“The world is in perpetual motion, and we must invent the things of tomorrow. One must go before others, be determined and exacting, and let your intelligence direct your life. Act with audacity.”
The Widow Clicquot
Welcome to Wolf’s Pub. It’s Friday, and I don’t know about you, but I feel a celebration coming on. The bubbly is flowing and you’re all invited.
The Fauch is going down. Is he the lynchpin to watching the wheels come off the globalist elite wagon, those less-than-dirt criminals who’ve been working with the Chy-Knees Kommie Potty?
The Mainlined Media (injected in our homes 24/7) is in a panic over the Fauci/CCP virus origin. That, and the Arizona AUDIT is now becoming the Georgia AUDIT, which will in turn become the Pennsylvania AUDIT.
The National Pulse reveals the Covid coverup in this article. The wheels really are coming off. Now we just have to navigate the prepared narrative, which seems to be shaping up as an unintentional leak from the Wuhan Lab. So sorry. Won’t happen again. Eye roll.
Even Newsweek is getting in on the ground floor of the Fauch Out-ch. They feature a group of amateur sleuths who helped expose that Tony’s been a bad boy and helped fund the Gain-of-Function Covid virus in Wuhan.
“The people responsible for uncovering this evidence are not journalists or spies or scientists. They are a group of amateur sleuths, with few resources except curiosity and a willingness to spend days combing the internet for clues. Throughout the pandemic, about two dozen or so correspondents, many anonymous, working independently from many different countries, have uncovered obscure documents, pieced together the information, and explained it all in long threads on Twitter—in a kind of open-source, collective brainstorming session that was part forensic science, part citizen journalism, and entirely new. They call themselves DRASTIC, for Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19.”
For a different kind of view, here is Tom Luongo writing that it’s DAVOS and not China who is really behind giving Dr. Fauci the boot:
“Because China would never throw Fauci under the bus like this, it doesn’t serve their purpose. China’s MO has always been to suppress criticism of it. They are very predictable that way. Gates didn’t work for China, he worked for Davos. Davos is cleaning out “The Help” and there’s no one for China to negotiate with the U.S. to stop this nonsense.”
Tom Luongo
He does make some sense. But he’s quite lukewarm about President Trump, and that part is not a fun read.
A big added bonus. Did ya know that Ivermectin has potent cancer-fighting properties? Yup. Read this abstract (at NIH.gov) and you will see. Hat tip to Ann Barnhardt whose been on the Ivermectin story like a tick stuck to a hound dog.
You might want to download the PDF version of this abstract. It is fascinating, and you will feel hope well up in you, as well as great anger that they have been keeping this from us. We all have loved ones who have died and might have been helped if Ivermectin had been studied and used in clinical trials.
As Ann says:
“And understand to the marrow of your bones how psychopathic Big Pharma is and has been for a very long time. They WANT you sick. THEY. NEED. YOU. SICK. They VASTLY prefer you dead with a six-figure drug bill than alive with a pennies-per-dose cure. Luciferian rat rat rat bastards.”
Ann Barnhardt
It really is cause to celebrate that there are enough honest, ethical doctors and scientists out there who have insisted on getting to the truth of the Wuflu. Here’s a nice example with Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC Alliance and Bret Weinstein:
And do check out America’s Front Line Doctors who are coming to a town near you to get out the truth about Covid-19.
Even the Q-averse Steve Bannon said yesterday, “We have it all” during Episode 994 (around 53 minutes in), where he lambasted Fauci.
Our pub is friendly and entertaining. I would even say we border on feisty, and we sure don’t suffer fools gladly. But we keep things civil to facilitate the exchange of important news and information. Review the rules here. For the brawlers among us, the Utree suits well, and is also a gathering place if we need to meet up somewhere else.

When the commie progs in the media begin bleating about how the AUDITS are endangering our “democracy”, you know things are moving along nicely for the Deplorables. Their censorship is failing. The tipping point of their canoe is coming soon.
Watch Mike Lindell’s special report on Vote Fraud here. Let’s hope it bears great fruit.
Bouzy is a region in France where Pinot Noir grapes are grown for the iconic champagne Veuve Clicquot. The history behind Veuve Clicquot (French for Widow Clicquot) is a fantastic story.
Barbe-Nicole Ponsardin was born into a well-connected wealthy French family. She married at 21 to Francois Clicquot, whose family owned a champagne business. Widowed at 27 with a daughter, Madame Clicquot took over the business.

The Napoleonic wars were going on and it was hard times, but due to the Widow Clicquot’s entrepreneurial skills, she was able to not only turn around the business, but she came up with the process called riddling, which is still used today to bring sparkling clarity to champagnes.

There are books, films, and plays written about Madame Clicquot and her fascinating story. By the time she died, the Widow Clicquot had the Russian aristocracy, American Founding Fathers, and everyone in between drinking toasts to and with her champagne.
Stories abound. Read about her here and here and here.
A primer on champagne:
This little history lesson has great music:
About Veuve Clicquot champagne:
Now that we’ve drunk well to the Widow Clicquot and the vanquishing of the Fauch, let us end with a cautionary note. The bad guys aren’t going to quit and pick up their toys as they leave. They are in it to win it, as the saying goes.
They must be vanquished. Justice MUST HAPPEN. If justice is not employed, then these guys will simply regroup and get back in the action as soon as possible. Last Friday’s thread was all about how the NWO elites intend to control even the food we eat. And trust me, we won’t have Veuve Clicquot to drink. That’s much too good for human cattle.
Remember how they want to get rid of beef? The dirty rats have lately established a BSL-4 research lab in the middle of cattle country in Kansas. Why would you locate an animal disease research lab (with deadly cattle viruses) right in the middle of cattle country? You think these guys have the same plan for cattle as for humans, eh? The Great Reset.
And the rats have also been pushing RFID chips for cattle worldwide. They are especially interested in establishing a tracking system for small and middle beef farmers in nations around the world.
It’s hard not to believe they are going to decimate the beef population through an “escaped” virus, and then tightly control what beef is left.
“This is about control of the farmers, ranchers, and food supply chain – straight down the line to the food you are allowed access to. Every human being, every animal, every vehicle, every piece of food, every product you purchase, and even your bank account will be tracked and surveilled. You won’t even be able to go to the bathroom without them knowing because your homes are affixed with smart devices everywhere you turn.”
Corey’s Digs
Read all about it at Corey’s Digs here.
Additionally, Christian, the Ice Age Farmer discusses the looming meat shortage due to JBS USA still being shut down. Ostensibly, it is a Russian hack. He asks some very important questions about “this flimsy cover story” that is ultimately designed to control our food supply.
But here’s some good news on the food freedom front from the Solari Report. I think we discussed this on a thread a few days ago.
So, we fight on until the NWO globalists are utterly defeated. Truly, the thought of such insane nutters ruling over us is intolerable. In fact, we won’t tolerate it. Here’s another short article from Corey, with a great quote that is wonderful to finish up with our Veuve Clicquot:
“They want to corral us into a box and demoralize us into oppression, while trying to break our spirit and rape our souls. Yet, even if they were to accomplish the former, they cannot accomplish the latter, and that is where our power resides. Like a wild horse that cannot be broken – respect your spirit, honor your soul, and harness that energy source that resides within us all. That is where true freedom resides and is a force of power that can change the world – and it will.”
