DEAR KAG: 20211105

What a Friday! Welcome to Wolf’s Pub, where the dullards get smart and the smart get brilliant. Now, this occurs especially when we’ve been to the bar and back a couple times, but nevertheless, it happens and we thank the good God for it.

I have long become inured to hopium. After January 6, when elements in our own government faked an insurrection for political profit, I realized we were in it for the long haul.

We weren’t going to be saved without great sacrifice. Some of us more than others.

But Durham arrested that Igor fellow today who may prove helpful to catching some bigger fish. I know the brilliant among us here will give us the lowdown on what is going on. The intrepid Stinker Dude has something about it here. More at Zerohedge.

And then, we see that the utter morons who are implementing the Great Reset (at least the ones in America) have doubled down on their battle against American mothers and their children.

Child Vaccine-injured at Halloween “church” event

Vaccine Injured Speak Out

May the GOP rise to the occasion and truly become the party that guards parents’ rights. Aubergine rocked this meme:

More. It will go on and on and on for a long while:

Airline Pilot has brain-swelling due to jab

West Point Cadet abused and kicked out for non-vax status

Air Force Diversity Officer fired for requesting religious exemption

Sununu of NH has peaceful citizens selectively arrested. This is beyond the pale.


And it looks like OSHA may be sticking their neck on the chopping block regarding the Clottery. Again, Stinker Dude has a great overview of the situation with lots of excellent links. The lawsuits will be epic. Next they are looking at businesses with under 100 employees. Good times.

Ann Barnhardt revisits the document (from the Johns Hopkins Spars Pandemic “futuristic scenario”) where the globalists planned out the whole thing, down to vaxx injuries, pushbacks and so on. Do read her selections. It’s like reading a film review, IYKWIM.


If you haven’t seen any of these stuck to the shelves at your local shopping venues, please get busy. This type of guerilla warfare is easy and quite enjoyable. The memes are endless, of course. It’s really the least we can do. Less than $20 gives you quite a supply of Sharpies and Post-It Notes. Y’all are creative. I’ve seen it.


I always like to keep up-to-date on the latest SARS-COV2 info:

The incomparable Dr. McCullough

Natural Immunity from Brownstone (great to share with others)

Liberty Counsel Action (keep these guys on speed dial)

Worldwide Walkouts Be Happening

The Clottery Problem. It’s really bad.

CDC has to change the definition of “vaccine” in order to continue killing us with immunity.


The Ice Age Farmer has a short video on the battle for our brain:


Prince Charles stumbled as he made his way to the podium at that odious climate change convention the “elites” are putting on in Scotland. Ah, Charlie, that was a cosmic moment. Aye lad, ye better wake up soon or the good Lord will nae be pleased with ye.

Speaking of the elites, apparently they’ve been dining on too much meat. Animal flesh for me but not for thee. I think we are approaching a moment in history when poor Queen Marie Antoinette may be eclipsed:

Meat, Meat, and more Meat at the climate summit. Even Haggis was on the menu. I confess to watching the Great Trip several times. Sitting here at the bar, which has been lined with Boxes O Wine, it’s hard to not enjoy a bit of fun at the not-so-bonny Prince Charlie.


Oh yes, in honor of every American who has ever been to a big backyard barbecue, or a neighborhood New Year’s Even party, or a Fourth of July block party, this Box O Wine is for you!

My husband has an iron gut. But the Box O Wine got to him so bad one Fourth of July that he barfed in my Mom’s beloved BMW. He hasn’t lived it down yet. I’m dying here. 🙂

Get ready to laugh as you learn how to open a Box O Wine:

When you’ve watched that darling woman and her wooden spoon, take a moment to listen to this crazy song about the Box O Wine.

Next, we have numerous comparisons and reviews of the Box O Wine:

The Penny Hoarder Taste Test

The Kitchn Best Boxed Wine

Slap the Bag O Wine

Delish dishes on the best boxed wine reviews boxed wines

Oregon Live reviews boxed wines, too

As I noted, the bar is lined with every type of Box O Wine you can imagine. Plastic wine glasses are being handed out now. Self-service.


Here’s hoping we get through this online Block Party with a modicum of respect and civility. Rules here for anyone needing a review. The Utree is the place for smart mouths and for reconvening if necessary. Also, we’ve got a third refuge in case this place implodes.

Bottoms up and a solemn toast to our January 6th political prisoners. God keep them safe, give them courage and stamina, and may He restore what the locust hath taken.

You Win Some And Then You Winsome

How do I love this woman? Let me count the ways! The new Virginia Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears is BASED!


He deserves this and more:

This deserves repeating!
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Is this a phantom repeat from the ether?


Is there an echo in here?


