To be honest, given the information coming in from all sides, inspiration was hard to come by on Tuesday afternoon. I mean, an uber-lib social worker I used to work with posted this on Tuesday.
It’s true. 2021 might well be the year the world woke up the hard way, but still, what a friggin’ bummer despite the spectacular weather we in the Midwest had on Tuesday.
And then this popped into my feed:
This guy claims he works or worked for Big Pharma and doesn’t trust the data because the companies “produced” it too quickly, and then he goes on to talk about how he HAD to get the shots, even if he didn’t want to, just to have some semblance of a “normal life” resembling what he previously had and that the government is making it impossible to refuse if one is college educated.
Not kidding.
Okay, dude, yeah, I have a piece of paper that says I spent a lot of time in a classroom, and a lot of money to get it and the B.S. in Communications which does not really stand for Bachelor of Science, and the name of the institution on it I can almost guarantee is ranked higher than where ever it was he matriculated even if said ranking rests, usually, on the size of the school’s endowment. Are the graduates from my alma mater who are/were traditional students sheep? Of course they are. Before they spent tens of thousands for that piece of paper, they were mostly valedictorians. Valedictorians tend to toe the line and agree with teachers just for the grades. They don’t always think for themselves.
This is the stuff college is SUPPOSED to teach, how to think, not how to follow the pack. And certainly not just blindly go out and get experimental gene therapy injected into an arm simply because a slimy worm in a white coat says you should and the lure of a promise of getting “back to normal,” whatever that is, is dangled before one’s glazed over eyes.
I mean, honestly, one can be only so numb to the really poor decisions being made all around us for so long before it is too much for even the most patient person out there.
Seriously, has no one noticed this?
No. We all have to research that for ourselves, and, hopefully, share what we learn.
Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)
And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:
Per the Boss:
I know I said we’d go through the horror film themes, but found this treat.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
LUKE 11:42-46
42“But woe to you Pharisees! for you tithe mint and rue and every herb, and neglect justice and the love of God; these you ought to have done, without neglecting the others. 43Woe to you Pharisees! for you love the best seat in the synagogues and salutations in the market places. 44Woe to you! for you are like graves which are not seen, and men walk over them without knowing it.” 45One of the lawyers answered him, “Teacher, in saying this you reproach us also.” 46And he said, “Woe to you lawyers also! for you load men with burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.
“Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
Wolf Moon
July 6, 2021 17:07
Thanking everybody for your patience. Whether happenstance, coincidence, or enemy action, I’m dealing with some technical issues. In addition to those, and the obvious spiritual attacks, I am dealing with the obvious site stuff in what are best maintained as unobvious ways.
I suspect we struck a nerve.
A combined technical / spiritual / strategic response by all of us will prevent this attack from succeeding. Hold the line – bite the bullet – gird the loins – bite the lip – pray for guidance, discernment, and strength – whatever YOU believe keeps the ship aright for the moment. Everything else is lower priority.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
It’s one of those days.
Another well crafted opener, DP.
Learning to think for ourselves happens faster when you live in the country or go on camping trips where you are more dependent on your own resources.
Are you growing anything in your garden?
I love seeing stems on pumpkins like that.
At the moment, my garden needs to be cleaned out. Mom insisted on putting in autumn joy sedum and it’s finishing now.
Actually, learning to think outside the box and for oneself happens everywhere. It’s not restricted to any one living situation. We all have made our choices on that score, and not all living situations are right for all people. Camping can be a learning experience, sure, but so can a scavenger hunt.
Yes, opportunities can be made in any setting.
The living outdoors setting really underscores essentials.
Salad greens here!
Thinking for ourselves, ENABLED by Getting out. Getting away from the “noise”…
Some of my clearest thinking, yea a limited commodity for me I am sure, has been when I “get out, get away”.
Years ago, it was while on daily 6-10 mile runs. These days it is daily walks. Even long drives, although NOT in traffic. 🙂
Thinking some get out, get away, by working in the garden, working in the yard…
The other day when we turnend electricity off I realized how noise electricity is. I sad in my front porch soaking in the quiet thinking about all the people who are forced to take the vaccine.
Yes quiet 3-5 in morning is good also specially summer sitting in the backyard wrapped in my prayer shawl.
I understand complementary getting out into nature it revives us.
By the way years ago I came to understand in silence that silent is not silent just as darkness is not dark.
Do not ask me 🙂
God bless you Kalbo
Singing, you are very kind. Will take all the assistance I can get. Thank you. Brad
You are welcome 🙂
Correction sometimes my mind is so far ahead of what I write. I should have checked what I wrote. Lets try again. 🙂
The other day when we turnend the electricity off I realized how noise electricity is.
Sitting in my front porch soaking in the quiet thinking about all the people who are forced to take the vaccine.
Yes quiet 3-5 am in morning is good also specially summer sitting in the backyard wrapped in my prayer shawl.
I understand completley getting out into nature and how it revives .
By the way years ago I came to understand in silence, that silent is not silent just as darkness is not dark.
Do not ask me 😏
God bless you Kalbo
sinking ship productions ⚖️ ✈️ 😁 (@PhilHollowayEsq) Tweeted:
Epic takedown of the #MaskMandate at @FultonCoSchools – this student lets the entire school board know how #masks are ruining school
Payback is hell ..
God bless and continue to keep this awesome young lady strong .. 🙂
What could go wrong?
Asimov saves.
Only when they get positronic brains. Arduino boards don’t count.
Thankfully, I didn’t pay any attention to fake entertainment on this. Even Asimov’s!
Han Pritcher reporting for duty, the Visisonor run amok, and now, paging Preem Palver…
positronic brains
Data, STTNG, comes to mind 😉
Hope at least one of those shows 🙂
3 laws?
Wow .. that’s be an excellent dog to walk .. heh heh 😏 ..
… sigh .. 😣 .. stoopid spellcheck … s/b THAT’d …
not good English .. though
What happens if that robot gun dog gets hacked? … 😳❓
I’ll stick with real dogs ..
… sic ‘em …. Good boy, good girl
Nice–Danger! Dog on Premises & Patrolling Perimeter!
It’s a great movie Valerie if you get the chance watch it 🙂🤚❤️
Thanks for the tip WOW!
