveil at the symposium, said the two experts.

Mr. Montgomery reportedly suffered a stroke on the eve of the symposium and has not been in contact with Mr. Lindell’s team or any cyber experts at the symposium.

He has been behind several other high-profile conspiracy theories, including allegations that U.S. security agencies wiretapped Trump Tower while Mr. Trump was running for president in 2016.

Mr. Montgomery said he presented the wiretap evidence to then-FBI Director James B. Comey, who dismissed the information. Mr. Montgomery later sued Mr. Comey, alleging a cover-up. The lawsuit was dropped.

Mr. Montgomery has also publicly claimed that the 2020 election was manipulated, which former director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Christopher Krebs said was a “hoax.”

Still, Mr. Merritt said, the data did contain important “forensic” evidence of manipulated voters.

“We were handed a turd,” he said. “And I had to take that turd and turn it into a diamond. And that’s what I think we did.”

The symposium organizers unveiled data Wednesday in front of the audience, which they said showed tampering in the 2020 presidential election in Mesa County, Colorado. The presentation was ad hoc and separate from Mr. Lindell’s original claim of a nationwide hack.

Mesa County’s clerk and recorder, Tina Peters, headlined Day One of the gathering. Ms. Peters is under investigation for a potential election security breach from within her office.
Mr. Lindell’s team would not confirm the source of the data used for Wednesday’s presentation.

Phil Waldron who is the leader of the red team, said only a small slice of the data was provided to the red team, just days before the symposium.

Mr. Waldron said the remaining data, not interrogated during the symposium, could contain the packet captures and other data needed to prove China hacked the election. He also said that ample evidence was contained in the data that points to other significant election anomalies, that were just as significant and worth unpacking during the symposium.

Kurt Olsen, a lawyer on Mr. Lindell’s team said there were multiple sources of the data that Mr. Lindell claims to have, and did not confirm that Mr. Mongtomery was the source of the data. He also clarified that the $5 million challenge has not been canceled and that Mr. Merritt would not be privy to that information.

Clarification: The article previously described Mr. Merritt as Lindell’s lead cyber expert. Mr. Merritt is a cyber expert on the red team hired by Mr. Lindell to interrogate the data for the symposium, and does not work directly for Mr. Lindell.

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Deplorable Patriot

What a rat.

Jim Hoft employs this guy?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Who, Larry?

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. I have absolutely no confidence in Mr. Johnson’s pieces. This is the third person with a decidedly pro-MAGA message who has been smeared by him.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I think Jim has a Larry problem.

In the past Larry has been spot on about RUSHA RUSHA, Fib, and other articles. Ex-CeyeA fed up w/Swamp, Building audience trust, seemed reliable.
Then he came at JHTH. He did catch J in one lie about multiple PHDs, a court transcript of J himself telling the judge he has a GED and prison courses. That was a receipt. JHTH says all docs were seized, erased, Uni’s are lying. Larry says this one receipt proves JHTH is lying about everything. Is he? Not necessarily.

Lin Wood is backing JHTH, he must be legitimate, right? Not necessarily. Lin also challenged, prove he’s not lying, KNOWING that they’re not gonna do it – Not worth the innocent’s time/money, guilty definitely not gonna touch it legally, but will definitely discredit w/hit pieces. Lin has a fantabulous reputation of winning, he wouldn’t back JHTH if he weren’t legit, right? Not necessarily. A big part of winning is cause he’s a good BLUFFER. He made a comment on PM that if they proved JHTH wrong, something to the effect of ‘No harm, no foul’.

Larry put out another article a few days ago. Says Justice John Roberts was not on Epstein’s plane (JHTH claim) because he was in court on one of the dates of the flight manifest. Didn’t mention the 2nd date. Are we sure now? Not necessarily.
Larry takes aim at Lindell and Dennis Montgomery today. I thought DM was vetted by Vic Toensig as a legit WB?

A picture is emerging of what looks like Larry doing hit pieces on the WB’s and today by extension Lindell, which is crazy because in the past, Hoft has previously backed Dennis Montgomery and is currently backing Lindell. Is Larry doing work for his old org and guilty pals now on TGP and Jim hasn’t snapped?

Are we all clear now? Not necessarily.
Hoft has a Larry problem. Good to see many people noticing in the comments.

Who’s the 3rd?

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Deplorable Patriot

The piece you posted from yesterday. Mike Lindell.

Gail Combs

Good catch Wolfie.

We have to watch out for the ‘friendly’ BACK STABBERS. There are a heck of a lot of them out there. I have lost tens of thousands of dollars to people I thought were friends but who were nasty CON ARTISTS!


Larry did a hit piece on Mike right after he published his first Absolute Proof video.

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

So he’s def on team UNIPARTY!



Deplorable Patriot

John Here to Help. Dr. Jonathan McGreevy who has, once again, been banned from Twitter.




David Clements spent the weekend with Lin Wood two weeks ago. If Lin Wood were 35 years old, and had so-so experience with the worst of the worst – I might entertain the notion that he could be so completely snowed. At 68, with his track record, not a chance.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

There’s a problem with GP. I have not felt right about them since the Babbitt incident where their reporter was on the scene. As in 5 feet away from her when she fell. JHTH said everyone present was in on it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

God Bless Mike and all those that participated in the Symposium.
comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Deplorable Patriot

Tore Says +
Forwarded from 
James O’Keefe

Fresh off the press: The New York Supreme Court has sided with Project Veritas: Project Veritas will be permitted to depose The New York Times. And for the first time in history, you’ll be right there with us to witness it.

