Shitstorm Saturday!
Yeah, we’re definitely in a shitstorm right now, and we’re starting to respond to the other side’s opening salvos.
Assuming things go as we hope (and for the most part, expect) this will be looked upon as one of the pivotal points in history we will consider ourselves lucky to have witnessed. (On the other hand if we get a nasty surprise, it will be looked on as a pivotal point in history we wish we hadn’t seen.)
This is for ALL OF THE CHIPS. They are “all in.” We are “all in.”
If the Enemy wins, we will never, ever, ever have another chance at this without a hot civil war, and the enemy will have the full weight of the Federal Government on their side. Because we haven’t managed to drain the swamp, and they can certainly either co-opt or get rid of the few good people Trump has managed to install.
Trump having to leave office next January would be a catastrophe, and everything he has accomplished will be undone in a matter of months…if not weeks…if not days. To the applause of the minders of our culture and our educational system.
Welcome to the American Socialist State (ASS). Maybe that’s why the Dems have that as their mascot?
If Trump wins the work has just begun. The swamp MUST be drained, it must become his TOP priority. I’ll be honest, I think it should have been kicked into higher gear a long time ago, but then…I do NOT know what the Generals know, and I also don’t know what they DON’T know. Maybe by delaying, he’s pulling an Alexander I, giving Napoleon a long enough supply line to hang himself on. Seriously, I am reminded of this. Alexander was risking being deposed because the Russian army would not meet Napoleon head on. But in the end it was worth it. Napoleon didn’t just fail to conquer Russia, he himself ended up being chased all the way back to Paris and being deposed.
I wrote most those words last week, and can’t improve on them, at least not without pulling a Biden and plagiarizing someone.
[Which is what sunk Hiden’s candidacy in 1988, of course now who on the Left would care enough about things like that? Or remember Gary Hartpence a/k/a Hart, the carpetbagger nominally from Colorado who ran for President for the second time that same year, but was sunk by having an affair? It didn’t take too long for the Dems to decide that should pose no obstacle…]
On Messing With Patriots
And of course, that talk about the War of 1812 caused me to remember a certain piece of music and I posted it and analyzed it to make my point. That’s always kind of risky for me, I will form associations with a piece of music that others will not share; but in this case I was mostly in line with Chaikovskiy’s intent.
The 1812 Overture from last week was written long after the fact, in 1880, and is properly but never here referred to as the “Year 1812 Solemn Overture.”
The War of 1812 isn’t called “The War of 1812” by the Russians; it’s not even called by that phrase translated into Russian. It is, rather, “Отечественная война 1812 года” or, romanized, “Otechestvennaya voyna 1812 goda.” That’s pasted in from Wikipedia, which does a minor disservice here because they didn’t spell out the Russian for “1812,” which (from memory of Russian classes decades ago) would be something like “odin tysich vosyemsot dvyenadtsat.” (It looks a lot harder to pronounce than it actually is.) Anyhow, the entire translation of the name of the war is: “The Patriotic War of the Year 1812.”
This parallels what we are dealing with right now: We’re heading for the Patriotic war of 2020…in fact, if you count “cold wars” we’re already in it. A civil war between patriots and…er…traitors (whew, managed to restrain a profanity or six).
But hearing the phrase “Patriotic War” in a Russian connection might remind some reading this of a different war.
World War II in Russia is known as “Великая Отечественная война” Velikaya Otechestvennaya Voyna , or the “Great Patriotic War.”
This started when Hitler turned on his erstwhile ally, Stalin, in June of 1941.
(Never let anyone forget that the Soviets and Nazis were allies for nearly two years. They collaborated in carving up Poland in September 1939, and as far as the United Kingdom was concerned, the Soviet Union was the enemy, until Hitler invaded the Soviet Union.)
The Soviet Union, of course, was an empire just as much as the Russian Empire was. It was run largely by Russians, and hundreds of conquered peoples were basically just so much crap on the bottom of Russian shoes–a status relieved only when those people adopted some Russian culture.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was supposedly a union of co-equal countries all striving towards a glorious communist future (but merely socialist for now). If you believe that, then I have a bridge to sell you. Russians dominated in daily life, they got the good jobs in the military, and so on, though at least in the very uppermost echelons of leadership belief in Marxism-Leninism was more important than ethnicity. In fact as of 1941 the leader of the USSR was a Georgian, not a Russian. (Georgia, by the way, is called “Sakartvelo” by its own people, who call themselves the “Kartveli.”) Stalin’s original name was Jugashvili, which ends in shvili, which is one of those endings, along with -adze and -ia, that screams “This dude is a Kartvelian!” to those who recognize it.
Stalin, of course spoke Russian, but with a very thick Kartulian (Georgian) accent.
What did he do when Hitler unexpectedly attacked him? (Yes, unexpectedly. For whatever reason, Stalin, as paranoid as he was, didn’t expect Hitler to stab him in the back before Stalin would be ready to stab Hitler in the back.)
Well at first he was too stupefied to respond, and the Soviet military, seriously weakened by Stalinist purges in the late 1930s, fell back, and fell back, and then tried something different: they fell back.
Stalin eventually came out of his shock and began to rally his slaves.
Did he do it by appealing to the great glorious quest for communism? No. He appealed to Russian patriotism! Which is why they called it the Great Patriotic War. Why not evoke images of 1812?
Imagine the irony of a guy with a thick Georgian accent appealing to Russian patriotism on the radio.
There were songs written for the Great Patriotic War, and the most famous of them was first published three days after the invasion. It’s titled Священная война Svyashchennaya Voyna “Sacred War” or страна огромная! Vstavay, strana ogromnaya, “Arise, Great (Vast) Country!” It was written by Alexander Alexandrov, the same man who wrote the Soviet national anthem.
It’s a kick-ass song, and here is a kick-ass video of it chock-full of footage from the front lines, restored and colorized. (I know the color is not original, because I have seen many of the same clips in black and white in documentaries.) It even shows von Paulus surrendering at Stalingrad!
(Note: If you go directly to youtube and try to play this, it will ask you to sign in to prove your age. Apparently you can get around that by copying/pasting the URL.)
The lyrics, as you will soon see, say not one word about socialism, but plenty of words about kicking the fascist scum the hell OUT. As such it’s worth a look despite its origin.
Here is a literal translation (think New Revised Standard Version) on the left, and a looser paraphrase (think Living Bible) on the right. The right hand column even has the same meter as the music; you could sing it if you ever have to drive Nazis out of your country.
