Welcome! The doors are open, come on inside!
Come on in and find a comfy spot:
This Sanctuary Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
With the Storm upon us…please remember to Pray for our President.
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Fearless Motivation, titled ‘Persistence’:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18dcF-mhrrU&w=640&h=360]
Visual Descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Header Image: A young lady warrior is standing in a field of tall grasses, looking over her shoulder at us. Behind her in the distance, an enormous Tree dominates the landscape. Her long white hair and the tall grasses, are blowing in the wind. Her dark green velvet embroidered tunic has a band of metal armor at the hips, which comes to a V in the front and back. She has metal armor on her shoulders and forearm, and the wind is blowing the long dark green cape that is attached at her shoulders. She is holding a sword in her right hand and in her left hand is a round metal object that appears to be giving off a soft blue glow.
The enormous Tree is in the valley below her and there are gigantic arched structures built into the side of it’s trunk. White birds are flying out from the Tree, towards us. A few small structures dot the landscape around the base of the Tree, along with a forest of smaller trees. Beyond the valley, there are rays of the sun casting light on the Tree and the warrior, as the sun emerges from a distant mountain range. There are white clouds moving through a blue sky.
Second Image: A stone pathway leads up to tall double doors, built into the side of an enormous tree trunk. The doors are arched and covered in ornate carvings. There are a few small points of light in the doors, giving off a slight blue glow. Rays of sunlight illuminate the path in front of the doors.
Third Image: Is an interior room with vaulted ceilings and arched throughways. There is a sturdy-looking couch with throw pillows and nearby armchairs. Behind the couch is a table and chairs…and there are additional seating groups in the adjacent spaces.
Fourth Image: Is President Trump, looking forward towards us, with a determined, serious look on his face. He bears the mark of command on his brow.
In light of recent events, you may want to visit the Screaming Room…if you are so inclined.
It can be therapeutic to yell and let off steam…punch something if you want to.
If you need first aid afterward, just yell “medic!” and someone will be with you shortly.
Out of control screaming and yelling at the sky?
Like the DEMONICrats do?
No thanks…… I’ll keep calm and THINK!
Good for you, Ray!
We need a plan!
Wine? Beer? cup of tea? 4 more years?
We are definitely gonna need a lot of wine and 4 MOAR years.
Interesting, may not be related….. this would normally be the time the chan boards would wind up and meme everyone at the DOJ or the Army or CNN.
Can’t get a feel for it.
I think, like me, people are really starting to wonder if the whole Q thing isn’t just a way to keep the patriots pacified. Wait for it, wait for it, waaiiiit……
Of course it is.
And that is a Good thing!
If we had been totally in the dark about things…things that are being done behind the scenes…then the mass frustration would be taking it’s toll.
The whole Q phenomenon has been done in a brilliant way.
It has been a way for our VSG to let us know things…while maintaining plausible deniability.
The base pacification part is important. We want zero violence. But something is very wrong here. Don Jr. is right . He would be in jail. It’s all an outrage.
If Don jr. is saying this, POTUS knows it. Anything POTUS is aware, IMO, will be dealt with. I’m waiting to see if he says anything about McCabe.
No, don’t know exactly how to interpret, but it’s possible he’ll stay quiet if there’s more to come. Or, he may use it to point out the discrepancy in achieving Justice.
I think it’s because there’s a LOT happening/ going on. It might be because of the underlying concern about WuFlu. That was talked about steadily, not heavily, today there, concern about how it will affect manufacturing and supply of various items.
I smell a WuFlu gun grab.
Because…”never let a crisis go to waste”?
“We need a plan!” ==>
MAKE ABOLISHING Federal Employees Unions a BIGGER TOPIC than Infanticide!
Don’t let the Congress critters weasel out of either topic.
(Make it about INFANTICIDE and not abortion. One step at a time.)
anyone, and I do mean ANYONE being paid by taxpayer monies should not be allowed to have a position for life without public scrutiny. meaning Gail is right–abolish federal unions. If taxpayers are paying for your salary and you’re not doing your job or doing it poorly–you should be fired. otherwise it should be deemed a misappropriation of funds or something.
I will further than that–if you something criminal with your government position, you shouldn’t be able to take the fifth. You should, on being hired, have to sign a waiver of your fifth amendment right.