Valérie … good video … scary
Bet a taser could mess it up ..
Let’s hope so!
Seen on Gab
From OSHA as of Sep ’21, if fax is mandated for work injuries are work related
That’s good. The problem I see is denial that symptoms result from the vaccine. Even some doctors refuse to admit that people are getting sick from the vaccines.
Yes many of these people clearly have a problem of actually dealing with reality as it is, instead of making it up as they go along…
Yes. This seems another way to get many people on the government dole with vax injuries.
If vaccine injuries are work related if mandated, then they would also fall under Workers Compensation. Can you imagine how high some of these employer’s costs are going to get just for that???
Hope cost-prohibitive for bean counters to advise NO mandates!
The thing is that Workers’ Comp is a tradeoff. Workers get immediate treatment, but employers’ liability is capped. Workers’ Comp companies can “total you out” like a car and just award you disability or death benefits based on a table last recalculated in the ’80s.
And then the insurance people may not want to pay because the shots are still experimental.
SO many people (sheep?) don’t realize this!
Taking an “experimental” drug VOIDS almost all health insurance policies, w.r.t. claims.
People are SOL when it comes to collecting for damages – whether from Big Pharma, from ones employer (employer “mandates” perhaps notwithstanding), from an individual standpoint (private insurance, not through ones employer), and even not through the gov’t, unless it’s a class-action.
In the last case, one must wait YEARS for the process to conclude – and even THEN – it’s the taxpayer who must foot the bill!
It’s a TOTAL SCAM, bottom-to-top.
Designed, from the start, to be a lose-lose-LOSE situation.
Maybe, this is the most POTENT way to red-pill those who still promote taking the shot (for themselves or for others), who’ve been ***deluded*** into thinking it’ll provide a return to “normalcy” …
That’s just it. My parents are on medicare, so it will probably be picked up, but my brothers, no.
When that all hits, WHOA, NELLY!
It seems there are still some burokraties who can come up with common sense regulations.
If a company mandates something from its employees it needs to take full responsibility for the consequences of the outcomes.
So the gov’t mandating something will take “full responsibility” for the horrific outcomes too, right/s
Employees can then sue their employers!
The ‘vaccine’ manufacturers…Big Pharma…have immunity, but that doesn’t extend to employers who demand that their employees take the shots.
Employers who demand that their employees take these experimental gene-altering ‘vaccines’ are assuming the Liability that the drug-makers are immune from.
Yes & this cannot be overstated! Hope it saves Many Employees!!!
The oboe piece is beautiful, and what a talented group of children.
“Valedictorians tend to toe the line and agree with teachers just for the grades.”
Kind of a broad brush, though. Some subjects are not graded subjectively but objectively: you either get the answer right, or you don’t.
That was true in our day, but now when teachers are teaching CRT and all kinds of other ridiculous crap?
I have no idea. But DP appears to be talking about when she was in college, which would have been before CRT.
Grade grubbers have been around for a long time. So have teachers who do not allow for deviation from their perspective. The nuns in my HS always said as long as you prove your point, it’s fine. However, when it came to the symbolism in various pieces of literature, Sister M.D., WOULD NOT accept any answers but the ones she lectured on. You learned to toe the line or grades suffered.
The young boy who played the oboe solo is really talented. I heard breath control, cantabile approach from one note to another, phrasing, that I normally heard from oboe players in conservatory. And he’s playing the size of oboe that an older high school student or an adult plays — I personally have never seen what would be a “half-size” oboe. Sometimes, young string players use a “half-size” string instrument if their hands are really small. Many years ago, I accompanied a young violinist who played the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto on a beautiful half-size violin, and made it sound like a full-size Strad. That young man, now in his late 50’s, teaches in New York City and is a member of the Orion String Quartet.
Catturd Rulz
Washington had to DESERVE a meteor before G_d might send it.
No doubt! But then the rain does fall on the just & the unjust alike…
Also… Only sunshine with no rain only makes a desert
Fortunately God is in the business of making streams in the desert!
IDK about Arkansas, but up here in the great state of misery, uh, Missouri, sunshine with no rain and clay as far as the eye can see makes one gigantic brick.
I’m posting this again as a bigger-than-usual piss-me-off moment:
Why can’t we name names and compare with their stance on IVM and HCQ.
Anyone who took the cure should be exposed and removed or shamed until removed.
because fauxbidden didnt win and that is how we got here
suitable for red-pilling
hope it shows here
found at this Gab post
Good stuff!
Dr. Merrit, vax=depopulation
Dr. Lee Merritt – ‘Vaccine’ Push Is Clearly A Depopulation Program Carried Out Against Humanity
Dr. Lee Merritt – ‘Vaccine’ Push Is Clearly A Depopulation Program Carried Out Against Humanity (MIRRORED)Dr. Lee Merritt – ‘Vaccine’ Push Is Clearly A Depopulation Program Carried Out Against Humanity (MIRRORED)
Mirrored from Odysee channel Humanity’s Vault at:-—%27Vaccine%27-Push-Is-Clearly-A-Depopulation-Program-Carried-Out-Against-Humanity:f
weird, the video actually showed in the comment box until I hit “post comment”…hmmm
“Forget it, Val — it’s WordPressTown…..”
For some reason my associative memory went to Rush quoting “reverend” Jackson & Hymie Town–yikes!
We actually watched it a few weeks back!
Joe & Hoe making the whole US into Chynah Town 😡
The Brighteon link shows up with a “500 Internal Server Error” message. Did **somebody** take the link down? The GAB link does go through.
Good catch. Surely the evil doers are attacking ad nauseum!
Worked for me.
A good man.
feral hogs
Similar to an Australian woman who was the most wanted spy in Europe. The nazis called her the white mouse. Nancy wake was married to a frog and spoke fluent frog. She survived the war but her husband was killed.
years later they asked her about whether he conscious troubled her about killing Germans. She said nonsense. The only good nazi is a dead nazi
“The only good nazi is a dead nazi” Replace nazi w/ vaxzi–at least agenda dead for those internet minders!
Much like Chris Kyle, the Sniper. He spoke of his motivation to snipe, stop, kill, those trying to kill Americans in Iraq. Made perfect sense to me.
yes–what a hero, tragically taken from us too soon & so horribly!
