OH BOY!!! This rabbit I was chasing took a hard turn and became a multi-headed hydra. Therefore I am going to split my research into several different interconnected articles.
This first article is all about MOTIVATION. The FIB is scratching their head saying they have no idea of what the MOTIVATION was. 😆

Well as far as I can see there were two interconnected ‘motives.’
First we will do a quick look at the immediate motivation. Political Ambition.

3 August 2024 👉The Times of Israel👈 Josh Shapiro seeks to downplay his time as IDF volunteer after college op-ed resurfaces 🤔 Wasn’t there recent articles about how he did not serve in the IDF??
So there is your first Israel tie-in.

Colonel Christopher L. Paris, a native of Lackawanna County,
was nominated by Governor Shapiro to lead the Pennsylvania State Police…
Commissioner Paris is a 1998 magna cum laude graduate of the University of Scranton, a 2004 graduate of Temple University Law School, and a graduate of the 267th session of the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy. He has passed the Pennsylvania and New Jersey bar exams and is an active member of the Pennsylvania Bar
Col. Christopher Paris (2023) was confirmed by the Pennsylvania Senate…SOURCE: https://www.pa.gov/en/agencies/psp/about-psp/leadership.html
Welp, there is your Shapiro, state trooper and FBI tie ins. 😆
To go along with this is a tidbit from Dave Stewart aka Dayve Stewert aka RealDJStew724. VIDEO.
The rest of his videos are HERE.
The PA State Troopers block him in on the evening of July 18th. Trooper Glasco, of Troop D of the PA State Police, is talking to him on behalf of the FBI. Dave recorded the audio of the interview.
Partial transcript from the video:
Occurrence at 10:07 pm ON 7/18
I was sitting in my car, in a gas station parking lot with my front sun-shade up for about 45 minutes when I noticed a PSP trooper at my window. I started recording audio from a new phone that I bought specifically for this. When I take my sun-shade down, I see that a PSP cruiser has my car blocked in.
Starting at 8:33 minutes in the video:
Trooper: You know everything that happened that day. I know someone briefly talked to you and then they kind of grabbed your phone and said hey we’ll be back to talk to you later right?
Dave: It didn’t go down like that.
Trooper: okay
Dave: Yeah, One of your boys grabbed. Grabbed my hat off my head. Threw it on the ground, stomped on it said get your stupid [ F__king ] hat off your head. Threw me to the ground made me cry and while I was crying he said why you crying you little [ b__h ] And I said cuz they were [ f__king ] shooting at me. That little short one whatever [ f__king ] guy you have there. It was one of the plain clothes ones that was one of three. The day after I went in there about 2 o’clock.
Trooper: okay
Dave: yeah, as soon as he came out the door I walked right the [ f__k ] out. [So the aggressive one was a state trooper. – GC]
Trooper: okay
Dave: yeah, Tell that guy he’s an [ a–hole] for for me tell him yeah from me….
[later in the video] I got the Cuffs taken from behind me to the front by Homeland Security and then when we got moved over to Township. Township police were like Dave? And I’m like yeah, Please take these Cuffs off me and they took the Cuffs off me….
At 18:29: I mean like people were showing me pictures on their phone when we were like in the interview room at the farm show like everybody else had their phones. Everybody else was like looking up the news media… [So the a–hole State Trooper specifically targeted Dave Stewart.]
So at least one of Josh Shapiro’s State Troopers who was there that day was a Trump Hater AND from the sounds of it TARGETED Dave because he was videoing the shooting. 🤔
Wolfie suggested MK Ultra but I think hatred and political advancement work just as well. It certainly worked during Jan 6th. And those who were a problem? Well there is always suicide and accidents.
According to WIKI as of 2023 there were 4,740 state troopers so there were plenty to choose from.
Governor Shapiro Joins Workers, Local Leaders in 👉Butler County👈 Following Coordination with the U.S. Department of Energy, Successful Efforts to Save 1,300 Western Pennsylvania Jobs
Governor Shapiro engaged directly with the Biden Administration and detailed Pennsylvanians’ concerns in order to save approximately 1,300 jobs.