Well played. 🙂


There’s a lot of celebration on the side of the everyday commonsense electorate, as voters last night in the November off-year election have rebuked their policies in almost every municipal election held. However, do not fool yourself into believing the election outcome will cause Democrats to pause in their efforts. The radical leftists who now control Democrat policy priorities do not have any inclination to reverse course; instead they will double down.

The need for control is a reaction to fear. Anger is a very visible response from the leftists whenever their policies are rejected. The modern political left do not view rejection as a rebuke of their ideology, instead they view rejection as a need to push harder. From their perspective they need to reeducate their target; to force a change in thinking from incorrect thoughts to correct thoughts; and the only acceptable path is to push harder.

This approach is based on a cognitive inability to reflect or contemplate that their ideology is flawed. Because they put the emotion of their views as the motive for their effort, they are incapable of changing direction. From the perspective of the modern political left, if they were to change direction, they would be rejecting the foundation of their own personal value. They cannot do that. It’s not them that are wrong -ever- it’s you.

Those who do not adhere to the insane ideological goals of the far left, are viewed as the problem that must be overcome. Their emotional attachment to ideology is why these avowed and ideological followers cannot be redeemed or coerced into reasonable positions with any logical argument. Instead, you must be re-educated to see their worth, to value their ideology… you, the person or group who stands in their way, will always be viewed as the problem.

Failing to accept the fundamental set of core beliefs within the modern political left is a flaw on the side of those who engage in the battle for ideas. It doesn’t matter how good your ideas and policies are, even when you deliver results to prove your accuracy, this specific opponent will always revert back to attacking the success based on their view of your wrongthink.

Arguing with a political leftist in the hope they can be convinced to change direction is futile. They are disassociated on a mental and emotional level from any semblance of a capacity to consider they may be wrong.  This is why you can never let up in the fight against them. Even in victory, the blue-collar working-class common sense approach must be relentless. The modern left has to be destroyed on such a scale as their dangerous ideology is reduced to burning embers; however, do not trick yourself into believing it will ever be fully extinguished.

History has taught us that even when the professional political left are seemingly wiped out, enough will remain waiting for another Obama type personality to blow them gently into a state of reignition…. and the cycle will start again.

Right now as you read this…. in the background of every place they gather, those political activists who were handed a resounding defeat yesterday are discussing how to attack again.  In defeat you can fully expect this insane crowd to become even more entrenched, even more vitriolic, even more crazy. You will see it with even bigger demands on their Big Tech allies to crush voices of communication against their enemy.

They will demand more censorship, more deplatforming of their opposition; more silencing of voices, more demonetization of content platforms by their corporate allies. They will go even harder in the totalitarian direction. This is what they do. This crowd is like the scorpion in Aesop’s fable about the frog crossing the river. They are incapable of not stinging… it’s what they do.

We are The Last Refuge because we accept the political left as they are, not as we wish them to be.

Yes, celebrate the victories…. but do not get drunk at the party and fall asleep, or you will find yourself a quick victim to their counter-attack; which, I promise you, they are deeply planning right now.

The problem for Republicans in the era before the rise of Donald Trump was/is they did not/do not believe their own message.

Candidate Donald J. Trump knew the Republican Party was incapable of succeeding, because they did not fight for what they claimed to believe. So, Trump started to fight for GOP issues; visibly fight against the ideological left with common sense promises, policies and brutally obvious solutions. We all saw the response from the professionally Republican class in their rebuke of Trump’s style of fight, which I must emphasize was the only effective approach to destroying the political left in the past three decades.

Conversely, Democrats do believe their message; even when that message is fundamentally toxic to the survival of this nation. Democrats believe in what they are doing, and they will never retreat from their doing it.  The modern political left is intent on destroying the foundation of this nation. That is their mission, and this fight must be viewed through the urgency of a prism where we accept this is a zero-sum game.

Accepting this dynamic is why I have warned, repeatedly, not to invest too heavily in the outcome of the Virginia race.  The biggest assembly of those who consider themselves to be Republican would like nothing more than to absorb the strength of the MAGA movement into their top-down party system.

To achieve this goal they will use Virginia to sell a narrative that moderation, genteel sensibilities, and reaching gently toward suburban ‘soccer moms’ is the future of the Republican Party. It’s not. If that approach was successful there never would have been a need for a Donald F**king Trump !

You cannot comply your way out of tyranny any more than you can negotiate your way out of the gallows.  If you are considered the enemy of the modern leftist movement, they will seek your destruction. The only way to fight this adversary is with brutal hand-to-hand combat where you never, ever, concede an inch.

For God’s sake, if you need a reference point, 27% of them are willing to put an untested vaccine into the arms of their children without hesitation to protect against an illness that is non-existent. Do you really think it’s possible to rationally debate them?

Instead, we meet Obama’s “Yes we can“, or Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better“, with a much stronger and unapologetic “Fuck Joe Biden“….

That’s how we defeat the insane communists!