Just watched American Sniper again. One of Clint’s best.
Love it!
Logan’s Run?
Never saw it, though could be living in an alternate reality version of same 🙁
Covid = Carrousel?
more like World War Z!
Actually, can’t be Logan’s Run — he’s not in a Sandman uniform, and she isn’t wearing a tiny bit of green.
Looks like the Moloko Milk Bar. Where are Alex and his droogs?
??? Outside my wheelhouse w/ those comments–blush emoji 🙂
A Clockwork Orange.
Ha! This sent me on a goosechase where I found the following nifty post.
Now I really want a milkshake!
….or a malted! Mmmmmm…..
After reading that it made me think of the Sander’s Ice Cream Shop of my youth–yum!
I used to make some solid creme de menthe milkshakes…..
This is HUGE.
parasite in “vax”? hope Wolf sees this one
Dr. Adam Von Frankenstein
So my wife and I have been doing some research, and the organism discovered in the Moderna shot by Dr. Madej appears to be a parasite known as “Polypodium”.
This organism is found in Sturgeon eggs (Caviar) and attacks the reproductive system, literally eating the yolk of the egg. Could this be the cause of reproductive issues in women getting the shot and the now famous testicular inflammation? Are women having miscarriages because their eggs have been attacked and are no longer viable?
We have some great researchers here on Gab. Maybe you have more information? @Annaeva @SarahCorriher @MrJoePrich @SomeBitchIKnow.
You can download the PDF here and read the 44 page paper if your interested.
Read more
This is actually very interesting.
It certainly looks like what they found.
I think Karen Kingston is right. (“I never cried so hard.”)
I think they’re using the vaccines as a kind of “platform” for experimentation on people.
Only a few people probably know about the many different “contaminated” lots. But THAT is what is happening, IMO. This is just like the Nazis. Amazing.
This site has a Stew Peters interview of Carrie Madej & a transcript of the Franc Zalewski talk…worth diving in deeper, imo.
At this point I’m just in need of some REAL SCIENCE. I want to see all the boring crap from which the anomalous crap arises.
Yes. Looking forward to you making it more understandable for the Q-Tree family!!!
I need something explainable, first!
can’t explain the unexplainable??? Shocked, shocked, I say!!!
Wolf Moon
OK, watched the Stew Peters interview with Dr. Madej several times. From my notes:
Dr. Madej analyzed, using a 400x magnification microscope and under sterile lab conditions, vials from THREE DIFFERENT batches of the Moderna AND of the J&J “”vaccines.”
The Moderna “vaccine” samples had the following:
** an organism what I’m going to call “THE MODERNA SQUID”. This LIVING ORGANISM actually began to GET UP AND MOVE on the lab slide as the “vaccine” sample got to room temperature and under the white light of the microscope. Dr. Madej said the movements of “THE MODERNA SQUID” appeared to be from an organism that is SELF-AWARE — almost as it if “knew” it was being looked at.
** numerous objects of BRILLIANT COLORS that appeared under the white light of the microscope.
Dr Madej spoke with nanotech engineers, who told her that “colors” like the ones she saw in the Moderna “vaccine” sample would occur due to a white light reaction in a SUPERCONDUCTING MATERIAL, since the white light would make the material VISIBLE. Dr. Madej blieves these “brilliant colors” in the Moderna “vaccine” samples are indicative of AN INJECTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEM.
The J&J “vaccine” samples had the following:
** blobs of “colors” similar to the ones in the Moderna “vaccine” samples, but these blobs were more “pastel” in color.
These “colors” would ALSO be indicative of of AN INJECTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEM within the J&J “vaccine.”
** what appeared to be areas of a HYDROGEL and/or of GRAPHENE OXIDE.
** what appeared to be METAL-LIKE OBJECTS.
Dr. Madej spoke about how the GATES FOUNDATION has been experimenting with AN INJECTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEM in the “vaccines” that his foundation is providing to the peoples of WEST AFRICA. It’s called the “Trust Stamp” program. It is a form of digital ID that has the person’s MEDICAL RECORDS and a MASTERCARD number downloaded into the person’s body, using a hydrogel. A “vaccinated” person can ONLY purchase items using the MasterCard embedded in their system — no cash transactions. The embedded medical records is called the “Wellness Pass.”
(Is there any way to get this video to Sen. Dr. Rand Paul? How about to Mayor De Blasio? How about to the CEO of Southwest Airlines? How about to the local School Board? How about to other healthcare professionals? How about to the head of the local hospital who “mandated” that all hospital employees get “vaccinated” in order to keep their jobs?
It appears that “THE MODERNA SQUID” is a POLYPODIUM HYDRIFORME parasite.
If Dr. Madej saw these organisms, metal chips, colors, hydrogels, in the “vaccine” samples, WE KNOW that DR. FAUCI, DR. WALENSKY, DR, WOODCOCK [FDA], ALSO KNOW. And likely BARIC and DASZAK know too.
May the Almighty God bless Dr. Madej, and keep her safe.)
And — the POLYDPODIUM HYDRIFORME parasite is a class of Cnidaria, subphylum Medusozoa — a FISH PARASITE subclass called POLYPODIOZOA. This fish parasite is one of the few THAT CAN LIVE INSIDE OTHER ANIMALS.
😱 This is unbelievable, and horrific. I hope someone (multiple people) can get clear evidence of what is really going on and get the word out ASAP. I don’t think people would be happy to know they are being lied to and being experimented on like lab rats and that *they* are pushing this onto their children as well. People are losing their lives, health, and livelihoods in the meantime. If true, these would be crimes against humanity on a scale never before seen.
“This is unbelievable, and horrific.”
And if the so-called ‘white hats’ exist, best case scenario is that they know all about it, which of course they must, unless we’re still pretending that we have more information than they do.
And if the so-called ‘white hats’ know about it, then of course they have the power to stop it. All they would have to do is use any one of many communication devices available to them, in order to prevent genocide.
But instead, they are allowing it to happen.
That’s best case scenario, where ‘white hats’ know what is going on, have the power to stop it easily, but choose to allow genocide of the American People. (remember, these are the ‘white’ hats I’m referring to…)
Worst case scenario is they know all about it, which of course they must (if we do).