Note, though, that if a fed employee decides to moonlight as a cat burglar and does not in any way use his position to protect that second “job,” he’d still have the protection of the fifth amendment outside of his job.
Recommend today’s (Feb 15) podcast by IPOT.
I never thought I would see the gloom and doom posts here that I have the last couple of days…I had to double check I wasn’t over on the OT.
Love the pictures!
Glad you like them, Jam!
Warrior Princess
Marica February 13, 2020 at 21:51
(to wheatietoo)
I pray for my beautiful warrior Princess..
Warrior princess, please be our princess we pray
As you guard your home tree where we long to stay
Warrior princess, you rule the best tree ever seen
We’ll live in your land and you’ll be our queen
Poised there surveilling her vast home tree
Hair and cape flowing in the morning breeze
We saw a dream gracing wheat field’s gold
Give a wary glance, so calm and yet bold
To measure our mettle with her quick eye
Slowly pulling her sword as we drew nigh
We raised empty palms to show we mean well
And stood there enthralled, all under her spell
We’ve come our long way to be here and now
To offer allegiance in solemn vow
To the one ruling here at the sun’s first gleams
In her land of wonder and peaceful dreams
Warrior princess, you’re our princess to obey
As we guard our home tree where we’re pleased to stay
Warrior princess, you rule the best tree ever seen
We’ll live in your land with you as our queen
I’m sooooooooo ready.
Beautiful, Carl…thank you.
I am honored, but I’m not worthy.
I pray for wisdom and the Lord’s guidance…to help us remain calm and get through this.
When all seems confusing and chaos around us . . .
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
. . . we have peace and joy knowing that our victory is already won.
Amen, Carl.
that’s OUR WHEATIE!!!!!
beautiful Carl!
We are yelling? Why are we yelling this is MAGA country. I’m going to get me a glass of wine. I brought enough for the board, 🙂 cheers
Thank you, kea.
AWK News 2.14.20: Bigger [slam-dunk] charges coming? Watch what happens next!
This one is worth a watch.
* Smile *
Yep…that’s a good thread!
I read through it earlier.
CJTruth also added this meme, which is an oldie but goodie:
LOL – Cute!!!
I’m not in the picture. I’m on the computer with the dog.
is it too personal a question to ask what kind?
wolfhound, perhaps?
Awesome thread..
Thanks for sharing!
Q mentioned it, too:
Yes, Q did, church – from where it came!
Oh, okay — many thanks.
Most welcome, church!
That was awesome.
* Smile *
More shit that will go nowhere, indict no one.
Folks, we’ve been played.
These things have happened – events provide a reason to hope – knowledge + understanding = wisdom – and patient is a virtue – I would rather hope for the best – than believe all is for naught.
“Be optimistic – Don’t you be a scorner – Brighten up that corner – and SMILE – smile and be happy!” Shirley Temple Song
Love our FLOTUS 🙂
Here’s the video from that article…
Our beautiful First Lady, giving those kids in the hospital a great Valentine’s Day:
Them monkeys rock Wheatie they act just like the left does.
Night n God bless.
G’night and God bless you, Rodney.
Sweet dreams.
Yes, those monkeys are hilarious! 🙂
Hahaha when netflix cancels your show. Karma.
Holy crap!!!!!!!!!
Shut the front door.
It’ll bring the house down!!!
Can you imagine?
Wow, I hope he does it!
That would be awesome!! Hope they stay low, those banks are STEEP
He’s going to ride on the WHEEL
Things about to come full circle
“Victory Lap” ?
Sorry guys, I’ve been a little busy today.
I don’t understand what happened that caused everyone to go nuts.
Maybe I don’t want to know 😉
Yeah I’m not sure either. Been busy as well. Maybe it’s better NOT to know! LOL
When people found out that McCabe wasn’t going to be prosecuted for perjury…it made folks want to pull their hair out.
Understandably so, I might add.
So it has caused some to snap and sadly, jump ship.
AhhHhh so that’s it. Shrugs swamp going to swamp. So that’s why the questioning of Q and what not. 48 hour rule.
Glad I missed it.
Yeah, I’m in wait-and-see mode.
Not even putting a time limit on it.
As our VSG often says…
“We’ll see what happens”.
I agree. It always works out.