Corey’s Digs
Oh, and:
I thought the original source to the DRASTIC stuff was not Newsweak, but *wince* Vanity Fair — https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/lab-leak-theory-investigating-faucis-covid-can-worms (link does NOT go to VF).
Coothie, the link goes to the Newsweek article all about the amateur sleuths. In fact, Newsweek claims it is an exclusive. So, you will have to take it up with them if you think I should’ve given Vanity Fair the credit…for a Newsweek article.
I personally care little which rag originally published it — I was putting forth additional information in case someone wanted to deep-dive it. If anyone is interested, they can figure out which entity or author is involved (and, BTW, they may both be brands of an underlying MSM corporation).
Without having looked at it yet…. what is your feeling about DRASTIC? Are they legit, or are they CIA cut-outs to cover up the intentional release?
Someone could stand to do a deeper dive on it.
NOtice the focus on Fauci and $$$ to Wuhan.
Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989
The earlier Biological Weapons Convention that China and the USA signed.
The November 8, 2015 paper:
“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.” fundedby The National Institutes of Health under Fauci AND the State Key Program for Basic Research Grants from the Chinese Ministry of Science. Fauci not only funded the initial research but indicated interest in funding further research. (Remember Xi in the Five Year Plan indicated no space between universities & military PLUS all males are in the military.)
Two of the authors listed are from China, Ge XY , and another is Shi ZL
The author information returns:
Ge XY has many, many bat corona virus papers listed.
Shi ZL is Shi Zhengli
The next author of interest is Agnihothram S of National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, Arkansas, USA. He is now in Silver Springs MD.
The list of Sudhakar Agnihothram’s research while affiliated with U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other places LINK
This paper of his is interesting: Development of a Broadly Accessible VEE Replicon Particle Vaccine Platform
A year later this sentence : “Using both noroviruses and coronaviruses as model systems, we demonstrate utility of the VRP 3526 platform in generation of recombinant proteins, production of virus like particles, and in vivo efficacy as a vaccine against emergent viruses.” Has even MORE significants since noroviruses and coronaviruses are noroviruses and coronaviruses of UNC’s core interest.
So Sudhakar Agnihothram is certainly on board the mRNA/Spiked Protein Vaccines ARE the [only] SOLUTION train. I wonder if he is buddies with Bill Gates… the name is from India BTW.
The last guy of interest is Lanzavecchia A of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona Institute of Microbiology, Zurich, Switzerland.
Antonio Lanzavecchia, MD
Paediatrics??? Switzerland??? IMMUNOLOGY??? Is this dude part of the DAVOS population control group? His inclusion makes no sense unless he is like the KGB officer Hubby ran into when running the computers for a US-Soviet science collaboration. As he was told, there is ALWAYS an intelligence officer included to keep watch on the scientists…
His projects include:
<a href=”https://www.irb.usi.ch/vaccine-respiratory-syncytial-virus-using-designed-protein-nanoparticle”>Vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus using Designed Protein Nanoparticle</a>
DESIGNED PROTEIN NANOPARTICLES??? You mean like the Covid-19 vaccines? 😱
Doing a bit more digging I found Lanzavecchia’s connection to CHINA.
And more digging into MRUS:
Remember how AUSTRALIA was part of the Papadopoulos trap designed to show POTUS was collaborating with RUSSIA?
April 18, 2019: Australia ‘ready to confirm’ key meeting that led to Mueller probe
Was THIS what Australia was afraid of and busy covering up?
Remember India found 4 sequences from HIV in Covid-19 and later that was upped to 6.
Dr Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 mentions not only that UNC paper but an Australian paper.
Published: June 22, 2010Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry
The authors are certainly interesting. Sure sound like Aussie names don’t they?
^ That was from a comment on White House Coronavirus Origin Probe Gains Advice From Top Emerging Diseases TrackerBy admin of Medical Veritas International – Feb 10, 2020
The commenter goes on to say: “I had previously raised the issues you [Dr. Horowitz] raise here with Professor Francis Boyle who was in agreement with the findings.”
The admin, Dr. Horowitz says:
This leaves ZERO DOUBT that certain scientists in the USA, Australia and China were aiding the CCP in developing a BIO-WEAPON called Covid-19 AND that Vp Pence & his ‘Task Force’ COVERED IT UP!
So many of these asshoes need to be arrested and prosecuted. We can refine our suggested punishment later.
Absolutely criminal they have ALWAYS known Covid was engineered. Through your thorough posts as well as other QTreepers, we at QTree knew spring of 20.
America needs to wake up.
DOJ, FBI, IC and politicos are worthless.
Any more I am thinking America needs a good general strike demanding arrests, prosecutions and TOTAL TRANSPARENCY for the fraud foisted on America. Let the chips fall where they may.
All it takes is the TRUCKERS striking and given how they were treated like LEPERS last year, They just might do it!
A month’s supply of food and a place in the country to escape to is a GOOD idea! (Keep your vehicle’s fuel tank topped off.)
Exactly. 🙂
Yep. Those in the country should have lots of extra blankets and pillows on hand.
I do. 😆
But you have to muck stalls or what ever to get floor space.
Lol. You betcha.
Gail Combs
Stellar work, thank you so much!
It would appear that Ralph Baric, PhD, must be arrested today and interrogated on his, and his lab’s, role, in doing the GOF experiments on the SARS-2 variant that he and Dr. Zheng-li Shi were performing at his lab.
It would appear that Dr. Shi was lying when she “swore on her life” that the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus did not escape from the Wuhan lab (of course she has to say this, otherwise her life value goes to zero in Communist China).
It would then appear that the likelihood of treasonous activities by Mike Pence, Ralph Baric, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Dr. Francis Collins must be investigated immediately.
Do the “vaccines” contain any of the HIV protein spikes that were in the original “virus”?
The entire “vaccination” scheme must be stopped. Today.
And there’s this, related to the HIV proteins in the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus:
January 29,2020
“Discovery of Bat Coronaviruses through Surveillance and Probe Capture-Based Next-Generation Sequencing”
Lin-fa Wang, Zheng-li Shi, et al
This is a paper that describes research into collecting RNA samples from Australian bats related to the various viruses that the bats carry. The particular viruses that were collected and studied included SARS variants and bat retroviruses that are similar to HIV.
The research was funded by at least three Communist Chinese scientific entities, among them the China Academy of Sciences: and by, among other, the NRF (National Research Foundation) of the University of South Africa.
The research was conducted at the Duke-NUS (a “satellite” of Duke University), where Lin-fa Wang is a professor in the Medical School there.
Dr. Zheng-li Shi (the Bat Lady) was involved in the project. it can be posited that it was she who secured the Communist Chinese funding. Dr. Shi really gets around, doesn’t she?
A publication date of January 29, 2020, argues strongly that the actual research took place well BEFORE it was published.
