Dear KMAG: 20230619 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

(I have no idea if this is real or Photoshop – we report – you decide!)

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

As we were always assured by our Wheatie Warrior!

Take it from Trump!

And GRAB THE RAIL if it all gets too exciting!



by Duchess01

Please forgive us, Wheatie, we did not know
That you had left us with armor in tow
We had no idea with what you dealt
We did not know the pain you felt
And now we can only imagine
With you what really did happen
Cause rarely did you complain 
And/or share your personal pain
Of one thing we are most certain
You are flying high behind the curtain
Watching over us above the crowds
Our Warrior Angel above the clouds
Thank You, Wheatie, for caring for us
While you were here among the fuss
We miss you dear you have no idea
Since time began in the pangaea
With you there was no time
In your wisdom you would chime
To clarify and magnify
The what where how and why
We did not question when you left
We were not slightly bereft
But over time we wondered why
You did not at least stop by
Now we know where you have gone
With the break of this new dawn
We could be angry but are not
Tho with an arrow we’ve been shot
Rest peacefully Warrior Angel dear
Send us a sign that you are near
A butterfly a flower a kiss of rain
From your love do not refrain
God sends Angels to watch over us
And now we have an Angel Plus
A Warrior Angel of Magnificence
From today and forward hence


The Rules


Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.


Now shortened.

Give them nothing.

Play smart. Every minute, the COUPISTS who stole the election – who lied – who deserve to be at the business end of the very same laws they are using so wrongly against the January Sixth defendants – are trying to set you up. Don’t be a chump. Turn everything back against THEM. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second.



Occam’s Razor – Fed Entrapment

YOU are responsible for your own comments, if they come knocking. YOUR choice. Just remember this…..

For an updated version…..

And for a version that includes your having righteously defended yourself…..


The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.

Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.


We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.

Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.

In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.

We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).

We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.

If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at

We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.

In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer

Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.

Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won TWO elections.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.

Musical Interlude

In honor of dear Wheatie, we now present some music to soothe, inspire, invigorate, or relax.

Only one this time. Busy weekend.

Not sure whether I like this or hate it. You decide!

Damn. Can’t just leave on that one. Let’s have another!

OK – that’s enough. LOL.

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

Oh, you gotta read the drama! LOL!

OMG! Le horreur, or however they say it.

No thank you, Witchin’ Regretmore!

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

I had to find out what “glory holes” are. I had clearly tried to unknow them already.

Good. Judges are an embodiment of the Constitution.

Even Obama judges!

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:

litmus test


  • A test for chemical acidity or basicity using litmus paper.
  • A test that uses a single indicator to prompt a decision.
  • A simple test for the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, using litmus paper.

Use in politics:

In politics, a litmus test is a question asked of a potential candidate for high office, the answer to which would determine whether the nominating official would proceed with the appointment or nomination. The expression is a metaphor based on the litmus test in chemistry, in which one is able to test the general acidity of a substance, but not its exact pH. Those who must approve a nominee may also be said to apply a litmus test to determine whether the nominee will receive their vote. In these contexts, the phrase comes up most often with respect to nominations to the judiciary.

Lichen source of litmus (one of many):

Chemical structure of the color principle of litmus:

Classic litmus paper

Modern litmus paper


Have a great week!


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^^^ That is NOT an easy OR quick task.

Perhaps some quickies.

  • Undo ALL of BiteMe’s Executive Orders.
  • Cancel ALL regulations under BiteMe.
  • STart shitcanning, or at least sideline SES and other Deep State actors.
  • Quit WHO.
  • Neuter CDC / FDA…
  • Fire DOJ / FIB / HLS management.
  • Then onto the traitorous IC.

I believe we have a larger task than attacking the individual files and silo’d problems.

We either need to blow this up or take our ball home and create a parallel society.


Sadly agree.


I think a parallel society, with the brain power of people in the MAGA movement would scare the living crap out of our enemies.

Think about this. If we were just to ignore the enemy, we could join forces to create BANKS, FOOD SOURCES, MAIN STREAM SOCIETIES, and the like.

Nothing more needed,

West Virginia and a few other states. Here we come. We all can make a sandwich and light a fire if need be.


It won’t be easy, and much of it would be better done quietly.

The question is, what can you make?

There are easy things — can you make bread? Can you make beer? Can you raise hens and get eggs [if they eat the bugs, you won’t have to]? You can slowly fade away from the WEF.

Eventually, however, you will get to the hard things. Can you make energy? Can you make engines? Can you make weapons?

Can you do all of these while some busybodies are insisting you can’t?


All of us can do something. The beauty is of being made in God’s vision.


I can make medicine from plants.

Making energy is easy with running water.

Valerie Curren

Is there a book or website you would recommend that can be a resource for those of us less knowledgeable in those arenas?


Need Aubergine on the meds, not sure.

But for most practical things – Back to Basics that Abigail Gehring compiled. Found my book at Tractor Supply.

Specifics on food would definitely be Putting Food By written by Greene, Hertzberg, and Vaughn.

Valerie Curren


Looks like they shared some of their info on this blog, that seems inactive now:

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

My favorite herbal is Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine by Thomas Bartram.

There are videos like this one all over about how to build a generator on a stream:

Valerie Curren
Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

Perhaps the difficult part would be getting the Feds to leave folk, alone.

Feds NOT regulate us. Nor infiltrate, sabotage the effort.


The answer. Replace the words “Masons Lodge”.

Figuratively speaking of course.

Last edited 1 year ago by TradeBait2

Montana is BIG. Lots of room.

Valerie Curren

blow this up” figuratively speaking for the unconstitutional IC crims….


Exactly. Live and die by the Constitution and rule of law. Know it, defend it.

Valerie Curren

AND always temper it w/ Biblical foundational Truth!


Yes, thank you for adding that figuratively tag!

Valerie Curren

YW 😉


^^^ This. 100%.


From one of the tweets:

This boy is straight and he’s being made to feel transphobic that he didn’t want to date a bioboy.

I wish we would own the term transphobic, as in, “You bet I’m transphobic. I’m very concerned about what is happening to our children and our society.”

I know that -phobic has to do with fear, and we’re not literally afraid of every guy who puts on a dress, but I’m tired of their making that term the end of every discussion. It’s like shouting “racist” if you point out that a person of color committed their 15th crime and was pointing a gun at the police when they got shot.

So yeah, if you want to call me transphobic, have at it.


I’m trance-phobic, for damned sure.


You have common sense and walk to your own drummer 🙂
So do I.

Valerie Curren

both you & Aubergine have incredible wisdom, experience, common sense & Hutzpah so all of your comments are spot on!  😍 


Oh thank you dear lady you are not shabby yourself when it comes to wisdom 🙂

Valerie Curren

That’s sweet but I might need another decade or so to even come close to that 🙂


You underestimate yourself 🙂

Valerie Curren

OK perhaps Two Decades LOL




No one can make a person feel transphobic one can reject the labeling. No one is willing to date anyone male female or it. People date the person one likes to spent time with one has commonality with or is attracted too.
Parents need to be strong at this time and help to strengthen the backbone of their children.


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They don’t go after the people who cheated in the election.

They’re going after the man who WON the election.

Won it BIGLY.

Historic LANDSLIDE win.

Stolen OPENLY, with not a single law enforcement agency or military agency lifting one finger to stop it.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Brave and Free

Yes and with certain LE assistance in the stolen election.


Evil does not defend it only stands with itself.
That is why they allowed the stealing of election and no one was held accountable.
Daemons came together and are exposed to us. We know them and God knows them.


Eric Metaxas:

COINCIDENCE?? Following a deeply despicable & offensive #Pride Day celebration “honoring” the infamously evil group that sexually mocks the Crucifixion, the LA @Dodgers

suffered their SINGLE WORST home loss in 125 years!!! They lost to the @SFGiants


I don’t know that we can make definite conclusions, but this is *interesting*. For one thing, I can’t imagine the Dodgers players being able to fully focus with all that was going on. This is a very satisfying outcome.


Great news.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ironic, too, that the SF Gay Area is the homo (as it were) of the various sexual perversions destroying our land… and also the homo base of the Satanic “Sisters”…..

Walter O’Malley is probably rolling in his grave…


The team has to be demoralized by what ownership is doing. How could they not, if they are sane?


Much like Talking heads on Pravda News…MLB players ARE Whores For $$$.

Prove me wrong.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

I would venture to say that 60-70% of people in general are selling out in some way for money.


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Cuppa Covfefe

And there you have it.

“God’s mistake”…

Blame it on GOD. That’s what Satan always does…


God doesn’t make mistakes. Isn’t that what the gays always said?