He’s says that a lot, and I believe he’s the only one who already has a certainty about what’s going to happen when he says it.
POTUS is toying with them… IMO. 🙂
Wittes doing his own ventriloquist act pretending he had just been a Holocaust survivor
Miss Lisa RT’ing the MESS
*townpeople fall asleep*
*mafia wake up*
*mafia go to sleep*
*townspeople wake up*
Oh look, it’s a new day folks!
And guess what has happened?
Oh joy oh joy, McCabe bro has been let off the hook!
Hey, Lawfare bro’s really know HOW to PUBLIC RELATIONS.
They’ve already got POOR ANDY tee’d up to go on all the TV news shows… to cry and tell his story…
And lookie there, little Miss Lisa is there to tweet on her old boss!
And Virtue Signal too – “I’m not going to be silent anymore!!!!!!!”
Man this HORRORSHOW plot is so dang predictable.
And dang it works against low info Leftists.
Apparently this PR CRAP that Lawfare pulls also works against Trump supporters!
The Lawfare bro’s are psychopathic liars.
They are also professional liars. They live 24 hours a day 7 days a week trying to invent new ways of LYING.
They eat, breathe, sleep, and FART lying.
This is all a total FAKE NEWS MOVIE. ALL FAKE.
Andy is out there trying to take a phony victory lap – and you know the MCM were right there to carry the water for him!
They may laugh in front of the camera but these people CANNOT sleep at night.
They keep looking nervously at their dresser drawer and over their shoulder.
Lawfare will not work forever. 10% off at every point eventually the house of cards will come down.
They can’t run from what’s coming.
Let the heavens fall.
I’m going to pull the whole thing down
I’m going to bring down the whole fuckin’ diseased corrupt temple down on your head
It’s going to be BIBILICAL.
Actually it was the 7 to 9 YEARS for Roger Stone for ‘Wrong Think’ (He did not lie, he just thought Jerome Corsi was bloviated and did not take him seriously. ) Followed a couple hours later by the DOJ letting McCabe off the hook when he CONFESSED TO THE LYING, LEAKING and Obstruction of the FBI.
Ex-FBI Deputy McCabe admits to LYING, LEAKING info to media, OBSTRUCTING probe
A meme maker needs to add that to the poster.
I’ve got a problem with the fact Americans are indicted and imprisoned for “lying” to Congress – when Congress walk free lying 24/7 to the American people.
People like Stone, who seems to be a little bit on the wacky side anyway, don’t have the intellectual acumen to deal with people trying to trap them. In fact,
I think Stone is a little bit mentally impaired at this point. But those Mueller Gestapo legal thugs had to get a scalp – they went after the weakest folks.
There’s a solution to this. Simple really. Our Constitution gives it to us.
Plead the Fifth. EVERY QUESTION, EVERY TIME. Don’t tell Congress ANYTHING.
What did you have for breakfast today? Can’t remember.
Did you talk to President Trump about ‘X’? I plead the Fifth.
Simple. They do it, our side can, too.
Wheatie, this looks like a good place to drop this. I also posted it on the NewsRoundUp page. Worth thinking about:
I really don’t think anyone is jumping ship, no, exactly the opposite…….
I’m ready to meet at the ole mill and ride!!!
It would make no sense to leave the President because of the actions of the DOJ.
We’re 100% pissed off because we want to defend the President and stop the double standard at DOJ.
It was a BS call by the DOJ. Pure and simple.
If you love me (sort of) be mad alongside me. Yell at the thing we’re all mad about! We need to all be mad together……. because we DAMN sure have all been wronged.
Sara Carter — “There is a HUGE investigation going on.”
She is referring to Durham’s investigation of Brennan, Comey, McCabe and the Pentagon.
Sean Hannity: “My sources are telling me that it’s real. That those that did the premeditated fraud on FISA…They’re about to see their worlds rocked.”
Sara Carter: “That’s what I’m hearing too.”
……………… End text.
Hannity keeps using the words “Fraud” and “Fraud upon the court”.
As I’ve mentioned before…with ‘Fraud upon the court’, there is no Statute of Limitations.
Was looking at the boards and somebody posted Sec Pompeo’s tweet from this morning (2/14) – I am designating Shavendra Silva making him ineligible for entry into the U.S. due to his involvement in extrajudicial killings during #SriLanka’s Civil War. The U.S. will not waver in its pursuit of accountability for those who commit war crimes and violate #humanrights.