Arise, vast country,
Arise for a fight to the death
Against the dark fascist force,
Against the cursed horde.
Chorus: (2x)
Let noble wrath
Boil over like a wave!
This is the people’s war,
a Sacred war!
We shall repulse the oppressors
Of all ardent ideas.
The rapists and the plunderers,
The torturers of people.
The black wings shall not dare
Fly over the Motherland,
On her spacious fields
The enemy shall not dare tread!
We shall drive a bullet into the forehead
Of the rotten fascist filth,
For the scum of humanity
We shall build a solid coffin!
Chorus (2x)
Arise, you mighty motherland
Arise for Sacred War
To crush the evil fascist hordes
Unite and drive them back!
Chorus: (2x)
And noble anger leads us
To victory against the fascist scum
Arise, our mighty land
Arise for Sacred War!
Let’s crush the mad oppressors
And save our mighty land
From rapists, thieves, and plunderers,
These slaughterers of men!
The black fascist wings of death
Shadowed our sacred land
But her spacious fields and streams
They never shall defile
Behold, fascist insanity
You now face your doom
The plague of humanity
Shall be driven to its tomb!
Chorus (2x)
The appeal to patriotism rather than socialist glory worked…eventually. After a few years and 25 million deaths.
If you’re like me, you have mixed feelings about the fact that the Soviet Union beat Nazi Germany in World War II. (And you’re no doubt wondering why the hell I am posting Soviet patriotic music here.) Couldn’t they both have been annihilated? Pretty please?
But that’s exactly my point. The Soviet Union was a disgusting stain on the world, it was a mammoth prison, it was a mammoth slave plantation, it was the most evil thing on Earth for decades. And yet the people there had a sense of patriotism that could be dredged up in 1941, the depth of Stalin’s rule, even after over two decades of propaganda against the notion of being patriotic to a country, rather than being international socialists.
So (now finally returning to America) when someone proposes to mess with a country that is not only worthwhile, but the greatest ever in history, what are its people going to do?
This is something the Left cannot imagine. And they will continue to not imagine it as it blows up in their ugly faces.
There’s no ambiguity here. There’s no situation where an outside observer should want both sides to lose, like there was with World War II. The Left deserves to lose, and America deserves to win. Hopefully it won’t come to a shooting war, but if it does, perhaps, given the Left’s hatred of America and our love for it, it will be known as the Patriot’s War. Will we end up with a song for this? Perhaps, perhaps not. But really, do we need another one? We already have our anthem. We have America the Beautiful. We have My Country Tis of Thee. We have God Bless America. We have God Bless the USA. We have The Battle Hymn of the Republic.
The other side cannot lay claim to any of those, because they hate America. In fact, they have nothing but their own misguided hate for America to guide them through what is about to come.
And they are about to learn what happens when they threaten something people love.
Justice Must Be done.
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.
Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
The Mandatory Coin
I found out that the Russian Empire issued a number of coins to commemorate the War of 1812, more specifically the battle of Borodino.
In 1834, the Russians issued this ruble coin:
In 1839, a memorial was constructed at Borodino, and this ruble was issued that year (sorry about the crappy photography).
The portraits on both coins are of Alexander I, who was tsar at the time (1801-1825), rather than Nicholas I, his younger brother, who was tsar in the 1830s (1825-1855). In fact, if you want a portrait of Alexander I on a ruble, you have to get one of these coins; he did not put his own portrait on his coins while he was alive. Neither did Nicholas, nor Paul, Alexander’s father (1796-1801), nor Alexander II, Nicholas’s son (1855-1881).
(Maybe monarchs don’t have such a big ego after all–given a precedent of not putting their image on coinage, these absolute monarchs were all happy to keep it that way.)
Finally in 1912, to commemorate the centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812, we have:
I’ve had some trouble translating that inscription on the reverse. It runs something like “this glorious year has passed, but the deeds done in it will not pass” though I’ve seen very different renderings. “This glorious year has passed but the deeds done in it will not be forgotten” probably is a better rendering.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
Just two more things, my standard Public Service Announcements. We don’t want to forget them!!!
How Not To Find Yourself In Contention For The Darwin Award
(Nothing to do with bearded dragons)
It has been pointed out that all of the rioting is nominally on account of criminals who resisted arrest in one form or another, and someone suggested schools ought to teach people not to resist arrest.
Granted an “ass kicking” isn’t the same as being shot, but both can result from the same stupid act. You may ultimately beat the rap, but you aren’t going to avoid the ride.
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
Appendix: The lyrics in Russian
For anyone interested, here is Sacred War in Russian, with a transliteration.
Вставай, страна огромная,
Вставай на смертный бой
С фашистской силой тёмною,
С проклятою ордой.
Припев: (2x)
Пусть ярость благородная
Вскипает, как волна!
Идёт война народная,
Священная война!
Дадим отпор душителям
Всех пламенных идей,
Насильникам, грабителям,
Мучителям людей!
Не смеют крылья чёрные
Над Родиной летать,
Поля её просторные
Не смеет враг топтать!
Гнилой фашистской нечисти
Загоним пулю в лоб,
Отребью человечества
Сколотим крепкий гроб!
Припев (2x
Vstavay, strana ogromnaya
Vstavay na smertnyy boy!
S fashistskoy siloy tyomnoyu,
S proklyatoyu ordoy.
Pripev: (2x)
Pust’ yarost’ blagorodnaya
Vskipayet, kak volna!
Idyot voyna narodnaya,
Svyaschennaya voyna!
Dadim otpor dushitelyam
Vsekh plamennykh idey,
Nasil’nikam, grabitelyam,
Muchitelyam lyudey.
Ne smeyut kryl’ya chornyye
Nad Rodinoy letat’,
Polya yeyo prostornyye
Ne smeyet vrag toptat’.
Gniloy fashistskoy nechisti
Zagonim pulyu v lob,
Otreb’yu chelovechestva
Skolotim krepkiy grob!
Pripev (2x)
This is fucking outrageous
I ain’t buying it. DJT has 3 fakebook pages and only one of them is the official presidential page. This one appears to me to be one from 2015-2016.
I think Dinesh needs to be a bit more careful when he gets a tip.
Yet another bogus thing!!!
Disinformation is real! 😉
No, this one is real. FB now lists him as “political candidate” on his main Donald J. Trump page.
Easily confirmed:
You should not need a fb account to view his facebook account.