As you know, we sued the Times for claiming our Minnesota ballot harvesting video was “deceptive.” The New York Times attempted to dismiss the case and we won a historic victory when the New York Supreme Court denied the motion, ruling that the terms “deceptive” and “disinformation” apply to the New York Times’ reporters’ actions and claims. The Times appealed and then asked the Court to issue a stay that would effectively prohibit us from depositing the Times until the appeal is resolved – a process that could last up to three years.

The Court today issued a mic drop of an opinion: “Here, having failed to convince the Court that [Project Veritas’] case should be dismissed, [The New York Times] also failed to demonstrate the extraordinary justification required for the imposition of the drastic remedy of a stay pending appeal.” The Court noted that “despite the fact that [the New York Times has] been permitted to file anti-SLAPP motions to dismiss for decades, the [New York Times] here failed to cite any cases in which an unsuccessful moving was granted a stay pending appeal[.]”

Ladies and gentlemen: Let the depositions begin. Stay tuned. We’re about to drop the first New York Times deposition any day


David Clements is speaking now.

His presentation technique should please all …


That was a powerful presentation by Prof. Clamantis at the Lindell’s Symposium.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s the guy’s name! That was a hell of a presentation. And that is my new name for Merrick Garland. VOTE TRAFFICKER!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Is that the law prof with the “vote trafficking cartel” analogy? That was BRILLIANT!!!

Gail Combs

The Professor’s Record with David K. Clements

He is a very very good speaker and has a pleasing voice as well.


He is also the driver behind America First Audit
together with Seth Keshel

His Telegram is this


Thanks for the links. From his Telegram: 😂

The Professor’s Record

In the immortal words of Shakespeare, “Like, I’m really tired dude.”

Thank you for your prayers. I felt them.

God is good. Always.


He’s also been instrumental in connecting caring Americans with the families of the J6 political prisoners. No joke, his effort probably has connected 10’s of thousands of dollars to the needs of these families.

Gail Combs

Yes, he is a VERY GOOD MAN!


Yes. I can just see him making a closing argument in court.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen good reviews.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

They just panned 2x to an image of Mike upstairs and a woman next to him that looked really worried about him, patting him on the shoulder. I got a bad sense. Pray for him.🙏

I believe she is Kendra Reeves, his current girlfriend, who has been opening the daily sessions in Prayer for us.
comment image


Antifa Protesters Burn Flags and Tucker Carlson Photos Outside Fox News, Claim the Network is the KKK


Lindell just called out Hannity, Ingraham, and Tucker to speak up live on air. He said he knows all three of them.


Good for him! Wheat/chaff.


They need to be called out. Challenged to speak truthfully. No censorship.

EVERY so called conservative talking head should be called out until they take a stand supporting America.

Gail Combs

A comment on the amateur nature of Mike’s symposium.

THE OTHER SIDE IS very polished BECAUSE THEY HAVE HAD decades TO ‘STUDY PEOPLE’ and the $$$ to do it. They have the $$$ to buy the BEST professionals money can buy… And ALL of that money (and power) was STOLEN FROM US! And because the power and $$$ were stolen,. WE do not have them available to us.

We are straight up amateurs fighting well financed and TRAINED PROFESSIONALS>

From my old notes.

 Rereke Whakaaro @ Jo Nova’s
July 28, 2015 at 7:38 am · Reply

That takes me back …

The central principle of propaganda, is not to tell direct lies, that can invariably be disproved by research and rational thought, but to create a fog of uncertainty and concern, that strikes at the emotional level, and blurs the edges, thus impeding rational thought.

What is even more surprising, is that I could actually find my old lecture notes in the attic.

I found this rather crisp description in Norman Davies ‘Europe – A History’. Page 500, almost exactly halfway through this brick of a book.

“Theorists of propaganda have identified five basic rules:
1. The rule of simplification: reducing all data to a single confrontation between ‘Good and Bad’, ‘Friend and Foe’.
2. The rule of disfiguration: discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.
3. The rule of transfusion: manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one’s own ends.
4. The rule of unanimity: presenting one’s viewpoint as if it were the unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: drawing the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star performers, by social pressure, and by ‘psychological contagion’.
5. The rule of orchestration: endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.”


Propagandists Use Automated Software to Spread Disinformation

Submitted by George Washington on 03/23/2015 02:30 -0400

ETC Federal Reserve Obama Administration Quantitative Easing Twitter Twitter Ukraine

Rampant Disinformation

NATO has announced that it is launching an “information war” against Russia.

The UK publicly announced a battalion of keyboard warriors to spread disinformation.

It’s well-documented that the West has long used false propaganda to sway public opinion.

Western military and intelligence services manipulate social media to counter criticism of Western policies.

Such manipulation includes flooding social media with comments supporting the government and large corporations, using armies of sock puppets, i.e. fake social media identities. See this, this, this, this and this.

