Dear KMAG: 20240603 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



to claim for oneself [obsolete, rarely used in centuries]

Used in a sentence

It is not permitted to a woman, to speake in the congregation, nether to teache, nether to baptise, nether to vendicate to her selfe any office of man.

From: The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women. 1514-1572 1878

Used in another sentence

For divers men having attained to a great perfection in learning, & yet remaining overbare (alas) of the spirit of regeneration and frutes thereof: finding all naturall thinges common, aswell to the stupide pedants as vnto them, they assaie to vendicate vnto them a greater name, by not onlie knowing the course of things heavenlie, but likewise to cling to the knowledge of things to come thereby.

From: Daemonologie. King of England James I 1595

Hmmm. Seems like a perfectly good word that could easily be used in regard to our wonderful Democrats in a variety of contexts.


An apparently bootleg recording of Hans Zimmer’s orchestra doing the theme from Gladiator in Poland. Despite the low production values, still very enjoyable.

And if you want more, here’s an official recording.


Gravity looks to be getting ready to get a makeover. I hear more talk like this, in which people are kicking the tires of current theory, and thinking about new ones, all the time.

Interesting times, no?

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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He’s right again.


DJT will not adopt your view of YSM. Main reason – he’s been very successful playing ‘chase the red dot’ with them.


he’s been very successful playing ‘chase the red dot’ with them

Yes. And I think he used them to reach people he would not have been able to reach, otherwise. That might still be the case.

Gail Combs

Also , Trump does not need to deal with the Alt media. He has Kash Patel, Steve Bannon, General Flynn, and a whole host of others to carry the message for him.

Gail Combs

Let’s get him elected first.

Kill the Federal Reserve & Fractional Reserve Banking and the Fake News will DIE.

If Big Pharma gets taken out, OR is no longer allowed to advertise, then you will see the Fake News Die FAST.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs
Barb Meier

Seeing reports of problems with commercial banks. Confirmed at Wolf Street. I’m not well informed on finance, so I leave it to TradeBait and others to help us understand the impact.

Status of Banks’ Unrealized Losses in Q1: Worsened after Brief Rate-Cut-Mania Relief

by Wolf Richter • May 29, 2024 • 78 Comments

Rate-cut-mania soothed the pain, but it’s over.

By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET.

In Q1 2024, “unrealized losses” on securities held by commercial banks increased by $39 billion (or by 8.1%) from Q4, to a cumulative loss of $517 billion. These unrealized losses amount to 9.4% of the $5.47 trillion in securities held by those banks, according to today’s FDIC’s quarterly bank data for Q1.

The securities are mostly Treasury securities and government-guaranteed MBS that don’t produce credit losses, unlike loans where banks have been taking credit losses, particularly in commercial real estate loans. These are pristine securities whose market value dropped because interest rates rose. When these securities mature – or in the case of MBS, when pass-through principal payments are made – holders of these securities are paid face value. But until then, higher yields mean lower prices.

These unrealized losses were spread over securities accounted for under two methods:

Held to Maturity (HTM): +$31 billion in unrealized losses in Q1 from Q4, to a cumulative loss of $305 billion (red).

Available for Sale (AFS): +$8 billion in unrealized losses in Q1 from Q4, to $211 billion (blue).

Valerie Curren

AND sworn in!


I feel this way about the entire left, period.

Enough with “priDEMONth. Enough with “love is love.” No, it isn’t. Enough with islam is a “religion of peace.” No, it’s a death cult.

Enough accepting. We accepted their inch, they push for the mile. We accepted the mile, they pushed for infinity. Let’s shove them all back into the closets they came out of, and bar the doors.


That was always Andrew Dice Clay’s solution. 10% off Vaseline and get back in the closet 👍😁

When I was in college, Eddie Murphy’s and Andrew Dice Clay’s stand-up comedy routines were in regular rotation.

Political-correctness was not a feature of either one 😂

Gail Combs

I remember when ‘Political-correctness’ was an INSULT meaning a POLITICAL LIE.


Eddie Murphy…. “You can play tennis with ’em….”


Pocket pool.


Yeah. Why do we do that? Laziness?


Gravity looks to be getting ready to get a makeover. I hear more talk like this, in which people are kicking the tires of current theory, and thinking about new ones, all the time.

Interesting times, no?

Definitely interesting times, on so many levels. I caught a snippet of the gravity video and am looking forward to watching it later, especially since I’m wondering what could possibly be new. 🤔


Sounds like there’s a dearth of physicists and that was the recruiting pitch. 😮🤔😏🤓👍

Valerie Curren

For some reason when watching that video I kept wanting to translate “emergence” into “arises from”, which made better sense to me. I kind of hate buzzwords for they always seem to be obscuring something from the regular people by inserting some form of trendy jargon. Guess I’m a dinosaur 😉

Gail Combs


See Scott Armstrong’s paper “Bafflegab Pays”

From the Philadelphia Inquirer, March 23, 1982.

Plain Prose: It’s Seldom Seen in Journals

Written by Dick Pothier

If you want to publish an article in some scientific or medical journal, here is some unusual advice from Scott Armstrong, a professor of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School: Choose an unimportant topic. Agree with existing beliefs. Use convoluted methods. Withhold some of your data. And write the whole thing in stilted, obtuse prose.

Armstrong, who is the editor of a new research publication called the Journal of Forecasting, offered the advice in a serious, scholarly article last month in the journal’s first issue. He said yesterday that he had studied the publication process in research journals for years.

“Although these rules clearly run counter to the goal of contributing to scientific knowledge — the professed goal of academic journals — they do increase a paper’s chance of being published,” Armstrong said.

“Some readers may feel that the suggestions here … are extreme,” he wrote in his article. “However, they provide a description of many papers published in the social sciences…. It is not by accident that intelligent and successful scientists produce such work.” Armstrong surveyed dozens of recent studies on how articles in such journals get published, and the result, he said, “was rather depressing, if our job is to get that research information out and have the readers benefit from it.”

In one study, Armstrong said, academics reading articles in scientific journals rated the authors’ competence higher when the writing was less intelligible than when it was clear.

In another study, Armstrong said, research papers were mailed to a sampling of dozens of researchers. Half the scientists received a paper that described an experiment confirming existing beliefs; the other half received a paper describing an identical experiment but with a different conclusion that challenged the consensus.

Although the methods used in the two sets of papers were identical, the scientists surveyed generally approved of the procedures used in the papers that confirmed existing beliefs and generally disapproved of the same methods when they were used to contradict what most scientists believed, Armstrong said.

“Papers with surprising results are especially important for adding significantly to what is known. Presumably, the editors of journals want to publish important papers,” Armstrong said. “On the other hand, they are concerned that the journal might look foolish — and so they reject many of the important papers.”

For young academics who wish to be published in such journals, Armstrong said, “the factors that would seem to be a deadly combination would be choosing an important problem and obtaining surprising results.”

Other studies, Armstrong said, indicate that obscure writing helps those who have little to say. And having little to say may also be an advantage, especially if the author withholds some significant data. “This will allow the researcher to continue publishing slightly different versions of the same research,” which Armstrong says is a common practice…..

Happy go lucky

Bafflegab, I was trying to remember that word just the other day


It was lost in the bafflegab of your memory …

Valerie Curren

Heavy sigh…TY


A cute dinosaur but still a dinosaur.   :wpds_lol: 

Valerie Curren

😉 😉


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Gail Combs

“…Not the LIES of our chicken GLOBALIST Banksters OWNED media.”

Sorry, wolfie they are not ‘chickens’ THEY ARE TRAITORS!

Gail Combs

Actually their editors will yank a story the Cabal wants yanked.

Happened to John Munsell. A reporter spent 3 days at his butcher shop, wrote a story he OKed and at the last minute it was yanked by someone high up the food chain.


Because the USDA was laying the blame on John for the e-coli contamination found in his shop when the contamination was IN the unopened packages FROM CON AGRA.

They wanted the Food Safety Modernization act passed, and didn’t give a crap if kids died in agony if that is what it took.

I was a victim of some minor sabotage and a friend was blamed for all the illness at the NC state fair. It was really the bitch of an animal rights activist working as a vet for the USDA. She introduced e-coli to my friends petting farm animals via a contaminated thermometer.

I can’t prove it but there was ZERO illness at a county fair the week before (I checked.) During the next week she stuck a thermometer up the butts of all his animals, and the following week there is e-coli food poisoning at the state fair.

That strain of e-coli was ONLY found in cows up until that point. There was no e-coli in the mouth or on the coats of the sheep and goats, only in the fresh poop. Poop that sinks below the shavings rather quickly. That means a kid had to go actively searching for and eating the FRESH poop.

Any bets the REAL source was the truck load of Con Agra beef patties sold to the food vendors?


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Emergent Gravity! 🤗


Because afterall …. “Gravity” is still a “Theory”.
Consider: Density, Buoyancy, Mass and weight


Yep.. Trump has an abundance of those qualities. He must practice austerities.


We need a LOT more of this:

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It will work. Girls will be curious and flock over, then more guys will flock in and the only way to explain it will be Emergent Gravity! 😁


👍 🤣


It would have been better if “Idaho Bar” meant the state’s official association of lawyers.


Everyone would know they were lying. Lawyers are like that.


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Gail Combs

The entire trial makes ZERO sense as Coothie pointed out.

Remember the screeching by the Fake News about GASP! Trump OWNING hotels and such that could BENEFIT from him being president?

So Trump sat down at a table before the Fake News with a pile of documents that was over 2 feet high, and SIGNED A REVOCABLE TRUST IN FRONT OF THE CAMERAS. This was after the election but BEFORE he was sworn in. At that point, Trump was completely divorced from Trump Inc and had nothing to do with the payment to Cohen, AFTER the election.

Trump’s history of germaphobia — WASHINGTON POST!!! (1:44)

There is no way in HADES that Germaphobe Trump would get NEAR a PORN STAR who sleeps around for the camera in the age of HIV!

Cohen took out a loan that he hid from his wife to pay off Stormy Daniels. Give fact 2 and this, I think it is much more likely Cohen was either in cahoots with Stormy in a scam to rip off Trump, OR Cohen was sleeping with Stormy OR BOTH. No matter what, Cohen did not tell Trump what he was up to before the election. Remember he was RECORDING CONVERSATIONS WITH TRUMP INC. and the supposed phone call telling him to pay Stormy, was actually about something else entirely. Also Cohen has PROVED that he was in the habit of Ripping off Trump Inc.

The payment to Cohen was AFTER Trump was sworn in and AFTER Cohen was told he was NOT going to be part of the admin. The $$$ Cohen was expecting to rake in evaporated, and he had that loan to pay off so he billed the Trump organization. Again making it likely it was HE who was in a relationship with Stormy not to mention that Trump would have nothing to do with the accountant paying a LEGAL bill from a known lawyer.

Actually, submitting fake bills to corporations is a KNOW SCAM and one Cohen has already confessed to doing.

Overview of phishing techniques: Fake invoice/bills

….Phishers can send fake invoices/bills to both individuals and companies. Last year, a Lithuanian man pleaded guilty for sending bogus invoices for computer gear to Facebook and Google. The scam allowed the fraudster to bilk the tech giants out of $123 million over the course of two years.