It is not beyond the realm of possibility that the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus that was released from Dr. Shi’s Wuhan Institute of Virology lab also contained bat HIV retrovirus spike proteins, in addition to coronavirus.
SUPER Nice addition to the circumstantial evidence.
If Deplorables were like AUNTY FA we would have DOXED the addresses of these SOBs and subjected them to the same stuff that Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson got.
Alas we are law abiding. 😒
Sorry, typo: Should read https://journals.asm.org/full/10.128/mSphere.11807-19
Hey – here is a question! Does RSV (respiratory SYNCITIAL virus) have anything to do with the protein SYNCITIN that is apparently homologous to COVID and which is part of the possible mechanism of spike protein contraceptive and abortifacient effects?
I think they are just as you surmised in another comment…the setup to make this go away with the minimum of discomfort.
They will toss FauXi under the bus to HIDE the fact that this is a GLOBAL PLOT to CULL the Human Herd and MANY COUNTRIES WERE IN ON IT!
The release of the FauXi e-mails is CONTAINMENT and nothing more.
The masters have thrown the dogs a bone.
What is so shocking that the the free world is looking to the US for direction on the epidemic and we failed because of Fauci and his evil minions. They mislead not just us but many of the world scientists . Many were part of this cover up all lead by whom? Who is the master behind all of this? Pharmacy? Gates? This can never happen again.
We need to get the puppet masters out of our government and WH. I hope Lindell is right .
This is a scandal of enormous proportion. Just as Hitler type of person can never happen again we can never let people who fostered this epidemic happen again.
China needs to be isolated and all those who crept into our society need to be rooted out who work for the CCP.
I wonder if that is possible?
These people are as evil as Hitler and his SS was. I know it is not proper to compare to Nazi Germany or Stalin and Mao but I do not have another evil regime to compare it with what has happened.
History does repeat itself just in another form but it is just as evil.
As you say, this is the narrative to make things go away for the globalists. Throw us some “circus” and hope we are mollified.
Every now and then Vanity Fair does a good job actually reporting.
Thank you Gma in Tx! I just read the Ann Barnhardt Ivermectin article shortly before you posted ,and mentioned it at the end of yesterday’s open thread. So glad you posted it here, so all can see it. Another great Open Thread Post – Thank you!
Thank you! I’m glad it got posted at the other thread, too.
Someone should post it at Marica’s for all the people over there, who suffer from different forms of cancer. It is very hopeful!
I’m sorry I’m not signed up to post there.
On it!
Thank you!
I mentioned it at the latest post there.
Good thought!
My dog’s heartworm pills used to have Ivermectin in them before they switched to something else. Something I’m curious about with Ivermectin – since it kills parasites and viruses, does it also kill the good bacteria in your gut if you take it?
I don’t know. I just know every single household should have a supply of it.
I would go so far as to say that every household should stock most things on on the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHO_Model_List_of_Essential_Medicines (except perishable ones), and they should be OTC in the United States. Otherwise, we see things like buying ivermectin from India, or HCQ from Costa Rica, or veterinary grade medications. TPTB in Pharma see this as “slipping out from under their thumb”, but they are really complete repudiations of their model. It makes them ridiculous that a “modern medical system” has to go to third world countries or farm stores to get their preferred medications.
An executive order to stock households with that stuff might be just the thing, after THE DIAMONDS ARE RETURNED.
I’m just spitballin’ here, but there might be a certain amount of strategy in not saying “THE DIAMONDS ARE RETURNED” — however much this is a worthwhile goal — but saying things like, “ALL RESISTANCE IS ANNIHILATED”. This might help focus their minds on returning diamonds in order to avoid consequences that are even worse.
So we should push OTC status for WHO Essential Medicines until “ALL RESISTANCE IS ANNIHILATED” and let them return the diamonds and beg for mercy.
Different strategies for different people.
My followers get distracted by appeals to violence. They think they need to do things like they’ve been doing.
But when I say “the diamonds must be returned”, they remember their original purpose. When they were law enforcement, and not political enforcement.
I know what I’m doing. It may not be right for you, but it’s right for me.
The opposition really has little reason to contemplate returning the diamonds unless the alternatives in their minds are worse.
There is a difference between trying to drive our side into actually being worse and letting the opposition know that there are worse alternatives.
I’ve reflected on this, and I believe that a new, serene path is more likely to succeed.
I have come to believe that we were deceived into scaring and thereby helping mislead many “good people” on the left, so that they would help the criminals remove Trump – often in small ways, but in enough combined force that they allowed and even helped the injustice to happen.
I am choosing a new path, which I think has a better chance to succeed. I think that Trump and others see it, too.
BTW, when I say “my followers”, I’m talking about the feds. A bit of a joke, but some intentional truth there, too. 😀
We were driven off Social media and accused of insurrection on the 6th for the express purpose of PREVENTING Trump supporters from ORGANIZING and coming up with a LEGAL but DEVASTATING method of getting Justice and the Return of the Rule of Law.
Notice how AUNTY Fa and Burn, Loot & Murder are ALLOWED to use social media to ORGANIZE their criminal activities but we are not.
That tells you they are AFRAID OF US. They KNOW we are 2/3 of the population.
That is exactly correct. The MANTRA that we are a 50/50 split nation is a damnable lie.
Deplorables are a large majority.
And they are afraid. Once the sleeping giant is awake, the oligarchs are over. Their minions will melt into the woodwork.
Communists ALWAYS ALWAYS represent themselves as the MAJORITY so they can say they are doing the ‘Will of the People’
“Bolshevik” actually literally means “Majority”.
I’d say that the Evil 1/3 is 10% evil and 90% duped
because faux bidden didnt win
I am on your site; I respect your rules for this site.
I have no problem with people having different opinions from mine!
ANYTHING even suggesting violence is what BiteMe’s handlers are looking for.
Them asshoes are hyping white supremacist terrorists. Pumping up racism issues where they don’t exist.
All the while they increase domestic spying on Americans.
We don’t need to give them free headlines and an excuse to come after us – incarcerate. They are already aiming doing so. I not going to hasten their efforts.
The diamonds thing is from a Trump statement. 🇺🇸
I agree with making a lot of this OTC, but I would go a step further in teaching the people how to use it. Health class should be more than just sex ed and how to avoid anorexia.
CCP virus took care of our modern medical system. Doctors are being controlled by someone not to prescribe meds that work as preventive for the virus. I heard a doctor on Dark Horse podcast speaking of doctors being restrained that has never happen before.
From the FDA:
For my animals I often give a probiotic afterward if I see diarrhea.
Linda…virus and parasites are not bacteria. Ivermectin is not an Antibiotic, which does kill bacteria.
I’m pretty sure Ivermectin has no antibiotic onboard, but I may be wrong.
I have none here, so cannot scope the labelling.
Technically speaking, Madame Clicquot’s innovation was not the riddling — which merely involves having the dead yeastie-beasties collect in one place in the bottle. It is the disgorgement (dégorgement in French), where the dead yeasties are removed from the bottle.