What these stupid schmucks fail to recognize is that the default state of mankind is “Hatfields v. McCoys”. Institutions like the FBI, DoJ, and Federal Courts are supposed to deliver enough “official” justice that “unofficial” justice can be set aside. When these institutions start acting independently of the public sense of right and wrong, they become worse than useless — not only will private vengeance ultimately be wrought, but the public face of these institutions will also be swept up in the whirlwind.
Yep. Getting down to basics, cthulhu. Some people agreed with you, and wrote the Constitution.
Bing! Bing! Bing!
Down to basics
So I guess this means it’s ‘definite’ now, that he is going to do this.
Haaaa…I love it! 😄
Lefts Headspin 5.4.3…
Trump is planning on taking the presidential limo, known as “The Beast,” for a ride at the Daytona 500
The WH is working with NASCAR officials for Trump to do a lap on the Daytona track in FL to start off the racing season on Sun.
I truly don’t understand where Wolfie is at or what he is thinking. I am bewildered.
DOJ and FBI are rotten to the core. Elementary management courses taught me that when a bad corporate culture (or structural corruption if you prefer) is established, you cannot reform the organization. Because every change you make just assimilates into the existing corporate culture. You have to blow it up and start over.
I thought that was where we were heading, actually. I thought it was going to get blown up.
Maybe I’m foolish, but I remember Barr at his initial hearing with his little grandson wearing a suit and tie and “taking notes” on a legal pad so he could discuss the hearing with his grandpa. I looked at Barr and thought that man wants to save this country for his grandson. But maybe not. Maybe he doesn’t see what we all can plainly see–that the DOJ is infested and overrun with corrupt actors and Commies.
To me, the events appear to be unfolding as per a plan. Maybe it isn’t Q’s plan. Maybe it’s God’s plan. Romans 8:28. God is in charge of this, he has his hand on PDJT, and He will use whatever happens to further His own plan. I am confident that this is going to work out.
But if there is work for us………..if we are called to be doing something now to help, well then let me know. I’m in.
Much love to you all. It has been a tiring day. I’m going to get some shut eye.
If Pres Trump ‘blew up’ the DOJ, I can envision the Dems and Enemedia saying:
“Trump is destroying the DOJ so that he can be a dictator!”
“Trump is destroying the DOJ so that he won’t be prosecuted for his crimes!”
I know, I know…barf.
But isn’t it likely that that is what would be said?
Somehow I don’t think that our VSGPDJT wants to be known as the “destroyer of our institutions”.
Reformer, yes…but not ‘destroyer’.
And realistically…you don’t burn down the ship, because the top deck has been taken over by pirates.
If we fired everybody at the DOJ and FBI…what would happen to all the current cases being investigated and prosecuted across the country?
It’s a recipe for chaos.
And our foreign enemies would not just wait around for us to get our shit together…they would prey on the situation.
Mick Mulvaney has a plan for streamlining and reorganizing the Fed Agencies.
I’m thinking that a lot of ‘cleanup’ can happen during that process.
As always you make so much sense. I’m not sure what the answer is. I have a few ideas but we are in strange new waters it makes it hard to imagine. I’ll just keep praying and watching and trust the good Lord will carry us through.
Sylvia, get some rest. You were a welcome warrior yesterday and through the night. 🙂
You aren’t the only one who is bewildered.
You can say that again!
Oh wolfie. Big hug to you.
From what I’ve been reading, it’s only that one charge that has been dropped against McCabe, if that is what you are referring to.
See Randell Young’s tweet. There’s still FISA:
We want to see Gen Flynn’s case vacated and see him freed from the bogus charges.
We also want to see Roger Stone’s case vacated and see him freed from those bogus charges.
Andrew McCabe is actually guilty of perjury and lying to congress.
And we want to see him prosecuted for it.
Same with Brennan, Clapper, Strzok and other coup plotters.
If Flynn and Stone are let off…
And McCabe and Brennan are prosecuted for the same charges…
Then the Dems and the Enemedia will proclaim:
“Trump got his 2 friends off and then got McCabe & Brennan charged with the same thing!”
Yes, I know…barf.
But isn’t that what the Dems and their Enemedia operatives will say?
