Dear KMAG: 20240401 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:


adjective, verb

note: all uses are rare, obsolete, historical, or scholarly

  1. equivalent
  2. to treat or regard as the same
  3. to level
  4. to compare
  5. to perform equiparation
  6. to transfer attributes from one object or concept to another

Used in a sentence

Despite his very name, Wolf regarded it as a significant fallacy to equiparate human rights with animal rights.


This was almost “stuff”, but as you can see, it’s MUSIC, too!


Sorry – that weird rap video make me investigate these two movies that I haven’t seen. Now you have to see them, too!

Well, that was weird!

Let’s try something else.

Maybe there’s a third option. Dune 2?

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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I miss wheatie.


I do, too.


Wheat had class and strength.




Me, too.

Valerie Curren



me too. 💖

pat frederick

me too!


Incredibly welcoming AND thoughtful.


I miss Daughn


I give thanks to the incredible people who are with us . Each one is appreciated by me including you 🙂
Of course I also think fondly of those who had been with us and chose to move on.


You are so sweet, love!

Valerie Curren




pat frederick

her too!

pat frederick

i am looking to joining in with those new adventures!

Valerie Curren

how so?

pat frederick

when we meet up with wheatie in heaven…angels have jobs to do…she can use help

Valerie Curren

Gotcha! Selfishly I hope you stay This Side of Paradise for a Long Time to come!


I hope so 🙂


Sylvia Avery
Lady Penquin

And others.
Miss them all.


PHC… Filly, thankfully she is on another site. Marica, the same. Butterfly busy. FG&C keeping his AC safe. Michael family, works, school… So many more. Our conspiracy gal. I really like the stuff she comes up with. Agree or not, thought provoking. I’ll quit for now.

Grateful for everyone that shows, daily or simply when they have time and the inclination.




phc…..a gem of a Brain and all heart. Wonderful Troublemaker!



Sadie Slays
Tonawanda (just saw Tonawanda here recently)
Elizabeth Carter
J.W. in Germany

And others who occur to me throughout the day.




Sadie is the gal I was, am missing. Along with all the others.

Valerie Curren

Yes & Emerald Star & Angelle Staria among many others…


So many good folks.

Valerie Curren




Valerie Curren

Amen! I thought he lived in MI though, or used to…

Valerie Curren



Was thinking Flep escaped to FL. Or planned to. Not sure why I thought that.

I do recall he was in NY, trying to lay low. Hmmm. Really smart guy. Miss him.

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs



That grumpy old … ???

/s  😍 


Me too she will be in our hearts for a very long time.




Blackmail and or “book deal” of sorts.

Golden Parachute Deployed in Gallagher’s favor.

pat frederick

then the true repubs need to shoot a hole in his parachute and take him out sooner. dispel him. whatever hold they have on him? someone else knows too


Weak r-Con sister Mike Gallagher, blackmailed. Coward. Zero integrity.

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs

A Brazilian model wore this to a Disney park…..

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I’d wonder if Jessica Rabbit was still in Toontown.


Never mind… 😂

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467

She’s not bad. She’s just drawn that way.


is it’s name Bulbous ?

bulbous mouth
bulbous boobs
bulbous butt

pretty eyes though

raise yr hands if you think it’s a narcissist !



As a general rule, people who take selfies of themselves from hotel room closet doors probably have narcissistic tendencies.


obviously, in her case, it goes way beyond just taking selfies.

pat frederick

you think her eyes are pretty?
I think they’re dead eyes.
no warmth, no emotion.
she’s a blow up doll.
no lines on her face, and those lips? scary. looks like she got stung…repeatedly.
their is no “human-ness” in her appearance.
i imagine needing a jacket in her presence because she radiates icy coldness.


Yikes, that’s rough. But accurate.

pat frederick

sorry. she just looks plastic and phony to me.



Barb Meier

It looks to me like her big butt comes out of her left hip. Is this AI?


Great description.

As an artist, and appreciator of all things beautiful, I think that woman is ugly.

She is highly sexual, which will appeal to men’s lust, however.


Not me.


“She is highly sexual, which will appeal to men’s lust, however.”


Looks strange, all the way around.

I’m concerned about the dwarf she stuffed in the back of her pants. That can’t be healthy for either one of them.

There is nothing feminine about her.

Just looks hostile, aggressive, masculine, superficial.

I had a blue corduroy bedspread when I was a kid. Now I know what happened to it.

Zero attractiveness.

It’s as if she’s trying to be unattractive.

Like modern art vs. classical art.

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467
pat frederick

i spit water all over the floor over that dwarf comment!!!


Then my work here is done! 😂

pat frederick


Valerie Curren

It’s “little person” don’t you know/s  😂 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She has “enhanced” things that often need enhancing…but it’s overdone to the point of being grotesque.

I briefly dated someone who was convinced she needed to buy herself a huge butt.

Her ex- apparently really fancied them and she seemed to be assuming all men’s tastes are the same, despite my protestations to the contrary.


blue corduroy bedspread” is a total LMAO.




Even by my standards, Y U K !

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs

Mama woulda said ‘she’s trollin’

Valerie Curren

Oppenheimer made me think of my great uncle who worked on the Manhattan Project as a machinist. The work went on 24 hours a day & one day the guy doing his job on a different shift was killed when the piece he was machining “exploded”. My uncle didn’t know what he was working on for the duration of his time there.

He was in the Army & his record listed him as AWOL when he was working on the MP. Apparently he was given a phone number to be called in the event he was having trouble w/ commanding officers based on his blacked out record. At one point he was being called on the carpet by a General who was irate at the AWOL & blacking out of material in my uncle’s service record. He gave this man that number to call & stood there silently as the General went all meek & mild w/ whoever was on the other end of the phone. General was saying “yes sir” & “no sir” to this mystery individual. That was the end of the issues that my uncle had with the army for his seeming AWOL situation…

I think my uncle was out of contact w/ family for roughly 3 years when working on the MP.


Interesting anecdote.

People normally think about the MP in terms of fissile material and blackboards full of physics, but there was a lot of machining done for things that had never been done before.

Valerie Curren

Yes & machining to Extremely Precise tolerances.

My dad tells that anecdote Way better than I can even attempt to do it justice 🙂

By the way, that uncle was a fairly neurotic type of individual, at least later in his life when I knew him. I bet he would have had a Very Hard time doing that MP job if he Actually Knew what he was working on so secretly  🙄 

He had a Serious Coin Collection in Burbank, CA that disappeared after his death…He used to take significant portions of that coin collection w/ him on his travels & sometimes tell people about the rare items he had…crazy…


A coin collection of any size is a heavy thing to tote around.

Valerie Curren

Yes. He was a pretty large man, & so lonely after his wife died in the 70’s. He was widowed for about 3 decades before passing. Maybe toting some parts of his coin collection gave him comfort or a sense of security & a conversational topic. I think he had special folios & metal cases for toting around some of those coins, iirc. The collection was in a large safe in his home, I believe, & That Too disappeared after he died…


That Too disappeared was stolen after he died…


Valerie Curren

No doubt…TY

Deplorable Patriot

And building test facilities. Don’t ask me how I know this.


Yup. Older folks around here in east TN remember. Had an uncle from a town nearby who was brought back home from the Navy during WW II to become a “fireman”. He might have put out the “fire” from that “exploding” piece. His service record only showed 15 months service during the war, yet, he was on the reservation the entire time of the war.


And a lot of that ‘excellent engineering’ is now in the grave. How much was transmitted to the next generation is an open question.


The stories that were told by the scientific community in Oak Ridge were limited, probably due to classification. The machinists, techs, construction workers were not permitted in the sensitive areas. It was all still very controlled in that area back in my day. I had a friend from church who was a product development leader for DOD (since retired) who had one of the highest classifications. He told us some declassed stuff on the laser weaponry program that he had handled previously. He also gave us the standard line that if he told us what he knew he would have to kill us. We believed him. 😀 If I were to guess it would be that we are a good 20+ years farther along with our military resources than people think.

He was a Dem backer and Trump going into power scared him to death because he knew what PDT would learn. He had been programmed to believe PDT would start WW III. He had bought into the orange man bad deal of the Dem crime machine. He retired toward the end of PDT’s term, possibly disappointed that PDT turned out to be a peacemaker.



Ever seen the original ‘Wages Of Fear’? Movie. Old.

Scarier than most scare ‘em ups!

Valerie Curren

Very Interesting. The stories they could tell…if allowed!!!

Valerie Curren

Hubby found this one 🙂

Johnny Cash’s grandson sounds almost just like him!

Last edited 6 months ago by Valerie Curren

Looks a little like him, too.

The difference I notice in the voice is the low notes. He can’t get down to where Johnny did.

Last edited 6 months ago by Aubergine

Well, he probably didn’t have the dope monster on his back like Johnny did.


I sure hope not.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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I didn’t get much done with the computers today — the weather was nice (in between the rains) so I mowed the front lawn and vacuumed-up a bunch of spiky balls.


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They get everywhere and don’t rake well, so I go after them with a shop vacuum. It can pull them out of all sorts of plantings, and you get a “ssss-thock” whenever you collect one — almost like a video game.


During the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, Sweetgums were a popular landscaping and street tree. Three varieties, Palo Alto, Festival, and Burgundy, introduced in the late 1950’s by the Saratoga Horticultural Foundation in Palo Alto, California became popular in the urban landscapes of California because of their pleasing appearance, striking fall colors, and ability to grow quickly and thrive; however, as the trees matured, the damage caused by surface roots and the increased production of seed balls led to the tree being considered a nuisance and a liability. Thousands of trees would be removed and repairs had to be conducted on nearby structures damaged by roots. The Western Arborist published a study that concluded that Sweetgums accounted for the greatest number of trees causing damage; in the city of Alameda alone it was found that 69% of Liquidambars planted in the city were either damaging or beginning to damage nearby structures. It is now recommended that the trees be planted at least 15 to 20 feet from structures and that they should not be used as street trees.

— wikipoo


There ya go.


Well, not the spikey things I guessed above. Some day I’ll learn to scroll on a bit. Read the “rest of the story.”

