This is a continued thread especially meant for reporting your ACTUAL PERSONAL ground reports – what you are SEEING and HEARING about the coronavirus, and your THOUGHTS in relation to those things.
OTHER reports of things relevant to PREPARATION, QUARANTINE, and TREATMENT are welcome.
However, please remember that the normal coronavirus thread may be a more suitable place for your comment – particularly if it is related to politics, international actions, biowarfare, investigations, virology, and origination of the epidemic.
If so, go HERE:
The PREVIOUS ground report thread is HERE:
LINK: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/03/03/20200303-coronavirus-ground-reports/
I’ll go first.
I was at the FLYOVER GROCERY STORE again today. Same grocery chain – different store.
I was there to shop for specific items that I wanted, such as guaifenesin, and to deepen our stock of normal edible items and paper products which will keep us from having to go to the store during any local quarantine.
So YEAH – I wanted to buy a good supply of TP!!!
These are the things I observed….
About as busy as usual on a busy day, before a holiday, in the middle of the afternoon.
The carts were ALMOST all GONE from the cart bay area. This is typical when they’re busy.
Crowd behavior seemed almost but not quite normal, in contrast to complete normalcy almost two days earlier. The customers just seemed edgier than before. The crowd is a bit older on average at this store, so perhaps that’s part of why they seemed more concerned. However, I suspect that more frequent reports of identified patients in the United States is having the greatest effect here.
Normally the pharmaceutical section is almost empty of shoppers in the aisles. One or two overall. Today, three or four. There were MORE than the usual number of people looking over pharmacy products – about the same density as the rest of the store.
Overall pharmaceutical and vitamin stock was good. NO EMPTY SHELVES SEEN in that section.
I did not closely inspect vitamins – I was interested in GUAIFENESIN (Mucinex) in particular.

There were many choices in the cold and flu remedies, but I could tell that they were moving quickly, because there was evidence of a lot of inspection of products (moved, misplaced, disordered).
The CHEAP GENERIC guaifenesin was moving VERY FAST, and I had to REACH WAY BACK for a second package.
Otherwise, plenty of products.
Guaifenesin (Mucinex) now requires a DRIVER’S LICENSE – not just a date – and they are scanning the DL into the system. COUGH.
According to the clerk, this policy on this particular product began A WEEK AGO. I cannot verify this – I have never bought it before.
“Normie prepper products” are being placed in prominent displays at the ENDS OF AISLES. These items include:
- crackers and other traditional, long-lasting snack products
- spaghetti and other dry pasta
- helper products like Hamburger Helper and Tuna Helper
- dried potatoes
- coffee
- toilet paper and paper towels
- facial tissues
- canned vegetables and meats
- canned soups
I did not check wipes, despite noting that they were in the end-of-row display at the other store two days ago. I did not notice them this time, but I did not check all the rows.
LOTS of OJ, all kinds present. SOME types of milk seemed to be gone.

TOILET PAPER was taking the biggest hit. Efficiency brands (like Scott) preferred by tough-assed preppers were GONE. Fluffy Charmin and other wimpy brands of that “butt-fondling” sort remained in good quantity. The generic duplicate of Scott was moving quickly in its stead, but there was plenty.
Kleenex was not hit nearly as badly as TP.
Bulk quantity packs of most other things were NOT sold out – good quantities of “cases” of things remained.
No “prepper carts” seen – mine was probably the worst, and it was “crypto-prepper”, IMO.
In contrast to normal curiosity, I felt like people were studying my cart and what I was buying more than normally, but not negatively or judgmentally. They seemed to be asking themselves if they should “stock up”.
PSYCHOLOGY. On duty and being vigilant. People are playing attention and looking for signs that it’s OK to prepare.
I get the following distinct impressions, even though I have no proof of them
- bigger grocery chains are working with DHS, HHS and CDC
- the feds are psychologically ENCOURAGING normal, common sense stocking
- the feds are psychologically DISCOURAGING panic buying
- the chains are sharing data on both STOCK ITEMS and PHARMACY PRODUCTS
- the feds are using the data to “make sure the spice flows”
I smell blueberry muffins somewhere, and they ain’t ours.

“Whoever made these blueberry muffins, tell them they taste just like Daughn’s!”

So, I was casually looking around our local grocery store (Silicon Valley), and noticed significant depletion of bulk rice.
And…..(this is such a Silicon Valley thing), the store was cleaned-out of instant ramen packs.
Yup. Asians and geeks are prepping with “normie prepper foods” for their culture(s). 😀
Bride just finished putting up bulk rice in vacuum jars
… after freezing it first to kill vermin
TP run?
These people need anti-diarrheal meds, BAD!
It reminds me of one of the epic lines from Das Boot… as they load the aft head with supplies, “some logic – more room for food than $#!+!”
Latrine-digging-grade shovel – CHECK.
Elbows (2) – CHECK.
the OTC med is a controlled substance because it can be used for meth…we think. according to husband. like sudafed.
didn’t want to look this info up as don’t want anyone concerned about why we want to know!
I totally get that!
I have the visual in my head…… police coming to MAGA Mom’s door, thinking she is a meth dealer….. Bwwhahhahaa.
so disconnected from reality its hard to imagine! I guess we would have more money … at least until we were caught or blew our house up. Doesn’t it contaminate the house in which it is made? Ugh! Just poison stuff! If they came I’d probably be sitting there homeschooling or doing conservative/GOP political stuff or just cleaning house or reading a book…funny juxtaposition!
MAGA Mom….. METH Mom….. Four letters starting with M…… time to call SUSPICIOUS CAT!!! 😉
I thought that was only the DM flavor.
Exactly. I thought that only dextromethorphan and pseudoephedrine were of interest.
It’s weird. I tried to buy one package of my favored cold medicine from WalMart online when I was doing my initial prepping a month or so ago. They wouldn’t sell it online. I had to buy it in the store. I figured because they’d make me show ID or something. So I bought it the other day in a local grocery store. No ID required, no intrusive questions. I don’t know………..different stores have different rules, maybe? Doesn’t make sense……
I suspect you “fell between the cracks of implementation”, in geek talk. Web stuff is the first place any corporate entity can implement a new fed policy – and too often by the drop-dead date. Roll-out to stores in a different company – not guaranteed to happen on time, and more likely closer to the drop-dead date.
If there is a new policy, roll-out can be messy.
I agree – this is what one is supposed to think. But the reality is that ONLY pseudoephedrine (sudafed) makes sense for making methamphetamine.

Let me explain this so everybody can see what’s going on here.
Here is meth:
Here is pseudoephedrine, a.k.a. sudafed
One can see the reasonable SINGLE synthetic goal required for the conversion to meth – remove the sidechain alcohol function. This is why people could do this in disposable cups in pickup trucks.
Here is phenylephrine, which is sometimes marketed as “Sudafed PE”, but that name is basically BS to sell phenylephrine as being as effective as sudafed
To perform a conversion here, one needs to remove TWO highly different hydroxyl groups (one is a phenol, the other an aliphatic alcohol) AND add a methyl group – not easy.
Note that this was why we never had to sign for Dayquil in the past:
Now here is where it gets really outrageous – guaifenesin – check out the molecule:
This simply does not make sense. It’s easier to make meth out of various SPICES than it is to make it out of this stuff.
Furthermore, nothing about guaifenesin makes sense for abuse. Overdose produces nausea – no level of use gives euphoria.
I think some genius got the idea of monitoring all these drugs to keep a real-time watch on the contagion, possibly in general, but especially now.
Guaifenesin is an expectorant it helps thin mucus so the body can expel it.
DM = Dextromethorphan which is a COUGH SUPPRESSANT. Not good for when you need to cough up the junk clogging your airways.
This is the long scientific explanation I posted before:
Until this thread I hadn’t even thought of OTC expect to make sure we had a large bottle of generic tylenol and some generic motrin/ibuprofen.
When I ordered teas/herbs essential oils and tinctures, I focused on expectorants as well as other specific systems, anti-viral and general immune boosters.