DOE listened to Pennsylvania’s concerns…
Sounds like a wee bit of a BRIBE to me.
— The Patriot Voice (@TPV_John) October 4, 2023
“The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of… https://t.co/2wch5G3JtK pic.twitter.com/pfy1GWL29b
“The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.” Our government is not only WEAPONIZING the FBI/DOJ against political opponents, they are shifting focus to YOU & ME. If you SUPPORT TRUMP, you are now “MAGA EXTREMIST” ENEMY NUMBER ONE. The timing is UNCANNY…
Just yesterday, I personally filed a RELEVANT LANDMARK $25 MILLION DEFAMATION LAWSUIT against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
READ: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/anti-defamation-league-sued-25m-patriot-group-landmark/
THE ADL TRAINS THE FBI. From 2014: “Did you know ADL trains every new FBI agent on their role as protectors of the American people and the Constitution?”
READ: https://www.fbi.gov/news/speeches/the-fbi-and-the-adl-working-toward-a-world-without-hate
10/13/2023 NEWS WEEK: Exclusive: Donald Trump Followers Targeted by FBI as 2024 Election Nears
The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.
The challenge for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the primary federal agency charged with law enforcement, is to pursue and prevent what it calls domestic terrorism without direct reference to political parties or affiliations—even though the vast majority of its current “anti-government” investigations are of Trump supporters, according to classified data obtained by Newsweek….
HEGELIAN DIALECTIC is a framework for GUIDING THOUGHTS and ACTIONS into CONFLICT that then LEADS to Synthetic Solutions – which can only be introduced once those being MANIPULATED take a SIDE that will advance the PRE-DETERMINED AGENDA.Its a form of CONTROLLED OPPOSITION – Problem – Reaction – Solution or what today should more appropriately be called – CRISIS – CONFLICT – CONTROL.
In summary you are deliberately presented with two extremes of a subject – a Thesis and its Antithesis …forcing you to CHOOSE a side in direct conflict with the other. ( Left – Right, Red – Blue, For – Against etc)
The Solution – the SYNTHESIS of the CONFLICT is already prepared waiting for you all to choose it.
Anti-Defamation League Sued for $25M by Patriot Group in Landmark Filing
Disabled Navy veteran John Sabal, founder and President of The Patriot Voice, has filed a $25M lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) alleging defamation and injurious falsehood.
The ADL listed Sabal in its “Glossary of Extremists” which includes known terrorists Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Dylann Roof, and Brenton Terrant, the Christchurch Shooter
While the organization claims ADL’s goal is to “fight all forms of antisemitism and bias, using innovation and partnerships to drive impact,” it has increasingly been accused of partisanship smears against targets on the political right….
…The bill defines antisemitism broadly, incorporating definitions provided by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), including traditional antisemitic actions and accusations such as those against the state of Israel. Critically, the bill makes it an offense to “apply double standards” to Israel or to accuse it of genocide, categorizing such actions as hate speech…
It passed with a vote of 320-91, seeing opposition from 70 Democrats and 21 Republicans….
Gateway Pundit missed the REAL goal of that bill but the ACLU nails it.
ACLU – The Latest Attack on Free Speech in the Israel-Palestine Debate
Members of Congress last month introduced the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.” The bill purports to address a real problem: According to the FBI, incidents of hate crimes motivated by anti-Jewish bias have significantly increased in recent years.But anti-Semitic harassment is already illegal under federal law. The new bill does not change that fact, but its overbreadth makes it likely that it will instead silence criticism of Israel that is protected by the First Amendment.
The proposed legislation, for example, defines speech that applies a “double standard for Israel,” or denies “the Jewish people their right to self-determination,” as evidence of anti-Semitism. It also directs the Department of Education to consider such speech in its investigations, which could result in a loss of federal funding for schools. On Monday, the ACLU sent a letter to Congress opposing the bill….