Outrageious as he is Literally POTUS until Jan/2021 regardless of the outcome of this eleciton.
The page you are citing on facebook has a disclaimer at the bottom that states: “Donald J Trump for President is responsible for this acct.”
He has three (3) accounts on facebook, normally you can only have one and facebook is very strict about it. I don’t believe facebook changed anything, it was probably the way the account was set up originally. It is probably used more for “political” articles instead of articles that would be of interest to D’s and R’s.
If true, this is obviously a low level, juvenile-mentality employee that thinks it’s awfully cute and clever. How do these people get away with stunts like this…
Yep. And if I have to look at Farcebørk or Twisted to see who my President is, I have bigger problems…..
Let’s deal with the big stuff, and let the flotsam and jetsam of disinformation and slandar flow down to the sewer like the rest of the DEMONRAT’s putrid pablum…
I think the bosses are the low iq, juvenile mentality clowns directing this.
And I’m fucking tired of the shift. Potus and patriots got this
Shit………of course
I had to consider carefully the possibility that you meant to type “Schiff” so I am glad you cleared that up. 😀
Of course the two words are synonyms, so at this point what difference does it make?
Is this where I go back to bed to sleep off my binge drinking while good Americans are tortured and die?
It’s up to you I suppose.
It seems the entire internet is simply a white noise generator, and it’s infecting this site. I’ve seen more bogus shit brought in and breathlessly posted in the last 24 hours…
And even some of the Big THeories everyone was POSITIVE about died on the vine. What happened to watermarking? Blockchain? Suddenly no one is talking about that. Will Barcelona and the German server raid disappear into the “silly things we believed for 24 hours” black hole too?
And your point is?
Idk what’s happening but I suspect that like ducks. Nothing appears to be happening on the surf e but underwater, hidden, there is a lot happening
Or perhaps the few little bubbles come up that tell you there’s a saltie fascinated by his next lunch.
They don’t leave a bubble trail. They just hit you like a freight train. Any bubble behind the duck would probably be impolite to mention
Ah. Democrats talking.
I’ve seen salties…in captivity over here. Even a “mere” 16 footer is frigging gigantic.
Yep. A tiddler.
Was it here I mentioned the story about a big bloke from a croc farm who had a fight with another monster and died. Autopsy found a surgical pin and plate in his stomach.
Now there’s a lost and found story
If you did mention it here, I missed it the first time.
Cops had contacted orthopaedic surgeons who had confirmed it was an older style. (The croc had been in the park for 15 years). Told them the bone involved. Also said each prosthesis has a serial no. Easy peasy missing person case solve
Oh, I have a theory about “watermarking and blockchain”!
Who came out with it first? Steve Pieczenik. What is he known for? Strategic disinformation for the good guys. (Common retired spy gig, I hear.) Purpose? Hope porn for Trump base, stir pot away from actual op, get other side concerned about wrong stuff or overconfident that “we’ve got that”.
Is this Scytl and Barcelona and Germany thing a disinfo op, too?
I don’t know – let’s all send a letter to the White House and ask! 🙄
Overconfidence that leads to inaction and being distracted back to “real life”
Claims that are then disproven and then used to disprove all claims of actual fraud because some were disproven
Discouragement when big hope after big hope is dashed
Disinfo stinks! Trust but verify. Always continue to act as if the rumors aren’t true – ie, great if its true but don’t let it change anyone way from peaceful politilcal action.
Be extremely skeptical of anything that claims victory is certain – even POTUS knows and refers to the outcome being uncertain. Nothing is decided.
Example is the tragedy of POTUS et al completely, 100% catching Biden (and many others) in outright crime and it never gaining traction. They were absoultely caught with their hand in the cookie jar and yet no traction and not the expected and hoped for impact. Of course, that one isn’t over yet…final ending of that story has yet to be written. but the fact that it is taking so long and will now turn into senate hearings … never should have gone to that!
Be extremely skepitical of anything POTUS is not actually saying out loud and listen to what he is saying.
In reality, we are in a tough political fight with an uncertain outcome. But it is worth fighting for, Bigly!
Melania was wearing a Block Chain dress on Election Day. I guess I stick to what I know and trust.
And POTUS and them watched the fraud go down in real time that Tuesday night.
One thought I have, and it connects to Steven’s great post – if the Supreme Court doesn’t rule correctly – this still cannot stand. The Left has been stealing elections for years. One here, one there, several here, several there. We have off year elections in Virginia – lost the State House last time around, but have lost the governorship in recent years.
Yes, it’s Blue Northern Virginia, and illegal alien vote, But it’s clear that now, they don’t even need those kind of votes. It’s why we lost House seats too…
They can program the machines to do any kind of fraud they want…
Yup. We have to end the fraud. Even if Dems scream for the next 4 years.
Agreed. I have no idea how we’re going to do it, though I have ideas that will, I believe, help, but it’s got to be tackled or no election will ever be trusted again.
Most Americans, when their candidate loses, are willing to swallow and accept the results. But if they’re not convinced the election was fair, they never will do that (and rightly so). This of course would undercut what the Chinese call the Mandate of Heaven, the zeitgeist that says the government is legitimate even if you don’t happen to like it.
No Biden government will EVER be legitimate from this election. If they want a legitimate Biden administration that I am not AT WAR with, they can have a new election conducted by the military.
The November 3 TRAVESTY was the last fraudulent election that I will tolerate.
I don’t believe that the JUDGES in my county really won. ALL of the popular Republican judges LOST – and by numbers that don’t allow a recount.
Every. Single. One.
Which will create a potential “mini-Portland” in the county seat.
No WAY the Democrats swept them. I believe the judges got “scytyled” somehow.
This ENDS. If not, even the small elections are RIGGED.
Even if things resolve THIS time in a proper direction, though, we need MASSIVE reform for future elections. We don’t want to have to go through this every single effing time. We need trustworthy elections in the future too. And I was focusing on the future in my comment–which makes nothing you said here wrong.
Shit……of course.
Happy accidents. I’m going to make a t-shirt and profit handsomely.
If you travel to Saint Petersburg, you’ll probably visit the Church on Spilled Blood, built on the site where Alexander II was assassinated. He had been riding in a motorcar on a street alongside a canal, when a non-fan jumped out and threw a grenade. It damaged the car, and the Tsar got out to swap insurance information, when another non-fan detonated another grenade, killing himself and mortally wounding the Tsar.