We are low on frankincense essential oil which we have found to be an excellent oil to stop coughing spasms so one can rest. husband said to get the larger bottle of that (expensive but it really works with coughs). I explained I was leaving it off in favor of a few other things that focused on getting phlegm out and that in this one we might be miserable with the cough but we wanted to produce – get that stuff thinned and out.
This was my take based on the reading I have been doing here and at other blogs recommended. Getting the stuff out of the deep/lower lungs seems to be the priority at that stage and all along so it doesn’t get to that late stage.
Top priority is staying well and immune system strong. But just in case we get sick … and we are older and I am not in great health….want to be prepared to deal with the worst symptoms.
this is my take on it. Gail and others who have been reading all about this – is this your take too? Not asking for medical advice – just conversation among friends about opinions.
Now I will add some OTC to the list. funny how I hadn’t even thought about any OTCs as not our usual go to. But not against it. good to have on hand just in case. Thank you!
Yes – SUNDANCE is the one who figured out that dextromethorphan (DM) was critical to the whole Trayvon Martin story.
Cough syrups are – sadly – one of the first abusables that teenagers or drug-world entry-level adults go for. They have a normal use, they’re lying around the house, and they’re relatively safe.
In the old days, they contained codeine – weak narcotic, but in reality, surprisingly strong. I got codeine back in the day for my wisdom teeth, and my dear mother confiscated it all when she saw me in a drug stupor – drooling, giggling, and mumbling like a junkie. Surprisingly powerful. Codeine cough syrups could induce the same stupor – and were entry-level addictive, too.
After the industry got rid of OTC codeine, “some other genius” (COUGH, insert villain picture) figured out that putting alcohol in a product called Nyquil at booze levels would help people with coughs and colds fall asleep – but it also made the stuff give a noticeable buzz.
“MOM! I need Nyquil!”
Thus, Nyquil was the teenage “household drug of choice” for entry level badness before actually “scoring a lid”, “bumming a nickel bag”, or whatever the kids of any particular era called the final act of marijuana distribution.
But how about codeine without the buzz? Is cough suppression possible without abuse?
Debatable. You can take MOST of the buzz out, but not all of it.
Dextromethorphan – like every opioid narcotic that “solves the problem” – doesn’t. It just creates new ones. And in the case of DM, they’re not good ones. In order to get a buzz out of DM, people who abuse it take it at levels where it really messes with the brain.
THIS in particular is worth reading:
So definitely THAT ONE needs a watch. Combine with cannabis and BAD STUFF happens.
Good Gracious! Well, I guess you didn’t need me to look up anything as you are More than well informed. Should have known that about you after all of the chemistry posts! I am in school at the treehouse in more ways than one!
What can I say, I am a chemist and I like to read science papers, mainly in geology and biology. (I have had my fill of chemistry!)
We have a very solid base of expertise here in almost every area we need. I continue to be impressed!
I apologize for not reading on down before I clarified the pseudoephedrine ingredient.
No apology needed!!!
Pseudoephedrine was the ingredient found to be used in making meth. That you must sign for. Guaifenesin is the mucous thinning product. Any product for cold medication with a D after the name has pseudoephedrine. Surely no one is having you sign for a plain guaifenesin product. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I usually get my groceries from HEB curbside……may have to go inside and try to buy guaifenesin.
Yup! I was as surprised as you clearly were, too!!! Plain old vanilla guaifenesin! Scanned my license!!!
Maybe the clerk was confused about which product requires scanning 🤷♀️
I would have thought so, except the checking system stopped and made him ask for ID. The system was programmed for it – and apparently recently for that product!
Well THAT is really not making sense!
Stocked up on canned food, some. I should be good for a couple of weeks holed up in the house, now.
I didn’t notice anything unusual at the store, but then I did not hit the pharmacy section. Last week bought four giant containers of 1000mg vitamin C, that was after failing to find any the week before.
Yes, having a few weeks worth of food just seems like a smart way to be. In a pinch, I think we could do 90 days now. Might lose a little weight, but I think we could hole up for 2-3 months if need be.
That’s what I’m aiming for.
Same here, Wolf. In fact, I’m staying home on this miserable rainy day to find space for all the supplies I’ve purchased!
Lol Teagen – we are cleaning our shelves of old expired foods (pancake mix, cream of wheat, etc) that Hub buys and NEVER uses. Such a good excuse … “but Honey, you can’t eat those if quarantined. Won’t you get hungry if we don’t have room to store unexpired foods?”
Two birds with one stone – Hub makes decision to toss HIS old stuff and I’m making a dent in much-needed spring cleaning 😍🤓💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼🤸♂️🤸♂️💥🍹🤓
Gimme that “expired” stuff – I’ll eat it! 😉
Seriously, with proper storage, most expired stuff is good for years later, as far as Wolf is concerned. Yeah, you gotta put the old sniffer on it, but in my experience, a bad can is more likely straight from the store, than a good can is likely to go bad.
It’s actually shocking how out-of-date this stuff can be, and still taste PERFECT. Just shocking. I’ve eaten stuff that’s almost HISTORICAL – perfectly good.
I understand. We do eat lots of expired stuff. But we moved this stuff with us 10 years ago and I wanted it Out Out Out 🤓
Ten years old! Ah, yes, those are the more “exciting” opens! 😉
I rate 10 years old as “vintage” but not yet “historical”! 😀
Like fine wine, huh 😍
Exactly! Hadn’t thought of that. And yup – lost a great bottle recently – leaked out past the cork. A very fine-smelling dried puddle next to it! “C’est le vin!”
I agree…I’ve always said if you are hungry enough “expired” won’t mean a thing.
I should mention that I am currently a “reader” for a book manuscript that has a lot of Holocaust stories in it…extremely powerful…should be required reading for all high school students .
So..perhaps I’m over-doing the supplies storage and more dismissive of the expired dates than I normally would be, reacting to the manuscript.
You are getting historical reality right there. You’re getting TIME so you can have 4D thinking. You are getting another version of that great Gail post from the chiefio blog about people who lived through the Depression and WWII.
My mother told me stories of eating grass to just have something in the stomach, trying to get to the American lines. Stuff like that just stays with you.
And yeah – she kept a nice stock of canned foods at all times. I grew up on many canned and dried foods. She kept canned foods EVERYWHERE. Stuffed them away exactly like squirrels do. In my case, it’s very likely GENETIC.
Hahahahaha! Oh, yeah – “hungry man” + HungryMan + “two-digit date” = SATISFIED MAN! 😉
What about canned vegetables that are past the expiration dates? We have a ton of canned veggies that are past expiration date as well as flour.
Every month we get comods because were beyond dirt poor and everything we get is past the expiration date.
I will be planting our garden this weekend and this year we are putting everything up either in jars or the freezer.
Canned veggies are easily tested past their expiration date, because TEXTURE is a good test, in addition to ODOR. If you open a can and the contents smell fresh, no weird pressure effects like GAS EMITTED (bad sign – whereas vacuum relief is generally OK), and are proper texture (whatever that is), then they’re good. In fact, canned veggies are one of the easiest to enjoy past the expiration date.
The things to watch for are cans that are either bulging or sucked in, damage to seams, rust, corrosion, nicks, cuts, etc. Even then, opening is good because you can use it like an autopsy to see what a bad can looks like, if it’s bad. Most of the time, it will be GOOD, and then you get an idea of how long these things really last.
Congealed, separated, floating or settled contents like FAT with soups, stews, etc., is the most common age effect – and it’s not a problem.
From Blast from the Past, shopping in their hidey hole…for 30 years!
Definitely check calorie counts. I bought soup then realized the entire can was only 250 calories.
Watch the sodium content. It is usually very high 😳
That is why I make my own. Seems they dump salt in everything now.
Good to make your own…
Xtra salt yields potential hypertension…xtra sugar yields potential diabetes. Add to those the chemical cocktails in processed foods and you have vectors for illnesses that may then be treated with the many pharmaceuticals that in turn may then be treated with more pharmaceuticals for the side effects that the initial ones create…stealth population control and subjugation.