This bill is not at all surprising given a lot in Congress want another war. Also Thomas Massie mentioned, in a Tucker Interview, how powerful the AIPAC Jewish Lobby is on Capitol Hill . The bill will certainly make sure people ‘choose’ the ‘Correct PRE-DETERMINED HEGELIAN SOLUTION.’
I agree with Matt Ehret and GhostofBasedPatrickHenry (Gordon.) You have to look at history to understand the present.
By this time I hope we all understand the Cabal LOVES war. It meets several of its primary goals:
* Depopulation
* Wealth Transfer from the subjects to the elites.
* Removal of Alpha Males before they can breed. (Note lawyers and teachers were exempt from the ‘Nam draft…)
* Destruction of infrastructure, the middle class and even civilizations.
The Cabal set-up a situation that would ENSURE never-ending war after WWI & WWII. Colonel Roxane Towner-Watkin pointed this out in one of her videos. When the Ottoman Empire was carved up and Europe was ‘re-organized,’ the Cabal MADE SURE that ethnics that hated each other were grouped together in the same nation. This allows for never ending turmoil. The Cabal can take advantage of this turmoil by staging Color Revolutions, if a country’s leadership starts getting out of their control. Heck we can see them doing it in real time in Europe and now in the USA and Canada. The Cabal is doing it to us by IMPORTING groups like Muslims that have ZERO in common with us.
This is the video on SitRep with War_Hamster and Colonel Towner-Watkins
Partial Transcript: 1:05 minutes to 7 minutes, Gladio in a nutshell:
After WWII FAULT LINES via nation states were created so with the pick-up of a phone you could say, Hey we need to destabilize this particular area...”It is WAR on DEMAND… after WWII over 75 governments have been destabilized if not coupped. Op Gladio was re-named ‘Color Revolutions’ to hide how long it has been in operation. (Late 1800’s at least) Brits did fault likes post WWI and NATO Post WWII. They manufactured artificial nations including groups that were not compatible on purpose to allow destabilization….
NGOs are controlled by Intel community.…
They use students and media hypes the stories…
10 minutes: They will have paramilitary forces on stand by. The last step is to send in the paramilitary….
We also know that POTUS Trump HATES war and was working to eliminate it. One of his critical moves was the “Abraham Accords.” Interesting that while Bibi and MBS were in negotiations, Hamas was ALLOWED to attack Israel. 🤔
CONFIRMED: Israel ordered IDF to STAND DOWN and let Hamas attack – now Israel wants full-scale war to fulfill decades-long plan for “Greater Israel”
JUNE 17, 2024 JERUSALEM POST – IDF knew of Hamas’s plan to kidnap 250 before October 7 attack – report: The IDF had precise information about Hamas’s intentions…
The reason for the IDF allowing the attack was to scuttle Trump’s Abraham Accords since the Abraham Accords would stifle their long term goals for a greater Israel.
Tuesday, 12 July 2022 Iran Press: Former Israeli PM admits MBS role in signing ‘Abraham Accords’
The former Israeli prime minister admitted for the first time that the Saudi Crown Prince played a significant role in the signing of several normalization agreements between Israel and some of the Arab states, known as the ‘Abraham Accords’. Iran Press/
Middle East: Israeli media relayed the appreciation of the leader of the Israeli opposition, Benjamin Netanyahu, to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), for his contribution to the completion of the four so-called “Abraham Accords”.
Netanyahu said that in case he assumes leadership once again, then he intends to achieve full “peace agreements” with Saudi Arabia, as well as with other Arab states…
‘Hamas attack was to scuttle Abraham Accords’:
Speaking to this paper on the sidelines of the Synergia Conclave in Bengaluru, Passig said the Hamas attack was against the emerging power blocks in the world
…Israeli scholar, futurist and best-selling author Prof David Passig. He called the October 7 attack a “turning point in the history of the Middle East”.…
In September, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had for the first time publicly acknowledged that his country was moving “closer” each day towards normalising relations with Israel and called it “the biggest historical deal since the Cold War”…
Colonel Towner-Watkin and Ghost, have mentioned the radicals in Israel are on the ascent.