The canal was actually narrowed so they could build a wall there, and they preserved the actual patch of paving stones where the Tsar’s blood had been spilled, in a shrine, surrounded by ornate jeweled decorations. The main aisle of the church is perpendicular to the canal, and the other end of the church contains the High Altar.
Alexander II, the Liberator.
What a cool thing to be able to put after your name!
No where near as cool as vlad the impaler
Yeah, you caught me thinking like someone who thinks a ruler should be nice to his people.
Better o be feared than liked
Vlad gets a bit of a bad rap.
Vlad and his brother were hostage to the Ottomans for his father’s good behavior. Vlad was tortured but was also taught about science, philosophy, and the skills of a warrior. His father was killed, and his brother was tortured, blinded and then murdered by John Hunyadi, Regent-Governor of Hungary. Vlad was then released by the Ottomans. So he didn’t have the most ‘loving’ of upbringings.
“…..He is celebrated as a national hero in Romania, for his battles with the Ottomans. He killed thousands of them, reportedly in some of the most brutal ways imaginable, but also defended his country from a much larger army…..
Vlad had 10,000 men, the Ottomans had 150,000 men. In this situation Vlad is supposed to lose, but Vlad was a genius of psychological warfare. While travelling to meet Vlad’s army, the Ottomans came across a forest of bodies, impaled on spikes. They were so terrified by the sight, that they left in order to avoid facing what they described as a demon….
There are two possible reasons he impaled people, and either or both could be true. Impaling people was an absurdly effective way of spreading fear; in terms of psychological warfare, it’s a first class tactic. This is shown by how he deflected the Ottoman invasion through fear, and also how low the crime was in his country. A expensive, golden bowl was placed in public, and left in order to test whether his measures to deter crime were effective.
The bowl was never moved. So pragmatism, could be the reason here. The Ottomans also impaled people, and so if Vlad hadn’t use this method perhaps they would have invaded, and used the method on his own men…..”
He has quite the reputation for law enforcement.
Merchants travelling through his domains felt safe from pilferage. Here’s a story I read once on dead tree but never could confirm (but it rings true)
A merchant woke up one day to discover a bag of money missing. He reported it to Vlad’s people, including the amount.
Later that day they returned his money apparently having recovered it. On going through it, however, he discovered it was a bit too much.
He returned the excess and it was a darned good thing, because they told him afterwards that if he had not they would have punished HIM for keeping it.
I knew someone from there and the locals revere him. She said there was zero crime during his reign and he saved them from the ottomans.
Hunter wanted that, but all he’s done is become Hunter Biden, the Libertine…..
(Same with his father, Prince Valium)…
Took me three times to post this. I continue to experience glitches in the matrix.
Oh, and both Nicholas I and Alexander II appeared posthumously on coins just like Alexander I did. Paul, on the other hand, was on everyone’s “let’s try to forget him” list. Alexander I was of course famous for defeating Napoleon, and Nicholas presided over 29 years of peace; he was known as the policeman of Europe. Of course he reigned for 30 years; the Crimean War was a disaster for him and I believe he probably died of the stress.
Too many of my faves being shitcanned. Can’t find Brian cates
I think he ended up with some other account. Unfortunately I can’t remember what it is.
Brian The Great
Tweets by BrianTh37895972
Many Thanks
Brian and Duane are twin brothers…. and so far Duane hasn’t been suspended.
Duane posted a picture of them both as toddlers once to answer this again. The picture was very unflattering for Brian. Their mother was in the middle and Duane stated he was the one on the left. I replied your mother’s left? And he thought it was a hilarious troll
What I would like to know is why the two big firings – Esper and the CISA guy – and DHS Wolf trying to stop the CISA firing.
This actually his brother Brent.
There are about ten Brian the Greats on Twitter. I can’t find him.
Twitter (remove * ) :
Tweets by BrianTh37895972
Social Quodverum (where he can be more vocal because he is free of twiddlers BS) :
Thanks for posting this!
YW !
So where is Q’s Friday surprise? What happened in Durham NC? Or what did Atty Durham do?
Or was it misinfo to mislead the enemy?
Not sure if it was about John Durham or Durham, NC.
I read yesterday that two well known people are from Durham, NC. Sidney Powell + Lin Wood.
A smidge of good news in CA. Newsom got smacked by the court. He cannot rule by fiat anymore. Permanent injunction against new autocratic orders. The ones he has done must be overturned.
Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) Tweeted:
Judge Heckman has denied Gov. Newsom’s request to delay the Permanent Injunction against him. Her ruling is now final.
James Gallagher (@J_GallagherAD3) Tweeted:
Press release from myself and @KevinKileyCA 👇
We need that judge up here. We’re going into lockdown again starting Wednesday. I have no idea why she picked that day, but there it is. And it of course includes Thanksgiving.
To prevent travek. People are usually leaving for the week. School is out, etc. Plus shes a raging psycho bitch.
On the other hand, our little town that has had a mask mandate (any public places) for 62 days, is mask-free on Tuesday! I think the City Council didn’t have the nerve to extend it again.
Of course, all could be changed in the blink of an eye but I will enjoy my freedom, however long it may be. DH will enjoy not grocery-shopping, too!
NV is nearly a week into 14 day lock down 2.0. best I can tell, folks are doing whatever they wish.
Basically flipping off our idiot guvner, who tested positive for Covid.
One of these days, these asshoe politicos and CDC like weenies will admit,
I enjoyed the history lesson Steve. Russia is such a big boogeyman. Everyone travels to China and its ok but nothing to Russia. Its really questionable.
Me too. And an excellent point about the role of patriotism and how the Left doesn’t share it or understand it. That will be their downfall.
Russia (judging from one trip to Saint Petersburg & research & visits to museums & reading) is a strange place, but has its charms. A lot of it has to do with the difficulties of running an Empire. Another big factor is having to deal with some immensely powerful enemies that surround you.
The nation is named for the Kievan Rus…..yes, a group working out of Kiev — a city that currently isn’t inside Russia.
Just to give a glimpse of the fascinating and peculiar history of the region, I’d suggest you begin with: , and
The original Kievan Rus was overrun by Genghis Khan’s Golden Horde. Once that empire started to crumble, everyone in the area has been trying to recreate the Rus (with themselves in charge).
The Rurik dynasty was founded in 852 and continued in power (having split into multiple branches under the Mongol yoke) through Ivan the Terrible and his successor Fedor. That’s over 700 years, which is LONG for a dynasty. (Even the Romanov 304 years is pretty impressive.)
