DEAR KAG: 20210625

“Every time we turn our heads the other way, when we see the law flouted, when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy or too frightened, when we fail to speak up and speak out, we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice.”

Robert Kennedy

Welcome back to Wolf’s Pub! It’s Friday and we’ve been “enjoying” the bumpy ride of living in Jibberish Joe Biden’s America for five months now. I’d say that’s a good excuse to hearken back to a simpler time and enjoy a Grasshopper, that iconic American cocktail that embodies the sweetness of a time when phrases such as “the benefits outweigh the risks” could be accepted with a good will.

But first, let’s get to the down and dirty. They’ve been lying to us for a long time. They’ve been using all kinds of techniques on us, getting us to feel those emotions that make us easily manipulated:





It isn’t just the USA that’s experienced this kind of psychological operation. They’ve been doing the same thing all over the world.

Here’s Ivor Cummins, the Fat Emperor, and Laura Dodsworth discussing the PSYOPS that our governments used on us during the fake pandemic:

The book, A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponized fear during the Covid-19 pandemic by Dodsworth, chronicles the technique of weaponizing FEAR to control the population.

Some of the Qtreepers were discussing just this kind of thing yesterday.

Concerned Virginian took a granddaughter to the doctor’s office, and what an ordeal. The amount of masking, etc., was epic.

This prompted two replies (here and here), that tie right in with the psyops we’ve been experiencing since late in 2019:

Later, Concerned Virginian had an excellent comment about the CDC here. Partial below:

This prompted Emerald Star to reply:

Mantras, catch-phrase chants, sound-bytes, advertising slogans…PROPAGANDA and THOUGHT CONTROL.


Some Bitch Told Me chronicles how actors disguised themselves as reporters and then sought to blend in with MAGA at the January 6 rally. There’s video at the link, in which we see how the actors engage Americans who are understandably upset with our government’s behavior, and entice them to unload on the “reporter for OAN.”

The “reporters” later mock the Americans and twist things to suit their narrative. Another form of psyops.

I think this is where discernment comes in. We must be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” It is difficult to navigate the immense and pervasive psyops we’ve been under for decades now. We all get fooled, and it isn’t just “the other side” engaging in it.

Are we infallible? Nope. We all get fooled at times. But we have learned enough to see many of the tricks as they come at us and sooner than before. In fact, I would say we are beginning to learn faster than they are able to try new tricks.


Yes, today our special is the Grasshopper, that minty sweet cocktail that saw its heyday in the 50s and 60s. It was invented in Louisiana in the early 1900s, and to this day is a favorite at one of the oldest “stand up” bars there.

I used to work in a smallish honky-tonk somewhere in the southwest, and yes, there were plenty of orders for Grasshoppers, even in the 80s. Of course, they are experiencing another surge of popularity as seen here.

Zany and fun video here:

Here’s a nice video with a history twist on the Grasshopper. Can you say Prohibition?


We aim to please here at Wolf’s Pub, so do Make Nice. Rules here to review. If you need some “dangerous freedom” head over to the Utree, which is also a rendezvous in case we need it.


There’s always a spiritual element of the attack on humanity. From Ann Barnhardt:

The Covid Religion is a full-blown cult of child sacrifice. She’s got the graphs from the CDC and a link to the Event 201 to back her up. (Check out the timing of the Moloch statue being erected and Event 201.)


Have you heard about It’s Mike Lindell’s answer to Amazon. American-made products from Americans. Imagine where this could go if we support it! If you have a market-ready product you can submit it for consideration. This is just a wonderful and God-fearing idea whose time has come.

Incidentally, Mike’s towels are on sale ($39.99 down from $109.99 for a set of six) at My Pillow. Ends today! Use code: Warroom to get the sale price.


Since it seems like the business fascists are attempting to implement injection mandates:

The WHO says mask mandates should last indefinitely

…let’s be ready for an answer:

Employer Disclosure Form for Covid Injections

Family Financial Disclosure Forms for Covid

Defending the Republic (the incomparable Sidney Powell is looking for people to help with legal Covid issues). Watch here on Warroom with Steve Bannon (around the 39-minute mark):

Warroom Episode 1045

 “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

Robert Kennedy



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Valerie Curren

OK, purely to be juvenile–First!  👼 

Valerie Curren

Whoo Hoo…I’m actually still reading your post–Great Job, as usual!!!


Field report….Santa Clara, CA (heart of Silicon Valley)….

Went to grocery store today. Mask sign was gone. I looked.

I hadn’t heard any announcements.

I know the management team and they know me by sight. I wanted to be sure in case the county health inspectors were going to be assholes. Or their corporate imbeciles.

So I went in without a mask. Immediately greeted by name by #3 of local management. I said, “howdy!” and continued in.

About 30% of customers didn’t have masks. I anticipate this will ramp up rapidly.


Corporate management is talking about requiring masks on employees until the end of the year. Once 80%+ of customers have ditched theirs, the union should start gnawing on it.


They’re still requiring masks to get into grocery stores here. And to get your hair cut. And in doctor’s offices/hospitals/etc. /smh


But other than that, hardly anyone seems to be wearing them. I went to a funeral a couple weeks ago and out of about 100 people crowded into that church, maybe 3 people had them on.


The thing is, the sign just disappeared. There was no notice. I didn’t hear anything on the radio. There were no bulletins.

Santa Clara County was one of the initial infection points (due to close ties to China) in the country. Further, we had some of the biggest Karens in the nation in our Public Health Department. It was mandated that businesses plaster their front doors with COVID warning signs. This was done with great fanfare and was covered extensively in all media.

And, now, they just take down some of the signs overnight.


(The signs for social distancing remain.)


There were no new signs, replacement signs or anything. Half the signs just vanished and it turns out that they included the mask ones.


Theres a donut shop we wont go to anymore. On the door no mask no service. They used to get a ton of business. Good prices but theyve ruined the atmosphere.

Cuppa Covfefe

Krispy Kritters…


I stopped reading signs. Much easier.

Cuppa Covfefe

Especially the ones that say STOP 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Same thing happened here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m THRILLED, but it does feel a little Soviet Union the way things change, no explanation, no nuthin’. It’s like yesterday never happened.