The western way of disease management instead of healthcare.
LOL, Steve…many would read the 250 calories count and be horrified it was so much!
I was thinking a can or two of soup a day (yeah, it’d get boring but for a quarantine I’ll deal with it)…but that would be starvation rations.
We still have a goodly amount of venison in a chest freezer, good in a pinch & makes a great “beef” burgundy in the crock pot, as long as you get rid of as much fat as possible…
Now THAT is surviving in style!
Vitamin C. You jogged my mind Steve.
Hey people…check out Sambucus syrup. You know, the old Elderberry brandy elixir grandma gave you for everything that went awry. Nutrient rich.
What bothers me, a lot, is that during chemo, I, who have used supplements, especially C, B, and a number of others for decades, cannot take anything other than Magnesium and 10k D. Supposedly K, a multi, and others can interfere with the poisons in the IVs, or supposedly promote bleeding. I feel exposed.
I cannot go anywhere where people are in close proximity, except to the chemo rounds and the doctors. I haven’t even been able to go to Mass for a month. Proximity’s too close.
Cabin fever set in. DH took puty on me and took me to Costco today. He checked out and I used a motorized cart for the second time in my life. I was “protected” from people that way, plus this chemo has stollen the last of the minimal function of my arthritic knees.
Costco had few shoppers compared to the usual crowd. Their veggie cooler room was sparsely stocked, which surprised me. Mostly though, shopping carts did not look like anyone was prepping.
Thanks for your update, Jane. Praying our Lord gives you stamina, restful sleep and knees that hold out for now! 💖💖
TY Alison.
That’s weird about having to show your DL to buy Mucinex !
Research at Amazon …
The clorox wipes (and other brands) are out of stock at Amazon, or offered by 3rd-party sellers (at high prices plus shipping). Liquid and spray bottles of Lysol, etc. are available.
Toilet paper is available and WOLFIE I like pansy-assed Soft Charmin, thank you very much, although the ‘ship date’ on TP is March 18, so there is a wait.
Mucinex is available and I bought some without my DL !!! Hub’s been using it because he caught a bug a week ago (not the Coup Flu). He’s almost 100% but I wanted some more Mucinex on hand.
Haven’t been back to local store. Was at retina specialists’ today – waiting room was jam-packed with many folks older than I – lots of canes, walkers, oxygen. No one was coughing; no noticeable anxiety; no extra precautions by docs or staff. That’s the Colorado report 🤓
LMAO @ pansy-assed Soft Charmin! Yeah, I’ll bet LINDSEY GRAHAM likes Charmin, too! 😉
But we like Lindsey, and I’ll send him a truck-load of Charmin and a bottle of whiskey (OK, just kidding) if he’ll get that CHARMIN-ELLA dude on the hot seat!!! 😀
LOL I see a TP’d wolf den in someone’s future 🤣
Here in the west Puget Sound area there is no evidence of anything out of the ordinary.
Here in NORTH Puget Sound we’re low on some things. Purell. Wipes. Half gallon milk. Hamburger. I have to go out tomorrow for MOAR dog food. She insists. *sigh*
Instead of our usual extra/next bag waiting for dog and cat food we have 2 of each on stand by. Large/costco size so about 3ish months. They would not understand rationing! Esp. dog who can’t run free and catch for himself.
We don’t use many manufactured consumables….just realized c-pap machine parts supply chain might get disrupted. I am sure there are more things other than the few we have thought of but that one is important.
Stocked up on even more olive oil since a) its spreading in Italy so we were thinking of things manufactured abroad and b) supply chains in general might be interrupted.
One thing we are concerned with is not necessarily the wide spread sickness but widespread quarantine/staying home to avoid sickness causing disruptions. Even closing schools will then put the parents at home and not at work.
Exactly. As soon as I heard about the quarantine of the 27 firefighters, one quarter of Kirkland’s fire fighting force, I realized the disruption scale due to quarantine. The potential is enormous. And now that King County called for everyone to work from home and for everyone over 60 or with at risk health/pregnancy to stay home the scope of this started to hit me………
Hopefully this won’t appear as a conspiracy off-the-wall thought, but it keeps popping up in my mind that most are okay with home-quarantine….as long as we have Internet, power, etc. we’re okay as long as we have our “toys” and comforts. if there was ever a perfect storm situation it is with a potential dangerous virus on the outside and disruption to the power grid on the inside. Am I the only one who has thought this?
Having posted that, I’m pretty confident this has been considered and a plan is in place.
You nailed it, Teagen.
Services can be protected. “Healthy quarantine” “at work” is always a possibility for healthy people, too. Protect essential workers and services by temporarily dorming them on-site OR (and this is very smart) restricting them to “home+office”.
Lots of ways to reduce transmission to nil.
We did something similar at my hospital for emergency situations…usually severe winter storms or hurricanes. It wasn’t a quarantine, by any means, but asking essential workers to stay on site. One thing about a hospital, there are beds to be found!
Yes! Hospitals are great exemplars!!! And yeah, plenty of beds!
I haven’t thought of it, but I completely get your point. Yeah, we can put up with staying at home an giving up some conveniences and pleasures………..until someone jacks with the electricity. THAT could get real ugly real fast.
I keep having to buy more TP but that’s because the puppy likes to play with it.
Truth be told nothing seems different.
Are we at Y2K yet? Is this another Y2K?
That’s why I called it “WHY 2k?”….
But there were some things that would have broken (like programs that used 2 bytes for the date fields even though memory was (relatively) cheap by then. Got to see which managers could code back when they were coders 🙂 [Peter Principle at work 😎 ]
Going shopping later today, so I’ll report back if there are empty shelves or empty stores (“Empty Chairs at Empty Tables” from Les Mis?)…
I was part of Y2K mitigation, and I got a much different lesson than everybody else who thought we overreacted. We went through all the code – fixed every instance – and on top of that, changed our habits BEFORE the century mark. We basically eliminated the problem (although I still had one non-customer-facing program fail on Y2K).
We changed the future – made a potential disruption disappear. We turned a SPIKE into a smooth road bump months earlier.
It was good coding practice, frankly. But it taught me that most people are not accurate 4D thinkers, because they use “future proves past” wrongly. “No Y2K drama means we overreacted” is a perfect example of 3D thinking in a 4D world.
Trump is still one of the best examples of 4D thinking. He nukes problems IN THE FUTURE, doesn’t care if people don’t get it, and just moves on to the next downside to protect.
Great point, Wolfie. Y2K was substantially non-event BECAUSE of all the advance thinking and proactive reprogramming. Hub and I can attest to that from our own career backgrounds. It was highly stressful to get it all accomplished, but very successful outcomes.
Just as a weird personal note, that the fiancee has actually come to appreciate…..there are some things we have an unusually large supply of — including bar soap, toilet paper, batteries, and light bulbs. As in, I’ve had 57 bars of soap available, and suspect I’ve got about 35 rolls of toilet paper now. It’s just a thing, like always keeping any keys in my left front pocket. It’s a habit, but it has a way of paying you back for keeping it. I’ve done it since I was living in my first apartment on my own.
I’m the same way, and my wife is, too, but she cannot understand why HER priorities are not everybody’s, because HERS are reasonable, and everybody else’s that differ are JUST WRONG. 🙄
Naturally. Makes sense to me! 😊😊😊 PS Wolfie I’ve screwed up Gab chat somehow. You invited me and I tried to accept but I don’t think it worked.
Just like they’ve always said,
“A woman’s place is in the wrong! ” 😆
(ducks flying shovels and implements of “instruction” 🙂 )….
😂😂😂 Hi Cuppa C! *waving*
Thanks and hi!
(but what are you waving? looks REAL shiny… 😀 )
Cuppa, You sure it’s not her middle finger? 🔥🤣
[insert throwing vases here]
Ya, Gab Chat has worked twice for me over past three or four weeks.