There are still extant branches of the Rurik family.
Americans have long been underserved in their education regarding history. I remember going through public schools and going, “French and Indian War? This makes NO sense at all!”
There is a broad and deep sweep of history that encompasses the world. To get fixated on North American skirmishes in a great war of empires gives you a false sense of knowledge — which, IMHO, is worse than honest ignorance.
How the heck are people going to use history to put current events in context when current teachings don’t mention the Mongol yoke in Russia, but ascribe the interruption of the Kievan Rus to “climate change”?
99% of Americans can barely distinguish between Russia and a hot rock. I know more about Russia than the average American, and I suspect the average Russian sixth grader knows about 10x more than I do. A couple of decades back, the fiancee hosted some exchange students from Taiwan……on a lark, I asked them how many emperors of China they knew….two columns, 3-1/2 pages later, they said “that many” — 557 people over 2,000 years of history going back to Qin Shi Huangdi. We can barely keep track of 45 American Presidents.
I made a conscious effort a couple of years ago to memorize the presidents and the years they were elected. In the case of those who died in office I did memorize the pair, for example William Henry Harrison and John Tyler (Tippecanoe and Tyler Too), 1840, followed by Polk 1844.
I suspect most Americans are far more ignorant than I am in this regard. Name someone like Garfield, and that’s an orange cartoon cat. He’s just too obscure, the whole run between Grant and McKinley is and even McKinley is fading because that big mountain is no longer named after him.
I can assure you that you are not just in Denali about that.
Even for those who can say that Polk was a President — how many people know that he nabbed most of the US between California and Texas, the second largest expansion after the Louisiana Purchase? How many have heard the song with the refrain “Charlie Guiteau done shot down a good man, good man; Charlie Guiteau done shot down a good man, oh….” and not realized he was a assassin of felines?
If you buttonholed twenty random people on a street, how many would know that we once had a President named Millard Fillmore (or Zachary Taylor and Franklin Pierce — who immediately preceded him and succeeded him)?
The concept of American History as a field of study that ignores the rest of the world is a fraud, and the way it is taught makes it even worse.
Heh — I was wondering where I got it. 1965 Johnny Cash album.
Heck, the average college student (if the people on the street interviews can be believed) cannot name CURRENT occupants and events, much less previous ones.
Fillmore here is the name of a major E/W street. (And yes other streets named after presidents north and south of it, but Fillmore is by far the most important of those streets. I don’t think the sequence runs even as far as Lincoln though.)
Studying American history doesn’t HAVE to ignore the rest of the world, but the way it is taught in school here, at least when I was in school, it most assuredly did, so I can understand the complaint. Only in seventh grade and tenth grade did I get something that was NOT “American History” (Geography and World History, respectively.) My World History teacher was trying to garner enough interest to offer an AP European History class, which I would have gladly taken, but instead my only AP option for my senior year was…American History again. Not being required to take “social studies” (the umbrella classification) four years, only three, I opted to skip it.
Gateway Pundit reported this on the raid on Scytl:
“Tonight we heard more from our source on this raid in Germany.
“From our source: The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.
“The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.
“By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.”
if that last sentence is true, it means that Gina hospital cannot be trusted and is a black hat. Which is hardly surprising, considering she is Brennan’s acolyte.
fgac, lol. Thought you did it on purpose as a joke.
Read that she, personally, was excluded from yesterday’s intelligence briefing with POTUS. Kiss of death.
Read yesterday Haspel was excluded from a MI election brief. Yea, I know CIA and domestic elections. But, I guess CIA has interest as international meddling is in play.
The media is panicking big time. I was accessing e-mail this evening, and the media is extremely negative towards Trump (not surprising), but worse than usual. They were pushing stay home, because wu-flu articles, and stories (note I did not say news) that were designed to promote sadness, depression, etc. Some of it was subtle, but once you see it, it’s hard to un-see it.
So for some readers, stay away from the traditional news sources, they are currently a poison well and demand a certain amount of discernment.
Hubby remarked yesterday about the increase in commercials for drugs for depression, bi-polar, etc. etc. etc. I’m waiting for all the ‘sad piano’ music to return for the rest of the commercials.
Okay, I am doing some looking around about this thing.
According to Gateway Pundit, this is the statement put out by Scytl about this incident:
Fact Checking Regarding US Elections: Debunking Fake News
November 13, 2020 | General
Following several erroneous statements that have been published in digital and social media, Scytl would like to clarify the following:
The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US, by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida.
We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US
We do not provide voting machines in the US
We did not provide online voting to US jurisdictions for the US elections.
We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt
The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else
We are not owned by George Soros and have never been connected to him
We are not tied to Smartmatic, SGO, Dominion or Indra
We have no ties with Russia either
Proveable LIES in the above:
LIE 1) “We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US”
“Founded in 2001 in Spain, Scytl organized 12 state-wide implementations, and its technologies were used in another 980 U.S. jurisdictions in 28 states, during the 2016 General Election.”
The LIE in this is that their activities are not BASED in the U.S. They don’t provide voting “machines” but SOFTWARE. They are correct that they don’t tabulate or count HERE, it is done overseas.
LIE 2) “We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt”
They really DO think we are stupid. They crashed their website so you can’t find the information on it, but all I did was look at the REFERENCES on their Wikipedia page, and found this:
“”Election Night Reporting2019” (PDF). June 2019. p. 3. “Scytl’s team began preparing nine months in advance. Over this time, we conducted 3 separate trial runs, 5 user acceptance tests, and we set up the data collection center in Barcelona, as well as an emergency back-up center in Frankfurt.””
LIE 3) “We are not owned by George Soros and have never been connected to him”
The connections from Scytl to Soros are detailed in this article from 2013:
LIE 4) “We are not tied to Smartmatic, SGO, Dominion or Indra”
If they are connected to Soros, they are de facto connected to Smartmatic and Dominion.
LIE 5) “We have no ties with Russia either”
Not so fast. They took down their website, but we still have the Wikipedia references:
“”Russia’s first online participation platform powered by Scytl“. 26 November 2012. “Scytl’s cryptographic security technology will ‘power’ Yopolis, Russia’s first online participation platform. Yopolis was launched in a public event in Moscow on November 22nd by renown businessman Maxim Nogotkov with the objective of becoming the main social network for local e-democracy in Russia. The online platform includes a variety of features to foster and facilitate citizen engagement and participation in local issues for all Russian municipalities. Scytl’s CEO Pere Valles attended the launching event in Moscow and explained Scytl’s security contribution to the platform which, among other benefits, will allow citizens to verify the integrity of the results of any voting process that takes place in Yopolis.””