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs

Did you go off on the ‘dirty mind’ rabbit trail?  😂 


Out of character, thought I was behaving. Then one typing finger hit a L, instead of a K.

In my defense, it was way early, I think. ~4:30AM.

Valerie Curren

4:30AM” That’s midway through Hubby’s drive to work LOL 🙂


Yep – it’s as sweet gum ball. I have them in my yard.


A sweetgum fruit husk.

Deplorable Patriot

They make great fire starters.


Wow! Love this, DP!


I hate those. Do not have them, but when I visit PA, I hate those.


Chestnut tree(s) my guess. Walking to from grade school. We’d lick them along the sidewalk. Occasionally throw them at each other. Good’ol kid fun.


Liquidambar —

Drops ugly green flowers at this time of year, large branches in summer, leaves in fall, and spiky balls in winter. Horrible maintenance problem.

pat frederick

you lick them? what do they taste like?


  :wpds_lol:  Stepped in it again.   :wpds_lol: 

pat frederick

i thought perhaps it was a delicacy. I have always been a picky eater…lol



Dang — you ran with a tough crowd.  😂 


One of my brothers had to wear an eye patch for awhile after a kid shot a gumball at him with a slingshot. They were all a bunch of heathens. Once they pinned me to the ground and made me smell their disgusting tennis shoes. 😅 


OMG.  😮 

Brothers can get seriously sadistic when they outnumber the girls.


All you need is one. I still have not recovered.

Valerie Curren

I’ve got 2 little bros & my daughter’s got 3 big ones 😉

Last edited 6 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

My kids used to fart on the nose of this stuffed monkey, nicknamed “The Butt Monkey”, & then take turns smelling it. Sometimes they skipped the stuffed animal & just went straight to the source. They told us these things after they grew up…

  :wpds_chuckle:    :wpds_envy:    :wpds_chuckle: 


Doh! Aren’t your kids the ones that light farts on fire ? Lots of heavy duty fartin up thar!

Valerie Curren

Not my kids, but I did see my brothers do this when we were staying at a hotel in Arkansas for a cousin’s wedding. They were in their 20’s at the time & getting scorch marks on their tightie whities  😅   🙄   😝 


Seriously?  🤔  😯  😖  🙃 

Valerie Curren

When one of the middle boys is autistic & 3 of the 4 kids have ADHD it’s amazing what they get up to…LOL…


Two dogs will do things that one dog won’t do.

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha


I got a ball point pen shot into the back of my head by a fourth grade punk.

During class.

hmHe was suspended. I ended up at my Mother’s local doctor’s office with antibiotics and a really swelled injection site!

Will never forget that one. Hurt.

I wonder if he ever did any jail time.

Last edited 6 months ago by WSB
Valerie Curren

Ouch 🙁

I got hit in the head w/ a rock launched from like 50 yards away by a random boy for no known reason while riding my bike toward the bike racks at the beginning of school. I’ve got a 2 inch scar in my hairline & that’s where my hair first went gray. I had blood gushing down my face, but head wounds bleed a lot. No stitches thankfully 🙂


Holy crap!!!!!! That should have killed you. OMG!!!!! Life-changing!!!!

Do you remember the iron jungle gyms at grade school?

My head slammed into one of the horizontal bars.

Lost a bit of consciousness for a minute.

The bump was a perfect rectangular shape. WEEKS! Like a large hot dog!!!

How did we survive?

I just watched Harry and Snowman yesterday. Never knew about the history.

Biography about a Dutch immigrant to the US who eyed a white horse destined for a dog food factory.

Bought him for $85.

The rest is history of show jumping with a horse and a man who both had big hearts for each other.

When I was 12, I was also jumping 6 ‘-0” high fences. With a HORSE underneath!

How the heck did I survive?

Completely dangerous. I just did not know.



When I lived in Santa Barbara (post-college), I got in the habit of going down to the annual horse show (it was free) and watching the competitions.

Similar to the dog show agility courses, horse jumping goes in a certain path around the ring. The fastest score with no faults wins. In the event that there are too many horses and riders with no faults, they knock down a bunch of the jumps and compete faster on the shorter course.

We were watching one group of riders who were something like 13-15, and knocking down a jump left two jumps nearly touching at right angles to each other. Everyone else took one jump and went a short loop around to take the other jump square on.

Until one girl on a large stallion went over the first jump, reared the stallion on its hind legs, and bunny-hopped over the second jump sideways. The entire arena gasped.

It was a superb demonstration of her horsemanship that she could ask it from her horse, knowing that her horse could (and did) deliver that jump for her — and she could still remain on the horse.

Unfortunately, the contest went on some additional rounds and her audacity did not win her the coveted prize…..but it was one of the most memorable moments I had ever seen there.


Dang! She should have had a VIP ribbon.

The only time I fell off a horse was with Freckles.

NEVER NEVER DO THIS!!!! Never let anyone else check your saddle!!!!!

I thought I had an ambassador. Someone who would watch my back at a qualifier.

When you first put your saddle on the horse, the horse normally bloats up. Kind of like a protest vote.

The saddle is NOT TIGHT. So, you always check it again. Always!!!! Always tighten it about two to four holes, right before mounting. I was riding two horses that day, so switching.

I had another person check it it. STOOPid!!!!

Short…Freckles jumped but knew my saddle was rotating sideways off of her. I was turning counterclockwise as she was taking off of land for the jump.

She jumped very delicately and somehow my head cleared the jump.

Then she just stopped! On the other side of the jump.

Not to drag me, and I gently fell off sideways.

I could have had a really bad time of it that day. But Freckles knew exactly what to do.

May God bless all of our creatures.

Last edited 6 months ago by WSB
Valerie Curren

Priceless, precious tale  🤗 


And PS That is crazy nuts! There is no thrust!


Yup. I wish I’d gotten it on film, but this was before ubiquitous video.

Valerie Curren

Amazing!!!  😍 

Valerie Curren

Wow amazing tale. My dad always said that his family (my maiden name) were known for hard heads & weak ankles LOL I’ve sprained my ankles 3 times & Dad sprained his many times & had to “walk it off” & keep playing football or basketball even, playing through the pain. I usually couldn’t bear the weight of a sheet on the injured foot for a couple days. My dad can be a bad A!

Our kids’ old Christian school had one of those tall “banned” metal slides like many of us had as kids. Baking hot in the sun & so slick you’d go sailing off the end at the bottom & if lucky get to take out a couple kids not paying attention. They have fun memories from all that stuff. Hubby’d love to find one & one of those banned merry-go-rounds &/or teeter-totters so that the grandkids can discover the fun of a Real (danger remains) playground!

Hot dog head LOL When I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed one Summer when home from college my one side of the jaw swelled up & my brothers kept mocking me & calling me Swo which would make me laugh & Hurt so bad until it finally healed up…eventually…  😂 

Last edited 6 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

What a blessing for you to have those horse-riding AND jumping experiences–WOW! 

Valerie Curren

My grandpa allowed bullies to put a June Bug on his tongue when he was a kid to prove how tough he was & get them to leave him alone. My hubby told that story to our kids Up North on one vacation & they All decided to partake of that family tradition…yikes…& we’ve got the pictures to prove it!

It’s especially jarring to see our sweet little blond-at-the-time girl w/ that bug!

Last edited 6 months ago by Valerie Curren

Mighty strange family tradition, I must say.  😆 

Valerie Curren

No doubt. Up until Hubby’s shenanigans it was really just a one-off event, as it should have been. I think the kids are actually proud that they had the same nerve as their great grandpa 😉 I couldn’t do it


Boys will be boys.

Valerie Curren

Thank the good Lord for that!


Oh, yuk!

Valerie Curren

100% agree. I can’t stand those bugs. They Really creep me out!


We had walnut wars.

Big bright green walnuts, with a strong odor, freshly dropped from the trees, they were everywhere, maybe 2/3rds the size of a tennis ball (and about the same color). Kids lined up on the sidewalks on either side of the street, facing each other, and start throwing as hard as we could 👍

Like getting hit with a baseball… surprised nobody ever got a concussion 😂

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Valerie Curren

Our neighbor’s crab apple tree got similar usage by the neighborhood kids, mostly boys…of course.

On our friend’s farm I got to drive their pick-up truck back & forth over the walnuts, like in the pic, to get the husks loosened up, one Summer, or was it Fall?



Katie always fun to listen in on.

AND, she connected some dots, regarding Dali.

While a portion of FSK sits on Dali.

Yesterday, someone posted, high pressure gas line directly under Dali.

  • 100% coincidence.   :wpds_question: 

Vlad and his folks in the know gotta be gut busting on this one. Yet, perfectly straight face in public.

  :wpds_arrow:  CIA, DoD…FAFO. <<< Dumbasses.


Even Slow Guy got that one.   :wpds_wink: 


She’s right about the killing more than six people. I have asked every day since the beginning, who was in the cars that the sonar found in the river after the accident? There were at least half a dozen. Why is no one talking about that?


That’s what I think, too.

This was a straight-up attack on our country, by a foreign actor, one that TPTB DON’T want to acknowledge.


Done! Messaged you back.


IF TPTB acknowledge the Act of War, taking out FSK, they are obligated to take action.

Then, face the music for allowing it to happen.

It’s an election year.

NOTHING to see in Baltimore.

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs



“IF TPTB acknowledge the Act of War, taking out FSK, they are obligated to take action.”


In Rational Land they might be, if they weren’t D-rats. But we left Rational Land way behind, back in November of 2020.

We’re through the looking glass now.


“IF TPTB acknowledge the Act of War, taking out FSK, they are obligated to take action.”


No black swans crashing the markets (and what’s left of the economy) allowed before the election.

Wouldn’t be prudent… at this juncture…


Last edited 6 months ago by scott467

comment image


That toon is excellent.