Scott Presler knows what SD knows.

Now is the time to POUR ON THE GAS!

Patriot attendance of city, county, and state level meetings, etc. should DOUBLE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I wish we had your post again.


Its comments got stifled and it got lost in the 3-site shuffle. It really deserves to be a place where people can be inspired by it and report their own efforts.


.comment image


comment image


I hope EVERYONE will strike November 8-11.

We have to let these asshats know that we will NOT take their clot-shot OSHA mandates!

Now is the time. We are the People. If not now, when? If not us, who?

Gail Combs

I will keep Hubby home and we will not go anywhere or buy or sell anything.


We are staying home, too.



No stores, online ordering, AND restaurants November 8-11.

IF there is an opportunity to carry signs or make noise in the area, I’ll be out there. 🙂


Gotta do it!


I don’t know of anyone who needs to hear that the Left is going to double down. Of course they are. They don’t care what the people want because it’s not their agenda.

In the same vein, I don’t know of anyone who is saying, “Whew, we won Virginia; our work is done. The Left will come around now.” Of course we have to double down, work harder than ever, and rack up more victories. Steve Bannon and company preach this every day, and they deserve some of the credit for the wins across the country on Tuesday. Bannon has not let up an inch and was pushing for more poll watchers, involvement in schools, and multiple more activities the day after the election.


Well, they heard it anyway.

Have a great night.


I should clarify that my response was about what SD chose to write, not about what you chose to post.

I just checked, and I don’t see any posts by him that put Virginia and other wins in perspective. He could use his insight to highlight the back story of the wins, what they mean for our movement, what led to them, what is the current state of the MAGA movement in light of Tuesday night, where it is headed, etc. And in the midst of that, everyone would be encouraged about the victories and the work we have done, and would want to keep it up. It is just my opinion that that would have been more helpful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We need some inspiration right now. I certainly did!

My main regret is that Winsome Sears probably can’t be President!


i love Winsome!

Turning Virginia red was a monumental victory. If we had lost, it would have been extremely demoralizing. We would have felt that no progress has been made despite all that we’ve done. But thank good ness that is not the case. We have momentum now.

I think that the Left doubling down on their losing agenda is in our favor. What we have to look out for are the underhanded, illegal things they will do, as well as false flags and distractions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, it’s a good day today!

I learned that TWO local “losses” for our side, announced by the FAKE NEWS, were in fact WINS for our side.

Never trust the lying, cheating, and demoralizing FAKE NEWS!!!

Gail Combs

Word Unimpressed is NOT allowing me to log in or post comments as a guest. I can not even log in with my e-mail password which was one option I was given. (That option has now disappeared)

Also, although 2 of my comments yesterday were let out of moderation, the third with info on the clot shot was disappeared.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – this one was in normal moderation. I’m letting it out now. Hopefully that will help.

Deplorable Patriot

I was getting her out all day long yesterday.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Try another comment now.

Gail Combs

Thank you they are messing with me BIG TIME!

I am supposedly logged in but I can not even see which name I am logged in under!


Great insight! I have zero confidence that Youngkin will do anything but screw us.

BUT it was important to get him elected to show that Americans are not yet braindead, and that our side is in fact the majority.


Winsome Sears is the real deal.

a very inspiring woman.

Deplorable Patriot

The script needs tweaking, and the morons are too immersed in the old one to see it.


They’re thick as a 2×4 and not as useful .. 😖🤚


… good‼️🤨 ..


Ahhh! So that was SD getting wordy with what we already know. Scott meanwhile was more succinct, but it all theme’s well. Back to the WAR!


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It appears that I am second or so – though I was not trying to be first! I shall now read the post! 😉


Awesomesauce, G’ma!

On the subject of box wine, I have heard it said that you should only cook with wine you drink… which I say, BALDERDASH!!! You should be open and willing to explore a number of inexpensive wines, knowing that any that don’t make the cut can end up in the marinade or sauce.


And, just for that, Cooth’s pseudo-restaurant chicken….

Get sufficient chicken breasts for your desired audience, trim clean on a thick cutting board, cut in convenient pieces (smaller than you think, as will become obvious).

Keeping the cutting board, take a sheet of aluminum foil and fold over a few times, keeping flat. When you are done folding, you’ll want to be able to fold it under and over a chicken piece. Gently whack the foil-wrapped chicken with a kitchen mallet until flattened. Stack flattened raw chicken on plate.

Prepare your breading/coating. I am a big believer in stocking stuff as “plain” as possible, so I can fancy it up later. To that end, I have stuff like unsalted butter and plain bread crumbs. You can use panko crumbs, bread crumbs, just flour, anything else that strikes your fancy. You can stuff each coating with garlic powder, mustard powder (does not taste like mustard when cooked — tastes “earthy”), herbs and spices. Don’t forget fine ground pepper. Mix it up an a bowl plenty larger than your largest chicken piece

While wishing your kitchen was larger, take a number of eggs and scramble them in a bowl large enough to fit your chicken pieces into. You will always end up running out or having extra. Resign yourself to this at this stage. You’ll want to scramble them until they are thoroughly blended — far past what you’d do for breakfast.