But for some reason they have no power to stop it, they are effectively (if not actually) defeated, so they have no power to stop it. And rather than WARN the People — which they could easily do — they’re just letting it happen to us.
So either way, the ‘white hats’ certainly KNOW.
The question is whether they have the power to stop the genocide and choose not to, or they don’t have the power to stop it and choose not to warn us.
Either way, they could easily warn us and stop hundreds of millions of Americans (and billions of people worldwide) from taking the Genocide Shot, and they CHOOSE not to.
That ‘white’ hat isn’t really looking very ‘white’, is it… it’s looking pretty black, actually.
I mean, to stand by and do nothing, to allow a global genocide to take place, when you could easily warn people at the very least…
I’m fascinated to know what conceivable scenario could possibly justify allowing global genocide.
The defenders of the ‘white hats’ must have some hypothetical scenario in which their unconditional belief in the ‘white hats’ would be justified.
What is it?
It’s a fair question, isn’t it?
I’ll help out, I’ll get it started in the next post, because I have thought of a few, since the ‘white hat’ defenders so far refuse to provide any defense whatsoever for their belief.
It’s always fun to start with the space alien angle.
So let’s suppose that space aliens have landed, and they are far more advanced than human beings, and they are not like E.T., they’re like Borg.
Never mind that all of their actions synch up perfectly with plain old regular human tyranny, this is about space aliens.
So the space aliens gave an ultimatum to the leaders of the nations of the world (who all happen to be compromised and controlled by the same people in the same way, but this is about space aliens).
And the space aliens demand a ‘harvest’ of at least 3.5 billion people, up to 7 billion people (which would conveniently leave about 500 million people to fulfill the Georgia Guidestones, but this is about space aliens, so stop thinking about that other stuff).
The space aliens have a planet destroying death ray, which paradoxically, they got the idea for years ago when they encountered the broadcast television signal of re-run of Star Wars that had bounced out into space and was intercepted by the space aliens.
So in the space alien scenario, the ‘white hats’ have given up, they have accepted the space aliens’ threat without calling their bluff, and so the ‘white hats’ are just saving themselves, which of course is what the black hats are doing too.
Presumably, after the space aliens extract their harvest and leave the black hats and the white hats behind, the white hats will then return to their beloved MAD ‘Spy vs Spy’ battle against the black hats and struggle on to victory.
It won’t mean anything to you or me, we’ll all be long dead (along with 7 billion other people), but at least we could die with the sure and certain knowledge that the ‘white hats’ sold us out for a good cause — theirs! 😂 🤣 😂
And now for a more terrestrial possibility. Suppose the Usual Suspects (Schwab, Gates, Sorass, Winnie the Jinping, Trudope, the five or six Prime Ministers of Australia, the Mad Hag of New Zealand, the queen of England, the Poop, Oprah Winfrey, Hussein, Hitlary and all the other cannibal pedophiles in the real life Legion of Doom) had a bio-weapon that would wipe out everyone on earth, and used it to blackmail (exactly who is left to blackmail or bribe is unclear, since they have already blackmailed every leader in the Western World into total submission) the leaders of the nations of the world into allowing their populations to become slaves (unvaxxed) or dead (vaxxed).
Rather than calling their bluff and fight, rather than alerting the people of earth to threat so the People could at least crush the Usual Suspects like a bug before we all die, out of ‘kindness’ (and out of watching more than a few apocalypse movies), they decided that if they TOLD anyone, the people would just panic like movie people do, and so only they (the ‘white hats’) could be trusted with this information, because they’re special (curiously like the black hats consider themselves).
So any so-called ‘white hats’ gave up, and they’re just sending out little signals now and then to create false hope, while the global takeover progresses.
They would love to warn us, but if they told us, they’d have to kill us. We all know how that goes.
In order to save us, they have to let us die, so they can win. Or something. It’s very noble actually — if you’re in the white hat’s club.
There is no real ‘plan’ in this particular scenario, but the ‘white hats’ who aren’t psychopaths do feel guilty, so they make themselves feel better by doing little interviews and here and there, dropping hints and clues to nothing, thinking that offering false hope to the doomed is like palliative care.
In which case, these people are sick…
Another ‘earthly’ possibility. China — who the ‘white hats’ failed to stop in every conceivable way for decade after decade after decade — has hidden nuclear weapons inside shipping containers, all over the U.S.
And due to the global shipping problems, we can’t get any metal detectors to find all those giant, brightly colored metal cargo container boxes.
And they threatened to detonate them all, unless Hunter Biden, in his capacity as Son of the Great Puppet, was allowed to sell his grade school quality ‘artwork’ to shadowy international crime figures and oligarchs for insane prices. Because it’s just that good, and the little people can’t appreciate it.
Fearing that this evil plot to takeover the world in order to force the People of Earth to recognize Hunter Biden’s artistic talent was just too stupid for the American People to ever believe, DJT just gave up and walked away, and so here we are, the victims of a plot to make Hunter
BagmanBiden an international artist of renown..
A more probable earthly possibility is that Tommy Flannagan, Esquire (played by Jon Lovitz) with his wife, Morgan Fairchild (whom he’s slept with) was on a secret mission. She was undercover, and he was… under water. Yeah. So there he was, disguised as a fish, swimming in the Hudson River, when he was caught and sent to the Russian Tea Room, where he was filleted and eaten.
And then he was, uh… back in the Hudson. Yeah!
So he got on a plane with his wife, Morgan Fairchild — whom he’s seen naked — and they flew to Sweden, with information that would save the world from the deadly virus pandemic, when their plane crashed in the Himalayas.
Yeah, and so they had to eat the survivors, because the dead ones were rotten.
Yeah. So there he was, fighting over the toe of the co-pilot, with his wife, Morgan Fairchild (whom he’s slept with), when the co-pilot suddenly woke up, and kicked Tommy in the head, and he blacked out.
You may be asking yourself, what does any of this have to do with so-called ‘white hats’? Uhh… nuthin‘… that’s the whole point of Tommy’s story, it was all him, the ‘white hats’ are completely innocent.
