UK Gov Stats Show COVID Vaccines Don’t Protect Against Death by Delta Scariant

Don't Believe Me? The Links are Right Here. OK, people - I'm being conservative here. There MAY be evidence of immune enhancement in the UK data, but I'm not seeing it. What I am seeing, however, is that - viewed very roughly - deaths from COVID in the UK are now pretty much independent of … Continue reading UK Gov Stats Show COVID Vaccines Don’t Protect Against Death by Delta Scariant

Never Again

This is notice to all Republicans and RINOs that while I will allow a wide variety of views to flourish here, I am PERSONALLY not going to support ANY Republican candidates who cannot make the following PROMISES: (1) to NEVER implement lockdowns again. NEVER AGAIN. (2) to NEVER implement mask mandates again. NEVER AGAIN. (3) … Continue reading Never Again

Dear KMAG: 20201113 Open Topic / The Glitch Ain't a Glitch / Theory of Trump's Treason Tweet / Two Swigs of Moonshine / What's at Stake / Get Thee to a March or Rally

Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don't give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE: TERMS OF SERVICE: YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Remain LEGAL, generally CIVIL, and possibly even … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201113 Open Topic / The Glitch Ain't a Glitch / Theory of Trump's Treason Tweet / Two Swigs of Moonshine / What's at Stake / Get Thee to a March or Rally

The Day Of Reckoning Is Upon Us…..

Election Day is here! Our President has done everything humanly possible to win for us. He now needs us to do our part. Trump voters will be voting in record numbers later today. There is absolutely nothing the Democrats, MSM, Leftists, Never Trumpers etc. can do to stop our MONSTER. We have waited patiently. We … Continue reading The Day Of Reckoning Is Upon Us…..

Why Would Democrat Governors and Mayors Kill a Bunch of Old People?

It's all here, people. Q POST 4489 Once you see it, you CANNOT unsee it. I can now explain EVERYTHING - including why certain actions were taken behind the scenes to influence ME and other people here (not all of which I can tell you about). But THAT is just "dotting the I" and "crossing … Continue reading Why Would Democrat Governors and Mayors Kill a Bunch of Old People?