I screwed up, when accepted Wolf’s invite by clicking on the key gizmo.
The Gab Chat bug will either get fixed or I’ll start another account.
At this point, not pressing to sort out.
He’s in. No, he’s out 🥰 I saw you in chat for a bit Kalbokalbs 💖 Now that T3 clued me on how to change GAB’s black background to white with normal black type, I find it much more reader-friendly. Am actually trying to learn some things on it, but it’s not intuitive … yet 🤓
Gab will get it worked out soon. It’s still in beta. I’m thinking they’re building the final right now.
I will keep checking and reinviting occasionally until then. No worries!
Thanks for EVERYTHING you do, Wolfie. You da best 💖💖
We’ll get ya in, yet, Sylvia 🤓
King County Washington has told everyone (2.2 million people) to stay home from work, telecommute, until this is over. And anyone 60 and over is supposed to stay home.
Here’s the linky if you want to read it.
Excellent – this is it. “General self-quarantine”.
STILL NO TRUMP MAGA/KAG RALLIES SCHEDULED as of 5:00 am this morning – 3/5/20.
Either they are concerned about virus spread – or – the threats of leftists to intentionally infect Trump supporters – or – they are counting the days since people entered the US after exposure to virus infected areas – and tracing those people, checking on their status, looking for new outbreaks in the US.
What do you all think?
TODAY – the Trump White House Coronavirus team are traveling to Washington State to ‘give support’ to the state, local and nursing home health officials.
They will do the daily press briefing from there.
HOWEVER…. to stay in touch, President Trump has a live Town Hall tonight!
6:30PM ET, THE PRESIDENT participates in a live FOX News Channel Town Hall. Scranton, PA.
President Trump KNOWS the CDC was lying. (Remember that Nancy Messennoier e-mail to Frank?)
♦️ She KNEW there were 1000+ cases while telling people there were only 14 cases.
♦️ She shipped defective kits to all but three states.
♦️ She refused to OK a new test kit unless it was ‘Perfect’ because quarantine is horrible.
♦️ She REFUSED to test unless the person was ill with specific symptoms AND had know contact with China. Resulting in ONLY 400+ people being tested in the entire USA.
♦️ She preempted her boss’s boss’s boss, Sec. Alex Azar, on National TV with Fear Porn to panic people.
Meanwhile the states KNEW there was an unknown virus floating around that turned up as NOT A virus NOT B virus….
That is why the STATE LABS went around the CDC and tried to get the FDA to allow them to develop tests kits INSTEAD of the CDC
Here is that e-mail
Where did you get the information that there are 1000+ cases in the US?
Oh – I see – it’s from NM’s email. So far, there have not been that many cases reported. Maybe that many exposed but not (yet) presenting with symptoms.
Without test kits, there is no means of accurate diagnosis.
Don’t forget that Dr. Messonier is ROD ROSENSTEIN’S SISTER.
That makes the situation with her AND the CDC — DEEPSTATE x 100.
About her stating those “over 1000 cases” of the Wuhan/SARS2 Coronavirus being the U.S. — that may well be the truth — she likely had information that was kept from Sec. Azar.
The DeepState’s goal is to ensure that Joe Biden (with Hillary Clinton as VP) are the ones who win the 2020 election. If that means that the population of the United States is put at risk because of this virus — I am persuaded the DeepState is OK with that. Their layers of protection are already in place against the virus.
CV – I don’t believe there 1000s of cases in the US right now. PDJT would tell us.
It was 1000+ not thousands.
And yes it is very likely.
Remember there is a difference between ‘Clinically Diagnosed’ and ‘Lab test confirmed’
1. Case ‘Zero’ in Wuhan was a bedridden man on December 1st. That means the virus was already loose in China in November or before.
2. The CHINESE airlines flies direct from WUHAN 50+ flights a month to NYC and 50+ flights a month to San Francisco.
3. Trans-oceanic aircraft are ~ 140 passengers. So that is MINIMUM 14000 a month for December and for January so 20,000 to 30,000 people. There are other airlines including a Korean airline as well as American airlines.
February 07, 2020
”Inundated With Flu Patients, U.S. Hospitals Brace for Coronavirus
Resources are already stretched during flu season. With so much medical equipment and drugs made in China, public health experts are anxiously watching the global supply chain.
With an intense flu season in full swing, hundreds of thousands of coughing and feverish patients have already overwhelmed emergency rooms around the United States.Now, hospitals are bracing for the potential spread of coronavirus that could bring another surge of patients…”
February 17, 2019
There are many waiting for results and under observation (self quarantine?)
For example – Florida – Florida Dept. of Health COVID-19 page – http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/index.html
I’ve added a request for more Trump rallies in my daily email to President Trump.
The better hospitals are using UV-C germicidal lights in addition to other chemicals to kill bacteria, staph, and coronavirus in air and on surfaces – to sanitize rooms between contagious patients.
Lights to install in home/business heating/cooling systems to sanitize air.
ROOM SIZE and hand held units.
1. SmartUVC by Tru-D – https://tru-d.com –
Tweets by TRUDSmartUVC
– YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWV7qlHd3SR4L90rx0ToXhg
2. UV Sanitized – http://www.uvsanitized.com – Article – https://www.kmzu.com/new-area-company-offers-sanitation-technology-to-small-healthcare-facilities/
3. CureUV.com – https://www.cureuv.com
Company is in Delray Beach, FL
Lamp –
Lamp with ozone –
Bulb –
Bulb –
Wall plug –
When our disabled daughter was in the hospital with sepsis – I saw these lights in action – in the brand new state of the art 340K Intensive Care/Surgery/Recovery wing of the hospital.
340,000 sq ft, that is.
Seems like a huge wing. Great capability….
Wondering, Tallahassee hospital?
Yes. It’s really something! They saved our daughter’s life.
😉 🙂 😉 🙂 😉 🙂 😉 🙂
Their skill, plus the prayers of many, including WQTH prayer warriors.
Good Idea!
Coronavirus Prompts LI Diocese To Ban Handshakes, Chalice-Sharing
Parishioners will no longer be shaking hands or sharing a chalice at Long Island Masses over coronavirus fears.
What do you all think?
Super Tuesday Pro Trump results was OUR rally in support of POTUS
..results overwhelmingly smashing
..evidence public aware and engaged
Continue the red-pilling
Personal central Md ground report
last week made run to regional cannery for annual restock, added couple case’s beans, potatoes, to the rotation some frozen goods
store was well stocked, moderately brisk traffic, mostly older folks , pleasant, getting things done.
Bulk store stocked up on TP, tissues, Puffs @ our house ,we like the strength in they’re woven design
re-stocked/ordered extra Gails recommended supplements on-line 2 weeks ago from Swanson
easy peasy .. adding Steves 1000mg C and Wolf’s Guaifenisin , maybe Nyquil to short list
near panic attack at sight of 1/2 bottle Jim Beam
Ammo- check
Over all, looks like hurricane prep atmosphere here
Stay safe treeps
Carry on
Great report!
Trump people voting on Super Tuesday was a show of support for our VSG President!
As I posted above – PDJT is having a live Town Hall in PA – LIVE tonight at 6:30 pm.
Wouldn’t miss it.
Deplorable SOP “at rest” is Alert and Vigilant.
Will be watching for guidance and info
MSM knows the support.., will never acknowledge it
Live From Scranton Pa.?
Sleepy’s hometown right?
subtle as a brick
POTUS Town Hall will Swamp the Swamp with viewership to hammer the point home.
And an entire floor at Goldman Sach in NY??? (from down tweets in that link.)
Original name: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.
Why the coordinated messaging?
HSBC = HRC’s Bank, Corruption Central
Bloomberg = Well, Bloomberg
Film release delayed due to coronavirus….
Well there’s some irony … Not releasing “No time to die” while we’re being fear-mongered about the Coup Flu 19 bio-weapon 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
BREAKING: COVID-19 Has Mutated into Two Strains. One is 1,000 Times More Potent
Researchers say there are now two types of the same coronavirus infecting people and 70% of those infected have caught the more aggressive form which is 1,000 times more potent that the original stain.