And then there’s the traditional narrative. The Usual Suspects (again) have blackmailed and bribed the leaders of the nations of the Western world (again), and are basically using blunt force Nazi and Marxist tactics to force the People of earth to submit to their insane Nazi fantasies and dreams of their Marxist Father(s). Why make it fancy or go to any extra trouble, if nobody is going to stop them anyway?
But a renegade group, operating from deep within the Globo-Homo Death Star, a rag-tag, hard-scrabble alliance (with a few hotties and maybe a gold robot thrown in for good measure) managed to find a way to communicate with the outside world, in code, via an Internet message board, with the help from a couple of rebel outcasts, who would keep the message board up and running, for as long as they could.
Then suddenly, the communication stopped without explanation or notice. The four year long coup finally succeeded. The election was stolen. The military knew all about it — the four year long coup against their CIC and the stolen election — and did nothing. A hostile foreign adversary (in ‘collusion’ with all the Usual Suspects) took over the United States government and installed a puppet, a career criminal, as POTUS, and America became an occupied nation, a client state of CCP Chyna and free-lance multinational corporate billionaire lunatics.
Nearly a whole year goes by, without a peep from the rebel alliance, whose last known coordinates were deep within the bowels of the Globo-homo Death Star.
Horrifically, the Usual Suspects are rolling out a plan of global genocide. There may already be several hundred million dead worldwide, which would likely be the greatest genocide in recorded human history, and they’re just getting started.
It appears that by next spring, there may be a couple hundred million fewer of us (Americans), and a few billion fewer people from around the world. Israel may be completely wiped out, 90+ percent of the population gone, with the remainder being far too few to defend or even maintain a viable country.
Maybe the ‘white hats’ have an antidote to the vaxx?
That would be really swell. Hopefully they have an antidote for death too, for all the millions (soon billions?) who already died from the vaxx.
Maybe the ‘white hats’ know what India knows, what we know, and what other nations know, that Ivermectin is a cheap, effective and readily available cure and preventative, which if the ‘white hats’ would simply tell the American People and the rest of the world, the whole pandemic fraud would collapse, and billions of lives would be saved?
Maybe they can’t tell us, maybe they have to show us… they have to show us what 7 billion dead people looks like?
Imagine if you will, a white suit or evening gown, with a jet black hat to complete the ensemble…
Anyway, those are a few possibilities for why the so-called ‘white hats’ are just standing by, allowing a global genocide to take place.
Hopefully, one of the things which will occur to everyone, if it hasn’t already, is that if a global genocide is actually taking place, there is no conceivable justification for allowing it to happen.
Especially when it could be so easily stopped, by simply speaking the truth about what is happening, and why, and what the cure is.
No military action required. No grand special forces plans necessary, no “Mission Impossible” drama. Just spill the beans, expose the global criminals, show the whole world who these Hitlers and Stalins and Pol Pots and Mengeles are, and let nature take its course.
Since that is always an option (also probably the best, simplest and easiest option), any potential justification for allowing the genocide to continue is inevitably just an excuse for the ‘elite’ (regardless of the ‘color’ of their respective ‘hat’) to survive, while everyone else dies.
So how ‘white’ can that ‘hat’ really be?
^^This^^ explains why [they] don’t want anyone taking an anti-parasite medication like Ivermectin!
Ivermectin would kill these little parasitic creatures.
So of course…”Ivermectin bad”.
Yes that came to my mind too. He doth protest too much!
I’ve found that the Enemy always uses as many attack “vectors” as possible against a target – like with nine eleven.
With the contents of the jab, I’ve seen video (who knows if true) of engineered disk-rings (unnaturally perfect symmetry) self-assembling into a sheet, and then after drying, assembling into somewhat of a matrix of lines (a “grid”).
The graphene oxide is another ingredient, perhaps related.
I’ve read that some of the patents for the jab(s) were described as an “operating system”.
The anons have been on this parasite angle for a few days now – this is another “vector”.
There are other concerns as well – the clotting of red blood cells (perhaps by changing their electric charge / valence), the re-writing of DNA, etc.
Were one to make the liquid as deadly as possible, one may wish to have ***multiple*** ways in which to toxify it – not just one or two. This way, one may be SURE that the desired effect(s) are obtained – getting the most “mileage” out of the injection(s) as possible.
Who knows how much is true! But it only takes ONE of any of the above to be true to make the jabs deadly.
The shots are pure EVIL, and that the comp’d gov’ts and corporations are the most diabolical DRUG-PUSHERS in the history of the world.
Now THAT is smart.
Hydroxychloroquine might be similar.
Wierd, photos like this were posted on Morgellons site in 2016, but were from spider webs that were in an area with a lot of upper atmospheric spraying.
This is Extremely Bizarre, not sure what to make of it. Hope Wolf sees this & weighs in…
SHOCKING: Scientist Finds 3-Legged Aluminum Based Alien Lifeform In Pfizer Covid Vax
We are truly living in a Sci-Fi world, as all life on Earth are carbon based, while the critter that was discovered in the Pfizer-Jab is aluminum and carbon. Apparently this creature eats graphene oxide, moves, reproduces, and lays eggs. It’s been measured at 2.3 mm in length, although it is unknown just how big this creature will grow inside the human body. Nor is it know what effect this alien lifeform will have upon its host.
SHOCKING: Scientist Finds 3-Legged Aluminum Based Alien Lifeform In Pfizer Covid Vax
The presenter in the video is Dr. Franc Zalewski, here’s his site:
his site appears to be in Polish. Here’s a post elsewhere about this discovery
There is a transcript of the Dr. Franc presentation at the site above, fyi.
Yeah, I don’t know – this all seems strange as hell.
Right now, I don’t have an opinion either way on these assertions about the vaccines, other than I absolutely don’t trust them, just on the KNOWN stuff, and the unknown stuff like this is just icing on the “NO” cake.
I really need to see a careful analysis done by a team.
Hope you see Dr. Madej interview for further insight. I was thinking that if these “findings” are real then they should be reproducible if Actual Science is involved!
To me these things are completely different – what she found and what he found.
Yes, I agree. Hers had multiple tentacles that were no more than 10X the size/length of the body. His had 3 tentacles that were Huge compared to the head. Her description of hydrogel was also interesting.
Hers was apparently white light activated. His was triggered by graphene.