True. Honestly, they do not have enough intelligence to know that their reasoning destroys itself.


That’s a fact!


They certainly don’t have enough honesty to know their reasoning destroys itself.




God does not make mistakes only human is imperfect. They are playing god and pay a hefty personal price.


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Valerie Curren

Epic truth!!!


And that is why men follow Allen West. He knows how to lead.


So very well said.

Valerie Curren

Good to see you around again Wolf! DP was about to send out the cavalry…

I like your second video better than the first, fwiw.

Every time I see this pic

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I imagine Wheatie saying “further up & further in”, like in The Last Battle where the Narnian characters are invited to dive deeper into Paradise. Or perhaps “being called home by silver trumpets” to quote Boromir. Longing for Heaven…Blessings!

Valerie Curren

The first video made me think of a scenario that played out in Josiah’s hospitalization post-Liver Transplant, excerpted here:

The tremendous irony here is that by the time I got my BS I was so sick of science that I pretty much didn’t want to have anything to do with Med School, because I wanted to “have a life”, and didn’t relish the nearly decade of education and training required in Medicine. What ended up happening once Josiah came along is that I had a virtual medical degree without the paycheck and without “the life” i so selfishly craved in my relative youth.

So today I got to chime in on the rounds with details of both Josiahs Open Heart Surgeries, at staff requests, and was part of their discussions in the most minor of ways. It was a treat but didn’t leave any level of regret for my life choices. In fact the lovely young female doctor who was giving the verbal report to the remainder of the team pulled me aside to share how she envied what I had saying that she would be going home to her plant and someday she would be going home to her cat. She seemed wistful for what I have (that she saw then) loving and Godly parents, 2 amazing sons (she could see), and such a wonderful husband that there are no words to do justice to the caliber of man he is. No one looking at her and me with physical eyes only would think the one experiencing envy was her!

This was in my first post detailing my son’s Liver Transplant journey, from my perspective, when I was very new to Word Press blogging. It’s hard to believe that the end of next month will mark TEN Years since J was transplanted the summer before his junior year in high school. His tenth transplant anniversary will coincide To The Day to his 1st wedding anniversary, in God’s unique timing & perhaps sense of humor. Source of above quotation:


I suspect wolf is on assignment of sorts.

Today’s daily, in the can, for a couple days?


Yeah, I don’t see any reference to current events or the equivalent of a photo of a newspaper with today’s date on it.

The y/t vids are from 11 and 6 years ago.


I was looking at it, thinking of photoshopping “Wolf M00n” into the credits, and there’s this guy named “Peter Lupus”……isn’t Lupus Latin for “Wolf”?

Valerie Curren

perfect catch!

Valerie Curren

Peter Lupus was also in Police Squad in a pretty fun way. Where I have the video cued (I hope, around 4:20) is from an episode that cracks us up. One of the lines is “what about my little keister?” When Nordberg is sending off the sparks w/ the grinder well that scene & Brandon’s real world experiences as a new hydraulics tech at his old job got us nicknaming B “Brush Fire” 🙂


Love this. Love the catch, the show and loved The Prisoner with McGoohan!


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Last edited 1 year ago by WSB

The Prisoner was a great series, and the level of off-the-wall details was amazing.


Fabulous!!!! My favorite series! Yet, I am a Downton Abbey FAN!!!! And I LOVE all of the old StarTrek! Monk!

The Sting. Midnight Express.

Go figure.

Valerie Curren

Eclectic elasticity enraptures!


Oh…this is a real heart attack…Wages of Fear.

Watch THAT one! You will never come back from that.


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Last edited 1 year ago by WSB

I was recently trying to describe that film to The Fiancee, but I couldn’t remember the name…..unless there is a very similar one around.


Also called ‘The Salary of Fear’. Possibly the French title.

The Wages of Fear (FrenchLe Salaire de la peur) is a 1953 French thriller film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot, starring Yves Montand, and based on the 1950 French novel Le Salaire de la peur (lit. “The Salary of Fear”) by Georges Arnaud. When an oil well owned by an American company catches fire, the company hires four European men, down on their luck, to drive two trucks over mountain dirt roads, loaded with nitroglycerine needed to extinguish the flames.

Last edited 1 year ago by WSB

What started me on my description was a story from my grandfather. He was staying out on a farm with his uncles and they were clearing tree stumps — so they sent him into town to get some dynamite.

This was probably an old hand-cranked model-T truck, and gramps was too young to start it himself, so he had to just keep the engine running.

So he pulls up to the back dock of the store and goes in to make arrangements. Then he goes out and sits in the truck while they load it — they just dropped the dynamite in the back with a thump. Then they came around and very gently set a box of blasting caps next to him on the seat.

Valerie’s husband could probably tell us that they have a slightly different protocol today, with signs and licensed drivers and all that….


Oh, my.

Cthulhu. You will very much like this movie after knowing your grandfather’s predicament.


It wasn’t much of a predicament. The reason that Nobel made so much money off of dynamite is that it didn’t spontaneously go off like nitroglycerin. They could literally throw a crate of it into his truck with no worries.

Blasting caps, by contrast, were a bit more touchy.


Therefore, the dainty transfer!

You will definitely appreciate the nitroglycerin-phobia in this movie.


I was familiar enough with it to try to describe it to The Fiancee without remembering the name.


Pure suspense.


Just in case you ever find yourself in this unfortunate scenario: old dynamite, as in well-past it’s “best-by” date, like the kind you might find in a shed where you know it’s been sitting for 20 years…..

Old dynamite sweats nitroglycerin.

So if you find a box labeled “dynamite” in the back of your shed under a dusty stack of tools, do not move it yourself — call in the local bomb squad.


Pro-Tip #1 for tonight. Will heed!

Valerie Curren

The TV show Lost had a scene w/ characters raiding the Black Rock (!) ship of such sweating dynamite & having one of the very annoying characters blown to smithereens in the process.

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You beat me to it!!!

Valerie Curren

That’s twice now, at least recently! Wonder if that improves my credibility around here…or Not LOL


Not once you realize who you’re beating… it’s not that impressive… 😂🤣😂

Valerie Curren

glad it’s not a real competition then…I’m just thankful I get to hang out with all the epic geniuses in Wolf’s Pack!!!


Me too!

Valerie Curren

😉 😉


That struck me as funny! 😂 You always to get rid of those characters.

Valerie Curren

It does tap into our baser natures to enjoy those types biting it badly 😉



Military K-9 explosive training kits.

Misc cool stuff, including, good old fashion, dynamite.

One end each dynamite stick, had a simple black marker line. Center to the edge. Radius.

Weekly requirement to turn the dynamite 90 degrees.

Log book in the storage magazine. Noting date and orientation. Noon. 3 O’clock…

AS you pointed out, nitroglycerin.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

Did YOU actually Do this or just learn about it???


OK, this turned into a long one…

No, I did not actually turn the dynamite sticks. I knew about it, back in the day.

Late 80s, early 90s. I was the Department Head for the Ordnance Department, Yokosuka, JA.

Lotsa qualifications.

Depends on what folks were doing.

The type of ordnance (small arms ammo, bombs, torpedoes, missiles, prop charges, artillery shells, C-4, blasting caps, det cord, dyanmite).Handling, maintenance, loading, forklift operator, crane operator,,explosives driver, etc.Level of expertise required. Team Member, Individual, Team Leader, QA, Safety Observer.Yada, yada…26 US Navy and three Marines. One US civilian. ~40 Japanese civilians.

One of my most rewarding positions in my military years.

My entire career, every assignment, was working with explosives / ordnance.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

No Wonder you are So Very Skilled at cutting through the crap to the bottom line—Ka-BQQM…literally!!!

TY for sharing this tidbit from your Fascinating journey!  ❤   😍   ❤ 

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

What was SOP if the last log entry was > 10 years prior?


Yes, dynamite, has a shelf life.

EOD would blow it before end of shelf life.

EOD incorporate into their training plan.

Worked well.

FWIW. The ONLY reason we had dynamite, was for the K-9s.

The military uses C-4, rather than dynamite, for operations.

We did not “stock” dynamite, as we would C-4, blasting caps…

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

This explains your explosive comments here.


Slow guy cees wut ya did there.


Lost: Season 1, episode 24 😁


Valerie Curren

The clip cuts off before the epic line of “you’ve got a little Arnst on ya there”…ewww…


Ooops.  😁 


PS One of the best movies I have ever seen.

Valerie Curren

Hubby did get his Haz Mat certification…but then some buddies explored the uses of Tannarite, all in good fun of course! 😉

Hubby thinks that Explosives is actually a different endorsement than just Haz Mat 😉


So you’re saying that sending a 12-year-old in a truck he can’t turn off isn’t valid modern practice?


