Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don’t give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE:
Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Remain LEGAL, generally CIVIL, and possibly even GENTEEL.
A reminder:
I will not live under CHICOM TRAITORS.
Today we have FIVE SHORT LESSONS in politically incorrect WOLFTHINK.
The Glitch Ain’t a Glitch
Zuckertreason. Read all about it.
We need to understand that “Muh Russia” – the idea that paltry Russian ad buys had any effect in “subverting” our elections on Facebook – is literally NOTHING next to Mark Chinaberg’s “Muh China” problem. Chinese money for advertisement of Chinese products into America is HUGE.
Where does that money go? FACEBOOK. What does Facebook spend it on? SUBVERTING ELECTIONS.
Trust me – Muh China is HUGE and NASTY and – yeah – very deniable. They’re just making HUGE ad money from SOMEBODY and spending it to subvert our elections.
Keep an eye on the Xuckster’s “Muh China” problem.
Now – let’s dig into “The Glitch”!
It turns out that the great Tony Heller of “real climate science” is also a super-hard-core computer guy, having worked on historic hardware and software.
He says they are LYING – it’s NOT a glitch.
Computers don’t make mistakes. Attempts to blame election fraud on “computer glitches” are not credible.
Tony Heller
It’s a FEATURE, not a bug. It may be DESIGNED to look like a bug, but it’s not a bug.
Yes, we’re all familiar with computer bugs, but most people don’t truly understand how computers work. Computer bugs are NOT because the computer did something wrong. They are because the computer did everything RIGHT, and we gave it conflicting, backfiring, and poorly thought out orders. There is no computer error. Not really. There is HUMAN PROGRAMMING ERROR.
It is not only possible but actually very easy to HIDE INTENTIONAL DECEIT in those human “errors”.
This is the level of evil we are up against.
So just how evil is a stolen election – stolen through software?
Just how evil are MANY stolen elections, world-wide, to keep a compromised party – the communist party – in “infiltration, not invasion” mode?
Could it be…..
Theory of Trump’s Treason Tweet
I have a new theory of Trump’s “Treason Tweet”.
I had always felt that Trump’s tweet saying “TREASON?” was NOT about what it was supposed to be about.
The tweet was posted around the time of the “Anonymous” letter to the editor of the New York Times – the author of which turned out to be a short-time Chief of Staff to DHS head Kirstjen Nielsen, not actually a person in the White House, not actually a top person in the administration. Worse still, the guy was fired for [OTHER] cause – poor performance – shortly thereafter. Worse still, he had only recently gotten the position.
No, it was not Mike Pence (and I feel stupider for just repeating that one).
No, it was not [FILL IN THE BLANK]. If you will recall, proposed authors included practically everybody, especially General Kelly.
That is how BADLY this thing was overplayed by the Times – and how badly everybody else was played. They really had us going.
Q was accused of LARPing. This toadie actually WAS LARPing.
Yeah, that kind of hubris is bad, but it creates a bigger mystery.
In my opinion, Trump – who said they knew who the “Anonymous” letter-writer actually was – would NEVER have tweeted even lower-case “treason” about some anonymous bit player writing a screed that was picked up by the already treasonous New York Times. There was never any reason, just on the face of the letter, to believe that the “Anonymous” author was even a high-level staffer, much less an official.
Trump writing “TREASON” because he was spooked by a bad “dramatic squirrel” letter?
NOPE. Not buyin’ it.
So when I realized that the “treason tweet” was back around the same time as other things…..
Just read it.
Text version:
This tweet was about THIS ELECTION and the failed attempt to plausibly oust Trump.
This tweet was exactly 1 week before the 09/12/2018 Executive Order which takes down anything and anybody related to the current CHINA ELECTORAL COUP, whether or not you include China’s biological release. That executive order was typical Trump genius. It appeared to be politically pressured CYA on “Muh Russia” for the 2018 election, based on the 2016 election strategy against Trump, when in fact it was designed to bring down everybody associated with the China Cheat Coup.
Note that Trump did very little about voter fraud after the 2018 midterm election, which followed shortly after the EO. Based on that experience, and counting on a short period of time and TOTAL big media control (including Paul Ryan at Fox News) to cover the downside, the Coupists were “all in” and confident for 2020.
Trump tweets always age well. He would not waste an all-caps “TREASON” on some dildo anonymously making larpy claims of “MUH RESIST”. Methinks he spoke of real treason, like we’re seeing now.
If you want further context from around that time – to understand that people on the left (who never actually investigated “covfefe”, by the way) were far too quick to assume what the tweet was about, just look at the rotten HuffPo for grins.
Nope. I think Trump was pulling a “gotcha” on the treasonous crowd who framed him, investigated him, impeached him, and otherwise made both his life and America’s life hell.
Trump let his enemies think that he was “rounding off in the dark” on Anonymous, when in fact he was making sure that his enemies THOUGHT that he was actually rattled by a poison pen letter.
Exactly one week before he delivered the executive order that would catch them in bed with CHINA, but needed to look “reactive” to accusations on RUSSIA.
I keep telling people – the guy is a VSG.
Two Swigs of Moonshine
Speaking of VSGs, I know that many people find Political Moonshine to be a very astute observer of all things political, much in the way of people like Sundance.
Well, here are TWO articles I think are very worth reading, to understand the current situation:
Enemies of the American People
Which entity determines the election result and the president-elect? Is it the collective entity of the states, the electoral college and the processes of the federal government all as underpinned by the U.S. Constitution and election laws or is it the mainstream media?
Which entity is currently determining the election result and the president-elect? Is it the collective entity of the states, the electoral college and the processes of the federal government all as underpinned by the U.S. Constitution and election laws or is it the mainstream media?
Those are rhetorical but critically important questions; the answers to which have the Republic hanging in the balance and caught between good and evil.
The answers to which demonstrate that a sizable portion of Americans are unable to discern reality from their programming and simply because they believe the mainstream media to be either legitimate, in which case they have been properly and fully propagandized; or it’s because they are afraid to challenge their own conventions, in which case they are feeble-minded; or it’s because it easily and conveniently fits their virtuous but deeply flawed belief system, in which case the ends justify the means; or it’s because of some other explanation that matters not.
So, why is the MSM projecting itself forward so forcefully and circumventing electoral conventions? Why did they deliver Joe Biden to the American public with a result drowning in a sea of fraud in an election that saw the President win an historic 71 million votes?
Again, rhetorical questions.
This is a strong indictment of the role of the mainstream media and CHINA in our current state of affairs. For those who can only see the shadowy OWNERS [or so those “dragon owners” may think, bwahaha] of China – the CABAL – as being the root of the problem, I urge a bit of patience here.