The modern method is to cool the upside-down bottles and freeze the dead yeast into slush, whereupon you can remove the slush, give it a shot of sweetness to ferment again or just sweeten the beverage, and rebottle it with the classic caged cork.
When the cork is real and it gets dried out, so it breaks off, is there any way to get th rest out without it going into th bottle? And does that mean the wine is probably bad at that point?
It can mean that or it can be that the wine was stored improperly, upright, so the cork dried out.
Some people are really good at getting broken corks out. However, it is also considered good luck if you end up with a bit of cork in your wine glass.
Stored laying down only….i had 2 bottles do that. Crumbled the botton half into the bottles.
Ugh. Perhaps already compromised when you purchased them?
I dont know but its annoying.
With sparkling wines, this is seldom an issue.
With other wines…..it depends.
Usually, when a wine cork fails, it’s because it’s wet, not because it’s dry — and it was a cheap cork (there are varying grades, depending on the anticipated cellaring of the wine. If it’s a Chenin Blanc, you don’t generally need a 20-year cork).
If it is dry, it may have pulled away from the wall of the neck and let air into the wine, which would tend to make the wine bad. But if this were the case, the cork would likely pull in one piece, because it wouldn’t be in full contact with the neck.
Fortunately, whatever forensic analysis you may want to do in advance, the rule is simple — punch the remainder of the cork in, pour a glass (potentially through a strainer), sniff, and taste — have a spit-sink and rinse water prepared, just in case. If it smells and tastes like good wine, it probably is. If it smells and/or tastes bad, it may have been bad when it was bottled — but you’re conveniently near a sink. If it’s not particularly good nor particularly bad, use it for a sauce, to steam veggies, or to deglaze a pan.
1 bottle was ok. The other i didn taste. It was a smell test of a 15 yr old sauvignon. Bummer. Tossed it out. Dunno what happened.
I did not know there are grades of cork.
I have a little bottle of port ive been saving…. may have to open it.
If that was a cabernet sauvignon, you should be aware that most are sold about 3-5 years too young, for entirely commercial reasons.
This is an example from a hobbyist site (which still has many types of cork) — https://www.homebrewery.com/Wine/Wine-Making-Equipment/Corks-and-Closures/Premium-Natural-Corks
And the detail….”Acquamark® is a whole, natural cork stopper designed to meet the needs of super-premium wines. Whole, natural corks are the most environmentally-friendly stoppers, and produce the top-quality seal needed to preserve fine wines through long aging. The Acquamark® cork goes beyond this normally high standard, applying a water-based coating of cork extract which binds to the stopper’s surface, filling the lenticels and enhancing the sealing potential. Recommended for premium wines, wines that will be aged more than two years, or wherever the classic style of a whole, natural cork is desired. Cork measures 24mm x 45mm.” [bold added]
IMHO, the line about “you should only cook with wine that you would drink” is self-serving BS from wineries. When you cook with wine, you should use wine that serves the purpose you are contemplating. As an example, when you are reconstituting dried mushrooms, you want a very neutral liquid to take on the flavor of the mushrooms — that would not typically be a drinking wine. And, yet, using wine instead of water enriches the mushrooms and their broth.
We cook with the cheap stuff. Why waste the good stuff when it’s going to evaporate.
I ALWAYS cook with a wine I would drink because the TASTE of that wine lingers in the dishes I serve.
They only place I would use ‘bad wine’ is in making bone broth where I cook it for hours and the aromatics dissipate. But why spend $$ on wine when vinegar does the same job at a much lower price?
I do however use Barefoot wines I like in cooking since they are 1/2 the price of the wine I sometimes drink.
There are many acceptable wines for a song out there. Barefoot is one of them.
This is the reason I DO NOT USE so called ‘COOKING WINES’
“Cooking wine also has added salt and a number of preservatives not in normal drinking wine.” NO THANKS!!!
I think I used a cooking wine once. I was rather enamored of the Galloping Gourmet and his style of cooking with wine.
Remember Julia Childs cooking with wine. 😁
Those were the days. People could just be who they were.
You could try sabering it:
It works and it looks super cool!
And if it doesn’t work, you’ll have something to defend yourself with in Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, aw heck, any DEMONRAT-controlled city 😀 …
I should note that the modern method is quite clever — once the yeast is in the slush, you turn it right-side up again until the natural pressure pushes the slush out of the bottle like an extreme slo-mo champagne cork, at which point you slice off the yeast with a wire, squirt in the sweetness, and recork. Slush floats.
“Why would you locate an animal disease research lab (with deadly cattle viruses) right in the middle of cattle country? You think these guys have the same plan for cattle as for humans, eh?”
Reminds me of O’asshat, the Kenyan Interloper, wife of Mike, when he brought Ebola patients into the U.S.
It was the most insane thing I could imagine, until Covidiocy.
I kept saying WTH is he doing?!?
Unlike Chinavirus, Ebola seems to actually be deadly.
And they were bringing Ebola patients INTO the U.S., risking the entire 330+ million population of the United States, along with Canada and Mexico.
Never did hear a good reason.
What could go wrong?
It was like smoking a cigarette in a fireworks store. If you’re careful, chances are that nothing goes wrong, but it’s not your chance to take.
If it was just you, and nobody else was in the store, and you took out a bond or insurance policy to cover all potential damages plus time and wages lost, then have it, smoke away, Johnny.
But there’s no insurance policy for accidentally exposing 330+ million Americans to Ebola.
They just did it.
Ah, what’s to worry about?
They’re government workers.
I’m sure they were careful…
Sure, the boys at the lab are hard drinkers, but they’re pros… 🙄 😂 🤣 😅
The veneer of competence that our leaders and institutions enjoyed for decades has worn clean through.
It certainly is ABOUT TIME!
I despise the lot of them.
It was wildly, wildly irresponsible….and letting the Ebola nurse run herself around like an idiot….*shudder*
Something I kept thinking to myself with the Ebola nonsense was that the average Roman Centurion knew more about preventing plague outbreaks than the entire US medical establishment. Then Covid came along……
It used to be new arrivals of humans and animals underwent medical examination and those deemed sic were QUARANTINED! Remember Ellis Island,??
With NAIS quarantine of animals was done away with and tracking of a newly introduced disease was substituted. 🙄 (I will spare you the numerous pages of notes.)
In case I wasn’t clear, I’m speaking of this Ebola nurse —
If I were the Governor, I’d have flamethrowered her ass and built a 50 foot pyre over where she fell…..and never felt a second of regret.
I remember that. I couldn’t believe it then, and I can’t believe it now. Unreal.
Flamethrower her and her bike. Drop a few loads of split hardwood on the site, set aflame. Problem solved.
You want to go play ‘Nurse to the World’ and come in contact with who knows what disease THEN YOU SHOULD EXPECT TO BE QUARANTINED! 🙄
Hubby had an uncle who went hunting in Africa. He dropped dead of an unknown disease contracted in Africa within a year. So it is NOT just Ebola.
And YEAH, FLAME THROWING was the correct manner of handling her defiance.
I would love to visit Africa. I have friends who have gone diving in Lake Tanganyika.