[…]a very radical Messianic Movement created by Meir Kahane has emerged in Tel Aviv, and out of political desperation, Netanyahu has been forced to appoint several of them to his inner circle—the Security Cabinet. I also shared that Kahane and his followers have identified Christians as their mortal enemy, along with Muslims. But they have also demonstrated aggression in the past against fellow Jews who did not conform to their worldview. —GhostofBasedPatrickHenry
Israel-Palestine: Pick a Side, Any Side
The situation in Israel is causing infighting on the left and the right, as the gears of the war machine grind steadily on — RYAN DELARME NOV 02, 2023
The Israel-Palestine conflict is the latest narrative in the war of stories and is serving multiple strategic purposes. Aside from fueling the war economy and having a divisive effect on the American public, it is also being used as a pretext to bolster the Western censorship regime…
Given that POTUS Trump and the Abraham Accords were the first step leading to a two state solution, Iran would be more in support of Trump than Biden.
Sep 18, 2020 India welcomes Abraham Accords, calls for talks on ‘two-state solution’
…Under the Abraham Accords, the UAE and Bahrain will normalise their relations with Israel and expand engagements in politics, security, trade and connectivity. More Arab states are expected to ink similar agreements with Israel, while some countries such as Saudi Arabia have said they stand with the Palestinian people and sought a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue….
Biden Claims to Support a Two-State Solution. His Policies Say Otherwise.
April 17, 2024 — The administration pays lip service to a two-state solution while blocking every possible avenue toward that goal.
Recent initiatives by the Palestinian government to revive their application for UN membership are putting to the test the U.S. claim that it supports a “two-state solution” — a Palestinian state on at least some portion of the West Bank and Gaza Strip alongside a secure Israel. In practice, however, the Biden administration and Congress have been working hard to ensure that that does not come about.
The State of Palestine was declared in 1988 and has since been recognized by 140 countries. The Palestinian Authority (PA), the recognized Palestinian government, controls most of the urban areas in the West Bank with some limited administrative control of larger areas, though Israel controls security for most of the territory it initially seized in 1967, and its armed forces routinely enter even the nominally PA-run urban areas with impunity….
Remember it was while Saudi Arabia and Israel were in negotiations, that Hamas was ALLOWED to attack and kill Israeli citizens.
…At its core, Operation Gladio is a generic term for the concept of Strategy of Tension. This strategy encompasses the Fabian Society concept of creating chaos or tension in order to implement control—their control of the world’s citizenry….
JUN 25, 2024 Operation Gladio – How It’s Funded: Where Did All the Mobsters and Mafia Go? — THE COLONEL’S CORNER
…Did you know there were primarily two distinct mafia/mobster networks operating in the United States in the early 1900’s.
One consisted of Italian mafia families that had emigrated to America. They settled primarily in New York and Chicago and focused on trafficking liquor during prohibition, gambling, and prostitution.
The second were Jewish mobsters like Louis “Pretty” Amberg, Moses Annenberg (newspaper/media for Hearst Corp), Abe Bernstein (Purple Gang), Mickey Cohen (Los Angeles), Meyer Lansky (formed the National Crime Syndicate focusing on Cuba and Las Vegas), and Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel (New York and Las Vegas).While they were into all the same crime syndicates as the Italian mobsters, they also were used by large business enterprises that needed assistance in making things happen—for example, dock workers, newspapers, bankers, etc.
- Mickey Cohen (1914-1976)
- Meyer Lansky (1902–1983)
- Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel (1906–1947)
The mafia and mobsters didn’t disappear after World War II; much of their activities were folded into the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The prohibition era liquor networks gave way to drugs like heroin and cocaine, with the profits being used to fund covert functions of Operation Gladio, with prostitution transformed into human trafficking networks, the funds being used for covert operations as well. Lastly, in order to keep this operation protected and to provide weapons to the stay-behind-units, a weapons trafficking network was incorporated into the CIA.