So, I dunno…it was just a thought.
Maybe this is what is going on behind the scenes?
Flynn and Stone get freed and Barr goes after the coup plotters on bigger charges?
You got it. You seem to be the smartest one on this site. [other than me 🙂 ]
I LIKE IT A LOT!! 😁😁👏👏
Roger Stone allegedly requests a new trial:
I hope this is a joke!
Apparently, this has been allowed since ***2017***:
In the Army, yes.
This current news is about the Air Force.
Appalling, regardless.
Thanks for clarifying, Steve. Much appreciated.
Very strange decisions.
Chinese crematoriums in one region are on overload because of the coronavirus. Health workers unable to go home because of infection risk.
Xi sees this as a matter of national security. The country to watch is Sinagpore:
The headline about crematoria is a banner in the video. Here’s Jan Jekielek’s tweet about them, though:
SNACKS for everyone…
(no running)
Uh oh…you fed them?!
They multiply like that when you feed them.
What’s up with including leftist scissors in there?
What’s a leftist scissors?
The ones without points. (so you can’t hurt yourself because peasants aren’t smart enough to be careful.)
Text of tweet from Sidney Powell:
Yes, yes, and yes.
Sidney was replying to this tweet from Jill:
Did the 4 prosecutors set this up to cause precisely the media frenzy that has ensued? Did they intentionally seek to create the appearance that Attorney General Barr had intervened on President Trump’s request? Was this done to damage Barr’s credibility?
We need to focus on Zelinsky, the main prosecutor for Stone. Michael Caputo talked about him on Tucker Carlson last night.
I’ve checked youtube, but the FULL episode of the show is not up yet.
NOW we know what questions to ask potential candidates.
WILL YOU support legislation to abolish the out of control Federal Employees union? Or at east rein it in?
Without the laws PROTECTING the Federal Employees Union from firing, the Deep State would never have formed.
I call this child abuse.
The political battle over gender transitions for children is just getting started
With states across the country introducing bills to ban gender transitions for children, the issue of transgenderism, or as Church documents often call it, gender ideology, is heating up in the United States. As of late January, in eight states legislators had introduced bills to ban child gender transitions, with a handful of others likely to be added to the list when the spring legislative session begins.
Verse of the Day
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”
1 John 4:18 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Saturday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Morning Duchess!
Hope you are well!
Hey, Pat! Doing fine – quite cold here – hope you are weathering the storm well, too – and – Thanks for the Daily * Giggles *
Have a Blessed, Happy Day! God Bless You Real Good!
yes here too…-10 this morning.
God Bless you too Dear!
Ouch! *Multi-layer clothing and Hug Your Honey Tight Weather * He needs it, Pat! LOL
oh he’s getting a lot of those…brought me home roses for Valentine’s Day and a birthday cake just in case we didn’t get out today…LOL…
he’s a sweetheart!
Awww…How Sweet! You birthday today?
Happy Birthday!!!
tomorrow actually. but thanks…
funny…the car they showed for the Daytona had a #47 on it…my lucky number–tomorrow is the 47th day of the year…
WooHoo! Well good – then, you can enjoy the flowers for (2) days – 🙂
Love that car – could be a winning number!!!
No one can build a dam like the Dutch!
Is that coming out of the Carbon Credit Account??
I’m NOT paying for it!!
Hey, that’s interesting. Sounds like my Canal Project.
Root canal?
I’d also be interested in seeing whether such a body of water would be (for lack of knowing the correct technical term) a net evaporator. I’ll explain with an example.
The Mediterranean does not get enough water from the rivers that flow into it, to replace the evaporation of the water from its surface. Because of this, there’s an ocean current that flows into the Med, and never outward, to replace the net loss. (This could conceivably be harnessed for power, but the depth at Gibraltar is tremendous.) If someone were to wall off the Med (and seal the Suez canal) the Mediterranean would eventually evaporate, until it became a couple of lakes that had small enough surface areas that they didn’t evaporate faster than the rivers replenished them.
Yes, this is in spite of the Nile and the Danube (and the Rhone and the Po). The Med has a huge surface area, and (let’s face it) the climates of its shores are all pretty dry.