That said, unlike the US, where most animals look at people and think, “what the heck is that?” — all the animals, bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. there all evolved with millions of years of “let’s have some hominids for lunch”.
Excellent point. And I really had hoped to do a lot of traveling when I retired… The we got Grope-N-Fly and I ended up with a farm.
Faux-Xi’s, aka Tony the Tiny™’s partner in crime over here, Drosten, had a huge bungle with Ebola over here a couple of years back.
One wonders if it was a bungle, or planned… Turn a plague into a tool…..
“Why would you locate an animal disease research lab…”
Remember the original lab was on PLUM ISLAND. Why in Hades could you not UPGRADE THAT LAB!!
Livestock owners were up in arms about that decision.
What many people do not realise is JUST WHAT the escape of Foot & Mouth disease [F&M] would actually mean. They did a scenario called “Crimson Sky’
F & M can be carried in human lungs for 24 or more hours IIRC, DEER can get it! If the USA uses the WHO guidelines of Depopulation it means KILLING ALL ANIMALS in a 10K circle around the infection and burning down any buildings that housed livestock.
This decision, that was SO WRONG, is when I decided the USA government was MOST DEFINITELY the ENEMY of the people of the USA.
Right (OK, left, as in the Left-Hand path) in line with the UN’s ReWilding efforts and diktats…
It is interesting that they are interested in Pleistocene Rewilding AND De-extinction: Bringing Back the Dead (Preparation for re-glaciation perhaps???)
Japanese scientists make breakthrough in cloning a woolly mammoth
They are having better luck with a horse foal.
Scientists attempt to clone extinct horse after LIQUID BLOOD found in 42,000 yo remains
For those who missed it, we got a ping from pgroup yesterday!!!! He’s been busy, is tired, but wanted to let us know he’s still going. Current prognosis is neutral.
Thank you for letting us know.
Prayers and thoughts of healing to him.
Just posted this in yesterday’s open thread by mistake:
New article from Political Moonshine:
The Fall of #FalseFlagFauci
June 3, 2021
Intro: “From the tranche of Fauci emails delivered by a FOIA request, which are being presented and hashed-out by many writ large, we’ll narrow our focus to several important ones that bear down with impact. They are presented chronologically; labeled by date, sender and recipient; and include relevant commentary for meaning.
One exception is the last email presented, which occurs out of order and last to begin the summary.
Before we get into the emails, keep an eye out for the redaction codes following each redaction. Look for something like, “(b)(4).” We’ll wrap up with those for our walk-off homer.”
F³; he can go function himself…
How are you doing the exponents???
My German keyboard has them as special shift (Alt Gr) characters. I can also go into word and use “insert symbol” on a blank page and copy the result over…
Kind of a payback for having too many characters for a regular-sized keyboard. Also have mu (µ), Euro (€) and at (“klammeraffe” @) too, as well as seven other braces, brackets, and other things… good exercise for the thumb 🙂 not just for spacebars anymore…
HAH! Wolf and Steve were playing around with trying to do them as HTML mods and couldn’t get them to work. You’re probably (behind the scenes) doing alternative character sets. SMH.
Nope. Those are standard characters on a German keyboard. Here’s a pic from Amazoon (just mouse over the pic to get a better view). Decent pictures of keyboards are kinda thin on the ground; can’t see why there’d be IP issues involved – nothing to steal about the keycaps (except them 🙂 )…
Cherry’s probably most famous for their key switches, which come in all different “weights”, click-levels, responses, etc.
Cut and paste also works for the odd characters (have enough of them here – e.g. Drosten, Spahn, Merde-Kuh, etc.). Oh, wait, that was draw and quarter…
Interesting how different systems work. I have this Compose-key here (Debian Linux) which allows me to enter all kinds of useful characters. æ from compose-a-e for example. And to make F³, F-compose-^-3 works. Even compose-m-u gives me µ, useful when discussing values of capacitance or time in the 10¯⁶ range.
(Lest I forget: Epstein didn’t kill himself, Biden didn’t win, and The diamonds must be returned)
My F3 looks like….. that!
Let’s see… copy Cuppa’s F3 and the superscript goes away. Fiddlesticks. I thought it should be that easy and anything I typed following the 3 should remain in that font.
Heh. It isn’t interesting when Wolf does it — he owns the rules. Cuppa’s a commenter. That’s what caught my eye.
See above – it’s on the keyboard. Push the Alt-gr key (effectively a supershift) at the right of the spacebar, and the third chars on the keycaps (² ³ @ ~ | etc. ) become available…
Yes, any Unicode character should work.
But general HTML subs and supers don’t work for everybody. And it seems to correlate with whether people can post working Rumble embeds.
I don’t think US keyboards have the AltGr key to the right of the spacebar – they just have another Alt key. The German (and probably other European) keyboard has too many characters to fit, hence, the third shift… some days it seems I just need three keys; CTL-Alt-Del 🙂 [have a Ryzen running Win7, a cheap AMD vid card, and driver problems with that combo because AMD wants to put the latest bloatware package around a VERY old, but still nicely functional card…] (just realized, square brackets are AltGr-8 and AltGr-9)…
I’ll have to try the HTML and Rumble embeds… ironic if it works for me and I don’t use it (better than the other way ’round, I guess….)…
Did you put that:
into the { } tool?
Like this:
That works???
Nope, it renders nicely until I post the comment, then goes back to normal.
(and, yes, three to the F power was intentionally being goofy….)
Let’s see if 23F works for me….
Show off 😆
(Besserwisser oder Klugscheißer 🙂 )…
IIRC, (b)(4) is FDA-speak for “confidential commercial information”, in other words, “trade secrets”.
Well Minneapolis had a fatal OIS
and all the typical people are out hoping for some summer riots.
AntifaBook.com (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
Minneapolis LIVE
“Well Minneapolis had a fatal OIS
and all the typical people are out hoping for some summer riots.”
If they would start shooting the rioters, the typical people would stop hoping for them.
The answers are simple, it’s the lack of will to implement them which is always lacking 🙂
Not to worry, the Minneapolis Volunteer Security Squad will be right on that — funded by every business that doesn’t want to burn.
The city Council should look into importing a good Somali warlord to replace the police in distressed areas. Then only approved buildings would be burned on a regular basis. The Coliseum in Rome was used in a similar way to control the populace.
Hi Grandma! Terrific opening post, as usual! This Fauchi business is getting really interesting.
How ya doin’, kiddo? Have you been doing PT on that leg?
Leg’s great! No PT necessary. I’m kind of working my way through a list of long ignored health care maintenance stuff. Tests, exams, and the like. I’m hoping the health care world will catch on, finally, that the mask thing was a ridiculous placebo and they will quit requiring them. They REALLY need to get over the COVID crisis. How are you doing????
One of the “joys” visited upon us by Obamacare *spit!* is that you have to go through this stupid rigmarole about plans during the “enrollment period”, which is sync’d to the calendar year, after which you have to figure out who your doctor is, after which you have to renew all your medication scripts (because they all expire in 12 months now), which generally requires that you do an in-person visit (because the reimbursement for that is more). That means that you’re going to have to run your labs, and if you’re phobic, you’ll either have to get someone to drive you or walk to the lab, because you’ll be taking Xanax and shouldn’t be driving. If you’re walking, you need to have reasonably good weather, which starts in March.