As you will see, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) provided the wartime transition necessary to encapsulate the mission realignment. It worked out well for everyone involved, since the United States Congress gave the CIA sweeping powers and protection.
The previously illegal activities were allowed to carry on with a cloaking of invisibility due to a convenient CIA stamp: “NATIONAL SECURITY”….
Greater Israel Map
The term “Greater Israel“ has been a contentious and debated concept related to the State of Israel and its territorial boundaries. This article explores the controversial idea of a “Greater Israel” and the various interpretations surrounding it. The concept of a “Greater Israel”, according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, is a Jewish State stretching “from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.”
The idea of a “Greater Israel” is a complex and controversial concept that does not represent an officially recognized plan for the region. While it has its proponents, it also faces criticism and opposition, particularly in the context of peace efforts in the Middle East. The boundaries and future of the State of Israel continue to be a subject of ongoing debate and negotiation, with the aim of achieving a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict…
Various international efforts and peace negotiations have aimed to address the complex territorial and political issues involved. The “Greater Israel” concept is not aligned with the goals of these negotiations, which typically seek to establish a two-state solution with an independent Palestine alongside Israel.

The above map, is in my opinion, at the core of the current mess in the Middle East. POTUS Trump and the Abraham Accords would put a stop to achieving this ambition. Getting the USA into a war with Iran by assassinating POTUS Trump and then convincing MAGA that Iran was the culprit, would advance the Radical Messianic Movement’s pursue of their ultimate goal of a ‘Greater Israel’ AND give the Cabal the war they want.
Yay! A Gail article!!!
I realize that Sucalotofcox decided on Walz instead of Josh Shapiro, but I decided to leave the article as written. It is possible that Shapiro decided to hold out for the Presidential slot instead of a dead end VP slot. I certainly would!
I think Pgroup had a pretty good explanation of why Walz vs Shapiro. Remember there were FIVE Granny-killer governors. They already got rid of Cuomo. This gets rid of Walz. A couple of the others will probably retire and those they want to salvage will get neatly rebranded.
Reply to RedLegLeader68
August 7, 2024 23:59
Walz was Kennedy School HIID. Gerald Keusch was head of the Health Group. Jeffery Sachs was there too.
Follow the Minneapolis ” Reimagine Public Safety process after Floyd’s death.
More receipts on the timeline….
Nice article. Thank you.
Heh – Shapiro could still be on the Demonrat ticket – that Convention gonna be lit like a mixed martial arts no rules match – or Saturday night at Walmart – with Joe and Jill, Kamala and Hillary duking it out over who’s going to be on the ticket – with Øbama, Pelosi and Shumer in there trying to referee.
We can certainly hope. For the entertainment value.
Won’t do ’em no good, however.
Well the infight is going to be fun to watch Esp given the Jewish lobby vs the Muslime Brotherhood.
Big crack on the Demo dam, imo. See NY Post. What’s-her-name is pointing fingers at Polosi.
IMO it was Obama who scuttled Shapiro as Cackles’ VP, and went for his gold ring pick with Walz, the most pro-Islamic of the pack.
Certainly possible. After all Obama is a CLOSET muslime.
Shapiro is administratively, squarely in the change of accountability for the assignation attempt. He would eventually have to answer questions.
The murder coverup, as AG, for his friends didn’t help. Who commits suicide by stabbing themselves in the back of the head & neck, and then in the heart?
Wow – what a tangled web with Shapiro, PA State Troopers, the FBI and Israel. Complicated business indeed.
Recently PDJT said in an interview that he only spoke with Shapiro one time when he asked Trump to ask his MAGA/US Flag people who surrounded Shapiro’s house to protest something – to stand down. Trump did so and the MAGA people left. I don’t know when this took place.
Yes, it is a tangled web and we have been TRAINED to see ‘Churches GOOD’ and ‘Jews/Israel Good’ while also being trained to see ‘Muslims BAD’ However it is no where near that simple!