Only if it blows up. IMHO.

Valerie Curren

Depends how/when you define “modern”. My dad loves to tell how his dad, around age 12, drove his own father & uncle downtown in a car for their first driver’s licenses & the level of complaint about that governmental tyranny that Required licenses (which had never been necessary before) AND made people pay an exorbitant 10 cents for that “privilege”. My grandpa had apparently been driving cars & teams of horses for a couple years by then & this was In the City of Detroit, not the rural countryside.

I doubt he picked up explosives but given that his father was a lumberyard foreman anything Could be possible. He did help unload boxcars that brought materials to the lumberyard & could “easily” flip 50-100# bags of cement? higher than he stood, with one in each hand, though he may have been older than 12 when he did that!

I was flipping through an old Sears Catalog from around the turn of the 20th century & was marveling at the extreme losses of freedom we’ve suffered since our ancestors could order just about anything, including chemicals AND weapons from SR&Co…

Here’s a description from our regional library system:

1897 Sears Roebuck & Co. catalogueby Sears, Roebuck and Company

SummaryPublished from the reprint ed. of: New York, Chelsea House Publishers, 1968.
Imagine it’s the end of the nineteenth century, and, with one catalog, you can buy everything from beds and tools to clothing and opium. (Yes, opium.) Not to mention ear trumpets, horse buggies, and Bibles. The 1897 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue is both a wonderfully fascinating collector’s item and a valuable piece of American history. For every recognizable item included, there are plenty of others guaranteed to confuse or interest 21st century readers–like Bust Cream or Food and Sweet Spirits of Nitre. What was once standard household fare is today a sometimes strange, often funny look at what life was once like for the average American family. It’s amazing to see that a Princely Shirt for Princely Men cost $0.95 or three for $2.75 or that a Complete Violin Outfit (with bow and case) cost only $2.00.

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I have one (maybe not precisely the same year) that I inherited from my grandfather (no, not original).

Did you know that Sears sold houses?

Valerie Curren

Yes & I think there are some groups that attempt to document the Sears houses that are still standing. I’ve seen the house pattern books back when I used to check out floor plan tomes to attempt to “design” our/my dream home 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

My grandfather had three or four of them, one of them I basically rebuilt (plumbing, wiring, porch, jacking up and levelling the house, replacing paneling and adding insulation, etc. Southern yellow pine from the 1910s (!) burned through a few saws, even though they were the worm-gear kind)…

And those houses are still there…

Valerie Curren

That’s amazing & true American ingenuity! What a priceless personal history you’ve got there!!!


Even when I was in my teens, you could get Sears specialty catalogs.

One of my favorites was the farm catalog. You could get Sears chicks.

It should be noted that one of the startups where the Fiancee worked, one of the founders ordered mail-order chicks every spring.

Valerie Curren

so fascinating.

My mom’s mom used to have us mark in a Sears or JC Penney catalog things we might like for Christmas but those were the regular clothes & toys ones. Never saw the specialty ones nor had I heard of them 🙂


I watched Wages of Fear (1953) a few years ago, the Criterion Collection blu-ray, and really liked it 👍

The movie Sorcerer (1977, staring Roy Scheider, directed by William Friedken), is an unusually good remake.


Excellent! Never knew about Sorcerer. Will look for it.

Valerie Curren

We need to look into Both of these! Thanks for the tip 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

And then there was “The Haunting” (1963), a very scary horror movie…  💀  🤖  👻 


PS I have been to Portmeirion Village. Just as in the series.

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Last edited 1 year ago by WSB

Lucky you! I haven’t made it out there yet.

I keep thinking that I should divide my “forever home” in NC into a variety of vistas — Casa de Cthulhu, Chateau du Cthulhu, Cthulhu Manor, and — of course — Coothmeirion.


Coothmeirion is most excellent.


Oh, ‘The Wages of Fear’…Yves Montand and nitroglycerin. Explosive movie!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

A Boom with a View 🙂




The director, Henri-Georges Clouzot (1907-1977), has at least several more classics:

Quai des Orfèvres, a.k.a. Headquarters (1947)
“When the sleazy movie financier who has been pursuing nightclub performer Jenny Lamour turns up dead, her jealous husband is the prime suspect in Inspector Antoine’s investigation for the Quai des Orfèvres, France’s Scotland Yard.”


Diabolique (1955, starring Simone Signoret)
“A sadistic headmaster’s frail wife and his scheming mistress plot to kill him.”


La Verite (1960, starring Brigitte Bardot)
“Beautiful, troubled Dominique Marceau came to bohemian Paris to escape the suffocation of provincial life, only to wind up in a courtroom, accused of a terrible crime: the murder of her lover. As the trial commences and the lawyers begin tangling over Dominique’s fate, the film delves into her past, reconstructing her struggle to find a foothold in the city. What emerges is a nuanced portrait of an impulsive young woman misunderstood and mistreated by those around her, and of her ultimately tragic affair with an up-and-coming conductor.”


I have all three (and Wages of Fear), but I have only seen Wages of Fear and Diabolique so far.

Diabolique was excellent 😁

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Loved Diabolique!


That looks like a Magritte.


It does, doesn’t it…

Valerie Curren

Could be. He did say that he had had a very busy weekend. Hopefully he was getting a chance to enjoy himself, celebrate his fatherhood, & not have to fight non-stop tooth & “claw” for our ongoing freedoms!


Always good seeing ya post.

Intel from, deep in the blue beast. << Thanks for taking one for the team. 🙂

Looking forward to the intel, when you have time to share.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren



litmus (n.)

“blue dye-stuff obtained from certain lichens,” early 14c., lit-mose, probably from an Old Norse word related to Norwegian dialectal litmose, from Old Norse lita “to dye, to stain” (from litr“color, dye;” see lit (n.1)) + mos “moss.” Said to be also in part from Middle Dutch lijkmoes(Dutch lakmoes), from lac (see lac) + moes “pulp.” Another idea [Watkins] connects the first element to Middle Dutch leken “to drip, leak” (see leak (v.)). The second element is in any case the common Germanic word for “moss, lichen” (see moss).

The dye is obtained from certain lichens. It is naturally blue but turns red in acid and is restored to blue by alkalis. Figurative use of litmus test is first attested 1957, from scientific use of litmus-treated paper as a chemical indicator. Litmus paper with this meaning is from 1803.

Valerie Curren

very interesting–thx


YW! Prompted by Wolf’s lead.

Valerie Curren

gotta follow the Leader of the Pack! 😉


Hydrangea flowers will similarly bloom blue or pink depending on soil pH….

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Valerie Curren

Our neighbors’ plant looked very similar. I was hoping to get a start from that plant, loving All those colors, but when they sold their home the new owners slashed & burned all their lovely landscaping & that beautiful plant died an ignominious death before we could rescue it 🙁


Oh, my word.


Hydrangeas grow fairly fast. We had a neighbor who pulled out six cycad palms he had planted about a dozen years earlier because they were encroaching on the pathway he wanted them to flank. He probably bought them for about $100 each when they were maybe eight years old. If he could have pulled them out into pots, they would probably each have been $300 specimens.

Valerie Curren

What a sad waste 🙁

We had to move one of our transplanted from Up North lilac bushes because we’d planted it too close to the neighbor’s house. Fortunately it took fine to a second transplanting & is now reaching higher than our second story windows!


I planted lilacs here in one of the early rounds of gardening. They do not thrive locally because the climate isn’t challenging enough.


I have three lilac bushes. Two on the side yard, transplanted. They have thrived. One in its original place. It ‘died’ last year…drought.

This year came back but needs help. Needs an assistant for me and it. Interviewed someone today who might be of assistance as a gardener.

God willing. I do not have the knowledge to correct this on my own.

Valerie Curren

I’ve heard that lilacs can be cut back significantly & then rebound with massive amounts of blooms the following year. We haven’t tested this theory yet.


I suspect that letting it leaf out and cutting all the deadwood is all that is needed.

Valerie Curren

perhaps but I was told they could be cut back to within a couple feet from the ground & really bounce back. We might experiment on some of the bushes at home &/or Up North to see what happens…

Valerie Curren

Wow, it sounds like we can hardly mess it up if we do give it a shot! Thx for the tip.

So glad you’re back to posting again!!! Looking forward to whatever level of a report on your adventures that you can share, when you get a chance 🙂

Valerie Curren

They are massively all over Mackinac Island so clearly can handle a very hearty Northern Michigan winter.