For me, I got all that accomplished June 1. Too bad I get to start over from scratch in November.
For my next trick, I also need CPAP supplies. You may gather that I consider medicine to be a monument to grift, corruption, regulatory capture, evil political influence, lies, graft, and rent-seeking…..which I do. And the DME (Durable Medical Equipment) situation is its cesspool.
I cannot legally buy an air hose for my CPAP without a prescription. Mind you, I’m not going to eat it — nor is it going to be inserted inside me. It’s just a part in a CPAP setup.
I can buy it legally if it’s part of a vaping setup. Just not for CPAP.
***Update in the middle of composing this comment — it appears that the window has opened again!!!! I looked at
and it seems to be available without a prescription!!!!!***
I’ve been doing CPAP for 18 years. There have been times that you could buy the CPAP blowers without a prescription (and they were about $350), but there were times when you needed a prescription ($150 pulmonology consult) to buy them (same unit, $1500). I have completely torn down the plumbing on my unit (there are internal filters not supposed to be cleaned/changed by patients) and rebuilt it. But sometime in the last two years, it seems that the iron grip of grift has slipped. More later.
Shorter version — you’re supposed to do too much complicated stuff every year, when everyone else is, during bad weather. If they were 1% less stupid, they might have put everyone’s “open enrollment” dates keyed to their birth month instead of a calendar, but it’s all about marching everyone to their drum.
To summarize, I’ve been slogging through the expensive bureaucracy of healthcare, but I’m otherwise reasonably ok.
I can relate. I’ve been avoiding all things medical for a few years now. I can’t believe how much has changed. It’s because of Obamacare. It has really made a mess of things. And what Obamacare didn’t screw up, COVID did.
I have avoided the medical establishment like the plague (that it is) My last normal visit was in 2004 I think and since then one emergency visit for pneumonia (possibly Covid) a couple winters ago.
I was planning on going for one of the ‘Free’ physicals I am ‘entitled’ to before I turned 70 BUT COVID… 😡
So I am reading here, doing research and taking care of my own health.
Hi! Yeah, he’s their sacrificial lamb. We can enjoy his comeuppance and then keep plowing until the next level gets exposed.
I’m throwing this out here for Gail to comment on.
I hope I learn something.
Nothing really new. My trainer, best friend and I both used it for years. Handle the foal the first day including hands all over. Lift all the feet & tail. (Two people since one needs to steady the foal.) Halter the foal. Start training to lead. (Use a soft rope around the rump to encourage and Mama to show the way.)
One critical point is RESTRAINT of motion. This convinces the foal you are bigger and stronger and the leader. NO PUNISHMENT IS NEEDED. Lots of loving on the animal and gentle restraint and you will have a willing animal who looks to YOU for leadership and is AFRAID OF NOTHING.
None of my foals, even those I bought at 4 months were ever skittish. I can not say the same for the older animals I bought.
I should add I never had bucking problems either when I saddle broke my horses and ponies. Slow and easy with tiny steps works very well.
OMG, I’m cracking up reading this thing! Hilarious!
*back to post*
Excellent! Thanks for posting the SOROS REMINDER.
That old boy has gotten off for too much. Soros DAs resulted in DEAD AMERICANS.
One of the more subtle points to the Roman punishment of decimation (where a unit had mutinied, or had broken and run and left another unit stranded) was that it was not just the execution of 1/10 of the unit, with a firing squad or something.
The unit was divided into 10-man groups, lots were drawn for each group, and the unlucky loser was beaten to death by the others in that 10-man group, regardless of guilt or rank. Could be the guy in the next bunk. Could be the lead. Could be one of your men…..but the survivors had to be the one that kills him.
Typical globalist cruelty.
Their trains ran on time.
I didn’t know the Romans had trains…
Or guns, for firing squads 😁
It’s a poetic reference to Mussolini….and we know how that path goes…..
I thought they had “trainsphobia”, didn’t they???
Who doesn’t?
Yep, especially the ones with a one-track mind 😆
And some are just totally off the rails…
Wolf, did you see my question to you back at the beginning of yesterday’s post?
No, sorry – I’ve been away. I’m checking my notifications now. I wanted to read tonight’s open first.
No problems but one misspelling, and looks great.
Now I’m sure it will be delightful!!!! Two of my favorite online peeps think so!!!!
Misspelling is fixed now.
OK – this is interesting. Li-Meng Yan (the Hong-Kong researcher who thinks the virus was a genetically modified weapon and an intentional release) is not mentioned once in the Newsweek article.
I just find that odd.
I really think the Cabal is setting up “accidental release” for an eventual ChiCom “mea culpa” followed by a Cabal media “Look! The wonderful CCP! They’re so grand and honest now!”
Lab leak of natural pathogen due to crummy lab.
Biden needs to send China money to fix up their facilities.
Etc., etc., etc.
Yeah. But the nice thing is, we are now able to anticipate their narratives.
YES! That’s actually pretty neat!
You’re on it Boss! Bannon predicted lab leak will be focus to keep away from GOF dirty truth.
And the work done at the Duke University “extension” Medical School in Singapore, funded in part by Communist Chinese scientific institutions, that had Dr. Shi involved.
This would mean that AT LEAST three countries were doing VIRUS BIOWEAPONS RESEARCH for Communist China.
This would ALSO mean that Duke University was involved IN ADDITION to UNC, Chapel Hill.
Research Triangle in NC….
OH and do not forget the FDA involvement in the UNC paper!
Honestly, the stench seems to coming from under every rock that’s turned over.
Can’t stop the BANNON!!!
Wolf Moon
Hope you have a chance to look at the posts by Gail Combs and by me, above, about the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus.
Yeah, I think any effort to pin it OFF of Fauci and onto these scientists is BS – Fauci is just a better criminal than these chump scientists. They’re all guilty, and Fauci more than any of them. He’s plain old medical mafia.
Oh, that was the one I wanted to respond to before distracted!!!
Takeaway: various Universities are very, very, very interested in your anus and excretions.
We may have to go back to outhouses.
Incidentally, there was no flowing water in the White House until 1833, and even then it was for sinks. The White House used outhouses long into the 1800s.
Great BOOZY post for this Friday, GmT!
I’m not sure if they carry it there (or what the brand name is, if they do) but an insider’s secret is that ALDI sells Veuve Cliquot under the label “Veuve Monsigny” at a substantial discount. Over here that reduces the €39,00 price to between €12,00 ane €14,00. One of those little-known facts that can save a lot of money, a get a great champagne for a great price…
Gosh, I just get all bubbly thinking about it 😆
(Reminds me of when I used to drive to France all the time on business, and next to the freeway was a sign that said “Vous êtes en Champagne”… really pretty area) (that I never had any time to, erm, sample)…
Thank you for that tip! 🍾
It’s late at night, and nothing else is happening……so let’s go sideways…..