Searching online and at the National Library of Medicine and Pub Med sites – there is no evidence of the deadly L strain or of significant mutation of the 2019 Coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2)
Viruses. 2020 Feb 25;12(3). pii: E254. doi: 10.3390/v12030254.
Preliminary Identification of Potential Vaccine Targets for the COVID-19 Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Based on SARS-CoV Immunological Studies.
Ahmed SF1, Quadeer AA1, McKay MR1,2.
“….no mutation has been observed in these identified epitopes among the 120 available SARS-CoV-2 sequences (as of 21 February 2020), immune targeting of these epitopes may potentially offer protection against this novel virus.”
Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32106567
If there is a second AND MORE BENIGN strain (that is NOT merely a misidentified member of one of the prior nearly benign strains of coronavirus), then IMO it is very likely a COWPOX RELEASE as a form of immunization to the accidentally released weapon.
Interesting idea.
Could also be a form of cover, confusion, or even a multiple release (let’s say that an entire tray of samples was stolen and released, or somehow got out).
Generally speaking, it pays to assume the WORST with the Chinese.
They are talking about the two strains that caused the disease outbreak in China.
Quote: “The preliminary research postulated that the more aggressive strain of the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus that causes the Covid-19 disease, accounted for about 70 percent of the analyzed cases that first broke out in Wuhan and that prevalence of the more aggressive virus type decreased after early January 2020. The less aggressive form of the coronavirus accounted for about 30 percent of all other cases.”
“It was also suggested the coronavirus had been evolving in early January as medical doctors who initially had success in treating early patients at Wuhan with an earlier protocol of lopinavir/ritonavir and alpha-inteferon, found that treatment was not working later as patients were exhibiting developed resistance to the drugs.( https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/latest-coronavirus-showing-resistance-to-earlier-antivirals,-seems-to-be-evolving)
However it is still too early to use terminology such as aggressive or passive as we still do not know much about the characteristics of these news strains of the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus and details of their “modus operandi’ on the cellular level.”
LINK – https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/breaking-news-two-strains-of-coronavirus-identified,-one-more-aggressive–researchers-believe-that-virus-has-mutated-
HOWEVER – the US research community has not reported any such mutation – nor a dangerously lethal strain.
NLM – Pub Med – COVID-19 search updated continually – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=coronavirus+covid-19
From Chiefio’s site
Response from EM Smith (Chiefio)
At 23 minutes, has citation on the slide. L and S type:
This is the Pathologist again.
GOD’s dietary restrictions for the Jews makes more sense every time I hear of what the Chinese and Muslims and some Africans eat (snakes, bats, raw mice, camel urine, monkeys) and do (hygiene) causing the horrific diseases that crop up in their midst.
We follow them except for some occasional pork and for emergencies (in which forrest “critters” might be added but only after cooking thoroughly!). God gave the advice he gave for a reason!
Pigs as ‘Waste disposal” plus many shared diseases was a main reason.
In Asia they have ‘Pig Toilets’
WIKI— “A pig toilet (sometimes called a “pig sty latrine”) is a simple type of dry toilet consisting of an outhouse mounted over a pigsty, with a chute or hole connecting the two.The pigs consume the feces of the users of the toilet, as well as other food.”
AND WHY you do not buy FISH from China…
Fishpond toilet
In China, “Family dwellings are commonly built close to the fish pond with toilets overhanging the pond to facilitate fertilization. …
My uncle, who was one of the first to set foot in Japan after WWII, said the smell of the human feces they spread on their fields would just about knock you over.
If it SMELLED it meant it was fresh and not composted!!
When we were in Korea just at the outbreak of the war – they used human waste to fertilize their fields and ate dog. I remember smelling the dog cooking and it’s an unforgettable smell.
Same with immediate burials.
This was one study with limited ‘scope’ … and the scientists are asking for follow up studies to replicate their findings.
My opinion:
I believe the virus, if it hasn’t already, will mutate to produce a very virulent strain, similar to what the virus of the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-1920 did: and that second strain of the Spanish Flu virus attacked people of any chronological age and killed faster.
From what I’ve just read – the virus has mutated to a less virulent/dangerous strain.
We will just have to wait and see what the person to person spread looks like.
I wish Asians, Africans and Muslims would quit would quit eating and drinking dangerous exotic stuff – which seems to be the origin of these outbreaks.
That also goes for USA. There are a lot of Americans who eat ‘bush meat’ Wild duck, deer, elk, moose, rattle snake, beaver…..
If you are going to eat it HANDLE WITH GLOVES and COOK THOROUGHLY.
I’m taking any “research” out of China with a grain of salt. Those “dead” doctors may be in CCP reeducation centers, too, for all we know.
Not trusting China “go-along-to-save-family” scientists on anything here.
Here’s Bill Mitchell’s explanation in a 2 part tweet:
I’m not buying this shit for a second.
They released a cowpox version to cover up is what they did.
If this was a bioweapon, a manufactured crisis, communist chaos-making, there may be multiple strains released.
But it’s hitting both Asians and Arab/Middle East equally hard.
Why would they attack themselves?
Did the virus escape from the lab by accident? Is this like rockets from Gaza – where over half fall back into Gaza and kill Arabs? Or like those bombs that go off prematurely and kill the bomb maker?
Or is it a typical Asian virus created by pagan/barbarian eating and drinking habits – eating monkeys (ebola) drinking camel urine (MERS) or chinese exotic foods (SARS, SARS-2)???
Exactly. LOTS OF QUESTIONS. Thus, I don’t even accept many assumptions people are starting with. Why not? Because COMMUNISTS start off the cheat game by getting people to accept false premises. I believe the Chinese have stoked a LOT of BS into what we “know” here.
First things first.
Are we trusting information out of China? I’m not, and never have.
Are we trusting race and gender selectivity from Chinese numbers, when there is already some contradictive research? Not me.
Are we trusting body numbers? Not me. Not at all.
Hillary is accusing Trump of calling it a hoax. WHY? Reverse psychology – to herd Trump into belief of certain things that the media and China control.
Because she thinks it’s important that THE PARTY LINE BE BELIEVED BY TRUMP. Why?
We need to be careful. We know what we know. Things China SAYS are not things we know.
What about if China released the virus on their own population to thin out the undesirables and to thin out their population? To many people to feed.
What about to prevent uprising and control the uprising in Honk Kong?
Another possibility is that someone wants to overturn the Communist regime? Something is not Kosher.
I know conspiracy but sometimes one needs to turn away from what we are told and turn to the obvious.
We with our ethics cannot conceive a country spreading death on its own people and who would do that? Evil dictators would if not through war through killing in a way that seems acceptable a virus.
I am only thinking out of the box and might be total lunacy.
I think you’re keeping options open, and it’s a good thing. Who thought Hitler would do what he did? He lied his butt off to the German people, and even when things started getting stinky, most people didn’t want to believe the worst. This is human nature. It can happen here in America just as easily, because THE BLINDERS are already half-way on for many people.
I’m waiting for the evidence to come in, but I want that evidence to MEET EVERY POSSIBLE THEORY that could explain it.
We always do not want to believe the worse in people but History tells a different story.
Denial is comfortable and sometimes we need to be uncomfortable.
China has a history that has been brutal to its people.
We here will survive America is a core that is strong like no other.
My son and daughter there twins both work at VA hospital there day porters both told me yesterday that protocols for disinfecting surfaces have changed to every half hour stop what your doing and disinfect all surfaces in entire building.they say that’s all they are doing now is using powerful agents on everything.and they are not to touch any patients at all,so helping them if they need it is to be done by someone else.
My other daughter called to let me know that her girls schools have sent home papers regarding the virus and all children are being checked before entry to make sure no fevers,no coughing ect…and hand washing is being followed strictly.the grocery where she works is normal.shelves are stocked and no runs on items yet.