The ones at my parents’ Cottage are older than I am, as are ones near my great-grandparents old place. But the ones we transplanted downstate are Way taller than those older bushes from Up North. It could be the heartier Winter or the sandy soil conditions up there or something else.

Given so Many varieties of lilac it’s surprising there isn’t one that could handle your climate.

We don’t have Crape/Crepe? Myrtle in Michigan but I surely enjoyed those blooms back when living in Oklahoma…


All I know is that mine died pretty quickly. The garden just overgrew the poor soul. That was it.


Your cycad, or your hydrangea?

Cycads are incredibly slow-growing.






Good up date from Andy Biggs on new information they are fighting FIB for.

Other witness’s against Biden along with more SARS reports forthcoming. Starts at 36’s mark after the Dumb and Dumber comedy routine brought to you by Democrats that cheat. 😮😏😁


Impeach Wray and others, FIB may decide to play fair.

Until then, it’s all charades.

Rhetorical. What are the odds, the republicans will impeach BiteMe.

  • Doubtful, in my mind.

FIB will never play fair. CIA has it by the throat.



Which is why I keep imploring impeach.

  • Seize the initiative, narrative… Be relentless.

Republicans get knocked silly by, rope a dope…endlessly. Never learn.


James Woods scores again.


Odd as hell to me. Barr is going after Trump, seemingly daily.

Wonder if Barr is getting compensated by Rhonda’s behind the scenes supporters.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Vicious thread. They’ll see Barr drawn and quartered tonight if possible 😁
The list of crimes is oh sooo long! 😮😬🫣 😏Our kind of people 😆

Valerie Curren

That is insane & evil!  😡 


Bondo Barr did have that kind of energy when he arranged that all the government agents skated for the horror at Ruby Ridge.


People forget that. They need reminded daily.


Sensless. Barr must have something truly criminal to be this shrill.

Like I find others who are too shrill against President Trump for anything other than really egregious crimes.

Valerie Curren

Real POTUS in replies!


Nice statement by Trump.

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Sponge Bob, Square Pants.

  :wpds_mad:  Bill Barr, Square Head. Or should it be, Block Head.   :wpds_evil: 

Valerie Curren

seems like another job for AND logic 😉


As far as Your Truly is concerned, Bill Barr has forever tarnished the immense and distinguished history and practice of bag piping.
This is aside from showing the world who he really is.


Somebody’s got Barr on tape raping a kid or something.

Change my mind.


Your use of rudeness on our enemies knows no bounds!


Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

No limits!


Truth has NO limits.

AND, piss on PC



Valerie Curren

It occurs to me that we have always been under a feudal reign. The United States of America had only a few years. And then it died. Franklin was more ‘right’ than we know.

The United States of America…the “Constitutional Republic” was gone in a few years.



The Civil War did major damage to the original scheme.


Agree. An orchestrated event planned for years in advance.


They tried it with Jackson. His reply:

Yes I have; please give my compliments to my friends in your State [South Carolina] and say to them, that if a single drop of blood shall be shed there in opposition to the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man I can lay my hand on engaged in such treasonable conduct, upon the first tree I can reach.

That President Jackson had a known and well-documented personal body count gave such an admonition a special weight, I’m sure.


Good ol’ Lincoln. Another sketchy president.


That would be about right in my book. WSB. I have been consistent in stating 150 years or so.

Valerie Curren

This is disturbing & very detailed w/ many images. Thankfully the comments indicate that most in the UK are not on board with this type of sexual indoctrination of children!


There was a time, NOT very long ago, when parents would have burned the school down and quite possibly hung any teachers involved.

I have no idea what has happened to that world.


Political correctness has been used as a weapon to keep people silent and passive.

It hasn’t worked on a lot of us, but unfortunately too many have succumbed and need to turn back around. That’s one reason why I say call me transphobic. I don’t care. We have to push back and also go on the offensive.

Valerie Curren

h/t Marica’s

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is patently ridiculous

We know Biden will want eleven out of the ten guns, and that afterwards you should have 12 guns (two of them needing to go to the range for the first time).

Valerie Curren

😉 😉


Just checked the Liberty Daily website. Looks like everything has gotten back to normal.


Good to know. Thanks.

I actually deleted it yesterday. Too many issues here. They do have some excellent links.

After return to states, I’ll have it again.


Verse of the Day for Monday, June 19, 2023

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” 

1 Timothy 2:5 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these.


Thank You, Wolf, for keeping Wheatie’s memory in our hearts !!!

God Bless You Real Good !!! ❤️❤️❤️



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Getting to be that time of year.

Nice seeing ya.   :wpds_wink: 

Hope things are going well for Sally you and X. (Not prying. Jus good wishes.)


There you are. Hope all is going well for you and yours.

Brave and Free

From the above tweet:

Speaker McCarthy’s office has produced to me a significant portion of video that does not compromise Capitol security”

In another words, we’ve kept the offending CS identity safe from investigation.


Yup. Guilty Feds Will be protected.

Still wanna know who the third trusted person is. In my mind, it BEST be Trump.

June 18, 2023
“Genetic Modification Proof as Strand of Truth Emerges”
Yours Truly: It appears that both the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines” do indeed:
Contain plasmids and plasmid contamination levels;
That mRNA technology is considered by the FDA to be gene therapy;
That the mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” alter the DNA of the recipient.


Interesting how they delay the inevitable release of truth that we called out on here three years ago. Well, not really interesting. Predictable.

I remember the response of a former liberal friend to my statement of the jabs being DNA altering gene therapy. She is highly educated (Doctorate level) retired nursing department manager for a major medical center and university esteemed in the region’s elites’ circles with regard to her academic excellence.

She became angry in a phone call when I said that I wish they would refrain from calling them vaccines as they were not, that there were gene therapies. I pointed out that the CDC had changed the definition of a vaccine to meet the current rollout and that DNA was changed with the injections, that they had no idea what would happen with their human lab rat experiment. She hung up and I have not heard from her since.

Oh well…


To add to this tale of the sleeping beauty waking up…


Dr. McKernan found the “loose” DNA in vials of BOTH the “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines” AND in vials of the original (“monovalent”) COVID-19 “vaccines” — in other words, in BNT162b2, mRNA-1273 (the original COVID-19 “vaccines”) AND the “Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines.”

IMO, the work by Dr. McKernan confirms the hypothesis of the “De Marinis” paper of February, 2022. The “De Marinis” paper demonstrated that the spike protein of BNT162b2 DOES enter the LINE1 human liver cell line AND changes that cell line’s DNA.

The “De Marinis” paper is found here (it was peer-reviewed):
And here:
“Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line”


Wonder if this well educated nurse has come out of the closet, now admitting Injections are NOT vaccines, DO alter DNA, Do harm, handicap and kill.

Yea, likely not. ^^^ Too many inconvenient truths to acknowledge.

Valerie Curren

Such a very sad state of affairs…so sorry 🙁


Frank Luntz Needs to Retire
Overrated political pollster Frank Luntz admitted last week that he was wrong to prematurely dismiss a Trump comeback.  “Not only can Donald Trump win the GOP primary again, but he can also win the presidency again,” Luntz tweeted.

Frank Luntz Needs to Retire – Discern Report


What a luntz!


Frank musta had a spat with Kevin.


This woman is a joke! Not a funny one either.
Karine Jean-Pierre Is Finally Right About Something, and It’s Not Pretty


She’s a nasty Raggedy-Ann.


Grade A Stupid and a narcists to boot.


Yep a 🌈 one.


Maria Bartiromo on Biden Family Crimes: “Of course, It Is the Biggest Political Scandal Any of Us Have Ever Seen”


“Of course, It Is the Biggest Political Scandal Any of Us Have Ever Seen”

Which Pravda News should be screaming about, nonstop, 24/7.

SMH…lemmings admit, Pravda News canNOT be lie. Yet, lemmings tune in daily.


Wretched Witchmer says:

“If you are LGBTQ+, you should move to Michigan.”

Except Hamtramck. They don’t want your kind there. They’re Muslim:

Good for them!

Cuppa Covfefe



LOL! Good one!


Witchmer: Come to Sodom!

It’s just unbelievable… it’s like the worst movie ever written or performed… and we’re extras, trapped inside it 😂


Permanently stuck in Chariots of Fire would be more fun.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or, maybe, Faeries Rot in Fire…




The music of which was stuck in Groundhog Day!!!




Well stated!

Valerie Curren

Worse for us trapped inside state lines in MI 🙁


Pro tip. There IS a cure for that.