On an individual level, many Apple users received fake iTunes bills for purchases they didn’t make. Phishers duplicated an authentic Apple email and also placed the company’s logo on the invoice, making it difficult to determine whether it was legitimate or fake…. 

All of this is on top of the rest of the facts that have come out in this bogus case.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

Porn “Star”???? STAR?
I’m not politically correct so I call her what she is….



For which this is being said… 😮


Very true!


  :wpds_shock:    :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


Do we have an equivalent expletive for males?

If not, we need one pronto. It’s unfair to trash only the females.

Gail Combs

I was just stating the facts.
You do you

Happy go lucky



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What’s the plan, Stan?


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Well that’s good news insomuch as he’s trying to snivel his way into PDJT’s favor, that means he’s sensed the way the wind’s blowing.
Apart from that do not trust him, he and Lard Cameron are a pair of deceitful lying globalist rats, two of many. Don’t let them inside the fence.


Lard Cameron

LMAO  😂 


A slippery character.

Valerie Curren

brings to mind the greased watermelon contests in the church campouts of my youth 😉


Gosh, you sure did have some sadistic camp organizers.


Valerie Curren

LOL I think I won it once, & against the guys too, though it was a little scary in the lake feeling like I was being held under water just a bit too long 🙂


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Looks to me that Trump and MEGA are the Jews for Nazi Biden and his ilk.

Gail Combs

I have the same thoughts.

After all these are the SAME Nazis.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

Sad they are rounding people up one by one.

Gail Combs

Too true.

Some lady got nailed for having a Trump flag at a Biden event. She was nailed for EMOTIONAL DISTRESS…

WTF? A Flag?

We really need to get rid of the ‘hate speech’ laws.



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Gail Combs

Remember that Ivan Raiklin has been after Elon to RELEASE the DMs showing that Jan 6 Buffalo Jump was ORCHESTRATED by the Feds/Deep State/PigLouse. This lawfare verdict is just a continuation of the Deep State’s attack on POTUS, MAGA and the Constitution.


What is interesting, is Jon Harold mentioned it was Al Waleed who held up the sale of Twitter to Elon.

Saudi Prince Al Waleed and Vanguard Move to Stop Elon Musk’s Proposed Purchase of – /2022/4/15

…One of the nemesis of ex-President Donald Trump, Prince Al Waleed bin Talal Al Saud along with investment behemoth Vanguard, are moving to stop Elon Musk from making this move.

If I had to choose between Elon Musk and these two evil entities I would go with Elon Musk. 👉Vanguard is at the forefront of the global censorship moves of the Great Reset. [So much for Vanguard being one of the ‘good guys’] Prince Al Waleed is partnered with Bill Gates on many projects and investments, so that tells you all you need to know about him….

This predictably made the left lose their collective mind, given Musk’s outspoken support of free speech on the platform, but a formal rejection of the offer came from Prince Al Waleed, one of Twitter’s top shareholders.

“I don’t believe that the proposed offer by @elonmusk ($54.20) comes close to the intrinsic value of @Twitter given its growth prospects,” Alwaleed tweeted Thursday.

“Being one of the largest & long-term shareholders of Twitter, @Kingdom_KHC & I reject this offer.”

I don’t believe that the proposed offer by @elonmusk ($54.20) comes close to the intrinsic value of @Twitter given its growth prospects.

Being one of the largest & long-term shareholders of Twitter, @Kingdom_KHC & I reject this offer.

— الوليد بن طلال (@Alwaleed_Talal) April 14, 2022

MAY 30, 2024 The Trouble with BlackRo… er… ummm, Vanguard

Your Survival Guy is not thrilled about the announcement of Vanguard’s new CEO, Salim Ramji. [“As a BlackRock alum, Ramji will be the first outsider in Vanguard’s roughly 50-year history.” ] As one of the kings at BlackRock, Rmaji helped put them on the ETF map. If you follow the money, you know that BlackRock has made a huge push into the advisory business.

You know from here that index ETFs have raced to zero fees and are a commodity. Now, they need to make money selling advice and stuffing portfolios with annuity-like (read high fees) products.

I’m sure Ramji is a nice guy. Maybe he isn’t. After all, he’s used to getting his way, seeing he was a debate champ who could probably talk a dog off a meat wagon. Is that who you want running your money?

You Can Have My Friday Newsletter Emailed to You by Signing Up Here.

Jack Bogle would be rolling in his grave. My father-in-law, Richard C. Young, taught many of you about the importance of keeping fees low, how to eschew 12b-1 fees, front and back-end loads, and the like. The Vanguard of today is not the Vanguard he recommended to you back then. Act accordingly, or steel yourself to ignore the onslaught of solicitations for your money.

Who Is Salim Ramji? Age, Wife, Net Worth, Family, Nationality

Started in London and Hong Kong??? WTF???

Salim Ramji, on his early career interest, said, “Like every good Canadian, I grew up wanting to be a professional hockey player”

Salim Ramji said that he wanted to work at the World Bank after finishing his law study but ended up working in the field of micro finance in North Pakistan [95 to 97% Muslim].

He earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and politics from the University of Toronto and later completed his MA in law at Cambridge.

Born in Tanzania [34% Muslim], Salim Ramji has now established himself as one of the global icons in the investment field. He has a wide array of professional experience.

According to his LinkedIn, he began his career as a lawyer at Clifford Chance and worked there for four years…


Clifford Chance LLP is a British multinational law firm headquartered in London, England, and a member of the “Magic Circle”, a group of leading London-based multinational law firms.

In 2022-2023 Clifford Chance was the third largest law firm headquartered in the UK by revenue…

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

Life was so much better when Bonanza was the western U.S. oligarch.

Gail Combs

Instead of a bunch of Muslims.

Gail Combs

Yeah, I was surprised when I looked up Twitter & Al Waleed and found Vanguard too.

I am fairly sure he is Muslim…

Wealth management discussion with a Senior Managing Director from Blackrock hosted at Manhattan Jamatkhana

Manhattan Jamatkhana and IPN Alliances recently hosted Salim Ramji, a senior leader from the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock, for an intimate conversation on October 15, 2023.

Ismaili Jamatkhana Manhattan – Open House New York

5 days ago – The Ismaili Jamatkhana (Manhattan) is a place of gathering for prayer but also a space for intellectual discourse. The interior spaces display elements of Islamic design and architectural elements of Jamatkhanas throughout the world….

Jamatkhana vs mosque (AI)

  • A mosque (Arabic: مسجد, masjid) is a generic term for a Muslim place of worship, derived from the Arabic word “masjid,” which means “place of prostration.”
  • A Jamatkhana (Persian: جماعت خانه, jamāt khāna) is a specific type of gathering place for Ismaili Muslims, derived from the Persian words “jama’at” (gathering) and “khana” (house or place)…


Why Ismaili Jamatkhanas are only open to Ismailis for prayers – Ismaili Gnosis

November 19, 2016 – In conclusion, while the non-denominational masjids or mosques are public places for the rituals of the shari‘ah such as the exoteric namaz (salah), 👉the Ismaili Jamatkhanah is a private space reserved for the practices of the Ismaili Tariqah and therefore therefore only accessible to murids who have given bay‘ah to the Imam👈…. 


Speaking of felonies, ‘in’ where ‘into’ should be is an grammatical felony.


Oh my goodness. The grammar Nazi left one, MeThinks. Or was it intentional.

“…an grammatical felony.”

Valerie Curren



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It’s not a big story because the media does not put things in context, if they report on it at all. To merely say that Garland didn’t hand over the tapes doesn’t give the whole picture.




Not yet.

Wait until discovery in the Trump Enterprises lawsuit over civil rights violations.


Garand is the biggest criminal to the constitution and to the people in the US.

Gail Combs

He is a CUBAN Communist.


correction Garland .
I did not know that. Communist yes many of them around I noticed.

Gail Combs

Sorry, faulty memory Like the Vindman brothers, Alexander and Yevgeny,  he is a Russian Communist.

Garland’s grandparents fled the Pale of Settlement—western regions of the Russian Empire to which Jews were then restricted—to escape anti-Semitism.



Garand was the rifle that won WW2.


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Gail Combs

You and me both.

I do not think it was an ‘Accident’

I also wonder if Jill is CIA.


I think I would drink also if I had an husband like Biden. Good grief being married to a street thug.

Gail Combs

AND she just had another child with him.


What ?

Gail Combs

She had a baby in the car, her one-year-old daughter, Naomi.

She was a very pretty woman.

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Oh dear. Is there space on the fainting couch?


He also is not paying his child support the court ordered. Biden is denying his grandchild what an abomination.


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has been diagnosed with pancreatic ca cancer, the 74-year-old longtime Texas Democrat announced Sunday night…

• The Congressional Black Caucus member noted she “will be occasionally absent from Congress” as she receives treatment. 

• But Jackson Lee added that she’s “committed to working with our Congressional Leadership including Leader Hakeem Jeffries and the Speaker of House to serve this nation and be present for votes on legislation that is critical for the prosperity and security of the American people.”

Jackson Lee, a senior member of the House Committees on the Judiciary, Homeland Security, in March won a primary election in March to regain her Texas’ 18th District seat that comprises parts of Houston after last year losing a bid to become the city’s mayor.

Time to retire and take care of her health.


This Monday, is coming up with roses.


No. Pancreatic cancer is a horror and a death sentence. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, even Sheila Jackson Lee.


Yes, pancreatic cancer is truly terrible. I did not wish it. I just don’t care.


To be clear. My sister is a cancer survivor. Cancer took my Mom. Thankfully, some QTreepers are survivors. Linda, IIRC PG, perhaps it was Para. Likely others I forgot or they didn’t post it. I Absolutely care about All of them AND Every Patriot, America First…

I draw the line when it involves those working against America, druggies, LGXYZ fools, Pedos, D-Rats (repetitive I know), on and on. <<< Simply lost my give-a-shit for these types of folks.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

You’re a better person than me.

I firmly believe that certain political beliefs and associated history are intermingled with diseases.

Evil is its own reward.

Happy go lucky

Good point! It’s bound to negatively impact the immune system, all that hate.


Yep, that’s my firm conviction.

Gail Combs

Retire to a dirt nap?

The 5-year relative survival rate for pancreatic cancer in the United States is 12%….


She needs to retire NOW. But like so many others, she will probably die “in the halls of Congress,” so to speak.


Retire to a dirt nap, Face Down.   :wpds_mrgreen: 


Well … she always had a ‘kiss-my-ass’ attitude so it makes sense.


IMO, any COVID-19 “vaccine” that Rep. Lee has received is also in play here regarding her cancer diagnosis.
Whatever people may think about her activities and beliefs, she’s got a tough road on this.


🤔Unless it’s all fake and is going to be used to promote the new mRNA cancer vaxxx. Zero Trust.

Gail Combs

Depends on whether or not she got the actual Covid Clot shot.