I have been resisting this story as a pipe-dream, but it is beginning to really look like something HUGE. Prayers up that this is the SMOKING GUN.
Steve, I’m gonna send this to my friends. Will invite them to Steve in CO’s blog at the Q Tree. There’s not a bit of difference between Lenin/ Stalin/ commissars and American Democrats. The former had their glorious Red October and our Democrats appear to be winning Blue November, cancelling Thanksgiving to make it obvious.
If you’re like me, you have mixed feelings about the fact that the Soviet Union beat Nazi Germany in World War II. (And you’re no doubt wondering why the hell I am posting Soviet patriotic music here.) Couldn’t they both have been annihilated? Pretty please?
But that’s exactly my point. The Soviet Union was a disgusting stain on the world, it was a mammoth prison, it was a mammoth slave plantation, it was the most evil thing on Earth for decades. And yet the people there had a sense of patriotism that could be dredged up in 1941, the depth of Stalin’s rule, even after over two decades of propaganda against the notion of being patriotic to a country, rather than being international socialists.
So (now finally returning to America) when someone proposes to mess with a country that is not only worthwhile, but the greatest ever in history, what are its people going to do?
This is something the Left cannot imagine. And they will continue to not imagine it as it blows up in their ugly faces.
There’s no ambiguity here. There’s no situation where an outside observer should want both sides to lose, like there was with World War II. The Left deserves to lose, and America deserves to win. Hopefully it won’t come to a shooting war, but if it does, perhaps, given the Left’s hatred of America and our love for it, it will be known as the Patriot’s War. Will we end up with a song for this? Perhaps, perhaps not. But really, do we need another one? We already have our anthem. We have America the Beautiful. We have My Country Tis of Thee. We have God Bless America. We have God Bless the USA. We have The Battle Hymn of the Republic.
The other side cannot lay claim to any of those, because they hate America. In fact, they have nothing but their own misguided hate for America to guide them through what is about to come.
And they are about to learn what happens when they threaten something people love.
very good interview Lifesite news: be confident PDJT as won!
John Henry, in the above interview, italks to Steve Mosher, who is in on the Catholic Team for Trump. Steven is involved in the daily phone calls and updates of what’s happening behind the scenes. Steve is confident that PDJT will win.
Mosh is an IT expert and played a big part in the ClimateGate “wars” back in the 2009 timeframe. Gail can probably provide a lot more info on him. Good to have him along…
AHHHhhh the Mosh Pup… A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Tony Heller has a bit to say about him.
It is worth reading this one on the science scam by Mosher & Curry.
Also I make several comments such as “GRRRrrrr WordUnimpress is in Censorship mode again!”
That was February 14 2015 and dates the censorship ramp-up to the beginning of 2015.
Yep. I should have qualified that with Mosh is a warmist, but he does know his computers. And IIRC he did a bit of digging on “Harry Readme” (or am I confusing him with Tony Heller???)…..
Dan Bongino’s podcast with attorneys Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani:
Burgess Owens won in Utah. 👍🏻
So far…still some votes being counted in areas not particularly friendly to him, but the LSM here in Utah have been crowing about McAdams all week so I am amazed to see them post good numbers for Owens today. If he suddenly loses by about 500 new votes that magically appear, I assume he will challenge it.
Every further fraud exposes the plot that much more.
If they expose the fraud for a Rep and lose the White House, how humiliating would it be?
Are they too exposed already?
Love the eagle banner Steve.
And your musings.
Thank you.
H/T to Bako Carl for the eagle pic. He provided me with about a dozen, most of them “in flight.” One was of an eagle coming in for a landing; I’ll likely use that as soon as I trim it down on the left side so the wolf “dot” doesn’t end up covering the eagle’s face.
I’ve not been able to keep up with 1,000+ comments per day reading.
Skipping ahead now to leave this here…
Today many of us will gather at state capitols or our nation’s capitol to stand for what is right. To stand in solidarity in support for our Constitution and our freedoms. God bless, protect and grant favor to all who travel, stand, and make their appeals to Heaven in bond of peace. May their prayers have great effect. May God keep them safe as they assemble and as they return to their homes.
And Moses said to the people: Fear not: stand and see the great wonders of the Lord, which he will do this day: for the Egyptians, whom you see now, you shall see no more for ever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.
Exodus 14:13-14
I say we nuke them from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Rods from god. No nuclear fallout
Sometimes fallout isn’t a bug…’s a feature.
We’re seeing the bad actors here in America using what amounts to gymnastic contortions to try and defend the indefensible.
Ground Report – situation in TN:
Tea Party/MAGA political activity has had an impact on TN politics! Usual RINO reaction from *former* political “leaders” including Haslam, Corker, Frist, etc. This would have been the offiical state reaction if Boyd had been elected gov. No, I am not a huge fan of Lee but at least he is holding strong so far.
Instead, our AG joined other states here (no, didn’t lead but at least joining)
we have our legislature standing strong – significant departure from the past for TN
Both Hagerty and Blackburn are standing strong as are 2 of our congressmen, Mark Green and DesJarlais. None elected GOP of folded publicly other than a few state senators and repressentatives (including a newly elected Knox Rep who has been a middle of the roader to such an extent that it was controversial for him to even run as a Republican).
Going to the Capitols tomorrow to peacefully stand strong and let your state know where the voters stand and to let the federal office holders know that people are still this interested and committed is important to sustain their resolve.
In TN, we plan to be in, have our rally, and get back out. No fighting with protesters, etc. Not there for an all day ordeal – just rally and leave. Peaceful assemply. Peaceful protest. Supporting Trump/Pence and their demand for election integrity. Yes, this election, but focus on the bigger picture of election integrity.
It’ll be interesting to see what Antifa has to say about that…..with the added proviso that Patriots will likely be in control.
” Yes, this election, but focus on the bigger picture of election integrity.”
Thing is…if we don’t win this election, there will be No election integrity.
So this is it.
This is the bigger picture and it is staring us in the face.
(PS Did you see Burgess Owens won?)
Yes I did!
*happy dance*
It’s great news, isn’t it.
Exactly. Tweeted last night.
100% agree that we Must win this election … but that is not the focus of the talking points.