Valerie Curren

Yes but it’s very difficult to untangle the many generational ties, including multiple multi-generational properties. We’re more likely to develop our own mini family-based “compound” especially given how close a number of our households are in proximity to each other. Hunker down & “survive” as best as we can!


Yea, I should have added, /s. Poor attempt, at funnin.

Ya’ll are not going anywhere. Easy to see AND understand,. You are right where ya oughta be. 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

That’s sweet KBK. If we were younger & my parents weren’t still living we would be sorely tempted to relocate to Montana or Wyoming…perhaps in another life 😉


via ZeroHedge

Confidence In America Is Collapsing
Authored by Martin Armstrong via,

“Despite the cheering from the Washington Post, CNN, NY Times, and the rest of the anti-Democracy press that supports their stringent demands upon the nation, my phone has been in meltdown ever since Trump was arrested. These leftist zealots are cheering the end times for EVERY phone call I have had from Asia to Europe, they are all expressing complete shock that the United States is collapsing and they are now all seeing that our forecast that the 2024 Presidential Election would be the most corrupt in history and market the END of democracy in the United States.

These people just do not get it, they crossed the line and now the view of the United States from the outside looking in, they no longer believe that America is the beacon of liberty to the world. It is becoming so obvious that our computer will be right again. I warned it even was showing that the 2024 election might not even take place. That was a small 18% probability, but that NEVER came up EVER in this history of running our political models – NEVER!

This year, 2023, was a MAJOR Directional Change that was showing up in both the LEFT & the RIGHT databases. The year 2025 is when a president would take office in January. This has been the #1 target on our political models for decades. The NEOCONS are in full control of the government. There is no way to stop the collapse of the United States at this point. Nobody will listen and there is nothing I can do. People often ask what if people protested? We will never realize the opportunity to reestablish a new form of government post-2032 without the pain and destruction first.

During the Reign of Valentinian I and his brother, Valens, who came to power in 364AD where Valentinian I died in 375 and Valens ruled into 378, there are serious correlations from both and economic and monetary perspective. They too saw their power weakening so they allowed the Goths to cross the Danube and settle within Roman territory provided they would also then serve in the Roman military. This is what is really behind Biden allowing all these people to flood in through the border. What they do not realize, is that history repeats as Biden grants citizenship in return for military service. The Neocons want to build an army to defeat China and Russia simultaneously. Additionally, they assume that all these illegal aliens will vote Democrat so they can decimate the economy of natural-born citizens.

Besides the barbarians storming across the border as we see today under the Biden Administration, here is a tax collector’s ingot. There was so much debased coinage in circulation, they no longer would accept their own coins in payment for taxes. Instead, the taxes were to be imposed by weight and in-kind. The coins had to be melted down. Below the bar, is a weight you would put on one side of the scale. Here we are on the dawn of digital currencies and the elimination of all paper money and even cryptocurrencies whereby they will only accept digital to end what they see as the black market.

comment image?itok=usGlclPm

Here is a medieval coin scale serving the same purpose – accept coins only by weight.”


Comment lifted from article:

“Contrary to popular opinion or the escapist trends of society, false hope is in no way better than a harsh truth. A harsh truth is painful to accept, but there’s healing at the end. False hope, on the other hand, is a very dangerous thing that offers no reward. Not immediately, nor with the passage of time. It never pays off.”

The only thing left for the American neocon racist retards is USD toilet paper based global reserve and its associated USD toilet paper based finance and service economy.

USD is doomed in the next couple of decades because 60-80% of humanity are actively de-dollarizing, and this is not limited to the BRICS+ anti-American alliance; even Japan and France, American’s closest allies are spreading their bets and hedging for the days of USD collapse – and the American evil empire will go bankrupt in “Two ways. Gradually, and then suddenly”.

Once USD reserve collapse, the entire global “wealth” will be repriced — the Russian and Arab natural resources will be repriced 10 times higher, and the Chinese and Indian human capital and labor will be repriced 10 times higher.


“…and now the view of the United States from the outside looking in, they no longer believe that America is the beacon of liberty to the world.”

He must read here 😮🙄🤔😏😁😉


Some people around the world acknowledge truth even when it is inconvenient and ugly.


“The Neocons want to build an army to defeat China and Russia simultaneously.”

Ugh, NO. They want to build an army to defeat US, internally. “Service members” who will have zero qualms in firing on US Citizens. This is the goal. Then China [really don’t think Russia – could be wrong] can then easily march in, do “clean up,” and take over!

Just sayin’ … 🙂


New article…

Part of which mentions this…

“In the US, there is a massive movement of equipment.

Something is happening in the US. B-2 Spirit bombers have been sighted over Minnesota, and military sources say missile defense systems are moving to positions on the US West Coast.

Americans! What’s your take on this?

“US citizens are concerned about unusual military activity that’s been reported in 26 states.

The Secretary of Defense added to these concerns by stating that these were not training activities.”

💥🇺🇸💥Something is happening in the US. B-2 Spirit bombers have been sighted over Minnesota, and military sources say missile defense systems are moving to positions on the US West Coast.”💥💥💥

“Here’s another one:”

“According to news reports, military transport movements are being seen in 27 US states, with large numbers of tanks, helicopters and drones.

While in 15 states, internet is also reported to be closed or slow.

Rumors are there are some claims that it’s just exercises, but the question is, why is the internet disturbing ?

Some claims are, these military moves related to conflict with Russia.

Air defense systems also seen

Is it only for exercisees?

This is all reportedly inside the U.S. Could it all be normal movements or some type of Army exercises? Could be, but it’s worth keeping an eye on.”


It is foolhearty to think that the USA is not at risk of ‘conventional’ attacks from Russia during this so-called ‘conflict’ between Russia and NATO … the USA is not just a member of NATO, the USA Gov’t/military DRIVES the NATO bus…

I have alluded to this numerous times …

Americans go about their daily routines oblivious to conflict in the RoW … as long as their threshold of ‘comfort’ is not disturbed, they pay no attention to those being bombed/killed elsewhere…

The Neocons are insane … they don’t care about the ‘last Ukraine’ or the first, for that matter… or the last Pole, or the last citizen of the Eastern European States, or of Europe itself, or anyone in the so-called “WEST” … they want the treasures of Russia and China, for themselves… and much of the planet depopulated.


Yep. Russia refused to play the depop game so they’ve gone on the chopping block or they didn’t care if they played the depop game or not, they just want all their stuff. Actually since this Putin Bad stuff has been going on long before China Virus it’s likely the later and the Globalist want to completely carpet bag Russia by pulling Putin off top so they can substitute corrupt Russian oligarchs that will sell out their country just as is happening here.

Meanwhile China plays both sides of the fence with the intention of ruling the roost.


Pretty well sums it up IMO.


“Corrupt Russian oligarchs”, I noticed today the radio news didn’t have the usual lies about how well ukraine was doing, that was telling. Instead they got their Russia Bad sniping in by whining about some opposition guy (probably sorus/wef backed) whose in jail and just got hit with some extra charges.


Globalist are gonna take Putin down. <<< Speaking of delusional.

Brave and Free

I’d be more worried about chyna than Russia at this point, remember the reports of them coming across the southern border. There everywhere, sleepers in every aspect of the country.


Agree, but why the west coast whether it be shipping stuff to ukraine or defense I would have thought the east coast would be preferable, but that’s just a guess based on no knowledge.

Cuppa Covfefe

Get rid of the left coast, get oceanfront property in Arizona, Nevada, and Idaho (oh, the joys of pre-salted potatoes)….

What’s not to like? 😀

(OK, to the MAGA folks on the west coast, JUST KIDDING!!!)…


National Training Grounds are at Ft. Irwin along with much of Depot Level repair. Camp Roberts in Cal is another place plus training areas in WA State. Guys on our side like to hype things which is fine by me as it keeps us on our toes.


East coast sea ports ARE where material shipped to Ukraine departs.

Rail is the preferred mode to the East coast, for staging and loadout. Road is secondary.

Airlift is NOT preferred ,due to limited capacity AND limited airframes (C-5 / C-17). Except for the “highest priority”, airlift will NOT happen.


When Russia strikes, the Pentagon will learn of it after the fact, US IC clueless.

I suspect it’ll be infrastructure, NOT within the 50 States or our Territories.

Guessing more than one strike of sorts (whatever form).

  • The World will know, the Bear spoke.
  • Just as the World knows, the US blew up Nordstream.

Unmistakably, the US, UK and a few other countries WILL regret, whatever happens in the shadows. So to speak.


Can’t speak to all of it, but it is Sumer Time and NG and Army Navy, Marine and Airforce Reserves will be on the move at this time of the year getting ready for Annual Training (AT) and a lot of that involves moving equipment to training grounds.