In 2013, the American Congress repealed the formal ban against the deployment of propaganda against U.S. citizens living on American soil. So there’s even less to constrain propaganda than before.

Information warfare for propaganda purposes also includes:
The Pentagon, Federal Reserve and other government entities using software to track discussion of political issues … to try to nip dissent in the bud before it goes viral
“Controlling, infiltrating, manipulating and warping” online discourse
Use of artificial intelligence programs to try to predict how people will react to propaganda
Automated Propaganda

Some of the propaganda is spread by software programs.

We pointed out 6 years ago that people were writing scripts to censor hard-hitting information from social media.

One of America’s top cyber-propagandists – former high-level military information officer Joel Harding – wrote in December:

I was in a discussion today about information being used in social media as a possible weapon. The people I was talking with have a tool which scrapes social media sites, gauges their sentiment and gives the user the opportunity to automatically generate a persuasive response. Their tool is called a “Social Networking Influence Engine”.


The implications seem to be profound for the information environment.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you


Thank you Gail you are very much appreciated.

I marvel the gifts people bring to this site and share so freely.

Why is the other site trained professionals? They are working for government and get paid from our money. Lindell had to put all on line and scrape op the money to fund this.
They are out to finish him. These are ruthless people.
My the braun shirts Antifa attackt him last night. We need to let that sink in.


We are straight up amateurs fighting well financed and TRAINED PROFESSIONALS>”

I speculate that the very same sentiment was making the rounds of taverns and meeting houses in the colonies in 1776. Often times passion and a sense of “being on the side of the angels” overcome money and experience. Time will reveal who triumphs in this regard.

Valerie Curren

Did you say tavern? 😉


A good word to substitute for amateur is grassroots….the “real deal.”


The 5 pts on propaganda is certainly in use. Pt 4 is the easiest, pt 5 has become far more obvious now that people have watched for it. Reminds me if the multiscripted news broadcast. Now medical drs are doing it.


We’re confronted by a neo-Bolshevism in the culture being ramroded by the dominant media and a significant segment of leadership in both government and private enterprise.
We’re in the fight of our lives.
Thanks for the Norman Davies resource, Gail!


COVID Data: Cleaved, Compartmentalized, Controlled, Compromised, Criminal and Cunning
August 12, 2021

Intro: “The CDC, which deservedly ought to be rebranded as the Cons for Disease Criminality, advises that the bulk data sets driving the metrics and decision making processes for the entire country respective to the COVID pandemic are derived from a cohort of only 37 hospitals that have been cleaved away from the 608 hospitals that comprise the standard NHCS survey pool, which typically informs the CDC on disease outbreaks. We spent quite a bit of time on this in the last article – The Obamacare Bedrock of the Fraudulent COVID Pandemic – and we’ll rely on some of that work here because this information is so significant that it deserves its own space.

Getting to brass tacks, here’s what the CDC advises relative to the curation of COVID data. In the first paragraph the broader cohort of 608 hospitals in the NHCS survey pool is cited but in the second, we note how 37 hospitals are cleaved away from the broader cohort of 608 and impacting data metrics substantially.

This leads to many important questions through the lens of fraud like which hospitals are they? Do they exist in particular geographic areas respective to Democratic control, major urban hub populations, federal funding and discretionary funding in the form of grants, etc.? Are they representative of the nation as a whole? Do they include rural hospitals outside of urban areas relative to virology and epidemiology?

More importantly, I’m going on several days of trying to identify the exact list of 37 hospitals ergo why is it so layered, obfuscated and difficult to find? Why isn’t there an embedded and convenient link to identify these 37 hospitals? What is being hidden?
Read this carefully for the discussion that follows.”

comment image

[complete article at the link in the title above]

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

My FrankSpeech feed just stopped. RSBN has the symposium:






Lindell TV just went down



Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium is over the target.

Stay safe out there.


Dunno if it is my Internet or QTree seems to be getting sporadic 404 screens. But quickly recovers.

Multiple pages does seem much better. A couple times I posted, that single page was working well for me. Very responsive today.


I’m gettin’ those, too — when I refresh the page.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Deplorable Patriot

Please, read further. Wolf put pagination back in, and it’s working better when it is actually up.

We’re still under attack.


Yeah, I previously got different error messages. I’ve only gotten 404’s since he put pagination back in.

Then, again, it’s making it easier to collect them all.

Deplorable Patriot

New problem. Water main break. Again. That’s…5 or 6 in 150 feet on a 100+ year old cast iron pipe in the last 5 years.

We may have to press Missouri American Water for our new main.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay…250 feet. Still, I’m glad I got two cases of drinking water yesterday.


They should start figuring it out soon if their records aren’t total garbage.

Deplorable Patriot

The thing is a number of streets in this subdivision got their new mains already. It’s messy and disruptive and they have to dig up the street on one side, etc. BUT, I hear tell there’s so many in the municipalities adjacent to the city that need to be done, that the squeaky wheels get the oil. Or in this case, new water mains.

heck, one MAJOR street, Clayton Road, took YEARS to replace. And we’re talking CRATERs in the asphalt. One day, the main was replaced, and about six months later, the asphalt was dug up from the city/county line out to the innerbelt, about four miles away, and relaid. It was a beautiful moment.