Apex-hunting is NEVER profitable in untangling conspiracies, and I urge you to resist it. Conspiracies evolve as a form of negotiation, be those conspiracies alliance, opposition, coincident interest, or mutually desired outcomes. All sides manipulate each other, and apex-dependent explanations will blind you to much of the story. Worse still, you cannot fight either a proximate enemy or a more distant manipulating enemy smartly by only looking at either one alone, or by making ASSUMPTIONS about who is calling the shots, much less ALWAYS calling the shots, which is NEVER.
Yes, the Cabal is always there, already a messy alliance of conspirators with both coincident and divergent interests. Keep an eye on it, while you fight the two most lethal close-in enemies BEHIND the Democrats themselves right now: CHINA and the MEDIA. I would throw in Silicon Valley for good measure, but they are basically a part of media now – or trying to become that.
Anyway, the bottom line here is that CHINA and the CHINATIZED MEDIA are both neatly subject to Trump’s EO, designed to nail DEMOCRATS for conspiring with China. Looks like the MEDIA are also nicely subject to it.
Buckle up.
You can take your MASKS OFF when Karen’s not looking.
And now for your second swig of moonshine.
The status quo is intolerable and excruciating. There is no way around it and despite much deliberate effort to be mindful and not let it dominate life. It’s easier said than done to just let it not bother you constantly when considering the possible outcomes hanging in the balance.
This especially so since it appears as if folks are standing idly by as others are cinching-up the theft of the nation so as to deliver her to China and the CCP; delicately wrapped in a red silk bow and presented on a silver tea tray.
It’s a truly dystopian landscape. And it’s real. Never in my lifetime… eyes down, slow head shake.
Here’s some more perspective to perhaps mitigate the misery. It doesn’t really work well for me and it’s my own work product for crying out loud – it’s a leopards/spots situation; nature of the beast, if you will – but it may work for you.
Here are some thoughts for perspective, but before we go there, let’s take an introductory sidebar with this.
This is how my day got started. This below will be my first post when T_____r lets me out of the doghouse.
This post references ANOTHER post by Political Moonshine (hereafter PM) on QAnon, back during impeachment, in which PM claims he was informed by somebody with DIRECT ties to POTUS, on who the person of “Q” actually is.
I am not going to put words in PM‘s mouth, or even state what I think he means. I’m not going to offer any new speculations on who “Q” – meaning the persona who writes for Q team as Q – actually is.
But I will include a graphic from PM’s post which I think is important.
I do know ONE THING FOR SURE from my own research. The identity of Q team personnel is a top priority of the leftists. I believe that even the Mueller fraud included, as part of its mission, an attempt to get “QAnon” information out of people around Trump. So if Esper was (1) following fake news, and (2) interacting with Biden and team without proper suspicion, and (3) getting schmoozed real good, and (4) letting loose the lips, then (5) it’s very likely that he confirmed enemy suspicions.
I can only speculate on the deepest motivations of the “Q Team”. However, I believe that their primary mission was established long ago – possibly under Eisenhower – and their mandate is STRONG. That mandate is – as Q stated from the beginning – related to Q clearance.
And that leads to my next topic. What is at stake, if China wins this.
What’s at Stake
If you haven’t figured it out by now, this election is about MORE than just whether this nation becomes like CHINA or not. It’s about whether China controls…..
not just our government
not just our military
including our nuclear weapons
and not just our BIBLE, which they will “re-write”
but our VERY LIVES
I don’t know about you, but AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE is worth preserving, IMHO.
But here is the thing. We’ve got this. ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!
If we wait for the TRUTH to come out, there is no way that Biden and CHINA win this thing. NO WAY.
That is why Biden has to pretend like he won, and try to RUSH THINGS to a PHONY WIN.
That is why WEASELS like CHINA JIM Lankford, Puppet Pastor and BETRAYER of Chinese Christians, push for national security information to be given to CHINA JOE.
That is why treasonous John Brennan is openly calling for a COUP against Trump (and why TEAM Q was brilliant to LET THINGS KEEP GOING UNTIL HE DID IT).
At all levels.
The FEC recognizes this.
But all we have to do is TRUST THE PLAN.
That doesn’t mean SIT BACK and TAKE IT.
That means RISE UP and TAKE IT BACK.
Get Thee to a March or Rally
I will try to keep this short.
THIS SATURDAY is pivotal. Saturday, November 14. NOON.
Not only is there going to be a rally and march at 12 Noon on Saturday in Washington, DC – there are rallies planned NATIONWIDE, including ALL STATE CAPITOLS.
Find yours HERE:
I went to one of the rallies last week – it was AWESOME. It was spiritually RECHARGING. There was much focus on GOD – it was truly a blessed event.
We vastly outnumbered the small groups of BLM and ANTIFA. It remained peaceful, except that ANTIFA tried to create an incident out on the street nearby, which drew “journalists” and had to be broken up by cops.
The cops are clearly getting orders from above to “squish along” with Democrat pressure groups, like BLM and Antifa, which seem to have a permanent presence near the rally – in sight of boarded-up windows everywhere.
The cops tried to talk us into “hiding” on the side of the building, to prevent conflicts.
NO! One lady patriot REFUSED, and it was the right thing! NO MORE HIDING!
We refused to cede our ground. The tiny BLM and Antifa bullies did NOT move our vastly larger group from the front steps of the Statehouse.
I found it fascinating that there were NO network journalists covering the rally itself, when a MUCH SMALLER rally for Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch in the same place had actually drawn multiple networks. Instead, the Fake News concentrated on Biden supporters across the street, celebrating BIDEN having just called himself “President Elect”.
Expect China Joe and the FAKE NEWS to try to create DIVERSION NEWS of some kind.
The FAKE NEWS will be there, shilling for BIDEN, and what we need now are CAMERAS ON THE FAKE NEWS, catching them in the act of CREATING THE FAKE NEWS.
Don’t worry – they will NOT win. The Coup will not succeed. The American People will not put up with it.
We begin. These are the days we were born to live.
At 9:00 AM tomorrow, the hand recount in Georgia will begin. It will conclude on November 17th.
From the article linked above:
[…] Chris Harvey, elections director for the secretary of state’s office, told county election officials during a training call Thursday that they must begin the hand tally by 9 a.m. Friday and complete it by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday. The state certification deadline is Nov. 20.
For the audit, county election staffers will work with the paper ballots in batches, dividing them into piles for each candidate. Then they will count each pile by hand, Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs said. Sterling had said Wednesday that the ballots would be counted by machine.
Our President tweeted the following for us to watch:
He tweeted the following earlier in the day:
I wonder what he knows to put that tweet out!
Good stuff!
I love how Trump is DISCREDITING THE SOCIAL MEDIA by letting Jack’s Flying Monkeys dispute his every tweet. It’s utterly beautiful. Nose-Ring Rasputin looks more and more like a petty tyrant who can’t tolerate Trump’s refusal to kiss his ring, while Andrew Torba of Gab is becoming “Future Retro Cool CEO of Tech”.