So would the Noordzee “lake” be like this? A fair number of rivers feed it (the Rhine, Thames, Neva, Bug, Oder, etc., so maybe not, but if the answer is yes, AND if the sea level in the Atlantic does indeed rise, then hydroelectric power could be harnessed without allowing the sea level to rise within the enclosure. In fact, even if the atlantic sea level were unchanged, water would HAVE to be let in or the sea level inside would drop.
I don’t claim that this would be worth doing ONLY to collect the hydroelectric, but that hydro could be an additional benefit.
On the other hand, if the rivers more than make up for the evaporation, water would have to be continually pumped out of the new “lake” to avoid its level rising too, which would be expensive.
I hope everyone gets a chance to hear this floor speech by Rep. Collins. It’s wonderful!
The Mountain
If the mountain seems too big today
then climb a hill instead
if the morning brings you sadness
it’s ok to stay in bed
If the day ahead weighs heavy
and your plans feel like a curse
there’s no shame in rearranging
don’t make yourself feel worse
If a shower stings like needles
and a bath feels like you’ll drown
if you haven’t washed your hair for days
don’t throw away your crown
A day is not a lifetime
a rest is not defeat
don’t think of it as failure
just a quiet, kind retreat
It’s ok to take a moment
from an anxious, fractured mind
the world will not stop turning
while you get realigned
The mountain will still be there
when you want to try again
you can climb it in your own time
just love yourself til then.
Laura Ding-Edwards 2019 ©
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
I only watched a small portion of this but thought…have we come to this…to deliberately horribly embarrass a colleague at a national level for something so silly? I know these meetings are videos but I would be extremely angry at the person who thought this was okay to distribute. Such disrespect just blows my mind.
I concur it’a a bit juvenile. I don’t know anything about the mayor or which Georgetown,USA it is. I’m just trying to post everything I can that President Trump tweets😁
Still marveling that some people who are really smart, have advanced degrees, have had to deal with political minefields actually think that Andrew McCabe is going to “skate.” ONE investigation was dropped. There are more out there. We know that.
Does it really matter of what he is convicted? I’d rather go with the weightier charge in a jurisdiction without a biased jury pool, but that’s just me. What the heck do I know. Certainly not what evidence John Durham has sitting on his desk.
And then there is the little matter that the Trump Administration very neatly removed a political sledgehammer in the way of the politically motivated prosecution from the Democrats’ arsenal.
But, that apparently pales in comparison to the visual of a person in the public eye not going to jail for perjury. It’s the principle, never mind that it would be tossing a grenade in a foxhole and calling it victory while the rest of the troops on the field get slaughtered.
And while waiting for the tea kettle to boil, it also occurred…this trial was the one the Democrats/Deep State WANTED. It was started on recommendation of Michael Horowitz? The DS wanted this. It was probably originated by their people inside the DoJ, or pushed and allowed for rat line tracing.
They wanted the optics of what would be framed a politically motivated trial.
And the Trump Administration made sure that couldn’t happen.
I’d call this a strategic retreat rather than a surrender.
DepplePat, you are a wonderful explainer!
“this trial was one the Dems /DeepState WANTED.”
I believe too many peeps think they are redpilled, that they ‘KNOW’ what corruption exists. Lots of Cognitive Dissonance running rampart too.
I’m with you DP…………….
Surprising though… those upset didn’t exercise this much rage when POTUS was impeached! In fact, I don’t recall any rage about shampeachment.
Missing the point.
Does not matter if he is convicted of superior charges later on. We all hope he is.
That charges were dismissed, in this instance, after the OIG report, after lying 4 times (3 under oath), a proven leaker to the media, violating protocol at the FBI…….. sends a HORRIBLE message to the remaining agents of the FBI and indicates a clear double standard.
Imagine what this does to moral at the OIG’s office?
What Durham may or may not do in completely irrelevant and PROBABLY why the OIG report on McCabe alone was separated out from other issues.
Another thought occurred to me. In DC, would there have actually been a conviction given the jury pool?
I think was a strategic move to head off a political mess at the pass.
One of the things brought up in the bigger thread. On the other hand, do we only prosecute cases which a 80-90% DC jury pool would approve?
Tough call.
The prosecution is free to request a change of venue.
It’s unusual, but it does happen, for example in murder cases where the victim is on the local community’s “glad he’s dead now” list.
Trust me. I know all about change of venue.
Do we? How?