I kept reading that there was no one in the cars. Construction workers were plunged into the water, but the cars that fell off the bridge were empty. Maybe those were vehicles that transported the workers to the bridge and the workers were not in them when it collapsed. It also seems odd, but fortunate, that not one passenger vehicle was on the bridge when it went down. They were able to stop all the traffic in time. That’s the official story. 🤔


Well, I’m not buying the “official story” really.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

You guys, I had the weirdest encounter w/ a bunch of cops last night.

We had grocery coupons that expired yesterday (I found them when gathering paperwork for taxes this weekend) so decided to make a store run after Hubby went to bed. After shopping I loaded all my stuff in the car & decided to walk through the mostly empty parking lot, maybe a dozen cars for like 100 spaces, looking for dropped change AND get a little exercise while I had the energy.

There was a fast food restaurant across the street with a car there w/ headlights on facing the grocery store lot, maybe cops in it but not sure. They do sometimes hang out near that restaurant to nail people who try to take a left turn out of the restaurant lot as there’s an almost unnoticeable “no left turn” sign on the other side of the road from the restaurant & a relative got a ticket & heard about that “trap” in traffic court.

Anyway I’m walking the parking lot in a sort of grid pattern scanning the ground for coins & when I’m far enough away from parked cars, but nearer to the restaurant, I’m quietly singing a worship song to the Lord as I look.

Anyway, suddenly a cop car comes driving up to w/in 10 feet of me & 2 cops get out & the driver starts asking me all sorts of questions. Supposedly dispatch has sent them to intercept the suspicious person in a “red hoodie” causing a disturbance & knocking on car windows. I had not touched Any cars & usually was at least one parking space away from Any car in the lot as I was walking. Also I had on a red “shrug” with a purple hooded sweatshirt on underneath, which I showed to the cops.

While officer hostile is talking to me in a fairly rude & condescending manner another cop car approaches & a young male cop gets out & stands to the other side of me; they’re both about 5 feet away from me at 10 & 2 o’clock, ironically. Then 2 more cop cars pull in sort of behind the first car & sort of flank it & 4 cops get out. The only one talking to me is from the first car but all of them stand in front of or near to their cars that are almost in a semi-circle around me at the edge of the lot furthest from the store door, w/ NO CARS Anywhere near me (at least 50 yards away) but the cops’ cars, & all cops who are now in intimidating stances facing me.

Anyway First Mr. Rude Cop basically tells me I need to leave or if they get called again he will give me a citation for disturbing the peace! At this point there are Maybe a half dozen other cars in the lot all by the store’s entrance w/ no cars near me, except all these cop cars of course.

Main cop demands my full name, address, phone #, & birthday, & I offer to give him my DL# (which I have memorized) or even retrieve my ID from my car about 30 yards away (where I’d locked it) but he doesn’t want either of those options. So I Slightly Meander back toward my car, attempting to canvas part of the lot I had yet to traverse, get in my car, & drive directly home. Cops don’t leave the lot until I do…

I get home & recount this weirdness to Josiah who is Extremely Thankful he hadn’t gone with me for he’d probably have had some type of meltdown & perhaps told off the cops & got us both in trouble. Anyway I was fairly pissed to get accosted like that for doing nothing wrong in a public place, minding my own business & bothering no body (except in some type of fever dream of me knocking on car windows) w/ allegedly multiple calls from the public (I wondered if the cops were even lying about this since they are allowed to lie to us but not vice versa, sigh) to deal with “little” “old” grandma me, public menace or something…  😳   🙄   😜 


Your surveillance record shows that you comment at

Valerie Curren

LOL At least I don’t carry a personal tracking device with me  🙃 

Valerie Curren

Disturbing read

In a statement to Fox News and Reason, FBI’s Oklahoma City office spokeswoman, Kayla McCleery, asserted the FBI’s commitment to protecting Americans and upholding the Constitution, clarifying that investigations do not stem solely from First Amendment-protected activities.”

She’s hoping to ghost write a humor screenplay it would seem…

Valerie Curren

I just finished recounting this “adventure” to Hubby & he’s inclined to think of it as a form of “blowback” from The Enemy, as he was part of a small group of men who ministered in a maximum security men’s prison on Saturday. He’d never done such ministry before & was very moved by the real church experience shared with these imprisoned brothers-in-Christ. Hope he goes back when another opportunity arises, but we’ll likely need to be even more Armored Up before he goes to do such “battle” again…  🙏   🙏   🙏  Our daughter might be on deck for a similar outreach to a women’s facility in the near future too…


I think “cops being cops at night” is likely. As much as I can understand walking around and looking for coins, that could be seen as loitering and somewhat suspicious. I’ve seen people hanging out in parking lots and accosting others for various reasons: asking for money, trying to sell something, even supposed car trouble (which can happen, but sometimes you get a spidey sense when people aren’t being truthful). It’s an unfortunate reality, and discernment is needed to navigate such situations but also to keep oneself from being suspected of participating, unfortunately.

I also had the thought that we don’t know what the cops knew or were looking for that night or during that general time frame. There might have been ongoing activity in the area. Human trafficking has been mentioned. There could have been theft rings or scammers of various types, too.

Valerie Curren

Thx TT. If the car in the restaurant lot was Actually cops I could see Them having called dispatch on me & then acting like it was the general public. However, the “knocking on car windows” line was a complete fabrication, perhaps designed to escalate the situation & have them view me as more of a “threat”  😂  rather than an “oddity”  🙃  At least I got a story out of it!

Valerie Curren

I appreciate these insights but really had hoped to dodge the OCD AND neurodiverse labels LOL

Valerie Curren

Like my house LOL 😉 😉 but only just a little bit, you know, like “normal” amounts  😂 


“Normal” is a statistical term, not a value judgment.

Valerie Curren

I somehow managed to dodge Stats, as a class, as a counseling rather than a psychology major in grad school!

We don’t do no stinkin’ “normal” around here!


I’m going to add a little different spin to this based on my interaction with law enforcement. I was raised to be respectful of law enforcement. I am a law abiding citizen. As a business owner I have interacted with our “small town” police force a few times in the recent past and it was not a good experience.
The officers were stone cold robotic. A few were downright nasty. They were not helpful. It’s another institution I can no longer trust to be what I always thought it was.

If the shit hits the fan as some have predicted, I won’t look to the local police to be the heroes our community thinks they are.

Valerie Curren

That’s an unfortunate, but necessary, view of cops, it seems, based on some of our recent encounters. I wish it were more the “small town cops” approach where they are “serving & protecting” their community & seemingly pretty approachable. However it seems like they Start Out w/ an attitude & put the citizen’s teeth on edge before the situation has even been discussed, let alone teased apart.

I agree with you that this is another institution that can no longer be relied upon to do it’s stated job, nor even necessarily keep within the bounds of the Constitution, local law, or even “common” decency. It’s sad for we used to have much higher regard for cops but now that’s just mostly from afar, not usually when we have had any face-to-face encounters with them.

It’s probably a hazard of the job to look at everyone with a degree of suspicion. They could generate more goodwill & community spirit if they didn’t Start Out w/ that swagger & chip on the shoulder, though.


NumbersG, I’ve heard the same thing second hand from someone I know.
My rah rah for the PD has gone down a lot.

Valerie Curren

I have to contrast the view I just shared about cops in general w/ an encounter we had with Staties, State Police, a number of years ago.

We were driving back from my parents’ Northern Michigan Cottage at the end of a holiday trip, with work & school happening the next day. We were about 1 1/2 hours from home pretty late at night when the van’s electrical started acting wonky & then the vehicle literally conked out & hubby eased off I-75, coming to rest w/ our hood just below the exit sign, on the grass strip between the interstate & the exit ramp, so we knew Exactly where we were, in the vicinity of Flint, one of Michigan’s notorious armpits.

Hubby had a cell phone then & we called my mom to see if she’d give me my godparents’ phone # as we were about a half hour from their home & thought they might be able to help us. Mom didn’t want us to bother them but she did call the State Police to notify them of our situation.

Well Michael had called AAA & we were waiting on the tow for a while, 2 adults, 4 kids, & a large black lab mix dog. Our autistic son was getting pretty restless. By the time the tow truck arrived it was pretty late & he was willing to help us out. It was one of those tilting flatbeds so he’d put the van up on it & take it to a relatively nearby repair shop so hopefully we could get it back sometime the next day (everything was closed up at that time of night).

The tow truck driver was going to have me & our autistic son, who was basically flipping out at this time, in the cab with him & let the rest of the family & the dog ride in the van on the flat bed of his truck. He was also willing to drive us to a nearby motel after dropping off the van at the shop.

Just as he’s getting the van situated on top of the flat bed the staties arrived, Mom having called in the cavalry…They were NOT happy w/ the tow truck driver who wasn’t supposed to have Anyone in the vehicle on top of his flat bed but we begged them to go easy on him as he was just trying to help us out (we Clearly had no money given our vehicle & visible possessions LOL)…

Anyway the cops ended up taking Michael, our 3 non-special needs kids, & the dog in the back of their car & followed the tow truck to the repair shop (Josiah & I were still riding in the cab of the tow truck & that poor driver had to witness an Extended autism meltdown…sigh).

On that ride the cops asked Michael what our plans were & he told him we were going to try to stay at the motel near the exit where the van died. Well the cops did some digging & said that place wasn’t safe so they found a better motel/hotel? in the area, called it for us explaining the situation & got us a discount deal allowing the 6 of us AND the dog in that one room, all against the business’s typical policy. They also warned us to be on the lookout for drug dealing activities, which freaked out our son when he was walking the dog a few times during our stay. The cops & the tow truck driver then dropped us & some basic luggage off at that place before going about their other business.

The hotel/motel was very kind to us & allowed us to stay later than check-out time until our van was repaired, w/ no extra charges. So hubby missed a day of work, & the kids missed a day of school, & we were out lots of money on the van repair, but much less money on lodging than had the staties not helped us out. So this extended experience made us pretty appreciative of the state cops, at least for that specific situation.