I wonder if some of the medical staff, may have slipped some of the Congress Critters the REAL shot. 🤔

Valerie Curren

I wondered about the Jab too 🙁


Damn! I can’t find my bottle of Condolence Tears.


It never ceases to amaze me the dedication they have toward breaking the country. So many of them won’t step back to try and heal or enjoy their last years.

Gail Combs

AND that tells you that the BLACKMAIL MATERIAL is SO nasty they literally CAN NOT RETIRE!


What happens when people learn the TRUTH?

What happens when people WAKE UP?

They will not be able to WALK down the street... — Q


…The streets will not be safe for them…




Nadler, Pelosi, Schiff cannot WALK down the street?

Imagine that!Q


A soul as blackened by greed and corruption has no true love in their life besides fellow corrupt politicians and their money. Congress IS their home. No surprise they choose to cling to the only thing meaningful in their life.

Gail Combs

They do not ‘love’ their fellow politicians. PSYCHOPATHS CAN NOT LOVE.


This is so off base.

HBO ‘Real Time’ host Bill Maher has predicted that if Donald Trump is sentenced to any prison time, there will be a civil war that will quickly evolve into a race war because of MAGA supporters.

“MAGA nation will go nuts. I don’t know if that’s a reason to or not to do something, but they will,” Maher continued during the discussion with former Obama chief strategist David Axelrod.

I don’t think MAGA nation will go nuts if Trump goes to jail for a short time while waiting for an appeal. We will use that as another incident to rally around while he gathers more support. What would cause MAGA nation to go ballistic is if the RNC pulls any shenanigans to deny Trump the nomination.

Maher went on to suggest that “because the judge’s name was Juan,” putting Trump in jail would lead to racial political violence.

When have Trump supporters ever used race as a reason for anything, including protesting? Maher is projecting the Left’s MO onto the Right.


“Maher is projecting the Left’s MO onto the Right.”



It’s consciousness of guilt.


He used to many drugs his brain is fried 🙂

Gail Combs

The Left’s default is ALWAYS to pull the RACE CARD… Except the Race card has expired.

More and more Blacks, esp Male Blacks are jumping on the Trump Train.

BTW, several years ago a friend asked a couple Blacks she knew, why Black guys were always marrying White women. They said it was because Black Women were such absolute BITCHES! 😆

April 2024 Polls.

…President Donald Trump’s support among black men has increased in battleground states ahead of the 2024 election by more than double his support among the same group in 2020’s election, according to a poll published on Thursday by The Wall Street Journal….

A recent poll estimated that 30% of black men in seven battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — “definitely or probably” plan to vote for Trump in November’s election, an increase of 18% from his nationwide performance among that demographic in 2020, where he earned 12% of their votes…

Trump’s support among black women also increased by a smaller amount, to 11% in the current poll from 6% in 2020, the Journal reported. Among college-educated black voters, Trump’s support increased by ten percentage points to 18% currently from 8% in 2020, while support among black voters without a college education increased by 12 percentage points to 21%…

On average, Trump leads Biden by 0.2 percentage points nationally, according to RealClearPolitics. When third-party candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Cornel West and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included, Trump’s lead increases to 1.9 percentage points on average.

Trump also leads Biden among polls of young voters ages 18-35, according to Politico, a major shift from the last election when Biden won this voting bloc.

The poll was conducted between March 17 and 24, 2024 and surveyed between 218 and 354 registered voters. The margin of error ranged between 5.2 and 6.6 percentage points….


…The Rasmussen Reports poll also revealed Trump’s unexpected appeal among groups that traditionally lean Democratic. In head-to-head matchups, Trump secures a significant portion of the Black vote with 48 percent compared to 39 percent for Biden. The former president also leads among Hispanic voters with 48 percent supporting him, in contrast with Biden’s 37 percent…

Gail Combs

So do their welfare checks.


Not all many are hard working wonderful women. Maybe I happen to meet the hard working one who are great individuals and I get along with them. We have no race issues non what soever.

Gail Combs

Some are really great others are grifters… AND THAT GOES FOR ALL RACES!

It is actions that count PERIOD.




I have a black hair dresser she is a Trumper. We were delighted when we figured it out. Her father was a Marine. She is in her forties. I just love her and she is so good to me and the best hair stylist I ever had.

Gail Combs

We had black neighbors when I was a kid. I used to babysit for them. We had a racist Mom move in on the other side of us and start spouting off. I have never seen my Mom so angry. Boy did she put that woman in her place!


Some people think it is all about race instead of character. Good for your mom

Gail Combs

She was an absolute Sweetheart. She literally could not comprehend ‘Evil’


Maher and the DemonRat/Uni party probably want a civil war, which they will blame on MAGA using racism as an excuse.

This will allow their Fascist agenda to jail anybody who may threaten their power.

This is how desperate they will become, once they realize that they can’t even win the coming, in their favor rigged, election.



Gail Combs

“…We need to stay peaceful through this steal…..”

I think that was the main reason Q was deployed. The other was to organize a Digital Army, as General Flynn likes to say.

BOTH are needed if we are going to win in the long run.


they will blame on MAGA using racism as an excuse

Just since I posted that, it has become clear that “MAGA racism and riots” is the current talking point across the media.


I used to think Maher was intelligent does he nor know that MEGA has no race boundaries? We come in all shapes and race. “Make America Great Again” is for all who love this country the rest can leave 🙄


the rest can should leave


Gail Combs

the rest can should leave GET KICKED OUT!


the rest can should MUST leave GET KICKED OUT!

Gail Combs



Donald Trump’s Campaign Raises Over $200M In 3 Days




Citizen Free Press:

President Trump posted this photo tonight, with the caption:

The mother who saved America.

comment image


Lovely legs and ankles – even as an older lady. Her meatloaf is one of PDJT’s favorite dishes.

Mary McLeod Trump’s Meatloaf

2 lbs fresh ground beef 
1 Spanish onion (fine dice)
1 Red bell pepper (fine dice)
1 Green bell pepper (fine dice)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1 large beefsteak tomato diced fine (remove seeds)
2 extra large fresh eggs
2/3 cup of seasoned breadcrumbs
¼ cup chopped parsley
2/3 cup of tomato puree
1/2 tablespoon of salt and pepper

1). In a large sauce pan slowly cook peppers, onion, garlic and tomato until the onions turn translucent and let cool.

2). In a large mixing bowl add ground beef, cooked cool vegetables, eggs, breadcrumbs, parsley, salt and pepper and mix well.

3). Remove the mixture from bowl and place in a 14”x 9” x 2” ceramic baking dish and form into a loaf.

4). Top loaf with tomato puree and bake in a 350 degree oven for 45-55 minutes or until brown and firm.

5). Let the loaf rest for 10 minutes before slicing. Serve with mushroom gravy and mashed potatoes.

Gail Combs

Our recipe:

1 red onion chopped but left raw
1 cup quick oats
Spices (these change each time. but parsley, sage, thyme, pepper, marjoram, basil, oregano, garlic…)


3 lbs hamburger (If 93% add one – two heaping tablespoons of coconut oil.)
3 jumbo eggs or 4 small eggs from neighbors 😋
1/4 cup water


Place in 2 greased Pyrex loaf pans and pack down
sprinkle with paprika

Cook until 160F (45 min – 1 hr)

Good for those who do not like to eat wheat.

Happy go lucky

That’s cool, thanks for sharing 🌷


OK, previous plan just took a huge hole below the waterline.

Some of the “successfully ripped” DVDs were not, in fact, successfully ripped — but aborted when the thumbdrive I was ripping to was asked to go over 2G in a single file [it’s FAT32].

In addition, the poor laptop is still chugging away at the first rip job I asked it to perform — it’s converting at a bit less than 2 Frames Per Second, when display is 30 FPS, meaning that it takes 15 seconds to encode one second of video.

I’m going to take my available stack of DVDs and ISO them onto an ext4 drive so that I can put the physical media away. I still have hopes of processing them down to something “flingable” so that I can display them on various monitors around the house, but I need to rejigger some things.

I have installed an 8T drive on my little printserver, and my next bit of fun will be to NFS it so that I don’t have to use FAT32 thumbdrives.


OK, taking a break.

Let’s say, for the purposes of argument, that my little server is computer “aa”. It has three users, “aa123”, which cannot be accessed remotely and can do system administration (with a password); “aa456”, which can be accessed remotely and can do system administration (with a password); and “aa789”, which can be accessed remotely and cannot do system administration.

I’ve been using the little laptop to be “aa456”. Its initialization script is in /usr/local/bin on the laptop. The laptop’s name is “LT”, and the user there is “lt123”. The key for remote access to “aa456” is in /home/lt123/.ssh/aa456.

The computer I normally use, the Big Workstation, would be named “bw”. Its user would be “bw123”. I just set it up so that it can log into “aa” as “aa789”.

This means that I have three users logged into the computer 20 feet away — aa789 from bw, aa456 from LT, and a “stump” aa123 that would be available if I plugged in a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

By default, NFS transmits “in clear” across the network. There’s a way to “wrap” it so that it is basically secure — — but I’m trying to use sshfs as a quick alternative to get things going. It’s currently hanging, so I’m taking a break.


As a “By-The-Way”, installing the new drive was a bit interesting. To start with, I had to shut down the computer…..which I could do from the laptop — there’s no keyboard to interact with it where it sits. I then had to de-stack the printer from its perch atop the box. It’s HP Corporate, so opening the box required no tools. Peering inside, there was clearly space for a drive right above the 128G SSD that normally runs the box. There were a number of SATA ports available (and no SATA cables, so I had to scavenge one), and SATA0 was occupied with the SSD, so I plugged the new drive into SATA1. There was a power cable available, so I used that.

Under normal circumstances, I would use GPARTED to light up the drive, partition it, and format it for use — but this is a pseudo-server managed from a laptop down the way. Doing these things from the command line required multiple tools and was like working through a keyhole. This article was helpful — — but I ended-up using parted instead of fdisk. Using mkfs and editing fstab were straightforward.

This is very much a “measure twice; cut once” sort of process, because it is far too easy to do prep things on your old disk instead of your new one — and this can get messy very rapidly. I now have an 8T drive on this server that persists after reboots, so I probably did it right.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes it pays to quadruple check the in= and out= parameters.


“I still have hopes of processing them down to something “flingable” so that I can display them on various monitors around the house,”


I guess I only have one question left.



It’s an extremely valid question.

The concept is simple — I want to get the media out of my living area, but enable multiple devices to access videos within the living space. The devices will have various available resolutions, but the majority will claim 1080p (even if they don’t deliver).

My eyes are getting old, and few videos really seize my attention, so some degradation is perfectly ok — but, on the other hand, data space gets cheaper every year. I went through the same sort of thing with audio when I was ripping “higher quality” mp3s…..and, now, I just rip to lossless FLAC.

Converting video “on-the-fly” requires significant oomph. Telling a cellphone to do it may well cause stutter. Doing the conversion in advance would seem to make sense at the current time…..but this stuff changes weekly.

Maybe I should just pull ISOs and leave it to display-adjacent hardware to massage it into shape…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I used to rip to FLAC and use that almost everywhere, and then convert to mp3 for use on one particular device that had limited storage. Now I don’t bother with the mp3s but do still have the files.