The Memory Hole.

Sylvia Avery


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re right! It IS like the Soviet Union.

Or worse.


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Cuppa Covfefe


Reminds me of the Klintoons…. now what was that song????

What was that crook’s refrain..
Oh, yeah… “Yesterday’s Gone”…
from Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop”

[“Yesterday’s Gone” being a song by the great but all-but-forgotten duo Chad and Jeremy]


to quote Rosanne Roseannadanna “🎶 never mind 🎶“


Same in NV. Month or so ago, mask signage simply disappearing over night. No announcement. The idiotic “one way” in stores, prolly two months back. Followed by 6′ marking on the floors. Even some plexiglass has been removed or reduced in check out areas.


A lot of that stuff seemed deliberately preposterous, to insult us. But then some people have to be warned not to eat detergent.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe someone stole it? 😆
(was it East SJ?)

Sylvia Avery

Awesome! Show ’em how it’s done!


East TN – no masks here except for the few sheeple who like them and in medical offices. A few restaurants are still doing it with their servers, but most are not because they are struggling to find people willing to work. Wide open for business and traffic has been unbelievable.


Disappointing news — a new mask sign. Says that the State of California requires non-vaccinated people to wear masks.

Previously, it was by authority of the Santa Clara Department of Public Health, and they had trigger-happy Stasi and networks of informants. They were threatening everything from Health Dept. revocations to loss of operating permits and licenses, which left local businesses between a rock and a hard place.

Now it’s some nebulous “State of California” off in the clouds someplace. Screw ’em.

% of people not wearing masks was a bit less than yesterday — maybe 25%. But one of the workers at the meat-counter wasn’t wearing one. I swapped smiles with him.


We did see that in the ferret coronavirus trials. Vaccines worked until new variant came along, at which point ADE kicked in and all the ferrets died.


I’m ready to get wormed whenever it seems necessary.

Contrary to how they behaved with the original disease, I think the media/pharma/political structure will soft-pedal the panic for excess deaths from ADE.


They can’t blame deaths on anyone if they can’t afford to acknowledge them in the first place.

Concerned Virginian

You hit the nail on the head. The “people died because of the unvaccinated” narrative is already being set up.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Be ready to stay home for a while. Get any voluntary medical procedures out of the way now, because the hospitals will be overrun.


Actually, just deleted my reply post; I do not want to give “anyone” ideas!

Last edited 3 years ago by Tonawanda

Maybe share on Gab Chat – The QTree Members, if it something many of us can use.

Deplorable Patriot

What the shots do is destroy the immune system itself. So, the people catching the next wave, if there really is one, have nothing to fight it off with.

The whole thing is diabolical.


We could enter a new bring out your dead phase. Thatd be truly overwhelming and sad.


Back in the day when I was in college, we used to make “green death” shots. Layered in a shotglass, top to bottom: tan Bacardi 151, 100-proof clear peppermint schnapps, and 60-proof green creme de menthe.

Despite layered drinks looking tricky and difficult, the preparation of these was so easy that you could do it even as the evening wore on. (1) Stash all bottles in freezer; (2) pour top layer, then pour middle layer down the side under the top, then pour bottom layer down the side under the middle. The density of the liquids involved does all the work, even if your hands are getting shaky.


As a side note, I graduated college (or is that “matriculated from University”?) at the age of 20.

I’m not a big fan of calendar-based legal restrictions. I knew how to deal with a manual transmission at 13.

Sylvia Avery

A lost art.


Not entirely lost. My ’94 Honda is a stick. There were 14 of its type in California when I bought it.


It used to be that you could have American cars built to your spec, whether or not that car was in an adjacent dealer’s lot. My first car, a 1979 Ford Mustang that was a complete dog, was like that. It had to be built with a California-only engine that had been discontinued in 49 states. But, y’know, negotiate a price, put in your order with a deposit, get a car some weeks later and pay for it.

Because imports were usually built overseas (although mine was built in Marysville, OH), their car sales didn’t work that way. If you wanted a peculiar spec, you’d call up their US “import” office and find out where they were (if, in fact, there were any in that configuration).

There was a Green one in Chico (my first choice of color), a White one in San Bruno, another white one in Santa Cruz, and so on (at the time, I knew where every one of the fourteen was). I did a thing with my credit union where I got a beige one with fleet pricing out of San Luis Obispo, and had to take the Fiancee to get it so she could drive my car back.

Sylvia Avery

Something like one percent of automobiles now come with a manual transmission. Or so I read.


I had a bit of a shock the other day. This was part of my battery failure/brake light switch with broken target thingie. I did a quick loop in the Fiancee’s car and on the way back home some idiot turned in front of me down a side street — no signal, no nothing — and I braked, hard. That was an annoyance, but wasn’t the shock.

As I was braking, I hit the spot on the steering wheel where my car has horn buttons. The horn didn’t sound. Instead, after the other car had passed by and I was resuming cruising speed, the car started interrogating me. “Say a phrase like ‘radio’, ‘cruise’, or ‘mileage’!”

Evidently, “what the fuck?” and “shut up!” are not in its list of recognized commands. They should be. I was not fully prepared to appreciate the genius of this feature immediately subsequent to an adrenaline incident.

A day or so later, I’m driving the Fiancee to the market in her car, and I mention that it talks. She said, “no way!” and I demonstrated it. I hit the button and said, “radio eighty-eight point five” and it tuned to KQED.

If I have one car, I’ll have my trusty Honda. If I have two cars, I’ll have my trusty Honda and a truck. If I have three cars, it’d be nice to have a tricked-out thing like the Fiancee’s…….and I’d probably put more miles on it than the others…..but I’d want the other two to be available.

Sylvia Avery

Is this an Alexa type thing? It’s listening to you…….


I’m not sure. I encountered it by accident and I don’t know if it communicates with a “mother ship”.


I’m not particularly worried if I’m driving alone in my car…’ll just pick up some extra vocabulary.