Sometime later I was telling my godmother about those events & she was like “Why didn’t you call us, for we would have helped you???” & I’m like “Mom didn’t want us to bother you”…it’s all good though now 😉 😉

pat frederick

you sparked a memory. when i first started working at a local borough office, lots of the townspeople would come to pay their water bills and meet me, the new Secretary and the new water clerk. Our second day there, a older man introduced himself and we all chatted a few minutes. then before he left, he gave us advice. he asked if we parked outside in the back and we both said yes. he said make sure…SURE…you lock your vehicles. i said i always do, but there’s nothing in there anyone can take.
he looked me straight in the eyes and said “It’s not what they’ll take OUT dear, it’s what they’ll PUT in.”
i said the cops are right across the hall.
his answer…”who do you think will put it in?”

as time went on, i learned all about the local cops–like why there were footprints on the ceiling of the patrol car–and that the rot went straight to the top.

pat frederick

this little borough had a population under 2,000 folks. i thought a small town would be better.

Valerie Curren

Human nature, needing redemption since Eden

Valerie Curren

Oh My!  😮 

Valerie Curren

“trust” but Verify


Could it be that they were staking out the parking lot for some anticipated crime or criminal rendezvous, and your presence, walking around the parking lot, was preventing whatever they were waiting for?

So possibly they just confronted you to scare you off?

It’s seems like such a crazy overreaction on their part that something bigger was hopefully the cause.

Valerie Curren

I hadn’t thought of That possibility.

Accosting out of shape 60 year old grandmas is no basis for a system of security!  😜 


I take it that there was no farcical aquatic ceremony nearby?

Valerie Curren

Not that I’ll tell  😘 

Valerie Curren

Hubby has been obsessing about this event on his hour drive to work & just called me to talk more about it. Apparently that particular grocery store lot is notorious for human trafficking activities, so you might be onto something w/ your thoughts  🙄  Perhaps the cops were observing the place & my coin searching was messing up their “sting” or something…  😮 

Valerie Curren

Only slightly better than Being their quarry   :wpds_shock: 


OR they thought you were a participant.

Traffickers use kind-looking older women to lure and kidnap young girls.

Valerie Curren

That’s a disturbing, though viable, thought. Sometimes I hate this world!


Yes, I do, too.

Valerie Curren

Hubby can’t wait to go Home! More now than ever…

pat frederick

whoa…i was waiting for the April Fools line

Valerie Curren

I wish. See my reply to NumbersGirl for another tale in our family archives…


On the positive side, wherever you live there are No illegals or crime for the cops to fret over.

Just harass a Guilty White Grandma.

(Almost posted an Old White Lady. But you are NOT old, yet.) 😎

Valerie Curren

Yeah LOL. That neighboring community already had a significant Latinx (LOL) population back when our kids played them in sports so clearly no illegals live there now nor cause Any disturbances/s

Hitting 60 last month made me Think I was old–don’t feel it yet–by the numbers, as Hubby is still in his 50’s for a few more years. Robbing the cradle & all!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Valerie Cougar.

Valerie Curren

LOL Real world nicknames I had as a young adult included Paws & Tigresse…neither of which had anything to do w/ guys, but one had to do with mountains 😉 😉


Valerie Curren
Wow, what a weird experience. IMO, the cops were possibly on edge about something. But there was no excuse for any of them to be rude or intimidating, let alone threatening you with a citation.

Valerie Curren

I wonder now if they actually entered my data into some system so that I’ve got a “record” of sorts floating around  🙄  I hope they just skipped the paperwork on this one, but if dispatch was really involved I would guess that’s not possible…

Valerie Curren

If the Black Hats deem you to be a White Hat is that good or bad?  😂 

Valerie Curren

TY PAVACA\, I Really want to hear Leno’s “police blotter” telling of these events! LOL

Last edited 6 months ago by Valerie Curren

That’s nutz Valerie. That situation had the potential to go bad if you’d been verbally combative or something. It bugs me that they can lie about why they detain someone. If they had bothered to watch you for a few minutes they would clearly have seen you were not touching cars.

Valerie Curren

Exactly Molly. & when they accosted me I was practically as far away from the other cars in the lot as it was possible to be & still be within the lot. It was all very weird  🙄 


Make a complaint to the PD and a separate complaint to your local council critter.

Consider making a public records request to the PD for all records of the incident, including body cam videos, computer comms between officers [they rarely use radio any more], field encounter notebooks of each officer, etc.

Find a good criminal defense lawyer and pay for an hour worth of his/her time regarding the deliberate intimidation effort towards you.

Don’t misunderstand this question — what is your race?

Valerie Curren

I’m a white American mutt 🙂


I sort of knew that but my paralegal brain kicked in.  😂 

Valerie Curren

my twins are involved with &/or married to POC, does that count on dialing down my “privilege” meter 😉 😉

Valerie Curren

Wow, PGroup, that’s pretty intense. I’ll have to discuss your thoughts w/ Hubby…

Barb Meier

We have great LEOs around here. I would take an entirely different approach than pgroup suggests. His may be more appropriate for your location.

I would go to the office of the police, sheriff, or state LEOs. Explain what happened from your perspective and ask questions. For instance, was there something you should know about the area where you were out at night just getting some exercise and watching for dropped coins? Is it dangerous there? Is there risk to you that you didn’t know about?

Asking questions always seems to work best for me when dealing with engineers. I try not to assume I know motivations or reasons why someone coded something a particular way. Maybe that would be useful to you in this strange situation.

I would not expect them to tell you if they had an operation ongoing, but they might tell you if it is not a good place to idle about at night.

Valerie Curren

Thx Barb, another good suggestion to throw into the mix & discuss w/ my husband 🙂

Barb Meier

You’re welcome!


comment image


Two years?

Is this meme two years old?



Took the bearded guy a couple of years to catch up to us.


Shoulda been reading QTree.

Valerie Curren

rim shot!


Isn’t that the truth!

Valerie Curren

 😂   😂   😂 

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I can’t believe how bad it’s getting North of the Border 🙁

comment imageRustyD

Conservative News
Caring Canada At some stage, people chose to live there. And then came T_______ Canada Effective April 1st 2024: NEW Continuing Care Regulation “Moving to 0 hours of care”

Caregiver in tears: “So that means in a continuing care home, someone can be left for a week sitting in their own fecal matter and that’s just okay now because it is now not the nurse’s job to actually care for their patient.”

“New rules do not prescribe how many hours of care residents of a facility should receive.”

“The vulnerable in our world are supposed to be taken care of, and now the government is making it so that isn’t even a thing anymore. We’re going back in f****** time instead of forward, and I’m just baffled by this.

How can you go to school and become a nurse and not give a **** about the people you’re taking care of. There’s already so many terrible nurses in the medical industry that try to get away with doing the bare minimum so that they keep their job. And now the government is telling them, you don’t even have to do the bare minimum to keep your f***** job. It is now lawfully backed that you do what? The fuck is the point of a care home and a continuing care facility if they’re not going to have assistance.

This is f***** wild. Basically, now what this means is if you have not set yourself up for retirement, which the majority of the population has not because who are we f****** kidding? In this day and age, it’s hard enough to put milk and eggs in everyone’s fridges. It means that you’re not gonna it’s not funded. You’re not gonna get the help that you need.

You’re not gonna have the products you need. You’re not gonna have the care you need. They literally sent a patient who had a stroke to recover alone in a hospital or sorry, in a hotel in Leduc. Someone who had a stroke was sent to recover alone in a hotel in Leduc. I give up on this world.

I didn’t think it could get worse.”

More information:

“Care standards at continuing care facilities to be eliminated, say nurses and NDP – New Continuing Care Act Regulations coming into effect April 1”

Alberta’s nurses warn that new provincial regulations will eliminate any legal requirement for continuing care operators to provide nursing care to residents.

Last month, the province published a new Continuing Care Act Regulations that are supposed to take effect on April 1. The regulations do not mention a minimum number of required hours of nursing care.

“We are moving to zero hours of care. This is extremely dangerous,” said Heather Smith, United Nurses of Alberta president, in a statement.

Smith said while that was clearly inadequate, at least there was a minimum legal standard.”

United Nurses of Alberta Says “New regulations eliminate all nursing care requirements for residents of continuing care homes in Alberta”

Wall Street Apes, X

There is a video at the post too by a distraught nurse.

Valerie Curren

This appears to go along w/ geriatric & infirm genocide   :wpds_mad: 


Very communist of them get rid of useless eaters.

Valerie Curren

Monstrous, incomprehensible, EVIL!!!


Yes it is evil neglect of any kind is evil.

Valerie Curren

Agreed, so inhuman(e)  😡 


Need to come up with a name for the organization that is going to hunt the monsters down who come up with these policies and implement them, the same way Simon Wiesenthal went after the Nazis, when this is over.

It’s going to be a career position for thousands of people, all over the world. It could take decades, and for the right type of person, it would be the best job anyone could ever have, bringing these monsters to justice.

Hunt them down and prosecute them, wherever they go.

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Someone, Gail maybe, was wanting there to be a bounty hunter option to go after these genocidal psychopaths. Bring it on…ASAP!


not that it matters…but she’s a very pretty girl.

even with the (sigh) trendy overdone eyebrows (and fingernails), she’s a natural beauty.

for once.

Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

I don’t know about the “natural” part, but she is lovely 🙂


Take off the make up stuff and still a keeper.

At least from a visual delight perspective.

Her heart and mind likely in the right place.

Hopefully not high maintenance. Gotta run from them.


Can’t run too fast.

I should know — I let two of them catch me, over my life.

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_shock: 


Is that how it supposed to work? My husband chased me I never chased anyone 🙂


Just telling what happened.

Have no idea whether it’s the right way or not. Didn’t work out for me, though, so I guess it ain’t the right way.  😥 


When you’re  🔥  , you’re  🔥  !




When a woman chases a man she chases his future earnings 🙂 When a man chases a woman who is hard to get he chases the future mother of his children 🙂 At least that is what my grandma told me.


I think grandma was right.



Valerie Curren

Hope you’re in a better place now 🙂

Valerie Curren


Harry Burns “You’re the worst kind, high maintenance that thinks they’re low maintenance” 😉 😉


Surely kept Slow Guy’s attention.


Was hoping it would end with, April Fools.   :wpds_roll: 

Baby Castro cruelly pushing DePop on the most vulnerable.