What the heck is going on w/ these shots? In the Dr. Z video there is an image of Comirnaty, so if he found those “alien life forms” in THAT vax that is Officially Approved by the US, just what are the implications?
Whatever is Really going on, it is very clear that evil never sleeps! 😡
Among other things, someone should test vaccines that have been used for years for comparison.
There you go again …
Who told you to THINK???
That could be Very interesting!
Wolf Moon
The “vaccine” sample that Dr. Zalewski tested is a COMIRNATY vial, the Pfizer-BioNTech German version of the “vaccine” that the FDA “fully approved” for use in the U.S. The European Medicines Authority “approved” COMIRNATY for use in the EU / Scandinavia over a year ago.
It appears that only ONE of the COMIRNATY samples that Dr. Zalewski tested had this “CARBON SQUID” in it — the others were SALINE SOLUTION only.
It further appears that the “CARBON SQUID” that Dr. Zalewski found in the COMIRNATY sample is a subphylum of Cnidaria called MYXOZOA.
Agreed that more studies need to be performed on more samples of ALL of the “vaccines.” However, something really nasty is going on.
And Fauci, Gates, Collins, Baric, Daszak are ALL in it up to their eyeballs.
Remember that when the FDA “fully approved” COMIRNATY in July, 2021, while at the same time extending the EUA for the PfizerUSA “vaccine”, the FDA made it clear that these “vaccines” were separate LEGAL entities, with no mention of their also being separate CLINICAL entities. And since the PfizerUSA “vaccine” is STILL in clinical trials, a person getting a Pfizer “vaccine” doesn’t know if they’re getting COMIRNATY, or the PfizerUSA product; and doesn’t know if they’re getting the actual “vaccine”, or a saline solution “placebo.”
Seems like there’s a lot of weird vaccine info. circulating which makes me think of When you hear hoofbeats look for horses not zebras.
And be especially careful (scared?) if there are four of them. Best to be prepared…..
This is a whole list of articles and studies, which shows that the risk of COVID does not depend on the number of people vaccinated in any country and if it there is some evidence it may have actually an inverse relation.
Counterintuitive: More Vaccinations Leads To More Infections, Hospitalizations, Deaths (
This fits in with what Denninger is saying!
Negative efficacy – the jabs are making many age groups MORE LIKELY to get the disease.
Thoughts. Dr. Franc Zalewski found the Thing in less than half of the vials he tested – the others were saline. Maybe this is designed to muddy the waters. And if the real toll of the vaccine is designed to come later (after all of this panicky mandating), then it is definitely a matter of caveat emptor. I’m so damned glad I haven’t allowed that shit into my bod.
Yes. Great thinking. Muddying the waters. Could very well be.
Mindy Robinson
A man’s daughter was raped by a tranny that was allowed to be in the girl’s bathroom at a “woke” school in Virginia. The school not only covered it up, but assaulted and arrested the father for speaking out about it because they had put a “gag order” on him. This also happens to be one of the parents the DOJ wants to go after as a “domestic terrorist.”
This illegitimate regime is literally raping kids and punishing parents for speaking out against it. If you were looking for a green light to dismantle this whole corrupt system….I’d say you’ve had it by now, America.
DEFUND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION, AND GET THIS COUNTY BACK ON THE GOLD STANDARD. We are being taxed without representation by degenerate tyrants, and we don’t have to take it.
George Bumgardner
Transgender rapes girl in school bathroom. Dad arrested at school board meeting for talking about it. Gag order placed on dad. Dad used as example of “domestic terrorism”. Tranny allowed back to school, promptly rapes again. THIS NEEDS TO BE EVERYWHERE
Mindy Robinson
A man’s daughter was raped by a tranny that was allowed to be in the girl’s bathroom at a “woke” school in Virginia. The school not only covered it up, but assaulted and arrested the father for speaking out about it because they had put a “gag order” on him. This also happens to be one of the parents the DOJ wants to go after as a “domestic terrorist.”
This illegitimate regime is literally raping kids and punishing parents for speaking out against it. If you were looking for a green light to dismantle this whole corrupt system….I’d say you’ve had it by now, America.
DEFUND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION, AND GET THIS COUNTY BACK ON THE GOLD STANDARD. We are being taxed without representation by degenerate tyrants, and we don’t have to take it.
George Bumgardner
Transgender rapes girl in school bathroom. Dad arrested at school board meeting for talking about it. Gag order placed on dad. Dad used as example of “domestic terrorism”. Tranny allowed back to school, promptly rapes again. THIS NEEDS TO BE EVERYWHERE
What in the hell is WRONG with DOJ?
This has NOTHING – nothing – nothing to do with anything decent or holy or godly – and everything to do with the ungodly, the unholy, and the unclean.
Hold that thought – there is actually an answer to this. Will have a crack at it in the next couple of days …
That is the DOJ in a nutshell.
If DOJ were not in your comment, my first thought would be the Vatican.
Communism corrupts everything on Satan’s behalf.
Yes, but when the person exposing the crime is actually committing treason while exposing it, or running a cash for state’s secrets operation, then you’ve got an unequal comparison.
Kew left no doubt, in re the traitorous Snowden.
I’ll go with that.
Assange, IMO, is a different story.
Be the spark. Please. Be. The. Spark.
leaky vaccine
Daniel Horowitz with Blaze Media: the data is in and showing it’s time to halt the COVID19 gene therapy. “This virus has taken a painful toll on both the vaccinated and unvaccinated over the past few months, a phenomenon that is very well explained with a leaky vaccine that fails to sterilize the virus but causes viral immune escape and a degree of vaccine mediated enhancement.
Moreover, the notion that somehow the vaccines stop death is simply not true, especially not after they began to leak in efficacy after the first few months. We simply find no correlation anywhere in the world with higher vaccination rates and better outcomes. In fact, Israel is practically a textbook example of a leaky vaccine creating a degree of viral enhancement.”
Horowitz: The data is in, and we are now worse off than before the experimental shotsIn October 2018, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published a report that, if one didn’t know better, might make readers think the authors were…
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Excellent. People are finally saying the obvious.
Yes! Red pill dispensary open for booming business!!!
Sadly, no liberals are reading at The Blaze.
When this is in the New York Slimes or Washington Compost, we are getting somewhere.