“The concept is simple — I want to get the media out of my living area, but enable multiple devices to access videos within the living space.”


I can relate to that, all those discs (and cases) do take up a lot of room, eventually.

With music, I may only listen to 2 or 3 songs on a CD, before changing CDs to another album, so the CD collection needs to be in the same room as the stereo.

If the appearance of shelves full of CDs (or LPs) is unwanted, you can buy (or make) shelves with darkened sliding glass doors, or wood cabinet doors, maybe paint them to match the room colors, etc. The eyesore aspect can be mitigated.

If you just want background noise available everywhere, while cooking or cleaning or working around the house, you’re not going to be watching it anyway, so a portable radio would do the trick, or you could really go to town and put up little blue-tooth satellite speakers in most of the rooms for music, and have them all controlled by one PC.

With a movie, you’re committing to at least an hour and a half or more before changing discs, so storing the movie discs in another room isn’t really an issue. They can be stored anywhere in the house, as long as there is easy access (the attic is probably not ideal).

For something like a film, which requires actually paying attention, you pretty much need a dedicated space for a TV or projector / blu-ray player / AV receiver (or separate components) and speakers + subs and a couch or comfortable chair, which usually means the main living room or family room, or a dedicated movie room.


A CD jewel case is about 10.4mm thick (or roughly 0.4 inches), according to the intertubez. One hundred of them would be 1.04 meters. One thousand would be 10.4 meters — or a little over 34 feet. Fifteen hundred would be a smidge over 51 feet — and that’s if you laid them in a straight line across the floor. To put these on shelves would require extra height for the shelves and space to insert and remove, and additional length for the shelf supports.

A DVD case is about 14mm thick. One hundred would be 1.4 meters.


Three of these, up against a wall, would hold 1,920 CDs.

(add an ‘h’ to ‘https’): ttps://

Since the movies don’t need to be immediately accessible in the same way music does, I would put them on shelves in another room, out of sight and out of mind.

If you have your movies listed in something like an Excel spreadsheet, or saved to your ‘collection’ at a movie website (like, you decide what movie you want to watch from your list, and when you’re ready to watch, go get it from wherever you keep them.


(Note that each of these are 51″ tall and 38.75″ wide and can hold 640 CDs.) Three of them would also take up an entire wall of a room with no space for windows or doors.

I tried shelves. I tried spinners. I tried bigger shelves…..for CD’s, it’s just a pain-in-the-tuchis. Better, far, to just keep them on electronic storage. Besides, that way you can play them in your study, in your shop, and in your music room without having to fetch actual CD’s from your media room. Not to mention that they don’t spill all over the floor every time you have an earthquake.

The same rack states that it can hold 270 DVDs. Three racks of CDs and two racks of DVDs would make a room seem quite cramped.


I think I used to own one of this style.

Another thing to note is that I add about 30 CDs to my collection every month or two. They would be inserted in random places in these three hypothetical shelf units, meaning that I potentially have to adjust each and every shelf to get them to fit.


If you’re really looking at hard-core storage, you have to look into something like this —

— or a similar deal with standard cabinets instead of lateral ones. Essentially these use filing cabinets on tracks so that you can pack them right up next to each other, then you move the cabinets in a pattern to make a path to the cabinet you want to access.

You actually see these used in some CPA firms.


Regarding your eyesight issues – explore lens replacement procedure.

It’s commonly used to deal with cataracts and/or astigmatism but it is likely suitable for other problems.

I had both my eyes done and my vision is very close to 20/20.


i had one eye done the other had no problems.


The laptop just got done with its rip. I’ll never ask it to do that again.


Uh, you don’t ask a computer to do anything.

You command it …


Back when I used to interview for jobs, I was frequently asked about my “management style”. I would reply that I didn’t have just one, because there isn’t just one single “employee style”. Sometimes you need to praise, sometimes you need to critique; sometimes you call up teamwork, other times you go authoritarian….if one “style” isn’t working to get the job done, you need to be able to try another.

Computers are much the same way. Sometimes you can just “rm -f”, and other times you should try and figure what they’re complaining about.


NFL Team Hit with Major Backlash, Leaves Fans Disgusted by ‘Pride Month’ Post – ‘This Is Embarrassing’
Arizona Cardinals fans are hitting back.

It seems that for a while the public was so cowed by political correctness that they put up with this stuff, but more people are pushing back now.


If the Cardinals football team (and administration and coaches) really had pride about homosexuality, they would all commit to performing a homosexual act during the month of June, and then post some kind of proof online.

Come on Cardinals, you bunch o’ homos.

If you really believed in it, you would do it 👍 🚀 👌 🔥 😂

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren



Or at least change their name to the Arizona Ass-Luvins.

At least for June.

Otherwise, they just come across like gay mafia grifters.

They talk the talk, but they don’t swish the walk.

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha


Isn’t that supposed to be walk the swish?

Asking for a closeted friend.  😮  😠 


Your closeted friend knows better than I do (or want to) 😂

Robert Baker

Scott, Scott, Scott, if you would take a moment and consider the demographic of the region you would not have rushed in like a bulldozer on meth. May I suggest an alternative; Arizona Gay Cabelleros. After a moment of reflection doesn’t that seem more sensitive?


The Arizona Ass-Luvins are all about sensitivity (as any good pro football team should be), so I have no reason to think they wouldn’t be fine with Arizona Gay Cabelleros 👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just want to know what you have against donkeys.


“  :wpds_envy: ”



Just calling them out, holding them accountable for what they promote as an organization, or revealing their hypocrisy.

If they want to promote homosexual fornication, then man-up, don’t be prissies about it.

If they feelz so strongly about it, if homosexual depravity is good enough for the organization to get behind and publicly encourage, then why shouldn’t the administration and coaching staff and players all be buggering each other, loud and proud?

They don’t even want to talk about it, that’s why they use all the euphemisms.

Why don’t they want to talk about men putting their private parts in other men’s butts or mouths?

Because it makes them uncomfortable.

Why does it make them uncomfortable?

Because it’s wrong — and they know it.

And NOW we’re getting somewhere 😂

That’s why they need to be made to talk about it, graphically and in detail. Make them squirm. Make them embarrassed for their family and friends to see what the team is promoting.

The Gay Mafia can’t get away with ANY of it, unless they whitewash it and plaster it all over with euphemisms and rainbow stickers.

Strip all that away, make them defend the graphic reality of what they promote as unicorns and rainbows, and they can’t promote it anymore.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

What’s good for congress is good for football?

EXCLUSIVE: Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room (GRAPHIC)
…A source identified the room to the Daily Caller as Senate room Hart 216- The Judiciary Room.

Cardin staff wildin’. Making porn at work and yelling “free Palestine” at a Jewish congressman?

I have a question: how long would Cardin’s filmmaker last in a free Palestine?

— Rep. Mike Collins (@RepMikeCollins) December 15, 2023

That would be Ben Cardin, American lawyer and politician (born 1943). He was representative for Maryland’s 3rd congressional district and is now Senator.
Democrat congressional aide Aidan Maese-Czeropski is FIRED by Maryland Senator Ben Cardin after gay sex tape filmed in Senate swept the internet

…Maese-Czeropski, who appeared in a 2020 campaign video with Joe Biden, had shared his own statement on LinkedIn… Maese-Czeropski also denied anti-Semitically abusing a Jewish Republican congressman over Palestine…

Jewish Congressman Max Miller told the Washington Free Beacon that just days before the pornographic clips surfaced, Maese-Czeropski confronted him and screamed ‘Free Palestine‘ in his face.

Maese-Czeropski said of those allegations: ‘As for the accusations regarding Congressman Max Miller, I have never seen the congressman and had no opportunity or cause to yell or confront him.’ …

Congressional Gay Sex Tape Still Image
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Last edited 4 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Valerie Curren

Wish you’d put that pic behind the spoiler 🙁

Gail Combs


I have not really figured that out yet.

Although I do like the symbolism of the capital…

Gail Combs

Thanks Wolfie, I never knew what the [+] was for or what ‘spoiler’ meant.

Valerie Curren

No prob it’s just gross to see it when scrolling the page 🙁

The spoiler choice if you click on it asks for a title for the spoiler in a box & then puts html tags, iirc, that indicate the beginning & end of the spoiler section. Anything placed between the beginning & end tags will be hidden by that clickable gray box when the comment posts, I believe.


Or if not the act, hang out at a homo bar, party with them, and take pics and post them. Show the world how they are “just like us” and deserve respect and that they’re positive role models for children.


They would just lie and make it look good for the camera, like always.

The way the whole scam works is that they hide the depravity, while promoting the happy faces.

This is why when you confront them, you need to get graphic and explicit, and make them talk about and explain what they actually do.

They can’t do that without the creep & disgust factor hitting 1,000%, but most people are too polite (or too scared of cancel culture) to confront them, and that’s exactly what they count on. It’s pure intimidation.

They would never get away with it, otherwise.

Gail Combs

They are bullies who love to get in your face and SCREAM.


Now that you mention it, I’ve never actually experienced such a thing in real life, I’ve only seen it in staged events for TV, where most of the ‘protesters’ are being paid for their agitation.

Most people in real life aren’t that dramatic (or brave), not even flaming diva homos.

Gail Combs

We have had it happen at gigs where we refuse to allow a 180 lb ball of blubber ride my smallest pony who weighs just 250 lbs.


When at a daycare I called over ‘2 cute little Black girls.’ It was fine to call over the blond boy but the Mom caught me in the parking lot and treated me to a scream fest because I called her VERY DARK little girls Black. 🙄

That was over a decade ago.

Now I would look her in the eye and say OK, I am really sorry, I didn’t realize you were actually N…rs.

I have had it with Liberal ‘Political Correctness’ You want to pull your Race Card? Well I will give you a reason, esp when you ACT like a n—r instead of a Black!


So many haters and lovers of lies.


I don’t knoiw how many queer bars you’ve visited, but there are likely none in which family-friendly pics can be taken and publicly posted.

IOW, the patrons of said bars are beyond the borders of propriety.


Kansas Supreme Court Upholds State Election Laws Against Liberal Overreach
It’s the usual story of a state trying to secure its elections and groups challenging it because “rights in our democracy” and “minority disenfranchisement.” But the good guys won this one.


This is Megyn Kelly’s program. At the beginning an attorney explains the appeals process in NY. I’m going to have to listen again to try to understand it.


The part about Trump’s sentencing starts at about 13:00.

Gail Combs

26 minutes the guy is saying Trump was WRONG to connect Merchan to the Biden White House….


Pandora’s Box Opened! Kash Patel Calls On GOP to Unleash Subpoenas on Judge Merchan’s Family and DA Bragg in Wake of Trump’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Verdict — GATEWAY PUNDIT

Patel’s statement, made on Truth Social, demands lawmakers investigate financial gains made by the family of Judge Juan Merchan and examine connections between the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and the Biden White House.