Lines up with Baby Castro’s push for euthanasia.

DePop alive and well in Canada. Oh, wait a second…🙃

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

IKR, I really thought that this info is Too Awful to be real…we wish!

Valerie Curren

Wow, that’s dark…& probably accurate  😡 


Perfect opportunity for me to grab the lectern.

Our state legislators get it right many more times than not here in TN. It pays to have a generally conservative, MAGA GOP with super majorities in both chambers who can and will override a governor’s veto or inaction. Our governor is given 10 days to sign a bill or veto, excluding Sunday in the countdown. RINO Haslam had that happen to him at times – override or he would abstain from signing and it would become law. Current Gov. Lee has had it happen a couple of times. He signs nearly all of the time now since he is term limited.

We have successfully built political walls around the three major cities in the state and are working outside in with patriots inside to correct various aspects of the Dems’ criminal factions. The MAGA GOP does what the Dems did successfully for decades, vote in unison after working out all differences in committee conferences. With the Dominion/Smartmatic mess they recently changed voting devices and have security to prevent hacking into the system. It is more a true tabulation methodology now.

Each state needs to do this and many are. Good MAGA people need to get involved in every aspect of our political and governmental system on the local and state level, just as our Steve has. This process of conversion from a more swing type state controlled by the uniparty to what we have now took about 15-20 years from start to finish. We turned the corner and grew stronger with each passing year going back about a dozen years ago.

You turn the corner in federal politics and government when enough states have turned the corner. You use the same process. You start sending the patriots and warriors to DC from MAGA states. You have their backs to prevent blackmail and extortion. You build political walls around the states that are the Dems’ main cogs of destruction and work outside in with patriots on the inside. You shut down their feeders inside and outside of government. Clean house everywhere you can. The judiciary follows, it should never lead. The judicial patriots are activated as needed.

I am not revealing one thing the enemy does not already know as they used a similar strategy to get into power with foreign money and assistance to get there. All of what they did tells the white hats how to use it against them. Our side knows how and has the will to remove the foreign invaders and infiltrators.

Our jobs are to get active where we are and have faith in God and America. Be involved in the solution and not the problem.

Last edited 6 months ago by TradeBait2
Deplorable Patriot

One of the problems, as I see it, in my state, is that to be involved in the election system, you have to declare a party. That’s the main reason I don’t volunteer. It’s really none of their business, but all ballots are signed off by a member of each.

Deplorable Patriot


Valerie Curren

I was hoping you’d comment but this is a motherloded goldmine–TY so much!!!


YW – keep fighting, Val.

Valerie Curren

You betcha!

Barb Meier

When you mentioned grabbing the lectern, my knee jerked. I recently read about Lectern Guy (@lecternleader on X) who was the guy on J6 photographed carrying a lectern in the Capitol. LOL

So hard to keep up with everything. 😂 😂 😂 He came up because his first prosecutor for J6 mischief came into the news due to road rage where he stabbed another driver on a Florida highway. Apparently, that happened a few months ago.

Last edited 6 months ago by Barb Meier
Valerie Curren



👍 🤣

Meanwhile, they let sodomist homosexual aides do the dirty and video it in Senate committee hearing rooms without legal repercussions

Evil is as evil does. If justice is not served in this world, it WILL be served in eternity. Mr. Prosecutor should understand that truth before it is too late.

Valerie Curren


This guy is a big talker.

The usual IP addresses that people talk about are IP4. These are the ones most commonly used worldwide. The current IP4 address for, for instance, is — with Linux, you just say, “dig”, and it pops up.

Each of the four numbers can be zero to 255, so there are a total of 256*256*256*256 possible IP addresses in the scheme — or 4,294,967,296. To put this in perspective, a one terabyte disk drive holds 256 times that many bytes of data.

Here’s the problem, though — imagine all those IP addresses as doors. You can imagine finding the 32d door at 194 street and 107.12 avenue, and see “” painted on the door…..but if you look at other doors up and down the street, some of them have many names painted on the door, and some have none.

If you watch for a while, however, you will further note that there are people going in-and-out of these doors, even when there is no name painted on the door. Further, there are people going in-and-out of the door that never visit the site. If you watch closely, people go up to each door and do a secret knock, and the door can open to a variety of sites depending on the knock.

When you hear about “the darkweb”, that is merely using a door without painting your name on it.

This guy is claiming to know all the sites behind all the doors, and to have archived all of their content. This is balderdash — he doesn’t have all the secret knocks, so not all of the sites are available to him…..and, when you talk about archiving all the content, we can look at the internet archive’s efforts in that regard.

The internet archive tries to archive major internet news feeds — the BBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, AFP, etc. — in a warehouse in Richmond, California (that I’ve visited). They set up new server racks every day. To archive EVERYTHING on the internet would require a datacenter with many times that capacity.

Valerie Curren

& the Internet Archive actively excludes certain (seemingly conservative) sites w/ no real explanation that I’ve found.

TY for this explanation. The going up to, knocking, & sometimes going through the doors reminds me of a sci fi show I watched that used infinite doors as a way to portray an ability to navigate the multiverse AND the Internet is rather a universe unto itself 🙂


Just to plant the seed…..

TPTB were running out of IP4 addresses some time ago, being that there are only four billion of them… they came up with a solution: IP6.

IPv6 addresses look like “ef08:01bc:bc80:5bff:fecb:12c6”. Instead of using four numbers 0-255 separated by commas, it uses six numbers 0-65535 separated by colons. Instead of four billion available addresses, this would allow for 340 undecillion (million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion, undecillion). By way of contrast, there are roughly 7 octillion atoms in an adult human body.

One of the “problems” with IPv6 is that the whole architecture of secret knocks at doorways is made redundant — each IPv6 address can be unique — and if there is only one “Fred Smith” in the universe, then “Fred Smith” in one doorway should be the same “Fred Smith” at another doorway. You can just imagine how the datamining crowd is salivating over that thought.

There is much more to be said about IPv6, but — fortunately — it is just not that common at the moment.

Valerie Curren

fascinating, TY!

Gail Combs

Rest of the comment by Bad Kitty

Valerie Curren

Great Find!!!

Valerie Curren

comment image


Yes food and other items have jumped. I feel for people who have to feed a family or those who only rely on SS. So many people did not foresee this.


Surely I never saw this cluster f, evil WEF, totally corrupt USG incoming.


Yes it is evil. Much clean up needs to happen .

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

yes, tragically 🙁


I remember a time where I had to count pennies so I know.

Valerie Curren

Me too. I had to trade in a roll of pennies for quarters to do some laundry, when I had less than $10 in the checking account w/ a week+ before any more funds were coming in, yikes!


I had household money no access to checking account. Only good I have a gift of planning and organizing that I got buy 🙂 No one went hungry but no extras no bad food except if I backed something once twice a month. Sugar was a luxury.

Valerie Curren

Wow those sound like trying times. Mine was when I was in grad school & my dad sent me money twice a month when he got paid & his funds Exactly paid my monthly rent but all other expenses were on me working for $4.15/hr PT while a FT seminary student. For months I slept in a sleeping bag on the floor as my old roommate moved back to Baltimore taking our re-sale & trash-picked furniture with her (I’d said OK).

I look back on that season w/ thankfulness since, even though things have been tight Many Times since then, it’s never been as extremely tight as it was then. It’s helped me not to live in fear when we weren’t sure where the funds to cover things would come from in a couple tough seasons, but always the Lord helped us get through. He is Faithful!


Thank you for sharing 🙂 You are blessed 🙂

Valerie Curren

YW & Amen 🙂



Those beautiful old churches are irreplaceable. People are really sick ,spiritually and emotionally.

Valerie Curren

irreplaceable”–I was thinking of this very word. The craftmanship of the past cannot be economically emulated. The heart & soul of the past is unobtainable today  😪 


Yes s a shame

Valerie Curren



Tran arsonist visible just like they wanted


And they brought their own “Lighting”


It chaps me that there’s never an end to the social construct scheme. no matter which special group it is, the demand to “see” them only gets louder. It doesn’t matter how many national ‘days’ they get. It doesn’t matter how many freaky tv shows are on. It doesn’t matter how many are appointed in high level jobs
It’s like a radio/tv with a poltergeist …it doesn’t matter how many times you turn it comes right back on louder than ever.


Worse than a poltergeist, it seems to me.

Valerie Curren

  :wpds_cry:   :wpds_exclamation:   :wpds_mad: 

pat frederick

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pat frederick

since it’s April’s Fools Day…here’s the man of the hour…

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Yes he is our fool who makes a fool of our Nation the whole year long 😐


Ain’t my fool.

Some village somewhere is missing its idiot.


True 🙂

Valerie Curren

  :wpds_envy:   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_envy: 

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Valid ID is an entitlement of the rich and famous. The rest of us need to shut up and accept that most people are to incompetent to get an ID. 🙄

pat frederick

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“Entitlement” negates a grateful heart both ways for the receiver and the giver.

Valerie Curren



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LOVE THE WOLF DEN at the end! Can’t you just see our Wolf and Mrs. Wolf Moon snuggled up by the fire watching a Trump rally!


Yes I can 😘


Love the Wold den also my husband would love it also 🙂
The place looks warm . Nice place.

Valerie Curren



Happy 1 of April 😂
So glad March is over. Finally got rid of the last of the flu sinus infection mid last week using Oregano oil capsules. That really works and is like a mild antibiotic.

pat frederick

so glad you got over it!
is there a recommended strength for the oregano oil? I never tried it, but i always have sinus issues.


I bought gaia oil oregano American owned American grown herbs. Has good rating.
Whole foods had it. I took it for 5 days but worked after three. I took it two extra days.

I had sinus problems since I had Covid in 2019. This worked for me.

pat frederick

we don’t have a whole foods around here…but i will look on amazon?

Last edited 6 months ago by patfrederick

I think Amazon has it.

pat frederick



Just be careful and don’t take too much of it, or take it for very long. It is VERY strong.

pat frederick

thanks for the warning!!!