Being able to excel in an academic environment may have nothing at all to do with attributes of common sense, and may also avoid any requirement for a rigorous, logical thought process.
I’ve been trying to process some of it this morning before moving on to a different train wreck in my life, i.e., rehearsal for a show in late March.
McCabe gets a pass? Then Gen Flynn should get a pass too!
I hope that’s where this is headed.
Text of tweet from John Cardillo:
There is absolutely no legitimate way to explain the disparate treatment of @GenFlynn
and Andy McCabe by DOJ.
None, zip, zilch, nada.
SAME EXACT CHARGE, only McCabe faced more counts.
Flynn was bankrupted and ruined. McCabe got a pass and a TV deal.
I sent my email to POTUS this morning…
here’s the link…many more there..
Thanks for all the funnies, Pat.
They’re great!
we need some laughs right about now…
how’s your back?? better I hope!!
Back? …about the same.
But it’s my fault for not lying flat as much as I should.
Thanks for asking.
and you had a chest cold too? that better??
It gets better…then comes back.
please take care!!!
…and Warren looks like she is running for school board and Gabbard for her Sorority Alumni Assoc. President.
None of them have any experience or competence in business….
A number of clips from reasonable FOX folks indicate they don’t believe McCabe is off the hook.
Just puttin’ it out there…
“Cheers, Andy.”
“I am done being quiet”
With“a glass of wine in her hand…”, and a ring on her finger.
Did Lisa flip?
Maybe, but it might well be premature celebration.
Stay tuned to find out.
Did you notice, looks like a picture of her husband in the background. Could be something to your idea.
I don’t know what her husband looks like… But WHO TOOK THE PICTURE?
I think the picture is posed on purpose. I do believe that is her husband in the picture, maybe he took the shot. Wonder if Lisa is still as fond of Andy as she was previously. Something has to give.
Taken at face value we all reacted to the surface of it – and that may be all there is to it. But you’ve brought up another perspective, and I find that interesting.
Need a body language expert to weigh in… 🙂
I have to ask myself… Is there any way possible that Lisa’s husband will not see this?
Or Mccabes or Strzoks wives/families/friends, etc.?
Lisa Page was reputedly carrying on with multiple married men while she was/is also married. The swamp is very slutty.
Then there is Omar – married to several men at a time. Running around with a boyfriend whom she is financing with her ‘campaign funds’…. the swamp is a moral sewer.
“Incestuous”… is the term I use !
That is not the right descriptor – far from it. Incestuous describes a perverted relationship that involves a child victimized in the cruelest way.
They are immoral and licentious.
I meant it as in the “all-in-the-family” (literally and figuratively) kinda way.
You are certainly right in your assessment!
…brazenly and shamelessly licentious.
Interesting possibility. There IS a lot of messaging in that picture.
I posted this yesterday. Worth sharing again. I loved that Chaos used the term, “Smucks” – it was the same word that came to my mind when sleep around Lisa toasted, “Andy.”
I want to add that Lisa Page and her little wine stunt was intended to stab at AG Barr and POTUS, not just us. Don’t know about Barr, but POTUS (and Don Jr) don’t let that kind of thing slide…
The fact that these people are celebrating McCabe, who lied about leaking and was also called a total failure by the IG just because he narrowly squeaked by indictment says more about them then it does about anyone else.
Don’t let these schmucks get to you though, keep enjoying your lives and being proud of this great country our movement has built. There’s work to be done but the fight isn’t over yet, not by a long shot. Enjoy your lives and enjoy this country. That’s what they hate the most.
Obviously, I don’t use the word, “Schmuck” very often – spelled it wrong. But us New Yorkers, sure know the meaning! 🙂
Bupkis is another great word that describes the outpouring of the fake news.
Yiddish is just chock full of wonderful descriptors! I think the Brits come in 2nd.
First time Ive seen anything on her challenger, but I hope he beats the hag.
I got message “Sorry, page doesn’t exist”
I’m expecting the viper den to start cannibalizing itself.
Per 700WLW and 750WSB on the overnight news reports:
380 AMERICAN CITIZENS aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship now docked off Yokohama, Japan, WILL BE AIRLIFTED BACK TO THE UNITED STATES. They will be quarantined and/or hospitalized in the U.S. upon arrival.