“Congress: Subpoena the bank records for Merchan’s daughter- find out how much money she has made for her family since her father unlawfully stayed on the case, and how much money she will make as a direct result of this unconstitutional verdict,” Patel said…

Kash Patel did not stop there. He further demanded, “In case you need a jurisdictional hook—Bragg’s office receives federal funds from DOJ to ‘administer justice’—GET ON IT… and while you are at it, subpoena Bragg and get all docs from his Biden WH meetings.”

Trump’s lawyers wrote Friday, according to Fox News. “Consistent with that conversation, President Biden and Vice President Harris are long-term clients of Authentic and Ms. Merchan, along with many other politicians and entities who are actively campaigning and advocating against President Trump right now.”

“Authentic’s clients disbursed more than $18 million to the company between the return of the Indictment and the present,” Trump’s attorneys wrote. “It is industry practice that Authentic would receive percentages based on funds raised and recipient engagement, and Ms. Merchan has had an ownership stake and leadership role in the company while this case is pending.”…

Susan Sachs Goldman, the mother of Democrat New York Congressman Dan Goldman @RepDanGoldman is on the Board of Directors for the Brennan Center for Justice. As I previously *exclusively* reported, Rep. Goldman is also a client of Loren Merchan, he prepared @MichaelCohen212 for his testimony in the Trump trial per his admission on MSDNC, and Dan Goldman has sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to the personal home residence of Loren Merchan.


THIS IS THE SMOKING GUN! As Kash Patel saif, no one in their right mind would leave a HIGH PAYING DOJ JOB to go work in a state DOJ office, unless there were other reasons.

BREAKING: Jim Jordan Calls Alvin Bragg and Biden DOJ Hatchet Man Matthew Colangelo to Testify Before Weaponization Committee

Bragg’s top prosecutor Matthew Colangelo previously worked in the Justice Department (Biden appointee) and is a lifelong left-wing activist.

Biden sent Matthew Colangelo to New York to convict his main political opponent on non-crimes.

BREAKING: Attorney Matt Colangelo Is the Link Between Soros Backed DA Bragg’s Office and the Obama White House and the Biden DOJ

The real culprit behind the “get Trump” radicals in New York is the corrupt, newly hired, former Obama-Biden DOJ attorney named Matt Colangelo.

Attorney Mike Davis unloaded Colangelo’s name along with Steve Bannon on the War Room today.

In their interview, Davis noted that Matt Colangelo is the link between the Biden DOJ and DA Bragg in their corrupt acts in targeting and putting together a BS indictment against President Trump. This guy was in the Obama White House and the Biden DOJ and appears to have been brought in to indict President Trump on whatever he could come up with…

Colangelo was one of the first corrupt actors brought into Biden’s DOJ in a top position. This is the guy who acted with others to indict the likes of Americans who were praying outside of abortion clinics….

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Brave and Free

Hate to say it, another sternly worded letter will be delivered.
Nothing changes, I’ll be waiting with the popcorn.


Yep. Heard it all before….
Gowdy, Chafetz, Issa, Johnson, and others:
“I (we) will get to the bottom of this”

NOTHING ever happens but “Words”.

Beginning to think Jim Jordan may also be in this group?

Last edited 4 months ago by rayzorback

I don’t know what to think. Jordan has subpoenaed Bragg and some others to testify before Congress. Congress can expose what they’ve done, but it has no power to charge anyone. That’s the job of the Justice Department, so that goes nowhere.

The only powers I know of that Congress has is 1) for the House to withhold funding and 2) for both houses to refuse to take votes on the Dems’ agenda. That’s what Mike Lee and other senators say they will do now. We’ll see…


They also have the power to ARREST those in Contempt of Congress… But do they?

Gail Combs

There are even jail cells in the basement of congress.


Right. No, they don’t. Now would be an opportune time after what has been done to Trump.


No need for popcorn. Sadly so.


Not good enough.

Dude on the right, Not as optimistic as Megyn.

US Supreme Court MUST take a leadership role. Reach down AND take Charge.

  • Marchan AND NY State ARE FUBAR. ZERO chance they will Follow their Oaths, Supporting The Constitution.
  • END the travesty AND very, very publicly, by name call out the FUBAR decisions and actions of Bragg, Marchan, persecution team, asshole from Briben’s DOJ.

I am grateful Megyn has come out totally against what NY has done to Trump, America.


Megyn said this will not be settled by November, and this rather pessimistic article thinks there are no grounds for SCOTUS to step in.

Former President Trump’s legal team began outlining its appeal strategy within hours of his conviction in New York, but experts tell Axios it will be an uphill battle.

Appeals can be unpredictable, but given the timeline and the high bar to overturn the verdict, Trump will almost certainly still be a convicted felon on election day.

The timeline: Judge Juan Merchan gave both parties until June 13 to file motions in the case, which could include requests for him to re-examine some aspect of the case or verdict. 

• Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche has said the defense will “vigorously fight” by filing motions in that window.

• “That essentially has no possibility of success,” Richard Serafini, a former federal and Manhattan prosecutor, told Axios, explaining that specific factors would have to be met, including new evidence or misconduct. “None of those exist in this case, at least to this point,” he said.

What’s next: Sentencing is set for July 11, after which Trump would have 30 days to file an appeal.

• After a notice of appeal is filed, the case will go to the New York Appellate Division. 

• Once that court rules, the New York Court of Appeals — the state’s highest court — can decide if it also wants to hear an appeal.

• The Supreme Court could only get involved if some element of the appeal relates to the Constitution or federal law, which doesn’t seem to apply, the experts said.

The big picture: The appeal process will take several months, making it very unlikely to conclude before November. 

• That could actually be good news for Trump. He’d likely remain free on bail in the meantime even if Merchan sentences him to prison. Some legal analysts believe probation is more likely as Trump was convicted of the least serious class of felony under New York law.

No, no, no to probation. First, he is innocent, and second, he is running for president. Anything less than complete freedom is a crime against him.

“The only potential area of appeal which might work is that this was something of a novel use of the statute involved,” Serafini said.

• The legal theory on which District Attorney Alvin Bragg brought the felony charges was previously untested. He had to prove that Trump falsified business records — a misdemeanor — with the “intent to commit another crime,” in this case to promote his own electoral prospects by illegal means.

• Trump allies argue he stretched the law to find a way to secure a conviction.

• Still, Serafini added: “There’s nothing really that I know in the statute that would preclude its use in this context.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson’s call for the U.S. Supreme Court to “step in” to overturn Trump’s guilty verdict appears unlikely to come to fruition.

• “In a federalist system, the United States Supreme Court can’t review the New York Court of Appeals, which is New York’s top court, and decide that they don’t like the way New York’s top court has determined and interpreted a law,” Serafini said.

• “There has to be some federal question, some federal violations, some federal issue that would grant the Supreme Court jurisdiction.”


How Mark Levin thinks it could go to SCOTUS (emphasis mine):

Mark Levin, Landmark’s Chairman of the Board, has proposed a unique theory as to how Donald Trump should appeal yesterday’s verdict in the New York falsification of business records case. Mark noted that that the verdict of guilty on all counts is “criminalizing events and activities that are not illegal, to the point we don’t know what they are.” In addition to following the normal appeals process, he suggests that the Trump legal team should: 

“[F]ile applications for common law writs with the U.S. Supreme Court, where the Supreme Court can take action if it chooses, and legitimately claim the harm is immediate and ongoing not just to a presidential candidate, but to the federal electoral system, federal campaign jurisdiction (reverse federalism), and the precedent that might otherwise be set and spread throughout the country.” 

Mark relies on the Supreme Court’s decision in Bush v. Gore1 to support this theory. While he points out that the Supreme Court “warned that Bush v. Gore not be relied on as a precedent—on the merits,” he does state “it can and should be relied upon as the Supreme Court acting to preserve American democracy from an imminent threat.” In Bush v. Gore, the Court relied on the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause to intervene in lower court proceedings over a presidential election to “preserve American democracy from an imminent threat.” The Supreme Court there concluded that the Florida Supreme Court was unequally applying election law depending on the county voters lived in, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.  

Mark argues the New York trial and conviction involves an even graver violation of the Equal Protection Clause and poses an imminent threat to our democracy. As it stands, New York has opened the door for state prosecutors to derail nationwide presidential elections at will on trumped-up charges. In this case, Democrat District Attorney Bragg and Democrat-appointed Judge Merchan both had massive, well-documented conflicts of interest and brought charges that even federal prosecutors declined to pursue. Mark notes that former prosecutors and defense attorneys alike are stunned at the miscarriage of justice in this case. He further argues the case is obviously political, stating “[t]he Manhattan case is intended to interfere with the normal and routine campaign process to Trump’s detriment and Biden’s advantage.”  

Given the enormous implications of the verdict on the election, the myriad ways in which the judge and prosecutor violated Trump’s rights and pushed a case, Trump’s legal team should seek immediate intervention and review from the Supreme Court, Mr. Levin argues.  

Mark closes by stating “[i]n the end, the Supreme Court will not be able to avoid this forever. Better to deal with now than later, when it will get worse.”  

Gail Combs


The Supreme court does not deal with it now….


The Uniparty STRIPS TRUMP of Secret Service Protection


Trump gets ‘Whitey Bulgared’**


I would NOT want to be a judge, prosecutor of politician in the USA.


**Whitey Bulger was murdered during his first SIX MINUTES in general prison population when mob hitman and accomplices brutally beat him to death with a belt after transfer from protective custody — Daily Mail


If that’s not good enough. If the Supreme Court doesn’t act then the Dems will make them irrelevant. Surely they can see that coming. 🙃

Gail Combs

They TRIED to stop the Tea Party… It morphed into MAGA and is 100 times STRONGER!


A belt?

Whitey was beaten with Master padlocks in socks. His face was so damaged he was only identified via the wheelchair he was sitting in [later his fingerprints].

Nobody has been charged with his rigged transfer to Hazelton. Pretty coincidental how those inmate hitmen knew the precise time he’d arrive.

Whitey was scum but nobody deserved to die like that.

Gail Combs

It’s the Daily Mail….🙄

All I remember is that Whitey Bulger was OFFed probably because they did not want him spilling info to the Trump DOJ.


Dang!!! Levin agrees with the lowly paralegal. Whoduhthunkit???

Gail Combs



There is so much bullshit in that quoted material.

No constitutional issue???

I guess these idiots never heard of the 14th amendment.

As far as Serafini’s statement about SCOTUS can’t review the NY Court of Appeals, I would point them to Custody of Smith, a WA state supreme court opinion which was petitioned to SCOTUS where the case caption changed to Troxel v Smith. SCOTUS certainly reviewed the state supreme court.

But what do I know; I’m just a lowly paralegal.


Far more credibility AND integrity than the average lawyer.   :wpds_wink: 


TYVM for the kind words.


Why would the (not)Supreme Court intervene?

The only two conservatives on the court are Thomas and Alito.

Gorsuch, Coneybarett and Kavanaugh are as reliable as RINOs.

Roberts is totally compromised and has been for years, probably from the beginning.

That leaves Sodamotor, Keg Party and Kwanzaa Brown-Jackson.

It’s a farce.

Gail Combs

 Kavanaugh had a taste of what can happen when you royally piss people off and that was with the D-Rats, not exactly known for their planning ability.