First let me say: my wife is Jewish and I love her and cherish her; her mother, my Jewish MIL, now gone, was an angel on Earth, one of the best humans ever born; my large high school was so Jewish it was called The Temple on the Hill – – and one of my best high school friends was … etc etc; a Jewish man saved my family from obliteration when I was young, for which he will always have my gratitude and esteem (plus he was one of the funniest humans I have ever known); I went to college where there was a high Jewish enrollment (50%?); and I worked in a profession all my life which was heavily Jewish.
All of which is to say, I see Jewish people as human beings, period. And I see human beings as Jesus wants me to see human beings, and do so to the best of my ability. If I fail to meet the expectations of Jesus, I feel regret and ask forgiveness.
I know from firsthand experience that Jews run the gamut in all categories. Yes, each ethnic group can have its own peculiarities, but those are always a matter of degree, and are shared to some extent by everyone else.
Also, I am highly sensitive to the possible implications with respect to this site, and to the MAGA movement in general, when certain issues are discussed in forbidden ways.
Having said as much, I now say this:
1) IMO the state of Israel played a role in the assassination of JFK. IMO this happened through the auspices of both the Mossad, and the Jewish mafia (Lansky and Cohen). When Jack Ruby said he killed Oswald for the Jewish people, he was telling it like it was, in a way which has been uniformly, absurdly misinterpreted since;
2) IMO the state of Israel murdered 34 American service men and injured 171 others in a deliberate attack on the USS Liberty;
3) IMO the state of Israel played a role in 9-11;
4) IMO American foreign policy since 9-11 has been and is conducted with the goal of advancing the interests of those who control the state of Israel, excluding when necessary the interests of the American people;
5) IMO what Israel (the people who control the government) is doing to the people of Gaza, in accordance with their stated policy, is barbaric, and exceeds all boundaries necessary to self-defense. It has crossed into barbaric slaughter.
I have no biblical expertise or opinions regarding the state of Israel, nor do I believe it is required to have such a view. My very much-admired teacher, Chuck Missler, loved the state of Israel, and often said so in the context of his Christian beliefs. Alone among what I have heard him say, these sentiments I hold in reservation.
Added in to the question (Israel) is the fact that the world is run by a global Cabal which is not exclusively Jewish by ANY means, and NO government, including the government of Israel, is free from their manipulation, meaning even the government of Israel is not run for the interests of the people of Israel, let alone the Jewish people, any more than the Italian mafia represented (or advanced) the interests of the Italian people, or the Jewish mafia represents (or advances) the interests of the Jewish people.
The paramount significance now is that American government and the shill American politicians who are the front men, is entirely corrupt and beholden to interests which are NOT the interests of the American people.
And here is where the corruption was perfectly discussed:
“Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin it? It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and at no distant period, a great nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. Who can doubt that, in the course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages which might be lost by a steady adherence to it? Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with its virtue? The experiment, at least, is recommended by every sentiment which ennobles human nature. Alas! is it rendered impossible by its vices?”
The evil which envelopes America envelopes the world. And in the USA, every facet at every level has been overtaken by evil.
Great perspective! I’ll have more comments later when I have more time to write! Thank you!
Thank you!
I was afraid of blind reflex. My father taught young Jewish boys Hebrew and we actually had ‘kosher dishes’ because my parents best friends were Orthodox Jews. I have ZERO problem with any peoples that are CIVILIZED and HUMANE.
It is GOVERNMENTS, who often have unseen controllers that are the problem.
Great post.
Once seen, can NOT unsee it. Evidence validates it daily.
Always come back to,
ht Whoever posted this video link a few years back. E Y E Opener!
Quick reading which is very helpful to get a good hold on the entire “Greater Israel” idea.
Surprisingly good for Wikipedia, as is this article.
IMO the map shown above is basically “Pal-pal” propaganda, and per Wiki it dates back to Yassar Arafat.
Yes, there IS a concept of greater Israel, and among the most extreme Israelis, it includes “trans-Jordan”, which likely includes all of Jordan, as well as the Sinai Peninsula. Basically “keep all the lands of the war” people.
For MOST hardcore Zionists, Greater Israel simply includes the occupied territories now (“one state solution”).