We are the news after all. 😁
I am not surprised…in my emails to POTUS, I always mention that the QTree loves him…
I always consider who might be reading me when I post here, because you just NEVER KNOW.
I figure POTUS likes to speak plainly and I expect he appreciates it in return.
Interesting, it was THAT quote which got James Woods banned from Twitter.
Yes, the idiots at Twitter support never heard of Emerson.
Within a month of the Woods ban, the US Woman’s soccer team used the same quote but “strike at the Queen” in a promo for their matches.
I have seen it misquoted as
“…you must not miss.”
… Perhaps as a way to avoid censorship?
Did McCabe roll over?
Fair question…IMO …NOT YET !
I know, just letting imagination run this morning. IMO, he is a weak link though.
I think there’s probably enough evidence against him to NOT have to make a deal… But that he may have some useful information (for which HE may try to get a deal).
The question is whether that information is necessary or not.
More fun:
Please, watch this through to the end.
Aren’t we told not to believe un-named sources?
We aren’t, but I would trust these people’s sources over those feeding stories to the NYT.
This is the first time I’ve heard of an office at the Pentagon being involved, though. That’s what made me take notice.
Just want to add some info here…
the tweet account above – “Josh Cremeans “DirtyTruth @AKA_RealDirty”
Have you all checked his profile?
Supporting POTUS from bed
in a nursing home 1 tweet at a time.
I’m Paralyzed, my hands don’t work.
I use Siri to type If something
is out of whack she’s why.
Yes, I learned about him a few months ago. He was so grateful for donations that helped get him a wheelchair? He’s very good, tremendous supporter of POTUS.
Roll…as in sing?
Good question. There’ve been no leaks, so all kinds of things are on the table.
Dp he misspelled authorized too. He made the “r” a “t”.
Folks have also pointed out “Authotized”, T instead of R.
I searched through Q’s drop about found a “T” that may fit this context.
Could that DEC[L]AS be exculpatory evidence about a [T]argeted individual?
I bet you big Flynn news is incoming!!
Q pointed out long time ago that misspelled words, punctuation mistakes all are intentional. But for us to have the code figured out is far more difficult.
Big news….and the biggest news needs to roll in. 🧐🧐🧐
TRUMP UNLEASHED Coming January 2021!!!!
Uh, personally, November 4th is my choice for broad based, Trump Unleashed. That is about as much patience as we ought to need. It WILL take years to unfarckel the mess created over decades.
Big Pharma Heresy: The Nutritional Approach To Heart Health
Force their hand! They either enforce the laws or they lose funding and their jobs.
“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement took the rare step of serving four administrative subpoenas Friday to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department for information on four Mexican nationals wanted for deportation.
The immigration subpoenas are the first of their kind in California, though they’re just the latest deployment of a new, month-old Trump administration tactic aimed at so-called sanctuary cities and states.
ICE, the Department of Homeland Security agency responsible for arresting and deporting people in the U.S. illegally, used the subpoenas Jan. 15 in Denver for what was believed to be the first time. The agency subsequently used them in New York and on Thursday in Connecticut.
According to an ICE spokeswoman, the subpoenas are not court-ordered or signed by a judge. But if the Sheriff’s Department does not comply, ICE said it can coordinate with federal prosecutors to seek an order from a federal judge that would compel the Sheriff’s Department to comply.”
One of many reasons why the Senate was the target. Yes, it’s taken over a year, but the courts have been flipped and more are flipping.
Brilliant strategy. Get all the judges lined up before doing the deep house cleaning and going public with forcing compliance.
Yes, judges in place first is a priority, otherwise its ab jackson everwgere. Also, if others have military tribunals, who are the judges there?
They would be military judges, I would assume.
l E T 17
Immune cell which kills most cancers discovered by accident by British scientists in major breakthrough
I hope these researchers have good security.
Yes… they seem to ‘expire’ upon discovery, don’t they.
Yes and all of a sudden disappear or go swimming in all their clothes.
Here’s a great little article from 2015 we might want to bookmark.
It reports on the cost of Obama’s vacations.
over $8 million to Hawaii for 2 weeks
$3500 suites taken by Mrs. Obama.
$8K a night in Beijing.
And over $500K for one night in Paris by Joe Biden.
Considering the media loves to rail at Trump for playing golf and every time he travels, this little article might come in handy.