E.g. “Oh, no you don’t, thou ball-less catamite! Oh, you did! Were you dropped on your head repeatedly as an infant, just to be sure? Maybe from the roof? Why does it always have to be eunuchs and imbeciles?”

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Sylvia Avery

😂😂😂😂 You might throw in a few “Obama is King” or “Joe Biden is a fricking GENIUS” just to throw them off…. (you KNOW I’m kidding!)


Seen on Twitter:

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Hmmm. Could this have something to do with 5G?

Why Are Large Numbers Of Birds Suddenly Dropping Dead In Multiple US States?

“As if we didn’t have enough weird things going on, now birds are suddenly dropping dead in large numbers all across the eastern half of the country. Before they die, a lot of these birds are exhibiting very strange symptoms. Experts are telling us that in many cases birds are developing “crusty or puffy eyes”, and often they appear to go completely blind. In addition, quite a few of these dying birds lose their ability to stay balanced, and we are being told that some even seem to be having “seizures”. If scientists understood what was causing this to happen, that would be one thing. But at this point they have no idea why this is taking place, and that is quite alarming.

So far, confirmed incidents of this strange phenomenon have been documented in Washington D.C., Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana.

“Could it be possible that we are dealing with a “mystery disease” that started in one state and that has now spread to other surrounding states?
Or is something else going on here?

We are being told that “blue jays, common grackles and European starlings” are the most common birds that are being affected.

“But whatever is happening is not just limited to one species of birds, and I think that should be a red flag.

“If our best experts even had a decent working theory about why so many birds are dying, I probably would not have written this article. But at this point they are openly admitting that they have absolutely no idea why so many birds are suddenly dropping dead…”


Last edited 3 years ago by Linda
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Something in the water? WuFlu, spike proteins?


Thing is, once the box is opened with biowarfare, it is very deep. And the things in it are very nasty.

If (as many suspect) COVID-19 is biowarfare, there may be a full-out extermination of China and a substantial portion of the FDA, CDC, and Federally-funded biolabs.

They may end up copping to political warfare with, admittedly, an infectious agent, in order to avoid the consequences of calling this full-fledged biowarfare.


If WuFlu is biowarfare, they used pretty weak sauce. It isn’t all that lethal. The long-term consequences of the vaccine, however, could very well be.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WuFlu was “sociobiological warfare”. Very effective, very deniable.


“Compassionate” killing might have been the price of getting the Democrat allies on board. Not for the sake of compassion, but for the sake of getting away with murder.


And just the first round.


That’s why they may cop to political warfare with a cheap infectious agent excuse to avoid getting tagged with “biowarfare”. Because if it’s biowarfare, the most likely response is “nuke it to glass”.


It’s like releasing a stink bomb, and shooting people coming out of the building. It’s not quite “chemical warfare” like Sarin or VX.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sociobiological warfare still deserves a response.

At. our. leisure.

Of course, we have to get the TRAITORS as part of that.


Exactly, but they may actually cop to “sociobiological warfare” because the potential response to “biowarfare” is orders of magnitude worse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think at this point, trust of China is……

Well, depends. Biden IS a bit of a joke now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

CIA stands for “China Is Asshoe,” too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Now if they would just LIVE IT LARGE.

Cuppa Covfefe

Proof of concept. There’s no telling what else they have lined up…

And the Climasstrologists were all in on their last POC, the Gore-Bull warming scam. Get people to pay for air, erm, “Carbon Credits” and not bat an eye (or eye a bat, as it were)…

Seems Germany and most of the EU are set to shut down ALL coal-fired electricity generation by 2030, if not 2025!

And guess who’s building and opening a few new coal plants a week??? And polluting more than the rest of the world combined? Oh, and adding nukes, too.

Why, yes, it’s everybody’s FAVORITE DEVELOPING NATION… cashing in carbon credits and crashed economies from the world over…


Developing, my A$$. The only thing developing about Red China is they’re developing new and more evil stuff every day. And most of that is stolen technology from stolen/bought-off technologists…


Cuppa Covfefe

Or, maybe, C’MON SOON…


The west has gone stupid. The elites should he hanged for crimes to humanity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh – I think I know what it is.

THEORY (hypothesis, actually).

It’s people changing away from glyphosate (RoundUp).

Animals have adapted to glyphosate, which is nearly non-toxic to higher organisms, degrades quickly, etc. But FAKE SCIENCE turns everything upside down, and freaks out about minutiae for trial lawyers, just like with benzene being replaced by more acutely toxic toluene. Forcing people off round-up has forced them onto more toxic pesticides. And those pesticides are all going exactly where animal life LEARNED through evolution that it was OK to shop for seeds because they were OK to eat.

People who have switched away from roundup are going to other broad-spectrum pesticides that are actually poisonous to animals. So all the seeds and plant matter and bugs and bits of this and that that birds peck at and nibble on in driveways and lawns and near curbs – all that stuff is now coated in POISON, instead of fast-acting, fast-degrading, non-toxic ROUND-UP.



A very plausible hypothesis, and ready to test. Y’know, like SCIENCE used to before they hired lobbyists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! It could be wrong, but if it’s right, we need to know! Now we try to KILL THE HYPOTHESIS!!!


Very plausible. But why is it happening only in certain states? And are you so sure everyone is going off Roundup? You can still buy it everywhere here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a gradual shift. But if you just had 5% of the places that HAD been using roundup switching for whatever reasons (likely a patchwork of local, state, and federal “notices” and policies, and a patchwork of levels of compliance), and then layer that with CORPORATE pressures (money), then one would expect a weird patchwork of observed symptoms in birds.

It doesn’t have to be anywhere NEAR total to be observable. And THAT is the effect that THEY have had on human thinking. It’s like “AND logic”. They’ve literally “depressed” mankind into “all-or-nothing thinking” – a HALLMARK of depression.

I have personified “them” as that Berman guy on CNN.

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The guy will just pump lies out his liberal guests and nod in a kind of serious “concern” that is just diabolical. He KNOWS it’s a lie. He KNOWS.

The FAKE NEWS is really evil.


And then, there’s the fact that birds seldom respect fencelines or other human demarcations.