LOL, not holding my breath!
Thank you, DePat, for another great Hump Day open thread!
👏 😍
Thanks for all the work you do for us.
That is indeed a good question in that meme about the homeless — why aren’t they dying in the street?
You only see them laying on lawns and looking like they are dying after someone spikes the drugs they are getting. Many of the homeless are criminally insane or merely criminal, but I suspect many have also experienced abuse at the hands of guv or freelance evildoers.
He’s been surfing (chromium no likee):
or safety and justice:
and, finally, what they’re trying to do to us:
Texas order reflects growing GOP vaccine mandates hostility
Scientists Sue the FDA for Data it Relied Upon to License Pfizer’s Covid-19 VaccineYou can’t say no, you can’t sue for harm, and you can’t see the data underlying the government’s claim that the product is safe and effective. That seems fair.
YES. This is the heart of the problem. DECEPTION. By PFDA.
Please, pray for this man. He’s still underground, I understand, but he’s calling out Bergoglio. I need to find the full interview.
Hope you are able to locate the full interview. Vigano’s thoughts are ALWAYS spot on. Revealing for those not clued in. Confirmation for the rest. Truth.
Wish they were main stream.
Vigano is the sort of leader we need right now.
I agree.
I was somewhat stunned – and delighted – at his mastery of the English language, a FAR better expertise than I’ve come across from almost all others today – myself included.
And English isn’t his native tongue!
It reminds me of Tolkien’s mastery – always using the proper word in the proper place, to express his point with superb clarity.
It also reminds me of our Founding Fathers, better-versed in language than almost all generations afterward, especially now.
If you followed the ClimateGate “wars”, Lord Christopher Monckton is also a prime example of a clasically-educated person, back when that was not steeped in liberalism. Very good speaker, thinker, and quick on his feet in debating…
One thing about Tolkien that struck me the other day was that he not only created the LOTR/Middle Earth “universe”, he created the language(s), their etymologies, and the various peoples and their histories, keeping them pretty much consistent and interesting at the same time. Well-versed in Norse and other mythologies, he incorporated elements of them, adding his own as well. An enormous opus, of which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts… Interesting too is the fact that he preferred the pastoral life to the madness of the machine age, a point made visible by his references to fires, machinery, wheels, etc. as tools and even goals of the evil ones, e.g. Sauron and Saruman…
There’s a book about Tolkien which discusses his faith and development of LOTR, as well as his friendship with C.S. Lewis, Chesterton, and others.
“Tolkien Man and Myth”, by Joseph Pearce. Well worth a read, if you can find it…
Thanks for the reference – I’d not come across that before now.
I’ve known about his friendship with Lewis – Chesterton is a new name for me. Again, thank you.
(Did you ever acquire that book I mentioned a while ago, “Master of Middle Earth”, by Paul H Kocher (Ballantine, NY, (c)1972)? Chapter IV, “Sauron and the Nature of Evil”, is tremendous, IMO. I think you’d like it a lot.)
An enormous opus, indeed.
And you’re right, about his preference for the simple life – not quite a Luddite, but instead quite “grounded” on what natural life and living is, and is meant to be.
The man was amazingly learned, and erudite.
Using today’s term, I call his perspective …
Happy Wednesday, Cuppa.
Happy Wednesday too, Elessar 🙂
I’m debating getting an ebook of it before ordering it from “theSouthAmericanRivercouk”…
I’d like to get more of his lesser-known works, e.g. Tom Bombadil… always wonder what Gandalf ended up discussing with him…
Just ordered up your Tolkien recommendation from the library–Thanks!
This site has a rumble video that may well be the full interview. The transcript is below the video for those who can’t take an hour and a half to watch. I’m keyword searching the transcript, and I’m not finding exact passages. It’s a great interview regardless.
Here’s another link from the same site. I’ll keep looking, but have to stop soon as there are other things on my plate today.
What is in the video is at the first link, question two.
Make that question three.
He is a courageous and holy man.
Was it this?
No. That is actually subsequent to the original. That’s in the second link I posted.
What’s interesting is that this was picked up almost two weeks ago by an evangelical who was rather stunned to learn of a Catholic prelate actually saying these things. Vigano has been on this for YEARS, and it went under the radar.
Unexpected Allies in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
Yup. Perspective.
Are we being suppressed again for there’s only like 1 comment in the last half hour or so?
Things slow down this time of the morning almost every day. I figure it’s people’s schedules.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, October 13, 2021
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
John 12:26 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
They’re hitting way too close to home these days.
He would do that too. 🙈
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
From Gab, there are images there too…
Steve Pake
Vaccine Injuries & Deaths
HEY GAB – okay so this is interesting. The HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is who enforces HIPAA. On September 27, 2021 HHS OCR gets a new director named Lisa J. Pino. Suddenly just three days later on September 30, 2021, the HHS OCR suddenly comes out with new rules that no HIPAA absolutely does not apply to employers “REQUIRING” employees to reveal Protected Health Information (PHI) and in fact can ask any employee for whatever they want because “muh private business”. Hence we have suddenly gotten hit with “it’s no longer voluntary you MUST tell us” rules at my office.
Who is Lisa J. Pino? Oh, just a tyrant from New York who is clearly anti-privacy and anti-health.
It has not been ANYONE’S understanding of the various HIPAA and/or EEOC rules that an employer can ask an employee for any and all PHI information, and that they are REQUIRED to provide it. In fact, the understanding has been the exact opposite! Nobody has ever wanted to go near asking much less requiring protected health information from anybody because of potential fines or lawsuits, but at the drop of a hat with a new tyrant director of the OCR at HHS, it’s now open season.
This can’t possibly be legal, and this is just another chip away from our medical freedoms and privacy rights in my view. On top of that, the vaccines don’t work so it makes no difference whether one is vaccinated or not. Perhaps my company would also like to know which testicle I had removed when fighting cancer ten years ago?
I have confirmed that the previous policy was that an employer could ask, but you’re not required to answer.
Deciding whether or not to comply.
I would not comply. What we are seeing is LAST DITCH attempts to enforce medical tyranny.
This will go down and I would not want to be anywhere near these bureaucrats when the meteor hits.