Can you disguise such movements during this period for nefarious purposes, Sure. Does AT cover all these movements. Don’t know.


Click, click, click, click…Nothing Burger.


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I didn’t think that sounded very Shakespearean, so I looked it up. It’s also attributed to Pablo Picasso, but that’s probably not accurate either. There’s an explanation here:

In conclusion, David Viscott published an instance of the saying in 1993, and Quote Investigator believes he should receive credit for originating the adage. This ascription is based on current knowledge, and it may change in the future as databases expand. The most popular modern instance is a simplified version of Viscott’s three part statement. Others employed the adage after it was in circulation.

But it’s the thought that counts. ☺️


I can’t believe the stock markets are closed for this ebonics nonsense.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ebonic Plague…


It is.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I know there’s a proliferation of PC holidays going on, but this one, I don’t mind so much. If anything is worth celebrating, it’s the end of chattel slavery in this country.

Open range slavery, on the other hand, is still an issue.


I won’t even speak the word out loud.

It’s just another drive-by shooting of the English language.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, another yuge drive-by-shooting. You’re right, bigly.


What’s this horsesh!t about POTUS45 being hit with a gag order that limits his ability to see “evidence” against him? Or talking about it?



That is not fair how can a person defend themselves if they are unable to know what they are charged with. Wonder if the deep state got to the Judge?


Apparently this is not the same judge that was assigned the case, but some how is above her? This judge signed off on the warrant to search Maro Lago and people were claiming this judge should have recused himself from even that. Judge Rinehold (sp?)


Beyond ridicules. Trumps lawyers will 1. Have to qualify for and get security clearances to see the info. 2. Will have to view the material in a skiff where they will only be allowed to take notes.

Now lets say they do 1 & 2 and go back and prepare a defense. How can they be sure of the integrity of the secret info. It could of been switched out before they viewed or after they viewed it and all the prep for the case could end up compromised.


I’m no expert, but it all seems unconstitutional to me. His lawyers are going to have to fight this, I imagine.

They really want to crush PDJT. 😠

Cuppa Covfefe

Remember what Plouffe said…

The Satanic DEMONRATS cannot have any honest, MAGA, Christian leaders in their “Dominion”…


According to an NBC report on Gateway Pundit, Trump’s lawyers are okay with this, if I’m reading correctly – ?

“Defendants shall only have access to Discovery Materials under the direct supervision of Defense Counsel or a member of Defense Counsel’s staff. Defendants shall not retain copies of Discovery Material,” the ruling said.

The ruling largely tracks with a request for a protective order the government filed in the case on Friday. The government said in that filing that Trump and Nauta’s lawyers had “no objections to this motion or the protective order.”


I do not trust Trumps lawyers. I read the good lawyers cannot defend Trump because they are threatened with disbarment or ousting from the law firms. Wonder if he is getting second or third string lawyers?
They threaten to destroy his lawyers.


Ty for explaining that. I thought it was suspicious but that confirmation.


It’s a constitutional violation.

If these docs were national security, the result should be to dismiss the case. This has never been tried before, because it will not survive on appeal.


So true. However…

The REAL goal IS Stop Trump 2024.

Survive appeal, doesn’t matter in the long run.

So long as Trump 2024 is stopped.

After DOJ finishes erecting barriers to a solid Trump defense, Connor needs to dismiss ALL charges, with prejudice.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

I’m not sure whether this has been reported here. I can’t keep up with all the phony investigations.

Westchester County DA Ends Investigation Into Trump Golf Course

Former President Donald Trump applauded a suburban New York prosecutor after she dropped a two-year criminal investigation into him and his company.

Westchester County District Attorney Mimi Rocah, a Democrat, said in a statement on June 15 that her office had closed the case against Trump after an investigation that was conducted “objectively, and independent of politics, party affiliation and personal or political beliefs.”

Her office did not file charges against Trump or the Trump Organization.

Trump applauded Rocah’s decision, writing on his Truth Social account that ending the investigation “WAS THE HONORABLE THING TO DO IN THAT I DID NOTHING WRONG.”


Rocah began investigating Trump in 2021, in an effort to decide whether the former president or his company had misled authorities about the value of the Trump National Golf Club Westchester to pay less on property taxes.

According to The New York Times, Rocah’s office subpoenaed records from the golf course and the town of Ossining in 2021. Ossining handles the course’s taxes.


New RINO talking point: Don’t criticize the DOJ.

Lindsey Graham Defends FBI, DOJ and the Two-Tiered Justice System – Accuses “Irresponsible” Republicans of Stoking Violence in Opposing Blatant DOJ Lawlessness
The Hill reported:

Some Republican senators are pumping the brakes on attempts by former President Trump and his allies to villainize the FBI and Department of Justice in the wake of a 37-count indictment against the former president.

Asa Hutchinson says GOP should ‘back off’ accusations’ of DOJ ‘weaponization’ 


Where is this traitor’s twitter account?

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Which one? There are two involved here, Grahamnesty and Asshole Hutchinson.


I was thinking of Hutchinson. I found it, but I didn’t see the specific comment about not ‘villainizing’ the criminal Fib-Doj, so I could tell him he’s a traitor and a criminal.


He’s an asset of the Arkansas mafia I wrote about in my BIMD. He is living proof of the Uniparty’s existence.


The same assholes that are good with persecuting J6 political prisoners.

Of Course They Defend DOJ, FIB, HLS…


Asa can go fuck himself.


45-Year-Old Houston Rapper ‘Big Pokey’ Drops Dead on Stage During Live Performance (VIDEO)

The shocking incident, which was captured on video and later circulated on social media by @blackjamesss, showed the 45-year-old artist gasping and then falling backward in the middle of his performance.

A healthcare professional present in the crowd immediately administered CPR, and a police officer was also present. The emergency responders arrived shortly after to transport the unconscious rapper to a local hospital.

Despite their efforts, Big Pokey succumbed to his unknown condition shortly after midnight.

Big Pokey’s sudden death will be investigated. His cause of death is pending the results of an autopsy.


JAB unless proven otherwise. Either JAB-induced or an existing condition that was JAB-aggravated.
May the deceased rest in eternal Peace.


“Big Pokey’s sudden death will be investigated.”


Why? What’s the point?

Investigation = clot-shot.

Autopsy = clot-shot.

Cause of death = clot-shot.

None of which can be admitted publicly, even though everybody already knows, because to acknowledge it publicly would instantly collapse the illusion, blow up the Potemkin Village, reveal that the emperor wears no clothes, none of which can be allowed to happen, under any circumstances, ever.

This is why total control of mainstream media is not just imperative, it’s mandatory. The illusion, the Potemkin construct, cannot exist without total control of mainstream media. If even one MSM network broke ranks, the entire construct would collapse.

This is why Fraud News always had to be controlled opposition. It couldn’t be allowed to exist, otherwise.


One of the esteemed commenters on this board has written: “14 of 15 gotta go” — regarding the effects of the J_A_B and the depop philosophy behind it.
With no disrespect to the late “Big Pokey” (may he rest in eternal Peace), here’s another angle to “14 out of 15 gotta go” —
Say a person has 5 “vaccinated and boosted” family members. 14 out of 15 is 93.33%.
90% of 5 is 4.5.
Rounding down, this becomes, in practical terms, 4 out of 5.
Applying this to the 5 “vaccinated and boosted” family members, this works out to 4 of them potentially being injured, made sick or even losing their life due to the actions of the COVID-19 “vaccines” in their bodies.
Your Truly is not trying to be “Old Testament Prophet” here.
But this issue does raise several questions, among them:
How do the “un-vaccinated” come to terms with this kind of thing potentially happening in their own families?

Brave and Free

Exactly, my MIL just passed yesterday. She never really returned to the health she had before she came down with what everyone except the Dr believe was covid in the fall of 2019.
May her soul rest in peace.

Sadly she followed the propaganda and took the shot when it became available. Convince me she wasn’t a casualty of their evil will never happen.
Now I am waiting to see how my two siblings navigate the next few years.


I’m so sorry to hear about your MIL. Sadly, your “gut feeling” about “the shot” may well be correct. May she rest in eternal Peace.

Brave and Free


Valerie Curren

So sorry for your family’s tragic loss. May the Lord provide His comfort, peace, & healing to all…

Brave and Free



OMG! You live!  🙃 


Oh, my. Bless you! Please accept my prayers for all of your family.


Always pause, when I read, posts like yours.

Sorry for your loss, and the family loss. I do hope your two siblings are awake, or coming around quickly.

Tougher times ahead, I believe.