Thomas had the same experience. It made him a stronger conservative.

Seems to have made Kavanaugh fold up his tent.


And…. Scalia just happened to quit BREATHING under a pillow.

Gail Combs

If I recall correctly, it was at a CIA agent owned ranch….I think it was mentioned by @ColonelWatkins

…discussing Operation GLADIO-The Unholy Alliance between The Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia. While reading several books about WW2 and the aftermath, I ran across Operation GLADIO. It seemed odd that I’d never heard of it, so I wanted to know more.

It’s a very interesting topic to be sure and one you definitely need to understand in order to make sense of what we are seeing today as Operation GLADIO is still occurring.

I will share a link to the podcast here afterward in case you miss it.

The Colonel’s Corner can be found at:

Here is a wiring diagram to review during the podcast. It’s public so please don’t make any changes to the content. It’s helpful as a tool to see how everyone is connected.

Valerie Curren

That kumu link is interesting but you really need to magnify things to see the details…pretty cool 🙂 TY

Barb Meier

Agree with Valerie. kumu link is interactive and very well done. I use a track ball so just move the ball up to zoom in and down to zoom out. Also can drag an object to move it. I didn’t know about but will explore it further. Thanks Gail!!

Valerie Curren

BQQM!  😡 


Not accurate.

The pillow was above his head, not on his face.

He died because he didn’t wear/use his CPAP mask. Failure to wear it causes a heart attack.


Whatever. Believe what you want


No biting.  😆 




Uh, earth to Silver Gold News; “rumoured” is not the applicable term. “Planned” or even “implemented” move would be more appropriate. This move has been going on for a couple of decades and they began gold backing implementation about 15 years ago.

Soetoro and Brandon seem to gloss over all of the gold that left Venezuela starting with Chavez and accelerating with Maduro that later arrived in Russia’s and China’s control via Africa.

Who was POTUS and in control when Chavez rose to power? Oh yeah, that would be HW’s buddy, Slick Clinton. Corporate raiders using government take overs is their style. Clown world.

Last edited 4 months ago by TradeBait2

68 Billion US Dollars. But symbolizes that the trust is fizzling.

Gail Combs

“….(with China gleefully assisting, under the table)….”

Peter Bernegger traces the funds FROM China into NGOs in EVERY COUNTY.Starting at 24:30 he shows how he has traced the money that was donated to the Democrats THRU Smurfing. Smurfing is hundreds to thousands of small dollar donations attributed to elderly. It goes back to the THOUSANDS of NGOs and then back to Tides foundation and then back to the Chinese.

He has an interactive display showing all the connections. Since the Chinese use TIDES Foundation to ‘break the chain of evidence’, I am not sure you can actually PROVE that.

TIDES Foundation was specifically set-up to HIDE the ‘Follow the money’ tracks. I have know about the SOBs since the Farm Wars.

Evidence Emerges That America’s Voting Machines Are All Controlled by Chinese Gov’t
Evidence has emerged that all of America’s voting machines have motherboard chips manufactured in China embedded inside of them, allowing them to be accessed via a secret backdoor by the Chinese government.

According to investigator Peter Bernegger, the presence of Chinese chips in these machines poses a serious problem for the upcoming 2024 election in America. reports: As Patrick Byrne has been insisting since 2020: the motherboard of a computer is like the frontal lobe of your brain. “If the motherboard is made in China, the entire system is compromised,” according to him.

Dominion failed to disclose to Congress that the motherboard in the election equipment is not only sourced from China, but it is tested in China. From Leaf’s letter here. This is a clear, gross violation of several federal laws. Dominion is toast. See the other letter by Sheriff…

— Peter Bernegger (@PeterBernegger) May 8, 2024

Sheriff Dar Leaf has discovered that Dominion Voting has failed to disclose to Congress that parts of their machines are sourced from China, and tested in China.
In addition, it’s alleged that one of Dominion’s employees, Andy Huang, was able to access the servers remotely from Canada. Huang once worked for a Chinese telecom known to be a CCP affiliate as well…

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JUST IN: Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) Accused of “Criminally Laundering” Almost $28 MILLION in Campaign Contributions From “Smurfs” by President of Election Watch

Election Watch (@ElectionWatchHQ) / Twitter

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

They are just repeating what the BLOB (CIA, State Departement, Pentagon + USAID, bought out NGO’s, Media and Wall Street Crony Capitalists) did and does, since 1948.

The difference they don’t pretend to do this in the name of ‘Protecting Democracy’

Last edited 4 months ago by eilert
Gail Combs

Since 1913…


^^^ Yup.

Gail Combs

City of London & Davos Switzerland are NOT places I want to visit any time soon.


Or the District of Criminals.


Beat me to it.


Starship Flight 4 to fly again tentatively June 6.:
They are trying to land both Booster and Ship, at a precisely defined positions (virtual tower) in the water, this time. The Booster in the Gulf and Ship near Australia in the Indian Ocean.

If they manage the Booster landing this time, they will attempt a Tower catch of the Booster at the launch site at Bocha-Chica.

If you want more information about the planned flight profile, go to this link:

Last edited 4 months ago by eilert


Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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We do not know what tomorrow will bring
In reality we are not sure of anything
We close our eyes give way to sleep
There is no guarantee not even a peep

We say good-night to those we love
Entrust our rest to God above
Who knows the beginning from the end
Our entire life it is He who penned

Our days are full of challenges we know not
The what when why and how the outcome naught
As we awaken to a brand new day
It is God who is there to guide our way

It is He who brings light into our lives
It is we who strive and trustingly thrives 
It is He who shows us the path the way
Who unconditionally loves us everyday

It is He who gave us our free will choice
It is He who gave us His grace to voice
Our decisions be they right or wrong
Will determine our stance weak or strong

Will we give in to temptation and quit
Will we be weak and meek not give a whit
Will we be strong and fight the good fight
Or will we be tempted to just take flight

We have no insight into what might come
We have no idea what direction from
If our lives are justified through others
If our needs are fulfilled by another’s

If we live each day in the last place
Will we ever be first in any case
Will we finally learn to love ourselves
Or leave our desires on the shelves

In every phase of life on earth
What we do will prove our worth
How we adjust to the highs and lows
Will determine which way our life goes

When stuck in a rut of sorrow and woe
We really have no direction to go
We haven’t asked God what He wants us to do
We are simply comfortable in feeling blue

We grieve our situation and that’s ok
He would not want it any other way
We seem to think we will figure it out
All on our own mind you we have no doubt

But God knows and He will wait for you
He’ll show you daily what He wants you to do
Signs and wonders before you displayed
All in the balance come forth to be weighed

Love one another is what you must do
Love one another as He has loved you
Listen to the clues He provides you each day
Being true to yourself is the only way

Now is the time to spread your wings
To set your sights on universal things
You might have no idea what that means
But God Knows what He put in your genes

D01: 02/16/2023


Thank you so much for your poem today, and for all the wonderful inspirational things you bring to the board every day.
Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Sending Good Energy to you!








Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




AND, while we were all being distracted by the BOGUS “conviction” of Donald Trump and the opening of the psy-op regarding the “new” [lab-enhanced] version of the bird flu, the WHO just ILLEGALLY PASSED a new set of “amendments” to their IHR (International Health Regulations) — which “new amendments” embody most of what the (defeated) “Pandemic Treaty” had in it!
AND, passed the “new amendments” just like the U.S. Congress does — in the dead of night; nobody had time to really read the document; and those (NOT A QUORUM) who voted were told to BE QUIET ABOUT IT.
Dr. Robert Malone
3 June 2024
Yours Truly: Yup, there are “provisions” to “deal with” what WHO will define as “medical misinformation.” There are “provisions” that allow the head of the WHO to unilaterally declare worldwide “health emergencies.” There are “provisions” that allow the WHO to issue restrictions on travel, commerce, etc. It appears that the WHO is now arrogating to itself the “mandate” for “vaccination” in the event of a “worldwide health emergency.”
It also appears that the WHO is working “hand-in-glove” with the WEF.

Here is a screenshot of part of Dr. Malone’s Substack article:

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Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

Wolf Moon
Yes. As in the associated adjective, ARROGANT.

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

PLEASE NOTE what Dr. Malone says at the end of the screenshot about silencing dissenters via INFORMATION OR PSYCHOLOGICAL BIOTERRORISM.
IMO, this is taking GASLIGHTING to a new and very dangerous level — linking BIOWEAPON use to BIOTERRORISM. It worked for the COVID-19 disaster. Now it’s going to be applied to whatever “worldwide health emergency” the WHO chooses to “declare.”

Gail Combs

The WEF were VERY concerned with Disinformation and had major discussions about it.

So is the UN.

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Coordinated censorship is occurring globally
  • In response to the growing truth movement that warns against a totalitarian, tyrannical takeover, the United Nations has now declared war on “conspiracy theories” that suggest world governments are anything but honest and ethical, and have published a comprehensive guide on how to debunk and strike down claims to the contrary. According to the U.N., world events are “not secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent”
  • According to the U.N., a story only qualifies as truthful if “The sources are backed by fact-checking sites” — which we now know are all bought and paid for by the cabal that is conspiring to create a One World Government through a “Great Reset”
  • To stop the spread of “conspiracy theories” about a global technocratic cabal hell-bent on stealing all private wealth and centralizing world governance, UNESCO, the European Commission and the World Jewish Congress have launched a joint Twitter campaign with the hashtag, #ThinkBeforeSharing
  • Documents obtained by America First Legal (AFL) show the U.S. government colluded with Big Tech to censor on its behalf
  • The Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana have filed a lawsuit against the federal government and have been granted discovery. Several officials from the Biden administration are being subpoenaed, as are several social media companies. The documents obtained by AFL are also being used in this lawsuit. Subsequent to the AFL’s document release, several scientists who were censored by Big Tech at the behest of the federal government have joined the AG’s lawsuit

There’s clear coordination, globally, of censorship. With few exceptions, countries have taken action to criminalize free speech, and they have done so in lockstep with each other. It began in earnest with censorship of theories about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and grew from there to include anything COVID related.

…Not surprisingly, a story only qualifies as truthful if “the sources are backed by fact-checking sites.” As detailed in other articles, so-called “fact checking” organizations are all bought and paid for by the same cabal that is conspiring to create a One World Government through a “Great Reset.”

So, no wonder they’re designated as the sole arbiters of truthfulness. They’re part and parcel of the propaganda machine. How convenient for the globalists.

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 UNESCO #ThinkBeforeSharing

UN Takes Aim at Globalist Takeover ‘Conspiracies’To stop the spread of “conspiracy theories” about a global technocratic cabal hell-bent on stealing all private wealth and centralizing world governance, UNESCO, the European Commission and the World Jewish Congress have launched a joint Twitter campaign with the hashtag, #ThinkBeforeSharing.2

According to the U.N., world events are “not secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent,” and if you come across people who think a global cabal is conspiring to consolidate power unto themselves, you must act as a good citizen and debunk their claims.

Journalists are also told to report alleged conspiracy theorists to social media and their local press council or press ombudsman. The People’s Voice (TPV) report (video above) goes into additional details.