Get a large metal skillet — nonstick is inferior for this purpose — and a flexible metal turner. Ready your EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and butter supplies (you have to add as you go).

Next comes the juggling part. Using tongs, grab some chicken, and flop it on both sides in the egg, then sit on a rack (it gets a little stickier if it’s not fresh out of the egg). Turn the skillet’s burner on medium. Grab your second batch of chicken, and flop it in the egg, then take the first batch of chicken and flop it in the coating on both sides, and put it on a different rack. Add olive oil and butter in equal amounts to the skillet, sufficient to cook the first batch of chicken. When it’s melted and fizzy, take the chicken in the coating and put it in the skillet, take the chicken on the egg rack and flop it in the coating, and take your next batch of raw chicken and flop it in the egg and rack it.

The chicken in the skillet will initially stick to the pan until the water is driven out, then it will be looser, but it will eventually burn to the bottom of the pan. You want to shove it with the turner to see where you are in this process. When it seems right, you want to flip the chicken in the pan, then add the next batch of chicken from the coating rack, then flop the next chicken from the egg rack in the coating and rack, then flop additional raw chicken in the egg. Make sure the butter/EVOO doesn’t run out in the pan.

When you’ve cooked both sides of your chicken, they should be slightly browned. Since you whacked the chicken into being very thin, it is highly likely that any will be undercooked. Stack ’em on a “resting plate” until you’ve processed all the chicken. Note that the resting plate should be warm — like in a “keep warm drawer” or under heat lamps.

If you really want to get fancy, you can add a layer of prosciutto after the first egg dip, and do a second egg dip. This is extremely tasty. I had it served to me that way at Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen in Disneyland’s Downtown Disney, and I felt like shouting, “Rommel, you bastard — I read your book!”

Note that this is laid out for a single cook in a smallish kitchen. There’s nothing to say you can’t have multiple people (or even multiple cooking pans) involved.

Anyway, you’ll eventually end up with a colossal mess, one “resting plate” of beautiful, fragrant, golden chicken, and a mucked-up pan. While the pan is still hot, “de-glaze” the pan with BOX WINE, preferably white. The wine should hit the pan and partially steam away, but carry some of the muck back into the center. You then add a bit of chicken stock (or, if after Thanksgiving, turkey stock) about equal to the remaining wine, and substantially lower the heat. You then use the turner to scrape everything possible off of the pan (technically, the “fond”) and swoosh it into what will be your sauce. This is also a good time to exercise a whisk. If you like to live dangerously, you can take a bit of unused coating from your prep and whisk that in…..but if you take an eggy chunk that doesn’t whisk in right, it may become a little rock.

When you’ve done all the messing around you intend to do, turn the heat up to where it just fizzes at the edges and steams away. When about half of it is gone, and it has thickened-up a bit, it’s a sauce. There is a bit of a tradeoff here, depending on the amount of chicken you have — as you’ll see in a bit.

This is when you can add rinsed capers, lemon slices, lime juice, or lemon juice, or whatever else your deranged imagination might come up with….and let it come up to heat with a stir. You then want to add the chicken back in and let the sauce briefly warm it before plating. If all the chicken doesn’t fit at the same time, you’ll want the sauce to be a bit runnier so that the first batch doesn’t grab it all.

Once you get the production line set up, you just run it for longer or shorter times depending on the people you have. Going directly from the breading to the pan means that you don’t have to worry about them sticking together, as they don’t stick once they’re cooked.


This is the basic “pan sauce” in all its glory. Wine/stock/fond — oh, wait! I forgot — you stir in a pat of butter right before you slosh the the chickens in.

Let’s make sure he continues to love it — give me a holler if he gets hung-up on anything.


It wasn’t always such. 2015-2021 have had YUUUGE advances.

I actually owned an AT&T UNIX PC a ways back (based on a 68000) and eventually ditched it because I was never going to get the thing running with anything I wanted to run.

Most of the popular Linux distributions (“distros”) are pretty polished and intuitive. This is because every distro starts as a group of PO’d dissidents — a parent distro decides to zig, and a new distro starts up to zag. Both distros now compete to be more intuitive and friendly. Unless there is a significant advantage, a distro will wash-out and become a historical footnote.

The same is true for applications — the history of LibreOffice is full of pissed-off people, but they are solidly on the top of the heap……..