Hubby took me to cash and carry ,a bulk buy store yesterday as I wasn’t comfortable with my stock of beans, I felt 20 pds more was needed ,all the 50 pd bags were gone just a few 10 pd bags left. Rice was very low also so people are stocking up.big cans of gravy were low as were powdered gravies.lots of big packs of bacon and other meats though.
At the butcher all the 20 pd beef boxes were gone and there a few boxes of the 30 pd boxes ,no pork boxes that I saw.and the shop was very busy.
I did see a woman wearing a mask and everyone was steering away from her myself included. Now that I am done with stocking up on food items I will be staying at home.i gave my daughter a dozen fresh eggs as I have plenty and let her know if they need more come get them.
I cook from scratch as I can’t stand boxed food so my kitchen is now looking like a small store,but it’s food so if things go good I will use what I have and enjoy not going to the store for awhile!
Y’all have probably seen this:
Not seeing any change other than increases availability of hand sanitizer at check out lanes, but I haven’t been in any medical buildings.
This is the citric acid we use for making cleaning products. It is still in stock. Plenty of big jugs of vinegar and Big bags baking soda so we can clean.
My coronavirus updates (mostly anti-climactic):
1/ What do I need to buy at the store today?
Grey Poupon.
I realised only a few months ago how much food and how many toiletries we have in stock at the moment at home. I probably have another jar of Grey Poupon somewhere but not in the usual cupboards.
2/ Report from France (RMC radio):
– Customer panic in the pharmacies re masks and hand sanitizers. Some pharmacists rang in to say that a) they are getting visits from new suppliers (strangers) for these items (they’re not buying); b) there is a black market for these two items (suspected staff stealing from hospitals); c) a number of pharmacies are out of both (‘use soap instead; you don’t need a mask’).
– One panellist on the mid-morning show said that this ‘crisis’ has reminded French people about hygiene basics.
– A clinician rang in to say that the biggest cause of death is life and ‘Life can be dangerous to your health’. He added, ‘We’re all going to die, so why worry about this as if it were some catastrophic event? The vast majority of people won’t die from this or even get sick from it.’
– Decorators and other building tradesmen who work using dust masks are PO-ed to find the shelves empty. (‘Those are not medical masks. They won’t help against coronavirus.’)
3/ Not much of a general UK update other than to say that things seemed normal in the shops when I went on Monday — and last week, for that matter. Government is making contingency plans but have made clear that is in the event of a worst-case scenario. They do not expect to have to go that route in the foreseeable future. Keep washing hands — soap will do nicely.
Grey Poupon.
Love it !!
OMG – I forgot Grey Poupon. We have some “other brand” that my wife prefers. 😉
Seriously, there is a hilarious mustard story here, but not now. 😀
Reporting from southeastern NC. Walmart on Wednesday afternoon — pretty busy (mostly older). Yes, people checking out what others were buying — I did too! Bottled water was low, but shelves weren’t empty ( I have a distiller so I didn’t buy water, but went down the row for Coke Zero & Pure Leaf tea. Beans & rice were a little low (canned & dried beans), but I found enough to last a while for hubby & I. Didn’t check TP row as I had shopped at Costco a few weeks earlier and bought TP and paper towels to last for a while. They were out of Purell etc., but vitamin shelves were well stocked (I bought some C & D) — had plenty of guiafenisens(sp) left over from last months upper respiratory congestion, but they were some on the shelf. Then to Harris Teeter for veggies & fruits — all well stocked — didn’t check anything else there.
so funny to read about others checking each other’s baskets/carts….I was doing the same thing! ha wondered what they thought of that I didn’t think of. felt bad for being nosey but now I know it must be a natural curiosity. Most thing I noticed that others were buying that I wasn’t was paper towels.
And, no, I really don’t get what people do with all of those paper towels! We use kitchen towels and wash them. Have a roll or two in case I fry something or oil spillage or something so gross I just want to throw it away (dogs/cats sometimes provide disgusting messes!) but that is it. We cut our old clothes into rags (the ones not good enough to resell for a few bucks or to give to others for free to wear – really worn out stuff) and use those to clean. What do people do with all of those paper towels?
PS – son’s biggest concern is what if all of the internet company people get sick?! 2nd concern is electricity (agree with him on that as we are on our water and need electric to pump it). 3rd is just being with others as only child and homeschooled by introverts to boot – he is hoping for all normal extra curricular activities to continue. Me: food, medicinals and books – seriously considered how long it would take to run out of curriculum and books for son (answer: 1-2 yrs).
For me 4th area of concern is work projects around the house in case we are on lock down. We can use that time wisely so made sure we had porch sealant, garden stuff, etc. for plenty of home projects! if we are stuck home my men won’t be bored as I won’t let this emergency go to waste! ha
Central NC
Just got back from the store.
Walmart out of celery, almost out of bananas, fresh veggies and fruit lower than usual.
The rice aisle had been restocked but a lot of empty shelf space esp the large bags.
Same with paper products. A lot of empty shelf space throughout the store.
Detailed explanation of US cases – with ongoing updates – https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200124/coronavirus-2020-outbreak-latest-updates
1st case in TN — Williamson County
Irony alert – did my errands into town, 60+ mins from where I live to prepare for possible outbreak put me in this man’s path or the path of any he infected prior to him (and they) becoming aware?
That’s what I’m thinking! Everyone who isn’t concerned because they are young, should be concerned for older family members, friends, coworkers…the less ANYONE gets it, the better for us ALL.
Large healthcare corp: guidelines
All time off has, in recent years changed from sick days which one could accumulate and which “rolled over” + actual vacation time to only PTO (paid time off) that one used how one wanted, sick days, vacation days…whatever.
New guidelines:
-time off for documented flu/virus will not count toward PTO …. stay home and go to doctor for documentation
-if you come to work, if you enter a facility, that action is now a sign/statement that as far as you know you are well. They are putting it on the employee to be responsible if they are sick and come to work anyway.
-if you have flu like symptoms Stay Home. Call supervisor and they can not tell you to come to work and will report, etc.
Corp changes to encourage and facilitate any who are ill to Not walk into work and laying responsibility on employee to report and stay home, making it very clear that it is up to the employees and the corp is doing all possible to discourage employees from coming to work ill or even suspected ill
Report from north Texas today. Local Walmart had zero antibacterial hand wipes. Empty shelf. Gallons of water low.
Sanitizer only has the small bottles left. The large economy bottles are gone.
Mucinex and equivalent getting low but still available.
Toilet paper is low on the cheap stuff, but plenty of the expensive stuff.
Vitamin C is low. Most bottles gone, but the powders are available.
FOURTH FLORIDA Coronavirus Case ….
March 5, 2020
…in Gadsden County, FL …northwest of Tallahasse.
Bold mine:
“ORLANDO, Fla. – Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday confirmed another presumptive positive case of the coronavirus, or COVID-19, bringing Florida’s total to four patients, along with five other Floridians who are recovering out of state.
DeSantis said the fourth COVID-19 patient is in Gadsden County, northwest of Tallahassee. The Florida resident tested positive for the virus in a local test. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still needs to confirm the case. Until then the patient is a presumptive positive case of the virus, according to the governor.
The other three cases are in Hillsborough and Manatee counties.
According to the Florida Department of Health website, there are 69 patients awaiting test results in Florida. As of Thursday, nearly 250 individuals are being monitored for symptoms, either due to having close contact with someone who was diagnosed with the virus or because they’ve recently traveled to an affected area.”
Florida Department of Health website – http://www.floridahealth.gov
COVID-19 page – http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/index.html
“affected areas” are quickly becoming more and more prevalent…this thing spreads like wildfire…HIGHLY contagious….
also just read (no link) that it is affecting the central nervous system…?
for the first time, I noticed this am, one of the local (Publix) supermarkets is totally out of the household antibacterial wipes…ALL brands..