This is just so evil and Orwellian, I am fresh out of sympathy when these evil lying communist fuckers are IN CHAINS.
I hope he files a lawsuit instead of complying.
Valerie??? Testicle??? This does not compute.
Oh, I see … she re-posted a guy’s comment.
The frigging best thing anyone can do to free their mind is to turn off the television.
Most people are like drug addicts. The TV goes on as fast as a drug user inhales a hit. And they keep it going until they are comfortably numb for the day.
It’s true.
With more fully opened eyes, I’ve been watching old NCIS episodes. Wow. I knew the truth was presented as fiction on other programs, but didn’t realize how much of it there was.
And “news” programming…one of my parents is an addict and it does get them into trouble from time to time.
^^^ Yup. Antenna TV here. $29.95 nearly a decade ago. ENDED our debilitating addiction to TV, from morning to closing our eyes in the evening.
These days, music fills the days as muddle around the house… Maybe a couple hours of OLD reruns or an old movie a few times each week. NEVER the new shows or “news” which is pure propaganda.
TRUTH is so much clearer to SEE with NO TV lying 24/7.
Absolutely, Kalbo.
I remember, about 15 years back, turning OFF the boob-tube, so as to concentrate on a task that I found tremendously engaging.
One may say that I simply didn’t want to pay the bills, or that the provider didn’t want to continue service to me without my paying – either perspective works!
Later on – I still had the nice TV set! – I simply acquired an antenna, and for a time I watched a bunch of re-runs – “free”, of course.
Now, and for the past 7-8 years, I haven’t watched ANYTHING except from the internet – and even then, only rarely.
With the knowledge I’ve gained these past five years, even watching what I ***thought*** was mere entertainment – I found the predictive programming (propaganda) FAR too obvious , to the extent that I wished NOT to see ANY of it anymore.
>>”TRUTH is so much clearer to SEE with NO TV lying 24/7.”<<
Indeed – propaganda begone!!!
Dr. Pierre Kory mentions preprint studies on Ivermectin
lots to peruse by interested parties.
His 2 minute video on Gab was removed from twitter & accounts sharing it were banned. Appears to be over the target!
This Doctor’s POWERFUL endorsement of Ivermectin as a “100% effective COVID cure” was just removed from Twitter, and accounts re-posting it were suspended.
I managed to download this copy a few minutes before that all that happened.
They REALLY don’t want us to use this stuff, do they!?
Play Video
in the comments
Interesting, I couldn’t save this image from Gab but it did save to Pinterest here…
I posted my own copy of this above as one of their more egregious hypocrisies
let’s name and shame them!
and FJB ..
We had the answer, they suppressed the truth.
2017 Review published in Nature.
Maybe before the Chinese bought the Journal?
Great Find!
Covid is raging out of control??
Different audience!
Just part of his ammo.
Almost commented on the Covid raging out of control. Simply NOT true.
^^^ NOT helpful when a bogus line IS inserted in an otherwise spot on press release. Same as any defense of Covid injections, not helpful.
BUT, it would BE TRUEand perhaps helpful if Trump hammered the lunacy of injection mandates, injection passports…
I was thinking back on the AIDS hoax, the hysterical Fake Narrative that every single person was in grave danger of getting AIDS, regardless of how chaste you were, or how “oriented.”
And with AIDS how personal behavior was not a relevant consideration in how the afflicted were treated and regarded, no matter how unnecessary and how dangerous.
The goals of the cynical manipulation were different from now in part, but the manipulation and brainwashing techniques were very similar.
God bless the poor creatures who suffered and died from AIDS, but their experience had little or nothing to do with the population as a whole.
It has been many decades now since Americans have adopted hysteria as the preferred response to all sorts of serious issues. More recently, the opioid “crisis.”
Hysteria is the natural consequence of virtue-signaling and submission to peer pressure. And the brainwashing is easier; brainwashing is voluntarily, enthusiastically embraced. Rational discussion and cost/benefit assessment is deemed evidence of insensitivity.
Throughout the years, with smoking, domestic violence, driving while intoxicated, animal abuse and other areas, Americans adopted the hysterical approach, always ready to cast the first stone without hesitation, gave law enforcement unprecedented power, altered our common law, and (unwittingly but grossly unfairly) helped paint America as a hellhole.
It is not surprising that so many were perfectly psychologically prepared to side with the enemy in the War of Repression they are now waging against us. So many gave up being Americans a long time ago.
It’s very sad, Tona.
I would say “psychologically *conditioned*”, instead.
Without belief in the CREATOR, many rely instead on MAN as the ultimate authority. This is a euphemism for the STATE (“govern”ment”).
I’m continually astounded at how so many people deride belief in God, whilst concurrently ignoring the skies above, with the stars and planets and beyond.
A simple set of questions is “Are the stars THERE – Do they exist?” – “Did YOU do that?” – “Because they ARE there, was it DONE?” – “Who did it?”
The timeless answer is, of course, GOD.
For THOUSANDS of years beforehand, the vast majority of our species had revered the wonder of Creation … and yet this unifying perspective has been trashed by those today who self-claim to “know better”.
With incredible derision, no less, toward those of us who follow the vast history of belief among our species.
Romans 1:16-32: sets out clearly what is happening, especially with regard to the know-it-alls, Klugscheissers and Besserwissers who would say “in the beginning, Man created the heavens and the earth”…
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
and Colossians 2:8: (indeed the whole book of Colossians):
8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Passages for these dark & destructive times–thanks for sharing this! Blessings
They have managed to lull people asleep with the idea of vast stretches of time and space so that one is unable to really comprehend divinity, but is stuck navel-gazing at “billions and billions” of stars and galaxies.
It all happened so long ago and far away that one needn’t really THINK about it.
Just gawk at our enhanced space telescope photos and be quiet.
Hi Grandma!
We’re approaching the inflection point, yes?
In math (calculus), it means that after this “inflection” point – one either goes back down … or continues going UP!
I prefer the latter …
Our education system – whether by too many parents, or by too many “schools” – is and has been circling the toilet.
Crass, but true …
Yep. Our diseducation system is a discontinuous odd function, one where the graph goes up, then there’s a single point, then goes up as the inflection from there…
If William Shatner doesn’t say “Beam me up, Scotty”