With Microserf’s latest fumbles, however, I see no reason whatsoever to run Windows or use Office, Outlook, or Edge. Anything Google touches is full of data-mining. Most of Apple’s offerings are second-rate software….though policed well [ {mind you, according to his definitions, ALL of Linux is sideloading}].

“The Year of Linux” has been predicted every year of the past decade….and we may even be getting there….but not just because Linux is superior — it’s more that every Windows past 7 has been a pain-in-the-tuchis.



It really isn’t me. I’m just shining my little light to see the paths. Linux is out there whether or not I’m in here.

Gail Combs

Hubby is upgrading to another computer — LINUX (Ubuntu) OF COURSE


I do believe Linux is making significant headway. I get DELL catalogues and emails on a regular basis. They are now hyping their Black Friday sale. I took a look and they are offering Linux Ubuntu as an operating system. I searched to see if they had a Kali distro but could not find one. I have ignored the latest Windows 11 rollout. Losing interest in MSFT. That is saying a lot for someone like me. I have spent many thousands of dollars on MSFT software over the years. I am no longer feeling the buzz. I have known about Linux for many years but, as you say, I see it gathering momentum.


Thanx GMT.


You’ll never find a computer that comes preloaded with Kali. It’s not for general use.

That’s why it’s so cool that you can do quick personality transplants on a Pi — shut down, swap SD, boot….and it’s a different machine!

Barb Meier

Not to be an editor, but in the 9th paragraph, do you mean “unlikely” instead of “likely”? I think so, but then again it does not hurt to ask. “When you’ve cooked both sides of your chicken, they should be slightly browned. Since you whacked the chicken into being very thin, it is highly likely that any will be undercooked. Stack ’em on a “resting plate” until you’ve processed all the chicken. Note that the resting plate should be warm — like in a “keep warm drawer” or under heat lamps.”

Barb Meier

PS: I love how you wrote your recipe!!!


Yep. And I forgot the pat of butter right before plating.

Gail Combs

“… knowing that any that don’t make the cut can end up in the marinade or sauce.”

Yeah, but at least they are drinking and NOT cooking wines. <— Wines that are so bad you can not even add sugar sell them to the ripple crowd. 🙃


That Winsome meme, LOL! So appropriate! Great post, GmainTexas! I appreciate the links you include and am exploring now. The vaccine worship is maddening. They are coming after the innocents, and we have to stop it.


On a side note, late in the last thread EllieLA brought up some concerns with the new Governor of Virginia and possible associations with the Carlyle Group. Might be another reason why it’s good to have Mrs Winsome close by…  😉 


Yes. But whatever the case, Virginia only had two choices: R vs. D, and the D was the worst of the worst. So an R win was huge and showed the Left that we’re not going to sit back and take what they’re shoveling out! But of course he has to be watched.


I’m there with that. Just something to shelve away in the back of your mind if need ever arises. Meanwhile Mrs Winsome can handle things I’m sure.

Gail Combs

Hubby mentioned the VA gov has connections to Dominion voting machines.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you may be signing in with the wrong password. That one went into moderation, too. I’m going to send you a password reset for THIS site – not the other, which is on a WORDPRESS password.


Hi Wolf – could you send me a new password too?
Haven’t been able to log in for awhile.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I just made you a registered user and sent you a password reset email! You may have one or two emails to deal with.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Be sure that you are LOGGING IN, too. That will guarantee that you’re not just signing in as a guest via the commenting widgets.

Gail Combs

Ok It says I am logged in so I will try to comment

Cuppa Covfefe

Congratulations Gail, you are now officially a Cute Chipmunk 🙂

Gail Combs

I WAS a coyote….

More like a goat

(I put out salt and mineral blocks for all my animals, the deer eat it too.)

Note how they say how important these trace minerals are.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

I am the goat really because of my birthday  😂 


Yes, that was the other part of EllieLA’s message. She got it from her hubby too.


Youngkin was with the Carlyle Group from 1995-2020.. And he was not just “with” the Carlyle Group, during his tenure he was COO, CFO. and finally co-CEO. (from Wikipedia)

And 2 ex-Carlyle Alums own Dominion Voting Systems.

Last edited 2 years ago by EllieLA

Keep an eye on 👁 … that one, and keep him on a short leash with a choke collar .. 🤨




I should note, G’ma, that you’re using the penultimate version of Aubergine’s bumpersticker — the one with “Oof” in the middle. She had one more version after that.


Oof. Sort of how I feel today. Lol.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this dude was so incredibly on the money. Absolutely no wonder they went after him. SICK! FIB was helping those Open Society Bidenazis!

Deplorable Patriot

You can’t tell me the Trump team wasn’t aware of who Fiona Hill is and/or was at the time. They LET the mole in to follow the rat lines, maybe even feed her misinformation. She had been around WAY too long for being “fooled.”

I think they knew EXACTLY who they needed to let into the house, and who would fall into the traps.



Everything in its time.