Twitter now feels INAUTHENTIC – going Myspace – same as Fox – and for WHAT? Why? What purpose does it serve? Their FAILED attempt to take Trump down becomes more ridiculous with each passing day.
What can possibly be gained?
Here’s a hint, Jack. Get ahead of the crowd and call it quits. UNDO every suspension that was ever done. Drop all the phony “phone number” requests. Stop censoring Trump.
But no. Twitter commits suicide. BUH-BYE JACK.
He has been trained to only obey his master’s voice. Common sense and self-preservation have nowhere to go within his training.
Trump is breaking Twitter. It is glorious to watch it unfold.
Why would he tank his billion dollar business?
It’s a matter of life or death. They have serious fucking dirt on him
There was never a “there” there.
I am positive that there is horrific dirt on the man.when he tweets about eating the special pasta while reading the book of satanic verses. What really creeps me out about all these creatures is the smell of death that I’m sure surrounds them. I’m sure normies cringe away when coming into contact with these vile animals. And zuckerberg talking about how he’s not human? What’s up with that? These creatures are the deepest kind of evil and there day is coming. All of them know this and they are scared shitless. Uggg….need more coffee.i havnt been able to sleep well in over 2 years. When I reflect on ALL of this horror I just feel faint at scope of it and then I pray. My little rant is done for the moment till my next one☺
Perhaps stated above or implied, read earlier today the GA recount will be done locally, NOT vote counting centers. I think this is a plus for an accurate count.
I totally can get that a September 18, 2018 tweet saying TREASON? — immediately before the 2018 election — was probably about: “we know who you are and are watching what you do very carefully…..and anything you do this time will fall on your heads if you try it next time.”
YUP – that’s what they SHOULD have thought!
Makes me wonder why they didn’t.
The massive inertia of the plot?
Believing their own propaganda?
No punishment for 2018 election?
Water under the bridge now!
If they were smart enough to think like that, they’d be smart enough to see the trap and they’d get out while the gettings good.
I think with a lot of these actors, you have to assume that they are so deeply personally invested, compromised, and corrupted, that they are committed, literally locked into a course of action that Trump guaranteed will result in a collision. They hopped onto a runaway train and they can’t stop it without losing everything. Without Trump maybe they never would have been caught, but they didn’t figure him into their moral calculus.
One thing that happens when a person ‘goes bad’, is they become BLIND TO THE TRUTH. Knowing the truth makes you free.
Rejecting the truth makes you blind, and not only do you fall into the ditch, but you lead others there, too.
Party is up front, just the ones that have woken up late trying to catch up back here 🙂
They didn’t think anything would happen, after all they were sure that the Russia hoax was gonna remove President Trump. The 2018 election probably didn’t have enough Big Fish to fry so to speak and could explain why no punishment. I also believe the election was being observed to learn how the cheating was being done.
Like Q says;”These People Are Stupid.”
they underestimated him at their own peril.
they believed all the “tv personality” stories…
One word: Arrogance.
Not disputing that the bad actors are as stupid as Q states, but there’s also a level of arrogance at play. They have grown accustomed to thinking that they’re above the law….and superior to the masses.
To extend the thought a wee bit…..
“[W]e know who you are and are watching what you do very carefully…..and anything you do this time will fall on your heads if you try it next time… you’d best invent entirely new games and gimmicks for 2020 if you use old ones in 2018.”
Which leads to all sorts of amusing possibilities, like the entire 116th Congress (2019-2021) being deemed invalid. It’d be pretty funny if that whole impeachment circus got scrubbed. Good thing they spent all their time playing #Resist games — just think of what a mess it would be to invalidate a bunch of things that actually helped people.
“so you’d best invent entirely new games and gimmicks for 2020 if you use old ones in 2018.””
Further reinforcing the idea that the brain trust is gone. They doubled down on the same tactics.
I’m really surprised that this site isn’t smothered with ‘little china doll wants to love you’ ads. Seems like this would be a place to target, since we do so much trashing of Chyna here.
Those don’t even make it to the spam bucket!
There’s a new drop, one word. Durham.
And if the second drop didn’t cause butt clenching all over Washington, this one should.
I’ll have good dreams tonight!
It’s F R I D A Y!
Oh please, let some indictments be unsealed today with US Marshall’s rounding up some asshoes.
D-Rats and MSM would, will go apoplectic..splody heads.
What did Q say about the first big one?
Great message!
Slow guy even got in one pass. 🙂
I’ll be at the Stop The Steal in Carson City. Guessing my two adult sons also. Maybe a couple Grandsons. Thirteen, they are old enough. And it’ll be good for them. Me thinks.
Will share that info on a Gun Blog, that’ll generate some participants, I hope. Maybe it’ll get spammed out from there. Again, I hope.
This video may have been posted here before. I do know I first listened to it today, on the gun blog I frequent.
Crystal clear message showing Socialism IS being shoved down our throats in America, as it was in Yugoslavia. The speaker is a Yugoslav gal that lived through their debacle…Socialism shoved down their throats.
Crystal clear parallel path here in America.
Fourteen minutes. Her English is quite clear to me. Please take a listen. If you agree with the message and its simplicity to alert Americans what is going on, please spam out wherever you feel it may help wake Americans up.
Carl, ^^^ Video has closed captioning. Saw your post earlier regrading this and Newsmax.
I’m betting these rallies are going to be bigger than last week’s!
I’m sure the rallies will be bigger and it would be fun, but (you knew this was coming) Jeff City is about two and half hours away, and I just can’t take the time this weekend with a laundry list of things to do, including laundry.
So, I hope everyone has a good time.
That’s a great video. Thanks a lot
Absolutely fantastic video, Kalbo!!! I felt like I was watching some secret underground French resistance message from WWII…with all of our freedoms hanging in the balance. Because they are!!!
I won’t be able to make it to DC on Saturday due to my present circumstances…and distance…but I will be going to my state capital to join up with MAGA patriots there to make my voice heard. I hope you all are able to do the same. MAGA!
I had watched the video before but watching it a second time was even better. Thank You Kalbo😊
Agrees, she has an excellent message. Much of it is what we already know though the ones trying to bring us down are not just Big Gov types but all the Bigs. This is another one of those type vids that should get a repost today and maybe the next few days. Short and well worth the watch.
Very good session with Fr. Ripperger, who is an exorcist. It deals with the Satanic Mob…the lefts….he confirms that Satan is actively using the Left, and gives advice on how to identify psyops of satan, and also to never give up.
Pray for Trump’s protection; if Biden gets in, his head is on the chopping block. He gives a prayer that is the most efficacious in dealing with diabolic oppression….(long video but very helpful). He shows how the prayer came about…
The prayers are working! Let’s not give up now!!!
Fr. Ripperger says there is no middle ground. It has to end in defeat of the left who are possessed…they show all the signs of being possessed. As such, pray, pray, pray, and fast. People also should join in the rallies for PDJT….