COVID House Hearing with Fauci in the docket.

He is already lying about the origins of the virus, twisting that he did not cover-up the origin.

Gail Combs

I am listening to Dr Wenstrup (R)…
Can I barf now?

Gail Combs

“Raul Ruiz, the only Latino Doctor in Congress (CA-D) He takes his time to BASH Republicans. “… Republicans are using this to taking aim against our Scientists… shifting the blame ONTO fauci instead of placing it on fumbling Trump…”

SO AS expected BLAMES TRUMP for “in excess of 400,000 deaths.”


Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

And then onto Jamie Raskin…

I am not even listening to that crap!



So the first 3, are (R) (D) (D) and ALL are PRO-FAUCI!

Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) FINALLY gets to the meat.


I am not even listening to that crap!

That’s the problem with Congressional hearings.

Gail Combs

I skimmed thru Raskin blaming everything on Repubs.

When my blood pressure drops, I will listen to more.

Gail Combs


I am not wasting time listening to that MOOK.


Which is why I no longer listen to hearings. NOR look forward to any Congressional hearings. WASTE OF TIME.


IMO, Rep. Dr. Ruiz is voicing the DeepState / DNC 2024 campaign talking point regarding POTUS45 as “being responsible” for every COVID-19 death in the United States.

Gail Combs


I just noted it because it was the first I had heard that said out right.


Wenstrup is a useless tool . This is his last stand before retirement. He represents my district and has been a looser as far as I am concerned.

Gail Combs



Nice job MTG!


FAUCI HECKLED ENTERING US CAPITOL! – “Are You Sad You’re in the Number 3 Spot in Murdering People Behind Stalin and Hitler? …How Many People Do You Think You Murdered?” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

‘Heckler’ is Ivan Raiklin:

He is right behind Fauci at the hearing:

Gail Combs

😍 GO IVAN!!! 😍

This is a great comment:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Um they forgot Mao.

But still, 4th place is no slouch.


He’ll have more than all of them combined before it’s over.


Oh, good grief.

It turns out House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) had a quiet mentor who helped pull off the biggest accomplishment of his rocky seven months with the gavel — defying his right wing to pass a vital aid package for Israel and Ukraine. 

John Boehner — an establishment Republican who was speaker a decade ago chronologically, but an eon ago in the GOP’s radical evolution — has become a surprising tutor to the novice, full-MAGA speaker.

Gail Combs


DemonRats to the left of me, Nazis to the right of me…


National Anthem performed by the human whistle at Camden Yards.

Four-time international whistling champion Chris Ullman shows off his chops before the Orioles game on Friday.


Nicely done.

Navajo Gal last week for the Gold Medal.

Happy go lucky

Way cool 😎


India wins again.


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Valerie Curren

hope it shows here now


The ones who are all about diversity and inclusion are the worst offenders. Their actions and words reflect their own pettiness and unself-awareness. I don’t know what the solution is for Caitlin, but I think the coach is a big part of the problem.

Gail Combs


The coaches have to ENABLE the attitude and actions.

You pull that shit? YOU ARE BENCHED for the rest of the season!

Sports are supposed to teach cooperation and SPORTSMEN LIKE BEHAVIOR.


Coaches, refs, league…condoning ghetto behavior.


Coach big part of the Problem.

  • Coaches also big part of the problem. <<< Their players are the offenders.
  • Refs also a big part of the problem. <<< Enforce rules. Foul(s), EJECT THE OFFENDING BITCHES.
  • League condoning the physical harassment. Fine the offending butch bitches. Suspend for X number of games.

Robert Baker

Now you can understand why Boris Johnson said nice things about Trump. Boris is a political surfer. He finds the big wave and rides it. It doesn’t imply any noble character in Boris but it does tell you what’s happening in Britain.




Long drop w a short stop for this evil man, prob his wife. And all their cronies. What a suck statement.


This entire shitshow is a farce.

Now… Let the “censored” Doctors like Simone Gold, Dr. Malone, Dr. Scott Atlas, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Martin Kulldorff and others have their say.


Absolutely. Mr science has said more than enough.


Next, the bastard will probably run for CONgress.


I can see merchan asking for a SC appt too. 🙄


Bring all of them in on the hearing. Let FauXi lie.

Them have Simone Gold, Malone, and others speak truth.

Brave and Free

Not sure what’s appropriate at these hearings, if that is allowed I am sure they’d never let it happen if they could.
IMO this is all theater to distracte from what’s going on with PDJT.
The same game plan from the RINO’s look tough and never follow through. There all compromised.


Yes, of course it is not allowed. If it was allowed, we may start discovering Truth AND singling out Liars like FauXi, Scarf Bitch…




IMO, Anthony Fauci is a f#cking liar.


He is, a really devious one. I watched the clip where he said i am science again and you can see the arrogance distinctly, by the sniff and putting his chin up. He fully believes he is a god.


Biden family acquaintance kept in jury pool for Hunter federal trial as others dismissed over stances on gun rights, DOJ

One man, juror 1, was let go because he declared that owning guns is “a God-given right” while another was dismissed after saying he believed the Department of Justice was too political.  

Another woman, juror 40, said people shouldn’t be allowed to buy guns and “kill children in schools.” 

“I’d ban [guns] altogether to be honest,” she added, before the judge dismissed her.

Several members of the pool of potential jurors own at least one gun, while others have relatives who have struggled with drug and alcohol addiction

Jurors 26 and 29 — both let into the pool — have concealed carry permits in more than one state. 

“I believe our Second Amendment is very important,” juror 26 said.

One woman, juror 2, qualified for the pool after saying she had donated to and volunteered for the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, though she maintained “I don’t see any relation between politics” and this case.

Another woman, juror 3, qualified after admitting her sister was convicted a decade ago on credit card fraud and drug charges. The prospective juror said her relative was “currently clean” and insisted she could be fair.

One qualified woman, juror 5, revealed she had once worked for the Secret Service and her husband was still employed by the protective agency. 

One man, juror 25, was let into the pool after he said he was “an acquaintance with the first lady” and had met Joe Biden at several events.

He added that he recently donated to the Republican National Committee and was a campaign manager for a city councilman years ago.

It wasn’t clear if the prospective panelist was aware that Jill Biden was present in court Monday.

One man, juror 33, was let into the pool despite his dad being shot and killed in 2004 and his brother serving time for narcotics possession.

Gail Combs

Peter Bernegger’s Election Watch

Here is a tidbit from one article:

How ERIC is Corrupting Our Voter Rolls In Wisconsin:By Erin Clements / June 12, 2023 / Opinion

The linked audio story from state-sponsored NPR decries a recent exodus of nine states (Texas, Iowa, Missouri, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Ohio, West Virginia, and Virginia) from the program called ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center), and naturally, they blame the “far right” and their “conspiracy theories” as the reason ERIC is crashing and burning….

….👉A less-advertised feature of ERIC is that they cross-check data with other sources, such as each state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database, to look for people who may be eligible voters but are not registered.🤔 Then they send lists of eligible but unregistered voters to the election jurisdictions, who then send out mailers at taxpayers’ expense to those people inviting them to register to vote. [The person does not have to vote, he just has to be registered so the DemonRats can vote FOR HIM!]

An obvious problem with using DMV data to try to find new voters is that non-citizens are often in these databases. ERIC has a strange rule that states, 👉“Under no circumstances shall the members transmit any record indicating an individual is a non-citizen of the U.S.”😡


👉So, ERIC wants DMV data, but they don’t want the data to indicate which people are citizens and which are not as they compile their lists of potentially eligible voters. Can we trust our election officials to filter the lists they get from ERIC so that they only solicit people to register to vote who are citizens? Apparently not.

The SOS of Colorado was caught sending invitations to register to vote to 30,000 non-citizens. She claimed the mistake occurred because of a “database glitch,” but that “database glitch” may very well have occurred because of ERIC and its process of identifying adults over the age of 18 in each state….

Gail Combs

Peter Bernegger’s interview had a lot of new info. such as Dominion has Chinese mother boards , votes can be easily changed in real time. With computers there is NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY for your vote.

They down loaded the FEC’s donor lists for several years and had “fractal programming” do the connections Explanation at 20 minutes to 30 minutes

The site has a list of the elderly used to launder campaign contributions:

For NC for example:


24,234 …….. donations

$167,008.00 Total amount

$3,247.00 … Max amount (Remember it is for multiple candidates)

($2,000.00) . Min. Amount




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“Died suddenly”

Hall of Fame offensive lineman Larry Allen, who spent 12 of his 14 NFL seasons with the Cowboys, was reported dead on Sunday while vacationing in Mexico with his family.

The news was confirmed by the Cowboys on Monday. Allen was only 52. The cause of death remains undisclosed at this time.

Since he was with his family I would think that rules out a drug overdose and that it was most likely blood clot-related or a heart attack. May he RIP.


This is funny AND about damned time.


Chief Justice for 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Tells Clerk to Trash All Further Complaints Against Judge Cannon and Make it Public

When the extreme leftists cannot get their way by manipulating the legal system through Lawfare, they come unglued.

The tribal leadership of Norm Eisen, Mary McCord, Andrew Weissmann and the larger Lawfare community have been waging an open media campaign against Florida Judge Aileen Cannon because in the Jack Smith documents case Judge Cannon is not giving them what they want.

It’s somewhat personal to the Lawfare crew because from the outset it has appeared that Eisen, McCord and Weissmann write the briefs and motions that Jack Smith files with the court. If the Lawfare effort is being rejected, dismissed or diluted by Judge Cannon, the Lawfare tribe takes it personal and make appearances on leftist media networks, broadcasts and social media telling their followers to file judicial complaints against her.
In response to what the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals calls an “orchestrated campaign,” Chief Judge William Pryor of the 11th CCA has published a blistering order [SEE HERE], informing the clerk of the court not to accept any more complaints and to trash them.

Making matters worse for the Lawfare pearl clutchers, Chief Justice Pryor tells the court’s clerk not to even respond to the complaints, just publish this order. In the larger message the 11th CCA is essentially telling the Lawfare activists to knock it off, and this approach can have profoundly negative implications for Jack Smith’s ability to use the appeals court as a tool to target Judge Cannon.

Gail Combs


Barb Meier

I really enjoyed the moon discussion yesterday and went back to snatch a copy of my little carnival history. I ran across the planetarium image that Steve gave us and wondered why it gave a 404 error.

The URL was too long and got truncated.

So I went to Wikicommons and searched for the first part of the URL. Got to the image with all the extra info about the source and that it is public domain. There was another related image that showed an even larger view of the mechanical model of the solar system. Fun stuff…

comment image

Last edited 4 months ago by Barb Meier
Barb Meier

Remember when Harvard was normal?


Ryan Fournier:

Holy Sh*t

Marjorie DID NOT hold back with this reporter!



Imagine if All The r-Cons echoed truths as MTG does.

Pravda may then take notice and speak truth.


Fauci is the poster boy for Teenaged Heffalumps Over Paris.


Tremendous hippos on paddleboats!