Literally have 32 cases of water. Give a shout if I can lend a hand. 🙂

Have never had main line water breaks. Sounds incredibly disruptive. Wondering, Immediate neighbors also having main line ruptures, or you guys are the lucky ones?

Hope you have rapid resolution.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



We’re all coming to your house!!

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Yes. 32. 36 is my high and 30 low. Rotated, FIFO.

AND plenty of charcoal, gas… Food prolly 10-12 months canned, dry and frozen food, OTC and first aid. Prescription meds nearly at one year,… Three generators.

And yes, ALL Patriots are welcome, anytime.

Read somewhere here to PREPARE. 🙂

Better half thinks I am a bit over the top with preps. On the positive side, rarely anything goes to waste. OTC meds are the likely losses.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

I’m gonna need your address 🙂


Will hand it to you a map when I am in Montana this weekend / next week. 🙂


Back when we learned to SCUBA, it was still in the early adoption phase of dive computers. When I showed up with a dive computer, people would go, “what would if you do if that stopped working?” and I’d lightheartedly reply, “I’d go off the Fiancee’s — we dive pretty close.”

Then they’d lean in for the kill and ask, “what if they both crapped out on you?” and that’s when I’d get a big grin and would pull our third computer out of my BC’s pocket.


Wth? Piecemeal aint cutting it obviously. Id press it.


A while back I asked if there were known ways to deal with poorly folded proteins in the body. Turns out that cataracts are the result of misfolded proteins. And there is a treatment already being tested in dogs.

Note that the cells in the cornea are ENDOTHELIAL cells.
Doesn’t that mean that the spike protein could cause cataracts?

Crystal clear proteins called crystallins
Lens transparency relies on proper folding of structural proteins called crystallins in lens fiber cells. “Most proteins in a concentration of greater than 10 mg per ml in a test tube will result in an opaque solution. But in the lens, we have crystallins present at 300 and 400 mg per ml and yet they are transparent,” said Usha P. Andley, Ph.D., an NEI-funded researcher at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

Andley is working to discover what keeps crystallins stable and properly folded and what causes them to become unstable. As the proteins unravel, like a poorly wrapped ball of yarn, they tend to clump, which scatters light and forms cataract.

Andley emphasized that whether caused by something in the environment, such as UVB radiation, or genes, such as a crystallin gene mutation, “even a slight change of crystallin structure can cause lens crystallins to become unstable.”

Her research has shown that lens opacity caused by a crystallin gene mutation can be reversed by a chemical called “Compound 29” that stabilizes crystallin.7 “It can correct misfolded protein and act like a molecular glue to make sure that the protein stays in a properly folded manner and functions correctly,” Andley said. “This could be the foundation for a safe and effective topical drug treatment for cataract, potentially eliminating the need for cataract surgery.”

The lens offers a model system to biology in general, and insight into other diseases, said Houmam Araj, Ph.D., lens and cataract program director at NEI. For example, the idea of protein misfolding seen in cataract also applies to Alzheimer’s disease, he noted.

Eye drops work for dogs
Dogs may have a topical treatment for cataracts soon.8 “We just completed a clinical trial and found an 85 percent reduction in cataract formation in diabetic dogs,” said Peter F. Kador, Ph.D., an NEI-funded researcher at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Diabetes is a risk factor for cataract in both dogs and humans.

The drug he developed prevents cataract formation by stopping a metabolic reaction in lens epithelial and fiber cells. Kador believes the drug may work in humans.

Deplorable Patriot

Cataracts, though, form on the lens, not the cornea. Both of my parents have had that surgery. And our dear departed Yang had cataracts on both eyes. They were on the lenses, though. It was going to be thousands to have them removed. Drops would have been welcome.


Right. I wrote that in error.
The lens is made from epithelial and fiber cells.


As a side note, “riding the chamber” with hyperbaric oxygen dramatically increases your chance of getting cataracts.


oxidative stress
a favorite tool of our immune system
and all the proposed remedies for cataracts are immune suppressive up til now
it’s almost as if undetected infection of the cells of the lens
could be involved in the change in protein structure

Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots

Something for doggie cataracts that doesnt have cardiac or liver sude effects would be great.

Gail Combs

I hope it works in horses. Appaloosas get cataracts frequently. I have had to put down two mares who went blind.

I also was just diagnosed with cataracts.
Nutrition may play a part too.


Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, plays a vital role in maintaining the healthy integrity of the red blood cells, skin, eyes, and nerves. Riboflavin plays an important role in energy production including cellular function and growth and the metabolism of fats, pharmaceuticals, and steroids.

Some experts view the development of cataracts as a nutritional deficiency. Oxidative stress caused by free radicals seems to lead to the development of opacity in the eye lens. This eventually develops into a cataract as people age. Some studies have shown that high-dose riboflavin (vitamin B2) may be a good preventative for the development of cataracts perhaps because of its role in the metabolism of glutathione. 