When we bought our house the people had lawn service and there was no bug no bird insight.
Now our place is full of wild life. We planted old fashioned flours that bees and birds and butterflies love. So do the deer that visit. We put bird food out as entertainment for the cats drooling on the other side of the window.
Coming to think have not seen a bluejay this year.


Great 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I know it isn’t what you meant but I just had a mental image of a whole population–millions of them–of lightning bugs exploding…


Mind you, I have my own hypothesis regarding ROUND-UP and celiac disease (and other gluten problems).

So, the US grows a prodigious amount of wheat. And it’s out in “amber waves of grain” across the midwest. But there’s only a certain number of combines out there that can harvest it at any one time, so scheduling becomes a large factor. Ideally, you’d have some guy out there with a scythe cutting all the wheat in a field that is ready and leaving the rest to “ripen” further….but that messes up with the schedule, where you have to take an entire field on a day you can get a combine.

So (and this was certainly news to me), a couple of days prior to scheduled harvest, factory farmers will douse their wheat fields in ROUND-UP to ensure all the stalks are dead and wheat is dried when they run the combines through. Part of the field may be as green as grass (cereals are all grasses), and it’ll make it dry.

This is not something I went looking for, but I have my sources.

I suspect that spraying ROUND-UP on green wheat to harvest it has an effect on the wheat’s gluten, that (especially with chronic exposure) can lead to human health problems. It may not even be exposure to the ROUND-UP that does it — you might be able to get the same change to gluten by uprooting the plant and dehydrating it. But I suspect that this is what is behind the huge growth in gluten intolerance.

I agree that ROUND-UP is normally quite safe, and I’m trying not to come across as some sort of Luddite — but this is a profoundly weird quirk of factory farming.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THAT has all the hallmarks of a system error.

(1) people are told round-up is safe on crops because, among other reasons, it degrades fast
(2) people forget WHY it’s safe
(3) people use it in a way that negates one of the safety catches



Ask a qualified question and get an answer you like; use in a manner inconsistent with the qualifications. Happens all the time and tends to be…..unpleasant.

Deplorable Patriot

A couple of gentle corrections:

The reason Roundup is sprayed on crops prior to harvest is to increase yield as a dying plant produces more fruit as it is croaking.

The increased gluten content of American wheat is due to two hybrids that were done in the 20th century to accommodate the mechanized bread making process. Our wheat now has ten times the gluten wheat from other nations does.

Messing with nature does this sort of stuff.


I try to only buy pasta made in Italy, unless I make my own. It’s the only kind that doesn’t make me all bloated.

Deplorable Patriot

I try to skip it, but someone in this house likes to force things on me. She uses guilt, too.

Deplorable Patriot

I usually walk an hour or so which makes all the difference weight wise. But, I think the gluten and caffeine combine for inflammation in me, so both have to be limited.

After tomorrow, things around here will change for a few weeks. Then the kids come back for a couple weeks.


I will make my husband all the pasta he wants but I do not need to eat it or very little.
Guess what? He now refuses to eat pasta because I do not eat it or very little and am healthy and he is not.
So I won he loosed the food war 🙂 Just kidding  😇 
He feels better looks better but is not admittting. Today he eat an egg and some cheese for lunch 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Many, many years ago (>20) I was trying to lose weight and following the conventional wisdom–no fat.

I was feeling more and more miserable, was on a plateau for basically the entire time, and one evening I cracked…and ate a triple cheeseburger.

The next morning I was practically bouncing off the walls with energy.

I learned a LOT then,

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes I have done the no fat thing now I eat my hamburger with no bun.


After growing up with my nightmare of a mother, guilt no longer works on me. I act on what I believe, and feel guilty about nothing, ever.

I don’t, however, live in the house with it!


Guilt never worked on me it is an old mother trick and once one knows the trick it does not work 🙂




An old mother trick when honest conversation
shoes them flowed.


Yes, their is good.

Cuppa Covfefe

They are also VERY pro-family!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Good to know.


It’s the only pasta that cooks up al dente.


That is true. Best texture, hands down.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The cheaper ones (ALDI, etc.) just cook up all dented 😆

(ducks flying Ragu, Parmesan, and graters 🙂 )…..

Barilla is great; their pasta sauce/pesto/etc. is too. And they aren’t woke! Pro-family, pro-life.


Theirs is the best sauce in jars. And they’re the only pasta where the cooking time is accurate enough that I can mix shapes.

Cuppa Covfefe

Heyyy, I do that too. Farfalle, big and small, Spirale, Fusilli, Girondole, Picolini, all sorts of them (they have probably 100 different ones over here)… I usually run out of time before I run out of noodles…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Regardless of that, be very careful when eating both pasta and antipasta.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It would be pasta-la-vista then…

I’d be Canneloni then, standing in the corner, all by myself…
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Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

The pasta from Italy only the one from Trader Joe’s my husband can eat not to spike his sugar.
Noodles made from Einkorn does not bother him either.


I discovered that Einkorn makes fantastic biscuits! It just uses a lot less liquid than other flour.


Yes it does. I use home milled flour and have to adjust the water depending on the flour.
I am glad you make good biscuits with Einkorn 🙂


We’ll have to wait another 300 years or so to get quadrotriticale.


I have known about this for some time.

I contacted Wheat Montana, a company that makes flour, bread, etc. here.

They told me a few years ago that they DO NOT use this practice. Whether that is still true, I could try to find out.

Wheat Montana tests all their wheat through university labs. I use their flour and bread a lot. It’s good.


I’m glad you can get it.


I use it . Walmart sells wheat montana.




Wow, that’s really something.

Those trial lawyers want to crack open Bayer’s wallet REAL BAD.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trial lawyers – an arm of Democrat communism.


Roundup is an herbicide but also has widespread application as a post harvest desiccant.


Should be pre-harvest desiccant. I’m not aware of its use as a pesticide.


If the theory that Glyphosate is not harmful is incorrect…
Here is an alternate viewpoint:

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if this is something from a *cough* *cough* *cough* lab somewhere???

Say, NC, Wuhan, or “points unknown” (looking at somewhere in Virginia)…..