The time was October 2020.

Deplorable Patriot

Had the crimes been committed?

The timeline for all of this is laid out somewhere.



I’d happily walk behind her.


… 😮🤭😜 …




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Did you know…..?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Here … the candle dance .. 😛


.. 🧐😖🤚😬😐😑 …

.. 🤞 ..


Nuts 🥜


… I’m being ocd atm .. sorry scroll past I’m a mess .. 😑


When is a bottle dance clip not ? When I post it is when and don’t remember the edit button. No tech 🤤


Great movie. Great scenes.


Glad you liked it kal .. 🙂🤚 .. I like the “Sunrise Sunset” song too .. 🙂

Gail Combs

I often hmm that song.


While important, I’m still of the opinion that the prosecution timed this case loosing case as a distraction.

So no one would say, “Hey, look what’s on its way… ”

Deplorable Patriot

Could be. We’ve got distractions everywhere.

Gail Combs

A barrage of important crisises all at once. It is hard to keep up and to determine what is really important.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



GOOD! Fight back! We have got to start hitting them the same way they hit us.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Parents who let their kids be kids. They want their children safe and unexposed to sexual deviants posed as icons or library story readers.
They want their boys and girls to be free to be boys and girls without twisted mental abuse to question their own gender .
Parents that refuse to allow psycho instruction to deliberately make them ashamed of their own identity


There’s been some discussion here about whether any of the Jan. 6 prisoners had been transferred. Here is one. It is unbelievable that he was a victim of this treatment, but also that he and others have been detained so long for what are minor offenses and sometimes even no offenses. We the people have a right to a speedy trial.

Jan 6th Political Prisoner Chris Worrell to be IMMEDIATELY Transferred OUT of DC Gitmo After Surprise Inspection Found “Deplorable” Conditions and Denial of Medical Treatment

On Wednesday, a federal judge ordered that a January 6th political prisoner be immediately transferred out of the DC Gulag after an unannounced US Marshals inspection of the facility found detainees were forced to live in “deplorable” conditions and were denied necessary medical care.

The defendant, Chris Worrell, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma while incarcerated and has been denied his cancer treatments for months. He will immediately be transferred to another facility outside of DC, where they will release him into home detention “as soon as possible” so he can receive much-needed chemotherapy for his worsening illness…

In his decision, Judge Royce Lamberth said the conditions at the facility were so terrible that they were “beyond belief” and added that the “court has ZERO confidence” in Pelosi’s Gulag to provide proper treatment and NOT retaliate against Worrell if he was allowed to remain in their custody.

More at the link.


If the above is true, why isn’t the federal judge ordering the facility closed immediately, along with other measures to bring the jailers and wardens to justice??


Good questions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think MOAR is coming soon.

Gail Combs

as I mentioned before. THE MAX SENTENCE IS SIX MONTHS FOR TRESPASS ON THE CAPITOL! These people have been in jail for as long as TEN MONTHS so they have ALREADY SERVED THEIR SENTENCE PLUS before they have even been tried!


Gail Combs


Gail Combs






Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – big question for everybody.

I’ve been away all day – and that is going to Increase soon (the subject of another comment after this one). I may not have time to comment much, or even look at things.

How was site stability and performance today / “yesterday” / Thursday?

Things seem excellent right now on this thread. Lots of comments on yesterday’s thread.

Are we beyond site weirdnesses?

Thanks for any input!!!


I didn’t notice anything weird. The only thing right now is that some people’s avatars don’t show up sometimes (like yours, on this comment). But that’s no big deal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I get the missing avatar stuff, too! Also, my own “likes” don’t light up the “like button” like they used to. But my likes DO get counted.


I’ve been flying all day, so I can’t say.


That is the only issue I have noticed, but it has been for a couple of months. The “like” thing and occasional missing avatars. Smooth otherwise for me…


It worked fine for me all day. No weirdness at all, other than the occasional missing avatar. It has been slow now and then, but I’ve noticed a lot of other sites were slow today, too. So that may be my internet service, not the site.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great! Thank you! Good thing!


Thank you for all you’ve done.

Gail Combs

I sure would like to be able to comment without going into moderation every time!!!

And yes I changed my password and no it did not help. It just got me shut out completely for a day.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This went into moderation again. HOWEVER, your username here is now gailcombs – NOT “Gail Combs” – just remember that.


OK, I will try gailcombs and see if that works.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks. This particular one was in moderation again, JFYI.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry that we have to have the massive shutout times, but it is how we keep the DDOSers down and out.


I liked it 👍 


Good to go here, W.


… 🤨👍 … 😃🤚😉 …. it’s all good man 😎 …

Thank you very much W00lf 🐺 …


Worked well by me throughout the day.


Worked and works well for me. Thank you for all you do!