BLM and Antifa definitely act demonic.
Sometimes we hear their crap so much it becomes white noise but they cry for fetus & infant murder on demand , they glorify rapists, addicts,would be cop killers, they literally praise arsonists and looters, they cheer when Patriots are left bleeding on the streets or when businesses are shuttered, they are apathetic about women,teens and children are imprisoned for perverse sex trade………….if all of that isn’t demonic I don’t know what is
I have been listening, i am not through it yet but they are stressing not to give up, talking about righteous anger (Jesus using a whip to drive out the money changers in the temple and He was sinless), not to give in to discouragement, and keep praying (and some fasting).
He also talked about a tactic of the enemy being delay.
Stand strong against this evil.
Definitely don’t give up!
Saving for later. I always like to hear what the Exorcists have to say.
I had this late night thought about the election.
What kind of person would would agree to be part of something so dirty even to be President of the USA?
Answer, someone already really dirty and used to doing big, ugly, high powered, dirty deeds.. And also conveniently thought to be in the last part of the last part of his life… case, you know, the insurance policy (steal) didn’t work and he might end up in jail.
If that person were also thought to be suffering from a debilitating and life threatening health condition, then he might not have been expecting to live much longer than the legal process anyway if he were caught.
And how much better if that person’s chance of incarceration was pretty high either way due to a lifetime of criminality that also threatened to take down his family whom he had involved in his illegality.
We wondered why they would choose someone as old, dirty, and broken down as Biden. I think it had to be him. He was perfect.
Now I am wondering…..why Kamala? Obviously she had no moral objections to theft and treason.
And I also wonder if Joe really ever planned to leave everything to her.
I wonder if he really is demented, I wonder if Hunter or James ever really ran anything, and I wonder who was really planning to be President if Joe got away with stealing it.
I agree. I think CHINA JOE was a *literal* sacrifice, per their demonic religion.
plenty of headroom to plat with…
*play with…
I think Biden figured they wouldn’t arrest him this way.
Biden is that dumb neighbor kid who thought that swapping his two dimes for your two nickels was a good deal because nickels are bigger than dimes.
They dangled the presidency in his face and he slobbered all over himself. Too easy to get a nobody to agree to be a somebody even if everyone knows he really is still a nobody.
Forty-seven years on the dole. What a great accomplishment that is.
And on the take…
Q has told us in an early post that those claiming poor health and failing mental ability to keep themselves from punishment isn’t going to happen for them. Evil Joe has been faking his dementia all along. He’s so far gone into his corruption he didn’t care he’s a member of the cult and will do what he’s told.sick people .
Heh. Ask random people on the street who get their info from the MSM, get one answer…..ask people whose job it is to deal with fraud……
A great article – THANKS!!!
“This many red flags. Id be able to retire on the billing.”
I don’t know if this has been posted or not…haven’t gotten caught up on yesterdays thread yet.
But it’s a great video!
It shows a huge line of Trump supporters on the road and headed for DC.
Will try to post the video itself, but it’s from Rumble and the code may not work here:
You can click on the tweet to see it, if it doesn’t post.
I’m guessing some of you guys know (more than me definitely) about Code Monkey, his twitter description here:
free speech absolutist | susucoin | former 8kun admin {resigned november 3, 2020}
348 Following
Followed by Watergate x1000, BlueSkyReport, and 998 others you follow
Monkey Shines 😉
Just saw this, by the Populist Press…anyone heard of it?
Apparently the info is by Ted Cruz….
In the Zone
There’s a lot of noise about Democrats moving to Georgia in order to vote in the Senate runoff. I just have to wonder… they really believe that Georgians have no memory of carpetbaggers?
Bogus testing
Very glad to be off Twitter when I read that stuff. The “dumb smart people” are annoying.
I’d be fine if they were merely annoying but most of those assholes are in govt positions and think it’s their duty at harass us peons.
Elon is trying to tell us something……
Part of me wants to hate him for sucking up government subsidy money; part of me wants to love him for doing great things “out of the box”, like landing rockets like God and Robert A. Heinlein intended.
The part of me that just likes and appreciates him involves things like this, “pet mode” for his cars, and the flamethrowers. Fun and funny.
Q 4950
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 53ce5e No.11617856 📁
Nov 12 2020 21:32:39 (EST) NEW
GodBlessAmerica.png ⬇
Nothing can stop what is coming.
I just saw that the Q drops were posted on the previous thread. I had wondered if Q would post on the 13th, 10 days from the 3rd when the last post appeared.
X22 Report……. Rig for Red
“A tip from U.S. authorities has exposed a major child sex abuse ring in Australia with links to the United States, Canada, Asia, Europe and New Zealand, police said on Wednesday.
“A childcare worker and a children’s soccer coach were among 16 men arrested in the Australian states of New South Wates, Queensland and Western Australia in recent months on 828 charges of sexually abusing children, producing and distributing child abuse material and bestiality, Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Justine Gough said.
“Investigators identified 46 victims in Australia aged 16 months to 15 years.
“Police referred 18 “matters” to the United States, where three men have been arrested for multiple offenses related to child abuse material, Gough said.
“Another 128 matters were referred to authorities in Canada, Asia, Europe and New Zealand for investigation. Police have not elaborated on those allegations.
“The ring used ‘the regular internet’ as well as the dark web to share material, Gough said.”
Two more Q’s
Q’s Link:
Yeah, «was fired» is what I saw on the other thread here.
Right after the CISA reported that everything was normal nothing wrong here, nothing to see here please move on.
Well, … that’s EXACTLY what he did — moved on.
The Couch Commando came into my domain to tell me that.
I broke the news that the guy had been fired. Apparently that didn’t make whatever sources he scours every day.
#NewQ telling us why we had to go through that momentary freakout on Nov 3 so that the public could be shown how democracy has been a mere illusion for decades. [They] were always choosing our presidents for us, and this way we get to lance the Deep State and achieve pretext to change the electoral system at the same time. #ThankQ #QAnon
It was a trap.
Sting extraordinaire. The sting of all stings. World shaking events.
May the Lord be glorified.
Elon Musk has his scales fallen of his eyes:
Thank you, Wolf. This post distills the issue down to its essence.
I woke up tonight with a thought in my mind that rang so true as to bring me a measure of peace.
The Chinese Dragon is an ape of the Great Dragon in Revelation. The world system of globalism/communism is a fail.
Satan will have to go back to the drawing board again. His ‘pope’ is a particularly repulsive individual that has fooled no one outside of his small cabal of revolutionary clerics who take devilish delight in tormenting the Chinese Christians by allying with the Ape-Dragon.
The devil’s many-horned evil kingdoms have been rent by internal unrest and are on the verge of breaking apart at the seams (Brexit).
The tech giants cannot stop the flow of truth, no matter how hard they wrench down on free speech.
The medical Mark is being roundly mocked and outed as the satanic plot that didn’t roar…it mewed.