…and the antibacterial hand-wipes are vanishing fast altho still available…but diminishing quickly.
very crowded here in SWFL…south of Ft Myers…like a petrie dish, imo…altho the hot weather is sposed to reduce the potency of this virus…
also sposed to have an early Spring this year, nationally…? maybe, if so, that will help us all….?
and March Madness is scheduled in Tampa for…when is it…March 17, I think…ugh!
St. Patrick’s day is March 17!
In S OH everything is available in stores and no shortage. Was in Columbus at Easton a large shopping center and people are shopping and all seemed normal. No face mask no sneezing no coughs.
Lets hope it stays that way. My granddaughter is flying back home on Sunday . I am giving her some wipes in a plastic baggy so she can wipe off things in the plane.
Williamson County TN schools closing Fri & Mon + weekend for “deep cleaning”. Must be some connection from virus case being diagnosed?
this isn’t medical per se so I am thinking this goes in ground reports? I have not witnessed this personally but live in the region and it is affecting us indirectly at this point (work, son’s extra curricular activities, almost all of which are in Williamson County, shopping)
I had to look it up. Williamson County’s seat is Franklin. We were looking around the area as a potential place to go when we leave California.
Just south of Nashville. Same county as the TN Corona Virus patient.
gets worse…
Beijing Hospital Confirms COVID-19 Attacks Central Nervous System
read about it, here…
March 5, 2020
Carson City, NV
COSTCO – Water, TP and paper towels VERY low. Glanced at receiving, none. Without a delivery today they’ll zero. Surely a truck overnight or tomorrow.
Rice back to three of four pallet positions 😉
Zero isopropyl alcohol.
EVERYTHING else well stocked. Overhead pallet spaces full of stuff.
If one cannot find alcohol to make cleaning solution one can use Vodka.
First Coronavirus Case Confirmed On Long Island, Officials Say
The first case of the new coronavirus was confirmed on Long Island as the number of cases in New York climbed to 22.
I really dislike the indentation so I am going to repost this here so it can actually be read.
It was 1000+ not thousands.
And yes it is very likely.
Remember there is a difference between ‘Clinically Diagnosed’ and ‘Lab test confirmed’
1. Case ‘Zero’ in Wuhan was a bedridden man on December 1st. That means the virus was already loose in China in November or before.
2. The CHINESE airlines flies direct from WUHAN 50+ flights a month to NYC and 50+ flights a month to San Francisco.
3. Trans-oceanic aircraft are ~ 140 passengers. So that is MINIMUM 14000 a month for December and for January so 20,000 to 30,000 people. There are other airlines including a Korean airline as well as American airlines.
February 07, 2020
February 17, 2019
???= 36 X310,000
…… ——————— = 728 hospitalized mystery cases.
If you figure there are only 18% hospitalized then, yes you are looking at a possible 1000+ cases taking it there less than 50% of the mystery cases are Wuhan virus
Interesting. So it may indicate that CDC was seeing possible corona under the “uncertainty bump”. Yeah, I can see why there could be space between suspicions and what can be released to the public on that.
TRICKY situation.
‘Clinically Detected’ BUT not tested so they do not get reported.
This would also explain why the STATE Labs were screaming to the FDA that they wanted to produce their own tests and not wait any longer for the CDC to remove their heads from their butts.
… Not hard evidence BUT…
Mmmmmm hmmmmm.
LOOK at this Wolfie!
The percent death rate from https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
USA = 5.6%
Italy = 3.8%
Iran = 3.0%
Japan = 1.6%
Diamond Princess = 0.9%
S.Korea = 0.7%
Just looking at the numbers, I would say the death rate as shown IS DEPENDENT ON WHO YOU TEST and HOW GOOD THE TEST IS.
South Korea has the most through screening for the disease ‘in the wild’
The Diamond Princess I think screened 100% but the people were mostly in the upper age bracket.
The USA does not do ANY screening for people NOT SHOWING SYMPTOMS therefore the death rate is DOUBLE that of the other countries.
Since China LIES I did not include that data.
“Think someone is lying to you?
First check to see if they bothered to add any variability whatsoever in the model they are using to supposedly report actual numbers from a complex system.” 🤣 (Don’t try to fool a statistician/mathematician using numbers.)
Yup. Looks like the ChiComs are LYING, and their numbers can’t be trusted, much less their motive and goals.
If you use the South Korea & Diamond Princess numbers of 0.7% +0.9% or say 8 deaths in a 1,000 you can back out the number infected in the USA estimating we have the same level of care.
1,000 X 12 USA deaths = 12000/8 = ~ 1,500 infected in the USA.
You can then validate that estimate with 16% severe or critical aka need hospitalization.
0.16 X 1,500 ~ 240
The USA is listed as 226 infected.
So 1,500 is a reasonable estimate of the actual number infected IF CDC would actually do their job.
Numbers from:
All adding up! Beautiful! Thanks for this post! Things are getting understood.
Very interesting.
*eyes wide*
Setting up for Florida National Guard day on Tuesday.
And with what looks like an ambulance. Convoy had a police escort.
Also from reporter above:
From the replies – a wise move!
I wouldn’t go on a cruise anyway, even without an epidemic, particularly a Disney cruise.
The coast guard should also lower Nancy Messonnier, MD to do the testing and leave her there to take care of any patients…
Not the sharpest tool in the shed here.
Carnival suggests test 100 passengers.
Me thinks, test ALL 2,500 passengers AND 100% crew.
Absolutely criminal to let those folks off the ship without testing and cleared negative. Positives bused somewhere. Travis is 50-60 miles.
Waiting for Sam’s to restock. Their brand is out of stock online and in store. Out of 8 brands they carry, only charmin was available in 2 stores near me. I knew there was a “Run” on TP this past weekend. 😃 Seems it’s worldwide.
Cancel that, all brands out of stock in stores. 😩
Man that is really crappy.
An hour from my house is a paper company making TP and it’s an Italian company. There is no reason for TP shortage.
“Seems it’s world-wide.” Another email from my Japanese friends… trip into Tokyo on Monday, stopping at a convenience store along the way for toilet and refreshments. Sign said, no TP available in toilets..if you want to use you must provide own tissues. Still no paper products in stores. Husband drove out into countryside and found masks at a small store so bought a case.
They were going to visit a parent recovering in hospital from broken knee. Last week, they had to wear masks to be permitted to visit…this week no visitors allowed. Mother is ready to be transferred to a rehab facility but now it won’t happen because the place isn’t accepting new patients due to the virus…nor is she allowed to return to her senior living place.
A med Cram shortie on Vitamin D and viruses.
Conclusion: Do not over dose on D. It has a negative effect.
Since this came up here:
E.M.Smith says:
“Mutation and evolution of SARS-COV-2 / Covid-19 into S and L forms:”
E.M. is better at explaining this h=than I.
THIS is the Game the Senior Executive Service aka Obama Holdovers in the CDC is playing. They are WILLING TO KILL Americans and crash the economy in hopes of dislodging President Trump from the White House.
Thanks, great stuff. Really interesting.
I think you NAILED IT, Gail. This is what Cankles and the Chinese hoped. There are about 20 or 30 variables, all of which if tweaked just right, would have delayed Trump’s response into the “disease blows through defenses and stops the economy” stage.
They’re EVIL – they are fucking EVIL.
This is what I call “getting ahead of the virus”. The SES and radicals wanted Trump to not get ahead of it.
Cankles. I smell CANKLES, SOROS AND XI behind this.
Notice that Cankles is coming out now with false criticism of Trump for calling it a hoax. This is psychological inhibition psy-op – she wants Trump to stick to some script. Why? If I had to guess, the Cankles-connected SES is trying to lay some new trap.
Flexibility means sometimes listening to everything the experts are saying, but sometimes pushing BACK on them just a bit – like getting their most courageous option that they’re not putting on the table.
STAY FROSTY. The left is STILL trying to not just politicize the coronavirus epidemic, but to KILL PEOPLE TO KILL THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION.
You are correct Wolfie
We have Obummer embeds in our state Departments of Health.