My first major love was Kelli. Just plug that into the lyrics of Kayleigh.We were giddy and silly together….I’ve never been giddy and silly since.
The Fiancee and I attended her wedding. I danced at her wedding (which was a tremendous relief). I lost track after she had two cats and a daughter.
Since then, I’m more giddy and silly with strangers than I am with “intimates”.
Thanks for the story of Madame Clicquot. It’s a little known fact of history that A LOT of women were great entrepreneurs, healers, herbalists, musicians, etc. Many were in the convents, and where the Church was not overthrown made discoveries and strides in their fields. They weren’t really feminists, just doing what interested them and where their talents led them.
As much as we need progeny and the next generation, such contributions were regular occurrences.
Catholic sisters are the great unsung heroes of history. As you pointed out some time ago, individual nuns get recognized and honored, but the great number do not, and their achievements have been varied and profound.
Yes, they are.
I think history is written by those with an agenda. 😉
The wrath of … God … 🤨
I feel bad for the normal Chinese who are not CCP but their slaves. They have suffered so much under oppression.
Very very true.
From what I can determine the CCP was foisted on theChinese by the Federal Reserve and the MilitaryIndustrial Complex!!!
Excerpt from Congressman McFadden’s Speech of 1934
The USA also supplied Japan in their war against CHINA.
China’s Communist Party and Japan: A Forgotten History
(forgotten or BURIED?)
J.P. Morgan in China
I am adding this because it is thought the Triads and the CCP made an alliance with the CCP learning blackmail and other methods from them.. Others say the CCP got rid of the Triads… Yeah right.
The Golden Triangle: How Triads cornered the heroin market
The proclamation: “Worst …. since…” is always suspicious to me.
Are these floods bigger then last years, which nearly broke the Three-Gorges dam?
Maybe God has decided it is time to take China off the board.
I certainly hope so!
Beige, taupe and gray are all you see in decorating anymore. Every housing development is a group of beige boxes. And it seems like 75% of cars are silver, black or white. Dull.
I like the Painted Ladies. (We have several in NC)

I’ve been noticing that about cars and wondering if they’re saving money by not having so many shades of paint.
Typical communist architecture.
There’s even a name for the style, brutalist architecture.
Read through the end of yesterdays daily and all of today’s, looking for the site’s take on Lindell’s 30 minute video, 9-0. One of the pleasures and advantages of this site is the numerous people who understand tech, and can evaluate things like Lindell’s video.
The 9-0 refers to SCOTUS, and is really a metaphor for the certainty Lindell has in the evidence he presents. As a legal and practical matter, his reference to SCOTUS is purely speculative, which is ok because it is irrelevant to the main point.
And the main point is, if Lindell’s video is accurate, then there IS definitive proof that the election was stolen. Not circumstantial proof, or proof requiring judgment calls, but direct and irrefutable proof.
The primary problem IMO is whether the evidence is true or fraudulent. Lindell is presenting evidence which has been presented to him, and I have zero doubt about his good faith. What is questionable is whether Lindell can credibly and reliably vouch for the authenticity of the evidence given to him.
Lindell says he got the raw data from government workers. And he says he had his forensic experts validate and re-validate the data. But what is not so clear, is whether the data was validated in such a way as to exclude evidence fabrication. This is where the folks on our site can be helpful.
For those who have not seen the video, it purports to present computer data actually recorded live on November 3 and 4, 2020, data indicating in real time votes being switched from Trump to Biden. If true, then the implication is that NSA (or white hats within NSA) anticipated the scheme and documented it as the crime progressed.
If this is true, then it does in fact constitute a bombshell. We can worry about the legal consequences later, but nailing down the truth about Lindell’s evidence is the first thing to do.
I love Mike, and admire him, but someone bigger needs to address this evidence, and I am thinking Tucker, although there are probably more “neutral” venues who would have a greater impact. I cannot think of one now, but believe one or more must exist.
I think Lindell’s job is to get the info out into the public consciousness and take any incoming flak.
Others will validate when appropriate. I am of the opinion that a multi-pronged military operation has been under way.
For all the hoopla, the law suit filing is ONLY a start. Yes, getting there was a monumental effort. A court must allow standing and hear the case. No small challenge.
Yesterday I suggested the data needs to handled with total physical security, chain of custody and all of that. Ultimately the source must be revealed to validate it as authentic.
I am puzzled, why only twenty packets presented?
I would think the entirety of the packets for the five states (AZ, GA, MI, WI and PA) in the challenge are analyzed and compiled to reflect the true vote tally.
^^^ THIS seems so fundamental, yet it is NOT addressed. The entire vote tally in AZ, GA, MI, WI and PA MUST BE ADDRESSED, to suggest the final vote tally accurately. IMO.
Tucker addressing this would certainly give appropriate prominence. Tucker would, I think steer away from the hype, hoopla and showmanship. Facts and data clearly and concisely presented ARE ESSENTIAL. Not 26 minutes of cheery hoopla that could have been condensed to five minutes.
No one else on faux news can deliver the necessary message.
If they have it all, the 20 packets that are getting the info out there is just the tease.
Agree. They quite possibly, even likely, have all the packets. But to establish the actuall tally, as Lindell has stated, truly requires 100% packet analysis.
IF this is only a tease, they have spent months for 20 packets. I want to believe they have been more aggressive and thorough. Hopefully they have done so and chose to not reveal the totality of their analysis.
I surely want everything to be as they say, but so much appears to be missing AND such a long “legal” path ahead.
If things are as I think they are, then there has been chain of custody and all that is needed to validate the data.
The longer this goes on, the more I think this information war is for all the marbles.
Exactly. 🙂
Between evidence and legal proceedings there has to be widespread public acceptance: disgust, revulsion and anger across party lines.
The evidence has to be truly, actually, definitively established for there even to be a CHANCE of widespread acceptance.
Without widespread acceptance, phony legalisms will do the rest.
And there is the question of an act of war. Personally, I cannot see us actually going to war. But widespread disgust, anger and revulsion could be the basis for changing a lot of things domestically.
Agree. America needs to get educated on the facts.
Yep. We will never go to war over this. A war would NOT solve anything.
There are many things a strong president can do to China. An honest Congress with a strong president could exact incredible financial pain on China.
At a minimum we are waiting for Joe N Hoe to move along from DC.
I’ve got this mental image, where they turn up one morning and find all their stuff is packed into bin liners and thrown out on the lawn, locks have been changed.
I don’t think ML would have gone ahead so bigly if he didn’t know his source was impeccable. His tech guys say the results are not open to question, so what argument could there be legal-wise.
Actually the CCP stated that it was an ACT of War in their on going targeting of the USA.
CCP Professor: The United States is Doomed
Chen Ping, a Senior Researcher at The China Institute of Fudan University, a CCP affiliated think tank, and a professor at Peking University, recorded himself stating China has defeated and put the United States back in its place.
May 19 2021 World Tribune has the transcript.
Professor: China in 2020 defeated U.S. in ‘biological war’; Western civilization is ‘doomed’
If that translation is correct, and you better believe jt has been checked, Then Ping, as part of the CCP ADMITTED the BIOWARFARE against the Western World!