President Trump won in a landslide. The American people chose liberty once more.
Enslavement will not happen on our watch.
Praise God and pass the ammunition!
Q has now revealed that “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming” initials – NCSWIC – is the name of a division of the CISA – election and infrastructure cybersecurity agency – National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators. (
That makes it likely that the 2020 Election STING has been planned since at least 2018….maybe sooner.
When PDJT goes after crooks – he does it right.
Donald Trump is a perfectionist in a good way….He’s very committed to excellent maintenance of his properties – Even the utility rooms in Trump properties are pristine and the equipment is extremely well maintained. No one will ever get Legionnaires Disease from a Trump A/C unit!
Trump is not O/C but always works hard to BE BEST. We can trust the 2020 Election STING is just that – the best possible planning and execution. It will go down in history!
It becomes more and more certain that this will happen:
SCOTUS Precedent
Once fraud is proven anywhere, EVERYTHING is invalidated! ALL OF IT!
The premise of this anon cutout is TOTALLY wrong.
Do not repost it.
It is intended to make us waste effort in the wrong direction.
Says it all about why Democrats are prone to tantrums and riots.
COMMUNISM and the destruction of American Sovereignty by stealth , infiltration, deception and sabotage.
….and the commies do the dirty work for the globalist cabal.
but…eventually they will turn on each other…they are all compromised.
oh what a tangled web they weave when they practice to deceive.
they eat their own.
and they take each other down.
oh c’mon man, you know the thing
Be back later. Trying to get more sleep. Dynamite posts today – you and Marica’s place.
Folks should read Bren’s great Cue post too. There’s a reminder of Melania’s dress for the Inauguration. The Constitution! And of course, that Block-chain symbolism on her dress Nov. 3rd.
I think Biblical is coming.
Received an email this morning that Trumpcare Health Open Enrollment runs Nov. 1 – Dec. 15. Trumpcare???
Had never heard of Trumpcare. googled it and found this, Trumpcare is the nickname for the American Health Care Act (AHCA).
If I get that email it is deleted along with all the other healthcare crap I get in email, text and mail.
I hate to do this to you peeps, but I’m commenting to put a benchmark on the Recent Comments on the main page.
Aside to Wolf — can there be timestamps on the Recent Comments. Or can there be an entire Recent Comments link that goes back for a while (that could be grep’d).
Also aside to Wolf — a couple of peeps ‘fessed-up that they were running Linux in the last 24 hours. I would argue that this means your commenters are “smarter than the av-er-age bear”. I believe that your site traps the OS accessing the site — what do they say?
wow…what language are you speaking?
The language of love … geek love.
glad you all understand it!
Surely glad those were asides to Wolf.
Woke up to early again. Guess I need more sleep.
12:00PM – THE PRESIDENT receives an update on Operation Warp Speed
Oval Office
Closed Press
Of course, Operation Warp Speed is only one of many items our President is monitoring.
The popcorn is fresh, hot, and perfectly salted. Your fav. drink freshly poured.
The hunters have become the hunted. The trap was laid and the predators have walked right into it, their arrogance and hubris obliterating any sense of caution.
The audience is awake and even the drunk, unaware bum is starting to realize what is happening.
Let’s press “pause” and do a quick review…
Who brought down the 5 mafia crime families in NY as USA for SDNY before becoming mayor of NYC?
Who was his top CI?
How was PT able to successfully conduct business in the notoriously corrupt NYC commercial RE market in NYC…..necessarily dealing with the mob, corrupt politicians, and the teamsters…..without breaking any laws or getting blackmailed?
How was he protected?
Why was he protected?
Is it any coincidence that these two men are inextricably linked and working together together, today, in confronting the corruption facing America??
Now consider…
POTUS has the powers of the Stafford Act, and just took control of the Pentagon. The purge not only cuts off any chance of a military coup (was being planned?), but firmly re-establishes WH control of the DoD. Leftist reaction proves the move was exactly correct. Remember, the left ALWAYS accuses it’s enemies of doing EXACTLY what it plans/planned to do (Alinsky rule: “accuse your enemy of doing what you yourself are doing”).
What happens when POTUS proves COVID19 was a bio-weapon released by China aimed at the US, that China grossly interfered with 2020 election (funding, influence agents, etc), and help to try to change the outcome (which would have had the effect of brining down the sitting Commander-in-Chief)?
Are these acts of war?
Can US citizens be charged with aiding and abetting an foreign enemy in acts of war against the nation?
If China can be shown to have engaged in acts of war against the US, what would public opinion be re: those charged with aiding and abetting the enemy??
What would public reaction be re: those who attempt to defend the indicted??
Radical change in American opinion?
When does the “justified” become indefensible?
Military tribunals?
Does “intent” have to be shown in order to secure guilty verdicts?
What is the historical fate of those seen by the public to be traitors? Can they walk the streets in safety? Can they publicly trade on or benefit from past associations and affiliations, or are the forced into hiding and forever denying their past?
Who does business with traitors? Can corporations be traitorous? What legal penalties might apply? Can assets and funds be seized?
What are the full powers given the POTUS under the Stafford Act, especially if it can be shown the nation is under attack from a foreign power that has perpetrated acts of war against it??
Was the legendary takedown of the 5 mafia families in NYC or was it thrown together on the fly and just got lucky, or was it carefully planned out and executed….well in advance?
Have a nice day. 😎
Anyone who hates the country of their birth so much they would work with the people plotting the coup should be expect the same punishment as the higher ups.Americans will shun and push those people aside and have nothing to do with them I think.i know I have a deep disgust for all of those who were involved.and it looks as though many were helping in this coup
John McCormack NRO –…. seems to be taking the side of the media/social media – denying/mocking/rebuking Trump’s allegations of fraud in this election.
No surprise that National Review would cave and go Against President Trump.
NRO and 99% of it’s contributors have been horse shit for years now. It’s GOPe toilet paper.
National Review being congenial controlled opposition got pretty obvious at about the TEA Party wave.
Help stand against the media disinformation campaign!
FEC CHAIRMAN – “Chair of the Federal Election Commission says the election is illegitimate. Won’t see this on the news. I will take his word not the fake news reporters word.”
Full video here:
Fox News’s betrayal — there’s a question hanging in the air
Fox News pays the price for betraying its viewership
Fox News’s Sandra Smith, unaware that she was being filmed and recorded, really let loose when a guest said that the media’s calls for a given candidate do not make that person president.
Her small eyes glowing a demonic red, Smith grimaced at the camera. She then announced to someone in the studio how important she thinks she and the rest of these ill informed, uneducated, leftist hacks are.
Fox will probably give Donna Brazille her own show now, thinking that it will improve ratings.
This will help Faux News ratings.
The return of Hannity and Colmes.
As, Hannity and Braziile.