I read some people taking it longer I do not believe in that. Everything needs to be treated with respect even herbal teas in my opinion.
I took the oregano 2 days longer after my sinuses cleared. I tread herbs like medicine. My grandmother taught that to me.




Thank you I am always careful even if it is natural . I took the Oregano oil 5 days and stopped. I am like that with herbal teas also .


Me, too. It’s a good policy 🙂


Interesting article on Townhall regarding the idiocy of the Bidenazis proposing giant ocean borne floating windmills to generate “clean” electricity as a solution for the imaginary global warming crisis.

Of course, all the corrupt Libs need is a fairy tale solution for a fairy tale problem occurring 10 years in the future. It’ll never happen, but they think it looks good on paper for the current political climate.


yup, it fits into their dumbing down of the masses methodology of control.


Add to last sentence: “… and current funding.”


I rented and watched half of Oppenheimer. I was bored to tears, so I gave up. And that is very rare for me, to stop watching a movie in the middle.


Lol, you might like it. I did not!

pat frederick

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Yes, it’s Chuck Callesto, but he may be on to something:


It is quite telling of the current state of affairs of the USA when an act of war happens and we don’t know who did it because there are so many prospective groups with ways and means to commit the act.

Was it Russia? (no, even though the regime deserved it after Nordstream)
Was it China? ( a thousand cuts, tho I feel Lara Logan got disinfo…leak test?)
Was it Obama/BM/ISIS?
Was it Davos/Cabal
Was it sea eye aye, (Davos mafia-for-hire, but also independant and self protecting))?
Was it Other?



Anyone who accepts that is nuts.


The concept is nuts, the language chosen to describe it is nuts, the whole thing is a demoralization psyop.


When he says “We”, he’s speaking for himself.

Gonna be a lonely city 😂


Oh goody! No cicades for me 😁


Just what we needed, a plague of locusts to join the party 😂

Valerie Curren

sounds nigh unto biblical plagues 😉 in DC, NYC, Philly, Chicago, & more…


Dumb headline. They aren’t invading; they’ve been here all along.

BTW, I think this cicada phenomenon was the inspiration for part of H.G. Wells book, War of the Worlds.


Verse of the Day for Monday, April 1, 2024

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.” 

Isaiah 60:1 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


suggested reading….pssst Kalbo….

Assymetric Response and The Perp Walk To WW3

article link…(opinion piece)…




Crocus Concert Hall (Moscow)

Condolences to Putin



the Baltimore Bridge

Russians ?

👉 the Brits ! MI6

he makes a lot of good points in this article…with a couple of imbedded links for more.


Highly encourage all to read this article …


This is an important article. A must-read.


“The bandits detained in Dagestan intended to blow up the embankment in Kaspiysk, and also considered the possibility of causing an explosion in the city park of Kaspiysk.

On March 31, in the Republic of Dagestan, the activities of a terrorist cell consisting of four foreign citizens who prepared a terrorist attack in places of mass gathering in Kaspiysk were suppressed .

The criminals conducted reconnaissance of the area, made an improvised explosive device and purchased automatic weapons.

It was also established that the detained militants were directly involved in financing and providing terror funds to the perpetrators of the terrorist act committed on March 22, 2024 in the Crocus City Hall concert hall in Moscow.

One of the detainees in Dagestan admitted that he transported weapons from Makhachkala to the terrorists who attacked Crocus.”

( looks like they’re following a trail )

“The Russian Investigative Committee announced the beginning of a procedural investigation into terrorist activities against Russia by the United States, Ukraine and other Western countries”


( this is from yesterday)

FSB special forces officers blocked armed terrorists in several apartments of residential buildings in Makhachkala and Kaspiysk.

In Dagestan, security authorities received information about the whereabouts of armed individuals involved in terrorist activities. Tonight they were blocked by FSB special forces in several apartments in residential areas of Makhachkala and Kaspiysk.

In the Leninsky and Sovetsky districts of Makhachkala and Kaspiysk, a legal regime for a counter-terrorism operation has been introduced.”

(With video,Police seem to be taking pains to get them out in one piece)

” Footage has emerged from Kaspiysk, where FSB special forces blocked men suspected of terrorism in a residential apartment. At the moment they are trying to smoke them out of there; smoke is coming from the apartment window.

According to NAC, two suspected terrorists are blocked in the premises. The CTO regime continues to operate in Kaspiysk and Makhachkala.”


“(With video,Police seem to be taking pains to get them out in one piece)”


Need to interrogate them.

Unlike the intellectually dishonest, virtue-signaling, false morality gasbags in fantasyland West, the Russians know that torture works just fine.


If the two reports refer to the same gang of terrorists, and I think they do, it means they got all that information out of them overnight, perhaps aided by getting information off their phones, and some alterations have been made to Telegram.
Two ears are better than one 😂


RF hasn’t stooped to terrorism as I know of yet, globo’s can’t win an show their desperation.


are we being set up to be the patsy …the scapegoat ?

you might want to read the article I posted above.

lotta statecraft & intrigue swirling around.

Valerie Curren

no See-Eye-Eh? 😉


The big city woes have come to my one horse town. The criminal was as as dumb as his big city brethren…what fast food worker is going to be carrying a wallet full of cash ?

Investigation following attempted strong-arm robbery at McDonald’s in Pawleys Island

GEORGETOWN COUNTY, SC (WMBF) – The Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a scary moment outside the Pawleys Island McDonald’s.

A woman told deputies someone tried to rob her after she finished a Sunday night shift at the fast-food restaurant off Ocean Highway.

As she walked to her car, the suspect, wearing a ski mask and hoodie, demanded money.
After firing three shots that missed, the suspect then hit the woman in the head with a “rifle-style firearm,” according to the sheriff’s office.


The suspect ran away toward the nearby Publix supermarket.

The woman was taken to the hospital.

Valerie Curren

hope the victim is OK…scary 🙁


Wow. Well, some bad stuff hit MY one-horse town this afternoon, too.

Some moron arm-robbed a convenience store, threatened the cops with a knife upon exiting, and was shot and killed.

The world is going fucking nuts.

Valerie Curren

Wow, that’s brutal 🙁


It’s one thing to tick off the urban crime all day, the articles, the tweets, the vids but when it happens in a place genuinely that has little violent crime it’s shocking.

pat frederick

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Valerie Curren

yup  😡 

pat frederick

they steal glasses imprinted with AF 1 on them…among other things


Morality is being phased out of society. Lying, cheating, and stealing are all too common now.


All in an effort to sew chaos, disent, and civil war to further killing off the 14 out 15 while that 0.93.33% keep themselves safe and walled away. Identify and vanish them and 70-80% of the worlds chaos will likely vanish with them.


I do not understand why such things are not provided as a govt courtesy. It’s not like the expense would break the budget.


Go, Israel !!

Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2
pat frederick

mass psychosis
April 1, 2024 1:07 pm

Tennessee legislators have passed a bill to require any food that contains a vaccine or vaccine material to be classified as a drug and labeled as such. 
The measure now heads to Gov. Bill Lee’s desk.


Now do the other 49 states!

pat frederick

wouldn’t THAT be nice?


Should they have specifically also said mRNA and RNA materials just in case the mad scientists say they’re adding it to the food for some purpose other than a vaccine.


Just because…

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Barb Meier

Interesting. The younger Trump sons are, the taller they get.

pat frederick



The senile old idiot just signs whatever is put in front of him.


Smoke them out!!

Last edited 6 months ago by eilert


Valerie Curren

She is radiant!  😍 


Happening every day in Boston area.

pat frederick

i think if you fail to “honor” the detainer requests, then you forfeit ANY federal “emergency” funding when these illegals take over your cities.


PFFFT….this is the new Amerikan system. No rule of established law and nobody in the Obiden admin cares. The $$$$ magically appears when and where they want .
That said, your solution is an excellent one.
My solution is way more messy  👹 


I need to check that out, never watched it.


It’s rough [violence and nudity] but it’s quite prophetic in many respects. Most of the storyline was completed years prior to filming in 2016-2021, which makes its resemblance to today’s AI news a little creepy.


“Oh shit!”
— any random donkey party official


Nice efficient operation. No muss no fuss.

Now get their miserable asses out of our country.

[grammar correction edit]

Last edited 6 months ago by pgroup2
pat frederick

so what would happen if the asswipes succeeded in not certifying the election?
maggot can’t remain in the wh. President Trump would not be allowed in the WH…so what happens then…anyone know?


All that is necessary for a person to be POTUS is to administer the oath of office. They altered the Electoral Count Act to make the VP a mere formality. Therefore the electoral vote count certifications are strengthened into being the exclusive determining factor [the Pence viewpoint]. Unless they already know which states will be close enough to steal AND have already changed the election laws of those states to permit a non-majority slate of electors to be certified, this is a shiny object.


pat frederick

thanks, i appreciate your candor


Well, it looks like we will never have to worry about German Nazis rising again. They’ll be too laid back and chowing down on Cheetos and Doritos.


Found in a tweet as I was looking over the Easter tweets.

this is under the one above. Didn’t come out right.

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here are others that show close resemblance… others though are off and I’m not putting them up.

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put tin eye to work… Several copies of the same photo some more enhanced, each with the same face… earliest is 2012. Barron Trump would of been 6 years old in 2012. WTF!

Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

I don’t understand the point of the X post.

Is there actual evidence that Melania is related to the Romanovs? If you have it, please share.

Is the photo of the boy, Alexei Nikolaevich, supposed to look like Barron? You could probably put photos of thousands of boys from a certain stage of life next to one another, and they could resemble one another in certain ways. I don’t see a resemblance between Alexei and Barron, though, except in superficial ways like the texture of the hair.


None that I’ve heard of.
Am seeing the photo’s bearing a distinct likeness, but as you said, at that age…
Also other photo’s are not as close as the ones I picked out…
Meanwhile the 2012 photo if you scroll down and look at it in tin eye, could easily be a six year old boy… ???