When the ChiCom Red Robin comes bob-bob-bobbin’ along…

Speaking of radio waves, what about the microwave attacks on Embassy personnel around the world, probably another ChiCom bomb, so to speak…


WuFlu Echo variant. Far more deadly than the intimidating Covid Delta variant.


Several years ago we had a large bird die off here in Indiana that was attributed to West Nile disease. Didn’t see any Blue Jays for years.


This is really reminding me of Building 7 falling into its footprint for no reason. h/t kyblue


I’m going to wait and see on this one. Some engineering firm is going to make some bank on this one.

(We used to have a company near here — visible from the freeway — named “Failure Analysis Associates”. What a great name. They changed it to the weak “The Failure Group” in 1989 and changed it again to the lame “Exponent” in 1998 [ ].)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The flashes look like high-power disconnects to me!!!


Yeah, I’m more struck by that building falling into its footprint like Building 7.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Indeed, and THAT makes me think that the concentration on flashes is reactive disinformation from the people who did it – so that makes it even more likely that it was some kind of induced collapse.


Exact same thing happened.

Q vs. Reactive Disinformation

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Before I get into the larger issue of Red October today, I want to focus attention on a small nugget of ADVANCED Q thinking and logic. This will be a bit nerdy, and will twist a few undies, but it’s a good twist – maybe even a wedgie – of which some of the insufficiently …


Good point. An awful lot of people are focusing on those flashes rather than the smoking gun of how the building fell. That’s the disinformation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Just like Vegas.

In fact, it’s a layered misdirection. The first layer is to misdirect from Arizona. Then within THAT misdirection, they misdirect. Straight out of CIA.


Is this plausible at all?
Collapsed Miami condo had been sinking into Earth as early as the 1990s, researchers say

A Florida high-rise that collapsed early Thursday was determined to be unstable a year ago, according to a researcher at Florida International University.

The building, which was constructed in 1981, has been sinking at an alarming rate since the 1990s, according to a study in 2020 by Shimon Wdowinski, a professor in the Department of Earth and Environment.

Wdowinski said his research is not meant to suggest certainty about what caused the collapse. The building was sinking at a rate of about 2 millimeters a year in the 1990s and could have slowed or accelerated in the time since, he said. 

There is more in the article about the history of the building.

It’s hard when you don’t know enough about demolition, buildings sinking, structural engineering, and the like to know if what we’re being told (by anyone) is plausible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like a potentially legit explanation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – let’s throw AND LOGIC at this, because I see a GREAT MOTIVE.

Check this out, from the article:

The county requires commercial and multifamily buildings to be recertified every 40 years. The process involves electrical and structural inspections for a report to be filed with the town. It was underway for the condominium building but had not been completed, town officials said Thursday.

So – here is the theory.

That prof had really done that work back in the 90’s.

The building was up for reinspection.

The inspection was being LEAKED by spying.

It was looking BAD for the owners.


Bring the structure down for a “pat explanation” BEFORE the results are revealed and the owner is officially on the hook to fix the problems.


That would work better if (A) it had been the entire building, and (B) there weren’t many owners pancaked into the thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. But if these people are as evil as the people who pulled off 9/11, then as long as it achieves the goal……..

Concerned Virginian

** Possible ** structural issues that were ** helped along ** at the just the right moment, perhaps?
And if it was known that the buildings were apparently structurally compromised for almost two decades, why weren’t the defects addressed before this?

Cuppa Covfefe

The interview of the Dutch Financier Ronald Bernard describes in great detail just how evil these people are, and how someone is “groomed” into their organization.

On the other hand, if a society is perfectly willing to kill its own young, why wouldn’t they be perfectly willing to kill anyone or anything else?????

Perhaps some of this is Judgement?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Helping natural events along for actionable timing” seems to be an MO.


Sounds possible, but I would think the owners would still have some culpability. I have no doubt there will be lawsuits.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, the more I look at this, the more it looks like natural causes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They knew it was in trouble, and they had people intervening, but it was likely much worse than they thought.


When a building is imploded, it collapses into itself so that it doesn’t cause secondary damage.

Most accidental collapses end up with the building going wonky to the left or right, floors pancaking, precarious leaning, etc.

Obviously, a “perfect” collapse is still possible, but usually, it takes some advanced planning to achieve it.

An apparent perfect collapse can happen if the interior supports fail and the structure is pulled inside.

But this doesn’t always happen. Remember the building in Dallas that refused to collapse. The original architect said basically, I designed it to stay up, not come down. So it was some time before they brought it down successfully.

So more likely would be a partial failure, where part of the structure fails but the rest remails standing, similar to OKC 1995.

Of course, shoddy design could be implicated.

Are there multiple structures implicated? Remember some buildings are constructed as multiple structures so there isn’t one single point where failure can bring down the entire building.

It would seem odd to have two structures suddenly collapse. But if there is common foundation weakness between them, one building’s collapse will result in vibration event that can weaken and trigger additional failures.

There ya go, enough for now.


Insurance fraud.
My guess too.


Biden met with the mayor of Miami the day before. See yesterday’s speech/presser video clip where he reveals the meeting and says ” of course we didn’t talk about this”…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Meeting was in Washington, and seems that Miami was under pressure on two things: vaccination and “gun violence”


What we need to know who lived in the building and how are they connected to the deep state or anyone else who knows a lot?
Who needed to be silent?
That is where I would focus on.


Haven’t read the article yet but on the surface:

Strange that of all the buildings in Florida this particular 12 story building was studied extensively, but not condemned, if it had a structural issue.

(Florida International University has interesting history that Hugh Ferriss discusses in Power in Buildings.)

Florida International University, isn’t that where the pedestrian bridge under construction collapsed onto traffic below?

Imo, the video clip doesn’t show the moments before the collapse; the moments when stability shifted to instability.

Before the second tower of the building collapses, there is a slight tipping, a slight deflection that’s visible immediately before this portion collapses from below.

That moment isn’t shown for the middle section.

The middle section left the other tower intact, suggesting some type of control/expansion joint, structural isolation, between the sections of building.