Hahahahaha!!! Oh, that will work!!! – /s
More from Ron/CodeMonkeyZ:
From the replies…about ‘Democracy Fund’:
McM is a nasty guy. PDJT has said so.
Oh yeah he is.
He’s a part of Bill Kristol’s nasty Trump-hating group.
Tallying votes using floating-point numbers? Why not integers? Does anyone ever work with fractional votes? Like 0.1 vote or 1.414213 of a vote or something?? Notice that with binary floating-point representation, adding many small fractions do not quite result in the expected value — it will be off by some part per million or thereabouts.
Even if needing some fractions like tenths or hundreds, scaling integers by the appropriate power of 10 would be far better than floating-point! Floating-point is great for calculation, and awful for counting… That’s like Programming 101-level knowledge.
And worse, apparently this is some kind of standard?? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!? Is this some kind of design-by-committee thing?
Just imagine seeing postings about 6.28479E+5 votes being off in the wrong column and prepare for the storm of question-marks coming from world+dog….
It’s absurd, isn’t it!
PUHLEASE. This should’ve been a NON-STARTER.
Floating point math in computers = BLACK FRIGGIN MAGIC.
Because with floating point there are plenty of edge cases where 2+2!=4.
If you can do it with integer math it is almost always preferred over floating point for speed and reliability.
Also, if you use floating point, it means it is trivial to do a salami-slicing attack. Just ask Richard Pryor.
This is why ALL THE GOOD GUYS were driven out of I.T. They were too honest. Eventually, they realized that GLOBAL I.T. could be used to get around HONOR.
Nothing can stop what’s coming.
Global IT weren’t trained as well either. You can pick up any book on programming and they won’t have a detailed explanation of floating point math and its limitations. They don’t have the same experience either having lived through decades of U.S. computer industry or the higher education experience working with challenging computer science problems. They are frankly body shops – high tech sweat shops. They aren’t architecting software so much as programming what others wrote. If someone writes the spec and it says “float” rather than “longint” they won’t be asking questions, they’ll just write the code based on that spec.
The good wizards were driven out, and the wage slaves brought in.
I don’t know what Christmas will be like this year, but at least NYC will have its tree.
So will our home. Each and every year, without fail.
Trees are a renewable resource.
But let’s all act they aren’t, make up words like “arborcide”, pretend we’re outraged, and that the frames of our homes aren’t made from trees.
Thanks for the beautiful paintings of NYC – What a memory – it hurts my heart what has happened to NYC!
Dora, keep keeping NYC alive – Please – Thanks!!!
Cannot wait for Billy D to take his leave and a Giuliani takes the reins again!!!
It occurs to me that the REAL election STEAL actually occurs during the primaries.
A 2014 study from Princeton University tshows that virtually the ONLY time that US voters actually get their way is when their desires coincide with those actually in control.
Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so the that American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.”
– quote from Tragedy and Hope, 1966 by Carroll Quigley, member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), mentor to Bill Clinton,
“It occurs to me that the REAL election STEAL actually occurs during the primaries.”
You have a definite point here. Claire McCaskill ended up senator because the CB chose her opponent.
No doubt in my mind – unaffiliated and independents cannot vote because they are not listed as R or D
It appears we have a two-party system – when in reality – we do not – they are one and the same – controllers of the election long before it occurs – PT had to run on the R Party – only two options
Then – what did he do? He went about changing the R Party to the ‘Party of the People’ – while the D Party exposed themselves as globalist controlled.
Texas has been a one-party state essentially since Reconstruction. There was a re-alignment from the 1970s to the early 1990s but Texas is, post-alignment, a single-party state again, and has been so for twenty-five years.
In practical terms what this has meant through Texas history is that elections were/are always decided at the primaries and not the general election.
And yes that is where the shenanigans can really happen. During the Tea Party heyday, we were trying to oust Rick Perry from the Governorship b/c he was incredibly unpopular and we wanted more conservative leadership. The Tea Party candidate was very strong and getting a tremendous amount of the vote. Well that’s when Kay Bailey decided that she would run for gov, so there was a three-way race in the primary. The Tea Party candidate won an incredible amount of votes – she was clearly making a dent. But Kay Bailey basically split the vote! So Perry came through with just over 40% which by Texas primary election law declared him the winner with no runoff, and we were stuck with Perry in the general election.
But no one hardly talks about the primaries. Katrina Pierson became prominent when she ran against Pete Sessions in a primary challenge – but sadly she lost. The next cycle of course the Dem won the district. Making lemonade out of lemons, old Pete was gone finally, off to a lucrative lobbying career.
I keep thinking of General Flynn, that the cost of free govt is active and vigilant participation by the citizens.
The churches used to be a bulwark against the corruption of our democratic processes. They used to believe that WE THE PEOPLE were who the politicians were accountable to. But now they’re all teaching a jaundiced view of Romans 13 “Let everyone be subject to the ruling powers” – the churches have forgotten (OR ARE INTENTIONALLY IGNORING) that in the United States we are not under Caesar but that the true authority in the Constitution is WE THE PEOPLE, and that we have a responsibility to exercise our sovereignty over the nation in our vote and our participation in the process. Ancient Rome and the United States have totally different social contracts.
Besides the corruption of the process, it was also the result of Landslide Lyndon who couldn’t stand a pastor who was critical of him and his campaign that he proposed the Johnson Amendment. We know full well that it is unconstitutional but churches are more concerned about protecting their donations and gravy train than with speaking out on politics. Nearly two full generations of pastors have been taught at seminaries to believe that churches shouldn’t be too political, or that preaching on political matters will alienate congregations or is a hindrance to evangelism. I just see it as abdicating their responsibility to be the national conscience, to speak out prophetically against evil and injustice just to win the approval of men while protecting the coffers. In other words, moral weakness and corruption in the pulpits.
It used to be that churches were OFTEN the polling locations for a precinct. There are still churches that serve in this capacity but they are fewer in number. A church volunteering facilities is more likely to have committed volunteers and poll watchers for an election than not. But it is harder to get poll watchers for government buildings or schools b/c people don’t feel as invested in those properties and institutions.
Great post! Thank you – very useful info.
This is a fantastic and informative comment.
And let me add that because Texas is essentially a one party state, the left has learned to hide under the guise of being Republicans.
^^^^ THAT 1000%!!!!
Yup, it sure happens here. The primary gov race this year was populated with at least 16 contenders. There were at least 3 Rs. 2 were very obviously being pushed by the establishment party, one by the Wash State Rs, the other by bigwigs in the party. Funnily enough the guy that came in second ( only top 2 proceed to finals), ran a good ground game, and got twice as many votes as the other 2 combined. Of course the party machinery only gave him token support after the primaries. One radio commenter who’s involved in party machinery had the gall after the election to say that if Loren Culp (R candidate) had gotten more funding he might have won. Well I wasn’t surprised, it’s not the first time THAT has happened. Yeah, I know, controlled opposition.