One study showed that people who consumed 1.6 to 2.2 mg/day of riboflavin were significantly less likely to develop cataracts. For most people, absorption of riboflavin happens in the small intestine. People take an high-dose of 27 mg or more are likely to absorb only a small amount of riboflavin. The excess is mostly excreted in the urine, but a little bit of it is stored in the liver, kidneys, and heart. College Pharmacy produces a specialized eye-drop for cataracts that contains riboflavin…


Lutein and Zeaxanthin are members of the carotenoid family and both of these compounds are found in the retina and macula of the eye. They function to absorb light from the sun that could be potentially harmful, thereby protecting the lens and other parts of the eye from damage. Studies have suggested that lutein and zeaxanthin may help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. In studies, research participants taking 15 mg-20mg of lutein 3 times per week experienced significant vision improvements. Fruits and vegetables, particularly spinach, collard greens, and kale contain these compounds naturally, but those with cataracts may wish to supplement their diet. 


The lens of the eye is bathed in the liquid known as the aqueous humor. This liquid contains some specific nutrients that are essential for maintaining the health and transparency of the lens. Below are nutrients that may play a role in the development of cataracts:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E (primarily tocopherols)
  • Glutathione
  • Carotenoids – especially Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which form the yellow pigment in the retina and help with the absorption of harmful blue ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
  • Niacin
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Several studies have shown that people who eat diets high in vitamin A have a reduced risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

Webmed: Eat Spinach, Prevent Cataracts?Study Offers New Evidence That Leafy Green Veggies Protect Eyes

I am taking B complex and eating my spinach and raw carrots!


I missed Prof. Clements speech which I hear was brilliant. I am looking for a discrete link. Can anyone find one?

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve yet to see one on YT. Maybe rumble? I’m also interested.


Somebody OT called it an “historic” speech and one of the best he had ever heard. Not on Rumble.

Deplorable Patriot

Found it. Will put it at the bottom of the thread.



Gail Combs

His Rumble page:
The Professor’s Record with David K. Clements

I watched several this summer when I could not sleep.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

He’s also on Telegram.


Not sure if this video got posted yet. Remdesivere not good and other great discussion on what CDC, Fauci new.


First video is creepy also.


Congress people from quite a few states are pledging to proceed with audits. I think they are forming an organization for support. This is a big success of this symposium.

Deplorable Patriot

Not the best videography, but here it is. David Clement’s presentation at the Lindell symposium.

Deplorable Patriot

My grandmother is trying to speak through me about the man’s fashion sense, and I’m trying to stop her.


Please do. I’ve had enough criticism of this event. 😉

Deplorable Patriot

My grandmother had IMPECCABLE taste.

Honestly, if he had just lost the tie and the jacket, a white pinpoint and jeans would have had me at hello.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

He’s been going without enough sleep for months, been fasting for a couple of weeks and traveled on short notice. I don’t care a wit about his clothing at this point. Oh, and as a husband and father of three small children, he’s right now deciding how to deal with a “mandatory” jab edict from the university that employs him. Semester starting very soon. Not sure, but I have the feeling he’s living sacrificially in every way and money for a third or forth suit may not have been there.


Dr Clemens is all about content not fashion. He did not bother me he looks like a typical professor and he is brilliant. 🙂


OMG! I was laughing because many years ago I wore the EXACT sport coat to work. I was amazed to see the color and style still existed.

What a great speech! I think there was more in the beginning. But this man is no doubt a prosecutor who has led a prosecutor’s life.


It looks salmon?


It is a weird salmon/pinkish/rust, subtly mottled color. I loved that jacket because it was (I thought) unique. It had brass-type buttons with a squiggly design.

But that was decades ago. That is why I was shocked! Where the heck did he get THAT? Maybe he bought it from a Goodwill after I donated it, and has kept it in really good shape.

Gail Combs

He is a professor…

Valerie Curren

We have a running joke in our family about my dad’s infamous salmon suit. Good times!


I just went to my mall today. SIMON property, apparently raised rents on everyone and big names are leaving. Disney store even left. But, some vintage clothing store went in. Bet the prices are high. My long point being vintage colors and styles are popular, esp from the 80s rn.


Just looked, and it was not the same jacket. His buttons are not brass. But the venting is identical.

For some reason, I thought the jacket was very cool looking. I feel honored that Clements has the same taste!


Thx for post.


Hey page breaks! ☺


Blame your culture.
I’m not evil, I’m just an elite.
comment image


Wonderful symposium! Great success, and parts will be reviewed and shared to help get the audits started in every state.

Go, Mike, go! And TY so much, Mike!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Was Dennis Montgomery supposed to be the 7pm Symposium guest on Wednesday night??? Did he really have stroke? Or something else??

Bbl 🤗


Can you elaborate? Are there reports of a stroke?



Mr. Montgomery reportedly suffered a stroke on the eve of the symposium and has not been in contact with Mr. Lindell’s team or any cyber experts at the symposium.

Gail Combs

CIA heart attack gun???


I had the same thought or did he get the jab?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Read my earlier post on the Washington Examiner article. It said DM was PCAP source, had a stroke the night before and Lindell’s team hadn’t been able to reach him since, called DM a fraud.


They’re all about “science,” you know.


They can only do this rename things if we play along. I refuse and that is that 🙂

Gail Combs

The correct term is EUNUCH or you could use GELDING


Looks we go backwards in history . The human race made little progress with liberals


Lin Wood comments on Larry Johnson:

Lin Wood

Yep, it looks like I was right when I exposed Larry Johnson a few days ago as Deep State. Johnson has been on a tear in recent months to discredit me, my whistleblower, Stew Peters, Garrett Ziegler, and now, Mike Lindell. 