Meanwhile I believe the Romanovs were murdered in 1918. The books written in 1893. Not sure what to make of any of that. Can say the books only have loose but strange connections. Connections to time travel in the Last President are much stronger. My Review on first page… “stephen” Did reviews for all the Lockwood books. Lockwood was an early marxist as will be shown in the review of “Laconics of Cult”.

Strange stuff.

Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

It’s intriguing to me, always have liked to think about the possibilities of time travel and the like.
It’s like the discussions about ancient artworks of even Mary, Jesus, etc that sure appear to have “alien” spacecraft in the sky. I believe that there’s a lot we don’t know.


One tends to find the things one looks for. Then when you find enough of it you tend to believe… What’s right or wrong? Most conspiracy theories of this nature are no different then other conspiracy theories that many more believe in with the exception that they would seem to be out the bounds of everyone’s understanding. Like you, I’ll keep an open mind and weigh what comes. 😁


I don’t consider this to be a conspiracy theory I consider it to be obviously made-up material to gain attention. It is not on the level of what nation states could have been behind a particular attack or who was behind the JFK assassination.

If we don’t have discernment, we are lost. As for open minds, where do you draw the line? We might as well believe that the tooth fairy could be real.🧚


Would disagree on all accounts. But this has been discussed here and before.


The tweet says flat-out that Melania is a Romanov, but there is no evidence, zero, to support that. Therefore, the tweet author is not credible to me.


Melania / Romanov theory is not new. It’s been written about before, I believe we may of even talked about it here long ago but disregarded it as wishful thinking at the time as it appeared to have nothing that could be substantiated and it never came up again.

Went and took a look and sure enough a few of the old stories survive on the internets… this is an example. I translated it to english.

Meanwhile I’ve never seen those pictures above before, so they are rather interesting to say the least. Had they been known about earlier more might of been discussed.

Although the family of the last Russian tsar was executed, rumors have long hovered over one of his daughters who would have survived. But what does Melania Trump have to do with this ?

A photo collage of Melania Trump and a woman who appears to be Anastasia Romanov, daughter of Russian Tsar Nicholas II, is shared on social media. These images support comments that the wife of the former American president is a descendant of the Russian tsar. Is it possible ?


Melania Trump is not the granddaughter of Anastasia Romanov. Anastasia Romanov died with the rest of her family on July 17, 1918.


Many photos are posted with the text advancing a kinship between Melania Trump and the youngest daughter of Nicholas II, the last tsar in Russia. Although the text claims that Melania’s grandmother would be Anastasia, a collage shows a comparison of images with her sister, Maria Romanov.


After the Russian revolution of 1917, the tsar was deposed and on July 17, 1918, Tsar Nicholas II. was murdered with his wife, four daughters and son by supporters of the Bolsheviks. This ended the Romanov dynasty and since then Russia had no tsars.

Immediately after the execution, however, there are rumors that Anastasia miraculously survived the execution. For example, in 1920, a woman appeared in Berlin – whose name later was Anna Anderson. Some believed that the woman could have been Anastasia. However, DNA tests have since ruled out that this woman was Anastasia.

Anastasia was 17 years old at the time of execution. She was not yet married and there is no document of a child she could have had. The only possible option would therefore be that the girl survived the execution of her family.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the bodies of the Romanovs were exhumed in 1991. At first, only the remains of the tsar, his wife and three children (Olga, Tatiana and Marie or Anastasia) were found in the tomb. This has revived rumors that Anastasia actually survived the execution. In 2007, however, two other bodies were found in a nearby grave, which later turned out to be Alexei and the fourth daughter. DNA research then confirmed that these were Romanovs.

Melania Trump

Melania Trump’s parents were born in 1944 and 1945. The post does not specify whether Anastasia Romanov would be the maternal or paternal grandmother of Melania Trump. But since she died in 1918, she could hardly have been the mother of one of Melania’s parents. Melania Trump’s maternal grandmother is Amalia Ulčnik (née Gliha), according to a Slovenian press article. The paternal grandmother would be called Antonija Ribi.

(Situation on 14.10.2022)

Here’s the full body of pic that got my interest. As thesetruths said kids that age can look similar. Meanwhile this kid looks very similar to what Barron might look like.

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Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

Melania / Romanov theory is not new.

It’s the first time it has gotten my attention. I don’t remember ever seeing it before.

it appeared to have nothing that could be substantiated


A photo collage of Melania Trump and a woman who appears to be Anastasia Romanov, daughter of Russian Tsar Nicholas II, is shared on social media. 

But the article doesn’t show it.

These images support comments that the wife of the former American president is a descendant of the Russian tsar.

No, they don’t.

By searching for “photos of Melania and Maria Romanov,” I found a couple of side-by-side photos that won’t post here. They have all the earmarks of fakery, complete with “you are watching a movie” that is used to support ANY new theory or lie that anyone presents, and the self-authenticating statement of “I am friends with Mindy Romanov.” (Oh, well, then, since you, an unknown person on the internet, say you’re friends, you must be credible. /sarc) That one also says that Melania is “Slovenian/Russian.” When did Russia become part of her biographical information?

It also says, “3 Romanov boys were put
on a ship from Russia assisted packages to the U.S. Whitehat Operation. Melania is more important
than we know.”

The other meme says Melania is Anastasia’s granddaughter. Here’s a side-by-side of Melania and Anastasia that claims they look alike; therefore Melania must be her granddaughter.

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It’s part of a tweet by “Sasha Edwards,” who says: “Anastasia Romanov had the same pinched features as Melania Trump. Very good chance Melania is a remake.”

A remake? That sounds like reincarnation.

IMO, these people are not credible, they are not intelligent, they have no standards of research and logic, and they are liars and con artists.


wow…never saw that photo before. Interesting.

Meanwhile the point is the stories have been out there for a long time. Most everyone has dismissed them even as they were posted. Zero traction but in a few small places. Mind you those stories were dismissed when the media had more trust… who knows, maybe the whole subject should be reexamined. I’m not going to do it. I’m content. Was just bringing up the photos of Alex because its noteworthy. Attach what you wish to it. The world will not spin out of control no matter.

Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

Would be amiss if we did not include all the pics

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For what it’s worth, using this photo (not as close of resemblance as the others above, the earliest I find it on tin eye is 2008. Most photo’s are between 2010 on up with the bulk around 2016.

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What is the significance of those dates? I would think they were the dates when the photos were uploaded to the internet in some form.


Looking into possibility of photo manipulations… still not a 100% on this, though I’d tend to say none. This has the same strangeness as the Lockwood Books in the way they suddenly appeared…makes slight mention in on this in one of those reviews…comment about library of congress data being slightly strange, but for the life of me I’d have to do all that over again to point out how and I generally do things once so I just talk about the impression. Should of kept better notes.

Last edited 6 months ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

Somehow I think is related to your speculation that Barron Trump might be “Q”…


Not the intent… this is strange on it’s own.


Alexis survived. He came to America. I studied him because he married a second cousin of mine, believe it or not.

Here is an adult photo:

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Some of his story is on his findagrave page:


His biography at that link says he purported to be a cousin of the czar, not his son.

Alexis Nicholaevitch Gagarin, also known as Miroslav Marek and Alexis Miasiakoff, was born on July 17, 1905 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Purporting to be a cousin of Czar Nicholas II, Gagarin escaped after the Russian Revolution, eventually settling in the United States. 


Other sources claim various things. It’s a wild story, all the way. He was quite a character, by all accounts.


The X post says, “Melanias family was murdered, the Romanovs.”

Either Melania is related to the Romanovs, or she isn’t. If there is no evidence of such a relationship, then a) the author of the X post is misleading people, and b) I don’t understand the point of it except to bring attention to him-/herself as someone who has uncovered “facts previously unknown.” Wow, what a guy/gal! /sarc

Basically, “pics or it didn’t happen.” The X post author needs to provide solid evidence, or he/she is lying on purpose. The worst part is that he/she is USING real people to gain attention. I’m just going to say it: it’s disgusting to me, and I don’t credit anything that person has to say.


Some folk have a genuine curiosity about this stuff. When Q tree was first established we had many posts about Tesla, time travel and the like. The Q community is pretty big. Some folk haven’t given up on it because some of defies explanation in some folks minds.

After everyone stopped looking I found the most startling connection to time travel yet… again “Stephen” first page of reviews.

Last edited 6 months ago by para59r

Meanwhile the 2012 photo if you scroll down and look at it in tin eye, could easily be a six year old boy… ???

I don’t understand the significance of 2012.


Barron Trump would of been 6 years old also. Thinking might these be plants? Based on my searches though I’d tend to think not, but not 100% there.



You’ll laugh, but Alexis Nicolaevitch is in my family tree. We are related by marriage. He married one of my cousins here in America.


According to the biographical info at the link you posted in another comment, Alexis was purported to be a cousin of the czar. Czar Nicholas II’s son who was killed was named Alexei.


Here’s a newspaper article in which he claimed, with interesting evidence, to be a son of the Czar:

Either way, it was fun research when I did it!


Tesla stuff

Police caught up with a stolen Tesla after it ran out of battery during a car chase
Story by (Beatrice Nolan) • 5h • 2 min read

Police caught up with a stolen Tesla after it ran out of battery during a chase, Fox 11 Los Angeles reported.
The car belonged to Fox 11 anchor Susan Hirasuna and was stolen from downtown Los Angeles.
Hirasuna’s Tesla app estimated the car’s battery was down to 15 miles of range when it was taken. 
Police caught up with a stolen Tesla after it ran out of battery during a car chase,

Police have previously been on the wrong side of such an incident.

In 2019, a Tesla Model S police cruiser ran low on power during a high-speed pursuit in California after someone seemingly forgot to charge it.

Despite the EV’s battery issues, the Fremont Police Department eventually found the suspect’s vehicle after it crashed into some bushes.

Valerie Curren

reminds me of those “SUV” reports Rush used to talk about, like the vehicle was an independent entity from the driver…weird…

pat frederick

Thomas Massie


Unfortunately, this is not April fools. Johnson, Schumer & the deep state are writing the Ukraine bill. Then Johnson will suspend rules to pass it. “We’re putting that product together & we’ll be moving it right after the district work period,” -Johnson.