Oh Gail, I know where the path I’m on had it’s beginning. 1974… I was standing in a snowy wood.
My girlfriend told me her family deep secret. “I think my Daddy is in the CIA.” I answered, “No way. You guys aren’t Ivy League and rich.” She said, “He works for Honeywell with computers and goes overseas a lot. When he comes home, some turmoil always blows up where he just left.”
I don’t know what led me, but I read Jeckyl Island and Dare Call It Treason. I felt like a young Dick Nixon, which was not comfy. One day in the shelves of the library I came to, staring at Tragedy and Hope’s bookjacket. It was eight inches wide and blinking neon blue and red.
In 1992 I became convinced it was all true. Bill Clinton won the nomination at the Democrat Convention. “First, before I begin my speech, I want to say thank you to my mentor and my friend who made everything possible, Professor Carroll Quigley.
Ever since that day I’ve been on the Q Train, praying for the Trump Train to come.
Follow @Raiklin a true American Patriot and #DigitalSoldier … he is working to make sense out of this disastrous fraud of an election.
— General Flynn (@GenFlynn) November 13, 2020
Jackboot’s Twister is back to throwing the rankest hater replies to the top of every tweet by Trump, Flynn, or anybody else on our side.
Must see @seanhannity takedown of the horrible, inaccurate and anything but secure Dominion Voting System which is used in States where tens of thousands of votes were stolen from us and given to Biden. Likewise, the Great @LouDobbs has a confirming and powerful piece!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2020
So, a couple Faux News personalities have not been totally muzzled. Will look for their video clips.
copied from OT…Virginia is conducting an audit?
icanhasbailout says:
November 13, 2020 at 1:12 am
Heads up, we’re conducting an audit of Virginia’s election systems.
Plenty of Dominion machines and crappy software in VA.
Confirmed, heard on America’s Voice this am. As well they should, another one I was watching election night where POTUS was ahead, and a massive 160K dump was made for Sleepy.
Retired US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor:
“Everyone is scared to death of Donald Trump because Donald Trump plays chess in multiple dimensions simultaneously. He has now checkmated all of his potential opponents, his competitors” 😎
— Truth Revealer (@TruthReveaIer) November 11, 2020
Video here!…
thanks GA/FL!! you’re a lifesaver!!
I just spoke to our great President @realDonaldTrump.
He’s in a great mood and totally focused.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) November 13, 2020
Oh…and we were BOTH PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!
— Dr.Darrell Scott (@PastorDScott) November 13, 2020
AGREED…they “supreme courted” this away in PA this time too
There was only one real check on fraud in this absentee-ballot-driven election: signature matches. Guess what they ignored this election cycle in key states? Matching signatures. If a real signature match test is done, the illegal ballots will be more than the margin of victory.
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) November 13, 2020
It is alarming how many fellow Americans are brainwashed, and how easily, even otherwise intelligent people.
This passage from the fist cited article describes the situation perfectly:
“The answers to which [that is, why the media is determining the election for so many, as opposed to the Constitutionally delineated process] demonstrate that a sizable portion of Americans are unable to discern reality from their programming and simply because they believe the mainstream media to be either legitimate, in which case they have been properly and fully propagandized; or it’s because they are afraid to challenge their own conventions, in which case they are feeble-minded; or it’s because it easily and conveniently fits their virtuous but deeply flawed belief system, in which case the ends justify the means; or it’s because of some other explanation that matters not.”
“It is alarming how many fellow Americans are brainwashed….”
Actually it is amazing how many people have RESISTED the determined brainwashing of the American public by the Cabal. They have been working on it for over a century using our school systems, our news media , our entertainment and even our churches.
Bill Ivey to John Podesta
BIO for Bill Ivey
Yes, true. Amazing how many people see through the propaganda and brainwashing. Seems related more to character than intelligence.
this is intriguing…I liked your comment and so did Tonawanda…but it says liked by “you and 10 other people”.
another biden glitch or some other explanation? LOL
Not working right here either, says 13 but shows 5. Not normal.
I was just surprised to see so many likes so early after the comment was posted –being in the morning.
Gail, I replied to a couple of your comments yesterday. Please go back and read them.
The left truly believe that they are the narrative creators, and since there is no ultimate truth, that it is there role to do this. They keep telling us this, and we keep getting outraged at their gall. It is time we take them at their word, because THEY REALLY BELIEVE IT.
Scott Adams has been saying for years that the media assign people’s opinion to them. This is what their research has taught them, and they are correct – brainwashing works, and they know it. Until we understand the enemy, they will keep holding sway over vast swaths of the community. They have been winning the culture wars since forever – no wonder they believe in their system.
And because we live in a sinful world, the culture keeps corrupting baby Christians who get sent like lambs to the slaughter out in the world. The Amish did not take their position likely – they understand exactly what the world does to people of faith – it temps them away, little by little.
The Right have to be wise as serpents, and don’t treat these people lightly. We have been wondering why they are so brazen – well, they intend to burn the house down, one way or the other. The debt is now staggering, and with a big chunk of the country willing to amass evermore – what is the plan to defend that? There ultimate plan is to bankrupt America if DJT is returned. Are there constitutional powers to get rid of Democrat state governments? If America goes down financially, they “win”.
They believe in NOTHING, and destruction is their end goal. And most of them don’t even realize that that is where they are headed ..
Breaking: @TeamTrump legal complaint identifies witness who says *v-cards* and *USB drives* were delivered to a back counting room where observers were restricted.
The legal case is now in U.S. district court in PA.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 13, 2020
Glad to see this. POTUS submitted both McGregor and Tata for positions and Senate refuses to advance. He’s found another way to get them in. I so ❤ our VSGPOTUS!!
Go Dawgs!
Gov Kemp should play the covid game and close all hotels, motels in GA. Restrict traffic to Ga. Close Interstates. Then sit back and watch the left howl about it.
«Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.»
I noticed something akin to the light coming on when reading the last page of yesterday’s thread, and then today’s thread. Maybe it was just coinciding with a short spell of sunny weather outside, in between all the fog — (it is back now) — yet going to look, at the rubbish in the MSM, or on Facebook (yeah I know, but that place is still somewhat useful apart from politics) didn’t change things. Light still on in a sense. Maybe it is just that the tone of anticipation and hope in the posts are so strong.
Or the increased certainty that people (or perhaps actors as we are watching a movie) such as AG Barr and Sidney Powell would not operate without a solid foundation. It has been said somewhere, that when the first battle starts, the war is already decided.
Whatever it is, something has changed for the better.
«Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.»
There is also something slightly final-sounding to that sentence, as if it were a line from the final stanza of a song.
if you have time to kill and want to check out a totally RIDICULOUS situation…chicks on the right found a video of a white girl who has unruly baby hairs on her head and she goes on the internet literally ASKING for permission from black people to tame those wild hairs…I KID YOU NOT.