March 5 CORONAVIRUS ALERT …Glenn Beck…latest stats and other related updates/info on this..
Seattle ! yikes..
stop licking envelopes !
stop comparing COVID-19 to the flu….encourages complacency (I agree)…
..and more…
Dropping down here to share my on the ground report. Again, I’m in Washington state, although about an hour away from the county where almost all of the cases occurred.
This weekend I went to my favorite grocery store/pharmacy and it was business as usual. Today there are shortages.
There were NO containers of antibacterial wipes. The cheap fever thermometers were sold out. Cold medicines a little low. Toilet paper low. (I had to get more, and thank you Wolfie but I like the soft on the ass kind). I just have an anxiety about facing the end of the world as we know it without TP. No half gallons of milk. One woman wearing gloves. Activity level was normal, no panicked shocking. I picked up some things for the first time with the idea of supply chain problems in mind.
shopping not shocking
Depends on the total at the register 😀
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yes, that was the shocking part! It really always is.
Exposed: Fully-staffed forced quarantine camp complete with 12-foot tall fencing and razor wire discovered in Washington State
March 5, 2020
by Shepard Ambellas, Intellihub
Brace yourself because it is beginning to happen in America. Coronavirus death camps on the rise in U.S.? State by state?
ROCHESTER, Wash. (INTELLIHUB) — A fully-staffed forced quarantine camp complete with 12-foot tall fencing and razor wire has been discovered in the State of Washington at an abandoned prison.
The outdoor containment camp not sheltered from the weather is ready to start accepting those suspected to be infected with COVID-19 and under orders from the governor are to include people who are not yet even showing symptoms of the disease.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Reposting from Daughn’s Coronavirus thread. . .
From today’s 1600 Daily:
Coronavirus update: Vice President Pence in Minnesota and Washington state today
The Trump Administration’s whole-of-government response to the Coronavirus continues today as Vice President Mike Pence visited a Minnesota company leading in healthcare innovation before he holds a briefing with Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington.
🎬 WATCH LIVE at 8:05 p.m. ET: Vice President holds briefing with Gov. Inslee
“I’ll be traveling with many members of the task force to Minnesota,” the Vice President announced yesterday. “We’ll be visiting 3M, which is poised to literally begin manufacturing millions more masks for our healthcare workers.”
In Washington state, Vice President Pence and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force are meeting with teams on the ground to make sure they are fully supported in their response to the outbreak.
“Our hearts go out to those that have been infected with the disease in the Seattle area,” Vice President Pence said. “Also we understand the anxiety this has created in the full community, and we’re going to be going out just to make sure—and sitting down with the Governor and with his team—that they have everything they need and all the support they need to see to the health of their people.”
Thanks to early and decisive action from President Trump—as well as the professionalism of federal, state, and local health officials across the United States—the risk to the average American of contracting the Coronavirus remains low.
READ: Full text from yesterday’s daily White House Coronavirus briefing
Researchers in Göttingen have identified a possible antiviral med, Camostat Mesilate, (already approved for use in Japan for other virii), and are testing it. They have a brief summary and a paper out. Hot off the press (as Elsevier’s pub date is in April 2020)…
Here’s a summary:
“The recent emergence of the novel, pathogenic SARS-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in China and its rapid national and international spread pose a global health emergency. Cell entry of coronaviruses depends on binding of the viral spike (S) proteins to cellular receptors and on S protein priming by host cell proteases. Unravelling which cellular factors are used by SARS-CoV-2 for entry might provide insights into viral transmission and reveal therapeutic targets. Here, we demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 uses the SARS-CoV receptor ACE2 for entry and the serine protease TMPRSS2 for S protein priming. A TMPRSS2 inhibitor approved for clinical use blocked entry and might constitute a treatment option. Finally, we show that the sera from convalescent SARS patients cross-neutralized SARS-2-S-driven entry. Our results reveal important commonalities between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV infection and identify a potential target for antiviral intervention.”
And the links:
Article site: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30229-4?rss=yes#%20
PDF of study: https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S0092-8674%2820%2930229-4
And the original German article: https://www.dpz.eu/de/startseite/einzelansicht/news/die-vermehrung-von-sars-coronavirus-2-im-menschen-verhindern.html
Wow, just finished skimming all the posts here, have not read all of them and will do so later.
Hubby was being released today from the hospital and supposed to go to a rehab facility. Originally I was told to pick 2. Yesterday I was told I needed a third choice. Guess what? None of the choices I wanted were available, and am stuck with the one place that I did NOT want.
Yesterday evening I had a good conversation with the surgeon and he was advocating a rehab facility vs at home care.
Today, at the hospital, he had changed his mind in view of everything going on and encouraged at home care.
Unfortunately, because DH still has mobility problems he will have to stay at the rehab facility as the insurers were not going to let him stay in the hospital an extra day while arrangements would be made for equipment. I did arrange for a bed and lift today which are scheduled to arrive tomorrow sometime in a 12 hour window. I am so NOT thrilled with the lack of forthright communication from the care management personnel.
After reading the comments about the Seattle area, I know now why the surgeon changed his mind.
Today at the hospital they had a casual check in spot, just questioning whether you had a fever, cough or had been to China and were limiting patients to one visitor at a time. There was a sign in sheet as well.
I stopped at a Grocery Outlet store on my way home. The store was well stocked, although the TP section was smaller than usual and had only one brand. I buy TP at Costco, but I usually look at everything in Grocery Outlet because sometimes there are super deals there. Label changes, close dated items, close out items, factory goofs which Grocery outlet relabels to reflect the ingredients changed; and seasonal items out of season are to be found as well as regular items. Several people did have TP, one or 2 packages of 4, varied selection of prepper type food stuffs, not tons, but enough for a week or two. One person next to me had several tins of sardines. But other than the TP selection being limited, stocks seemed normal. They typically do not have everything and every brand that a larger grocery store does. They are about the size of an old Safeway, IGA or independent smaller grocery store chain from the 1980s or so, something that I appreciate as it doesn’t take all day to walk through the store.
You seem like a great advocate for your husband. He is blessed to have you in there fighting for him and what is best for him. I hope you get him home quickly and his recovery is speedy. Remember to take care of you!
Jamcooker, you & Hubby are in our prayers. Keep us posted on his recovery, please. 💖
IT’S OFFICIAL: Chinese Scientists Find Genetic Explanation for Coronavirus Discriminating By Race
March 5, 2020
by Lance Welton, The Unz Review
Sir Humphrey Appleby, the Machiavellian senior civil servant in the hit 1980s British sitcom Yes, Minister once famously commented that one should “never believe anything until it’s been officially denied.” Which meant we could be fairly confident that racial and ethnic differences in susceptibility to Coronavirus exist, because our race-denying Ruling Class so dogmatical refused to consider the evidence. Now that’s over: a study by a Chinese research group has emerged that offers concrete proof of race differences in susceptibility to Corona virus are very real.
The study—a preprint that has not yet been peer-reviewed—is entitled Single-cell RNA expression profiling of ACE2, the putative receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCov, By Yu Zhao et al., bioRxiv, 2020] and is authored by a group of medical scientists based at Tongji University in Shanghai.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
amazing how we have known this for weeks
we are using the usual things for immune system right now but will become more specific if sick to avoid the “storm” inducing immune boosters…is that still considered true?
Keeping the immune system healthy is a plus, Mom! Not sure about the immune boosters – if your immune system is strong – might not need any ‘boosters’ – imho
It’s the same study we have seen:
Full text – https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.26.919985v1.full
“Single-cell RNA expression profiling of ACE2, the putative receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCov”
Yu Zhao, Zixian Zhao, Yujia Wang, Yueqing Zhou, Yu Ma, Wei Zuo
doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.01.26.919985
This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review
BECAUSE OF THIS STUDY – and the virulent spread of all coronaviruses over the last 20 years that we have seen in Asia and the Middle East – the ethnicity of patients/cases should be reported!
This study begs to be repeated, replicated and approved by peers in the science community.