Last edited 3 years ago by marymorse
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. FIU was the bridge collapse, which I figured was a leverage attack due to unmasking of Parkland stand-down and refusal to go along with the narrative.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All of this would be consistent with pressure on leaders for gun control / disarmament.


The fact is, that area is a sandbar. Building high-rises there is fraught with peril.

Cuppa Covfefe

I remember them. IIRC, they started out of U$C, which has (or at least had) a HUGE systems and failure analysis group (not a whole school, but part of the engineering school, and more than likely associated with the architecture school in an advisory role, as ‘SC also had a great architecture school).

My favorite views from 101 were Ampex (back in the auld days), and the Informix billboard that showed a rear-view mirror with “Oracle” in it, hinting not too subtly that they were faster. That was always a thorn in Larry’s side… he was probably the happiest to see it go… then again, there were more:
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And Father Junipero Serra statue off of 280 (the “Yuppiebahn”)…


Yeah I have bad memories of Informix, but anything that triggers Larry’s PTSD is alright with me 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Spotted on El Reg:

Larry, Larry, quite contrary,
How does your empire grow?
With IP “rights” and patent fights,
And lawyers all in a row….


Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Deplorable Patriot

There’s a rumor it was a D.E.W., but I don’t buy it in this case.


H/t to the anons … interesting hypothesis:

Regarding the building collapse yesterday and the links to the family of the President of Paraguay; remember when the Bush family purchased the 100,000 acres in Paraguay that sits on top of one of the world’s largest aquifers? Enough fresh water to sustain the Earth’s population for 200 years.




I posted this morning how Gino Cattarossi works for Arcturus Pharma & James F.Barlow. The Champlain Tower condo is fronting as a trafficking hotel/harvesting.

That’s why they nuked it. Anons probably uncovered some unknown details of McAfee’s posts & blockchain happenings last night that only the DS understood, & they panicked, then pulled it.

Graciella Cattarossi owns Cattarossi Productions LLC, that specializes in child photography

>Graciella Cattarossi and her daughter, Estella: A friend wrote to Local 10 and sent a photo of Gabriella Cattarossi and daughter, Estella, who are missing after the Surfside building collapse. The friend said Cattarossi’s elderly parents are also missing.


GavinMCLELLAND has #WHALEHUNTER in his profile. Barlow is listed as the owner of WHALEWISDOM.
The war is real.

Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar
Deplorable Patriot

This is the sort of stuff fiction writers wish we could make up.

If McAfee’s dead man switch really has been activated – and McAfee being McAfee the thing is probably Rube-Goldberged to the max – I would think there will be more of this sort of happening.

Deplorable Patriot

Another theory is with McAfee “dead,” the dead man switch is going to be the mechanism for a lot of the big reveal. He had access to everything, legal or not.

Nothing would have to be declassed.

At this point, anything is possible.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like an “A-Team” (the original series) plot.

All the more reason they’d do it: plausible deniability…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Definite disinfo.

My guess would be a very small, very advanced, likely explosive device to take out ONE support that a highly advanced program determined could result in an inward partial to complete collapse.

All the data was there – it was public – it was available – the building was being studied – was in active examination. That data stream would provide “them” with enough to take it down.

Note that DOJ is now going after the audits, and we’re all distracted.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that grasshopper video is hilarious!

“WHOOOOA, that’s dirty!”


Nice rundown on psyops.


Those forms linked in today’s article for employees and college students to present to employers or colleges requiring vaxxes are excellent!


1) If I agree to receive an EUA Covid-19 injection, does my employee health insurance plan provide complete coverage should I experience an adverse event, or even death?

2) As an employee, does my life insurance policy provide any coverage in the event that I die from receiving an EUA Covid-19 injection?

3) As an employee, will you be providing Workers’ Compensation, disability insurance, or other resources if I have an adverse event to an EUA Covid-19 injection and am unable to come to work for days, weeks, or months, or if I am disabled for life?


Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Sylvia Avery

Grandma, love your opening! Wish I had a grasshopper right now, LOL!


Thanks once again, Grandma!

I get a kick out of my words being cited …


I just renewed my NC CPA.

It’s been years, but like someone growing up with chronic abuse, I always expect it will be a more painful, humiliating, complex, and expensive process than it turns out to be.

I did have to leave my usual armored browsing to do the renewal in Brave. They had a thing that should have been implemented as radio buttons — but was done as a series of drop downs (say yes to one of the following alternatives — then the other alternatives were supposed to get skipped). Required Javascript.


Mind you, renewing my California CPA continues to be painful, humiliating, complex, and expensive. But NC’s a much nicer place.


I startred reading the Daily Mail coverage of the building collapse and couldn’t sleep. It has personal stories and excellent photos.

This might be a “natural” occurrence from structural damage or sinking, but if someone had wanted to retraumatize us by conjuring images of 9/11, this was the way to do it. I didn’t know anyone personally who died on 9/11, but the horror of people being buried in rubble, the destruction, the anguish of loved ones waiting for word, is all eerily reminiscent and of course so tragic and sad.

The part in red is what collapsed.

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Among the missing are the sister of the wife of the president of Paraguay and her family (pic in the article). Also…

a famed Argentinian plastic surgeon, his partner, and their newly-adopted six year-old daughter.

That surgeon – Andres Galfrasconi, 45 – was visiting Miami with his partner Fabian Nunez, 55, and their daughter Sofia, six, to receive their COVID-19 vaccines. 

I’m sorry about their probable fate but can’t help but notice that two middle-aged men decided to raise a little girl…and that they were there to get vaxxed.

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Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

You can see layers of collapsed building on the ground.

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Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like some of the damage in the Marina District of SF after the Loma Prieta quake, but that was in large part due to liquefaction of the earth underneath.

(Don’t think this is close to water, nor is it landfill, which would cause problems too)…


So we have the dog comms thing. Champ died. Champlain Towers, Mayor of Miami visits with Biden, Biden doesn’t bring up the tower collapse, owners knew of structure issue, sinking into the ground, close to Ivanka Trumps apartment and then timing of event close to AZ audit wrap up. =target selected in my book.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

It’s across the street from the beach and built on a sandbar.


This photo is disturbing. How does a building collapse straight down without assistance?