Yes, Election Inegrity for THIS eleciton and Trump/Pence but the point is election integrity not specifically Pro Trump.
Focusing on Election Inegtrity v. a purely Trump/MAGA Rally
Not that Trumpers are trying to overtake the system in favor of our candidate and are not conceding merely by popular demand … focusing on election integrity >as applied to this election and beyond<
Yes, this election, right here and now, but not because we support Trump but because its the right thing to do.
Have had crossover support (not much but at least some) from Dems who want a election integrity as well even if it means their candidate doesn't win
We are not there to support President Trump, per se. (I am!)
We are there to supprot Trump/Pence in their demand for election integrity both now and for future elections
these are not sore looser rallies. they are to give public support, political leverage and to counter the media narrative in suppot of Trump/Pence and their demand for election integrity – and that is what the media must hear
“… sore looser rallies.” ❔
Um, no…far from it!
I know … but that is how the media will protray it and why need to stay focused and on message of support Trump/Pence in their demand for election integrity
Steve, I didn’t think you could possibly do better tonight than you did last week, but you did. You continue to amaze me! Really excellent opening post. I was hanging on every word.
Very interesting; I thought this was a weak effort compared to last time. But you got fourteen likes for this comment (not including mine) as of now so perhaps I was mistaken.
The biggie is the patriot portion. Patriotism in Russia compared to Free American patriotism!
I was afraid a lot of people would get disgusted with me for posting a “commie” song (it really isn’t) and not read further and see the point.
(Plus it really is a kickass song.)
I’ve been on my knees every night and all I hear is fear not! Those who believe in God will be protected! We may need to rise up but we shall rise up! Fear not!
Thomas Wictor has put up a new video:
He has been putting up a new video every day for awhile.
You can see them here:
“These people are absolutely crazy. Crazy people can’t win. They really can’t. They’re easily defeated. As Trump proved”. 🧨💥
I’m kind of amazed that GoogTube hasn’t deleted his videos.
They are trying to censor them, though…by putting up their little ‘counter argument’ banner underneath the video.
True and Strange…..
GoogTube HAS removed Dave at X22 Report.
(and many others)
700,000 ballots were not allowed to be viewed in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh which means, based on our great Constitution, we win the State of Pennsylvania!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 14, 2020
Georgia Secretary of State, a so-called Republican (RINO), won’t let the people checking the ballots see the signatures for fraud. Why? Without this the whole process is very unfair and close to meaningless. Everyone knows that we won the state. Where is @BrianKempGA?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 14, 2020
#Georgia #Michigan #Nevada
MAJOR UPDATES: New Lawsuits in Georgia & Michigan; Stunning Admission Out of Nevada
Wictor’s video about the shake-up at the Pentagon…posted Nov 12, 2020:
Boris Johnson saying Joe Biden to going return British American relationships to normal.
The Queen, the Vatican, the Rothschilds…
Biden & his criminal cronies are not going to sleep well tonight. Well, Biden might because he probably forgot the name Scytl.
His co-conspirators know name well. They also know the name Paragon, company which purchased Scytl in 10/20.
Every will be revealed.#FightBack
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 14, 2020
There’s your proof that the Scytl thing is legit. This man is not a loose cannon.
On Dominion Voting machines
“We began to look and realized how easy it is to change votes.”
Election security expert @RussRamsland
has performed many investigations on US election machines.”
The most *shocking* thing about this interview is it took place just days BEFORE the election.”
I’m in DC, preparing for the Stop The Steal rally tomorrow
& there are Trumpers everywhere.
The best way I can describe it is a “love fest.”
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) November 14, 2020
How sweet these will be at the end of January. Jaw-droppingly sweet.
The social media free speech censor bastids have gone too far this time.
We all know the *&%#@& manufactured votes, used dead people’s names, maiden names, made-up names, switched votes via machine, destroyed and dumped Trump votes. We have caught them cold. The crooks are going down hard!
PS – Twitter is trying hard to keep President Trump’s WMD twitter feed from hitting another million followers.
88,955,238- 6:20 am – 11/14/30 – minus 3,175
88,958,413 – 12:57 pm
88,952,642 – 4:30 am – 11/13/20
88,948,618 – 7:45 pm
88,937,552 – 11:37 pm – minus 5,720
88,929,816 – 11:33 am – [minus 13,456] sometimes the total jumps around
88,943,272 – 8:01 am – 11/12/20
88,941,927 – 6:18 pm
88,938,110 – 6:53 am – 11/11/20
88,933,410 – 3:44 pm
88,929,062 – 9:55 am – 11/10/20
88,927,131 – 8:54 pm – minus 1,332
88,928,463 – 7:29 pm
88,926,088 – 8:42 am – 11/9/20 – minus 424
88,926,512 – 9:12 pm
88,913,423 – 11:39 am
88,912,456 – 10:45 am
88,906,959 – 9:00 am
88,896,758 – 7:00 am – 11/8/20
has biden’s hit 20m yet…LOL
Four years ago – It hit 60M – I thought – but, hey – I cannot count – LOL
What’s the M for?
million…how many millions of twits does biden have following him?
No, you missed the joke. I knew it was meant to mean millions.
I was joking that he only had 20 followers, so why is the M needed?
sorry…just got done exercising…the brain needs a minute or two more of blood…lol
Release the Kraken !!!
The squids I learned about in school didn’t have claws.
More encouraging tweets from Lin Wood:
Will truth-phobic, gas-lighting Twitter dare to ban Lin Wood?
Good question.
If so, all he has to do is get on a conservative talk show, as Richard Baris from People’s Pundit Daily did. He was on Tucker Carlson last night.
However, just before, Twitter restored his account:
2020 wil end in a big Bang!
2021will be a glorious. POTUS said this over and over in the rallies !!
Sorry churchmouse for the double post.
A Double Dose of this one is most appreciated, Eilert!!! God Bless You!!!
FOX News has dropped John Solomon as a Fox News Contributor.
they really ought to drop the “news” from fox news…they need to stop pretending
Solomon speaks too much truth — can’t have that!
love that!
heard some good ones this morning…
Watch them drop kick more truth speakers in the coming days.
My my. How will Sean survive? Simple, no mention of it. I despise these people, all of them save Lou & Jeanine.
Sean brings in too much money to be disregarded.
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
Ok Try again:
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
It’s Caturday…
And this pissed off Kitty illustrates my general disposition these days:
More Kitties, in honor of Caturday:
awww…it IS Caturday!!!!
thanks wheatie!!