Won’t fit the definition of satire or parody. It’s totally true.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r


There ya go!!! That’s how it’s done.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It should get the same penalty as horse stealing and should be prosecuted in the same manner, that is immediately upon finding a suitable tree.

Gail Combs


It is even worse than horse stealing because as we are now seeing IT IS THE STEALING OF AN ENTIRE NATION! aka TREASON!


Excellent opener, Grandma. That meme of the FDA offering a baby to Molech is such an apt meme. That’s exactly what they are doing, along with Planned Parenthood.

Speaking of Planned Parenthood, they are livid about the Texas Heartbeat Law and have initiated 14 lawsuits against Texas Right to Life. They are trying to shut them down with all the legal expenses this will cost them. If anyone is of a mind to donate, you can do so here:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like COVID causes metastatic silicone, too!


 😁  😉  lolol…

Cuppa Covfefe

She’ll be tweeting WGTTFN….

Same hairdresser as Debbie Waterbuffalo-Schultz it appears…

[Shades of when a frustrated Toscanini lamented, “My God, if only these were brains!”… ]….

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Just like the DEMONRATS, always putting up a false front…

Deplorable Patriot

I was just wondering what that rack cost.


Oh that made me laugh!



If you light a match, will she go up like the Hindenburg?


I don’t think she will float so there’s hope bwahahahahaha



Cuppa Covfefe

(forgive me – it’s not my pun)
“The thong is over but the mammaries linger on”…..

(Reminds me of Murdoch, “bless me Father, for I am about to sin”…)…




“If convicted, she faces up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.”

Expect she’ll be feeling pretty deflated right now

Cuppa Covfefe

Ought to send Stacy Abrahms up to be her cellmate, then they can swap lies…

Cuppa Covfefe

Two weeks (or twenty years) to flatten those curves…
(gets me coat…)….



Depot him and his handler wife to Chinah … that would be righteous ..


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Cuppa Covfefe

We need Two Weeks To Flatten The DEMONRATS!!!

Gail Combs

How about a two week open season???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These phony vaccines are horrorshow!

I believe GMS is this. Nasty!!! This would be what you see in those videos, I believe.


“Horrorshow”, in Nadsat (the slang from Clockwork Orange) actually means “well” or “good” — it is derived from Russian: khorosho/good.

A large part of the Russian I knew when we visited there was from Nadsat.


Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I had considered taking a bowler and Doc Martens with an all-white ensemble and prominent codpiece, but figured that Saint Petersburg might not be as relaxed about such things as, say, London.

Cuppa Covfefe

Singin’ in the rain….kick… 🙂


I have a Clockwork Orange shirt that I got signed by Malcolm McDowell at a comic/horror convention in PA years ago. My sis in law had the Mad Magazine spoof signed by him as well. It got a good laugh out of him!

Cuppa Covfefe

Cool! How I miss MAD Magazine (and Al Jaffe and Don Martin (a MAD look at…..) SPY vs. SPY)… And, of course, their Fold-Ins…


Thank you! I went looking for the term, and could not find it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am REALLY wondering what caused those bad lots!


And I’m thinking too bad lots will just be part of the story.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, it’s probably complicated. With the ChiComs providing components, and maybe even making the drugs in Wuhan, there could be a REALLY bad story.

Gail Combs

Sounds like all the vaccine manufacturers are sourcing a KEY ingredient from the same CCP supplier.

Deplorable Patriot

This is most probable.


A reality from my Squid (Navy) days.

  • Responsibility can be delegated.
  • Accountability can NOT be delegated.

They should all hang. If there isn’t a suitable tree available, street lights just as functional.

Gail Combs

Oh, I certainly agree. That includes all the WTO ba$t@rds who OUTSOURCED our jobs and medicines!

There was a 2005 WTO report that calmly talked of outsourcing millions of US jobs.

2008 – NYT The Safety Gap

“This year, 18.2 million shipments of food, devices, cosmetics and drugs are expected to enter more than 300 U.S. ports; the FDA. had 454 investigators in 2007 — one and a half per port — to scrutinize them..”

“China’s leap to one of the biggest suppliers of pharmaceutical ingredients in the world over the last decade [note the date], Generic drug makers in the US were the first to seek cheaper drug ingredients…

Over the past six years, the FDA has managed to inspect annually an average of 15 of the 714 Chinese drug plants. At its present pace, the FDA. needs more than 50 years to visit all Chinese plants. By contrast, the FDA. inspects domestic drug plants every 2.7 years ”

 The Food and Drug Administration is not staffed to handle the growing complexity of food inspection, especially now that a significant amount comes from abroad and is never inspected, a leading candidate to head the embattled agency said yesterday.

Dr. Steven Nissen, chairman of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic – and reported to be on President Barack Obama’s short list to become FDA chief – said food inspection is swamped by the FDA’s other responsibilities: the approval of medications and medical devices.

