
The latest Q series of Q drops included something that made my wolf ears point forward and take notice.  THIS: In text: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6e0a05 No.3978190 Nov 20 2018 21:42:33 (EST)https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/417761-house-gop-to-hold-hearing-into-dojs-probe-of-clinton-foundation[D]ec 5D5Nothing can stop what is coming.Nothing.This election was not about fixing the economy, trade, borders, military, protecting our children etc. all so another corrupt politician or 'insider' can … Continue reading Unstoppable

VLWC 04: Why They Did It

In the end, it is really VERY, VERY, VERY simple. ALL of it. Everything that was done in the VLWC was done with ONE PURPOSE. In the end, there is ONE PRINCIPLE that they used to justify doing ALL the things they did without your permission. Without OUR permission. Without MY permission. Without YOUR permission. … Continue reading VLWC 04: Why They Did It