This is my kitty mood this morning!
I know what you mean!
Good to see the tradition of Kittens continue. Now for some bacon and we are off to the peaceful but powerful political rally to support Trump/Pence in their demand for immediate election integrity
Try not to be annoying while you’re there, MAGA Mom.
Just enjoying the cat videos you posted … ???
from American Thinker
Plus thousands and thousands Democrat operatives in election offices and OFA poll workers and Dominion voting machines….
Biden…you didn’t build that!!!
Remember Phillip Haney? He was killed under suspicious circumstances? Here’s an update. Happy to learn it’s all safely in the hands of the FBI. 🙄🙄🙄 No wonder we’ve never heard another peep about it. Nor will we, I bet.
Thanks Syliva….I am a friend with a friend of Phil Haney’s and the circumstances of Phil’s death is of great interest to us…I really appreciate seeing the article and although there was no new information provided, it’s good to know that some in the independent media are still keeping tabs on the case.
I agree, I don’t think we’re going to hear much from the government but I do cling to the thought that General Flynn, when freed from persecution, may have some affect on the case.
My wife and I are good friends will Philip Haney. I am not convinced he is dead. He had many close friends who are spooks so if he wanted to “go low” they could certainly make it appear like he died.
We will see.
:0) Nice to meet another friend of Phil’s pgroup….There has been so little information that I cannot disagree with your thought process.
I just hope this isn’t buried and forgotten.
Me as well Sylvia.
My thoughts run along the lines that If PDJT is re-elected & if General Flynn is set free there is hope that it will not be buried….If Biden is elected, I have no hope that there will be a resolution.
ELECTION FIASCO 2020: A Gift From Hell Below Us
In this Sunday Sermon from So. St. Paul, Father comments on Election Fiasco 2020, arguing that the cheating, lying and fraud going on in America today is something straight out of hell.
Father encourages his flock to pray for the president. As long as Trump is willing to fight for our nation, we must be willing to fight for him.
here’s a question…WHEN voter fraud is proven…will there be any consequences for joe?
besides not being crowned king Hairy Legs?
or are his minions jailed and punished but not him…
It takes two witnesses…two first-hand witnesses…to get a conviction of Treason.
Arrest China Joe’s minions, and get them to flip on him.
Or anyone who witnessed him giving military secrets to the ChiComs [which I think he did].
That’s what we need, to get him on Treason.
All this Election Fraud?
Even though Biden is the beneficiary, it was done for him…and for a Dem power grab…I’m sure ole Joe was kept out of it.
Mainly because he’s a screwup and he can’t keep his mouth shut.
there is that…(screwup defense)
I believe the articles of insurrection are the vehicle that will be used to go after certain people. Going through that route opens the way for UCMJ to be employed. What is included in public officials vow of office that a lot of them have failed to uphold? It’s why people are going to be re-educated about our Constitution in a very public way.
He isn’t competent to stand trial, but all his cohorts are.
hmmm…there’s got to be a trap in there for the DNC…if he’s declared not competent to stand trial, how could he be their candidate…were they perpetrating fraud on the public…LOL
Exactly so, Pat!
They can’t bring up ‘incompetence’ to save his butt…not after running him for president!
that’s what i’m thinking!
^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^
He also recovered about half of the Western Roman empire, which had collapsed in the 400s.
It was a close thing; he almost lost his nerve early in his reign and stepped down after the Nika riots (30K dead, over chariot racing!) in which case none of this would have happened.
Just for you, Pat Frederick!
Dragged it over from Marica’s place!
Steve, You did another awesome job of the Saturday thread – from the great eagle banner photo, to the Russian history to the coins! Thanks! You are our math/science/coin/history laureate!
Verse of the Day for Saturday, November 14, 2020
“…A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.”
John 3:27 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Saturday Blessings
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Be My Voice
Morning Duchess!
just put my apple pie in the oven…can you smell it yet??
Have a Blessed day!!
Hey, Pat!!! Smelled something sweet in the air – thought it was you baking – LOL
God Bless Your Day, too!!! HUGS!!!
HUGS back to you!!×639.jpg
OH, YUM!!! Glad you made enough for everyone – Heavenly, Pat!!!
* Received and Appreciated *
Don’t miss this!
Another Rally?
SteveInCO said:
It’s up to you I suppose.
It seems the entire internet is simply a white noise generator, and it’s infecting this site. I’ve seen more bogus shit brought in and breathlessly posted in the last 24 hours…
And even some of the Big THeories everyone was POSITIVE about died on the vine. What happened to watermarking? Blockchain? Suddenly no one is talking about that. Will Barcelona and the German server raid disappear into the “silly things we believed for 24 hours” black hole too?
The watermarking debunked by?
Blockchain debunked by?
Hammer and Scorecard debunked by?
All of those ‘debunked’ by the same DHS where the head refuses to fire the CISA snake? Now, you may be right, but we are only 10 days in…and Swamp Rats are exposing themselves on a daily basis.
None of it was debunked. More evidence got layers on top of it.
“Died on the vine” meaning people were expecting big things to come out any day now because watermarks…then suddenly everyone stopped talking about watermarks.
Not necessarily debunked…but everyone ran off and chased some new shiny thing. Of course, not necessarily true either! The whole topic just disappeared.
The dynamic suggests (but does not prove) to me that there was nothing behind it; people realized it and moved on. When the next shiny thing gets the same treatment and the cycle repeats…it looks like we’re all just spun up like cats chasing the red dot on the floor.
But yes, technically, not debunked (and I didn’t use that word). Just makes me wonder.
My apologies Steve. Thanks for the clarification.
No, I’m glad you said something. If I was unclear I needed to clarify.
…And reading what I just wrote, I’m still not sure I was clear.
That drip, drip, drip has turned to Niagara Falls.
But that may be dictated now by the short time-frame we have to act…or…there goes that bouncing red dot!
Nevada’s Democrat Governor and mask Nazi Steve Sisolak announced Friday he tested positive for Covid-19.
Bit of ramble. Hopefuly some solid points.
It was a rapid test (RT) which I am gathering is NOT conclusive. So, positive RT drives a second test of sorts. IF that is positive, we now have two positives.
– Huh? WTF? Not only are we doing more individual tests, but positives drive another test, which if positive, simply drives the numbers up.
– 100% feeds D-Rat, CDC like asshoe hysterical yammering, MSM goes into