My best stab at this…

The eternal way is to live for Jesus and hope the non-believers and jabbed see and do likewise. Plant the seeds and hope they take root.

The emotional aspect is to build relationships with children and younger people in the family that may look to you for comfort and understanding when the inevitable happens to parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. All need to know that you know the score and can be a resource to help them if they will let you. This also increases the circle of relationships and provides openings to influence before they fall prey to the evil doers.

The practical, worldly way is to prepare for life with less people in it to help and provide services. We have to become more independent and able to do more with less. Handling the basics will be critical.Simplify, simplify, simplify life.

Now is the time to get totally out of debt if at all possible. We need access to cash, precious metals, land to grow food, etc. They will become more valuable if things continue down this path, even with revaluing the currency.


Agreed, getting out of debt and preparing in other ways are things that need to be taken care of.
It can be easy to say, “My [insert relationship here, such as son / sister / niece} made the decision to get “vaccinated”, they’re grown-ups.”
Until “something” happens.


“All need to know that you know the score and can be a resource to help them if they will let you.”


Isn’t that how God works? He helps us if we let Him. Too many want to handle things themselves, and He respects our free will by waiting until we ask [let Him help].


I wish I had a good answer, RDS.

Just about everyone in my family has been vaxxed too.

I tried to come up with a good reply for a while now, and the longer I wrote, the bleaker it got, so… I decided that’s not very helpful 😁

Then I thought about being in a foxhole, hit by a mortar, and everyone but myself was wiped out. What would I do?

I guess I’d just have to push forward, with confident assurance that the next one must certainly have my name on it… so I have that goin’ for me 😂

I’m not sure how else to deal with tragedy except through humor.

I laugh at myself, laugh at my predicament(s), laugh at the horror, laugh at the inexplicable. It’s not all laughter of course, plenty of grumbling and dazed disbelief at the absurdity of life, too.

But once that’s out of my system, and the four walls give their customary heartfelt reply, the thing that helps, is often humor. It may be gallows humor, but it’s still humor.

And prayer of course, though sometimes I forget.

And music.

When I was very young, music was a great comfort to me, in a difficult situation that I couldn’t escape or change. Music has been a comfort ever since.

I wish I had something better to say.

Sometimes just knowing you’re not alone helps.

That’s one of the best things about this place, and the good people who come here 🙂


“His cause of death is pending the results of an autopsy.”


I’m gonna take a WAG that rap-master ‘Big Pokey’ was a black dude.

Thanks to decades of intensive brainwashing, the majority of the black population is a perpetually lit fuse engaged in a never-ending quest to blow something up.

The gov’t designs the bombs, the MSM is the bomb factory.

So what’s going to happen when (not if) some black person far bigger than ‘Big Pokey’ gets tossed on the ‘bring out yer dead‘ cart, sponsored by Pfizer?

I would never have believed it until 2020, but white people will put up with anything — which I am thoroughly disgusted by. Most white people have already locked themselves up and tossed the key through the bars to their masters.

But when some black person, someone who is bigger than ‘Big Pokey’, someone who is truly revered and beloved, buys a fresh plot in the Vaxx graveyard, it’s going to be another George Floyd / Rodney King / Traayvon Martin moment.

They’re not going to just ‘take it’. They’re not going to accept ‘died suddenly’ as a CAUSE of death. Because it transparently and obviously isn’t a ‘cause of death‘, not for anybody, it’s just an acknowledgment that someone died unexpectedly, for an unknown (and never to be disclosed!) cause.

Why should they accept that nonsense? It’s ludicrous. It’s a linguistic sleight-of-hand that’s so obvious, it makes me embarrassed for grown adults.

TCTB have demonstrated repeatedly that they can buy off the family of any individual victim easily. But there’s not enough money in the world to buy off the entire black population of America, when (not if) the vaxx murders one of their heroes.

They will demand answers — answers for which the evidence is already plentiful, but currently suppressed.

When the answers are demanded, forced into the spotlight, forced to be publicly acknowledged, the black population will also demand justice and retribution and reparations (damages) and every other thing imaginable — as they most certainly, and inarguably, are entitled to do.

And unlike everyone else, they’re used to getting what they demand. When they demand something, they expect to get it. Unlike the rest of us, they won’t take ‘no’ for an answer, and they won’t take being ignored for an answer, either.

They’ll burn the whole &^%#ing planet down first.

That’s power.

So… I think I’m going to cheer them on, since nobody else is willing to do anything, since most people are like barking seals, perfectly content to applaud the emperor’s new clothes, pretending like he’s not streaking butt-naked across the football field during the halftime show at the Super Bowl — which he clearly is, and has been, since January 20, 2021.

Who ever would have guessed that it will be blacks who will emancipate the whole world from globalist slavery 🙂


“WHAT would you say were the biggest threats right now to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? For me, the two most immediate are these: first, the mass poisoning of the populace as a result of an experimental medical procedure imposed to combat an illusory pandemic; second, the growing possibility of a major war with Russia as a result of a dubious local conflict in Ukraine.”


Why would Russia do that?

Russia (and certainly Putin) knows what we know, that the U.S. gov’t is a rogue regime that has effectively kidnapped the United States.

Why would Russia kill the hostage?

What does that accomplish, besides making the rogue regime’s dreams come true?

Remember, it’s the U.S. rogue regime (in concert with EuroWeffen SS Nazis + the Nazi regimes of Canadia, Australia and New Zealand) that is trying to murder all of us, We the People.

Why would Russia help the rogue regimes do that, by killing the hostages (the American People, or the German People, or the French People, etc.) by an act of kinetic warfare (e.g., nuclear), doing their (and our) enemy’s work for them?

I wouldn’t do that, if I was Putin.

I would rope-a-dope the criminal regimes and their bogus NATO alliance, let them exhaust themselves (and their arsenals), and expose the rogue regime’s corruption to their own people (Americans, Aussies, Canadians, Europeans, etc.) day by day, until the American People and the People of the other hostage nations dispose of their own rogue regimes.

In the meantime, I would create a parallel world order, like BRICS+, and cut all of the criminal unelected rogue regimes of the West off from as much commerce and natural resources as possible, to cause enough economic hardship in the West that it would cause the People of the West to wake up and remove their own criminal rogue regimes.

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

I would rope-a-dope the criminal regimes…US, UK, Canada, Aussies, NZ, EU.

^^^ Currently playing out on the World Stage.

Valerie Curren

Fyve Eyze+ how convenient!

Weren’t they All pretty much in on the ground floor of spying on Trump too?

Last edited 1 year ago by Valerie Curren

Did you hack the Kremlin? Because that is exactly what Vlad seems to be doing.


I’ve just been thinking about the absurdity of everything that is going on, and it seems like we’re PAST the stage, at least in the current paradigm, where ‘nations’ go to war with ‘nations’.

It’s almost never like that. It’s more like the mafia leading one country (like ours) goes to war with some other country’s mafia, and the regular people are supposed to do all the fighting.

That’s nonsense.

If the leaders want to fight, put it on pay-per-view and let them fight.

Leave the People out of it.

When nations were isolated from each other by distance, it was easy for TCTB to rile up the People into a patriotic fervor to go throw their lives away for nothing, against regular People who were riled up by their own mafia over nothing.

Today, with everyone practically everywhere able to communicate with each other, People see that we all have a lot more in common than we have disagreements with each other.

It’s just the insanely rich and powerful who want to start wars all over the place.

Putin certainly knows this. Like all the growing number of BRICS+ nations, they all know the criminal mafia running the U.S. government is a psychopathic rogue regime that exists in spite of the efforts of the American People to elect Trump (in a LANDSLIDE). The American People didn’t elect the criminal regime.

So why would Putin bomb civilians?

His real enemy, the criminal U.S. government, would love that, because they’re trying to kill us too.

Putin doesn’t seem to be senseless mass-murderer, like our State Dept. or criminal political-class is.

They’re the criminals, they’re the war-mongers, they’re the psychopaths.

Not We the People.

So it’s time for a new kind of war.

Identify the psychopaths who start all the wars, and make them the target.

The People of the world outnumber them by around 8 billion to a few thousand.


DOJ is laying groundwork to indict Trump for J6.You couldn’t use the T word.Both links lead to the same article (h/t Citizen Free Press). It is long, rambling, and left-leaning, so I didn’t read most of it. I’m just posting because I have no doubt they are going to indict PDJT as an insurrectionist or whatever it takes to keep him from being able to hold office again.

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:​
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

I believe whatever they are cooking up will not focus so much on criminal charges — although that could be part of it — but mostly on keeping PDJT from running and holding office, even if they have to manufacture evidence to do it.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths
Brave and Free

I’ve long thought that’s their plan, and PDJT’s lawyers are fully aware of it.


