The Framing of a President as the Cover-Up of Treason

Q: How does one deflect and distract from some of the most enormous crimes in the history of humanity? A: By making some of the biggest false accusations in history right next to those crimes, so that there is a plausible reason for some of the key participants to seek out and cover up any and … Continue reading The Framing of a President as the Cover-Up of Treason

Return Fire!

On a day that will live in legal infamy, as former FIB Director James "X-Files" Comey (otherwise known as "The Non-Smoking Man") refuses to answer questions, protected by a coven of Obama DOJ lawyers, our Lion RETURNS FIRE at the scoundrels..... AND there is more! AND then, … Continue reading Return Fire!

Zero's Paradox

You can do a lot with zero - and yet it's nothing. "Mueller Time" is likely going to turn out a whole lot different than anybody expected. Watching the comments on this Twitter thread was fascinating.  All of those liberals saying that Flynn had "flipped" on Trump. And yet, there was a certain hesitation … Continue reading Zero's Paradox