This guy might have a small disagreement with something she said. You’d have to tune in on Sunday to see what more is to be said. Frankly I’m good where I’m at. Tempted though. (listening would be easiest, font is too small).


MUST WATCH: The family of a disabled child drove 40 HOURS from CA for the chance to see Rightful President Trump.

When Trump saw them, he made their dreams come true by asking for a photo.

Share this post so people can get to know the REAL Trump hidden by the fake news media.

Gail Combs

Reminds me of the little girl with the bone disease that Trump gave Mucho $$$ to.

Also Trump has personally given to those in need. He just never publicized it. For example.

Orthodox Child with Rare Ailment is Rescued Aboard Tycoon’s Jet

July 20, 1988


NEW YORK (Jul. 19)

The private Boeing 727 of real estate tycoon Donald Trump arrived from Los Angeles at LaGuardia Airport Tuesday morning, carrying aboard an Orthodox Jewish child with a rare and still undiagnosed breathing illness.

The child, Andrew Ten, age 3, arrived with his parents — accompanied by three nurses who attend to him around the clock — to try to seek medical help in the New York area.

Trump made his plane available for the special trip to New York after the boy’s parents, Judy and Harold Ten, called Trump and told him of their plight.

Commercial airlines refused to fly the child because he could not travel without an elaborate life-support system, which includes a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a breathing bag and an adrenaline syringe.

“Mr. Trump did not hesitate when we called him up. He said ‘yes, I’ll send my plane out,’” 29-year-old Harold Ten recalled shortly after he landed here Tuesday morning….


NY Appeals Court Rules Trump Can Sue Niece Over NY Times Article

Former President Trump can sue his niece, Mary Trump, for violating a confidentiality agreement she signed in relation to a settlement related to her grandfather’s estate.

According to the Manhattan Appellate Division, there is a “substantial basis in law” for Trump to claim that his niece violated said confidentiality provisions of the 2001 settlement of the estate of Fred Trump Sr.

The five-judge panel said that they don’t know whether Mary Trump’s disclosures were subject to confidentiality, but that Trump can move forward with a lawsuit to find out. The court also suggested that Trump might only be entitled to minimal damages – not the $100 million he originally sought…

As the Epoch Times notes further, other courts have issued rulings in favor of the former president..

The lawsuit arose out of a 2018 New York Times article that included information that was provided by Ms. Trump, who often criticizes her uncle in her numerous media appearances and on social media. The article went into detail about President Trump’s taxes.

The NY Times article, which cited anonymous sources, published more information on how much his father allegedly gave to President Trump. Later, Ms. Trump revealed that she was one of the sources in a memoir that she had published…

In response, an attorney for President Trump, Alina Habba, said in a statement that the former president is looking forward to holding Ms. Trump accountable over what she described as a “fully accountable for her blatant and egregious breach of contract.”

She really hates him. She celebrated his recent bogus conviction:

Ms. Trump, a psychologist who is the daughter of Fred Trump Jr., celebrated the former president’s criminal conviction on Thursday during a live stream on YouTube.

“This is a vindication for every single citizen of New York state and every single American,” she said, adding: “I’m so happy … this is the best flipping Christmas morning I’ve ever had in my life.”

The case is Trump v Trump, New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, 1st Department, with case number No. 2023-03021.


So NDAs aren’t a bad thing? And they are legal expenses???


Barb Meier

James O’Keefe email received 6/3/2024 at 6:29 PM EDT

Breaking: OMG Wins FOIA Battle

BREAKING: OMG Wins FOIA Battle – James O’Keefe and OMG obtained body cam footage of Pima Sheriff officers responding to their investigation at the secret converted illegal immigrant compound, Casa Alitas, a program funded by Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona (CCSA). 

OMG Pima County Officers’ Body Camera Footage Obtained At Federally Funded Illegal Immigrant Facility Shows Hysteria And Secrecy

James O’Keefe tells officers, “I will get a copy of the body camera footage so anything you said to that gentleman we’re going to be publishing” and succeeds. 

 Male security guard describes his immense discomfort when “[O’Keefe] started walking and coming towards me and he kept walking and he was holding the microphone.” 

 Workers try to guard the facility’s secrecy and do not want OMG to “keep coming on and taking pictures of the migrants.” 

– YouTube 13:41



Barb Meier

TY TT! I thought it was a great reveal. So sad it’s related to a Catholic non-profit, though they may just be using the name and “Catholic in name only.”

Barb Meier

TY Wolf! I remember seeing the video clip of James acting like a drunk, but it just looked goofy to me at the time. I had no idea he had a serious investigation going on. LOL

Last edited 4 months ago by Barb Meier

Sorry if already posted, but EVERYBODY needs to see/listen to this:

Last edited 4 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I expect him to end up getting the NYC trial treatment, last administered to DJT.

Happy go lucky

Jared Kushner?



Barb Meier

I saw that and it is interesting. No idea what Ivan believes Jared has done to justify his inclusion.


Wonderful news. Now Take Action. Arrest the bastards.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Dang the pikes won’t even get a fifth of the way down the Mall.


It’s a good start.

We’re going to have to pace ourselves, so we don’t have intermittent supply shortages. You wouldn’t want to have anything look half-way or sloppy — these should serve as instructional displays for would-be bureaucrats for several years.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Encase ’em in blocks of lucite.


The heads, or the entire vermin?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The heads. And have the block on the pike.


Oooh….and then you could embed some LEDs and use them for streetlights…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And they’d last forever, an object lesson.

Barb Meier

I have always liked blocks of lucite.


He wants Elon to give up the Twitter communications of those people. It would be great to get those, but I’m wondering about the legalities of it and what would be required in order to get them. I think Elon is pretty protective of people’s privacy.

Barb Meier

Ivan knows a lot about the IC, but I do not think he knows how the data flows for investigations from social media. That is perhaps specialized inside the FBI though I believe CIA has similar tools for foreign data analysis.

Barb Meier

I wonder if Ivan could get a lawyer to submit it to a FISA or state judge along with a FOIA.

If a FISA judge approved it, then the data would be fed from NSA into a state version of FBI datases along with a docket number. Software exists to make that happen.

The data could be analyzed in something like the graph above to see the relationships among those on the list of 350 or however many are approved by a court.

I don’t know if all states have a bureau of investigation, but I remember some do. That way, it would have a chain of custody and could be used in future prosecutions.

It is one thing to get a reveal and all Americans should have standing to know the truth about who and how they are destroying our republic. More important, we deserve justice and accountability. Without it, we will lose our nation and I submit, the world will fall to communism.

Valerie Curren

hope this lets it show here


Kim Dotcom calls it regarding Anthony Fauci’s “testimony” today before Congress:

“The fall of Fauci. Covid-19 is officially exposed as a US Govt project. A virus engineered by US scientists using a bio lab in China for cover.”

“US scientists” would include Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak.

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA
Valerie Curren

Hope the tweet shows this way



Not that one… I did that, got stuck in the browser thing.. this one…

Happy go lucky

I hate him so much.


Rep. Rich McCormick is a doctor who treated patients throughout the plandemic, so he knows what he is talking about.


More sauce regarding the new “amendments” that the WHO just approved.
What we’re looking at is UN / WHO forced testing, “vaccinations”, quarantining, etc., if the UN / WHO “declares” a “health emergency.”
1 June 2024

And, a screenshot from Article 1 of this document:

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Official Notice: I do not recognize the authority of the WHO in any capacity whatsoever.

They are not elected by anyone, they don’t represent anyone but themselves, they are terrorists and tyrants, and they certainly have no power or authority in America.

So I won’t be abiding by any documents produced by the WHO, in any way, shape or form.

They can *&^% right off, and eat ze bugs 👍 😁

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

That does not work if they have armed men coming around forceably holding people down to give them their slow poison.

Best bet is a STATE that does not recognize the WHO as having jurisdiction.

Several US States Move to Oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty

Utah and Florida passed laws intended to prevent the WHO from overriding states’ authority. Louisiana and Oklahoma have legislation set to take effect soon. Several other states are considering similar bills.

…The Biden administration supports the two WHO proposals, but opposition is growing at the state level.

Proponents of the WHO’s proposals say they are vital for preparing humanity against the “next pandemic,” perhaps caused by a yet-unknown “Disease X.”

But the bills passed by state legislatures reflect frequently voiced criticisms that the WHO’s proposals imperil national sovereignty, medical and bodily sovereignty and personal liberties, and may lead to global vaccine mandates.

Critics also argue the WHO proposals may open the door to global digital “health passports” and global censorship targeting alleged “misinformation.”

Such criticisms are behind state legislative initiatives to oppose the WHO, on the basis that states’ rights are protected under the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Under the 10th Amendment, all powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states. Such powers, critics say, include public health policy…


The problem would be if our medical organizations follow WHO guidelines. I don’t know if the CDC and the AMA and others look to the WHO for guidance. Of course they shouldn’t, but if every hospital is the country is in lockstep, it makes things very difficult.


Only if we allow it.

If we allow it, it will get just as ugly as we allow it to get.

Or we could stop the whole thing in its tracks, just by standing up TOGETHER and saying “No.”


Or we could stop the whole thing in its tracks, just by standing up TOGETHER and saying “No.”

I agree that that should be done, but it’s easier said than done for many reasons, none of which have to do with cowardice or complaisance. When a loved one has a medical emergency and hospital care is the only option, that’s not the time that someone is going to take a stand and boycott or make demands of the hospital. If people are deathly ill due to whatever they might release on the population next, their first priority will be medical attention, not taking a stand.

I did take a stand in the past, but only after the person I cared for got the treatment they needed. It was a battle royal for a couple of months. Some people don’t have anyone to fight that battle for them. Some caregivers don’t have the knowledge or health or strength or will power to do it. It is much harder than someone who has never been in that situation can imagine.


“The problem would be if our medical organizations follow WHO guidelines.”


Suppose they try.

If someone tries to commit assault and battery on you with a needle, to vaccinate you against your will, are you going to let them?

I won’t.

They are in violation of the Nuremberg code, they have no right to vaccinate anyone (or perform any other medical procedure) against their will, and no piece of paper can give them the right to do so.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Right, but I’m not talking about forcibly vaccinating people. I’m talking about all the things that surrounded COVID: lockdowns, hospitals refusing admittance of patients and visitors unless masked, medical providers refusing service without proof of vaccination, etc.

Just yesterday or the day before there was a headline about someone who needed a transplant but was refused one because they weren’t vaxed.

It’s easy to say one won’t participate in anything, but I experienced firsthand the nightmare of caring for someone who was hospitalized several times during COVID and who was also in a nursing facility. One problem leads to another, and it escalates. The patient doesn’t get proper care, the family and caregivers don’t have access and don’t know what’s going on, patients are put on “palliative care,” and some people die. Woe to anyone who has to be hospitalized under those conditions. And our medical organizations seem to march in lockstep.

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf, when you get a chance, GAB, please. No rush.

Barb Meier

Delightful black lady, hmmm? I wanta have a whiskey and coke and play dominos with her on a warm Saturday afternoon while the guys BBQ and the green beans are simmering on the stove. And most of all, just listen to her wisdom.