The stupid is so strong in that one…it burns.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s mom is taking biden to court over using her son’s photo and calling him a white supremacist.
Lemme guess … her attorney is Lin Wood?
i didn’t see…but i’ll try to find out
Verse of the Day for Friday, November 13, 2020
“He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.”
Matthew 12:30 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Friday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Be My Voice
good morning Duchess!
have a Blessed Friday!
Morning, Pat!!! Hope all is well with you – cold night – sunny morning – brrr…not ready for this – was enjoying spring-like weather.
God Bless Your Day, too – HUGS!!!
HUGS back to you!!
very chilly here too!!
frost on the pumpkins!
Killing Frost here, too – it is over, Pat!!!
* Received and appreciated *
not over…transitioning as seasons do…
Cute, Pat!!! My roses are dying – I am sad to see them go – 🙁 –
Got my sweater out – warm and toasty – miss my bed warmer, tho’
they are exhausted from pretty for so long!
can you get another bed warmer? has enough time passed to allow you to let someone new into your heart?
(I can understand a “no” answer here…it’s been over 10 years since our lab passed and hubby still isn’t ready…
No – not yet – too much history – I know you understand – I trust God to guide me – He knows best – His plan for my life is already written – I could buy a bed warmer if that is all I needed – you know.
I am not sulking – just taking my time.
Steve might be available…wink, wink
Nah – he is already smitten with YOU!!! He wants what he cannot have – LOL
As I understand it y’all are ALL married anyway.
So it doesn’t matter who I chase.
Who are you chasing, Steve?
In reality, no one.
Since Friday is Fido-Day…
What the heck it that pit carrying? Lol.
That pit looks like a Wallenda.
Daughter’s dog used to do the same (pit X shep)!
Lol. I love cats but dogs win.
I like both, but prefer dogs over cats, and DH is just the opposite!
lefties trying to do dirty deeds in the caravan…
Infowars reporter Greg Reese talked with the caravan member who said, “Here we are trying to denounce the media narrative that there are white supremacists at all these rallies… as you can see, there’s a mix of complex individuals of all demographics… but we’ve got a shady individual passing out books, so I try to be decent and accept one of these books.”
“I stuck it in my pocket, I thought it might be a pocket bible… it was a yoga book. Maybe he’s trying to help me get to my inner zen,” the man continued.
“Well, I go back to the truck and I open this up, mind you I’m walking with a black man when I open this up… someone I respect and honor for taking this trip with us and I see as a brother and a fellow human being, and this infuriates me that we have agent provocateurs who are trying to infiltrate our rallies and support the media narrative,” the Trump supporter explained.
“So, not only are they manufacturing false media narratives, but they are injecting stimuli into reality to support that and push it on us.,” he said as he pulled a business card out of the booklet that had a swastika on it.
“I’m not a white supremacist. Nobody here is a white supremacist. We would not allow those people to be here, because we don’t agree with those ideologies. This is sick,” he said, throwing the pamphlet to the ground.
That is a disgusting attempt to smear and slander good people!!!
yup…the booklet is about yoga…the nazi card is tucked inside…
I’ve been wondering if this sort of thing would start happening.
Manufacturing False Narratives is what the Left does…so in keeping with that, it follows that they would create some false ‘evidence’ to point to.
These people are evil.
You don’t have the right to keep someone from a public rally. And if they are Trump supporters they are allies regardless of personal beliefs. BTW the Swastika is a very ancient symbol of the cycle of life and of luck. I personally refuse to let one group that misused it prevent me from seeing the true symbolism of it.
This is how they take down social media pages and groups. Infiltrate and post unacceptable content so that “management” has an excuse to delete the group.
Oh, good point, DP.
Commies! They’re EVIL. And they USE THEIR phony dumb socialist bad-breatheren, the Nazis, to tar and feather their real enemies, PATRIOTS.
Nazis are dopes who find the socialist turd, and go “AHA! I’ll pick it up by the CLEAN END!”
There’s a LOT more to this than meets the eye. Apologies for the semi-deep dive: This is only ONE PIECE of the many moving parts of the effort to get rid of POTUS and anybody who supports him:
The book that was given out was authored by SWAMI A.C. BHAKTIVEDANDA PRABHUPADA, the founder of what used to be called “The Hare Krishna Movement” (now called ISKCON), that “Hare Krishna Peace and Love Movement” that was rampant on college campuses in the 1970’s – early 1980’s. This movement began AFTER Prabhudada came to the United States in the early 1970’s to preach.
Prabhupada, born in 1896, from Bengal, left his home, wife, and children, to become a Hindu monk and follower of the Hindu deity Lord Krishna. His studies led him to believe that the ARYAN race is the best and most intelligent on Earth; that other races are inferior in every way to the Aryan race; that the Aryan race must unite and “retake” its former “pre-eminent place” on the Earth; and that ONLY when this took place would there be “true” peace and prosperity for all.
Prabhupada further believed that the Aryan race must keep control of the “subordinate races” on the Earth. These races to him included Africans and Native Americans. He called these peoples “sudras”, meaning “having no brain” and their worth is only in being controlled worker-drones.
Not only this — but Prabhupada believed that ONLY the Aryan race AS IT IS IN INDIA is the highest level of Aryans; and that “other” Aryans (Europeans, North American and all other Caucasians) are “lesser” levels, but still “acceptable” as masters of the Earth.
Prabhupada had contact with ADOLF HITLER and led Hitler to believe that he was “on a mission” to help “re-establish” the “former pre-eminence” of the Aryan race. He also believed, and Hitler subscribed to this, that the Jews were “obstructing” this “mission”.
CHURCHILL stood in Hitler’s way.
The linking of the practice of Yoga in the Prabhudada book is intentional. He believed that the “inner truth” that can be found through a devotional approach to Yoga would lead to the acceptance of Lord Krsihna as the “Supreme Lord” of all and also, by extension, the acceptance that the Aryan race is the supreme race on Earth.
** The tie-in to the current Antifa movement lies in the ideas above. But I doubt very much that your “average Antifa type” rioting, looting, burning, beating up people — and now, passing out the Prabhudada book — realize any of this. And also that, if one day Antifa wakes up and realizes this, they, like the Jews, can be “removed” for “obstructing” the real objectives of the movement. Ditto with BLM.
** I would not be surprised if the Soros-Clinton Axis / Davos Globalists / the more “refined” levels of the DeepState — were also using the Prabhudada / Aryan Race movement as puppets and subordinate to THEIR goal of global control and subjugation.
DONALD TRUMP stands in the way.,2453
“The True Arya”
“Prabhudada: Hare Krishna’s Founder on Jews, Africans, Native Americans, and Hitler”
“The Aryan Resurrection – the Greatest Day In The History Of Western Civilization”
Wikipedia: “A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhudada”
A branch off of the caste system in India, which is rooted in Hinduism.