Dear KAG: 20200219 Open Thread

Mornin' y'all. This morning, well.... And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors: Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20200219 Open Thread

20200218th-29th: Coronavirus COVID-19, Our Fifth Update Thread

Johns Hopkins CSSE Dashboard to update number of "official" cases within China and worldwide: Almost no one believes China's numbers, and consider these numbers vastly under-reported. We still don’t have a firm handle on this virus. The uncertainty leads to fear in a general population. Within this thread, we will share everything we know, culled … Continue reading 20200218th-29th: Coronavirus COVID-19, Our Fifth Update Thread

20200218: Fundraiser with Larry Ellison.

(1970s) Ellison began working for Ampex Corporation. His projects included a database for the CIA, which he named "Oracle"..... President Trump left the WH today for a fundraiser at Larry Ellison's (founder of Oracle and devotee of America's Cup Racing) home in Rancho Mirage, California. The home is called Porcupine Creek. Here is the schedule for the next week. … Continue reading 20200218: Fundraiser with Larry Ellison.

Dear KAG: 20200218 Open Thread

Welcome to the 15 minute, standing meeting Tuesday Daily thread. With all the winning going on, mood music calls for something less war-like. Time for some battle music: This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20200218 Open Thread

Welching on Our Greatest Generation: How Nanny The Baby Killer is Now Nanny The Granny Killer

You have GOT to read this. LINK: I'm gonna tell you about two of the GREATEST people I know. Both of them would be CUT OFF by that bastard Bloomberg and left to DIE. Both of these men served their country - one at peace, one at war. They spent the BEST YEARS OF … Continue reading Welching on Our Greatest Generation: How Nanny The Baby Killer is Now Nanny The Granny Killer

Dear KMAG: 20200217 Open Topic

This Merry Warrior Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). Yes, it’s Monday…again. But it’s okay! It’s a Holiday! You can go back to … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20200217 Open Topic

Why Won't WaPo's Devil N. Barrett Cover Andy McCabe Testifying Against Comey, Lynch and Brennan?

PUBLIC THREAD: Because this is meant for public consumption, I will refrain from the usual colorful language of our work threads, where I normally don't give a damn. I want people in Washington to see this article with NO EXCUSES to look away. Consider this article a terrorist device - an information land-mine - which … Continue reading Why Won't WaPo's Devil N. Barrett Cover Andy McCabe Testifying Against Comey, Lynch and Brennan?

20200216: POTUS and FLOTUS at the Daytona 500

How perfect is this? It's going to be a big day. One for the record books. AND if you have ever had a hard time distinguishing differences between Repubs and Dems, try to imagine Bernie Sanders/Mike Bloomberg/ Liz Warren, or Amy and Pete, at the Daytona 500.......... See what I mean? Live Link for the … Continue reading 20200216: POTUS and FLOTUS at the Daytona 500

Dear KMAG: 20200216 Open Topic

This Superlative Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal. It's also a place to read, post and discuss news that's worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20200216 Open Topic

WORK THREAD: How I Now Believe "Dead Eyes" Bromwich Got Dirty Andy McCabe Off

WARNING: Do not post on this thread unless you are addressing the purpose of the thread. All other responses will be sent to trash. No rah-rah, no Eeyore, no praise, no prayers, no Q (OK - we need a little on this one), no “[whatever] Trust [whatever]”, no whatever. Take it back to the Open … Continue reading WORK THREAD: How I Now Believe "Dead Eyes" Bromwich Got Dirty Andy McCabe Off