I think the “Nile and Euphrates” map is mostly anti-Israeli propaganda, personally. I don’t give it any more credence than maps showing America “saving” Canada from communism by annexation, which I somewhat jokingly advocate! 😅 🙃 😉
The problem is Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich just DISPLAYED THAT MAP THIS SPRING!
Mar 20, 2023 –AXIOS — Jordan condemns far-right Israeli minister over “Greater Israel” map
ALLISRAEL NEWS – Why does Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich think he can bring about the Greater Israel dream?
Map from the article:
No, he did NOT display “just that map”. He displayed a map very similar to what I described (which includes Jordan and the occupied territories), but not even including the Sinai Peninsula.
Thanks, the photo I saw was at an angle and you really could not see the shape.
Wasn’t that the area originally meant for Jews under the UN mandate, before it got divided in half twice?
Precisely. There are many different takes on “Greater Israel”, and while all are now characterized by the Fake News Media (both here and in Israel) as “extremist”, some of them are fairly grounded in reality, just like Trump’s “extreme claim” (more like FACTS) that the 2020 election was stolen from him.
Makes more sense. First map is beyond ridiculous and I’ve never heard of such. Israel would not have the man power to take or control such. The people outside the boundaries of Israel have no ties to Israel to make it so and this would only fuel animosity. If Israel cannot even get Palestinians to obey it’s laws they’d never see a greater Israel as depicted in the first map.
This one shown here might be more doable with agreement from the people of Jordan but even that is unlikely. Jordan is prosperous country and has no need to hand over sovereignty of it’s borders especially if a peace pact would do.
If anyone, Egypt would have a stronger claim, since they once controlled nearly 70 percent of what’s on the first map all the way to the Euphrates, but that was like over 3000 years ago at least and were not even talking years of control, but only of having stepped there before returning back.
Which reminds me… someday when things cool off, we can talk about the time the Egyptians hunted elephants in Syria for sport. 😁
If anyone can’t wait and wants a head start.The Elephants of the Orontes – OpenEdition Journals
1 The aim of this paper is to discuss new evidence for the presence of elephants in Western Syria and to investigate the occurrence of elephant remains in the wider Orontes Valley system during the Middle and Late Bronze Age, i.e. throughout the 2nd mill. bc.Related to the archaeological data, the
Jordan isn’t that prosperous, but they are a proud people and their King can trace his ancestry back to Mohammed.
Yeah, I think Jordan is safe.
The real issue is the West Bank and Gaza. Not sure where that will go now!!!
Here’s a map from the modern re-creation of Israel
I have this in a lengthy post found here:
This is the original Q-Tree comment where I got the above map & her explanation still stands up quite well, imo.
January 28, 2020 at 06:44
There was a Jewish state in 1922 – and immediately – to try to make peace with the Arab Muslims – Israel gave up 77% of that land – a Two State Solution in 1922.
Jewish Palestine was the land on the west of the Jordan river and Jewish Palestine was essentially the current nation of Jordan.
In 1967, Arabs attacked Jewish Palestine, when it dared to claim nationhood and call itself Israel.
Currently – Arabs are illegally occupying legal Israel in Gaza and West Bank and claim all of Israel as their legitimate land and do not want any Jewish state to exist. The Palestinian leaders are pretend victims, murderous terrorists, deceivers and provocateurs.
Again – there has been a 2 State Solution since 1922 – and any plan that involves Israel giving up more land is an unjustice and has historically proved to be futile!
In the past any Arab leader who signed a treaty with Israel was assassinated like Sadat. Time will tell.
Here’s the link to That Q-Tree conversation:
Thank you!!
I’ll need to come back to this but….
Love💕 the org chart!
Shapiro also owned the statewide radio system, PA-STARNet thru the state police.
State Police fall under his Office for Admin.
He’s also responsible for interface with Fed DHS thru his Office for Homeland Security.
Lots of receipts for this on my timeline. Same name.
Don’t look at Allegheny County PD org charts whatever you do 😉