The result is an overworked and understaffed agency continually hit by sweeping food scares that sicken scores of people and sometimes result in death.

“The truth be told, the FDA is a failed agency … the main problem is that it is terribly underfunded,” Nissen said. “It needs to do more inspections, especially of foods brought in internationally. We are all very vulnerable. This has to be fixed and fixed quickly.”



A reality from my Squid (Navy) days.

  • Responsibility Authority can be delegated.
  • Accountability can NOT be delegated.
Cuppa Covfefe

4×4 pickups with frame trailer hitches driving away from each other would do in a pinch…erm, OK, in the other direction, in a stretch…

(vague reference to Otto von Guericke and his vacuum and teams of horses)…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Denninger analyzed the data (which was deliberately hidden by VAERS) and shows that deaths AND injuries come from a relative few of the lots. He posts a list of lot numbers and associated harmful incidents.

He excludes some external explanations, and concludes that the problem is in the manufacturing process itself.

Very disturbing, and 100% relevant to the vast liability from which these evil people have been protected.

Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

I think the underlying problems are that for all but a VERY few (approaching zero) people, no vaccine is either needed nor indicated; for those few people, the available vaccines are useless; finally, the entire COVIDIOCY is an unparalleled power grab by the GloboNAZIs to control our every move, action, thought, emotion, ambition, indeed, our very souls…

May their abject wickedness consume and end them…


Denninger did an amazing analysis and concluded that the distribution of deaths and injuries from different lots AND different manufacturers indicates that there is some random dangerous anomaly in the manufacturing process inherent to the technology.

For those who have not read this, the post is very interesting:

Gail Combs

The commenters attacking Karl are WAY OFF!

California pulled a lot…


I was searching a bit based on this, and stumbled on this:….

Orange County, CA, pulled a Moderna lot based on a very high number of “allergic reactions”. When did this happen? Late Jan. 2021. I had not heard of this. I had heard of Japan discovering contamination in a couple of Moderna lots.

Sounds like there were indications of this “bad lot” problem very early on.

Karl replies:

@Publius – The lot CA pulled is one of the “worst” ones.

So yeah, they knew and intentionally ignored it.

Comment page 4.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bad Lots of Clot Shots…

Sounds like Dr. Sues (as in, I sues you)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Formica in baby formula v2.0….

Maybe people will FINALLY realize that we can’t trust ANYTHING or ANYONE coming out of RED COMMUNIST CHINA!

Or so I hope and pray…


Are they “bad,” or are they purposeful?

I think they are experimenting on us. There is “something” in the “bad lots” that is killing and maiming people. And I think it may have nothing at all to do with Covid.

What if there is something in those lots, like a “tracker” or marker, that they want to test? But they can’t just do it aboveboard, because, well, you know, humans aren’t generally ok with that.

So they put it in 5% of the lots to see what happens. And it has happened.

Notice it is 5%. Not 3% or 7%. An even 5%. Sounds like a purposeful number.


This is on purpose.

Cuppa Covfefe

Don’t you have a razor that covers that 🙂 ?

BillyGhoul Gates has been using us to do Beta (and even Alpha) testing for years (indeed, decades, now). Why would he change now?

And Satan Nutella is doing the same with Windows 1 0 and 11…

(I’ve got two Ryzens running win7 with now problems (outside of cr@ppy vidcard drivers) and folks are running 3rd generation (5xxx) Ryzens on it. I don’t need no stinkin’ winders 1 0) (/rant)…


Lol! I do!

Deplorable Patriot

Every time a conspiracy “theory” is proven true, an anon gets a new tin foil cape.

At least it should be that way.

Cuppa Covfefe

And it’s Clarence for the win 😀  😇 

(Also as Mr. Bogardis in Bells of St. Mary’s… the theme song of which resembles Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral.. Irving Berlin plagarizing himself 🙂 )…..


comment image


Rand Paul slapped the runt around some more yesterday….


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is GOOD STUFF. He is saying that Fauci is MISLEADING, and that goes right back to that GREAT link from Ethical Skeptic (who is super-awesome).

Thank you for this link, barkerjim!!!

Gail Combs

Good grief, FauXi even says:

Gain of Function is a ‘nebulous term’ — Yeah Right, the virus GAINED the FUNCTION needed to infect humans — DUH!

We have spent ERRrrr Outside bodies (no doubt FUNDED by the HIH) a lot of time to REDEFINE a more precise (MORE NARROW that is) definition for the type of research that is of concern that might lead to a dangerous situation. (PC3O)

Rand Paul: So you DELETED gain-of-Function from the NIH website….


So the Son of a Syphilitic She Camel is REDEFINING his way OUT OF LYING to CONGRESS! Gee does that mean if I kill someone I can REDEFINE my way out of a murder indictment?