I think the correct response is
1&2 absolutely, but if that HAARP thingy is working over the 3 Gorges area I’m OK with that too.
Gorgeous Gorge disgorged…
Controlling the election results of our country is an act of war, IMO.
Yes, watching all Lindell’s prior movies, he presented much MOAR than the 20 packets. They have spreadsheets full of transactions, plotted in realtime maps, back and forth from US to other countries, happening on election night. Wondering if this data is from the overseas servers that Sidney claimed they recovered early on. She was VERY confident and loud initially, then the Kraken seemed to go underground.
He uses the 20 packets as a demonstration which shows that these packets changed the election.
The recording of the data shows Internet traffic (millions of records were recorded) to all electronic voting machines and may have reduced Trump’s lead in many counties.
Eg in Lindell’s previous video, they were saying that the lead in Ohio is in fact 16% instead of the 7%.
The sheer volume of data transmitted precludes tampering (or at least makes it impossibly difficult), especially if there are timestamps in the data packets (which there must be, in order to make sure the packets arrive in the correct order, or can be reordered if they don’t).
If the data is going back and forth in plaintext, that is a HUGE problem, but, who knows. If it’s encrypted, then that’s another hurdle for a forger or crook to jump…
IIRC, this whole thing was discussed here previously, and it was brought up that VSGPDJT and his team were watching this happen in real time, which implies that the traffic must certainly be stored somewhere. Most likely multiple places. Would be ironic if AWS or the iCloud (maybe the same thing) were one of them 😀 That would be a real Haman moment…
I don’t think it would be wise for all data to be revealed at this point; indeed it might be construed as “poisioning” the potential jurors should this end up as a jury trial.
Ooops. Poisoning the jurors. Hell-the-BEAST must be around somwhere…
(Now I’ve got “Poisoning Pigeons In The Park” going through my head…)
“Ultimately the source must be revealed to validate it as authentic.”
This is the tech question which is a mystery to me. We know that China is not going to let us look at the computers to verify that certain data originated in those machines. I just do not know how critical that fact is, tech-wise.
Mike’s guest said that what they got was 100%, categorical, definitive proof that the data originated from the computers cited.
A DNA expert will testify that the statistical results of his analysis give a 4 quadrillion to one chance of the DNA belonging to someone other than the defendant. In other words, it is impossible for the DNA to belong to anyone else on the planet, let alone anyone in the area of the crime at the time it was committed.
But the expert testimony doesn’t explain how the DNA got there. I realize the comparison is far from perfect.
And when you say “source” above, that can refer to the people who gave the evidence to Mike, or to the computers which originated the data. Can the “packets” scrolling on the screen be fabricated?
I think that Mike is trying to build popular momentum so the whole thing doesn’t get swept under the rug like Hitlery’s e-mail TREASON.
As stated, I love and admire Mike, but the big momentum will have to come from elsewhere, although Mike is a great start.
Agree. My “source” would likely be NSA or like entity.
I have zero interest in China agreeing or not. Nor is China playing nice part of the American solution.
But I would like one of our tech experts on this site to tell us whether examination of the originating computers would be necessary to establish the authenticity of the information which was recorded in real time.
Sarcasm aside. Good luck with one of our techs having free access to a Chinee computer that hasn’t altered since 3 November.
Some things will NEVER happen.
But yea, in the perfect world it may be incredibly helpful.
The traffic was said to have been monitored in real time, which would require buffering, and if VSGPDJT &co. were watching it live (like we do with a packet sniffer), they would likely be storing it off somewhere for future reference, because you can’t debug without the supporting data. The White Hats (and Black Hats too) would have access to DNS root servers, and likely the various countries’ lower-level servers to see if anyone was twiddling things or doing a MiM spoof.
And there are MANY more data sources to be considered than just the ChiCom servers. DE (FFM) and IT among them. And if Dominion has any decent redundancy, THEIR backup servers/network that they should have in place for fallover and recovery…
PDJT warned them about election fraud. That they went forward with it betrays their lack of planning and/or their hubris.
Either way, they aren’t going to get away with it.
The Good Guys have them DEAD TO RIGHTS.
I took the packets scrolling on the screen to be a special effect, honestly. It’s a hex dump (displaying the entire contents of memory in hexadecimal notation).
If this really is the data, it’s scrolling past really, really fast so no one could learn from (by the same token it makes it harmless to be a special effect).
I did notice from watching that there are an awful lot of 27s and a few other particular hex numbers in it.
(OK, what is hexadecimal? Its numbers in base sixteen. Instead of counting 0, 1,2 3,4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, then going to 10, 11, 12, you count with sixteen digits, not ten, and the extra six digits are the first six letters of the alphabet. A is ten, B is eleven, C is twelve, D is thirteen E is fourteen and F is fifteen.
So you count like this: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, then for sixteen you use 10.
Two digits in decimal lets you represent 00-99 which is a hundred possibilities; two digits in hexadecimal lets you represent 00-FF which is 16×16=256 possibilities; every single eight bit byte can be represented by a double digit hexadecimal number. Very tidy and compact.
Incidentally you will sometimes see the lower case letters used. And also, sometimes a number is marked as being a hexadecimal number in two distinct ways, the first being 2Ch with the h meaning it’s hexadecimal, this example isequal to 2×16+12=44. There’s also writing 0x2C, where the 0x is the hexadecimal “marker” used in many programming languages, this is also 44 in decimal.)
If you sometimes see a registration number or code or something like that that looks like a mix of numbers and letters, but none of those letters comes after F in the alphabet, it’s most likely a hex number.
TY, this is helpful.
Hex 27 is decimal 39 is ASCII apostrophe, which could be either a delimiter or a quote for a quoted string… or an escaped quote… or even control characters from the good old days…
(Why does Jean-Claude Killy like code tables? Because he’s always looking for A SCII…)….
An awful lot of delimiters.
It seemed, just watching it, like about a quarter to a third of the numbers were 27h
Somehow the tune “one little, two little, three little endian” is going through my mind… compressed or encoded text?
Or someone’s version of the (in)famous Lorem Ipsum stuff…
On a completely different note, my dad used to be able to read Hollerith cards.
Disseminating the basic info far and wide through multiple avenues is needed to ensure the general public is abuzz with the story. Then MSM can’t hide from it or spin it. Tucker should do it, but when he does, 60% will just scoff *because* it is TC.
because faux bidden didnt win and the Diamonds MUST Be Returned
The video actually states that this evidence cannot be faked.
It is based on the recording of Internet traffic to and from the voting machines and could only be obtained by real time recording.
It also states that we were watching recordings. Recordings can be faked.
Only got a very foggy idea how this works, maybe cthulhu could explain it. Whoever it was, recorded it as it was happening so that first recording is the real thing. Then some kind software (algorithm ?)looks at it all and gives it a number, and if any little part of the recording isn’t as the same as the original at a later date the number will be altered showing it’s wrong.
It’s what people use when downloading operating systems from the internet to check they’ve got a good copy.