If Larry would spend more time reading God’s Word in the Holy Bible instead of attacking the Patriot truth-givers, he would know that only God knows the future and goes before His children. When the enemy conspires to build a net to ensnare a child of God, guess what happens? God ensnares the enemy in the net.

That explains how Larry Johnson finally ensnared himself. 

Watch out for members of the “conservative” media who publish Larry Johnson’s propaganda. 

And remember, the enemy attacks the messenger when he cannot attack the message. Because the message is TRUTH.

Lin Wood

Forwarded from Brad Baudin

Interesting that the Larry Johnson who wrote the article discrediting Lindell and the symposium is the same person who wrote the article insisting that Chief Justice John Roberts was not on Epstein’s flight logs and was not associated with him in any way. Also the same guy who has tried to discredit Lin Wood’s claims against Pence and Roberts. Seems like the Gatewau Pundit has been infiltrated… But why are the Hoft’s allowing this kind of propaganda on their outlet. Are they controlled opposition!?!?!?!


Yes. They are.


Drug stockpiled by NHS in UK used in Spring of 2020 to euthanize massive numbers of elderly and disabled. Midazolam. Used in the US for death penalty administration. Makes it hard to breath.



Sounds like we should find out if we had something similar happen here. Was it used in COVID wards?


It was probably labelled “ventilator lube”.


my frankfreespeech jus went down. Anybody else?


Mine also.


7:55p Replay from today came back on, but now, cut again. Somethin’ definitely up.

Hang in there and stay Frosty … WWG!WGA!!


Good advice 🙂


Wow, are Thomas and Alito the only real conservatives left on the not so Supreme Court? They need to be purged big time when Trump gets back in office.

General McInerney

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Turns Down Request From Indiana University Students to Block Its Vaccine Mandate.


Why would anyone think she is conservative. I believe people looked at her only for one issue abortion that she is pro-life. For a judge there should be more considered beside pro life. While I think pro life is very important and we see now other issues are important also. Trump was fed judges by who ever it was and it shows they fed him Rinos.


Not all RealPOTUS fault. Don’t forget that any appointment must pass thru Turtle et al …


^^^^ THIS ^^^^ is what everybody seems to forget.

Gail Combs


That is why we have to put pressure on the ‘establishment’ so they feel the ‘heat’ of our disapproval enough to do the correct thing.


They are SUPPOSED TO be our elected representatives.
NOT our “leaders” or “overlords”.
Many people seem to not understand that either.
And as it’s looking right now, many of them were not actually elected.

It’s time to take back our republic !


Turtle failed


On purpose.


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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Kansas is talking to Hannity about what a failure Creepy is. He’s lost weight, you can see it in his face.


Good. We need Kansas healthy, for many years to come. To few good guys.


Yes, he looks better.


It was not possible to see that part of his neck before. I wonder if he had a tracheostomy at some point, or even recently.


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il Donaldo Trumpo


Mike Lindell is one of The Most Beautiful Human Beings on Earth and a True Patriot. He is actually LOSING money trying to save our Elections and we should be GRATEFUL to have such a Genuinely Passionate Patriot fighting for us. I FRIGGIN LOVE MIKE LINDELL!!!


Crazy-eyes CO sec of state doing more crazy stuff.

Cuppa Covfefe

Comments on YouTube about the video are great.

That woman is demonic (if not outright possessed) and running scared, as she should be.
TREASON is in the air around her….. And her smug little grin isn’t going to get her anywhere…


Yes reading the comments and a quick scan of her body language, quick movement, smiling, and moving on…nervous the whole time.


john jackson (@pvtjokerus) Tweeted:
Gotta say this 1000 times to everyone you know. Until we are ready to play the game the way the left does, we might as well sit down. They are going to win every time.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



We can all resist to avoid personal peril and hardship. But the the real change won’t happen without stronger measures. And the head nod.


“What they have planned is global technocracy, a system of dictatorship by “experts,” which include scientists, engineers and bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci. Picture the regimes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao augmented by the powers of artificial intelligence, computer algorithms, facial-recognition software and gene-editing programs. Now you are staring into the face of a modern-day technocracy.”



I really hate this site sometimes.

Work so hard to bring a post together, and the site decides to reload all on it’s own for no fucking reason whatsoever, dumping all one’s work.

Really, really, REEEEEEEALLY fucking aggravating to the extreme.


Relax a bit.

Gail Combs

It is worth it to do a [Ctrl] [a] and [Ctrl] [c] to save your work to the clipboard. Then you can paste it into an office Text document if needed to repost later or as pieces.

And yeah, I have had comments eaten by various site gremlins.

Barb Meier

Safari does that to me. I sometimes write something in a word processor and save frequently. Then I can post once it is ready. Hope you get past this problem FGC!


When I write something and loose it i move on. My thought is God saved me from myself and I was not supposed to post whatever my intend was. 🙂
God is Good all the Time!