Answer: I don’t think it does.


It seems unlikely that anyone could survive under this.

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They had people survive in the Cypress structure collapse from the Loma Prieta earthquake. True, many died….but you can’t give up before you’ve worked through it.

If someone had a solid desk, and was knocked over so that it could take the weight of her ceiling, there might be space enough next to the desk to not be immediately killed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sure there are a few survivors in there!

Cuppa Covfefe

I used to drive that freeway every day, but hated it all the same. Up and down and up and down and up and down. Like old Highway 99 or Highway 4. The concrete “arms” sticking out at the sides. Never thought it was very stable.

The Embarcadero was also the same, and I drove it a lot, too.

Part of the “cost” of living in earthquake country, but still too high, in any case. And I have ZERO trust that the WilliBrown™ erection known as the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge Eastern Span would survive anything over a 7, if that…

ChiCom workers, ChiCom materials, ChiCom tools (including cranes we don’t even have anymore, along with the shipyards there), and ChiCom cheating…


but you can’t give up before you’ve worked through it.

By all means. I’m just saying it looks very grim. And it will take a while to get access under all that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DM has good coverage of this!


Interesting photo. Is it current and accurate?

What’s happening on the site next door? Note that the ocean view section of the building is now gone and beyond the lot next door, there appears to be a significant stretch of undeveloped oceanfront property.

Hmmm. (Sort of like Nashville and the nearby Nashville Yards development.)

Cuppa Covfefe

Good points. The top of that building adjacent looks REALLY grotty, as compared to the other ones nearby (unless they’d had a rooftop garden, which I think is only a “thing” over here)…

Still think someone wanted the most bang for their bucks (or the most bucks for their bang, depending on one’s point of view). And looking at the view, the aquifer situation someone mentioned upthread, tenants, proximity, the rally coming up, and the need for a few FFs…

Sounds like the “money amplification” that Satan Sauros uses….


Just speculating out loud, but didn’t the gov’t just detonate a huge bomb out at sea a couple days ago?

Could that have triggered or shaken the underground geology enough to cause a shift or settling of things, and in concert, cause the collapse?

Last edited 3 years ago by Please

New VIP Schlichter for crippled browsers.

For those on Linux wanting to know how to obtain crippled browsers, or cripple the browsers you have, just ask. For those on Macs or Windows…..


Do these CONS really think MAGA people will be ditching Trump just like that?


KS is brilliant and very funny, but he does say some asinine stuff.


hi guys…gals…it’s either this…

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or a hurricane link.

always something. 🙌


latest something…

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Inv 95L

Intensity Guide..
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Howdy, Smiley! Done any art or murals lately?

DP posted this on Tuesday and I thought of you:

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Nanette Biers, “Summer Vineyard,” from the show “Summer Impressions” of the California Art Club.


Howdy back, GA/FL…yes…been a little busy w/ a mural & some other stuff.

nice to see art being shared here.

my days of climbing up/down scaffolding are def on the wane.


I know that ‘on the wane’ feeling. Only time I painted on a scaffold was painting white clouds and blue sky on the ceiling of an old downtown building – for a high school friend’s candy store and cafe. It really added to the atmosphere of the shop. We did turn-of-the-century prints about café society above each table.


sounds very nice-looking.

painting ceilings is awful !!

done a few myself…won’t do them anymore unless I get a million US dollars for it, lol.

getting the depth of field in the cloud formations while yr eyes are only inches from the surface is torture, plus yr neck is bent backwards the whole time.

even harder is doing a trompe l’oeil or forced perspective design onto a flat ceiling…like a soaring tree up into the sky….on paper or canvas, its fun…but up on a scaffolding on to a flat ceiling it’s murder.

average person has no idea what goes into art.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

for example, something like this…
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standing at an easel… or painting a watercolor of that type of image on flat paper standing at a drafting table.. is easy peezy..

but try drawing and then painting that type of image onto a ceiling that you are standing under and looking up at while you are also climbing up & down the 8′ scaffolding constantly to check the perspective.

try it, all you art scoffers.   :wpds_cool: 


Snicker – snort! Thanks for the laugh. I only painted in sky blue and left the flat original ceiling white for the clouds. NO light/depth, sculpting, etc. It was like those flat soft pure white Spring lamb clouds.


I’m an impressionist/expressionist juicy paint artist.


yes, you’re a good painter…loose & juicy !


Loosey Goosey!

Cuppa Covfefe

Wallpapering ceilings is not fun, either 😀
(no smiley for splat, darn…)…


“This retired PC standing up to the government vaccine fanatics is a hero”

Valerie Curren

There’s some interesting stuff about the Corporation of London in the comments, including the claim that it was dissolved by Trump on June 8, 2021, I believe…

yaosxx  Patricia  a day ago
This appears to come under the GREAT SCAM of governments and countries being run as CORPORATIONS! Governments are first and foremost employees of THE CORPORATION – NOT THE PEOPLE! This has been the case of the USA LTD, after the infamous ACT of 1871 (you can read elsewhere about that) but it was made up of WASHINGTON DC, THE CROWN/CITY OF LONDON, AND THE VATICAN! It is now BANKRUPT – COURTESY OF TRUMP! We are talking about a criminal scam that has FLEECED TAXPAYERS FOR DECADES! I wasn’t aware of UK LTD – it would make a lot of sense under the present circumstances, wouldn’t you agree? THEY DON’T WORK FOR US SO WHY WOULD THEY CARE WHAT WE HAVE TO SAY???

yaosxx  yaosxx  2 days ago
City of London Corporation was also dissolved on 8/6/21.


I’d love to have “sauce” on that final post, dissolution on Jun 8, 2021.

Of the three city-states, perhaps two are now down / dissolved / bankrupt.

Which leaves only one: the Vatican (Vatican City).

Has the [p]ope’s “terrible May” already occurred?

Hmmm …

Valerie Curren

It might be interesting to search the main website for further comments by “yaosxx” or even ask that individual directly…



Brendan Eich turns 60 on July 4th of this year.


McAfee has been a hot topic overnight for the anons.