Oh, does this mean that the Dali crash which destroyed the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore — a vessel whose captain is Ukrainian — was a ** hint ** from the Ukraine “president-dictator in a sweat suit” to send more U.S. $$$$ — so Johnson/Schumer/DeepState “took the hint”, said, “Jawohl!”, and are going to come up with the $$$$?


Arizona Rancher Murder Trial: Critical Evidence *Never Recovered* – Prosecution Cannot Definitively Prove Kelly Fired the Fatal Shot
Brian Lupo Apr. 1, 2024 2:20 pm 305 Comments

The incident happened back in Jan 2022 and he was finally released on bail after getting a competent attorney back in 22 Feb 2022 or else he’d still be there.

The charges should of never been brought. The case should of been dismissed from the beginning but now it’s court time and the State can’t prove it’s case. Bunch of drug runners run that town and the cops.


Johnson is infuriating at this point. Vid on the bottom had my attention. Nice talk lady.


It appears Johnson is a Dem crim sleeper. Disappointing.




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That sure failed bigly.

Valerie Curren



I wish I could make out what she’s saying but the echo is too strong.


That’s depressing…

Barb Meier

I hear you, TT. I think it is good to better understand a possible cause why some people’s words and actions seem so off key. The straight and steady among us may be very important in the years to come.


As important as they’ve been in years past.

Valerie Curren

OK guys, just for fun, here’s a couple replies to my cop encounter story shared below.

first up what my husband Really Wanted to Post on his social media but is confining to family…I’ve gotta share it w/ the Q-Tree Family 

Hats off to the lpp for the amazing crime scene interrogation of a 60 year old grandmother picking up some loose change in the grocery store parking lot. Nothing like embracing your inner thuggery to make sure all grandmothers in the area know exactly how much muscle you can actually flex! In my opinion calling in seven additional police officers for back up was the exact amount of flex that was necessary to prove you had everything ..under control. But I’m also assuming they were most likely finalizing their Mall cop apprenticeship/ training. Everyone knows that’s the kind of training necessary to truly make a police department such as yours shine within the local community. Oh, be sure to stop by the local elementary school that’s close by to make sure that the second grader that is wandering around picking up old suckers off the sidewalk, is also.. well within the confines of the law, and I’d bring along the plastic badge battalion…. Just in case!  Hopefully the mall cop online tutorials did discuss, and make sure, that you only put one bullet in your gun as well, following the Barney Fife protocols that would be akin to such Superior police training that you obviously have been given. The community is definitely much safer with that rule in place for sure.  I’m also confident that inspector Clouseau would be highly impressed with the brawney law enforcement bunch, in the fact that you never even asked for an ID, but just simply took down her name and an address, stellar police work! Lastly, I’m sure that, had this been an illegal immigrant, they probably would have been given high fives, and a police escort to the nearest Waffle House down the road to make sure that he’s well fed, taken care of, and on the A list of people you can definitely trust! Yep nothing like having law enforcement you can rely on, and depend on, to make sure that the citizens in the local community are well taken care of both physically, and psychologically. Top notch! 

Valerie Curren

Next is my hubby’s long time hunting buddy & nearly 3 decade friend. I bet his tales could inspire some more caveman conversations around here if people are so inclined!

He is now a wonderful Brother-in-Christ but was quite a hellion in his BC days, LOL

We are blessed to have such treasured friends! Enjoy!

Hi Val,
Have to say this has me laughing in so many ways….
I can relate. You know I’m known as “Crazy Friend Pete” or “Crazy Uncle Pete” or something like that. I have had so many run ins with the law like the one you describe that I can’t count them. Never once actually breaking the law. Yours reminds me of them which is why I am laughing so hard….
Theres the time I got stuck in Canada with a foreign exchange student who forgot his passport. I thought it would be brilliant to take him there so he could say he had been in two countries, not one. When border guards asked where we were from and the only city that 7 foot tall German could think of was Fourt Lauderdale and he said it with a thick German accent, well, that adventure almost ended in a body cavity search by law enforcement.
There’s the jacked up monster truck I used to own. Even though I kept a certified scale weight, and a copy of the law on me, and could show my center of gravity and compliance with the law, I kept getting pulled over, sent to court, and so on.
The time I actually got handed a loitering ticket over my shoulder while leaning under a hood, pouring water in a stranded motorist’s car. (Never mind we were kids cruising Gratiot.)
The time I got pulled over driving my 1974 AMC Gremlin. When I asked the cop why he pulled me over he said – quote – “For looking stupid”
The loitering ticket I got sitting on a public bench in broad daylight. I remember asking the cop “If the city doesn’t want anyone sitting here – then why the hell did they put this shiny new bench here!” Cop wasn’t impressed….
One of the best ones was mobilizing not one, but three cities worth of police officers responding to what they thought was a kidnapping but was just me and a couple of buddies horsing around wrestling. We tossed one of the guys in our car and a patron of “My Grannie’s Restaurant” called in a kidnapping. 20 cop cars forced our car onto the median on Gratiot and at least 40 cops jumped out all pointing weapons. When the police sergeant who had me face down on the ground with a gun at my head asked me “What were you doing at my Grannie’s” I started crying because I thought someone had done something awful to his Grandmother and somehow I was framed for it. (I was 15 years old) That was fun…..
Anyway…. All of these things had one thing in common……..ME. I was a kid with long hair – so that was strike one. A lot of this was night when I should have been home in bed, and some other reasons best of which was summed up by the Detroit cop who told me he pulled me over for looking stupid.
Hopefully, you can laugh with me in my response. I mean no disrespect or to minimize the trauma of a herd of police officers surrounding you. (I know EXACTLY how that feels)
But – I’m just picturing someone in a hoodie wandering back and forth in a parking lot late at night staring aimlessly at the ground. Gosh that must have been a sight to see. They probably thought you were high on something. And since first responders hear all sorts of fantastic stories 7 days a week I can picture them telling you to keep your drivers license and just get the heck out of there. They probably didn’t want the paperwork.
Thanks for a good laugh. Needed that today. Nice trip down memory lane too.

I can literally only barely imagine the kind of tales that get shared at hunting camp!


Well, now you’d fit right in at hunting camp, having a “thug life” cop story of your own!

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha

I live vicariously when my daughter &/or DIL go to hunting camp 😉 😉


That’s hilarious!

Valerie Curren

IKR…what a colorful life he’s had 😉


Joe Lange with major exposure of current events relating to national archives (NARA), HW, Presidential Records Act (1978) plus amendment, executive privilege plus recent SCOTUS ruling, Cankles, Soetoro, and more.

You will want to read this. There are some pieces falling into place now.


(13:08) “…but we see this on a larger scale with men and women, where women are turning more left, more woke and and are quick to cancel and demonize anything that is considered cisgender male, white or part of the patriarchy, and if you don’t kowtow and bow down to them, and even if your research does not fit their narrative, they are willing to destroy your life and will come up with accusations of misconduct because they don’t like you…”

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

comment image

Had to beat Cthulhu, or did I? 🙂


You’re a peach.  😍 

Valerie Curren

LOL that’s Aubergine(‘s avatar 😉 )


Did you ever pick up Steve’s that I left for you?

Valerie Curren

Sadly I don’t know the answer without research…baby brain & all LOL


2024-03-30 is currently sitting at just over 200 without a Leonidas….

Valerie Curren

Go for it, if you want 😉



It’s not a competitive thing for me….I just hope it helps to encourage the authors…..and it probably would encourage authors more if it wasn’t just me doing it.

So, please, “beat cthulhu” whenever you can — and let’s try to make sure that every post gets its Leonidas.

Valerie Curren

Good idea. It is fun to break over various 100s as the day goes on. I wasn’t in competition w/ you either, just recognize that you often get that King out before anyone else.

You really do a nice job of encouraging the authors, especially DP 🙂


She does so much for us.

If you look back at the history of the utree, you’ll see a spell where Steve and I were trying to simulate a blog to keep it rolling. It is a LOT of WORK. When the main site got migrated and got stable, we got to step away from that and go into “lessons learned”.

One of my lessons learned was to appreciate authors — and that means to really appreciate authors who are carrying four out of every seven days on the site.

It’s really great when someone else compliments her on her efforts — I try to “like” those — and it’s a good thing when someone likes my efforts. She deserves every bit of praise for keeping us going.

Valerie Curren

Oh Amen Cthulhu. I missed what you & Steve did at the U Tree & I haven’t been on the Forum for Forever either, there is just Never enough time…sigh…

The few times I’ve been a daily author on the Q-Tree, even temporarily, I’m amazed at how much work can go into it. It’s also a lot of fun but there is definite effort required.

It’s quite amazing that DP continues to consistently carry 4 days a week & virtually always with so much fresh material. I don’t know how she manages that so very well! She must have boundless energy & epic organizational skills!

Being an encourager can make a huge difference for people. Every time I see what you say it makes me smile. I don’t always say stuff myself for it’s hard to know what to add (& I think DP scrolls by most of my remarks for she almost never replies). The tree can overflow with plenteous praise & that can uplift all our spirits, especially when so many dark things are happening in the world around us.

Keep shining that Good Light, Brother 🙂


That damned ship crashed that bridge deliberately. I have no doubt.


From the article: “Both Federal and International maritime standards call for these auxiliary systems. They also need to be completely separated from each other so power and steering are never lost.”


It took 7 full days for that information to come out?

That’s not secret information, there must be hundreds of thousands of people around the world in maritime employment who know the basic safety features and regulations for commercial cargo vessels.

With all of the ‘expert’ commentary since March 26th, nobody knew this or thought it was relevant enough to mention?

How is this just now being acknowledged and coming out?

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467


Last Living USS Arizona Survivor Of Pearl Harbor Attack Passes Away At 102
According to his relatives who spoke with the press, the heroic 102-year-old last remaining survivor of the USS Arizona battleship, which was sunk during the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, passed away on Monday.

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs

May he RIP. 🫡 🇺🇸

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Along with those who did not live to see Dec 8, 1941.





Shag lies as frequently as Briben.