BREAKING – Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Approves Forced COVID Vaccinations for Indiana College Students
August 12, 2021

SD: “A group of Indiana University students asked the lower courts for help as the university was requiring COVID vaccinations as a condition of returning to school. The federal district court in Indiana and 7th Circuit court refused to block the vaccination mandate while the students sued the school. That lead to the students requesting emergency relief from the United States Supreme Court.

This track became the first test of COVID-19 vaccination requirements to reach the Supreme Court.  Justice Amy Coney Barrett handles the region; however, she has rejected the student’s request and will not pass it along to the full court.

Obviously Justice Barrett is not as conservative as many supporters believed she was.”

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

One should not be too carried away by the press’ depiction of such matters.

SCOTUS monitors all Federal Courts, and looks for cases where they can make precisely the ruling they want. Although this seems like a crushing blow for Indiana University students who hoped for an immediate decision right now, it may be that there will be a later decision that will pay off for everyone in the end.

And if there is, the last place you’ll find out about it is in Fake News.


My grandson is going to start at Indiana University this fall. He is 18. Lets see what the doctor father does ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Is doctor father pro-vax or anti-vax?


pro vax at least for himself and suggested for me. Not pushy though. Do not know about his three kids. One 20 , 18 and girl 16. She is on a swim team and very good. I wonder if sport team require. Mother is also a doctor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tell them you know a scientist who thinks the vaccines are a net loss on kids due to the risk of cardiac myopathy and long-term loss of pulmonary function, BUT if his kids have to get a vaccine, get them into a Novavax trial (see link below).
Novavax is recombinant spike – much safer than mRNA due to precision dosing of the dangerous spike, and it’s not known to be using PEG or pegylated graphene oxide. Early trials of Novavax have shown very limited (but not zero) instances of cardiac inflammation compared to the mRNA vaccines, which in that scientist’s opinion don’t have good control of spike protein production, unlike the recombinant spike protein in Novavax, which is highly metered and cannot get out of control.

Also demand that he check vitals regularly after the first shot and monitor for any cardiac or pulmonary effects, and desist from the second dose if there are either cardiac or pulmonary (((NON-LOCAL))) side effects, as this is a great predictor of strong systemic side effects from the second dose.


Thank you will tell him when he calls. You know everyone is busy now a days seldom home or sleeping. He calls us I do not call 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Thanks coothie! That was a good reminder. Appreciate your talking me off the ledge.


The concepts of “haste” and “speed” are not much comtemplated at SCOTUS. If they see a much better case that needs to percolate for another four years, the Indiana guys can do something else until SCOTUS gets to it.


FOUR YEARS???? There will be students having heart attacks and other horrible things all over the place by then. What is so hard about knocking down requiring a shot that still isn’t approved by the FDA?


Or there will be would-be students that haven’t run-up student loans chasing useless pieces of paper, who will have gained real experience in making things.

If they can be easily persuaded to get the clot shot, then it’ll be university, or a concert, or some other stupid thing….in which case, it might as well be the university.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ACB is Elite First. Universities are the gateway to the elite. Submitting to American Corporate Communism is required.

Once I realized this chick is Elite First, everything she does became so predictable.

I am totally prepared to watch her FIGHT to keep Trump cases out of SCOTUS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All that said, she already betrayed America on the election. I don’t need a rattle to spot a pit viper.


She might be booksmart does not mean she has common sense. I know people like that and they are a total failure outside the profession.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to understand that Democrats ALWAYS act with extreme deception, and have loaded the establishment with “Soviet Lite” “conservatives”.


Since I think college is mostly a waste of time and effort anymore, maybe this will inspire a whole bunch of kids to go into a valuable trade.

No debt, earn money sooner, no stupid “vaccine” nonsense. Win, win, win!


It’s as cheesy as it gets, but James Horner’s score is wonderful. In my father’s youth, I was very little, he for Greyhound but also drove for Campus Coach in NYC. He drove the Yankees many times. 😊

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Wow. Just wow.

“This 37-year-old father of three young boys has been waiting two years for a kidney transplant and recently found out his wife appears to be a match.

“But UMass Memorial reportedly refuses to perform his lifesaving transplant unless he first gets the experimental injection. They’ve allowed for no alternative, no number of tests or duration of quarantine as a substitute.

“LaPierre faces a horrifying choice that no human being anywhere, let alone in America, should have to make.

“Either this father of three refuses the kidney, and could die, or he takes the jab, and could die—or become disabled,” said Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, which is providing free legal help for LaPierre.”


Tyranny. And I expect we will all be facing it at some point if we don’t turn things around.


One has to understand why and what they are doing. They do not want to give the guy the transplant it costs money. Looks to me they are going full Nazi. They know the risk that he could die but what better way to find out. Remember we are experiments. They are going to scale back life saving procedure to save money. Will be like UK or other countries with government insurance. They are barbaric.


General McInerney

Pay Attention And Read

Today in the NYC subway the NYPD and Military conducted a joint drill stopping a bio-attack on the subway. This is the second drill done within a few weeks.

This might be preparation for the third strain. I fear they will release something into to subway and blame it on Covid-19.

Things are NOT looking good right now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am POSITIVE they will use some kind of false flag here.


I see the doj is as dirty as they can get.
Just shows 1/6 is political not criminal.