Two short reactions to the pic I’ve included (“NFT” = “Non-Fungible Token”):

  • “interdasting”
  • “HFS NOTABLE Cryptofag weighs in on NFT and dead man switch possibilities.”

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And a longer, more substantive reaction:

It doesn’t appear McAfees WHACKD contains any NFT. Look for yourself, what do you see?
^^^ Ledger of all transactions.

Just to clarify or summarize:

November 16th 2019, McAfee launches crypto network WHACKD with a picture of Hillary drooling over a piece of pizza.

From that day until roughly December 10th, purchases were made consecutively into different ‘User Token’ accounts in the exact same amounts. There is a 10,774 coin transfer as well as a 9697 coin transfer. These are not outside investors, this appears to be McAfee populating his new cryptocurrency into segmented User Accounts.

Mid December, this pattern stops at right around 31k ‘User Tokens’ (user accounts). The blockchain then lies dormant for roughly an entire year and a half. For example, in the first 6 months of this year only 20 total transfers were done on the blockchain.

However, since McAfee ‘died’, all of these dormant user accounts that McAfee set up have been going gangbusters. Making transfers like you wouldn’t believe. Many of the transfers being made are to the tune of 9697 coins, as happened exactly a year and a half ago when this WHACKD coin was set up…

McAfee sets up accounts. Accounts lie dormant for a year. McAfee dies. All of a sudden these exact same accounts come to life again and start making transfers consecutively for hours on end

You tell me if the dead-man switch has been activated or not

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A couple follow-up posts (w/some language):


Typical simpletons Deadman Switch:

Person A receives encrypted hard drive. Upon death an executor of will somehow distribute instructions that pair Person A up with key to unencrypt data and release it.
This ain’t no simpleton it’s John fucking McAfee.

One of the hottest selling points in data center is Availability and Redundancy. You wouldn’t want to put all your data in one machine and you certainly wouldn’t even want to involve any humans, humans suck. Computers on the other hand are slaves, they do exactly as they’re told.

It is possible that there are countless number of VPS all over the world that contain bits and pieces of McAfees 31TB. 1GB per VPS for ultimate redundancy (that aligns with 31k user accounts). These transfers that have been happening since McAfee death could be being monitored by these VPS, who are awaiting instructions. (When X is sent to ‘User Token’ account A, run a particular program…

I don’t see any evidence of NFT being built into this ETH/WHACKD blockchain, however it would survive as an immutable set of commands that are being executed currently and will continue to be executed in sequence until all the data is decrypted and ready for mass distribution to the world.


Would you agree that all indications up to now are that something very fucking major is happening? It seems like the perfect confluence of events, timing, and the Plan.


OK, now I think I get it. Wow. Fingers crossed.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gives a whole new significance to deam man’s switch.

Deadman’s Curve…

Cuppa Covfefe

Erm, dead man’s switch.

Wurst Press spell-chucker…

Cuppa Covfefe

And they’ll be using $100.00 or $1000.00 bills (of OUR money) to do the “wiping”…..


None of us *have* any money, Cuppa.

It’s all just promises.

(Hard asset wealth excepted.)

IMO, it only “works” because we all (both parties in a transaction) TREAT those promises as valid.

Like the non-standard “writing” (all CAPS) in court filings. It’s symbolism – not language.

De facto v. de jure.

So many deceptions …

Cuppa Covfefe


Fiat isn’t just a lousy car…

Had a friend in Uni who had a Fiat, who also liked music (musician), and had a pretty good car stereo, which, of course, was promptly stolen as soon as he’d put it in.

So he got another one, put it in more securely.

Stolen as well.

This exercise continued a few more times until he said, “FINE. I’m gotta put it in so NO ONE CAN GET IT OUT!!!!!!!!”

(Remember, this is a Fiat) (almost 50 years ago, maybe they’ve gotten better) (or not….)…..

He goes to his car the next day, and the ENTIRE dashboard is gone. Including the stereo, of course…


>>”a friend in Uni”<<

I think he got a better “education” from the thieves!

He NEVER forgot that lesson, amiright?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Probably never forgot when we were going up the risers on stage to sing (IIRC) the Liebeslieder and I said “Brahms Away” and he almost fell off the back riser… was quite a character…

Another “education” was a cinema-major roommate (‘SC) who had rented a Hasselblad for some storyboard shots, and came back to get something he’d forgotten. In the back seat of his car were the camera, some other stuff (film, exposure meter, etc.), and a bottle of wine (probably not far removed from “two-buck chuck” in the quality department). He didn’t think he’d need the insurance rider (and probably didn’t have the cash on hand to pay it, cf. wine) so he skipped that…

Comes in, gets his stuff, goes back to his car to find the back window broken out.

When he resumed breathing (so he said), he found the camera and kit UNTOUCHED, and the wine bottle, empty, but re-corked next to it. (Fancy that, a neat-freak crook). Craziest thing I ever heard of.

An excellent adventure… so to speak…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Asked respectfully: could you translate that anon message for those slow on the uptake? TY!


The only way for the CB to STOP what it seems that McAfee set into motion is to kill the internet.

And to kill the cryptocurrency “Ethereum”, and perhaps all other cryptocurrencies as well.

It’s a power-play, where the CB has to take a loss no matter what. It will be global news, whatever they do or don’t do.

And they don’t WANT global news!

In chess, it’s called “Check”. They can block … or move the king. Either way, there are substantial risks.

And you AREN’T “slow on the uptake” – I’ve found that the opposite is true!

Your asking the question demonstrates that …


TY so much! Very exciting possibilities (once understood!).


Cuppa Covfefe

ChiCom programming…

SOOOOO, where are the UN Human Rights Comission, etc.??????


UNHRC ≡ Human Wrongs…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Where is the United States of America human rights and justice department?
They are all compromised and communist scum. Those that are not communist scum are cowards and have become criminals themselves.
They have learned nothing from Nazi Germany nothing. They tapped into the same human perversion and need to get the same punishment.

Cuppa Covfefe

We need something like the Bekennende Christen… my son wrote a paper on that.. quite interesting, and sad at the same time… a number of them were from around here…


Did not know that. Thank you