I do not see where a President or VP is included here.




This is something I had never heard of previously. It sounds like maybe the globos had been planning stuff from 2017, and the war destroying ukraine is very convenient to their plans, they couldn’t have engineered it better.
Topic runs from 13:57 till 27:05, or miss a bit and go in at 19:48, noting dates at around 22:31 and 25:27.


UK Column delivers good stuff. Thanks for posting.

Incomplete random thoughts.

Likely before 2017. At least 2014. A coup that year?

Ukraine SMO. Large percentage of Ukraine population flees Ukraine. Couple hundred thousand war dead, plus untold maimed in various way.

“Greening” of Ukraine cripples energy potential. Ukraine bread basket scales back bigly.

What could go wrong?

Ukraine, simply one aspect, cog, in Global Reset master plan…destination, DePop.

Valerie Curren

h/t Filly at Marica’s

There is more in her comment including Q-drops w/ insight. Check her thoughts here:


G R E A T read!

Truly insightful…connecting dots.

Jared detractors, may want to read the entire article at the link.

Absolutely fascinating.


I get his emails for these. Subscribe to many of the Badlands folks. Looking forward to his next.

I predict we will know more about our future direction with what happens with the PGA Tour getting in bed with SA’s PIF. It is clearly an anti-trust question, so the feds’ lawyers are already underway with the Ivy League lawyers predicting issues and problems.

PDT has been saying for awhile that LIV (SA/PIF) was best merged with the PGA and Euro tours, that he thought it would happen. The PGA Tour had walked away from the tournament he hosted at Doral and had not used his courses for events when they could have. The major sponsors of the PGA Tour are globalists that have opposed him regularly. For two years the PGT commissioner and Board had been adamant that LIV/SA/PIF were scum and they would never give in. Now, out of the blue they are using lawyer fees as being too expensive to continue to fight it, which is absolute BS.

I contend that if SA/PIF wins out on this and the tours merge over the coming year – that is a strong indication that PDT has been in charge all along, that devolutionists will be proven correct.

Valerie Curren

that’s an interesting take…wasn’t golf invented in Scotland? Who knew it could have world-shaking implications! 😉


When I click on the link that I always use for Bannon’s War Room, I get a 404 message. When I go to Real America’s Voice and click on his program, the most recent one it has is from the 16th. Does anyone know what’s going on?


Long week end? 16th was Friday. So they are taking off 3 days?


Maybe so. It seems like Bannon often has guest hosts when he takes off, though.


No he was on today


Ebonics holiday weekend. /s


Use iheart on your smartphone. Audio only.


I will look into it.


Go to rumble.sometimes Bannon has problems. He was on today maybe refresh?


Thanks for the info that it was on today. I found it here:

The site I had bookmarked and had always used, Real America’s Voice, still gives me the results I outlined above.


Good 🙂 I listen to him sometimes but when he starts to rant I turn him off. I want to listen to his guests not his ranting. 🙂


Raise your hand if you did NOT see this coming. Don’t see any hands…

If you want truth, come to The QTree.




Emerald Robinson:

I will never forget the people who called me after the 2020 election and told me to drop the issue of election fraud. I will never forget the list of people who stopped talking to me because they thought I was “totally nuts.” The names will surprise you. I will tell you some of those names in due time.

Needless to say: I will be exposing these fair-weather friends, and assorted grifters, in good time.


Valerie Curren

can’t wait for the round up of the usual suspects…

Valerie Curren

Random, light side family humor 🙂 this is a real world example of the kind of random humor that flies in our family.

Josiah was doing a bunch of autistic movie quoting, including some lines from the Toy Story movie. He got to the part where Mr. Potato Head (Don Rickles) ridicules Woody (Tom Hanks) for “laser envy” of Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), the newest toy in town, getting all their kid owner’s attention.

I asked J if he knew what “laser envy” was referring to & he said he didn’t. I said “penis envy”…

Well he misheard me & without skipping a beat said “Penis Zombies it is!”

Hubby was dying…

Other mis-heards that have become legendary in the family:

PS3–Penis Three!

Balsamic Vinaigrette–Ball Sack Vinaigrette

“I thought you were going to tell us about growing up in Connecticut!” (a line from Veggie Tales)–“I thought you were going to tell us about Throwing Up in Connecticut!”

Lyrics in a pop song “A-Oh, yeah A-Oh”–“A-Holes, yeah A-Holes”

We live with the gift that keeps on giving to be sure!


Obviously, what might be called ‘normal’ in your family stays quietly in the other room.


Valerie Curren

We were out to eat years ago at a self-serve pizza place & our oldest son heard kids at a nearby table referring to “the freak in the game room”…of course it turned out to be Josiah doing kind of what Josiah did/does…it’s a bit of an acquired taste but there’s no escaping it chez moi LOL

Valerie Curren

We’ve Never had the nerve to appropriate the word “normal” for our family  😜 

Valerie Curren

LOL We were actually youth leaders at our northern Michigan church when we got pregnant w/ our first kid. Should have known what we were getting into hmmm 😉


One of the interesting things about the male role in society is the occasional detours into the crude.

In public, everyone is supposed to tut-tut and declare it unacceptable. Privately, these detours provide much entertainment and enjoyment.

Valerie Curren

For sure & the guys, especially, are good at “deaf jokes”, pretending to mishear something & then inventing the cruder version…but for Josiah these missteps are (mostly) quite unintentional. There are large swathes of his personality & mentality that don’t require things around or within him to make sense…it’s pretty crazy what he comes up with…

Gandalf “nor is he early”…J hears “nor is he urbit” AND he keeps using it as a legit quote…

Trumpkin (dwarf in Prince Caspian) “beards & bedsticks”…J “itchy bedsticks”…

We’ve all just learned to roll with it & add J’s versions into the family quote library 🙂

We were in the ER exam room waiting for them to staple his split scalp when an unsuspecting janitor came in to empty the trash. Josiah straightens up & barks out in his best Prince of Egypt pharaoh imitation “Bow to me!” & the kindly person of color bows before my imperious son…& I spend some red-faced moments explaining/apologizing for my son’s autistic inappropriateness…LOL


Glad the guy had a sense of humor and was willing to play.

Valerie Curren



Thought I would go ahead and roll out my BIMD as linked below. There will be one more in this series before I take a mini-summer break for honey do’s and such. Thanks for reading!


Thx for writing! 😉

Last edited 1 year ago by gil00

James ginning up for views on some new reveal to be released at noon tomorrow. Any ideas?


“the most powerful institution yet”
A 3-letter agency? SCOTUS?


Dialing it back…

Wow! Really dialing it back.. 😮😬😖🫣😏😁😆😎😉

comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by para59r

Expectations from Ukraine counter offensive? Hollweird style trailer.

Expectation here, Ukraine would FAIL miserably.


As I’ve previously mentioned, the attitude regarding Ukrainians in Saint Petersburg is very like the attitude towards the cast of Hee-haw from New Yorkers. They’re looked upon as mentally-challenged unsophisticated lazy rubes.

Now they look like rubes that spent their time making a trailer instead of properly preparing for a military engagement.


So long as the gravy trains spews money, they’ll dance to whatever tune, Washington and London demand.


This likely fits in with RAC’s early post from the UK Column News where he keyed in the 2017 Ukraine Recovery Conference in London.


Interesting take. <<< More truth coming out. Needs to gain traction.

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Apparently the Pedo folk are feeling the heat and are now trying enlist a new ally to put on the tip of the spear. (Has no idea if this real. Seems funny either way. )


Ginger-phobic, ha! That’s a great parody.

The whole thing is so self-absorbed. Those people just need to go live their deviant lives and leave everyone else alone. If they want to sit in their 15-minute apartments and think up a new stripe for a flag that no one can interpret, fine; just don’t tell the rest of us. If they want to change the language, they can use it amongst themselves, like children do. But don’t expect me to conform to demands for “acceptance,” “pride,” or “equality.” I view their actions as worthy of shunning and shame, and I’m tired of being imposed upon.


Ignorance rolls on.

Best decision I made recently, never click on this shit.

Partial headlines is all I need to reject AND move on.


Jab in play…

FTA Emphasis added.

Rising MMA star Cris Lencioni in ICU after cardiac arrest, family says he’s ‘in his biggest fight yet’
“On June 8th Cris suffered a cardiac arrest,” the description read. “As you can imagine this was completely unexpected considering he is only 28 and in peak physical condition. Cris is currently in the ICU in his biggest fight yet.