Government Commits Prosecutorial Misconduct to Deny a Jan. 6 Defendant his September Trial Date.THIS is a sign of desperation from DOJ


3 hr ago91

“The Biden Justice Department committed prosecutorial misconduct today in one of the January 6th cases.

Defendant Federico Klein was arrested on March 4, 2021. He was indicted on March 19 and charged with both felony and misdemeanor crimes.

He has been a single defendant in his case for five months. At a status conference on July 13, 2021, Senior Judge John Bates scheduled a trial date for September 12, 2021 — two months out from the status conference date, and just one month from now. I believe this is the first trial date scheduled for a January 6th defendant.

On July 12, 2021, the day before the scheduled Status Conference, the prosecution had filed its “Memo of Woe” in the Klein case, detailing the monumental task which investigating and prosecuting “Capitol Breach” cases had become, and explaining how it was impossible for DOJ to provide discovery of all the relevant information and evidence — including possible Brady material — to the defendants as it was obligated to do by law. I wrote about this “Memo of Woe” over at Human Events.”

More at the article. I think a lot of you legal eagles will understand this better.


Lin Wood

Back to the subject matter of exposing Communists, Communist Sympathizers, and members of the Deep State, do the research and connect the dots on whether these individuals are fighting for election integrity and demanding that 2020 be fixed. 

Remember if you are not fighting to fix 2020, you are supporting a Communist attempt to overthrow our government. 

You are either a Patriot or a traitor. There is no in between. 

With that issue in mind, do the research on the following individuals (listing them is not suggesting the answer – just suggesting that you do the research and reach you own conclusion):

Sean Hannity

Tucker Carlson

Laura Inghram

Mark Meadows

Pat Cipollone

Sen. Tim Scott

Sen. Lindsey Graham

Sen. Marco Rubio

Gov. Ron DeSantis

Gov. Brian Kemp (easy)

Former GA Sen. Kelly Loeffler

Former GA Sen. David Perdue

Former GA Rep. Doug Collins

Nikki Haley

Ralph Reed

Newt Gingrich

That’s enough homework for tonight. Let me know your conclusions. You may very well help me reach mine. 

Do the research. 

Connect the dots. 

Search for TRUTH

P.S. Extra Credit:

Check out all federal judges who dismissed election lawsuits based on “standing.”

Wood has raised questions about DeSantis before, but I can’t remember exactly what the issue was. I imagine one problem with Loeffler and Perdue is that neither said anything about the stolen Nov. 3 election before their runoffs the next January, and they both lost. A search revealed that Doug Collins was ranked the second most liberal Republican in Georgia’s House delegation; not sure what else.


Lin Wood

I have the highest respect for Professor David Clements’ judgment and discernment. When he speaks, listen carefully. David speaks TRUTH

Lin Wood

Forwarded from The Professor’s Record

The enemy seeks to destroy those that speak truth.

Joshua Merritt is being destroyed by the SNAKE news media.

Use your discernment.

Joshua Merritt was instrumental in avoiding traps set by the enemy at the Cyber Symposium.

This angered the enemy.

The enemy lies.

History will remember Joshua Merritt as the selfless American patriot I know him to be.

P.S. – Brian Cates is a deep state hack.

The Professor’s Record is Prof. David Clements’ Telegram site.
Joshua Merritt is the one mentioned by Larry Johnson on Gateway Pundit.


It’s boondoggles all the way down….

They’re trying to build http://www.agrihood-sc-com within walking distance of our house.


It’s just layers and layers and layers of stupid.

Just to start with — 361 new homes, and 376 garage spaces and (looking at the rendering) 29 parking spaces (soon to fill with delivery vehicles) in the development.

Second, those dratted palm trees cost a fortune and are a pain to maintain — and they’ll be dropping fronds on adjacent roofs, looks like.

Third…..low income housing….but not to worry, there’s a mall across the street. Let’s see the sorts of affordable shops in that mall — : Giorgio Armani, Tiffany, Cartier, Bulgari, Apple Store, Gucci, Louis Vitton, Ferragamo, Swarovski, Versace — just the place for low income shoppers.


There’s even a transit center in the shadow of that mall. You can look up at the wall behind you and see a Tiffany logo, then get on a urine-scented bus with a passed-out druggie, a couple of homeless seeking shelter from the weather, and a guy who is loudly debating with a shadow, to travel 40 minutes to get to a place just down the street.


I’m seeing more headlines like these, from Citizen Free Press:

I would not patronize a business that requires proof of vaccination. I wonder how the mandates will affect businesses, and how many people will try to get away with false “proof” of vaccination. I would think business would drop off; at least I hope it would.


The mayors are doing it for gain. Hawaii forces people into 10 day quarantine. I dont see how thats legal.


Rachel Maddow Holds All The Cards As She Considers Leaving MSNBC

Maddow’s contract with MSNBC expires early next year, and she has floated the idea of starting and growing her own independent media company.

Do it! It would greatly hurt MSNBC, and I see no avenue for a new leftist independent media company. Lose/lose.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed! Lose/Lose!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Deplorable Patriot

We lost electricity here in the storm BIG TIME. Have water back but the lights are out. I’ll check in later. Just letting you know I’m involuntarily living in third world conditions in an upper middle class neighborhood.